Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, May 29, 1844, Image 4

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• "7110-1; 'the
• eberadil Courity,, Dr. it, 'VHcritiP i 9ON"s' te,y t ropf q`UT it x.
• ;IT - roman' IigSg:ARLI: VEIN,
_ls comg
ithisraurd' of•Virolitialitil•Utart ,or.falitrat'olit.titi,l4otab
nri4 'toj,llot, diBBllßellj now' , btfetiTtlieitvto ., T uhliti,
with thitgivitedat o_oakderioneurdivrltieldsPliyidoinaa
;to and exatirdiielhatiktp.lheiredliati , fidnirds
- poostruotodan sieutlfia, inqaitileit, , ,and idly ciao.
-.-- , ,lttgillitho.tfritil4l l PA.: lll llParty.,9£lhogctaidgi's,YtttOttii.
:arid , ifith sotiglir,,to,ko'oaFF:d "rho
, :0104.0 itrOselpairorOe L iiii, ilitt lie t appdfl2 , 'ltt ,
I ftdd 'athardlirdiAtt- 9, k •
-- i'viiieli - lifl6.6. 4 [liibit'd:-I'.;rhe,:iiiiiisiisfi r -1.640P4pe ,
lditOdiiiiditlistigitoenfii•arii jatiliNdaiiiiiiltddri ,
- Of " • -. •
p . . 1- zwitsfn.trattlenadvaß - git,ppeptiuigl niiif
a' r, Crieliale - by ,S. 1 , :6L1017.
4 1 - 84 , ), • ', ' • =, • 6ra
3itie - Ochrelb -P,ll`siughs.,.
reitE , •Subsoriber .))airing obtained. the
, ~..-.' . right for. C bp•huulneauntyriof the lyrrkt:.
,1111.0-W-2 PEEN Uhl -PLCI-Ufilli,se Amy • romutfae
taringthese and ther ploughs which lierhaa now fur
' tale, at Cnonbeela 1 Ftiruttee:: lie;iieelama brthe
first or middle:of; mh next, to diatribute a num
.. her oftheingirOuglf heAliferentiowna;aol:o;othet•
publia . iilaies iit ti t ec "loq; iv heviilli - knOrs eanjullge '
of thew excellence. `l.:lko.lnjoes will he :10w.,,in •11C,
.d6rdatl6e4itil l tifdliii . oo. 4 • ' 1 '''' '''' '-' . .
ite4llo: , desigti - tio tint ti , tinpply of; ittlinane of Abe
rublie.pdaceB; lin& out, of. the Goniity.i'
Its; guitar, Nyilluiot hutfittle;.., LiteullothlrLliaints
doeiibestwltli , flai-seed 011 diet for: beaten
timber; or bracts, it v ery tath High oil,
milk; or ' winter. agherea more etisely than
Ilitho •oetilly miler ai
pnt. _,Severitl_gates„.Biim.iii-tliti
perglibcrßtgoil have been printed for a yenr ptiettinui
-with inilkfUtheri With , water, and nre now na-brisha
awwhen it was 'first put on. flit ‘teither - way it is t.
trEat preieivatiie oftimber,po'ssessitut great tenni:it ,
. T. C. MILL--ER.
-.--Febtuary,l4,-, 3 844r.:--
411'bio for'l.lll6 Bierg,wins7
. -
triliE4ubs cr i her"- b cgs leive- to n
:oitiietts Af Carlisle and jts vicinity, Nit he has
just re.turnell-from the city With'tt splendid assort-.
Trumt - oO3OOl'S - IVIVO - SHOLlSTecnasittltot
, - Rtiots*- - --aliiii.Meniti and boy's
Motiroes. He intild also inform the LADIES, that
lie has purchased a lot of J. Willis's
Double Soled Turn rouutleraney Slipper
p.niud.Vilalking shoes. . •
Also a Int. e assortment ofiniesinurChilclrens
Shoes. -(A.11-seutiag of taine. gratis?)
.He also purchased a-lot of Kid mid Morocco skins
. mll, of -which he - will - manttfacture at the
shortest notjec, and in a ileatlind workmanlike man
ner cheaper than they can be had at +any other !IS
ublislimetwin.the place
Be sere to call at his Shoe Store and Manufactory
-in I , Torth ilanorer street, nearly opposite the Hank,.
tr- to
inntatnry 9, 1844
r'(3 tun Shoes in which holo have been worn or
torn_rerrii•ect_neatly andlnfuleimperwoue-to-Jrnter.
Paraphernalia !
IIIANKS to that - portion of the puhlie, and the
neighbor's, that shared their custatit at the cot
tage on the corner of Pitt and. Pomfret streets, and
enithled the. subscriber to add a few actights4Lher
4ittleistowcosaclras - ; --- - - - --- --- - -7 . - •
Book and Cambrick
Victoria .N 1 uslios, nisi ri Bc . figured Bobinet;itilminds,
Fringes, Edgings, Eerchiefs, •Tius, Mits, Shawls,
Fanoy,Prints, Alliacha Lustre, Nloustins, Chintz,
Calicoes, Dress Silk, Niancltester Ginghacns, Checks,,
Flannell,:ricking, a variety of a sling; Cotton Yarn,
'Candlewick, %1714dinig, and. Laps, other articles of
, dry_goods not meld; oneih
siiel - as Loaf add - 1311 )ml Sugars, Teas, Coffee,
-• Cheese; Water Critters, Stticerof all sorts;'Saltit ti- -
trt,o and fine alt, Starch, Smoking and Chewing lo
.lllll.ltjg- and other Soup ; reed, !leashes,
Hair and sytheajt ru sliest Toil et Powder, Court
ter ;Side aittlttlier Combs; n largeuttattti iy of Daher
slilashe:ry, for such:as iglu tell what sort they won ,
foritt altOf •witich will be sold at lls
:811114 a profit an will . jtAlity Mr dealing, tor Casit.
;but Hbronglt Notes are far",beitiw par, and not eur
,irent at the cubit,.
Carliale,Jac.St, 1844. • -. • , tf-14
trscri r having conuflirt
cliang - adi = husiness, olfcrs !lib
•ett stock of goods in ext.!' loge for a good farm.
•• • Oproved, nr for a good basil - less stand in-the
counts with sufficient dwellingli ti large hastily,
'together with a femi acres attaeliell. His stock eon-
-shit of superfine and - coarse Qloths Cassimures,
Casinet, Cords, Domestic Goods of
L,iwns, Linens, Gloves, Hoziery, Flandker
:chiefs, Silka t Gingliams, Alpactuts, Lostres, Priages,
t;imits,nnil a variety of fancy articles. Also, Bouts.
'Shoes, Hats, Caps, Calicoes, &e. within variety of
•othergootivorapricing.a general assortment of
. ziaraware, Qtteesware, GiThtles, Tea,
• spicesi-Ayeliinfrw,- - eotron-yarn, Coi'erle:t Yarn, We.
all of Which hd-Will sell arredifeed prices for Cash
•from and after this date, until a general safe is elfee
•ted.'• Country Storekeepersand others would do well
:to, giye him is call,ms.he intends 'there shall be no
"mistakti"7-being determined to close his business
'during the present year. •
The More-and-Dwelling can-be-rented-from-the
• •
~ Hi ahooks are postbd up to the hut, and he rt
, quests4ll - thase - ilulebted
•tionnts without further -notice. The first
.iley of
he•the Inst. day of after which all',
>accounts Worth collecting will placed in the hands
,of p_roper offiCePa. • _
YLOUR birilienarrel,iiwnyi en hind.,
• • - :S. Ali ;HARRIS.
. - Welskintri4;lB44:.• • (m6'
.and; - .l,kna.genorgl,-,asgorttnent
euitable Car
. glentgre,pnlSOWot ,Nalkersi Jonststiilsof-Panel,
.2'gh`4.s coniniouins:W4ite rine . Boards, Plank and
• fFeittitlfoktitlifiCheyrii I/YR - Witt; roillir
• • .f.for *le near'orthlionover
• for sale 'or , exchinke for ,
1 `eidaiedr,fxietiriz.
plepliNgElt.WCA REY'
• • JU'iindet;lhi,
ar s ni ve 'd y
":.'. t6 4' h he h ilil l b il k s ii ' :id Kago - uhi;', 9. .r the
Cnreyfiiti:eolk.ct ! c m ,,
to whom all pdireoiis;;i~Ule
''• • •
9 20'40
iiot'toe,ol- 4 i n ti customers
"e" . '
q ibex l' pgtro~egg uit a I.6l,"eft,„Yroo.belpiie,ll:6l,oriAliees"
INOASII•,7 ' :I 'e•L'ptAPPINgP.,
'' / Vlillttifto,4ol l , • • po
~ .mten ita Asa young Hytion andlilieli Teaa, "°1111):P,opp . 1 1,4krieherolioliitii.:61a4lon, Inus
.... ` ititaeolltennato4lo4A!tgiater"
_ -Albin, • 'Yrdlrcieentwk___ L re Ttl!illco)ctitandla ,
Coil ail artoOßmor if* rooorOlir.Atio
.„4,,,,,n......„.,pii.,,,.:. ( Vale box
• +or reti - Is, eitheatri - eferet W 'i,_ *-t,-:/‘. -V4 - - ,
.:' Tres!' #l l VrD, , lfifiß l 7 , W 1... , •
, •=uTetnimrorrir.oburo,bfl .R.d:tims,
~ .. , i Ily ne e , ale French and Affmt itiu.l3toWy,
.. go ' , Rye linetojnqient, W4iskey, Hi) end_ On ttild
lireliiiilAtupf 44410;4 41* iulnicOr.
it'-r 4 , ,11041451 , 1t54. b,- toki.- r-lt-::,:WiSI.: - .',%1 AllEnt7-2i
''414:4X0T10R,L , ,,,
V„ . 16ii• dA4 l 4o4o4lo,.iiuboil , ki.„ ,
. it .. 411. 4. .i47 or i op,ooo,pii 4 9o,o l
: t , 4..1, 2 ' . 1 1 *.49501: 0 1 '1; 11 0 4, 0: d tftreSlP,
~ . 12 1 4 46 ;:, , t; .._.-4 0 APA ,
. .k.
4 -; W4VO - •
, ( ,
7 ,r-
511 'fia
Y' ( 47RedObi t nrS,,- 4
4 : 4
Aizi • ie`ditglo#lii NOiiiiiti •11•Aitii
T. • r• • ..po
If '
']Dr, Sfeetileig , tl 14 4 gi0p,-
- ,
itee'rzio's ext Of . i n j'effrittive•
ProP.Arfie for: Coitgli .4 1 .76,1414,0filittirifi t
tiol;l4 PA nift vAP i, qA T W• B a tt r;PPA''
e , oaraenese,
10 -. 14 •
reat amp t
,e rector‘, e,
andgalrDiscuses 4f 'rite' .Pulthonaiw'
O r in/ no . 1..1c , 4 (v. , 4 ti• • t` . •••
rill HIS remedy tiesrlieeli used, and ite as-
A-, cm : toilin g eumt ve quid iti es testified to -by mitfit
of the'most respectable titizeitit of the United Stiles.,
NYeAlo cannot,clai nvistioes the BRAZEN.
FACED Ibr 'our luefileittest
hut having tested the medicinal qualities orille.
"Pulmonary,: Symp," in- tin extensive tld:sailed
medical•p m any .
raetice for years, with"re . markable,
success, ,tve .unheoittifingly pronounce =it one Of the
very bestlittnaceasin die \vapid for Ptilmonary.Dis--
, etre& A-single trial will -thoroughly satiity - tiny
one that it is noeetie of thdt comtnan Quack Nbs.
treats ofllie- day—hut that it - Tis n medicine - ofreal,
value, worthy to be in• °Very Its , nnpreer--
dented low price r,
is ninithestiongi-eaommendatioin'
while other Cotlgh ot.Pulmoilary illetlicinesare sell
ing for $l.OO and more, S'I'ILLING'S
A ItY SYILUP, sells for only 50 cts. per bottle:
- sale in its purity in Carlisle, at SAMUEL
ELI.K .- 11ThS' Drag Storeifiast, Alain'st.l in tiaras
berg st.ltral,--„Il Kl.A.AS.Grocery-Store,-fitliand - ehes"--
nut sli'm's. Also at Aught Greason's Drug
Store, Shippettsbur* - - -
February 14- 1844. -
t :Tr - 1r
Leistlyr„:ol 7 4rooco and
, - 4PA,44120ys
virroz:_-.L;lpmszolort - ,.
41 -OsT respect Calli I(4ra:s tte.citizetis of liar
rtkilisburgouidthe has
removed his Liitheri - MprocCo tui'd' , Fitpliog Store
to,North Second street, efeW doors 'above : liehry„
113u - enter's rioter, where Ite''Will - keep Ciiiistaiitly oh
hand a geheral assortment of the following named
Atticles,v,ix• • ,
8 kW
Haiess, lair and Wick bridle; wax and grain upper
whip and collar leather, wax and grain Calf
Skins,Spanisliandcountry Kips, top and
lining leather - bellowaLmither ferny
mums mid Blacksmiths, and Bark . 7' '
- 'Fanned Sheep Skins.
Comprising Men's Morocco: - .7emen's undressed
'red and black straits,Prelich kid of different colors.
lied roans, Bindings, Linings of all colors,, Book
binder's leather, Chamois' leather and Bitek'skins.
Such as boot keys and breakers, shoe keys, horn- ,
merss,incers, veleta, ',tamps ' ',size sticks, punches,
knives, rubbers, iiles, rasps, thread, boot webbing,
sparables, boot cordr - pegsoiXds, -- &c. Sze.- - All of
which he will sell at the very LOVES CASH
\V. I:. P. returns his-BM:ere thanks to the pub=
lie, for the liberal immune which has heretofore
been extended to him, and' respectfully' solicits a
continuance of -thei r . favors. -
Harrisburg, May 17, 1843,
nrIlE subsoil - 6er would respecUtilirin , - ,
Ja. form his friends and. the public gpocrully,
that he has taken die
',14- lir
• (Eat, is •
lately kept by Mr. Simon Wounterlich, in Eng. ugh
Street a few doors east of the Court House, where
he.will at all times take pleasure in administering
loathe comforts of 'thosc..Who may Xavob lama:Rh
'thew - custom. •
13.-Vit shall he , constant]) supplied with the
QcluoirAtliquors, au4bis TABLE ' with the best ilic
initraet can furnish. A careful OSTLER. always
kept in attendance—and nothing shall be left jmdone
toplease kill who call with` him.
BOARDERS taken by the week,month or year. '
Carlisle; April 12, 1843. tl-2
1--- 40a l litQ L::- .i .:•_....):c .-
For Idemnity against loss by Fi
_ . . .
Charter Perpetual:-84'00,000 Vapitad paid ita
Office 1635 Chesnut street.
MAKE PrSUIIA.'NCE, either tatmanent or lim
ited, against loss or domage by fire, on PEUPEiery
and EFFECTS of ertry .description, in town or
Coubtry, on. the most rcasomtble terms. Applica
tions made either porsodally -or by letter, will be
promptly attended to.
The. subscriber is agent for the above company
for CarUM - WM its vicinity. All applications for
assurance either by mail or perstnuilly will be
promptly attended to. . W. 1). SEYMOUR..
December..o...VW Iy_6
1. ELL UT .._
1113 , r,nat 1 ,,„..„. 9 at very reduced ptiues, elle'.
t 1 , . .
. - - .- • •
• ...
:PAINTS, &e. together .witlx -:- • • .-
Sp:honeys - Fine Clip-Paper,AbytheiteamyLetter et' -
—Shilea.l4,olsl.lkz_ttO,SAVer P.' 0 4 1 4.. 1 .,kaz10g-*.
' - Sable heir do.,.Thawing Paper. .Sealing
----- "Wat , Warers -, PenknivesTof -- . - a - thie ------
* , quality, Pah ' aiog.brushes, Gray- .
lug do..Shairing do. Teeth do;
, ''• •. . , . Flesh d0..,' Shaving. and . . •
~ .' . -:, ~.. '.t Stfiqs an great • •
". "., ', '-: -- , ....tiariet,y, .nrnishi- . : . . I, •
.....-.49.01, . 4 1 : R roxehiff Tr.4o. traupttnai,-:
ci_ __Tinti..
,-every ii'tligitaiitylefin iliellYriii, line;
Ole ettentio.9f - Ph) meitititii•Cimintry : - lirieyebaiits mei _
Dyerti t iit‘Oliciteil. dikl eel, ileteinnec to'sel); . . at very
lOw.prieettfitt,.,catili tt l - .1.•_...; ':.,...,........„.„,- - 7 -
- ; - peFtialeyriAstl);l3.,l3L .: ~.,. :.! .":' - ,;.;-:-ri:' : ,: d Y, --:
T-I'he•propmetorof this invaluable,legliey-Of a. gnatt:
man, hits for sometime failed so-Invsent ,them to the
'public in , aiviuNotieenlept:-Tlll6:i,eliatth,is a plain' -
one: 'Muth has; then , use-Oven , satisfeetiOnditid .
so'strongly have theY•been 'recommended to une an. ! ,
slither - Mint It This; betin Utterly' impoiaibfikhi . .aupply
the'deinantf,'hoth here anti , for
; spout' y Du:
T i nt - the presentiminik;Mort than two'hunilfeifei* --
liearly;TIVRTY.-THHUSAND , BOXES;'hitve
beep sold,
; in this city: and , vieinitriand „sh.pplietb
Aientelilirthighont. the- Untied States,-and nainy_ar,„
ifera have been on hand weeks befiire they.Oultll&ke
filled.: le feet it needs not tiiii'apirit of prophecy
tie&wheu 'the ;only. ,-ritt ftwise w. ili be
hint nyented by the immortal Dr. Benjamin - Itifsb,
the kie - niesephylioiaikAtnetica'elfir
" • 11 1 .11 kr,HEALTHcPI,LLS , haYe.e'uretf,',Were - "Mee
seemed Inipossible they haie.restarmt to
piiHein health • hundredd Mie hathlone.linktiished'an
betli - of.paini i thethise opertited.likekoharhai when
all 4ther.tnedieines failed even to'ilffor& relief, they
Lavaggiven comfort to the filleted, and hope to the
'tleipaiiintv'theyi have removed thirilie;ef the young
and j'given back youth, to the ageW. , they
seerwto possess :properties: ascribed by the al.
ohyniistslfcieniii,day'eto ibit.:E4ititt„ that Sovr,a
-zoN.4lAl,:whallUit.setiquereeß,;iop,rict nk.itiet i
iPig, ri*PArbrkigh.4 .o f
labor 4 s±-
SoltbLitt',liOntlitile:lo 2 ltNEppr,:t#:• •& ; ' HUN.
' i ,tgg ,l l3,i.po4kotAiii';:4oloiiiii-,lrecifi‘:,Nitt 40:
sole; gopth
ayne 0
t ,*
ntifittionn! snopi
...quip,q.kugyeAlunuie eu z .
et ti6e, 'cif *3 • :A.7 1 % ,,,, :q
4 #l le , Tonti3 , ,Vtiltairu'g;',T
, Cirri , •
. , ' 44 . Sanatlve
•••• Caiminitive
• '
- --
H" -- "'d AS IrfA - 4 -F '
, •1-,;.1 . 34:- sAS.- 7 -- . . , ..:%', %,
AttA rr ia d i e ikWiiliiiWi 4 ba
01 Pifia , h l o . 1 % lln 3 - 4,1 Cl.
' thrro;l4l6lsl"ll,otlfr 441;6VCVTI;7°Ifit(ti
- 'vbmotv,fm 1, 40444 , 04,,
. , ,
ItATERSIt - IYAVEitSTICK-haire9iiit iedairmi
crom;the Philadelphia. a largo
assortment of -L.,112.11,--L-9:41P ,
with or_without-shatten-whieh4ey7w97-aelFilinle
sale or retail at thous nufamprer prices.
,Asirpl, Side Reflector(' und ,Glass
0115 patterns.. •
2 1 C) ' tr .EUI
- veribeseWil:rs'er strallibd, .breached Speri
Oa t;d4b-birrii'•;olcitrao - p; , •
$1,25 .;per. '
.Berit Sperm Ctlittlliii:27i!ventsiier lb. •
CArlialp, Deo, 21 11111,2?— , :------ • tr,s
• •
.V. are'rquiied.lor thelipresei•tatitinosioli
Rluggiv, ,Eo'c" or wqtrealore
-146 losi of them, lillnak.nting•ArtificialToll;.froin
a single 'tooth ' tq,a full** . ° • • -
ai7cHnee on Plq'At•Eile.,,t,"! (0 ? ,110prs soullrpf
Rai cosil'Hotel. .7! ;
littijr24, •
UttatlVlA2M 9 ' . '
llealer InAiuniiiy A
TibiltiePittsborg Atanuraciturei
Inith street, VILTIVIUOGVP4a ;4,7
OP. Twak . ailuit,
.. , ...-.‘,/ . . ...
I.USl7„:TeOled..rilvy Arum
~/ 1. g8 ; - i i F YY., A 0 .q ( ) K l it Y ir;t4 4 1 # 4.
eittl per.bouq; '
, I , --;.:,.;
!3 1 . - 9t7
i szo f
N itivroltol7-.1-louse s 0 seVorniemaller dwell
COreleloll.oM;:fttg.o: 1 0 4 . 4 1 } I gr°O.FYY ftarOov,l4'bo .
;rented for_that purpoio or othoryrs me, _
SEWER.. 2.,
' N 0venri4r.,..%.18• • ; tf=t.
.I+l . E
-,:-.A;Eitipopofsthoik4ove,Pilisil,*lirpintio t tley 4 4
on itn(t4y,toti litmlt ~ ;9 1,61
- ,.:.44:I99ts:ARLEr
tit v pooptpsimol
oh op% upt #,e r f•49,
%! 4INg1:40; ,#
rYtt`nr 1
'44 * - ar4-lor M- 1. A'''''-'% ,
,t,i,y, rpotti" , - ?-f ' L 04 tir'o44ooe-minehp
itrtkilluoy.; ,, el,7.„.ilim,„....
lir :my J. Poi 4 plt t li i m ),,011,4,- -11LOV:il'Y'
i.. - 1 .4 0, 5`':% , .
- v
afictions ophe Liver,jii - fiiiiiir,llrAelittiaTJ'ains
°l'lfeaknellTPl. • 11!0,2 , 41 , 6 , ,LtmgifeWhrsrmic
lieinorrliage‘of Luisg4 x Wanil
thelAuthonury 04difs. -- ,1%,
~X ecdifiletind naloattnio'prertittlpirof thelorutifo
r Viisitliana• or Wild' Cherry. BOk, combine&
linAEMPact'ed T a 1'; Ili r t bStlineiv
procemimmirevannd.recommended_byAtlib *mist
li,stietuikhed physteintl ? and enivervally•nr.khirtvl
silgell the meatOdunble hieditinee ever tificoiceed:
trOY 'greet
ithee; , *tiihavO'llo'llesit4tO tleediv&thtteirWlio. Ore
•lithtieriniOtitite` talliqlotiOtor`Ao,ith. , :tlealte:to
Tore te, - JtottWiltiWieet' s tet , -,ty.heri..*.-
'iooktiVetieil And BOeilie'Vait untount Ocotifreilni
'tlistreeeottoasioneO,4y pinny .ur disease ' s
this iteitliei tie- lie& Ito highly l ottecessful,,r e
leer that we onneot uege ile claims toe iticinglic or
soy too mheh iii 44, favor. •
iotles;tl,oF the 7 .
-Of -this - iffliamillint - Oreir - inv ilfe - dtkittitifttaiga — br
Eluvisustrtiow, after all the most , esteemed:remedies
of nhysicious. have failed 'to: effect any Zi'ahangti,/,:the
use,vitthis. nicd ci tie has beentpriuluctivti-of the-mb'st
astonishing : actually' eflbtited •tiure's nfltei
rltOpes of recovery 'had .beeirdespaireil of".„
J In' Hat rst stageret the "diseitse termed 'f:ectiari ,
- Conan:4)4o)4", on loom' cti"d•
COLDS, itjtas; been, used with undeviating 'success
and 'tundras acknoWletigethey owe the restoration,
or, flick
In that form•or C onsumption: so prevalent Intotigat
delicate young -femalesosominonly termed debility;
at , . . .
A complaint with which lingering, - it
lilts - also proved 111;41tly — mheztaltitluftrygot
sesses the - power et — Mae
lairyijng,ootripleint,lmt also etreneams end Myigep s
rotes the system, more eirectually than coy ' an d ,
we hfive ever possessed. •
For_ particulars, certificates, &0., see Dr. 'Ouster's,
AGEN'T'S; S.-ELLIO . I ' T, Carlisle.
L. Denig, Clutmbersbyag. ' •
Solomon Oswald, York.
. .
Angle and Greason's, Shippensburg.
parliale - . - Noveinher 8. 1849.
. .
e 4.:' 220528 .
W i r r' iv n ein s o ' m lu s ' ut r ir;l ie tifi l ,=t e d --r nt l i. t t and
saleslade for taxes, which by repented adjudica
dons of theTtiourt of. COMMOn Pleas of Cumber .
land , county, and the Supreme Court Of this State
inivrbeenllealaretlfivnthdent and-you/Jorge:Viso
titles of chestnut and - other valuable timber WT. ;
been cut upon the lands known as_the Al onlit Holly
Estate; the public are therefore herebymot i fled, that
the Said estate consisting of all the Wulf( of fund (it
any time used since the year 1816, in conne4onwith
I the Mount Holly Pon. Works, (excepting such par-.
tions as have si n ce been sold by the subscriber,) are
! the property of the Farmers' tx! Mechanics' Houk,
' by virtue of a conveyance by , theSheriff of said cone
' ty, in August 1838 ;
_that all 'deeds not recorded
within six months from the time of their execution
ire, by Act-of ASsembly; dated (17th May, 1715, de
elaretLfradulent and void against.suhsequent pur
chasers; thattlitrUccerliiive been regularly paid, up
(in every tract forming part of said estate, from the
first occupation up to the present time.; .that by act
cif Aisembly, tinted gfith „March; 184,the cutting
hauling, peNhashig, or : employing of others to cut
or fund, any - thuher. trees, ummer from the lands of
another, ulthout the licens& of the true owner is 1
made.un indietahle offence ; and that the subscriber
4 111 prosecute all personsoifending against saillaW r
nomintter under what fnadolent pretence-such viola
tion_ is attempted. . He will also give a reward of • 1
Tos.DOLLAVS for such information as may lead to the: I
apprehension, andrwrarry DOI.LARS for the Comic- !
Oust of each !and every offender. _ I
. _
Attorney in fact of said Bank
Dec. CO, 1843;
cl='.Any infOrmation in regard to the estate may
e communicated to L. G. Brandebtiry, Esq. Car
- - •
ror aerthiMg^ & Cp min is s ion
`l3 - 600. 1 MESeg
nESPECTFULLYinfprnts the public, that be is
prep: ted to reeeiNe, forward and 'dispose of
Produce of every deger I p ILI opty
eilltee at the Philadelphia orlltiltimore.Aho.l ,,,, s, or
at any other polittliccessible by Rail Road. As he
will attend in person to the delivery and sale of all
articles eutrtiSted to his Care, thq•most satisfactory
Holt Speedy returns may at all times be expectecl,and.
theptmost promptittitle in the tratasactibu of.all 'bu
sinEss entrusted to ln(n. • •
Partuersitind others having any article, which they
wish disposed of, will do well to call on, him,
mediately opposite the Mansion House, and ltail
Road Depot, West Digit street, Carlisle.
G. F. untuthorized -to purchase several hundred
bushels of Grain, for toneth the highest price will
be given.... ,
Carlisle,-May 17, 1843,
T49.#9,AiiiApl - 41RA, - .
'grown Weople.atti ;the y are the *Pine
saitentit iiad nlnateffeetlve nae.; Enet•••
niouttmitidititieti ard sold ',ied :nvery.body - fikeif ti
Ittl a k7
lieV. Ihintitir; 'Of; fit& NIA/Attar' street;
nlinre ' lt;iida cured oY a; verYbadnolit and' entigh in'
orl'i ',Vlilte.*:*,'Anthoity;of the Methodist
Cliittelt.,{VllS Cured them, , '
hate SaiVeii .
.the' lives of iliouaaiidai AV....F.;;;Eitint,F.atp, 6
Welker 'st.,-the Hon.'Edivardll:Pdrtert Witt. D. I).'
Clans, 'lint they thin,
they v 'II tell 7ou tfu only 'in.
flag edlepte_knt
• fill Ms are
teal atelidotna dekness,
'lpuingskotipirlts-aoi effeeta of
dissipation., Cftpt.,C elli nggtoo,
Aelterthan,thegvent sign painter, aittyor
%tit) almost 6iery I)ocii.know . rtheir value. ,
"P * OtIIf.NI4).V.4•PCASTEIt-.---Slietrattit's we mean
,=. , coats • Ilkeetita; and i s , sure to. bare -ylteunintietn,
lifinbajo; paid or weakniai in the breast, altle, 'or
brielqpiptpilea=andthey 4 euremorma•when applied
do the,pin t-r Patie, or any via) has
.used it, cvetittl rpt onn sooner than fi ve
centa.fel , all. other plattera.. • •
• - - poi dio_cariiste, at • H tIN:r Ea t KNEEDLEWB
Book Stcire; r Ettat lliglcatreet,vho - itre, tole 41-g-Errio
for Ctirliele. • • ' '
-And-Angle-St Gietifon;Bltippertalittrfiti •-• •
_ - • __. . .
For the cure br Obstinate Eruptions i of the
akin; Pinylas-or-Pustules on :the Face;
tybielt. arise_ftbm:artimp.o re habit
Qf botjy; Scaly Eruptions; Pains in the
Bones; Chronic -Kheumatism; 'fetter;
Scrofula or King's gvill—White.Swel
,- hogs; Syphilitic Symptoms; 'antl all - dis- -
niers arising from an impure state
the blood, Miller by a long-residence in
-a hat and unhealthy c4ate, the
•,,This-Illedieirte .hue , frequently'been found
highly. enefieial in Chrenie.Coughs, or
Cold_s of long standing, • • .
• This Medicine hai been extjnirveir
United States with decided benefit in Scrofela,,Mer
curint and in all cases of an ulcerated char
acter. As so alterative in the spring and bill sea
sons, it is unequalled. It-possesses many advantages
over the despetion, and is introddced as prepara-
Lion moreportable, not liable to injury by long keep
ing, stud
. better.adapted q the use of persions unveil
ing or residing abroad.
The. prolsrietor - awe to , call attention to the .
following certificates. s. octed - frunrirlieg9 human.
approving its efficacv:
- - March 3; 1839:
This certlfleuthat MY' wile ltrieneem, laid for
- nearly eleven Icari suffered from a serolulouS'eriip:
thti resembling Letter which-ate deep links hiller
fite4-,ncelt and arms, the constamtli adultp..of which
destroyed her health,and frequentivehnfined her FM'
different periods to her bed, during which time her
sufferings .sere -very' great. The best medical atten
dance was obtained,' and all die known remedies,
were tried with but,. tin alleviatiFM-orlier complaint,
winch always rettirned with increase' mMigitity. ,
'laving lost all hopes of recovery, she had almost
determined to give up the use of any other inedicint.;;
she was however, by persuassion, induced to try
Oakelej'a Depurritiitt , Of Saratiptrilia, the use of
five bottles of-which has-removed the disease, arid
restore( ter to pet ect health.
Title is to certif ., tied my little son - , - iihMilreight
years old, had , antlered for a long time from exten
sive sores on the right 'knee and leg, suppoia — to
have been white swelling, which 1 found impossible
td heal, even by the aid orthe most reapectahle
medical advice, until I was racommended to use Mr,
Oakeley's Compound Syrup of Sairsapiirilla, R bob
ties of which not only healed the sores, Inn perfectly
restored the child's health, which had suffered much
in consequence of this affection.,
7th,ltboye Penn street', Reading.
Tne above ease-was presented - to me both befoee
and after the use of Mr. Olielnx's Syrup of Sarga
parilln, and I have no hesitation in believing that it
was the agent of his restoration.
• Dournassvicric, April, 19,180,
Ajr—AlikeleY:p,_.-11.y_con_EduluntLlieaf r luuttlie
'scrofula in the most dreadful and. ilisiressing man
ner for three years, during which, 'time he Wall de
prived of the use liis - head - and meals,:
Were,ctwered with ulceilir--We_trlett all hp
eul. remediCs; hitt th.tra effect until riieolienbuded by
- Dr. - Trilinson -- oriforristFwn'ratill'also - '-l)rr!liia an ,
ottVeading r to2 rise your Depuluiiv Syrup
, obtained several . boulee
Ilittr - Firor,;*Wilrove7
Liay%fctS,;thr_socca.healeYl:ilpp';.Ajn.-ilia child-Was
restored, to peltcet i_Caltli,trbteli he has enjoyod.uo
interruptedig pVer,sinee; to: ent
11y peCso,rii-wliO,seeif,ldiPf., during his, alliictioa,Z, I
!Joie thought it tyl . filitty,rutd. Send,, you this,OurtinT
catecthiit. olliVys :who, h ave .tli.g
-fain)ly,oiay,klioW,wlter.eto ialuableit iiacd
clue. •
~, : ::',lriau'rs,truly, •
.- , , rl . -.•jc
nd .;;_STENtiiNgtON';'zear:.
G. Miller,Ne y ;cittilberliod: • 1 • •
Wm'; 1k.07 - Wolon, 4 .lCipgstori;
orpn. Bratton;:-Neyvii
A.L.L: l2eiFle;E' Co ;,Chprohtown,
•• Cathafirt, ShopirasioWii.
':liknuari 3 4 844 .. ••' • •
t-ft4B lairk[l673oK.:.hiyhi.Liveih,d
assofiment . of Drugs, I Rots; Oils,
Oye, Aans, l'atent „Medicines, Peifumeq uoFanpy
CooOsi whielphey,,xfill, sell wholesale or, retail, at
tfr vet lowest'prtees, also , ,r' ~,
of assarted 'sizes, patterns and ricer. 7
Glass LaMpaaf all sizes and patterns far burning
either pit or Lard.` Lamp ,Slm4pal and chlamlea
of asserted slaes. •,- -
Pest SPerin and Whits! 011;,Sperm 'Candles, Al,
weld, Castile and gauntry Acaps„,a4:low as they Can
be hati from the city,.;,,,• •
(CeCarlieldjlorottgli )loteifOr 'all purchases ta. ,
ken at Par, .sl'
„December'. 14.300.
tiy; •-•
or FoiiiAroikaa.
osirgitiolop, a; • igi
azeDir, , dridriadirlons;,
Foreignr, atidtT iDomestlo, Dry!' Goode i t
No.' 48, Notlh Second Street,
Aff3a;iloprff Soagt'af4voli takvec
lITOULD icipetstttillf invite thei.. attentitn , •tir•
Visoui* ttitlYeht to - their large:aescirtrnlut of
gboolesnitabl44lAthe season: ' •4' , :rr •
hand a 'atoll stook of,Fofeign and
Porgefofo P,OOON'ciPtil . pc A°"'f_erPri9r4 Pim theY,
65 " no ivOifi l a l rAnckl 443 ' A rnatn .PF e t li MPß e t9 el4B
tcithe• ," ' ,
1 , -Nt r ,P*#A‘sil.R mCrn o 4, l oiiers,llaramialiqtAatill,
o . l Peiwkire* 4r9 21 1‘ 15 q9 41411 4 thepEicaßat *Mal
we 94 o .4 o fros4oqM9ficoinlnOrflqs4 , Yo, l l l itig l 44lo - P:'
OP I STFY : AA •;01,r • ;:fultf §111114.11,
:,:, g 1:6N0Miti.140.1,4,tt4
'41 1, 8 .: O M
.! . ,N 1 .' : - i O . A(
[:1-,. , , ~:-. '• ,
PH ,--,-;', -1 ~ ~,*, ::.1*
: I,, lteieorrlVA o tilgel o r
t i.
vs... sr. „r4-44,,*9
(12 ~,,F!' * . l I lti eiVitg
'ill . ofest*,.*4 ooo
fit' . - )0#09 0 V0101 44 0
:z' ail . 9 1 :0 fl 'e .
' . • ...
OppcniiteAlte depot, Reading, Pt.
tetory(Llrtl st t ;
ivtiottenVoq kAttlinliViiiit;
eisnatotiropqM:tlit nntiiikt;tikaPP - 4 . tsttf;..Vt.' ,
1 • . T11 . 01§ filealdilth'? are r7ecso yitnentfeop)lextensiid..
inietl by tliehi:Oo •intelligent. - Ortiotibiinitib:Afalititt
.Stittati;l4 4 . aiineritiait"; Rea.
Colleges,'Fityaitianiteribo;Artnit ithilOtiayettlid'OP
4j)edred „lfirgymen Of. Vat:lona
outt.he,Cnited §tatex).and'an they are;, so admirably"'
.ealculiiintrtoPr,Ocrycliecifiliiing Cat.e
Malty shOtilkevei , tykilienii
eto'r`bt these reileilleillilifeilit= . I
Cation, at ,One, at ; tbe ilea' Medial
States;; and bbWAsidtflAeldri
,; experience in an
extenstveaad. , tliseraiacil , pMetieev.bl4 llo ll; 4 ;
had' ample' iiiiiiiiittiAttjeti of • atiiptiring; . a practieal
knowledge or di laid 'Mho reinedies- best caN
ciliated, to remora them'. ; i,Tbeite.,propartitiiinysion.;
sist.of , .
layne'skipriionat,nViiliiiibiei:eriieOfiii 06414'
Colds, Consumption, ,
Croup, 1110dpi ng.Cough ronchi ti s, ay' and in.
flaptruntinty.,of i tlie I, 4 unga,,or .Throat,, of,
Breathing, and all Ilideases'OrthOP,ulmOnaliCOaiii.
.Growth and;Beiiiiti'of the' pos4 ,
tivelT bring, in Annuli* Pit IMlMliefals.' .
• Alatqaytiels,Tonio.,V.tiriniftign,litiertapt and.plebr.
Sa Tit 'reined:v. for WO - rrob‘`Dit . ipTipititi Pilesond imatiy
other tlisettses. l. ."'" . 1 .1 1, • ;
Also Jaynes Carminitive . ;Balsam 01 certain core,
for Boyd and Summer:Matapfahits) Diarrlicea, Dy
OA Cholera Morbus ,and • derangementan thc,
&dough uhillAbii , els;''N'eribiiiiAftectiona, ate: '
f -Jayne's Sinititive'Pilla,-(iirTentaleDisentiestivei:
Complaint, • Costiyeness, .Forprs,..lnflammatilans,
,Glandular, Obstractions,7Discases Alpe Skin, 'Ste..
and in all cases iliere'aW;rAlteriatiyn or`...r.nrgative
. Aletlicine reißiiii , il;
For sale in Carlisle, by
' • ; ;T. C. STEVENSON,,;
May 81;1843, ..r;_
. .
• wititiAittE
- 1 •
11Y nr .
contained An- the—last ilk - and , testametitrot
MIC/14r4. A now offer Tor sale, the -
Carlisle :Works
Situated-on the—Yellow,ilrecoilea-driiol4, 7 , 4 2 rniles
eitatipl e Carlisle Pa. Theeatate
2 iionalids °fa first rate'
• ' •
• 2 at . 9 1:12104118
with Ten Thousand :4100 oticnnit.
A new MERCHANT MILL with four rutiof atone,
ished on the moat approved plan. About 500 acres
of the laud are cleared and highly cultivated, having
Large Batik - Barns
. _
and rieceigiri TEpA I NT The
i iii6e4p4worldiare by t e low:l3reee ies Creek
and the Boili4Spring, which neither Tail iitirPeeze.
-There are upon theliremises all the necessary Work
, metis houses, coal houses, carpenter and smith shops,
and Stabling built Of •the'rtfriStZiiiiiiiiiithilifinferhas:
The ore of the best. miality and inexhaustible, is
within 2 miles of tkie Furint&.• • There is .perintpX
no Iron AV orks is l!enniyliania whiehppssesseiiatt,
pallor advantfigimiand aura _gicaterlilureizients to
the investmeid of Capital. Tlie water power iv ao
"great that it might be extended to nty other multi
lecturing purpose. Persoris disposed to purchase
:w ill' of course examine the property. Theternis of
sale will be made knower by, ' •
Executrix Miehael_Ege,
Carlisle, Oct. 19,.1842. • - 11'51
rated by an act of the Legislature of the•present ses
sion,aud fully organized antflo operation undtir the
direction of the following- boarti-01 _Managers, viz:
Thomas C. NI ilFei ' C. P. ill:oh:a, John. Moore
David W. McCullough, 'Weakly, Geor'ge
Martin, Williarn Moore, Suiuuel Galln'aith, James
Greason , Thomas Paxtod,Wnt.Baoritfosuph - COl'ver
and A. G. Miller call the—atteution-of tho inhabit-
rates and the" many- advantages which this zinCof
insurance lute Over any. other.
Ist. ISvery person insured becomes'n tnerriher of
the compnny and takes pert in the choice of officers
end .the direction' of its concerns. - ' - -
„ .
lid. For instirance nai more is demanded than is
necessary' tO meet the expenses of thetompany and
indemnity against hisses which may happen. •
- dd. The inconvenience of freptoot renewals is a
voided by insuring fur a term 91 five years. -
4th. Ally person applying loeinsurance twist give
his premium note for the cheapest class at the rote
of five per contain, which will tie $5O onthe $lOOO,
for Which he will, Bove to pay $2,50 for fire years,
'and $1:,50 foi-stieVey and no more,tudess
16s- be sustained to ti greater imatitit thin the fonds
on hands will coyet.,aml thiip no more will tio.relptir
'ed than These,
pH) rata share.rakes are, conch
cheaper than thhse of other comp a nies ; except such
as are incorporated on the same principles.- - -
lostiVaitee is acute() inthe following manner, .
person - Applying fn - FinsurtinCe - Air property: : ofilm.
cheapest class of riskloett,ooo ho-cliavga 5
per cent for five yeipite amounting to $5O Faust
he given.oit , Which lie Will ;be, regnii.eilto pity
5 pet. cent s‘2,sd, and $ 1 ,59 hie sueve.,Tiog and pol tan
and-will have ki. l 9.6 3 regtikerf ottiir k , unless losses
scour not sufliient44
meettheMp 7
Age n ts will nitOntoletlitigLookituoksitap ittAttfit
fete'nt nce& to"Otteidllol7stit'o4§. nn - dOnyliei•oons
wishing imeieilintels: to apply can do so signify 7 -
.litz-tAteir7tri#lko-thelti(tntlerrofthle&lV37 " • .
• • •-• • CrAS.. cummi „
: . ,
/he, folloiqfir - g - dilltoMOelimo - fbeetr olcilef4ol
. • .George Brindle; Monroe: ' • ' "
Clemens McFarlane, Car
• L. 11.•.Williinis EBq..lV sttiennstiore"
••• • - • •••
Jas. L's Rolicle: • •
anc- Nee.'
rlosa 'Ai Oilier , Esq. Nei%
• John Crentlrnin;••Pit._:Hegestii*",..r.".
:Stenhen gulbertioN.Shilipeilbgifiz
Peter • hieLanglilin S. 511dElleton:"
. _
-1 3iisqliohanria:Lme 4:
-,-,..F0 THILADELPiIItVAND',ImetiMone,.:I)4ILr ':'
Er #gpritipcipitiii.bfificideisiii.444i;;;;aff,
- 'fahlkeir ...earicaail_Bogia 4s-talual-torlitil.-,
aolalplialiiiltiiiiiWoliiiinithe liresent Oa 'ion . -
Tli ait 'ftibilibinill please:loply_ , pi Noble, Flinn
'ilc, T i-jarFriid pt. al lillik4.li4rtnvii , kiv l o4 o l , lH
voriihisuvlitiifiiititive. Rice;litieet .the Oil Vida.
' wara - Phila4elol4ll4l4aliaPt 8. 1. tl4iii,7l3iiifi - - - ,
rkwrlvi. , •ii ,•, I ..,;,,' ,'',:i! ..r.:,T'V...;, , 1,,',1
,' .Untik, further , hotipa;ilie,L.,f9ll,antiig,prio B ,*ill
be 'a'illiiiiiiailtilletiiien''tkii.y.plciVii,iiiialha'abliira.
P10:9,..'0,!.: ',;;;.,„ L' , „•,...„ • 1 7N, ~.) o , '-; ,i;,,i' ,;,,,, , ',.0.-;:ii,'. r, 'i, ~ _4:-;. . „
r .„1„..,...,..,;._,...„1.;:..ry15p..g„„,_,,,:,,..!,L,..:,
?,:,;; ,, T,44 i ipV.111:.,
-7t'P-', "'t - i-72i!'iiti*, - i41 1 )4-,,1!?i94, '-.,
" . 404_09::';'; .;;;-.c,r vi 2, p`;i.):,; ir.. ',#«,..,;f 4 A:pc s .:Pli•
Ili 0. 64 )0,'1,*•06;,1 , ,•:ii , ;.:1,;4 , 1 ,,,.,t-ii*'-'3-z4,;:. 1 .•„;,K :iii
and';llindialuea • i •ii::e,',V6!..1 , 4-',...?, , ...12k R . 1 -40 0 '; - „; : '0 . , -
FafoitiiiiiiiSs',l \ I' , `'l.i . _l , ; B ' i1'''.6.N!.4 1 15 2 5. , ,Q.' 4 3,1 :' , ' , .4 , 'if!
Ntitatillo . kenuf', i:!• , ...,: ). . - "•'..""..!_'...t44., , :1 1 .;i:A. - 2;:. , , , irifiz.'
, •• -, bii . .6 1 i. .. , :, , ,ii•i , ,, , ,1pi , ,,,.,.... , .: t ! ouil ,Rzi:t., , t4 • ~?., 1.,1:-...:
4tiiik - ativ•71 . *..:7Y.ff,t1, , .q . , , , : . .', - 6 , P ,- ,177.7 , 2?.!;*:..7: .
lifi t'n ' ' .9 'Ti': . :Pl:::!:4l,Zi 4 4;iAt - 4 ( t; , , ;,
~ . tviiViiii t 1 1 , ) ug:'"';', 1 L , :i . ,c, ;:iil . l , i , ii4:Li::,:!ilii'l
i d il f# S 4 d . ; 4 . 1!- ,t,1,4 ,. 2„,x ,3 i, 14 rdi1fti , i.0 , i'i , i . 4;i:tt , ' ,.
;09141gi PeP. -- 4',01i'% imu.i';. , ,yß;;Lii , ouvu, oiif . :*,iiigteio.e.ig:
'Papir:p bb l„ t, : ; Aii.43,4pej;k1,..30,ii , '0.i.0ati':04;? . ,:'
;Shad &Ataok9Olkdp:so.ll: , ,r - AK;Tat .74,,it.; , E , „.,..rj,. , „•i
iHer`ritat 9,104 . - i - .4. , ,' , (i•;#14',ii:ti.y. , :.,0);43.1 7 47,104`/..) ,; ; ••f1 . !•4/
lial(pprzgok;•1:: .•`-: • - •'•:.44:4?, , i: .' B ,.' , o l ll',l l ,b . cflt:.lff-d`Y'l
Imp* fr e qiog.RO t iii., ; ,q 1 ,1. 1 -;kcli4pdlvoi , :ik../.. . 01:1, t 1,, ,,
iV0C1..i'd'.ii0V2 1 4.1.' , ,: . N .4- ..:; , '
ittopi3Orokortiihofr 0Y'..:? , c4..,,,.'0,5 . .4ii . ;';iiii t 4,i , i',
ta,ri.. 1 .#9;:;.8,t,-,,
1 1 9.1t i tt - i,r ' , *x '''' i t•PAll - L.,444.4100. , :f.,-,.
igili o r
cir : •
.O. :Aisl . l 434,N; ' fi;1•,. 1 :47;4141} . f . "-ri i
pf too '0gi.0.',40 1 :4_04.4K: ,011ec1: , .,,*
I,oiitho l , poi 4 1 ?0,...i•OriOrsP'fie. V ! I '4,,nt,i''.,7AT
W,liiiilitNiAlNM*:94s . 3.;lP' '."'''''''' -'
Aitri93jo9l,4pii . . ,g9f,; ,
---4 403itniti - -
piraz;Sii I , vl .. , ..,
tiiii -,, iiiii‘ttitioy - 4-i, - *.t.vi4Kittiff ;4 ,
- ip,Flost,
' ''i
4. iii ittateitaYEet 6 :4llB;*i(i* IA 1
,e• ' 'au PIJ - , i. , /., . ' ognitti, ' '
vl ~ .)- - v.l• .PIiABIT os .rns
1 ,. , 'N'.A.IiiItLIt: '-'7 ,- ' :,', 4 .''' 1
, .t. at ..' o. , I ,
~ t
Serofilaor jiting stFicrt
~_, .
'' 'b f eutaneouiEruptiolas,‘l'lryt
s inz i . - - nee , . Blot,- - 1
nles 1-o 'Pustules orlAtie ir ,,
. ,t 7 r
~.. .
.-. .L-, Ititigj
"eh6s;Ri es._ClulinletSoro-"Y '
..., ,
i :Mormon) 'Vette, lifkalii 4 W . u- ,
i .j. , l,argernentr 'and- Pain" , •oftklie`-Bo_tra ,
arAJoititsSiti drn,theeit;Syph,Ali
i l
tic Straptoin, Sti4tiett,or iitinib,icir
Slid' iiiieTeediarisitigffronvalv ittj4dil
elous ,
' , useilof Mereurrii , Aseates,,
, Dropsy;Egpsufe, orilihprhdeneepJ4
'' , Life:'• Also; Clirdnio Cobstitutioual
', Disorders:- will , :1 - :le 'rempireittby this
Prepaiation':—. ,
and welfare of 04inn; fn "onnistiiiiii . t on ihe• march
loipeifeaUon and
.neutproldenv,in iinl4e.46:BOnieSirOfoinut.' stevef.*:
dieliiinetwenie yeffire; 'heti? is tiint rnind ,
Otnick with vondert:e:What rapid ''es h a / 1 4;0161i*
inade in every: 'depurtinent arts=
entirlyin that Whith:relatee'rolthe
human system-inTheilltk,ind
and - iddispepsalile ate tile uhrative•
discovered - througitthe•ageneyoli chemistry
doeslhokmaiiiiiithurkindleand our admi rati On glow
at Jot ingenuity,, thii•near, approach to the, standard,
' o ' nwrfFetiPpi.i pf, Iheii•PrP B eq it
ela!!Orittuitivuiigatlonti,of i p„liyidolOgyinothe 4114,
:Of LIFE, and
• the Pathology ol•prevalent diseaseii
much valuMile practicafifilmyledgelist(heeogalned,_
lOckiikquenCelit" - I§ - cc .
genizatieincthe.Telerneilts tif the' iitridua *Suds mid"
'structures of the system, remedieil have
and Ottielf Morbifiii
diaease;und edbetittite healthy heihUildfurpiniibi='
The hesetifill:litoplieity of this' modo4hreateneht:
not•only suggested by.the , pathology- of-dieetisei,'
ittrunly - grateful - tetheimffekribiltT — terfealy in con. •
;sonanceiwith the-openttions,Of Natureiand satisfac-'
tory to the vidixs and reasonings of every iritelligunt;•.
reflecting Mind. • It is thus that Sand's Sarsaparilla,
a scientific combination of essantial principles of the
most valuable vegetable substancei„operates upon the
The sapitrillatsnonib,OOdwsll the moat
salutary productions, the.,nriost potent simples of the
vegetable kingdom t and its unpreiedenied success
in tin• restoration to stealth of.thOse
who luul , l'ons, -
pined under the most distressing citirenfe maladies.
given it an exalted character, furnishing to it
does evidence of its own intrinic value, and repinit
-men ding it - to-the-afflicted-in cted-only
can know-. It has long been a,most Impoiztafit de
sideratum. in the practfee of medicine to obtain a
-rentedy--sitaidar to-thinue that mould act on the.
liver, stomaiih-and beweli with All - the precision and.:
potency Of tninerarpreparations, yet witlyint ,any, o
their deletetiointeffeets upon the vital ?Owen of ,the'
system.,. .
- Tho attention of the reader isyespeetfillly called
to the following certificate.. llowevergreat achieve
tnentslinve ber..dotbre been Made the u - stTof dins
Miiiluable medicine, yei daily expetlence show s•re
'sults still more remarkable. I The...proprietors here
avail themselves of the opportunity of soling it is a
source of constantsatisfitctiom Mitt they tin e made the
means of rat:Aloe such an.amount-01-sufrerlint. , ----
Wondetful - AVMs of Sands's - Siiisapa — riila in
Norwich, Conn
. _ .
Read the following from Airs. Wan. Phillips, who
has long, resided at the, Falls. The filets are well
known to all the old resitlctits in that part of the chi,
• ' Mesas. A. B. Slows 8.-. Co.—Sinst Most grate
gully do I embrace this opportunitylbr stating to you,
lie great relief I obtaineiltfrom the use of your Sal,'
mparilla. .1 shall alsO, he happy, .through you, to
publbili_t,o all who aru °dieted' as / i titillY,Wal:LhEr-a'
count of my unexpeaud, and even !Or *Jong while
despair Of cure. Mite ;re painful story, and trying
m'and sickening as is th rative cif itifor the sakeof
many who may be stti:elyr • Wyed, A will brielly yet
accurately state it. I, ' •'- ' •
( 51
Nineteen years ago lai April ce fit of sickness left
MC with an Erysipelas Eruption. 'Dropsical 'cone°.
dons imtnediately . took ! d ice over the enure surface
of my body, causing such Sit enlargenient dealt was
necessary. to add a half yard to the size of my tires.
sesitround the Waite. ' Isrext rollowekei t on my liinbh,
°leers', 'painful beyond description. For years, both
iii summer tacitwinter, the may • mitigaticiabf my
Bartering was found in pourieg upon those parus:eohl
Water, Frein my limbs the pain elidetultal met. my
whole bodyi ': Tlwre was literally..lnr.nw 110 l'Csi; bi=
d i ty.. c. hy hinht,, Upon lying down these pains would
shoot througli my system, andentripel ome to arisei
and, for hours together, Walk:the; house, so that 1 was
alinotrentirel 'ylleprived-titsleepr. , - Durlitglltirtithe
the Ervsipelaacom timed uctivq...and.theJulr.emes
1,,,iii. - I,_;apil so deeplY have these eaten ? that for two.
and'a.litilt - iy ears they inure' lieeti iubject tit bleeding:
!luring these mildest dwenty, yearkl,haYe consulted
- iTtiq'phystenuis. - Tliese laire - crvivii - toy
asit was stitebtled withal' obitillittitiMgh andb stea4,,
;and active 'Pain in illy aide— ludropilval einliatintitibn(
.• hid though they has ebeen skillid.practiogiierm4y :
were only able to iifflird s my- ease a partial' met tent,
lwrary_reller..' I had inany'otlieriliffietiliietitimenei •
litwawil,tolleacribe, 7 ?-1: have - aloe', lifartl.mai.rythellilki
medicines that hayelmen retains mended R9lntillli le.
iii.eifOrrlttitr:7 4 tiliteitiie; itinttinti a e,ant rut
most ethpluditally•growlpg..,weriei , tln - ithiecritteal'
cOodllion,giveßmi by firods,and.expectiogloK itly,,
^selti-ieltepenly-Tir tett ti l 4.l 2 .was-lir-the.thnely,iliteti...,
position or d'kitafrrriiideneciftwilisheil'ivitleyiiiii;
wsripilpy,l44ol.eBartagiarillit.,;:3 - 4, - sitlgle4)9ttleg i iie
me an assuranc of health, Which .for.tiventy.yeaol ,
'ha'd ititiliiiViPttV l 'l3titiii'tukiliguibt'ailiiiiiid' iiii , eh
laigeineut diminished, ittid in twelve (Ings.trowthe:
8t10 . .0f Ootobq, when I.tiretu - eiieeilia/cingyotn, Sur,:
inigirillii';--1. was able'toj.enjoy Sleep'aridrestby,flikillt`,
alirefreshing:sogini,Ji2Cr ‘ eillOyettl , Wliew in perleit'
health. • Bestdes,S 'yettaiiti this, slier!, tiroe,,redieVedl
Iron:1'1'11.11166e •-•exertiontlink igitt'erellldvietee litlitis
thathadialflitneti ailt. dayai sus‘welli;aB,retbed a race ot
toy WAN reposer,l'he:eleera,upon,thylitehrein,
heal ej, thel' , lrj. 3 lP,Pla 6 cu r•lgt_il in 4MY,alll;o - lindleked , .-
- neatly,te,rey, 'eyelet? nnesserei - -;;:;,.., ,-,,,5 - Ai'... - .-„ . . - ... - .4a,..;
c - Ayand's - Shriii.vatlllwivill - ibte,removg,and
. p'ertnar
neatly cure'di tweeds hatihg . their, cerightin in unpi n
stated' , tlieiblftild iniiileprOVideoiitlletin - Of the genr i
erel'iitnitltatiod;4loi.!p'Sbriiiiihrer / Kingost.4lllh'lti
'ilitqweilbritis l ' ,, Ehettmeti sin, ;Asti hat e .eittiiiiebda'
ettiptlone,!'blotches; bites,' pinntri‘of pestuted'on ,
thiiiheei chronic sore eyes,- rtnirwormbritteer,_seald'
heing - 'etilattement, Mid - vain of the - bones antijoints,'
stubborn elect:8;141;11We
.syleptems,..dieeises, arra.;
ingfrinrkan injudicious use of mercitri female
d o '
ts 'andot
heg,sin linkaiiint laints.' •
~ thus much do,A Inetita. privilege to, testify' to the
efficacy - _Ofyour . bealth-r,estewingSaraiparillB 4.
thiisand thanka'Sitcfror one •whee
`comfort' slid'
whose hope or future health are: due; - iiiidetirtlistl;te
your i ,stro meptOity,. - And way the t a t m e, pr o yj i t eptie,
tligtdilected'ilneqo.yo6l. tad;'Make yin ;the happy
aliifh'enereal lindlitmentitoftbleitsif t eMliers;ifis dia•l'
'eased anti,il eSpid ring AR , your-limo rpiinveitawidlte4 g
tratefel'frientl, , " ; ASLNAI'H M. P01LL111,4',.....i
.lititikki4itiiii, i):18 - .. -- ,- - '1.1 - iiiiilelf, Nov: 4,4 ti42:!''
t:Peratitsallrappetired,the.khareneMed Asenatli , hl(:!
•I'ltlllippineclMatk .0441t;t1C,Oeftto4l.c101ilOrkfuthlel
roiegoing Statement before me,. ... '. ...., , .... , ... ,
t-.m.c;i Yi:',l ~ t, itupps w.. - IviA.tuEvVs.6l , l l '; '. ..-T , '
1., , iir;.).:f174,,t;..4.,A.L.,,:. , ,;110, ac•dellieler :the Terei;';'l. l,
,- Ileingperaomilly aeleainted wilklgrs,,..thillips e A.
( certitY thst.theebove ahserted fli'etistre - Vebiliiillidly '
I true;; , •;.o l3 4. 4 l*ll.4 , 44istakt,lßlCllitltDiVi4;' ,
I:..ilf!.7.2:llliiistiir.OE thisj*spidijoisrpt_Wikeimi;l4
t:110 - p.itrisliiiiid4Td1 , 944 - tA , 4 Va4till 8 t CO;rPPP - grl
i r iii„Otxtill. CheritliitOrailtteio9,ltdintre; 17 . 3)1roficlitin,
.°Prottbrebilinbcts WOO: tievOY6oo 'And foV tale
; tor 1),0 ggi sto,ol , ,oustlogt ttpv4squittilli.43o,(te:giy.-Pri.
iil.r l)ottle; pii, bottles erm! $ . 5,, . , ,
... , ,
:IThil l tiiibiltesittFieliftttliillr4kiiiii.eitYWßliieii=
bit Ibt3t , jtis:B4olol.§4l•ooaellli that,iiiiiiiridli4titiri
'etliti?hlilvint 4 PAPP I IO 4 II: I IS I f,9.E‘#O9. I Ii,
.u,i,c1445111 tllliased i i4h a h r ; r iernsti *am&
I!rinibjeq; . .tka . .ds*lo - SATlllie,a).S . ti* 11,..4044.4W
Iliffit*l'fioP‘;:i ''''''.!Ve9l 40' '' Li . v , in i , 'A ' 41 .% ,., if - if•eqe4 , tq ,
rdiv• 614'ud W li
Aiktpll l
,k. 106 , g"..i . , -, q lA,t'.f--liilr4 #.0•7471,7P;7..W: o V lii-' s .•
y , -
~ kif i at ei ii4
1, A tgaiga, J
~- ! #Erai l n i
, H irf ~ • ,
ill's U ,
as muoluis n . - bbtlte twat any ,_ othe r
latittsold it;the.Slintelit) - ,Let thptdtlitc remeniit.,
thitrtsjirs'ittoiiiif Wait th&iatittinCt
ineof:viors; , kaitsmtkAA AgAr.A.
:fa; -I •Er , m•the Metlical
t:014 - !..! . .Moopr•the vegetablettheratiteA With.* loft i; •
und+,tliere,ere:lbw so useful as ..,
Tistekrti 46 4 406 1 )1er himltgqtilerelltottoellehilihoitr,
tedOnnstyptionS i tot.heig.'wOnted enptky'boc,,in ever , ,
Chan arisihk"fint ott.Sit''• • tiophkO'' itate - 54thir fttopd.';
;Frotif khowlddg'6 very minty rcitteelan4loiiivie if '••
illei4to9 ll o,tietltli.lnVitable).lowr,oo44-befeKel4
,peeparationit 'ot !Sarespstilla• had' been'. 'us , none
'scented to 'possess virtues ot - remedial powereeo - 41
'to DC ; Leidy's Meditiate#,llt,COViiiittnd ". Extract of
• -
141 is a , p - teparition Ir. , Operior
notice of .
•p,,, • "
DR: .I,l;;lDFVfilelliAnSli. irAß)ElkiL4i.
Exliiiiit of a Ii
re1itim.V.0)444. 1 4 1 4'&04 1 0 11 / 4 1-1. 1 1- - Ji,.
,t‘My•lhit,ltlchopitild ,Orl;thelernter ;-new,iliren. •
'S'efett . i44ll;i' elk been
afilioted'Witlf ie - scilofolbuittninoefitinit
iere:;itire,e) t mpirfthe:ql4l.i. ; Pi ,ree raoldh:o44-t Flo,--
induced to make rittfiffyourExii4 of gOrpaPitrillni
. Aind_hatu,gi3vnitltelagiitotift*inittliint'4";'!'"rtrey:
are now' entirely free_ from' fintaPPeutaltee
fulaandnever-wern,in,hetter. i nealth:": • • •
Dr: Leidy s. is 'elrte:aelettilli
eases viting from linpuritieslifthO'blood ano other
fluidsrbf, the, system' ,A.II Invalids , who may h ave
been midst.' hi tditcal- irattlieht; deliflifiad
fronribe.itaiiiiticof siiitilicitteitheyt . tnafthaite taken,
or,are underso mercurial influ,ence„ wp);15,,n1, thathy,
tii{f7 ti few bottles oflW. teitly . e.hilapi4lllii.;thOir ,
tisun vikoi , and elasticity 4r•theiefniod aiithlystSnil
will be,rosteied, and •be again perFdtt4,to . ,,enicty,,the, • -
'sweets of life , • • • .
.oat''Trltis article appears - toiliE.4tliiing4vonilerit4 '
The Soudi and from,,the_high„..shsracter Of:, the rb- • •
Commentittiiotot, ore:4l4ly, persuaded it is most '
capital metlitsineTaelittlitiiVorttielilifthe-blood.-We
ttutrit , many 4'.hysibtatunty,ko - have given'thcie rtesti
nr,on ; this, sulOcct,And we knowtheyosspi
w ldinot,
give a chitracter'io nosh' .not really
debeiiie it. o 44.3batlestoh tanitiretittq•-.:
- ,ExtraCtof At - leiter from Do n Nitrrep,,lsratohez.t. . •
- -. ...listving_fee_thelastyetir_huay_ptantien_uie,d. Attic.
Saisajinrila with itfuelf iatiatiehoitio myself 'Haul
benefit to my patientspl fiaveiurhesitathkiJii declar4
ing it to be one of jhe..,ingst ,useful preparstions iu -
diseases for which Sirsuparillali• prescribed.",
.1 fr
DR. 'Lumpy's ; , _S:AR.SAP ARILL4
ity.Tl,lla , p o rAntinttlo'n ixtai; be fitepentletl-,tittotras
being the stronFeif (ialisciptenDTmore ifficacions)
of soy in existence; all thod.preparstipnsmest pos
sess similar yirtnesi!in proportion to . theirostrpngth . '
being pt. - cowed fOOm tlietsim'er tal: Leidy's
bfrSttrattruiriltd; hoWnvei, - pos----
sesses properties not possessed by others,. from its ,
maon,er of ps , eporatioo, and combinotimi.ivith Ott
Niikettible'extrotttaLreeommended bv.tthe,medietiroc• •
culty--and' hence: the reason ',Why generally
recommende , q.by4.he Physicians.of Philadelphia and,_
elsewhere. • ' • ' • •
• rroriftlie extraordihnrj: 'virtues .of,this ,prepartt
tion arid a knoivledge of its coniiiiisition
• . .
t•iung.: - (tlitt.azusett - why - iliey'Uo - genemilly
they would not use' or recomMenditny Tireparittion
, they.di*not know. the; compositim ot,) it liestkpar.d,
:introduced in,munrof the 'Hospitals throughout t
U. S. and is highly recommended by rt.y.kbas
Bdi lv oneor.those Institution's.
From"the blew .Ortennit Advertiser.
DIFL' g.EXTDP3I(''S 11.1 LA.
-- , The high a n d - envied celebrity which tills pre.
eminent tuddfrinb hitincquMed ftir its invariable-el- •
limey in all diseases winehit professes to cure, has
rendered the usual practice of
,pAing unnecessary.
tor it. - Dr. - Lehly's be-fountl
cularlreflicatiotas in all diseases of Te liver, atom
ach,.skini killneYs, spine and bones, Ulceration
s of the
nose, throat and other parts, ahem sloes; liatiihis, sem
fulaut, petits; jaululteealUM niatism and incipient
gout, nieFeurial and syphilitic stlfectionS, female de
rangements and
. in restoring the sickly aud,debtlitat
eel to their natural health and energy. „ .
. ••
— DP: - .l;eitly's-CompoontlExtraemirSarseparilltrites--
' stood the test for fireyeaMpast, and 'tie no boast to
any_ that there •ie. no 'oilier preparation. of rilusl '
strength wow lit 4teti. ',l . llrongllont ,the Southern
States, where Sursamtrillit it. us much in, general use
- as tiat and c.1iffe(41.)1 4 ,. Sarsaparil la is getter.
;I.llls•vigliwi:ed Mid la highly Peedromendial by
eeetifienteetttve been filaihentli pub
lielted 3. f ifroujiliiiiit vetifit is alsd
mttelt'ueiltl,ntore Iterhmistlietrany tier: ''•
. One bottle of it [liftifek pint] is tvarranted equal/to
two ()fluty othetr Meti.ength, midis equal tcroiaslittlf
gallon of the.strangegSyrup . that cup he made.
Directions for mulling Syrtni,therefrom..accout.
putties the direations.“ , •
. .
It6r . But n fuw days since. ti Clergy nuin.of:tlas city
,[who does not-desire his name-published-in the; . pa -
I Akefii,liufillEFC-w — i(llllC. ,. , stotetriNT - a lody
-494,0_441 uugleup, ulna). otop i t
;tor t.wayrors tOtgo , to .oItorAGTOT - Irroquat: -- -
;of liin; esti•Uirie
, various lautt.7 '( Ker'uoit
Inc 016in/dim th ~ 'efOr,iteireUfuoiatt ahyputfigq or the
))etti..t- l'aftt sek•UPal bOtiles olDr 4 .l..bitli'e!" --
S4rtiltlkillootid - by.tvkiirmoothtotterseverook-ite
!its--usermsli'etlirt l elyirratpred to Inealtliiand-it.eitiew.. •
eq,tt¢r torintAnetrqngth, onitiotnaglirroirn,laogimgd,
.. pr6jiitredty a
'onnti uluileaala'stail
- Setatul street below, Vine; alio 'old by Fixtlgritk
Rii:iiki4Vcit , it . eti - ',llTtifiti.d'flb'estitttitti4tariind-Frikl.7--
,KlettAr..Ca.,aortand,q(iallo‘'vhill,iitittief,-at4C- •
par'"rar bottlei briuYl s
sit cyi • '-
I,; Lll, CP StAVE/ , ,?50N ,1 1:,
ilirrOrMS 4'4.11
reti f etilf/4,,, •
Irl!"'enth' t .*'' .07 lite.':an % tettcy ..o .. r.
. - ~ . t.etdy, N r.fitte.itt, T 4ietable War, TiAltkeY-Des*--_
ty, it . l be ,withoutiAin their. fapillettaitto ll Ort. 3 ) l J4 ::=,-
.au eii At all tiniettO`Wetinni, __• _
~• .. - . .._...; __ ...__
- XeftlYlitiWortiilretkliteonTtpidied rif,' , ie Cablesl_t. -
'all'igAgrt: l , l 94P , SYl l 9.giv9 l .'",lP VliildrStt of al Pg,i' . •
pi rectiOns accompany ettell'paorr Cl' pack.itgo.
.Children Suter? niubli,o Or thiiCa,rfritiir id any'
'oofigs: tidling,givert!thcpt lot' Isornisvlalthaukt . any et..,
feat. Much totedieloq given to childmoil hes, alen ? ,
dencY:iirdestrdr trick: general' hetililt' and 'the ire
mere icate cvev - ,• - - _,___
' To avoidthSAOMA Y , xt rilll444le4te, litt i cit
cessirilifxhenyuarecella n f your:ehfdrenye
kerins , tive - theitlfirdtDi 4 liEelkfrVoit'fille'
Iti. • -
is all that bt..neceisory.-,,, % ._•:..)
,ph;q'ttft `i,.1'), , 111 t , tiopt;
Reference might htttoitde tonesti l lpqrApir. i , _ _
reels in Philidelohla citY,' 'Oll count or ——,
°type. Leidet WorittYttn.' 'TO itdil l i o W 4 'PV..* '.:
tollykired , ,,ltart.'e!".• , t , ,-0, ~.1.4.,Li:itt;31; , : ‘4 44,*14 611(1.= .
' Prace4t2i oFits;ti linen, an d -25 rents a large intelp-.--.....1,
aii."''Preparatrenly;'.ilid.'fbi..sideri ..iihtileSale,..tindi• , •,.
:Retail, at DK , Leidy's Hettlth , ,Rmocrriorni.ttlioi . 190
North Second street, below V . lne[elgq.„ocAo.9o , ,: . _
,den ER & "ill eeeliPit) . -1 31 ,4,10.#,F10 , • ,- ', - - •
1, 4 For sale in Car - lisle hi '''-,' . . -.., ..,,....._-- ._, •
g e 1..,
1 ., ,, ,, , ,,::V T.:4101 1 .14 . yrolsti
3' —i4 1849 ' f ..
' '''' ' i'% ,-- " "'' ' . . cf-t
Dr. ileidy4ilTetterrandltills, Ottitni,enti l' ,
.. , Vr:lr.k "ilti'l ir ... , flr .J 1 •
4144hi , bj e resizly for ,
yarleds affections of the - - 1 -
Skill; reniOlikiii i imill i k'' Pubtutes‘iiiii.PE,okkoiell
Ogle Slslotsinsfe 44, I,flitloptett to tlhe,otyg, orl
xottorupoliogit t ..... 7“.• .' ', , - -,, •
( ~rhls'olittotent at Pi*tittell in IturaTiosif gclicialii"
througheutele'4 , lliisnil eounwisis Well 'llii iNselo ' " I --
esnaselsgl Aumerilge girls Red ibir ,, gnil,ssamg; .4
li t ifigm'ititter slid lug? as well 'As o er`AfFooiouo. ,
the Sltlti;iiriVoilhit, WillftheinoitY di ii 4, l oo ~ -
beie., , Nsaiesilf.Sillioolfreaohe.esiiismalligi Eli - sof - ''
'illft . # l krt ilni) , ProPripkrA ( I ) i . , Vitaioriel l 4:ll** 114P4
t s,
g ve ,e n mink ibis," eye, tileortke ile/ past
. ey '
feel in liitylni'tbelr' nftinectubllsh/46PoiSieleVidiV
rAilti'Och luiii4litlit Hull 41mg — rwabbistecothmoogr i ?,
Pl' l ° 4 ' l l?? l ll??'!Fivatfliatigtiliffi,vio
. ., ,, Jutie t oilswi- , Aii 1 41 flOV:it ,',-, 10049#454:2.
Iti i»krf g •aw nitt
~y•'—~i.n~;'.e ..~;.
•r uf~t, .l. ~,~'