'•-• •-•-• otz, pitiitiesed..the -711 liekAPIO bedhlid;oollll7All4YßONtao4lBol4ts tWIMIgt ----- irreattakaltVo94l4D±HgblatiltOßSElZlTl the,ogrei:ofterolapstibAlteillorGdlitit, , OCate.M.Ondi antLatheoitliseasesonityoffeasihin!cttlithei.publio., with :the' gresteSticonfittetnitlittinktAtlitOPillimiews to All and eeatunine thettlinAT.hise.insununenti are constriltiteil on and acquainted with:the.tiontotay,ofthe.Vemale. System s , the:diseesel*hloltiiiiiiianght to he cured, the Of. 1.1)7 ltnitrainents ,, :olllibelilnifirltit OltuVie-novalided:appronationlofthe, country, itradticgdtrkiittinbin-ofe cites to this effeettire in the hands of the.sobsolbers; . which kno,prire at: aihichaltele %strut/tint/. are soldii - puts them; within, the"reit:4l'ol'4ll. ' • STCAtiIAUGWer..,OOOYEA Shippenshurg, and fbr'srtlgqiwparlialetbyS:ELLlOTT. - Mar - 4kt 3' 1844 RettOchre. s • _L right flir Cumberland intnity : of the WITH.; I ow. pietNnum, PLOUGH, is now mittufa e . mnng thede2mul other pluttglis which he has trow.lbr rile, itt.tiunbeiditol Manilla.' Fly designs by the first or:middle 5f nett,le.distribute a snot . her or tltem.thiougb-Ittellilferent.tOwlis;olulio other. public lilarer.nf the county, wherelitemers eltO judge nl their`eieettemiel ' , The ; prices will he iuw; .• _7 7 41i IWO °Coat Tinta,aupply, or, in' malty of the ,In_tonl_in)Crthe cjitititi.,_ A trial,. of,„ • itTiTifiiit~wil9ns .hat littie. it itot:ti, ,t,Witiffltt,c" seed; but fur weather beaten.' timber cir'braiii: it answers very well 'with, fish, nil,, itietlititi;r. It attliere's ona•ii'elosely than —Mu g - Wa',Y other-ind.4.;—Semerollante.., &e. ,110gliiitItooti.liare, Wan !mimed lilt a year.ptist;iiiifiV with intik, inlti:ra with water, and are now as brii,4la us viten it WAS 'first putt nn. In either way it sa t. great prikalv4ireiirtimiler,possessinggrent tenacity T C. mIL4E:R. • tf-16 Yel)rnary. 14, 1844 '.7frow . .for the B . argainst 4 ep T . hier .... ~ ., . E . 4iher begs leave to the . iti ,----,...„ ezens'ef_Ciii;listeit . iiir itirileiniik; flint lie ha-S -just returii — eiffriTellietifir - Witli a . . splendid - assort --tnent-ef-130- OTS4.-ND-StiON*consistitm-of-Mett!. Vine Calf and Cosirseßnoilso Men's and Boy' ' ' Maiiroes. • • FIC would-nisei anma-the:IAN ES, the he has peranised allot of J. Willis's Double Siileq. .'antis rounds, Pane} , Slipper ------- end'lliNilking-elwee.-- .' ' _ . Also .a. lafge assortment of Misses and: Childretti Shoes. , (All sewing of rips done gratis.) .. - . .11C-elso„ptireliasedalot.of Kid and_Morocco skins 'all .of'ulticilrhe will manufacture into *Mil iiT-tlii ____slitirtestirtoticeratuLin a neat mul'workinsillike man ner cheaper than t h ey can lie had at any other es. tablisliment in the place . . Be sitre'to call tit his Shoe Store and Manufactory in North .Hanover street, tietiely Opposite the Blink. FL C. MALOY . , tf-10 Carlisle, Janusry 3, 1844 r""Guin Shoes in which holes have been worn or taro relstired-neatly_and made iipperinous witter. . Paraphernalia . rettionts-lialiatportgon of the public, snd the neighbor's, that shared their custom nt the cot tage oinlit - eorner of Pitt' and Pornfeet streets; and enabledthe .subicelher to add a few articles to her little stock, such ss • Book and . CambriQk MIRO i as, VieterlaMuslins,plain R e figured Bobinet,Ribands, - Fringes, Edgings, Kerchielb,"rios, :Bits, Shawls, Fancy Prinis,, Alpacha Lustre, 'Nlouslins, Chintz, CalteoeS;DresiSilk,Manchester Ginghstms,Checks, Flannel, TiCkitig, it variety of Ale sl ins; Cotton Yarti; . eiliiiirßiet; Wadding and Liipt, -other-articles of dry goods hot mentioned; together with GROCER ' IBS;sueli Re Loaf and Brown Supra, Teas, Coffee, Cheese;.Witer'Crateers,Spices of all sorts; Sala's . tus and . fine salt, Starch, Srooking.mul Chewittero bacco ; Shaving .and other Soap ; Teeth Brushes, r - Flair and other Brushes; l'O' t Powder,Court Plas'= tcit, Sideand other Combs; i large quantity of limber dashery,.for-such as can to h what sort they . want,. when they ask for it; al l which will be sold at as small a profit as will j ify fair,dettling, fOr Cash; ha Borough Notes are far below 1 ... and not cur rent sethe cabin. ~, R. .M. UNDER% Oarll4le, kw. SI , 1844. tf- ANONER-tHANCE=FOR-BATIGAINS. Fr HE subscriber having come to the 1 conclusion to .cliangre his business, offers his +ll*.• • ~,00dAlum , well improved, or for a good business in the country, with sufficient dwellings for a large family, tog,etiler with afew acres attached. His stock con sist of •superfine and coarse Cloths,Cassimeres, Casinet; Cora', Domestic Goods of al kinds, Cam twice, Lawns, Linens, Gloves, Iloziery, Handker chiefs, Silks; Ginglinms, AlpatimicLustres, Fringes, Gimps, and a variety of fitncy articles Also, Boots, Slioes,.Hats, Caps Calicoes, &e: • with of other goods comprising a-general nssoi tmcnt of Hardware, Queenswar.o, Groceries, Tea Spices, Dye Stuffs, Cotton Yarn, Core - a - eiNarn, &e. -- all of which he will sell at reduced' prices for Cash - dais date, until a general safe is effec- Storekeepers and others would do well ;all, as he intends . here shall ha no M ing determined elute his liminess tent ytlir. UlAwelllng can he rented from the - Ist of April. ' Elis,books are posted-up to the.hub,, and he rp• questaall those indebted to hint to settle their ac; counts-without 'farther notice: The _first day of. April-will bis.the lag 4 day of grace, after which all accountaworhoollectin ,,- wilthe placed% tilt:lianas of peoper office S. - FLOUlt.by the Barrel, always on hand. • S. M. HARRIS. • tf-16 . , February 14,1844. LVIVIBER LUNMERI • • — 77 - - 4,ARGE" ind`gederal.,Eissoomept pf well seasoned LeARER, suitable for Cnr- , penteiKand„Cahin r etMakerkkil' constalingllPtanete t r p 1, 2 an Cohtuion - White - Ttne Boardsi rittoki.and Seantlingodrio Cherry, Walnut, Poplar and'ltalnW Pine Boaids,--Planir. arid legether with dak,piauttittg v Laths, , Shingles and- Locust 'l"data; for'i'attle 'by ,he-.',sitbacriliera, near North . Hanoyer atreleljs4 l l3ldiaih4 3 :..yar d for tneit :ke hk. Eli Sc ° Carlisle, Feb 7;11t4C '-3:r • = 1140 1 . 'May have tiliolOnuather-te.Carringes and one linraeltragonnfo4sale_oroachange.for,Litmber.-;._ . . , , up tytirt. 9 oBhis,+_hretofore.. existing under tbefirrp,or ClTPititt rat At piS,..(tply, OA :44: been - coitaklnt The niiolcii,Aurat'iveceitiil,ta or the. grm,ilivvk beiii'teli or F;:gryey•for , :abltectioit, to ;MO, firm"will "will, *al 'arid iiiiike"'"iicttleitick:` 2. e4u , -.0. " 5 : -a. W. F.' Feb. 1 t 844. 6/11411bl contin kniilifsylstjritiffi,dliseffdligerrrirstr6sre'y; hTtheT,Stil. - srisiitirirsi:„llits numerates friesidi nod 'customers of ,tho,Old lirrn nriniresietkily Invited to continue the very lilier4;:irlitroe?&hiratofore bOttowed, 'moo the es isiniiime"Shat ',II,ho'CHEA:I! telti,*(4 tise tiornafAr jir.el.ll,PP/IsiGER .84 'CO. tr-18. irEAs3p I SPY ES s, „ llaraffeo4 o igeon. and• Back Tas, ,e41,110•14.1191c.e. ;OA , s ol atip. 01 1 0 1, 10% T!- , , era ,0110 , 100 1 4'slirchiPlavlsinutiPPg.8 a"5! gihrrt Odor 1a5,44 4 140* -1 0titTe. - ;:robaoc9loYPO ;Coll'; • Fililitt***•grAliP PP* it!a94 ll 4 o t,rs; . AIM? virtimon'legiwp, . • orX4l i otAtieCtlieirp.itim of ' • AlittOklai Wflf ttfil A:1,16,qt! ,- .y , ;',.. , 4 , ,Attdar'ititfirc - DANitig .„ Allt&.'o7")"' i' - - :' c r }k P GiiE, or( Listylilidakiii 40 i y09 •• 1,. . . , - eAV,W i i ;'Ptile',seenititir-&hieiii ißriiujy, iliikd , 'oonmii_W4iskey,lloi niltnpind 46*laid'teMfoT , salf.bithe subs riber'-•••• ~ • ~....14ti tf a rl#44; ' ,. .1..,e•kr.X , '.•15V;•.144,;,,1V1i Tneß k ,'.. ' •-•':142 00 eiPP 11 3V,7,7 1 • ofted;:iii . "AtiViii6irtif , L4l 1 :rOO ivingv*iong";, V, A ,PrrEll. 8 jcinoimoot , flotiAtgpier'A!'W.Hlfoo' •• littbkPrPti„..lt±pm g ,z ag:tts,c • i.,STE ituaiittir c r., 1 ' , ;;?- 191 YR'i 41:10CPOTPRIO,EPASAII.11, !tp.8,,, !,' I viliii:lriiim t VERV.liiiit ItlilditilliEo Ll'',.!i . . 1 . - GIENERiIIt. - Mill' ' ' ' ."• ' ' ''' I ..1 ,'';,-, , " 1:';';i: ._ I -'' l,l : Dr; . I,eel!lng,?s , lErrili!!ionainf:Sy . rispk . "64 , itioitiqiikiiieb*ii4rpni,igno,4 0.404, '.,' .7) - r' ti piiiiii .1 6.rV. .9,4B — ka,,ijolda ,Trbtliiiirij P T '' .. . lidii;Astliiiia;' , lViiiiiiiiOloodcz.eilittiF 7•- 14.616 4 HifirtriekeirstifffliiikiALE.Ofi. .' ' 13rfia;Aiiii,IPains in, i4e,BrOst,: - .* iile,- andi:242l. ,, ,:tDiiedseeof: tlikri , -Fulmuifor . . ; :; :,: . _,..:,.. , ,: i .t : , ,,:; : . : : :,, , ,, , , : " , , ,. "- : , , -. 7 t , ... , .. , - .,:, ‘,..., Prilig iemedphas .been tieeiloiiA : iig 'al.! '.- 11 1 ( opishingunr.nttveilnnlitiestestlfedtobyinpii - c'ir Ilia ille - strealientablouitieetia'ofinirt/hiteil - StlitesP We do no,-nay cannot,claim,iiilocslliti lIRAZEN . FACED QUACK,' infalibility . for-huVinialicineie• dial—Lesteiki ti ediannualltie.th j "Pulmonary Syrtip,".iii au extensive null varied- , •medical practice for ninny yiara, With Veitiarknblet auceesa,• we unhesitatingly: proliouncejLonu.of Oki. 'very hest Panaceas in the world for Pialtupnattpit-'. eases. A singletrial kvill thoroughly satisfy' aq one that it liototione or the.:comoloo Quack Nos= 'trims of the dor...tail-101f iflaliqa - eiliiiiaOf 'real value, woilliy*iftielli • ev,gry . -fami iy:• ,:rte tinprece l t denteiLl nw pric,C,l4nothetstrchiirecoininentliti tin; while other CotiggorTulinonlikMeilirtilttetchrehell , ing for $ll,OO and njoiai, STILLING'S VULNION ANY SYJICUP:, selisforonly- 50 ets.:per bditle.i-N ' For safe i"f -its- - Carlisle ; - in-Carliale,-'ltt , SA . IVIEFIL - ELLIOTT) s llkieStiliOTEliiffichiliValt - hliar rrlfF - T ii.burg at %WA. BF:IAA Citoc,ery.Stord; ail noir Olies: out stceois.. Also at Angle and Creation's Drug Stdre,,Shipoenshurw. - .•. • 1- -, ' -,'-• . . . 1 ' Fel)! Entry Ilkrtiiiiti% ' Leather, illorocco . antr . IP- ;ding. 611)40 WWI. L. PE2PE IikATOST rospectfullyitiformq the'eitize . 1111 - tar. the. pahllo hvgoneml, that 'reriioved'hia Le . ather,llloroceo.itial l:hiding-Store .* to ISlorilvSetionti afreeti a few doors above Fleury Buehler', PlOtel,.whely he will keep constantly on, hand a general assortment of the, following oamed_ i SpanislL&Slauler, Sole, Skirtintli Ilarneas,kurandidaik bridle,. wax andgrain-niper and ientketi,.wax and grain Calf ---.Skina.,Spanialtandleountry liips,tap and 1' sin g leathel,heliows Leather or ar napes and Blacksmiths and 13nrk . Tanned Sheep Ain& • OtboS: Comprising lUen's yoi•oee'o, ',Yomen's undressed red andliAtek'strai ts, French kid ot di &rent. colors. Red roans, Itindile , „2, Linings of till colors, IlOok bidder's leather, Chamois' leather mill Buck skins. ALSO-SHOEMAKERS' KIT AND---FINDINGS,- Such as boot keys and breakers, shoe keys, linm 7 "tiers, pitice,rs, rolets; stamps, size sticks, punches, rubbetwfilesi- rnaps,.• threMlikootwebbi fig, ['parables, boot cord, -pegs, awls, &a. Ike. All of which he, will sell at. the .4y 'LOWEST CASH !..••• ••• •, . .. • return, his ampere thanks to-„tlie,.pub 7 toe the liberal patronage which hiss heiefolore been extended to him, teal respectfully solicits it continuance of their favors: • Harrisburg, May 17, 11143. - , ,tl-29 FARMERS) HOTEL: _ lirlHE subicribei would respectfully JIL. form his friends and ..;.he - 1'403 generally, that helms taken the . • • rtrIALIC IPP late y kept by Me. Simon ‘Vonderlich.in East igh Street, a tow doors east of the Court House, Where he will at all times take pleasure in administering to the comforts of those' who may favor him with their custom. His BAH,shall be -constantly supplied with the 'qiiors - , - wild his TABCII - 147t . h the best-the , t .can 'furnish. A , careful OS 1 L.P.R. always ept in attetidanee-4nd nothing shall Wielt undone o please all who call with him. BOARDERS taken by the Week,month or rear. • WiLiAkSiIITICAVP . Carlisle; April 12, 1843. . tt-2 For Indemnity against loss L.J . Fire. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COnl., OF 'PHILADELPHIA, '. hartar Perartua/..—iioo / 000 Capital paid in • 0,91ce1633, Chesnut street. 111A - KE — INSURA - NeElTeithrepermancutor lim ited, a gidnit loss or damag,c by five, on PRO rErrrY tiud EITECTS of mil - description, in town or Country, on, the most reasonable terms. Applica tions made - elitlie - r personally or by: letter, will be promptly attended to. The subset flier is agent tos,:„the above company for Carlisle and its victuity: - , All applicatiobs for assurance either by mail or Personally will, ho promptlybttendeil to. W: sEinktoti. December 6,1843. ly-6 „ELLIOTT- ArIiFFIRTIS for sale. at very r,educeikpi lees, aftll -lUllassortment.of ' • . . Zitugs; ItitedicinesoDye-Sturs &c. together witl'i . • Stationary, Fine Cap Paper, by the Ream, Letter t'f Slates 1)y the dozen, Si iver,Feneils, Drawing dr, Spale heir-do.; Drawing '-Paper: 'Sealing Wax,. Waferi, Penknives, of IC fine' 2 !Mashes, -Gray. log do: ShavingilO, Teeth do. • • :Flesh 410.,, Shaving .and • • • —• ; . ;',Toilet•Sokruthingrent , .• , • aro, , •, iiinOrpt 4 l4 matt - • • 7 • Toget t 'every ot ernrt e lithe Drug hoe, ,theattemitin of Pliyaiciani,VointifyllfirelinidsMill 1/yeys 'Wicked . asTl'am•determme to sell at ' very • low prices for Caih: ••. :' ••, • •••• .• ,• -• CarlisleclYlareh' 15; 18 . 43;:‘ ; %•;, tf . • . • • • 'DR. RUSH'S INFAALIHLE HALTH PILLS. ,TskrErwP: CENTS A BOX: . The prop - 0461.'6f this inialuable'legany . :Ora'grent niani.liasfOT,'solne time haled to s present }hem to,the. ,r_tiLßO. p#..ailyekisonicht - 'The reHIOI As's' blitin sone,.Bo.mnoklins, thin* title given'snd ,so strongly hitve tliey bOeii,roonnnentiell it.O.OnO inf.; other, thin it brie been , utterly : thq - deininni;boiti.liere and for multi agen ts: ying 'She present month, MOLT than tW"O'hu mired grosS, Or pearly' T IititT,r,IIIOUSAND/B ox 111'1;0. been - sold„in - Ahisicity: Agents iliroughoot the. United,Statesi and: coil, ilersititve been On , •litini weeks before they could be tact i t needs not the spirie,ef , oreilhearte foretell' the. iliy;;,when'the only . Will be' than invented by the immortal! Dr. .11Anjan . fin Resh, , the lihysioian Americaeyer atm..: 7' ? THE; HEALT tl; PILLS , hove onredi ',were lent* seemed well tigh-italiossibles , they leive , restored Ao rteet heidtii.hontlredi,Who hadtionghmottishid oil beds Of Pad; iherhsveLoperatedlike a;Cherie, whett, Siikotherlaedieinee failed even to , alroa relief; they bavo giyeit :aoirdoettiPthe..affictedi atid'hoi)e. to thR. despairing they itavo rettioved.tho ills of the yotn.l unittiv'ett , back- yontly ,, to 'thei; , 4ed.' , liideed, the, • deempOSiese the pro'perties ascribed , by. the aid, abrade:3 of lbraier'dopt_to that:Eu*l, that BOYEn— lords' I)dtaf; oonippirer,'ot ibfiraii ties; to' (litany- - erw,hiChitheypitsfilloni'#aysilintl;iresiy , nights.ol. TElt ;' Bookst o re, East ighs:;str et;'who eta "A ngloy 0r..513f1e: ISEI t the old and Av.oll g. , W tilkw#44e*- -i,l, N TvlApp) d the'li . .'""—' f , •,';,,,, -"raNT4l4/11/Ehir? MineeiiiiiiiilVl 7'1,1f.'i1',,,1: 1 ..,,i- ,141Ple''•ie7nliviilseeig,t,111:dgetprrtt,t, 4:-..1 , . 7 ,'".': I :!4 ; : ' •,' ', IPis Ll `liiiil to Teliie.r, ~. ,i . ii 4) 611,0 i;:',',. ' ~ lil it , ,;. ' ' ''" 44'...1 BatflitollitiNliiis'' ' '' ' l 14' '; ' w '4144 ~4-•/ •• ' ', o •l' • Ciiitn, I natite, .• , - ~, --. , "*.,.:+,_ -i'l .4...:,r,attgia.iiitiftco.,olo,4tl624?„grxiol(v, • sA.•T`' --:-=--- '' • I. , , 4, -', .7.-. ;- --:4 "nt for i earlite4 ) o=l _C. N—BANCKER, Prest, lEM r (1. 00, 11 0.,er_ j _11PPT„ ,.. ,4) . :, ~Oi Ajitctiplii 'of Mo i dAijel;,s4:iilinm itivitilm' ail: 7 - toriilrta64lo4l - MO - I Couga,Pleumoyillaibrth 6 gi4lW-Ltin all ajectione 4Me Pulinatir ry. irdwiri, , ; NATURE'S 0 W'N F'4,ESCRIFI'L i , IA cdinbotind•Biasitnie pfejiarition of the Prim Virgininna or _" Wild. Cherry. liiir,ke , conibid .with tlit .E.vir - att of-Tar, prepnfedthy a=new clic eel iitor,Vss,approied and redoniinendedloi the lariat distinguished pliyvteinns, and ,universally aelotowl edgedJleniast-valuablemedieineever-ilisetiverei,W NO QPAONERTUI NO DEC ; the .( . ..1 ." . , ; '/<, , 1 .. , In ieditigforth virtdes`of this eFtily grearmetl- , , testi° we have no •tleartext deceive those - who are labouring uniler,afllietion,por r do we desire to, gni). size it more AtaoliodgiTAsserVes. I. Y'e't iihe.O ivy took ,4 - 1 1 0'lliipin u d seethe , vastyirithini Of sidfi,:rieg and dissresti ocensiminif,by iniiny ot `thdiliieses in' whieli tiiis_nmdau — • int_lins_proferit 24tiii4lity:suecetisfii1;_twO_ feel - that. we eiddiet urge its - elaithrtooettorik,V or soy loci much in its farm% Sunk, indeed , nee the -----SIIP-RISIN .SSIRTILES:—'-- - Ot, this 13,459rn that, even le",tbdiiilvelieed stages of Coreivitrrios,:iftei all die: thost-64teetneii eititieditni of tdaysieions iniso failed to-effeot tine cluitn, ' - of this medicine• has I use at Unetueifteinetas beini-Prodnetvie 61 :the astonishing , reliefolid;aetually:iffeeted cures after: all hopes of reeoverPinif . libilarfirst stagesof tiiu,dist asii fermed " Catarry hal , • Coneumptiol!,.i". • arigiiniting , ; ft-616 'neglected 110Lillg , it his -been .used wide undeviating success and hundreds acknowledge they °Nellie restoration of their health to thiainvaltiable medic* alonir-- thatfortn of .Consuniption• so prejarent'ifinongai delicate yew*, femaletolcintmonlyurtned . DOING, INTO A DECLINV,'".. hitikalgolwavell'hixhiy-Anceessful, antl7not ooy. pos .dases , the prey of checking thr...peogutss . of 'this a larming coinpinint,ig also strengthens anittinvle-.' rotes the system more Ifectutilly than - any nattilicine we have ever pliSsesseth - : --Fociiarticulars,-cectificatesdke g ieeilt, iVistar's. pamphlet; .. ' AGENTS.—V. ELLIOTT; Carlisle.. 4. Deitig, Chambersbrug - % "Solomon °tallith - York. . Angle and Greason's,.shippensburg. Carlisle, November 8, 043. • . . 611V2.2021a - WIEREASOudiei• the-pretenru - of title, do: rived from =sundry unrecorded peeds and sales made for taxes, which by repeated Idjudica, tiotis of the Court of Common Pleas or Ctunher• laird countyi'and - the-Supreme Court- of this State have been declared fratufident and Void,hirge (pal, tities_of chestnut and ,other Valuable timber have beett.but upon the lamli knoxim isa the Monti( Holly. Estate; the public are therefore lierchy notified, that therstate" entitiistirtg of all the tracts of land cd any 'me used since the yea .1816, connarionwit_h the .3 tot Holly Iron Works, (exCeptiorsuchlSF tions as Suva since heen told by the subscriber,) are the property of the Farmers' fic Mechanics' Bank,. hy, virtue of a conveyance-latheSherilfot-sithl , contw-1 ty; in Xrigust 1858; thlUs alrileeda not .irecoideth within six months from the time of .their execution. are, by Act of Assembly, dated'27th,May, 1715, de- - *hired fradulent and void against subselpieurpm chasers; that the taxes hwie. been regularly pan], up-: on every.tract forming part hf said estate, from the first occuttion up to .tbe present ti mei that by act or Anon ly. (laird 29th March, 1824, the Cutting hauling, purchasmg,am einploying of otherilto cut or_haul, ally timber trees upon or from the lands of, another; w,ithout the license of the true owner is made an hatictable offence,; and that the subscriber will proses to allpdrsonsoffending against Inty„ tto matter unal•-what fradulent pretence such viola tion is attempted. , He will also give n reward of Tim-nom:Am for such information as may lead to the argehension, and TwErrry, noLLetts for the-convic tion of each and every oWetaler.____ 11111:. ttorney_iulazt of,saitl.l3nnk • Deo. 2.0,1843, (O'Ariy information in regard to the estate tnny he communicatet! to L. G: Brantlebury, Esq. Cur _ Forwarding & Coiiintission DM g isa-a g GEORGE FLEMING ESPF.CTFULLY informs the public, that premed to receive, forward nod dispose of Produceo off every description, _zither at the Pliiiaiktlikia_nritaitimocv,Ntavkato r oP, it any other point accessible by Rail Road. As he will attend in person to the delivery and sale of till articles ent rusted ,to l ii; care, the most satisreetoey and speedy returns may all times be expected,tuul I the utmost promptitude in the trimiactiou of all bit siness entrusted to him. . 0 , Farmers s - it nvtitg arlicr a elhieh they 'wish disposed of, will do well to call " him, im mediately opposite .the. Mansion House, and Rail •Road Depot, Wsei-ligh street, . G. P. is.authorized to purchase' several hundred bushels of Grain, for which the highest Trice will -be given. Carlisle;.May 17,.1843, . - H'N - H RPS R ettlit , Engtuter,'. Ye 6 e e . vr ALSO, 4 . ' 4 • 'Commissispnet . 11 Torikry*pri,... ,„ , .Ir_fAS ierhifted his office to, North Hanorsr I:l:Stie.etilirest'side;'S'Aiiioieloith of LW . 80004 and nearlyioPposito tlie . offiae of Williat .1 Irvine, Pie..,:where lie , Will; as usual" - Caritulli : attepd-to all business plush ,nlay be entrusted, to hanin the 4rcher ivjfrp,diet.llfunollietori rhilade!O‘a lal. larg at""l l l4'Fr4 - .Parlo bier 44r, eitiutdy , La imps witil•or,without 114(t0tp',t,v1001 . 444,3i.,W,r1 ;dal' itftllP,OaPtifikOtkvlril Pr l 99s- r Astral, Side : Reflectors and Glass Lampe of mont;' uus p a itetia."' ' I • • C:',) Oil, warranted to Vitt% ' - • " ' 7- I"ti - 2.1'-pjerga - Bed SperitrCancilet. !., CoqislO; D0kr:.21;113:42:, - ti;•• alf) . curws ast. that sire rognired Anti . their ireierlialon, Melt ae Scittliag,',l;fting t .p.Wisk,. .&c., or will restore t hei loss of ,theinyitityln Telisetf sertingArti fi ciel-Teeth, from ta.. , •! . .t.7o(llce on Pitt itreet,,4 few doors S outh ` of (lie' ; • • shieht Ikons ' , Utirtiele . ,, therlast• '11,10,24;-184,1: 4 o'4 ~„,. . -w„HoLEStttWBETAI3'gROCERY; APiaciiiii,*****6l - tiiow .I,,lpmfaa . wwt r i 1 : 71 14 1 4 . .14ig774:0 4 •Ta1 7 1P7a041:- l AAF , fliii.±4 6 / 1 1 )PPAusalii r liitturfm4 7. : .1.41,044tc, 4 7- 714. 1.1 .11rWiriMvP*0 1 ttle ** o*all 1100.0 r 7: • : E,Nc4l.l§itiiid'iirtittin,Teoplee' Istattel-mnit'irmtfrttetl-ve - mMitelitetlir=EiTh mous quantities are sold .-and :every body likes them. Freeman .HM . tf,'Esg ,edittit of:the Merchants - Mag azine; says they:mired- his .eongh.i . The. Itey. : .-#lr., ; Nionallklq. , llrCql -citurol4.was Mired ef. a, Aterat,hsa colft , rind cough eured,of N eensumption by NIANIMO,ItIII. LozENcts tifiye saved Vfilkey it„:0116 - ,Hisii.kldwSrd .1. Porter; line: 11.1'13., BearisleYyrikiii:=HtiiteriMf chins, what Airy think of, Shermati!s Lozenges, and diey,will.tell.39u they are eieelleitt-.-thit only-ht • • • RIBBOIAN'S. CAMPOOR. LOZENGF,B.iire: renl,miglidotes 2 t.i,headache,,paipitaitionrsen sickness •1 iesa-o ilissipation.• Capt. Chadwick, .otWi4lingien, , Mr. Ackerman,ihe Oent. pni liter; Mayor park; au t almost ever}' boil khows' ' .• POOll MAT ' S PLASTER -Sheritah'iiirenieiM fqdeirtS, andand'is.su re CO' 'CiltTe - rlicnmatism; lumlingii,,Pitiri weakheiii 'in th e . breast, side, or Lack; also, piles—and they cure worms when applied .to tlio part.,.Aiik•Jog' Ilnsie,.or any one who tins' tined it, and would gird ss' for one sooner than five *Cents for all other . plasters. - ' ' Sold in:Carlisle...AM UNTEB.FNEF,DLEWS Book Sharei•L`iiitAligli'atriceioilid; are sole Agce s tor-Carlisle --'-Atil-AradfleffiensoniShippenibu Te u lt: COMPOUNO-:DEPURATIVF-SYR")::. Lpor r th e ;.*,_.of,C3.sti,o 4 l6_46 pti o otritEthri_ Skint - - PimplesiiriPtisiutea on the Face; files which-arise from-an impure . habit of 64 - fdy; - Sealy7Efuptious;--Parns' Bones; Chronic Rhattmatipm; - Teller ;- Scrofula or King's 'Evil; White Swel-' Pings; Syphilitic Symptoms; and altdirro .-- Hers arising from- an impure state of The blood; either by a long residtmce in a hat and unhealthy climate, the injUdi . cious use of Mercury, &c. This Medicine has frequently bein found ; highly bgneficialio.....Chronic Coughs, or . - Colds elf long - stiiPtiji.;' • .. • This - Mbdicine - bast been - estenstvelpased die t•States sith dieicled benefit•in Scrofula, Mer curial diseasesond in all oases of an tilt:ended char acter. As an alterative in the spring - and fall sea sons, it is unequalled. it Possesses may advantages -over-the-dCcoction, unit-is-introduced as-a-prepare= tion mere portable4-not liable to-injury by long keep- . ing, and better adapted tt the use of persons travell ing or residing abroad. • The;irroprietaAe g 3 .ave-to-call-attettiion-ticthe following certilicates„9 ccted'frout a large - num er apkosing.its.okacy:.. • • IreAnima March- 3, 1839. - This certi fi es that my wile :11 ' rs, Deem, bad for taisarly eleven years stiflered'irom a ieraftslous erup tion resembling letter mishits ate deep holes in. her thee, neck and arms, the constant discharge of which destroyed her health; and frequently confinediser for 'different (naiads to her bed, during_which time her_ sufferings were very great.- The hest nriedicaritten dance was obtained, mid all the known remedies were tried with Mit an alleviation of her complaint, which always returned with increased malignity.— , Having lost all hopes of Ocovery, she had almost thgcrollintaltogiveup the_use ofany_other_medicine; the was_ tnweve~; byperstutsaliffficibilifffirtei — tq Oakeleite Depurative of Sarsapatillai the use of fir battles of which has removed the disease, md resto •ed her to erfeit health. opposite the depot, !Leading, Pa. This is to cei:tif , that my little son, about eight years old, had suffered for a long time from exten sive sores on'the tight, knee and leg, supposed to have been white swelling, which I found impossible to heal, even by the aid of the most respectable -medical advice, until I was recommended to use Mr. Oakeleyts Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla, 8 hot ra restored the child's healultovluich haul suffered' much lit consequence of this affection. CATHARINE BINGENIAN, 411,above Pt:on street, Itzading Tne nbme case was presented 'tone both before and - after tlre parilla, dial I have no hestiation = an believ,tog that it was the agent of his restoration. JOHN P. MESTER. Al D DOUGLASSVILLE, April, 19,1843, • Mr. Oakeley i—My son . Leal, had the scrofula in the most dreadful and distressing man ,l ner for threelears,ihning which tline_ho_was de prived of the iise of his limbs; his-head ,and neck were covered witli ulcers. We tried all the Mei., ent remedies, but to no effect until recommended by Dr. _Johnson Isaac: 111 - eiter;;OClß'ending; to use your Syrup. severifboitlee,, the use of which drove' the disease.,entfirely tint, of his sytitero,the.,seres healed up; and; .the child was,. reitored,to perfect health, whietilhe' has enj oy ed hiterruptedlg eversinee;td4hEnstonintimtentoc,inn;: ny persons who seen: him, Miring hii affliction.' ilmr.cturt;•ntid - sena , yOu this eertifi. ,Ciite.ll4.-ntlierslWhniliave a..like affliction in the. .family may khow whereto obtain sa,valmible a toeil k v, Ypurs, truly,. A. ,11. Sold . by T. STEVENSON, ' liile ilie..fpllowing4genni in Cumber=, . innToOlintyt •„, ;•. ,• • Cuinb - Triind. Crain, , Kingston ' • • :L. lteigle, 8/ . OM; Clitirelitown, esitlMart;SlitikOrtliddwn, • .1 6-29 • 1:7 • F. , rugs medicines &c , Btr'HAVEll2'lt Kln.hfive st,otiene their fall . assortoient of. Deug,s ; .PitiOts, Oils ; llye-Stuffs, lilidleinee E Perfumerpand Valley Dodds; Whieli.they rlitileiale or retail; at tlie very lowest 'prices, ca t, Lard Lamntr„ ' , 1? . • . of assorted'sizes, paiteims'antl l iirleße. • . ' Claim ufript or all sizes alit], patts.rna for burning _either Oil Shim es: Chiniidei ; of aisortiaililii:rsTTN eir SpOniand r Candles; , Al4' Country Soaps; as .104 , .,as they can tid, hail rrbiOxhkceityt purohsa k ekto;k. ; j ..Daefirithii.45,,1i14314,;t:444:61-11-rf;;S:117:7;:8n1•17; - - i, , :i4TV A IIIOPOSIAPAintiaIIeriII•-iti!";'4' .. eign- and - 'llomegio - ''pry,: ,, llooilts . . -f.".7 !;! . : - ='; - -f: - - - . 0 . .:•46; -. NtirtkAtifig - Sitielt;!-:'_z . 7 , ..'.•:•'. f: ' J.. A 44!iiiiit:1111Aiihtili0;i t iii, 04,4441iilefpfifint? ' ' OUGD , r e!t ing uty il , itiite =an e il atinn -a j. counsry , Imy.ere trithirlnrqeLlmtinit:Af, ' 7 4l ll l7t e t' ; ';:Y , l ,, g n . wil : z ra t ra v e:.ii,?:t"4, ' lonexa'Gitds;lnittinit.yArkniliei:ttin.;tliei? on now ; be in!,claad stre,piaparntif,9offhniiyiii*,ntn, totheAroldeo 01i.7t,0 J.,11 '1114 , f 4 64,,. A.7W.; , welopOit.*:olllpfetititchilyeallegtortoli.u_rohagnl I.4lll,ayeAsatuifie!Hlntl-thaariecon6, -- ear i whit :Wenktoffer mu , goalleclinir t . fai; 0 gifi, 0041 . 147* ) , At , . .. trm e. -- .",„agoil'-, mY it 1 ri . b yt r! ' lia A ,P k r.l,4 j #lyl xo , t I Pfge l a o '' l r' md,p 1 O I rilrar, op1:Z•:I,1l6f ICOTM,SHQE,mxi.cmg OOI9OI ,Itp,f94 'l, it `114 0 010! Me' •I' ' 2 ; 4 , P:.•, ik ittano"o: l * s o,49 ' iri - itp •if •:, '!' i.. 2• , ' ,. , ,,, V; .fl, ~ .;fillso c0ce4.0 ,, ,.6.i.i. , ,ti , i.,A!„ , ,, t.,- u , .# i . 9 , 0,..p45 - o#s6izoiv,4t) ~ ..1071f;,,,i , .- p,,, m „,,1 , . I,lhoeitooq-A0114P,O: :; - i ttil,L i il , OlitßoW ~-li/ i —, .., ..,cd.a.:oo4,tvtoromitio," n otopo t t.l pr i p t ioy,r4 , T44:w l ! : . Art ) 14... i , ',l'ita-4,•,, .j., ;. , 144'...:44r5..„,. '. 'i, l 1 . 04.iii4rf f°" ' ' ' ' •, •• , lifitalekiltik . cilri v . i,. : e„,... :. `.''..iiS'aitnirl". - ± 4 ` ,4 C.ji: ,401i-:. 1;. 5 . 1 1 ~ .1.:.4 . oi tir ' . " UPeliatlitkAinttt4o. o .4 al" J. +#,,n,tn!S -ne,,`'4:"*.., " 101144 2 111 - AV,OVlAlaii.sol,lllbilb afttellillilirOit out . :t0 4ieteit tosikatoriytipOtitho- , :oOtiii4Ol)irt4l) , ir , ' , All',l *ova pro. doo nteofel to:,-loi ti .o - i.j) , Plig:i.i4 . .L. 4 :C'i , -.";1 .. ?These hele rocadineli aro recioromeOttAiskotiOxteitijver I "Irld bY•Aille 1 0 1 0 At iiotollfgont,ppisOni.ip.theiUniAid.l tlttes; by immOrotos.' , ,ProfossorifoOd. , Hreeid . entlibt. l .Cid!etdai Phi eiciano'nf:the Memnn' Navy, and of Mostouiliono-.A.hophoiii)is,:iiiiit by more thaw . three. hundred ClerirtioffitifqtiriniiilenotiliiiiitfoffitV. 4 ' •;.fTlig . +! 1 : 0 exprailyfliMkated'iciif...l.f6iitiOtio'i:o4: l :bOvenerywrridand unprecedented pointl,ardythrhur:h.l l Out thelTnitod .*test atursiiethbroVitiO'oiliiiiiiibli calculated to preserve' AMA iind" &ire ) ineedlOi'dol fnuiifrehbuld ever be witheortbern, The pr'oprieJ ioe•ofiOdse'voloabli'oi. , opOi•OtiOOs'iicelvtid•lito'olo!' :iiiiiiiiii - Aro nO-ot , tlabaiestAolli,lnl college...Di 6 e' U, Stilip; , anil has hod fifteen years eilierjerideiii any 'extensive and-diversified prodtiee,. - by. which he has liatPar,nplia::;opiiiirtuOi9os of_O.9ll,iriog 14-I,r4rljval koowledde of dispoifeol fOla Of ihe t , emee i es. boat oal. etftted_to remove thenii - ;;These pedparationis - 006 , ' stet f , . ' _ .., • ._. , . .. _ IJayne'a Expectorant, a VillaildPrOtildlYfortriuglf,' Colds, ConsurotitiinfOApthmot, Spitting . pf Croup., Himping Cough; lironchitis;l'lf arcsy~sail iii flammati on of the Lungs' oel'ilirostt;'Dlfllciil.ti'a Breathing, and allllitiatses of ;he PulrannartOtiii4: l, I so ~tayne's - Hair . 'growth and. IltrilY nfthp Hainr,''and lively bring in new hairlib bald Ite.sols7 o ' ~ .j'Also.Jayne!s_Tdniii.Verntifogogeertaitilf. p fliildE pant remedy for Worms.:Hyitopi,i,pittiites; and man} ; Other diseases. • ".• '1• ; ;Also Jayne's Cartninitiyie.Ehltam . e/caf mire!' for Howekatul_Suomer-tomtilaliitir'b , hirrheett,•-Dy'' - Pentery - elsolic7Craiiipsi-SieleHeadiche;Soprst • . aida Cholera Morbus, and all derangementeof the fomach and Boirels; Haryana Allections,'&e, tsyttea Sa.oatit.di ~ e :eases,. wer boinphiint,.:Costiveness, Fevers, Inflammations; glandular; Obstructions,/Diseases of the Sidi', !br.c.. find in all eases. wliere air 'Alterativc. or P,orgaoP.. Medicine is required . / '• •; ' • • ' ' For sale in Carlisle; by 3- T. C.•,STEVENSOIT. • May St, 1843: ' : • • • •tf; `VALUAIILE N W 0 S Ina 111111 Y "rir tie of the pirirere.apd:autherity. continued - in the last - iiill'nittl - itistarn - eatAit EGE, deetl.,l now.offer for sale, the Carlisle Lon Works, Situated on the Yellow,Brepelees,Creels,, miles. # : soSi of Carlisle Pa. The estate, consists of a first rate • ‹D'a 434 2TitlEtaa&2 0 • • with Ten Thou :m o ld ✓ itwe3 - of Lair 4; A new MERCHA NT c-TirtMlL uh foutrun of stone, fiiiieliede most n p ved An. About 500 mires of the laud are oharetland highly cultivated, thereon efreted Three Large Bank Barns and necessary TENANT "HOUSES. The works dre propelled by the-1 ellow Breeches Creek and . the Bolling Spring,which neither rail not:freeze. There are upon the premises all the necessarrwork. mens Bousee ' coal libuses,carpenter and smith shops, and stithlifigbuilt'of the most substamial 'materials. The Ike of the best quality and Wealiaustible, is within %miles of_the Furnace: There is perhaps no Iron Worki Pemisylvania possessesitt- Perioritifirtntlfges and oflin•s greater inducenientxto the in - vestment, or eamtar — The wa er power , (v eo gieat Might be extelidl - Iti - t`. - tlylntherl manu facturing purpose.. Persons disposed to - purchase will of course examine the property. Theterms of 1 - Stite7will - lirtiiiiidUltnown by - • -R-Y EGE, Executrii of Michael Ege, deed. Carlisle, Oct. 19, 1842. tf-5I PIiOTECTION AGAINST LOSS THE CUMBERLAND VALLEY MUTUAL PitarEcTioN coMPAgY, being.lneerpo rated hy an net of the' egislature of the present ses siongand fully organized and 4,11 operation under the direction of the following board of Managers, viz: . Thomas C. Miller ' C. P. Cummins, John Moore David W. McCull ough, James Weakly_,_George. Wartin,WilliatiiNfoore,SantueLealhniith,...lanies. Great son ,l'inunas Pniton, Wm. Darr,Joseph Culver and A. G. Miller, call the attention of the inhabit aids °I-Cumberland Valley to the cheapness or their ates - and — the - rarany - nJviintroje, s uhlih ..purcif 16.41114, Ima•uver ally caller. , Ist. gvery person in becorne's a member of the company and takes part in the choice of olliecrs and the direction of its concerns. thl. For insurance no more is demanded than. is necessary to meet the expenses of the Company and indemnity against losses which may 1,1111)1101. • 34. The ineonveniencti of frequent rengwals is a voided by insuring for n term of five years. 4tli. Any person'apolving for must give tits premium•noto-for-the-cheapesriiiihe vale of fiveper_centmli, which will be $5O on the $lOOO, Tor_which•lie will haVe to pay, $9,50 for five years, and $1,50 for survey. and .nol icy, and no more mass less lie susitiMEll - toregreat ninon - tit than the funds on hands will cover.,llll(l.tlien no more will be requhd eil_ than a -kn . -rata-slime.- These -rates are-murk cheaper than those of other companies, exedpt such as are ineorporatell on the same principles. Insurance is effeeted in the lidlowing manner. A person applying tbr insurance for property of the cheapest class . of risk - for $lOOO wild' eliarged,s, I - di cent for five yent noteiiinoUnting to $5O must le given. by onLwltioli he, will be required to pay 5 per cent $9,50; and $1,59 for surve,ying and policy, and will hOve on more i rycjuired afhim unless looses Occur, and the funds do hands are not auflicient - tu• meet them. Agcota will be fippoifitdd a" a soon as possible in ferent places to attend tolnaprimacs, and ailypersteei wishing ~mmetlia{sly ; td.'addly sci.liy•signify- , iog:their wish to the,offiders of the ennipanv. • • CHAS. , P.'CUMAIINS . l'res. A. Gii:MILLER;See'y. • • • • ' • The, following gentlemen 'have been appolntdd AGEINi'S -- ,fi.l)lora_DAy,24:autklbtirg._ • - James Kennedy, Esq.,'Newville. • fiedrge, ,Esq.,, 'Monroe. 4.4 'Mittens'. • , ; sq. 2 %Vestpenmsboroi • Jettienicyle':Newton.' Chestntit;Cee's .X 4011 S. .M67lfii, Jos. Messer, Keg. New Cumberland. ;• . -, ..::JOlln..Cletulepin, ,, EarOlogestowni , • • , =I Susque RanaL in l 'FcrpiiiiiioEol4.', l i3Aito64;rmit.Y,. ',.' '',' ' • AXD'-.-.• -. ...,,,,;:l ryinnpropriejor,e riit the. &riga/hones ithieWill „. 1 - - run their:Cara 40,Soate, as usual to. Phil, iidelPhiii6aPipiiniorcAufingthe presentsesson. Theitlrienithi e willi plerisp, apply. to;Nelild, Elipri i 41.70eir; Owed 'et. qua. , l - Aarlt, A ail Few*, ¢r„ 140.10*, de'i.,;„first ',Wharf iii4wa,-,l4.ace street on,the, Dela., *are Philidelithia, ani,4isieph E:Elder,4lllW-r. tilorc.--,‘ .;.,,,;4.te'l 'A ' ...SI ',,e'. , 1 , 14`".;'c1" 4 . 1 - 1 Dittilrtiktlicir notice , the, failowtrig mess will be tiOhersii,toib4Weart thisiplitippana the above pliSee ' ; '• ' ''i , - , t, 's,: , 1-, '• 1' . . 1 :J " '''' ""-,“ ';' 'i ' • " '', -'''' ' •:• ' ''o, ~ - :r . :" yll . 1 ),,„ g d, 1 i 4s: ;It • ' ' ; , , , I,ej , ` , . 1 p 5 . , :, a , st . :.: ~... = 1 ., , ~6" . ..v. , , „ ,1 1 -2.8,,,, , ,E \--,-,..., .2•6l` ° ' " Irg ,:;',„;4cipi F.:Mt i ' • - 17. 0 - 1 2 / • 2 fie,slv.i ' ' ' - , ~.,.../•, ,,s t!' 1,6, , .1' `,,, A. 1 3 ., ~,, . . ' 4110 0 166 • ' 1342 Pq 411. . ' ` . 414 '` Ii Perbb tlry Goiods Drurri , ,•„ ,_ -, - 8 - g 1 R . 07411 01 .3 .21" , ' -4 0 4, Te ta NI dW hear' 2 -•,,,, ' --, •,,, , „ -0 , Fanitiird;4l4r' 4 ' 4 . ? 4- 14 21 , 1,"k‘ ' . 2 •5 '. .. It 3. ' ', - Vilhetrt,ltye &Corti ' . " ','., ', 4 "- - .1 4 ' ., 1-..iierliwtheri , '"ir-ii AI T7 - , ,- .7-zzlo :VA:177,7 , — . 4 -t, Oats .{:?. dti t t., ' ~ '',i', r',7 , e, 4•4.,'1 , A5t,•: -- ,1" , '4. ±' Dffiari.OVlLt.' ' --'' ti4l-.-t,..-;:cTi,mw44l,k,-7,777 LuNber per 1001) ~„ ~ . •,, o itiet (4l " l 4''''' 1310 . ''' 075 i Shin g le oppor trsor. - 0 k3' b, 00 rz -7 34 ... . ,' 30 . -',',l tr::::l l :47,stakimA,4o'.so;r.i,tt , er 3 7 4 4 ~ tt, s49Ai n gi lt ra4 . 4',l} V i twin u,, ', ' gg N :2B , T ad Ro s in ' • , •.'• ' 4 - , itt .. 8 1 , , A,,1,..;. ) , 4 1 '.01.1 rldtre , ' , ".t" , ..'t /law! , 2 • ,e , PlatiWiretill 6 4l l s o + s oP4 2 '2 s "'' }, '. ,/ , '''-',., kI" I .PMI 22 ;i-''''' , k, { wk 2 ''!" ,,- ' 461 : gf' . q k ''Y' i ';':: " 41 4TrAlutirig)1 4 ",i'07 , Art#411 kik et 4% 02 119 3 4V - Ifti.,, - __7* iktne1p,,14,.„4. ~. ~,,,,,,,,,..L,,:.,,,„, -.4.5441 4 .0 44r ,.....,....,„± ,y,.. ),4 2 14 1 . 4 4 :r5t 4 .1 -, ' i 'NZ . 0 ,4 11 . ... ~ ....)),f d' =I r f:111 •0 - ' '": . r , Wq4 ( „ t" :. , IiAPF ,9FMAE„W, , p.beanlatism ) • abstinaii3,ol.4tatieotissrtlptions;pina-. !. - 1 ' or:l3lAstilles no t the Pace; 41145 'Ring; .-4,-Wornl7o,--TetterpScaldi-Iletad?En _largem'ent-r-anititi. of , thn- Bivelet;: l and Joit p it,s, , Sr UldtirsOyptlili t„u 7 4 . filit 6l * - 44 ' ' ' and: ' disetise4driShiefroin an 41! cious! us f of .11Uttury , ;:" Asbitei3; , Dropsy, - 11 - xposu re - orimiitudeiteelri , _ Life: _r • _ C_htariteLCianstiiiitioniir b his idefg" yreparatron4.:4, /11fripqm'empinign vimtever!ittnt7ta !intl. fnire 'Of - iitri:iiei)eebnigiatlfy - a the " march to liOrrOcilot i ,tiott:olik each,tittopyotti:iog tlaysomo, n prilipm,iks9lietbort dome iiiipuml 'Orel re- : itnitmporOpt tindAirdetbeartnebrer view",bvcr't~r `,paFgt;'tw City ; years , bow , Atri!ok-o4 .. -tvototor-.-lytiatrapir Istrtdes - htorme — nce Nqion,friety...dei7 milde;an , eveey,,depiiiiirieiitYnf civilized , cGlnrlp in Ont . whicli relates .iii the knowleilt a ol the - Ttootatr,sYstenitn„h"lth.itndtliacape. Heny. valuable , and IntiispenFMle are tite:Teurative:rmeana. , reeently tttssoyexotl , ..t . itnngh t4;agenoy,of:Obi.mii.trjt. flo w . dOcti theititginationktntticantl ouo,attmirntiOn gfoW at th,e.tngentilty,,thn:ttOr .approach , thO standard. Of' Rorfection,,Of,the present , time ! Through: the. elaborate ltretitigntions of fhyOnlogy,oe. the tinienoe of i r ,'lii: c and±tt i ; i linPal !iota f_ re yttleut,ikliadas , _ truth ialuable 'Oraetiettl talon:ledge:line been gained. 'lff . tiiiititinende bt tiecoMMg tliitaint&lvithlhe innlintitin;itlii - eleineiltit ditto -carious-itatilelaiiid' structures of the System,'reniedies hays'been scright alley and diseovered'exactly adapted to CoMbine with; `neatthralize and civet' nterbific et disease, and substitute h‘althy actionlirits simplicity t%A.lkka ',Mode of treatment is nol byetlie,pathology—of-diseasea r not pply,grutufulAo the aSltereh, but perfectly in con sonance with the operation's of Niture;and satisfac-' . tory to Abe views and reasonings of every intelligent,, reflecting mind, l is thus that Sand's Sarattparilla,l l a scientific combinatiOn of essential priaciplesof th t : Angst valuable vegetable silbstioues,operates_upon.th system. The SatisparillaiviVdtildnetheltirthrraft salutary productions, the most potent 'simples of the ,yegetable king,dotn'; and its unprecedented sitcoms in thr restoration - tcrilealth of those who bail long pined under- the most distressing _chronic undadietc . bps given it uv- exalted. character, furnishing no it -does evidenceu Mending itto lii dyn terins the afflieted.only can know. It hos be ii* - avkust important do: sideratum in the prude of metlitine to obtain a `remedy-stmtlat-to-thisone-thatTwould-rtet-oirt lie loer, - stinnactititid bowels with nil the preeilni.nnd eney of mineral preparations, yUt: without any - d--., theirdeleterioureffints upon the vital.powers of the _ system. -- The attention of the render issrspectfully called -to the following certificate. I I owever great ncilievt... meats have heretofore Peen made by time use of this invaluable medicine, yet daily experience slioa re sults-still more remarkable. Tbe • proprietors here avail thei aiwni•taiity of saying it is a source of constant satisfaction that they are made the means of relievine of suffering. Wonderful Veers . 91 Sunday Sarni:pa:lila in Read the follou.ing fronr.Mrs. Wm. Phillips, who has long resided at the Fulls. The facts are well 'known to all rilil - Pt•sitlentsitt tt at part of the city. • 14rasas. - A.'l3S - suns - fit'Clo: , -=-liTaS: Most' gritte fully do I embrace this opportunity for stating to you the great relief I °bud iteilfront the use of j our siar. -saparilln-__LshalLulii4.lielsppi, througli--y-ou„---to . Laths!. t . • t. • I' • • . - e_ac._ count of my unexpected, and even ' 1 , 0 long while despair of cure. Aline is a ory, and trj ing and sicketting as is the nut rut •1! o it, for the sake of many who May be surely reliev'ed, 1 Wilr briefly yet accurately state it. Nineteen yeat•s ago last April a fit-of sickness felt 'me with an Erysipelas eruption. Dropsical collee. Lions immediately . - took -place over tlfis4siti i.e. turlitce of my hotly, caustng such an enlargenifint that it Wits lIINI-Sho I ) to Ittlll,Fll - iflra7l . 7ll = lrrllle VlClit — m - y — iire.„ sesitround the woke. Next followed,iimpt my limits, ulcers, painful. bey ond,descripti on. Par years, both in stammer and winter, the only. mitigation of tny stillet•ing was found in pouring Upon thaw arts cold water. From my liinlts the pain extende d over my whole body. There It Oa l't tt,Tnliy. tor mina -rest, -41 day, or by night. Upon lying ilnivn Mos.• lialus would shoot tin ongli my system, and compel tne to arise,. and, for Imurspgetiter, walk the house, so that I was almost entirely deprived ot Sleep. I)ttritig this time the Erysipelatt.entr inued active, atfil3litt_ tticers.eti;_ lirrgi'itfoutd "so deeply liaVe - tliese voted, that for two Mid a boryeari they,linvolmoo subject to bliTeditig:' Dining 'thr;e 'almost.tweOty years I lone consulted Many physicians. - - l'hese have-eallethmy. disease—. salt was attended distil nit obstinate cough amid a steady 1140' atiti te - pat ti:i ti my eitte—a dropsical consumption; 'mid though they have been skilful practit;oners,they were oultable , to-afford int. easell if li and porary relier. -- 'l'hitiltiinny - ti - tlibtdiflit pliated to - deicribu. - ' , l Intro .- Mac iiiil medicines ,tlott.haye been eecommety cures for this disease, yet these it l ill Motit.etaphatidali . 4r.ow tin • WOrge: contliti/orgivonApfiy,frsgotle,ront exp., _ 54, 1 ;1'0 er.calYja (tooth; ,tyits 4y, the, timely inter-, tiositto't - fir ii - , , kihd -- PO:ivrtiehoq-liiriiiiheiliitlk - Ki i r; 'to mo'ilovoliPObtoSOrtotp.Orillo:_f kainglabitTe:taor. Inc al, assuranee of ; lieslthoyhiph for twenty yew* . hod not once felt.. 'U,POn taking' . the'setiond my!m , lar.„Sbinebeiliittliilhlied,'-acid 19';vveit. d4.i fronti be: Bth of :Octobbriwifen I bentritenced taking , otir'iStii".- Boit:lrina ,I„ wait ab l e to etliPYPiell.4 , !di't,tstOY,Pight`. as refreshing ss fins' I.4ver, ettigykd ',.;i:iten,,in perfect tiOalili.-' iteaiden; I itsis, hi Slits 'shirt tirrie, rellbYed frum'.all,theise ,excrucinting - Mndfunolleviated:Paini ihnt itatl.o,fttiOtetl - Illy dates, r its ,well (as.robbetl . me or, 'iniiiiiklit'aVelioile; • Tito ulcers, iiron'inirlias nee, ' ht;tled,the Elisittelite dUared„,titid my .ile.,r aced`ell riearlf trirm`Yitornterl.tiieamire:i',77-- . :Sontt's Sarttatt4rilla;xlßalgo,,rgroovkOmd r lici T eiii,' nitiitri.:are ilisostectinaitnitliFir origin Man unpur e 'state of ttiettliibiltinif iremu'vOtE r;oail Mon of Ito gen . :. ,eitihtiOntalltititti4(viiibt , Vertifulti or liTagrs'EylPinitiv, curious fo i rent, ltitrnatistn i -objtinato'inntoneout 'ittttiont.bloclra,,,biles, (trvia', Or;pustules on thd late; uhrOnio - aore eyes; ellifiWtriir tetter,scsld 'bei,enlargetent:sntpill orthar boniitinitjarnia; otubboinnloorokYttltititiniymptonti, ; (itieases - arii. ing,fremnanirtjullicibut , Lan of :mercury,' fatale tie tonrmontit antintlterAptitat onroplanito... ',.,.._.., .- ;,.,- , - , F ritma 'mnotA tick' teal it a iprivittoge.to tpatity-tothe 4Alcair:,or.rlikt "1! - It, t,h 1 19 8 t909g, tl?w,lftPo.Y l 4. ~A i tittpAilmtl,timpko, !IF, iroin 00 s whom ,coutfprt, and icliose;hotiO offtiture IteftttletiO slug; .tit'itNr,Gott;td ; your iniitimarieStility'. Y .Amritniy th'etatrat 'Providen4o, thitt".(llrgote4 , , ine to yotir null, maktdon 'the; liiiiiity, mid lionortlit instruments of blessing 'others, • as dm eased altddesrring Rs Tytnr. Mitilftelievddand fory' . -#t criom , ..„:,' A5...NA7111: M. .1 3 .1 - I!LILAPS.,.. .Ne g roLbilifat to. aii. , ' l- i;fibilleh','NOo'4; . .lB4t. . fl Pirkoilly OpOtteil,th trabo . , , e4tattled .iiitiondi NE '. PitiltAntoutttAyle ,oititlil. Op l'l9topplioßclAn g q, eoiegatAg'statetaini litifareine._ ~ • ~,- - ', . : ~,..,. . - ..' , :q .,, P.- ~ 4 tiOUSIV.44IATHEVITSOI4 . 2:- 1 ---:-.4•4 . ,1. , 'gmil .' ~ . :*iiitl,)';, l !Jtkatioitt of,:tlie-,Peace: - 4,, 11leingiqr,so !Ily - nogpointodavitliMo:.. rhipipq k ; 4eitl6ethait thialbolviettesettitt Wtitgieeltuttattintially: ttr0wt;qt , ,t:1ic,i , N1. 1 446.144 4- LittignAitru9, - :1,, -, :y. • - .4f•i•,LlkVnisteiof the.,Gtosol,st.l)Tormiolt;„,cputt , L . ,_ 7 .C.p . riiiiirell Mid 101 l liy.A': 13,"Slitiiiitt:Cd.;1)rii irt;' eilifttail,Clietrilotelthimitellolllll6 - gi;47SithiailiVay,; iornbi ot-f thi - nW -. aliffel ‘l e C fiNOwl ork7 , Ai . d 10 . rtlO '1 Dratlitothro9gtoOt llo United Satei:.Pilo : s erhottle,tls,ttnt ' Op:ar'ss',; ":-.:;'.; -•;-, TheimbliOite tooptiblitillyslitttalitfea eettigin mAksqit , 4;lPnoo l §o:l4Pri!lfPiSiii4ol:4 l• a nuy , ohle N nkaustAtnarlittAtwlLop, tr.76g ilti i tdliiatl-tlletiieaii t iiirifiibli!filiroiii'frint zi stiit r ikKaillftrandoV4 l4l l l itilrit4 l4l 4 l o ~,... ME . *4"Akont oy siociiki - appotri eo‘. or too ropriofryro, 6.1;4174i4 QTS MIN MEM Norwich, Cohn .`N 1 8110Eg -- ),Aitikitratti , itiWa 4007# rgtofilc4**Atto 3 . 10 tr tr i p*Vile _ 0 ?met, 'OO. ets9sl l ) , h e, 'MAi Dil -- - FID . • • 44,41,...4t0 -,, -I,.'*- ,•:.'S ;: A • ,21,1,teriwn • a Seit'thCy L' :a:llompg one li•ttle - of trohan tliree"41•111 - ny adionnted for j OLD!. "Leitly,'o-Stiritaoarille)! nob' Mionger,preparntion thin atiyrottie4tifid - ,Aiesr , daj iuell,ll..oonittiped one.tlnittl srpt' Attiy 2 'olher ((and sold - Ail:We sitlifeltrics4't.e: (We illiblfeVenreiiA: 'flibet-it-fwncrvain.basst but the rea1tact , ,:. , ."1"...6: , m'..= tR 11114'114 1 17'.- ; . ; • t e • nro..sor s; ! ii.ronerjoiintiblne4Ainityee • redicilliio.l4.44loA,AioXienlyAo_rOstpridt.44l6l tet eonstibitionsiotheir'wohteiterieltditln brie ,Frontaknomileidpvflery.'.mt4'esse k( and 610 of them 'considered JesorAible) where culnx..dilferonA. • lieepaintioos of Sarsitiniiiiiii - Teld' 2 been--'usedinotin- - seemed In lio . sceciiirtneifee:iiiiietiitilikVen i iiii Ft - ok7,LnkilY...4lol7l l %Pilfltoxtract.tif it ,.. Sirsapart - - , It tide ,rpirefilditiiinti Aikbelletied' r faY4ifkilarbi ' inipathee,and - cintild - rrecOminandittoAkeyntetinidati'c ootice,,of rhypielaiiii.LrEd; iEtrtra 4 • ' • •• Dit t i4l3 IIIiT I EWSARS - A/PARI 'MA • Extract tetter Whltirkore,'ef:Esstbni ' ~.-..._944little_hos t Atnd__girl,,Alte.t rf emney-4q4"1-,three7 - ! - ; yeses and the tatter nowLieverAyears,.`old; haye been afflidited With . taineir:feinnithWthWelliVy?'". w,ereltheee'AntAni -The:rknioinhti ado - Indinied to raitkelfinbiff.ont-Fix-,a4-of:Siirtaparilli,i -lindlliSso'gisalf tArbotli'te'llknVestin't They are now eottrely:'freefrbmaiiyaiinestineei;f!Siliiii"'' olitiantirnever-werejn:b..tb.. ;:Dr. Leidy's,effiCacjous in eases arisingfttom• invurities of the blood ace stiler. fluids trettAmeet,ArboAtre:delnAitated .from the quantity of -,. inedielne, Why taken; or iire r tiiider . u . mere:urbil Inflitenee, will'flitd Clint by ' bidet; a. few batiks of Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla i their, usual, vigor and elasticity of. (hear frprne nod ; system . he re tciieil, mini lie again permitted bienjqilte sweets of life •' • • • • • • • • - DRv. - LEIDIPS.: SA SSA. PARILLA: .-- Tr..,_‘This - atilele!sippearalo bo - A16114- wolid.ifs ht .I.lm4itinti,..andiatenLthe_:,l4ll.l.charltbleritiA .eoranientlatiop,' weete. fully persuoded -it, is it - most ~ capital nied ieine fot,all inijniricies Offlie blood: We kno4" - lnefirLPhYliblisins 4110. hove "gl veil" their 'teitiz" ' many • on this' subjeet, anit_we...know they-traulttnot-.= give a diameter. twany,inedieine that . .did, noi..yeally deserve ii:Charlr.fitoii.EligiliVer,......,—... -....-- . Eitineterwletter - frOnf 1/e.. Worrell, , -Thiteliez. ' '- - --- "Hroling Pdr tlfe - Itistyearliftiirphiletievirsed - patt -- 7 - Stirsapacilla, with . much iatishiction te. , tWysell and henetikto my patients; f have pci Urination i ft' tleelire - - - 7 - log it to•he one of the - most. ttient,,f , preparitlions in diseases for .which Sat•sopacilla is prescribed.!' ; ., : ... . DR. LEIDY'S 'S-ARS.IPADUCLA. . -I- .ThisAtrepariittori4Osiy:_liel:dePenth.4l . -upon-ss- - - lion) • „ he-mr ~,b , bt teotokirrerrety . • torter'r= of 'soy in existence; _aill Wind prepst; ions must.pos sess stmilnr virtue.), in propo their steetigth, being prepared from the slime- . • ' De..LeitlyN Qmnpouncl tqtract.of SoiltaMiTrilla, however, pos- liesses properties not •peresessed - liTotliers, train its manner of.-prepsrztibuTonti emokinstion with other • - -y . . , !getable °strums recommemled-by..the medical fit culty—andhence the-rtitsotr why its.,_ . 10,getivrally. recommended by the Physiiiims of Philatlehiliinand elsewhere. . . .... • From .the extraordinary virtues of this prepara- . tioa and a knowledge of its eanipria:iiito- by Pliysi ii the t*ltson yhr they so generally useit, as. t ley WIMI I no ci - cr. recommend any preparation ; they did not know-the compcsition ot,) it has been introduced in many-:ofthellosninds-througtiont-the V- S. and is highly recotamentled - byPbyalmantrafid — " Surgeontor_those:lnstitotitMir • Frnm the . Attieftriet': • DU. LEIRIPS SARSAPARILLA. The high rend CIIIN eminent •nti:(l ici pc has tierpured 'ffieltsinvariable ef ficacy i diseasEs" whichit . professes to cure, has Tetilli'Eil tlia •WitudipricatiCe orpnlEirig.tinnecessary. It is known by its fruits' and its gout a/arks testify, for.it. Dr. Leidy's Sarsaptuffila will be found parti 7 cttlarly efficacious in all diseaies of Afielltreti; amin acli, skin, kidneys, spine and hnnes; nicefatinn nose, throat and other parts, ahem Mes, tiattulasrscro ruins, erysipelas, jaundice, titettmatistn and iucilie a t gout. mercurial and syphilitic effections, feniale de r iainp,emeiits and in tvstoring the sickly and debilitat -ed-to-theie-alirtirnithealth-tiutt-chv.ity: DR. LEIDY'S SARSAPARILLA. " --Dr,LeiplyPiqoptipound-Flminctoftarsamiri'lln:lias—'- .tood-the-test-1441-velears-pastomito-boirst to say that there is no other preparation of equal strength now in use. Throughont. the Southern States where Sarsaparilla U.S much in general use as tea and coffee, Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla is gener ally-privorred,our highly recommended by Ph% - sitians,.(w hose certificates have beewfremiently 'pub lished "1 hroughout the north - arid weld it is also much 050(1, more perhaps than any oilier Que 64ttlheICilputlEa_pintlis' warp...pied equaLta.__ ol 0111.other - iirstrengtlFord is canal - to - one Ina( gallon.of the strongest Setup dad can be made, Directions for;making Syrup therefrom 'accom panies-the iiireeiloips. _ . DR. LEIDY'S SARSAPARILLA, `Dnr• But n few, dayi since a Clergyman of this city ho does not 'desire his name published in the pa ' pers but is left with Dr. Leidy] stored that a lady who had' long been s communicant athis church; but fpuLtwn mr_s_pastilluddeitLgo_th_church,onstedlinnt of her extreraedehilify, occasiourd by ulceration of •variouslutrtr f her hotly, disease:Of her liver mud. , other interim 'eranernents, and the constanftnicipi , o rmedio oe ,th clnr,nrarr fonolLaunthauseLfor4ll— . . I)etter until several tiottit.:.stSt Ily ii•tv tomtits iii!rfiel'i-rtiine iii , its list., was CIO I rely-I'l2Si 0 Pell to twilit toe:tier streimthi'atiid to iiso,lierown Ittligtingn ertsito;lll of iiiStOiteiSOiliiitist - ilsilklirti tit"'"""'"`'"""" nt Ettiporiititt;lslo.l9l North. Second stri.et_bulow, Yinto 9,11: tool otysix. bottles •For 0 'STtljt,NS'ON!'"" ( /'' 1%1;13'9 - VOB4S' !,- •':' Worm 8-: - • .• L t - L • ,pirerils' . knetto be vitiate - mod 'e ffi cacy 'or Dr. jV titiONLPitte.ht , Vtgeiiibleniirul'en'Aiey neveir mooklitoithout it_ip,keir families, us cbit(lftn are. J • subject, at all tii.Worms. , . „ W6riit'Tealls.comtiiitd or vegetables alingethe'r; mid Miay.tie ebilth. WorHit tiges.:- .Directioossqamov i irXVHol oriPaci‘NO. ChildrenßilnYr:llatlldi, :or times, ft'om itimatir thintfoic'wohntilvitliout:llol, l ei ? medicine, giytiwto.children o ,lhab .dencilo destroy their gmwritl h eaftli l antriti9 - Aris' more Or:lesii ttelieste'ever aftirr.' -•'." .To avoid olOgovikik.'ott rviOkL;tOedioinei,utiner. ,,, , Ledesarilfwily y,oti,gro e;eigum;yotw,olliktigo-livo a worms Rite them qt` fist xt iii nil dint 14 , 006 . 04 ,4, tw,A ni Refeeetm might.bkml4l9 Kigol.o/fiknOcati-PVIVN-- rents in.Philadeiphie oitg-ontl - oointy,*ttitvflfigsoy- - - ,ot Dr. leitly's WorcaLAea 4 ,.Xty,At anti you ; wfl ¢ly ; . • ' , . I ' . Price tgLeente.* anvil; Untl,,es,o_ ntea,bege pea . • ige. :, 4"-X*Pftrud„ onlyi: and for - eale, - Thr cliental:, 44 • Rel nil , - at'Dr:itAillyt.lliktltli ''Entpariiiiti, No. , 198 . Nottlf Second ?ntrtieti lielewf Pine; [sigiPte4ci quI.WI ' d ee PfMe.eelA ect,q, o, 3; ; T l POOßltihifN4,,: ,, a , A ,, :4;, ,, i_l , 4. 01:AN!q.,tkciir..v.1 4 ,,, o . lio sp i st 4 IT., - June 14,1843,':"; , :g ,:tit; ii", 7 oiA,6 , igye,l , tr-itz ; :,Pi. 1...61Ayr',"8 Tetter atia , -Ifßl:ColiiiinOrit, -) All I. allible remedy fur - earionic iffeekihiii arti l e : .-, Skin, removing Pitneles,,ipnetuleli, and Eacjidrons, of,the Shin„ and 'partutulutit.atinlits4,44ptfie4,444 off 'Tatter und the iltch:',., - ; ' t.' , '„;,.."'''iizt ~ u , n . ~ a l•.-,2, .e ••A': . , ;. • A, Irhicointliiiiit tite.tucttAtlidinn.itntertuciclintilr,_ throughout thiohy,antiCaunty, nentell i ns t iliteotesilce,, itriploiliiiii nittnerette olds' antlAnye i , IR ftruoligs.: ;ititbmTptter nhil Ithk,lts-Vell:repthelV"-A eliiiiiTrvir* , *3 skini.pr4,l ti'tyith the-most onoutq l KeeL , ',o* . • •':, C It ties& • 'Klimek or uh rt ol.Te,chere, no Well 'eslikw ,-,,;:, iht4tititintsinull aoinieteetr, t ot y Poteinikislliailltv*' ftatratrg'ttergft gtritrill'tlirt)22 l 4l: :s iiwthatiaiiioi,wiwir.dif4gimoilaroottN o e,.:l4' rviitiost4o.ll . l . 4lalto. T . A 'Aur sa le in:'f ill iIIA L 4rre..4,... 'liiii : 44:Aiptit , :' . .''' , '- ' .; ', ..V.."%f7iiii)4. f ti.if..f.'=.--. EMMET; , 4 : 1 16: 4 11 53i blll4 . HE"Aub4iill4e*Olyid;i(d.3 Nt hasfir.*44( 4 .,i o .o l loi.tßOktitO? Icej 44;,4, &Si - ME