I q!ifti liind;`; R.T n . • Samuel ,GrilhitlVJohn . Zing and 'Robert G. Young, Esquires, , Directors of the Poor, and of the House of Employ :•ment'Or.,Cura%ritifidtpunty, in account with said county, from the first of January to, the thirty-first day of December "1843,, inclusive, viz s. ",. , El =ME= To' amliunt-due Institution at settlement in 1842 by Jacob Squire, Esq.'lrelitiiiiiit. - -- -- ' . *5Ol 86'4 Atnount.drawn from C.ounty•Treasurer, NI I 00 T 0 balance of estimate of 1841 • '• i. 1 I Cash received of Shrom, Irvin and Graham for hides Anil skins ..ir ' 8 801. Of•G. Keller for use of J Deuglass. , 191 71. . . For Clover sectr - ' " • • . 52 50 For !Fallow and Lard - . • t'ts IS Of J Longenecker, .1 Ellitt and .L Zearing, Esqrs (fnes) 21 01' Of .Dauphin county for suppurrof Paupers ' '9 27.. For•horseßakes • (. • , . 'l2 00 , For two brood sows - ' 900 ' . ,•,. ~.. For Flax seed ' ' • 7 • , '0 75 . or 6 Sponilerfor liberating snow • • '0 74 For blank Indent Urea ' . • • • -5 50 For hauling . For Siberian Apples • : - ---- , -------- , - - '' ---- 2'9 7 4 - For Use of cider press'l 18 Fur sundries 19 18 .It.'tkvember VA, 1843. A judgment was obtained on 1 MAC against the Directors of the Poor in Huntingdon, for $llO in the easemf David Lindsay, a pauper; but ns the money 0" has not yet been collected, the item is not included in this account. , Ballauce . due trs Treasurer Jacob Squire,'Esq., Tredsurer of the Poor house and House of Ernployrnent of Cumberlandcounty in account with the Directors of said Institution from the first of January to the thirty-first day of December, 1843, inclusive,' viz: To amount due at last settlement " Received from county Tronvurer Joseph Lubaeh Steward from different sources as exhibit ed in the foregoing statement Balance due by Treasurer • • • k V . 1 , •W• , . 30 Beeles 'average 10.'539 lbs. (16170 1133,) 45 Shoop, average 37 lbs. (1665 lbs.,) 18 Calves, average 62 lbs (1116 lbs.) 40 flogs, average 194 (7760 lbs.) making in all 26,711 pounds.— • 2 narrow Wheeled wagons, lAvagun'bed, 2 pair wood ladders, 3 paKof hay ladders, 2 sleds, 1 dearborn, 1 cart and cart gears, 5 ploughs; 4 liarrowv-, 'ff cultivators, 2 double shovel ploughsi• 1- horse ruke, 5 wheelbarrows, 1 threshing machine, 2 funning mills, 1 roofing 'aeon, 6 nett of wagon gears, 5 sett of plough gears, 1 sleigh and narness, 1 flux break, 2 sett of carpenter tools, 2 grind stones, 2 sett of - blowing tools, I.roller, 2 log chains, 1 sett of blackmail tools, Isett of butchering tools, a variety of axes, shovels, grubing noes, digging irons, single trees, double trees, scythes, cradles, forks, rakes, spades, &c. &e. • '538 bushels of wheat; 600 bushels of 'oats, 1326 of' corn, 923 of potatees,.24, of turnips, 380 of' apples, 59 of onions, 6 of seed onions, 36 of beets, 8 of peas and beano, 12 ssf tomatoes, 35 of parsnips, 6of radishes, 5 of carrotii,G of flax seed, '2 of timothy seed, Gh of clover seed,inadosB loads of hay 28 of cornfodder, 3500 heads of cabbage, 2176 cucumber pickles, 20.1b5., of 'limps, made 21 bbs of good cider, 9 of wakor cider for vinegar, SO pounds 'of heckled flax. . . 95 yards of flannel, 30 .01 , 11 ax hanen,-181 shirts and cliftnese ' ll3 calico frocks, 31 petticoats, 53 aprons, 25 caps, I I sun bonnets, 37pair stockings knitted, 19 pair footed, made 26 comforts, 38 sheet, 20 chaff be ds, 38 pillows and bolsters, 12 under roundabout; 12 pair of drawers, 20 pair of/111111 HILT pants, 29 barrels of soft soap, 63 lbs of hard auap, 130-gallons of apple buttor. The Directors &c. of said county annex the following exhibit'or extra labor &c. performed by the Steward, Matron and Paupers from the Ist day of January to the 31st day of December 1843, inclusive, viz : 18 coffins, 3 hormarakes, 2 largo sleds, 4 pair of bedsteads, 3 singlettmcs, l l'doublerree, 2 pair of ice tongcs, 3 long benches for sitting room, 3 close stools for hospital, 12 spitting boxes, 2 tables for hospitals, 2 now gates, cut 100 cords of wood, made 30/0 rails, 6 handle baskets, 5 bushel baskets, quarried stone for and made 40 perches stone fence, put up 50 pannel post fence; done 635 worth of . blacksmithing, painted smoke house, 's unk one privy 14 feet deep and quarried stone for walling the same. Number of Paupers in the Institution Ist of January 1893 of which 21 were colored and 7 out door paupers Number admitted up to 31st December 1843 of l which 35 wero colored and 7 born in the house, Making the whole number through the year, Of which 14 died, 12 children bound out, 24 eloped, 137 discharged and Gout door paupers, Leaving the number of Paupers in the house Ist January 1844 of which 23 wire colored 'Out dour paupers supported ut public expense during the year, 7, of which 1 has been discharged Whole number supported let January 1844 'Of those remaining iu the Poor (louse 31st December 1843, there are males 81 of which 13 are colored Females 43 of which 10 are culored And 6 out door paupers 'There are unear u can be apeertained under 1 year 5-12 from 1 to 5-5 from 5 to 10-7 from 10 to 20-10 from 20 to 30-20 from 30 to 40-20 from 40 to 50-49 from 50 to 60-15 from 60 to 70-5 from 70 to 80-4 from 80 to 90- 2 from 90 to 100— WE the Directors of the Poor and of the House of Employ ment of • Cumberland county, do certify the above and fore going statement, to contain a just and true exhibit of the affairs of the institution during the period aboie stated acoording to the best of our knoivledge. %Given under our hands this Ist day of January 1844. • SAMUEL GRAHAM, JOHN ZUG. • - Directors. • .11. G. YOUNG. ANOTHER CHANCE .FOR BARGAINS, - ' , . Paraphernalia! - * Magazines for *March. . . P r ip 4E aubSotiber ' having 'come to the . . It HANKS to that portion id the public, and the THE Colombian tatly's'and Gentleman's Maga .ll..-conehisituf to'cluinge his Wei ne(ll4, offers' his ." neighbor's,that shared their custom at the cot- zii.e--Goiley's Ludy's Book and Graham's Ma; a entire stock of goods in exchange for a good •Tarin, pp.,. pp th ee p e p er of Pitt and Pomfret streets, and nine for the month of March, just receited at KNEE well improved, er for a good business stun:!iu•the e ablidt h e s 'op ier ib e r to add a few articles to her DL.Eit'S Book Store, East High street, country, with Sufficient dwellings for a larfielmillYs little steed, such as ' ' February 28,18 n. together with a few acres attached. .Ifirstock-cnie. , • • '. - .. suit of superfine and 'coarse Cloths , •Cassimeres, 'hook and Ctianbri ea hi nets nit, ~ Casinet, Cords, Domestic Goods of all kinds, Cain- • Rock JPowder. 'Victoria Musli iis, plain lk figured Bobi net, Itibands, brics, Lawns, Linetia,'Glot es, • lioziery, liandker- chiefs, Silks, Ginghants, Al pactisa, hushes , Fringes, F a; •, Edgi g, Kerchiefs, Ties, 51 its, Shawls, • Gipps; and a variety of fancy articles . Also, Boole, gc) Prints, " A Ipaclet Lustre, Mendips, chi n t z JUST received a large Supply of ROCK DOW- Shoes Vats Caps Calicoes, ke. with a variety of 0 , , t Cal l i c i:Oes,DresliSilk,Nfaifeliester I ingliams, Checks; DER, by the Keg, double and single F. J. SENER. Other goods comprismg a geueral assortment of le , ing,a vat tety_a US ne, Cotton RID, FIIIR; I Tigk . . ''' of ll' • Y• • February 28, 1844. Candlewick, Wadding:" slid 'Alps, other 'articles of Hardware, - Queens.ware,•Grocories,Tea drY.Pode net mentioned; tdgether with GROCER.' ' , . • 1 IES, such irs•Leaf und,Browii Sugars, 'Feas, Coffee; LUMBER ! LUMBER . ! Spices, ttie' Stairs, Cotton Yarn,toverlet Yarn, &c„ Cheete ; MUST Crakei:s, Spices of all sorts . ; Solara- - , . .... aR of which he will sell 'at'reduccd prices for. Cash tux and fine sale, Starch, Smoking and Chewing TO- LARGE and geheral assortment of - from and after this date; until a general safe is effe'c. baccol, Shaving and' Other Soap ; I'eetli 'Brushes, A well seasoned LUIIH3Eit, suitable for Car ' ted. Country Ster e k ee p ersan d ethers wonld do well flair and other BrusheatToilet P . owder,Court Plat, penters and Cabinet Makers, consulting of Panel, to give him a call, as hepintends 'there shall be no ter , Side and other Cembs; a !serge quantitv of Haber‘ 1, 2 and 9 Common White Pine Board s, Plank and "mistake," • beingidetermined tot:lose his business (lathery , forpittch as can tell what soil they want,' Scantling; also Cherry,•Walnitt, Poplar and YelloW' ' , daring the Present•year. •- ' • • when they, ask for.it; all of which will be sold at as Pine B $ eards Plank and Scantling, together i with, • The Stere•and Dwelling can be rented from, the small a profit ar will justify Tide dealing; for Cash; Oak 4C:tutting, Laths,. Shingles and Locust Posh, Ist or April. ; - -.. ' • : but Borough Notes are far below_ par; and, not, bur- for sale ,by the,. aubscribers near North , rHohover k'llia , books are Posted up, to the hub, Ind he re: rentat the cabin. '' • - . '•' is tr t adjriluin • the yi d formerly kept by E. But- . "iptestiall those 'lndebted to him to sSttle their at. • ' ' ' 'll. NI.IUNDERWOuD. '"' ee ' • 6 •r ,-. • lock. ,- - . WEANLis lc . LECHLER. .; counts .irithfint 'further notice, , The' first • day of -• • , Carlislei.lau.3l, 1844:. - . - • ,•.-- • .. tf-t4: . ; c:arlisle , p i t : r t. x 81.4, ... . .:; , ;, ; ; ;, , , sm4 5 April WillbWineriiir day of grale, after which all ' •- .' ' - : - ''' ' ' ' iccounts'lirth woiteati ng'illl be plaCed i tribe Wu° - NEW ': G .DS ACAINI ' • • ' ' •-:, • : , They' have also 111 noinbcr of CarihtEes• and one of pro , • terse Wagons for SAO or eaehatige tor umber.. - , ,' glrLOUtrbrthe-Barrilialways oilliandt-. -`' •' - ' 7.:.:lt i oAgialts,vouit t: .;' ' -,, _ , „..._ .., , .„,„ :„ .....„,.....,..- • • ... . ` l . 4 -1 .1•.. 8. , Alt HARItI3. '-'"' '' ' '''' •'' '• thi Phi Ihi and 1: .' 'llii - % - • t z e iq uii .y o;a43 ,,,' 2,,,, • ,, -o..„:0.. ,- , .,..4 - • tr.T6 AS 'ia__*•_,retutl!,o_,".• !ri ~ . 0..,7 . 6, In , ,''''''''" coop .., . tier , up •••: - it ,„.....„.„.. f . . , ... ~. . ~...,...40...,,,,and 'ipteout ,-adsortutent ; • , p„, • ..,... ~ ~,,,„, -,-„, „,., , ~, ; ~, „ , k inipixtokt i gAlOhiet 4 ,Olok: lytaiu•r., ~,, inter., qopo_s , sivimonif,'.tn,loki of Elegant: - .)l;2lTEitropenedb,lnA addaionitd • dor. for-. . . • - ,, '' ' .'''' ' - ''''''"' ,- • t 04,Ambers,' •Ploln:iuul sat+ .el ' nier..jotok'i One second lot ', or '-wINTER: - ef nr - ritio4g.il.4••• ' a : , • ',. , , • „ 1 , -, ; t ' - • .4. . 'tin,' 0i PIA 41Paellalt/MilitneAtle , Laleasi now.atyle ' SPERM. ' 01E4 tivery 'finai.'tirtldti, ilitl the' retluned . ' '. , .. Tur iti b trlb e re...... hu lYin: l4 9: 4 l li...' lB .. rill. '4 l -I t& "...;Calictlei,in•R Lonilen,Chintir', permit 811k411 . .5et% t w i c e o f f i c i fg, p er - , go o n or se oen t o,. b .t.t h o . soort , CssEßSis.,:asOitasto., And '' ,Otaltiat 'MARI . : : P L ANK,, tagok.Btoo.) Clothsi,,ioisslalerek kharraeUsi'asetli forsale at the Grocery. store of • ' ,0., W44tIL: - whiohlie;ssig snit-Rower than can be hid 'eTsorsiherek.,looks,JOstish i Tinklogst Clieolcii Chonelsvfilanket4 , - , '.llebruairtiiefkle o•':: - --' , '''-k . ' ' .: ':'''l' l .''' , "o;' . '"tr! ls . for Path._ , 3 , '.'01,,,c4.,, , , . 1 . _,x,-, . JOHN Itp.cloADS. , -4,- ; mii i at o ,,Jue l f ooo m .1014; LlnliettElittiPSheetiqs, • • ...... ,;,, ~ ~.,,, :44 , , •r - -I ...`,t,'.--- '):'2? , • Carlisle , Ain, p`,';piti . 4.,.;;;•,s, ..' -'-, ' :', ' tr 7 t I. A on Aiw i chicwoigtEashister9 inil %,inirstetl,ltotietyi, ,i, ,s • '.-.. , •, , ,, , 4, .,,;/,; - • , :tr.s , te,+,4-: , 04 , . - , F ' - - •'''.• , • ,• - , .. , , ‘.::, .:, . - 2.'' . Toed,* 4.lttirlatnir odi, T 4ii . 7 .,, , todwittoloineo- .- - , ~.: - - ~...x4. t fric, bi ~,.„ ..., i7 4,„ .. Y liOnti f .,AllisigirAild r.riti,''. ;.'... • „au to losert i &infintgaltogalter uit la,tva, best and '., .. '-, '.6::,_ ~.....,1 :: _ ..: .. :. 4 -,. ! ,.. - .....,. --ALl.Aitogliavetv,iiiiiiiii4o fr ,LEN:, chape4...k orsood. in two ousitv,....-,.. , .-_:,,,,:44. , A k zri • '1„ - OtisivtiOdititi,d'Ad:ihe - jutoicrilsoir; ;_ONSAtAßOCilliOßGlLltistriiindiinite-'.`PRit , k#SA! o c 94l k biad idk it '" tc "r' u Vw"A •;- \ 4ll .o l lklieealki;AndPertlf ,, atiehliti elid!'. wit, --- , ,,.----.,+..-•-; , -------- - 4- , ' - ,...z.,....,:k..64, .fliiiii*o,StatOnint .;,.**.o. Stock on the Farm Ist January 1814 J3ecf, Pork, Mutfoli , aild Veal fattened and killed - on Farm in 1843 /Farming• Utensils on the Farm Ist January 1844. Schedule . shpwing the' proceeds of the Farm for 1843 •Mantfactuted and made in the House and Shop , . . By paymentof interest on doweii in favor of Mrs O'Brien on die • _ . . ' s land purchased of A McDowell in 1842. , $ 38 91, " Cash for groceries, merchanilize,Olothintnntl bedding included 1412 89 • Justices' and Constrbles' fees . -- , , 11l 47 Stock. - GOO 00• . • . . Hauling Groceries . • - 40 72 Grain Flour and Grinding ,' • 482 31 . . •, 'Tin, Pewter ware and - tinkering • • ' • .44 27 . 'Leather, . 113 89 . . 'Tailoring Weaving end, Shoemaking Support of out door paupers 'Odt door funeral expenses • . :Out doognedical aid Itarminrutensils, tools fee • Stonemoill. Hardware, - • • • . , Mating. and .saddlery . Materials,lmproverucnts Ste Postage.'Freight, &c . Potatoes Carpenter tvoi.h. Blacksmithing Masoning L___ ' County, State, Sciim - Vatifl Road tax for the McDowell property., Carding, &a Cylenders for coal stoves • AVagonmaking ' Sundries • • Stationary - Joseph Lobach salary for one year Dr. Jacob Baughman salary for one year Hugh Gaidlaglier, Esq. salary for two years Jacob Squire, Esq., salary for one year Benjamin Peffer, Esq Director extra services . Samuel Graham Esq do do John Zug Esq do do Paprient on land Purchased of A McDowell in 114.2 $BOO9 14 SROO9 14 liallaneedue eciepty by Treasurer 6ro4'i i By cash paid.otder as stitod above Balance due county $ 501 85} 7000 00 507 271} $BOO9 14 670 91 Wu, the undersigned, Auditors of Cumberland county, elect ed and sworn, according to law, having examined the accounts and vouchers of the Directors of the Poor and House of Em ployment of said county, from the Ist day Of• January to the 31st day of December 1813 inclusive, do certify, that we find a ballance due said county by the Directors aforesaid, of six hun dred and 'seventy dollars and . forty one cents, in the hands of Jacob Squire, Esq., Treasurer of said Poor House and House of Employment. Given under our . Itanst\a Carlisle, the 10th day of January A. - D-.--1-844. PETER BARNHARTI IL C. -KILGORE, Auditors. SAMUEL HUSTON, • •7•' , 1 1 .';' , i1 '451 lit: • n•.• Mil :1.8.4 1 .` JOSEPH LOBACII, Stowart, ELIZA. LOTIACIL Matron. ES Ann NOW ON' ALL . HANDS :13E :Tlie:llEl92: BICB7‘.,RICAIIIDIEI3' IN . Dr:,steollingos Padnionary Syrup, • Contains the most extraordinary curative propertiesfor Coughs,Colds,Consuink. tion,,ilstinna, Spitting Blood, Croops, Measles, .. Hoarseness,_. Difficulty of • Breathing; Pains in the Breast,,SidA r and :; gll Diseases of the Pulmonary . • Organs. • • ' • . . ms remedy been'Used, .• and its ae tonishing cycahrequalities testified to by'rimny of the moat respectable citizens of the United States.. We do not,--nay eannot,clainvisdoea the lIRA2EN PACED QUACK, infulibility for our medicines: . but having tested the medicinal qualities of the "Pulmonary Syrup," s in an extensive and varied medical practice for many years,. with remarkable success, we unhesitatingly' pronounce it one of the very meant Panaceas in the world for Pulmonary Dis eases. A single trial will thoroughly satisfy any one that it is not one of the common Quack Nos triims of the day—but that it is a medicine of real value, worthy to be in every family. Its unprece dented low price is another strong recommendation; while other Cough or Pulmonary Medicines are sell ing for $l.OO sod more, STILLING'S PULMON ARY SYRUP, sells for only 50 cis. per bottle. Tor sale in its purity in Carlisle; of SAMUEL ELLIOTT'S Drug Store, East Main at.; in Harris burg at %VS!. BELL'S Grocery Store, 3d and Ches nut streets. February . 14, 18.14. 11:46 181 591 1116 00 45 71 16 50 54 SO 16410 111'64/ SO 87 !1.8 85 1063 22 60 48 93 39 191 24 75 19 014 6 92 "20 34 19 00 27 574 I '874 `6OO 00 ISO 00 60 0(1 40 00 21 OU 22 50 16 50 2325 43 Leather, .11torocco and Finding ER15 . 1.1 4 az) VIVI. L. PEXPER, MOST respectfully infortas the eititens of Mir risburg, and tho public in general, that lie has removed hill Leather, Morocco and Finding Store • to North Second sweet,n few"doors above Henry Buehler's Hotel, where he will -keep constantly on hand a general assortment of the following named articles, viz: $7338 73 670 41 SBOOD 14 SE7O Al Spanish &Sianlee,Sole, Skirting, Harness,tair and black bridle; wax and grain upper whip and collar feather, wax and' grain Calf Skins, Spanish and country Kip, top and lidThg lentlier,bellows Leather for Fur- • naces and Blacksmiths,and Bark ' Tanned Sheep llis, • '.f1L,5,0 6 -i-JllO//i °COS: 87338 79 670 41 Comprising. Men's MoroctO, nromen's itrukEssed red and black straits, French kid of different colors. - Red roans, Bindings, Linings of all col Ors, Book blodei•'s leather, Chamois' leather and Buck skins. ALSO-SHOEMAKERS' KIT AND FINDINGS, Such as hoot keys and breakers, shoe keys, ham mers, pincers, rolets, stamps ' site sticks. panehes, knives,yubbers, files, rasps, thread, boot webbing, sparahles, boot cord, pegs, awls, /lc. Nte. All of which he trill sell at the very LowEsr CASIL ' AV. L. I'. returns his sincere thanks to the pith lie, for the liberal loon - maga which has heretofore been - extended to hi in, and respectfully solicits a continuance or their favors. Harrisburg, May 17, 184.3. tf-29 XBOO9 14 FARMERS ) HOTEL. T.subscriber would respectfully in foein hia friealls and the publie, genetally, that he has taken the ,k61.7‘44 PUBLIC 1 . 1 L 2-LE CID V_ - :7 623 ast g bite y kept by Mr. Simon %Vouderlieli.in East I igb Street, a lets doors east of the Court House, where he will at all times take pleasure in tio the comforts of those Ailio•may favor bins 'with their custom. His BAR shallfm constantly supplied with the choicest liquors . and his TABEE with die - best the marKet can furnish. A careful OSTLER. always kept in attendance—and nothing shall he left undone to please all who call with him. BOARDERS taken lit the week,month or year. IVILLIANI BROWN. Carlisle, April 12, 1813. tl-2 0111LLSLE AGERGY. For Indemnity against loss by. Fire. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y., OF PHILADELPHIA, Charter Perpetual.—s4oo,ooo Capital paid in Office 1635 Chesnut street. . - MAKE INSUR ANCE, either petuunnent or lirn heti, against loss or damage by fire, on PROPERTY and EFFECTS of envy descruptinn, in town or Country, on the most reasonable terms. Applica tions made either personally or by lettelywill be promptly attended to. C. N. BANCKER, Prest, The subscriber is agent for the above company for Carlisle and its vicinity. All applications for anomie° either by mail or personally will be It~omptiy attended to. W. 1). SENNIOUII. December 6;1933. ly-6 lig S. ELLIOTT OFFERS for ago at very reduced In fees, alai assoilmerit of • Drugs, Medicines, Dye-Stuffst PAINTS, I. , te.ibgether with Stationary, Fine Cap Paper, by the Ream, Letter a Slates by the'dozen,Silver Pencils, Drawing dr, Sable heir do.; Drawing Paper, Sealing Wax, Wafers, Penknives, oT a tine quality, Pointing brushes,_ Gray ' • ing do. Shaving do. Teeth to, Flesh do., Shaving and Toilet Soapsin great variety,yarnish, Spices Ground and Unground, Together with every °thou artield intim Drug line, the attention of Pli) ai clans, Country I\l ereliunts tind Dyers, is solicited as 1 um determine to sell at very low prices for Carlisle, Mardi 15,1843. 'tf CONFECTIONARY, FRUITS 86G, LINE &1110 NICER, WOULD inform their Wends niul the Public, that they have . just received at their scot lb en high street, next door to Beetem's hotel, Carlisle, a large, freth, and elegant assortment of CANDIES, FRUITS, and other articles in thetr line r which they tire ''ready to dispose of, wholesale km) retail. on the most reasonable terms. Their assortment comprises the following varieties, .01 of which are of the choicest gitalityt CANDLES.-31tht, ribantl, curls, quiet, spear mint, mint plat, cakes and rolls, cinnamon, sassa fras, lemon, hoarhound, clove, cream and bird-eve, Thompsoninn or pepper candies; Jacksonimil Clay balls, lemon balls, French and common Neuga French, common, and exploding secrets; mint that t rock and vanilla candy ; shgar and burnt almonds 'candy toys, liquorice, Bte. N UTS—AI monds,fi lberts,Engli eh wal nuts, shell barks, chesnuts, and Brazil, cieam,eocoa and grout ( nuts. FRUITS-•;Orang@e, lemons, raisins, figs, plugs ; dates and citron. Also the heist - - • -- "Cavendish Tobateto and Segall: such alt Wolin, Principe, flaiitina, TrabuCas ant American segars, of the finesuileality; . Their assortment di Kept-constantly supplied by . , fresh additions. CoUntry meeelianta are invited It call, as they can be supplied On terms fie advaidar6o one as city prices. Time pattenage of the pablici; resPectfolly solicited. ,April 28, '1843. MO 'll'Family • AN sultlitionitl supply of the atWv,e vaiaable Red.! eines, consisting of • Jayne's Expectorant, • " ° ttil Tonle Vefuge; ' •' • • ''Hair Tonic, a • I ~ ' Sanative Eilis " Carinfnifte Balttayn; , •`• ! 10 e 114(19 !" / (Pr " a !• b y 5 ,.; for Carlisle ME=M , ALI; liereont ndebted'terthe iubscribit tike node* Visit artvnoir cqh ug 4 0 , 0 L L 4 fiu t° to eitißtsi , ochurf.'-• Carlitte:Jan'etti Si 1844.. kv• , • -•- , PEANEIPS CAND, ;4 , UST reoeivAtarr =POW l'ilitiMPeo Pratt! 41 , 04 4„aba r ..v, JA;18 - II • C- .., . , „ .. .. ONSUPIIPTION:00 . THE-JILV N GS iirections V the liver, disthmir, '.llrbrichitis, Pains or "iVeaknearlf ilse , ilreast or Lunge .- Chronic +. Coagloi,Plenricy, Hemorrhage of the Lungs and • all affeetioni of the Ptdinonary •ftrans..--•• ,-•- --- „ - • ~ ,- .. NA'l'Ulit'S; OWN -PRESCItIP'tION• 'A compound Halsnmicpreparatinn of the Primo Tirgiltiana or Ct Wittr-Clicycy Bark, " eombintal With the Exhort Thr, prepared by u new chemi process,approled and recommended by the moat distinguished physicians, and universally acknowl: h edged the moat valuable dedicinee ewer discovered. NO QUACKERY!!! NO.DtCEPTION. In settin g forth the virtitesnof thia truly great med icine we have no desire to deceive those Av ho are labouring under affliction, nor do we desire to eulo gize it more than it justly deserves. Yet as ben we look around and see the vast amount of suffering and distress occasioned by many of the diseaseii.in which this medicine has proved so highly succeshful, we feel that we oatinot urge its claims too strongly' or say too much in its favor. Such, indeed,are the SURPRISING VIRTUES. ' O 1 'this Balsam, that even in the adVaneed since of CONSUMPTION, after all the most esteemed rvinedies 'of phySieitins have failed to effeitt any 'change, the 'use (Willis mediiiine has been proilitetive of Ue . most astonishing 'relief, and itettrally effected cars idler all lippes of recovery had been despaired of. In first stages of tlitrdisease termed " Catarr hal Consumption," on from 'neglected COLDS, it has been used 'Nyitl,untleviating success and hundreds acknowledge they owe the restoration of their health to this invaluable medicine alone.— In that form of Consumption so iprevalent amongst. 'delicate young „ females, commonly terrned " GOING INTO ,A DECLINE, f ' • • - A complaint, with which thoutands are lingering, it has also proved highly successful, and not only pos sesses the power of checking the progress Of this as. farming complaint, but alstatrengtbens' and inyigo, rotes the system more effectually than-any Medicine we have everpossessed. For particulars, certificates, &C.,. see pr. 11/ Oar's pamphlet. AGENTS.-;-S. ELLIQ'r F., L. Denig, Chamhersbrtig. • - • • Solomon fficvnlil, York. - J. 11. G . ." - Kinsloe, Shippensburg. Carlisle, November 8,4843. • • .i 2,1.1.1 - W ilErllt,scfe u t l iie t rece of title, Deeds and sales made for Mites, which by repeated adjuilica lions of the Court of Cointiron Pleas of Cumber hind county, and the Supreme Court of this State have ken declimetlftrituhdent cindiwid,l'arge quan tities of chestnut find other woluable timber hare been cot upon the lands known as the Mount Holly Estate ; the public are theretbre hereby tioafted,that the said estate consistiag of all the tracts o f land at tiny time used since the yrar 181fi, in convsionleith the Blount holly koal WorkB, (excepting such por tions as have since been sold by the subscriber,) arc the property of the Farmers' & Mechanics' Bank, by virtue of at conveyance bytheSheriff dfsaid.coun iyi- AuguSt 1'858; that all deeds nth recorded within six months from the time of their execution are, by Act cif Assembly, dated .7th May, 1715,, de clared frodatett; and void against subsequent lair chasers; that the taxes have been regularly paid,up till every tract forming part of said estate; front the first occupation tip to the present timel that by act of - Assembly. dateil Alava, 'lB'2 , i cutting hauling, purchasing, fir employing 01. others to cut or haul, any thither trees upon or from the lands-Of another, without the liceiise. of the true owner is tamale an indictable offence ; Mal that the subscriber will prosecute all personsuffending against said law no matter under what fradulent pretence Such viola tion is attempted. Ile will 11180 give ti reward of TEN DOELAIIS 1 . 01 . 1111011111f0111111t10 . 11 Its 11111 y lead to the apprehension, 11101 TIV&TY DOLLIAS for tile 0011010.. COll of each null every offender. • • Dec.'20,1843, - iz3litiy inforimition in regard to the estate 'may be eommupirated to L. G. Ihimilehtiry ' Esq. Car lisle. , Forwarding & Coniniit;44ion BUgAriAlF.S3 f. ' . 2 6EOI4GE rLEIIIING ) iIrOVIIIS the public,iliat lie is 11, prep at ed to reeeive, forward and dispose or Produce of every deserlollon, either at the Philadelphia or Baltimore Marltets,or at any other point accessible by Rail Road. As lie i will attend n person to the delivery and - stfle,of till articles entrusted to his care, the most aitialltetoty and speedy returns may at all times be expeeted,and the utmost promptitude in the transaction-of all bu siness entrusted to him. Fanners and others having any article Which they wish disposed of, AVM do . well to call on him, int itnediately opposite the Mansion [Wage, 'and Bail (load Depot, %Vest , igh street, Carlisle. • G. F. is authorized to purchase severhl hundred bushels or Grain, tot' which the highest price will be given. • - Carlisle, May IT, 1843, JOHN. HARPER, • emu. nllfilitter, J aZv e9LO2 ( ( i . e..9 -) c give 22 ,1 ALSO, Commtsiitioner in Bankruptcy. AIAS removed his office tb) North Hanover ' Street, West side, doors North of Loather street, and nearly' opposite the office of William Irvine; Rig:, whore he will as usual carefully attend to all business which may be entrusted to . him in the line of his profession. " 'Carlisle, April 32, 1843. • • • arateios I.PAIEEP Ilhalla)34 ) 1k i rycus c riAvERsTicK have jnat reeeivcd IV I from the Manufactory at Philadelphia' a large assortment of LARD 1.9.111P5, eonsu stung of Parlour,Chasit!ber& Study Lamps with or without shades; which they tv d sell whole sale or retail at the manufacturer's prices. • ALSO, Astral, Side Beflectors and Gless Lamps of Vari ous patterns. ' _ QD a:2 The very best Winter strained, lileiotted Sperm Oil, warranted to hurts ,Olear. for $1,25 per gallon, Best Sperm Candles. 37 i cents per Carl iele, Dee.'2l, 1842. tf-8 MEOTHENTAL B Ilitt'Attill) and sold Tohoieeale and fiqfdifir Dr. W. C. 51'Pherson, West side Marko" . are, Harrisluirg, Pa. • • These Spirits (re warranted to be smp . erifk CA any, other'premusiticni now in use, for removing allkinclo, of Crease, Tar, Oil trom ladies and gentlemen's wearing_appareloCe. without inpring them. his also effectual in s'emoving spots ifeea sinned by any kind °facial. • • It will also be found a *very toefill article for re moving dandruff front the head, and leaving,the hair in a health , /itpro.u.s , . Price cents per bottle. A liberal diecfount made to these'who,pdrehise'to sell again. . • • Sold in Carlisle by' T. C. STEVENSON' and MYKIIS & I IAVERSTICK; Agents for' . this bo l',Wllsle;Nosember I, IRIS: ' -.tr-1 Dail': 41 . ea irs o esulassa::- 1;1'1 4 ''"o oit's it n the Teeth, • • • that ere reitalredlorlbeirpreserratioNteoh is Scitink; Hy:AAP ligqins.,> st ai or. will reatore the.lcits'of them - lnserting Artificial Teeth; coo re aiinettllloolN t lfo 40111 /tto t, C.7o,ffitskon Pitt:street. tt,rer *Tr' 80 , 01* Ftsurod;/iptel...- y, • „) vo t ! , 00*m .yOl be abt*lK i*: 0 , 1 0 1 04: 'Ail 44 on dninoknfol)'lionttf;.::;; 1;:. , •Mn I E ',35:127:43013 Mop 144 WHO EtAtt;4I6I3ETA I'GROIER ' ibrOihoitiiiitiw6msuitatkieris N,FiliTti3• U ..4':vi. A. , ..._,,_,_.....,_,,,..0,..•,h,01.. Wlll. GIIINIStjAW. Attorney in fart of said Bank ',(k'z'! ,, ,i.:z . :.t..40.i ..':,l WWI • '; ; • • • 3' AN • , . • ,„,,,1 4 1?1,ss.Aos:'. - wol • - iph 1 , rt.• " ,11 ;:\ r e'' fir ` *ph/. • •N 4 4 • (I' • ai• • lipt * " • . w'- - • , CHILDREN Ga „ FO SHERMAN'S' LO2l- ENGF,S,iind grown ' pe . Ople say .they,,are' the' plea. mutest and ,most effectuve medicine in use. Enor mous quantiticalrersTold. and everybody likes them. Freeman Hunt, Esq., editor of the Merchants Mag azine, says they cured' his cough in a few 'lours.— The Rev. Mr Dunbar, of the McDougal street church, was cured of a veiy bad cold and cough in one dyi. The Rev. Mr. Anthony; of the Methodist Churcli, was cured of consumption by them, SHERMAN'S WORM LOZENGES ]tare saved the byes of thousands. Ask W. E. Evans, Fsit., 6 Walker st., the Hon. Edward J. Ported Hon. B. 11. Beardsley; Dr. G. Hunter, and nearly all our physi cians, what they think of Sherman's Lozenges, and they will tell nu they are excellent—the only „Medicine known. SHERMAN'S CAMPHOR LOZENGES are real andidotes b. headache, palpitation, sea sickness, lotvitess of spirit's and despondency—Or the effects of disSipntion. Capt. Chadwick, of the Wellingtnit, Nte. Ackerman, the great slgn painter, Nlayor Clark, l and almost every body knows their value. . „ • . POOR MAN'S PLASTER—Sherrnau's we mats costs I;2i cents, and is sure to cure rheumatitun, lumbago, pain or weakness in the breast, side, or back; also piles—and they cure 'worms when applied to the putt , Ask Joe fiOxie, or nny one who tins nsett.:l4lnntwouhl kive $5 - fur one - sooiter - thnii - fii - e 'emits for nil oilier plasters. Sold hi - Carlisle at II UNTEII k li.NfIEDIAIft'S Hook Sion!, East I liglt steew., wlio are'sole Ageota for Carlisle..., . And Ansley k'Gretts m, SbippenFLurg• , .) '... •:_::':,*, , i i . , - t.arz e 22 .3 ti .4 COMPOUND DEPURATIVE SYRUP. For the cure of•Obstimin Eruptions of the tt Skin; Pimplesor Pustules on the Face; . Biles which arise from en impure habit / . of body; 'Scaly Erupthins; Pains in the Bones ; Chronic Rheumatism; 'fetter ; Scrofula' or King's evil ; W h ite . S wet hogs; Syphilitic Symptoiri; and all dia niers arising 'from an impure gtate . 'The blood, either by a long residence in a hit and . Unhealthy climate, the injutti-. 'scions use of Mercury,•&c. , This Medicine lens frequently been fund highly' benefutial in 'Cliionic'Ciunghs'ar 'enlds of liing standing This MCIIICIIIC bps been estenSivelv hard in the United States a ith decided benefit in .4.a.nlida, curial diseases, and ill all eases of tul tileeraten 4latr deter. As an alterative In'the spring and all sea, gaisTlftsnnequalled. It possesses tna.iy 116:Images over the decoction, and is introduced tis a prepara tion mere portable, tint liatile to injury by long keep ing, and bettet• adapted tt the lice or persons' travell ing.or residing abroad: • • rite proprietor begs .are to •eall attelition to the followiag•eertilieates, s ebted froin n huge aunt et' approviligits This r, er . titles that toy wife 'Mrs. Deeto,'lmil for pearly eleven.years sulfered from a scrofulotts crop tion resembling letter it hiCh ale deep holes in her Fneg imek and fuius, the eonstant tlischarge cif which destrbyed leer' health, tool frequently confined hit for differetit periods to her bed, daring 111liell tiine her. sufferings were very great. 'rife best intalicatotten dance was obtained, and 'till the laffiwn were tried with but tut alleviation'of her colbidrtint, which always returned with increased analizaltV.— Having lost nil !Tapes of recovery, she brad tiltimst' determined to give Lit the lute Of any mhop kuillicille; slit wits however. by persons:doff, iniltired to tr . , (Mkeley's Depuralive of . Stinvaparilla, tile ate jive bottle.: of tvliiell lies ',fumed the disease, till restored her to pin feet health. otfrOslte the depot; litsiditq, l'a. This i 6 'tweeftlf-lfit Illy link son, alma eight pew's fin' 11 long 01110:1 . 1.0111 exten tthe Hnees on the right knee and lug, suppost.ll to hart[ been white swelling, ltitieb - 1 found - impossible to „httil, eVell by the nut of the most rt , speettilde Medical IlliVIC . C;1111111 feats rveontmeffiled to use Nly. Ottleeley's Compound Syrup of Stirstiparilitt, 8 'hot (lea Of which not only healed the )ores , hut peefectly restored the'eliitcht health. It hichltall sulft!red notch in'consequettee of lids ttlfettiiim. CATIIAItINE 7thothove Pettit bretet, Toe :those csse'tt•a'+ imitotited 'to'itte both hefore antiiftjr the use of Mr. Iflukcle)•'s Syrup of Sarsit-: inteillo, anti I have no hesitation in 'believing that it uiis the ova of bin restoration. .101 IN P. lIIESTErc 111 1) lIKEI Dont I.Assot t.t.a, April, 19, 1 84 1, takeit. , y :--M v See U11)111111 Led, had the scroc .. tila hi the most dreadlul and ditressing 111:11fr nor for,three years, thit lug which time Ike was de prived of the hoe of his limbs, his head and neck wereyovered with (deers. We tried alrthe thfler eut remetlies,hut lb no of until 'recommended by 1)1.. Johnson, of Norrict. wn, Mid also 1)1.. base (Nester, Of Wading, to use your Depurativ S% rup of Sarsaparilla, of Which 1 olnitined several [nave, the use of whichdrove the• disease entirely ont of his system, the FOreS healed up, and the child was restored to perfect health, which he has othiyed un interruptedlg ever since, to the astonishino4 of Ma ny persons S his seen him lining his affliction. 1 have thought it my duly, and send 'you this certifi- Late, that smilers who, have a like affliction in the family may khow where to obtain so valuables med eine. ' • ' Yours, truly. A. 11. LEAF. Sold by T. C. •STEVENSON, Car lisle . and the following Agents in Cumber land County .1: G. Miller, Neu Cumberland Joshua Crain, lloguestown. " . Wm. be G. London, Kingston. Wm. Brown, Newville. Jacob Borklinit, do. •1.. Iteig l 4 k Co., Cburelitokit. A. L. Catheart,Shopardstown. Jarmary 3,tBib - • DingS, Medicines, illiCi, NEBYE RS' & lIAVERSTICK have just opened their fall assortment of Drags, Paints ' Oils, Dye- tufts,Patent Medicines, Perthinery andFaney Cools, which they . will sell wholesale or retail; at the very lowest prices, also Arehei:lfi Patent Lard tamps, of asimrted sizes; patterns and prices. Gloss Lamps of all sizes and patterns for burning either Oil or Lard. Lamp Slat - ilea and Chinrinieb of assorted sizes. Best Spe'rmand Whale Oil, SperM Candles, Al mond, Castile'and Country Soaps, as los , as they eon be had 'from the nay. (aCarliale Borough Notes for all purchases ta ken it par. • Ddrenaber 13, 1843. Sm-T 114C.SCEICS, • • • IVholesnle.Dcalors In • . • . , Poitigt 'And • ',Domestic Dip Goods, •, • • - ;4t3,'Neeth Second Stied. •- • • ten , docifit SOuth or Arch street Philadelphia. , - rearieetfnlly invites the Infection' o: V V 'country .buyeftito thee large assorttnenf gdodi adltable to the season. , They have 'on' hand large stook. of Foreign aod 'DOmeade 'Goods; laid hint Itiwei - Odom' than Ahoy ean now be had and at* iirepahtd ter otret , loducemtots to thd *add. ' , • • '• "!, ! • ± lion . 60,01 before parottieing elneWtieo; rtc aaNrealattatiedthat theingeositt *high, ire °fret' WO g2).016 cannot Nil give sottathation: •JitnUttry - 17,1844: • •-•!- - • ••• •••Sni-2 • • •, .11001 1 S ; '.A/NB) StrekES tat *elt:Od'OOOiliiircieOpply s Its 81M 8 anionithe'lottsilltnitatto At° "td , 'frofer s ko* : 4 , gr. ,••,,,,iiiialgii'tffiptitior tititihtirtti , lok - k" , ' , c; 4 1:0 gulkinovicotivapoloti. 4thifdieotisleoio ofidlooloWthikviftertes• flgn millako the old stand, *imro, you will emre 4 bkr rem 1 01 . 1 11 PL 4 ti,, , 44i 1 • =ME = '7 - • ( • I 'AZ REPAltElrii!blyliigt.lll4krEVliiveritcli-,. lt tkiiith• Third at. Tidbitlelphia; •ottd':ficilie are . riltdrie withoUt written eiglipotecttp9ll the oufsidtrimapper. 'others arc couritededs. : . . These ineditlideiakerecornutendottinideitetiihie 'Wed bythe Moit, intelligent ,perii.iinskAlie-Vnitee States, by•mutnitaicter professors and PiOrtleit i r Collitgus v PhYgclatis'of lire/Arm.* and Nady;:it llosPirtids antlAhnsirousetii tind'hytnore4han 'reCi• !Mildred Clergymen•of dendminationm. ; ; , They are expeestly prepared'tor fatnilyrktse, have acquired and unprecedented populaiity through- . (tattle United ,States;, mat as theyq9 .60 calculated le preserve IfetzAll and cure Disease; do family irionid ere'e be vithbiu tliem;': The pruprte.L tor or these valuable preptirations received his edit cation at one ot the best rhledical.Collegei in no U. States, and ilma hi& fifteen years experience in an extensive and diversified rat:lice, .by which hp hii • had ample opportunities of nciptitung a 'iterietlial knowledge ot diseases; and of the eeinedies.besteal.. cuOted to 'emetic them.. These preparations cat siStof ' Jayne?s'ExPectoratit, a vt;ltiable remedy. for Cough, Colds, Consumption; Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Group, Hoopi lig (;ough,Bronehitis, Pleurisy and in flaramation of the,Lungs or Throat, Difficulty of Breathing, nil iseases orate Pulmonary Organs. Also Javne's flair .'Eonlc,•for the Preservation,,. Growth arid Beanty of lite Hair, and which, illposi-. „ . tively bring in new hair on bald heads. Also Jayne's Tonic Verntiflige,a certain and plea; l sent remedy fcir Worms' Elysp Attila Piles, and many other diseases. Also inYne's Carminitive lialiant a certain cure for Bowel and Summer Compinints; Diarrhoea, ny4 • seatery Chalks, Crarrais,Siek I leadaelte, §our stc,a.. aeli Cholera Morbus, and all derangements Of Ole Storrnielt and Bewels, Nervous Affections, &o • Jayne's Sanative Pills, for FemaleDisensesi Ltvcr Complaint, Costiveness, Fevers, Inflummation;\ Obstrnetiutts, Diseases of the Skin, &r. and in all tams whets lA , Alterative or' Purgative Medicine is required. For S.llO in Carlisle, by T. C. STEVENSON. Mar :31,1853.. • tf. . • 1110,N WORKS' • zrua. Elaxamo • Y vir de 'of the po'uttire and authority • ' continued in the last will and testament of MiettAm. Mot, elec'd., I now offer for sale, the • Cailisle Iron 'Works , - Situated on the YellOw Breeches Creek, vi• miles east ot qarlisle Pa. The estate consists u heat tate 21;Ze..t$3 Urallka d- Ala with Ten Thousand acres of Land. • A new NMI/C:II,INT MILL with four run of stone, Mashed on the most scrummed plan. About SOO acres of the hoed ari:elearell and highly chltivated, boring thereon erected 1P • inve Lae '; Batik , Barnm TENANTJFIOUSES. The works are propelled by the %Mow Breeches Creek • slid - the Spring,u Well neither fail norfreeze. There are upon the premises all the necessary work- Mens Mimes ' coal houses, earpenterand tallith shops, and :tabling built of the most substantial materials. Tla: ore of the hatt 'tpudity need Inexhaustible, is width; miles dl' the FUI.IIIICe There is perhaps no Iron oekslee Pennsylvania which possesses set . - perior advantages and (Aiwa greater imlncements to the invest:bent or Capital. The water power is so Tgreat'lliat it might be eveneled to - t.ne other mum lacturim; powpose. Persons dispdsetho , pureltase will of course evettifine the property. Theterms of sale will be Made known by NI A RY EGP., Execntri,: di Mit:ltel Ege, deed. Carlisle, Out. 19, 18.1‘.2. • t(sl • PROTECTION AGAINST , LOSS •• • atarsfia. In CUAIISP.IILANI) VALLEY AIIITUAL PIIOTECTION COM P.-ANY, Imitig hit:orlon rittetf by tin ilk of lgislatuis of.the-presetit sus folly hrguitized mid in Operation miller the dirootiolt of the following boaril fit .I.lmingers, viz: l'lintlios C. \tiller, C. P. thlioinaini,•John Moore David CV. MeCullturgh, Jainos Weakly, George Alfirthi, IVillioni 11tofire, hotline! Galbraith, James Greason,Thonms %Vii. Culver and cull the attention of the inhabit ants id Cumberbitid Volley to the cht , :ipliess of their Tams mud the molly advantages %Odell this Lind of insurance hao over twy fattr. Ist. I.:wry 1,01'01 . 1 iii.tifTed liozrlities a member Of the'voutpany 111:11%)ikvs nit the 'choice of officers iltreaioti of its concerns. 14,1. FM. hifulronce do more is demanded than ik necestiry to meet the' expenses of the Conimmy alid illtlCOOlitV against losses 0 hick 11139' happen. ' :id. The inconvenience of frequent renewols is a voided by insuritig for ti 'term ol fiveyears. 4th. Ally persrin iilph fog for iiistmonce 011101 give his premium note for ilte eliemest class at tile rote of flVe per coition, 0 Melt will be Oil the $lOOO, for uctiii•li he will Min, to Inly p 2, 5 .0 for live yours, HMI 51,50 lee survey 11111111110,kiiii no nuke indesk Irss be SWO,lllll'll to a ;Tenter amount thou the funds oil Minds will cover, and theillio more will be retp:M cd than it pro rota shore. 'lllese rates arc mud' cheaper than those of fithertotalionies, except such its are incorpOrattul on the 'same principles. Insturalitiv is effected iii the folloiving manner. 'A. person apPlyit% line insurance Mr property of the rheopesveltifs of risk Mr 1,1000 will be charged 5 per emit I'm. five yost 0.:1 , 1101C amounting to $5O must lie given by him, on whirl : ll,o will Ile 10 pity 5 per rem 1,i02,11 1 ,and,51,50 for sarteying and 1101100, and viii hove i.o . 11101.1! l'etrt)ll . ll of him oldest, losses ocetir Mid ,finids on hands are tint sufficient fo inegt A „viils'will ftp r nitttrd soon ws prmsible in dir (6.Na Onces to fitiend to 1115111.1111CVS, tindaiiy persons trisliiriplinmediately to apidy eon do so by signify wodi to the iitliretw thevimipanv. CHAS. P. cII.NL3DN's; pre.. 'A. G. Ntiiiin,Sec'y. Tha lin've been npiwinte6 . .x.c:F.Nts•:— • Dr. Ira Day, Nlealittitie.borg. James Kenneth., Esq., Newville. George Brindle, Esq., Monroe. Clemens MeParlime,parlitle, L. li.Est). Wtstpennsboro' .Ituneit Kyle, Ne . tvtdn. Col..lns. Chestnut, Lee's X Roads. .ins. M. Means, E.A. 'Newburg. - Mobser, lisp .New Cumberland Jahn Clendrein, Es 4. Oc,.estown. gte - i;iieliCtil 1)6.15 . 011, A Sll>r)Fttshtirg, Peter NteLattgillin:S. ititlleton. April 1-'2, Slaikpiehanna Line, FO PHILADEINA L AND BALTIMORE DAILY. THE proprietors of die Susquehanna Linewlll run their Cara and Boats as usual.to Phil adelphia and Baltimore during the present season. Their friends will please apply to Noble, Flinn & Herr„Broad et. and Hart, Andrews & McKee. her, first 'wharf abcrie Rate street on the Dela. Ware. pJilladelphiu, and Joseph E. Elder, Halti. ; . more. , Until thriller notice', the following prices will be adhered to between this place and the ttbovo places. Virl r," °a ..-Er2 r 0 w 1 , „74 tf 5.r.4 1.5 $1 per bb 22cts. Ale por.loo Dry Doody, Dru gs, _ , , • and Mediairra, , ,26 6 23 . "4a F urniture, . 8 ' 25 43 Wheat; Rye' &Cbrn . ; 1 per liusha ~ • „ ' .13 . -.,10, „ Oath do, „ . „ :.7 : , .._. '6 : , Groceries,' .' , 23 . , 20 '4O * Lmborperlin2 ~. • . . feet r r, ~ t, ,{ $3 ,sq, , . $2, 75 „ Shingles per 1000 '1 50 ' 2'oo ' ' _ 'Flonflietbbl.. ".• - , : 34' : ~. ,:•..30 '_ ', 47 '- , Shad '& Mackerel do 30.! ; • ~ .737":,. • x{::' , ~',' Herring do-, , ; :,. 44u „,., tit Jo , Salt_ per seek, t 32 ~- ~:,;40; 40 .. , - Pfrnh,Tiiiind HOsiri ' ". - `• --''.: .' '- '' ~ Poo2i' "'" ' '- ' 15 '-'? ' io . -- I .'• . • • Piabtergtosi - t0n:52,50 ~•;., 4 12. a ~ ' , .. - --7 • Hemp :Per ICA :...7.. i' ,-- ,. 2 2 4,......1 - 116,T1e,,,,: , ,,,i H4les, ~, ,-, , ~„ ... 25, • - ~ 20 ~, ~„..,,, Pig,3leltil,g . tOisiOh I - so' ',' - -.2 .50, . . ' - ~, 'titoodaiwcititiniimioo , 0 . .i. ,, 3 a tilt P,',. , c' - 'x• Mil" it0nr9,,.,,,," 41sct.•7 •• 3 4044, t. ~,, of ~..0 .241,11,m1i4g,:;' , Jrc.,',1120,-, , : , 0" ,`47,t's.s.l. '', 4 7 1L1V,490 1 #4 0 . 1 ;v; 11,3 i, ,, ,,,,5 10 ,',:,-, ?1, = ,1: Whtstex„per tn. „, „'ou . , .'„ itk . `, :,,- ~, HifiVilloolo 1 100,20", 7 '' , ,?.''450'7‘ 'T? Ourblatonsi, or . ' “:, ~ .+ 1 ',V,i' l 6 114 46 1 .- 6 ; 13. !, , 104 : 4tie... it !irrii, tiro . P . . 11.. -, , ,',,,L.--.',1.,-,,,, ;,, ..'; gis .„ e . lipOltAL. IMMO EEO