IM- alzA&, I it'Aattaatarbut, " 4 010,11dai,Morilitig March 23 •41'344. • 011i;;I' ;Aii.ti!4:teii,:.Ne* Piei' lie' T till 'nits&lo44.o at4h,iiiiioo;°. ir o4eceliv bactititianwand advertise:Reins fiii: Oqieriild Eipositor,".tind. give receipts cqr,t4 - sairke:', • irrll t !ii itbiottee 'er.the Editor+ will be, wo SUM; a.euid4ieut,apptoii . .fpc . Croy:irp!gclariticap i . which iWay'appecrin to day'ciaper. - • • O,NVe neglected last week to return our thanks to our '0 . 41414 fiiehd of Washington City„ for his many 'faiors; will ho occept them ,now. , . -Our duo to Mi.' Gorges of the Senate,' and Mr.l . Conunan, for, public,' doe?. mentd. Whigs Waists:the attention of the Whigs of the bor odgli tx;theirciceedings of the whig meeting held at Browns' on Saturday evening last.. It will be seen that the meeting nominated a ticket, to be supported at the Blection 94. Friday , neat. We have no hesitancy in saying, that no batter ticket hes .7r hcon offered to the whip of this or any other aeo. , IW.ehope 'elietYwhig voter will be at the 11 p i 4 and - aid in 'giving. the Locos a foretaste f..' the dr‘ubbing they will get nett fall. ' IVhig Meetiing A meeting of the friendd of Clay and Markle be held at Browns' tavern on larnorrow Thtlraday, evening. Let every Whig be present, V:Pfly nominating a.full whig tickettot Friday next. we have offered to our Van Buren and Mill. lenberg opponeilte,ano - riftittifiritrof crying-the Motive strength of partioe in.the borough. Will ihey accept it T Will they put forth . a full loco fuco ticket? We understand .that it is the inter'. lion of certain leaders of that party to brink for ward a iniied tiekei composed .of.Whiga and Locos, thinking thus to defeat the whig nomina tion' ' We hope that the true friends of the whig cause, will see through the device, and not lend themselves to hp made the tools and dupes °filled'. ononuos Aam n 'versa ry Address. An ■ddreee will be delivered before the Alert 'Fire Company, in celebration of their third an• adversary, on Tuesday evening the .19th inst., at 7 o'clock, iM Education Hall, by J.. Ellis Don ham, Esq. . The public are respectfully invited to attend. Italscant y. .We Attiae'ralapd that sm . ° villkan forced his Nay into the Good Will Engine 'llouse; on Sat• wduy night lust and cut the ropo from the Engine, and ca'rt•icd it away. • lied a fire °cowed on that tvcning, the engine could not have been brunght into service, owing to the loss of the .rope.— Should the i)e'rpotrators Of this vile net be 'dete'ct cd, wo hone fre may needy° the severelit punish. Inen't'of tire kiwi, -We regret to hitli . o to intnettnee to our read er§ Ito death of our Ex•llepreseritati've 1n bon greet, [lnn. Anton Gustine. Ire died. at Ids, real. letiCm in Lost Creek Valley, Juniata county; the '3d hist. FreSill ifrad The first of these delicious fish that have made their appearance here, arrived ou Friday last ti from Baltimore. They sold at 37i cents !'lick Canals. The water will be let into both the Eastern and 'Western line of the Pennsylvania Canal on the 12th inst., and bo ready for navigation' by the ME 03The West Chester papers iinnonneo . the death of Nothan Frame, Esq., High Shorifr of dam= county. Ile was elected last fall on the Locofoco ticket. Front Washington. *Are learn froiii the Nat. Jirtelligencer of thir 7th inst. that the lion. Jelin C. Calhoun, of South Carolina, was yesterday nominated to the Senate by the President of the United States to pit the oiltre'of Secretary of State, and, bcfirre the SCII: ate adjourned for the day, the nomination was It: trirriimowly confirmed. hx.Covernor Wilson ShapnOn of Ohio was at this Same time homlnuted by the President to be llfiiistcr to Mexico ; and Capt. Wrn. C. Bolton, U. S. Navy, to be Chief of the Bureau of Con. striletion .and Repairs of the Navy." lipshur, who was killed on bMird the Prib'eeton, had refused alljiyevious in vitations to join her parties of Pleasure.. lie bad even enquir. ed into the probable safety ,of those who were pres'elit when' the "big gum" was discharged. lie seems to have had a presentiment of, his fate. ~ . aj•The GoveiWor of Mississippi, in liiii late an. nual address' to th'e Legislature, atares that only one out offfteCd of the white ilopulatiC'n or that State can read! ~ a7J"Mr. Itobinson, - (Whigi efebtfiti to Ceivreks io the 7th Maine( Di.triet haa.bevacounted dut of his.eloction by the Govornor and Council, whii, jocted 37 votes for Thomas. RObeftson. With ihese he Veld a inajorityof trim. So much tor ~4*The,Vithig's rifl,,Troy hive elected their can. didate for , Mayor, G Corning; by .a ,majority of about 900. They have also elected their candi. ilitiel‘4 Aldermen and Assistants, in every watd Wt. One. nienidrial Signed by six thousand and ten ladies of 6inciOnati, gad . been presented to the :cortneils of that oityr pitying for the suppression 0 - tliq tippling 110118101' ab'ound within its' Thugs. . , :laterhePittsburg:Advocate has beeb•purchased by , Arr. Wbito of thePittsbuig Gazette, whic(ilattei.paper it will hereititei`bg,u'pitaid., An auspicioiniarrangerarnt for theJaarrnpny and euc• cos of the2joarty in ' l :Allegheny Judge Iladrd . goes:beck titocobblibe law again. ~. The China, lesion. . . •:. j Letters ',1: 1 / 4 .iiifed item, 104. the •Wiirhingian intailigepaar. !aye, gird iarai;aoigh . ,thpii, '44.1 F. Webster, Sedretary tiithe.Chincilflosiop, arrifeli at ricietheiAh the BO Antelopeioe,tha 11th of Dieveateer;' after a paiva;a ; of;allfat,ieeeiclayi from Bastoa i withouf, ;11iiiarici Pia4rft;i t it . . " * °. h tuehiag, the Miaistar,lmat„r4ilieeeie4thiy ea . • hindranaee'h, . Egypf?`;ead at EthetV•ll4 +EifFri;6', ateaniar l'n,`:,!hich hei t 'Wall - ,.lpv l P/1. 1 41 . . A ro." 4; " - Ara airieoo*ciweveriiiti'-.Y904,3!)4.g,0Y:.•11,44114 On the 15111;', The ustettliat war trealadvithgrat i:espicit ityritoGover . iiitnont (11fIthalr):41-13tat 0, i'lidtroopflurned ciiif,'with) . 4.:',Clinii)i'tfeyr? i ef.. the Armrlird'Noi , it',Fhpli;Aiiiit, .iVi'ollitel time Sthliatelliild areri . honofwireitair'sVitiatort,H . i yellif l itt*l: 4llll the . O.:'l3Ei , fliititiA e'' ) 'fr;•.-r : ".,“.,,,- , --7;t 7 . , ..,,,,t- , ..,7, ,, .. , ...i.,..- , :14 '' ' 'll4 ta . '" At " i l i t i llit tl ''` , ! - 4•.. a , ,,, :.exala *`fi t ,114 15531 . . . ~, • . '(. 9 1 1he70#4.* ' tliova 110-#.-0-• h . A :,. t ft°DIRT ,1115ji I:llit,ii i T ti iiqr;49 4 oee 0 .5.- ry 4lka WealitgkAPOfiS4itifPi 100 ii. Ifki Fridoil434,l4lo63„mild , litgill 0 gAMt7. vi,',ic n. Tiom 7 B 07 f4 foltaili orni4o.4one' 16: sphiNAH; nii,l 9 otiat4i• b~l ti,:g,6.4V';,tr,:i.t , :;: , , , ; ; , .. On the ; sth iast'bisl4ritCY/'4=' l oi s frq,Or4/1-$ ; .; JOIIN WOLF to Itiki.4oeic,44l*,'HAii*iffti , li.k4, of 3iifflin Township; Ciisatiat'hihdicii% :,11 - ' , ,:i:.1. , • • —••.- •, -...: ' •' ,.,- 04i , lit.'s1 . 4:10'A i Wr''';' I • ,.i,. %-!,,,1, , I . ,_ , ......lL____' •., ~ .1, ' *.N!, , ',, , ''!v.k., , ,t? . .'fin , r. 1 1 , ••,,f,0.-,••:••r..,,,;,f...,,,,t //,,,, , ~, 4. ~,,.=.,5•.• -,,..r. 1 ••40.= 1 . ; On the 9rd hist ,at tyec: , F osideOcO:f Of' ilio loti'4l. West PenusboroOgh.,,L&OAspip,rAlF;Wir#. 9 *;;** oni, in the 75thcyeai, or Iwo oge:''" , ,i",tVp. w , , ~.3', ~, ValuabieZtoperW • • ry lig' tititmotiNse*R:di6pose of at ' nb lio itale,ou the premises,OUTHURSDAY the 31s1 of March big; at 51,o'elnek I'. M: the fnlloWitig deseribed real esinte, viz: A new two etory': . MK NOUS E 7 Stable, and 3.1 Lot of Ground, situate In West High street, pdjoiuiug the ware Louse awn.. B. Murray. "1 he above !louse litts just been finished In a tied and substantial manlier, is in it linildsonie !petition and is well calculated for a family. INiiileitee. The house and half the ground wilfhe split seiMirartily from the other half and the stabk, both Will be sold together as may' belt suit purelinsek The terms will he made known on the tlitY•of • • • GEORGE Hurrox. • Carlisle, Mareli 13, 1844. Nouse for Rent • - THE subscriber will Rent the DWELEING HOUSE, •on l'itt street., contiguous to the Alethodist church, now occupied by •••• \I • C • • C F I 11. leo ILI S F . H . .IvlB. II ::)" Possession for one year given tni the Ist of April. WILLIAM H. ALLEN. March IS, 141.; 3t-'2O Dissolution of Partnership., THE partnership heretofore existing in the For_wariling• and Commission Business, en der the firm pf 11. & .1. Rhoads. was -dissolved by mutual consent on the td hint. MI persons knowing themselves indebted (Allier by note or honk tiectiont, nee retmested to settle their respective accounts with inn delay. The books are in the hands of John Rhombi, a Ito is authorized to settle the same. 'll EMU: RHOADS, JOHN RHO DS. The busineis will hereafter be conducted by John Rhoads, hi cOnnettion with David Rhoads and Jonah Leiby, under the thin ofJ. Rhoads & co.; they hope by strict aitentien to business to receive a share of public patronage. J. RHOADS U. CO. Carlisle, March 19, 1844. ' 9t•60 Bargains for Cash, • THE subscriber hating just returned from the city and is opening a large and gen eral asiortment of Procerms, Boots, Shoes and palm Leaf Hats, which I am determined touch cheap for cash, and for a proof of what I'm:bake, call and examine for yourselves. NV. M. MATELIt. March 13, 1844. tf-20 GROCEItILS. EST Domingo Coffees, by theleig, of lb. best New Orleans Molasses, lloney.Sirdp. Sugar House and Vest India -Molasses,by the bl. gal. !balmy, Ne,w Orleans. Sugar, by bl or Ib; Lind and Lump Sugars, all of Which I will sell at prices to suit the times. us we keep no book and sell club e ly for cubit, we can offord to give better bargains. March 15,1644. W. M. ItIATEEIL NAILS. A Lot of DITICIIIIOII best quality Nails , assorted sixes for sale by the lieg at less than marktlt prires. Mardi 19,1'814. W. NI: AIATE1•111 TEAS, SPICES, disc. I,E§l linerrial young- Ilvson and 'reds. , 113 l'epper,A lisp tee, , Choefiolate, einemon, MII trred snlerutus, ntnruh, cloves, nutmegs and ginger, China, Chas 1611 Queensware, Tolineno, roll and plug tubsoeo of the best manufactures. Also 'punish, bull spanish and common segars, by the bus: or retail, st the chesit store or Marsh 13,1814: - . . W. MATEER. Application for Tavern License . THE subscriber hereby gives notice that he in tends applying at the ensuutg. A pri I trim or the Court of quarter aS'essions or curitheriaiiii count•, for a License to keep 11 publie hotise in the hotibe he now occupies, ill South township. PHILIP BRECis.BIL L. to-‘l.O MUareh 13, 1844 We the undersigned citizens of South Middleton townshilint Cumberland county do certify that we are well acquainted with theabove named Philip Is,reek%• vine and that he is or good repute for honesty and temperance and is' well provided with houseroom and comicnances for the lodging and accommodation of &Angers and Ttavelers, and do therefore recom mend him to ycltir Honors as well deserving of a Li censlt ; and further say, that a Tavern at the stand is an accommodatlon to the public. • eter' 11,1 , Abraham Flicker Prederick Uhler Peter (inthshall John Poet's • Pavia Kaolin:in . Jacob Snorer Simnel Plank John Wert Jacob Weit.e Jacob Gtitsball • John Plank Appli6ation for Tavern License subscriber hereby gives nutlet) that lie fi 'end's 81)131111g at the entatia. , '' April tern, ot the Court of quarter Sessions ofCutolierland county, for lieetise to keep a public house at the stand 110 , 1 , occupied by Mrs. Rebecca Melanuglilin, in South Middleton township, ItIICIIAL M. E:GP. Mardt 13, 1841 We, the undersigned citizens of South Lou township, Coinherland county; do certify that we ar , i well acquainted with the above named Michael M. Ege; and that she is of good report for hoit`esty and temperance, and is well provided web [tense room and conf,m,iences for the lodging; HMI accommodation of strangers cud travellers,and do therefore, recommend her Ao your lumorslls well deserving of it License; and further say, that a Tat=' ern at the stand is at, accommodation to the public. 'rhos Paxton Ilugh Beni Pry. •• George 04)onald I. A KJ; ( . .l l ' Henry llortiell Gabriel Natchet• Philip Mathaw Moore Thos Silihet Peter Matson , Jacob Plunk Applidatiou for, Tali:ern Licenk. .. TUE subscriber hereby gives notice Mut he in etiths applying ist the ensuing April. term .ot the Cosirt of Cluntiet7 Sesaiogs of Cumbrool county, License to keep a piibliti house n the'ciand he 1117,4 01:1:11111e3, in the boroughs of.Shjppensburg. ' , 01111.1VIANIUCK. • ' ' Mares 13, 1844. . • " • ,'. • : • ' ' St-'2O MEM - WE, the, undersigned Citizens of ti Berouglinf Shiiiiimistiorg ' in the County of'Cumberltilid,docertify thnune_are,wcllmixittiuteiL, with Ale above nitintia 'Wni. llrown„ond Hint he Is of 'good rettelirlo - r hon. esty'itud teniperance, nod is well provided with.liouse room AM conveniences for the lodging tuid 'accom modation of Strangers and Trovellers,tind do therel fore recommend him to cour ,honors ns well deserv ing 'of ti 146... Nei nod fm ifler. snyolintn tnyern ut the stand is an ticnomtuodation to the teildicx, William Peale Geti.:W Ginlier ' Aletantler Stewart Robt C:nelwan Rtlw Irate: • :J S i t os e nie p rli, h ,ite r i.eti g iNmo u inled l t li i e tu r:77 J: Peril • Jarn4 OPYVl'• • ••':t I . .110:YOTS'AND' sind peoteitrion!capd - box'apiigized do do. .tneli's bOy.'sond yonth's kip and . ensirse Bootp , ineti's boy.* niderse: tdonroes.,, ,Stro'e, hoyaand,youilinahoel, pumps told Olpeelll, sunken iinnsualllargenesorhs4int 94adiose` anal Childrehe work of ,the,:inost. fiiehlouithl • PHI and of ihehest.nanterlal, sill of Which Ifitroltie the, at-; , eentinn,ot, the Ladies pt • .ai)iqle anditti,c,nuTroped- - !jeglklorltßod r olall 419.4 A.TRiPiPp$ beforc pun abasing elsewhere; ae we think we 1 tdde to plleatio wPo pprehai*k.,quidtty and, !la* ga,11,2a(1 , !e wifl ,be vitisVde- • , - . /A1ate44 3 , 4 8 6 4 , .:••,.• • •AMTPAIt.' Che' . -Salt aimiltraOker if . Beo, i , T T ~ , H AT.,g;44 s l,•qtx,ptilieTy,TE;#lo4,tieTir, sPAP' , . t t.tstitOottiiidf,eitW3ll4AtiutAltiti Ppil o,And 44, 1 r ,, 1 ,1 )1 ; 0 01 50. 0 7 0 .054MYVI r fltud r A„.%' \ 1 11i. , 1110,i ~4. , ,:iP)! ~ NI 6 1 , frrti l l , I n:iiii,imi 'need( I.:erk)o ll 4 i iis ll i 2 0 1 1 ,0 ki.. ' • ns,j, ..i"Wilih'ftgßTE.l, -'k l Ai •hs t 0 '.40;,' aiid'cii. t I 'o7 , e-0r....5 ."I; q" -fie . ''. - e ' birth. "al' t PiT4OOllll4OOll. , !nR4. i ,,,.,!' 4 .-., stor Aq .1 1 e kipbryikr i A 4 ... m. .. #.4itiv ... ' itt-I.lslkk F'l,lo-4,..:19,414'471.13',,1fir 1,41::.;',,, ) - :'''''ll'"ARDlAl' Allt - ANIL:CIiitERY.i::.. 1 $21141111141:12 T. , IP,':' ...11.AIIMSBItiki ., ,• . -.•••,,,.. .6 . • -4.1e 1F .,.. , ‘ . i ,.. -,.,.. -.....,..-21:511,..;,... i , .• , _... • ~, 444 ma, : ,:, , •••••, TWO . ~,,*B ,, iil O lic iq iniOrm the , , er -1 , tell - aide orittion, IfikyAtit,..lte beirateeived„ . hy: ibe lateUiVitiv*Yroffl "Flkluddlo.lloge„addy . leale 11 0 .bi a forMeeliOelaitaill ili . Utttlu'l,,D . WfiatVittleulf79.t. Pas laitilkkelitibillo eectlkulktee;ai'Well•aira:aela..; ;Wet asm*efitlet . ; livtlerst;uli: Al ard w4,re k itti iery, 1 ,SELlil 1 aq_Ukt foe eastirill:apiro)e . a terelit,:ktid;;l,kat Ivite - ,paretaisek visili:deitsVrl.o4;',3o tatimine ins .stoup before; buying. 4nio4bitassortment wilt be lbuad,the, follawing.f4l3§riktio#pf goods in all, their. idilibrelit farietirs: ;"' '' " , • -..; , . 1 . .: A, t .. ~ , 'K Mites add Forks; Pocket aild';.Pen-linilms, Scissors: ante liazors, II ill, Pitt and cross cut 'Saws, band'. ' , ; and.other sawa, shovels and; spades, seythes..• ;,. and sickels o ; him" • and.' halter. chums, . ... ~ patent metal ,ware,steel of al I kinds, . i shovels and tongs; anvils' sad'sad' ; .• I. ; ' : , ,; . viars,hersenails,eutt mid , ; .•,,. - wrought nulls; chop- ;.. .. , - - • ping and liald ; ; . . ; ; ... ; • . . .axes, hay ISct ; „.. . . - •' ' manure • , Forks, straw, kniveslrying. patis,fish honks all ,kiiirls, wailers, files All kinds, hinges, locks; Screws, bolts, angers, hatchets; triers, :ghtilets, chisels; plans irons, hoes, needles,, awls, 'sadirons, spoons..,sauce pans, braces and bitis, candlesticks, steelyards. And all other nrticies'in the llardWure Line, re quired in fi, retail_store, March 13, 1844. PHILADELPHIA SEED AND IMPLEMENT Whs227.l j /ECU ff) l ,. P . NOIV on lu*uid and tiir.ttule, nu' entebsi%e; assort mod of Garden Seeds, crop of 1813, ;zrnS II by the subscriber and warruntot oh best . iinolity and irue to Prouty & Iffearsratent Centre, Self-Sharpening Phughs. • Prouty and 'Mears' subsoil Ploughs, Side hill and double mould Houghs, gitittin and seed rims, hay straw and corn stalk cutlers corn shelters cultivators harrows dirt scrapers churns cheese presSes sausage fillers meat cutters ox balls bull rings . cow chains bill hooks hatchets. axes axe handles shovels.forks garden trowels Weeding forks-grubbing hoes dock extractors ',running shears sawn and hooks out hand sand made to order from any pattern. for sale whole sale and retail by 1). O. PItOUTY. 176 1118rket it., between . 516 and 6th at. Phila. March 13, 1844. ?m..10 VI'LIrES .1.1171 LIQUORS: CItAAI PA IG \ - E,Port Lisburti,Matiniituul nuts eta ;W rtes, Pale Prctich mid llonte,tic 13vtintly. old Rye unil cbitutuitt AVltiskey, Noland Gilt mid New Mugland Huns foi• sale by the subscriber. March 13,1844. MATEKit. • TO PIS iSICIANS. .silbseribei having purchased the exclusive 'right to snake, use and vend in Cum , heel:int! County, 1)1.. R. 'IIIOAIPSON'S PATENT UTERINE 'I RUSS ANY) PELVIS COItSP.T for the cure of Prolapsul CliCri or falling of the—womb and other diseases, now Oircci them to the public with the greatest contldelced,nd requests Physicians to' call and examine them. 'these instruments are constructed on sientifit, principles, and to.sily one acquainted with the Alllllollly of the Female S, stem, and with the f1i313115e w Lich is soitglit to be cured, the utility of these instruments 11 }it apparent. The Uterine T 11133 11 . 33 the t11111 , 1111i113,111111111,11416011 Ot slit, Faculty lit tifilost all parts of the romory. where it has been introduced. ...ts number or cradl e:M.B to this effect are in the hands of the subscihers, which will be l'lllll/illql. 111 e WlWlffit/ inwprire at which theie are sold, puts thesis Wll.lllll Ihr 11'111311 of all. SIUMBAUGII k 110011.111 81.ippensburg,ittl fur sale in Curlisle by S. ELLltyrr March 13,1841 cn L - 23 Assignment, of John Wynkoop 1 . 111': subseribe'r Ilan , been appointed Assignee of JOHN IV VNKOOP, vett l'elmsboro' tow Cumberland enmity. under a deed of voluntary as l signmept dated Rdl March 1244.- Hereby gives,nit tiee to all persons indebted, to Said ‘V . 111k001) to make payment tumediately,'and those having claims to prebuilt them duly authenticated for settlement. ' • • THOS. GRP:A.S'ON, Assignee, west Pentssitorn March 13, 1844 .3t-00 Estate ef Joseph Connelly, deed - ff- tirr PAN or Adininiotrator an .bon's non, on . 4 the estate cf.losepli Connelly, of W. l'eumsbo ro' township dee'd. have lieetrgrinitetl to - the subset.' her residing in the onion township. All persons knowing theingelveo indebted to-saitPestute to. make' 'payment immediately; umd those bating claims to present them duly anthriiticated for settlement. .1011. N C. CONNELLY, Ani'r. 1.11;n•eh 8,1814. fit-10 Estate Mi.s. Eliza Peebles, clee'd. Errnits of A ministration' on the cantle of 1 .4 . Mrs. Eliza Peebles; late of the borough of Shippensburg, dee'd., have been issued in due form of law to the subScriher iiesiding in said borough.— All persons hoicked to said estate are requested to' make pitimund immediately and those 'laving claims are requested to tu•ecent them duly authenticated for settlement, • • • • ma Nlarch 6,1844. CHEAP CAOPET STORE- QN TI-XE CASH PLAN, No. 41, Slratoberr.7) Stroel, Philadelehia. rffiliE subscribers', kein, in their .presert shinnies being very lon.,tonl their terind Cask they ere determined to,sell so cheap that every body can Word to haven carpet. They We, Beautifullniperial 3.ply. • '1" • Beet superfine Ingrain, Fine and common do, London Damask Venetian, Fine Englight Worsted do. ~. Plain Striped • do. J r. And Floor Oil•Ctoths from 1 to 0 yards wide, cut, to fit Itoins,Thilli,,Entries&e. Mho beautiful hearth Doizes, Pnble•sttubliiato Cofersi Can ton Miming, Stan-Rods, Wait' Mloll,llithlit.griFui niture gil Qloth ISte. &c. cl'ir e•gel lent assort inent of low,Priced ingrain. and, Etitry.stnil Attar Corpets. Citizens or Cumberland elitioly.mid inh erit Intending to purchase for CAsit, are respectfully invited to cull. • , Aldo, in.Wareliguse from $OO to 300.pieees Car petbags for sato by wholesale ! to which the attention of Country Merchants is . • - ;ELDRIDGE' & BROTHER No. 4148triwbery, doge nboVe, Chesmit, near SeCotttl,st. entrance tilici.nt 50 south 'seeded itegoVidladelphia. . Miceli - 6,1841. . ----. 1 1 116(311•AMIATItf)1%; .', • . . , 147118II.EAEI,ihe don. Samuel Hepburn, Prea;. 4' Ir -Went "Judge . ol'. tha; Court ef .Common, Pleas in.the ottuntiep of Cumberland;.Poirry 'and. Juniata, and the flotijOhn Stewart and Thomas . ' .C. ! Aliller, JtidgceMf the 'said Coati...Of Co. : Melon Plyace * lor the'Pounty ofbuni tierland,'have issued their precept bearing' date of the 19th.of,Janna rfr4, and to me directed, for..holding .a, court of per and Tenniner.and General Jail delivery, ntliaolo:Q tt atter Bi:talc'!"•.of the...Peaceii at 'Cailltde;Mi - the sheen& Ilandal of April - 1844, (being the Bth dligiitlq p!clock In the fortinobn: ' 4 T * I C IT I ,P...#P I: rIPI I : GIV E N,., jy ,- , , ''an t.J. s se: age n&adn tn.; 0 0 42 ,4 74 sf t 9 t u t" r ° lir 4,1 - 1, bled' ttlrnker notti3t,7o ptn? ~/ tit'', 4, .8, 1 ,1 ,t . t,y, gbiothicodithatelarthetri,tPrOPorlerguah, nik .lhelr ' Records, ' lognieltien.eff„ Ewa nations:4nd . .. 4tlieVriteintedtb,tineetyte , dditbosepinii" , .,,y oh, 119 • leir olrlli talrellvol. ihpaa 'iv h . siVlObliiiiid,iptlideekniiancitelo,peoVittil n a• manse the prietintitii t tlintVdieiiiiithreeiii' 'WI lei Alicl-JOl- o CauilhAtilltilkipgift,Adlje l en: .41 , 111er lIniet". 4:* liktbnplOpe ejim: no v.. 1 e 4 ... . ~ ....... „.. ~:•,.. 1' , ' .1 , ! 9 . r ', : , 1 . 441.1 i Pl! * rfaAte'- , ' ..'..ok vr.r: ; ils,l•;vif i i . .o7:Pk;,itimil , :j V:,,-' ME OEM R. P. WCLURE,-Adm'r CM oiRKYINds: Sin!l9 i ty I q 4 1 SHMUIET'S. SALES., 'LP : to me "IlhpareN t otivie:t.tpa# I tcla h; 'at. the Pohli ttotigefloithci tioi•obighot ribleoeffiral- I DAT the ,t9th, dey ,orrAle . reh r .tB4l4, tik,tlX , o!eloeki4. s . l m fciniiwii4 real iittittemat, • . AAlratt, of, 1i0n414i:,01i0ptii , .10,, ,, 1V1„ tovdishipreuntdm d anthmm oty,, beentledli. landsof Mishier add Abraltant Brandt,' In shout 7 miles east of Carlisle; OW the . ;refill Tram , Ciirlisle to 'York, and f ltbacit 5 '..odleLfrorn .11.1eidoinicelotrs:, eontaleingiyft Aorrik.:radte , ee:deak,^-epte titres eate,timeit9 . ae, utailee goad fennd'anttlitir high' state of . ettliiiettent' , '"llti-impeoiticarchtsarti ti , gondc two? storpt thielling , no(- 1 ,6 . P. , ** • ne* l33 nk BalPt 'Wagon stintl,Corad:ibs„,ntal,mher, neodeaty ingS.-., Thera is fitatialnrgeol:elatt'llef fridt Ireds:•,!`, large three ittitry. •N Eaten ANT ; Mill and Sate, Milji:ereute4 ; efn egidt farttiltand,uropelivirity. thii waters .Of Breeeheie creek ;whihli •tileit - 111+6: TheMerchant' Alill is in complete order ttoidahilpg• three pair oft harrs for. flour,. foie pair for, chopping' mid a , Alaelline of G'ronOli l'ateni; with Ele vators and all,neCetiiery Mai:Watery to' a nref4iite merchant, mi 11 , ,• • A f 11191iiith in .Liind covered with thriving diviinut timber, containing afield 25 acres. Seized and . taken in execution as the property of .I.6bepli, ',askew. . . ' A •Ln't.tir Orroundi rite spi : ink township, Cum berland county, bottuded by the ttirnpike roaiVon tin ennth, Alexantlet• Wills; Hit., on the east, Hoek Alley nil the bib Cletitlenin on thewest, containing 104 feet in breadth, and,lo2 feet in depth, MOM Or lees,thereon erected a two story frame tavern LIOUSII. neatlierlinarded log stable; wood shed; ire loise, and a well of good water. Seized and taken. in execution as the property of JoluwWilkins. Also, A '['rant of Land, situate in North . Middleton township, Cumberland county', hounded by lands ar Jacob Wherry, Georzu tVaggoiicr,,l oho Eckard;Wsclow Co 1111111 , 1, John Zeigler, and Others, B6oTiiiifny 512 acres snore or Jew:, :Mitt 13'2 acres of which are cleared, and the residue, in flea vett! timber, basing thereon erected a two story Log I louse, log barni truault filt'ol;:eorn Milt, tite., and a first rate Orchard. Seized and-taken in execution ' tin the property of George liessise. Alsol A I'l:act - of Ladd. hitilate in Niirth Middleton tOwnsh p, hounded by' lands of Robert I.Gi.chs, Jacob \ , (ivoyge Simons, C. B. Pets rose and Almthans Cansbertots,. chmainisig 47 acres moremanss, about 3U Beres of which are clear, and tise residue in good timber, bat lug thou eon erect i•cd a two story ['Oust': Seized and trkeli hi eicsastion as the property of John Siams's. Also, A 'tract of Land; North Middleton township, on 'tin. North Mountain,' con-. taining GOO acre., snore or less, adjoining the Perry county line, Jacob Bummer, Archibald Alwiffitte , !John Elliott Ithd others, having a 'I'AVEIUN ' "LOUSE theresin 'erected ,a Blacksmith shop,Coop er shop, Frame 1)wel ling Muse, and a Bark shop, 'an Apple. Orchard aim it well of water, Fee. Selz-s1 and taken ill'eXlNUtil.ll as the Property of Belijamin, blitz. . Also, A Tract of Land innate in Mifflin township, hounded by lands of John Shellebenger, Clippinger, and the heirs Of Martin Hoover, containing 17 acres, more or less, having thereon erected a Log 1 I 01;S F., Lag 11arn,.&.e., Seized anJ taken in 'execution as the properly of Joseph AVeavee.. • Also, Ttto . of Ground, situate in 'Newhurg, llopeu ell iow4stvp,lannaled on the North by the main street, on the ritst and north by an alley ifreJ west by a lot of \ ilt;i011 Y. lioyd, con taining 50 feet in frail on )lain nIxeCI nod 169 feet in depth,".earfr lot more or leas, harbig thereon erected a two store wvatherboarded !loose ICitelten aunt llarnahout tin by 30 feet un'the •allty on the north end of raid lot. . Also,'raet of iilountiiin Land, situ hle in Iloiihwell towegiiiii holoolefl by lands of Jo seph Voglesonger mot John Mtiw era, emitainhd 44 acres more . . • Aln i A. 'Tract of obnintain. Land sitti Lopinoli Inwuxhip 110111Illed•hy lands oglesonger, John Aloe Jolio l'erguson,ron taimog..s 110i.05, more or Xeized mah , Giken iu ex4utlen as the proifertY 01C. Alsrii - One third of a lot (if -Ground sitinne in the. Ildrough of N et. v:Pr, contah.ior one net e more or Iran, adjoinihr; !tie S 011111.;" 011 die yam, main street so.these.rih, mel John lileao on the weat, h.t%inp; thereoo erceivil a TA N VA It L.) aml hoiNings twilleyllllll4l twO stole :3101/0 Muse a Al Kitchen • Also, A Lot of orptind, oonidiniog a bout noe-fourth of an :tct•c, nowt. or 1( . 59, it. Newino township, adjoining. the rail enact on the sand], Big Spenat Oil Sre•,tilt read oil the nest, mot othrt• property or ‘1 illeito I tare on 111( . 1111E111. kit Itlg thereonceetedat son y fiEs;l, \VAIIMIIIttJ 1., plastered. .Seized anti Udiutt iu ct CclaCLUfl :13 the property or Willtion Batt•. • Also. A 'l'i•ast oPlan(1, situate lit I . :est Pentisborough (awittAtip, containing '2,15 Avres,tonre or let's, adjoining honk of Witlion) awl Jus: .h Laughlin. .luent; Kissin,, ,, vr, George I kfilehower, Iktx AI and .\lotint Hoek 12ttutl, , Ituving thnrcon et, ettal a two , t tit-ne I IGI:SE, a large Stone flunk B. 'l . llgoit she. , total evil) antl out houses. Seized And taken in execution us the proittrty of ,I;tcob Nl:tt ra. Also. The interest of .John Alei.tell, Sr. being one seventh-part of 11 tenet of land • eitonte in Monroe towns - hip bounded hr lantlx or John ier, John Baker, :John Cnekley, Samuel Kirler 111111 :berth Shollenherger,cootnioing 106 Acres, more or I(.s4,li:trim; thereon erected n tw6 store STONE III)USI Log Barn, Wagon shed, &e . tirized and taken in execution is lilt' property of Joint Meix ell, Sr., anti ell to Ito - cold Ilp 11112. ADAM LON GSDOIIP, Sheriff Sheriff's Office, Carlisle,? March 6, tB4 , fERRYT)S N.l-1,112. 11,1" virtue or a writ of Leruri Pacais, issued out 1,1 oldie Count 01 Conti - nth, Pleas of C ' tiiiilierland county, and to toe directeil,l will e‘poso to sale by puldic tentlue nr outcry, at titeViiiirt . llousi., hi the llotougli of Carlisle, ou PRI the ttUtli day or Marelti A. I). 1844. kip woo: in the f ircuoin al said day, the following desei•ibed real estate to wit: A certain Lot of Groundh. situate on the north Side of the Street, in the boraligh or Nle• chanicahurg, Cumberland coulity.iiiljoinilig flit•heirs of-John finswilei• on die east, Sirawbery Alley out the North, lot No. 11 1 ou the west, contai,ing •i 6 reel hi front on Slain stresit, lour:Y.l feet ini Straw hers Alley, iii depth hack 11 saitl•Alley '2OO let being lot No. 10 in the,plan or said Borough. iS'eiz: oil anti taken in executlon,as the property of John Krug, and to be sold nue, • ADA :11 LONGSDOI2F, Slicrifr. Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, ? March 6,1841, • . • !=j2t BANS: 1119 viii it n writ -hi Parizi. toe (fleet:- ill) led, I will exitotie to poltlie wile, at the Court I iMISC , in thelioroug4 of Carlisle, oil FRIDAY the 20th,tlay'of Atareli, 18 , 4, at 10 y'elock, M. A Lot of. Grould, inAlie. Borough of Nowviiie, bounded by the mai o vvect no the south, Pool Pierce no tliiiwOit,llle. reit% or .I:lilies •Iteed earl, owl (love Alter ou Ire north ' I:mit:thank 180.1,44. in clentli, tool 80 feei . In knot on Alai n strt,et tool 40 feet in lit-0(1th on ,(,:ine Ailevi more or havitigipereon ct'eeletrit twiy e s ani•y'Praute - . HOUSE nod fi suttee Log Builtlitiitaltadieti thereto. • Al a n; A Lot of Ground 4 situate. in said Borough of Newville, boinideil by Piiiil Pierre:en the •;(eit,i - .street.on the mirth( Miippensburg road liti t he hoiith iast;enetaiiiing TA7)mdet in fronton Multi btI . 4TC, mid running bunk 180 t'eet to a-point-on ClaiitEli A iley 'leaYing 'thereon a snudl.Log STA DIE.. amt in execution as the in;.werty ;of Thoidas Aliurntoti. • Also, A Lot' o -,sound, si ttete on the • Sontli , side of Locust Mreet; indite borough of Me etionieslrerg, Cumberland .county,, adjoining lands of Alexander Jonathan Franklin, Elizabeth Shitennui ftintrothersoeoutaiiiing •1 kcal; . mare or lens, having no. implant:meets theyeoti. Seized it nd taken in eNeentionas the property Of Ninrtin-Meiley. And to be Sold bytoe, „:413)A ,Sficrifth Of ee, Co lido, Ilareli 6, 180: : ~ Application .for.. 1 a v,e,ru : L i ic,ppct. i, Tin; 'subscriber liercliy , giyei , iloil re' i lint lie' in-' tends tippling at ties ,citsuilik,',LAiwn ',tiiim ICC ' tic; Court of Quartor„Sesaiotta of Cutaberhulif eOutiti; rope. license tokeep a puhholtotoie,at the atatuleetv; °caliph:it 'hySainuel.Mei fey ; in dill tiornugli of Nle•/ , ' ehaatoahurg..... , „. . „.; . pt;o. o i n ivilEit, March 6,1841 ,. . ' ~,., ' We, the iintletwillitcd ! ollislens of Iledhanidahufg, cuotherland tlotiisll4ll, 44amtjty that .Weare well 40- 4 tittitin(ed with, the' 40,13.!f? OttFleth.G6o. Bitoar, Dill& that he kianf tgopt.l,,e99o,fpa lioneaty,:a,sl temPar-.. tpeeoutpl ismelk provul4WAttPl4o,lNFßattd a9r.ln., iteatandealor.the,lodging ant i accommodation .01 - atrautgera4o44,lAvellers, and .do therefore: Ivo*. mend him to.yono.hpoorsaawelt deserting' of a 1,1• censer atakfaelltav toy, thq . ist.f . ikv,cep at thg itang if! aik acoottimodatiowto thiitutil okia.:w; ~. i il.:' A ii,., g r foaotyrtf. Jahi laP il i fi i A, ' b ''' .a, ! . ‘PF ri.,ioto f. , ,zyiliP. l !.o4°A eg,t .1 --I ' . 7 ,,, t .., A rpye . 71 y, „. . „ ' rate 11.1oultio,• ., ..0. 1 . • '-John Osbert "I. "/ ",716'61:41tirt1,14g , „ 0 " - - " -' 1 'al r fmtrqn` 41 101 it) •.. - . 114404 1, 144 * '?".' i ',•- ''' A'9 T' ir ke - i i tiPo. r MIN 1 4 1 At'ecr ~-) • • ~.;.-..BlmtliaiA 61 1 .1. `'. l ' . , '-"'" . - , . , 1 4 1 1- 04fikl , ) - ;vt-fi;ift , ?rtr , ll 7 4V f 0 3 l'Ot 't?,:4 L . . Application: for Tavern .License. tHE-IfilisoiO4- hereby eerie notice that he ,1 . 0 610- 7 117.181 1 itheswAPPlgRAPP.444.pgalttch. Court .o uartei•gailibbratatinberian vountyr for license to keeKouoll4 - ht jitlkat nip. stand now ortf4,ol Vueibiattlid. i 314 "March 6, 1344. tc-19 We,"thaititultirstitld,4•lll2en6'ile land, Cumberlstnit'llinunthithl4l l .9ollllll , wl.tilfcl, well aOquainled . with theabove named Lewfi'Young, and:lbut he is or good report tOr honesty- and tem. : irriner; end l' well provided w ith house room and convelitlences T9l , lthe lodging ' nd ..acaniumetiOthsa Of atktigere and traiellerit,and do therefore reodinmend • UM term& honorees well deserving of - a tioenset *nthfurther say, t the r stan3 it to .isonimoclatioq'to`the CIV Dam r-W HRahl "•' • cowmen Wm Coletnem,. 'nWiSlotier - Wm I' thOlis • fludoAtli Martin John Young; linfos Clrinishaw Geoige Grist • Charles Oyster. i• • -- for Tavern License: . TH/i subscriber hereby • gives notice.that, he bi teuilsiapolying at the ensuing' April -terra of the Court of quarter S'essi,otts of Cumberland county, lor license to keep a public house hi: the stand now °peopled, by . lletirj L. lltirkholder,.in the borough of Corlisle. HENRY L. IlUltr.lloLllint. ..Marek 0, 1814. to-t 9 We, the undersigned citizens of the 'Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland county, do certify that we are well acquakted with the above named 11. L. [lurk holder, and that he is of good report for honesty and temperance, mid is . wellitrovided with house room hod conveniences for the lodging:mil accommodation til stratigers and travellers, awl do therefore recom mend lino to your bailors its well deservmg Li cense{ .attil further say, that a 'Tavern at the stand is au accommodation to the public. A I, Sponsler John Main tVantitel ..NlcCart uey 'lvory S linter • Adam Longsdorf • Eidiraiin Steel George I lendel C Alacfarlatie SI) Adair • I high Gaullagher Win M Porter - John AleGitatis. Application for Tavern License. T I 11.1 subibriber hereby gives notice that he in tends upnlyine at the ensuing Aid:it term of the Courlor Qmtiler Sessions of Conthq . latol county, Poe license io keepa public lit the hitt:lloW otetivicti M by David Mean, in the Bovotic,lior 'arlisle. Allarch 6, 1 544. iliVe„the undersigned 'citizens or the Rritiotigh of Carlist?", do certif . ) that we are tvell neon:tinted with die same it toed Andrew Roberts, and that lie is or • g 0.44 , 41-artoini• boot:sty K id totoperaoco;godis well provided - with house room 111111 ty l / 1 1Vi!1111 • 1111efi fill . (111, lodging arid uceonimoilat ion of- .I.t Ningcrs aint wale!- . Jers, and that a Tavern at that stand is an neconi modation to 1.1111, public. • 4- • . • Wm' M 'Alaleer J ames Pogletialie It NVilsou , Jacob Ziii4 .. '3 llohaph., ' It A Noble P F l',ii.e. . . ;lames Armstrong Itlitelnill :‘l'Clellan J Irvin . . John I%lain - ' (:co Sanderson :lames Hoffer. Application for ,Tavern Li ears :1111.1 subscriber hereby gives notiee that lie in tends applying lit the ensuing April term, of tire. Court of Quarter Sessions of Cuniberlanil comity, for license to keep :t rublic house at the stain! noir uccupied by LS. liutz,m North Il iddlrUmtownship. JOAN L.I.IJCIC G, 18at. tc-10 We, the iiinlersiznril r eitizetts of North..Nrithuo. Middle ton toooship,, "Cumbertuad, coultiy, (list we itre well setinainted with thinalnote II pllOll ./11611 Latick, and that 6c is of goolfreport for honesty sod teintiernitee, anti is u',ll provided a ith ltott:e 00,1111 and conveitiences for the ludgiug uurlaecontniods tion of strangers ajtil travel lens, 111111 . do therefore l'e minute:lcl hint to Tour Itolmr4 ss well deserving' of a License; and further say, (hit a Tat ern at the tutt,i is an rictoiinnotlation'to the public. Joliia 11'ostlerlich George .Slionslec Sttiont l .l Willtants /oho Sintliil" - COrninnii Fisliburtt ..torge Brindle Ctilver. !Ivory :/:(.'obi i.e.!. CUrilllllll Zeigler ii liutz George . . It EPT OR, SAI, 14,1 I.'.Y ORDEIi Oi 'O47::,,TEES CUNIDERLAND VALLEY RAIL ROAD BOND, For $1,10,000 'with;;;;.l.'l.` 3 6 : .lo int Will he sold at public sale, on TUESD AY, the Viii uy March, 1844, at 7A o'clock, P. M. at the 'Philadelphia Exchange, CERTAIN Bond or • Certificate or given hr . the Coinheidanif• Vulie (tail 'load Company to the Subscribers, bepring dale ot • \L•ay; 1841, for •Two 1111.111111 ;hid Forty Thou sand ihtil.•tl•a, 1t ith interest ditty:tido li:dr-yearly, at the t•ate of sin per coif! pin - Himont, on the first days of dauwn•y mid dtily ill each I ear, and irredeemable ithout, the consent of hit holders before the tied d.l) ui dilly I 559 ; and is convertible "into Stock of the Company it par , at the option of the bolder, at any trdiC pi l ior to the first day of dautiary :mil also the arrelq•ages nbielt st ill be tine oil this Bowl tip to iherlay of side, amounting to 1f,i1'2,11.10. T/ic Terms of &tie tire a.v.A(lo7;,;:—Twvl‘t:iniol a half per resit of the piirchit6.; money to lie ;laid on the first of Alay ensuing lift ., and 1.,1%e:11111 II 111111 . per cent every three noodle, thereafter, with ill - the u•lnle is p 'id, The :dime Bowl and intertssi, to' lie Itssigucd to the poreitaser 1111011 the pl1)10111 of the uhnle purellase ttomey, or 11110.1 it, Iteileg-sertlyett to the snlitattetitel of the •rtult.eribers. This Sale being 10) TrllbletS,Al ill be tt ithohl guaranty or reconole to them.' MEI JAMES 1)ITS11.1S, 1111 - ILDEC.II 11. 1,1•;11 . 13, SA )11.111q, W. JONES, 11.011KII1 . 1.. I'l l'FlEt.l), Itt)111.1:tT HOWELL. • Tl'llSthea of the 1L.A.4 the Ist Ala; IS4I, from the Pr..itlent, Directors:mil Cllttlitails of the flank of the U. States to. Jaittes Ihnitlas ao . tl others. Tile /Wowing Mao:lent is so the' authority of thel'rt,iffeht of the /foil Mood Compatiy—The Cunthet•honi 11.111,1 t. \ tends trout 1151110- t. 1.; to Gitambershtt rg, in the StnTe4otiAlielifty I vnnitt, anti is part of the mail t•oute.tvotit Philadelphia to P,ittshorg; and pusses through the Cumberland Val -1.1. tint! the tuwot of Carlisle anti Sloppensburg It 19 shout 54 titiles hu eitent, 10111 WAS C 01 1 ,311.1111011 in th'e.years 1835, 1850 and 1 , 8,1 T, at a cost of idiom $70:',0011. This ljuil Iloatlerosses the SIISWII.IIIIIIIeI at Uttrrisburg, on n Initlge'atintit IA ntileiti,:engtlt, whie;ivis also the property'of the Company. • . • A along 01114 pet , spoul propiirty, of the' Goth finny see ti loompotiNer-tiigittes,nllll earj. In the'tkht tlio/ otrercAl fue oak, the Coll liatiy ovi etibotit O TIV, •••.t t. . • .• - .• • 31. TIMMAS & SON. . 1 7 ....;b.‘28, • • • ts.:2B NixCE Vir.. 4 W igt I'D A N AWAY frotri the:S. tiliscliber Ming. iu Di A - - fik„. hisonitownship, ou ow 95th lar De'eitmheAist, On indentured' nppivikire to the garmiti g 'business, named JERE:III:W JONES. All perNons ure hereby warned from harboring or trusting hint ou my adeountot their peril.' • ' JOSIRL SADLER. February 28, 1834:- ern'" ' . .' ISIOTICs • lk, T a athted Orphans Coto , ! Fan 7 on Tuesday../A, the 13th day of,leebvtiarv. A-. D. 1144;:iiiil hidd en at Carlisle for Cuinbrritilid _County, before the lion. Samuel 11effintrii Esq. •I'resitlent Judge, John Stuart and T. C. Al illee Eult.s. Ass,ocilite Judges &e. the folio ttitt. proceedings weroltad, to, wit: lii the case of Ilia Writ of partition on the Real. Estate. of Johlt.Criat deuffi., the , Ihtlu. on i the i leire. and Representatives of, die. said 'decedent , to,accpp! or refose to scow said Estate; ttet!te Valuation lutv.: ing been returned served and :River' iseti Ity the Slier . 7 ill as directed, and affidavit thereof 'made, and the, several'ltoltfand teiresehlithliol', 411%14 Leon cure-, rally ktallett,nial Koh, oh,. :thein' - aiilletirlitif idLaerep't, tir refuse to accept. f . • t , 1 . • ' yy - ' N64 . 'tti' Wi tiq Oh rebrnarv;lll44.• 'On 1 . titian of - Mr. Biddle, itiildi -to 1 tiddrke , Crisii"Calliiiri de intermarried smith, Alai llii Crull;', iiiirryd; who- fs it Itinatiii and'HaliNiefiolah'llfritdifor , liair tom initter i . Ma'rinivinttir,reatialtidvithlieob.liiiiitrdiseKitelien,, eat Intermiirrleil'ivith-Viiiidlebdish Suaaiii II,: takdarried slid i Al oraftil JoliaiiiniEliiiiibeih 4 ililer;, nahti4ett Vlth John Ortcthetikid' El i .tibeth' , i a , Uoir* ellei iUtteil'i'astikki hfo."this.' v4111(1'414' [ had'llvin„'.'al,the ki6d.kirilid deiliti.dr JohU Crist she barnig - I . other;6 other; oh'lld, heirs and representatives of '•'saidtdeciedent to , iipptiar:l,9ll ,Ttiesilay i a :the. mitt stateth.Orphans' ("Ourt,.ol 5at: , ...50t1i.0f iiitpritorektiandiatiow :odium why the said Estate shall net he 501 d,.. Notiee_ta be. 'g"Weti paiiibliiiifyi , writing left - at their ?dace of abpd 4 kofb9wvvocipla - o*T i topiittoporiberlantif and to iiif Ofti are • resident out of the ()pulp by: ,iddilleatittnailiiititlatesiti oaiitilwAtii_p_aifnitarlialdil N . ' 1 "Iti 'ti jot • iiiiii&is: ,•ipay;akWeopitT. "I , i. 64 'fisbeglalni affinity io ~ i 4 ,i ' IN)' I , .1•11.12 • al , afi :_. !,_; .411'kettilv. thd At e gOlPV l OU' l ls o 4l. ° V '.,. C ;c ").! . .lh - 6 , l!eir.Orittrottltiastald...coartr i iiWlt•ii 11, I .- • . . - hand - 400 to taedisild , iCoutit ' ‘'* 'he" m i g . d' ' E 1141 • - , ,- •• if. M: ''ilt.,car 410,20 lie ~.. ..:.. ..._., - ii : 1 ,F' - ,. , -: 2 -:' i 2' , , - . '..A; lyasoNit . ryt • ', ,•-,:-, i • -.- . -• . '''.;; r ic l iiiiifF4,C l AZ ' :" ' , ' ',‘ • ' ''''','" 4 .1 i , r, , ,9K1 , 4q - iiillioi:llliktitli - 01L411 , 1 , T T?' ' - " 1 34 vp',alo7o.ll ) 6 o, .7tipt,,il.l , lliriilzk iiii , Ft -"! ~..,'..5,..k EEO I , ~,,. I • Wiest of . CO uses For. ,Trial at the April Perm, 1844. ;•Lio•avvrs•:•mnivors.._rica-i •Lloveyerc.rsnviie • • . % Pend, L'Olterlo4lteqoateMailtrrtt..•l. Ash \Mina' !.1!„:"' • Moore . • vs . Same tJfert; ' 'r vtt -• L Bigloy " f Ru to Bullock •4•• 'CO. Gorges vs Alexander • 'Snavely' ' va..polirtrtan'A'Sheely ppcoND WEEK. • 'llAtzhoover , • • les Brleltexetal Petit . • .vs Sttirgis Berlin .; vs Greets Shriek •• • Graham , .• Wihiameone Adnir'S , -vs Williumsnn ' Pipet' •• • vs miiiiii g ur a uls Palm' ' :" •• •vs Hamilton. :,• 'vs Slates Johnston for use •vo Gurgia ° Disrulas et al r . • vs Rail Road . Mateers' Adm's, • ,yr Irvine , Lenso . • • ' .• vs (:roWell .Moralist' • •vs Boslur ...Is Marten Middleton • vs Diller & Ment'ver • Tiffany & Co. •vs Nevin 'Fortney • .vs Bard & Duly Durnbaugh • 'vs Sasso • Bank •vs E-'o vt :1;3 Sumo . vs Same • ,Beatty • • vs 111 , 2bIstitis •vs Alexander et ula Furtig va Alexander . .Bricker vs 11ellin:zer Lilly -vs Forney's Ex'rs,,,. Ego vs Bank Butler •vs Moore • Null vs AlmiNry Same , - vs Same . ComMontvcaltli vs Del:lemur"' Cisney's Admr's. -vs Nevin Eckort,Snider & r'rotc;; vs LIB in ill Gilbert vs Rupp - 'Miller vs Ba nk Lebley vs McCarter • Henizsr. vs Penrose et al Harris • ' VS Lytle ANDILEW 11011EIITS.. to-19 • - 111112.410E11,11. - • STA ! ..S:a Co., Forwal ding and Gen. I erat 111ereliiiiits,Cvn tar Block., in Broall below Race-street, Phi ludul phis, would respeailithy inibriii rho trierelialitn of Carlisle.wlin are tibinn •to visit the idly ihr their spring purchase?, that by leaving ii lint of their goods with ilium. they will he canceled free of Poi fera;c aid fury/aided to their .deitinat forthwith. Alai eh t; 1844. 4w-19 Shard it nled Orplin's Court, began on 'Tuesday .1.1 lite 13th day of Feltrintr, ,A. I). 18-1 4'o iti Uurlisle rut. County hcfort the I Inn. Sailitn.l 11(1;1,m-it, Esti. John Arco I and T. C, iller lagrs. Asineinte Judge:, &e. the thi lon Lig prn:eetlitqrs• v..eve had h In the Cline (irate \Vrit or l'at (aim, art.l nu the Iteal Eslato- ,Intl liel/ gleseit'sed the sante 111 rig been confirmed by the Court.. Now tt l'elotinity, IY-11. chi Nlittiou of \lr. fleoginlin iliterniarrittit :will. James lieu is, Sienuitetli Urrwluu late (tt hie!) . said Ilriithers tool sisters have their iitipe 7 i4itti in the said .Ibel'sestaie to Allred liitlictl/r..ltitil uhich . James iti :trail Karim; lint 'ttnile Ills will in tvluch he tlirests its o:et:woe to eel' his real iritate, mill of iitition Ai ill lie appointed. ttl -1181 Nlatliews Executor, intestate also left the children of a duce:lntl brothdr to wit: IScuj;uuiu 'Bell, Sitrali Bell intermarried frith lieorge will Hannah It• 11 rt ith tf.rasitisliatlitirp ( sa id i ;1 .) •aliened their • lutenist Jo .Nlittlieu 8, the:l.e , tt ere two wk.r a hililren of the said Samuel eho are believed In hate died liefore the-death of the said .luel Bell, 11(41.88'01 :Totes:tilt:al.:lA of d e nt to vrav Ttwatlay orthe ne•lt l)rpitiiii's Court and. nerept Ortellow niecept s tid.real chtsite It the Valli:111016 NlltiV'• (I/ he gii en lierviiittlly or by writing left at their Wart. of alioale to the (;61,‘ty of Coniberlatill,:ititi,to oil who t,rr ret.ill,•iit out of the'Cineti, rithlic:ttioli three times 01112 1,1-11111111,11 . ill Loilisle. EY 'fill: cqn;ltY, aa. • ti ,du urrcby. certi:o llott o loregoing• I ' VI, II I . l'olll tlio !teem tls oCsaiil 1:1til:t ,(7 011 . : it..ess my Land and soo' of sold Ccurt at Corlislc FL:lwo:4l'y, .1. 1). Tlf rubseribor would fes [m.t folly • i Lilo his friends awl the w ild . .., li ad he 11:011:tle ly icp'euidual his stock and is linvi uttering . al clue in North Baloney S.reet, a spleuhl ussort meat Ik:qv:are, CriVer ya,r c. ,r ou sisti vg iu p e t 0 1 ';ss,leleges, screws, nail, and spikes, of nit kiwis sires. • (,;111ill, Cllll3l 10111 other Lindsrt Shmels. Carpenter,' Tools, stte'o as planes,' Fa WS, chisels, Bar Iron; blist e r, tumst and Shear ailll hritlit? mountings in sets; SoMae girlitvg And (OLT Vtrebhing; Kline Fmdiimt of every ;Iv suripliop. Ainhugmty um! Glans knolia of the hi test 5(3 les. Also, Snell as Whitt: lead, spa•tts rm.:lent:or', (•opal owl jopoo (*.LASS ot• all , si•rrv, fi•oto 8 be lit upward. Also, on nssortau•a of 'Archer's l'otent Lord I,:onps,,together with other articles too litioler ous to.niewtho l All of N% It eh l% ill he sOld twisolv-five pry cent low er than th,•y hose ever heels sold hrf.or, for rash anil good ilooley. Call 111111 rAnntiut• lo•fore porehosiog here, and 11• the articles and priers ore tot found :4s stated yot: need hot pw•rhose. Coll at Roe .1 Al.:011 SIN Noienilier :22, IS:13, 11-4 • • Washinoton STD. tel.' , ~..5 - e CUR;N4II OF Attlikil . STRICKT & MAIIKET &Want . . n A I IVII 3 ' '3 :R P ) . 111'Zl o [ D ,5\ .1,..0 . L .. ~ . . The RobgeViber belts leave to inform thie ,re,ii„ tled lie has leased this , well kin, i il Itoliso, o hid) has recently itaikrgolie IA titorough re pair, unit Inas furnished it !UMW with llat List of bed ding mid o Vex Furninire, nod is now prepared tt neeontolate Member!' or the Li.giAit tire a u i Tray. ellers ill the very hem st y le, nod upon noel' te1 . 11 . 15 as ehiniot fail to ,please, • 'Abut for the Bargains .!-•. rrIIE subscriber begs leave to ittform the oitizditk itCl6.ll-sle stittiisCittlititY;tiee he huh ittst rittetsteti from !tits city with a ' assort rklytat. of 13,0Vr8 Ais ti'.sllo :cos sti taiof Milt's CalrlealrPoitype Bciota---filswiDea's and .11(1's Moaroes. 11ewould nlsa hifortii the LADIES, that he has.parehaewl l'ot of Dortb7l.?.s4Leii Turn r la, Vatiey i'• ; •1 , Mao, a ~hinge ,assortywat, of Jtissen anti Dhadeaor, (. 1 / 4 .11,6e - win of lips deae'gratie) •• , pu'rehastal it 1 . 4 t of Kid, teal AL::aced skins di! of whiehlie, nounitlicatre into ,vorlt. at the shoetesi noil ill IV lieaf an& wetke;nalike ins aer elieapey", theY lubliparkeet itt Viilllbiee' •" " • •"' lie ink tO'calj'at lilsShoe Siote•utal Maitafiteto7 oqeet;'niittrly " = 11. C. AIALOV...' e,`7alit;l4 '- 'ttt.its irsci t ent $ll6eS iii txhieli,holOis Inane et: 101 :41vpalcc.d.lie4tlyt SitlO 4 11 40 l i gp erv jptig 4.l ` . . l q" e . ,t, • ,'4Ai.op, , l44. 0 0 . oupieil by Mr..larob Fridley; edoogilii.Xsiiirtli ilielibVer M1 , 444(.1410, tsfo small D we.II iag tlouses r , eiltuntod tipati 'the weederdiiciii,d vri : Di gkiiktraiolilley.., veki, on—the:lest .4. 4 wit PrnasiplY ‘.' 41:?;; 1444 .., . 1 44 - • 1 . 41144 , 1 4 411411 *pima gisikkfis4tiAtidtraiktltAtitll ittirkitUiselt 1 1 1 7 41: ,;T. ' dt 04tati*V it evr • -0214fUmilif(0i,14±1413004 .tiiketleKo,44 , 4. 1 " °- qe" ffito* ^"f+Vp .. .MywiN+lol,:c 4 .9 - 94:4'4 *ct. Yltca , t)p ) ;.' 4 - 44,) AW4' . 4,404141..ti-i4 . 0. • ; rum best bin:Alessi bland in Carlisleit rent, viz: l!ie thilise, toOf Itcr'in,Sie.,l.n the South West corny ()lON Centie tiow iu the (A:op:they of N. ;V. 11'ood.i. Nlnt•rii 844, 47. - , R. WILSON, el'k.,' rciwiln7 3 . 1;,11 HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C. Oils. Pallas ana rarnishes, W. T. SANDERS Dec. CC, 1343 ymd§k~ma; £324.32-.. :44. .. Luj‘ • - $lO . — RetOdiord4 , )LOST from a wagon on Tuesday the 20th of February. 184 A-about one mile east from Mr. tiooti"-Ti`giOte'l' l .o49 l .l / 104 " the following.urti oles, vitt two large basite,ts.oontiai& ireSlyklv i ltNllo'oi'dkerelkiefs,,OingliatotMoslin de iltilleAlialii./Six.otxlp of sup:ll4o 4 oloth, alio/. and Gold IVatelvvalued dollars. inid*Onti.hox U , it,h Jew— elry, valued Show fifty &Marin also one box contain iligellyiii ipelotactslutOdtptioliihi ;and ono :boa wills, . g 1-Ye', t 4,,ltleitl,goutisk.belongiC to sitilioll4 but ' prior wantin . ,'Whb - stairl&thiiiniiiii , of Petfillltigttlie loss is severely felt' by 'her.- Any: person - having found theie artioles, will please deliver. them at Ja eub,Trego's Tavern on the Wlthillt BOttOtto Wad, or ri d r S'.'4'...- GatiAlen,;':-Tiiiillile;',MidshillAeseive dm above reward. ...... ' ' I , ..ebiliiiry il,Ri 1.8.44-.. , :: - ;:i; ;. , 5...-'h..;":-.-.- i , , fij '.4 , ' , FP ' ',, .„ A pplicatidn. for Tavern lAcense,r. , ,,--, [E Su Wier-14(1r ,•• okt:by,,,tyktigt! • that he hit, : othrUpplying to the. ; ter Sebsjoos of Cuotheylatol tetitt • ensuing, to grant lk.ense to keep u'pttlilie blotto ill tile borough of atoi6k, to the eland now occupied • by Andrew Roberts.. •• • " IflloAlia February 28. 1.841. Ve,.l he undersigned, citizenb ur the .herougit o Call le in. the County. of Cuisheriaild, tlo• certif.* , lust se lire well itetiustinted with Ilia shove named .11,•nry Iluwuls uud tlim he is of good report for hen• euty and- tentianlisce, and is •well prov,idefl with, hot, 1 , 01111 nod unmet:lent:es for the lud l ang and no r ,. voteine t tatieli of S,ren g res nod 'renvellors, and ilo therefore reeosimesil hits to es well deserting of a Lieesseositi for ilter sty, 111111 n TRY. 0111 It the gtanil is us asepisinstlation to ihe Jelin' Host. • .1 W li 1I 'Mika() .1 S • A Foster, .• . It A Nshio, Joe B Parker,' John 1) :organ, II SlifillglTLA, JOllll IValket.,. Nlelehor Hoffer. Application for Tavern License. NroTicE is heri.brhivert that I intend to at the nest term of the Cutlet of Quit-ter Sex ioos ill , Couto of Co in her hind , foe 11 License to keeli ti Tavern: oe, pnDlie house; in the house l now oe9iiv us sueu ut Bettl;:,epurt, Eastrtinstiarottils Feb . :wiry Ca, 1644. - tVe.theundersigned,citizenaofliaslpennehorough tot, tr.l,llJ, Cu.,,herheul Camay, do eurlify that wu :We utll :I‘.l l lllittlt.ll pith the :shove named Joint Soul!: ock, and that he ht of repute rot honesty anti temiguwwe, and is troll iu•nyi‘h,:l- with •housu room nod vuiv,niences fni• the god lACCOM. 111011141ititt Of Sti•anel l B 111111/1:1 1 1111:11e1 . 1.1 we thuref lieg deal o to recommend for u Lit:11111W 11Z1 1, :t111. Lill to 1115 / JOllll 1 It/IZ John finevely -Jacob Iteninger It 11 Chore!' Jneol) Kohn lholiel 111.11 . J Longenecker • .11e . t:111; iindler ' ' 'Samuel 11Ittnintor Conrotl Itennittgee Sinlon Oyster Al)plication for Tavern License. ` ; ';n: Subscriber hereby gives notice that'll* -inlcm , :i'ap; lying to the Court Of Qum ttir Scs,inus ofeunlbeeland Comas, nt its term in April next, for of his linetti, in the 'Fuser!' stand now tweapiett by hint in Allen township. "'Ant:ivy 1..`3, 1814 We, the eitirens of Allen township ivelt sego:dined with Dinh] Bruhn lar the alone nanwil prtiliuucr, unil also having 14 know ix the 1,,..14,!r0i• !MAP , 11(1 hereby that he is a peLson ut gem] e s . potii for honesty autl temper:nice, soil that he is well pt'alided with Lunt, Milt) :Mil emit e ii iin ie e for th e lodging tool aceoiniiiiiilation of Strangers and . 1 . 1 . 11Y+ I . I * I . F"P: het; lisive to eve:mono:mil Min fee i t agrei.ahly . to his petition. Joseph hest . jr • Sanniel • Jaeoli Nlerklit jolui Fielielberger John Sheele Javith Lou , I hoiel Site . Freileriek'Long Win It do • Jueob Shelley - • . - • • Application for 1 avern License. • • rill Stit/Seriber hereby gives miller,. that tic intends :111111j in at the April term it the Court el' QUM ter S,Si,lllB of Cumberland count:, , fut a retie Iva' or lit • ht the tliserit btaiiil slow oreuried by him in Shiremanstown, AN', M/Cl/AEI.. lIIINGSIIO/11e., PCbrilary \Ve, of Al:est township' nfreNti , l , being wrlivaptpiutcd sitlt Nliclinel Lanls dnrf the übncu named 11041011er, null Nit1:111:11 . 114 6ilt/11 1 .cdge llte IWtiht: for Ulrich n license is pray ed, clu licretty certify llsit lie is u person of gocitl're pste foe Inmestv soil temperance, still tlist•lie is well pro% itletrwitti house rooin and , eonveoienee for Mu tollgitrz anti attemuntschttion of S.:rangers sad ,•11,-,, ; sic 11Mrefore bu loste t.) recommigul for s license to lir; petition. Somme.' Work • Iltvid liotileat her tl Banter .lost•ph Tiesr h e l m Groh • (ic , orge Itylep cr Patel Cremer. Wirt ll:•ooks jr Samuel `•bit;pahtl LEesiLl C Itte:ite II reiry . l).irr, Jr. Appiicazwo tuv, • rnlim srl, rihta ht rt L g ives ranee that he in tends nppL;ing at In eaNttii4 April 'tea-aria 11111GRIV{ r 1• Qu a rter Sessittavof Culttherlititklegilitty. for :t publit• hew.r is the &land tiow ue,,tipit.l by Jits. New,tolt township. . • :I, 112. S NV.I:IOS. , , V, I We, the itittler'sirop-11,ritizerri of Newtott township in the comity nf, etliftill , l . lllllll, do Certify that we are vil :1010,0n1.1 i 11, lb, ukov,.. nansuil James Vat so'lonl that lie is of good repotit for lionefity and tenlin:raper . , [Tit is tell provitieil with iioll9t: VOOlll Cnitlealcl.o 3 fill' :11 ' t• ileeoomioila tiou or iiiiitinegeri and T,;,,,ilos.und tic therefore reef - ennui.' site to r one 1.1 maws as well titter) tug oI it Liel2llS,; and say that a Tavern at theintaiiii is so areoniniotlatioo to the public. Christopher Au, &owlet Hale, George unit !leant, Peter a, Baker, I uuhel lh rrs , - Philip Foil:Wiley, Davit] )lowers, ,Lisepit Ithoittls, Julio C Applictioti for I.4yeru ,Licensq, lIIE SilbseOlocr yea 'notice that In n. lettil a applying at the April limn einalivof tho Court of ,Qtater Sra>ions 01 Clunberlanif Uppiity, riniea'al of big license iii the Tatei•ii 'sttiiti now :2a:copied by hint in lVetl irnnabnrnngh townAfili: - JACOB BELSIIO,P,'4II:I.. • February Ca, 1544. \Ve, the undersigned, citizens of \Vett Pennsbor ()ugh lownb:01) in the Count) of CUmberland, do certify that tt+i, are well stmt..inted with the above. Jacob lleishoot er and that lie is of good report (or honesty nail minim. mice, and is provi t i,d .w ilt, house count lead conveniences tor the lodging and accommodation tit' Stringers and Trasellers, and do therelbre reenottiwoil hint to your Honors HS well deserting of a License; and tailliet. say, that a Tay ern ut the stand is all accommodoion to th.e. '•-• • (4enrge Statelier; Simon Ihtt id fleet, Samuel IC Alen, •. ,Getirge Miller; - -.•Cournil Uuel Taco!) Swartz • • • Joiteph'Shulta Jacob Kissinger, 'flivid Rine, t FrtgitsOn, • - AlSektli • • WAG€I , ,NS VirAiiN'rEb t ' oxr. 1 . 1 . 1; ximr.D• TA". • • . ; 1 . t . 31 S lit COuvg . tolokiil • latidkarargood Ai.ply at itta ivalget will be give* Puitlinlo,or to JAI% Vig - t01.114) Ik:b . ' OATS, 01+4 . p.P.NIAN CO. r. Tinian' 14, IVA • ' Clutitiliersbuit ';'.t" . 04:0:,'0'01,,0'p . ',::, - ,., (t7ilik4':::r.iu A lr;C;iil;iii;:',l;liii, ' i;ai , . '. iit ,° :i , 4 l .. ..1...,, Nllei onilllifUlASEl.l . 1 t , the 29fh t idif eltroary. iimt• 1 aufhfe lido. 'rusidenub of • SanuieVAlVOr.Oict." decooseilq.6i s hthe• modefrood;,3l l , odloce.litdd of ,Clir lido, al ' i th e per4onal property' of 4eidd'eeroo -siblit'4 in porvey Faip,Gooth.Work. , ';,, , ,: ". , •1 Mr- - II*118 : Ult:1114 4 11k t 40 3:! . ) o l9l:* ', A;Wittt 4 . l :: g"!Aerilia . Ilattlei , tionto-or tten? , }"Poikl;:-Sttpti:'o{( ll 434,ntilit ! ZkOloo. usid,teig - K.u, , s_littiltoi O,r•ittirr , ilkWila , 4 ll Pilt ,l 4°°d Form %Volvo:Wood tiod - finy e tAfideriqOh•me. sifigleAed doo9XlSholVtif/9, 11 0 1 )A4. I . " L A lhatfinAto Windmdl,Lannasterinotei a lin 'iAkes io• frhreddrff Machine and HmerPoTT I Oyopu and rfiru"ClhaAttand,.oo.,,,cuiti,, , _,,.....,.. Iligii6la, akilitiklailriVitiliTe.:- A too nutont•ono to to, •A t h:n g• !ittriMio#4ll W' • '" • !&il t (djit4E . 'i t :4ll - 010 4 ottinttiiinte*ItliVidida'; q I. 1 1 'tetht's-tdy,hirtildditlioolviinitil eatittro • .it0i,..1 t.., , 1.. , rlta ra,:i.llo)ll.4ElOt litl.el , "' if !....oijlt' , :i /AUL'. - • , ,rtiithii, 1,A.WF,41t.i . . i ::, ' •!' i t ''.l.i':: ' .ii-Ai11i.100.4a,10“ ,l4l3ctlico. ;ft VlO-144tiA ii4 . 1 :' .. ; 7 q'''' 4 ".. 0 - .. ;APA 0 1 04 -,, . e A 44...r.. %L... qi4)...-t.i.k.,,iczaxott.,l4v.;: , -. , •:444`;. ‘.:2.... el =I «’5 12:31. A. “W; 5125 PI 'JO:IN SO -12 BECK JohnM'Cormick DAVID