Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, May 15, 1844, Image 1
E 2 i!lM*A`."6 l .fiy , . . • ~4".;;443:44,,y,„%s rt • • • . ;,;',P:-'3...!":44 ' fpfljUlr ~r9RINAPAIF. g . "IOEVOTED PTO F 4 ' - D ' ;5 - arf 0/111( El 2 Ts Arun„scaEN, . r, . • •WWSOI.2-414:'4', lIERALD Office, •ent,dre,Aquare, . 4 -- 4 — grattir --- , / 1 1 ,n pr,; ! .• a, , . .. 411r4. ' 4 ' 4 ' -'—i---"--°-. C1C8.. ATIONI . q.„ • N•,.. ' tACERMS. OF" P ,,,U - et,y, 19 fniblfisipii .? iliP 1 i 11/0/111'?i',A;',6r;:v.T ELV.rWqp.ox.,(... • Pe l ' o : I : . '''''" - - - 1 1 ''''''able`Witlii,i1Ah'yq).` 1 1 3 00th,E; f l 141'4 er:?l:lPlifi•TaPhileyerittiiii**o),94l4B - . 19 57. h t 4 , 1 "- n i r iN n 'll ite,takeik :Am les trA ail s# \ t4,l 41 4,17 - 11,Zia ----- p 4- e diiiir,ritinned*tir ill ar. • ft...(1 . - r - ea - l ai c ; a r d e -d i;a is ,!d 4 4 ' 4 l r r;s ,..r f p,! ,..,„ a b t ti th e, e) a_ c!p d t i i s oL' ri e t ft in t: _,----liitthiitiiiial?`c4olinwider'l744l4o ilYijka'ernent..L. • Ad ij ililr e irsiiii,'Av n i . licprqn7t - on Vie: ie . ii ,i3 iij p t o e i r t in v i a . l ;,.•,-,_ 1,00§0,f005.0.Ate,114.";, must •.. . , -.,, ;:„;,;,; t,Tkea-eSI7S-' aIiHPARSENAL-411-:. SPRINOFIELD, , likysir i4l l tie inritancle *stoilpllie - iilfto tiutie the of : rtn; -116 direFreOle deArees, and not puffed up with '6l+6 ! ganee'sind•condell 'ratlter b - • • &their nwin'opinlion .t nit admoni;iiinal the , whole world leng ogo lutve - liVed.t kost, quiet - tranquillity and lave [not together Inuit flrnr and ; le4gue rgoit GRA' '" Tiiigalidgedian t ilae the burnished itrms`t • itipon, 'unthem:'patiling,, .v)iltigera ;with shrange.alarms, . Ali 24 dteiti7; - ---W4esyiliir-Deitth 7 Angel touches those-swilabyo! Whviegtul,h‘inent aria dismal Misery • the3i•nwiyl synNilrontee? • I . 1 • 100erieff agony. tlin end - leas groan— _ • Miltiolti , Altrongluttinlages that have gone byetee.Fts, iii toog reverberation! reach our 01V11. ' Ontiptro nfld litivtieis'fings lite Sixon hammer, forest, roar!. the Nor.semait's song, • Anti:loattlitoithe O'ertlittinit diiiiertssourids Life l'artar gong. liedr-the-ElorentiOO who from his palaee Ant! Aztec iiriesOi uton: 4 44o)r.keocallis' 306 a the'*ird,war-drums inadof tierpenrs'ikhi Tlip.t*uit °reach paiei ! zed and burning village;. The Shunt, that every prayer',lfo'r mercy drowns ,; 'The soldiers' 'reveltfin the midst of pillage, •-- The wail of famine .in beleaguered towns ?' The hinzhigahellthelgate - way *ranched-- asunder 'che rattling musketry, the clashing blade; And aver and anon, hi tones of-thunder, • Theflinpaiou of the cannonade. noses;„. With ends accursed instrAhents as tiICRC, .T4ti d,rownest is.7ature4 slc'eet.:An.4 kindly woierab Were IMlf the pons. that filly,l w r ith terror • - Were.halk the;:wealtli, iyestoweilma ealinity .aud Outs' • . Given to_redeent the banaan nyind from error, Titere4e,re tlp needof arsenals and forts. 1 4 hp,varpiarls taupe .wc ultt lie a. name abhorred! Unite nut ci 7w -- 2 • , tichtgiiriif itk!)i , cocr, on its forehead ' V3451' pgalr , for evermore the curse of eaifil , . ~ . , . .. . .. , Pori! it.ho ditilc futore, throughlonggeneraiiiins, Tikg .e.alioing sounds grow fainter and then cease i ,end Lik e a bell with anionic, sweet vibrations, - X.yea Ohne:more the voice of Christ. saV"Petice !" Peficel ant 'tie longer from itkbrazen poriKls gve - ar org,nn - shakes the 4100 Put beautiCyl . ue seeks of the immortals, he liolp ' mblodies - of L ! ov0 arise. - - 41.11ERICAN MO= lf.k•atlierilirok*Op and. iee'tll4. pg.. • Oretti 46E14=414"qt-seem to be raiotto*)ol...llo,4klo4 ......Werogeoti'lf,yl4l,y4 7 ,llll;FOieign .O..:VOAOLoroor • . .13 1 pathor,,w,boifesfpl ! fioiee isthat, • .0,: q " ' „p tiiise sof. d: t 'o* ,o;ihait of iheelt -- k "ItisAtge`Piifo:i';oirj lI ,4! :„ - 4-, - , r , • 4 rs 4ren lYST 2 Rlr t4 ;`; , : o(lthe,*ystsibtulty'ai "-• B VlaldtPeeTrltZ don ' t ' , vivtagrit 010 301040kr , • - ,4l,otritill , v 1; withioYtr • •E,:`r fraivewitniesoe4 nifty tt2ay Itice tbts, , sh° qolPu'diT, ' 4 40 may lire to ho l d tholitt,F4l , ilV; - -0 0reedom:in 'iny- 11 ang1 17, Ar s :',[ , ` : t,9lPiv" it kJ • ; ' t. 49,e' ! , ,IRAbrModb l 4l l Swea lo26 l l dit r • 41Pf,:01. gntn irtWa wiltoAY of PA;t 44l , l v, 7° ) "%itit-.gout o ' l 4le " 4 " to the keePorluCAM 6100.414411 x manOkere• -ilke 7 o l o9l"* . JOAnde's: . --- ' ---441111"1.42,1 i- It l.l 9 o l ,, t #A7 4 tWila4 sioordOe;t twiiiquirod eying • 1118 $0 11 41 b 10 11 4 1 iitaiKTAV: l iluVprioiti I retorted othegiteepito e "" kofiri4Aret witb STile'lf6olPor : 1 1 0 ! otepi4i.ao4ol*l4 e • b94"gli tick • t?cq CAP( O li * . 'o l or l l ll ( l ' ll *.iiiVi „ L iLg t .. PPIOO itieteol9,44:' - 1 4 rti,''YOXY br • ENE I -4i rt . 4 .,, MM 'Upon my word then,' -said the skip*, rether briskly,'yon must s wim back, like grampus, - nr borrow a pair of wings from the gulls.' The man at the hell?) grinned his broadest, at what,'lte Itxnight thbe:a • od Jo to o icer s while the oyigi nalturned sharrily round, parodietLajlye.ti na's.laugh at the fellow, and then returaed' to the charge.. as much in earnest as ever r was Iprmy . life.• • ' . • - - -hie ftp r - sans)v - eiTd - t!fe - origj- , tial joking; iyfyieli,. and ~have no righ_t_49.lo_,j aked_ap 0114_ 4 :,,T010.0i no joke,' sisid the? capiain,.‘4lll - knckv is bogs.l4e and - it's - inope.timn to. post is mirth, - 16 Pit °Paoli.' • - • - • .. . i - -- 'Eh Ws. hitt ?* how ?'. exclaimed 'the 0(1 di tk, with a sort of.nervous dah - ia` r '-:- . 'lt,oii - iiiiMiffili - inc 1:" Dti-itia•444call 'yP.=• ,ti? esp . ' to say-I'm i obliged:,to . go, Itritet,lt dr Vie:a AO t Jar ,not r ' -',• '• -..., • ••• ' .__L ::' ' ‘ I- (lll' ilideod,tiii; l I'm atirf,t , for ;it; bit; i'' ettn't . tte helped. - "' ; My 'orders are•pos' l 've the' iminiallhe mail ai . e,,44 l ;eard ? 'l, ) ' ,00E11 .• , 0 1.. .ft ' : " 7 -. . - ..- 1 ; ' ..4` 1. ! 1 : ' ..,; J =.(.' . 1 ' : i ' a :• i ; r 7: :`. 1 . 7 :•;: - 'litdeed but4,tyel),ii, vyau i kpoWl . why:is , *iii : ig:o ll, :V 464 oY'3. ) ;s4_ P 4 .4 ' ' l , Wl' '!.'. . 1 0 00,Ma.,J:iff 1 1Paft40 0 : 1- ;'! 1: YO. t ,io;'rigl4;fP, iiit ', Wti "aii il-.l:Jr.iti.lte*lgiiir34be,aiiii e l i l i t",#Mt i l - kt inti rl i- q1: --4 ../ 4- ,-, 1. ,5-• -- , ', •.. - -e. ..:,,, •,, .1-:,, ,,,, , , , ,, ,::, 1:",,-, 19"4'P9rTI''f,"._, e: ! .. „ )Ir iP,±l i2t.i•,aT i l i e # ,i P l AP .-- P%0 1 991 , 40?4 3 4;°7 wiia4t‘•!tiOA;gfiAgery;to - diitithi:fi!!ohis "perlOye,!ltltett iTga)/k4;4,0 tvitt Ipfd 0 lo 2 itilitiei bbtly; ' ,ol l o'MAtith'iMibi t 'etit'etetiebe.iYlikieV• tiAlhiril' ll6 kari`i4. ( ki ' dlfi l itiiiit r 'tii . tifii**4 ~. ~,,,, o • • 'ir.t.l.‘ , o's! I' k fiR tr,t. , ,flthlk , r? atft,' , ..! . .4',V.:;;;.' 11 9Rlic, , P, - ..qlP,Rf i ßik'v,?. A nTITh i gniI9IP,.,IIIPM 1 1 4 W 0 1 F 1 • 1 0 - 14 9 W , P41. 4 AF4iff.', ii,4 l `if k I 4 I O Ogokii l 9Pßkey,Crhollitlitina c1 1 1e ,, 'L1 6 1, 0 0e 1 0. , ili4ii'peil 'lll34li . ,'4llo'idiiieiil iiewi,l4(3 . riii4 406 k: 14'-il:F:9o ;3 f4 .4(i iikTP . - - -t . , i. c qiiiitualfilAt .1461. 9 4. 0 0 1 1i44e . ' iiiii'ilit i L tS4diti fciiiiip'tt c -Tcs4iy 41inOtiV id lnifY` i tigl i n l ear.-.k7 , , 4.F.,,i'''0 4 - AO A?!) TRlsl.lll.llaPlai:*i--,47,47;it00 1, ~ e ilgt.B4ii) i iir4Tlslo, thaPg*b •Otfir/PC • ii l fktiliOiikh On lilii iki?ri*. halts ` f l' A ri , iii tv ijit'6l44o46o,ti !icfs;, ~,.,1 1 4.' 1 3 . § :f.1. h ., , f l :.___li;t: 7 l , ilir.:_iiwAi,,,kbli,ipi ., , F .• , it, l, -; ''' ,"' iii . •: niver 4.;.! ' I". 4 'M ,li•lit.ln ,* `%. " 0 ;rr. :4,- AL: 0 4 3 1.A 1 - Ii '::' : i !'' - ' l ' Very ,4,ol;,*eigii+llivii*yetifti-tiolf L„.. 1 , Inc l i ~ ,..5;: ), , ,,, . tiiii v, y.......vid, s t if t -,.1 iiiparglifil o lt n t ggi . ..?,`E N„qp7F.,, , 'pop - 7i , v,54, 'ff!!!V , N o l, s* "4 3 4 , IN Itsf,A4Pm!'...i 18P oiiMfli4f(orOcki4ll44,gb,,atkek ~.#- ,' . . - 0 #$10"Iii44,100- f tYP*14 1 01811..4*1,4%.,_ '44-fitAtiiiiilo - tiiithoiciiit, , ;l44 . l , ,rointiost4 *0; V *AM"' tpr =II MHO 4444 6 7:4 4p,," MMM2M=9 . 8 _ . 1 1 , 91 41,1 :.;•• 91.14:-..X.M;,PNOT47;A'SKETCH:AT7SEA, 11-4 , iti Ceti '1,!4:'F':77.77.7. Flrr t tivinemerdiger, vested,•or, aoutestod; , ' priunoiv,il,,,itommon.,;or i r ! uneornmon,, ItSyel-tocen sq fullyiand , , so cfrequentlyi•clis oussed; 'thilt'..ene-would suppose . there' was' . tuathing rieivxlohe fel agfeelab,l urprtser it it ere ford; during--aAate :passage fro so' very nevelt I Mariner,'Ss'tffseeMwonhy: u maryfello iv passenger"; and the flrs vglance •at hi n as fis',;io-}egrdly ascandet the, cabin stai re- bespoke:him:an original: -H is. face, fiui<e; gait, gestpre4, Were. all more or less' ecclmtricr . yet, without tiny ai!Parent ;s l3l'' • tation ts- manner was perfectly:4Enest and•bisiness- r tAke, though' liis-firit -Inoveineettowartls-,theiangwar n Moment • suffic'e - d to acquaint: him with the i tate. uf the case:\ TThe-letter bags4tav ing been - detained an hetlbeyerid the isnal time or departure, the steam had beeniuti . et, the,duebre, had eh eady accomplished Ittindred ylathOtne,of her eon reep 7 - This,:intiowsrd,:ovent, bOttreier, seemed tither' te our original, who quietly stepped up to the capt a in, with the - airef ''dema'nilifig what was merely a roatter,mccourse,: . -• . : shier . . _ off ithe goei, But you, ;must turn aboutAmyboy, and let me get out, , • 'Let you get out echoed tlielastom'ished skipper, and s agaiit,retieatingit,-trith_what musicians call a staccaro`Let . -:-y_cAt-_:7 l got, 7 i outP. ~:Exactly so. Pin, going ashore.' the -skipper,;looking 'unless you allutie_to the other aide V 'The whet:side?' exclainfed the oddity, initobintarily turninglowards england.— 'Pooh ! pooh nonsense, man ; nonsense, man; E only came to-look at youracimm modations. I'm not a going across with you a. I'm-not upon My word !' maist tteg your pardon sir,' said the ca - ptain - , -- quire - suit nrn ty - , -- %ITC iria - m - Tfliiir opinion that you are going across ' •• 1 • • q-14..g - aranton ; I tel • at goMtbact o Pu `Come, shipper, its quite as far out as caro for.—if you want to treat me to a will i' 'treat you to a sail?' roared liiiiindii nant I'm in earifi3o,l4' WIMItaZttit3I23EtIM3E::),I4I, VElEZtati ~ . .1 , 1.1 - tIBIZErZSEI,b,"'„"E4I _ 4 h , ,4tY....=. , 1 , 5...• , "- .; ~ .6.arpe„ n t it —.O. = trt'..l.llt7,l3l,KDit•Alt,,yt,ntotnt3W;r:V.,, „ gammas : 3m ::; -tFEWt, -;;;' • % Mr, 444,4 ... 4, 44 :1.4;. , 4,,114.71.7y .r.,7 1 . 4:4 1'ef . .q a 4P0af ir , 1 .4 t11 ,9,4 1 19k 19 44 1 r % Y, e gff'4lßl . Y, 1 , 1 I , I P, ,1130: - StriiinOT and every time that :4n ,pOssaik . P eafi sAvho ata h o s.con s ide red? as Sir tindidull.owe Le gavoiiiit lieadraccoMpsnied by •zishort , piglike Ago' fOurvimohosylablasi :Igrhis; is ;4064' 684 ..t? :iv 6". eciii;tc .008 looknig-p6k - sona l .d; to 'lnterboakiar.a 5 1; . .54i5g50r,.;,41}/1 : ! ify ilk l. 6ll ol; o ' ottaltce l 4li . s dOw tual delivery of letters ;-thence on the , resPOnSibilitY;tif the' ca taro, with a prornistofatv early-return packet from . 11 olyhead; he was 'en tering into a coif? gratulation On,the fineness of. the weathei when the, original thought it _lva.? time eat Jilin Wolf. ' Igy gond sir, you-wilt'scuserne:-.-The eaSele `tiohlidy'alut - mrotv'm ----- r* are - a regular, passenger._ _ have 'it right t'o be intlltit7 — Yrn - rhave Hotyliead f or. to :or to Tiit; ratter; pr to the-end the world,ij^,—yqt —like.. 04, / choose to be . , ; in;;Publin., AVhat right.have-tto_be..thereAhen 3; ,Nt i one; acorn !•"I've no right to be in this I . , yes - sel l sod . the, clptain, titers, `-1: no vs . it. I've no right (stamping) to bp on this.dsokl I.have no, , rnore right to, he tossing-otsea, [waving his srrn.up..arni don , n,] than the . . Pigeon. Hoots. -- - ' It is a very unpleasant situation'. t al• titereartetrrtitlie;'Sfottt - pas.' Sen:gey; is I 'old _the fenilentaii, kends are tied. 1. ean do nothing, though 'nobody is more sorry -,for his -inemtveni- euee.'• • . , " --, int - onventette.e'be'fiatik4r - -Texelatmed inconvenience, sire; the . ; . sm'allestl I,3At.ll.4,Makes nou ce. as. to- be- ink •Itere - that, - iirtd•itiat• aloue,l- dis pute nll right to.' • • • 'Well, but my dear good sir,'-oXpostulS ted the poMpou's hm, i admittititthe jus tpe of your premises, the hardship is eon-. lessedly without remedy.' To be sure it is,' said slid. captain, 'every inch ot All that _Lean say is, that thi gentleman's passage shall be no expense to him.' '!lritanicee, of course not!' said the orig inal with p 4neer, q.have no right to put expense. But its my right I stand up.fur and:f.def:4oubotli to prove that I haVe any right or any shadow of a right, to be in your company: I'll what skipper'; but before he could, finish the sentence, h_a_tßrnetl_suchlet '_stale _inatle_a_mest grotessue, wry face, and rushed forward to the bow.--efLthe ;vessel.. The captain , ex— changed a significant sinile with the stout gentleman, but before they had quite en their minds of the Absent character, he I cantle scrambling hack to the pinnacle, up- en which he rested withb'eth-handsovhile lie thrust his...working visage within .a foot •ef the shipper's face. -- • : 464 Tliere,.skipper .now t --IN hap- d'ye ctrll T Whit a 6 you say to - thal? What . , rigtit have ri itt Tot. not ,a Hpassenge ; J've no - right to: go ;tumliluig pve ro ea; and, pails; and whpt. , not,. to the ship did !"2 : " • - • 'gond' the porii= pens plan. • • , -• 13,1bp't. sir •gio,..iffii . ! ; yii* . tools yo,uil ~ own tinssaic." . Yoii''have niiiiitAo!!.:i . !jCkll - : youtve..a.rigl?t tp . gp.lp.oo,sitie,-9y , 7y five minutes; you've P r !gli;!!94C , priti,..fiii. ii't , t4 7 ,rv:9,?*A9,litil:lP9l 1,7, 'PIT, PP4igl i t - .9 1 : 0: - AeFt4ii)))...;(,h0!, , ,.*6' ; jaid.,,thez,pqß- : . .0,1,1 - ty offendpit,iti- iiiiitgo.l - : , :',y.pu;,at.13,41?- 'Obi telle. tltii I ktriii f j ii di& i?f: ioif i , ciiiir , i ' viif ';il..'e,,.i;, 0 4 .i. . ,I ig'tlsi46:l63ib`!`:„..,,, iaiii.iii4;iWelq . l . t4 ilad yi:) l )iti'' , )4A,v )l . 9 .eWli:p'ff,;'Putli. 11ziii::i: . k,' " ' l l t l ßiVl t ß t ? . 4pvl;Ritl i 'B4 i!igis4l94)9:iy4l!),:e.,y,tl.oPalik.W,PP:tririri'c'i 'o ,, httAttiiit , ao:-IWitiiiii.rffi:. — ; t1,414**431(iP : ,p ' pi ,l ii ' ieSiiiiiiliil '4 l97 -` ll - zabliffe -- i! -- 7 ,- .. - --- ic yripifilliiifow.“.. , :iii'l* I -- r•;:'6,aii',lfliiiii,lo, *P 3 •P, ?)/? . .b . g* ' i; l4 #; :' , l i, il i *, ..ti . ,ojo-I'oofie, &;iir.i,i,!siet, , ,,!' 3l . - )9'5,915,1,4r204);,14 -5.,F(, , ...13.5 1 ,1,4: ui.:4.Asimilt , ,9c,i,),Ritigei .. ,, ii,:ii.. , :iioi.-,.-.;,,.„ , ,4-„,:.4 , -, ! , 1, , - ! , :fPfq..iiroiiii.b*,:til*l6:''Po4o4t ! iy; 106- litlg.4bk:.:toto 4 4ifit,eofd.i s enttiiiii4, , ,,4lo, did' iii -i iitici;ii;*tiiiiiiilllo4 , Ttif r ahir i , fi ' ll' i ''' igifig 1 ' 1 ' 44411 ' i i i *. f . ftt t l. ' P . PlP , T 3 P -: .; - 4., . 6 :i.;92 , i5l-,Zl39),o:illiftgiq liplii:00 - :.i4d4tio.*Iti;' , .iind,,A,;t1,1k!Aitik:f 01 . 14,. lOviithiflOon : ,ollo,4.oitilsiirsptiz#4ptlie,iilliiir 94 1 010'01P*-1_474.44.;.hii00n!itiiy.0.. lt,lPlo9o!;,,EkiLiarcl,4l4oeigl;!4i..,,sP-I,hfr patonui4F, :#o * irjAt,4li * :l l 6o , l oo i ** r #4,. - 40040 . 1 :(4i ' d ( Pali. " ( i ,4lbli ' ,iiitd)ihOlii4dilt,' , piiV pit', 'YPl7 '''lll gi til"VeigalitiVil'. litaigfcafi';64ll2: 4 - 10 ',4.,1(At0,,'-*Ezt';:)'„i'li.Pf'q'd',4'4;t*:'''i'tril'illii iit Ar.!<;RlAAßzpivatO ,101, 1 i: - 4 •' .4 1,1N 't ': el,ioA ''il' • :- . ' '!4 ~ 94!! Wr,o.44igi. t titiiill'ihi*"ii.oot4iit 0. 01 . - ;' 8 10 1. 0ifili-.4 . . ji r *(iiiiiiii4tiictl#(:tiiPiifid4to..;fL,`_'.4bm,iliß, , i 1 '4olrg- i e -- o 1 '-'''' ''L lt 4 T e".l 4 g! iic , , ,-- !..i'fq , ,ikiih - 4 - 1 - .4,41 . 10.tig ,It'll: 9 'v it '.r otiv : diiitri -.. yilmr!dutyi:iii ' ktti-liii : fi r ii:* 0 ''..4,,6f......0-,,-,00,1,,,,rittv ; , 4 .$ 'f..• t.taiko.cmfmrAltihragogyptitite 4 1411t4i,;4,14,114.4410. ~ if t414,.....40. - ,,ii,,,e,.pat,,54 . 4, ! 1 ' qli.4loioiid : ::l4# ; l4#4ol:AsiOk:per ao ki4t, taitiiif,t4'.tfoiio*W4l4o'.-' M.MX‘=l MC= V , ' -':= l ).'. N . ... ,, N 7 ttgri:;•H,. ' ..o! ) ? .? tAjcP ?: ? ., ;:litkitiol l i,l: e, "4.k - A1f34,AN , J,1q,,...: • • - 12. 'r,..'1,-, 3- , ..-,,,,;7,....., , &PEttHAlPClA'Nlfl:?=Yll43tSititi' TALI ' '4 F ,T iIAj i,A,X t T , —, !NR .I 3P , P9I I YPTPR!S(Ti — ,. wEnsTrx sant,— anjoy,lentiomon, ,pg. tyytAcif,in f ,4imp3jol; •sembly Wit igs-ortharwstaies and iLobiri'a aniong; y.60'404118 41irtgle T!!.!k..; PPie'bridaitledrid 116 A 7 il t6-I. ti L iirigi l ftregtOi%%ill.iiiii*Of r r 1 g14" 'a - a 1 es 4. • s - 3 -f-' 4 &-PY-PA-A.1 2 #4 , 4'P4-;t1 1 .400r0iP04 , -44t 3 " .41 9!•1 isive Ipprohation±tor,-Tho-prodeecliogs,;of theAi?thikating-CobientioO,6ll..yesterdAy: (icita .'oll6e - r§;' and hrlea:Ot; 1 0 4 dri r flit? righ!.!, rre:asoifibl'ed 654311 t n lgA t r e sPoP;iblddttliesAAVNaß4,l4l,ti.llF-9.90, freerncalTiiia time •peace.t , Wo are inbleirlitAaker'fitedsu r. a• z.,b,t4,. 4 .5,71,r;' - 14, I , P,!„'it ,11"•s' c "O tt 11: suet' te^ttrelAelEl-et 1 11 4 InatißotlrluPl V 1. . 34 ' . vi11 . 6 Pitirty" ri 'lull ' udh" 'the 'Stet i3p_.. ss, rt _ ..,o us --e . --“ , ,r-ri. 11, 4-,J,.4 4 , 1 1 144 ei ,q4t4 , .. tG . 0 ling attrikutesnt fl . ts A avaetr• inatme klass the teiliTZ:thirfiiiiiht , altniliTt - m ,.,,,i ii 4 i.l•'' r titid • ShOii'dji ' rlVk l l ' O''fi'''Pt : - 4fi r v 7 rltP"vilutTl; (141 , iiheers4)".oThof Stite' Of lYe7' 4 l o t 4 eY W lti e4o iwx 44 l. 4oliiiAlktiii; , ilego 4 do'Lf4.7 InI)PC from Ina i ' . r .We all renten 4s 7hev'Pa'' ir '' t' '1 ele r l'ilin"' siffettitig' 'Wei fertible - hialsrtiersUCCeSflitli etruggles, in tlin eiiii - e - er )liii`7ff 0- Y's Br fvthiabiAT, dtriette..urevolntiortary-dust,,dieti-14:4 1 ree. ton-at Plincetoe.- 1 ,- atitiliqinoutti:(ChW3 , ): We ha4eiMard'fra4 our fatheriv'thef,iri the darkest - gloom of ;he ; of the reyolution -: ,,lten tliat little hAnfl dfiall'iote that ' ral = lied round Washinten tFOled___wityitn. a the reads of that `§llie:,eraeltini their line of triaMt by therble9d from ,their,lliangled end tartel;d feet-- , upon - itto - renow-the pee., ple OLlsieW JerSciy=administeretlafff-tliey hatl-all they 'could, to relieve the, wants ..... to .. , 4 ,,„. e this soffPrings'of-thos. , a . marked , with uncontruon* interest w itha -cheerfullyalid firomptly:4Videir :their future which seems to be full of -great e- food and their raiment 4 with the suffering vents, we are met to take •.steps to ekect martyrs of the \ revolution I (brut eiteer,s, men to these great and high offices. d4n- ing.) And lif the time is • now , Come, .a)l , tlemen treasseinbledi IterMortilelery_part may derive-iatiksetioa-fra;iii-it r te-re'Mkn'r of the land, and from e - very Walk - of - life-'be r Newlersey--to repay her in rd. her men who have honored themselves, and serv i ce s ., -- . , rendered eLeltl--,-.l4Prelnlsulgt4" who have honored their Country. ( Cheers) give -the second office in the country to Many within. the Halls of Congress-oth- one of her most distinguished e9ns (cheers.) ere on the bench of the high croitrts of .ju- The .duty, my I friends, before us, and be- diceture-in every profession, legal, scien-, fore the q'theer/higs of tile country, at-this , tific, commercial--in every pursuit through- time is, • to restore that aicendancy which I out the Country-these, these have met to cireumstanFes have irripaKed- . to Mail ratify the results of the deliberations and what has been ' injilied- J to re-establisgl the-selections of yesterday:- --(Cheers.) whig measures, anti, the re.aseamlency of i You have come to that result with ail n- whig., principles--in a word,' , to' do , that 4 naniiiity ,almos.t. unparnllAted. Yen have wrk over again Whi'cl) 'we did in '''4o, --- au - d j selested one for the highest-eiKeeAn-Yen toqip it now God - Willing, So tAat, fl --- gtti gift_who is likely tp fan oone point-the HOLD i •(cheers and Laughter followed this.) one - -Ijhe only_one.--the single- one-the -10 held 'n - iii -- i - vhat is alre'ailFattained+i rallying point • of alkood Whigs. (Loud t o "ptirso farther, i where it is - possitite to cheers.) Whigs of the United sta tes , I de so- o secure the perpetuation and the say to you all, by what means-under what purity of tlt -- e Cree-s yilein - of govirnment auspices de you intend .to•accbinplish your under whiclmve live, and to restore andAe object to elevate this one-to-that-high-sea-C cure the prosperity or the whole count--- tw o ? Let me remind yon when our huh-, 7." 0 bring to a state - uf , ..repose and steadi ers resolved to achieszi the independence of nessthii, great interests of the whole coup their country, they announced their feel- try. govho shall say that, if we leave ings, their hopes, and tii,iir deliberations, of this incessant agitation-this fixing to in this rentenee-" Our cause is just, and day .and •erifiking to-morrow, all the mer our Union is pertAt." l (Loud cheers.) m al e and mechanical interests of the We were not born to achieve independence country-that if we leave (flings as they 4nYt - we - mar - horn - to - it en ance o , _ • .1 1- 11 - 11( - Tice Rreiiotit'F•TAljelhii; . tad §tafeti: tithe. these gr•at blepings, olteined for is by , - our finhers; and we arreliarged with the duty of their preservation. Le't - us then, borrow not only their language, but their sentiments, their determination, and their, action. ..And let it go forth to•the Gulf of 111 - 6 - 717' .fricorto - tL lls of the. Misstssippi ; to the Mountain tops of my, native State, with a voice, a tone, a vigor, that shall an nounce to every Willi throughout the land that our cause is' just—our. Union is also perfect. . (f l ood cheers.) . The members of the Conveittion, have nominated LIENav, CLAY of Kentucky, for Presidetrr'of, the United States'. (Terrific cheering,) . For 3Q years , ihtiedistingtifehedan hail served ;his cppntry llonoralilY rind 11 , 1.1 ,14, both at home and,abroad. ,(Loud . ' cheers.) l'h - O 1 3- 9Aitici_4ri-:vhjqlriik hie stood . Vero re ,th a peoplp,:land the-publieeentiment-trom-,all giMhtersOdicate Clearly and deeisiVely; . tlitl)e - ja'a.' - ipii -- on — it lii/ilirilhic 7 i'vTiliii 7 6l ~the `country are . ' conferred. ` ''.(Cheers and cries of i'GrOod fo - rit;tiiiiiitli6 iitii l ;"l And I -, rejoice Ahet:on, , , this - pekrit'thero . ,h as, 6ot-been-a- dissen tient voice ; :nor a Aopbt-. , at voice;d no - brink - thelyarm Ony of . t he' war k, - ." In lli6 course` of ..public' life - soMetviut 'feidillii;iiiii.) . ' 13.;i%' no - ttipiiWitile . :iiiqe..,fitfre; beiM?„,qtte . s . tioni3..op ,'• hIi;li o , tit at ~gentl'em RA Afil),,thyseigiliaye,4teridi, . ,he t it t h as , beep, : 'sin, ,honest : a itftirence, - arising,,only!..,Aonir- a Mutual' desire. as -4 which' Was the I bait* mode 'of adv,ineinolie.hbestinterestior; on a. 'aomttan ij 'aiiiiinc.iikid'OnTiiibiftitioli'enitnify l i /.4oir'Fi , ' T. h4iiinOiO''' . :46iiqiii"rtbiaiilet4i f01(i, 4 1.- :-.4,.(, , ,1 / ~,,),,,1 .„I:til iii ir.6 l l, ; ;, iii v. eg . j.. . liii i i i i, s tt r--91u p r "", c ,! 9 .7 1 - 11 ,41t-5--- 0 . Pi;-:!0 - " , `•• ,b,..i. 1. , ' llPI T F TNIMir l ,l Bl7 W'Mr el i.?? l : 4 l,ITrelt, iijittw , . 4 of,,oe,,gr.setLeopatituthme,l n tisteimp;, 'ilalgreatlealltig - nioneurea,of ;puts ii : iii;e:4 ~ lot P011:- , PW i i43ll4ler:ft,:fi as , hitinu'orfp,i .i fork ' ./ei? 4 ''' l4 tweOkilAftl t liaTei - der fOl i.:6 leitv I.?rimoli r xipkwilivoiieil'igpo r'i tiiolk l iolid Li T -me; 1a naltjn'Ofteit'Y ii.`,' iir.Toi;toßAK-Va y .iii4k ?4411 1 0:0'0:00 [ 400iBiMiiia ' /hat', 484w= INV 'rErci)o9ls i‘x i , '''''" • A , ,1• , !•,,, 4ii.. ~,, ,„ . , , *golitiew.hinbillaetniVfOomoi'et4itOejao a ilbjekiite4liiii 40' trOtaitiilibil titiqco )litiecy gb l infielSiiirkilltiqrthi**Eliiiilidtintllt.' ?: c l T e q .,, 1 1 4 1 C - 01,. )1 : 4 ,, i' ll t r ;l itw :1.2t: . I .1 : 11 1 g i a / 1 1 . 1 : - : 4, 1 / 1/ i All i i t i t ''''',,M ar, o - 5 1 0 ), 140 :41 474 P 4, 1 11i NT, 1 0 1 0)0 ". "M it lPAF.iir,q ll ,:Prinoq. r .q , COß4.okatitiMillit4;it( \ ta* , iliewaiiiion'oPtiiiiiiAbiniiliei*ilaufrkla .40 1 :i''' . 4;"(fl 0 ,0; 1 ?ifttifrior iiiYillkiiiot llll 4 4 b- Xbrs44 ol ' H(76 .0" - KW4, s :*, t , l k4)#l l F,O' 401'0'614'44 . krin - iiiifil ' id( u P,o4l4. l6l i)iii „,,,,*,, u /0-. thap,./:„ / ‘irr:/14,,./ci,"401, 'IV -a,„ .ha "4,P r 1g"1,9 A 71 1 .40!Y Aftkr . -i ,. , rl oifnv , Pat''` ''' .1 ''• -I” }ijie'' ' ' Witii:vp'' eti - o aca.w,xlArep 4 ~,p./91 4 , 1' A:4ta ii 4 hOit , 4l4l' .. :,,., fr:9oloslfoP,*", l o I ,o .l 4tiiii . * o i kt liiiiiiiii - 01.1 11 0010 1 Ci 7 ',*'' ItVillhltfgfitAtO 111 Viiglig*rm'Y rh•fil oilao4 lect—tolku-seuthei-r -. lawful aypeatipes p undisturhed .: Ogee and destructive legidlation—, that the honest hearts and the hard hands Of the. mechanic; the agriculturist, and the'werk , ing 'man idevery 'position of- life, iifialt'nbt reh i the reward o i # • (loud Cheers.) There are two views before, us./ •Mr. Cr. v will -- be Pre - siiletif - dt United States if. vie do our duty - (loud cheer ing, and cries of " Yes, that he will, and ; no mistake,') and if we do not do. - our dit ty .(judging from.present., appearances in the political horiion,) Vati Sprott, will' Uo PresideetTiond - .clieere'cif —never, never, never."). Merit; that I , 1 t - Aye - 7deie - t't Cer i ietkof. ". egvey, will--we-will uot, President - Ave - ItetlW- , tlitt; - keheralrpriei3i4 'pies and-' - nteagures which lie Williprepose 'and'`e support. i nder:stain! right the great,#catinreoltati he place 6440 cbuntryeten,, we Shell.linovv i till.' Jibe is .wron g ,.. wo..effidl nob *here•treirs,l, tloittf eleers,-and cries - el . " that's a'fact„."q. pettld:tiot.epealLtylth'p - ericittl tlireepec; 4.9 1 , tins Pectiiic.;',li,r4PPPA:lo,'elt.e.qt-Tr.elii4llA4l3l?*: I i yrta.ll3itttENt';'.hetVlitivp' . litott , trtade i.sttiely! Profiol 6 6 6 c':itil4oo'Wlitiliti4f. ' en' t e4titiV. 2 4 WeVei r 4 l j," P IE TRO ,a 4.4 4 ‘ll6l*r a l a d i ,lUK V 2t w ,-114rP4PRI ositive,- Ot - laieetl 4 o - aiw,riFli!tkbe' B o7, B t 4 oriv,s 4 ttiffolif iiiifif , ihidriticaoilliiitratiOliThfiO - tiliT. 'er , totlfhter,hphothatietlienian'oolW ',' fided' ice Able, hp . .Poiiit.,Mll)os . —to till! i iiik • t i llibelgs'lli fiA 66,4 " l " sC) F..o,i ii ir b ,i,4 at e4ro , ,thati so to lts% as lA , , 'NI , inter#4l9 I , qiiigiti',l,#cy iii - 4 . l;d:rittiriiii: Ui: Cl'foki?:'E4'•th,T,T--fiqi do ;vs die &race"thirfefieit;e , ths A' " 1 3 ' fik: . : : i' ;'ll,''e VII 'deep- 1 t' v iliiii?iiii ) &l 4 Wdreiblitigl' dr allt - e '''' il t ggiNA ; 4 .c. not ,Rc'f'? , , -P ,, -1 1 , r,l 1 5 .,..' } ..'7 la 1, .* , ll '4ks , 1i11, , ..', 4 '• vf +,, ii Ithil:l6l4l°°c " i° \ " L ll an ' ii ! k r e ' ll) W ico "PrOpYr4SiShPßl'l 'r' .ell'l t A ° t l 7/i r i.i:l l 49 l ; h : s [Jto si'shittf4"iivithlikeriiioEft'lleifeeVgiibil ' ; 'li ti i a re 4 Vlitrip,lioillyo494 f fi l trntli,cPl l ‘l9ll9,, ~i,Pf t , l if I - eiy thatln mi' B l)iiiii;Y, l lTAViliiiit* s likmilnapiltsidth,ilie bletiaing '44 fizWi Rep ? ! Ig 4l ..lli e,d iii l ik r Oil;: l Alitit tilYtrivir'lo...eff.i3Hilli v)l';''6l''''"lf'''.l.t'''w.'''''''°il4i64-liiilinl4":" `itterabh.) tittohle.,hl ti*ritingiuitoCh t iCovi4,lti fi;ii9fole '.ttlitiirh'iyqt,f f ihi!Ofeti. l4)3 . 6 kiji' iti ----- 11 , iteii - deaw(i'dieitme irriii*outti V' d tial Offiiir re riii = 4. - 66 4 , '• tii i Ili i ffkity4; i i ; i - - • , , , .)-.,-1 , - . • ,, , , ,•04.0-1. 4 a '1141,V.; 1 0 oittgluo) hn i oL , t o P it ,' so -Tub kl ' )) ,Pi ce - f -K 0114133 - 61 " 4 .-K 9 PRV- 8 1, - sPklltgP - RftYn - lt7Attttßlyt?Mfr v .i',\Z, ,fauest l? ns. ,rinaiX.haiichtiir4rTwoc;liiinis.? ho shal pops spot os, tha i . !r. 1%1 4 .; Agit,. tllh 1 144=4 Mt )3 i ,- I , iarilti; ......,,,. o hl „,,,... 12 i nt i i , ~ i ;,r,Atimati a f ti ipppvtumpa9 ktl.m.,-.. si ,,, AßFptrig,l,qnc i lyA ~ ,c AIRP.N4 4 . t. ,, , ,,, , ~,,,,,,,,, .-- -i,' - -". 6 _,i.i ,?;,t„}sigfpgre?.f'''-,l4:Wicod'i,Jhr.r,lPl,gof4k?:il'ill4-`4I,NIII'ITYIi!",,,I,7I,I:'??!'i, 116i - iptir9 'i1y „ p84.0 ' ` , Arifi1d*,43 4 113#444114 1, 40 , 0,',45111 . _ ,P 0 AillaqYl 4 oe -, , ,,,f 44. iiiii reo , vThrii yputi - PretW' iP , ' , dirt 'ei'P ' t!lt ! gi'"g 4i ° T 11, , ' ,A fi t 1 .b 77,7 ; 4ußt 'lL :ettlkliig '&0 4, 1 4 "; % 0 , i:: q. A IP , E Pi,t,, fLi t * * *AititAlitre.4l4oo, llifilloi 4 iikni 4vitro)liOnttro : I :4vou '• 1% card WNeivatitill lrits!!)" 'ir ib°4l ;a ocla* " ri ' t say, '.-. . ' ~ 9,,, 0 0,,,, „„ , , pP,, 1 1, \ , ~, ,i ~ .447 r ~ 1,, 11.,•,:: , a 7:,3l3el( 4 l l 3 t hllkii;4ooll" E AVVlol4ol P 4 l 7t -01 0/1 1 14 , 6 1 111 , 1 TP1 41 i 1 M, 1 / 1 4"i 4 4- e 4 e rt , l 4 !' ( l9lTl 4V9AI---t4 3. . 14 gii, 'TO- r ear titira t iatci i iii cr. ' t .4 01 . . :.0: '' .. i''' ( - 4. 7 . i d :4 11 .,1§ 1111 ,,0 .4 1 ,i i agilli,J 1 4 7.‘rtp. l i g , 1.0 . 11410,4 : l ''' l )- I,T, ' ' ' . T4 °'''' ' , ' ),i '4 l' r' la * L . , Waiiiioitnetainket tiof:' , s, - ii - 013.1 - 0f;.,!, o, itm, i vim. 111 , t , alr 4 1,14 f.. . '.. 74 ` N t 4 , 1 , 4 1" . .! +51 .Pitt02 ' Ogtrli , f 13 07v4 ‘)t,t?' yam:k:'^ili PA, T,P , i 11 4W,+:144 , 1. 1 1 1 i Pt 44 1 1 ,4, 1191 r ° ~1 4 .90 7 3 r. fil l l • 11, ! t T-' Ittri:illit t -Atiflilte4sq - 411 0.7terilIF --- ' - - -,74„ii i - 4,',,, -- '- -, - , - - • • 3,' . up / i4i44o t : - 4$ 1 0 1 • , i„A„... , •• • , "4': - - • -- o''lo):'(7.`..lf4l44ViVlA RIM Z hoUte vie'.. 4 e1f , b0tt.444114-01:wc,p, zfrtiA-3. omi • - ' *A I M, ,„ -0, • •• ' ' • , , • - •• - 4 ry -1 . ,t • • t y , , ' .... T :-"Z. ,1,...,... ',F..",,,..-'',.i."`''siin'T-iiir':lnv' "1X,11.k4V , ' Lte l d r 4iiii r 4l . l - 4:51116' lid' en, f e hind be,ask i i ... • .r.4 . 4!.F. 113 ' :`.'F - ' ,, lmn 4. 1, 1 , -• rr•,.._......„. ...,, ......•• 4 .,,,.„ . .,,,,, f , 0 , r 3 i#l, c 'l t i,r.,,11.),.1 (4 . ..,...ii V"' .. YA.,-, , A ,- !•,4 ,••• i , ~,,‘„ „ ri,, , -,, , ,,,,,A , „,,i,..0 i ,,, , .•0 0 .7 , 7 , --, . ', , , ,,, r: , •.•,!,, , , , , , 0',;,....... Ifte,..- l Attf,Ale , ri,c_ilAete , r. , ! l .e.,oo,',lld ~,0 1? 1 ! 4 ` -r., L *1 " ';-: ':;`,:,.liv,eii,6p,riniii,soirire witi,ottliAlimili Iratity-t=kiirViiiiiik'liqqllyptik`An,ias ', 3 -, . . .. . 4 .., .. ..,.. - ,,,, - , l 44_ .. .,,i i ik s t i p i i i tni - 6- _,,,,_ ._ I . 4tit'AtZ '.'j . ' 1 .1,.;14iPtrt"...1ia."0 Tti..a....iii , cif... , . , Li- ..5ucti..§9,43ne,.. , 1fig17,..y . p , r 8 c,; ri t, ~ v, , . _._ usupw 4 ieM•Alle'l4cowd: literally scream. 4 vtiti • hd , 1 11 , 1 4 0 4 0 er e 4 0 ,Ipstwun . pt iiit't ii . i f,1,=, 1 .9:0ii,09: ?' ,JciA.Ml'.O,, v- W,Y4tte , t'aini,•`.‘iitti lighi - mid . li*:to r .. - Ee . r„,-. trap.-- . -I,ai plittiiiiigernexiei;ofqtlie"'lMPPi''' , #ll4-i* -.411,7,-(i)•',' : oiT t ffe if if '4 , :3T " ofi 'l. , V 4 ki ' lin - ' • ..-•,.. , ;,, . ,'..::;,-,.. ..d. , _,, .. , ,..,,,,....,,,,,,,--;... 1 ,..„:,:c.J,, 4, e ~,1,90.4 ~.../. 1 „,, . ~,4 , A , , , $ .2 t tp ! : ?; , ,, t,h ,F.1 0 pT1 . FAL0V,TTT1, 1 ,7 1 ; 1 ‘,1 , `;,,%.! , . w it in rife 4,,:4 1 ,0, 0 , ) ,c :ftc031,141 - : - ,!"- ? , 7- 'I. -40a19w9 P -is t i iiika49,i l .4terg?d is A4 e. on e''. - s ilver .titS.,lilot;sll;:iiitig -gPrdP l l4 - "Teit_ltie94XJ ''' - IttiOt , -,U4w/1 2 "kiiiiii , lj4iiitL'Ilieriftiii4J644` ' 4, '''j. . - '• .'lO6ll-15,vit.iiipbatifith,.ot._:__ ~, ,,- ~ , J,,,,, , , , ,,, , -, - ,,i-,-..-,,-.,..--,,,,, , ..,-,-7--xpga,ip:nq ~.. , ,tr.,,,,,,,,,13...,,,,, - . tatg,;_f.o6)ABlPCPYßfinT).l-4'l'llat`,;ilrs°34l9rP;':ille.airitilbi4o4o,44,4lls;'4llllll,oo/iiai. - - Biel ''*,, e. t / e:lti l i Y ii ?J? -r ,.;to. 4, , l *l l ,lZ, fl ), l r , ::ci tii ,t'Sl'idrancSWlll'ob ': wt::. . , 114AOL 3 "11k:-frOn MAUI .' ''' :9 ltel 4.. 4:r -,e.--etAttr4i4.-rtite-filirr, - the Flo werin• ff't'teelin -votider'...Jaehhiiiable ---r - -- -• .. • ~,,, - . -,..., ...),,' • , ' l , '.,'-, sr 1 . - tsvrt3i4 41140 ' '''.. • 1 .,/ tO , the'elerrienurofr wn • tab '.en te - re fa , , , ,• • I 'irire i tili any losi two. enjoy iiiti.i:44e,§Agy,l'qi4.o,_9iiii!,9lrioli,icpr. ~i,441,.mirii,.../.46...ge0.a10i1kftad.,9(.iv, 47n r, ./ terest than enter,other2fortne,qgoverilniUnt I t Spring day',{vohaififiiiii.iiii : - ii:Olit worn, ,; 4 " - ''•0: 6el ' 111}41-tt4 i ' tv id ,1 4iii . Y 1 6P4rivtiit and 'h'lS bosoniit.iioi4. i :::: It: .;bilit___. Sod . L -,.. osrilth, : too,O f i,e n , 4 3 erloolte&iti - PuliF. - !9d - j.f!' 'tirlie i t , and,ke,,,_h_qAtels4it - likty l a, ,14.!,..49L . 0 116,i,ii!41,','Art0,i.0,..:tbAkki,orffi lit , OAF* , s ay s'o, !van 'attlie Arpepee:o; - I tft,., 4,. inenti no matter ,hOei'isSinstructed,-e-?ieet- i ii'iir'O'sir''.'''' I: I.:l_,ii - 1 . 6, -- s P rv,p'itd . 0 tui u;•, ' 'angel' -'teittliOililierfat iiiiii:tifahitierieSiiiii;rk' 't . :;;‘ , ' - ra --- vaa ---- idine' j 'a'',__ln' , '' 'it 'die 'gale, 'reltiag,ull ,z„ c. ~,, ...1,:.-, , ~ ~ zi,,.. , , ~i-'4,i,t,''.1,:+4 CV -7,l ''' ' i I -1 ---13..i ...= -- - ,- . - .4 , :1= - -i - , - ,+l - 7,1 - .4."'Vit'Si __ Cita:filia,sife_tyi*EzprOPeyi4T-thegeOcc4 ifire - r - iiir fadliiOnlitc t i3 2 1 1 ,f1 1 . 7t.,fi1ik, 5 0 .90, ibgl,,O!::,141.11 e ! " .!s ll ) , F : ti ' ''''t.!Li4l.lMi..;--;1,ti1 . 4 . ti . h . ii . ,(1 .. t, ) 0 1 f b'e‘riedie' tio' L ' - n'tigiii'ffs i. e'le' .- e n 4iritlialid;k:and 'kill'ufiwrinliffiztlal.igii:if7ebeere;) , `•"t ,.. Gbw • :!Y641 ;" - ' l4llrl Pi - . 14 !' 7, % 41 1 i - 61 if7'7 if f li ,-:A 1 / 2 ifeiiif fti: xiliiiiiifike, tliO Siinnini..jenuy - or,ltiii,iiat - i ' i l i ti4il lLr hd _t i ? i f i l'' l ': ). Jlt'; ' oo l o-iifo'?t' *Ali t.or:ch;al . 9gieriff.T.intellitptic'e,Kritctni 'W.l , ..)rt--and -ftitiOAdfliqteiiiicit4 4-4- ,OUUtini- - 1. lioiis' iitiiii.i;F4rrietikiriti eta itleplarY ; ;,). a uiti, ai; - esebittial. to In ideAitut direct :burial bl it* - , 4 , :,...:,• , ••e sys--- 7V .' ' A , ', 'servants-, n as ilnuelf sq ‘ uxthftsture, the sun. andlibe '•infoon arc?'"-essentiallo guide , the nayii(toi*resi;the..`deep,—, pi ii, the light ] houscs- ,- scattered •aleing•a• , thousand ' miles' , of ' '4oi:o -h i tll 'lo i ' d lii4,l4; , cllo r il:dii., ', , 0t.4110kk l ,• who navioate the; sea , . ,•But7Fotwithstand !iiig"airtlielii lig,Wits l are see n a t ' it'ery point, - 'unless, there-38 ekill,at,the kelip„, -the v . sitql: h will. goiashore,!ori-bu,wrecked iii the break,. . ._ers: ,..4 •4o_dris...:ivith-politicaliaffatrstv e-riow s (ratite ;-• tan A - 0 eleiien't;ii%t - vii4.4bt re ri` if i r s`re'dMittliein ' if .4, ili .n.oLregar, tltg ,, ligltis paped or theiriadanee s , the:vessel of.,S.tatelvill. , bil: •shiputreelted-b)---thoee-•Avhe-Onght:to: have; Saved her.• Ileers.g Iris, otherefOre, high:thity l on etery keneratiO'ion7all men —in 'dig* mittei'Of•Pree doarnMent to set at all times wigi.viailance—let me add with. lealeasK is necessary. for tis to ,see that all, guards igairist the . encreachtnent of power= -all ilietheeks against grivernMent al abuses—all the support:of . our liberties. are efficiently carried igto effeef=[ohees.] widarishdre . - • ' : 1 ;f; 1 " 1. rant . . . what we reeeiirgd,unsplAied,,frotncutr_atit : - hewn, as u;saered-lgtier, .tievolvettiupon, us. Andraccording:to the name and char.. which we hear, We should . zealously, firirtly; wisel,'apt) . efflaient!) , :perforirt it [eh eei‘ . o.] Nye : ea I • .9:tit:eel higs-7. IM eers,'"a itrace - oktr-aneefltors-4--Som are •arounds•ms lier,e—[looks--round , on the. platform where sat skime revolutionary Vet erans] partalters,aa they , have_ beep 61 re volutionary donors--[eliet They are whids—[eteers] Washington,and his band of heroei' Who achibved by their Woad the iridq - pendenee ' Our aim - 7(OOProJ tt;ose s rl?P' fTnie!ti ; t4 Ponstjt9., tion Were • wbfgsvr[eltetrs],thotio' who car-, rigid its priceless prineifireii , :ind - p - rhilainris int'o•effeet; i wire tvliigs [144 iheersir•We Beal9hu=aurrie"of'ti+hrgs==fcheeTd; :A iiiiiie''''tiritiKutshed by kvoii,aas ani , scars e;eieree' aer - 2 ea Joity l P9,4 l e , ..4.,g9*Yetnelts.allsl(lePA of ,the4ligliust character., -:-It.-belcrga , to- Alterefore; if tae Wouleie 'wire to:the - nartie we beer: 'lt iielong; - 611. getter:: siOops, tojecolleat from whOm welepeiveck. political;-9 e i'l) - 14 - esiO.Uos We. , aro bond toikbia .pregorvatipu,,..:4 Itch; of tides Aloo3l3Par t0„911 MOINCIP,..{rOgi*".4.4IItII,WI4II9+ biATOliteh 4fer-111. - orn".' he - itam, • TP , i, 7:0 Dt'l ,, vl.,r: 4*R1:777.,, )I !, ,i b i ßg' ., ,Pß. , :tft / F , 2 3 493 1 1'= 1e gY " tairAikijngl4,TAipmeo-to,,yieldtl ' • ' -.-••• .904 tleilAsar o .rat!lif pnglaktlia , PrinOl plea , duty to .iires.erveAlie_cOill.tittitiOotratifhtfaihti wpm MWM trw prr,4m . ,.wb'zSEva mark tite:_res:ll elog_dtioriveialinig,tbe west, aiTtlie , h'in.t Of. •the'city, , tlieV•elitiefifiivear, -f 'a n i t Y e F. 1 91 el" i Y°1 I :Clbf ‘ei 'o n ok#oo l 4lo `, 1. their co rse over the vastitilancrifrotb,,the 45'.` - ' I feet, 'di'iti6inciiriefftsliitlliiiVit '''' an inilestruCtible . soul ;*tliat the God iiilfor;6 ,tinderS lifted 'the'frimin'talOtt.d',p.feik.(ilneee 7. _ . hil" t - ii' '- in - ''a ' ...— lii - ekV i ''''"i - i - ' a - se re s n egvanc.' 1 . . 3sta •ig um. .. „ . :iberhil ditailipi - rit:frnirt the et hlitiSWetiff , fiiti* •'' thin of;41:11S:lick0,e: `:triitise•,,uptintice iii.tle, nets of man,aritl:the,grefitnetth of hisi.Creatim - . ...,..,.1 ~ 't?r..t. ' 6 . 1 'i, 1- t,4,09 u g4 6x .) 4 4 1'i1 YN1 1 1PP.: 1 1 11 0 4 )4* ;, Aloft v !andti - anloit in wornle'rs'''''.`' 'ID - karni -to- , ''' TIIqT,P.-ik-nOtili l o-fii ) Va refql '6' 4 4,0(0 1 r It is the. riebeattthiigbensture-4 , . , :exeeptnr Wayg,i - r. „itits; - .`"' ~., c - t ,, - ,, - r-- ,g . .'...47 , ,.3.`5: ,- " , :i.p , '71 ,!3,43,4;7331:: ..‘t1 , 3 , ,p 'in; ,sidett.flanut .tileng s , the West;!, "" painted ~ ~ 311 .11.A.3 t pl . '" '`Vi Ifs ilq AY A . I A I 4. : P eI° . I I.4q3 YP, l . ) iP4l 2 ls ' .q q 4 l t h R l l l l,l l a", k_w_ ea l, watehedatligmLlKW - - - -. 'iiieengeriderecib - y'plO. , tiieyslif-Nia4sara t . 701d4he . Av,i l 4l4,oC.PPlerie,t4oßliq -- 410 tilriffi from; the occislent,:tletili-eyerpfollf"Wasibapt• 1... , , i4ied in Molten rubyil -, a - iiiblithinii:PViliini4 - Ift sica —'''"-'' '-' ' ri -lipn.3.;:atld i ~ ,, — ,Y.49l'.)icur.R4A cri , 4fL'UPl ) - Wavle above the. mountainsi.leavingtonlraw: __ ' to, vr bare of crimson hcose 'a-tiity;of:_the=felt4 , :. l dorest vielet .Y-Lbave , retieetdd-thoed beatiti.''''' . ~,,, fel lines of - Gluck : !2 !c Dt.'. -. '• %rethinks - it Were ntiAntin-t , o - die: 2 '_ , , 1 , ' ... ... , On such 'au. eve, when ; such # alg •. I •,,-' --•••-••-,“ ' O'er, canopies the 'clrust ; ~., To gaztrat tin MI yen •-e.Ani•deti; '• . '• .. -' 4.,01 like a o inflmt, sink to sleep ••, -.• ; _ On earth, m• mother's breast. Thefes 'Vence aiiillV,eXtr.rno iii)itiVeliCitb - ` 4 • Of emiless"blue"filliiiiility-- .T.:a„ .1'.....1. ...; 1,..1:.`,. et.,..... ' . ' ~ ,' I trace tfi . ti-veini of litiiird itilii•;'L - ~ :.--:, `..,, i ,---- - liee-thgt .501tr,m1pu,1 . #0121 , , ; :,. ;t,. r, -41 - 1 IA J , ;-Th,stir, or,t,,tiT.Vierx, I!liggs, , , r u..,-,,,,i, -,- , : fitme.,-,4 ' Olouds a c 1 pica, 410 Irer , s l , ..t,l gp,ctir lag . ipg i ~ and. passing way., - - lie- Istrte Atterrt i witlin-,!',. regret.. Thoughts of-:our lastArourrtoma,k. upon tie; 'as . we , watch -, them;:dieiiind: we aliiiciet" iv Ili ` to die l vdttißliiiirCi'il •id' l '"' i ' •Come, oi c, oly entli!_thY_lfeeZipA"-kiSt liriauciprites';lierest'tif'bli~9~—' "' 119. T -would lohr.p,awaiy.! 'f I our led. ill looking cat eloude totthink:o , . of the tnysteiimin awe" *it; '.; . .. i'' -ar, • which' they were regarded' iieldg•titg2 ' in'the'day ofTiejii ,''ii WA th , e , 'tio ( tnt n, ! . d • armies approaches}',a town-. to'heftege it, and the eliadoatV,'o' 4 4ltiff4"ity gpon'll; .. ;alley Eam.,. , ,,-• c••,,,t,..,,,,. , ,- , ,-I k f ~i , ' P, ' 9,1 11 .4:i i , b . 5 M99, e , ... q , ..r, 1'.‘', 1 ', 1 Pr.9i01.°,,,,.. ni = 0 ;1:-441 . iii 1 4 . .1--,OPP'7,-1-4. , ....0!#; , ic - g3?I'o-- - , *!(Lb.41,140,!4..119.1PF9,09,0Mt.5,1R.1.0t.k0mbrAti7,.. - - taaentedity-itheir.- -- eastlesiTwialtinglittiff- --- 'eioifiltviatiyeY'taitall;ttekt.iitiOrthiO glio ` . inci, Imi4jad iheii . '"Olevaijiiinntl iiMigli? —• ' iievti, and! bt4lOifig-'• aftialoeaartdu 4reatosAa , . • '. 3:0 tiatic taa• lhOy';'-- -, Litegiar# • vren(tins , oi the filte 'Tfiltieqtf!#o"rd 4 C/iiiiiceit ''' l . - , --. '.. , t 0 /") 1 T• . • • ;• i .7, - ••:- L P . ../.,..' 1 ~, :1? -...; ,,, r ~i .ii,'rp,l4 ,l t ,t;?..•?.c . bn , ..; = • :': , , ...ta itit• -. ; ' .4 17 ii . .§X 4 F . : - I . *#,, .:I'u. ~.P,itillfF..l.q".7#7l".#E.:,,V,hilteiti„t YauOg gentleman aot:a;thclaaA9 - .rt4m,,ktrL,, thili,7a ft r, p•10pg,,a4:1.91,51404f 1 ,94/140)1 11 P.,il ,duali': inisqlf,:oito: heiglit4tyia4nOhitatikat, i ti ) ailie of 7 41;teityiiiji the: • veiy74CatTa 67 - 1 -- - . .. • ~;" t.. ' .-.1 Jr , i131140Y:•'7 1 :.15 - iib r. piiliKaCV, I,dtl,altd, -. . • . 9 "tielta c ilief4lavtirtiVopi , *;llll; i4 , r„e, -0.... ~e.,..., , :e, e.„ ' ',': L't *Ol - .1114 . 4 :dgpF.fot' so ple u .y 04 - in' a-ktike.t . • ;ol . •,uoy,t9,py,,i- 1 ,,,„„ -•ik , ~- , 4 '''-' .1 '. I -•,' ' ". 0 * •'• ~:,...' ' ••-• tlpplarad.ao4:, ripto,..4o,PMikeAlx** lo . ). Wt. l l .' **- liiidaeltitt'l•ll6.o,: , *:l3olilittillailte,;;4,tititiLlititt'tiatv• ' .. hnilltiiiiiadliirio:' ,l •ol')OtouftielAtitia; , _ , i. .-• -Mti al, a d-: 47 . a'h:tiftilly.•radiiiil4 , jiitOgifEi9ll;!!" : : -- if -L b -- 410" .. retooi:.9l*,ooi . i;q9AttkPßMl..l 14.,71,, . ruPs.: - .• .-it:l44;,,ti;*,holo.lwo.4.Ccbatiadte!iii44l,oiirrii ._ - , •I , ~ ~ , ~.s ~., ~.,...,,: ..., . , . ~ siiilltietaiikooldtuntil - she iwtOu'iTiarritOrrii-W— -,p4iiiilidqloolok.Ttiii:,*tog,Foooo.',i#o4.4.4 7 . 41,:pilioiliw.'06 . 6iiiv. aellt lioal,'4o;tiiikte4V4 . • • iitlitgliSildlli:l443tliiii . :4o 4 l:al" 3 l . • . i. .. , ..40.11 .y. 4 .. 6 .!..%. 1.,i4-; ..' .. E . l " . '• . 61 at•qtl •-- tato 'mg.:v(lN tii,ti,' ri - it, t-. • e , - :.,,,„ ,- . -N} :,...-,, ~ , ~,....., , .J., ,r-, k.., -.0.t. •,. OP •, • . ''. 1 9 1 0494 4 4 10 4 . 14.-. 7. 44 -IW.:# , P.F9h*Pgli .- 'kliftivititaht4 4 1 4 . "* . tlif# 1 0i'tilkf 1 i 1 4•iillt0 1 0(i s ' I 'tli;iisiiii 4 titelit .4 tiiitife6et;iititillniititittlittiO '' ' It, - '.--',.,- ' --.• --' '-' , •-. '' : -7 , ••••,•-•• , - . .-; . ':aotkettgytai-. , 411 ~ , ,, ,: q1,,, , , , j, H eil l.! 'oo4 ls , l6l P '''Si il4 4i *; 43 161 . V . i'l , ',, - '4: Y. ~., ; , 7 44 ~ , 3 „,,,,,A , ,,,- 0 4.**00- Aro,vopid ivir .. , l a oli v itei9ittgaVt;m94•AA'q igt 4 ' . l,i OFS'*ik§flhfk e k i r* th t* u pp , ... ti md6444, l iotl itt* AitistaA 3 / 4 3 - ' ''''''`ii ' . 000 4 Oil*" Vt*' 'ltlf'an imp .., !MOM to !® =