Eil 1.1111411,14 41 TITHER% E:tlE4lft, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, i77:7,O"ARk:risEJE D . v.A. 94 eqnesday, .Fcbruna y 21. 15414. • „ . 2. _ _ 1O it I F:S in ED. T TIFIVRY. CLAY I ‘. 9 einia.l42nignliet) DEMOCRATIC WHIG PRINCIPI ES, .SPECIALLY PCL•LIC EYE." OUR CREED 1. A sound National Currency, regulated by the Will' end' authority of the Notion. 2. 'At; adequate Revenue, with lair Protection to American industry. 3.. Just restraints on the Kteetinve power, cm tiracing-tt further rcutrivtion on the exercise of the Veto. 4. Kfitithfill administration of the public daimon, with titi emiltahle disfribreion of the [trot:ends otsuleseifit among all the Sluice. Arfbunch and economical administration tit the 6 . eneriii Governmetirdeaving ptiblinalicers 'perfect ireedont of thyot and prtboyi g lit dt 'euffraec 'but with Imitable restraints against 'inipi4er , lnterfchnee'ilreleetione. 1. An amendment to th'e, Conslitutien, limiting the inenuitenit of 'the Presidential Nike to a SINGLE TF.161. These objeefs :if,talocil,l think that we should veuseio be aillieteil with bail adothiistration of i.e"Govetiirriefir.-/leNnv - - DkmodßATic HA R RISON • , STATE CONV , EiNTION, The members of the Democratic ILI rrison party of Pennsylvania—those whomnitcd with that as allies in the achievement of. that glorious political victory in 1 . 840, the result of which was the election. orthat pure, - rimer:lt:Al and much lament e&patriot my, lisaumust, the Presidential Chair—those who have hitherto consiAently bellied for "the Supremacy of the Laws," who are opposed to all mysteries, wh',.`ther of the Government or otherwise, which are accessible to the'proat eye—ilioso • who are op. posed to favored classes and Monopolies either of office or power --those who are tired .of experi ments upon the Commerce, liana:mho ea and (!urroncy of the coutly, and all Omer+ who are tmniinced of tin: necessity of so retiirroing• the abuses of the State and `blationarCevernmerts no to secure their proniptoilithrol, nod energetic admitastration, With a strict account. ability to — the people, on the part. of-those by Whom they are administered, arc requested by the State Central Committee ot the Dmiricratic:Har. ikon party, to met in their several Counties and Districts, and in conformity with limner usages, to elect Delegates in 'proportion to time number of Senators and Representatives in the Stale Lilis !store from such Counties and Districts, a to STATE CONVENTION, to be held at liarrisburgon MONDAY, the (him day of MARCH neat, at Id o'clock M. to nominate a suitable candidate thr Governor, to be supported by the friends of good' order At the neat General Election, and to do such other acts arid things as may be deemed necessary. The several Minty Committees will be careful to give the proper notices in their respective _.onnties. GEORGE FORD, Lancaster, HENRY 'MONTGOMERY, Dauphin 11A12111 ER DENNY. Allegheny. WILLIAM M. WArl'S, Erie, .1011[%1 G. MI LES, Huntingdon. .JOHN TAGGART, N6rthimberland ‘VILLIA.M. F. HUGHES Phila,•cu. • JOHN S. RICTIARDSV • JACt)lb EYGANT, Northantiiton. (r) -The Hen. A. \Varner, a State Senator of died on the Ist instant. rThe Ni,e York papers tionounee, the death of Jud : _; - e Cowen, of the Supreme Court of that BEM cl") In the second massacre of the Ne'storiar. Christians, at is supposed hundreds cif woMen nod children were burnt to death, und'a thousasid men perished, by the sword. cip 4 the amount of property bequeathed to the Icon: lim,ry'Clay''by tbo' Into 'Senator rortbr, of Louisiana, is 'Stator! in the . Lexington (Ky.)„'ln., quircr at'S.so,ooo or $60,000. cOThe Girard Will Case ba.q•bcen'cubmittcd to the Judges for their tlcLision. The decision, it is the imp:vision tit ‘Vcslinngton, he in'fa. cur °flit° will. ZTour Christian women in New urh have i been baptized and entered the'Jcwish church and within the last week have each been married to persons' of that persuasion:k-This is •sOinetbing novel. • trr The Haus° of dleprescntatlves of Teinits. see, on Alto 27th ult.,:passed the resolutions df the ' Senate repralihg, in.ettict, the resolutions of the 'General Assembly of 18:47,charking John Quincy Adams and Henry Cluy Avith "Bargain, Intrigue and Corruption," and declaring that the charges therein contained against Alcssrs. Adams and Clay aro•unstipportcd by proof, and not to be he. • o:3''An 'lndian town ealle:d lloakville, 'in the 'Chet:taw nation , contains Aura, two tavern's. 'eight istbrds with !wait/ stodks ofgoods;•blikeries, bud Whirs, - saddlers, • carpenters, wheelwrights and Machu:nit!' shops, &e.; ranged in order upon streets . -as' itt %other tOwns. 'The stores, &c., are prineijuilly carried on by natives, who are said 'to be civil; brdarly.ftl sober. . oThe Right•llon; Richard Paelreitham, doy ExtraordinaryTrom the English court .Jibs arrived in this country... •Ho will open negotia tions in. regard to' the'Oregon Territory. We hopo the delicate qualities' involved, will be set- Med peaceably and with honor to both'parties. ,T,y-The supreme Court of Rhode 'bland 'will .hold their nest,regular .term at Newport on the lirat Monday of March; at whielutime it is pre. stun 4 4114: the indictment against Ar.' , Dorr,for the rdlcdgeAcrirrio of treason against the 'State, will he' called for.trial. , . crYlll6' Mississippi Setiate hue passe • d arbill dividing :1110 .State iota Congressional Distriids. It gerryrnandcrs the Stetv•outrag,cously, giving the Whigs but ono , distriet, it is believed_ that it will paps,tloofonso. , • CYTheittfikiiof the Congressioi:al "Thetriet.of Adome and. York have appointad,W"..l2. Morris, of Yotiti cl ' elektit,446-Nottoniqconveni„ton, and, norstinet4dpitnol;!§niyaer, of Achtma h per the flectoraitiah'ite;;' • , iFfoa:fLe the sticeet;br ' b as -,-hator i C on grecs frshi - Otiiblichiiiith tt • r in . bilatami)rin, etr Th4s „„g wit 0 terminatectial.'", , J . hod ;- o:7‘. tftrit'l3,,,a.,°?Pleolli(i'',ll443lol47l 4 / 1 11* .t l ' 7l s g • Id !:`•';‘,', :~ it The )cpieiiiitc,nifito Oconteisi 1 74,Y0IntOOr out Air Van - DurenAlio no. ninniMon , noxtain.lolnpichoOdn.tandpinß+, of ig4o ;'0 neigh bor:Of,the "VolMiteer," who,' Is welt hnown, , has Mosley been' hilterly oPpeier), to again running Mr. Van Buren for the Presit, dency—has at last "given in," and inohodletten' , te . ; : . !#tler:s front' head.quarters,.pOlishes the .etl 7 . Vretis of the recent great Meeting 'it finrrisluirg, ohd boldly proclaims that it is now rendered cer Lain that Mr. Van Buren will receive the nortilne. 7 tion. This enough, and.wo doubt net the Whigs are perfectly satisfied with it, liutit is added "that Martin Vun Buren will ugain he trt• umphantly riaced , in the White 'House et Wash.' logien, from which he was ejected.by the false. hoods and mummeries of the .'Coon campaign of 1840:". W 9 have often been surprised that our Local°. o - OPpotiont;i'shnuld—con'tinne-this-silly-try-about "falsehoods end mummeries," not bccoime every repetition of ft is a falsehood in itself; but froin whet is 'a ,rbeli stronger motive with theM, its obvious deseftion of policy; conveying as it does positive insult to the intelligence of the people. Dues it not sound strange, tv;:i asic, to hear Aliesc . professed democratic Editors make such a grave accusation against the people as that they were carrickAinn The performance of duty by "Nee. hoods and mummeries ?" Is not locofocoism lond.mouthed iii. its denunciations of every one who dares to even intimate a doubt that the peo ple of these United States are in every respect 'competent to the responsible. task of sell-govern. 'moil? And is it not the democratic parity that proaieses to welsh with vestal vigilance over the destinies of our yOllOlllll eduntry, and to believe that in no other hands than theirs can its great intciests be conrinitted with safety? Truly in. telligent sovereigns then ; ate these "democrats,' if with their host of trut/s:S . cattering newspapers the people are yet deceived by fe/sehataLS ."Prnly vigilant sentinels on the watch•lotvcrs of.Atncri can 'Frei dome are these "democrats" then, if mere . "toommerie" eatt lore 'them from the post of =I duty when a.great country's:vital interests arc ! Does riot the Volunteer plainly see the il'it believes the people to lrvetudieient haat genee and honesty to Ivu,m and do m hut is right that - :t insults their character 'by charging then .th being ltd away' by " falsolienda and mum meries?" Hut while we thus 'attempt to open our neighbor's eyes to 'his blunders, te do not really Mints° file lip the - charge. Con.' tinue telling your readers every 'week 'that 1n 0.10 they were the poor miscralds dopes of "falsehoods and mummeries," and send out your young orators to address mectingsand denounce the people to their faccs as wanting intelligence and honesty, andwo shall be perfectly aathrfled with the justly indignant response that will greet 'the declaration, -and the results 'that kill follow in the overwhelininFrebtrke with which the pee. pie will return the insult at the ballot boxes; The "mummer 4," alluded to, we Silt:pose, arc tho,e'ponr innocent songs, whose pealing choruses gate such Itha and spirit to Whigs in 1810, and proved so excruciatingly annoying to the cart of our locofeen friends. We Cantu', really assure the Ychinterr that this .part of the performance will not be repeated this year, for while we re. collect the spirit with which " Yankee Doodle" and other . miliond songs animated the Whigs of the flevolutiOn, we cannot give np so efficient a means of exciting the 'spirit and enthusiasm of the Whigs of 1114.1. Cut the "fulse/unals"—what are they? What' are the falsehoods" by which the Whigs sue' cceded in duping the people in 1810, and which it appears the 'Volunteer' and its locrifoco cotefif peraries Were not stile. to open the eyes of permit'' The Whig pleas charged that the Van Tamil Administration was corrupt and profligate —was it not (roe? It charged that the people's money was sTian. dared by faithless nadir, agents—that millions were Iraq by defoulters—was it not true ? It charged that the Government e:tpenses,which under John Quincy Mallig ' ti administration, were but about thirtreu millions of dollars annually, were artar that increased by the Van Bared A ministration to the enormous amount of TIIIRT MILLIONS ANNUALLy!—WaA it not /riga It charged that this enormous expenditure was not required by an economical administration of the Government, hot a great part alit Was litokti by defaulters, and squandered upon flivorile cup. milers Of the party and sycophants atilt: Admin. istratiOn- t -ean it not be lirri.seli? it charged 'Nat the. Administration was not using-measures to promote the prosperity of the Government and 'the people—it charged that a uniform currency, the best 'tho..wilidd ever saw, was destrcved, and thus the great -business in• tereitsorthe country wero.thrown into confusion, and' bankitipley and ruin spread wide over the national prosPerlty—eannot this be proven? 41, ehargdd that the Van Buren .Administraiion fastened upon the people the onions Sub-Treasury' scheme—n scheme by •which the pure and the steord irould be placed in the hands of Presi dent—a scheme by which the country ..would be reduced to nn exclusive hard money currency , — a scheme by Which the rielrwould be made richer 'and the poor laborer reduced to the miserable pit. !once of Wee/its u duly—n scheme which could not keep the public money More safely than lc fore, but which would inflitt - untold evfldupon•the 'business , intorcstssof.the country. Ie this n 'false hood?" • It charged that the Van Buren Aihninistration attempted to create a cast Standing Aria i—thnt safeguard of monarchical tyranny hitt oppressor of the people—was this a thlsehtiod? :But we should occupy too much space did we , enoincrate•all the chargcsmndc against the Van flurcri Administration, and so cloarly %branded upon . its brow that.its profligacy became.a stench ip the nostrils of Ow people:l, An administration whosmflxteutivelicad unblmihingly avowed him. ..loifu:Northern man with Southern `principles, end whose, paltry shuillina demegogueism become BO odious to the people, that ninkeen out of twenty. six States, and one hundred and fifty thousand majority out .of 'l'vro of:cotere, declared hrough tho baild.boioo 'that arty' would ho lon. ger ,have him.toirulo over' thenil 'And 'now peoplo are insultingly Auld tluie.their: boorish ig. nommen prevented" them from;'apprecatilig ,the exalted character•ofso Vara and patriotic 'an'ad-' ministration,—that the ltdminibtratioii *as lairs 'and just and right, but that the'people were weak and , ignorant ' end carried aiviirh7 , ,dehisAin !!-- Gue•not content'w,ithihus slandering the people,, the Billthrioret Convention is sbourtn'ilaf forth Its hbioridfts mandate,' Corded! thEs' pOor • defutled people to'Volicht them or ihei"e'vil doings-to `re 'tract their deotpoh, oof l t o , tot'y ,humhlo terms lit'ouimidolott; - toO i foeto ,iorOog and itic.',Y . .. t on ren W an ,tino:tiiiittdoritd:ood „Were, led sway by ' £ uleahoridaati~t , inu,nmcries t!!". 71 1 . kt !!Pg, t !P • 0! ) 1 3 ,90 0 ,i.0 0 PIO*. and .3'f!i‘q•#teritteiAtigttit! toltIo4;y tho ;Far!-.:Y il !P n 'itt05tr,0144.9,44t rather IVOotatoettoitd,thi. iepu. dtatett:!l l gl - 4M l4 olMt l44 l l 4aslhet IqPituktge 4 of iiio;# l .o ll 4' Pr:P . OI4 I W JPlthiohnte theft. Jahr ttleetc I tog,tttillitts:lotxtt,':l4 : ,stny at tly.iit4 l. 40:944 o,p Or q.1(i.'+ .1 •44,0q,{1y 4 t vniv , 4l,F, e_ Lettpie il•vr the? ,I .llltigiolaul,.. Mr. Martin'lfiektßeti, locotoco canqi*Tor tir,Pre,l(dency 4BlOjtiktk a letter in replkiO ; the oilicerOf thn PenneityrOt "Democratic! Mass meho 6 l o oly beld;"wliftie cornmuniO'atioOto status has beeit•reksivnd,:With feelings of no'Cirdi. , nary' character.' AU:Van Buren takes care, in his characteristics style, while giving , a good deal of praise, to Mr.,linehananfor "knocking under so,gracefi pretensions, toi.toll'. n`.4 ol roCraPf-thAto theY more not. all for Buchanan;'but- choico.portion thorn decidedly- prefeverlYtr:Vrailhtrenrwho t howevor,cautiod , iliOniiirbiititOFincifiitit Win:- sired no clashing of their tespee.trve inteiostit!-=. , Can any one tell where; thpsd.antt.Btiphanan Van Buren acetates were located? na . Van Duren alsoyenturea to intimate that h s defeated in 1840 tip means of "falsehoods and muinmeries." -We marvel at the temerity 'which could :4:0011V sit down and indite such a dniiherate -- ineirtricr - tturneeple ss is -contained-it the following from Mr. Van Buren'e lertCr: • s "The belie that the u s of such inea,ns con tributed to4he result of 1840, must halm lfiVicred the character of our people in the estimation of mankind, and if so, bow inuelf would their res. pect for it be diminished, should the coining can-. V 3813 (In so con - dueled, as to establish the impres sipp . that the American . people are,liable to be al ways thus imposed Open? Liability to occasional error is an Infirinity 'fibm 'which rro individual is exempt. What right have we then to expect that nonitimnitiei should be infiiiliblel .But there is a wide difference between ancceaidonal aberration and a confirmed defect of character. Can we'CM. pact the• people of lb is country to maintain the . elevated standing- in the eyes oftheiworldovhich they have hill cnjnyod,,if, after the lapse of years, aird t • fullest opportunity for reflection they suffer themselves to lie aucond time ()per .ated upon by appliances, from the use of which every friend of free government must turn with mortification and disgust." Recollect, render, that it is ~the great head of the professed ;'democratic" party who thus talks of the pCople being subject to mental "liberation" and •"infirtiiitY!" A ibrciad charge of insiiriity flatly urged against the iihople because' forsooth theyi e , gtive a. majority against Mr. Martin Van Boren wheirrunning fur the Presidency ! ! Truly the "insane root" must be a prominent article of provender at kinflerbook about these times Henry Clay. ibllowing noble resolution was among those adopted by the Young Men's Whig Convention of Indiana, held at Indianapolis last month. "Ilow many Clay men" will heartily respond to this beautiful tribuoe: The resolution is us Cul lows : "Resolved, That HENRY CLAY has no corn. peer in this wide spread Republic—Mat for pro tbund statesmanship, matchless cloquence,.com• prehensive mind, eminent talents, and deep and fervid love fir his country, he is indeed prominent null alone, Ihr above ono hsvond the reach of sue cessful rivalry—that he stands, like Saul; the site ofliish, a head end shoulders above all his fellow Men —that his selfeacrilicing spirit, his pure'ldfii. ness of character, and his earnest devotion to his country's int&e,ts, even while the vials of wrath were , being poured out npon,hi head, while his. footsteps were dogged by malice and envy, while the shafts of destruction were hurled ut him, and reproach and slander scattered in his path, have endeared him to the innermost hearts of the American pen - plc-7 , ost the cheering authemstef the fee, which arc even now ringing from every hill nod dale—from every valley and plain 7 -from the heyous of Louisiana to the forests of Maine, and from the orange groves offloride to the wide spread prairies of lowa,rittest unerringly that this (movers will not only cnil in the triumphant and brilliant success of Whig principles, but irrdoing, what em been on long deferred, but so richly due I —.lemon To 'HENRY CLAY:" I' , A Goof/ Political: Anecdote. . At a I.r:collie° Convention recently held in Tip. peeanoe County,' 'lndiana, a friend of Oct. Cass moved the following, meanible and resolution: Whereas, General Lewis Cass emigratcd'to the West from Nets Hampshire in early litb with his Anal:sack on his back, and unalwathed his sword iftrepelling the Indians from nor Northwestern frontier., and ill fighting against the British der— the last war: Therefore resolved, that lin ought. to he supported by the democratic party for Pre sident of the [:oiled States. This of course did not please the fi iends'of the little Magician, whereupon a brother Loco of the Van Buren stripe, moved an amendment by st rilt. ing out the mune of "Lewis Cass," and inserting' 'that of "Martin Van Buren,' which motion, after un animated discussion prevailed. The amend. merit having been agreed to, of course the next thing in order was the reading 6f -the resolution as amended ; whereupon the Secretary hemmed. thrice, and in a tery loud, clear and distinct voice, read rs follows: Whereas, General Martid Van Buren emigra. ted to the iVest from Ncw thimpshire in early life with his knapsack on his back, and unitheoth. cd his sword in repelling the Indians and fighting I against the British . 1 Byllhe time the Secretary had got thus Tar, the absurdity. of the thing became no manifest, that the same Locoftwo who moved the amendment sprang to his feet, exclaiming, "Tut, tot, ha, Mr. Chairman, that'll never do." I move to lay the whale affair on the table, and there it was laid ac. cordingly. A Noble Sentiment. The Washington correspondent of the flostari Atlas, describing one of the late exciting debates 'in Congress, says that Mr. King of -Massachd. .setts,.reeeives great credit for the handsome and noble defence of Mr. Adorns, which he made, in answer to the aspersions of Mr. Ingersoll': When asked by Mr. Gilmer, in u very unparliamentary and •indecorus manner, but one that is only. too common in the present House, whether .the great 'Latimer petition had not been headaby a slave, Mr.' King turned upon Mr. Gilmer, and gave hini this' noble answer , : • “Sir—ht Maorachueetts,nwe know no slaves.— There, miery.heing, wade in the image of hie Ma. ker, owes allegiunce =Montage duty to'hia 'cre ator'!” EloTiziat Ext.ritht.: 'Hon. John P. Iti3nnedy,'tlio member df Con. gross from Balthndre, has written a co-pita! Let. ter to the Clay Club of the sixth ward of that City, in which, among other good things, he says. : : ' , OYU!) adversaries-so divided in ,principle,' so shaketbrititerntildiscord; 'with a cause so gond, so long :improved, so just to the country ; with friends so trusty and true, so zealous and so earn. ost.; with alCdiler so glorious in'all the attribtites that eliallenetlie.respeeLiwin the confidence add . rivet the, affection , of ilia, nation e7 what, have we . 'to fear in the' contestthat awaitsus ?, in. dulge a prophecy The AVM?, fire Will blaze' Over wider fields of living men, .and the., blasts of: 'the 'Whig. begin" will *find an echo in a greater 'Multitude oftliving [bosoms in 1844, than even' n .the l glorions • • , Cdmirity . . 41. appears from the statistics nfuritlal4 bylhe Into cenees,-thet in our neighboring courier of Yorlc,tliere urp,4216 persons oveoo.yenre,of age, eanneither reari j nor.write-Tbeing, one out, of, .eleten of Ot.ira . poptilationotthe County 47 This is n lithientaiile - stitte Of;soelefy 4 l ' 1.1 . • t appears; ne * O'l i 6 which iA~ / b4ii mitrOlthiti riio; in thifiteet ; State' 'of Netv.,,York-4heilargest There #teln.the(Cquilty,7 flour mills, In r anufact „klsrp4 TgF. l 4 , ;nilita; AOP "trips;anti . .{,;;;-. • l:t 40iiatit, , Ritg; kvie g fidd6, ,, AistAiatiO3iidge Of tetith , zor 414,Solgtotlfolk,eµdilcribtiofik:titiffa, Fatty 1, i)4lt)a "" s :, 414 Tl'e 47 `,l ' ' % .14 * \!1;e:.',i,1144:41";/.1`.2 11rOglitk4Sfilltt4 -47.41214, E . porOpander of the PhiladOia:Pora# l .! 1, Ye BEI,WO 441 , e iWa r rildngton, rebruary43, 144. I ,think I begin' o seethe game of the locofocos for the session. There yillhe a(cumpleto rc.union between'tho Calhoun"aridVan Huroif branches' of the parry; , b bill.v3ill ; lid puegort iLfohgli ' ther) louse roduning,Oe:preeot4flntiff i iintl;'lirtnie - Meant 'will , be adopted to stiVeoff , the reception of patltions ;; Thin will.bp the incense offered 0,90 i hounishs;'an'd fat this'enity'fealt'y the !chivalr~i Orli" blitv Man of the North!' As: to' t' inedifliniticin of the tariff, it must be:berno iminind that it isilematid: ed hy the - SPectator,Mr.:Cttlhoun'tilate organ, (or rather the late Mr. Calhoun's organ,) as a matter of demi : interest to the, South. the Whigs trio they have 'had tritimphant viatoriee }MI6: the pas sage of their Tariff Act of 1841';'when•it'tvas-an issue before the people; I , cannot then but fairly draw the inference that an *attempt will he made by Northern locefocoism-to repeal the tariff, mere. ly as a matter of party concifiation to their South ern political allies. The question then is, shall . the interests of the majority' be sacrificed to the visionaries of the South, and shall Van Buren re. ceive Northern support when he opposes its inter eats, merely to catch the votes of a faction, anaa small faction in the South I There is, no such thing us a wish for practical free trade," even 'in the South; General Clinch, recently olcbted by a largely increased vote in Georgia, is a known adesicate of the -present tariff; so are the Hon. Senator Berrien and Mr. Stephens oftho House; Mr. Chappel, the other Whig member from that State, is anAihipracticable,' and although strongly attached to Mr. Clay, I learn lie is willing to mad ,ify the present tariff; but not" tre - sarrensir 1116 -principle. I would I had any influence with this gentleman; that I might say to try the present bill, see how it operates in practice; let theory sleep for a ye:sir or two, and give the tariff; as now constituted, a (kir trial. If it is found to tie oppressive on any section or interest; if it 'is found to produce snore revenue than the wants:ref a rigidly economical government may require; if it is icsiy-iristaPiserpreihiliitory---iirThfralirg clore-than fair equaliCy between the domestic and . fsileign interests, then alter the objectionable parts, mullet the necessary modifications be made; but till the trial is made*, let . not Its genii] elects be impaired by creating doubts °fits permanency.' • I might refer to Louisiana, whore thd.,stigur planters demand that their great staple should be jiiotected, and to this.demand Mr. Calhoun has returned a favorable answer. Does not this con. cede The principle of protection, as incidental to it tariff! And if Louisiana is right m asking the shield of the law . thr her sugar, have not all the other States art equsl claim on legislation fur their dvspcctive Inca! intereks! Tfmn a tariff mu r st a thing of odmprotnivt; nand reconeilo con. Meting interests as .fur as possible, and the pure republican spirit of o u r constitution demands that while the rights of the minority ere not unreason. ably impaired, the will of the majority, expressed through their legislative representatives, is'tho supreme law of the land. I protest ilicn against the corrupt combination, by whic . lithe dearest in. terests of Ilse people of the North are to be saeri. ficed to Southern fliction, I protest against Van Buren's elevation to power, over tho' prostrate form of domestic industry! I protest a inst the perieidal act of striktng down our inot:tutions for the suku of elevating OUll to power or riMling a politician or a rival. These blows of !'action are death to the comintmity at large ;. all Caperi. CIICC has taught this, and 'history warns US against c.tra'cisin (Wary kind. Some graphic author has observed, who I remember not, but his words are impreswd on my mind, Mhe poi-on which mused the lips of Socrates'penetralcd the vitals orGreevo; the ate Which fell upon the neck of Cicero, severed the head of Rome:" I slyly this extract as most applicable to the course of Van Buren, who seeks by scenting compliaTlCV With the wishes of Mr. Calhoun, to drive hint from his position and place him in af. se attitude before' the people. Neither of these gentlemen are my fluorites, but the Van Buren triumvirate has decreed the political death of Calhoun, arid as I believe him honest, though mistaken, I regret to •see him so swindled by his more sagacious rival Besides, his position is so Ultra—that it is one of the balances of our govern- neat—if We all thought *lie, ire should be the prey of dCniagoguelsni and our national safety is slued only on the contrariety of opinion. It now remains to be seen, whether the friends of :Ir• Calhoun will be gulled by the pretended attempt of Van Burcn's friends to modify or repeal the existing tarn - It now 'remains to he acCn whether the tieVelopentents ttuAld by t'lealty vice se6" of the party, will not open the eyes of the Calhounites to the filet, that no modification ()film arifr will be offered in. the House, unldss it be of such a character La to mako its rejeCtion by the Senate perfectly certain! It remains to he seen whether the Southern elliitalry will macs-them- valves to be used as the ladder to elevate .VattVile ren, while ho cheats, deceives and dupes them ! Will the bare fact ef, introducing a modified tariff bill, and giving it aboll'Ovv support, be considered as surrendering the ground occupied by the North on tho subject of protection? If so, then Cal- ounienvisdndeed degraded to tho footstool of Van Buren ! .. • The debate in the Muse this morning was continued. hy illesartillaralson of Georgia, Bow. liu of Missouri, .Garret Davis of Kentucky, Stiles of Georgia, Schenck, of Ohio, and Deem griele ofNirginia. The latter gentleman eubmit led amendments to the resolutions appended to the i -iteport of the majority of the Corriiiiittee'On Elec. titns. it will be reniritribered thiirthe Commit. 1 tee'e resolutions denounced. the District System's ilaw of the last Congress, us "invalid, unconsti.' national and inoperative." In, the course of .the unansweralde_arguments.which_the advocates.of , that law have made in the, Ileuse,the lociifeco; 'majority has found Unit this tienunchdory posi,tion . l 'was entirely untenable: they thereforo l yielded 'their ; grOund,.gai'o'up the viihals:_,question, 'and tillr . .'' Droingoole's amendments' Ant ply oiffirre that'the' !umbers cleated by General Ticket ,are entitled ' to, their nate: A, morefcoavineing argument against their whole course could not be, made 1 against the , -nittjority ' than . they , theinselveS offer by . adopting this, ociMit3. I . 3r ihdydisre , not pass .I vesoletiens' that: the Dietricilavir . is' 4 1inia (id; in: 1 pperati've. and ~.unconatitntionaP'•;—,the 'converse I hold good, that the law is consiitutiqnal, palish: gr,ielpr . ae;icaliiit.' f ~Ilmtklen itrotherto giv,o f thn: seats to the members free! , the four states?. , 411 y, the fyrant POwor eta pa khan majority everridinz tilt; requirements of, the Cenidliddieil ' No other' way ialleftt'.4te'd'lliiii'sviaY Wilrliotile6.44i4t, ftrlitmlebiteiwas-contlAuedtby BtrAarribger,nf Nortli . Carollea, , and Barnard, of New York, until fi . 0 ,..Cit ) 0f.0.11/ofiN, %;f 2 i?Pti.°P. t° 1 19.l i gn:IY- 4 H;CaPi°4l ;by awl nays , 7q:t. 39,, ;.,,•,..;,., ..itili iiilt -' lli i 141. I i , '.., i .1j; f 5 .'4, '7A11;41,1,t . ; ,;;;!r..^ - 24.: , .,:t . 4'..v.5:;.1, ";', 1;;,,; , Pitsidetit, Niiiiedlke bunts refithe deli; 4,04 1'0 14 9 ;4 1 /00Svjhilitui 400 ofteiivibittliOnseki 10.111elitAit, Jstfl gqf t) , t ‘- Venrugglinntfa lrA93,44ttie : . , .of , „laetaitOS i t 9:,Clfix'dtte~ :0; 1844:', , ; Houser 'brinniiftt'ii,'olC#flin., tt4e . s., "Olutitin rot= afterpoAn, et iongf;twii,ii4iya in Pelf Week. Laid'im the f itible. Mr. Nicholson a resclUtioii , the 'ita alone of the Legislitiuiii' , „eight:i4iiiminstaiid.ei one ininF4' 6 d; as provi~e~~Ly ;, tilo~rof7ii ' hi'Adt ' o#"ldaLt sessinn.'Laid , 011111),O41410 : i*.i.: - ;0:;:4:::;4:;N1 , ; - . , ' , 4..i. • • • Mr. Charopeq . o,2,4Oni; :thel . lo . ommittee. , Of In , ,veetigatien and lengthy' . report on thezldw..anti the facts:invelvecl iM:the late .election 'State ;;Printekcc,': views the' whole .ground,'.and ;comes -• toile coil. elusion that the election,of .!saac. McKinley, Was legal; and that his election by the . Legisla ture, and acceptance of the °thee,' constitutes contract with him, which "the ariangeMonis" be. tween—ltim-and-the'other7Printen6incormected as they were with the :members - Of the Legisla ture, does:not vitiate it.. Rut 'that the Legislature unddobtetlly possess the power to rOpeal tho_liW; and annul the contract, tipon rnaking reasonable compensation to . the State Printer for any losses which he may sustain in consequence of having procured Fuitabla mates:leis for the execution of the'work. Mr. litighesi, from the minority of tho 'Corn. niittee, on behalf of himself and Mr. Sullivan, made a report differing essentially and almost en. tirely from the views taken by tho majority. The minority concede•that there tvos good ground for the opinion of tho Attorney 'General, in regard to the want of !Mtliority in the Legislature, to adl journ the election from day to day :; they &MY the doctrine of contract as hell by the majority, and seem to think the combinations entered into amongst the 'Printers and others,sufficient to have vitiated it, even if there had been otherwise such a ,contruct.. _They.vonclude, that the Governor_ was justifiable under all the eireunistaticeS in re fusing to improve the bonds, and express the opin- ion thdt the matter is entirely open for legislation, They are in favor of giving out at least the Eng lish Printing to the lowest bidder. The lions against the German Printers being entirely unsustained by. the evidence, little is said of thorn. The 'reports having both been read, which ne. PiCAc.on sistura bla -li,puit-thek committee—warn discharged from the further consideration'of the subject, and the usual number of capies,ofoach was ordered to be piloted. Mr. ramify, (torn the Internal. ImproVements made a lengthy report, against authorizing sole of the Public Improvements - to an incorpora, ted company. The committee think it would be bad poliriy, and give various statements of the costs and receipts friim the some, to prove that we shall soon.be able to make thetn The Committee say that . there is no cause for de spair, in paying the interest on the public debt— that there are other sources, which, however, it is not in their province to bring to the notice of the Senate, and that there is no good reason for resort ing to this extreme measure. If there wati,uo other way of saving the credit of the Common - say they would recommenit the measpre, without hesitation. The retina he ing read, the Committee was discharged, and 'the printing of the Report ordered. Mr. Grably front the Committee on Banks, to whom had been referred a bill, marlin place a few days ago, rcl itive to the right of Stockholders of Banks; &e., to vote by proxy, &c., reported the" same will] a recommendation that it be negatived. Mr. Penniman, from the same Committee, report. ed adverse to the passage of the bill for the re peal of the ;Atli section of the net of I SP, re chartering the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Philadelphia and foi other purposes. It relates do -the re-eligibility of Bank Direetoto. Th e Ta rill; The Albany Evening journal cl 9 ses nn ankle relative to the proposition of the loeolocos to re- Teal or modify the present Tariff as follows: Cm'aheini gentlemen. Lay your Vandal hands upon dm 'I miff if you dare r . Try flora " Exper iments" you are not satisfied with past evpo ricncc. 'rite country is just emerging from a long dark night of wrongs and. oppression. tore, Manufactures and Commerce are just raising their heads. Prosperity at last dawns upon us. Let the fidlowers of Van Buren, in pursuance of his Anti-Tariff Letter, blast the !Merest:o)nd dash the hopes ofthe People, by striking a blow at the feria; and they will encounter a gala next full, in Comparison 'With which the storm Of 1840 . was a more Lo-co-fu.co DeIMO The Editor of the Whig Clarion, a spirited campaign paper, publhilied'at Raleigh, North Car. ol!na, furnishes a new eitilaniition of the meaning of this political appellative, which we publish for the especial benefit of all concerned: He says ;t was given to a noisy cliipie of pot-valiant politi.' clans, in one of their towns, who habitually con gregate ribthe bar-romp of .the principal hotel, to luxuriate on the - beauties of Lneoiheoism and whiskey. A stout, brawny Kentucky drover,.who stood six feet and uptvards in his stockings, axlear lover 'of Henry Clay—as 'ell true-hearted 'tuckians should be-,had endured their "wisdom. lucubrations, and provoking taunts; until he• could • bear it no longer, end in the bitterness of his soul, ho prOnounced:iiietn all a pack of " Lo cafaeas." • A part dieciple ofltire'dto'betiliat he could not toll 'the meanlif, , flaf the . .tvord. " Not tell the meaning of that wor(lr e quoth he of the "Bloody ground." "Well, whet is' "You dill know well enough what Lo meads—bit, in kinciplcs, low in patriotism, low in iightenusness; and 'Dow particularly : Jai° in stlitils. 'Well, Co means the company—the whole gang of you; In short, th e low company. And thonfus to Fo, it is'as'eneily seen us told.. ,It, iTicansjoe to your country's best interest, foe to,a,.good cut•romcy, foe to American labor against tho•lpbgr of,English paupers, and to cap the whole, foe to Henry bray, the cleverest fellow in all creation.... Well, the other Co iu the, company; of all this, the foe coMpany ; and toge ther, forms a ikind of double copartnership, of which .you seem.to -be-very_activeLtnembers;.my_ friends." They looked at his Buts ; and his eye, arid were clisCxcet.. A New State. On Mond a y last, the !resident of the'United States sent communication Trani •the Governor vZ , IOWA, covering the proceedings of , , the'l'orritor,inl .Lpgislainre, asking , that,lolve may .litikimitted'into the Union us , art ,iO4pPep, dent State r :'" Viio's'Adet.,rse'refet:eitio,the , 6,9m. initioe die gi4iciaiit no?io Of",l24iviien.; Mr': clay anil 'the ilulio s. { 'Mr. Clay recently paid a Visa to the 114 Oka. 'bash" atikretviCitlaatA.;iin'd - in'iliti'coU'rei, 9 r 1 .44 .ply. to Ili co rn pli inehtitty'••son ti thlts *die. of the Tiniewt. ,',...Ahove All; our .Gov,orrnueut. and our!eys. J am ihaUldhe ever,udminietered re; ferehoe to the proaervatiou of our glorioati Taro n '-i-that,paratueurAanthtrageoetidaut ribjeuti: which is the' Gala :gitartinty of our. liberty, our !lee Watt:, thtierie; and, illl ahr ihiiet 'prfilldge . i.""Alia wAthoppharpony tholuartsl-ynithr.'huty: diet in fOrtn, taut Its upitlt vox tillitttiltiA4l 4 eil l Wiii4 l ,` Clqr oro firk.;;t l :-. 1, ; 1 `0. b''.. ;; ";i 4 : ., G' 41. /.i Q/ 1, 1 ,4 - .;;;;;„ 4tileketonism and' LlicOotoisin; General remarii;tliettliair of the anau,al Mellsagetp4con otiit.,.'eu*stly.ieereMeithd. a change infithe of thOre. tipletiby toWiringloWi4iimealbcos 'ate,Pow vehemently opposei§ to such limitation. General 3itekson earnestly adyocated thp 'protective ' BS , fr. tif , TheLeecificoS are Otivit violent in &whine. wess.toZoliviribtstri the proceeds fettle 'wise-of the public landi Among, tho States. • The Locofocos now reprobate distribution with all their might. Is it not the moskingenious logic ever heard ofy 'Which proves that General Jackson was 11 . Mat Mid that the 1; ocancia are Democrats also Locofoco Derundracy. is very nich . like Janus stradling a fence, with oua face and one leg on' the side of protection, one term; and distribution, and the Other face and the other leg on the side of free trade, two terms, and no distribction. If aomc - sculplorelmulp - prird — uce a statue o: racy, embodying .the Locofoco notions of it, it would certainly be tho most beautiful and classic specimen of the art in modern times., How ABSIMID.AND DISHONAFIT tT 48 for any one to repcmunentl any particular 1. / anaccaas an infallible cure for nil stages of consannittirm, because . in doing so they claim the creative power ! for in some cases the Lungs become like unto n honey colub--a mere without submit:ie. An sock irbtOrreS Dr. Sleeling'n Pulmonary sf i rtifiykomotes expectora- SiGII, thereby alleviating, and giving ass much ease,as any other medicine. IthaS beet used with rcmtu success in curable Consun Won; Whooping Crmgh, Measles, Spitting of Blom Soreness in the llrcast, Side, Iluck,Scarlet Fever, uchitis,Croup, • The wife of Reuben Maps, Cro'sswicks, N. J. won IliWirrly cured of a Congb Three Years standing by Swelling's Pulmonary / Syrup. For sale in its purity in Carlisle,at S vpL, nt, Uoyi"s Drug Store. Remember only, 50 cents per bottle. CosTivv.NEss.--,Alr.Jobn Earl, 25 Tenth street, Philade:ehia, was for many years afflicted With the above disease (costiveness,)' which had con. Wined 'to grow worse daily until it became truly alarming—he was reconimeittl to use severid rein adios; which he did, and not receiving a ny,i , CNC fit from them, despaired of ever being cured, until ho was advised to try ..Dr. Bi-undyelh'3 viiiTCHlij - iiiMliires in a abort time completer re moved his complaint, and soon restored t o a perfect enjoyment of health, a blessing he .o: knowledges-he never expected to miroy., Sold, in Carlisle by CIIARLES ipARNITZ Agents fur this town LOCK A r , to '^ I 1N: A LTlf BEPO it E V t:rt TR Mg. maxim cannot he disputed. There would he no enjoyment.in this world without health, and noth ing should he left undone to preserve it. Slight Golds are the origin of more fatal diseases and death limn all otber•cdmplaints combined in the United States. A peculiarity or climate which attacks the lungs with fatal certainty, unless at tended to in time, causes n cough and then ter- minutes in consumption.- No excuse can he offer ed fur allowing these attacks to germitnife in the system. I EASE & SON'S Clarified Essence of Hearing]lid .Candy .18 a 4ertr,iii cure for any cold if lised in the commencement. Iti thhi rests he grand secret, and sinuild.not he forgotten.— It is put up id loundy and,portable packages, end :an he carried in the pdcket, whether at home or ravelling, Sold at NI YETIS k. II A VERSTICK '5 Drug toed 'aney Store, North Ilanover !erect, sole Ageots tor his Borough. V.i-A re you troubled with feeling oppression uflor cahing? Do you cxperitmce a faint and diz .zy sal - Nation alter takinz strong. exercise? Arc you aillietvd ,with griping or spasmodic pains iu the stomach and bowfAs? Aro you annoyed with some cruclations and other Fyiuptoins or hurt. feet IngCSOOll ? '(lave, you a (1(111 but constant pain in 'your -right side, 'or between . your shul ders? 1/0 you experience uneasiness re. glen of the kidneys', accompanied by shooting pains of the back ? In inc word, have you any of the symptmor with denote a disordered snir the bowels, Or the nerve's? lithe answer is nilirindtive, and you wish to change it toe hearty and joyous negative, try a bottle or two el' Jayne's Tonic Verinifuge,,and, unless there is a malliwi ai n ion in your organic structure too guarantee a Cure. Sold hi Carlisk . by T. C. STEVENSON, oply ugontihr this borough. I.)II. • WISTAICS (;RE DlSpove.liy.-11 was Said is 11 , 111611; Ilk•W nndrr the 9111.,": TI is lilts 'Weil einilitpliray tine, in regard to.itivilirinei. • litittileed, of rills, Pilli:Mu:lS, Spe Cities of all soils lolly boo. liutroil iWL notoriot . i all Inittle nwmA nt the 1.11111• ituzi•vaielitS, o,•w IniderialS In !hi. Lcaling 1.11 nut 511111 of Wild Cheery 5 net' —4,1 new - principle'tivolveif foini outllre'B nit ti ill,tts ilnt'Y It oll'et , hit iplt iit Ciollsomptios, 'Liver Complitiot, told all tliNotors of the1.5.,18 triton nothing rke . will. An lion. 11.1.10 I:11'11 h . ) . 0 Ole 0,01;111i:40 Val . 1111111( . 11i thrt.tl loCs•ritruil lora lit Amino:a ears' st,iiiitiog. A. ‘Villi s slB .Atiortley -at 18 'greet, 'N. T. trot owed of the some, years stal“iing. Ur. C1121 . 11S of Uadonlirld N.. 1. make, affiihtvit that it (rived hint or 4111.1),I.41 plishieilti,B had given hint up to Ilk.; nod to 01 lindecoa of others. ;0-Remember, vie pnsitively, in no ett.e, :Intro 'r nut Val cui•rs predeved by this 'multi:llde t•rmcdh.— Bc Imre to get lll•. Nl'istatt.'..lBvlsdel nI Wild ('hrrt• Sold le Carlisle, by S. 1..1..11017, only agent lin• tilts hervitgli: 4 4 31- M 4 IE 4 N - I 4 !T.P 1 ri s° l",c.j 4.11 PHILADELNII.V.Febtuury 10, 1844 FLOUR.—:Sales early :I . 'llllo week oPeriperline shipping brands at £A -75'per 'barrol. 'This day holders aro asking $t 87h ; extra family .flour in ,Ilroad :quet, $5 n 5 25, for city :consumption.-- Rye $3 25; Corn Meal $2 , 87h 11'2 %SO., flunk wheat $250 per cwt. GRAIN.—Sales of gooll •Whrat $1 a 205 per bushel. Rye t 65 ctei. Corn 46 a 48 cts, Oats 32 a :33 cts. DR. RUSH'S INFALLIBLE HALTH PIUS. TWELVE AND'A-1 - IA.LP CENTS A ,BOX The proprietor of this ; invaluable legacy of a great Man, bag for some time failed to present them to the .public in an advertisement. Tito mat/Mils u • plain one. -So lunch has thew use ghee, satisfaction, and 'so Ifrotiglylhavc they'been recommended to one an otherr.thatit ..has been utterly impossible to supply the:demand, both here and for counti y agents. 1)u -rin g-the present month; more than two hundred gross or nearly THIRTY ?I' Hut/SAND IJOXES,Itare been sold in this city end vicinity, and stipplied to Agents.througliont..the (United States, and matey ori:•• -ders'ltave been on-hand-weeks before-they-could-be In -fact it needs not the spirit of-prophecy to ,furctel) , the day-when,the. onlY • Pill in ...Ostt Ibe that invented by the immortal'l)r. Ilerlamin Rush, -tinigreatest physitiiimAinerina 'ever saw: ALEAtiyii PILLS ; have curet),,were cure gieemed well 'nigh impessibfet • they' halm rah:l(W to prelect bealthltundreds.tvlitilied lopglanguished on bedS'Of paih . . they hue operated like a Itiltlllll,vhen :all ether meilicitteathilMl eyenholdford relief, they. ',hayolivett comfort .to the - olficted, and hope to the OM -miring ;.1116 3 1taVe'ri!ituntid the Ills of You.. g 1440. given +to /ha 'ageili , , , blted,they seemtoL,possess, the properties ascribed by _the el., yellettr.oN tiriticrolayS M that.Eitxui; that S4praj rap/ Alum, that (temperer: of infirmities, to (Jimmy.: etiacliid,lhe sou dyy passed long' days and•weary nights of labor m. Mold: in Carlisle 14 & • taw: High 'street ? who 00 dole Agerits,for :7, Jaynya 'ram' " • „AN: alltlition'd, supply. ,f 'above 'Talikat4cAted;.. dpies, consisting or u Et . o Gatsja ._ • iitir mut,. . 4, ? „ 1 • .1., "...Sanative PilW • • • . I re,:ibinn ail, ulg 'opernuinui upon the !Teeth, Carniinatl Y e i la ban lf '' I , 'that 'Aro requleed.lop the.ir preskrvitiOn; " cei I lnd f m .. s a k l Y '„""""'n 'e f n r rwlll!rodtoPe ' c!, * , tz4 4 6 ?,,ca,Vil 'q Oir. of d r ay by , inserting Art) fi cytt Teeth, f rom ; ; ' t • " nrimuer VC! VicT bi Pit{ Woeti o fuw s f,lirrkSouthi q rAl o I. 'MuFliktn Mixt k siglujimporpniugi.Wh ,,, y itiLNT note]. ' , 7 '3iiStr: t ip,Air.c ' tl7;bi;tbi l *ialihigti:llnftliz'oditi ,-,- .. , 'll)"*mliT Ogginflwaiiva Afq Ilig j tig . arti.4 l ,sach Too. , . 'Ca b , r 14? 414 11 ' I a p or. ;;4 •. 1 „ l irs t ry,(i iy. 111 ; 41 4t"';`},;',oo',l 1 :1)- 4t; , . . • -:••• • . ' ••• NEWit4OODS . ACAIN • 111• AS just ,recur t ell from Philadelphia, and it now mienigg,#:lithe and pplerolid ntsortment of Winter Goinlai , ,,±ephsisting, in'••part, of Elegant elleliajohpsip#424o 3 1k AlDhere, Plain 'and sat. ',Our atripMVAlPacrats, Monte De Lines, new style Calicoes, and Jordon Chintz: Elegant Silks, Man.. alias; Broad Cloths; Cassimeres; Cassinette; „Ke n .. tacky leans;Tiekings; Checks; Flannels- Blankets Mueliiusl ' ,Limiter; and:Shoetings, coi; l; Ca niOre Ittic!!rpisteil Doniery I' Together - with 11344 of other now goods too stonier .y. 'otis to 'Week, fornimisiltogether the largest, beqatid cheapest stock of goods in this county. Don't mi stake the Old stand, opposite Mr. Brown's fiche% East flight street. • • • • • Carlisle, January 3,,184.4:".: tf AOJENCY - ... • , th• Indtmnily frgqin4t 10 . 81 by FRANRLIN FIRE INSURANCE OF 'PHILADELPHIA; • - Charter Perpetaal.—s4oo,oo9' Capital ,paid in -1 09-i-.'Gheer.nnt.-street;—,:—. • Dt.~Ki TN'S ufIAgCE . , either permanent or 'lim ited, DRAMs( hiss or damage by ilre, on PROPEPTY and F.PFECTS of ertry desermtion; , in town or Country, on the most reasonable 'terms. Applies dons mole either personally or by letter, wilt be promptly' attended to. • . , , The subscriber is agent for the above company or Carlisle and its vicinity. All applications for assurance either' by niail, or personally ' ' tiillbo womptly attended to e ; • W. D. SEYMOUR. ' Deemlfer ti, 1i43. ' • ' ' ly-6 Sc. ELLIOTT irt i riTlM" tar sale at very reduced prices, nfr . (l. assinquient of • Drugs, Medicines, Dye-Stuirs o PAINTS, &c, together with' Stationarv, Pine-Cap Paper, by tbeltentn, Letter tle; Slates'hy the drizien, - Silver Pencils, Drawing d. Sable . heir do:, Drawing Paper, Sealing Wnx,'.Wafers, Penknives, of n tine quality, Pointing brushes, Cray- ing do. Shaving do. Teeth do. Elrnh4be„ Shaving and Toilet Sospern great • vuriety,Varnish, Spices Grciund and Ungyound, Together with every otber article intim Drugline, the attention of Ph3siehms, Country Marelnints and Dyers, is solieited ns I MI 4etermine to sell sit very low prices for Cash. • Carlisle, March 15,1841. ' tf CONFECTIONARY, FRUITS &C 31., N.F—ift—ITION'KEIti . w()I hut I t h i i ws n f i r t u: , u c t t •il l: t s ‘ t i hens ;T e d i i i i H t t i it t i l l w t i i r le st r o u r i e ) 1 nit I lig!' strut, .e\t 4100 v to Ileetem's ilotel, Carlisle,a large ' fretli, and elegant assortment of CA N I)I,ES, lit UelS, mul' other articles in their line, which Hey are ready to .dispose of, ;wholesale itid retail, on the mast reahomilde .teinis. Their assortment comprises 'the following vurie'ties, till of which are. or liB choicest quality: CANDI 1 , 15.-1 , 4 int , rihand, curls, (plies, spear ',kit, mint plat, cakes and rolls, cinnamon, WPM filo:, lesion, Aniiirliontid, clove, cream and hied-eve, -Thompsomno or pepper candies • .liteliso o ,onj.Ch i y bailiff, lenton ihal!s, )wrenchmid COllllllOll NeLlgil i Preach, coilvlion,t..istl exploding secrets; mint Oral 1... roeic and - vanilla coma.; sugar mid burnt uhnondc. e.sifile toes, liquorice, Vie.. NOTii-Pilnionils,fiiheris,l7,tqliali williilllS,shell ha , ks,Lhesowsi, no . (1,11rozil, oreo 1)1,c:oriel and ground mita raii0,4),, 33 figs, primer, (.late3 and citron. Aim) the hest 7C(Onteco sod Segatirfr. hwt A ~,riran .tears, or the Borst quality. Theo• tuuusuo•lttlettl. is h , pt. 'von:4l,oly sapp . lie,: I y fv.2111 uttlflitiums. t.:ottotri• merchants are inlitt . (l.(o call, 115 they tutu he SUMO oil out terms NM:141111(3r • . tors Its Oily priers. The lettroutige of the public it respe,tfoily Itohello!. Carlisle,Apiit i, 154:31 RV/ COLDS FORZHISTMAS 1 .101 - 01"ErJrLS. IMPY . EIIS & 11A VERSTICIC has jl=t received IVA a splendid liFsortinent of "ANNUALS'," consisting in part of :the Opal, Gif , Friendellip'm OF: ring, Liter.iry Smiveider, American and Uri tisli 'Poets, iii rich and abetvy binding mailable presents. Also a choice stlection or elegantly bound Itil,h m, Hymn Hooke, Com. mon •Prayer ditto,—iogetber with a general ax. f.orttnent or Standard, .11iscellatireux and - sancoL 33001r5. of wlii4 sold lower than,ever °tiered in Cai sTATIONE RN' ~f . fem ey var.i.ty . ,.best of Letter end C. Tapers, rillethind minded from 1::1 to 25 eetila per gain; Qnigs, Blur tlnid anti 1.1;e1; Ink, Steel Pees, (.I.leks.ni's ever,Pnitits Lends for-ditto, velored and transparent, Sealing we c, t:incy mid plain, Motto Seals, Pipet felders:tnuet Pr with a hrge assortinent nf Pen. knives, slipoript and cheaper than ever ' , Mired in the market. Carfide, December 13, 15 , 13. 3m-7 D )1 TH E him just reeoiveil, and Ims'ib*: sal e , ; , few copies or the follOwin new work=: •I. "r,' try ARE . v(irr I.IITRERAN."—A o ni k giviet a cermet %ie.' or the 'tlortrhwg or the Loth..rno Cho re „ br eihc 16. v. n i . t . z. 2. THE YE,III .1;001i: UP TUE REFORMA- Tl(rS."--:This in gel tip in the form of aa and in'an elegant ,tAantai.. 7t enntai,.s a number of orneles from nottimlier of ministers fir 41iIrcrctit elliay 'relating to the life, eloo.novv, niaTatioliS and ocia.rienyt. , of LeTittn, nini'lo file IhrZetSify :41.1 Refor- A noel intvreating and nfvfni honk. JACOB SENER. .tf-S SPECIAL COURT. • .C:ti`l isle , Doc. INP, I 813 :19Ip1 Y virtue of a Writ . from She Hun. Daniel Durkee President liiidge of the 19th Judi vial District of Pennsylvania, bearing, date the IGth day of December, 1943; and to me directed. NOTICE IS IIIEIIIEBY GIVEN, That a SiteciafCourt of 'Common Pleas ail's" Peace, will ho hold byllie saidlion. Daniel Dur kee,and the Assail ate Judges of the Court of - Quer. ter Sessiens.4 the Peace of Cumberland County, at the Court House in the borough of Carlisle, commencing on MONDAY, the 9th day of March,- A. D. 1899,. at •Ilin o'clock A. M.' of sad (lowa continue ono 'week, for the Ariel or the certain causes depending in the Court of Cord. mon Pleas' OrCumberland county, agreeably to the . preAsionsiof the Acts of Assembly in such case made end provided. • Of said Special Court Ju rors 9ind all other - persons concerned will take: Notice. LONGSDORF, Sheriff. 'Sheriff's, Office; Carlisle, ihnuary 10, 1G44. NOTICE IN 'BANKRUPTCY.: PETITION 'for ilierharge and cerli-, Beate under the Bankrupt Law, hat been ed by WILLIAtI BILLY, ,Currier. Cumberland county, and FRI D,tx, the, k'. of. April next,'ltt It - o'clock A. At, i a appointed for the hearing then-, of, before the said •Court, eming inl;lankrupter, at the District Conti ;Mourn,. in - , the City. Of TbiladeN phin, when and . .wlit•en'thei creditorit of. theloildP.o4; titioner, who Intim irrOrOd their debts, and all otbee persona in intaresi, 'nay .appear and show ttnY they tuive,'why jaw, plioloor and i 7 t4softe 'should bot* lt ranteii. - . FDA'S. HOPKINSON, — Clerk'ot %lin' District Cour Jon IT. 184.; - • ~ • . 4.2 ; lrilairl i Aatl;33 ,YUST:inceiyetill fresh lot of this ramble - Ludt* inn'hyithe subscriber ; .sole'Agent Deo. 20,1843 . - , •"' e , - C. N. BANCNER, Prest, ENO '4