Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, February 21, 1844, Image 3

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~~~ t~ ~ ~~ 3 °'t
sSi~~'c~ta'L~3'~'='f~~.t~`~~l3~~o~ j
4411t:VASIL% *tau
ay, Moxttfng FotirasrY 21:2844.
Pet.strri: Egg.; No. 59 , Pine stivotOn•
law hilt], Philadelphia, is authorized. to receive
sobictiprionerand advertisements for tho,. ,11crald
Si'Elipositor," and,..give receipts Tor Ilip §ianio• •
, •
Krgur, aclsnow,ledgements arc duo 'to Mossrs.
Ste‘vart and illack, of,tlio United States House Of
RepreSoatativeFi, for• favors received. Also to Mr.
Gorgas; of our State Senate, for public dOeuknonts.
. aYrhe request of our attentive friend in 'Wash
ington shall be eompliedAvith at the earlied .op
-- po~~nily.
ij - A friend, a votary of the Inusea,, has 'sent, 'us
a poetical effusion, hot from the alembic of Pas
sionoiddroged 540 Bella," which - shall appear in
Ca'Some good poetry and miscellaneous read
ing will be found on the first page. Mr. Web.
• ster's.letter to ilip_Ne3v• Llampshire Committee,
and the article on the Tariff, are especially, coin.
mudded to the attention of our I , usllorb, It will
be seen that in Congress the Ldeofocos - still per.
gist in keeping the Tariff an open subject, and the
people should' therefore be well informed at to'ilie
usefulness of the present Whig Tariff; that they
may know defend this great American
Birth Bay of Washington!:
irS•To.morrow being Ihe anniversary of the
birth-day of Washington, will be conimcinoiated
by various observances. We niai l leOlie following
in our borough.
In i he morning . , our seviiral military corps, the
Carlisle Light Artillery ,Lieutenant Cornman; the
Washington Artillery, Captain Hunter; and • the
Light Infantry, Captain Sanderson, parade
in 'all their "pomp-and eircumstanco'' dO honor
to the day. . .
• the evening, the Belles ',Mies Society of
Dickinson College g ive an OratoriCal Exhibition
in the Methodist Episcopal Church, Ott
there will bell - feast of efoquence and music and
a rare display of beauty and fashion.
There will also be in the'evenidg, we observe,
• a Military Temperance 'Ball, given by the privates
of the United States Artillery, at the Barracks,
which will no doubt be a glittering affair, and
present an imposing array of fair women end
bravo men." Its Temperance feature furnishes
a gratifying "sign of the times."
- The Ciay Club, it must not I e forgotten, also
meets in the evening, at Biown's Hotel.
The Canal Commissioner
'%o believe it is generally ex"peetedthat the.
Whig State Convention which meets in Harris
'berg on the 'I th of March Mmiling,•to nominate,
a candidate for Governor, will elan put in nomina
tion a candidate for Canal Conunissioner, to serve
in the room , of.Temse Millet', where term at al tea
imone.vcar. •
Among the mimics - that' will prohaiily be pre
, sented In the Convention, we prestpriShiS client's
vol flit to Orgy .thae vd Andrew Illehaliey,
ot" r.anr este, county. A long acqoaintance
with Mr. 41. eindiles'us •to testify that no name
can be presented •to ‘that body with stronger
claims to their higheo, consideration. Ilia char.
~;;,ter is utiex(;eptionallo in 'every respect—his
act' his integrity unimpeacti
ed and'unt;espeetcd. 'Fle'sidev this, his ii . dlnt , •l;l;le
nianagditient or the Philadelphia and eJtimilda
Rail Iliad, under the Adminislrnlwu oftire/ernor
!Weer, by which lie realized to the State a hand
stunt, annual 'sti`rpliis over its expenditut cc, has '
pined for lulu au enviable reputation, and a pop.
clarity, not only throughout the State but part iv.
tilarly along that line or the improvements, which
Would 'nuke him one or the sircingest candidates
that could be selected. We say this iiv . po dis
paragement to the merits clothier gentlemen who
may be spoken of an candidates, hut in sheer jtis.
lice Mchafrey, tvliose claims arc trust Will
be properly regarded by the l'onvention.
From "itira,liiiiwtori.
•(n" .. .Tlic letter from .llarveysflirch,' in ;Mother.
column, gives the only matter of any moment
that has transpired in Congress lately. Tlic In.
cofoco majority have consummated their outrage
open the Constitution, by giving the general
ticket members their scats. The Senate has
passed tlm'bill • rcr!tilting General Jackson's (Moo
On Friday the Senate confirmed thin nominations
'of Mr. Gilmer as 'Secretary ortlic Navy, and that
of Mr. Wilkins, of Pennsylvania, as Secretary of
'War. Mr. Wise has resigned his sciit. •in the
irons°, which, with Mr. Gilmer, ivill make tivn
vacancies in the 'Virginia delegation.
The great point of attraction in ‘ViAington for
tholastl,Neck was in the Supteme Court (WOO U.
Staten, 'in "the Girard case. Mr. flinney's
speech is 'spoken of as a masterly production.—
Mr. Wcbilter the arguificiali. The
correspondent 'f;l' the Thlltiniore Anicricari eayaa
that Mr. WebiterVdefonecrof the Christian Refi.'
gion on Saturday, luiebecii regiirded its one of'tlio
ablest and intcrestisig 'defences of the Christian
Sikh that 111111 ever been given'. Items to
7)i-educed a marlicd,iipprcisiion upon the mindeof
the immeneo congregation who heard it.
• Err The National Intelligeneer says that. "tbe
question of the right of the membersof the house;
of itepresentefives, elected contrarrto law, to
hold their seats in that body, having been decided'
in their faier by the Ilouse,.the members thus
clected...vill retain their-scats, the Constitution
and •the Law 10 . the'contrary notwith4anding,—
The question, hOwever, though'thusrdeoided,is
not settled, hut will be appealed .fim:rit:to'the tri:
bunal of the people, concerning what° judgment
thereupon, we cannot allow ouraelvdetttiontellain
. . ,
a doubt." "
ozyWO hove' received the.first limner •Of 'the
.Vetorlends Weclitei,' • a German pater, pubtislictl
at.,firar'risburi; by , Clark, Evils, devoted 'to .
thc„suppert. of the groat Statesman of the Weil.
. .
Any offMr9tirmais fricnila who may be desirous
of sitiepr)ilirig. for .Whig paper, can have an op
• pjOttrilfr Ofeitimining An - first nthribtir,'Weil.
linkit* : ocr,lc?•'- sMiSll'portion of the paper
is publistkil, in , Euglish.-The terms ar`C,'llir ono
copy fil,oo, for biii; 15;00, foll'tiveria $16,1* acid
. .
- 0 - 1" Tho Express". is the narne , bi'a 'new 'paper
started 'lphn 41: Pea - real, en
' plan :Of u, grniutious. 'circulation ler the sake
of:the advertiiemeete.' l The pa:per / Idol& troll and
is tiell'condtieted. '
• { o n . ",
r e for YavertvLicensos ..............
to 'fils' 7 adtiertitieil three w t p ,to the
Court4p which application ,is made: Blank pc.. ,
titious in duo fyrm can be obtained
of the Cleihjell the Nur,l4,
ow'We ettel!:givecittfAltridged:statennont of:the
• colidttiiitirai!rimititttoni;4.'t.l46;l4ttioit':l3o4.l
'*Prott.fOOrNin'tl;ili Attar' itit'if,t#o4;'
' •t .1
thel Apoptti vietlus.
countrY , the , Nhli gias.Pl3onpi•
'plrt~c;arre - .~,usr:trarc..7t:'ur,'kc+~+,rn. , .rr.^trn.:-^v~A•.:.: , r.:i~rnyrwxry~.~.+t. • r✓ , ~.+ s ?,~)~l`' 9 ~r } ;.^9.:r..i1~:.~1.i:: ~.~.
74M - •
~?! '1
' , rn . PIARY 4 LANt/2:
'the whole 40,eg:tion to p#zigress Whig 4
The Whigs •6r Maryland have made a 'dicer)
isWeep of,the ' field in the election contort of'
.Wednesday last. The 'Wank has been done.thor
ouglily,,,in.,Overy district the odyncapo of free
'victory has peOOlied upoh.the'brinneref CLAY 'AND
Tye TARIFF. Miteylanri "eenda a fall and entire .
Whig representation `to the halls of Congress,
comprising men of telent, intelligence, high per.
sonal standing, and sound tallitical principles.—
Shelins faithfiilly done' her duty' in the opening
political contest of 1844, .and her 'bright 'exam- .
plo presenta a strong appeal ;to hot 'sister Stales to
go and do likewise.,
In the first district, composed of Anne Arun.
del, Prince George, Calvert, Montgomery, St.
Mary and Chayleit 'counties, John M. Causitrir
elected by a N?ery decided majority.
In the second district, comprising, Frederick,
Washington and Allegheny counties, •Francis
Brengle, is elected over John Thompson Mason,
by a majority of three or four hundred. Wash
ington county gives a Nyhig majority for •.lie first
In 'the third distikt, comprising Baltimore co.
Carroll and Howard district, John Wethered is e.
lected over &Moe! Brady by a majority of 564 !
In 1841, the loco face maj wily in this district
was 1860—Making the present gain upwarkof
2400 votes! • • ,
In the 4th district, composing, the first eleven
wat•ds of the city 'of Baltimore; that staunch Clay
Whig, the Hot. John I'. Kennedy, was elected
6) , ti majority of 505 over his loco - opponent; Mr.
Ilegrand ! •
41In.thufilllt-Alistricticomposed of the - counties - of
Caroline, Kent, Queen Anne, Cecil and flnrford,
Dr. Prestnn is elected by tt majority of 13 over
Mr. Constable, the loco loco candidate.
In the sixth district, composed of Worchester,
D irchester, Somerset and Talbot enmities ; Thos,'',
A. Spence was eleett'd without any serious oppo.
Washington, Carroll and Billintore 'counties
all wheeled into the Whig line at this election !
.In every district the whip went into the con•
tes.l under the broad knitter 'of CLAY AN!)
.signal ms been'thc
,victory aeltietreJ under its'ample fable!
Pnta 1 Duo! is Virginia
ri'We learn from Wasidn'gton papers, that a
diiel was limght on Friday morning, about
clock, in Virginia, near the Chain Bridge. The.
parties were a young liwyer, Julian iNfay,
Dr. F. May, 1 / 4 ;:41 a student of -.liNiicine, Joqeph
Cochrane, brat er to .10lin 'l'. Cochrane, lsq.,die.
barbing, clerk in the .V."ar DepartMent—all of
Washington city. They fought with rules, et
fifty paces, and upon the first flee, young Coch.
'rune wasldiut for v ell'ead, and ens, at the last
-accoants,lying in r. Ctruilinusc dn•the immediate
neighborhood, with no hopes of his recovery.
trrom the various: rumors stn: rea-oTi illicit in
(Ii city yesterday, in nilatien .to thi.. disastrous
wn learn that it origioated•in n corirrel be•
twecn 'a 'Mr. Ash, of rhil,idelphia, and a Mr.
,Poole of (Aorgia, in e Melt Cochrane and May
acted the , friends M. either party, and that they
settled it without much clinically. Growing out
of this, a discussion arose as to the bravery of
each; and, in the sad licat,of youth,
viithOut pausing to reflect upon consequences, n
challenge was passed, a meeting, arraned, and a
buse is its larnentalde termination.
Th. 2 sarvi,or and all whets, parties in this bar.
irl af.'air, we trust, will .zpectlily'lx brought to
the bar of „ip,tice, tar this trilling with
life, and outrage au the law.
last \yashinglon papers club! Ilia
young Cuebrunt has since died of Inu wound. '
The National Intel' igencer thinks that some of
the Reporters and letter witters appear not to have
exactly aliprchended the legal ground taken by
.iteirs ef Mr. likrard, in the recut
'no fitr as respccts the alleged irreligious character
f the proposed sellout, or dente, and says:
' , We were attentive listeners on the occasion,
and we understood the point, or objection, to be
this, viz: 'That \l Girard's proposed plan of ed.
nestle!, was derogatory to the Christian
and 'Minded Olt plant and elear.'principles, and im
plain and clear objects, of Deism or:lnfidelity ;'
and Elicit 'lr. Girard's bequest for the endowment
of this College, being for other reasons void, ac.
cording 1.0 :the common rides and principles of
law, it was not entitled to receive in:a court of
equity 'esPedial near nr the
force of which gifts and endowments f ij r. !charity
'were n'pholiten'in - iittch courts, though v oid iii a
comic t,of kW. Theright of Mr. Girard to ; dispose
of his property, 110.110
. might, see fit, according to
law, we did not innjeotand to'bo disputed., •
"The question, an it struck us, was: 'Can it be
quest of this kind call "en' tlin coatis of equity. to
exteUd 'to it the favor belonging to charities?"
•In the course of the argument reside by Mr.
Webster, befine the Stifirernd Court on Tuesday
•. ,
last, in the Girard Case, he held this language, as
•We fi nd it reputed in' the New York Harald :
"(('here is nothing that we look thr.with.thore
eertanity'thah Oils general Prioeitile,'lluit Chris
tianity ia part . ,ofthe . law of the land: This was
the case among the Puritans of Now Englanir the
'piscopalians , of the %inborn States, lid PI.IIII.
sylvrinin Quil4:rs, lire •taittilds, the mass:efithe
followers of WicklifF and Wesley to ourehores 7 -
the :Presbyteritins—all-'-ail brought and till adopt
ed lliiiireat tiiith--and• all sustained it. And
i whit! there is any rellgiOns sentiment amongst
men at all—this sentiment incorporates itself with
thalaw... Every thine declares it ! The inaSsive,
~Cailiedral of. the Ciitbolic, pro EpiscoPallen
Church 4. with its lofty spire.pointing heavenward;
the plain temple .of the illualcer; the log, church
of the hardy picineer of 'the wilderness.;tlinme,
pentoes and memorials ;around us; dns kravc
yards—their tondistenes-Lilieir silent .vaulis--
their mop ldering contents t .: The dead proyp it as
vell as tfo; living : The ganeratiOn. thtlt ip.gene,
before speak tp it. and prOnnimcd it Tionk.the
tomb! I,Vo feel
,ttt ' All,alV--proelaint,-741itit,'
Christiayty.—general, tolerant sChristianity;--.
EhriStianity indppendent cif. snete n ..an4 paities-,- •
• Oiat Christianity to which the iiiicird'and ,tlie. fag.;
got.are utiknown-general, "tolerant Christianity
'is the;.law of this land, and Cant . 1 3enoltciiclecf; tits- ,
fo'grtt'cicd or derided with intpiinfti!"'' ~ ,,, t '.
A ilealigiful
The following trial* but beautiful passago ., n6.
Ars Frdzer s'ltlagazinv
"Et) cation dlio lift comumlen titth the',RlWitt•
bat. t .begins with a nnitljer's looltaHljth;
tether's nod of a nigh el h , ofreproof,,,
with a iister's goal° prestmo of On „hantl,,oria;
brother's noble ailt7of fiirbeifranno-r.OtlfitOulfuls ;
of floWora' in., 'grasp
liird'snestApilmtss#,but notltnuchetl/473-with'Creciii,;
aqtr,all4 almoSt iniefirceitiblo emnistsisith
, hunutinieb'ead'iqglissilioattliws rf r i withjiinf i a l m
,widit#l9...tilytte.ja.nea-74'nd:Orth. afoot
ill in' liNlo4tionit knllttotlepoinc)47tor#oool44A
to beautyri
tie, and 0011iiie 0,4:4+ m )
s~~ '%a
7Mie:Girard IVO, Case
l' , 4 - twirfir ""-
olfirr.a. o t ,
4_iliejltil*ltetillhitqn'6#Blo4te*NAP.APl. Y.
T f 4.5 1 19,. 30 / 0114 1 414111P4,1P 4'A early
g ;ladY;qh! ) , ‘400, 1 ,6 1 ,#!PA 6 101 1 44( 1 11) per . 00 nt•
mi , Cotkot g44;1401 1 Kfai95 1 4:1044 'Oint. or
15 per cent ofainifegopredeMQP,ooolja , ,1? OIL
ea Iron i s ,inb?:rot" s ll ) fFt- - qn ,l on
3 P ,r ; °,6ll P•;:cttl44lP°X? ° 4 l lßttft?,'
• ' ,„ •
W 4:44.3 10 621 # 131111 3R_ d i,‘ l .o‘49 , flir irlernbor
fro!r! ,!!” c #Y l 'f ida Y
in irq4g. cil°,o olfl t egf,jq't4 i *ntit,tiver, hY th°
11'On, 'and , - was
gnal(derinild'tgli•pia'tiettY=finfaZifiliiii:tat din
fruiti!'i;f 'MO; gbritais tWiiii:N•fiiiiry in old
pleadure"giVe Black' ilia bane.
fit of a place in our eciltitnns for the
'thir'informant , was quite certain that said doeu-
Black, but an thero.nre.three of t hat name in Con
gross, it could not have .been the member from
this district':
11rAiiintNorpsr, 1 , 2„ . 1344.
-Es BEArtv,:—/kar Sir :--1[ observe in the
'Herold' a statement Betting forth, that a gentleman
' who has lately been on a trip tQ several of the nor
theiM'counties of Penmylvania, - ttating that a large
number of the recently Amblished life of John Ty : -
ler has been sent frirough the Post Offtee ender the
frank Of James Black, and that.twerity or thirty co
pies had ,been sent to one Post Office in Huntingdon
cemity. The same article asks," did Mr. Black of
this district give his frank—m: is it a mistake ?" In
answer, I would sly, that I have never given my
frank to , distriblite documents of any kind hi Hunt
ingdon,county, much less the life of John Tyler, mar
hare I ever seen a single copy of snch a mthlieation.
On the I sth host. by the Rev. 1
...enry Tarring, Nfr
s•rorE, both of this borough.
I/ On the 18th in:(. by lICV. Ilrnrc Altronl, Mr.
11Enny 1111 11 . ItuAttr, of to 311,S Al.tit-
TIIA FOUGHT, Of North'M iritiklon township
/ I'll the 13th inst. by the same, 311.. AVII.I.IA Al LINE,
of 11iekinson township, to Mi4v I ". nE1.1.1. JANE
CAtiiiTlll3ls, of ‘VeStpelitlSl)ol.oi.gll
/011 the trth of December, by lire. C. F.lion•-
trieier, Mr. WILLIAM ICEIF . SNTI)Eft,IO MiNB MAR.—WAracEtt,lunirof—N.,7wvitte.
/Oil the Ist January, by the sn Mr.JAMES Nlll.-
LEft, wpi of the I lon. .
In \lies II ETTy,
(laughter of Jantes Weakly, boili of-Dickinson
On the Ist hist. by Pie GEottra Els KM
IIEIS, to JANe. CauxtnCt., both CyTherlatiii
/Ori clic: 4th of Febrary,.Mts. SARAH SFaRER, of
East l'ennsliorough township, axed 5 i yearn and
4 riwiith3. Six daughters survive to latnent• her
/6n.t.4c 11th inst. at her late residence in Balti
more, Xlre. Malte.llMy, mother of lion,
Thoonis C. Miller of this county, in the tidd year
of lier age.
~n this hormigh, 011 Tuesday leorbing last, tiller a
)Irs. NIAIWAIILT STUART. relief of
the late James Stuart, Esq. aged about tit! years
hol (nigh, on Saturday last, ISAIW1.1..l.,111111;1i
tee of (lea ge and Ann Matthews, aged about .1
Slvep,lnvely. babe, niid ink, Ihv,
l:o•I called [live swill, I Ir tiimiglit it lie , t;
Swill was Itt• roui
Slie closed lieu et,a null saw hey Gm].
i t 'c^The public are respectliilly invited to at
tend the .5S:h Anniversary the Belles
Sudety, of Dieliin,init College, In be echiiiiited in
the itlethodiM. Episcopal (Aura, on Thursday
evening the .
E.xarciscs tta commence. at half past 6 o'clock
I.ly4orilcr of tho coonoitice.
.Carlisle, Fab. 21, 1811.
'reniper:tutee. Men, !tally • :
There %till be it general conseiition, of the Pi itsiii,
or thot•iiiii-water army, held in Dilisburg, York in.
nn'l'iuu•sd,sy the i.P.1111 or this titoolit,
its sessions at 11l o'clock,.. \I. 'lran• rrienild or the
rant• Noll the public gUill rally, tire hereby resvert
folly. invited to :atrial.
TIIOS. 1.111;1'ON,
J. ..k. Ullll.‘
.I..briviry 21, I R. 14. • Com. of Invitation
, (r - j-The stated monthly meeting of the Chi
Chit) of Carlisle, will be he!d at the public hous
of ‘Villiain Brown, on Thursday evening the '22(
i,nstant. The attendance of every member is re
quested." A. NV; 'III3N DEL, Secretary.
February 1811.
orrlT 11.1 DWELIAS;(I TIOUSE .
t;nw oe
Nlr.slanob Fridley sitiviteil in Nord
IlatiMer street; Alsci;ltro small hivelling !looses
shoaled !War t he V't . hll:l . ll coil or Diettiornii
l'ilssession givoti on the first of ,\
For terms stiffly to iISO. l'A
Carlisle, Fib. 121,1841. It-17
--~ j-~ .n W A ~
A'N PARTNER is wanteil kt 'a
first•rato, Strain Saw Mill, advantageously
situated within a few miles of I lay,iit..hts*, having'
access to the river, rail road awl rlow.l,'Mpf:pessrss-,
an - e•xtra power, capable of beim; 't:setl :itt flfic
preparation of optesuitron hark, and Imlay ;other
spreirs or nutmifiioure. A capital' ofst Irate ,$3OOO
will he required. Addru,s (post plid);:. M, care
of 3,1 r. Hoare Gilbert, Nlarkt:t street, Ilarrisburg.
A 11'11.111er sigilily pt Gcimil a Iliumlretli's Pills
cevived I:9r si.le by
Febriutry 14, 1X44,
. 11 7 ...4.4(4 OD Ai S %VA ili II'EGIP.
irli:c --I V -- ; 1 4 2 . ..
.: • 614 . /—'-:"' Cl4ja„,;l•ll4)ClP
. (Tv l' . .tl . r ffiSb . ersl);ir g to ial ' lti fo 'i r Pii m ts:
burg'. Full loiolsaitil good
irages will bo'gfiseii. Apply at the Itail*Rtied odiee
Carlisle, or to . '
, • OAKS, C A I7FAI AN & CO. '
February 11, 1844. ' ' Cllanlburelnut. .
I UST,,reeelved a few dru n of Fresh E. inyrna
Fins, very live sitility; also, ..Fresti Itaisios, at 1:34
cents Poe hound..: Felwaavy 134,
Public Sale.
lIE Subherihe'rs iv'il[ tiller at qu~,lic
TllUltsDAY,' * the . 2 90; of
inat., at the late reildenee of 'Sa:lntel, ill'ettrrrilek,
deCeased, on the state fad; .11 . '11'111ra we4l a.Car
lisle, all the personal property ofttahldeceased;tion
eititing in part of Kole Gabil Wo rk ' •
L.s LEz.
,•16 Head of Horned- Cattle,
ionte of t(tti;Pre'sh ;11144! 2 r'edin'g.Soiys,
131111 fsiis,l6" Sljnata, number ,of §4ep,,,,a,g00d
katior.sWoOn,Mpoll nod I.atnl4 4,414 Won+,
attigfelihtl 'double Sho'vol'Plongl . ni,lind
fjrat-rate Wittdmill,9ltiOli4ter
;Thresliing•fanehllie nod fitiree
1111614;1i Genr.4; . Log 'and 'COW Chhiny., " r,
*itio '60,4014 apla 1P
with a gritutiftrietyotlakidleiftoifenurtnikuia•biliaiU*.
cit.4o , :b'elOok;‘ , Wen
Win,lio.matio known nod ntio!itinokrven'n'y
~ kY c'RQI3 FAT I, &Lill), •
IrobSIWY. 14, 18444.P!';'VrIV 9t-16
V l s t iflGWlTll4ol . 66ljEelPrA;
above rifle, wnreouitc:a gelkturitet,
ccinsialit yori band - • „re
Tebrula 14,' . 18,1.4:. g:i.ELLlOrtv,
" 1 4. i 6 '•
o;Vlß.lo , llE.ltp.plc . Ly-api . 6o - itt inter
LI. (0 Aktnily at Me term ofAlie Court of
Quarter l Aesiiol , 4 o I,lo4ounty4lfilwitherland;
tiiclipo a t6vaiii;oil!p,4o,l,ci.y,iiein tlie
• ;,..; , ;*! 1 -,••'•:'' • td-PT
(471,P." :•• " '
Wri•the - undersigtidOitigbutt of lionroe toirnship,.
Cumberland cuiiiity;4l6 - ;iikiiirv. - flint we are well,aoL,. •
gut:tinted with flit: aboveßamedlitecil/ S. Paul, AIM
at?eq.;!l l . l 4'is•wllll POlr;oliqd ~ viC4APPQO
eenlepeeif'foi:;tlm- totlg•Mg Acc:9,9ippdat lop of
Straiigeiti • -
. .
Genje Switek 13enry. Enek
• ltieorgeßrantli sr. • • Rudolph , Itryfilicr, •
" :Adam GiMattir,
tldlinatin Tifartia • '3tiMes
' Alt! jr. George !. f utz.'
'John ' '
.Jamts ro , kett4•,
Daniel Sheller.' ' •
To the llonortiblethe Judges of ilia" Court of Gen
eral quarter Sessions of the Peace or tAmberland
:comity, nt April Sessions, A. 1). 1814.
THE Petition of Conrad Hard, respectfully re
:presents, that your petitioner is provided with the
necessary requisites for keeping a house of politic
entertainment, in the house' now occupied by Adam
Wayeham, as a publics house in South Middleton
township. Your Petitioner therefore, prays your
honors to grant him 71 License for the same, the en.:
suim* n year, cominencing in- April next, as in duty
hound he s ill ever pray,
February 31,18.11.
PVC, the undert.igned citizens of South Itf Willett - 1n
township, in the County or Cumberland, do certify
that we are well acquainted with tile above mimed
Conrad Ilard, and that he is of vod report for hon
esty nittl temnerattee,and is u ell.provided with house
room awl conveniences for the lodging nod
modatiou of Strangers and Tra‘ellers;:tial do tly. , rc.
fore recommend him to your honors as well deserv
ing of n License; and further that a tavern at the
stand is 1111 accommodation to the public.
John Wolf • • George Eisenhart
John Johnson George 13eltzlioover .
Adam Wareham Wm. 'Abort:
Jacob' Ileltihoover Robert Graham •••
John Ltiuck ;lames A. lloot , e.
.11., NVeakley Samuel Strickler
'climpaS Paxton David Illean.
Application for Tavern License
To the Honorable the Judge's of the Coup of aro
emit Qdarter Sessions of the Peace of Cuinherland
'Cutin(r, at pm .Sessions, A. 1). 1814.
Ti I E Petition of.lolin liouver, respectfully repre
sents, that your petitioner is provided with the tie
iti,i,,ary requisites for keeping a house of, publie en
tertainment, -in the --Itottsidi e-at-' - present — ocenpie...
Your petitioner thereforemrays yntir honors to grant
ihint a License 10 the same, tile ensuing year, Corn-
Meneitig• in April inAt, its in duty bound lie will ever
rray, &e. JOU:C.1100 V Mi. •
kebruitr . y '2l, 1814. tti-17
AVE, the undersigned eititielis of .31ethailieshorg,
.iii the Comity of Ciiiiiiiteland, to eertify that iie are
well 111.1111111/0211 with the above mooed Joni limiter,
anil Ili It he -is of good report. fur honesty and krill:.
iwratice, mid is melt in ovideil uilb house room and
couveiiiiitieB for the lodging. liiiilweetitionoiliition of
Sul:lnger:l ii.til Travellers, unti it therefore recuni•
MOM] 111111 to situp 1101101 . 4 is well 11i...A0, rug Or O
. 1.4it!enhe;111111 further say. that ti tavern :it :be stand is
iiii aetiorpolotlatitni to the public.' .
lletiry Caro • AAdaml la w . k
Jacob Miller I letiry [lnalowl
;'• Isaac Kiii,iey AILOU It legit: .. .
.1 , 01111 Coover Simon .-'iroolit
Michael Ilouver q. Stanali •
.101111 Palliwi. • )I:triiti Voiles .
S:wittel ..I.leilv.
.Applicaiiou for Tavern License
To the Ilunurnhle the ol the (;ritirl'of
ter Sessions of the l'euve celll.ll',
at April Sessioiri, 1).184 1.
Till; Poilion reliretrull,)
ri•prieelits, that 'yaw petitioner is the
twee4s:iey requisite:, rer I:ol.liieg II it•
entertaitireeet, in the himsc to ut pr , ,211 l
ill the 1,1)1 . 1)11g11 (Jr •Yua,
111 11101101'h 10 1.;1 . 1.111. 111111 :I 1.1t . ..1,1:
MUM', III . • 1•11S11111:4 011111111•111111 . g 111 Alllll
111 . C1, 11S 111 thlty.1)0111111111., ,Vlll . •
l''rbyttv.r . r YI 1%.14
NVI;, the itizons t h e
( . 111A11,10, ut ii 111 . (: 111.heehthdoli, e,e111 . ,
111111 et .11 1 1 .141 111'11111.1111111 111111 the 111/010 111111/111
\ 111. liellllll, 111111111111 he 11111 e gf)(111 oelll/1 1 1 for 'io
usly ami tt loperailve,:ind is sell 111•1,1,h,111,11,1,1,11 , 31.
i • yl/:/) awl •C l / 1 .11 1 1111 . 111•1•S 1 1 / 1 ' Oho 1.,1111,
6 ' llllllllllin of S11 1 1111g1•I••• .11111 Tl l llkellt 1,011111:11 lhel 1 1 -
rore eiLoinniend lum to %our honor ab us ell debei3 -
os ,, of a ljeenbe; and itwther fno that a boort. al
the bland Is All at:LIOII/1110114III/11101.1ie 111.111114 . .
Juhu Creigh A.
Chas. narnitz. Geo. \\ . !lather
.Roborl C. Hall \ Spoto.wbdtl
Paul Nlaelin Jaen!. llangldnan
Isaac A it,, ,, nov P
:111elnu I ' id I
Al. Hokum!) Sonaiel Ilaterslirk
John llnwiilun . Ileory S. lldlve.
received a large supply of l'eases's Essence
of I loreltound Candy.
February 14,1844. S. ELLIOTT.
Arelier's Pattvnt L,ard Lamp
AT the Nl: ou tf:tcloi•crs - prices by thellw.:vo sit
gle mie , ll•ntu 374 to Also; Itlll•: Si /A I
1A12.0 LAlll', lot Choreht s. !Tani, Rat. yooni.
Stores, ke. the elolipt,i tool ir•;.;ht rt cr t fli•re
to the public. Call and see Lk to.
I%;holary 11, IS 44
. .
ahovo rewiird hill be peitl to the
Isersdnwho will return.or hurlt informa
tion as shatlFlentl to the recovery of,tt smolt :1 . 1101,
CR G(11,1) ENCLISII 'WATCH, ralmo.l stud
jewelle.l, wtth gold .1151 plate and steel hoods, which
Was stele❑ et Itouth N 0,1 7? E.,
C. on the night ttl" the, Itith y
Wll.- D. SIWAIOUIt, Treasurer.
Cariisle, Fell. 7,1844. ;11-15
, •
IL persons linow.inglinimpelv'es to be
indcbted either by note or book account, to the
late firm nr.ttiniElt & HA LIIERT,Iire Voipiested
to call and make payment without delay. to the sub
seciber, who is authorized to settle all' vecounts, or
:0101.1u:counts will • lni left in the hands of'a proper•
officer for collection. I •
. • - JOSEPH D. 10..LIIEE.T.
February 7,'1!141.
TO lA' r.
THE TNVO STORY HOUSE now in the owl
:tory of the subscriber.
Feltrbary 7, 1844. . „ . ,I. V. - E. THORNE..
S. ELLI01"1.
House and Store for Rent
1:0011„u0Av . occupied by N. ,W Woods,
the 'sodh-west cornet', orthi,. public
sggicc orois u3.olfered for rent. Posses—
sign given unihe 14 of„April next. It isene.of the
niost eligible business ststuls in the lil-uttgli. En
quire of • ,
;GE.O. EGE. •
3nonney 17,181-6
•• • • . .
,THE HOUSES :AND LOT belong- .
. ioi; to Res : : Itibeyt Emory,latuly, ticietiOcti -by
Rt.. Edward' S: Want& p.tio,smnision givcit,irnti
11 . i9,tely, „ Also„,trie I I Q 1451:"..,5, (.4%111'1%01nd 1104 "CM
ill the, tisciip , anciq . Mi.;P
,eorge liinwidt,,ailjpin r
his.. I'ossessieni wyp)9 . ll the let of April host. Ear
trAiN3 :,pplyto, the subscriber, agent for (lir owner.
'.5). 1). 41:1(NOUR.. ,
: I),gcen:qie'r 11, 18 , 1,3;.:
~ . i ' , ~ 2, s , , , , ~,,,,tf.6
S. EtaaoTT
MILE subscribers will Vent that 'lhrge
modious HOUSE: at pr esent in•the occupaney
of ,};{se What,. squateil iukiligh. Street,'
upporde,the noii`seAlotel. , .I'llo:Garden
rataeh e d to the floussi,:ialarps 'Well filled with
choice fruit trees. Tfielipuse:iti well calculated her
BD 11 . iiii,'119,tied or Sto re. irosscstiiint•givei) ge•
• , DeeeniliCiegrelBo '•• •''., ' ' '':'" '•'.' •
for erk
W 0 * comfoFt4bl,9, l).oF sLp% ,4,9Y T 9l uhuq ; P % • "
fir§tAf April
'etu p.9xl• • , ;
Rent to t..Vtg
YDeo: g
' A
,1q,.:,zt013111 •or
nttkrioa#titoily. Vw6ll •
•11_, Inge, wellaStuge4ppcer,Ojr t eteoifo,rJrppfi.
, irvochery latore; 412,
*corner, roino ttcd l, 4 - f
Yititodthlethittleippollid* 0 31 1 '7, s•r,ihit ,l ikraujt.• •
'I 4 i, A••• 0.4.;,;4•4A,v •?", if
Carlialet'N9Yelfiber '
• ;;;•;',.`"fi.r ,
t , • •
2+:v.|:::-;r.+lm‘s:A'=,‘;rw+3-:=m-~éz é’W‘nKC’ fl“"~:’9,~~1vn . I, . v'u“ '
;f . ,-- ",1.- ml§,;-7.__JL-wfl:.3wry. ‘ hfg-lEIY-émugrA ~-.. gum!“ .u:.:!:l§¢,s§'.‘r3rxt:al.3-:sz
1111..LIAM • IWO\`:N
5. AI. 11.110118.
$5 Eleuth,rd.
Rouses for Rent.
For laid.
riren . o:-:subscriber hitvitig', the
'Conclusion to change his business, olfees his
.entfre'siock'of gboda eiiiliange•fci, a good thrill,
well ,in roved , nr for 4i giros! slineiptisi,staull jh the
'countysitfil 'dwell for a ftifge
ttigethen ,witli a few . ll(3 Ves atticlied. ,Dis stock con-,
slot ,of superfine ad coarse Cloths Cassilnitreii;,
, Casinet, Cords, Domestic Goods of all kiads,Dain
inia, Lawns ' Linens, Gloves, tioziery; Handker
chiefs, Silks,Gingliams, AI paellas, Ingres, Fri Tinges,
.Gimps, a variety of fancy articles. Algy, Bopp:
'Shots,. Caps, Calicoes, lki.i.` , witli46tartelk of
other goods comprisiiig a general atisor . tmept of
• . •
Hardware, Queensware; Groceries ; Tea,
, ,
Spices, Dye Stuff's,Ctitton;Yarii,,Doverret Vara; &c
will sell at etalticeil pelt:0810r Cash
Vromantl.after this slute,:until a general sale is efree
ted. Country Storekeepers:mil others world do well
to giv'e. him a call, no he intends there, ni no
oraistakit.,", beite;,determitted to *tells business'
during the present year. ,
The Store and Dwelling can be rented from the
lst or April. •
-...: ll . l sakooks : nrp - pasted - up , tolheintbThiid - IFe - fr.l:'
questsall those indebted to him to settle their ac
counts without further notice. The • first, tiny of
'April will he the 'last day - or grace, •strter which 111
acccoints•worth colleetiM; will he placed io the hauls
of proper officers..
alrFl.oUlt by the Barrel, alwaylvon hand: '
VehrilaryT — .4,lB4.l.. tr.. 16
Fri El Fl Partnership heretofore existing
under the firm of CIA ['PINCER k CA
oterelmms, has this day been (Unsolved by motual
40114.114. The - Books mid Acemmts of the firm have
been It;Itio the hands of \V. if. Carey for collection,
to a flom all IWIIIOII9, indebted to said * firm will please
call and malty bottlenomt.
Itippenshitrg; Fill. I, 1844
The business will be continued nt the old alai wet;
ittiowii stand of Chtipinger and Gni•i•y, by the Sllll
- TIIC 11111)0'0114 fl•1t'11t13 nut epstnmcrs of
the old firm are earnestly-iiiviterfm - e - MlCaille the very
ISbcnd patroeagt• heretofore IffsioSt2ed upon the es
ith assurance -that • the (iIIEAP
GOODS will at wlt) a he found at the (tore of
.1. A. (11.11"J'ING•113
O T,ebruary 14,1844. 1'
. . . ----
ed 0c13.1.6 ,
Subscrih,ei• having' obtaitted the
right tbr Cumbui.l:6l,l rnnntc,,f ihr AVITII
CIi()NV 1'1JE:111U Al )(J1:11, k now ninnfat:-
~ Wring these and other plottAll% 11, has now Int.
att. Cllithherialtii Hulle,h 4 w by the .
Crat or middle of Mareh 'text, to distritotte a hum:,
her of theta through the dilli•root to11«s,:1041 19:Other
public phiel'S I .1' the eotinty, where 1:11.11101, c'kt, jo o .:ge
i)liLtheir_excellooro.,_-Th,---in•irrs-NritHie ,
II WI tin! tithes. -
he sire .designs to put a supply id', in minty or tio
in and alt the County: .A..tri.ll ef
its iputitty, will oust bait little. Like Anther paints
it Floes hest u lilt roil; but for Lepton
limber, lii brick it 311%, , ..1.4 itlr li.b rill,
milk, Or icon *Ater. Itirdireres 111,,re• ,}wit•j . v thtlll
01' Oillet• paha:, tievt , r,ilg:tic,, \e. in the .
ttei;4llborliotel list t. been painted Civil our pall; some
trill. mill:, other, tt ilh water, am) are tem, it, Itriglit
ag lieu it nits .fir,t put MI. 111 eillif.t. Al It .
err nt 1/CVSLTIIIIIVU ref tiMber.llll:lFi•h , lll:'!ziT3l ternieilV.
T. 6'.
Ft•Lrn•:rc li , 15; I
Tarn. American ins . uranco : tleMpany
cAtil.lsl.l.: AGENCY.
II is tuuninin, lu 111111 . 1 .
lis . 01111 . 5. II:I, 11 , 1E1'1111MA In I,llll'l the
nC p, cnliuur:, tin Fl,lllli . ;mil Ling gi‘f•
foul! ill'Opel . ly111)/IIVI . 4. (0
t•N or
„on 1 , 1• 1 1ne vi• Log Buildings .II cis. on $1111)
(ili •)(1)h. " toiß)
:Iteretputtijizt• 111 l'itynirlire in
Sim() bribivk 1110011); c e, . 41) ets. " • ; ;Il)))
Dino ill Ftiuuo , - ':)1) Its. "
PlgutZl:l'i.l":7r..ll7., E.! ;LS S,
on 5t.,,,9nic..8..h ht. lA.
ro 11•
3,111,11.11 Of pITIIIIIIIII
:dim) eith, r ill 1/1 . .11
cult t. I.:111,11:11e :1111.1,1141ii.
Ti, Psi
, 411e11111;11 lill• 11 0:‘ ,1
% ;vim, m ill • for ••:ir I ti.f I.
townships atui har , avAlts iu th.•
I ‘ l'lll (1110110•11111111, 111 1111• 111110 s 111111 111141.1.1 h 11(4,011111r
-101. 111011110110 , 1, 1 . 01. 010 11111101, iir hratatig oil 111:1.- -
,10.4 ,110 1111 t) 11111,1 1;4 rvrlrPSs, :11111 11/ grant 1,111.11
1.1•1111, 10 . 1110111 Shall 1111110111.,110.1 1111111-1:10,01-
:1511•,11, Nllll
NOllll 111111i! , 1101 10f111141 . 111, 011 NVOIIIII , If,IV nth
,d Cu, the
11111 nu h ~f c a rli,l o . •
Smith Al idtllctou try. whip, oil Thursday thr 7th
nt thr ploys.
',llK , iLlo•liorotti. , ,h, ritht Ihn Sth, lit the same
AljtHip 311 , 1 Prop1:11 , 1•11 11 , 10 1 ), on tritelity the
tli, at the p u blic house of Col. \I". 11. \l'uotltitteti,
in Nev.
Nen•ville and Newton townships, M. Tin-elity the
lt2th. at the..,:toin
1 lopeii ell toe nsliip.ou the i nt the
public house of f;linistiiiit in Nee lipr g .
Shippenshur g :eel Southampton toweships, 'end
Shippter len t; Itonetr g h.oit it., I , ittr, at the,
public 11w:se or hortei g h.
1/ickiiisii n township, tei 13.1., at the
pnblir house of .11teetli Tro g o, in said Lfl , lll.hip:
xve,t ircitilst,orcol g li township, oil Sentritiv the
house of Jacob, illrn..lay the 11Alt, at
th e . p u bli c lon i s e or John 1 loot co, iti said borowAll.
Sil,cr Spring township. on the 19th, at
111 . 9 1,111.11 e lonoe or Josopit (;oioo, inllo g oostewu.
Lastt , oro v .hoom o o, ti t ~,o;hit , :Jo,' Now i.:iookoo
hit.) 1,01 , 011 , ,A,, on AVl•dlie,ilny thi• ptiblir
imoso or liot,o nhok,Oyq.ors
Allco ton iiship, Ott 'l'll.ll sloe at the
~ irth
lie Irmo or 1)o, shooroo,•in 0.d.0m
Alon't be tot:ln-hip, on Fritlav the at the rob-
Ile lonise of /)avid Al:Jilin, in Chtu•rhlun n.
All principal ASSet.ot:'i ur^ :11:30 I , ol . llll .
goired In attend a ilk tjii a Dul:v.:tit-4 at the (into
and place the appes.l of their respective
to \viishipslllllllllll.llllgll9..
By 01111 r of the Iterision:
',lOll-N Clerk.
Fet,o.lary 314.
Eilthaify elgedficalenv,
Tll ItE Tin; BEST lit::111:1IIIIS IN
.or, Pitecillipg'N Pitleiflojnntry 143; rani,
'Comlqlns life most ex! raurd@wry curative
properties for C...olfgh.,v,Crilds,('vilBfimp..
.Isthma, Spitting Blood, Creeps,
•Dillieulty ry"
Dreatldh.T. Pains iii tlie Breast, Aide,
and all lliseascs (y`' the l' . g
911-1 IS tei i etly - btis been tied, :indite A.
tonishitq cu.:alive qualities testified to hy noisy
or th.e thostlrenitetalire the 'Utilt4iPtates.
!We do 1 10 1--'lUty-:eauttot,chiini;astloeithe BRAZE:Is:
PA UV , Orp.t.; , out , tuttlitints:,
lot Ititliu; .ttistetl roettiohoil!qualkties of the ;
;"Pithhotiii),l/ pp; oxteusive mutt Varied.
thetlicitr Practice for 'iuttur'yeatal with rehiarkoklu
I,nttfeis,• ,
S'erj , :he4l Panaileas in t,,e woktilfotPtlrtratinrl)l4.o
oases.? &Angle: I llghly *int v :thy:
one that it is mg one ul the tOnnenon , Quauk".,N
trlo 3 , o f,t,ilY IS .rnetlicitio.cif. real
latne.'Worthy to be in every litmily. Its unprece
dented low,•pricß is Untitheg ti(rotigkecomnieutlAtioti;
while otltt.r.Coii,,, ,, liot ptlpout ty, Medi On es are sell
ing tor sl.ot) luta MVO,'S, VULAMN.
ARY •SN'lllll s ';Relis" Int unlS.'.s(Ctts. per !Jolt le. ,
For purity iu Carlisle, at SAM
EI,LIOTPS Drug Store, East Alain st.; hi U t p. l .6_
+v A i* HE PI'- 4 ,919,Q9',Y.519,e , c100;u1.1',103.,
1-:'abtuary 14, 1,844.,;:i av V :?• 4 ,0 i Iv-lfi
' .
-- siecocitl , lViiik!VZ , A — llPPlV4 ' T • • 1
;A: u§T, °paned, t , itt .!'h'ililimcitt.lp .0,1!r2.[:',
q.y, . mui , , , stodtroduvi. , iiEicriiii bit ' 'or 'IV NYV , Ic•
SPERML,O - 11 4 :1 . 1 verr,Ano t ngt 191u,ii!.':iiici
. 1.611'6611
lirioo iii , ftiatier tolitoi or Aso_sati4l4E 913317,
or sole a t h e Gtoomy si,,rpt oty, - ,,,1;;F;1411.1",:,,,,
FobrOktry - 7 - ,11q4 . ,: f i „. f .' 1 -4, 1 c tl , p:4,tr-15
As: .'s. t r. , • ,' , ~'
I • lkli4+s"i :45Z131.
, • ofittiviy"o acconntAivpm•,,,t%
ItiVe.the ~.411 gist: awl toy? poais,and 01)gtyours,
rebrtiaili o 104,, , ,
• :rd,
7 rK.-~_
' Pa.raplierrialaa
Fi.[ANKs to that portion of the fuddle , and the
neigio,9loli, that shared their custom at klie.vot
tagA.•! no lheeotater of ; Vitt autlyoui fret stroet.,3,oittl
etialded iq sultsCrib6r to add a Yew artivlrs to her
little stork,sti . elt'ag. • ,
.., .- . .
Bo.n4:,:trairit Ciewinriek., 17Alit.lioigi,
- 19, - 6iiiiiiintroipß, priii:67.i.,ff.ituredll46ZW7 - o;itett7i,
Frifiges, Etbitugs, lierchirfs, This, , Mits, , Shawls;
Fancy Prints, Alpiela t I,ustre, ,Mouslios, f_iiiitz,
(Jtt I ieoes, Dress Silk, Alanehrster C i tigha nvi, CI i reks,
Flattael,Tielzitig, a variety id. N g siiii;; ; . cotto v ypy,„
cAndiewfoz,: waddin g and Lato, other articles of
drY gootht.not mentietteih' together , with (ili.OBl.:It
:IS, such as Loaf stud Brown Sugars, 'rea s, Coffee,
Iteese,,Water Crakors, Spice's of all sorts; Sala! a-
it Wand iine,palt, Starch, Stookiig tioil Chrwilig To-
lot . dro'; gltavittg and .other . Strip; Teeth Brushes . ,
Bair Mal other Brushes;Toilet Powder, Court Pity,
I.g.t.,,Side and other Coinbs; a largeiptaidity of I !MASI.-
ilthihery, for such as eau MI uhnt sort they' ward,
when they risk tbr it; till of which will lie sold at as
small a profit 119 will justify fair dealiog, foe Gosh;
but Borough Notes are tar below par, afol..tati , t . 4.l
rental the cabin._
• tiARDWARE . GUI) EliY . &G. •
7.171 w., stil2ri4er respirtfully 'in- .
trirm , tfiff ion& and the that he hits ha
his stork and i 5 flow ofrering...ntoe
« 4 tiiii jn N - urili Ifu n ocr Street, a, sOenhl nsratirt -
moot Lfart/tetT, Cullet y,of Ler.,conolni lig' in p:1 •t oP
J.,oeti. s ra,hingera, Serelr4, 11111 18 :11111 spikrs, 111 11 . 1,16
111IC1 1:1:te9; (il . :11:1, C:111,1 1 ifforti:hor r. (Shovel's:
Ontifeitters' Tools, snob 149 plant'er, fonvra; ch:raels, &ly
Mr Iron; blister, carat nod ihenr Sive)s. Saddle
and bridle inomitings w sots; Saddle
and oilier \Vol.!) ing. Shoe Finflingr, uf. evcry de
gel:4l:nm. I:llinff,ftny Clans kffulf sof the I!#-
toot htylcs.,
, • •
'Oils. F.',r: iJa rs,
'silt - 1)118 Nvlr;tl3 led 11., nt — nulientitw, Copli I !Ind
jApan Var 1141): . by.lo
Ab.„ , of Aran,, , 3 Tnicia
00181.:00cie,; Lob 111.1111e1'
4, 111. 4 'll ryn
All of Which will be soh' tiveutv-live prr rent
ther horn sold heliire, for rua6 mai
good exaniiiiii'lietorti purchasing
okra hero, AIM , ihr, articles and prices arc not
futii,ilar...hitriltWitsvi hot purclittae., Call at any
' 11 . -1
. 1.7.7a,513.31 - 2gton .1110 tel
(AO; ' , MR up Aintigra tirlyttET i‘ln.aux.T•S.c,tuidett:
rTi o Sobsvriber 'was 16. ave to inform
lb, public that hr has Iftwed this well !cumin:
!louse, ts hirh has rerently itittlergnite a thorough re
pair, and lets furnished it cutlery R lilt *the best ut
dil; end odor!. Pernintre,'ltind is non prietrell tc
arronettlidetAftenhers of the Legisleture and
rlury ;I, the sere he,t Ash:, mu,htlimii such terms as.
I.l.v e t. ri:lo.e.
IV. T. .S.llsnl'r.P.S.
lke. '2O, IS
Truitt,: Will rot, for one vrar,
that wi , ll know II 1 1 1 aviTti tly•-
ler's Puilit, (lir,. %st,t
11 ,1 1 Iiii Wills, is
vory-ilatip• , 'naive :lyres lii• 1:1i111
1111T(11/. 111 . 0111 . 11: Mr . .. 1 1 . i1t till.
,;„!,„r ." .1..6 tic
Zile tii (1n:
, , ur he 1/1) , I
i i
.1111 IN .1.
9 1 111.: subscriber hoe's leiirc to infurni i iiie
eitizoliv of Carlisle and liF Viel1111:1, that i1:19
I'lllllloi 1 . 111111 the 1•111' 1‘ ilk U
i3()OTS,4'I.:‘;/) SiI()ES,
Fine Co:ivnti Mee's and lie) 'a
louver,. Ile could alse (.1.1)1Ei1,
lir has purchased a let a .1.
I )picole Solvti Turn i•oune:g, leuncy ROpper
nml Nimes•
Also a fan nyinyti.iieitt or .Nlisses n o d Cliililet'ne
Shoes. (.%1I sex, in (drips (lons Gratis.)
Ire also :1 Int or nod
all he gill maiiiirieture into nark at the
shorten( waive, and in a nee,
lier clienper than Alley can lie haul :it iiiiv oilier es
talili4ltineilt iu
Pt! sure to tail al l t tior Strri..und Nintinfllo , l7
in North Il:moter tilt•eet, ovally opposite the natik.
11. C. AIAI.OI'.
Cm lisle, January 3, 134'1
in hich Itohis Lace heeis worn or
torn repaired neatly and made impervious to water.
Dringf, Al'edicanes dci ;
a VEIN lAVEIZST./Cli have lust openeA
POI their 1 . .11 wsortnient.of Drugs, (AN,
Ih.-filulls, Patent Nleilieine,s,
Itivh they trill tiel . l wholesale or Fetail, at
the very, lowyst ',rives, also ,
Archer's l'actent.Lard L. it.
of zoisorted
Clay, ~!Am all listti.i.o forbnruino
either Oil or Lard. I.:llllll.Shaili , s lii)tl
of asyot•ted sizes.
Spel nix.tud 11'hale .Candles. Al
mond, Castile awl Scapy, as 1.. v as they can
he hail 'From the oily.
10 - C:u•lisle 1101.»1611 Notr•: for all:)tirellaies ta
ken :i11)111..
11et.1.1111)1.t. 13,' 11)43
. ii,? h") 2t • ~,•).' a . 1. , if l'Aif , .; a N •
i .
I,‘"Eat)lvxa le 11 , 4) - a9erm :,.
Foreign and Domestic . Dry Gooli,
. ' Nu. 46, North Second &ref:.
..k few doors Smith or Arch street, Pliilitd!ipititt. .
lAr01 1 1.3) respectitillT itivite• the attention of
V ymi Mrs buyers to tlterr,ltirge ftsbovtotent of
{-,:ads r.aitmble to i I-... soilon. t . .
1•h,•)1•h,•). 1. .
t , ) haw (01 It ,titl n g largtt stock of Foreign aid
Dons,i6 'Goods, ail in at tottermicys 'than tlit•y
can !Jim' be hall :titil , ixe pi4lltii . iiittoolrer inducements
to th 2 trade.
\ VI: solicita call Trout bi,,d,,0n.r.,.. 1 ,..,.1,,,,in...
ci .t.,0,,,,,,, ..,,.:it....ti.6r.p.t.iiia( di, pvi,,,, .16,H.
it, eau WIN' put rgoinis ellt [not IlliPtp girt. sat i sia t.i inn. '
.attar)' IT, 18.1.1. 3lll-1t?
OIL I OI ifi)llls %I In
lIA VE RSFICK have . jiitit
open for tiro acoammuthitiaa or their youity,
rirtitls a htt'ge:thstirtntent.of „* 7 .
. 7 .
.rogiss Toy BOoks . N .Paitcy'AUtioliS
lor,little,fiilks, both analipg . !ltill ,
Cul% bufore the totsort.oteut.,ht '
'l3ecember 113, 1043,
r fßiQt:it l ool ) .t., l3 4 tiopsubserilwr, hy
t • pcite or rpluesteit . to vlll,ll'lll
e,ettie their neeyiniti • •
.1 Atoll- SENEIL
(!iP flie
/11.! ." b 6 :01: niteaini,'.wlll.pletoip
their 'titticoitats befrire'ille I St, 111111 If.'rbritary
amt., ‘•;F: thliltcoonntri of nil lin arrears ailler3liat time.
ri..,peo. to, persorii,:will'be"
01; a proper ofneer for collection. .
Cmlisle, jail:10,
. .
- ; . __..... , .......,..L...1:.,..
Important 'to Cabinet a Chair 'Maim
• (1 -' . faetu.rers. :
'ilitf," - 1;' 1 . -- -. 1 - .^— -- - - --
- ..sil seri er MS on land a,lurgo loantitv:ol
CIIEI4II I I 110A111/S .:lath P,pi. , ,L.A.u.., 11.,A,7kk,
which Ito:v . /ill Belll 4 i cilli:Ol can lid liall'elsoi , hOre,
fpr Ca 1146; ~t , ' ' , l in? , i.. 1. , , , , J,Ol/11ii lilf . P , ADiti •
carliale' Jaa:l9 '144 '' -' ' .-*" ''' '' •"' ' t' ff-1('
A ItGE. and fiOch
or sale by
Carlisle, Nov.'
F l'l. f ifl uf''l{S ~:l ~' ~YMb 94. -.1 ,
. { :,1580 0311 one pcPi4iitlOT'lgitigtii , ii.C4thb‘lrElli+
BEST qinoliiyijttsertbAieWittid jtv ittle . •
n • • • • 1.. t1L130:4:1'
earliiar,ll'lliil t st. 1'444434
rC,:,:,~:..: ..'n: Y"?"tip,
titi LNBIR . -,, i : i c esi et rio d fort e. ol z ton cfni,c
. tie
ease is cleanse l- Tarify Blood.
LARGE and general assorimeni'of . •
il t.
well seasoned LUMBER, suitable for Car- . . ,W R I el-II T 9 g :, ~!
Ciij a . . :;•
pouters it iitt,'Cohlact .114ker's; polipniting.ef.M r apjl ,- 11NOMN :vic;iVes,lrit ki. 'Pint
.. ia,
I,'s and .3' Common White' Pindfloarde; Vieille:nu - . ,
Scatitlingmitio Cherry, Walnut, Poplar and Yellow ~, , ~.„
~!,. ,.Qp THE
Piim.. - .Boatilsi.l.P.liink, Alla: SeliiltlielgOoketheßi•Witlg ''fieiipitiiii..jititi c ejoi rs. c o ll ege.o fm a le t
011 t Scantling, Laths, Shingles and Locust Poste,
Are'noW tieknowlettzedio be the best Medicine in
for sale by'ilie ' subscribers, nest' North Hanover
street, adjoining-the yard formerly kept by E. Bill- •. ' f I. ,, lliiWorld for the cure of
)(1c1L.".; •'ll r '' ':;'' Wg/t:V W , 6 " 2 P /ILI .F t 7 '' ' . BYPJZX .2:IIIETY OP DISBiIsE ,i,
'Caillaba-,To ..,:.,. , ~ , 1:. - .& 4; -....4.14: e. ' ~, , . .. ,
13 FMACSE"they eOrripletely cleanse the atottnitch . •
They: have also a'nuinher of Carriages' mid MM
fli JI a , nil bowels from those bilious and corrupt ha=horse Wagons for sale,or exchange for Lumber.
niers which are the cattce'riot on)y,,of tteitihicho,,. ,
Giliclinotif, 4 `PAliiiiiitiiin l ti?The 11411; P4iilH-lii Aliii:,,
13(med, it lieu nottimn' Lind' Coat, bin of 'ver) , ',', Malady :.;':
'incident to Mon. -. ;.' , .-' ,' • •-,'• :4 ,, , . I,
..i'silli) vie PROsEl'Aitc,P •.ii.i..i4 • ."
Are a certain mire' for internilttent;)repiifldiit,! . v. !',/ -7
'rods, iiiH:1111111:1t0Py : ii,e1 plitrid'FeVeill; beeltnati ili4,,
cleanse the hotly' fr om those morbid ritthpr:s, whio .""
when-con'illied- to tire titiUrforrilrfirdie cn' 7 , 6 T
hinds of .
it. AI. U\I)EIZWOUT?.•
I Sl4
[l. , MAL ,,, , , lB.llaBilici:ii PA...
rultl I :
.sai►tc for air AT 'T;' . ! :
S ~J~ ti.=.P~~3~~
- .Y'a'^-m,~l':::='*• . 'vxfi':~mr, ,
•, „ ,
. , So, oda% when the same impurity is deposited on
the memlkine anti muscle, causing pains, Miamian:A
lio,lp awl swglliugs, called. ~- ': •',. - .. : :
1111EUAMTISJI1, CO U 7 &c.,''': 4"
The Indian. yegetahle Pills may - be relied on A S " I'
ways certain to give m44(4,1111(1 if pep.evved with ne
eording'm liirectiona, µ•i.ll. most assuredly,malwith
out thil, !nuke a • Perh•et 'oure of the above painf u l
, 4 ; p
maladies. From three , to six of said Intl • n Aregrhp ,
bl'e Pills taken eVery oiglit Oh going to 1) will in a -
Short time's () completely ridihd bodY . rom eery;
tjlioe that is opposed to health, that , Rheumatism,.
tiout, and phi of every ( I Tawintiouiwill, be lite) ally
. • ...1.)/ITVE.N . Fi t ',ool . ,TliE BODY.
. .
P0r,,,1110 same reasons, when, from sudden clam .es.
or atmosphere, or any other rause, the perspiration -,
is clacked, unit the Mimes which should' pass off hy
Eke shill are thrown inwardly,eausing ' .
Nailselt and sickness, pain in the t!Onefi.wittery'.,Jmil
unmet] e es, sore throat, hoarseness, enti,lo4, en - 1,-,
sumpflutis, rlicinuatk pains in various parts of. the
body,mtd many other symptonts of
' . ' (.....ITC'//L 7 l/7 COLD,
9t'IIE INDIAN yliltr, ['MILE PILLS . wiII nivari- ,
ably 01:immediate relief. YrOm three , to h ix-.0l
acid Pulls taken every night on going to bed, will in
a shoat time, not 2. remove ail th e abo%6 untilea
,sa w symptom's, Im c body will,stne, behort ti ion
I restored ni evil sounder health than before., The
same may Le said of it
.:111.1A1.1, Olt DI I:FICLI.TY OFIIIMA'1111:it:i.
The Indian Vegetable Pills will to oleo and est ry
. ..Irby the stomach mini bowels those too g li phlegmy
litionorS. m Melt stowipi..Le44l,oo-11.-ot-thmlungsTand
re the cause not Only or flo e lilt ove 41it,tresNing coui
plaitti, but a lso t ‘ egleeted, often terminates in that
1 i still urine dreadful solo!,: c alled
'CONS.UNIPTION: , -- - ._- _ . it slim:l4l t'ltio . be;remembered That the Italian
• Vegetahle Pills Dr(' arrrl:iin rime for ' •
PAP , : IN Tim sIDE: -
11 , ,tpres:,ion, nattsm.4, toulttlieltttens, lutu ut• tipitetim,
eustmatt•ss, a yt Iluts• ling : v.ol the, itltin and t.yrt and
evert otLrr.syntiplont of a torpid,or diseased Mateo(
the Iher; because thek:yurge from the holly those
impurities 0 Mehl: . deposited upon this important
orgqii,:i:•n: the vans, (. every variety of
I_IVElt 0.mi",....-;NT.
11:heu 7:hti on is ennvulxed Ly ytinN , (fiu , rrefik.;
at' Rebellion, the only sure Tamils iirevenpng the
dreadful consequenees of a •
ix to expel all traitors, and evil 11131)0F( . 1i 011(:5 fruin
In like manna r, hen pain or sickness of sit,
indicate that the I,6dy is striiis„7ling
1.1 . 1 it• Ti •
EX I'll, SLI. MORBID 1111110ICS;
CT-miters ViILL III•: 111
Tina tlw'Priuriple ()retiring discasti;l.y Clonn•.ifg;
awt tlw body, is strictly in acrurdauc a 'lle
tlw 1,,0, NI hick gutc•ru the and li
ritit by Ilw.use or the 11110 V, riamed
Will ect . iniiily rcaal in 'the complete Abulltirn o
, 4• the thllo2vio7, testim ,, nials, from
person, of rot. Iligino,t rcspeetahility in Neiv York
\silo kite Ti;,,. cured of thy most obstintite
con,plaiiii7, solely hy the its., of
1 . 1:6171•11:1!: hr.,' 5 lir
.11M.11eA, L. I. June'Odi, !NI.
!tomtit- William Wright—Dear Sir—lt ill WO(
1 great s,ltiz,:ictiuti that I inform yOu of my baling
heed entirely cured of Dyspepsia, Wive years s lam,-
im.;, by the ilSe or your INDIAN VEGETABLE
PILLS.. ' • ••
, l'is 2 ions to meeting whit your ceyirated midi-.
eine, 1 had born 'tinier the hands of several,;rlissi
china, and had tried various medicines; hut all to no
',Wert. After using one 25 cent box of your ',Pill,:, I e•perienced so much benefit, that I re
, soiled to persevere in tile use .or them ne'eoriling•
your directions, which 'I um happy to since, has en-,
imlted in a rerli•et cure. ln gratitude'to you for tin
great hem' it I hare yeeeit:ed, and allolo,'ihe hope
that otherssimilarly afflicted may he imbiceitto make
trial or your estynordinarr medicine, : , I Send you
ilii;v7tatiMient with fop liberty in puldiiii the same it '
3on think pr'oper. ' ':': Yours, &c. ,„ New yollli, .!!tne ip, I 6:ii. , G. C. BLACK.
To :%Ir. llichard Den n is, 'Agent for Wrighrs Indian
. VCgetabli rills, No. 288 Greenwich st. N. Y.'
Item. Sir--At your, recommendatihp. I acme tint ,%.
since made trial of WRIGIIVS INDIAN VEG
rIAIII.V. PILLS of the North American College
of Health; sib! edit contelentionsly aSsert, that fox
Purif3ing.the 'Blood, and renovating, the system,
have recel•,Hl more benefit fronitheir use, than front
any:Other * Medicitte, it has heretofore been my gmid
fortune to meet with., I am, dear sir; with' n wii y ,
thanks, your'obligrd friend, 'C. M. TA'L'E, , : •'
No. 60 Ilamersly St. New York. ::
Mr. Itichard Dennis, agent toy Wright's Indiat
Vrgetable,Pills. ,
. .
Dear been afflicted for several years
with i t o,:ual weakness and general debility, fleColll
- times with pant lti the side mid other dis
tressititt: coma:Olds, •A,qer biting tried various rneda r ,
ernes without eili•et, I wati . peestintled 1,1
make !vial 01 lie. Wrightls Indian Vegetable
it Idyls I am happy,to state:have reliocti me in a it - mitt.
wonderful imutiter. 1 diave used the medieine,a,
t hill a short time, and Wire tin doubt,. by a per
severanc,c in the inn zu•cordiv, , t , k
divections, that I shall in it short time be perfectly
restored.. , •
1 nlnEt.willi ugly reorunthettrl s ud Pills to all per
..trus ,ituilarle•ainteteth tout in the full b e lief that,
bent:lieial results will follow their use. -
1 relllillll yours sincerely, • , i,''•
~ 11ENllt A. 'FOOTE,
IVawarsin- Ulster Co. Net'
NErti, Yban, Sept. 1 , 30:
. .
This is to. certiry that 1 Itsse used N,Vriglit's Turtle
, • ,
Vegetable Pills, with the greatest Ileitefit; hating
tinily cured Otyself of the frequent attacks of Sick
Ileathiche, to Lltich Iliad previously been subject.
:3511 tireenwich street, NV. .
To \L•. bentlis„.V . 4cnt,fti:NVright's
this: thou randy 'wlati;(l'
eilgaged iu sellitlga'ehuterfeffiiietliothe
llor the %mine of the indult) ViletithloPilliWa'nd
these,tlenntrate 'oleo rlllC FO-Utleelyri*OeSS:Of:oo4' . i . ,`',t 'C 4 ••
!..31111.111Cp13,111;1.1,1101,1y:.Nalin r iLIPAIVOI: , Plai , .lie logs
consequence of psiugtligir.qr;4o l l,,e.. o ,lTlPP.Pti,t l s , ,tlot?;
public ate ci)in tuned agnina, l llllll.lß9lllg!my,Pillit,
11 , 11ieSS on,(lo6 or 1..1ur . ?•,;,!.:11.1,1,q2c,41 . 0r0g ,, ,,w"ri . 17'. ,.. :
leg ' . , • , •
'•' •• • ' (1)11111111 Fury ative.) •
PE Tili:1 , 1p11711 &III:11106N (..01.41GE nF liriAL:r7l . •
' Anil to - guard ly uga big
10liklille ofoily person except the regylar adveitVrit
agents, or at the race and general
, • ~
-1 1 mi y . ? , ~.„, 5
~ ,1 . ,,..5,. ~,,,, „.,...?..,, ~, ~..4 , :.,
, F iAnuts,, 9 tlliit't ,-•=titeliste Ctilioitietlp•d /6;J,
...•' 1i11..C0n4,c4,2 •.. .1111echnniasburg, • " . .
tenet Tir'conewi, - ~, Nicw - Vliabrigid, 4l_ f '; •
40 • 3•Istule,,Lo,ill,h ‘i, , A , ,f , , , ,,,,.., 1 ,IA qt.l,F ;,,,,, 7 11 , iii i.:o.*
it r
..- , fAilex ijacif,Uairisait, `C ,3 Itt)tkt, y4117,1'1 , ~,, r
Lo, ,
'1 331 " 1 "&& 11. 1 1 ' 1, :: a-i:
o l k r, 'N' l l ‘ ~;,' , ' t iig e , c. , !.:7‘, i , 1a ., ' , 4 , doi I.t
751nreil.i. yql , t,;_ S Ll , Z;,4l'n•if's(? , . -i•' , ^ ''`" L '•"'''''''''' - ` .1 • ; " ; 41 '
• ,• • . . ; 4 ~ , : i !.,,,.z? ;01e..5 , 5 n i - , 3 i., , ,,•cii .5.1 4 ,0,510 .n.t.i.,
/); . ''''WA CCALPLE !*•,,,,i>,-11,?,]•,viiT fi
•• • , ..t: . • ,•. ;.. ... , 1, , .,.,....,. , -.A.M . :•;•yi•
.f, ~.:.. , i4,, , p.1.4;A : f i f e% 7. Alt
1 kg. pephom iv3,03e,(14619e illuP.,, ,fs ~: :,1
hot T .9 F book ticoduutSill..fte,m4sllvpMi t ^L
atitl s,qt‘ls) up bpforo the ZAK iotant.,
,~^;;Ng~f_~ fir.