Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, February 14, 1844, Image 3

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    . . .
' .
.. ,
. 1 . ... •
.• , .
• ,r' ,
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• . . - • - . ': .•
..•• . • •
- ,"" -.• ' ' '' -• ' _.. '- : '." -- .if... - 7-77.7. 7 "'ff - •:•'=, - 7,_,arkamaamii . -.7.7: - . - 7 - .... ...--r7-= l -, •.- -,.' .. , ... ~ -- - 77... - ..........-,-_-__:.:. • --,-- •-'4a. , • -..• •a . . -- -a ~.;,:_-:: ' -,-, •la ' a- ,• ' - • :--- J - 7 --
•111 9 9M41 - -- , • - ' '"- ----'• ' . - '- ' . .1. , • i . _ ... _ ._.. - .
~ . - • -
Ise,m t k,&,z,, - c3, mtgistattea - . L.U. l'.. •' • . . . • STATEMENT..
. „,-A.glori.oute. l a c onsiderable potti9n T" .. .subscriber , b„,n g • come. to. die -, .. .„.....,,... ....... ~, .., •
. , . „ , ~..LUMB ER .
ARGE ' and ' assortment of
. . . ,•S'i . ',it' , ..A ~.- of the coniipunity, would term it ; fell on Wednek
. conolusion to change his lansfness, offers his A L , . . . . , • ,_ .__. • . .
.. . ,
well seiiioned LUMBER, suitable for 04. 7 ' •
. tire stook of goods in exchange f oragelid. f or m ,
i „,. as y .: 4", -
~ - .. . • . . . , s • . • • - •
. •' • s`Kgoo4,t i l'iVii4, 9, -•,-• .
(N l%ll, improved , - or for* good businesk stiind in the pes t ers , and Cabinet. Makers, consisting of Panel, i
i.: i
inches. The railread endorse was rendered im. courary, • w i th sti m idei , d,,,,,den-0 for l arge, e„ m a y , 1, 2 and 3 Common White Pine Boards, Plank and. 'O . .
":e7.1'."....h . ,-..:',ANsiow. "‹ ' . passable and the mails detained, but through the tegether , with," few acres, attached. 'His stock coil- . Se:Riffling; also ~ . „. . . , .
cherry walnut, Poplar end y o n ow f Y the Recclpls . and,Expeliclitt i tres of Cur4berland County, by the cOnitnissioneis of said Cortnty, frolic . the first day of January;
, , • . • _ • ,
. • • • t
slat silpC . l.fille and coarse Cloths, . Cassimeres, Pine Boards, Plank and Scantling , together with •
• .
‘ , ,
:', -
~ to the thirty-first day of Deebinber , A. D . 1843; inclusive. '
q mj
2013118 ltillo
0 cnterprize of its managers opened by S aturda y. •
• • Came Cords, - Domestio Goods of all kinds, Cam- Osk Scantling, Laths,
.Shingles and Locust Posts,
~ .' : , • ' . --
. • The sleighing, too, has of course, been very brigs , Lewin', Linens, Gloves, Iloziery, Handkcr- for' sale by the subscribers, near North .Hanover . , . ' - ~ t.
Wednesday Morning' February 14• 1844, fine for several days past, giving full frdition to chiefs, Silks, Gieehams,Alpachas,Lustres,Frioges, j oc k f
treet adjoining they sird formerly kept by E. But- •
. . , - • • , •' •
~ • • . 4.."---
1 - - Gimps, and a vumety•of fancy articles. Also, Boots, . WEAVER &•LECHLER. • . . .. , • • . , , . ,• . • . ,
• , , , - the "hopes deferred" of all those Who'havo been Shoes, • Rats, Caps, Calicoes, &c. with a voriety o • Cornstarch. 7'.'1844. . 3m-15 nil. .
•,(0 - N., R. PALMER, Esq., No. 59 Pine street; be •They have ' a number of Carriages and one. DR - .
- . . ..'
anxiously waiting, and who have the .'applianees
goods comprising a general assortment of 1 • s•
low, Third, Philadelphia, is authorized to receive . horse Wagemilllr sale oeexcliange for Lumber.
Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, Tea,
' eidaiariptions and advertisements for the ii Herald a n d.-menus tn, booeo _ for an indulgence in that . .
. . . .
srices, Dye Stuffs; Cotton Yarn, Coverlet Yarn, &e. , • • . .. ',.
- &
Expositor and give receipts for the•same. spirit-st i rr i ng recreation with its thrilling "pee- - 0 Rewa,rd, • , , • . . . . . ..,..•
• „
aI of whicii lie will sell at reduced prices for Cash ' bTO sit:nee . in . t . ii n i3:6l:4o'o4,;ir,';slirei at last settlement;
tryof motion,"' Wo find in an exchange paper from and after this date, until a general safe is effec-.,. ..
•. ' ID"Our thanks are tendered to' Mr. - Gorges, of
T . .••3 1.178 20 By witnesses '
fees in Cilithinnwealth_suits, • .
___„.___s-- 2 -456 - AO ----
the following jingling stanzas which are - anreeos
ted. ' Country Storekeer; ers and others would do well
Person whe :will return or give kpch • infrma- " A m o unt of County Tax aseessed•for 1843, ,:
our State Senate; for valuable public documents: ' • r to Five him a call, as he intehila there shall ha no . .; 13679 41 . " Justices 41;) '--- - do , ' . --- ' • •*0 0 4
.„, to the season, end dedicated to those who like to '( m istake," t on as shall lead to the recovery ot a Innen single- o.
. • mistake," being determined to close his business Tax en U. 3 l3.oands, reed of . As J. Kilgore, A. W. Sterrett, .• . " Constables do , . • do '' . 41 ,79
eased GOLD ENGLISH. WATCH, cepped and ,
paP"We ate indebted to a friend in Harrisburg "go It while they're young" : - . during the present year. • m(jolestock sad KilgOre's,lmirs, .:1 ';p2, .., Poor House. in full.4einiinate for 1842, 1000 oil
for a copy of the Annual. Report of Hon. Charles• •
"Jingle. jingle! clear the way,' . The Store mid Dwelling can . be rented from die jewelled, with gold dial plate end steel hands, which
"' rine rec'4l of J. M. Means E sq . for profane swearing, •
" Reed of D. Lecke'', -.•"Pstli Means ,
of stray, •3 00 ." Do
1843, • •
6000 06
lot of April. was stolen from tic dormitory of bloom No . 17, L. , 1 121 " Jurors pay, .1 - a•••••••••.---„__.. r• ' • 2656 76-
MeCluria, Secretary of the Commonwealth and ' 'Tis the merry , -merry sleigh ! .' - ----His books are posted up to the hub, and lie re-, C. on the night of the 18th January alt .
" M. Cocklin, Esq. for oldllever press,. .4 00 • " KBSCSSOIA pay for 1843, . .
,„ .. ;.; --,,-- ------ , ------ 11 1 374
ex.offieiN:uperintendent of Common Schools of . • A s it
,s ,,, : iftly ~ stia „lo ng. , - questsall those lode red to him to settle their as
. .
, Wy.lllll 4i SEYMOUR, Treasurer.. :
3t-15 " Aci'm Erbsper his note and interest:on same, • ;.,: . 06 00- " County Jail and Peniteiniaiy.'sundries furnished prise - tiers; .. 619 19
counts without further notice. The' first •day Of Carlisle , r,lB . . . ,
this Stat . . . •, - Ilear the burst•ofliniipy song, . .."
,Paul Martin, Esq. late sheriff fines& verdict fees for 1842* 3, 331 . 18 " Election expenses:-
~ ' 770 571
. April.will be the last day 'of gram, after which all
--__------4 00
"•J. H. Graham, Esq. one verdict fee in Commonivealth7ease, . , " Repairs and incidental ex pen s es of public buildings; . ,547 271 •
f* - The argument yeatorday it) t'e Coalmanin 1, 118110 • - 3500 00
Pleas . and Orphans' Court of this c unty, in the
iil S . ee t he gl e a m of glaneeslright,
}lashing o'er the pathway white, , , n o e f e i o u u o n i t ) s er w o o ffi rtl c i e e r o s n i eeting will be placed in the heeds .
eC ... rFLOUR by the Bared, always on land. . . ".. li..Wilson Esq. verdidt fees in Qr. Setae . .. 1 ,. ..,.. - ''. .57 .09
," Bridge at Hoover's Mill,' -.,
ALL persons knowing thetusel t tres to be ," 'l'. H. Criswell, Esq., verdict fees in Com. Pleas for 1842 &. p, . 36 - 00 ." Repairing Bridges, ~ „ , . •' . ' • -. 213 99
lease of the rule upon Peter F. )J y, Ps q., to show -
... Jin g le ! j in g le i flow it whirl "' . S. AL HARRIS. _L - 31. indebted either by note or bookaccount,to the "D. Hoover and others in full of Bridge .hontl, ' 1500 Op " Nt.Pfolcomh Keeper of Penitentiary, , . 200 00 .
Crowded full of laughing girls! February 14, 1844. 111-16 late firm of unnEm 5: 11A.LBERT,RIT requested " Error in the asss'elisment of 1841 for the State Tax of 1842, 694.40 , ." Directors of the Poor for 1843, ' ,90 00.
Cause why he should not be strieliti from [lid 101 l ..
'of Attorneya•terminated in an order of the Court. Jingle ! jingle! fest it flies, • ,to call and make payment without delay to tare sub- . • . " Poor H ou s e Visitors, . 30.00
Dissolution , of. .Partliership. scriber, who is authirrized to settle all accounts, or • •
-.-„,ison.--.__. "J. H. Gralmin Esq. Attorney to'C'eintnissioners, . 50 00
'directing that Ins name be erased from the list: Sending shuts from hooded eyes,
P r rl LIE Partnership . heret.ofore existing their accounts will be left in the Lauds of a. proper , , . .
." . Public Printing, 307 66
Roguish areliers, I'll be bound, • AL under thelirm of CLIPPINGER &CA REIF, of fi cer for collection. . .., • , ~ t• •
.Taxes refunded,
2 97.
- . (ry4Ve have ascertained that a gross iinposition • JOSEPH. D. HALII.ERT. Schedule of outstanding 7'ttres due Count,ii per return of Treastirci;,..Pecent- .: ' .
Little beetling who they wound, merchants, has this day been dissolved by mutual r 1 . , - ion.: lnquests On . dead bodies, ' .38 46
1. • enuaty r , .....
was practised upon us by an advertisement we consent. • The Cooks mid Accounts of the firm have _ 3t -25 her 30th, 1843, subject to exonerations, 4-c. with the amount aisseised for.
- 'See them with capricious pranks, . " , Damages Ovarded or. roads, • 721 If°
184 P.
'Punished In 'titfr paper of the Stet ult., signed I'L. Ploughing now th e drifted banks,- ' been left in the hands of %V. F. Carey foe collection, TO .LET. • • !, Auditors nester - 1842, '... , , , • 27 06
to whom all persons, indebted to said firm will please
.A. AtOrrollM•d - otrorsng a reward for a pretended- - Jingle ! jingle ! 'mid their glee, call and make settlement- THE TWO STORY HOUSE now in 'the occu- !` ,James Duilbar suPerintendant Of liablielitflldings, . 65 00
runaMiy tin:Y . t'titnfe'd Michael M. Hummel.
we ' • VVIIo among them cares for me ?
J. A. CLIITINGER, pancy of the subscriber. " 'Thabort Wilabri Esq. Clerk of Qr. Sess. fees, 124 11,
big no knoWledge of C ' ither of the individuals, we . • IV.• F. CARET. • Fabettall' 7.1844. .1. V. E. THORNE. ' '." Themes H. criswell Esq. Prothonetary's fees, 12 621
Jingle !. jingle !on they go, SliPpensburg, Feb. t, 1844, . ." ,John-Younk apprehending horse'thief,
inserted it 'agreeably to' tlie - re'queatof the letter in '• ' ' " ..I. H. Graham Esq , Dep'y Att'y Gent fees in Qr Seas, she. 76 50
. Capspal bonnets white with snow, . -
which it was contained , and regret that we were . The business will lie continued at the old mid well Paraphernalia! .`.! • . " William Anderson Court Crier, . 50 00
At the laces swimming past known suind of Clippinger and Carey, by the Sub- rpHANICS to that portion of die piddle, and d i " Dockets, &c, for Prothonotdry's Office, .. 46 21
thus made - the medium of indicting an injury . Nodding 1111.o' the fleecy blast; • scriber's. The numerous friends anti etistoincia of I neighbor's, that shared their cost( rot at the cot
upon the character and feelings of Mr. Hammel, • • Not a single robe they fold, . . the old firm are et:oak:tidy invited to continue the very tageon_thecoraer of Pitt and Poinft • et streets, an d "" : , 'Do .4.. for Recorders Office, • .
r 30 oo
. - - • liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upoto the es- enabled the stbseriber to add a few aixticles to her , , " Eastern State Penitentiary support of convicts for 1841 &2, ' '597 61
whom we now learn is a-resident of Shirt:Mane- •ro protect them front die cold. , •" ',Michael In full as CominisSlOner, . ,133 50
tablisliment--with an assurance that the CHEAP little stock, such as -- ' .
town. It ijnot possible for newspaper publishers . ,Bugle! jingle! "Mid the storm, GOODS will 111W11) 8 1101'01111d lit the hlOl.O of 11:1001i and Cafabrick ::Yloslins, _ " * Jaccffißeltrar Esq. do • do for 1843; 211 50
to guard against such deceptions, but they can . Fun and frolic keeps them warm ! --- - JA:-CLIPPI.N GER- az CO. .•- -
" Robert Laird_Ese._
...de__ , . .do ~ ' 's''. do . .. - . 190 50
' very effectua Ily - pu Melt - the authors - if detected, ---- -- . - •- - . February-14,184-1.-- jf„l6 VictmliMuslins,nlain Sc. figuredllobinet,Ribands,
Fringes, Edgings, Kercldels, 'ries, Slits, Shawls, . " ''Cluistian Ti:zel Esq. from 4th Nov. to 31stDee.1s0 inclusis'e, ~ 27 00
jingle ! jingle ! down the hills- . .. „ " John Irwin Esq. Commiit'Sioners Clerk, - , ' poo 00
- and we should like very inuch to give the rascal
~JEted,Ochre &, Pl oughs .Fancy Prints, A Ipacha Lustre, alonslins, Chintz,
Calicoes Dress Silk Menciwster'Gitigliams,Cliecks, . " Paul Martin Esq. Inte Sheriff support of pris o ners, for 1843, 1191 10
O'er the meadowa-past the mills-,.,... . , ~ . .
in•thi,r case t h e costigatioh lie so richly merits.
NOW 'I'S SIMI', 111111 110 W ais fast- • "ri i r lIE Subscriber' having' obtained the " Constables. Quarterly Returns, •89 42
Flatinel,Tickidgaa variety of Mu slins; Cotton Yarn, . . ..
,i g j o , r o ,. c o „,h e ,.l„„a ,;„ 0 „ it .,„1 , 1 ,,, wiTli . Candlewick, Wadding. and Lap s, other- bt•tice? ot - - " Viewers of Roads an d Bridgiik, .
'256 83
Winter will not always last.. .
• NOW 11"OSIL‘ cailfice. ..,
' • EROW PREMIUM PLOUGH, is flow mantifitc- dry goods not mentioned; to g ether with GROUP-At- . " Orders for killing nine, &it.
A new Post O ffi ce has, hem n established at Al- Every me:lsere has its lime !
s . taring these and other ploughs which 1/e 111 IS 1101 V lin. lES, such as,Loaf and Bi•m!ti Salars, 'fess, Coffee, ' . •
, . I • . __ ...
Maori, in • •West Pennsborough township, seven Spring will come and stop the chime !. . sate, at Cumberland Fuenace. Ile desiaits by the Cheese, Water Craket•s, Spices of all sorts; Sides-
: " Cominissidina lowed Treasurer at IZ, Per cent. $ 21,536, 24
Jingle !.jingle 1-clear, the way, . fi rst or . m iddl e o f M itre ', nom, to d i so . i i n ' tto :, ;,,,, i ,,,, 111 S li11(1 fine salt, Starch, Smoking and Chewing To I. . •
.• 403 80
'miles west of this place, on the Railroad; to be •bacco ; Shaving and other Soap ; Teeth , Brushes,
'Tis the ;nervy, Merry - Sleigh !" . bee of them through the different ton 04 ; and to oth e r 1 . " . Discount on a $2ll note. . .10 00
c ailed " dampbell's.Farin -Thivin ALTER, Esq. •Mir and other Brushes; 1 oda P.awiler, Court Pins
. militia places oh the county, ishere farmers tail ju•lge ~ • , ,-. 1 ~ . •.fll 1 .. " :Exoneration allowed •Collettors, • •
---- -- - --- ' their (Ace ti c . ) , Th e „ r i„, „ill he 10 „. ii , :ie. ter, aide:mil °titer ...oin is; a lai ge. quantity o a a,s- _____!... J124_0.31
Postmaster. Latttr -from
. Europe. t
-- - e o o i rdailee . witli [betimes, ' • , " - Fe cal : ---: --- 516 -- do ~ 1166 98
' ' '-- dashery, for such as can tell whist -sort t h e want,•• • r
1'18 . y ." the ship Republic, which arrived at when they ask for it; all of which will be sold at as ~_ _ " Balance by Collectors of 1942, 5 , 3 1 6 61 .
_:,,,, Agrictiltioiral Society. • .., . • • .7'filf..; RED 6C/78/1111 small a pro fit as will justify tit' r dealing, for Cash; -
• .
lie also ,designs to put a supply or; in 'many of the h o t Borouali Notes are far - below our, :mil not cur- ..,-------- " Do - do 1843, . 6503 '3'2 6819 93
• , B p • l t
Boston on Tuesday &ening, later i n t e lli g ence . is
Tle proceedings of the ,ineetiog of tic ; ~, • . , , ~ • , following - •,.
. ii. ,,,teceived from iLitropa IN e lake the public
. . kl .11.1. 5,11 l out o, toe A trim of m a t o tue ,
l i r d litliil b it c y b y‘ , i i ll ii e f r i. tlitit d lit o t i l i e ;bu l t , i i .o k i e ., : v il e l;t i l i i , e i !• i i , ia l i; e it i s ,
4 tf.•l4 ' $28712 061
. ,
. . . .
~ ". Balance. due Ticasurin by County 51548 02 ' -a--
1548 02 ' • . . . $30,250 984
of Managers of tlie Cu mberland.Colloty Age
../, . I, , ,n ti s
.. . . To balance dub Treasurer b'y Con , .U),
land Society, held on Wednesday last, Wit tu 4 .
umber, or brick it answers very well with fish oil,
~ • ..,.../according to all accounts, O'Connell may be a----
: C ! arlisle, Jau.3t, 1841 1 . 1. ' M.
. $30,260 98 4 . ..... - •
frond in another column, together with the ( on- . , . milk, or even water. -It adheres more closely than „ NOTICE. •
tonvinteda • , ,
atitution adapted bribe Society, It will be Cecil , , . • ,
.lime, Si' any other paint. Several gates, &e. in the • . '
• Ihe State Trials were to begin in ibur days- iteighbot•lidial have been pabited Men year IIIIS11601111(1 4 . . V.
• 111111 n Cminnittee has been appointed to make the THE petition' of several persons inbabi- ~ .
on the 15th ' ult. with nail, others with water, and are now as bright . . ~ . . ' •• . .. . .• .
• t t ibitirzg• the ( . tmeunt of Taxes assessed within the County of Cumberland,, for the use of' the Commonwealth Up to ,the
necessary arrang,ements for a public exhibition
a ~
.• ,
... ,
~ , ts ,;.i ton i t „. tis lira put on. I n ' e i t h er „. ny i t i s n
,sio i n i t t .l tS is t, t , i i i t e i b n ° , : ;, t , ' , U n g; ti l a : ' ,, A t l i e o e ( i t i , i t i i e . t Si? o ll f rg. c o n a T. l Slate:nen' es'i
lu tner feu moment in the • • - •• • . •.
on the four th Thursday , of, October next. We greatin•esemative oftimber,possessinggreattenacity. mon likes of Combet•land comity,fin. a charter or 31st day of December 4843, inelu . five, with the amount of exonerations.and fees allowed Collectors, the amount pad znto
wheat market. • . T• C• AIII , LBIl• inool.lloNitioll, for theMselves and 1111CCI,SSOrS, to lie the hands of [Valiant 111. illateer, Esq. Treasurer, and the balanees *returned by hint as' outstanding and disc by
trust the Society will receive the hearty co opera- February 14, 181.1.. ' - t -16 called the " The Church of Coil," and bled in the •
Money continued abundant. Collector's, together with the amount of cash flue State Treasurer, as of this date, viz':
lion of all Farmers and the friends of Agriculture, . . _,.__. _____, . Prothonotary's °nice, and if no su ffi cient reason be
Cotton isms again in the ascendancy. Market . • PREMIUMS REDUCED . .
... • • •
.i., its praise .worthy - objects and designs.' I • shown to theTeontiu•y, v, ill lot hicorporated accord- • '
closed firmly at the last aecomits. . im- to act of Assembly in saelk cases made and pro- RECEIPTS FOR 18 H. PAYAIENI'S FOR 184 1. ' •
'eil . ,
Citilisle II: milt. There have been a few revolutionary indica- ..... , , , • , . , . ..
North American Insurance C vid
Company - •
1-si ' ./
' IL LI " ' LIT ' ''" l 3 ' To balance of State Taxes outstanding at last settlement, $157 Sr 36 . By cash mid State Treasurei per receipt, , $ 314 19
" -. '"• \\'e take the following, statement of the con- lions in Preece. A, tics stu d ents a n d called Jattietry 31 1841.
of Philadebriia.-.-Capitals6oo,ooo. .2 . -
" Cash in hands of County.,Treastiter dp do • 514 18 . " Commission (1 per ct.) iillbwed County Trcasur- . .
dition of the Carlisle Bunlc, from the repair ofthe upon Lafitle; they were ripe for an emeute, arid -
CA RI,IsLE AGENCY. • SIDIIIILI.V.) "• Balance dile by State, to W: M. Mateer Esq. Co. Treas. 10 76 cr on $3ll 18,, . 314
' ,
:Auditor General transmitting the quarterly state. cried "rive ilklierc," &e. • " Amount OVG7paid by R. Snodgrass Esq. on Mon- , •
. 111141.1 directors of this company in order to suit •
merits of the Batiks and Sayings Institu Goes ell A 1.700 d prospect for a very fine imring, trade- 15 12
the times, have determitied to re d uce t h e rates - Fp ' order of the Court of Common Pleas of Cum- • • •• ~ roe Duplicate, • ,
Peimeelvania. This. statement gives the condi. I was held out. , . of premiums, on' Frame and Log Buildings, to • gist! n , bt .,.,„„,, c 0„„,,., „p„„ t h e pet iti on o r ,holm • .
-- . . do
et portunitv mall pt•operiv holders. to mail them- B ilin ch i rtlve. assignee of Marlin Britian, 11.111e0 ill i . ' . Spring, Duplicate, • - 6. '7,6t •,
fent of the 11 , ink no the 24 day of October, 1843. I Every thing Was . progperous in Great Britain. 1 .. ',ii,,,,,' s or its ~i 5. n 0t0„ ,,,: • •
.-, hereby :Own to the said George Balsbaugh, that it ' ..
, . . • • do
~ . do Shippensburg B. .8 11
CR. . I stsruarpcsass--nivamauzrassi On Frame or L o g fluil(litiv 50 ens, on $lOO i s r e pre Wi t ted to the said Court that a certain Alma- ' " Exoneratioris M Colleators ill' State Tax, .- .- „44 291 • -... ,
Bills discount:2d, - 6117,695 89 1131'!ellt• RI E 4),
Oil Brick iffill Smite..
On Merehandize or' Furniture in 4(1 cis, " $lOO gag.. 118 (Lid the 3il April 1835, executed by the said .
' " Cometission (5 per et:) allowed Colleefors, ' 'ill 696
:Aurtin Brandt, to thin said George Balsbaugh to se- ---- 482
Judgmenta, • ---------482 30
rill ' C ' 3l 67 '' Oil Thiii sdav; the lit inst., by tlw Rev. 111.. lb: Stone tw Brick Bi t ilitiogs, • 40 e t a " $lOO cure the ravnient of six bonds of $58333, each pay- . - .r.
Loansilotrontlemitwealth al'etiiisyl- Witl, Mr. WILLIAM MARTIN, 01 C111111101.1111111C01.111.. MHO' ill Frame, f' ll e l s• " $ ll - 11 ' able slut the Ist of April 1836, and on each 1,..t o f A. • . • . , • • _
•. . •
•.•• • • • •
RECEIPTS FOll 1842. • • PAYAIENTS FOR 1842. •
Tanis, 1 Inv cent. • 11, 8 00 00 tA / , to :Mips ELI% tamii STAR, or Park: P.F.IiVETU.IL ItISECK, • pill there:Mee, has been fully paid and satisfied,and _ . •
• . iii •
e , o On Stone or Brick Buildinas will be taken at ~ ..ri that s ttisfaction shoot.' be catered imon the record . .. . . , .
' 59° 00 /."" ' lte '2
iiii " i ''' i ' 3 ' i li e 'he" c• w • sde 4 free , mr• or SI Mato's! prices to he r.17.1',...d id the party'in- 01 the , a'i'l Al min"g". and praying 11. c Coon II"' au To balance of State' taxes OUtlillilldillg at last settlement, $6306 92 By cash paid State' reasurer per receipt, $1786 43
.„ "• " wider :Moves C. Wit Talton ii ,to al iss 1.1 - DIA II nrrm.mN- sluing intim denitted, deillieting rise per cc•ta. on the Order 0/11110 said G001.`,.. Balsbaugh' to appear on .• Cash in hands of Cbenty Ttessurer 'do 1786 43 " - do do • , 135 78
nal tith rif May, 11411, .57 , 6.); 00 r. tail, hod, of Ciiiiiiierliiiiii vomits. monied of premium paid. t he het'ollll MONDAY, in Api•il next, and show • ' " do . •do,, . , , • . ' 2135 83
cause M by the said Coma sliculd ion direct sittistae- . ,•__
1 a.,,,k , 1,;,,,,,, a tho u„o ed 5.,,..„.„, 48 . 000 00 i , ''Ott the Gth ins. the same, Mr. T er ra Stu.t.Ens
~,,i, :te i lt, l , i ci • b a , t ( i 2
t . s ... : i n t i l l i s e . :: li i t n . i . ierson Cu by letter a ill re- ' . " Commission (1 per co,) allowed County Treasur-,
tine to be entered on .the record Of th e . said MOVI
-45,-.r s . jOr Cill101011:11111 comity, to al iss AMANDA SHAFFNER, - JOIIN'..I . al yill:s . gage in purloin,. I. 01 the act of Assembly, siltieli • • .' er on $4058 04, . • "40 59
Riall Estate, • •i. i .. 4 ,
' sit aitt..ltitt comity. - Folll.llllry iI. 1:34.1. 1,1 a notice is lwri•by ~..,oiveii. 111' order of the Court. ." Error in assessment made 1841 for Taxes of 1842, 694 .40
Expenses, . 1(15 36 1 • ' ' • ADAM 1.03:1:8 . 1)0111 , ; Sheriff, . . " Amount overpaid,State Treasurer for 1841, . 10 76
fOn the Slit init. by ti w Ito. J. KatanpfllT, Mr.
SilCjie, . 37,372 50 . : ClirlISIV, Jait.l I, 111.14. 4t-13 ,
. .10 tax 11..Iri'Ell'r tO aliss St•sA.NA It 1:1,1Z1111.TIIDAI:(;11- ' TRIENN:AL, ASSESSMENT, . ." Exonerations allowed Collectors of 1892• t. .
" Commission (5 per et.) ulloweil Collectors of 1842, 65
V /item" and cheeks of other batiks, 3,775 00- . •
. , /- .
cane, 110111 i I this county. OTICE is lietvi:v given that the Board vi' Re- HARDWARE, CUTLERY ,' &C ' - .
, Outstanding Taxes for 1842, .. 470 14
..Dita by, other Banks, _ 1,447 91 ,• on the some day, by the same, ale. Jossrll MOR- II ‘iiiniti Will 1101 a :I. Apiwais lee the Yeal'lB44, .,. 33 3 2 :•''
3 833 30
. • " Cash due State Treasurer, , l
4.1.,,miNE „..._ for the . different townships and botaitighs in tlw Com, : -...--........--- .0,093 33
-------- it rr of Mottle., l'ownship,lo Al iss C ' `•___::: ,93 35 ~.. ha .
. $40.1,586 20 TERMAN of Yo r k COUIItV. ' ' Is of Cumberland, at the times and Waves het en. at- ? rill E subscriber would respectfully in-
, . ~ ter mentioned, for the purpose of Itearite, , all per- .A. form las friends:m.l the public, that he Nisi:de- •
DR. /On the 25th ult. by the Ref: J. 111 rick - Mr. PETER SODS WllO may apply for redress, and to grant such hr . epleurshed his stock and is now olferhig at the - PAYMENMS FOR 1841 •
'Capital, • ' 8225,531 00
. to Miss Mania Iluini.Ea, all of Adams " le, to
relief, Sc. us to them shall appear just and lesson- o ld stoo d i„ N m .,:, 11,,,,,,„, i: 5ti .,,,., , ,, v i it. ,,:a ~,tiwit,,,, • • '
'Notes in circulation,' 51,117 80 Comity. incur llordwarr, Cutie)y,ol &c.,consisting in part of , - • 13y cash paid State Treasurer per receipt, $3025' DO
. North al iddltanti township, on 'Wednesday 6th L „,, k ,, , i i „, !.! .,, , „ i .,„,, , ~,,ibt o „, i sp i kes, of „ II kii „ iii •• • - ... • • ' '' ' • " • '" . do :, Li , do, t.• do
~ .., . „ 2opo oo
• " issued under net Itll May, 1811, '56,955 00 .. /Duthie ailt hist , by the sante "sir. Crunsrisx Mu:- March, 1844, at the Commissioners 01e... , in the and sizes. Giatitt, Catial anti other kinds of Shovels. RECEIPTS FOli 1843. " ;60itninission o.'peret.) due Co.reas. en $15025 00, : 50 25
, 2 0 , 5:0, o 9 *:ran to Mist; CATHERINE QUICK El., all of Adams l'°; . i °_"l . , ,l' i or ••: ,,, • 1,,, 1e• . „_ , caritt•ttiet, , Tools, oadi ii, i titon.,, MVO'S, elliSolll, S.:11. 11,765 70 •. •
' Contingent fluid, i • ." . Outstanding Taxes for 18411, '
,""" liddiel"" 1 ""'"duli, 0" Thursday " e ' t° Bar Iron; blister, east and sltear Steels. Saddle , f \.• • , c ~.,„ , .
.1 , 715 oe Comity. • 19,475 70 " Cash due State Treasurer, . 2,631 75 19,475 70
Discounts received, ' ' at ine same place. and brittle itaninting3 111 Stis; Saddle Tree's, ;tilling ' ''• ain ''''"` °' ''''''" e ''''°""eased far IS43 ' '
. 2,707 30 a 'Oti the same day, In' the same :Mr. l'Evert Quini.- Carlisle Borough, on Friday the Stli, at the same nod „n or , av e hhi i ; B „ . Shoe Fi n di ngs o f „.,,,,,. de- . ------ --..----
Thie.; to other Banks, • $30,051 35 30,051 36
Eme• to deposittng ' 35,130 `)7 in, to ;Miss. Item:yea Sticrus, all of Adams Comity,. 1 11 ttee:,._ , . , scription. Mahogany and Close knobs of the thi- ~
, . os, ii, fhb ins[. b, the 11,
.bim,s m8,1„3., ‘,.. Maui and I. rankford townsh ip, nit Mr : noisy the test styles. Also,
, State'tax retained under out of June, • ''' It th, tit the 'addle house of Col. \s ' . 11. M mallmro,
mallittro, • - - ' ' '
• Hrain Y 11OLLATI 10 bliss SARAH ANN, daughter of in Newville. . • Oils. Painis anti 'Varnishes, •. . • • •
1840, 283 25 • ~ . . . . - .
o ,_ 4 31 Da. id \Yagod., both of Sltipia•tislout•g. Newville foul Newton townships, on Tuesday the such as white lead, spirits or Turpentine, Copal and ,
~ • 'Amount of Dapqllills of defi- '
, . 'Amount of Taxjb i ' 1, ------.. ~-,
:Divi(l4;l).i4 unpaid, -„ I . Nth, at the mow place. - jaiaii V 11116511. GLASS of all sizes, from Bby 10 ?. buoiship.s 4- Boroughs. . Collectors. I I .leflr.V. oee ors fees, _
IC 11' t a ance • ouiszanaino
. .... .. „. . .. .. ... ~. . ~ ... .... cotes for 1843.. I (ionic& ' reeeit;ed. . I
4.8i11s payable, 5,80 a 00 -••--- - - - :
.. .. ._ __ ___. _ _ I I„ peWe ll to U . IISIII P, Oil Wednesday the 13th et the upwat..l. Also, an assortment of Archer's Patent
.•" ------
... .2 03 ill 11 , 33 12, .!'
--- CLAY CLUB OF CARLISLE I public house 01 ClIriSlitalt:11111018, ill Newbur g. Lard latinps,together with other articles too tomer-
ss E oi a lL, s i. t etir r sA e l t i i ir t i l d s o l ig i c o ,t r o. o n tigi . i . , , . Samuel Mumma, . , 1841 ~ .
Shismenslowg and Southampton townships, and 011610 Mention ' Jecob.Lehtnan, . e
.• '2 to • '9O 3'73 • .'3 13 •
$101,586 20 ___
Shippenslan g lionmali oti Thu rs day the title at the All or whieli will be sold toratty-flve pei. ceot . low- 32 15 . ."
cr , -The 'oiled monthly meeting' tor the Clay 1 e house r 1) . C ]) k , • said 1 . i' . John Hollegher,. . . :
pii . i . ic. 0 .11110 II I, PI 101nlig i. er than they have ever been sold netore, lor cash and Shippensburg Borough, . , 44
Ciittil in On 'Sc bool :Morital. Club of Carlisle, will be held at the public house Dickinson township, 011 Friday the 15th, at the good money. Call and examine before Purcleisiitg • James L. Brandeberry, .. . " • ' iff 166 , ,12 03 -.:
-- i ,
public house of licol, Trego, in said township. Allen David Coover, • • 1842 • ,0 12 67 62 82 , 4.5 ii 59 0
M . We liave received the first number or the of Willie ni Brwn, on Thursday evening the 22(1 elsewhere, and if the articles prices are not t ., ~ ' 1 ,
West Pennslint•ough township, on Sittnialay the foetid as stated you need hot purchsae. Call at :ley Dickinson, e, : Jacob Squier, .• , 85 593 .93 20 1034, 93 . l '
:tominon Salmi Journal of the Stale if Peonsyl- instarit..,Thectteedance of every member is cc. itith,lit the Iliadic boast: ofJacob Beltzlionver, Mount rate. 3AcoB sEN put 121421imson, . .D. W. TlU'ullocli, ' ; .ii 19 01 .52 43 .629 22
„ ..
evania, which • promis( 8 1.0 UN:011W a WOrlt steno- quested. A. IV. IiENDEL, Secret:4. '. Rock.. •-, . . Clll.lisk, Novenalier .22, 1819. if-4. East Pennsborough, George Mottz, ii 35 Ps3 '72 04 638 79 .„ •
-A:1 Mi•cliseitsbiteg borough, on 'Monday the 18th, at - Frankfort!, 'J. C. Brown, • .o • • , 3 241 ' ' 1 , 1 82" ' .67 4'2.. 1. .
-shlerallie importance to those camper:tea with the February 14, 1844.. Hopewell, ..
• the politic hence a t John !Mover, in said lorough. , John Stouffer, - , J 06 ' JB6 16 : -
Common School System. Thu work appears in - - ;
Silver Spring township. on, Tuesday the 19th, at (11,111111:311111.11 , B (1}1112930 :
~31:533261" 5173611355361•/ ~
' 6
• .16 90 ' 168 17 ID
.1311...131DIZETIVS 112'.111L1).4'. Illifiliti, - Themes C.,Scouller: • , . .
monthly telothers. Mr. Is. Y'. Biddle, of Phila. the public house or Jotti l di (:rice, in lloguestowo. Monroe , Christian Glime, • ' .. , 14 52 ' 58 2.0 . 511 76
A' Medici. siipply of Genuine Brandreth's Pills, East Pennsborough township and New Cumber- 3/IYE RS & HAVERSTICK have, just „ t " ~ ,
delphia, nett Hickok & Gamine, of Ilarrisburg„.„,,: re d „„, I h -, w .,,,, 1 , : In, land leirolieli, on 'Wednesday the 20th, at the public opened for the accommodation of their young .rc ininesumg, Lewis Scholl, . ' . 1/1 • ./ 7 911 . . 50 . 35 . . - i'.
are. the publisliers. Professor John S. Hart of February 1 4 , 1814 . S. Ell.lOTl'. • hou se, c i f Peter Illack,O)sters Point,. . riends a large assortment of Newton, John Ruth, . • 11 31 71 85 40
, f: .
,11,11 14
-Allen township. on Tlitirsda the 21st, at the pnb- it . oy. s . , g e py
.1E 0 , 1.. . 5* Fancy A r otiw i s ;sc e tzville, • . John .S. Morrow, -'n• 5 Bd6 546 50 79
21 58 I
miladoidbint, it, iito. editor. WAGEIONS WAA'lrEillo. lie blitiati of David Slwalfer, it, Sheali wilstown. ,
for tattearia.s, bah amusing. and instrocine. i , ' ,5 26 n
'aster° .yoor Property: . - . 'Monroe township, on FrillaV 1110 ..?2.1, at the pub- NorthCllnl , Rudolph Martin,
25 67 • 46 33 1i 45 26 .. "
n id ib a e te rl t a o l i t,
' 170 11
T 33,27 1.-/ - --_,' ON 1.1 11l N 11111•11) WA- lie house of David :Martin, in drirelitown. Call before the assortment is broken.
'Deceinberl3, 1843. -526 00
• South Middleton, , John peters, •
rnit atoll be Peels by their advertisement that
_.r..14 , 07 - .O , 4(KiNs„,„ winited sit ClTin-
__All princinal Ass'esSors are also notified and re _ ' 3m-7 ,
„ ..
Silver Spring, Francis &Ws, '• , .7 82 ' 48 94 681 78 14
14,110 North American Fire Insurance Company, of ri.llV cA I ,V)
,_ herd; it to Toad for Pitts- quired to tintaul with • •their 1 toplieste. 111 the time . aZtc.I.D.-..k.i.j-.. Southampton, • • • Jacob (Mover. i q • .. . 6 371 33 64 294 04
burg. hull toadstool good and plaee fixed for the napes' of Mew respective
riIHOSP. indebted to the subscriber, by S . hipPensburg 13 , orbugh.. -' • George Itinunel, 42) 131•15 00 55 07 '4l •
Iwltickah.Julin J. Myers is Agent in this borough, Mige, Wil iIN g i ven . A NAY at the Rail Road (Hike townships iiiid boroughs.
ileve•coniiderably reduced their rates of Insurance Caelisle; dr to . , t,i, Ily order of the 'bawd nflleyision. am- note.or book accoutit,nre• requested to cal and do 1 T owns h ip, Hugh Craig, ,„ . ., 179 580 ,9295 , ,
JAMES COCHRAN & CO': ' ^ JOHN IRWIN', Clerk. West Pennsbcrough, George Zinn, jr. 4 7 .16 . fit 946 651 06
: ,
settle their 'accounts Ihrthwith. , • ..'
'on frame emit •Ing buildings. NU f)ersun can feel . OAKS, CAUFAIAN.k CO. Commissiotter's Office, R ..
.. J SCOli SENER. Allen,' : ' . ''. Lewis Kline, . . 1843 1,607 1 0 1 , '.• 603 00 1,091 10
.secure lin , tliti ‘possession of his property without l'ellyttaf7 14,1844. Chambersburg. Februnt•y 14.1844. 5 , ' 3146 Carlisle; Notitnbei. 22,1848. Carlisle, , Isaac Angney,, ~. ' ! 2,335
. 01 ; . - 695 50 - 1,09 st
i having +it instrred. .
. - PIE AWES'S CANDY. DR,. WM, STEELING' S. ~. . , 450 00 1,351 2 7
... To all Concerned, ' - East Pennshorough, Benjamin.Longnecket, ' .: 1, 811 27
• .. '326 00 ' r,5 SS •
ieurapbetils Foreign Seini-Alonthlg Afttgazinc,-* JUST reeei veil a lingo. supply of Peaset's Essence -
A xi Y Books end Accounts have beensplareil in the Frankford, John,Arrimid, - 391 88
4 "of I Im•eliound Candy. - . .. ' ' Fantily cilicelice,nes; •
. •
11 0 247 00 '-'O4 9S
'The - firgt number fur February of this valuab le. r e h t :th ii . ) . 14,1844. S. ELLIOTT: . ivii. hands of .1 A MES it. smiTit for collection. Hopewell, , „ • Samuel Ylieleger, ' 451 98
. 353 00 109 56
lie is empowered to collect all.monies due me with- Mifflin , Christian Shirk, 542 50 • •
:periodical him been received ., Mote than three' . -,
. ARE NOW ACENOWLEDGED ON ALL lIANDs out delay. All indebted will, thereforat, see the ab- Moore • . David Slettin, ' i
• 1440 44
, /1
.. 14 00 00 1,14 2 44
Monroe, '. . .
'fourths of the matter of' it is selected fivin the j " el k (3l.'l4 Vatelii itjard . iiriinll)' 44 85 00 133 6 0
..• TO DE THE VERT REST REMEDIES IN solute necetsity of closing, their accounts at once.-- Lewis Schutt„ '. • . 218 66 ..
inagazintk received by the last steamer from En. AT the .Mattufacturees prices by the dozen et. sin. Thosehaving claims against sue will preseitt them
. GENRE/IL usi' NMechianiesburg,
ou on, James W. Allen, , 1,046 9.9
ale one front' 371 to 125. Also, - File SOLAR • to :up. 'B6diti. R. vi , . MIDDLETON. „
rope. This number is einbellished by a beautiful EAR i i LA.311 3 foe Cli ' utelteS, llallsi Iltat rooms, Newville, • . ' • • „ . 110 00, 46 29
,John Vance, .. 186 29
, , . Carlisle, January 24,1844. tf.43 ' . 79 00 4:_t• 67
mezzotint (Syrtis) by'Sartain: The dontents arc StoiTa, is:ti. the eliedintst and be'st light ever effete(' Iling's Polmot . • New Cumberland; 'John Hickernell, - • ' • ; P2'2 67 •
useful end interesting . • • . to the public. Call and see them. . •27\.`6,---.Sua'cl.W,n, North Middleton, David .Williams,
1,490 24 0 '
. • 0
44 1 ,037 00 . , 45 3 21
most extraordi " " 274, Q 0 . 1,1,90 30
. S: 3i. IL KRIS. . .. . - - South Middleton, - - Jacob-Spangler, 1,464 30 - . .
• ' .
February 14,11144. tf-16 • Coughs, co, 4. Lt. perstois indebted to the su b s c ri b er by Note • .• - o „ 536 00 999 35
trrOur neighbors of Shippensburg halo been --- - "'lit/itir 13 ,Lla or BOW nceottot, will please - 'cll. and_ settle
their accounts no lie before the Ist alsy of February Silver bpnng,
Southampton, .
.. n, John BMA), ~.. .
Johniton Williamson, 1,535 35
. 1,214 55 • i, 000 00 •• 714 55
fortunate enough to secure the services of' Hon: -'-.. ~- - -- E - l i'''Q...U.'ll'a ea .
- , ess, J next,as the aesounts orall ip arriarS•after that time. ShiPPe.ntlihirg Bereugh,. Pavid Kenetver, • , 394 99 , o• . 132 00 262 06
Mr. Spackman, of our State Senate , deliver a IUST I.i:delved ti few Minns of FaCbll Smyrna withoot respect to pii.son's, will lidleft in the hands ,do , Township , JficOlCitsmiller; I' . 186 62 .. 91 On b 5 62
Figs, very- fine quality; tilde; Fresh Raisins, at 121 the ./n 81i 60 310 16
lecture before the 'Vigihnit Fire Company, t on the r,c. if a propel. &nicer for collection. . , Weal Pettiest:arse& ;,' Simon Alter. ' 1,383 19
, cents pe r pound.
•S. ELLIOTT , • , WM. 31: MATEER. . • '--...'-. ,_ ___-___-___ ,
1 $19,475 70 - 1 $.3.16 74 I $775 351 I $14,595 90 - 5 12,235 S 4
22d instant, They may expect a rich intelleettial ' February 14,1844. . Carlisle, Jan. 10,1844. St-11 a •• .
1 . 4 -. 1 „ .11
Mr-A. grand . Slitlit is to come off on the .26th
instant s between the democratic' conferees of
Perry rind Cumberland, in the selection en t;enr,
atoriat, delegate: William M. Mate m , (Shank)
has been nominated by Cumberland, and Wi II raid
B. Anderson (Mutilenberg) bs , Perry.
Otril'ins . eitliens of Shippensburg have held a
meeting for the Purpose of adopting measures to
afford relief to the sufferers by tlT : laie,fire there.
A considerable amoutrti ledrn;-likne promptly
riebeeribed..* . • • ,
' ailVe romp from the Philo&lpfilo. Lod! eft
that 11r. Wm, U. Gray, of Carlisle, had his pock
etlbook, containing over $4130; stolen from him in
rhPedelphia on Tuesday last.
Itr!Tho-04 (tlio title of a riort pa
geiriebuig,) etrongti advocates the
Aalattni4elGenerat Marklie of , VVegnaoreland; ay
Itie l Whir eanclitrate' ( 9 . doveirm .0? Penws34viL:
Irnho'Hon, Wts, Ileisikfitc:ciftpadtait'ot Con
ity„'!uts, t , o:•the Ltipbrtgi,:tsiriakcitr,
wlthdriiivis hie 'name frpm die list of, Whig can
isliduten foi• dovernori'op account of the ,prbcyir j
oven's of h
- ,
Hg Subscribers will offer Si, public
• is_ sale, on THURSDAY, the Oth of February,
inat.ot the late residence of Samuel APCorthiek,
deceased, on the state road, Si miles west of Car- ,
lisle, all the personal property of said deCeased,con-
Fisting in part of Five Good IVork
3 Colts, 16 Head of Hotated'Oattici,
some of them Fresh :Midi Costs; 2 flrceilini Sows,
and Pin 16 Shoats, a number of Sheep,.tt good
YAM 1V on. Wood and Hay Ladderb, liar share.,
single and ouble Shovel Ploughs, and H im A
first-rate intlraill, Lancaster make; a hay rake . ; a
Threshing Afaehine and !Horse Power; \V aunt and
Plough Gears, Log and Cow Chains. '
HOtisehOld & Kitchen Firtruitilife •
With a great variety df artioldfoo numerous to parr
tieularize. Sale to commence at 10 o'cleek, tvlfeu
terms will lie rAdde knows'. and attendance - Otto kir
• notfiarr LAMY, .
.Assignees of Samuel McCormiA.
F ( ehrunry 1'4;1844. ' . : at-10
WRIGHT'S, INDIAN .lIEGETADI.t 1 5 11.12 e:
soppily of tire above Fill fr warranted: genuine,
Constantly hind nC
February 14; 114 • .8-I,,,l.S.lo"t'e'S.
• . I, AoAriiA'll}'urirvia: CANDLES:..
„ I,llivejust received' a
Otkarticie offer Iliem.itt alow, 'Mee.
. i
Public' Sale.
h i~~"
Dr, Steelling , s Piolmoinury
Contains the most extraordinary euratiee
properties for Coughs,Colds;COnsump
lion, d'isthina, Spitting Blood„Croops,
Measles, .Hoarseness, Difficult!) • ni l
Breathing. Pains in the Breast, S,ide;
and all Diseases of the Pulmonary
Pill HIS remedy bOS been used, and its as:
tonirAiing euvativertualities testified to by many
&the ' , daft respectable citizens of tee paled States.
We do not---nay canno,claim,usfloes the BRAZEN
FACED QUACK, infalibility for our medieines:
but hating tested the medicinal, finalities of the
"Puttruniarg Syrup," in' an extensive and
medical practice for many years, With retitarkablb
success, we unhesitatingly
, pronoiince it one of the
very best Panticeits in the world for Pialnionary Dis
easel. A single trial Will thordughly /Ably any
one that it is not one of the tkinimon - quack. Nos
truini of the clay-:-but distil is a niedidine of real
value, worthy to be in every fdmily. ' Its' unprece
dented low price is another str6ogree:omthendathini
While other Cough, or PulmonfiFy Melliiines Ore sell
ing for $l.OO and niore, sTILtING'S PULMON
ARY SYRUP, sells for only 50 eta. pei• bottle.
Fdr Sale hi its purity in Carlisle, at SAMUEL
ELLIOTT'S Drug Store, East Main st.; in Harris;
Sorg at WV 11. DELL'S Grocery Stere o 3d and Cliet
nut streets., • •
February 11, 1814.
.. , .
Sectiratl , IVisitey,Supplyi
; II
UST Oilendd, in , addition to - , p)ii ficii
,,, flier .stpuk, our, ',,second lot , of, WINTEIL
P.E4l5t Olt., it ieryfine in , tiele; at the reduced
prei o i t, $ l . l 2 per gallon, Or .211',Ocate ta tlie,nnart.
dr, sae at the Grocery stote,Of, ' -, 4, 1V..E8Y..
POkurary V, 1844. . ,
. •: -- . ; 'lr 7 is
. ,
'l 7 .
.10E . + ,
• * ND • • • ,
iedehted ie.
will pea "gam alut p'ay en" acitounUien or he.
tore the 90th inet. rind eeve tods,..and.obligei 'yetirs,
Important to Cabinet & Chair Mann-
. THE subseribel liar on liand A bite iitiantlty of
which he will sell lowel• flan ban be land elsewhere,
for t;Osh.• ~ • JOHN 11110• DS
Carliile; lin. 10, 1 fi44. if-11
• LEC.3EM6
. .
THE Supplemental account of Sdinnel N. Illuify;
assignee of Porsheither Sic Croni)eicii hai this day
been filed in the 'CoUrt.of Common: Pleas of Clint
berland eminty, and ,Tuesday,the.ll3th 'day of Feb
ruary tie:it appointed for its confirmation by said
, T. I t . • CIifiI.SIVELL, Trolley.
Jan. J 7,1 8 ,14. • tf-1
„Lemons, Raleina and Figs; ,
ALLARGE Mill fiesh:Oiipelir of LEW
. ONS, RAISINS and PIES, ink rcoidi , ed and
or Bala . LINE ix AIONYER.
Caviare, , Nov. 8, 1841
T"E rietiticin'tif,vdriphe fteitioni for.the
..rooorporotion. ; or ; .the EsiatigelicatOLioiliknin,
Cangicgation qf St. Steiihen,, in Kingstown," hare
nppLcd td the Cotirt or (Aiimmor! Picas cif Cumber.
titYcopiity; foe a eliiirter of Incorpartition.add Who
sufficient reisop he shown to, the moatrary; will be-:
hedy, nolitic,at ,the'
"unit of',iiaid 'Court tgicording ter ant of
Atisernbly'l in Butch iasits proviticil,
iiiatienitil, - , •
' -.Tat
47418i-li: 3 -• ' -, '` 0.10,
\Ht. , 4.10.
Townships, o.lYears.l Collectors. Ain't. of l Anet. of 'axl
- •.. Adleton,
. 316 61
'Allen, 1843 L. Kline, 1069 55 574 51
Carlisle, " I. Angney, 1199 83 '490 33
Dickinson, ~ " J. F. Lambcrton, .1203 82 653 32
E. Pennsboro.' " 13. hongnecker, 1281 ,97 894 97
Frankford, " J. Atmold, ' . 279 -95 24 95
Hopewell, . " S. Flickinger, 330 77 128 77
Mifflin, ' ; " C. shirk, , 422 70 75 70
Monroe, ." D. Martin, . 085 I 1 ' 68 7 11
Mechanicsburg," L. Schutt, ' -- 148 - 24
i 98 24
Newton,-- " J., W. Allen, 765 27 376 27
Newvillo, " J. Vance, ° 131 67 16 67
N. Cumberland, ' P J. Hickernell, 87
. 97 51 97 '
N. Middleton, ." D. Williams, 1095 17 266 17
S. Middleton,l " 1 .1. Spangler,' 1067 59 ' 794 59 ,
Silver Spring, " J. Bobb, ' ' 1153 95 620 05
Southampton, ' " J. Williamson, 916 72 357 72
ShippensbUrg B " 'D. Kenower, 283 95 179 95
T " .1. Kitsmiller, • 139 63 • •69 63
W. Pennsboro.' " S.- Alter, 1014 55 • 141. 110
- • $13,678 41 I $6,819 93
We, the. Commissioners of Cumberland county, that
Ø. the above exhibits a ttue and correct itatement 'of the fle'c'elbts and
et Expenditures Of Cumbe'rland county ,
the for Abe term above StatFd, as
% -VI . 1 • : also of tile several taxe's innieseed for nee 0 . r the CiU'uitiOnwoulth,
~ %%%% aforesojd, 'with the agaegate feei and exoneraliolie allowed du
ring said term; and a6.i the amount of the ,Several talcs, outopntlitig and in the
handief the several Collectors, according to the Lest of out thowledgei . and
jutigni . ant. : • •
. Witness Our hang and 441 of tiflite, nt Cirlisfe; be itt day of JaktierY, A.
D 184:
Attest: , , • ,
JOHN inirm, Clerk.
. , . .
• v CAHt"
, • • casthic t oi & veiungit, ~ , ~, ~
Vargains for Cash, ' ...' ,
,rolt At; CA R E, tt pie Just A ior ill l a m e tu 'mice notice theft Ma atow int.
opening a ergo Isortment of &a ionebic t,as- . 1 „, ,o f -„ii i„ ormil :„ ‘ c , , may up, OS Laced cash a.,
THE mihierilipi,haiink ideeried a rrieh rlincres Eat Veatalpge , W deb, wilThe sold , at the loxes :, cart up an my b „ 0 „,,, t , . ,
htlptily or tool% 4 SHOES, HATS and sato,
~ i
~ , , " ' ' EIMILES tICILIII• 1
CAA'S, and a gcncral assortment of GROCERIES, October IS; -, . . . a , . c ar no e , j im my 3,104., ~ , :‘,. '1 ',
Is now determined to do'alt pithy C ash' business and
mil with allort profitsolle pithlte7gefierally are in- .
=raD r a Q UaliU3 ''.' - 1 ° WATER PRIMP BOOTS; ‘-
vitea to cell and examine the Stock • anal price& bc- -..._.' - - ' , , , , . : 3 , _ _
~., ' ' ' ii ' `iiilin cnt
torts towehssieg els e whe r e, e k 1 sto ,ileteconed to i LL tie:rums Juddtad to the aubacraber, either by '• t IuST I aceivea 'inie...eis . large ee
iacll elietip for cash, and Mitatil Me' necessity' of -Ow. ;'l;; note or book, account, yi3l be expected to tap. ', 0 ump 0 ,,,,,,,5b0vit„ - vhio; tyfili Aelktoteiol o ootilv
biefp , "
-;;r 'I NNW. 31: itIATEItIi.. and B oile al) Ingorsttata Wth instant. , , *•,.^, - cheap for Casta. , CHARLES Otaillana
Ltkilhlaiii, O h ttili. tf-1 ' - - cam OGILUY' Jesallaq 0,a414 . 1 - -` c, ',. -”• '2`.,:‘
, •
W. the nedersigtied AinlitorS bui`Olietlded county,Ceti:illy that ha'vilag
6cx . iquineci:theicoiants unit k•onclicli3 of AVilft;ni 1118 t day.ltlat of
ecr, E%q m be
: T ip reits r, Iti4
drer;i . f
old county, .fr,c, the first day Of..lannary to he M.
Inclusive,. do find 'a lailance ot . Fifteen Illuidrod iuid FOrly.Elol Dollars and
Two Cents ~dee Tfeae'oloi, by said county, exclusii:o .itweral limes
aiSciied toethe use of the ConarnonWealth r And we futl.hOr : eartify that the a
bove 'correet tglate'ment outstatulidg tuxfis (fue by' the rcsOective
Pollectors assessed fei the kis:v. i3f 16; Conimonwealltrisithill kaid )cehnty, togei
ther.With the ;plonk of cash .I'4. .ttaite 'l'reaairor.asalToye *toted. ,‘
'Givon undei,olit hands at ill'Ucininnissiettris oflYc:O, Ott.t
Of January, A. D. l'Ef.ll'
4 *
tt'cifrr. c. iCIT I GORE,
z Xliditors.
~,,„. '''''
, -?:,.:^e.:..1^',,•P"..':