Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, May 15, 1844, Image 2

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Ptedi:e l 4 l 4,9 `.feral `l5;
"tottrtl4olllty!Bla'g tilOft, , aielYailifi',.4-:\,• , •;•2 -!,,
c,Cliiktpiids miyir.hjilkttrs,illgwftydit_riajni*„....
• _.....4l.Urningi.vWdio-it-there displayi
--- • --
- il ' . ':!itititialett-CLAir-'itii'd4lttiltirCiitiviiiie.=
Iron , pRzsIDEINT;
:11[LEM .
- •.
~ ; , F,9#.471CP 'ri*s P 611% ‘.
. rfwlePorgurtron - , --- ; - :
115411 1130tlitGUIllk*FircZ Leioilnon co..
-Ntor the Sale of_he,Olain Lint •:.
•"'" ,OU-11.-19-11:-E-10W - --, • • •
4 ,: touttiNalionaL , Ouricitval'egh . latthi-by-iVe;
willand - authority of the Nation.
2. 'An' adeinlitelleveht)e; S h I s riite:Stion 'te
_ American lbituitry. • ";- •
4,--J-illit , rei4aitts on s lim Eieetitive
- lireelit-40ht:thet tteitri r ettin On the &remise a
4. A,fditfiful eilirifilleiiation Of the puthie-doinatn.
• r's-ith an . equttable distribaiion of 1.6 piOCCVds
Of sales orkt - turient all_the_States
'5. An,
the- etiet•alqovernment,lenving-publie officers.
perreat treedonviif thi;iight and Of the right of
etiftrago; but with suitable restraints-against
improper interferenee in elections.
'6. An amenarnint"to, the 'Constitition, limit YYg
- the tireutifbenelir-Ilie- Nesiddritial 'Office to 'e
sitioug +mu. • -
• Th4o7sk6jiblirifftaliVekrifiirili thariv) stoOlci
,ceattergei7.ll - CiefElided
j he_g_aVernpent . • •• , •, CLAY,
inr"TTio Hone T. 11:. brinkprhofFer Ohio,lpbm.
deid. He line_ becii.sick
r. • .
the 'well krieiwn proprre o tor
'ot the Botellif.thrit 'eityjiearing hid name. ' he
qw-Yridtty. the 1 10th -idst.. •-- .• :
Philadelphia, add Columbia Rail
ikedd.ll#4.bgep-065 .892. 'he same period of
'the.proy io year, 839 0 _ tam ng, an increase
$26 392. •
stre The, Hon., ; Dixon
G 'll. Lewis has been op
!pointed by the Governor to fifi the vacancy in the
Senate occationed by the reaignatipn of
King. " ,
'title of the Public Work%
cGWe this clayinsert
. tie n ptut Of our ticket
the words "For the Tarte h • ,`"
By the act of the' Legislature, entitled .an set
to'reduce the:State debt-and incorporate the Penn- ,
sylianla Canal ? and Rail Road Cerripany,” thd
`questioii is-to-be submitted to thit.,petiiile 'fit the
'eleetlarrin Oettober , hext, 'Whether the 'Wain litre
'of the 0041fiCworhtextencting from Philadelphia
,to Pittsburg,,shall bertiold'Or not. On Oils quos•
Sou the people will be called' on to vote, and be.'
lieiing-hat-their7true-interest require's them to
go for the Sale, we have plaped the delete for
sale' al the' bead of our
.coltinwis. Tipe lowdst
'price At; whidh 'We • line of the works 'ea u be sold,
,Thelitoceede of this solo arc to
be uppliedAct the lipyment of the State debt, and
willcotisequeetly'Odudi'lhe foxy,
_Connect:cuLaliacinbled . ,
in liiiii.HTaienr, on the lip. insj. Onq4 nexi'diy
two Ilii'liaJkli'ra . 4'Wded tAlfile'Oloaion of a doiet;
14 - en iliadoAtibo•peoplo.lit
-the lite 3lectiop. rThe -foautt cias tia %%via :
R c riiirej BalifOliimVi i i - received 116 "to Ws,
' 'Whit inafori Onjoint :bailcit,.
• •
. •
I:o!ain!°urieament. 7 Witli reeeheit with •acela.
the Ittterp_otkthetwo.Heuene.ogain
.riveitgtitil!eikte,'hoitii;'*Oer: the eestirt ef: tie
Tlie.`oaAW'tlf, &fait .. .Was tidm i steled,!:and
thet. GO vciityitt,lootittiltidliated: hie , message lb e
Lpfelgluke., ~l t;:, - -
----- ir*,tha - 9 . - p - li . p , h. , ape , Oir, j, if untitigti?n ?
s t
- - IvrinEr i llketeo-tini,tofi piiios. pinatnrfofoeii - eci
. '!rope 0411 tiiillWCil; 18 . 4 i iiiinni 'ilia iliiietit
. - ter_t.aireiiiio 14 A'C MenittpelAa appointed to'.
.'. ihiiiiA.itit6 thiiiiiiitii ', ondo'rniiillici:lilitio .l'iiiiin
. John Ifeill'9lol, ihe'vilioi: , lll . ;,liiiihniritar 11.04 that.
•- ' - Si*4l44'kfiltggodg.ll.)O;riloniolii, ,firptipdt*q ;
, for, a situation.! !,.:, :'; .: •. ' , ~' -! ~ 17 -
r. - :
7 - : -. ..4o . llheliVilshitigton Globe is in grant triboln.,
• .tiolli44.l.o.;',VOnlinio;i and the Texan busineoi.‘ ,
---'-.11-.J::*iiiilioiliiiiitij'iti',,s;. -t-41,-Ariii:iiiiaii:
anllAiltiPP•ne licit,t6lb4lkb*l6lh,tijill:Pv,it,
thiirinceitiotipith'stittitling his recent intipr against
--.„---finnnattri i tp„ l'ininilittlyiilf t ,yottu . il . l inmeini...
- . t . eillto.l34if t y'llienliy**iteing'oti",hAih si,delie . i.
..- : , ... q . akii,,7o , ‘„ d ira, ,, titi4. ,. .udiiiiu..4'..'d :06, the ii 4.:.
1;4 eg- 7; li' Is - - IP ' -h' • " h'' "'' '.
_.- ' tion.-...l):iii cly Itt i..,ere atm it (ut I, o-, streets'
j4 : eeelfileiMitOire* 'lea4iegi.i,
.4`hli,'a toe ..
1 1*sliA - o,oo9loerf : thikt,ilidp oniz,,whOliriciel ;
rifir kine;ft ti-T!'M ':',' .' .'
. ''' ' ' "'.
. . '''
. . , ..
.. ..
„i,l 4#lsl.4geriltiiil.PleA(4,lttliki!eup„
• ~., 1! iiik# l 4; ' -,,4llcil !I:ol:l!iff,*Ji.°.;
e-nowrittipt! published in . the,j . iiiyk., iltintri..inif
. *.ini*theittritni,tengio in. hn kiii t alit'eo444i,'
, ' engraiii.l,-;!ksOlit,,llakpuqdhkee...trpqkatkoti of.
. ' 'Tgilai ri! itilt ' lliiiiti' that hilikOniiii ' tiii'''"e ' it
'.1.-- efee ', lrdlttikil ' eVe' r t4tiiies'ai'er - De;iiieliiiiii'o 'Alt ll'
--- - -a. — P7 rtint limPro,.o9f,MlP.PATdni,, , ,itmc . ..
ii i'lit'
• ....A`1 . 04 1 ft Atiillia, Yrfiin.igOo l iii'Vtig i 4lC . to l r: 1
, 1
?r . 4 0 1 *. 1, !***fijgt., 1 14.11 1 ,7,4; 11 ;oil: air
' llaiil if:4# 47: !'Mktbrie':iii.Oglitiiiiioi l tild aoinktit (
--14'i5 *400 bl i i gg e. : 4 4 1i10 iiailfe*ieeiN
' 4 "141, P9Alkr, itinii e lfAnOndfititrtiligkik4ut:il4%
i ,:i , , 1 ,
4 :o44f l44 : l464l o l llo3ViedilifeillltoF;
*ttiOs , 4co voPikiv 4 P9 l4 l
* . , 1 , 04 t . .4 , :1ik, fi 1ikiP5*0;:,46104
ml t tai
, hoski*:43v " ad
papViiaile` *Ottlir
f bei %. ?uOlkit 4 A . tig4t "
folloivinglshef Eh,tat
dr. prilinghbytion, cirly. tA
''l'aaoi OR Ft i i rtafiii
jiceAt Whig liertiou 1-G ' • cs
' eiiklenafria_deicendettfrOce-tho,Red.lltoOdikL :
tie J: ngliursed ; 'AO
flolliintA 121:1-ainirniedAn the tiaini:
.t,y of Sometset.. —He bak.F . 114...... or
the c urc .11 s one o o • e
Tie,ig 0 0 0 t9lbovo lipen'tLiteat:bp?iitine•
to tlici ; Refor med pbt6h.elfurth'i.o Anierica:,t=
resat - nil:Ito abhor. five inittis9l l l;*4
;two;two ,
soneOthit Rev :John, Frelitightiltlen; wit 'nisi;
n liff !SA, 7, 417; 1 rr,.k
:iltiillitinent 'atilt re ° ` in
grave ion 'Pen: Vreileif:!
ick, :Ffeltn.ell'Lli'eq,"(tll4,' father - of, ihei,l'prtcastit2
,haitsellul) yips, Wirt 1 - 7 - $9; Atid;yv'hon only 22
yeete " - sinia, Niiw4eitioy
nenP4C I PPOTC' 4 II IO I! I . O- 4 te0ed,111.17.77i ,
'He recoiveita shiricitttio confidence °Chia.
felloirteititeritritinil - aftdr trilViititlO"
offices; ikon; elected to the , UnitedlSitatealSenata,in
1793, which - 'ilffii., domestic di tie
on to test n , in 9 HO
pointed Major Gentira,CirfellOYfionia - nntilVei' l
jersey, and .rendered important military' se rvices
to his teoinitry: fle . 4nit aninifethiftible'stand
phreit7eitizensertilti State 'tted,diect .ina.l34ff;'he•!,
loved anti lamented hy_his esinctry end his friends.,
H e-le ft' 011Tc...eerie, of Whotn-T.lietideFe,, (the
data T for- I hirNite-PrehiderteA:only eery iveti.L-
He was born tit
.114illit'imeiSomtYhtikoo.In this.
Skate, lin 4 4 787,•:•=and' is' consequently
years;‘.of(age.-fle ~ g radunted.'n't P.rinceton. Col..
116n 4 Samtiel Sentharif,;
Tliownt L'rewford,'George.attiribers;.Joi.l2..
IngerSoll -and.: President .t..indgieh'ef-rtliishillle ,
Studied laiVr with' the late R iitard * Stocklott; tied
Watqfdinitted-to-pitrittee-in4boEti , --Htreecitidie,-.
ingnitiked the .bar l and. about-IB[4
ivas aPpoltitedTietiectiter of llieY'lens ; foe~uases
vouhty,-attd in lent, t.o‘. be.ittp:orney General of
the State—an office for which be.was eminently
q uti dcl the-duti es- eflw ieh 'for •
a spate l dfitvelvityeari with distlnghleheitibilitY !
quired_fdrinlbgrityotmthie fervit_e)cajuence,,Mi.
abled - vercpie an ilmoselunlithited sway
' over. the Juries which he was called upon ad•
- Tir Rad ii Oliefe:d t - Miscat upon the
benefi'of the "Surireniertitirt,'vdcated bY
notion Judge Rusgeli, which.hc declined.-
contin tied to act as .iytterney General until 482 u,
when he Was elected to the.Senate'of the United
States.' His course, during: the (six years he Go.
cupied , a seat a seat in that body,,,.is known to the
country at large... In .1889 - liewas selectid to ,
fffdliide as Chancellor over the rUnivereity of-the
vity.,of-New Tork,whieh - station-ho'now-veteu , „
Such, reader, is the past history of 'Timmins
FucLOSWitituTh. His nomination has been hailed
with enthusiasnewlierever We is known,ind in
universally aeproVed wherever it - has been publish.
ed. ai As a. eitizen,",. remarks the critSr of the
Adrerpser, 'he is eitejtiheiti e his natiye s *ate has,
aiways ,!impor—and as .a'ipliticiart i '
ho has always . steadfastly Maintained' and %dye.
*cated the principles pc. the Whig partyr in pri
lratilifew he - eihibitsrthir - suavity - 'and `atriattily. - of
•rnanneOlie - , ltiiiritiess of heart' and het.beneve
lence of 'disp'esition, of-lt. - Christian. HO-bringe
10 . the discharge.. of all iiia-z:cities
. ti undreal, »f,
liidEment, Steadiness of pit rpose, and hub to and,
principles of the stricter ' • riii. ' ' filsNietis -
are liberal and enlightened; he is eyelid theeon:
trolef mere- s elfish or partizan lath,' nce—and to
no cine:.conlci the great interests of he country
be more safely entrustd."
._.W.cished to finiLin_the.hiii
'Statesman,' which announced its intention to
.oppose Mr. Clay on princire, that -part of Vie
rabid-and defanintory address of the Liberty or,
Political Abolition ( party, Which refers to Mr.
Clay's connexion with two duels,
.the onYy ones
he ever 'vas Crigaged in. This address abounds
with false 'statements and Infamous charges
against Mr. Clay some of which are not even ut.,
tempted to he Rroved. LOok at thisextiact from
the address:
"Wo Npl .not speik of his (Kr. , Clay's) gam
blitg, because though notorious it 'rniglit bo cliTh
cult for us to provo it."
• Could any thiug bo more outrageous than this/ .
air. Clay*e iaiablink isli - aid to be notorious but •
yet they admit their inability to prove it !!_- 7
The 'address then denounces Mr. 'Clay as a
_miltdererhe'caottohe was engaged-in-two duels,'
although a admits-t.hiatin_nelthar-a-tbem-waazo
life lost,iind lit both a.coiripletoreconipf2ition dos ''
e 4 the - uffitir I ;.,I ow then can the ohargo 2 of to r•
rititrlie held good, or murdermis intention's* CIO
''We . siiiiiiiniiiraineOliiing,toirly s he'feaftiiftn-re:,,
latiortto - theee ,, duehriirwhitilligrrtlity . .
gaged. ' I ln tlib 'ilicantime Viiisk'atteut carttrthe
following from leavittli 'Enarieuliqbr,,' in refer.
elm? 'Witt. Clay's" , pitrtaitialite in)theßiliterttuoi;
•ivhieli.i - i - citiiii - e — ailargeicortion opthisTa",aciress : --:
;The Democratic papbra - ortho Mirth_ are car
'col - ming there ibiiigi, and irliiigte-gain-by - tle
notincing ivrr:Clay,nlthr , • i tt is in evidenCe that'
their-loadcircha&tr-'• " --0 .-.- - 2cluel, -- in:
'fall eigieetatin- ' ibitead,
of Gitiyee.,
,Min_tho world-kb tivi traiLlic,Mokool4.
give their-ittas_fo :•ViOO:Pitikident bltlier&o
4ev, 'OOO-74Lti-pUgLLISTS.
Sciarrll!Ouit yibitee of Mr.. Jity. '‘
~ o -Vie jtaitlierid pliptiOPLllU4ablqid data. ,
!ond digaificid aelifill piper; saye;tililatioa ' tha
. , . .
feileyokleudefote forgery 'charging Mr.'craY " ittt
.kaiving) declared_ 'Pat if we ' ean4 ° t 'k a Ys' l i fr .k'
Ilacas we oiekba4a'a44te , oaeo; . ,;
'' : "We, rfgtet to 8 ..R9 . 1 1 1 )0 4 xMlienta - rasoril4 „
by' any ' oartytiley .• Inky' receive a momentar y
benefit - by , oncfre;totkrie; - 4rut hi the eadfitrWill'el -r .
lalorni fo . .thoit 0)40,, , Henry Clay` nevor, uttered ;
ade serdlinerit,' We'Vdalture to iieeert;' endit' ii.'
diegVadelld Ito` oeY,,pt , tier,.or party, to use- aucli:.
WastaaHNOtq, It 4 11 V 4 5,i';;:r...,: . i, i,. , , , ',:ft .I' , ~..;
r :Mit wit, ea,!.) i To ol7 : 4 titr,fiX PPPpril7da?rocato thte
eielyiai' , O / ptibrit),l , biti .i:bilia ef `l4;i. '011:y: 'i'lief
fhaebUrY*Ateii6.iiit;'likiible' end' tdililgrificificia'd'
:faati PaPit.Piliitial lil ( ilitis idtate,:wlitioilOd , iiiieg
holdatbiaame eitelotiblvithvegliptiottiettialig.::
psi, nt. Alii!kapreeenttbk ) ii *Pia petonet op. , t , v9r Awe:
gieavoletognrfifi'cily?Aominitl , iliTpfitmilt to
tirt9lltVqlsl!if#ST,s9l.tor In? N*0,0,,..15•c0ur t ,
4 . 9",,V ek i 0NC? 1 , 9 0 11 " 4 o.! l Y ti i i i:* 6l°ll )O lilo'Ci
4Celii, ' ilii liiitilr:TadtritliiiViteti6i4biiiiiiiig •
i e wiiiiy.l , q; , ..i_LcA - fLr•l!".•_ti,+l, -, L01p.,1LL14411_,21;
r ,>) .', ' y '', ''., ~, , , ~...
• ,"The'rVdi Oft,thl Vatatteol costipittilific.
we We not, ell`WantyLgoiladueilkiN - it Arttinittl•;
bii;aber,, Oka ediooota or feiTeride Plikaplgo.
AViii,iiig ' ivoiiiiiiiiiir ithigib o'dihe ielploWeat lOW
kii or
,ity ; totiktiviqu4diwo:ihifyolallyncleft 4,
t 6 4.h P o oll l °ll "RIN' , .-/tul a ' r 4,l. l2 PitiiiPtti
Attila 'Oen:: ti i dilly itOdital .te Whe4 the'
,ci u se.l. adForatO, , ,?While *a edit , ogpoklicjetio,4
net Wallop? aNiabull'ept", 1'940 ;that we ?retool
te,flfe'ebeyootefolt a'iteethiliter,:'!Bialae, We'brr.'
Pcjie:Hettifrall dalniflOr'gretWoOrreloPectiTe
all the a10r1....21f 3Ve..b.aV r eArA,Jitteuiptell. to prove
,that bit le the doidowefFedtred4iilitsededirie
we bilya_somarieoPeartaiiawria'ifbailijiter,ind
9ir t , i4114 0!5 ,4 4 ti r'oo , P' , ,1 '.• , ;/; - . 4 14 1 '•t./.••.. v 0n.•4
( ::)6 , .Aliin 4*iiiiiiiiiit - lik44APiinialii4itii
r. Clay's Duels.
11 / 4 •
4 ::,14
kThw L O
t~ ; lfji:'~,ne~
4 oattiiiftti:4:so94lVaiciy.f.#llrt..:o_
Vonieil iiiii,taciix4,V-'Flitiiiiiiigi'o4l g ped
lif bilie.for:tbii, as
wittP=i - hi)artt - retioilie - 'in'; (3, iiinder' of `till' , Rell.
.7;,t1 it ,
ebi an
thunders •
.liegivinior. the , 0391 e, - mho,arg,beit)lin-,cluatkattig ,
• :_. r ,r-
~_ __. —•nriva--,1thir4490...rr;
' , Gentiemen :=Priorlo the aim nieneetnent,',and
ilniiiiiihe pruireseWtheliSurileSlivinlbliThdvi'
) 116 9 611 Y, TOP f to, PPTP: 6 f, thq ",zsillithifillS.*!lllt''
cialved-nu!nereas-in'v'itations to 'visit 'inv- ilar:td.'
ttidiii, if;,,yariiiitePOln t ta n . ..tlielUngnir , ":l*.ii .
"tinnpall64-40,denlint-suaap . t ag khcgrotcr.intic:
- .011 , , - of t - thei,T;ltifd - irrantist 1 starikei" tran s
etitordinfll'etniti a - 1 niai i kti'Velni I tied
t 4 TepiyAo *me Of4hen);'dricil (0 1 9 t tAere'OUrds . s64 '
to me may', not, have fake. di,nts,;tu all a eh I. re‘,
. 1 st, to, bie allonieloliro jil e•` at o ,I • eta' I ,
'iCitee.r, , tti;enliktntinieate, u . ga t
l:Oral:and respectful
a ti avfar , a nd, tiv,state thkgrouilqpft w hich' Cnhall•
fdel: Constrained I.V plane ‘ aii* : 'sninlai'itiiiiiicies'
With ‘vtjleli f idai:bein 4 futuiVii9tiorcll+.:•-i - ,',
t ~' These punular, dernonstrationsT• s of.piendslh:i ,
, mitealiment and ealiblenes 'liseeds ,-:' ," 1 ,1.
J grab . yng tnylbelitiN'anYilintitledlte ,
tirt- exp ression: of my:ptefound....aiiii,gtateibll;
litiewledgmentri:`lf it proper,
thy. judideritjin iiieet:rientithhhlgei of MY 'fel:.
hity- ; Citivens . on the , Occasion itirnpasod,:ll
embrace the opportunity Wittl,pleasure,ind should
ftiendly.iiihihitlens -With -a: *nitration&
',But an-event of , importance took - place on
tlid-first instant in‘Baltinore.: ' ConiientiOn% of
ti . elegates (rpm,- ths'Whig party; coming from, all
parts of the United - States, wiling in conformity
W ,
of the - higsif-AheTrUtiliid Statesi has :farina*
iiimaneced - by - rizime - ati - a - candidirte - forrtltirtifike
iifl'idsidetit of the States"nhd.frOlin'a high
eqse-of.,dntY.-I-htwe-Aiicspted-tLe..pmniniitimh 7 —
it Mei been, mcifeciiier,yritifipd:by another eon Yen
feiiied`4if "part
the, Hinted States, whe,aseembled, on. the 2d insti'
in raltimore. .Saing,theas placed, with my own
in-the :altitude 'or -a eandidateLtir - that
ofFicei,_,l feel myself boundAto respect and.
perform .01 the duties and obligofiens_which_ap . ,
pertain t'o'ne that'ahaniefet. '
Tlia alegthin iif[Wee:
great, - and - einlightened'netiOn-is one -of the gteat---
- est - andittiiir - iiiiitifikniniik - lactions •
People can • exercise, ,It lit _emphatically, and
_ought to be exclusively, their own busineSs. Up
on the *laden) 'Of llietealmicn - depends'ilie fircser
vatted and s.oundnesk, of free inetitutions, and 'the.
welfare, and prosperity of therns'elies. - In nitik:
-leg it, they should be 'gee; ihilidrifal, and wholly
Unbiassed, by the conduct gtra candidate bitftaelf
Net ogly; in any opinion; is it hiie n to - abstain
from - all-solicitations , direst 6r indirect, ,pf -Omit
; ages, .6E. lie should avoid, being ; voluntarily
placed in situation's to Seek,iii in wh ich
be supposed-to-seek, to Influence their judgment
Entertaining these views, of what :.bccomes
- candidate for. the ' exalted -office
,of Preeideht of
the -United- Statek; act in strict totiforinity
with them. • , Hereafter, and - unlit : the pending
• esibintial CleMion-is-decided,-1-efiena-OCeiTit:
tier attend any publie'mectittgtif•my
zens,asseinbled in - that...-object,
Have- It is
my wish knd, intention, when I leaYe this city; to
return herim as quietly and qnickly as . pOsible,
and eniplogiog myself in my private business
and sffaitti, there to await the decision of the
ni itial election, acquiescing in it, whatever
ft ay. iilwill_thetnost perfect submission.._
tope tfitise Who trait honored me with invh:
tatinns to which 1 have not yet replied, end those
who may beim intended me-the honor of transmit
tint'otherk, will necepli, Without disuppiobation,
this expoiiition of the motives by which
41run,'gentiemen, yeii friend and obedient ser
vant,. ,
oteat Whig Ratification 'Meeting
11:7 2 'We lean from Philadelphia papers that the
delegates fro the different reactions of Penniyik
'vania te the late' altimore Convention, remaining
in the city of Phila'delphiir, and 'the whigtiaihe
city and County; hehl a.tnava meeting on Saturday
night, the 4th in in front of the State .. house, inst.,
'fiat the Purpotv of ratifying the boteinattone made
By the convention, bn behalf , the Whig yeeple
of ibis coin inonvyealth, and 'of Mei:sill - nand fog- coon
-action to tha, ditprent sections as would tend to
Ova Wein nominations the eleetoral vote of the
Gen. 1A MIES fRVIN, of Centro 'neVntY, pre
aided, and the imnaense 'gathering; was success.
ively adddreased by Hon: Harinar Denny, of All
tighady county; Mr.Gruhanir of Kentucky, Mr.
Halrbion, Of Ohio, Gen. Houston, of Kentucky,
r. - Kentucky, and others. '
was loudly clieoreik: Ha would endeavor rea l ly
to recount the doings of the dohivention, in re than.
tothe u'oinitiatfon'ofHl 7 /NRY. tind_tHE-.
ODORS F I RELINGIHJYSENfand ho miarltt sa,r
thil , ninatione re eVer • made that 'w,onl . ll
be more b hilly respondid to than'thase kill he:
.The nati on will' have . an npportnnityto do the,
jinnimeo lan4 withheld lietiLliepry_ClaY—tong
In coining—but • coining now, like the illilnw, ear- s
ryhig at' before it : Never till; thorn li leMpier
hoople, 6 eviler Weenlimlty of feeling displayed
tharynt the lialthrrore convenilonyanning the . maile.
gathered fi'veri the nortli an,) far as the Green
Mountains of Vermont; tlto. sunny, South, the Cqr
Vieenall full Orichici of ccnnsa,_an 4 d.rtilieliiii,..
full•ort:he deoiteio - dowolkitAiatiioMelArl , blay,l6
Denny thin - drew el iiVid` iliailte' of After rilieen:
sions'exiaiing in the rattles Afalle 4ppositioriottid
of trencouragernent whiehAlte,Whig periy:innet
aaturaPY'''letiv.ll!fraarl 'Oak: „dliMed 01 1 iehme.77
Their ship-wiesinhing.-- A hrierreferimite t'dthe
corning contest, and We expreasige of tile Pleeaar?
he felt in witnesiiniTiiiiin iiiuMiiiiity'pt theltng,
ind'eatheelerli`eiiiited li . the , ailseinbla . . Idx:e
g o,
Donny tOrecrfrorn tlie,idand. , • ~: ~I,c- , t!
7=Befilrfr,lifo - iticietinekdkiiirifia'OiChikiini4ii
. fil i(e:443ert;toP ra,V.l'rewPloPle‘phi, impress upon
the, attleAkee Oftl 1 1:0alle,4,09 r6',o o6 iii oflutkitmg
nutneully it- ,th'e) Ciotoier Meei4iiii. He oinitilnded
10/ ask tifn'o'ilfee'ili ' tOr `Heiiii" - Clay—Jiine,
rheodoiiVielli ginlYeen; ii . r
cheers GeneroP3oseplt-.Miekle—alkit ehleh
were g i v4"witt. thimAtm°4ithAillebtarn;"ald the
,t aii eF,Pl i tage,.;t""*43FAO:ldr , l: ' 4 , l'f' : , •
'' afeeilfOrie t Wlitriltilit'enViith.teklitiitafill2
wersal , Pillitirieepeela ly.adapthlto this oi l' s?
No car p, r i oiwireft in
siAo,94Atiimm,...,lgo ohangeofdiet :' 1 ,.,:... , „
, u Ilbe - Iniiiy less litibloloialcasOld2Whith'llladtt
IheirAeftec/Ike than at;any alill.m,!tiatk° ' ; , •. , :f. , .s
Mfir he (liken morning, itioOn - rp• ilea; imiittf- ft
deitttinti lir, odd 'Feeoltal that leitindvittediehir.
40erlith.00 1 9-uPon Off,PPrelo• - - t. ~ ,,4101'1,- -',
As a„cithartio they are , thn • inlet Mlnd andtn:
l itetkit*li*gliainki that,' ala,alaiblY lie 14161111 '
tatereeki. ;11.- .1 t ..-- .4f!,-li`l.' , t"•: ','''
. C ooi tionOttsti,Dzug.StoOlo!Ade ono* W il i.
t r ahloili o toll' oil& ' .'' t I,_ . _ ~.•‘ '.'',.."'" / t'" . '"'
o-i4o)d ifrvairuil*OHAßTAF l lif 4 , o4pi:LA'sello
ngat , PF—Pif!, ki?T°l l 4l", 1 A ..., , F l , ,{•}: '.l e,f) ' • i-
n elr;,, tiititig onsl.*Ofitlee;Pire. , !*rigl#'B,
Indlfiti . 041/ 14 TWartir AltiA 4l .ld coginiii ,
uie toV ryoloofkuckiiiot oto fOttc6 .06
stomach•and rbw ell trill's, inort#ol4)4 proithiolv
Jo deposited en the lunge, \ ore* to, •elnise pi` th ' e'
Abdt . ord_ilgrentro'. 4 ,ipAnr , '` a
i 1tn—,.410:141,14.
"(WNW 118 it Altigeli , per e a t
A lc:OW/ 1 1010k;
ally are
1. terlitillt 7e.
surde t rovvii t ot t oi
sys 4
;#!* l !ag fe4mekleakaiio Iktiat
During, the laot ivook Xen!togi;;li! Phile."
ifelphitvisohnty, haibeen z the Rabi) of trettiendous
The' Fhate , lik'ilig . cvkleit‘
iti e likellig , 1;44 ,
'd ltii"•• 6l6 b rPhbLittgiUkla'-
pert4tiit!,:itit oh r Lriiaitiftionmon ttr
ukady.).. ! ity n loind mud ; in e'Onse.
Wifef - i'dthiiUirtile - cleindit'atiatiKa mast nee
tink,was - calloit - of din t‘itinotionn Ropnblioano,v
teiotei•nted) in hano' •va - eant'
inatitet; aid in tint Inid;tof
Afterlini meeting wa; urianized, it otitiuttenur .
;lining, when they adjqiitned nye, into tho VS'aoh ,
i ingtoit ittnrkekhonok,tirtOtni , oniy
h ere the inoetiv was interrnptad and diaturhed
by anorio Irishmen, wl pro , iceed a fight. in,
. ,
• ,
Itiod Ottied-:e'aily-S-the
nod of fire atine..i:4oWe'Oefity th rnOaktde
andvino 'Were disipsii4d into the.erowd of; :tine:
ricane ft:ctro, the , Hibernia !lose, lieueo oppopiy,,
deoartil effect. A y9uni mu t, aged.
13j.e4a;'4riiddeOige Sekiffrek, was kill-
Tedlinitantly, a dozen' slugs 'ti.nd 261 Of
shot having' enteredliis .
fiFed from.`seaTie hoinea
f frowiliCiAidatAr - yea4daaviiil finial, hut millet and
- drc — Tii — : t al , r, —.- ' seek , Welter in.various
heusee,sand and bv , , placee. The
'bionics from which tho shots 'Were' fired; se well,
attacked by tho Arneridenti, and in several fasten-
Cis cOmpletelyeiddlerf.,,..ilesides . the deatly.of
Sehiffler, some ten others were wounded, all melt
-two-eieeptinns,- - - - klierinan—Liwrence-diiirtll-
Ameilean r tnolally4atriek-Fiaher, ono of those
whcidommerided the, riot, was wntiMien . by estono
Irishman froin Moyarnensing.
was wbandeil m the head by a bullet.
The,tszaltument 'by these occurrences:was ini
mepte, 46 may be supposed. The Native
cans held a large meeting at-the Assembly Build.
Mgt Ovenini, at whicli it was resolved to
snood - theihnoritlivilf- ihe - deceased
Offering a reward '&4;000 for 'the apprebenslim
of 4 the murderers, Ske. But about 10 o clobk on
the. aan/ (o6 * 6 nings ( 31 kinAnY) the riots
.were re
newed, and, an. attack was made on tha.Roman
Cabello School house, corner of Second and -Phe
nix streets,.nMl the fence in front off' it set on fire.
'lust ut. this ,tune a 'telly of imisketry wasrdia.
charged from, a short 'distance above the School
house, and Wm. Wright, eon of Archibald Wifghti
gegior portlier of A. Wright. and Nephew, Salt
Merchants, corner of Vine and Water streets, Who
silent.speetator. was ski through the heart,
'kind '' , .:;fi'delo - on the spot. his young
and noble bolting form stretchel on the counter
6fTiii — ripothecary's store, and could not bin feel
the:tear rise tooufhyo, as we looked upon him.
He appeared er be about
, 25:years oid.
, .
Five other person's were shut, one in the head:
badly. One of di'e Native American party, named
Natlian_Ramsay, Venetian blind ocher, Third st•
iitiove'Brown, waulimkaify Wounded, the ball en.
tering his lungs, and he was lying at din point of
death—the death warm his throat when We left.
7 ...hi5-Aviiih-rnother-anci-sisters-were-Amogiag,
around and ov or him, acting like frantic maniacs
it is thought there 'Are others killed—but no
one dare '‘;etitere to look fur thorn. The supposi
tion Ss that bodies are lying in the school house,.
of persons 'jliat were killed while attempting to
Cel it on fire. .The- darkness was so great, there
being no lamps lit, that it was impossible to make
way through the streets. All wad' Ilia et the
dive % at 12 o'eleek.
chief+ of TneAttai:
•• ,
From the United States Gazette'of ik%doesday,
we extract the folloiving: ' A nieetlo r k'oftlie Na•
tive Americans was held in the alicrnoon of TUES
der; in Independence Square. A. proposition to
adjourn till Thursday afternooln was voted' downi
%lost of those 'present moved in a body to Nen
-11 sington,-(at , the•corner ofSecond-and-Master,) and
_p _seesedell to - :urgaliien _u,posting, bet _they_ had :
••scarcely nailed,,,lip their A igovhen Umber of
.boys made an attkck ntikii .- iVe - Ilihernia nee
toward the Roan: A number'of shfts were then lfred . from
- the . liothibs,liirthlTyleini toward meeting,-
- ttli:dihr - Plathiii - Aititifnlifis, ' bl'asktreing,foixt.
moment, rallied and attacked-the hose.liouse, took ,
Out the Carriage, ran the hoSo off the . reel, and
tiloli broke tho 4piircitum up. An old tend 4, the
. ..)e the %,../y! nigton hose ; company, sv , .11g I',
'was also in thi - heibitWtviii•broken uP liltf;iviee'•
The! dative Americans' then, (between - four hid'
-0, ,
and: for'. the next three. 'hours; the shots: wore-rire.'
• —
iiieptfrern*iionsee i is ;fte WOBlofo. visinity. , L . .-
Men woke seini in: - ii .n -I o inollini%a re . :f:
homes froiaii4tho , 1414ketfarni in Ciell.:1) ace or
)/ViitiVe' beloW i tipeiel
pflkilled - ind' , #ournieii far 'ne.coiliti be -seoer !
'About - five o'clock, "another ` attack laaii'mada
like the het)4 1 ) 0 9 5 101 3 4..e large now 4 1 !, felled
a ir
In it map nugl!t. into dm anon agyn(o find 04A_
wi. " 1 .1 / 1 1 : ' acel"t4liditi# after *fat nftanle . dw.° l "
iiodno a nex t ti in° 11(181:1 house,ivaa drem, and
(rpm tcd. time 'up 'to nin'e' o'clock(' in tho - pooping,
the itathedidntintindlO 444 ivithaut 'slay 'iota
?vomit-MO.lll3liter tvortecOnarnand, the greater
partlat Oleo . Maiag ninm' CoMwalador d•
aireet. - an
ibln upon the ,eteetle.feethit i t t e VeM k et . r- - Ab ° l 4
°°"a e'eleeicrthe , Feekkced bee, eelteelf eelhj fire;
dad at nine o'clock iliyin a him') or inini.'
.414, fovea ' d'eleekt th e iretjir, PON and ~two,
13 thriptt;d9s; mot the: third 'tiilgo'da, total( on tho
paidid,uridir Vinonninmnd•?Sescganiril Cadmd
( ddr,ninl-flAtiaa oll i Maidar stied; imelagllM vo&II:
,cainan wire motioned io titotitoto onihmitreet.
'freeaelf 'en the , 'NeOf if INA an ' Meeter . elteek
.4610wI rt i e 1 4 1 1 44 92 21 fikf1L 'frr v,c lTP c Tl, L t ; .. u ., n- ,
ilee l 4he eentheled et ceaueel i)leeeliTs erlerehee-4°
the north one I:khe Market, and frAined a Oftrdoo
odrikili'ldin 'it at: - ,Tfin military " Via 'Or4ll4li
In , nnlan*eal i ilico tuntinntn4 1410 int ittniVPvi:
A. *shot:li' iheOieiniechi niiirtiakf hrs'iliiiP
11'444414y foris Xntlikdo kad'praltaded Ilia. militirt
Cti thidejudyph , 4 l )Andproceadadla axatidna4l,
lbw ttoope4Knilwniniknnnis iinl,l4ennA'rth in ,
.. in'n -nclaz,iSzt.iPliulf:CrletA t A?bi.t7r#FriPSlr
annwil ii in he. B oo!,Amith i# Fi,heli kg r!ik,
was a t i
fig.lthillijOliio 'irii'iooe':biOugEtolkt l
.nlid,Utiiiiin 3 d'•knitliAllig Silitgimolid4P -- 01 . h
riii.lotigattinkeMlititOd**!tzdit Made();
Wit t e th b."o, 4 #l o P.4gin* 4-1011 0 110 / 1.341 441
,3 1
' 'l4 * 1400 0 01 0Pg 14 Or e ie4Pitl. 64411 *
k"eil4101)* tinOtk,Pll4i4l, On
ir ,tkuitiffw4l44W, IVO°
WWI INlV lr ib i 4ttiltttl r, * _ '
,l r 'f , ill fit
Viiiiiiii.iifiiifileilikii4 - wehmf . f ntiriTifir
Vie lAlistanoco,tigiripit. 0*Per0101. : ' l:#Rii i.
ildloi)ihod'.l iii*fihkilre Au . iltitr o , :coved.
titiie*ihO,44iii.i"ofqfie*ifiti4AittgV . FifOr4;'
'':„ll.lliiir.idig`gg4i,'Wiiiieli4, 4 iVitilikgiiryOk
Host? Oomnieliood tothrOw.ii , 4'it,VlVrCthei buint ,
,iig•:!!#pilit!gq, !rdliOctipiipii 6.l4Wilie 1W
010 .of the fite,iiiittiiiii,i)4.!:iiiili:'o4.44,44.
United Statoile . imlio) . ,ttiOdirsit life aroontt t!riget.
.04.1' - id; , .ddialiWtiti:Ci;f-,:itiiil'Piifiiiiiiiiiiiiifitk
- oO r igiTtitiAliriiiiatiiiiiii4Ohi c ititOW:6loll..
22is - siolein4 - ,• - gnginot - shoitly!lfterUirito.WentAnio
IfF.slo - p,^ L alc‘sl - ..uoflert . 'ein' more: of military, ix,nd
'. .. t ..P.70. 3 1 61 T 1 V.: i gh4 5; : F .4.* 9 .?0,#t=-'
. ii10 . i . 4 sa,6i,ii.ilitoli'itiii , iioutp:::tp.; tini'iiilli 411:a•- •
oidSri f 'l4l nbt 010 're riet'iliii)Oriebi'iriitiittf
svOlyiliiiiiiio.:'l .l 'i•' . .'2'!'"l ••••• , !-_ .i i , •±'‘•!ri,.: •i'..
• . tn‘ iiWaiicl;oly,:'ietiult ifthe , fit/ 11 . 61.1rfi'd6iiii
'll. , illoh'OTrp.•:3o:htept betwoOluthoirioitroort itlicl.:Na;,
4 1 1 MilciiisAT r..V0 1 .04 , tiTl.9n.Y. tP l 4 l * OP folol 7 .
•inOicit•Oe'kpled AO w 000,1104. .-. : ' '
- • T.T. ikraiißiifileilol i;i: '••:''
• ': the' mar. et.;'cirno. shot
'cii ac o Y' on"- •
;2 :•GOciir a 3N:l4n s - it reiiiiient . o4*iuthwark, receit.
bed a ,b4Bin, fije =br_yyast;_which.,Rayaeijl..oul:of : hies
b'ndk'neev tOe.l3lloSide'i'bidife:' %Ho 'Was 'ciiiried CO'
. .firizGriffethvon.'Secti4d :strigt, from: . lie
,was afterwcads rernoi , pil;2l3t!., with eight hopes bf
Auv?stus , Peal,eio residenortl,_
a ball in bbTierer,o7,7l"v lehmos;batterectseverely_
Metthe& resilient of
.ICeosingloO,,',Wes,shet•dead.J , '
Lewis .Groble ' , reside n t of SoullWarb,, was,
eluitlbro iliobeart;.abd died ineteiitly.
vrOiNii t t. .;orthit
beities s 'wes wounded.-4u-the hOnd- bta ball , or
W . right'Ardia was'vhot hip, 'said', to. be
a daligailma. %Tam/. • •
a reaidetit of"Kansingfo,n,
'received a-ahot
`{Has si . nceAlagfr." • '
WhitalcerT.Wan'aliet - itc the - rtght thigh,
.and bone ePlintered. " '
- 7 , -Gharlei-Orte-loi-resident-of-the-Northern-Liber
lies, was wounded. . . •
Henry liesselpoth, residing at the corner of
Poplar Lane and Third Street, reeeiyed a shot: in
the fleshy part pf the hand. , •
' Willie• Blaney', reeelved a shot in the leg..
JOhn Lusher, i resident fof Kensington; shot in
:the bretiat,_takenlinme,-and-not expected-te live.
. .
;Many. others received: shots in -Varions:partsof
the body, whose names and residences in- the ox.
etterrient• and consternation of tire scene we were
unable to aseeitain;
The Scenes AtWednesdn.y.
. .
About seven o'clOckinjbe4norning crowtrsY.4)-
gan to assemble to yesteidaic - but under higher
excitement. - -- ,
'' petstreen:twelve •ttna tit' : u'eloek-iii• the — dttyy
several black buildings-in daawalader below Jef
ferson street, in Whiciettie " Natlies ''' were in
search of. Dents; were set on fire. - A few arms
were, found. When the firemen came on- rho
ground, the rioters attempted to oppose them, but
were driVen Off . t the Manioc Onirddiaud the
tire prxtip ! uishia.. • .
.. . . . _. _
About the seine hour a eluster'of frame and
brick_helldings, in a con!. running -from Cadwal.
ader street above Jefferenic &ere-fired and burnt
tip. They are said to Mole liCeA occupied by the
Irish who had incurred-the vengeance of the mob.
At 2 o'clock. In the day, two -large brick build.
legs, which had been-the strongtrolds.of.the Irish
in !Awe-mallet of tbeprevioes day, ana ‘hich the e
situated at the corner of Jefferson and Washing
tbn Streets, were destroyed by the incendiaries.
Just befoq this occurrence a detachment of the
military had been called away from St. Michael's
church, Second street, balow Jefferson, where
they had been on duty. , The mob then attacked
it. The troops retained and disperSed the run.
news-Was , brought-that-the i ylolers
had attacked the grocery on.- the West of rho
church. General Hubbell wlthdreVv his Whole
force to'defeniffhe house. Itwas then half past
2. The mob taking advantage of this occurrence
broke open the back door of the church and fired
• The flames ;hen ilpreltd to .the Prleit's honre
and the-Refectory on the south side. Two small
frames, and a large weaver's shop, also caeght
fled, and the wholo, the .church, parsonage, and ,
thellist were destroyed. r:
Before the ehitfch was' einiquiped, some of the,
'rioters Tualiell to, 'frin's school house . , ( called_ We
Nunnery from the fact that the Sisters of Charity
had formerly charge aft) at the corner of 2d and
Street.. The cupola- of thii edifice -we's
firit fired.. At. the. same •time the interior of the_
school house Was demolished. • r
Outing "aliertieen all that houses - - in
vicinity of, the'sgenee of the riots that were , oc
cupied by Irish Piotostants. Am er loans, der mans,
l*e.. hair. tlte Aniorican'ritti - or -. l.ri;cl)lW:Ykyint
Orii = the winilowarheseimusee were not. toucl i V
. &1 by.the'rieters. •• "
At nit olcrock.tho rlote'rs koceected to the oar's,
ner of riintth and Meier iticet;t, and demolished
ii;i:rato..lifAh'e • ifistiibt; ifitt that of hrs brother;
,Patrick,Cligk's_tayOrn_kCertFiadj l eints,Jostroy.,?__
et! fiiiiniture and theolSciatdocUmcnta
At seven 'the 'rioters Oolleeieit 6.1 teffeil.
Son sheet
4.1n0 of tlie I r poluil'of ottudirtii'ingnutOd Pb 3, kito
rooters wan . St. .Augustine's Church, in Fourth'
l'lseri3ol7near.,Virie., 'A , body Of Trinill two trilliroO
r.tflounand - periiiini more consoled 'in the: viorility,
.10 . foropight, ri'oloolt. * l out half pooLnino n, InFgo,
body 0f rloter?ciaPe fit . oiit-- , 0 6 04_,! , : 1 14 rorolni
ihn,"%ilfayor anti hia poqoo fO iotiro,%`y — rill grown
.:btlis:WVrO ritishO'd.iiit 'to one of thiwfaOFF, one .
tii?:tvl;oin With ii4intiii - it - ,0 . 0i. the itui Pi* Una . the
tither'*ith.iilightb'd rnitohitot_ the crotirt.On Ate;
gnitomitaiiti-,frolfFOW4unisztOn - of - t.ittrvf9hitr
•hodyßf thothoi9 lll Wait enveloped envelop . d io r tfatooi.-,', per
forO.XeO7FIZ49 t4i , ,n9 t o ,ll ta c tu r A. ',4iiFf the
largest ighl . o city; yo,oo - ,i-p oip - or, - i - o1 O f f. \, ,
- I iiiiriii(fthe ivoil Hi, t4l upto 101 eoidoic' 0r00, , k
:*t - ii• — •6 - OOnkotioi
around tho diroieitt 7t4intitibOth:
011ofdbatc.A1A1r, qt. - 4104n loWitildit'ood'h'utt , bodiojo
Of armed akin In thomol Alboiit one o'olookirit
.night;, tile, inilita ry Vile Wi/loa tDlierend St. J.Ohn,'•
ChKellt,'?•.TJil l 4oJ,•
Ti rif!etti!.l 4 ' ll 7Vi;
Fourth, ot'reet. ',l'hyty roj,.okftadod ' durtog'the
Wirlii.l4Rll io`iii6i, of I,3thhtri.‘ h i At the roi;o6i.
4o j iiiio iroi ' i4Oia ! gat%tier orosx'etiehtii; aOld
oanifon pfdril l d;-iiittirloioklithi:itoofith',Chetinui
liiid , Cloveii- toi 'Alongside the,Ohotelnoi,f .4; ;.:t
Ishiigorertiolliotte Iriblica 4o,
.'' ',Pe . ilda!( tind quibtneoesioini:toUreifored , vej:.
POV ,I P , O ) PYo l 4:kt - mc'4 , AI tt Pl' u tk tbe I i PP?!4!
"Tf u l lt3 7P 4 " te l .( !qt l Pg tildalo l Yß llit: Pf t ! i a.
il i t,
i,y, 'A kno44laleti*ncili ocOilaeo ,s incol.ot'in4
''.raNA i'etti6ifaiiioviitiairliotiedlekKlieut
' 'tactile intii'hihiitaWailkliihooiiit;ltilikrittiettiet`
fuk4y4 ptcogi dictS t 161 TiOicriritti d thelpeffooithe
I ' Me , - nrrodgonientkOA 6 '4 i SViatifrr)tigt 111,9 . orf l rittf
3. 16 : Milft i -r ftAV e Por,ffujt'i ° 9,%T " i 4, 9 ,0, ' l °l
itikestifotteino , rif,tho',tneeting, t ;rllktf 111 0 ,50 4
VOloriii iiiientqiifieliO4 ' l l4',loitiilirilie chtio -
ifoitio;ioca , Miryotl64 - ' tWiti*.de-**•'.4.
GovenroqgqierFr#o:,l9. l 42.oitf i llnti;
lisbt,rit: l 7:4o ait 6 inoori tritinliT "TA' On' 3 '
i t ;
mi4 . l Ir.itudiik hq , iYideior }iVo'caligtioosll,;#'
':4 ' P " - re -Sficgn Lifirriediiivii - diveilioriilir:
6 t „ t ;ii: '..'- d M tWilig - c ity f .iik i t i l j , ', -2 , -.:.,
0, r pskr „,
.t./ ~ , co.nw r: ;1 . ..'i:L'.,.
1 1 ,11semilitifi 11 4 0 . 1 liefne,nio* ".!...qt ciarlt,,pd •
r.'oi . ilpleto at praeticaili;.conehiering the inkture ef
1 • - i -- 'irvice,'the fhtlee 'be tiotY,,_and the points lia.
146 A b e-Pijkiled."'",' '" '-'''''-'...." '— ' '''' *
A ‘ t 6\ 1;41'.414 , ;C 1eii IttAit ' h enii;oirn-ciininh. n ,
plisio . ocipilia—nw cAnlv Inithinn d—ti'nuziquot
1 ..staigtY !iotanded; - - - ,1, ' ' "-=
,' . •
.--:. herrbilM,yrthatri"4"at ne , nTiSa;
falicl*ikii; r itim t. o.l'elifii ef . it"l 4.--: Ao - '' - ili .
the. eitipohisiee• or die `.oe - riiiiiidermpinilhe; IrAp.eiary; l
havingibteime_a_llw,763!iclenio the thorn fee.'
t k
taros of that'-'4lprtio'd , iefiiii4lW:tiie Isosionent
,hhir coPletion Of,thetiite icir, - for t Iliforma- 1
tio . ti 'of , - oUi`ii'ltidiiiii.... , 1 , ----::-..
r,Tliiit):iitice, deeticiiiilit the b ' ilVaye' ei 'iroted mi.'
clutiivel . Irthik 4e4 • :'. 4' ' 4 4 "le.orih: '; - r
tic werksituidithe . incerponition!of the_COrnintliy .
who: ,
m pin:Chase „undei, Penn
Section theiefore, properly the eoinnieta.e.,
nieneor , the real °Suite;
t'' r reonol proper.ty,,alLxaoheir-owing
b solvent debtors except nrotei . ,....qn.goOds eglitatet.
sill mid's,- all stock any. coinpanieti in Penn-'
Sylvania or elsewhere, household, rtirniture, gold
and;iiilver„plato watches, pleastwo„carriagesoll,
selaites and profits: of trades end' Prefessioner, ex•
eeptiarnters, togeth,erwith all articles now taxa-.
to be valued and- aseesiicdfor-ill-Statee,boun
tysnit township pbrpuses,tyhittsoever: .
Section 39. The
, t aX-011 all shares of .compti:
nies the Sente to by paid by. the cashiers
of etneerni.' 'cammissionciti
'rriturrc a lit stem:fit Of 'all stock's mith the
'ow ned
. in °eel', county to thoStato:Treasurer.
the'ldth - soctiotfo
of the
act - efluly,lB427and,'reviiei'lhe 7th' - seetlen - iil
that set, and refluires.,the county commissioners to
this bill, in addition .te the levies for County : put.-
poCest And, upon such . propertynet,Aefore, taxed.
--.!."' fie b
ng noip.ma_e taxa_ e,pr shafterea r e,t wee
Sniffle rer." , state purpOsee.- •
-Sec. 3e. P,rovidenfor the,slipeintnieptof a . board
of Seven - revenue conuniSsioners 41. '&4A - et thy.
Sec. 117. Ilnivicies 'Coent l / 2 , ot # icetm shah
furnish to, the board a- statement ender oatWor the
taxable property in, - each county,.end shalt an
swer the board under such questions as are
asked. . .
.. . . . t
Sec. '3B Trio board La,..6dlnat . itnpl equalizo the
'valuations iio as to melte the taxes bear as equally
es rules - able upon aircikiiens. . .
Sea. 39. The.stat.4 Treasurer to furnish a copy
, of thQ v.rilimtion as adjusted by the board lathe
pomoilaskotiers of eeach.cottutyl, with his Precept . .
to leOraod collect'the State tax in accordance
Lvithlt ' -
lieu. 4U & 41. Provides for the collectiOn of
the faxes by the county officers, by whom It Is tb •
he, paid over to the State Treasurer by the 15th of
July lolthe nth of lan'ilary each year. • If not
paid over eharged - againat the county tit six
per cent interest. •
:. Sm4.2_,_•lfittrin.A..y4iitys pp 10 clays in adL.,
value rin allowance of 5 per cent. shall be made.
~See.:44 4 44,, Authorities, the Supremo
,Court ;.
or Court of CoMmon:Pleaw, to line writs of man=
damns against The corrimiokioners.3f any county
refusing to . comply•with the provikdons of the act,,
and requiires the reveneo Commiesionerk to keep a
journal of the prdeeedingalifd - Makh - Votioit
Sec. 45. 'ProvidesTor the funding of the follow
ing claims hia stock bearing interest; viz':
interest certifiCates, balances of appropriations not
more than 206,000, balance $56,022 of loan of
June, 1844, and 62,500 ctt , loark•ol
.35 due May,
1841. •
Sec. 4& It.mittir'es*The Stoic tioa!iure'r and Au
ditor General to prepare.andiranFruit'inkiuctions
to County Commiseroncia in relation to their an
tics under tho act.
See. 47. Provide's Ufa; the refusal or neglect of
County officers to perferin their dutieb, shall not ldrider 6r invalidate the collection
of ta;cs'imposed by, this or any other act.
- Sec. 48: The total revenue raised by this act,
that of June, I I, 1814, and July 27; 1842, appro.
prfate4 eiclusivelyeto the Valytocui.fif the public
03" Tinsannn Keen; the ealorcd girl who mur
deredl Mr. Seely by poisoning,. was 'l:tiing tn Fri
day week, at itridgeton, 4 ll,L-J• It said' she made
a cofifession to ohe or • Ohs reverend gentleman
who Visited hei', and that while in prison she , nt
tackadthe keeper; and one occasion very nearly
effected boi escape. the 'exeCtitiCi took plade in
the jail 'ard.
_ . .
Yon SHALL 13sunvc,—Belief is novan'itc ['the
will. • Sufficient evidence casrpeta Our agtentl an
listen, dear render, and I will convince you det : Pr,
Wistar's Balsim of Wild ChcrrV is far the besticin
el fd ense Of ur &titanic • lie round in Minimum-
try. , It, is formed by c mama' ext acts from
etribles (the ild Cherry, inc;P ko.)'thtit maitre
seems to hale placed-here as powerful
all tiffeeti oils' of. she Lungs and .Li ver that our ever
changing climate intices., After ibe shill of our
gi•ettestpbysleNwasexhitusteil, it has cared kith
tab Varcoutivasear'lr Owed kindyohtidLicLiplent"
,tlanstnt.l4_lliion;* w.lioseSiuttily.,ltaillalktliesoC.theilatne.s
tlise Refer fcTlanae
" Poughkeepsie Engle" Thenins'Cosien4lfadden:
field ? testifids;7,tutder oath, thtit4t..euyed, him.
of nntintebutl. Abseeas; . of
Biotic], Ste., aflewhe wt,s (teemed beyond Nye
4364.1i1 refer.toiitenitiof
nion.powerr.l. rTbeedott4log - are.'lliyited to.ennitii•e
; of individuals and eases we allude to, as we publish
no-statementsi 11-p othear-the-serutinvi—
aold in piirliale,byl. 'sob agent fiir
.1...1K ;'6OI3).apVEN T 14159 PUltifTFT,—tlYillel3 Ph
.haii passed 'through Minh 'pm rifioation; if is cOintittar... ,
ert ,, t..le.purfpOtly . freor from, all dross and baseness...
case a n ZictraeA_qF of:Tlorchoonti ilitTlityT,
'tfo4USII .01' Twcrify-liro - AilrerontAigreditais Ohe
.anduf 013 rifost ; sataed pelf a;111 ltno,wn as !tough rem-l .
il i 6a i atilt fo'r'healing,tholditg.4, - Islit the' conionitt.
gm; what gold Boyers times Titililietf hi to the nctloor.l
, The first Symittone of 'a code!' 'Oold;or irritation '
11 3
.:-.9(..thU-langs; a uld'fieeli,foreted4O tiltietAly,lie
cause it ittirotn bituneglotit ipittiffen disunite ariseS .„
titis at suaktim 6 that a nackago 01 , .)wn of thd Corn=
paunth,Exiract . nrieeittidtiougkentiel, ji00.1.A46
the Soreness of she hinge, lit which all fear, is r 0...
ttioielf:l-. ThoOstirtfl tryst - oo*o,i+o9 . failiOleeeplik' '
Totatoro.oo,tipod.lo ilide of ementenaf.i .%:, A • ? '.. , • • P
,SOl(Trit ISIYFAP et .H4Vr.gBTlclfc'STlNg and .
-Ponor--SonNtiittiltionovor tttedett-ioleAgenti, km , ,
this-Borough: -'--- ~" • •'-,' L,='- -=' •
tA4t*O4***te . 4.,..:',
- • • - t i, t•:I , •:PHILADFIPIIIA, May 10,:1844. •
. kla4Ull:o—Earlyd‘fih o- -wook . waeA - :Uf Thum
goil?a 1 4100 tO a; Plight 0 001 inet 1q1 101 .4° IMO e111e . 4t.•
have einea ,beon made ,at $4lOO for common iind
fair, 4 9i, fo!, selected, and :4 75. for , eXtrikbranda
4 'P'eill4tvahti, iiiif-ve.iinfi-in&tddliy i .46014;
1,0110,70. 4 L an exiia'SimOi liiiindsettsY[Wifilis
Booth krietleau'aiiirketi; the u;eek`a edlekloeliii::
iiiiri:baSitixtottlivet sool) l bbis?;';tlio,re 11:400alvi
i L e!a°4 o itqfaM ll , l llM,o ll9 r aPga , cEriP6 •••••• Rye
1 111'.. r' . uni, .0:., - h l,o iiig 1a.?,5.,,, curpAik 7 1.i l y es.
iuning• !liiiittiy, , d‘llneil,
,theii O Mali bee . ..fel; dit
Pia r l' i4 f 4 - 4 1 )0 iV I L•Ofiati l a 4 0
tgii ' aiie l l (66 ;iili '
300 bble. ore reported at iiliralirAp!liii f A ;a6l.
Tuk3<hriloo2":s4' f o 4l4lll2( ii*lP '6 4 l f , 4 1'6,e1' ' 44-1.1:
inhfl4 At siliiztOipotte orthgeur,etly`,s3oo.s#6„
Flour, 1071 bble..lkyo gra!)
P r t,l l M -l at t:ii;:S; .:',.- , - 1 , r". ' :. ' I : " ', ,Fl'; ' ' . At; • id). 6 l'
1 Gli, .7 z14110 dirill,did ' 4 : whigikkit..•oelf
liholod4 l l4 ny /10 •W'ettlii•litAti,ilialo4, l 4:4 l q
io"1010 uihullihil rtl lll ., `iiitklttre'P d
r . ; t ...-. 1 4
P f° 6l ,9k P , 8 944Y: 01 14.:41414, 1 , 2 ,i 1 .:.„ ;!•!• ft..
‘.. tPii ) iiiiii Y ,4wiliiel+ ,-
AkeAroiti .
. . 81 11.
MSM!!!! 1131 M0 1
.r ,: i?6' ,, Vf#,TP1A;!:! , 1;:, : . ,;-'•
, 7
..I%fat bOIT • , 34islivqoVrhee :1 n sr - Nested bp
~nortrir of persoOt
pi U ,t . tist*sm'acelOat
O f my . Croyan,a
fidanidiMiXet it; I -
and it
gederid;.ilesi :And .
more particularly, desirous 011 4irrattfrilitiseitat'o'
lavait,'~q,;bnyaracll,inv:4•ollow, town,: ;: : : ,
• :"745e i.O' i - 4 'o ti ld:l l 44l:3* l .ol B t ? ilqii" I PAL i t
due forles_Roblielty
slialreotOpete the :reat ,o o l_ `-•
'tO 'E a '"
e mat er. a systy,. oun tt,yott!,..
:Vatinglo imir-'Ounierodarelidera; " L j'.l Cv 3,
','..:-TintE...*OlLr'4llffiik.., •
After eXperiefiernip con sideittol di ffidalty,:iai. lift s
Vol stetiinis'ittaeiif the. itrather tri elmbeknOtl ,
withstanding; to meet Mfaiineutfeenteids to tbe)pain:. • •• -
ate, and et -, :t• oNloek pregieelyyl seiereottliillis4Orci
itd otrov al f , i su woisit. but .
Aloe to clear,tlie'tpti,of
csfried'loe'arfeti2ol:l'Or'3o9,yat di( ace
inkat aningle Wait( a 'il;greis
_Bur - Gil - MS time',
e the...wind/road iharebi freeing' ittelftfirm- ,
fill stress' or pressare 'upon ;Oita eider; it 'righted. andl
ascended ra_pidly. •
.ote white ; tiecy
clotitenerallyec abindan
npoue-wee, reitgmt mutnt iwu ,. t e•
ly'Mß in }Menem:, I _ not.; yet; asconde ii"Otiteit t.,
' high' ene1f,, ,, 1;,t6 'e'n ' • ,theii); find Alain notiiiing.theM,',',
cour,SO;4l Too • ey" Were, Biting Otilit, the ballOiiii - '
wtiainalthi north.' 21'144 ililuilait:i6i:-6iii.iihiitijer
a-cat, wi me, whicif.l.Cast',overboartl;afid'irliich
anus c ung.:the,same. purposo r dliiit-that bitl7--- ,
last does,
.it tint side up /these-, the clouds; I then •
changed 4 fity - enurite fiViin the' neelt - Apthe,east.7-- ••
•Tliet•e•.*ii!t•,i*`.. l );li!ro ol i'ad::44 0 1 4 illlOi liiiiiiiis
which I paswin_.'alew , Vdoineittii, AndT
titriting my attention to thingabenenth• me;IF gave it
no more attention until, t•. thought it,was time for
no' to be.tgettlotinto it , ._7a 4 hett4.ifitnit.t.linthing:: up_
againl witPSUrlari.sEtrlii„ knit hat --.,
leait a - lialf. nillelili6ll - ot tne,nnd I iyasleftlii . the
sunshine. "I theri'hting Mlt'my itreitiko't•.tinil ih.M4 . ' .
-thati-ttatVeeatied tiraltednd-lind was Moving Off libri:
zOntally ; 'then- of.:eokrspj , ,oonsiflortid,thiCif.the, ,
cloud was getting ItheaktbO,ourrent la.linye-inust be -
litrotiOri and, probably • if . •I shotild•aketnit, higher. ,
than the ClOnd die - OM:rent • inild. bh.stilf idrOngeri .1.-wOulddier:enabledt to: toieetake 'it. ', • ' 4 4 •
No sooner..kadd cenceWed the,•itionsolutet I coin. ~t -
menced the cliaseitst_hallast.,Oforboardr-antl--
trying the streamer I found niyieltascendink;
,jo a__
few inothenthVtinie high_endagli'lliNiesT..theli.pper
Side of the cloud E and as: near as I noUld;ciale,ulate
With the eye, it must bare cotitained: an ;area - Of
abbot three square Miles,',l contitteetttif rise until. _
.I watrabelut 1000 feet above the losidoind on look.
ing up I found the-gas-in theliai 2 on had 'ex andea
until it was completely full at,i,d• i disc ging_nr-•
the mouth ,. judging -.Ay the'expans f the gas It •
Ivan at least two mileshi% • , - - .
On looking , buck Iliiiifit ft'ail 'Oro se Ole Ilrali:
bitten° mattnitinand beneath me -War t el:Shemin- 4
-donli-riverrehd-siton:m-thattate4 teyeatc,ll-10--
Blue ridge. i• theft - turn& 1 - tiSi •lit 'Mien to the;
chase, I - found' myselffast . 4.gaitti og upon - tile AMA, „
and in a few minutes Ilwastibove it ; I continued •
at the elevation I th - ep as
. w unftl I had passed. over .
it and getin the orttninee 'of ab out a mile; by this -
time 'enough of.gas had espaped from the mouth of
the hallOon toilet it: deacelul and upon trying the •
stream er again, ('fnend tojtselfitiowly gravitating, '•••
and by, the time 1 haul deicended as low as the
oltind; 'it hatr.orettaken _Me, when I ..gotifito2.l4,6 - -
Itartilard.cornpleTely_ohseured from the sun, earthy '
And all Alit was discernible • etiestfit the Mist and
.balloon, I tlischarged - snflicient baking - to bring me •
to a stand, and fottsiverill Unglues I welled along,
witnand wii.hiirthe:cloody .
I then descended low enbug • .0 come unt ot.the
cloud for the pytrpose of 'Viewing my situation, mud ''
- ulitin 1 - 6bkiiiffaroundrfontidthat I hail tektite Blue'
ridge far in my rear, and was then thattiogO•VerEas::
tern Vi"rgptia, and); fe•V., miles to die , Stiiith east I
dissevered a town of some si S e. teurfitimer Cony!,
House.) I Still coothated . my &Meat, iniii tit - pas. - 7 sing over soma. fields in ;Whick.alarge number of
negroeS were at work, 'the appearance of this spec
tre from the clouds, orosted•ationg.thetn'thoetmost
conaternatlon and mitten], they lied in all, directione
to escapeTront the Devil aslonie of them conceived
it to he; while others fell to work i preparing them
selves rot the sound
,of.the tentimet that . was t o call
them to their bud account, no d oubt thinking that
Millers prophecy. Was about to - be fulfilled. But
not feeling myself disposed to be the one, op do titer
other, I east out thysulell9l!,Aoett..tooV hold.of a
re Ig.:0 - Aiiitldr- - iiiwil .I.liiiig very strong, and the .fence
riot affording sufficient resistance, I raised it from
the ground and glided butt aweenlv*here I manag.
ed to get into an open space that shielded me trot)
the wind, I then noted the time, it. was th ntintifin '
past .2 o'clock and just I hone and 10 minutes Iron;
the t me l left Harrisonburg. . .
i In a few minuteS iciairal g ent l e mene came to my
assisttinee; upon-mcquiring ithclut :my sitnatitm they ,
inhumed me that I was i n Culpepper on. hear the.
bank of the rtaintlatopock river,,witisiti half a mile of •
Risey silk, :A miles ,North„ of 'Culpepper Court
Ilimse,..und 75 or 80 miles... l r* liarrotoubnre, ,•
Iteekinglant co. •Va. So that I . was hut 'one hunt
and ten Minutes •pe . iinrining tits voyage: - - • .
This has been the most interesting trip that I have -
yet Made, and the ompeitran'ee of the enittli add the
t fFeet produced I,ltaill mittens.Sr to de:at-Vibe, but I
am itiathAuttle 0116 fail.jtistiett.-..- - • '.
Tim,generatappearauee:of the 'eAth when. view.
ell remit a hallnon,is thit) of a likst Plain inclining to
a concave, I,,but wilt:whit oVe bocoptelt accustomed
ici the scene nail learns how to adapt the bird-eyo
to the torimintalL,Vietv,thdre.:etin. very' readily be
,distinguished stilifFt;rence betw e en Alte•hills and vat .• -
!eye. Deep. Mid
,extensive. ravines Allf.c...„dragOiiii4
- through - many - of - whinlyfititi - iiinsilng•streants,. im 7
anions to the'vectitart'hi *in Bin:. bat' --- --- "ohness
that the .higherportions7s . . ry doesnoupps
-104; , At this.season• of tlM.y,ear; t ''hills and val.
leys - dittplay - a lirests- - ;*fliausiniljietuity=tiod Itiin,•! ..
_mo ' on...lmre ta.seendli'mlarget-antl - splentlid - eilificer ' "
of the - ,Virgiaia t e rhaerithore the smalr.white, but
inkftiss pletures)i cottages; ago in the eyo Is attract.
-ell by the number_of imald.villages,i;ln.the. Midst of •
Which standh,orte largei..thiwilie•retit.aridiirotiablir
the•enmerluns of Ake neigitliorhotalo: , ol4. - of "hick x
* i±sprvnin„,s3l3yefe,*pmta_thart, - ..the,eyi..being able _l___,_
• teem l oprehelul italtnt,:n•vm.liv:.- , ,"!,, -- ' -,' ':. , . ~
The effect produce d iiiiim"th'e!,irirad''.hi.'sliigular ~.
- aintexeltingintristiewl*eltelthanginviseeriery - hil.7 --- - --,
'neatli; fo vrew..thp ioft.FAh:ilighf relleeted .h.y.
_the, _
eloudaniutf ieel'ita pieasatit:;sarulth;lO lieeille - dEEP
' Shadows east upoathk etiifiltiltieigitiffiefseeViv.hiCh * •
tiro dialinctlf:BilnitlYMllby.thooriiidillghk,o,f the4outi - ,
to - Virw a; seeni like t tits,. a,htl thy il 9 sew r. . myself;
contilleildtuilogittenoi4ny.nit• ,•• fir,', int:giiit-bit
yond Which on,' altiiitlein daftgeKti son tk itself, to '
•vilw,the few small Chrds that alone aup et:tnifrom
1 1 11
destreetion,aad,whiphanndkeix snliPen'll tit- pow ei•
to In ds: alitt -snpporni thre,olOtillift•-the-elte,ctief-vien7-- -
jog ati this; fills kliiiinliidiviihlniihglid . dftlration _ •
soul astonishment at the ',Ai
M .6C,ltriCisialei;=4:.--.-
' • 717:errEespeothi llk!-Qr .',,.. :1 - ~ ....iiv..CliEVEli. ',. -
~ i, . - . • ,-•',.,.. ..'..-.. •-.:' , . ,, ,,F . ' , i• - . , , 1 •
.r. •;.„-;',.-, .%; <l, - :,....,L„1,,....
.. - _ ... .
4iN '' 1 ' HENRY REEF •
HAVING:-entered -into liitlnern l litilbo the 'P r i',fir
flee of the I;nwil.ttilltatetulte_alLbettlnentpritruiteu ' '
to them: r
, OF,FICE in IVest Mail "ishC c ed:'n'i4itkoiti Ved• ' •
g r the Court'. Holititilted 'nem to. ClAL.StoteioF,i4fon
1 ~..gbri.Ain'iLalifiL tit 104' htddenen, of John #ept?l,;. .----- -
'opposite the C 01.140.1 4 : .l o' . ..j t• ', ''. ... . ~ .
Varlielei-Itlev.:l3idiifi '; ', n ',. , : ' , r1iri''.: ,,1, ,.. 1 9,64 -
AVE AIN - . & - . &lOpA
-- -1 -- ,„.,..1„ , , ,, ,,,,4. , -.. ,„, ,, , .:
~,, : ..,-„„,,,Aitornelrilit w mt,i... , ,,J.‘,...;*:' ".
narng , uillerliii t iiiut.;'ti, , A 53#890094,..,a0 ~.
3 . • -4ntrtnet , In'the. tkraettee ot. , 2,1: in l ictqrdter.. ,
idnil and Perci4O;entle:litt.'3/1 I. 4l.tit'Ati inn war •
'bt'AlN l4 9. 4 .,fo- 1 1.4 in4A l cati4o . !!• , the ,:011100tienidi:.;',:
fomooenpiet .465:,?4 , 415e0.1,teit diSo4o‘4,otte .
'Onidiedelltin . I , ittidet .-, t
,tioli:fiitC Ate.:04 , 40 Ivi t ,( . •
b i ail l°Pek, s' i 'i ll l ' lk * Wk'''.4;:il l : iligiaili.' llki. '
I'...; C: i: , ...f , iiiiiht •,- 4),'Lmmt 7 AufrOliw:4'g -- .-i l io'
Axr -
-1 . 4 - ' •' ' , 4tfpliefy, ate,1,010,4 1 ' ,, 'f, ). ----;
Frie l tit mrt tars otozoirin
, roni ct Jr I) ~. .
Lc Carnale,".A . pig.3, 11144A' ':-1 ".,
fi; jr7i
' 71“4 4 .041:4A14,?