_4V,\. 4......5: : '.’.._'.‘._.l__ .‘2 -7. r.’:" 54} _lllla OBE .4 - *54 . 9.4,141L.110L FA; :PA. `''Vri7iiii 4 eii/YOTEW 1471yr.:§(0)nirfil fing:Aloll•titer,riiiim„7. • ;,„' . • . gurAippT34l,ow,!)Tgti nranpWards liNiiii 2 n'iog , ,lwords • thqro ';''s 111,e; names oil Chniii , prid-Fa iLtsto,iligk6xfpa'/ .••• Egli PREBIDIII7I I HENRY - . - CLAY- -1- CIV,ICEN . TUO;jO • .• .ittAIDDnEiIREMIItiPUT- .OF NEW JERSEY, ' : ' t• ' TOR'. , iI(J!V MART LE. • . • • •:fOR ,CA N 4.4 -.000 : MISSION ER , S /I[AION'T`:.44I[JI-W.O#A)",:ig-.14b Forrtite - Sale-orriAe iDEMOCRA:FIG: WHIG PHINCIPIIS. -- SPECIALLY "FOR P-bI3LIC tetra 'admen). . . I. 'A .sotind'islariortal.Curiency,..regulitted•by' nuthoritY_of_th4 '2. An adequate Revenucoyith fair. Protection to ni Adrlcin 3. JusfrmatiertitSmn the Eifdcutive . firarting-a-further restriction on the exercise ot, 4. A faithfal biliainistration_of the public dornatn.'. , with Lin equitable distrihn don of the proceeds,l of silica of it: among all 5. An honest and economical adintnrstrationmt .the General,Grovisrnment,icaNing..mblie oilicerS:' perfect freedoin of thought 'and cif the right or' suffrage,. but with suitable reStraints against) imp.roper,MAerforenec in elections. amendment 'to .ItreCerratitution, the intumbent cif.L.the_ Preside.fitial office to • These'Objhets attaine'd,l think that we shpuld cease to .bel with - bad:adarinistration' of .—Alsrucy CLAY. - . nr. The Albany - Journal. s'aysiz—T4i9g.h Tex,. as cannot be annexed to this Union, yet Tyler, if .he thiAis iiroPer.inay annex himsdirte Texa with -- tke consent oat - Crilytifthe-Senate c but with' tho_apptobationieLth - Ettlhele_Uuion - ..f_:: "7 - 0:7-The St. Lutiis Democrat says, that about five hundreil indiiiduals have already. enacted at Independence end vicinity fw the purpose uf em. They 11013e1E6 thoMpirso of the present month by about fif. 'teen !Mildred More persons who aro ainongst thi3 mcst hditly piMieers of Wisconsin, Indtaria,llli • nois and "Lien. ~r Cho lacoroco papers make an a4o obout . Mr. Clay's tiOink" bdund over to leepi.ho p 0000." .4Nor.it' the 'foots aro that after some sparring between (Any and' Mr:',K.Wigr, when the for mee'wee.it the setiate, the latter penned n chid lengf thelenete - ClioniberOanti ,wes:erreetti-; and, lir-Cbiyi:fteiveitter - of forpokity, woe clink sliOrbOUOCli;,ql: to prevent his receiving, tile 011 , , lenge in ease . 14:11., King should 'ehnoe to forfeit his boicdand sentile; ' irO*Tho - most severe condemnation of 6co. 'Cll2l4'ii dishimesit letter- on'the' eases. atierref -- Teas4tVeinesTrcitwite`vettirloee' uteri pa= Tess, the'..llarkisbhrg k.Union,'•for one. To show • how Gen: Cass sacrificed his prindiples for the Presidential bait,.the Detroit Advertiser says,— "WA' utiiitithe appearance of. ,111r.'Vaa Idttattilte' tintierettindi fig' that Gch. CasS ivas posed , to, inneiation won univelimil in and ;witli;the :sanotiou' . .of fria . nils, many of , wholp,ejamd f.l43,.refnonotranott oui• . • ' -7----7----- ‘7 - -- - •-- .7 - .- -- -;•.7 -- - • tpciniciiiiibuTatlini.deirsto wit. • 11:i Oh i o` Thigeratc7thi,: Md.; papeta` state that the' encam pmant-i.tr,belhahl near ',I - 4r gerati, wtr on. 0 ,.41h 4,f itiii.,:e, , ,„, iili; eßeel'the' • •greit''Bititithhie ..„:-..,encitunitioi,ntilfAE44:2,,,t,;C:aptAt-higpid'aPdomily ,ny,nThfly4h?g‘nt•-tillary,•:,flinf tort:i M'lloniy t ; a nd : i:4 o. 7fiahjnonni's .corps from,the Ciirlialo, hue.. , . r • - .iikbti, present, iI, ~, ii: ,qi 4, .to mroo 1 f?y, thitzi'dni•l'df • anpnifoily:f. , ....4n;nl:ani.. T'9l:ter,, of — , reennaylvahriAlli4ltiiiil6'daiitho:4lVi. , iitrhi-, ;preelnhe:llProilaidrt'fOr.l tlfeltyP , 44*.)!areilio'Ltti f inizliihuirlhß . ltAri°urc9PP 4 o.l o , l #4, B . l :oo.liiklinal'A , ~ .. .1-....._- . ;,..„....- :: , ‘ , :io4r4lt, ct: 41 , 1.. --. .. alliri ISen.'lackbonlytt3 Writtpn a 'atter 49 um e4l-. • 49.r'cit tlidNaoidiretti6Wakifik qui ` ,, tii,i:vVo' c • wrotin, al, lhilei oir , whidht; itime 'd : k'a Oaken) L iii , , 4 1 t7.4 }1 34i0?..414.:0 1 1. 1 1 4. Wilig•'ol4eir - •he Pla4. Iflit43,FP;tigakest IW,IiA NPR ao3',AlTic#K - ; , : ...A1 : 61 i . 0,',`.!!g°!;, - '4,yre.re,pJfi. ~44,,,i1yj ci!n:by 1 • "PeP;ll : ol ,Bol vii : 6 3Y 4 vAin'eq4od " I s.q . cy iqpecttakile' inan' has Aintureldidr,:ra : etlititl, Or o:'4ol'rilbjr.of r d the fame 1 *pp rega'• • carne /me* by.A.lllit• .;.. -.hot hi ., 49411''."‘" I - ilbslre ' '. tlA ticiel, b y , xee_ril.i-iia,"ll,-tet rf,,T3 iiiikullied, a ;i 2 - , wi d. ' ' ,Of Uta k ''.. ;jag Antall 4, ~6,,,,...1,,i'VdEn; ''''''' -,- - hoSiald'g:" 4fthitrliBlah,l4(l. O,--, it written' an -8 otiOni, , - juIVQ/ y •0,40.pe 71 • t o„,[,:qeq,. ----nut tea-• • • _- forAllVlßrod,ts)4,7"l .. , - ,e ~ „:00;Aivis!0, ' tir.ghtartittitirilritttfltiloini'Spldei, il', fitliira,°4 to ' 'ar.J-A-,T. ~,-rat'.•• over P'"3-- 0,611; •• , , ' • Iriee'lle--yil6i.'lliiii" 1 ''bible bilbory justice it fe ' a ' 1..,1° known ; 1 1 ' • as the ".- ~. -6_ 410ilght', n ' .'a -Iteelt4' . ii-ntanifitible t n , .F4.r the char „f,i'mai—it b,'16,%-c,73 jay,' ft il,l ‘ , cii,ooll(ift-,.7 , I,.n.it,,..thie-14`, flan otyl: :tied ?,,, ', • t,are4:o;Ort'u ' honerilt. l-, - 1; :I :t;veilzAtßl'tv9" ders'wbigit7,i '`'eMsr.i9,lY„,l/1 _.. .. . bitiitie],elit.„...,Lta„tititt ito, ;Tic ~•••-•"'liiitri,ent• -. '4"-_•'till:e4le to ~.!v‘',..i17,,4313' liatia • ety4., ,ta 01, -=ltiot.4lll4**.,..prif"fq.n-iitore •eirig.b.l9 ' '.'", • , ... • '. Itiatiti ilf,ecte!-loiti'!4aP ,'' ~:,, 1.;tif01'4.4." e'l•t*l44 itt!iy ii,t,''' '" I,,...t tif toolcietinil'" . •"',/tAnt,'•,s4,..,it'Pisl4):l,Rittba!iffrrpf,i9ql§*lftt _;_..--et;LAllliii.veck,Vlin.lithe!!.4iirtni7Bj,l' ale ' PTY 1 lA' ye g- . vytite ' . ' 'it- tr-11 •' rill' ' ' • '4°S y nit t le" ,gs4gkia fa'. ' 4 aPii -45*Niiii Winfildil°lel4itAt4 P,O . Ono- • J *4lOlO * IMP,. .... • . 'yenta. IT VJelillo,ot, 4 '4'4441 . ?4 .' 11. 11VeClkiltin"‘ 7 tigiiitlidir' 51417'iliJn .iiiiiiok 116" i*.01:1;11Wtb V 40,77 ti• ,' 4 iiililiff.4illl.l ... • 4.1°1'.." ', tlipssos'7, ' •• tti 417 lilfflOto-10441k,'', , 'Aro', or!f r giAtidal° our fe•l ' ''' 1,',N.•t.41 tifillFjll, f,'4,,1: „ ,40)41 .11100t.Y1P1I"'il, pill' \ 94.1. 6 irialt°Ll,4l4llolKfilt2 10;.et ;• lltre..lll° •te, ,v 14., ti*oe: ' l , • OIL, 'rile" 'U T° "tr;" Ste Otettio6. 1;7#1 i‘alirfei 6.4 , e nt , K : 4t bu 'on Itr,'O lther'agalnetri:rArlitViii*thittrnfikiiiiintk The,frentrhcnoi tnitlerS 2 ditiensiiiin itliiiV:Rt; 'eriealTat,iiicidt , tin;:the?. =iiidije*sl4lV,lloltitithiShifiiit§irdWiqiniiP will giielns Slew - win: favor of the project; during 1 1 PNVN I P :. o c TalifitATZTlOlTaTnir-trite - 711....- - nlifiti'Ao . :*reck his character and jit:nsp r Ots. • pdr. ion.as!the , gre st ahem pion , ot. tod i Obi IS in \ -:etid:piii'e lecafecoiq liatessenincd - a:pesition-1PW414402 ,Treaty „altogether yyertity 79 . C; the Atoespriiß o tml j Patriot ,i'hoSr . lel:c..conts ins Si....colunnts r.,peesh --ricanll:4 del by , 11 r. Benton in ih:o inst:; submitted IhreetOsolittiOnit,: and , ; his optieefi was i91Pn4c . , ( 1 , tO ontbroo Mte . ii.piinsu4,9;bi,the Seri' t l',Rpqnlr.pd, , , That of,44 . ltropty, for ilar.annoxplion of q'exastlialritto,d,Statds iv~iblil.6o the %dial —itroY - Attv.u.irimirstal*.oo7iyirat td-dh,-bew ils;conduct and conclitsion. npon-lho said .Unitetl. llßosolvpd t :lllat,thot.roaglitoalving,,potsktr d•iett not f . .stood to, the powor of maltipgp v ttr,lo tho'. reaideirt 'and war, Oldie r..by. doelqvatiort.cor. adoption. r Rego! v ed, The!. the so un t,ry distdpnabered'ito;il die 'TJn I ted Suites - by reaty, Till Wit ti _ Pill • •cornivrellentling...lloNts , and - ,a-larga territory beF, tween.tho-,Red-riser-:and_tlteArkgosatvand , beillt the United Slates,. entl.7.:essential ttrtl.etr7 - politionli—totrititerela.barldt • _• • ~ • .. =Et _ etriirm. icon t.li)io6 tie soon ne it elm' be; tlo consentof in ajoritl- eft the peopic of therUnifed Stiktes:io:pfalexee, ppa whert:NcAi.c9l4 ll .l,9_94" , sent to 'Vibe sortie, or . nohnowledgc tho .intiepen flenco-nCreirii,,Orli,ebeit4O iiiiteeditte r the Wave.. inet.,hor . (thq.nrrnietice haying, expired). on j ci sonic conlinensufatd to tho conquest .of. tho cam- Mr. Benton in the opening' pivrt.of his speech- Chters..inte nn elaborate examination of.t i be, beim. ciariel. of Texas as now colistitiiteil;Mitl . the' pre .VincpsofTexwarasit-Oxlsted in,leil9-,-wheicit• - wirs claimed as a part of thp.Leuisiana parehase. Ile hstaiilishes ennehisively, that the ceirntrY propos. ed -by tlre.4llyl,a,AlLAttled, ite the- BrilNitirgelria ',age tia 'ilirriiiiiiir which was in view who the treaty of 1819 was ....r.,„t 9 made. 'Pile pretence lienrnarMr.' Benton eon. tends, that this viler treaty. proposes no more than a "re•anne.ration.of Texas,” is a fraud in words, • gtis lid "Fe zannyvitie ' i-"-foritle not 'pre. 'tended even-by those who use that word, that the • proeince of,, Texas iii 1819 extended. further than the boundaries included between the Sabine and the, Rio. del Norte, Ana', io ; quit . or ; Nexieci nati, the Rea river—whit le undaries ciew.ilatit is called7the-RepubUrr;of-J.P ii's, 2, -rieldefinrid-Lin-Illis.. Tyler treaty, includes, e_whole ogent,,.o e theßio del. NOrte,-961110 . two 4liousandFroilet long.and sonie hundreds broad.--:•and embraces one 'half of the .departinent e1 . ..N0w Blexiey with its Capital 1 . ' fleeing shown the effect or iiln, treaty On . the' Rlitlirarde - froiltier; iiir. - 13. tank up - thertreity it..- - sair.v•t -a 11-itiLasiiects-a-nd-tnita , whele , „extent. and • itssumed fop . positions in relathin tirjt; - namely ----- - t- -- -- - ---'-' , . --4--.. , - - --.1..--• -1. That the ratification ofrthe:trettly•wonld be of itself,war hotween the United States and-Mex ico. - ..-_. 3. - Thal.l6Vvtiiild lie tinjuftlwe.r. T - • 3. That it - would unconstitutioally made. • 4. That it would' be war upon • a -weak an& grouqless pretest. • 1° eorreePendent of the United States Gazette, 'Oliver Oldschool„'.says - Mr. Benton'sspaech is re., garded in Washington as one of, the most able, conservative and elevated in-tone,--tha has ever beeniistened to, and showing how differ; ent a man may be, even.Trom himself, whed he . feels that he st.,litisetipon high and elevated grotinili and is adv.ootittg moral, right and notional honor., am o.urilespondent.:saysl,•- . I• member to 'lekie seen the-fact stated by any pa.' per, that Texas by am act of her Congress - defined. •her,boundery,and hasbythat, taken in several pr?tr. Inces belonging to liexieo, rind on which no Tcxap had eQcr . ,._prdbably, tiet his footriunning . ihdir line alonithat of the United States north - 'info the' RoOky Mountains, and :ncirthwest to'the Pa cific Ocean,iveaching-ithe'lutter in the latitude. tretape--Ood r and-takirtg-in.Santit.Fe r -California,. Ste. I understand there is one town In this ter ritory which has -a popohttion. of. five or six thousand in'htibltants,. who *Mild think it' queer totileitrinifeired by. Il'exae, whriae authori ty theyLicnt . nathirtg_abotit, to the. Vnited States. Why dpeciTexis _confine - her to these pro. virices 7. Why riet,deciftrethat Several oilierfte ; lonkte . hef, liiialitindfer'thOM also to the fltiiteil. Andtbeilelreannetar4e;lntreliare lia§ ai Yet escap;: od the obserialiOn of :the -press, riiMgdyi..thatttho, 'treaty preybdes r for s 4ba.aasenißtign eft,b9 debts-,of :taaaiiiiebire*#tci'the'tinaa dmui - tittifiCittior): With which I(9o)agkeFtera 7 ,: :WA aylr3rr te gri q ate F cr y. : , , *,' t awlertjecaisalfitii ot lei: i.ontatiliiiihdriktifirldadision[tilt be id', 4' 1147.11'041ber'efijimentilttletei!tedt hi:Onion tlands !!!.t?Ekt6gt,gclso,ll,F7olthe .a l l rf at Aotii:C),fl44.X.APink t .:F 9 reN i . n t9f i ri v .o l• 3l: . ncityyql, • .• , -Me: foll o w ' extrac t' 'from aii - ablo:leitl.,Trlteri., il b i ,y" o,y. l , l ,l :ln , .. a . J ti o L t d l it ri fr ' a P .o . ii i,l4 l, o :o, ll ll F .l3,,, lly it! ,:k il '9l l4 l lr.,,l l, :itr , l 7 p.. o i.l ii: tl ; l: riii ti v ,, it ,,i t: 7 1 64ti(blerebliiiiiVel:4 1 0 e., ~'••••je •'' .' • - ',..:'2`• •• ' i•il tfiferierdiVer*Wo7 - 74fire - iiaireidataiiii `I llavp itveaniA!ktliiiibTo9 6 947 o 44)o, l sooonliiiiii . minds 4 nil 'w!viite or sump of its;contrry,orq,, an ul tiiiiiiiAi'llifriltilM,?tOtirliii,,4 6'64' 46fithdo'lltdP.'0 WhiCh tit'shiiil t lux xi-•iprcircOentt i feet* thor , :' t' ft i ll tj3loo,o l shall q , ,r,T9,l4r.,tpo,llaggv.'”, t . Fiße ( •gyPWWltittiliiiltionAoHtitoke liilk 'about arkvdry . lur !fill blerhlrii,"aihithly uffiinnttlaibwilvlsentivp• ' 1 iiii i ir 'is prro_u!!;t4 o,lp frO*.„y, l ,- Oittprllliniplnt tlderli;•tn &Ty w' nierrei On d'ft;' , 4ll . 4 Hy 'but few .ilfirtvViKlVlOrrit)Prihtotto:wa(itifitio .titiotre*lctioll Eeil9qpvc, 0, kipdeAphilP i . liimilika,;‘ fl es fin'n 4, rundampqiiilirgment,-„1. trust giete,arsi wit I,any , setito. irPtliiie Vhiti6iiitlioh Ohl iiariOlaseit" tell& ~l,yk lc, .. (;r Otice ti1f0.640 40 11 1 0...9TTg9149, YAW) mrint• (Ilion such 'ai,crineverioh. L'OrtrasayeaK very, 4thffilietillifireittg4 4110t,t4di; ' 0 . 440 01414tlikOtle *Pdittic 6 ,... 4 4.4MtWr i 4 l o6o,4ool 4 t ii *ett rureammorna ,to,* -0 14 ,vtarveria,_ _u 11 bfeet Milli% . 651i/ligirk' q tbioOr iiii*Piiilitlieli radii - A:Rita gnit Iltegigri#llo/f9rvo4s , ef4)3 , 19,= 4 .419,910.: r tr0, 19 V1, 0 .; 1 .14f1 ated .....: ' ..... -.- , ~. -,, ...., .. ~ I' r„ .: hite it Weligt,thectri'opeitittlititikatittiilititiknQ? fil i,V,, , t:VVAilltitii . FtP,9s'r.?. ' tITO i i it'44AtirritATt 1 • Isduride'd rytkOolortiag --Iv inei,,Nbewis:.ll4 , o w liirt ) .tfiiiip i 4t'by l olo(lll ; riiiti*seiiifiaiiiiirtiltt rbilitli,"4ll9lo,4oo 6 ollo9e o Matklito.o,l6l94il'it fiiikv k. ',_rtivßllitio - „qicPapitio 7 , . 'DOE,' .itsvoropre hvlridlit'AligirriA; fir,,,l44liove . ilfto..-Ciaiii e*Wrilit, itjoifkil indilagite•44Peri , l4 tVgpoic . ..0 .1 0 ,4 1.4 . tiguyidaolot.. , 40,0...artiviixtition'liq'Ingctio,' th ou iliiiiis,„ w ill iirlritriiiiiviAlrvii6iiiis Ilbria'alliiiiVet .610 ,ex5490 441.040; .tOtai, , .nraiiiiinif Our () I Y,IOI. if, 'opti ?,;. , :gliiiriifick,looq l kr `" - •mly 14(11 tliViiißldtr4t 6o 7.4 ll l lo " ticir4titoitoti 4 -,, - . , .... 0 Ak.r: J r ' 1 , _ 1 1 . ;2 r i,4 l, • .' ,- ,'-';' - J 4 k7:.:;,, ,- J± - .4:;,: ANNEXAT USION;°; MIMI ._ • • • ••'"' • It s or - ` , IJETTEk. t' IIIOI TOP 44 4111 p'r • r ,„ , 14", :4 1 A404 1 # 14. 1 . , °lni ttf4oo4 4 ', 1 544 b * - rtre'eteed. We litke the 104 IliMP i kOni . Pneff'ttielle - liim . itee,fit -- t 1 assert fliii , ,Appicti i tit , vtiti. kiirPfhleizfiniß * C l an -,01 1 - ciPr ' Ifi? iltUr .... PenneyNetiituijieiiffel,ietelte ifiightile'ntiniinn'ee'to':tfielnitilie tielxViVirlitilin.l4l ll oofut OttefeL inie which, might be deemed' pe . ' f ,restidepliel - .'lle - etilni%yefrclechiles j letlMPlation'l itheli:,adhe're.. It kit pleffiiie.foriaceliptinglkonilliiblidl r j . I.9entlernen,,.:.ltagree , with .y,ou 7 thie . .thniiiii'iiMildlo 'benefited .. --, ... , io tie. 'Mun 4 e!ni."ltiblitliitert Atti;*entid. WhiN 4 'plfgey 1 ti liPinr l3 lo l, l•74 MY . ° hi.it , i'f ) kiE;iit , TlA,47,i pfei on, 4 weys - t " le niree wmit If enneyi;mnitt t,n' re. fined to'; 'fiehli?i , retieeii'ie'ei:wri6ieiirli.he . ;ifiiiiilMP ' Tociii!gil 0 1 - VPl.u!OlftniilloY.9i*P . f4l4Y.PsfifTie-; I ed. - There wee no merely, p. coy:gip! ,cone . nr!etfee; , Im(tini lifihnate'friendihip, betvieen';,hei' FiTiiiisNl ' Smiitc,'Xiacpek,Ntietlfb.Eifetv,oond otherfdistirw geiehed - einfe, and men. in•Aie,Cnezi 'Fie; y,lrip de,. : -cliii.ed_tlieiii4Lkiiiiiiinitetellitso 1 ia'itifg ; v I yore Opthamilorzothel•oemindift:Oitiiene of .th M. Othte,,in , aylng,•,,ttlPi f.P.9Ftchni9n..,of , i thcifYietionel; "qietilyNfter a'reterMa 'Peace. , Viiny'e.nel4i 'gottectiott I, of rapjfLintitottt4t2pelgioimfinidheLtre4.: isiceting vy Nell, 1,10.,‘ , e dill:lc:eft, frem I,'enneyivitnia. 1 itytis peitoictry Waiii riet,'"Viti - tiniiiiie when the/Jennie Of VonesylvehitilVei4.myedele! belik(VO ' that you `were, not ; Ow _liiend 4 7.-Acting - ntiger ,de rnaiiiil Pie): "Isonititi aiziiii the 'beet'llencji, rind iinon'ilie,6:mvintton, th et truth i e .imin i potent - 4 ' a nil ' 4,iittik , _Tes,tice_perleinvi.,..tmec. tileM,iolerit9d rcr2 eeb :pmee'Ckst Veen `IIIF, itilieEnme: Me: ' I %eve -4.. been diaammioted.:-.l.etend,....vindientetWin, the and by the:tripoutunUetni - acelaptatintis; of •MY . Tke Antral:Ty itrid,hraiii.. n of my; enemies! vitt ill , rin danbe Treirtipt , periqn: 'yeomen in-tlunto zittrieks. ;t -yerver,siono,of,my-lat,- gtiage.iniSrtipresentatirins of my oourso, old scraps frotirtaltered and tib'soloto'neUßPßPerri-LCvetiTub:' ricatiou'und-fttrgery,urc ,tnid.will.coutipuet 40, .b0 emPloyeilto vituperate and ( Allay me. Btit like andA shall c eimain Itsvxdrieralitela there , In the meantime, I cringrattilata you on the, bright end chee r ing Proene'uto of meet • •Liftliat ,Ptig P.ofrioy believe,. not; Henry - to the prosperity of Penbulvania, but to 'that cif the whole Tinton: •Chappimedio ho in the 14190ft0 Of - 4opy_esenta tires ivhe n an important part; of that policy eignally triumphed. The Teri IT of, 1849 has beetrbitterly denouncell, Lind gross °pi -theta applied to repeal-wits pronounced; of 'be a favorite object of our, political opponents.—, They have a majority actinic fifty or sixty in the' A 'hill refival".. 'that' Tariff hairlieen pending, a great partof,the present session of., trust roes. And yet,-yesterday, on a test vote, n inajoritkutthelffouse'Llecidoil against the repeal.' ing hill,Jsal , hig the .. ,Tally: of. -I bp, in WULL and, SALUTARY nernATrork .... l This deciiion . was an In -yolunteht-coriceision of'our-politiewl-opponents-to's wisdom and Pel/fie / ' 64 , krlh7iig policy, pro., deiced by the returning prosperityof the country, and theunlightened But, gentlemen, Ihave-a. much , luglihr,,grati6- cation than any which could . ' derived frorb-that - decision•eNthe - llotise of 'Representativesiss St thit - the people-of-the United * Stides, fraiWthe St,. Johns to tho - flabino, who have:beep so. long diVil dcd andargitatednirtficottestion alba:encourage went of Thmostic Induatry,'• are about to acttle down in'union'and harmony,' upon tbc_coultable basis of raisin •rovanucfrequisita to an economieul'admintstra. tion-of 'the Gueernment, exchiaively front. foreYgn , imports by a Tariff so adjusted as that, by prop: , ei,discrimination•just and reasonableancoorage: ! Jack Blida - be oalendedlo ilpterican Industry.; May' this happy union anti harmony pervade all other great measures of, public pelloy,,aittl,-fitith-1 infoccur to disturb the - peace, to sally the char acter or chuck the onward and gloriouslnarch'of t our country,: . , • am your frien4 • And obedient eervent, H. CLAY - ,- - Tiic j l~ri£ish ' 'Tarlf ill. The ICew York Tribune, speaking °like defeat: of Mr. M'itay's Tariff Bill in the Lions() of Rep-, reaentatiree, snys " We rejoice that this destruetiee bill, directly calculdted -to cripple and paralyze Ameriean In-' dustry—to throw the country back into the peen. - Wary and industrial abyss from which- it- , has i slowlY and,surely extricated . -r -itsolfhes beer k kil. led.in lieuse, because we regard this n r t pal• Talk iir - epn.feasto'n of jutlgmentlii - Lifecyrosi : eh the main4issile before the People. NO tinias ure'or the last 'Whig 'Congress' has been' more' unaspriritigly abused An ttmiatenreacnted thou.-the Tariff Of 1842.. It has hews-held ulho the people ara.rneasunriframed toaaggrandize the;Rieh. o t. tho.expenae of, the pOor, !.--ta secure , fbrtnriesjo i the ileiauTaciurere . ' at the exPens j o_ef 1110 Tanning } intereststo increase tho 'prier? . of,...ttli.the A"oor, olds[ liuy; rediceia that of s `placed himeafrotiritiord tiso'OPplaSed.to'.thippre, *sea ;Tail - 11;160th ;hi piindiple , thricr detwil,V4 rid/ nnw,,eflor a i wholoowihter _of,prepirationl. and, log ; I ;n l ; sB tit9#"tl! ,lLi ot J cr i cituclts hatriiehri Weld to 'drill' the A 4) :to support it Itiriaofioial in ti6nO - .ltgeiristll.ltif Whigs 'id7riC9344 ; 9lPAR bi3A)"9,!.. s l.emPlatqle)tr)Po9.:!94/11,... r °OI°3 ISI4 , I 4 r.PTFIT t TAO ITTIF niArP f eckqi - anoWii3o - tioi=dOfa r ration-ofitillitfverportttol-:-flut , lAll:46l4le(Pthi - Oligh th'ellfiAide,kand tido 014 Beti;:' Shied Pliatertk of irliioitilYilie;Whig' .Bentaortit, ottiodlroodyit;oi naillit to =iiie tabliktut b4mito:vjeltdoo;i:ll.39Fl 4411 14 :414. '4rlql(l4 l ll9F i ',3Cl ll :AN' 3 iiift fermi • IMIeB3i4 °k!!NSCP,PafPRYTtYi!ISMITIPAIfq, , O774 P 7 i - i v60 ';"' .2 4)q4 1 .4: -11 1 1 ' . 11 1 "41 . "; 4 . 1 .1, at t i tit4 1 ,!0, 9 1 `House li ' Vhi't'E OiitinVerolitps einco conaiotw siiioteititloa; '• loco -,olinoit of Gai;Mieeselieflier,r6llol4 +Of Pai shit two ',"(wit.tWoolfrintitilpryloittt:l 4 What • Ititio.to cooteltt ktYrilovfalltt3(tcar I Ali% hltatOfe, t R°l;rliilS - I.i.,?l°r7 t i#M#Plr.l.l l l49.r.ttYiAllblFt?;, .flut.lllo.Wpige :Oid;otitipot; l a"mt. the wit - if tiro WlVtiotoririatneifiii imvtitc "ki kill, ,1 1. ,1 .1. , ,i5s lifidmiititykielnifilto4 itlytpot h q3ti'lliavil4CF - m 661634 ' 11 9. 12 ti PO'' , 9 11 ` ,1419 " .1 Qi, R 0 4 1110 e 9 " 60 " 4 /Pt i $ 180,11 144 ° AP 4I YA1 111 1 .91 MoCimidn'tllTAVT i Or, LI PM/Oti 11 4 4 91 k ' t i a . IFFIRP , T9t7f I itMA Y s be lTij il AO bt eli / A , an ribrlTn47lisPir7l,9:l! NVIIPIVACrt Itna Soaalifilf: has thlou g in it it apett vindicjite,, iiid WAiild.i'gi ili,iftik3v*lll4, , dvieail Tottiai 4114464E14 t;lEktilik,f4l740 1 kmitaktict.oliktiittwAllow3 l .l9oleatwiricattbot PiFikaokryiwitapOftelithos 0 , 0 , A* , pr` ?0 1 0 P s . , trA49WY,fof ) PMal lt )liittliti' OM tieOgliplligtVlAtTE, 14 °UPI/e'll totatat t op 'poo,iierenc a a t ti Li tiaainVpr,stipr 0- taitaie ditrA*WitilifinkiWOnnAMPlNl . liA l 4ifi d,WOW.l4o ii *' -It " 4 1 /* 64 4oogin* 1-4tkihi44l4-14 ' 0' 1 44* , 0 .I,oooiSe ..,..,100 r Fiiiiiitiiiii4 TAI i''' , ,',k,' , li. , l' . . ....,.....„ 1 ,,',...., ,,,,,,,, "e: .-- ,1' ~" , 15 . f N ''' l ii - '''. tv , iit — d,i'et;ll.-: ''renv-) vid,..• I i .7. ktiF ill#o ' :',, "ilYir;‘o t,t, 01; PIT I , , 1g0i.4 f. ' ..". I***A+, 9,c, :::.,,, A ',A pc...i.:§f: wailti',4\ b. . '`. 4 ititti r :o4iii,47; ~.7 : -.4,l:l")tfiese . .t,--.,,,_i.,,2, - ,r , qh -,- ,,.. , .. 1 , 2, ~., ..' 4 "l;gfir-,`... , s . ''''' - '' - ‘t;:e'YAk - •-f--r•i=',,--, t - ,1 blpo rtiloscrimolt- iviletit tir48,786,705 btie h. '..-; , n , 1-•'.;.f.(1 ,- e iN#F is etorii..ilia, s tnciii,:kaildic vizi; j00p,9,8R, 6uArip:, ' ;', k . -,., .. ' ' .. 1 :- rren - hifyiiinili,'tiA;.":l;tiiiiit4iiie;;: , iii;'!,:9;4tJ;637 l .I) iff' 69lB ;': ,, -I . .:ift I .:i. - 1 -.:,,, 1 , ' --;,. •, T '1: ...•,- , i 'in .'; P.(l6l7;lilvanfa ' ilso.ttici . naos;4;l;c4ivhetit; 1, 408 '.. , -.4i i, c ..", ~ I .4'. i'..... • i,,,1 , :.: .1: ‘ l, rLI ':. , . ; ...Tett.99.esee ,th.o. most • Inclia l n dorxq.iiz i“67it ' l 3B . A 47 1. bushels.' • ' • . ' . - ' rlltrYliililliti - - in'ciiif ikittitiiii;riii. r : ' . 6;& - ii..l - , 6i . 2‘ , busiith., ~ ., . .i. . 5 .,,.. , :`, :.:-., . •,,, ‘..,,,, t,, i ,,, ', .Ico v i r .Atork. thi, in ose-I-Iny, viz: ; 4,295 - 00 ,ipos. VirginiaAhOliiose Flux a44,:ficip', VII? . . ,' .. 1' ,1 713'. ' iPOI I OE I . ,' ', ' I/ 'i,', ?.....'`.'.- n ., ~ .. ni. ..' .. ' :... . 1 . , ,... ... 1 ~i !Kentucky thr:i racist tobacco , vii:: 52 322,543 heontis, . , 'Georgia the I most le:;ittaii,' viz ' , l 85,758,138,,,11ie':. I.?' South - p,afeliiiiillieriiicialitize,Tol'zi - -tif,894i . 807 - poaiiiiii.' ' ' ''' `‘ . ._ Corhieeticut the mon. silk, ' , ,r7. i.,140,97,0bi.= ;- • `'L9piNinna7„the-inost; - eagArvi; - 1 - 377.7,13:51).04!" No li_Cn`cdlina 'Tnio - f;L:-W.iribprji.L;l7,3.47 . WpiAnnex. the table eluiviing the ppcoppytion t . of: -Whoa. inieed Vica`cli Suitii: • • , • • WiIEAT. Nraine, New Elpipshiro 11Inseachusetts, Rhode [slaw]; 'Corinpstic.titi " .Vermon,t New Ydr \ it, PennsyNania, 'Delaware, Maryland, . - Virginia;' North Carolina, Soutli'Carolina, 'Georghi,, Alabama, ' Mjesi~sip ii, Louisiana, 'ronnesece, Kentucky, Olin,. Indiana, ' , Michigan, • Florida, Wisconsin, Liwa, D~ticCof:Co uT i~na, 191g11,1 With- raga to the season, :Vir. - -Ellstyprill euygr "Takertas a thro ugh the plTiiting,lrow ing-ttnd--futrvcat-perio he:season - has not been', ro fittiorable , year isjsi the previous ones. The autumn of especial during thejatter, Pak, of the -month .of cleptember and ...nf October, was very rainy,•and Ihtt.sruVing grain was no dgubt.,•very considerably affented_by this cause. The winter. of 1842-.3 was a severe . and ,proteacted one. ' There was scarcely , ' tiny: spring, but-frosts and 'cold weather continuqj in many parts even Jane. The snow wadi quantities, was so covered over with crust, and: lay so long; that flu: 'grain ,bcconto thoroughl y winter-killed. 'f he cold rains of the planting sea. , son for corn, too, delayed, ii, same days-or weeks.: IThirvariation - of - tlta wcatito - r - was - tinecqeded al; most at Onect bylliurbing.lietWartilLthe BOP 'bochino , baked and paroba4, bY,it eovere.drong,litovithout. the benefit ,of rain, . This fasted thronalt the, month 'of 3nly-tind •pkrt- ofAugust; and 'the .corn and potatoes sufFered greatly' by those alternations' of the season. :-There - - were likewise mouvlttal rains 'end early ft-erste:after dais long dry petiod,' reaching ;over- (lie:Usual tiMs-`.of -.harvesting .'oft *some. of.-the meat: • important crops. PO the. -Whole,.therefore, tke been Rush that the crops have girestly. suffered.' The Instant of : the rain and, draught has _been, unuo,ual, Wc,, seldom find complaints'or theSe causes So general throughout .the countriaThiring the past . year:_ 1 . Tim following:remarhs, In connection with this subject, also possess interest. By the aid of chem. I Wry, it is asserted that the wheat growers of . 'Franceteve succeeded in douldingthe ihaf - kiriddom;tittd niw annually harvest, more : jutheat 'Than is gortntsClildreat Britain and; the States. .Science, to, hris l etititilcd'tbikiii: ,iculthristanS.Eaglaad '''n'at'Odry''!ii• atilt 'as iplah , hay?rianV'an aota of land as 1119 i did' twenty-five yenta aka . , tut to 'keep - tie too 'eh "'Man 'y - cattle, sheep, and' swine` onAht . i.eiiiii 'an ou 0.,, 'food isiikey.'o;-ithi , ol" oaatltit4itinalialWiee'liti . 'ma ch' heat litatlati; dod iiitiOW; ; Whel,'64iioc oCi"d lahit . Ye.li'ohiTtrtilit,i'lV:ilil;tll . ie?ll4 a? ;;:iio4l7i -- ivi: , 2, 1 '4 ? , ii;:riitl' , .;nyiliglerJql4iti klitlYQic94l.- kafeti Zikilere, of Jand ip LaVandeeolotiOefti.o7l *Pik , eFAeRi itiv/icnii ' l ‘ 4B lk, ' em5ge01 111, t4 4 4 , b 0,(4,- ; !,imgckp l I j. 100.01; tf.:preplinoro• than tyitba,,usgal hilithadi;aaii in Itiliwitiors hie. t produati was douti b10.t.--Xtieilm i.was twiny ~ e ars sance,..w en . , lejteerelfekwitleht,thowiLlteah—vettently.lntatie;:tuldi lite vaikatimihn6it,, : iesitlis fiiiiiiiheebi attejleatet 11m544109ni!,,-,..xercovci.io9o,: ':i (Wm Tikat - qe.: , fegi')9?fi , r l Pf. l lo..l-iii il fT .tsJaci'ic!!,4ute,kitUt9fiV.j , '. itis l it ooueetttf iaetyles i „on,Fi)ich t he ftr.l,..?rity , k pi o64;l d in' 00.,Ainiianiars i thi i . 110; ~,,d.t. ' 'itigatiltieti'Whibli!: -i iiieyVtiiiiia'cii : ldtte`!ixA4ii • `64)iwti,k4airskiairiviikilEiSi,t;red'iiiitail •r•liiiiiL4l'; 63:Fkipc 41.1910 , ,410:00y.iciTpiii00,:: thatiinitcal) :!1111.",'''T130 Aiwn'ir , ,kcVPPFLgti , te for Flhoit - inati4 - I i getTe tt IiFIR4I I :IYMIT I V I F4; YOrVartviratiii are, or ,t/tolio of enitarp ; ts . ,aot milky lialtxtm:ctli o 'er.Aet tqd'illAiiWtititlikeitiiritiOalio, u inq iisiti, 'doi - t24'eleiiiiiiioNitif/41, 1 e(vit.ge 64'0 41;6104 8 0W ti 6 n fie 04 riallic rindiiiiistrualtufieti'iWillaii(lia c - el& , ' initiiA.iTATNollpifi*ROh9: 4 4 4 4 41:Iiiskar .41446! llOPP l ,99 l Wits , fiis,n)ilßii,kihAi94)oistie* r w 4- i' .pzP,N , 1,,y,.,,,,,V.C,'"4 . - 14;. z, , Vt•i'' , i', , ii`t' W 4, • •`Il ' ' i'lil ' dame I'l3:6ll ' iiC ipag....ba . e'al l ai3iiail alsoio;ilei "open ttoti7htlicittatifill'iattiYadelli 144 , 4fi t ti' It f ilia l ' hitiatiettiti4,lliefijiokilaitTplikigitlit , fli b'it'e; 'rind ihth** * 6 l ,4: l -**4:ePti ll4 *. s ,l4i l 4 ) . rlda' ifOr4lo49 l . l rtsAkqa* l4 3,!Cifit MAN litgillitilithgAil, 4 1 j5.143Airi4,ffit.,(9 , §0.*4.4444, 00fooklqA1 ittAlfiteT tiNp,"*Prt9V*Ktli 1 Pe'ilt.e,`,`,tt?Ark.umul % reit % a l4, 11; j?kY 9 Aff' ' ‘ Atieineiiiipurerement, 41ien 10 , inumiwinietii 'l44 l s4o44 . 4o64l4l4titaii i a'irAlige Willi' 44044044 iiiikeliti'tiiii(bi'irtilatighq l .4ticoliiltliii ( 'ilagg4tiotte :nietie:kre,o:**driraiitisaii , 4 .. v4,o*ii,a,Yo4oc4f *Ociki4ltiltiiiiiiiiii4 4 r , r !Vii0*3 1, 11 1 401414.909441#1i0 1 4 0 ' . chi. . ArtP, , 11§914, 9 r10 , ..ii.. o r? ,pm wilt lair ''l ' ' it, has "i, tf,i l i ot * 4 IPVIMV 11tqlct ,1 *****1 r ..- ltpoitiktaVitti46ll'l.** l 44,ooll4 Noolgtio*liiceoporoktorichisW, - . 44- 0 .- 406000,004014.,i4 -o,mem 4/,'m = peri ~, . .wrnteft w it,i— , i!. tr 4 , fili • • lek ( *O:ITP , f 9 6 , ' a 0un5 1 44 46 4 , 001 0 ;:0 'li,4oi it gm.xPeYO:ilvv.tellvorti., 4 4ti.li Vafit4etuin. l ''' 4 . • : N, ; (k ,", The followirv, Baia Mr: -Ellot thero cohohl-, 'comPettilii'- 41 Pithirit,"!P° 6 6 ° 1161 4 - e 4 :l tlik#l4 l o4*tis Y,lM o : 9 : lol t ,' o: 4 i ii O 4 IPlFCtiqg'N l (l4,ol,PßKekoßti' , ..4"mi\'''4l '#i?,gojtilral 1141 . 41010 Alf tligalleFit o h,nd, hy reedit"ihO laosttiit'lli,•ti• ihreivi,Tiii' cuit., lAanfi:wantetlilll6o;inie_dinftnitdOW'. , ti 94%,. I #cm, 4"iltlili'0 1 : 1 4 l iii:-wilh4"' M,IY-'i11r,41# 1 .4 0 .4.?kn0.4 12 °*9±1iF , 4 .I ' l iqFk i tO l e3.l l . o ! 6 ;l t ' he4-01 J 44.-4, A 0 ; eintalang'itio.iirtthieiii,faiiitiftei.itis di;kl 4 , ri , z.o'.; ;;;•?',.,1 ? :.) 11, ;',.., ,•.-,,,..-.. jilrelleliciiliit;ll iii`illpie ' ell( '''' , 't pluinnplrbarik;?oitriable Oqieldfirii :niti4 o ,of:white flour{ with; alaYge On: portian'nf',Ontpth . an.l34B: lop : ht:LI:Ao ...ioiiiki 413.*. , ' ThPlin*er,? o , k'FF, l 9t l B5 4 If.*KOalli s . 7FYiiirT' l / 4 ' 'Ciderieltab'orlteui;c4* tileisin'tid''o - fylersev.badi,' ,; tliff,.. ii . “,, citimii,pot v,.., !..i_ olt , . - 4' “4:..i it 441 .. It is salidOnalis pasew4on 1 . .5q varieues:produccd, . II ones ~c)lif' " 111 di 'IP ' . q l4 liY iti: ! and _ a iers,,and ia. new have. lie& e oliyty sii i ari ! iiiidih.i,,..tt tiiie6).''".'"` '''". ,^ , ,,.,1T ...,,,,ta...i.k.:..; +l4iii j,,;-,..i,r;-,: , • = •'' (17! , The ;Rev. Thoi.lls Stool toitpoftholdettim - , . 7 r ,6 4 1 t, nrc i.i?.iv...APecO! 1. 11 .9 f ‘en dity, gait oolynlon,, t_Almt..,T,9le4 att;,. 'the met'. tin'. WO relative bearings of, and . 'exalitineaL • •"1 • • tftiiiitt,•iiir,FaCtit , rtleent' berphiation more; cseneation upon•Abit platfortu.k , tir,l the'' noMiektioti: Frelingintitien:o Ms - Iv - Dem or.r at Or as a. Vit 'MA tie a Chriatiau idgard'thiti movement.- As Frdlibettlyiten'ttaid.' fo . liAeptltitifin• friends vrho . waited . 0 poly Id m A reeently•to;congi.at.• elate' bird upon Ills nomination-," we are W hip Heat; • Whiga la s h antlr.WhigsMay '1 say—We are Christians firstk.Cliriekianalas4 and; Christians always, (applause)-1f gentlemen of die D'em,earatte party 'Mid' faith.' with: be for Ails alluding settizis subject,Taartor them ,givor:us better' mani--(continiieAsdnsalleit) but until yen do, tor shelle,pay4 w.lhe-ballot? ? oiYh t feelitivbittc, lakh. - 10^:regarOhe horn.ja'athes paid ;o th.P/Lria- Lion ration and 'the Christian man." ,(Grcat cheering and Sensation) • • • 785,4§4 ' 40;782 -190,726 -- ` ' ' 91,622 - . %:10,655 . '971,727, 12,215,231/ • 333,197 -3,391;535 9,094,359 Annexation in Georgia.. 2,2p7;66. 1,3'26,974 .90G.909 429,3,54 0:7•Tho Savannah (Geo.) Republican informa l us-of-Tr-Whig mooting-held there on, Tuesday tiiiif-of the largest and most Ih del isti emit tneetiod'iii rfeelB4 Vita Republican, „ if we 'areto judge ofthe state , o f. public sentiment among our. friend's, from their prompt -and. enthu sinstie responses to the various ,ientimerite of the spealtersw`o might venture theitinioniliartsevummilerauy - circhmstances,. has the party beein more unanimous or zealous" . - tri the - support' of its principles inn ice men.-, Wo have not heard_ of the first boon yet who fal: tore on the Tetan humbug,-and We feel 6,317,254 18,786,705 7,225,566 84,182 2,986,705 5,9.96,270 686 666,711' 495 513 . sorence that our gains (millet question *ill more than counterbalance the loss (Tali stragglers who -may .che nee-to-find.- a..-conyen len t.-resting-place itaong 'the-agitators. Whatever may be The _views.af.the Whigs-upon thaCsuliject, they are too old in their experie6ce .pf:democcecy;to be' -willing to place the adjustment.in-its.Jamd-expo. rinlly ,with the "conditions annexed.'' They, consider the various calls ll'or meetings without if party, bs paiittiug not :so Meal to :ntioh of Texas as to.the r6anncra rgia and the other Southern States to DEM ~....„ • Tire ii^otoorllie. Treaty.. o:7•Fieth What we can athes, says the New ) ''4 - ailt - Evening Post, fronr - tholies: Durres; -- N9 crin • far that the Senate of the United tutus divid ed on the question V the Arinexiition !of - Tease, as follows : , - ,• •..• •,. .. •• . Against, A nnexatinri--Evens, Fairfield, Adler ! . ton, Bites, Choate, SimniPna, Frances, Hunting- • ton, 'Niles, Phelps, Upham, Tullmedge, Wright,: :Dayton, filillor ' Beyard,Clay.to ,Rives, Aieher.,Mangtim, Berrien; Ninrebon'l, Celt lenden;Foetei, Bernagdri, 'reopen, Bae'roiv,' Johnson, White, BantonAtzbinOn, Porter, Wood. bridge. For .Annexuelihr-ULevt- Woodbury, Buchanan ; ; - Siurgcon, 'Hey tyouVIIT -- "geiylVPDillfie; — COlgnltt7 , -Haimegori, - Hendeiaon,' Welke'', Semple, Bioes , • Sagby, Lowis,,Sevior,; Fulton.' ; • Thus there will .be 33 yokes aguinft, and 15. in. forty of tlto pyyjc9tots now prolipnted. , „Of those in favor nprexes, orOono ie from l!i;ew,Eriglend, nrid fionciiie l fro° States generally„ Of ihotie . aiiias'ctitePeelistie,i6"drii' fr'om ` slave _ . _ . , _ • States.' • ' thi Con voutlon,at 'Cleveland The Wiumpe,thy !mikgra,R,ailar.va , bald a con vention at Cleveland, ou Ahe 15th instant, attend "ild bY o uly,"w4rds.% 611,3,!n, thousatiat good Wistia„ .wila wet , V KatAfY.Aha,,u9mill.aliaall'alitlit4( ll .4 lll-, more, ofCLAY 9 1 (1,'4PL , 1!N9H!, 711 SEPIL;Th,o: ditderenteountlii!lpplaceri In tagettittiVpijghlii?:llll. ,iilh:iiieir'fingsliiit I;i:nriers, arid tIOPon - i;6Vg. .Oriaiiiireil bytiiii,litiltoilslP 'Ullllll4'o' thehfiiiiiiillO" -1-1do:-Ellsiii ilibltthiloy; 411' , 'rtirri elioultj, ,ILeittirer ,Iklltrefread#om9hir;Clay, , :Governot &Ward, 61) illalogaaAjlirdatiof—littrl4-tuitt4arsaMelnito,r -4ndLiifeoch.yas;doliveted,by,hyt,lll,orArtyso tisi'at • 4 4 1, 41'Mi1- ii t i : t stl f t r iYiit)Ts t erd,l?PliTY , ..;. °, t ir tcl .and,othurs, ~ , ,- ~,,, .„. ~ .., . ~ , 'O/ 1... , ..ti , ,.... , 11 T't ~, i , l f Y. I'. li-1 I- 11.1,,,11 1A.113011dISIlberile• 'lf, I.l=X , •" 4llif i litt'stt tAliie, , etathouo ilinditrOXimMlOntitit i'nl - ! 1 , 't ` v . CirtPaßf'4,',ATrAhlff9l9h!licir POOOIO4OI, following mad solionm;: . ,. ,-- , . - 7 .— t. , .. . C;:litialifi l itfr Tat'llitiliilitilliealletl'eMiatilliitylisg; repiAtioglylinahjlhotOigrelitlTtniicitysforiithelincoto potation o,c,:thiiptitiliis:lol,o - 0,•fodoral$19lop0, 1t \iilllibraditio ft 6ii ti44 l br itVO'Stath 'Otlidiir attain.the ivent:of AU relegtiMk;if,the3trim sifi 11 1 " xa t i Ol'Pri k ili n krpl I Z I4 1 4, P 0"-f 'Fl, .4911: ,ap liorNir . aa6 ipa twli (li epulilibiir Oxus, aul4eat till iluvuonstitutithial netithitilif thlittill l !gkrosiCof,thp Iluitod..§tstestrtho,phieht,o l vvAlß,h l ', irr he tti j eietid?tlici' holanailiti , orLoolealiut.tp let analedvilhialhwilurAt 17 4 ° (I'III'M I. I 1q4 6 ".n !I" , IP I ! l '.otOgitining . tobilA l l l i4 l feiliielsaill;tiliaS. ' deeper 'l!F,i'th I T,c l±;a3:tq'Mi i i a lihtl' ha ilLAPOPlE Oil: lipmulaultr% Th ‘ a t irrhalbllarAßtair Itiltt,', l 4 l lalitit ° it htliqii,p' Tile:celit lotto ''itiovoial in 1 . t "WO ri'il' P O direct .violatjpir of l.ho 1 th lae o o . h tira illr!W/5" . Qhg9Clalill's l ,9 l ll9P,Orl.tlll4 l .l 4 oSilge, ll l .1 1 A - iNginTitiq%if, 4l l9'i4o l 4,ll4sis h lYti .l ifir f . t ri t l tii alil Tl 4 °l :P ec g l VAire: uti gl i'ii4 - • ,TUTC 1 018. 4 ilitja*h ,am nfention:4 icitJ• i . '4411144 'AI9 `44a . illik:V.TlViik t iiigi MIN? i+ittitilktiollitiltdr4 9 this`•ttlallonVl4 9 s.4 . lllCoV •vutitiO4,ar iiwOrii/rall. 4,tii;e4; ! YO)9 II; ( '' 91 ) . TfigiflW#ll l o 0.11., . follinavilaiht*,),6o,oroo4; ifiAn ~ , crholv, 110111 ivnutitlegiliell it l t 'rill, lidlieb" aniti 'At eg 4 trilioelvevd,to vita n4d. 4000tilfetiWIANilftegiAg OfitotilitiOirft) f ior 4 Ilos oi all sorts nava 'eon 'p r Into ,nototlety-- laglatilichnilittsl6l4tht#Ml lhontiAtadlikunelo thOlppill.k.'ll4lo% , ...k s t 44 t1 01.0 4 ,p.fty.: in. . ey,,,: 1.., . 00., lea ,agent .4 !.:01/7, 0 0, 1 tkiilil , ~6 6.4 1k 1 4 1 7 8. , ~ , v•toora , oase duel ll n nni. q 0 mriN iNtikAffintOtti IX hi' l'ltilvkirar titvolkt'' , rifiv..&:...., t _AI cure' 14v1 r.,. tt° ~.,.••.."‘,..,•••••• • , I 23:1= Ohio.. c #►eknt'on ; The j --:: ...se' ~ 40., 4 1 00 , 5 4 g 1 r ikk0t0i , :,,;(2,9,k,, , . „ . .ii• t e r ~,. 1 , 4 1' ibejfilleigient tii.: 't 6 . o .111j4 atiktia *Xel It Pl.. ) taTth iv, tikti l pVellon,,,, j .%;--. 1 %L..-. . ' --..., , . - ,l, i r! - - m-Ic e lfty IV- . .the ?".4 0 4 i -jrti et : l4 r.". l . A ge° ;'4*: - these papers are •.• • ' - ';.' .; : ,-: ~._-",, - Finn:that' their; is Via, Written 'evidence' in the. PgPiir‘akiiittitsllitii..iirtliciiiiiporttint :facilitated lilAt•Slii,ll4l4.olattetctifiNinuary,ll§o7lB44;' ilfatilhe iireihalthier orthfs Vilierdnienr ,f l oilli6 - . 4nanexatipplpftpxna , harr.beetirldr'thif,prinitnit , id amid •,by , the Govelnnint of Tofite. ' Virl3 thus 'learn that }inert leas ,:cctil l e_moiLluiparta", xxonimon a onsinnweeny-Ahla .4overminent. , :a Texas was, not inade in.writingl, ~There are other • .annarrieirtbionc - nimbnxbtfvf-arputtntiportsnci, 4fLvaibieivi-an,iseenrit,thrufirbili*lwcaptaetifoMe k i a yo seen_ antong: 1143. doeuraenta.for . example, no Iviitten or printed nt:Mimi kiflbroxtgreement di lundeistonding between the !MO-Presidents - a -to ' ,the efripliayrnent.of .our-isuni" and nartmOrerui, tfie 'it outoutinlder brititi fOr t 'oikrtilif 4hicti rsinistrante, to. put himaelfouv.„promiffy.,as i Typplicablk_! _ ,Communication_ .vi illebter, Priieldene of Texas.-....,, Thei , e mrot hose bgen;ftionipßOAriVeifientlor ?n -rderatandipxp,:Or,. hOir ; ,:tverill..\ ibp,• . ?T'sgiitiiti.;:. of I ,texari knowSor iiiliat_porposti gip,. commander_ of the forces of thi - tiiiijo4 gviceii,li4o.94 l 63qon: AolliatiOdittiSH-;itlY,liiii'Pf%`.?',,e.',r *:.:...'''.' 'l l , JSecopdly.' , :7llriconettiirlitinrent..Was , 'well' , l,.' t are, rhen it vol unteered! it* proposittow,potexaa , ti. be anritiXriditp, thet s trpited,StatarOSl.,.thezPOY,r` .ern ma h`t. o f Next oriv.i.,didn.KrOkard o VVA n.'#.o' linlepeldent power, lAA 'll`ll - aiebellichre in,iv.inoe4 1 , - • non d. w cluhl act . a nocrdinglyi : In,iti.ratatinpi:o4th . 'Texas' ~ ; 1,1.( ':.....-h • I . ; ':, : , -:,fr :.Pi.• .:,, :---. -. 1 . - . ,, ; ,- - 1 4 The lotelitreneer adds .Pthereie nothitiri,te ;be Mound in tltis .nortesponden:en:to,,ilsow.4l4t the ikeeuttrel Apo .giroll- tp . .the ;•texitFil o !lvcranknt: 'any guarant y 'to assume ,its:twar. wisitlOVlext , tio WI lany.oventl that 'll,cielsetl 4 ietitheTrialy'lipo ratified icit not - by the Senai t cli: t ' . p4dlY:cincniyaldo, , and still leSiprolahk,:tinifil4i'pre'cdd4t.catlimo ,taken- uziokhimeet so feartil;ci ,. ..respounildliity.—' Afigirtai , 6llAvipaiiiiillitc l afoiwit Y' a ernoon we n an n urns ion w lc is .it moans' . . _ ~ ~ . .. . . _ . 'Wily thing—we doubt execedingly-whethei4 does —goes to the toll i extenteel . :...„ e.i. of d 'ar 'lng' tlnten• ..tion of the 'P rC:ald 64 ick'iiiigage'in iiiii:'WitirCiny l nation. whicli'ellill inieifogilWithiipieaniriCcl'in.. tentions 9F ,pu,s ; ppics i !ii..ri ! glii . d" ;to texas: , iv!ir be. it; 6otyr pa_.to,eitarge-UPorithe : kreaideet-opraucia7, alarming designs. Otptho contrary, wcoopy.frum_ the Government•paper the'peragraph . to whiali we ... _.. refer, for 'the purpose of iiilitting tOit the' iittiintiilii of the Secretary of State, that he Mai, if he th ink - 4 • - . ... proper, CatlB9 this, se mi-ofTicial . fleclaration to be. disclaimed and reprObated as it uu.ht to be." , ~. :, . :the best Withn, 0 gene nd 'ban, consTntions; The General Assembly af the.Presbyteri 'an Church, (Old -Sehool) tanthenced..its Anima! Session at Louisville mlThursday• the 16th inst. The , ev. D Juuisin, of Ohio, wde•dhosen Mod -orator. 'The 'Opening amnion by Dr. Spring; of New YolTinvati'verY able. Abeue2o . o . . . arc-present, ' • . . . .. . Tho AnnualConvenionof tho,P_rotestontEpis . , ~ copal Chach, Of the Diocese' of Pennsylysnia commenced its Session in Philadelphia, on Toes. doy_ the 2lst inst. Rev. H: ‘ , Y.oni:MOOnh, - ,. Pitrirs . .IV, ', o f thn Dtoceso,,pres4s over. its.lelihCratinns Gco. M. Whotton._Esn. ynts . -- „ramlocted .iipr Score „tory, . • -_,.. ,.— ... . • lIMPXO ...The getiahlConferanco of the Methodist Epiß-• copal, Church hue been irrEosion.R)r twn weeks, in Now York, and will pr ably' otodjourn for. semo_.,dayo_yet. - Tho.Gener - ,Conforoneo_lise.in , •its folds thirty.thrce local Con, rehoes embracing the whole of the United Slates, a is made up of 'delegates from each of these. Each oval Confer• ; enco is entitled to,kuno delOgafe fer'every twenty. one of its members, and ono in addition fur largo fractions. • • • • tene of the' Bishops ,(Mr..Andrew; ,of Miss.), having become coitnectecbwith, SluyC.x.Y. by, mart). agf;Alitit circumstance las brought I bisfore the conter6dco - ttie - viiiiiis -- si 'ecrit . §Aky,Wkrteig = itis lengtibe and breadths. heisiiiijediis nOW'undsr . . A very heated disedasionpon-a:iedebitiiiin'aikiiiii him to resign,, sAd „very gloomy - apprehensions a entertained as •to the rest*. ,A. - rupture , be: twee ho northern: and, southern brtißbes.ofthd, churebil4ed,'M as quite poSsibie. , • • . , ;;;; -0, i • -,- LIFIC AYn IiBALTIV,IIVOR6 Evia'irrinxn.—This maxim cannot' be disAted: .Tkiero_woul4 be no enjoymentin this world w4hunt.,boaltb, and noth ing slicialsl 'hi undonn. prater'4' , o it. Slight,. death than, all PUN!' ,913111 plainte,poinklutO, 4n.,the, 'fruited Stain. 'A„pecilliatitY of climate which oi.ttutgs the . lung* With , ilital.oartientk 'utdeser4it-' No.eavuset.eaptba offer- • id fur.. allowing these attstaki ,, tir , ,geiiiiinati the ay a, tem. SON'S gat..144 gesunee,. I Huileholin4 Caridi , :iis a eeitain .curd fat any .1 !old it . Uiied - inithelarikn' to grand eecrct, and should not : kut.forgetten:,.r.; -It- is , put tip ,lii.liand4 , !Lod partible puckagne;-ird can l,e J. I.4'aroltieg.r.,fitii • •. gold Nt . yP.RS 114.Y.IF:1.!ST.161c'S_DO , Oirni . Palely; IlinceiirlittiOtlWold'#gente tor Ibis Harr*, ~.„, ..: . r `-.. sl . ,ma in. t. 0., lie "t h !' 6l4 l7.l l P en liil. l,o 9 ! ..g ie4 Nl e f ; Katy! hi' *Nigh We-140 islepti every port, o tho i botle644 , .ißlitiliti. 46l 4/ 4 PPrit'l 6434 1P 441 -vonsunie4izoic9:itertly, l apTFA , tigp„ .. llo.l otato - tho Witty ' foge,themmot 14 ' 443 # 0 1 )' ! i d 4 fler i4 " 414t3 t dleitt Ouritier-Otio. oo r 8 oltaii4Olicitovetiy ..,5. rq isiUY. Ati# .4 0 6 i 41 1 }4,340 5 141Pect liliOffet-611#4#11(1.--, 0 vmit t *Pi-A44b(:111'113.43*"i -gq oiit . to l by iii 413.009,iitp.i4W16,6,5t •YO. it) sold irt.earittiwar ~ wbiqo2l old .iiedetc rit* g r trgF!it' ri one to, rquontragit4o, Auirtiuular etioupt m ii9fullittle 4ua• hi (1614 ,4 1 101101,0,00.01g*enti!ierlvfout4Arrmloptei cases its:O:Lungs beoome' like, unto n honey ,ere 1 414..4prointhiolnihiiine.,14.hC. gie. ;Om unit : giving ease ti;4li r9.4l,l4ine.K.At.huiFlNumlusi. l l %OW Mint*, dole foliseeso. eurniile Consumption, Ilir,lfooping - 1 c#,iiiO4:Meinittie,lStilltlidbtxßroodPBoraletiii in aio , UMW, ~dlhiuuj & a /PITIS,§t9I;IP..W9IS/119"°10t,ierPOu Rs. • - • - .• iinthwly eirei) of n Cough o,f, Thrueyear ‘ 4,oitt)hig F4641001¢ IitIOTTIS Drug Store: Ite'sikaigibdriiiifyAudkcuiii pes% 4ottlE:fi 1l ; vl ;--b•W,O .29.10:1.1 =KR tiateutAti.mive r 4"13 t• ~ .1 , :. LA L lIIA, 'Hoy R 4 ,1 18(4. 1 4 t I,.')Atn ~ .,..1 n• , 0,11,.• ~,„ ~, „,, ,;, 01 ,,, qi 4 gfr 4 i t l 'l t , btr."9 0 15 . 1 1 "411% 1 191i#1 9 4: 't A aingo ou ~..,yrm ; s ham brought boyere Into 60 mule):find tkiiiiidie of SilporkiNiage!oig fOitit p*hiV6 l l4SWViiiiiVif!;oo iNfe:;-lioiitto. , Irkflaorbriti,oo_24.l,' 0H1.C6 t3Altard Wileal*te! .044414 Ptak 4.44443 diotitteltaii)VgiA l4. P411"411141441t416°11:101.11*5vi4`4{ Rl' l arr b il l i r ciai k i itn4 4 4l ; M ii it e1 1 4.4rffr , 4 Tg t11 1414 . 1 00 . 4 mg . Tre l oit , atlnV.,,l:m a. ipu,2 u 4:l3tadr m. "-, 1 , tiltPaillig fe "Ito 0 41,4 *Sat ij akelik 6: 1 4 1 44 } 5161 4 4 4,000atitietilif}+Alijibikt! iiabitatiiik;g l / 4 1 kiVifiiietti4 ,114446.411 '.4.0.111. ' akPlef 9 ai(4 ol t e :IW'Y fitTrLésa-k-.i=-—;€-:~l~gi‘«;:,._.,—§.t.—rg_—:~~—~'; T. :51;‘»:——~‘—;~—L’—~'ii—;;; huc‘lusma “up...“ :. “ L,“ -‘ “2-1;? an ‘ #hgm‘ eats: 3TE - f : ft - 2844- - • Wiii11Ain460,414.1.444(1073*.4 1 ,4*‘W -- "'';.: atiast itittletnenti, - -•— c ,, 41.354, 1 41. ,- AuY go cash' from' Bdttesi, -- - #4Ol of ' - s tithe „f 4., 144 ,v• May - ,29"lcask from?, • -- 43#1-- ,- -.;::.!'citit . ,'..1:5 . 00-. --- -- Jopo 7, to"cashtrim*: , .- , -:. ,, Ilo - '?"- 4 14.0X91? . 'IQ3 - 44 -11.. ' "c'' '' e','' ''. ' !•-•''' -g....!' . '''..r . :,7"/ ~ _.............1,,,,,,,,,,,,-,*---,,,- «irq.}.s4 l , •iiki,i iildrici tlisi l sli eiOsitJoliiillloiliegstiilz: . -7.-,----!z -j' inefitJ . .'4... - t - `9 iV'' - g f. Z. , ip-- - . ,- 4t4 tr ..litiechl . Oco)nin — otiiii cifiniall - naleifelft& - `'? - ',...„. ~, March 10;ti 'T.iiiiii'friiiiiiinii titalicelitsq-,yM:O - intititeTlrL . •i•r . ; sti: k t' , :n ''''' -, t itj:4l `''''' -. l ,Worriflo; toMmh itliiii,"• - •-anz. L .lr t c}filii6;'. .."d•TOOr Miceli 419,ke catilflriiin ';A:Mii,avi):,,,l9r „ : ' ...... ' Llll9ne :- 4firi A '..../.1,1i`..i..!1'..1 :'•:1 ~,.....;:;.,‘",-, t1+1;50 „ • i!lo,rt l ll o olcc9 l oocfrf4 6 'Mlif . Sni-HPFTOVJ..!I.I 4 i,i, ;g: ;: • T INIVI 4 07:1 4 1 ,, fa-,,eifi:- .. i, r.k. fE:iirolti 11 t l ~,,A .,99, ..: 1% urqtril i to romcirom iliClSpl,Wepe.for,;: --. 1 . " . c 1 , :tt c za w s s- ‘ ./ 4, tk., ~, 1 , /,... V.6.1 4 , ,,! : ;i i in '';‘"Af 2,'"?..42:cp , NiiitfilkOkiiiiii,iiitliNNO:Wifisig:, : ,,T. - L'-'l-:_ / Stall Itat . T.7-5 77 P-% - r''' ,f,J "000 7 : - INM'th'l29),t6' , Mit fraltiiMaitiiitlifiehrsii .. "' l . i -stall ref& tt•hm , 6 LXt .'tihrl tf'it , i.,lszi i'1 , 90 44 10 0 60'. 3 • IVlOroho29,fireash framsondrriiroMoroM ,, )!t, , :ijiltv.. ti. - - ,quker_a Illtslo, , Market. litoust...lEi - ,1 ;0' 4 11 / .0 ,04' April,S. *di , - frMil , . iMoMt'at 4--gati,:: : :4; TiTii...z_, mall vcM..: ,4 ,•';; ,7,7 :4: -. qi,- 7 4, - ,;5-....:fii. - 0 i . ; i 14.1,7-6 A 4pril A; tit, #;,fccipclolitNNUnki?op y stpll i ~ ,i ) 1 , • reVi,i)-' ''' •' ' `'. -:' .- ' ''' ''''' ` 1 QlO "Slit #prik4itroodth from Rlairmiii!CMlSriifi.ttg-104:111 4 4f . llonde,py. lest•;Coßnirik• ,-,..,. ,-......!;,? -,,,i t'....':,944; Oki ' - ',66r,11 - 40irmish• from liptiiiVfiaker;Col.'" -. ' ..... ' '• teeter errexeii of,Tat.24 °-' •, 4 '4 . . 7 .47,9 t 21,;',,:: 'Alit 4,..loliiMe..4kogiliift. In Mid* crk.iit , , ,- . Treaeli t rire irdr.tfie*Odo into F '' 1005'..44. April . i.; to 19.c:efit , Notes , IMilkii . ll.'ror."l..e rti Tf: . •. 'oury.hyi lam C0u1ie1L . ,f1,711: , ., i 4 I , , 7 : ! -i. aokgsr, =MN= 4.Balance in hantbi of 'Treasurer, -44-0.11576'512;', 5111 -i - 4 C 11 t .— .•' , . _ - 1143.: I ' ' ':' . ••; - 1 .i.' 11 .1, .--'.:' `-..'.-,-' 1 ' ( April 27,by cadmdd D.SinithAsq.".,• • ,,i,,- $ 500 - May 1, by cash paid Il ? r.:, - •• 1. -15:00• ,q .. Ma 11', by ;en'sh - Odd G i't Sandeisio , ti; f or .-- -,' ';''' 1 ••• - eintsng ,-, , - i i'i ---,41--Vi I. '',- - 2.4 - • - "AA - ocp May• 22, tircash - paidJohir v _gunkg.),arork- t 4 " at,Matiket House ;-, -,• =7 7 :- ~- -i-rfolf - r Wit7so,4ryciash paid 11-Hendej, - Miiidille- - -= l-- r- 4 .. c l oc k .., ._ _ __. ~-.....,-,-.1•14....,..t.i.... -,-1, - ,....i. -...7.„.7:1,19, 00 / 'May 20, by crash paid J May, • 8 C sit sun- -, " , n;'::- dry 'times ~ • ." -,, • -. 263 55 June 2, by cailh'paid S-Ceitll foi cleanits , spring - •`. -., J - :s•k:' -- "„, - ;, -- ~- -, 7,354_,00,- 7 1 June 2, crib paid 51ri Walltefkolestnipg, • ;„ „.:- 5 • Council 1-louSe - - --'----- .- ... -,=.. _2 00 June 7, by , casN paid, Jelin' Ilfalbeit - for -plastering . ___ , • - -.? - "; 5 1 , 13 , 4) , i', 3bitt, by cash paid '6'w 'eridai, foil -, "•• 4 printing - ''-'•--...-- -,- • --..---=-:. 1 -.---` -L - :-.17,T . - 44 . ='- ~July 14, by cash paid 31 Snider, rePiciiiiilif' '''' •,, Market House . - 9 00- July 15, by cash paid H Lawso - ii, hauli'ng - '1 59 ' August 28, by cash paid Pres; ofiCOnnoil ..,. Attorney's Feei k ' ' Seigetnbcr 5 , ,,,bY cash paid F. Doyle; skip ! , —log small-notes _ ----- '' ---_25-00---- - Sej.tembe'r 5 ,by cast voitll John itiniks, •. - -1 r.- „ Tepairier, Grsivelnrd Wall-e ,-- -- - - t•-.. - 7.-- - 19 de.- - September, 5, bycub paid' intere . st- on ••• , '. 2, ••• - /Note in Bank , • - ""' -" . f,7 28 September-6, brialsh paid 2 IC-Willistnel.-- painting finger boards Septemberll.,sbycash r di Caswell Esq.: fees—_ _ _____-__ ____ ____ ,_••• _ September .11%14 Inulhiiiddli4 imirrr 6l ' ' ' - ,pairing Gr,ave_Tarti_Wall--, ... , _.: 11 20 Septemberl7, by,e'ailx. 0 7 9411 ..,lIIi itti:PN . cn6 ‘ . cutting:Hill 50 00 , ;, Nneenibei , 'S - , breastl-111-n-IliAtiess for Miss.palweit's pavement „ , - 18 621 Noveinlierl4,pash paitlS Elnitlmepain.: , • '' November ,14,•-isti'fittill - S IVloordi'ircing , chapel mileiy, 160 00 di ss,,,,el Novemberl4, Cy .rat4it ti 'd 'Diaper,.TaP l . - • pen & Co. Small Notes ' - ' - 338 57 Deceniber 15, by cash paid 1 Morrison. slaving pik6 - ~, * •T, 00 December 26, by'dih paid 3dhli'D Noble . 'Di 00 i I Or. • ' '' lecember 26, by cash 1. 'Noble 'street, - Decerinber 27,15. cash paid U. iiihrgoii 1).1141.: Mai.C.114.,.by cash lucid Jai H - .on 6finger'sJudgnmni- • .50 00 Maid) •19,.hy,„k5,51,414.1414 Ing.Mark.et : • 96 Marnh..94, cashipaittlohti Han#l9,n, t . . ,priliOng• • . ; 669, 111srnli9•Z,by cash paitl'Johp mt an Co. printing • ,115..75 t . March 9.9;by wish watt Jinton'Agn* • 64" e , March 29; bread!' 0 , 69 ,f_Good • - ,Cornoti4 on 'order 40 AO ,e; NisAth 95, by cash paid.H•Gaulknghp.rsii.. -) 4 .11hri;.11 go, by oast! paid jr•H"Foraier,i t tr , ea' • re ,, ulap i r . ;;;;It, _ ~(areh-26—by-coals-raid. Jos Jos Morrison' • •4. •. : 200 Nlnneb..26, cntlx:l,4ll John 'Mains, ;.: -4, 100431.1%.by.en5h, int.h. 144 r!U . .F 11 1.,c0.F47., Mats} nn inllsi• • '."cfqk -Marith93, .99;. 4 .0411#43tunVeilioi•kA"' - 4 .. ~ A'A - p 6j 5 . ra id to Stlldri =interest ou fatalloll3 l m 0).1 , 4:44lDa"l,_.en‘ ?Council `" n • - 27 , LT' .soloy April by Ashl! .4_lo-01 1 5, &11 N . qta oo ,ant e , AVrieLu. -„ , - .111 {..17 .1 4 1 11 7;.: . • osuoy. • 1•: A 6011.11,0 1""d1111,-:('," 4.411:1,-1 • COM - r ply i!l • • VOSIA;• - 7 , • , 5 0'4 t Ike I'di• use Of Comma April, Exoneraticms ulloomut a(k.Or Qoilic - IosTBPF April bY la4ti i gt4 4„. -77 TC Int= 1 -,:,.4_0?.4.i1 , =:... , :i...6,,,.'^'-, , ir, , ., ,, ,,:t , 4_ ~;1- : :-.___i ii,;i- tr 3ii,, ,,, ..& Outhe. trinapuld w o .a us Pel; . " lllo M 9, 7 ll - 11 PR ''. 14? CailiOli'?)sficiiwii* . - thki - iitnoiitiya _1 . 21,7 14.411 4 .0*_ is tf lt l it l lt " -; lj o :i ktitk i ki - f':'r;: .4, l re,meisMaPt-FFpfuil 43 .,,'+; . + l. i 4 , ' ,A ., inipttilid Viriiliiito ''' ' 11 -, :r ~, z 1 •.I,l. l ol.l t atir?or , ''.. ...,... 011'.1 te.l.. r ,, , , , 4- , 141 , , 4 . ".". k1't Aiord l „. . ~A, , ,q1 1 ,, , ,, - I . • • • . . . , •_. 1 tnk. ' &111;1 ~ , ! tif G4! ' "' Tow/Dant brSliiiit ,testisitu tit,lloB4o , - , : wi l ., ' F'' , ri.v - rf - , tOti i To ipTiouile imitied4o4o4, . , t"li.k)i ,r, i /1,-t•-rw : 114 ft ;0, ' " l"0 amnia van d'irk , 13061 ;090ii `'doi*Nthi, ' 'T .i.i.,, 'To '4;§-,:,,kri'7? .1, 03.8-481,13 7 , ;' , 7r0t: Itt,l iiiiiil4o.l 1 mostaMi ra n tikaane n tio s tr4hr ~..„, 0 asolnalliife*AUS. 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