Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, February 28, 1844, Image 2
lo~f.sld4+~Yf~_w~::~ _w~~u.~~~il'',a+:s,~►r,~,rx~m,~ E~ Illailatii. -. 4.,2Aaazintli.„: 44 9 ;i t : t .% 4- 1:4 100 - Frj,t;r4*ilii4:4o*/,;‘, 4 E, BEATTY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. ON?), L. 11 „ IPA Pr.:Dracen'y 011%M=S!!:113!!1=IM= =lll I V . A fl t) SUbit ' Ci to the (!et.a ror a Nati:mul o,r,vention riEmx2RATP3 VTl'lc<3 svnciALLy -you PLBLIC EVE." 0/I ert.'E 33 F.) I. A wound National Clo rencv, regulated by . the co ill lutd authority of tlw `.2.Au udequA.4•l:. wow., Protection to American lodnFiry.' LOA 1:XCI,111:ve: power, cm- Lac, di thu ul the Veto. S. A 84miqlstrntionn the pt:blietto:liittn, .vitli the rrocectiB :.:ulcs of it a inorg all tf,r • lztilic , ,,. • An honc.:t 21Ild .frononlienl zolnlii:if•trolirr: of Ml== perf, o t fri, , doi .I.lp,prlit. opri Or the ri;4111. 01 tt.trregt..; but with vuitable• restraints agait:st, improper iiitorf,aeno , .• in of, Gnosis. ' C. 'in anien,:inctit' to the Coso.litutino, litnilinm the incumbent ,t the ofii,c to a I=9l .I . llegit ;Itt:11111 , !, I t Hr.! Wl` 511:/11111 C4:11 , :t to I, tli " 11( . 011 1011 1,11 adllllllll.tratil.ll nl Govcriltn,!it rfl..-,. ~ S?'*tM f. r 5 4 L. 1- ineinhers of the ltemocirutie !Lail:mit put ty • or Penn‘ylvii,niu—liimm tyliu utnitd c: ith 111. iii I.e • 'allies iu the itchitycmciti I. , rions pchtical victory in I B.lth Mc rut Mt of v. Mel. ctn. the election or t. 1.0. e, ‘clivralcd and i/MI rU pat;Mt (4:NI:RAT. IN 11.1.1 nAltrthiu:?, 10 the 'tit ttlial ChM; ',vim hove Irithrtin battle() for "flu! Supremacy cr .aws," whoutre opposed to ell toy.Acri - e;:, rvhelhcr or the t;,..tornintint or 0111 t wiim, a Ilich lira M. 'nett M Ilia 101hli0 'eye—Mote It'll.) aro ei).- ( . 1.10011, and either of tulle(' or power - v. lot me *Lir. •..1 mum. the Conlioimie, lliutlll.eWl es and V'tirrency of' Ilic rr imtry, ;ill (Oh. is %olio itte • • or Ott r, , r0,.,•,1,, 1r (Jr tile st„,, , ilod N.:rood to itecurc 111.00 d, ecoloenie energetic atlininct S. ;Si t i o. icl .( to ;.he c,ll,.the tt i 11,1101 by hunt they 1. re adminit. :cr. th ;ire 1.1 mic,tc.l Lt• the Srtlu rat It...omit:OM I 1.. r. ;Be .t in 1. 6.r..1 itmlitirts iiin! • 0e...“n•111.. Cor I 1ee0.:J.%, In h•et. 1),•10.2:41, iu u1.,,,,i 111 11 , 111:t tt Senatorit and t?cprriteni lint 11 in laturu from imeil Co.:10 ;Jod liicts, to 1.0 le.Nl et He rthdgir;r, ou ^tllNl).\l', 'i, .1, It ti.,y c! ', ; : a d; M, Ln owohnte t Wol..thic ceoeidele lor Govelmnr, 1.1) t,a . opputteal Lt the rileoll,4 c id c r 111,i, 1 ,Genital Mimi, :1111! to Mt mirth other LEIS and tili . og3 as Indy be deemed uttect,sary.. l'hc =corral l'omtly let will he [trend to Ltive lit, proper nolimis in their rtisiletitive eoerllleo. • G I:011(W l'01: 1.1:wa.-1..r. HENIiY iNION - 11;DAIEitY, Dauphin !EAllllEit DENNY. Alit heap. \vim,' %AI Jrr.l4 G. 1111!':..4, (luntiu;d m. TALR: A RT, NI rtlunnberland V, , , !AM F. 11(!(:11E: 4 , Phila. Cu. .1011 N I(11.11M -1 , :71( . 013 EV(*A NT, fiorth.tiplon. Leillyett:•, the (7cun•al, Ilan el.-,sen a melliber or the i'rench Chaillbcr u!' MEE 7..e.oorrier 01 . zot •iy)...cstiion of t wcnty.five plates., for cc:mo te.' feiting 2nies On vas iont iolulis in th:i and the acljoining 13latcP er,_;,The Bnil'As of 110 Conirivni..vualtii, mccord. in; to the repot( or the Auditor Gincral; hove circulation of '36,(122,2(ii ; Npccie and Fp( cie: filth!! $13,:59,3'23 ; dtlmitcr $:),7J4,E,'71 ; discounts $l6, 0:36,t1 I 0. f..-^"-Ciet,%;•a linwinao, o egos tried and nc,nricted a fl.w daye snire in Iledrord county, far 11.1brientinz and virenlatint u lil.cliuuj report a. bout the late lion. Charles Ozle ha 3 been parilon. en by Governor Porter ! • , rl-T!“; Freneh government has beg,un to a wake to clic' iniportanceof a proper observance of the SAbuth, ai a prevention of the liorrible con. sequences of Atlie:Pno: The Viene.b 'Alinister of .. '7llarine has addreosrd a eh enlar to.ail the mara, limo prefccts ropirsting that tio workmen shall he rinploynl in the •Royal Arsenals on the Sab. bath. ETOn Friday, the 9th inst., ill St. John's Chap el, New York, the Bishop of the Episcopal Dio cese pronounced-the sentence of degradation from the ministry, on the Rev. .Nathan Kingsbury.-- The sentence tvlis incurred in the regular canoni cal process of presentment atiil trial, on charge of scandalous, disordcily and immoral conduct. The Newspaper i a school iii a family worth ten dollars a year.. Even the'ino*t barren paper brings sMilethin,7,.. vew. Children tone or hear the contents; gain intelligence of OM atElirs of this world, and acqufre_nneful-knowledg,Farle importance to thorn in life than a present of fit: teen acres of land. 'Parents, remember this! yly•Tlis blast Furnsceirf the Pro quo Isle Foun dry Company at Erie, Pa., er.pluded from the gal, on the : l4th inst , setting tire and reducing leash es the entire building enclosing the Foundries, Pattern Shep;Alachine Shop and Finishing Elnoin, which occupied an area of 240 by .85'feet. Loss about $2.5,000 t . no insurance. 0--j:The . N. Y. 'Pributle. soya that Ilfitorr.ixo has foOnd amity of settling all diffsreitcce-aa.ta thy .cornparittite . merits bf. General Ticket end Distrieta for choosing plembeFs.uf Congress. 'fifer plan secures the adrintagre of both systems, and is commanded to the %Whig! fur unitareal adop. lion!, 2 .± . , ( ; : :_rlfhelestotastee;iftin establishment of Moser,. Vincent att,.lliintott. of 'Erie, was entirely destroy: •cd by fire, on the 10th id's'. Lass estimated at 82n,000. :,NO insurance. , cr . y,flugh A. Garland, Cleitt of - thallonse of Roprosentaticss for,ttio2Gth 'Congress, has, ad. dmaed a long inetnorial to the present goose in muse of his conduct in. the New Jamey case. • _ riVqt_i t rOititted'in' a' 'reliort 'of Mr. Vhdlpa's epr.ech'in thelOtirrial of Corntneree 'of 'Monday; that "the floutiited:fo'r taich• In :sizing in Mai. eachusettaorrae} is.qoo494l4,ll.ranuntof four fay ken from us - hg ... • ir.rThe' Reßei , Nat if!Ti!l 'Aloiltfr.iiitntylinnlar quatad)M worthl9g . ol P.,4ll4l,ajtolibic harat!;PrO,ill , Ibroken:apdAtiyo 411 made: oilr loins $ ‘. 11,1 , „ 4,1 EU COMMON qC1 . 1001,.S OF PENNSYLVANIA. THEM CONDITION Xi' ha annual report of Hon. Charles McClure, SuiferitftendenpOgCommon Schools,is'a document of more than ordinary interest to every philan. thropist and friend of education, while it possess• es especial importanc6 for Pennsylvanians. Nye learn front it, that the whole number of School Districts in the State is 1139. During the School . yeur" of 1843, which ended on the firut Monday' ofJune, 945 districts levied tho necessary amount of School Tux, and drew, their 'portion of the, State appropriations. Eight hundred and Sixty five of tfcau have fit:Artie-id their annual reports. In the distaiets that iept;rted, there -were 6156 i.elinols, on un average, 5 months - and I 4 'rho whole number:of mule teachers 5964—fcanalo teachers 2310. •A vertigo salaries of male teachers per month, 817-59; ftinales ;511 NiiMber of, mule scholars, 161,161; .fe male de. 12:7,698.. Average scholars to u school , . 45 ; cost of teaching each sc:holt:l:per timiith,43,} cents, or-SI 2I per quarter. Amount of State appropriation mid le :the accepting Districts, $272,720. tt'eltool Tax levied in the same districts, $419,020. Cost of instructioli - in the reported ilistricti,s)llG,:lo7. Ali increase since last year, in every item, except the wages of teachers ands the expense of each scholar pet. quarter. Alincing to Colleges, Academies and Fetnale ftentina ties—the Superintendent regrets in regard Ii sitelt:lnditntions that it is not in his power to presem a more sa title ctor! state nest; 'Such r. smail•iternbti olthcin having sent in their reporta, and the reports of man? of these that did comply milt the law .1 . 11 this respoet, being' by no means complet.,. .1)O A Img the year, nine colleges, .(iit chafing the University of PcinisYlvattia.) sixty. f l our aeadeinics, and thh•ty-seven fmialc semina ries, ho-t.• Ileum iii active, operation, and received a portion of the appropriation from the State.— The reeelved,r;:o2s 00,-ric`a`tietnies 4'2.; ond tracers, scittinar:s 010,444 27, the tives•e,dl‘ge.; th,it reported, (Dickinson, 1'0nn 50).1.1.,,, M.11.-hail,)i.od.iii , ,,lten and the Culver. sily- or Pennsylvania.) there Were eight hundred and :ire students, those in the prepara-' sort' depidttitcrit4, of whom.thirty were qualifying ttirint,Lives tuln 4t0:113 teucluire ' Jicominitin gclooke. The average .rest of luiliuu per annum' is $OO 00, except in the Unil:,rstty, where it is 575 00 per annum. The titicr,i.uty xpc , :itcs including I.Umed isig, is about. 2133 00 per annum. 'llepot.ts • have b.. 011 ceived-n-mr, thirty-right' avadomies. Itithese were Itl4 Pupils el' whom f2tio . o . t re i•ropuring to tc:“.11 coniniuti Thu . tuitiou ;sir . •pulul . varies from Sd to $2l. TI ,e t.,ver.ige is about 516 par annanyand anti] 1%, .whri o 1..Y1 ,, :11,C. per . :111111`;i1 1111 . 1t1;:ill; ri horn 112. 'Thirteen tpimite era led. These cotititin our • lin:tired and ninety-four pupil, lit Lunn filiy:thrtte a.u pcc..• puring_to leach CO1111:1011SellUdi. TllO I'll'lllllllP coon Of luiliuu for arse ts *l2 Gt,, and the tivct sears exponsca per pupil, int:lndio:l board, (O. • T!.• re 13 Ica a clii•tricl. in Cu ll) . be iiic btalistical labl: qt. tio:htsi to repotl,A r g fulluc•ing - 111 ri klio;1 to the unml cr of sehnlarr, tchclicri=, connected public schouls of Cumberland county : I)ieh ir(n 111w1e... of di.ti icl.4 rt.p.rti! , 2; _ 18 (.t* the year 17 \N' utter of • 17 IMIT .Ivertize lorolwr Of months tuoglit.: Gd No. of helinolA yrt 5 of :.i.l:oulii 127 Teaches's. Avvr:l7.;,lvry of furialle Ica per . . No. yr No. of male leaclxr:. vrAorurs Numbri of lisnule suh,,!ars Nit!iliwr of :male Frhgl u:: le:lthitla' r:.rh scholar per no. 453 Avetogc 1:0. of • ,50101:irr, in rot h schwa 46 Re! e ',lle Anwznnt of tax Icvio.i in ttccolqinz. dis 11 . 0 613.'2.7.'.2 DI tut u:i t of Slate Approprialiwi paid to ticetviNg 00 Various, onlibtened 814,Ygc:liuns are toady, aa to thn u:g•ralion of Ow Cuuuuou tielsool Nyatern throughoUt the SL.te, and c>l eci,4 jlllllStOll is 1113(10 to the itnprovo:a...itt in thu clutract ,, r (it teacher?. "On (says the Superintendant.) velves the most important agency in the work of general education ; and it is only through We Call ex'rect to cli vi.te the condition of our cow mon schools. Their iti,st may mit 'be a prominent one; they May attract but a small:lleac of public attentiod ; 'their labors :nay be carried (in in si lence, but their intltionee, whether Ihr good or evil, is nut the less Imw.erfol. They for tlie minds of our culture. cit:zonS. They given direc tion to their tastes; they fashion their moral character. Next tonic domestic hearth, the coin moo school does more claw any other instrumen tality towards determining the future standing of individuals. To the coininon , school teacher in entrusted the task of go:din:, the early mental efThrts of the inquiriiig . youth; repressing his wayward 'excursions, and training him to profit by the discipline of active life; and render the scenes through which ho is,Alestined to pans, sub servient te"hin intellectual and moral development. Po we wish, therefore, by means of our common schools, to raise up a class of intelligent, enter prising and upright citizens 1 ' ‘Vo newt aim at securing the services of competent and faithful teachers., .Other measures will be Ldneficiar only so i far an they tend to effect this. Systems may be ilcviked ; funds appropriated ; large and,com ninclious school houses erected; and the provisions Of the law in other particulars bu properly exe cuted; yet if teachers fail to perfinin their part, all those efforts to better the condition of the com mon. schools Will prove ineffectual. The Superintendent, is therefore, gratifiediaL .being stile to state, that so far . no his observation 'has extended, the present school law is bringing , ferwatd . a body of teachers, superior, both ih moral ehuracter and literary attainments, to th6so cm. ployed before Ihe adoption of the system. The public liar been in some degree awakened to the necessay of Miring competent teachers,,thOir qualifications form a more frequent subject of Ms cusoion--and more correct opinions have bean formed as to what constitutes a suitable 'instruc tor for youth.. The really meritorious teacher finds his services more justly appteeiated, an is . incited to the attainment of still higher.degrecs of slttli in his calling; while - the 'negligent end , incompetent:are compelled to ,give place to those, better fitted for the office. The policy of employing female teachers is warmly urged, especially for the youthful. Nor. mai schools for the eclucatiorrof teachers are rc commended. . The nun-accepting districts of the State amount tit' 224. In order to draw the'mon ey now in 'the 'State Treasury to their account thrte districts 'need only levy a echool 'biz of 50 'cent. for every in:table 4 :rhia moncy,bayc the Superintendent, belongs to iem_the moment they comply, with 'the conditions' of -the law. But if they' continuo to reject the, eyatetn ,ritubh longer, theY;cannot eapeet that the .111Vilo ,tieLOon will tie wead.ved:for, them' I:he 'millet minimt duo in thin sd4, Isle dietriets in Berke county: In one ScheolDiattiet; sum due amounts' 'to $5,f395. Rental conelndesWith 2letne ,ipnropriate 0 . bit ' • port o 011 save. llitit.., its'•eatabliahment, hes been .of , the .pl . The numb rat eilltketty the schools, is every yam' increasing. There hits bean . an ontife phangeAri the style of buildlng soliool: houses. . The peopi,e generally manifest a greater interest In the affairiof the school. ! . The choice of suitable boolre is exsitingillsetrisien 'and research. . There is a disposition to prosecute study more extensively and thoroughly than for, manly. Great Care is observable in the aelection . of teachers.' Thant' mural as well' as 'literary qualifications; attract a degree of attention before unknown, Teachers are generallyirriproving•ae a class, They aro seeking out and introducing better inethodeof instruction and school govern ment. 'The examinations.they undergo, and their strict, accountability toto the beard of directors, have a tendency to exclude the' worthletis, and in. spire the des — erving with great respect for their office." This is indeed a noble enure, and ITort.hy of tlic best 'energies and thci most liberal endourar„enient of a patriotic drul 'enlightened people. The Meryl:load Victory! n• - • TIM brilliant•victorl of the Whigs of Ma ryland has opened the great Presidential cum. paign iff 1814 most gloriously. It has gone like an electric shock through the hearts of the Whigs and animated them with the highest hopes and enthusiastic feelings. The election of Henry. Clay is from this time rendered as certain as *any event yet to be unfolded in the future Jr Harrisburg, on the 19th inst., a meeting of members of the Legislature and others was Balled to express their gratification at the brilliant' tri. %imp!' of the Whigs of Maryland, and to take measures fir a celebration of the victory on the A set of spirited resolutions were passed, say the papers there,'andseveral happy and do. quoit addresses delivered by W. .B. Reed, Esq., of Philadelphia, John Recii, Esq. of Carlisle, Hon. Jas. Cooper and D. ,M;Smyser, Esq., of dettys. burg, all of which iv6o responded to - with enthu siastic applause. Froth all appearances the cries. pkign of '•l9 will exceetherfen that of 1840 in pop: ular spirit and enthusiasm.. ' Wnig eziebralainias ErThe Whigs of Philadelphia city and cimn; ty celebrated the 22dWith unusual spirit and en tints:llmm, Public dinners were given in the sec. cral Congressional districts of the county, and in the city n grand Whig festival came otT in the Musical Fund Hall. .W, B. Reed wis the ore. tor-of the IMICaFiOII, and acquittedliimself in mas terly style. In the evening , a magnitieebt Bali was given itt the Chestnut Stret Theatre,Which was attended by a great crowd of ladies end gentlemen and came oti4ll brilliant style.. A Whig celebration by inetnitars of the 'egislature and cittemm was also held in Ilarriaburg on the - 49 d, at'uli;ell several addresses were delivered and 'a hoist enthusiastic spirit manifested.. The Whig spirit is up and ready for action Contest for a •IC:uniea. Conneetictit'S tate election taltc.;p]lc. on the first s :Uonday in April. The Whigs ore preparing energy for the contest. On the `_'Ol r. great Whig Ilass Conventimi was held in Hart'. x% hieh was attended Icy immense nunilicrE. (lon. Mr. Morehead or the S. Simate,"%vds present'aml addre,:sed it. A prize banner Was letted to the largest delogation iireAnit, which the committee had some difficulty in awarding, owing to the close cern petition. Two 'towns, Avon and Norwalk, et , preially deserve Commen dation. Norwalk scot 70 delegates-70 mile, kvorNent :ill the whig voters hut two: UM BristolNraving given":.!93 votes in 1810, scut to the Convention 20:1 Whigs! 'line committee niter doe deliberation, imaninioahly 'pronounced Bristol thy, Monier town' Orep,T..9, 1 (I.n I t; 111 is exeitin:y: much atlentiod io the :'struts. weik olva.che:i were made by ,\ Ir. Aiello:ion, Mr. Choate, \lr. Hannegati, and Mr. I.).tyln ; I.lcasrs. A. and 11. being in favor resolution olll•rred by Jr. Semple, to ul - ograc the joint pi,,r,e.,sion of the Oregon by England and the United States—and Metvra. Choate end Dayton agaimt any liitl4.pilate movement on the atibjeet. 'Fite debate Viftfe continued this w‘cl;, and will no doubt tnerea:se in interest and excite• meta. Gen. TM ail: ie. g'r'Phc Pittsburg 'Gazet le,' say.+, die inay here remark, in relation to General Itlassmt, that we never saw greater unanimity manifested in favor of any man for any olViee, than is manifested for him in this mind the adjoining counties. General MARKLE, if nominated will sweep Western Penn. Sylvania, where he is generally known: a like hur ricanr. Let our friends in the interior and Mtg. ~ . ern counties look at this. If they want the teem ing west to give an old fashioned llarrison major , a ien us' General MARKLE, and we will march over Elm /1101.1uUms with a majority numbered by thousands on ocr banners, and with - victory, vier°. ry, borne on the v?ings of the wind. ExecarrioN or ) Jrau.Ns DOLAN.—The Bradford Argus of Saturday say v: "This wretched man convicted at the Septembe term' of the Bradford county Court of the murder' of Rufus G. Gore, near Athens, in this county, w us exceuted ycster. day in the Bradford county jail yard at precisely Cub O'clock. The execution of .Mrs. Dolan, who ivria , convieted at the same ti:no for the game of fence, was deferred, she.having, been minted by the Governor fur the term of six month . The Post Office DUII. The N. Y. Herald learns from Wash.'ngtthi that the new Post Office la reported by - Col. illerrielc, has. received one or two important a mendment!. Newspapers are to go througt: , the mills ns Mdiehandise, and all exchanges to go free. rrn EASONS why the Brandreth Vegetable Uni. versa Pills are . ,especially adapted to this , clituato No care required in using them. No change of diet. The body is less liable to take cold when under their influence than at any other time. May be taken'triorning, undo or night, Qvith a certainty of good *teenlts; that is; proVided they overate freely upmillio bbwels. As a cathartic tlicy are the most mild and In. •igarating medicine.that can possibly be admin• Wiercd. 'Caution—No Drug Store has the ginulite Bran dreth Pills for Bale. Sold in Carlisle by CHARLES BARNITZ, sole gent for this borough. —, , . HEALTH! ! lIJA !! 1 .-110 W 11;e:CSS Sire riches and all they can procure if the possessor is deprived of health—hew malt harder , too is the Sitter lot of the pour, when sicknesa Is added to poverty., Why, therefore, will either Of nick clas ses trine with that inestimable blessint--heahlt ?. It is well known that the,greater portion of all the com plaints that prevail in this climate oweilielr origin to Colds, and it is almosr.equally well knows, the most lure as well as agreeable cure for Colds, and and their uttendant intserles, is to be touch in Pant 's Horehound Cattily. FOP proof of these assertions, read The' (WS; ptikis, - dinl you Thousands have'tterlified that Otis ttopular , medicine la.tlae best. known fur thecure of'Colde, Cttnsumption, Whoop ' in-cdugh,lnfltietiza, %Minima; Catarrali,''llranchitts.' Prom to Et-President Andrew,Jackpon,, down the last one that has been etlivd. AVegident . 'Tyler approves °tit far. Colds :and ,Clotiglia„Mr: Bench of the State of New. York, and the Ikon. R. IL Merritt, alio hareincled theittestimoines •, 'The' whole.clergy of pity, yerk,h rought pp ; iy'it:Ctdlesst.array „ 'of all, and professions, haveall'eertlfiedtoit/tiratite , Poire 4 14VPIIP 1. C.F 2 .4:DOgtvn4, Pitney Store,Nortli Itover street, ac}4.lgin,sloy EXHIBITION ti THE BELLES-LETTRES, SOYIBIY, To' the. Editor of the Herald dr..ExPepit'Orfi.' nosing been One of the immense audience, eon, sliding Stiengers members of .the Senate and Mime of Representatives ,of our State Legisla. turd, in , connection with the citizens or our boro' nod the offiders of the !U. S. Garrison, compris• ing env of the largest eird'iriOst,reineetable nesem. blagee over witnessed in this place, .convened on Thursday evening last the 22d inst., at the cele bration' of the 55th anniversary of the Belles. Lettres. Soniety „of Dickiner College, fam in. duce(' to express to .you the heart-felt gratifica. tion I experienced—in which all seemed to par licipate—at the, order of exercises, and the per. formancea of the Qconsidn. .Where all the young gentlemen who presented themselves en the plat• form—two of those who were to have spoken, he. ing excused from indisposition—did so well ; where they severally acquitted themselves with. so much honor and distinction; were so studious "to keep the eiid•in view.and follow nature," it .would,be invidious to particularise, or to commend 'Hie peculiar metits - teitlicr. it is sufficient to say; that the exercises of the anniversary of this Society held at so appropriate a Tolled se the birth day of our Immo . rtal Washington, The Feteh• tr.of our Country—wit) not suffer in comparison, 1 with Ility that have preceded 'ICI Exhibitions of this kind shonld continue to be patronised for several reasons,.bdtpartieubirry be. cause they serve as incitetnentslArthe-young gen tlemen 6 - imposing the 9,611ege, 'to activity and ex ertion in the pursuit of virtue, and the Pursuit of mental culture. All, therefore, who desire to see a state of, prOgressivo improvement in moral and intellectual cultivation pervade our land ;, all who wish to contribute to the laying the foundation of settled principles aid fixed habits of virtue in the minds of the young, thus preparing C h eri' to discharge with ability the offices of public arid private life to which they may be culled, should give•their countenance and support to , the various similar opportunities that may be presented, us conducive to • that end. The music on the occasion, conducted by Mr. "Walker, a Profbssor of t h e art, assisted by a num , her of ladies and gentlemen; amateurs of the sci• cndc, was also of a superior and attractive. kind; alike ereditaidtt to the, naasior, by whom the piecestbr the occasion were probably selected, and to I.lneie.wlnr united in their performance. We arc convinced we do not err, when we add, that even the most fastidious—if any such were pres ent, were not otiiy debarred from miming any just cause of displeaame or &Tome, but returned to their homes imyroved, ratted, -and gratified with the:whole. - T. Carli IC, Feb. 23, 1841 c - IThe last Ilarri! , burg -"relegraple the follmVing coniffiunication,presenting the name of tin old, respectable, and well-known citizen of l'untberland county fur the (Ace or Canal Coin. nlisbioner. We jeiin with the author of the coin uninicatien in expressing a "hope that Ills Miele Will be properly appreciated by the convention of the 4th of 'March : :Va. Torreit me to present the name of TAW , ' t i CRAIGITY.AII, Jr., to the Ih:lnm:ratio liar-. rison party or this Commonwealth, as a eur.a'tio candidate fur the olden or Canal ComolisFitmer. Mr. C. is au excellent tol.chanie and iwqminited with the management of our poldie works. Being one or the people, there it on ialt in the State upon whom the hard fisted yeomanry o r the comitry would rally, heifer 'than !Or. C. hope his name will he propel ly appreciated by die, Convciition in March next. • I .l4t>v: . . .E:ope:zsoN, Thr , irom otiV•i,l antirew: lite leilowing 'atateitietn. of the .exprics of Mr. V..ii Iclinittedrillun and lite present: The average exlieti , es, per your, dill %Tr Buren's Administration wore Total elj.•cuditures $1112.,01111,11110 The: Cape:ore per year during . this Administration, avcragn $:24,. 000,000. Total elponditute to March, 18.15, 36,000,000 itedur.tinn ofexnendiluren tinder this - ' Administration, derived from au thentic and oilicial itilormation, 16,000,600 During Mr. Van Duren's Adminis. • 'trntion, the average nmount of re venue reecirei per year was $:21,- . 000,000. The total amount of revenue for four years was . 84,000,000 During this Administration,the aver ago amount of revOnue received per year has been $18,000,000. The total amount for four years computed at '72,000,000 Thus it will Ls sern that the revenue accruing under this Admini,tration has been twelve mil. lions less than the amount which accrued under Mr. Van Buren's Administration. When 'Mr. Van Boron canto into office there was a balance in the Treasury of V 6,067,278 OU Due to the dovernmant and Tree. sury notes issued, 2,57U,9113 So it appears from official documents thut Mr. Vlin Buren had the neat little sum or V 5,000,000 as a capital or legacy to commence hts Athninis. tration with. And yet, with that sum on hand, and the -S4 - 4,000,000 be received afterwards, he left a deficiency or debt to be discharged by ilits Administration of $7,000,000! GREECE.—We sue it stated that thu standing ar my of thin small power—so inferior that it has to suNmit to the control of the five greatpowers-of Europe—exceeds in number that of the army of tlw thiited States. 1) 1 ,'; IVriszAtt„'ii,,Gituar Dlscovstry.—lr was once sa id re is nothing new under the This ban ;,„„ , plititically true, in reginal to medicines. ..iits, Panaceas, Expectorants and Spe cifies of all sot is have been puffed into notoriety— ,all made mainly of the same ingredients, adding new ma t er i a l s to t.he healing art. Btit Dr. Wistarls Bal sam of Wild I.fiterriv,l'iratishes a new , ineilical agent — a newpriti - 1 1 to C , MIVed (*mina nature's (inn depos itory. It owes- incipient Consumption, Liver Complaint, mid , All diseases of the Lungs, when nothing eke Iv -honorable member o this Canadian' 1114iitCsvrittat Ant it hits 'cured. Mtn of Asthma of ten . veati' sal - Ming,. A. Williams, k'sq.,'Attiwney at Lav, 58 William street, N. Y. was cured of the same Alissase or twenty four years standing. ?,Tr. Cozens el liationfielil N. J. makes affidavit that it citretl hi in of supposed Consuniption ufferilbysiciatts hail given him up to die ; and so,o , intilreds of others. (o.l.ten'tentlier, , we pbSitively, , in case, palm off unreal cures produced ls,V, this invaluable remedy,— Be'sure to get De. Wistar'sllalsalrn of Wild Cherry' I Sold in Carlisle, by S. ELLIOTT,, only agent' for this borough. Tae litimoiorneu's Aimra---in other words panacea for all diSCII9eB. 4I WO9 diliggentl y s ought far, but never foetid, by the ,Old .altibeinist..- in 'these modern dove, however, one medicine liss heenjn vented 'which ion specility,fir•tit least ti dozen eases. We mean Jayne's Tonio Yermirage, :Which ja ceradil •os , men or the tilglieSt standing in sohlety tik be a• 54peedy.cure worm's, : intermittent foyer, dyspepsuu, piles, dysentery, acidity-or the stomach,. and all ollier :Coniplitints affecting tire :stoinaolt and , Its stomachic, ita i weli as 'al t erative tjnall- . 110, are highly. beneficial in all 'eases'ivliere disease is AccomPanicd,by a partial tirestratihn or the-Wilily pows-rs". While it,reincler obslototioay W 411,1404, lonetind the 'loth° : • ' tatitred:,bp. JATNA. Plilladellihip' and Tor e Varlisle.hi ERIE Canal Cumin issionci For tim Tolevoph 534,563,776 ,51 tignnsgpititta 'lLe,(oo;at!tre. On Wedheaday Mat, in:thT House, Mr Roam- Ohairrna i ii of tho 'dommitteo of, Waya and Mean's, 'refifilied a bIH o priiido'frr 'arid neap 'the permanent revenue of the dothmonwriattli, and to redeem the public Mtg. We Itrivp prepared the following , abstract of the several sections or the ••Section Ist, Provides. ihat from and after the passago of thiii act ali'stial'astate.„.to wit I houses, lands,luts of ground, and gretind rents, 'mills hhd manufactories of ell kinds,Turnacei‘forges,hloom cries; distilleries, gitgatr houses, breweries, tan yardsand ferries;.all park:nal estate, to wit horses, mares; geldings, inui,:s and, neat-csttle over • the age of four years; also •pli•Mortgages, money owing by solvent debtors, Wiictlier by promissory note, penal or single bill, bond Or jag ment, owned or possessed by' any person or per sons whatsoever, (except notes'or bills for goods sold and delivered and bank notes; also all shares or stock in •aity bank, institution or company, in corporatedlry 'or in pursuance. of any law of this commonwealth, or of any state or government; and all public loans or stocks whatsoever (except those issued by this commonwealth;) also all house hold furniture, including gold and silver plate owned by any person' r persons, corporation or corporations, when the value thereof shall ex ceed the SIMI of three hundred dollars ; also all pleasure carriages, both of two and lour wheels, gold and silver watches, SdarlCH an emoluments of office, all &Bees and posts•of profit, professions, trades arid occupations, '(except the occupation of farmers;) together with all other things now tax_ .able by theltws of 'this Commou wealth, shall be valued and assessed and subject to taxation for the purposes in this act mentioned silo/ for dote, county,"and township prapooes whairoSuer. Section Provides that the tax ayscssed mr bank, ceiporatiuns, &e. shall he paid by the Cash iers and treasures thereof, at the times prescrib ed iii thisact; also, that the commissioners of each , county shall umko' clue return of such as sessment to the State Treasurer. • S Repeals the act of July !nth, 18.1f2, except the Acventh sCetion,and difcets the county commissioners to add to the - Ethic n tax of one mill on every dol!ar of real and personal pfoperty, and three mills on every dollar:of property cot before taxable. Section 4th. Provider, for the eqinilization of an sessinents tied taxes, by the appointment of a. hoard mi .. P.cvenne , Goniiiiiissina who with the State Treacu rer, F llil hi inert inlnisburgin nine ty.d4s fruni the passage of this eel. ' Section sth..l)ireets County Commissioners to furni.dt said Board annually ‘rith a statement, um tier oath, of the aggr.lgatu valtie of all the pro. petty liable to taxation in their smeral countho, distinguishing real front personal. Refusal to do this is to bo.deetnod a misdemeanor in office mid mthishable Accordingly. Section Gth. I)ireets said Board to ascertain and detatlllillt: the valtntion of all taxable prop •r, ty in the several enmities or this State, adjusti”g and equalizing the Si 111 1 .1! 00 as to make them as equally no practicable on all the citizens of 1.10 COlllll/011iVerilth. Section 7tll.Provnles fir the incrcasin of Om amount or tax levied on each. county, int shail be necessary . Section 9111. l'roviilcs;t4t the taxes fi r the tc,e of the State sh ill be eiiltectcd immediately upon their assessment by the Board, and directs contoy Treaiitircrri to pay the caore over to the St .te Thai , incr, semi annually, flt leant 11001 . 11 dat a finnan the Ist of February — and the 1 , 4 of Auxost itt each yrinr. IC any county nef;leeinn or refintncs to do so at thin proper tinnr,tlnc Came shall he churn ed said county, tv.itin sip per cent interest until paid, and no sty It ciiin.ty shall receive its tunic rt . tine reline! or :Icy ctincr slate 1 . 1111d3 dec to it 011111 $1311111:11( is 1..11(1. SCOW:11:111( (11V(1.: a pr-toitito to any count:" paying its quota 'Pao the: 'freasury thirty duyu pilot. to the ti;:tt• Section Ioth. Provides for writs or mandamo, to he issued, requiring 'Compliance from any coon. •ty'rotainis,ioners t negle:ct or refuse to coniply with the requisitions'of this act. Section 111.1 i. Provides for the pay and mileage of the Board of Revenue-Commissioners. ' Section 12th. Names several gentlemen to fill said office this year, and provides for their elf:e thos hereafter by joint vote of the Legislature, as U. S. Senators are elected, en the first Tuesday of February. Section 13th. Directs the Board to keep El re gular journal of its proceedings. Section I , lth. Provicks that certificates of stool. be issued to dozneuie creditors holding certilicatce of indebtt (loess by the State., Section Irith. Provides for the taxing of all estates worth over five hundred dollars, passing from any perii.on who may die possessed of such estate,.of obe dollar on every. hundred of then valuation. $12,000,000 Section 'Mb. Mulico it the duty of County .Rekistere Wills to receive 'and pity ci•er such MEE Sietion l WI.. Directs the county coin u tission• ere of the several counties to cause a valuation by the township assessors of all property made .taxable by this act, and return it to the State Trea surer within Sixty days. Section loth. Appropriates and pledges the a. inount.of .ta , xation hereby raised, to the payment of the interest on the public debt, und•to.bc used for no other purpose whatever. Since the commencement of the •present sesaion numberless petitions have been picsdnted to the Legislature, u:jiirrying for the repeal of the doe_ of 1705," as it is called, which prohibits tho,sel litt—Oriipirituousliquors the-Subbath r ond jetting persons found drinking in taverns on that day to a fine, which reverts to the use of the'Guar diens of the poor. This law has been unknown, or at least obsolete, for many years, and hustlere fore remained unnoticed. Recently, however, , the Temperance men of Philadelphia have waked up on the subject, and as we learn from the remarks of a Senntdr Item that city, have appointed cum mittees wife make it their 'business to visit the different public houses 'in that city on the Sab baftl,vnd repoft,all offenders. In consequenCe 'numbers, both sellers and drinkers, have been,fin 'ed. The petitions in the'Sen"io, the Coininitice on Vico anff l'ininorality,.whe re ported yesterday on the subject, through ;their Chairman, Mr. Crum, of Washington county.— The Committee"take.-Stronrgitaind against the -repeal of the law, and tirge its enforcement :in all eases. On the quesqpf.sustaining the lime • of the report, the rote stoA yetth" 27, nays .0.-- , The usual ntinihvi: of Opice.were ordered to be_. printed, andihe'ilbuie attaClied, to how the Nellie of the Senate , un - the.tomperance question:—Tile: Wit. appears ft , rix:cacefill:exiiiiination, that thciaveragq of ain grown inthe Dnitcd.Staies buihels ttio' inhabitant, first'deduciing tenth for seed, t le average of the Northern States' '('.Virginia and the District of Columbiaincluded) setwenty-two bushels; thatof the Sentherii and ,Western States and Territories '42, bushels ; and 'that' of (he , eotibii-groWitig‘Stittes:aloriq,A4 .to each Term,. Sir Robert Peeletates that' • Consuffiricin,pf i i vhe n Gloat Dritaln, is lops , OPO;ooo,binhelii 4' year; *Wel - gives en average eight bushals r irCan peva nee. ApETriviN'• fat ditiotp* , and oerti ,ficate,uoller tite,l3ankruPt Lew, has been fil ed by WILLIAM iIiGLYi (Metier, CumberintrA :county; and ,FRIDA.Y,'-the 12th' of April' next, .at 1 i cl, °hick *..M'+, is appointed for the henring,th 4re. of, before, the, coid Couet,•sitting ,in Bankrupt ey,, at llrtne Dietriet Couit Room in the City of Philedel, idtinovheit untl'iiiikee'the , e'retiiters of the mid Pe.. titiolier, : who hece , pr9ved their. debts, and all other pertioes itt interest, may; appear and show . ,V..711114ej if Disehurgo Oeit Cettifieeto may they tuille, 4 why such etteeld not he greetedi", , '-'• ! • , , • ~, .; 2 % ..'„, • • ~,..,,. ~.- , "f .. !.-::‘.- , .... ;1•,.4.11A,'5., ,HOPKINSOige • • ; : i • .. ,-.— • '...•,,,, •, ,plerk,of th6,l3.lMri t a.t.CourAt :Oiltitlelphitytin,l7 11g4; ', ;. - '' . - ,,, ••c;!"' , :;,. '''' '.,:',',.,,,,,..- • - ,' •----',,,,-• ..,-:',. i.-2., - ..1.:42...,,, , ,„ ~,:.„,,., ,!, _,„ ~, „ , ~1 , , , • , .:. ~ ~,,,72 , , ~, ..:“-‘l4c.l"o:gi.i , • , - , : - ..--.. ,, ' 5 1;. , 4 1 ,40164,3'. 1431;14.4"0,&A;h&'1•4tz...:.!ii; 2a2Vl 224124111,21230 VATNORE, roliruari2 7 l . ,'ls44. REHECALTT4ETIse sales amount to abot;t. 4061readot3 75 to $5 25 per, 100 lbei:; and Hogs 'sold hi 4'62i Wel, 75; the Hogs are taken spriringly by butchers, as wanted—seine lots have been' driven to neighbofing triarhels. FLOUR,. .Cii r Mills:rs generallysat $4 75, but tt'xitlenl a few bundrgil reported at some thing less. Extra brands have BOW at $5 for ex- Port. Howard. streei/lias sold at 4 . 69 i t 0,0 4 -689, to a tonstderable e'xiOnt for good'mixed brands; and extra or or choice lots at $i 75, No Susque. henna in runlet. TheirisPeciions of this week compilse the following hipds and quaiititcs 1-:- Howard street,.7,9oo bbls. and 371 halls bbls:; City' Mills, 941 bbIS. and 174 half bbls:i family flour, 968 bbls,; 9,539 bble. and 545 half bids. of wheat flour. There were also inspected 406 bble„ rye lour, end 920 bbls. and 16 MI6. corn meal. GRAT . N.:-LlVliest is ;he same as last week; 95 cents 'to $1 for good- to prime reds, but ',coming forward only in small . has; 'Cridinferior parcels may be quoted 75 to 90 cents. NO transactions in Rye. Corn is less firm, particularly whife i which has sold at 40 to 41 cts ; and yellow 43 to 14. Oats have sold 'at 29 eta. • NEW GOODS, AGAIN! CU .4 RILES OGILIM ,7 A': ills; returned froml'itilatlvipliiii, awl iv . ?i - i,.: flow opi•iiiir•• a largo and 1.p10141i1l aisortitioat of NV hoer tiro:lli, colisistilig, in part, of 1 , ,h.• & ,...i.i. CIIOIIII C11.1P4114, (;111 1 18 Ito Ambers, Plain and sal- II" l' l4.l l.'' l L A 1 1 8 ".". 'Al)ltyte 1)e I.:duct+, 11888 44318 (liilicoes, awl Linolini Clihitz: Elegalit Silks, Nlial tillits; liroail filiitlev; ea-hiltieres; ijavii118118; I(iiii iticky %loony; Tiel‘iags; Checks; rlaiiiielit.; - Illatikets Nltislills; NI crillia•s ; 1ri.,11 LiIIIIVDS At11i:1 filtet•tiogv, Its:i.; Alp:mho \ Vigil; Cas'onori: nail worstill Hosiery : Togettiot• will' lots of .11,,,. ~,•,. Z0011,11)0 11 , 11111•1... 0118 11, 11181 rt. rol141:11 : :,111Ir g i'lller Ille 1:11•. 7 ,5i, behi :111111 (.111.11 1 11,3 tlot•I. ,/1 . .1011-k ill ili;h (.01111t .. ... . . ))111 . 1 1111`.1:ikr•l!ii. 'Phi 5hi11,i,,,p,14,1i1, :41., liroa Ice 410114, Past 111...11 •Irot•I. n.f 1 . ....61,1 , ,.1;11.11:11., \ :% I 1../..1 I. ei p \s. I r, • . •.. • • A. --.• ~., ,•.., • G.t.[ : I r'...- 1-I,k-....t: t.t [:, 'il . . . .P,),. .hirictitti ity ri!, , aiiist loss by l'ire. TUE FFIAULIN Fl RE INSlifiAlt!CE CO"1., ()V Charter rerpPluai.-9 100,1)00 .Capital paid in 0 4 1ke 16:3'j Chrsnut sited ritho•r•lot•••:wileekit • tire. al I'll( >1'1•:11:1 ml.V.I'Vr.l: I `.l 15r :v: rtlll,l'lll6oll, in pmt n vi• Comitry, 111, I (li ,, 11,1!.11: if•I'1114: IP;111,•,- 6 . 0111 Ily ~ 1 :1 promptly n I Lo. 11.1N1EE41, frost, .11,t• ~1 11, 1 ”11,0," ;o . .:ctil I ur. th, aLolr conlirow ai:tl iviiiity. All :1111,1ivatigms fm• (•itlicr Dv liticlido•ol NV. 1). )i1 . :11)1; It. I),rens'iwt• I}'-5 Ir SI 0111 st.) I d Ill:Us-kw s,,le vvrs rc(111.:6.1 :0•.:o4.11111.11t 111- • :r:aedicßlio73, . I NTS, ether ' Oh Sirtiflll:ll, Clip l ' lll/1•1 . , hot , V Ilrr dr.7.ol..tithcr,f'vot•il,, Dritsv.o- , Iwii• do., Purr, 11111 bruslo . s, Cray_. log do. Ski, ing do. Tet•lii do, l'l,ll do.; Sharing nod Toilot So . .tosio Nari , :11 . 11i tit, ai: ii r d:r.rrOVlMi t 3 To•:ellpo• oscry odic!. ,trlich• io iii, I /cog Ilie:.4qt,ilon •iviaos, Cotiol )14 i 5•13.00, is iiiii ss.i) It• 'wits s 01. h I 3, Pi 1.% • Li. CONI•ECTIONARY, FRUITS CI,C, E.EL.'e tc, :110:11'M .T1V7(1t . 1.1) I!1' it. I,ta ILr I Odic ' l' I'. 'II iln c 11.1%, jn I :it 111 , 11 . •i , : • 1 . 111 „•\I 11001' ~ 1101•11•111', I frac], C:trli,le, :t 1111-4,, t•1.4.,.••0 i :A Nl)lrs. :,11-! i• r.iiili, in theirline. vLi;h z'o dhirr, MI ;Ill! 111,.1 Ills. Ti.•II . Critlll/1 . 1, , ,:irsoies, sill of %I Islet arsit ul th c o , l3litv : ri%no:l, ritrlq, mint, 11.11.1 prli, c.:,kt, poll rolls, viimailion, I , .1 fill:, 1,111111 i; !ICI:11111111111, 1'14 . 1%( . ; I•I'I• 111 ;MI! 1111 . 11-,.. • fhnnyisnllrin 1.l • 1/01/pi . r k'Sf,ll ;11tII Clay 11.111‘111 1 / 3 11ti, l' 1 1111111.;11 ; Cllllllll l / 1 1 ; 111.111...Zill(11r111g . :.N . I . CIN; 1111 . 11 i drr.l rack nud V:1(1111:I ; 1.11;;;II . and 1111:111 :111110;1dt rand% ;NV. ; 111111,1'4 • Ti iT'1 . ;) — Aill11111.1`1,111!)01 . /S ; Ell:01.•11 rks,ellestitilsoffil 13razil,crealn,ctleozi akinl grout I its. Inniniis, raisins, liga, inana •gates nud Cill,ll. ~.lso the best CR-vendish Tobacco and Evgai:l. I'viiteipv. 11:itmut, 11••tilneas hi/ ... (14 , 11 ,,, tkelit,,,t (pi:d.h. " is kept ly Ft, 1,1,11,4 f lttil. AlllOOll3. C0111111•V 11WIT11.111IS :WO 111,i1011 C.:111, :IS Ilicy C.lll lii 011 nuv 115 rile !flier , . 11:1t1 . 011:i1i . of die 1111:1114. j! 'Carlisle: Apra I G3i11.13 f:iiRISTMASI !'.."1.3%7.1rE.. ,12)1 f ka . Y L i(. ka . IES & AV ERSTK has lC just received j a splendid assortment ol "ANNUAI.S," consisting'in put' of the Opal, Gift,. Frientl , ltip's Oaring, Lit yrs ry Sotivenier, American and Bri tisb Poets, in rich and showy binding suitable lin. CM i4tinss presents. Also a choice, selection of clegantly.bound Bibles, Hymn ;Books, Cnii). mon Prayer ditto,—together with a general as sortment of Standard, Aliscellaneous and • ,SCHOOL nil or which will be sold lower .than ever olTered • in . S'I'ATIONI-itY of every variety, best qiiality of fetter and C. Papers, ruled and onrulod from NA tiv2s cents per quire; QTills, Blue fluid and Mack •Ink, Steel Pens, Pencil:4, Oacksim's licstOSilver ever Points Leads for ditto, Wafers edlnred and transparent, Sealing was, fancy and plain, Motto Seals, Pam folders, together with a large assortment of Pen kniveß, superior and cheaper than•ever oiTered in the market. Carlisle, December 13..1643. 3m•7 SPECIAL COURT. :DIY virtue - of .a Writ from the Ron. Daniel Durkee, President Judge of thel9th Judi veld District of pennsylvanin, bearing date the IGth day of December, 1843, and to 1»e directed. NOTICE IS lIEREEIV GIVEN, That a SpecialDourt of Common ;Pleas of :the Peaae, willbe hold by the said Hon. Daniel Dor itee,and the Aistanate 4odges ofille.CourbofQuar.. ter iSessicins of fhe Peace of Cumberland County, lit " t ha Court Douse in the borough ofDarlisle, 'commencing on MONDAY, this 4th .day of March, A. D. 1844, at Ten o'clock A.. M. of sad tiny,to continue ono wedic,libr the trial of tlletcertain causes depending in the Coutt of Cow men Pleas ofeumberland eoutity;tigrecably to the proilisions of the Aots of Assembly:in sudli case made and pro'idcd. Of, saidApeci4l :Court u - cora and all othor persons concerned take Notice. A. LONOSDORP, Sheriff. Sheriff's Offica,Darlisle, January 10, 1844. NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. Pile best method fo r the Molitioii of Dat ease 4 cleanse 4` purify the Blood. ' . • • . . VAIMAN. ..VGETAIIL NUS rOillt 4n:erica's College of Health Are MAY acknowledged to be the ,best Medicine fti the world for the cure of . ' • EVERY VrIRIETY OF DISEs2SE. ECAGSE they completely Cleanse the . stoma4 and bowels from those bilious and corrupt hu-. more WhiCh are the cause not only of Headache , . Giddiness, Palpitation of the Heart, Pains in the Bones, Itheninatisin and Gout, butof every malady incident ,to man: 8 41 1 ) INDL4IN VEGET.4I3LE PILLS Area certain cure (or hitermikteet, renti . t&nt, nor vatet, ha - mint:lloy and putrid Fecers,becturs demise tile hotly item those morbid humors, which , whet, 'coitlined to the circulution,are the cause of al• kioila of • • rk'VERS. So, also, when the same impurity is deposited on the IneMbrane and muscle, causing pains, influmma tiontrsind swellingP, called -,.IIIIDtIOLVIIS.7I, GOU7, •The Indian Vegetable Pills may be relied on as al ways Cell4lll to give ' reliel; and if perserved with ac coNling to directions, will most assuredly, alldWitll.• Olt fail, make a perfect cure of the above painf u l mil b,:ties. From three to six of wild Indian 'Vegeta ble pills taken every night on going to bed will in a short time ; 30- completely rid the body f r om every thing that is opposed to+cultit.,,tlint Rhetsmatiirn, Gout, „„ ; 1 I , a n of everr'«.serintion,will be literally lyllll r7e . 0.4.t 'l'llE BODY. For the same re4onsoyhen, from sudden chntrges :1111101411111•11!, or ittty other cause, the perspiration iv checked, the hontoes shoithl puss off by the skin are thre'wo inwardly, causing • //E. //41(:../ . 1/2, 0/DD/XES.V, . Nausea and sickness, pain in the bones, watery and inflamed e)es,core throat, hoarseness, Coughs:eon— ktimptions, rheumatic pains in ViII'ICRIS putts or the body,all,l many other vtuptotns oft • U. , 11'(;111,11 - .; COL , I'LLLS Will invari .ahly kite immediate relief. I , rottt three to six of said 1 , 11% taken every night on g o i ng to L e d, w ill 1 1 , „ e l :f I time, :Int mile I VilioVe the :thole unpick hut the hotly ill,snte, Grimm ti in c. r ,, tored to even sounder 114141,1, than before. The, •:,1111.• TIVIV he S:1111 Of %, Olt - DIFFICULTY ()FI.IItEATIIING, Vegonlile fills'ill lo osen anfl (limy bv !he stowne,ll will towels those /01101 phlegmy. l'"""e'• " I ' l ' l ' met' ' I II , the :tie cell& of ,the luogs,ued ve• . ll,t, veleet lot 0111 V UrtL!ts (B'l, distrcssitig tom :,1:11,0 , will•i: ite;tieeted, often tertithettes iu dm: till "i" l ..dy enth.d C(iNtiIvIPTION II Y 1 1 ,1111,1 41 , 0 br remembered that the lotliiou N't n vvriuhl core for PAIN IN 'I'DD SIIIF n f )1111rt nitl:lll,s, 411101 tilq,e of the tea ryes and et cry eiLee s ) ,e l ;e e, of a torpid di.,taused itate of tisoni the bodylllooe_ thiptll . llll, this impuruutt thr: ery ‘avi,•iy 00:11 IN'I 11'Lw a !iation is eflaltilstql by OtithiTilk 1111 , 1 U1' 11 ( . 11410, die (11.1 SUM' 1111.talifi.Or 111'C% Chill% the or ) , VE, \VAIi, i, to °Nile] all rt."llllov.s, and ct it (livrlsed ones from 11.1. {:“...,try. lu lik.• I.;:onwr, %Own pain nrsirkm•c, of riny kind indir_dr that Ow hotly Stl",lg',ll.lig Al.l, :1.101i111.;.) (Ti.,aitot, to TIT (T.l: NIN 1tE,V1,1% Tlrt; lh•ineipk nl etiriitg Lt' Clvato.ivp, and Ih:!•iC•,in;; arvortholue tilt thu . l.att , uhlthl.:ll . ‘i I II lite Niji).3ll veotwilly; atid it ii1 . (1:1,11y 1,111 L Ott :lII' ;11.1)VL I'CI4JAN '11.110:TA II! PILLS • NN'ill resin it+ ih.•lio,' 0 TY1 , 11!,,e; Ap• nIG•r 11W I•rnul to Liljti iii NVork , 11 . 0 of tln• nin+i nbvtm:rtr• aIV2tLyIIT'S I NDIAN C!:ri:rAlll.r. or "Ire l:ciLLt:C'.•:ovm:.\l:l . ll• I. VIII, 1841 Wid;.rol :liv-11 is 'rich 7;11.:It 111;.I. I can of Illy ha% itl7, liven Ntril . : 4 011,41 • sears I , y dim 11,12111 . . otti. 1›:111..N Vi . :(*ITAIII.I.I • • I'l r‘ 'loll 4 . ku Lit'.'illi.c,, ‘41C:i...y‘C...1. et - It'il31,•11 111011- C :11e, I 11:114 1111.11 111: , 41 . thl ." . ; ilnil6l,• f1i . ,,,11 . :d iipli. Ciallq,:l;:d kid I/I:I d •:;u ild , 1111111 VOW :. lan all to tiO ('M 1.1. Allt . t • liSilli, (.1:1 .. !3 UVltt 11 , )!... if your, Pills 114111 , 11..L.1., I C. li 11:U.Iocoll 1.41 'MU, Il brIO li, tlnit I IT N "111 Cl] 11l VI I•St, t• re ill II 1t.11..1.• I, r 111,S. I II e 1.01•111 I,g !our IIIVI;(11•1115, NVlliell I. 11141 happy to .late, lias it- in ❑ lul . rvet utue. gratituei: to youtor the gre; 1 luivt, mal:;;Iso 111 tile hope. 1 lhal (Wag, shy:: Im.l '1)0 induced to nuilic trill our t•,,ir:tordiunry noslit•iue, Feud you 'Mils slalcultqa Ivira run litu O,' a) ',oldish IN: stone it Yours, fs;o. Nrr.• IBA!. • I:. C. BLACK.. •"1:11 \lr. noonis, ALlout for NVriglit's 1111111111 V,, , ,0ut1e GroonArlill St. N. V. SW—A 031. rccnq,mvu.hflirnt.lsu:aalntl , In . ( I' r.tadc 11 . 10! ni VI . Iti( ;I INDIAN VEI.I -111.1. S ,)1 . the North Alill•I'IVIIII College or 11...11th; storimi ,e - m4eivutiously assc-t•t, that for Purifying the Mood, owl illoi , ating the system,. !h i v e Juoro heoclii rrom flail• use, than rront soy mhor medicine, it lots herctolore houtt my good rot tune to alliq't pith. I am, dear sit,Nllll many (hooks, your obliged friend, C. AI. TATE, • No. GO IL•uncrsly Si. New York.-- \L. I{ieLard Desmis, sp.eoffor Wright's ludisii == -Dear Sir-1 have bon nfllirled for several years w•ittrmwnrd weakness and general debility, accom pallied times with pain in the side and other 'dia.. tessing. chntplai nts. AV. Int ingtriedvariousmedi ciuess without elr e ct, 1 was persuaded by 11 friend to make trial (.1 1)r. Weight's Indian Vegetable Pills, which 1 anrhappy to statellavereliesed me in a most wonderful manner. 1 lime used the medicine, as yet ltt, a gliort time, :mil have 110 (Mudd, by a per. severance it the use .01 the medicine necording to directions, that d shall in a short, time be perfectly restored, • 1 most ‘rillingli.rerommenazaid Pills to till pen. sous ,niTheted; and ln,th e fall mi a p t h a t the came beneficinl results will Follow their use. I remain ~(11.1111'NinePre/M3 ITENRY- A. VOOTE, liVawarsing-, New York. • Thislin.tweerti:ilv that I have n's'etlWriglat's India Vegetable Pills tv itli.ibe greatest benefit; havirZg en. tirelv cured mpt-!C et' the 11111m:tit attacks of Siet I leatlache, , tovhirit I hail previously been subj ect. A'?::: MARIA. TilomrsoN, • 392 Greenwich street, N Y. To,Mr..Richard`lieenis, Agent for Wright's b Indiar , . VggetA l llo;Pillii. -- i • - VAIITION. ' ..----" ' As there are tit this time many wicked persons busily engaguilin selling. a counterfeit medicine un der the name of the Ine.ein Vegetable Pills; and as these desperate men hre so utterly reckless of con 'ttiptences, that many valuable lives may he lost, Its consequence of unit , ; their tivmdful compounds, the public are cautioni it against purchasing any Pills, unless on the sides of the boxes the following word. ing found: wincurs VEGETABLE PILLS. Unction Pie sratioe,) OF TOE NORTH AMERICAN' COLLEGE OF HEALTH. And aim to guard especially against purchasing said mediciii 6 of any person except the regular advertised agent - a, or at the office and general depot, No. 169 ItAfJP, STREET. PHILADELPHIA. QM CHARLibiS OBILBY, Carlisle Cumberland co John Quiver, .Metthausiesburg, . Henry Brenneman, New Cumberland, Isaac Loyd. , Liabotisi Alexatider'Catheart, Shepberdettistm „ ClipitinieV kestrel,: ohn.A!, Hickeratewis March! sth 1141 • rdekied ISe s ll3b4° " ted a„-i•4pl ba•OxpF!", • note - 0 book aeon . 'it instant." • • forif • • cithZalfcip MM Nim YettK, Sept. 29.1R41 EINE