Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 27, 1844, Image 4

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    •LT °OOl
same' Graham',,, John Zug 'and Rohert G. Youug; Esqiiires;Direetois ;of the POOr, itial oftbki-,ThilSe . rie,ratiploy
ment of Ctimberland county, in account ,with, said county, from ,the - firat of - Jaiivary to the thirtylfirst 'day
of December 484.1, inclusive, viz': ,
I V O omouut'doe Institution at settlement In 1842 by Jacob Sip*si,
Gig. 7 reasurer, •
Amount drawn from Lounty Treasurer, • • .
' To balance of. estilnate of 1841
Cash received of Sitcom, Irvin and Graham for bides and skins
Of G. Keller for'ustilifJ Douglass •
:For Clover seed - '
Fdr Tallow and Lard '
Of J Longenecker, J Rllltt and L tearing, Ewa (fines)
• - Of Dauphin county for suppOrt of .Paupers
For horse Rakes • .
Fur two brood BOWS
• For Flax. seed
Of ,G Sponslerfor shoveling snow
For blank Indeidures
Fanlinuling •
For Siberian Apples
'For use of cider Feu
For sundries
November 24, 1843. A judgment wfie obtained on a suit
ixainst the Direutors of the Poor in liuntingdon, for $I
in the ease of David laindsay; a pauper ; but as the money
has not yet been collected, the item is not included in this
account.' •
Ilallauce tlie by Tivasiwer
Jacob Squire, Esq., Treasurer of the Poor House and Ho
ttie Directors of said - Itistitutron from - th'e first- of January
To amount due at last settlement . . •
Received from county Treasurer
From Joseph Lubec!' Steward from different sources as.exhibit
ed in'the foregoing statement ,
- Balance due by Treasurer
6 hoiid of Horses, 34 head of honied Cattle, 2 Calves, 6 flrood Sowe, 57 Shoals, 39 Sheep
30 Beeves Average wt.539.1ba, (16170 lbs,) 45 *beep, averago 37 lbs. (1665 lbs.,) 18 Calves, average 62 lbs (1116 lbs.) 40 'Hogs, average 194
(7760 lbs.) making nt all 96,711 pounds..
. .
_ .
. . ~
-2 narrow wheeled wagons, 1 wagon bad, 2 pair wood ladders, 3 pair of hay ladders, 2 sleds, 1 dearborn, I cart and carkxears, 5 ploughs, 4 .. harrows
2 cultivators, 2 double shovotploughsf I horse rake, 5 wheelbarrows, 1 ilirresiting machine, 2 fanning mills,.l rooling screen,*673iiit of wagon gears, 5
sett of plough gears, 1 sleigh . and warless, I flax break, '2 sett of carpenter tools, 2 grind stones, .2 sett of blowing tools,l riffle:, 2 log Chains
1 sett of blacksmi th tools, intl., of butchering tools, 4 a variety of axes, shovels, grubing noes; digging irons, single trees, double trees,
scythes, cradles, forks, rakes, spades, &c. &c. ~
..., .._
. .
538 bushels of whelit, 600 bushels of oars, 1326 of corn, 923 of potatoes, 24.0 f turnips, 380 of apples, 59 -of onions,, 6 of seed onions, 36 of beets,
8 of peas and boons, 12 of toinatada, 15 of parsnips, 6of radishes, J 01 earrots,6 of flax seed, 2 of timothy seed, 6i of clover seed,madasB loads of bay
28 of cornfodder, 3500 heads of cabbage, 2t76•cuemobet of hopps, made 21 bbs of good eider, 9 of water cider for vinegar, 50 pounds
of heckled.flax. •
'95 yards of flannel, 30 of flax linnen, 181 shirts and chimeric, 113 calico froctts, 31 petticoats, 53 aprons, 25 caps, 11 sun bonnets, 37 pair ofiltochings
Itnittcd,,l9 pair footed, made 26 comforts, 38 sheet, 20 chaff beds, 38 pillows and bolsters,.l2 under roundabouts, 12 pair of drawers, 20 pair of sum
mer pants, 29 barrels of soft soap, 63 lbs of hard soap, 130 gallons of apple butter. •
The Directors &c. of said county annex the following exhibit of extra labor &c. perfortii'ed by the Steward, Matroi
• and Paupers from the Ist day of Jtinuary to lite 31st day of December 1843; inclusive, viz :
18 coffins, 3 horse rapes, 2 large sleds, 4 pair of bedstea s ds,.3.singletroes, 1 doubletree, 2 pair of ice lunges, 3 long benches for sitting room, 3 close
stools fbr hospital, 12 spitting boxes, 2 tables for hospitals, 2 new gates, cut 100 cords of wood, made 3000 rails, 6 handle, baskets, 5 bushel baskets,
quarried stone for and made 40 perches stone fence, put pannel post fence; done 835 worth of blacksinithing, painted smoke house, sunk one
privy 14 feet deep and quarried stone for walling the same. '
Number of Paupers in the restitution lst of Jahuary ;1843 of which 21 were colored and 7 out door paupers
Nninber admitted up to 31st December 1643 of which 35 were colored and 7 born in the house,
71Etri't q the whole number through the
Of wh li 14 died, 12 children bound out, 24 eloped, 137 discharged and G out door paupers,
. ,
Leaving iie number of Paupers in the house Ist January 1844 of which 23 were colored '
Out dour Paupers. supported at public expense during the year, 7, of which 1 has been discharged
' '
Whole number supported Ist January 1844
Of thoso remaining in the Poor house 31st December 1813, there are males 81 of which 13 aro colored
Females 43 of which 10 are colored
. And G out door paupers
There tite aencar an tan be ascertained under 1 year 3-19 from 1 to 5-5 from 5 to 10-7 from 10 to .9.0-10 from
10 to 30-20 from 30 to 40-20 from 40 to 50-19 from 50to 60-15 from 60 to 70-5 from 70 to 80-4 from 8U to 90-
2 from 90 to 100—
EVE the . Directors of the Poor and of the House of Employ
ment of Cumberland county, do certify the : above and fore
going statement, to contain a just and true exhibit of the affairs
of the Institution during the period above stated acoording to the
best of our knowledge.
'Given under our hands this Ist dav of January 1844.
•R. - G. YOUNG.
.. .
. . .
ANOTHER CHANCE FOR BARGAINS. .Paraphernalia 1 - .. Alagazines For March.
HF.' subieriber having 'scorn° to the .
THANES to that portion or . the public, and the • ; THE:Columbian Lady'sand Gentleman's Alia
.1. / condo/dolt to change his business, offers his neighbor's, that shared their custom at the cot- Aire—Godsy's Lad yla Book acid Graham's Wit 11.
entire stock of goods in exchange for a good fi n•in; tugs on the corner of rift and Pomfret 'streets, and zinc for the mouth of I Warch, dust received at K ! '! .. ,lfit •'.
'well improved, ,or fora good business htan'cidn the ei:ibledt•he subscriber to add a few tu•ticles to her DLER'S Book Store; East High street. -
country, with sufficient dwellings for a lrr,efiimily, little stns,, su c h as ,
" : February-28,1844.. tf-28
. together with a.few *errs attached. His stock con.,
list of superfine , and coarse Cloths, Cassimeres. ' -Moak and Cain brick :1111.uss inn,
Casinet, Cords, Domestic.Gooda of ell kinds, Cain- . . • .
'Victoria hfuslins,olain k fi4ureil Bobinet, Ribands, - Rock Powder. •• -
~ briar, Lawns , Linens,. Gloves, lldziely, klandker
!Fringes, Edgings, Kerchiefs, Ties, Mita, Shawls, u „,.
' . chlets,Oilks,Gineirdas, Alp:lows, Lifetree, Fringes, •
Gimp Fancy Prints, Alpatlia Lustre,.•Mouslins, Chintz, JUST ;Teemed A large supply of ROCK POW- '
Shorsd ii,t ihls Caps, Oalkoes nil a surihrof fancy articles . Also, Boots, • “Calicoes t Dress Silk, Afancliester Eingliims,Clieeks, DER, by the'Keg; doable and single F. ' • •
Other gooda comprising a general assortment of, ,
}lame), ricking, a Naricity of Afisslins; Cotton Yarn, February f2B, 1844. • .1: SERER. •
Ito. with a variety
• . Cdndlewiek, Wadding and Lige, Mimi' articles of ' , ' - ' ' ' •• .
.' gardwatei Queenswaxe, Groderies, Tea, ' dry goods not mentioned; toget er' with GIiOCKR- '' ', ' '
• - • -11 ES, snob Retool' and Brown Supra, Teas, Cdfree, 'LUMBER 1 LUMBER l'.
,Spices, Dye Stutti, Colton Yarn, Coverlet Yarn, I.e. Cheese %%rater Crakers, Spices of ill sorts; Solaro - . . . •• • .. .
all of which he will sell tit reduced prises for Cash dos andfine salt, Starch. Smoking and Chewing To- A. I;AR GE and general • assortment, nf'
from and after this. date , datendill. general safe 'settee- •baieo.; Shaving and other Soap; Teeth ' !leashes,
ted. Country Storeiceepers and others would do well Flair and other artistica; Toilet PoWder,Court.Pias- well seasoned LU3lllbll2, Suitable for Car'-'
to 'ye him a call, as he intends there shall basin .•ter, Side and other CM:abets; large quantity of Hibei•-• peotera mad Cabinet Makers, consisting of , Patiel,
Ma' e,'' being determitnitt to close his business dasheryitor such as can tell' what 5011 ' they want, • 1 ., -2 find 3 ; COMITIQR . White ,Pine Boards, Minsk Otid!
firoutliagullsotherry,lValnut,Roplar and Yellow.
during the'present‘j:elar: ' • ' '• . " when therask for it; all of which will be sold at its
.Pint, Boards, 'Plonk and,fitcontling, - .together with.
The Store and Dwelling, eon be rented from the smail•a;profit as will justify fair dealing, for Clialli•
lit - of A,pril„" . ,' , " ' ' ''' ' but Borough Notei 'are for below par, and ; not 0 , ,n.. „ O rQ 'i r ,
ett Sf e ali h t y lil i T h : el ita .
gu th us ti c ii i7 ,S ib l e tt r n , g , l n e t la r nd i . o Loc irlh us l t in F no pi v it e si'
• ~
His' booksnre poiled up to the indr,• and he re- rent-Al the cabin,. , .. , ,
.Itreet; adjoining thelard formerly., kept by B..Bitt -
• "Roeittialftlioeindebted' to him to' settle their or. ' ' • ''lt m 'uNDEnwoori.
g 9 tioto'without; ['Oilier notice. The first day of ''Carliale,Ja.o.l;4B44. ••.'•'• ' • , ', , ).• te.14 40 ' 0 .14t... , ~.. : ,•WEANE4Pk.I.ACHLAR. ,
/ . April 'will bp *allow *day of grace, atter' whieft nll ''' ' '. • .' - '• • - . ' . • •-, • s ',- '• . . ''Uodlides Feb. 7 .4644. • r,. ' , , - .96.4 . 5.
accounts worth collecting wilt be plarid in thritands NEW . GOtti*, Adlithi'
:, , The have also it number of •Carritiiiii r . and Otte
of proper officers. , - 16 , Irerse , Algona for sale or eyebolt& forlditiaber.• '•,, '
ca,F;LOUII by thu•Burrel ;always on hand . - 'l' ..• ''' '', '.-.-:,' r''• ', • ••, - ,;! - . ' •
1 ' '''" ''"'' ' —. • S. 11.' liAittl.l • ' ''' ' C 111 MULES /4 061a81r •, ••. • • ' . . .1.
econ • • inter , Sapply. .'
,"" -- '''"-.•''' ' ' -' ' • '••• • • -lA.s- juld:rettlrned7.*Ons;;E'hilailel bia;nnd :is ' ...
, ,1
,1 0iO4 . t•Ctn t r101 1 3 4 1140 , !&,. . ,(1,hair -MOW". nr Winter Coolly, eoniisting, - rt s c, of ,Blego' la
It y- UST , opened in /./ liddition.'36 ;bur
' //
/ / '//
. "1
' f /
t,,,,,,, ~ ~ ,„,,, ,, i
„,...,,,,, ,:, „.,, „,,, . chelA
,chnsonsi crape T o Amtwo,,, pi a l Fl , 4 o p at .. ......mer. stootc r our-second . lot-.of • -WIN. it
; ., •ITHLF.4 oul4onther, Ina 0011%0 ,a d / argentantiti'd , tine itriiied"Alpaalnii;VouiWile Liairdi;
hetv s tylel: t iPA ßM ; 43ll4 i*X e li'l,Put:XTl°Lei`'llti:Kkltrredllt'ed '
, ; engimr„,SciAßl4;,nott;.,,rlloo o L4ll l ./..PLA,StC, , 'Citliooeir,and London Chintee , 4 E.l4 , :inil•Silki, -,, ,.priendflit ;IA pe r- gidtan.or ;4,441;43i ... um 'anti*.
!.,,whioftiw t 1,01.50,11.40ner thanv.nnbdinO•ilititihilie, Jiii apt artnut , Clotliai, Canitidereinc:entodnotooKeno4`nle otlfieffikikor4rdbro kir .- .It , w, , trsit..• ,
, 1 ,.
4 or Cash; „ /,'• y , •• /, /‘ ~ - ../,0-4 . 1., , T,
,p4l,9)ttlfl s ./..„ ~ t o . Odium Tioklnger endolesj. Flauttolwillintien!! ' 'rebriokrY 1;1844 . - , ! , 1:1.t, , ~,:r. fr i f , ,
C a tii ill 4 o6 . 4 % / 844 ; •/ i --.”; ~ / . ::, [..,/,‘, -/ // ' / lil / 4 1 2'a At ihisOrderniodapirishnuiteßiiikolineetiogv; • !', l ,
,"`'' ''. '" 1 , *'"'l' : '' ' 4 "‘ ' '- r '''''' . ' l ''' .- ' '-'''''''; ' -
. , r,..,,,, . ~ ..,,,,,.. , . ; .:. I, :s4,#.lpiy4.WoOliCaihmi*kii4 , ,iyanteilpettilitryti;', ..r , -- •,, , ,/`.'' . f/ ',.`f -- 4,; , iii,... e ": 1 . 3 , . , Y , - -- / - q . • f-' 1, .
" ..
. •-1411i11011% ,Rab3ll/1 // iaa , krigt!.. ••• f o : k.ii,P4slkkm,ylt 4.4 of • o goodYtoolultrielk" ,/./ '* .4 V //''`//,'-/ /t/. .AVVII / .7' q...r..( 1/ ' ''''''''' /j// "" , • -/:
A ' Likia end ir ill;'lc . ''4 . iiilti "eiir.iiiii&•'''ni,4ll,"lll7:...rir..'l9*rw!gatoodpobehippoto.c.4o4.,:'",., :', ,,,,, . - 1 , " , 5 , 5,,, ~ _ , .., 'l, ~...0:.,i....,.,, ~,:.
0 1 .- e - ..(,, t l ,c, f .`, " . /6 -eaPs ‘'‘' o geode in tha eountv:34oo - , /,` ; "
ALVAlinge t iodetiked ttn Y thk,el/liiiiitiliet /
E 441.41151 1 4113 and .nti &psi reoeivo . iunl ",- ~.. naltiliethot,old stand, opposite Mr. Ilrt;Wn'ir/ / . .. ; w111" / .14itoati . ;anti . p!O'otr p:ootikiO ;'Oli / . i'lni,: /
alr-ildeitil'..:-.2........-1;1.::.:'...:14itia,k; A 1 91 1 0114: 5 g!:_' ' 'WiMgiglitati'ke4'. '/ / - './ -- • ' •• - • '-/ -.- - Sore 04 " ' , ' s litil:4.fie / ..vel . 'ti / /6'" IV li "` • °hi.
'...,e; • - • -- • — ---,, ---,, -...U---.4.;,, , ....,4,..........4.2.,....,—,L.,.....,.... 4 ,........00.4 , , .. o.* iln St. ...,,
t.11!) .A.
.-Itot " o r ise_miatvgnent:
Stock on the Darn; Ist January 1844,
Beef, Pork, - Mutton and Veal fattened and killed on Fatm:in 1843
Farming on the Farm Ist January is-H
Scheditleshowing the proceeds of the Farm for 0,13
Manufactured and made in the House and Shop
'Ely fnlyiiientofinterest of do*eif in favor of Mrtiti'firieti on the
land purchased Of A McDowell in 1842 ..' " '' ,„'t -.38 dl.
Caslt for.grocerlea; nierohantlize,*NOthing and bedding " include d'' 1412 89
Justices' and . .COnstrblUs' fees . .
' 11147.
Stock„, ' •• 090 00
llataling,GroCeries . . - • . .
40 72
Ornin'FlOnr. antliGriniling. - _• . • 489.31.
Tin, Pewter wareund tinkering' ' " • • - •• 44 27
I:cattier ' • • 1-13 89
Tailoring Weaving and Shoentakin,s , • 181-5,9
Support of out door paUpers • ' . , 216 00
Out door funeral expenses , 45 1,1.
Out door medical aid ' '• ' 16 50
1 , arming utensils, tools &:s, ~ ' , ' 54.50
Stone coal . - ` --__ ,_ 162 10
• Hardware . ,
' 111.84
. .
Ilattino and saddlery • . •50 87
Materials,burovenients bros , • 48 85,
. ..
'Postage. Freight, &u • 70 63
Potatoes . ,
• . 22'60
Carpenter work ' '4893-
~ „ .
illackfunitidag -39 19,
. .
Masoning. ., 24 75
County, State, School and Road tax for the McDowell property,. 19 01
Carding, &C.
.. - 6 92
. , .
Cvlemlers for cool stoves • 20 34
It'agomnaking - . 19 00
Sundries , 17.7 57.
Stationary .. . 1 87 '
Joseph Loh: salary for one yea r 600 00
Dr.Jaeob Baughman salary fur one year - 150 00
lliugh Caollrigher, Esq. salary for two years ' ~, 60 00
Jacob Squire, Ebq., salary thy one year . 40 00
Benjamin Puller, Esq DirectOr extra services , 21 00
Samtiel,Graham Esq do ' do
22 50
. .
John Zug Esti do' do . 16 50
Payment on land Purchased of A McDowell lu 1842 - " 2325 43
$5Ol BG3
1000 00
128 30$
191 71
52 50
58 15
et 01
9 27
12 00
d 75
6 74
5 50
3 00 •
2 973
19 18
$BOO9 14
ISalhuicc duc county by TreuaureC
670 11
Ise of Employment of-CuMberland . connty-in account with
to'the thirty-first-day- of December, 1843, inclusive,
By cash paid order as stated above
Balance duo county
$ 501 86
7000 00
507 273
68009 14
670 41
Wtt, the undersigned, Auditors of Cumberland county, elect
ed and sworn, according to law, having examined the accounts
and vouchers of the Directors of thik Poor and House of Em
ployment of said county, from the • Dit—day of January to the
31st day of December 1843 inclusive, do certify, that we find a
bailance due. said county by the Directors aforesaid, of - six hun
dred and seventy:dollars and forty one cents, in the hands of
Jacob' Squire.,..Esq., Treasurer of said Poor House and House
of Employment.
' Given under our hands at Carlisle, the 10th day of January
A. D. 1844.
IL C. KILGOBE, Audjtois.
. . .
ARE IrovV.ACimowLEnciroioN , ALL •Hpips
Tq'BE' TIIL intilrYnier ROIEDIEs
igt,pe - lifiloWsPuliniopary Syrup;
ntains the most extraOrdoory cytati6; .
propertiei for Cotightf; Cold4ConSump.
• • gio, 111Ood,-Croops;
.. Measles, HoarSeAesa,.., ,I),fffiettity. of
Breathing.' Pains in the Breasts Side; .
and all: , Diseases: of 'the Piihilonary
O`rovlns.' ," • '
PIP HIS' rem etly . llo' bee n tispd, its nu
-I- totaling citratiVitienlities testified tb'by many
of the Most respectable citizens of thb,United States.
We;do not---nay cannot,elai motsdoekthe BRAZEN
FACED QUACK, infalibilitx for our medicines! '
but - having tested the 'medicinal qualities of the
"Pulmonary Syrup," in nn extensive and varied
.medical.Practitte for many ..ears, with remarkable
success, we unhesitatingly pronounce it pen of the''
very best Panaceas in the world for, Pulnionary
cases. A single trier will thoroughly satistv any
one that it is not one of the common Quack . Nos
trums of the d4---but that it is it medicine of real
value, worthy to be in every family. Its unprece
dented' IoW price is another strong reeommentlationc
while other Cough or Pulmonary Medicines are sell
ing for $l.OO and more, STILLING'S PULMON
ARY SYRUP, sellefor only 50 ets. per bottle.
For sale in its purity in Carlisle, nt SAMUEL
ELLIOTT'S Drug Store, East Mum st.; in Harris
burg at NV:II.4IELLIS Grocery Stott!, 3d and Ches
nut streets-
February 14, 1844. . ,ly-16
Leather, Maracei) mat 'Muting
$7338 73
670 41
Mr/ST respectfully informs the. citizens I) f Har
risburg, and the public,in general, that he has
removed his Leather, Morocco and. Finding Store'
to North Second street,,Aft.W....doors...above. Henry—
Buchler's Hotelorhere he will keep constantly:on
bind a general assortment of the following named
articles, viz:
$BOO9 14
$670 4
SpAnish &Slau , ler, Sole, Skirting,
Harness, fair and black bridle, wax and grain.npper"
whip and collar leather, wax antLgrain Caw
Skins, Spanish and cotnnry Dips, top and .
lining leather,bellows Leather for Fur
naces and 131acksmiths,.and.Bark
• Tnnncd Sheer, Skins.
- $7338 73
670 41
• Comprising Men's Morocco, Women's undressed
red.nnd black straits, French kid orditrerent colors.
Red roans, Bindings, Liningd or nil colors, Book
binder's leather, Clatmois' leather and Buck skins.
$BOO9 14
Snell as boot keys and breakers, shoe keys, limn-.
MCI'S, pincers, rolets, stamps, size sticks, punches,
knivesirubbers, tiles, rasps, thread, boot webbing,
sparables, boot cord, pegs, awls, / , ,tc. &e. All of
which he will sell at the very LUWES r CASH.
W. L. P. returns his stneere thanks to the pub
lic, for the liberal patronag e- which has heretofore
been extended to him, and respectfully solicits a
continuance of their favors.
Harrisbutl, May 17, 1843
THE subscriber would respectfully in
form his' friends and the public generally,
that lie has taken the
4„i cm '
• I.=...CCDUY cm),
lute kept by Mr. Simon Wonderlieh. in East 1 ugh
StreetAu tew doors eascqf the Court _House, where
he will at all tines take pleasure in ailministeriarg
to the:nomforts of those who may favor him with
their custom.
Ills BAR shall be constantly 'supplied with the
choicest liquors, and Ins TAI with the best the
market can furnish. A careful ,OSTLE It 3ilwoys
kept in attendance-4.mnd nothing shall be left (Mamie
to please all who call with him.
BOARDERS taken by the week,month 'or scar.
Carlisle, April 12, 1843. tI-2
For Indemnity against loss by Fire
Charter Perpetual.—s4oo,ooo Capital paid in
Office 1635 Chesnut street:
MARE INSUIIANCP,; either permanent nr lim •
heti, against tosser damage by lire, on,PROPERTY
,and EFFECTS of every description, in town or
Country, on the most reasonable terms. Applica
tions made either personally or by letter, wall be
promptly attended to.
C. N. BANClillf.ll2, Prest,
The subscitber is agent for the above cotnpany
for Carlisle and its vicinity. All applications for
assurance either by mail or personally will be
promptly attended to. \V. D. SEY:110011.
December 6,1943.
12,a, ;i1
O F a FERS se e at very reduced pliers, OLP ,
Drugs, Bfledicines, aye -Stuffs,
PAINTS, together with'
Stationary, Mlle Cap Paper, by the liCaM, Letter er
Slates by the dozeri,Silver Pencils, Drawpig. th,
Sable heir do., Drawing, Paper. Sealing •
Wax, WarVlll, PCIII‘IIIVCS, of a line
quality, Painting brushes, Crav
ing do. Sliming do. Teeth do.
Flesh do., Shaving and •
. Toilet Soapsin great . •
Spices Ground and Unground,.
Together with every other article in the Drug line,
the attention Of Physicians, Country Merehants and
Dyers, is solicited 1181 am determine to sell ut very
low prices for Cash. •
Carlisle, March 15,1844. ' tf
WOULD inform their Blends ; and the lubliq
that they have just received at their stole on
High street, next door to Reptem's Hotel, Carlisle,
a large, freslOind elegant nssortment of CANDIES,
FRUITS, and other articles in their line, which
'they ore ready to dispose of, wholesale and retail.
on 'the most reasonable terms. Their lisSorttneni
comprises the following varieties, ail pf which are
of the choicest quality: . ,
CANDIES.—Mint, ri4atn .curia, quiee, spear;
mint, mint phiti cakes and rolls, cinnamon, sassa-i
fres; lemon, hoarhoutul, chive, cream and
Thonipsoman or pepper candies; Jackson anilClay‘
balls, lemon balls, French and common Neugax - ,
Trench, common, and exploding accrete; mint drhi r'
rook and vanilla curdy; auger and burnt almonds ;
candy toys, liquorice, &a.
barks, chestnits, and Brazil, cream, cocoa and grout.C.
FRUlTS—Oranges, lemons, raisins, figs, Knock,
Mee and citron. Also the best ,
Cavendish Tobacco and Sekarti
such as H
°Regalia, Principe, avana.Trabneas. firt6:
'Anierictin segars; of the finest quality.
Theie aesortraent IS kept constantlysappited by
&CAI' additions. , Country therchants 'are invited tr
call, as they Can he inippiied on , tering vs tadvintsvi.,
ousnwmity pricos: The patronage .of the public it
resientfdlly soliaited..
, • Carlisle; . April .26, .184.9 i. ! • . ,
'3. 'ayne!al" y. Modioins. .".
91N ntiltitionat sopiq;ofitlie abciaq iraluable'Mod
oinesokirialiting Of ' -
ilayhtee'Fap'etittiratit,-; ; • '
..„t• : -li Tonic Vermi,foge;
4, 1 1 , - , Rale Tonic * E, ' • ..;
Sonattvo , Pll4 ! •
r'ACreelYN , l. 4ll 4'for s." 1 0 1, , • - • •
' ,
,„. • ,
, 4%.*!. for Carilqlo.
14-2vt142- tltsfil. ,;. ..
ifeti i eij ,114
'4. iP ert * 4 " , , w t h 1 1 (ini , 'now iid-.
pie likti t .Ze In
is.r7 ~(!n P'lYlirn.9l.l%;,, camp" Odiurst. ':
Icg 0 niti ll ilti ;-au:re 'at ' a 4 ta' 'Tay 1z .,.. p . , as I need , aae1?;!,0 ,,,
3 8444 '' ° " ' "
Oarhe ci. u
• `4,),
C*4lo4l4Mk, ■ IV
i'4eWiiritlitie,44l6llY4F444, i r
!I:1 1 r
tagq# C41411 R9970.14,14441.14 , •
',Vectioris - of the'! iveror Weakness If ihe'Preast or, :Luitgs, Chronic
Coughs,Pleumay, fleniorrhuge ofthe.,l,4om ntt
all kfreetions of the PidmOnitr,O,Urgini.
A compound Balsainie preparation of die Pillar;
Virginhina Wild Cherry. Bark, ."
with the Extract of Tar, prepared by.a new.chemi-.
enl proliess,approved and recomm,ended by-the most
distinguished physicians; add universally siteknOWl
- the most:valuable medicinee ever discovered.'
In setiingferth the virtues'of'this (oily great meta-
ieltie we harem .desire to 'deceive those s ho, are
labouring under affliction, nor do we desire to etilo-,
ize it more than it juiitly deserves. Vet when we
look around and seethe vast amount of suffering and
distress occasioned by many or the diseases in which
this medicine has ,proved so highly successful, we
feel that we amnia urge ita claims too strongly‘ or
say, too much in its favor.
Such, inderd,are the '
Of this Balsam, that even in the advanced stagec of
Corrstriarrion, after all the most esteemed remedies
of physicians have failed to effect any change, the
use of this medicine hos been productive of the most
astonishing relief, and actually effected cures sifter
all hopes of recovery hail been despaired of: •
lu ihe first stages of the disease termed'. Catarr
hal Consumption," originating' from' neglected
COLDS, it has been used with undeviating success
and hundreds acknowledge they owe the restoration
of their health to this invalnable medicine alone.--
In that form of Consumption so prevalent' ninontot
delichte young, females, COIIIIIIOIIIY termed debility,
A complaint with which ihoutands are lingering, it
has also proved highly successful, and not only pos
sesses the power of checking the progress of this a
larming complaint, hut also strengthens find invigo
rotes the system more effectually than any medicine
we have ever possessed.
For particulars, certificates, Yee., see Dr. \V istar's
AGENTS:—S. ELuorr, Carlisle,
Denig, Clainthersbrug.
Solomon Oswald, York.
J. 11: G. Kinsloe, Shippenshurg.
Cnrlisle,•November 8, 1843. , •
• ‘'.1411°0220,0a
1 FAS muter the p retence of title, de
11.1Ped. fro ' m sundry unrecorded Deeds ' and
sales made for taxes, winch by repeated adiudica
lions of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumber
land county, and the'Supreme Court of this State
have luen.declared jimandent and void,hirge mum
. titles of chestnut and other' valuable timber have
been cut upon the lands known,as the Mount [lolly
Estate; the public are therefore hereby notilled,tha't
the said estate consisting of all the tracts of land at
any time used since the year 18111, in conae.ranwith.
the :Mune Holly lron.Works,(exceiStiog such por
tions as have siWee. been sold by the subscriber,) are
the property or the Farmers' & Medi:tido' Bank,
virtueby virtue of a conveytmce by tileSherilf of •Shiti coun
ty, in August 1838 ; that all „deeds not recorded
wiihiu sex months rom the time of their execution
are, by Act Of Assembly, dated tlith May, IJI 3, de
clared fraflulent-aml void against subsequent pur
chasers; that the taxes have been regularly paid, up
on every tract limning inwt or sold estate, front the
first occupation up to the present time ; that by act
of Assembly, dated 20th ',March, 1824, the cutting
hauling, purchasing, or employing -of others to cut
or Mud, any timber trees upon or from the lands of
another, w idiom the liCense of the true owner is
made an indictable offence ; and that the subscriber
will prosecute all persons offending against sail law
no matter nattier wind frathilent pretence such t iota
that is attempted. Ile will also give II reward of
TEN DOLLARS fur nutria information as may' lead to the
apprehenhion, and rwr.wrr not.t.Atta fur the convic
tion of each and every offender.
Attorney in fast of said Hank
Dec. ‘2.0, 1843, ~
.T'Avy ittrorinaiiou in regorti to the estnte may
he cononnoliotted to L. G. 13 nuitigbury, &N. Car
Form:trailing & 11.3ommiss9gee
_ .
EspECTF ULAN i urorms, the public,that lIC is
111, im pat vtl lu I'eCUIVC r rlll`lllllli' and dispose of
PrOlittee of every description,
either at the Philadelphia or Baltimore Markets, or
at any other point accessible by hail Road. As he
will totem! to person to the delivery and sale of an
articles entrusted to his care, the most satisfactory
and speedy returns may at all times he expected,and
the utmost promptitude in the transaction of all bu
siness entrusted to him.
Farmers mid others having any article which they
wish disposed or, will do well to call on hi in, im
mediately opposite the Alansion house, turd Usti!
Road Depot, West nigh street, Carlisle. -
G. F, is authorized to purchase several hundred
bushels of Grain, for which the high e st p r i ce %,
he given.
Carlisle, May 17, 1843,
caw minium,
reeveyez coevencr.
commissioner in Bankruptcy.
AS removed his office to North Hanover
AIL Street, West side, 8 doors North of !mother
street, and nearly opposite the office of William
Irvine, Esq., where he will 'as usual carefully
attend to all business which may be entrusted to
him in the dine aids profession.
• Carlisle, April .12, 1843.
• • arater's •
I.IIID lalaT•l4
liffrasthke 1 - LA„lrit';cßtos,7„ct‘gr,ieizr.eitel'ilt‘te:el
assortment of LARD LAMPS, consistingef
Pa rlony,CliamberdicSludy Lamps
with or without shades; which they W ii sell whole
sale or retail at the manufauturer's prices.
Astral, Side Reflectors and Glass Lamps of vari
The very best Winter strained, bleached sperm
Oil, warranted to burn clear. for .
Best Sperm Candles. .573 cents per lb. -
Carlisle, Dec. :11,1.902.
Wie Zit Car 2D.6111W25T11
r e e p s o e r; the t Teeth ,
ns Sinling, eilingrAtgA l i:g., ee their i., or wlll restore
the loss o thein,My insertiog4rtitiehtl Weetli,•Worn
st single:roods, to n,full sett.
ig_Offse on Pitt street, a few doors South of the,
'iti,irrond Hotel.
N. IL Hr.: Loomis, will be.alssent from •Carlisle;
the insteen dnys• in each inionth.i.'
. . .
Dealer I rteuuntryProdusegt Pittsburg Iltaitiffsettirei
hi ltFt)' Flak sitisaibTltTSßUltg, Pa. 1,
. . ,
•,., • , - •
•, ; I . 3l tXVlPltE7rigirg PI LLS.
A lurtberotypply ot , Gen,uitie Bramiretlea 'Ollll,
receive 4 and for,mol.v by. .• . . „,
• February.l4,4Bo.,, , • S. -Evuorr..' •
• . ; Z:VErM:I24I.IIb ,
io lU , S v T ql;• l. : ; "' lltr ' ti ' 9 s Pliii n ity f l * ';l 4 so ir , 'l .F u r s ellilta .re ls a in i is; ai 'IQI
,66R13 oes
February 'l4, 1 914,, 8 . F,c4pqrr
twoodorf House and several surlier dwt t l i lA
ingSr 01411,4tidiSkriidriat for rent. A u,
ta, o ofnef , o o % Atterfteligt 7 WlZffrohmill he '
rented or tfitt puipe e n oire gel•
- P , • • • •
ENGES,and , groWn people .
soy they are the
Pottiest and most effects ye medicine in use. Enor
mous quantias tire sold snit every. body like's them.
Freeman Hunt, Dig.; editor of the Merchants Mag
azine; says they.cured hia.oough in a few hours.—
The Rev. Mr. Dunbar, of the McDougal street.
church, was ;sure(' of a very bad cold and cough in
one. day. 'I he Rev. Mr. A nthotty, of the Methodist
Church, was cured of consumption by them.
the lives of thouxuals. W. E. Evans, Esry.,.o
Walker st., the lion, Ed ward J. Porter; Hon. B. IL
Beardsley; Dr. litintf.r, and nearly all our physi
cians,'what they think of Sherman's Lozenges, and
they will ti oft they al`c exeellent—the only in.:
fallible nit eier Imam
real and i t.. headache, palpitation, sea sickness,
lowness spirits and.despondencv—or the effectrof
dissipatic i h, Capt. Chadwick, et the Wellington,
Nit% AdF trman.thegreatsign painter, Mayor Clark,
and nitwits!. every body. lisioa , s' their Value.
POOR MAN'S PLASTER—Shermatt's we mean
—costs 1126. cents, anti ;Lam.° to curd rhetunatistn,
hintbag.,, pain or weakness in the breast, side, or
back; piles—and they cure worms when applied
to tlte.l;nn•t, Ask Joe lioxie, or any otte'2wlto has'
used its and would dive $5 Cut' one sooner titan live
cents 11 n• all.other plusters..7„
Sold in Carlisle otllUNtflli & KNTARDLEws
Book i•lioro, Est High street, who are sole Agents
fm• Ca a lisle. . •
And. Ansley & Greason, §hiptiensburg.
oattz 2'W a
For,the cure of Obstinate Eruptions . of the
Skin; Pimples or Pustules.on'the Face;
Hiles which arise from an impure habit
rif, body; Scaly Eruptions; Pains in the
Manes ; Chronic' Ithettmatisml Teller ;
Scrofula or King's Evil i; White SWel
. hogs; Syphilitic Symptoms; and all dis
niers arising from eid r impure state of
the blood, either by a long residence in
n hot anti unhealthy climate, the injutli
cions use of Mercury, &c., •
This Medicine hg's frequently been found
_ highly beneficial in Chronic Coughs, or
Colds of long standing. . •
This Medicine bus been extenwrelt hied in 'the
Ilbited States eV 1111 derided benefit in l-iernfida, 'Ake
distaisen, skint in all C1194 . 5 , 01 . :114 1116i:rated (liar
acter„ At an alterative in the sprig; 111141 1:111
Eir.its, it is lineqindled. It possesses nri,ty advantages
over Ilia decoction, and is introduced tutu prelate:l
-lion mere portable, not liable to injury by long keep
ing, and better adapted it the use or rorholo, coovoi
ing or residing abroad.
• 'rite proprietor begs .:11 , e to tall attention to the
following rertilleates, s &ALA. rr.oin 14 /111 V: 111111 J Cu'
11p141 . 0V11% its ellicarr:
..11119 Certifies Unit my wife Niro. I)eem, had for
nearly eleven 'ears suffered from a scrofulous erup
tion resemliliog letter ehirh Ole deep Piffles in her
face, heel: :mil arms, the coosiiiiit discharge of which
th,teri,e,t hee health, ant' fretitiotllll' Outfitted her I . ol'
(tat:rt.lit - periods to her hgd , flifriog'syllisli time hi.
sofferiogs ayes %err great. 'lie Mist medical irt a
d:nice was Olttaitittil, and fill the kiiiisra re salies
were tried %cliff hut an alleviation of lice •fitoplitilit,
always rettirioal with increased
I laving. loscall hopes of reemery, :ill,. hair almost
determined (it giv, tip the mi.... of Hoy 011,1•••
s'ie Was lifffsever, he peesuasaion, induced to tel
(hike .Varsa pa) illet, the tie
list, bottles of whirl, - has e, ,,l the, mid
restered her to pto furt
opposite the depot, Iteadiug, Pa.
, .
`l'f et'1•llf• tiro. illy Huh. sooohoot t•igll
- t . :11• 5 ‘ aid, had soner,,i tin• a tow: tint,. from eslt•u
sates hn 1110 rizlit 111111 Ira , t111111)Sell It
Itnytt !welt oldie iut•lling, I found improsiblt
to 110;11, 'Yell hy :tot or the oto.t
ntt•dir:d adyko, ooti 1 I ,t%
I reVIII111111•11111•11 In tow NI,.
110ketle's Compound Syrup ill R hot
tits of which hot only twilled - the sores, 101 l perfi•rtla
101,101.01 the 01111(1% 1;001111. Si hick had bolli•rcd mud
consegtotottc ol• dos or.oioo.
Too ninoe coPle wa; prenenteol to toe h . oth lorfrirt
tout after the nse of Nly. Onkolq's Syrtip of tint,n
inwilloonol I hove no her:it:llion iu beheting. ilwt i
‘‘1,45 the iigvoi of his remoraiion.
. .1011 S P. 111ESTE11. M 1)
Oakeley t--Nly son Leaf, 11 1 , ,
scrofula in the most dreadful awl distressing Him,-
nee for three )(tars, ihit tillie wits
Or till' use of his 11mbs, his head mid iierk
were covered with ulcers. We tried all the Miler
cut remedies, but In no etfer.t until rucommended hr
1)1.. Johosoti, of Norrist• wn. and alm Dr. I,a a . e.
II iester, of Watling, t5.1....115e rune Depuratis . Sr LII
of Sarmparilla, .iki,ritSll4iii.ll smeral bottl e e,
the use id ' 11111111 the disease entirely net o f
his system, the soros healed up, and the Child wins
1115101 . C1l to health, w !kit hi: let@ Vilio3l.ll
iutt•rriptt•lllg ever shire; to the ;04001hh0000t or ma
ny persons who earn him. during los lifilietion. 1
bare thought it my duty, mid timid you this certifi
cate. that others who 11051' like affliction in the
family may khOw where to obtain sn valuable a meth
eine. . Yours, truly. A.. 1). LEA
'Sold by T. C. STEVENSON, Car
lisle a n ti the follovring . Agents in Cumber
land Countyl
.1. G. Miller, New Cumberland.
Joshua Crain, I lognestown.
Wm. Sz G. London, Knighton.
Wm. Brzmon. Newrille. - ••
.Ineolo Burkhart, do.
' Belgic. Nt Co„ Churehtown. .
L. Cathcart, Shepardstown.
Junuary 3,1844. •
m yra ! s a:.HAvEitsTI T c have dust opened
their fall sortment of Drugs, Pallas, Oils,
1/ye-Mulls, Patent 'Medicines, Perfumery slid Palmy
'Cootie, •which they will sell' wholesale or retail, at
the very lowest prices, also .4".
Archer'. P,alClll 'Lard Lamps,
of assorted'sizes, patterns mid prices.
G lass Lamps of all sizes and .patterns for burning
either Oil or Lard. Lamp Shades and Chitimics
of assorted Sizes,
Bind Sperm and Whale 0:0, Sperm Candles, Al
mond, Castile and Country SCIUMAIS low /18 they Can
he had from the city.
cu — carlisle Borough. Notoefur ;ill purchases tit
;ken at par. ,
Docemberl3, .184 S,
IfirdlßDYr .1111.1111C.KERS,
• • liWlielesake Dealers is
Foreign and DOmestie' Dry. Goodo,
N 0.016, North &Tina Stied,
row doors 5,0,,041, of 4voliA!reet,P11)1;olelplilo.
‘ . , . ...
IEirfAVLD, Teamed:WV. invite, the, attention! ti
, VV . cottnlCS'., 'lnty.ere to their , largei . itafithiment of
gootis suitable to ti4ettaion'.• ' ; •,,,? 5 5 . 5 ''' '? .!
i.. 5 They. hue On: 11 414 silere 41 001 .4er Yere4n had
...mines' le Goode; 14141 Ali at later pri eel . than,
can now be had and are pMparddto ofei• itiducernents
to the trade.- -•- - , - - • • •
,• We 'leach p,F.O . f 74 huyers bsfpr,f.:prlphaalug
eleeyi.liere, lis Pia are tifitidtisit ,the price(' ot Miicit
3 / 4,
wC.C.alt birei;'oler goods ' nacit Sato glie'stilietliciD.
4111kao.Y. , tts 1114 i ., ... :%- . ; , : h i AlO ,-; 1 '5: .' 11 5 5 5 , '' ,s 3(lri, -19
t 00 .
THE subsorigeAnii j9OO, tvceiVed ktipthek stipOy
oft 1111131 7 8:$G-SHOElSAttiongetlte
Unses.floots frnAlAtc4fi rJ, I
15 4 f MOUSAIOnr0e41:11;00 10 1,50,
. riffs do, ,fr00t.59, to 10Q. i ; i
41" LtiaiiiAlipt>oilrbites4 , 414 •
ii07114.%D0 I:lltalking , ShOiraitild,oolo* f
'3,olllll)ren'ss_, bilsioriPpligr,thitiVieill.,
Otn't,Oitita , lCeflie 4144 , ,
0110 ta you ece
, 4 , 11r41 , h il;r
• .?; 44 1'. ..4 ,114 4
. .
T HE proprietors of the Surequebapna
run their Cars and Boats as usual to Phil
adelphia and Baltimore duringthe present season.
Their friends will. plena° apply to Noble, Flitun
& Herr, Broad at. and num Andre.we & McKee
ver, first wharf above Race .atreet on the
were Philadelphia, and Joseph E. Elder, Balti
more. •
Until further iiotice, the following prices ivill
be adhered to between this place and the above.
Ale'per 100
Dry Go'oda;'Dru6s4
and Medieinea, • ' 2,0 • , .23 . 42 4
Furniture. , • ... ya 25 , ‘ i i 3
Wheat, ' Rye d , Corn • • -''''•
per bushd — , 11- , 10 ,
Dals , ' '4G, .- • • • 7.. • 's.;
Procertea, , . 4, 3 - ,- r 4° ' - 4 °
'4uiiib'or per 1000 ' ,' . , *
' ',feet .•,'" $3 SO ''' 0215. ' • ' •
, Shiniles,perlooo 1 50. ,' -• 2 00... , •••,, •
Aukr, per bbl ! , •34 • , , 30. ! , „Al
.$l-,tadkr, Mackerel do SO • , .37 , , .
HAti)ing do . '" • :. 44 •,' - 311' 103 "
84, t por B d e k; 4 ~ , 32 ~; I : ,`, 128 ,> .. It
eitrak,Titrul4.4oon.` ,‘ , ,• : •,.1 •.',: ! ,•':, I,', •
~ .Fl 9 oqo . • , 15.. ' . 2O , 1 •.' '
raster: V Osiltan..s2•3o" 32' 25 4 ' 1 ""
Hemp per - 100;• ~ : ' 22. ' '"' ' 'IU4 -,t•
' •
i llidet, , ~ _1 ••,i, , , ~ 25 , , ••••••,,•1 26'4; ,-; -1..:
Vig M0t41,g505itk0P.3.40.1b:,1 2. sTh' ~. k ~,,,,
ttilocau,,f3r,t i tatinr.4 p, ~ 3,32 k.,,,•, ~. e
Daelfii, ' —• • 4'30 -' 3 '3O ' '
Nails perkez. '" ''''"2o -- , 17
teitilopp oi llin ',' , :iii , 15,1-..:110,20 ... , ,:rl‘ r• •
.W,lllikw. low 01 , 1 :. , Nil3; , s'A ...:14'1?1•Of,d ~,f,-..'; 4
1 ,
itiorßlotkewir c i3OP,,,,P,,,i nO.. 5,:1 7terip"?..l
tl i c/1 . Vt.„ 12 ii14. 04 „ ii „rl RI t i ,
1,14 IN , q;llfi, 3 . 14 1411 6 44 t,4IO.&V.4kkIRTOL.
W.A.104,4100011..R0P3,4 4004 4.** . .041 .
. . .
PAllth.only•bY;PrOX4llY,lsT it, Inventor.;
and gitdoi%W.Olick• - •29 south Third te.
PiiiladulpliitViwitD;tionearOlienuitie without ,W
written cig•nartirenpen Wrapper. Aft
others/ire ,•'• • • ••'
• These medidinek are rectiminended and extensive
deed by iftc i tatt.St intelligent ;permits is United .
Staten, itinCron's Prefeasoit' and 'Presidents ot•
Colleges, Phy sieians 'of theArinymnd Navy', iintl di .
hospitals ti,4d tipd 'by more than' three
• hundred Clergymen of 'various denorainalliiiii.' •
Tilefare expressly lit.epared for family usei'„and
baveacquirednvid unplwaellented populeritythrough
out the United Statek and as they are Bb admirably
nalCulated tor preserve dire Dire%ciiei no
(*aridly ithould•ever be without them. The proprie
tor,of these valuable preparations received his edu
cation at one of the - beet Medical Colleges in the Ili
Stales,: aiuthas bad, fifteen years , experience ma nn.. •
extensive anddiversifiiill practien, by which lie has
•had ample ppportunities, of acquiring a practical
linciwiedge of thicsises, and of the ,vemedies best cal
cutteirtarentiove them. .Tliese preparation's;
11i1 6r
y B y,,earper.tonuit,nviiiiaible re MC:ly for Congli;
Colds, Co,taainpien, Asilinui,• Spitting of blood;
Croup, ltotiping Congb; lhainchitis,Pleuriay•tind
llamvaatioi r kitif the. Lungs or Throat, billicultrof •
Breathiug; and all di sea sea oldie Pulmonary Organs.
Also Jaynn's Hair 'Fmk,' for the 'Preservation,
Growth and•Wcauty' of thellair k and which will
tively bring ln new hair on bald beads.
Also Jayne's 'Panic Vernilfuge,ti certain and plea
sant remedy for Worms' Dysp2psia Piles, and many •
other diseases. . •
, ,
Also .laytte'a* Carndnitive Balsam, a certain cure' •
for Bowel and Summer Complaints, Diarrhmii Dy- •
seittery Chalk. t.7ramps,Siek headache, Sour stont r .
ach Cholera Mor.hus, and all derangements of the)
Stomach and Newels, Nervous Affections, fxd.
lit • li e s Sunalmayilfs, for Female Diseases,.Liver
omplainy Costiveness,. .Fevers, inflammations,
Glandular, Obstructions, Diseases of the Skin, &c.
and in all rase, where an .4.lterathie Purgailve
For sale iii Carlisle, by • • -
• T. ,STEVEri.rSON:
May 31,11D9. If-
LK) , oxlau.lo
Y. Y vir`de of the . powrrs and authority
a Innutmell,.4Ll • the hist will mid testament of
tulintEl. Er. E, deed., I now otter for sale, the
Carlisle Iron Works ,
Situated on the Yellow lireeches.Creek, •s miles
east of Carlisle Pa. The estate consists ofa first rate.
.2 CM:CZ ez
with 'Tot Thousand acres of Land.
A new .\ I' MILL Wnh fourron of stone,
finished Oil the most :411peoved plan. Aboht 500 neves
of the loud nee cleared and highly eultitittell,lntling
dieretni eVecled
. •
'lrii ree ILltrae Rank ' - Barn
Pm! tlt!beftt , t TENANT HOUSES 'Tin
works are propallei t In' the -ellow Breeches C reek
m ill the. Boilin g Sprin g , a hich neither fail uorireeze.
There aile otpoit the premises'all the necessary work
mens hottnk cottlitottnet,eurpenternitti smith shops,
and stillilinOmil t the rust aithstaiitiar materials.
The ora ,beta ipialitif and .inexhituatible, in
.within t.?: miles of' the Porn:ice. ,Tlit're is perhaps
no Iron It'ot.ks il, rellllgriVllll l / I WIIII . II pOSSLIS111: 1 $ So.
In9'101 . 1111 . 111111111.;e4 :11111 011el'S greater inducements to
the investment or C:Mital. The water pot t er is sd
great that it might fin wttet - tileil to imy otker maim:
lactin'ing • purpose. Persons dhipbtattl to purchase
will or can ire exaniin t . the prop c ity. The terms of
sale will !n! II by
• AlArtv EGE,
Eticentrit Ege,der'il.
Carlisle, "Ott. in, rti4::. , • tl=Sl
• , . •
y/ f:I,T.11111.:111,A Ni) t.9E
,r,? tITIJA
, Ls iug inettypo- .
and Ity.tot act of the I.vgislattire of pi ontatt
nioo,tool folly orgainiztal 0101 the
Ifirentior t of Ow 1.110%014; Imarti
T110..411 C. Al (;110itililiti„101111 Nlociri!
11". N)rl://110110, datittat At'eakft., (eorgo .
Nlartto, NVitlittro Nloort., (talitraillt; .1.4 tors
Grea•olt.T.lttiettas I'o%loo, AVID. 11:11T..10S1•1111C111%
0101 .‘. illus., 11111 the :itt:•itlion a the iolialtit:
tool of I:ollittrtlaott Valley to the eficaporna ..f lllcir
onus its: lowly allyaotagrs %stitch dila .itol of
ills. 11.110 4! (Wer tiny other.
I Et ory oersoli lievnines a 00.1111/rr nr
the color:illy 0101 the choice nil ullics.y ;
:111 the 11111.0 ton of its
401. Fit•innsaua nu more i. rI1119101(.11 110111 Fe
orvess.try to otret the raprogrs 01 its. C01.111:Iq .11101
1011' 1,3110 , 11.
The of freiiilvtil r..lo.W:ilg it a
voithal Ity iontiring for a tet•nt of fits pws.
.1(11. Ain - pers./ii 01,111\'11r: Inc 1...1/Miller MIII 141 r
his prriniaot into fur the olicap.•nt VIH:IS al fl , e , late
n( lice per rrnlnnt, ~bioi. sin Si; ,• ;;;;I)tni th e 1,1(00,
forwhich hra ill have to pay 5.2,50 for five t rat's,
nullis' for sarvrs uud pttlict. ninth Ito more
Inc. hr rnstnined to Si ~treall.l. al00 , 110I . 111:111 Oil' 100114
00 hoops will v 011.1.0101110, nl ilifire 10. 'link
ed 11111'0 pi , /ttlb:v;ire npirl,
uhraprr thome of othcrcnmpanirs, eseept "sus h.
its are ilieor(iftriittl on (lie Sank, principles.
Imummuee is tuurtuultql h Ilie l'olltuwing nurturer.
T 01.300 nppls int; Inv inhurime., for property
vloatpent clans of rink foo ;1000 will be aurul.terl . :' ,
per toll fist Gveyrni n. 14 lintennintiliting In $5ll must
lueu,u,it.rm fry !rim, run a hieh Ire will he rtuquivinl in pay
5 pre eta,t •;:..!,.10, tool ;N1,50 for sort t"ing rind Maley,
dud will linOr.:ruct urtrurt• rturrukturl t,
oceor tool Ittc'Gwlt.t 01 1 1;111111kt nre 001 801111.4.01 lo
,%getii . , 0 ill appointeira zonit as lin , sible ail places In upend to insiti.mites. and any persons
wishing immediately In ap p le 011 do So by
their wish to the ollieers or the vnnq,:un.
(Ai As. I'. cumttNs,
A. C. NI See'y,
The fullow big gentlemen have been ariatillitoil
Dr. lra Day,
. James- Kennedy, Esq., New
Ceorge Brindle, Esq.. 1i0111 . 1)e.
Clemens Nlel'arlane, Carlisle, '
L. 11. Eu l. \l'estin:nnsboro'
.I.lines Kyle, Newton.
Cm). Jas. Chestnut, Lee's X Kumla.
.105. NI. Means, Esti. Newburg,
' lus. .Nin4ser, New Cumberland.
John Clcudenin, Esq. flngratnwn.
Stephen Cillbertsait,'Sliiimensburg,
Peter Afrl..aughliii, I.
April 1.2:, 1843.
Susquehanna Line,
deti'Z4 tzg'i
• !=r2
• ri o l
•16 $1 per bb
13 -23 • /