• bit Receipts and Expenditures of CinnberiandCounty, by the Commissioners of said'COUnty, froth the first'day of January, ' OR. To balance in the hands of Treasurer at last 'eettlement, " of Taxes outstanding at last settlement, Amount of County Tax assessed for 1848, '" Tax on U. 8. lands, rec'd of R. Kilgore, A. W. , Sterrett, M. ("bitstock end Kilgore's heirs, 1 42 ." Pine recd of J. M. Means, Esq. for profane swearing, 3 00 ••" Heed of D, Leckey. Esq. for sale of stray, • ' 1.12} • " Etri. for old lever press, 4 00 A3'lll Erb per his nuts and interest on same, 56 00 " Paul Martin, Egg, late sheriff fines & verdict fees for 1842 &3, 331 18 1. H. Graham, t'sq. one verdict fee in Commonwealth case, 4 00 '• R. Wilson, Esq. verdict fees in Qr..Sess. 57 00 " v. H. Criswell, Esq. verdict fees in Com.. Pleas for 1.842 &3, 36'00 ? D. Hoover and others in ibll of Bridge bond, , 150(1'00 " Error in the assessment of 1841 for the State Tax of 1942, , 094 40 echedute orditanding Taxes due County per return of Treasurer, Decem ber 3014 .1843, subject to exonerations, kc. with the amount asssessed for 1843. ' t. Du- 7'otonahipa, Itc. Years. I Collectors. 'plica of tea 1833, IS. Middleton, Allen, - 'Carlisle, Dickinson, E. Pennsbore.' Frankford, Hopewell, Monroe, • Mecharksburg, 1842 1843 Newelllo, N. Cumberland, N. Middleton, 8. Middleton, Filver Spring, Southampton, Shippenaburg B " • T W. Paulsboro.' To balance due Treasurer by County, ,Vatement exhibiting the amount of Taxes assessed within The C Slat day of December 1843, inclusive, with the amount of e the hands of William M. Matey, Esq. Treasurer, and Collectors, together* with the amount of cad To Wanes of State Taxes outstanding at Jot settlement, t; 16 7 3 6 Cash in hands of County Treasurei do do 314 18 " Balance due by State, to M. Mateer Esq. Co. Treas. 10 76 RECEIPTS FOR 1842 To balance of State Taxes outstanding at last settlement, $8306 92 ' 4O Cash in hand■ of County Treasurer do . 1786 43 RECEIPTS FOR 1843 To vomit of State Tax assessed for 1843, . • Townships 4 Boroughs. I Collectors. • I y ears. 'Amount of Dupli.l nill Y o f de -filCollectors fees.: received ! Amount of as T I Balance outst andinff I cotes for 1843. 1 ciencies. 1 I ___— ' Bait rennsborough, Samuel Mumma, 1841 41 ~-. .2 03 41 14 33 12 " 'l. South Middleton, Jacob Lehman, 11 2 10 30 373 3 13 it Silver Spring, John Hollaglier, " • • 32 15 o . o • Shippensburg Borough, James L. Brandeberry,4l ' ' 10 163 12 03 . 14 . ..- . Allen, • David Coovcr, 1842 14 12 67 62 82 455 59 It . , AA Carlisle, JacOb Squier, 85 583 93 20 1034 93 di . Dickinson, D. W. M'Culloch, 41 19 01 , 62 43 629 22 .. East Pennabbrough, George Moltz, . 35 983 72 04 638 79 /1 Frankford, ' J. C. Brown, .44 3 244 14 87 67 42 Hopewell, . John Stouffer, ' 0 313 •10 06 . 186 16.• " •• , • II .Mimin, Thomas C. Scouller, 3 54 16 90 168 17 it • Monroe,, Christian Clime, • 14 52 '5B 20 511 76 41 . Mechanicsburg, Lewis Schutt, ~, 3 333 7 913 50 38 - o , Newton, John Ruth, 44 ' 12 75 34 71 85 40 .. ' ~ New John S. Morrow, 5 863 8 46 50 79 41 New Cumberland, ( Rudolph Martin, . ~ .'5 05 526 • 21 98 ~, • North Middleton; 'Samuel Kutz, .. . 25 67 • 46 33 645 26 • o • South Middleton, • .IJohn Peter®, 44 36 66 626 00 470 14 Silver Spring, Francis Eckels, 782 - 48 94 . 681 78 'Southampton. Jacob Coover, . 6 373 33 64 291 04 .. Shippensburg Borough. George Kimmel, id 131 • 15 00 56 07 a ' do Towniihip, • Hugh 'Craig, - . 79 684 92 . 95 " West 'Pennsbcrougli, George Zinn, jr. -- ~ 47 1-6 51 945 654 96 Allen,, Lewis Kline, 1843 1,697 10 14 . 603 00 1,094 1,0• ~. Carlisle, Isaac Angney, • 2,395 01 , 44 11 695 50 ~,, 1,639 51 ' . . , •Dickinsciii, James. F, Lamoerton, 1,561 61 .." “ 560 50 1,011 11 . tut Penneborough, Benjamin Longnecker, 1,811 27 • . 44 . 450 00 1,361 27 Frankford, John Armold, • 391 88 326 00 ,65 89 Hopewell, . . Samuel Flickinger, 451 98 ii 11 247 00 204 98 Milllin, Christian Shirk, 542 5 . . ' 353 0,0 189 56 \ , • , • . Monroe, . David Martin, 1,440 4 ii 11 298 00 .1,143 44 Mechanicsburg, Lewis Schutt, 218 6 /1 . 85 00 139 66 • . • 14 Newton, James W. Allen, • 440 00 606 99 1,04901 Newville, ,John Vance ,44 . 140 00 46 29 . 186 29 . New Cumberland, (John Hickernell, - 122 67 79 00 . 42' 67 North Middleton, David Williams, ~ o 1,037 . 00 463 24 1,490 24 South Middleton, Jacob Spangler, 1,464 30 o .. 274 00 • 1,190 30 . Silver Spring, John Bob!,, . o 536 00 I 999 35 1,635 35 t. • Southampton, • Johnston Williamson, „ 1,214 55 o /1 500 00 714 55 • Shippensburg Borough,. David %mower, It CI 132 00 262 09 394 99 do Tiiwnship, Jacob Kitsmiller, lB6 62 • " 1,383 19 " 41 91 00 , 95 62 ' , West Pennsboiough. ' Simon Alter. II 873 00 I 510 l9 • . ' • • , . , „ $l9 475 70 $346 ,765 $775 354 I $14,595 90 $12,235 34 • • Cumber!arid Connty- • We, the Commissioners of Cumberland'ounty, 'do•certify that the above exhibits a true and correct statement of the Receipttand Expenditures oflCUmberland county, for the term abOve stated. as .-•(- . .;L) also of the severe' taxes assessed for the use`of the Commonwealth, albre.said, with the aggreaate of fees and exonerntions allowed du ring Ri dd teew,'and also the amount of the several taxes outstanding end in the' hands of the several Collectors, according to 'the best 'of our' knowledge arta judgment. , " .. • Witness ottihandsand seal of office, atCatlisle, the Ist day Of January, A. AfleBu JOax,lvirior, Pa*. Bargains tor . Cash, PlPElEsuiseribir.hliving received afresh , J. supply of 11000:As SHOES,_ . ' 'HATS Stid ' CAPS, and a geisha AsossyrMent orintocents,..';' is soisdstssndled to , do iusindire Cash %Ohms 1-short are Can estmise,pie St4kiinS wises be.. 44 4 4 4 ,04 ewW0,41WaoiCristoat to iti.#l444,oolitvoldlho Betessit of don.. 41' • k7 ninWit i j'r ME •gTA:::-T:ig : :3l - :IENV to the thirty-first day of December, A. D. 1843, inclusive. WILLIAM M. MATEER, ESQ. TREASURER. - .1. Peters, L. Kline, • I. A ngney. J. F. Lumberton, B. Longnecker, ' J. Armold, S. Flickinger, C. Shirk, D. Marlin, L. Schutt, J. W. Allen, J. Vance, J. Hickernell, D. Williams, J. Spangler, J. Bobb, J. Williamson, D. Kenower, - .1. Kitsmillcr, S. Alter, 1069 55 1199 83 1203 82 1281 07 279 96 8,11) 77 422 70 085 11 148 24 705 27 131 67 87 97 1095 17 1067 59 1153 95 916 72 283.95 139 63 1014 55 - . s'6,: 93 .7 1 1,; \ RECEIPTS FOR 1841 JACOB REHRAR, ROBERT LAIRD, CHRISTIAN I'ITZEL, 'Commiosioners • tr`-'llltv O. `" "Ziiye - litbefarejbq 29 t4i 1 P ta .9,' !ilc; • ~ f . • , _~:ri.?i:.~~is.... $ll6B 18 11178 25 13078 41 Ant' t. of Yax 1 011181anding.' , $28712 09 1598.02 $30,200 9S !ounly of 'Cumberland, for the, use of the'Commonwealth up to the xonerations and fees 'al owed Collectors, the amount paid into the balances returned by him as outstanding and due by • him State Treasurer, as of this date, viz: --982 30 -10,093 35 19,475 70 $30,051 35 We, the undersigned Auditors of Cumberland county, do certailthrit hiving sexamined the accounts and 'vouchers of William M. Meteor, Esq. Treasurer of mid cdunty, from' e first day of January to' e 91st day of December, 1849, nclusivo, do find a balance of Fifteen Hundred and Forty-Eight Dollars and Two Cents due said Treasurer, iry said 'county, exclusive of the several taxes assessed for the use of the Commonwealth. And we further, certify that the a . hove, exhibits a correct statement of the outstanding taxes due by the respective Collectors assessed for the uso.of . the Commonwealth within said county, toge ther with the amount 9f cash duo State Treasurer'as above 'stated. Given under out hands at theCommitudenersoffice, in Carlisle, the 10thdey of January, A. D. 1844. • , . PETER BARNHART,. . ROBTX. KILGORE, , SAMUEL HUSTON, • . Auditors. ,Oasluterils Ircipthgpi, . . tILIPPINGER:- & :CA REX are just A LL per - sons - indebted le the sitbseriber V. o „a a i n i, a larg e anartmaat o r f a im ena bi e Ctis, ' will plesie to take notice that I. am now 14. l i mert r a laeor;:ehleil will b e 0 0 4 i t.the 1,,,,,,,, ng on all. in arreatete . r,, , no, u 1 need cash to. 11.. .., , : . ... 4. , sit k 4 * . A .i a ' i , a ..,' ~,;„, :,, -.,' , ~. .::' - : : !' r •'. -; '' ' ; VHAV..O: - 9airtif , " - - 4 77,7"' -1 ' '', ;:; .., ',- , , , 1` . :':.' Y ' : .. : , , i: . .;' Earlisle, January `S, fir 4,4: :'' ' ; • • .. •' ' • • • ... . • • ', .. -10 ! (.2 ' . 11- (1 : 841 ) .:.''. - .' r.' , :,WATER= PROOF BOOTS A t i li. , :zT o t i tmi nt titygmb e e: t ,,,rr m br i - UST *calved suiviiiek:tfairi:;i44)o ° ,ruti;nt OF 'll,7mati , " —— " • • , , . ipeott.wnd SW -,141ipb1,10.1p, IMM Amount paid out 'on orders*: ati follows, to wit: B e y witnesses fees in Commonwealth suits, $ Justices do " Constables do Poor House in full of estimate for 1842, Do • • do 1843, Jurors pay, Assessors pay for 1843, County Jail and , Penitentiary, sundries furnished prisoners, Election expenses; 'p • • Repairs and incidental expenses of public . buildings, Bridge at• Hoover's Mill, • Repairing Bridges, • M. Holcomb Keeper of Penitentiary, Directors of the Poor for 18 , 13, • Poor. House Visitors, . - • • J. H. Graham Esq. Attorney to Commissioners, Public Printing, • Taxes refunded, Inquests , on dead bodies, Damages awarded on roads, Auditors pay fdr 1942, James Dunbar simerintendent of public buildings, . . Robert •Wilsdn•Dsq. Clerk of Qr. Sess. fees, Thomas H. Criswell Esq. Prothonotary's fees, John Young apprehending horse thief, • J. H. Graham Esq. Dep'y Att'y Genf fees in Qr Sess, William Anderson Court Crier, DMkets, &e.. for Prothonotary's Office, ' Do for Recorders Office, • Eastern State Penitentiary support of convicts for 1841 & 2, Michael Mishler Esq. pay in full as Commissioner, • Jacob Rohrer Esq. do '• •do for 1843, Robert-Laird Esq. do do do Christian Titzel Esq. from 4th Nov. to 31st Dec. 1843 inclusive, John Irwin Esq. Commissiongs:Clerk, Paul Martin Esq. late SheriWiupport of prisoners, for 1943, Constables Quarterly Returns, Viewers of Roads and Bridges, Orders for killing Foxes, &c. • . - $21,536 24' • 0 Commission allowed Treasurer at 17., percent. 403 80 " Discount on a $2O note,lo 00 . . - • ...,„..5r Exoneration allowed Collectors, ' ' 324 03i . ' ''''Friric—f -- do do • - 1160 98 • • ° Valance due by Collectors of 1842, . $316 61 -1 ° Do ' do 1843, ' 6503 32 6819 93 " Balance due 'fleneuror by County $1548 02 PAYMENTS FOR 1841 By cash paid State Treasurer Per receipt, " Commission (1 per ct.) allowed County Treasur er on t',314 18, " Amount ove:qtaid by B. Snodgrass Esq. on Mon - roe Duplicate, • ". do.• By Win. M. l'tiateer Esq. on Silver Spring Duplicate, • . do do Shippensburg B. Exonerations to Collectors of State Tax,' ••• " Commission (6 per ct.) allowed Collectors, • PAYMENTS FOR' 1842 By cash paid State Treasurer per receipt, • • do • do " do do " Commission (1 per ct.) allowed County . Treasur er on $4058 04, " Errol. in assessment made 1841 for Tuxes of 1842, " Amount overpaid State Treasurer foi - 1841, " Exoneration allowed Collectors of 184'2, " Commission (5 per et.) allowed Collectors of 1842; " Outstanding Taxes for 1842, " Cash due State Treasurer, PAYMENTS FOR 1843 • • . . By 'cash paid State Trqiurer per receipt, ' $3025 00 • do do - ' do • . 2000 00 " Commission (1 per et.) due Co. Treas. on $5025 00, 50 25 " Outstanding Tuxes for 1843, • 11,765 70 ' • " Cash duo State Treasurer, 2,634 75 19,475 70 -____r. , .Iteitp Kir UAW!. '° 4 05 1314. Y, * ?5 18443 , :7 • ' '` '..:',',::.:• - ,..:,?. i ', , ',zt..-:-.1r..,'7,7T.'!,:;, 1 $ 314 18 MEI . 5 76 - 8 11 14 293 121 693 482 $1766 4i 135 78 2135 83 40 58 694 40 10 76 332 4/ 653 6f 470 14 3,931 30 --: 10,093 3o CASH! CASH! geliM • bid) slillTl tineommonlf, . ME Ini CONSIURIPTIONAOF.,T PIGS rptac dtif Pans or' . " 2k7it48 0 Oe . Couglui,Pleurvigkllimoi+AageArtha. hungi . and all alio:IOW of the Pubnonary 0;04. - • NATURE'S -0 W PRSORIPTION 956 86 55 04 '.. A compound lliilsamie preparation of AIM gnu VirginianaWild Cherry- Bark,. o '. combined with the FOr:ace of Tar ; prepared ,b a new chemi cal proeess,approved and reconimended by. the most distinguished physicians, anfl universally acknowl- - edged the most valOoble medal-The - 8 ever discovered. NO QUACKERYU! NO DECEPTION. In setting forth the virtue's of this truly. great med icine we have lid desire to decciVe those who are labouring untie': affliction, nor do we desire to eulo gize it more than it justly-deserves. Yet when ,we look-around and see the'vaist amount of suflbring and distress occasioned by many of the diseases in which this medicine- hiss proved so highly Successful, we feel that we sonnet urge its claims too strongly' or say too much in its favor. Su •• i, indeed, are the Ihi . . . .SURPRISING VIRTUES. O s Balsam, that even in the advanced stagec of , Comm/mot, after all the most esteemed remedies of physicians have tidied to effect any change, the use of this medicine has been productive of the most astonishing; relief, and actually effected cures after all hopes of recovery had been despaired of. In use first stages of the disease termed " Coiner hal Consumption," originating from neglected COLDS, it has been used with' undeviating success and hundreds acknowledge they owe the restoration of their health to this invaluable medicine alone , — II that form of Commiaption so prevalent amongst delicate young females, commonly termed debility, or . "GOING INTO A DECLINE," A complaint with which thomands are lingering, it has also proved bully sitccesifol e inul not only pos sesses the power at checking the progrt4s of this a larming complaint, but also strengthens and iniigo rotes the system more effectually than any medicine we have ever possessed. • F(ir particulars, certificates, &c., see Dr. IV agar's pamphlet. . AGENTS.—S- ELLIOTT, Carlisle. L. Deidg, Chambershrug. Solomon Oswald, York. • J. D. G. Kinsloc, Shippensburg. -Carlisle, November 8, 1843. • - ekattEltVila WHEREAS, under the pretence of title ; de rived front sundry unrecorded Deeds and sales made for taxes, which by rEpeatted ndiudiett lions of the Court. of Common Pleas of Cumber $30,260 9.83 Ind enmity, mid the Supreme Court of this Stide aye hien deelaredfiwudulent and void,lar , e (inan ities of chestnut and other valuable linger have been cut upon the lauds •known as the Mount Bony Estate ; the pnblie are theri•fore hereby notified,that the said estate emulating of all the tracts of land at arty time used since the near 1816, in connesionwith the Olount Holly. lion iForke, (excepting such ;tor ! flouts no have since been sold by the subscriber,) are the property of the Farmers' & Mechanics' Bauk, by virtue of a conveyance by theSherilf of said coun ty, in August 1838; that all deeds not recorded within six months from the time of their execution are, by Act of Assembly, dated '27th May, 1715, de clared IMuhdent and void against subsequent pur chasers; that the taxes have been 'regularly paid, up on every tract forming_part of said. estate, from thu first occupation up to the present time ; that by act of Assembly, dated 29th March, .1824, the editing hauling, purchasing,, or employing of others to cut EEG or haul, any. timber trees upon or from the lands of another, without the license of -the true owner is made an indictable offence ; and that the subscribim will prosecute allpersonsoffeuding against sail law no matter under what frathilent pretence such viola tion is attempted. Ile will also give ti reward of TEN.DOLLAUS for such information as may lead to the appreheosion, and TWENTY' DOLLAM for the convic tion of tack and every Wender. GIUMSII.I.W. Attorney it; fact of said Bank ''.... , 1ice,, '26,1343, . , . Ci. Any inlormation in -regard to the estate may he communicated to 1.. C. licatidelmry, Esq. Car lisle. Forwarding & Commission Er - 3 0 NJ GEORGE FLICITICtiG ESPECTFULLY informs the public, that he is prepared to receive, foci and and dispose of Produce of every description, citnerat the Philadelphia or Baltimore Markets, or at any other point accessihle by Rail Road. As he will attend in person to the delivery and sale of all articles entrusted to his care, the most satistlictory Mid speedy returns may at all times lie expectecl,and Ilse utmost promptitude ill the transaction of all•bu smess entrusted to him. Farlllll'S and others having any article which they wish disposed of, will do well to call on him, im mediately opposite the Mansion Douse, and Rai Road Depot, West High street, Carlisle. G. F. re authorized to purchase. several Millard bushels of Grain, fur which the highest price he given. Carlisle; May 17, 1843, 30,051 35 JOHN HARPER, ettitt Enginetr, Yee e ve 7 ei t cxevene r. ALSO; Conimissioner ti>< Ranierliptcy. 11 AS removed his o ff ice to North Hanover Street, West side, 8 doors North of Louther street, and nearly. opposite the office of William Irvine, Esq., where he will as usual carefully attend to all business which may be entrusted to him in the line of his profession. Carlisle, April 12, 1843. •Irchelos IPATEI2 , IIIIIIIO 111112T1 HAVERSTICK barejust received In from the Nlanutbctory at l'hiladelithia' a large assortment of 1,./111D .1,.411P8, consisting of Parton r;Clut mber & Study Ltimps with or without shades; which they w 11 sell whole sale or retail at the manufitcturer's prices. ALSO, - Astral, Side Reflectors stud Glasa Lamps of vari ous patterns. 1/4 -The very beat ‘Vinter strained, bleached Sperm Oil, witreanted to burn clear. for Sl,ttli per gallon. Beat Sperm Candles, 57i cents per lb.. Carlisle, Dec. 21,1842. tr-s VIE3THEINTAL OPUROTO PREPARED and sold wholesale and retail by Dr. 17 W. C. SVPherson, west side Markeo are, Harrisburg, Pa. • These Spirits are Ahrrsanted to be superio r to any other preparation nos in use, for removing all kinds of Grease,.Tar, Oil Was,'&c.; trom ladies and gentlemen's wearing apparel, ; .£c. without injuring them. It its also effectual in removing: spots occa sioned by any kind of acid. It will also be found a very useful article for re moving dandruff from the head, and leaving the hair innhealthy and vigorous condition. Price Sy cents per bottle. A liberal discount male to those who purchase to Bell again. Sold in Carlisle by T. C. STEVENSON and MYERS & HAVERSTICK, Agents for this bo rough. Carliele,November 1, 1843. tf-1 DMA ItEt. ( 5te,arg0442114133 . . DENIST.. • • ILL peiform all operations upon the Tied), V V that are required lor,their preservation, such as Scaling, bilisT,Plugging, will restore the loss of them, by inserting Artifieial Teeth,from a single. Tooth, to a full sett. _ fiolliee on 'Pitt street, a few, doors Sou h of the Rairroad Hnleli. ebe IC D. Dr. Lean* will be ent , from ,Cat• t the last ten days, in each month. . , • , May 24, 1849. , . , tr. 3 23,11415,,pitiv :1.; !ngtkila cn 15 'itFactnr gLESALE nission!- wH :,p„ Conn 4701308,114(24. t44s34ltik 4t4144,' SyPitlOtfial7, bwiitrytybdio tirron,v,,. / , 4 -~"r 11 , - 4 2, ,- :j.!-& 7.-4' F % LNGES, and grown people say'they are the plea mutest and most effective medicine in' use. Litor mous quantities are sold. anti every body likes them Freeman Hunt, Esq.; editeu'of . the Merchants Meg azine, says. they cured his cough in' a few hours. The Rev. Mr. Dunbar, of 'the .111eDougal atm church, was cured of a very had cold and cough it on‘t day. The Rev. Mr. Anthony, of the Methodis Church, was cured of consumption by them. SHERMAN'S WORM LOZENGES have save the lives of thousands. Al& F 4 E. Evans, Walker st., the Hon, Edward Porter; Hon. B. Beardsley; Dr,.G. Hunter; and nearly all our physi chins, what they think of Sherman's Lozenges, un they will tell you they are excellent—the only in fallible median' known. SHERMAN• 4 M CAMPHOR LOZENGES are real andidotes headache, palpitation, sea sickness, lowness of spirits and despondency—or the effects of dissipation. Capt. Chadwick, of the Wellington, Mr. At:kern - nut, the great sign ,painter, Mayor Clark, and almost every body knons,their value. POOR MAN'S PLASTER—Sherman's we mean —costs 114 cents, and is sure to cure rheumatism, lumbago, pain or weakness in the breast, side, or back; also piles—and they cure worms'when applied to the part. Ask Joe lioxie, or any one who lets need it, and would give $5 fur one sooner than five cents for all other plasters. Sold in Carlisle at BUNTER k RNEEDLER'S. Book Store, East High street, who are sole Agents for Carlisle. . And Atittley tv. arenson, Sl,ippensburg. DR. RUS H'S INFALLIBLE HALTH PILLS, TWELAT; AND A-11A1.1 , CENTS A BOX. The proprietor of this invaluable legacy of a great man, has for scone time failed to present them to the public in an advertisement The reason is a plain one. So much has their use given 'satislitetion, and so strongly have they been 4 Tecommended to one an other, that it has liemi.utteily impossible to Mir the demand, bah het e and for minify agents , tt ring the present month, more than two hundred gross or nearly TIORTI"niuUSAND BOXES, have beer sold in this city 'and .Vicinity, and supplied to Agents throughout the United States, and many or ders have‘been en hand weeks before they could lie filled. In [het it needs not the spirit of prophecy to foretell the day when the only Pill in use will be that inventetrby the immortal Dr. Bet jamin mush, the greatest physician America ever saw. 'THE I InA Urli PILLS have cured, JVCre curt scorned well nigh iinposs , ble • they have restored to `herfect health hundreds who Lid long languished'on ods of pain; they hive operated like a cliarMi, who, all - other medicines tidied eleri to nfPirrd relief, they kayo given comfort to the :acted, 81111 hope to the despairing ; they have•removed the ills aline yon: g. and given back youth .to the aged. Indeed, they seem to possess the properties ascribed by the al ehymists of lormer (furl to that I.ll,ixin, that SOVER flax HALM, that conquerer of infirmities, to discov er which, they passed long days and weary nights of Libor rind study. Sold • in Ciirlisle at ENEEDI.ER & HUN. TER'S Book store, East High street, who are sole Agents lbr Angley il. °reason, Shipponshurg. . awmmwwg . COMPOUND DEPURATIVE SYRUP. For the cure of Obstinate Eruptions of qu Skin; Pimples or Pustules on the Face Biles which arise front an impure habi of body; Scaly Eruptions; Pains in tht Bones; Chronic Rheumatism; 'fetter Scrofula or King's Evil; White Swel hugs; Syphilitic Symptoms; and all dis niers arising from an impure state the blond, either by a long residende it a hot and unhealthy climate, the injudi CIOUS use of Mercury, &c. This Al ctlicire has frequently been found highly beneficial in Chronic coughs, or • Colds of long standing: This ledicine has been evtensively used in the United States with decided benefit in Scrofula, Nler corial diseases, and in all cases oran tilecrateu char acter. As an alterative in the spring and fall sea sons, it, is unequalled. It possesses unity advantages over the decoction, and is introduced as a prepara tion mere portable, tint liable to injury by long keep ing, and better adapted lt the use of persons travell ing or residing abroad. The proprietor begs -aye to call attention to the following certificates, e ccted from a large num er approving its efficacy: This certifies that my Wife Mrs. Deem, had for nearly eleven years suffered ti•oni a scrofulous erup tion resembling truer which ate deep Idles in her thee, neck and arms, the constant discharge of which destroyed her health, mid frequently confined her for different periods to her bed, Miring which time her sufferings were very great. The best medical atten dance was obtained, and all the known remedies were tried with but an alleviation of her complaint, which always returned with increased malignity.— Having lost all hopes of recovery, she had almost determined to give up the tine 'of any other medicine; she was however, by persuasaion, Induced to try Oakeleys ..Depurative Sarsaparilht, tic use of five bottles or which has removed the disc:mould restored her to pet feet hotftb.. _ . MEI • TIIONIAS DEEM, opposite the depot, Reading, Pa. This is to certif ., ' lira my tide son, abont eight years old, had antlered for a long time from exten sive sores on the right knee and leg, supposed to have been white swelling, which I found impossible to heal, even by the aid of the most respectable medical advice, until I was recommended to use Mr. Oakeley's Compound Syrup of Sarsaintrilla, 8 bot tles of which not only healed the sores, but perfect IV restored the child's health. which had suffered much in consequence of this affection., CATHARINE: BINGEN! AN, 7th,above Penn street, !leading. Tne tibm e ease WRA presented to me both before hod after he me 'of Mr. Oalieley's Syrup of Sasti parillaourd 1 have no hesitation in believing that it mmatite agent of kis restoration. JOHN I'. MESTER, 10 1) DOTJOLASSVI LLE, April," 19, 1843, Mr. Oakelry - :—My NOB Edmund Leaf, had the scrofula in the most dreadful mid distressing; man ner for three 3 ears,during which time he was de prived of the use of his limbs, his .head and neck wemeovered with ulcers. We tried all the (Idler cut remedies, but to tio elfect until recommended by 1)r. Johnson, of Norrist. Wll, nod alod 1)1.. hone „ . Mester, of Reading, to use your Depuratie Syrup 'of Sarsaparilla ' of which I obtained several' bottlee, the use or which drove the disease entirely out of his system, the' sores fielded up,'and the child was restored to Perfect health, which he tins enjoyed un interruptedlg ever since, to the astonishment of Ma ny persons who seen him during his affliction. I' lutvelhought it my duty, and send you this certifi cate, that others who have n like affliction in the family may khow where to obtain so valuable a med. eine. Yours, truly. A. D. LEAF. ' .Sold by' 'JP: C. STEVENSON, Car isle and the . following Agents in Cumber. and County •J, G. Miller, New Cumberland Joshua Crain, IJognestown. Wm. 8t "G. Loudon, Kingston. Vm. Bratton, Newville. JIMA Burkhart, do. • L. Reigle, bt Co., Chureldown. A. L. Cathcart, ShoptuAstown. January 3,1844. • BOOTS. AND ',SHOES. . . . , THE subseriber has jest reeeiseti another supply of 110QTS SHOCS,Mnong the lot will be found, s‘ 20 Cases Boots front $9 t 0.55., :,; 'l5 ' Mena Alon r oes from 1,00 161,50. 10 " ' , Boys . '4o. , frmn 'so to t 00.., • .25 , Ladies'Slippers irpm,9s to..t,sas. 10 Do Afolking Stine' end Durkin's. ' Chlldren's Shoes ofalleolors; shapes, sizes, prices. Don't mistake Abe old eland, wherwyou will be sure to get great bargainsj,, 5:. , .„ , • , CHAS: OGILBY, , % Noyerober 29,1842..1 ;'.; . : tf..5 .180 Gi rPtekling• Njegrear of, the YEA Al 3T Ttentyijiiiereoetteoltihd Woalslty r' ;141114QT:11 ' Oltenia, *tura4 10, 1'84,1).' „4 - 441„.1 4 ..” = Susquehanna Line, FO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE DAILY,, T HE proprietors of the Susquehanna Linewill run their Cars and Boats as usual to Phil adelphia and BaltinicNreduringthe present season. Their friends 'will please apply to Noble, Flinn & Herr, Broad at. and Hart, Andrews & McKee vor, first wharf above Race street on the Dela ware Philadelphia, and Joseph E. Elder, more. • Until further notice; the !following prices will be adhered to between this • place and the above places. Ale per 100 Dry Goods, Drugs, and Medicines; 26 " 23 40c Furniture, 28 25 43 Wheat, Rye & Corn • per bustle 11 • 10 Oats do 7 6 Groceries, ' 23 20 40 Lumber per 1000 feet 83 50 $o 75 Shingles per 1000 150 ,2 00 Flour per bbl. 34 30 47 Shad &Mackerel do 50 37 Herring do' 44 114 100 Salt per sack, ' 32 • 28 • PitchiTaundßeiiin ' • per 100, . .-- 15 20 Plaster gross .ton, 82 50 $2 25 Hemp per.loo, 22 16 , Hides,4 ' 25. 20 • • Pig etal,grasston 350 • -2 50 • • Blooms & Cistings,4 00 3 121 , 'Bar 50' " 50 '.- Nalliperktig; • '2o`".; , '. ,17 .• • ' Leather per 100r.'" 25 ". •• , '2O i! Whiekey'per.bbl. 53 Burr Blockoi per 100;20 "15 . ' eurhStorirsi. , f do - ' - ' ''' 126 25 20 40 • narrielkik ''April 12,1843: "•' : tf 0101,10# XieettS; &Co 11.4g44,14E.AT TRW- OlvFwg— : r i ?Lli:AilY, REPAIRED, only ity IJY."IS. /AYR R . , Inventor, sillloleproprietor,,No. guSogih., Third , st, hmladdlpliiii- and , I ttonehin genuine without ittrittenstrUfjptupon 'thiil'eillsido,wraPper. All ,othereire db . I terrettn.• . • ...; These ntedidifibilare YenOtilniendethitideitensive used by the most intelligent ,perdiniti in .the united States, by numerous, PrOfessors and Presidents of Colleges, physicians of the Army nnd ?linty, and of Htipttals and Altifshouses;. and by more than three hundred Plirgyrnen of varimiedeuominntions. They ate expressly prepared toelamily use, and have acquired and unprecedented popularity th rough out the , United States; Andes they are so admirably calculated tir preserve—R&M and cure. Disease ; no family. should ever be without thenri:'•The proprit tor of, these valitable preparations received his Mu within at one of the best Medical Colleges in tile U. States, and has had fifteen' years experience Wan extensive and diversified practice,. by which lie has had ample opportunities of acqturing a Itractical knowledge of diseases, and of theYemetles best cal nutxted to remove them. These preparations con sist of Jayne's Expectorant, a valuable remedy for Cough, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Spitting of Blood,' Croup, Hooping Cough, Bronchitis, Pleurisy and in flammation of the Lungs, or:Throat, Difficulty of Breathing, and all diseases of the Pulmonary Organs. Also Jayne's Hair Tonic, for the Preservation; Growth and Beauty of the Hair, and'whieli will 'nisi tively bring in new hair on bald heads. Also Jayne's Tonic Vermi fuge,a certniu and plea sant remetV for Worms' Dyspepsia Piles, and many other diseases. .; Also Jayne's Carminitive Balsam, n certain cure for Bowel and Summer Complaints,biarrlicea, Dy sentery Cholic, Cramps,Sick Headache, Sour stom ach Cholera Morin's, and all derangements ofAlies Stomach and Bowels, Nervous Affections, &c. • .layne's Sanative Pills, for 'Female Diseases, Liver Complaint, Costiveness, Fevers, lnpumtii Lions, Glandular, Obstructions, Diseases of the Skin, '&a. and in all eases where an Alterative or Purgative Medicine is requiVed. For sale in Carlisle, by - 1. C. STEVENSON.• May 31,1843 VALUABLE IRON . WORKS uticDua, . faY vir tie of the powers and authority contained in the last will and testament of Maeda 1, Eue, deetl., 1 now olfer for sale, the, CarliSle Ikon Works, Situated on the Yellow Breeches Creek, m miles easteal Carlisle Pa. The estate consists ola twat ate Z. e It" 01 121i:M.'2,413 9 with Ten 7hatrsand'.4cres of Land. A new 11:ItClIANT MILL with four run of stone, finished on the most approved plan. About Al/acres of the land are cleared and highly cultivated, having thereon erected Three• Large 'Bank Barns and access a ry TENANTHOUSES,The works are propelled by the I chow Breeches tArek and the Boiling. Spring,which neither fail norfreeze. There are upon the premises ill the accessary work mess houses, coal houses, carpenter and smith shops, and stabling built of the most -itbstantial materials. The ore of the best - quality 111111 inexhaustible, is width) 2 11111( . 4 of the Turn:tee There is perhaps to iron Works iu Pennsylvania which possesses su perior advantages and olfers greater inducements to the investment of Capital. The water power. is so great that it, might be extended to Lity other maim lactating purpose. Persons disposed to purchase will of course examine the property. The terms of sale will, be made known by - - ARY EC,E, - Execiitrjx of Michael Ege,dee'd. Carlisle, Oct. 19, 18dtt. . tl-51 PROTECTION AGAINST LOSS ctiNtili , .m.ANi) VALLEY MUTUAL PIif)TECTION CO, I PAN V, brieg incorpo rated by an uct. tho Legislature of the present krl!S SICII i;111111 fully oygtioti7..ed and in operation mulcr the direction of tlfe following. board of Managers, viz: Thonias_C. Miller, C. P. Cummins, Juhn Aloore David IV. - .McCullough, James Yenkly, George Martin, Aloorre,Stoutiel Gitibraith„fames lireft‘on,Thromi t s Paxtoti, \Vol. ilarr,.losepb Culler and A. G. AI liter, call the attention of the inhabit ants of Cumberland Valley to the cheapness or their rates and the "many advantages ttlicla this :Mil of 11:11 , ever any. other. Ist. Every !topsoil insured becomes a member of the company mid takes part in the choice of officers and the direction of its concerns. • '2.1. Poi. insurance no more is demanded 1113111 is necessAry to Meet the expenses of the Company and indemnity tu.faitist kisses whicli'may happen. rid. The inconvenicure'of frequent renewals is a voided by insuring for a term of live years. 4th. Any person npph iug tor insurance must . giv.e his premium note tin• the chcap i :st class at hue lat e of fit s tier (fellows, which will tie !Fait on the $1 (1011, for wide!) lie will have to pay $0,50 fiir live years, and $1,50 for survey and policy, and no more unless less lie sustained to a greater amount than the fluids on lauds will covenant then Immure will be requir ed thaoa pro rata share. These rates are timely cheaper than those of other companies, except such as are incorporated on the same principles. Insurance is effected in the lidlowing person apply ing for insiirance for property t cheapest ela 48 of risk Ihr $lOOO will be cliargril per cent for five Year sot note amounting to $5O must lie givim by liim,on which i.e will be required to pay 5 per emit $11,511, mid $1 ,59 esing and policy, and will have nu more required a 11111) finless IhAPes occur and the funds oil hands are out sufficient to meet them. Agents will li. oppnintetlas 90011 as possible in dif ferent places to attend to insurances. nettittny persons wishing immediately ; to apply C/111 110 80 by signify ing their winlt'utMlicebtlitwes of tlw ennipsny. CHAS. P. CLINOI)NS, Pres. A. G. :NrILLER, Sl•o 9 y. TllO follost ing gentlemen hare been oppointetl AGENTS:— Dr. Ira Day, .Afe...ltanie4mrtr.. .lantes.l:ennedv, Newville. George Brindle. Esq.. Nlottrov. Clemens McFarlane, Carlisle, L. IL s, Esq. Westpennsho . ro' James Ktde, Newton. Col. Jas. Chestnut, Lee's - X Roads. JOB. Means, Esq. Newlmrg. Jos. Mosser, Esq. New Cumberland. John Clendenin. Esti. llngestowli• Stephen Culbertson, Shippensburg. Peter 111eLaughlin, S. Middleton. April 1'2,1843. tr 7 td cr g" 47 ,;- ;-Er2Er2 8 - 4 vz W es . R • a E 29cts. 15 tinier bb S.ANO.T„,i,SAHSAPokiA: AN.p PERMANENT CITYRti ,OF' ,FROM AN IMPURE 6 P 4 IRE - BLOOD,- OR ADO oi, THE,' itYBTEMr : Scrofula,, or King's Evil, ilheurnatipa , Ostinate cittanbous Eruptions, Frqn , pies; or Ptistulas on the Face, , Blot. ches,Biles, Chronic, Sore Eyes, Ring Worn - Or 'Atter, Scald Head, En. , largement and - Pain of-Abe Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphili licSynalitoms, Sciatica, or Lumbago, and. diseasei arising from an injudi. ciow -use of Mercury,' Ascites, or Dropsy; Exposure or Imprudence in Life. Also, Chronic Constitutional Disorders 'will be removed by this Preparation. " • • Improvement in whatever regards the happiness - and welfare'of our race is constantly on, the march to perfection, and with each succeeding day isomer new Problem is solved, or some profound secret re- Is vented, levying an important and direct bearing over man higliCst destinies. Y . We take a retrospective view over the fait tucnty years, how is the mind struck with wonder ! What rapid strides has science made in miry department of civilizes! life ! patti eularly in that Whieh'relates to the knowledge of the human system in health and disease. How valuable and indispensable are the curative mdtinti recently discovered through the.agency of chemistry! How does the imagination kinillemid our admiration glow at the ingenuity, the near aPpritiach to the standard' of perfection, of the present time! Through the elaborate investigations of Physiology, or the Science: or LIFE, 'and the . Pathology of prevalent. diseases,. much valuable practical knowledge has been gained. In consequence of becoming acquainted with the or- , ganization, the elements of the various tissues and stenctures of the system, remedies have been Bonk after and discovered exactly adapted to combine with; neautralize and expel morbific Matter, the cause of and substitute healthy action in its place.— The beautiful simplicity of this Mode of treatment is not only seggesteil by the pathology Of diseases, not only grateful to the sufferer, hut perfectly in con nominee with the operations of Nature; and satisfac tory to the views and reasonings of every intelligent, reflecting mind. It is thus that Sand's Sarsaparilla, a scientific combination of essential principles of the loom. valuable vegetable substances,operates upon the systein. • Sarsaparilla is combined with the most salutary productions, the Most 'lntent 'simples of the vegetable kingdom ; mid its unprecedeMed success iu the restoration to health (if those wrio had' long pined under the most diStrriising chronit maladies,. has given it an exalted character', furnishing its it, does evidence of its syvii iuii iuia,value, and ITCOIII , mending it to the afflicted ill term the inicted only van know. It has long rn.TllOl most Important Air= sitleratum in the practice of medicine to obtain remedy %undue to this—mid that would act ou the' liver, stomach and bowels with all the• precision and 1)(11C110' ofmineraLpreparations, yet a ithoui any of their deleter'i'ous CM:eta upon the vital powers of the iq stem. 0 - • The attention of the rearle‘e is respectfully cullctl to the following certificate. However great ttclsime meats have Iscr..stotbre been made by the use of this Invaluable medicine, Yet daily mcpersence.slum re- ' sults still more remarkable. proprietori here , . avail themsekes of the opportunity of snying-it is source or emist,ito. itlttimlietioit that they are made the • nemVs of-relieving sod' an amount of suffering. Wonderful lillects of Sands's Sarsaparilla in Norwich, Corm Head thep)llomitig from :Sirs. NVEn. Phillips; who lots long reaided at the Falk. 'l•he facts an.; well known to all the old residents Inset oldie cite. Nlrssns. A. B. SANDS S Co.—Silts: Most grate fully do I embrace this oppm•tuuiiy for stating to you the great relief I obtained from - the use of sour Sac saarilla. I shall also, lie happy, throng(' vow, to publish to all who lire allicted,3 l b I lately was, the an z scout of my luu•spretvd, will et t•tv fin• a long while despair . of cure. •M hie is a paiulil l story, awl try log and sickeizing as IS the interstive of it, the lie slaw of many who filly he surely relieved, J will bri e fly yet accurately state it. yo w t ecil vears ago 11101 April a fit of sickness left me with all Erysipidas eisrption. Dropsieal collec tioesitnmeiliately mok place over the entire 1411`litre of my body, eatisii, such no enlinvernetit that it was necessary to add a hull 511.11 to the size of my dres sesaround the waste. Nest followed,upon my limits, ulcers, painful beyond description. For years, both' in 511111111C1 . and %deter, the only mitigation of m y sintering 91 00 Mond in pouring npon those parts cold water. Fl'olo Illy lilllll9 Ille I/11111 extended over my \it hole body. 'There was literally for Ole no rest, 11 0- day or by eight. Upon Vim.; down these pills %voila shoot through my system, and compel me to arise, .and, for hours to,gether,' walk the house, a 0 that I was :datum emir ely depeived of sleep, During this time the Erysipelas coteinneil noise, and the ulcers en so.deeply have these eaten, that for two' undo hall years they have 1)01 . 11 SllltiVet 10 bleeding. During these almost twerity years 1 hate consulted 011111' physicians. These have called my disease— as it was:unaided wadi au obstinsteentigh mid a steady and IletiVe pain in illy side-11 dropsical consumption; mid though they have been skillid practit;orters,they were only able to afford my case n partial and tem porary is•IV. I hail many other difficulties too com plicated tu'ileseribe. I have also riser! many ef the medicines that have been recommended 118 Itilitllible cures for this disease, yet these all hailed, and I suns Moist emphatically growing worse. In this critical condition, given up by friertils,and expeeting for my self, relief only in death ',Lew by the timely inter position of a kind Provirleireinlitenisheil with your, to me, invaluable Sarsaidirilla. A single bottle gave me an assuranee of health, which foramity yearsli had not ?awe felt. Upon taking the second my On largement diminished, and in twelve days frouethe Bth of October, when I commenced taking your Star' saparilla, 1 sus able to enjoy sleep and rest,by night' ns l'erreßlliflir as env I ever enjoyed when in perfect health. Resides, r was, in this short time, relieved from nil those excruciating and utmlleviated pains that had sfßicteil my (lays, 115 well as robbed me of my night's repose. 'The ulcers upon lily limbs are healed, the Er7sipelas cured, and my size reduced nearly to my Werner measure. Scud's Sarsaparilla will also remove and perma nently cure diseases having their origin Man Impure 'state of the blood and depraved condition of the.geo , eral coastitution, viz: Scrofula or King's Evil In its various foems , Rheumatism, obstinate cutaneous eruptions, blotches, bilea, pimples, or pustules on the face, chronic sore eyes, ringworm or tetter,seald head, enlargement rind pain of the bones and joints, stubborn ulcers, syphilitic symptoms, diseases aris ing from un injudicious t.se of mercury, female de rangements and other similar cotnplanits. 'Thus much do I led it a privilege to testify to the efficacy of your health-restoring Sarsaparilla. A thousand thanks ' sir, from one whose comfort and whose hope of future health are due, under God, to your instrumentality. And may the same Providence that directed toe to your aid, make you the happy and honored instruments of blessing others, as dis eased and ilespatrieg as your much relieved and very grateful friend, ASkSATII.,M..PHILLIPS. • Niw LONDON Co. ss. Norwich, NOY. 4, 1842. Personally appeared,the stbove-named Atenath M. Phillips, and made oath of the facts contained in the foregoing statement before me. • • RUFUS W. MATHEWSON, ' ' Justice of the Peace. Beingpersonslly acquainted with Mrs.• certify thst tlteabove assbrted facts are.substantially true. ' WILLIAM H. RICHARDS,' Minister of the Gospel at Norwich; Cenm , PreporedUnd sold by A. B. Sands BOCA., Drug. gistsand Chemists, Granite buildings, 273 Broadway. corner ofChamberilvt reel, New York... And for sale by 'Druggists throughout the United States.. Price, $1 per bottle a ttitt bottles for $B. , The public are respectfully , requested to remota- . her that it is Sands's Sarsiparillit that lisend is con stantly achieving such remarkable'eures 01'114 most difficult class of diseases to which the 141133110 frame is subject; and ask for Sands's Sarsaparilla ;tad take no other. DEO S. :ELLTOTT,, , Agent by. special `appointment for the P.roprietore, for Carlisle and vicinity. , J 03,12,1043, -.1317 J 0 1T W. ICENDIEr i ; illPTa-1111.401r,teaditte bi. oetvices tothe k 0114610 4101 Vidnitnik4l44.:,, wilt attend ltrood to lind7iiiroitpt':altideittillopepitiono suckati 0k0&tit. 4 44-Agbwat* * * 11 tit oconotil)ltrz orawati,, tooth' 6oni n tunglotitiitli to eq set. 020**(41,04*Wrirrhuteilli064:" lArkDl.d.r;*" • • •h.•