Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, January 31, 1844, Image 4

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    L f- )411
Oh!' 0 0 08 ? wa'ste'of yetita;
Of Jos stiii/ iberosfrainilea
A-cattilogne of , pliangn e",
Yeti, while we.lookurntintl, and seen'
What bappencd'in our own brief slum;
Tlinga, which oecure'll since life began,.
onrselves,seeni strange.
then, what is life ?.•-stis like n floyer .
That blosSemstlii.n . vAit tine sunny hour;
bright ilIFIBIST: divans ;
A nape that melts tilson-ihe shore ;
A liktftiai.;;; Rash JIM stysight is o'er;
u•im---thi•u seen 11,1111:11'e-:.
oh %lie ;1;;".caol, !
or't the coutein,pltiou fun
(ff aurious thought and deep ?
yet art: fled
rlir upheld nutt
.Iml friends Bung riunill a (lying hell,
'l'u hide. eje.:3 and iretp.
has generblion past; away--
renovation atta creetty---
'ris ehiltlhootl tool old age ;.--
Like in the w . izirtl't
In long sneeetsion on we pat.,
Act our brief 0101,11111 S!
ire swept from of the singe.
flow soon arc the most striking events
rind solemn admonitions forgotten I The
excitement which is produced in us, how
ever strong, is for the most part transient
and momentary. A strange sort of deli
• sion seizes Mid stupiftes the mind, and At
settles down upon the Ices of earth and
nality. Hence, in the holy Scripture's,•,
, the same searching appeals on death and
eternity are so often repeated. flenre.tthe
most viVid_and affecting descriptions of the
shortness of our continuance here, and of .
the infirmity . and sorrow which enter into
the lot of our present pilgrimage: ,Slut
SCOW may ask, Are three-score years and
ten, the ordinary term of human life, to be
called a short period ? I answer, Certainly
-it is; when coin pared with eternity. The
life even of Methuselah was but to endless
duration, what a drop of wafer is to
ocean, an atom to the universe, in the
'flush of Youth, while fancy forms a • thou
• sand glittering Pictures, and sports amidst
the delights of sense and sin; this represen
tation is wholly disregarded. 'I ime then
seems slow in its movement; and life pre
sents a vast and varied field, illuminated
with all the gay visions of hope and hyppi
ness. But the gray-headed senior, who is
just finishing his mortal race, has widely
different views. With him the enchant
' meats of a deluSive imagination have suc
cessively vanished away, in the 111 . 4)1;o:se
of sober eXperienee. The, Simi/es and
figures used in Scriptures, to set forth the
rapidity anti shortness of life, are remarka
bly apt and striping. It is a tale, a dream,
a flower, a flood, a vapor. These are ob
jects with which we are all familiar; but
how few, alas ! revive the monitory les
sons they teach ! The tale is soon told;
the 'dream with which we are tumultuously
occupied, vanishes ivith the morning light,
and not a fragment nortrace remains; the
flower opens its rich tints to .the sun, tint
even its bloom begins to fade, and slitb!k,
and wither; the flood caused by a tempest
rolls down the tnnuntaiMehannel, and is
swallowed up in the sea; the vapor gilds
with gold and purple the evcning sky, but
while we gaze and admire, melts, and disap
pears. And why is human life so short
and full of trouble? Why does God de
face and destroy the work of his own
hands? Whence this dire displeasure of
the Almighty, which has swept away so
many generations of our race,•:ind has
every where • suspended signs and tokens
;- of muurhing,bmentation, and woe? "By
••btle"man-ein , entered' into the world, and
'death . ein . :" • Ilere the mystic veil is
pierced—the Gaulle. Of Amman frailty and
suffering is disclosed.
"That same rash l not
That pluek'd in evil hour the And fruit,
lJnhtu•r'd the gates of hell and let hy ... 1.5g.
And death, and all the family of pain,'
To prey upon mankind."
j . ; o"*Fiederika Bremer, in her pamphlet
upon Strauss and his peculiar tenets, makes
the following 'beautiful apostrophe to the
, "Book of books! deep, wonderful mine,
.whose shafts ages have assaulted, ages
have traversed, and will yet traverse.„Boly
lineage-roll, displaying the - record of the
internal infolding .of the race'rif man froin
the lia'ur of its birth; gigantic ttraMa of
life's beginningand end 1 Drama with dark
episodes and bloody scenes, but 'whose
mornings are' in light; which commences
. with man's infancy, and ends where begins
a new life. after death and the grave. His
%Cork of histdries! how often have I descen
'led into its depths with an - ardent and in
'•••quiring heart..
Long, long was it to me dark, mysteri
,ous and incomprehensible, and I could not
'separate the'precions metals from the dross
••-und'earth, which adhered to . it; the 'great
Artiseqtreconciliation,eteadily beating be
..neath,-the,varying weal and woe of earthly
. ' , life;'itad,the - ealemn blessings and .oursings
: i i , ofille;,,WleiliOg inintl, - was , oncealed from
`-"time; loug:fisv,a( strayed and doubted, often
1, , ' 46441 4 0 lisf4he Way and the.. MAI. , Yet
--- :`,,lik Oitrait4t4f: WiteiTiii - taQ to - iiiicicy ,
J,l yttiiii twiaral,.. ; eyett !Ter Abe leak' of - his .in-
N,,40, i ,./f,,?,0Y44fi r 5 4.410e5- , ierot::.,let his. : light,
- .:4 l )4' . .. , .i!4 l 44' . o 7 *:ooieliiiiiilie wop
atit***;r4:4thic, hour will,l
; ';') : 41 , 001 / 6 04: 1 ** 1 4P: ' lMirie ; ... 1 7.°; ,
> ,7s'l 4`o.oigiTeklino,EgOtt - ','*Aliilfti*Es,
,:.. , , .7,4 F,. 0.. : ,-., , •,, -, ' , l' . ;' '-, '' "'''
'''' /3 0 ! ...A 1#10:1 , 0e, 4fl,o9oglent -dr hiAt
C -A: ' : :'..A l iiitoo!iiiiiiiii#:44;* - 004.
~,,Is ithoW'l 6 4444:4o:Aitektivilioitiii4; i 4ilinf: ‘,
‘ , 4 0 :41110 ' ig '';',;(iii6 , ii,. , ..:: , - , ,;: mt , #• ~,
..,. .. . :...v,,,„ , ...„ , ,,5 J.,. - , fr. , :0-,,t... , 21., ?,-1,; , ! ~
' 4 " ' ":'''.' 4 ' ' ,9 ' ' a 4 ;i; :.:e :-4f 'N; 2
9= d 8
0 - 1) ESI.ECTF U. I informs the pithlic, that be le
DI preps, rd to reeeite, forward mid dispose 01
I'vt)olotee oft every 4tesertiotioo,
rimer at the Philadelphia or Baltimore Markets; or
:it any other point necessiltlo..hy . As he
will attend in person to the deliterr and sale or all
ti tie/es entrusted to hit care, the tnosf satisftctory
and speedy ITtllrlaH may at all tittles he expjetetl,inal
the utmost promptitude in the transactiourof all bu
shiest entrusted to him.
Farmer s and others having any article which they
wish disposed of, will In 001 to call on hint, int
im:dime:ly opposite (he Mansion (louse, and Mill
Ilona Llepot, West high street, Carlisle.
F. is atithorized in purchase sere ail hundred
IniAltels of Grain, for winch the ItH price will
hr ~irru:
C 3111611.. Nby 17, IS 13.
0, OM Eng:inter,-
c c. 5 .• eer an re 7-
tainalissiontr in. Bankruptcy.
LI AS removed his office to North Hanover
ALA Strew., West sill; 8 doors North of Loather
street, and nearly opposite the of s ce of William
Irvine, Esq., whore he will as usual carefully
attend to all busiocsa which may ire entrusted to
him in the line of his profession,
T112E1.1 ill‘ l
,1111) la2N,
.M.l receiv e d
I t from the Nlnoofactory Philadelphia' a large
assortment or effillill,llllg of
Parlour,Claannnbcr&stualy Lamps
with or without shades; Nvlikli they w II sell whole
sale or retail at the manufacturer's prices.
Mica!, Side Reaction and Glass Ltoopsof vari
ous patterns.
CD a, U. o .
The veil , best Winter strained, bleached Sperm
Oil, warranted to horn clear. for
sl,ttro per gallon.
best Sperm Caedles, 373 cents per Ili.
Curl Me, Dee. '21,18412.
VIEZT - MEMTALL 8P11.11117,3r1
111.1P.A4.{.P.1) and tutu 10110leMle and retail by Dr.
_U IV, C. IPPitet•son, west side Marke. are
Ilarrisburg,; Pa.
These Spirits liee'•warranted to be superio r to any
other preparation now in use, for removing all kinds
of Grease, trax, &c., trom ladies and
geidleinena wearing - apparel, Lc. without injuring
them. 'lt is also 'efiectuallii removing spots occa
sioned by any kind of acid.
It will also be found a very useful article for i.e.'
moving dandruff front the heacloand leaving the hair
in a healthy and-vigorous condition.
Price 373 teats per joule. IL liberal diScount
made to those who purchase to sell .again.
Sold in Carlisle by T. C. STEVEIVOIST_ and
MYERS* HAVERSTNIC, Agents for this bo
.rough. '
Carlisle,November 1, 1843. tGI
, Us ar.46_o=ZEl
""'''perform all .operntions upon the Teeth,
tltt.ure requtretl for their presemation e stich
as Seating, Filing, Plugging, Eic., or will 'restore
Alin loss of them, by i'osertmt; Artificial Teeth, korn
a single Tooth ' to wfull sett.
(LTollite on Pitt street, n fe , w' doors South onthe
N. 113. llr LO‘nreas minim nbsent from Curtisle.
Iha last On slays, in t.aell month.
Mny^.24, 1t43.
. .
TaynAN" Runny lYkdicines,
AN adtlitionnl supply - of the above initial:do Mott:
clues, cousisting of
Jayne's Expectorant . , ,
" l'ocao.Vornitroge, '
• ' ' " ' •. • -
' . " Saucily° Pills, • ,
' ," ..Cori , olive .
' Roseivoti atuj Or. ssle q •• • ' • '
. 'S EtiLlatft:
• - • :Agent fli;;
• lIIST received , by the suiie'riber,Chevp and
elegant— • • •'
_ OGlf.plk%
be 0.20,18.43. <
LG;gigtxono indebted i.
tho AtiifiriVer;el,theF by
• notettle loor,oe*lliapvi4 be . ectF~l tier* the ,11
IT' ASH. •
Wiirt; il'ircirtilibi6ri -
441 i 61 WO V 0140.4160.
fg‘. g» ~ .- c
. - r"
_ •••
ortz yhess..e'ar, is ',attent . tv,e. to rtheve)co, of
, Sarrtior; pittanee .is diary& among
• - • • • • •
ato Oot
,the ~
orhose . ?Vonntiful hand scatters 'footi• : -to • ths.
•htitigiry,, ,. atiti'; gives rainrient •Ihe naleit
Ind iirhoke peaeeful Steps, as liejourneyeth .
the • up
.'eye'of' thankful iniligeoce,r and the
sn'ontls of honest gratitude v , front the lips
Of the O'nfertunate.• • • 'r • ,
dizwion.; of the Liver,..lethea,,, :Bronchitis, Paine
or Itiwkntie of the, Rreael or 'Lenge Chronic
Congl . a,Pteurisy, I.l,norrhage gl the 1.71»ge and '
ali aleetione of the Pulniumiry Organs.
A prepa(:itsn of the Prime
Ihsri ennui Wild Cher.) ," eomhine.l
wi th th e Exi m et s/ ni l , peiavred by a new
ent proress,:tpro:ed tioillt:rotionetaled by the Inset
I istinguished physicians, Hi r ai mover:4lllly aelsonwl•
edged the most vahishle rnrdiriove eve'. dibuovered.
NO QUAGKEIiY!!! N() L/E'l;l!,'P'l'l()N.
fil setting., rat ill the virtues (Willis triArent
ichie we 'have 31,1 11061'e to derewe thin who are
labouring tinder affliction, nor iii we dt•sire to eldo..
gize it 11101.0 than It jostle deserves. Yet when w e
.look aroiii.d"void see the Nast :Himont or milliqing and
distress occasioned by many a the diseases hi which
this niedieitie hue proved so highly .Successful, we
reel that we .iteitiet tirge its claims too strongly or
sae too n)lett its • •
inefeeiloire the, •
.01 this fiats:do, that even in the advanced Magee ,
ICtiNsumr•rioNt nfierull,the most i , tremed remedies
of pl.kioiks 1.., railed - to effect any ehange„.the
use tir this medicine bus been prothiotire of the snout
astonishing relief, and actually Offs:Led cures after
all 'hopes uf•reenvery bail been despaired i .. .
in Ilse first mages of Ilie disease tut rued " ' ear? ,
hal Coicvnaiption," oritlitating frutn nrs• Tted
(.:(.11..1)S, it has been 'used with itilclitviatilq; st cress
and hundreds acknowledge they owe the resto •ation
of their health to this invaluable inetlirine alone.--
hi ilia: form of ComvuttON/1 so prevalent amongst
delicate young frniales,Tonunotily termed debility,
A. romplaipt tholinieds it
hes 111511 pret•etlAhlv snee.esshil, and 1101.001) . ros
t‘esses the power el eiteekteg the itrogrcsa 01 A
larming tomvinint , bat albn stunigthuiti and
-I•ntes the st stem 111 , We than any medicine
We have ever possessed.
For part ietilars, certiCeatts, &e., see I)r. tslar's
pitutpltle r lf•
Sol imm, 1 hoval,l;. York! ' -•
.1. 11. G. l.ioslee, S1019000,1)rg.
Noventher ti, Ire 43.
Peri-wart & Con snati!.sion
U 351 ,S 3 3 •
, .
',.: •'.l.•::'''Aelf4'-'2i‘*sii,"'\t4-Nq''''..."',l':',':',?-:;:'-::''',1;::'L;j.1,1a!';',''''2::,-'1'..4.:172-.',:-.-:`,":::--".7•%•*:'-: -:•-" --- . „ -
' .•'''''''% 44 .. C` -•:1.--;;1- %; ii' 4q:'," , r*l
•-:'''',/e7:,••'.ll:AV.l'. ,4"F.
' : ,- --- - t ~,:' --
':•' --.4 :•'*•, ; '!7 . ,-,; ?'•
' ' 'J'' .. ::. :,l . 4-''t:tll , ;i''l l ,A•:•': ..ttf4' ,
.- • ....,. •%. %. : •-.- . .. -
ENGES,atill grown people say they are the
santest nod most &cell se medicine in use. Eliot
mous quantities are sold: and every hotly likes them.
Free Man Hunt, Esq.;Mlitnr,of the Merchants Maw
:mine, says they cured his, cough in a feW' hours.—
The Rev. Mr. Dunbar;--of the McDougal street
church, was cured of a .vet y had cold suit cough in
on'e. day. The Rev. Mr. Anthony, athe Methodist
Churelt, WAS cured of consumption by dim: .
the list's of thousands. Ask W.' Evains,Psq., II
Walker st., the lion. Edward Porter; llon. B. B.
Beardsley; Dr. G. Hooter, and nearly all cite physi
cians, what they think of Si:ermines' Lozengell, and.
they will tell you they are excellent—the only in-
Inedicioe known.
real antlidotes.t., headache, palpitation, sea sickness,
lowness of spirits and despontlencv—or the effects of
dissipation. Capt. Chadwick, et the Wellington,
Mr. Ackerman, the great sign painter, Mayor Clark,
and almost every body knows their value.
POOlt MAN'S PLAsTrAt —Sherman's we mean
—costs 14 cents, and is sure to cure rheumatism,
•Itimlarm, pain or weakness in the breaSt, side, or
hack; also piles—and they cure worms when applied
to the part. Ask doe Iloyie, or tiny one who' has
used it, and would give $5 for one' suonev than five
Cents for all other .plasters.
Sold it, Carlisle at lIUNTRR & KNEEDLER'S
hook Store, East High street, who are sole Agents
for Carlisle,
A n d Ansl e y k (4viason, Shippensbneg.
propyietor of this invnluable_legaey_oc.a..great
man, has for Some time failed to present them to the
an advertisement The reason is n plain
one. So lunch lion them use given satisfaction, and
sn strongly have they been rceomthentled to noe ;m
-other, flint it has been utterly impossible to supply
the demand, both here and for coma' y agents. Du
ring the present-month, moreihan tin hundred grass
or nearly TIIoUSA,ND BOXES, have
been sold in this oils owl vicinity, and snriph e d to
Agents throughout the. United states, nod• many or
ders have born on band weeks before they mold be
fined.. In fact it needs not the spirit of prophecy to
tot etell the day when the only Pill in' use will be
that invented the immortal Dr. Benjamin Rtish,
the gi*atest physician America ever saw.
T111.1,10 , ,ALT11 PILLS have cured, were cure
seemed well nigh impostPtlc4 they have restororto
lentect In nldi hundreds It Ito hail long languishedon
etlft of pain; thee Inve Operated like a otharmovheit
till other metlieit;es railed even to afford relief, they
hart given coolthrt to the affletetlontl hope to Btu.,
despairing; they hove I:tinned the ills Orate vothg.
and given backyouth. ter , the aged. " Indeed . , they
scent to possess the protirrlieS :t4rrihtil the:O.
ehyiniots of tormrr days to ilia: 11;atSe~ptat
BALM, Ilh.lrongtlrrer othinlivolithol, to thsvov
et. Mod), they ',nosed lung days welly.y nights of
Sniff in Ciirlisle nt KNEEDLER & HUN
_TER.'S Bo,ok stone, ghst High street, who ore
sole Agents lhr Carlisle.
Angle.). & Greasun, S:hippensburg.
A 'Ft'? gla' - `9*
4...! 4.5 *A -9.•
For the core of Obstinate Eruptions of the
Skin; Phnples or P.osii6s ou the Face;
Biles which arise from an impure habit
of body; Sealy Eruptions; Pains in the
Bones; Chronic Rheumatism; 'fetter;
Scrofula or jibes Evil ; White Swel
lings; Syphilitic Symptoms; and all dis
niers prising from an impure state of
the blood, either by a b u tßresid.•nce in
a hat and unhealthy climate, the injudi
cious use of Mercury, &c,
This Mt - Melee lu.s frequently been , found
hiahly_ beneficial in Chronic Coughs, 'or
Colds of lima stabling. :1
I•his Medicine. bits been estensively used Tii the
United States Nith decided bell Uri( 111 b crulida , Nicr
curial diseases, and in all Inn 0 1:11I
As an alterative in the spt•in;
•and 1,111 son
lulls, it is ittasuailled. It 1 10 5tit . 8S.:111naily ildvaningvs
over• the decoction, and is introduced as a prepara
tion more portable, lint liable to injury by long Ity•ep
kg, and better adapted It , *lit: ode of persons travell
ing m• residing abroad.
Th e proprietor• begs live to call attl•Iltlllll to the
fidlou celed fermi a large num tr
aplu•ov ing its etlicacv:
READING, Nlaryli 3, 1830.
This certifies that toy , lies. D eem , had fnr
nearly cies en years from a scrofulous erup
t ma,,,hti ng fett e r a Inch We deep !Mien ill lice
rare, 'leek and :u•ms,tle canstaut discharge of which
.ilestro)ed her health. and frequently confined het• for
I different Periods to her lied, Miring a hick time her
' sufferings were very giros!. The hest medical amen-
Ifanee was nblninril, DID: 1111 tile known remedies
were tried With but an itlleviation or her coMplaint,
which always returned with increased inaliguity.-
laving lost all hopes of reef/Very', she NMI Almost
determined to give up the use of °thee medicine;
she was 'however, by presintsaion, induced to h•%
Ooketoy's J)rpierativt• of IS'aroaparilia, the use of
five bottles of which hits removed the disease,and
tie:stored her to perfect health.
• 'opposite the depot, Iteading,, Pa.
This In to certtfv - thit my little con, about eight
years old, had .sttfiered for a long time fotmexten
sire sores on the right knee and leg, sopposed to.
have been white swelling, which I found impossil le
to heal, even by •the and of the moat respects e
medical advice, until I was recommended to Me NI ..
Oakeley's Compound Syrtm or Sarsaparilla, 8 hot
tles of which not only healed the sores, hut perfectly
restnicd the child's hearth, which had sunned much
in consequence of this :Affection.
ritholtove Penn street, Reading.
Tne above ease was !presented to me both before
and Mier the use of Mir. Oakeley% Eiyrppof Sarsa
parilla, and I bare no 'hesitation hi believing dud it
was the agent or his restoration.
bOUGLASSVILL; April, 19, 1843, •
Mr. Oakeley s--My son Ethmind Lent, had the
scrofula in the most dreadful and thsiressing Man
ner for three years, dtOng which was de
prived of the use of ht n limbs,- his- bend-and neck
were 'covered with ulcers. We tried all the Miler.:
eut remedies, but to um effect until recommended by .
Dr. Johnson, of fsforrlSr wn, and also Or. thane
Wester, of Reading, to use your !leitmotiv Syrup
of SArsaparilla, of which I obtained several hottlee,
the use of which
,drove the disease entirely, out of
his system, the cores healed up, nod the child was
restbred to perfect health, which be. has enjoyed un
interruptedlg ever, since, to the astonishment of ma
persons who seen him . during his affliction. I
have thought it my duty, mid send yon this
rate, that others who have a like affliction iii the
family may khow whereto obtain so valuable
eine, • 'You,rs,truly. A. 1.), ',
• sow by, T. C.'STEVENSON, "Cat ,
lisle the tolipwin4 Agernfs' in C,umber
"prat! 'County • , -
'J. G. Maher, New Cumberland.
,Jashun Crain, nagGestawn: •
Landon, Kingston.:,;
m.Btitton;:Novvine . ..,
:Incob Burkhart, dn.
.• ' 8c Co., ciairefitown.
• lip,t,!th.e,ll,StePa"'n.,-.
, I
. . .
Levan*: Maialni :and .Plgs. •
0X5ip,41011,03 tebeivedphl
Carliele NOv.,
'l'46"44 # 4lo6li *Ag 44 : , isoi 44 k Bll '''
A P§T'4o ol .Y l .l4 l tft:o 'tor4
44 4 , l44* ; :;.'cOp ti r,
rink , /"
von THE 'DEVIOVAL AND EIirdANENT : 4 :)111tE
or ALL i Mi3kiskB. mist C+' ituita, 0:14,
OF iltEorOor.o; oft
: •
' 4 ;
i)te's) PnP,lnto:o ' ,; { #4 6 ' l .gii,4 6 )T,'ol ,Pt
;Worm or4Tett4;; :11encf,.
,of :t[
and Joints, Sttibborp,l4o4'l,SYobili
tie Symptoms, geiatiea.t tiumbago,
and diSdases arising' from aninjudi
, ciow 'use Ascites, or:
Life. Also, Chronic Constitutional
Disorders . will be removed, by this
' Preparation. '
Improvement in whatever regards the happiness
and welfare of our race is constantly on the - march
to perfection, and with • each succeeding day some
new problem is solved, or some profound secret re
ycalee, having an important and direct laat . ring over
man's highest destinies. If :we' take a retrospective
view over the past ivventy- years, how is the 11110
etruck with wonder ! What rapid strides hasscience
made in every department of civilized life ! parti
cularly in that which relates to the knowledge 011ie
human system in health andtlisease. How valuable .
and indippensable are the curative means recently
discovered through the agency of chemistry! How
does the imagination kindleand our admiration glow
at the ingenuity, the near approach to the standard
of perfection, of the present time! Through the
elaborate investigations of - Physiology, or the science
of Lire, and the Pathology of prevalent diseases,
much valuable Practical knowledge has been gained.
In consequence of !twining acquainted with the ors
ganization, the elements of the various tissnes and
structures of thr system, remedies' have been so•
after and discovered exactly adapted to combine with
ucautralize and exptd moildfle mailer, the cause o
disease, and substitute healthy action'in itg place.
The be.intifhl simplicity or this triode of trerittnen
is not only suggested - by tlie - pittliology - of-dseases
not only gratelid to the sufferer, but perfectly in con
sonance with the operations of Nature, and satisfac
tory to the views ;Ind reasonings of every
reflecting mind. ft is dins that Sand's Sin'saparilla,
a scientilic combination of essential principles of the
most itlatillr, vegetable substanees,operates upon the
system. The Sat saparilla is combined with the most
salutary productions, the most potent simples of the
vegetable kingdom ; its' unprecedented success
in the Testoratiott to health of those who bad long
pined under the most di dressing Chronic maladies,
has given it an ezalted. character, furnishing as it
ocs criileoce of Its own intrinie valoootoll recon
mending it to the afflicted in teems the if of
ean know. • It has long been a mmt important de
siileriitum in the• practice of medicine to obtain
tuned:: to - this—one that would act on the
ver, stomach and bnwels with :ill the preeiston and
oteocy of mineral preirtynt ions, yet u ithout any of
eh , deleterious etTeets upon the vital powers of the
The attention of the reader is respectfully called
o the hullo wing certificate• Ilowevergreat achieve
seats 'tare Iter.l.tofore beiiit nettle by the use-of this
tivaluable'ir.eilicitt2, yet daily,expertetice hiIOWS
tilts still more retn:u The prop] ictors here
avail theinscirus of trio oppniquaity or so,vo t t it is a
source Of that tlicy are unade the
Icons or relieving such :in ainoont -of
Vorulerful iTerts 01 &nth's &realm:llla ,in
enthlic followilig from Mrs. Wm. Plii
s long resided lit the Falls. facts are We
known to'all the old residents in that part orate city.
:11 , x.ssits. A. If. Sxxos & Co.—Sets: Most grate
fully do I ruthrtwe this opportunilv cu r to you
the great relict' I obtained from the us e or y . our Sar-
Naltarii hi. .1 shall alto, Ise happy, through you, to
publish to tin whit tare aiirted,os I lately nits, the sic
.tinexpected, mid even the a long while
deSpail. of Bnrc. Aline isa painfisktory,litithto iiu
Mid sickessitigas is the narrative or it, Mr the satzerni
mazy' who misty 'he surely relieved, I will briefly yet
accurately state it. -
Nineteen years ago- last April a fit of sickness left
me with on eruption. Dropsical colter
tionsimmedimcks took place suer the entire surlisce
of my body, cattsio n s , such au enlargement that it was
iiiscesnary to add a half reed to the sire of toy ilees-
SeSZWOIIIIII waste. N'ext an) limbs,
Hirers, vuiriful beyond description. Ms . years, both
in summer and Winter, the only' mitigation or my
suffering was found its postritu; upon those parts Bold
water. Frosts mY !Milts the pain extended over my
whole body.. There was literally for me no rest, by
day or by night. Upon lying down dies.• pains would
shoot through toy system, and compel me to arise,
and, for hours together, walk the house, so that I was
almost entirely deprived of sleep. During this time
the Erysipelas consumed active, and the ulcers en.
larged,and so deeply have these eaten, thnt for two
antra half years they has been•sulduct to bleeding.
During these almost twenty years 1 lime consulted
many ph) siciatis. These hose Called my disease—
as it wassittendeil with an obstinate-cough and n steady
told active pain in my side— a llNsPsical emistimption;
and though they have becM skilful practitioners, th e y
were only able to afford tar casts is• partial and tem
porary relief. I had many other difficulties toocons
plicate() to describe. I have also used many of the
medicinestiliat have been recommended as infallible
cures for this disease, yet these all tidied, nod 1 seas
most emphatically growing worse. In this critical
condition, given up by friettils,and expecting for my-
sell', relief only in desalt, I wan by the timely inter
position of a kind Providence, fornished with your,
to me,invaluable Sarsaparilla. A single bottle gore assnemicoof health, which for twenty rears)
had not once tilt. Upon taking the second my in !
largement diminished, nail in twelve treys from the,. !
Bth of October, whets commenced taking your Salt I
saparilla, I was able to enjoy sleep and rest, by
ns refreshingus any I ever enjoyed when in perfect
health. Besides, I web, in this short time, relieved
irsim all those excruciating and unalleviisted pains !
'that hail afflicted my days, MS well its robbed me of
c my night's repose. ' The ulcers upon say limbs nee
sheeted, the Erysipelas cured, and my size reduced
I nearly, to my former ineasnre.
Sand's Sarsaparilla will also remove and derma- '
neatly cure diseases hating their origin in an !minim
,l'state of the blond and'ilepraved condition ()flint gout- I
I eml constitution, viz: . -Scrofula or King's Evil its its
various. forms , Ithetunatisro, obstinate cutaneous
eruptions, blotches, bides, pimplea, or pustules on
:chef:ice, chronic sore,eces, ringworm orletter,scsild
head, enlargement tint! paid of the bones and joints,
stubborn silcerte;.syphilitic symptoms, diseases axis
ing 'injudicious of mercury,Semille de- I
rawosmenfs and other Altiailiir complaints.
. much do I feel it a prinitege to testify to 'the
+Meetly of your . health-restoring - Sarsaparilla. A
thousand thanks, sir, from ono whose-comfort .and I
, whesehope of ,futureritealth are due, under Goil,ito
your instrumentality. And may the sane Providence
;that directed me to your aid, make you ,the happy
and !Moored instruments or blessing others, .as dis
eased and despairin,e, as your Much relieved and very
,grsdeftil friend, ASLNA.7II .Mr PHILLIPS..
Nzsv LoNDON Co. se. Nov. 4,1842. '
Personally tippeared i the above-named Asensth
Phillips, aril made oath of the theta contained in the
foringoing statement before me. -
• of the Petiee. ,
persOnntlyucquaintell 'with inrs,Vhiltipa, I'
ant:tify thaithheabovoasserted facts are substantially,
true. WILLIAM 11.; - .RICHARDS,
Minister. of ;1110,.Gospet at Nor.wieh; Conn.
Ptepared and ,sohl. by.A. 13:: , Ssinds tr. Co., Ihstig.;;
gistsundChemists,.Granite buildings, g7B,Broadway: l
coroor . o,rquipbergiti.Teh . N . mtryork: And hie aa
by'Uroggiatsthrotiubout the Unifell Stutys .,., Price
per;bottte,,aix bottles for ss:'''
The'pliblto are eespectfully requested to iemem-,'
her:that it is Satithi'i Sarannimillalluit•linsanil fa ean:il
I stantly nchie,ving sutiblisMarksble cures Or theiuose
ditliettlt dhoti 61 iliaeiseitita iihiatithie human fri , ol
Fiasubjeetiitbatikre#Sittl4tes 8 4 , 1 41 ParMilt 41 1 414 4e'
tto othep4.o,:;';f ;*"'
ikraitilO`tmont Ihr the lii oprietore,:
rp" al ti iitl el Oty: r i r, if'', .
slab' P 2 -:
- ‘ ,llll
1 . ' 11 4 :
i . 4 5 ,0. 14tri t 4w101,4tothei
"(; 0 4 11 1 4 44j 6 C10 ' '
0 111 0, 1 ,16 f 1 0'
44 1 0 4444;40,4 'Or (0 1 : I 49. ..„ •
T 3 4 1 , glean; aYtz. ! vlO l ,
' '
Norwich, Crain
r'"VN.totif lexlsteron'AlvT;l
iv. GNSindrubli„Goligh •
ipSivt:king 711044,4 w:
f : Tii•Contitimorres.nli!our MIR 0 yciu,ni.e re,alty
iu ering•JOinalreglette(P. , coloP 4 o,: 4 4 lV' o,l,o 4liatiqnl
And cogacquen;t 4014pnvimtiOn, - of, tile. Cltt. 1 41%
of 1 htied Itiheil - litiktsnit*hicil thm .•AI.PA! * "."" ".
Iliti . triblit*l . lter'e•ioilj tett grlbill '4un i tpic, - : on [al t Qls
ettiaiiiilL•produTzes - tAilti;mol-sol•excipi• 30 .,
ittaNAIBFOtt t'ZlEveJahiPg,i hectic. . kiTe6' 4 .l lll l
tiOing . ctr,biotilloxiittprs,oriplgeo4 istigoicfilydiy l
'etinifitnillkeistretikth 00.!ecOatits4tioPW 1 / 1 0004:
k l
•IlilxieukEzpie 4 44oo;*nc: ) foktitio oleimqs I R
New wo"lvtijoi..imkto;:lind lemma
7° be l'i'''d 'A 1 1: 1 °-SP*1 1 11i 1 0 1 :it+r , la. • '
n• adp 'n J . j.,92 , ____ , 44 tilt , • --.• ‘ .• •
~-:- : , ''-.,', •-:
e t
• • • -
s •
tja4ill.FlUY ,, '
• r, •
1171110 . nr6'114' kroto, or
coming More' - iiiipiirOne;' , Ndnierottv'Vet'sOtift.
Assert they har:e deriVed tiitlki4inegefricirMindm
i igron
AtAnger - preptirsitinti'llitiOnfifiitliO6AlA'AAtitqvige'.
Ati.mttols !coittAitoll.-,'In : 46MOL- bOtttu titi:Oratir
(and sold tini'sitotti,priOW.l;,UktitelAddin'reniiel 9 4.,
•' " •
flops thiiiA 4 Aeittlieiidif.; , ... •
vegetable aiterativAs with ivliiGh'
onr•dispeniames 'Abountlitlierelice'':to vO Miefitips
Stirshpardlit; and Oihen properly combitied anditre,-,
pared, is i flebi
ted constinitioni , tolheir biit'in every
case arising' butr:of On, impure staid of
From a icnowte'dge' of-yery. rosily:Mnn (and noire of ,
them consideretrincnrabie)'wherO:loimy different
preparations .ofe.mrsapari Antil been= useil;Autinc' ;
scented to possess virtues or. renirOial,powecs equal
to Dr. Leidy's Medicated or.(kiroponintEtitrtott - or.
It is,:t preparation it is belie*ed-Sity inkrior to
any other, and would recommend it to the particular
notice; of Physicians.—Ed. U. S. Gaiette.
Extract of a letter Irons 3.11. Whitmore, of EllM.oll,
in relation to Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla.
' , My 'little boy and, girl, the former now three
years and the hitter now seven years old, have beeo
afflicted with a auroral cos tumor from the time they
were three months o. d. Three months ago I w it s
inducedibmltke trial ofyour Extract of Sarsaparilla,
and have given it both to the present time. -- They
are now eatirely free from mit appearance of Scro
fula and never were in better health."
Dr. Leidy's Sa.isaparilla is efficacious in all dis
eases arising from impurities of the blood one other
fluids of the system. All invalids. who may have
been under 111 !Ilical treatment, who are debilitated
Noun the matiaity of medicine they may have taken,
OP are under a mercurial influettee, will find that by
using a few bottles of Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparillst,their
usual vigor and elasticity of their frame and system
will be rest ored,and he again permitted to enjoy the
sweets of life.
artirle appears to be doing wonders nt
the South, and front the high character of the re
commendations, we are fully persuaded it is a most
utuitaj medicine for all itnpurities dike blood. We
know . iiianv ,Physicians Aviv) have given their testi
many on lhis subject, and we know they would not
give a character to any medicine that did net really
desvrveit."—Cluniestnn Enquirer. .
----Extrattt of..a letter front Dr. Warren,. Natchez:
"liming. for tint hist yeaFin - iny - pructiee Nord yottr
Sarsaparilla with, tunell
to myself owl
benefit to Ittypatients, I have no hesitation inAtielar.
ing it to he one of the most useful preparations in
diseases for which Sarsaparilla is preset ibtal."
ryl'his preparation may be depended tip'on as
bring the strongest (consequently morr efficacious)
of any in eustence ; nil fluid preparations must pos
sess similar virtner, in proportion to their strength,
being prepareirffirin the same article. Dr. Leidy's
Compound, Extract of Sarsaparilla, however, poi.
SPFSeIt 111 . 01)(Ttil!N 116 t possessed by .others, from its
manlier of preparation, and combination with cube ,
oegetable extracts recommended by the medical th
eulty--miti hence the relismi why it is sn generally
recommended by thel'hysicians of.Philadelphitt and
elsewliere. •
. From the extraOrdinnry virtues-of this prepara.
lion and a - knowledge of its compos:tion by Physi
ciiins„(the reason Nt by they so generally use it, as
they - WOilld not one or ,rt.rottiruciiil any preparation
they did not know the composition ot,) it has been
introduced ill ninny of the klospital4 throughout the
11, S. tool is highly recommended by 1. 1 1.3 siciatis mail
Surgeons of those Institutions.
Prom tiv.! New OrleaqsAavertiser.
The high :11111 envied relehrits ['left this pre
eminent medicine has acquired fur its:itivariahle O
ne:icy in all di.rases whieli it professes to finite, len,
rendered the usual saliency of sniffling unnecessary.
leis known Ity its frnits and its gorn' st . nyks list
(ot• it. De. Leidy's Sarsaparilla trill be lband parti
cularly einem:ions iu ull of the liver, stom
ach, 5{,111, kidneys, spine and hones, illeeratiots'ortnit
nose, throat and other parts, abseil se I, listuilas, scro-
111111 S, 111 . S 1 111 . 11110;111111111 . 11, 011'11111111 19111 111111 incipictit
gout. mercurial and syphilitic itllltetions, fetnaht ilit
rittigenteitts and In ritstitritig the sickle mitt tlabilittit ,
cil to their malty:ll health :mil energy.
Compound of Sarsaparilla lots
stood the test for fief y ears past, and 'tit. no boast to
say that there is no other preparakt or equal
strength, now in use. Throughout rue Southern
Stat., where Sarsaparilla 1., as lunch in general use
istraantirnffre, Dr. Leitly's Sarsaparilla is gener
ally prererred and is highly recommended he l'hy
st ciatot, l; -w hoses.ertid cat 1.8 have hero fretpt cot pub.
fished hrotigholtrilic—mnalmted west it is also
0111c11, used, 1110f11 perlimettlian :my
Onm bottle of it [Nara !Mei is warranted canal to
two of any other in ulrenglh, and is equal to one half
gallon of the strongest Syrup that can he made.
I)irertions for makiti.A . Syrup therefrom accom
tanks the directions,
TT Ant a few days since a Clergyman of this city
[who does not desire 1115 name published ill the pa
pers, Ina is left with Dr. [Ally] stated Mat a lady
who had long been a commtanicatut lit his church, hut
for two years past unable to go to church, on account
of he• extreme debility, occitsioned by ulceration of
unions fuly t' her hotly, disease orlhor liver and
other• interns 'erangemods, and the constant taking
of medicine th efoF, never fonnil any change I'n• the.
better until alto • tuning several !tattles of Dr. Leidy's
Sarsaparilla, tuna by a few months perseverance in
it 4 use, was entirely - restored to health, and recover
ed lice dormer strength, and to use her ow•ndnnguage
owns almost created a new This is but one
of many instances almost daily Itetoll of.
It is prepared only and sold wholesale and retail
at Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. lilt North
Second street below Vine: also sold try Frederit+
Drown, et runt• Fifth and Chesnut streets; and Fred.
Klett he Co. corner• '2II and Gdlow•hill strectott $1
per bottle, (a hall pint) m• six bottles
For sale in Carlisle by
May 91, 1843
Worms : illoorms
11 , parents knew the value and efficacy of Dr,
Leidy's Patent Vi.getahle Worm Tea ,they never
would Le without it in theirfamilies,as children arc
sohject at all times to Worms.
Dr, Leidy's Worm Tva istomposed of vegetables
altogether, and may be given to children °fall ages.
Directions accompany each pap .r or package.
Children snffer mach; of linden, from so many
things being giVen them toe worms, withotit any el-.
feet. Illuchonedicine, given to children, has a ten•
dency to deSiroy their general health, and they ore
more or - lesa-delicate ever After.
TO 11VOili tile necessity of giving medicine mine
cessarily.when you.tire certain your children huvi
worms give them at first Dr. Leady's Worm I
is all that is necessary.
Reference might be made to Rereral hundred
rents in Philadelphia , city and county, or.the effi cac y,
of Dr. Leidy's Worm Tea. . Try it nod you will be
Price 14 cents a sm&Fl,nud iDnents abrge
age. 'Prepared °illy, and for wholesale and
Detail, at Dr. Leidy's Detatit Emporium, . No. tat
North Second street, below Vine, [stgn•of the COl
den Eagle and : erpents,l Phdndelp it. - •
For sale in Carlisle by
3une 14, 1843
Dr. ,Leitly's Tetter' and 'ltch Ointment.
AN infallible remedy foi• eariOne affemions of the.
Skin, reipoving Pimples, Pustules, and' Ermdions,
of the Skin, and partieulnidir adapted fo.die cure of
Tetter and the Itch.
lina,been need in numermtersagok
throughout the city and county, as well as Factories,
emploting ,'enineremir . tir,lff and bore;.. am twat
whom Totter and well ei other' Alretitions of
the Skin ; Om-ailed, with the:moid.uneiampleil,:aue.;•
"eesii. ,, Nameti bf Subribl Teaalters;ba.wbil Re Si.f per.?
'intendants itiol'Propnietori ofl'aecories,4oefildi be
gldeO, 30 Oar mf fig : thmabOve, but kir t ie. delioneYith
feel in haring their names publitihed•ln•compbtiou.
With 'obeli loafhebbibeatut dliapteably alleotjbbs. ,
28'ecnis whoic.Atorliale Obrlislb4tr
c ;, I.: • 7C4:483.1141.44,
June 44 48434:: • 4
-: XaMiltY.AlcalCineSt
iitirgte;roitoo, l '
Soutlitlitird ate'
I'oolooo ist, ,and'r pont:tare genuine ;11
ierattad,nthrisatum upon'. the outside - All
:others tira:itiotiaterfeitn. ' • ••••• . •• % • " 1
n re rintom minded and elite n si vq.‘',Y . ,4:6:intiktvintelligeut; personale 'the.United
fslatait,kbY ..ndinetiewx-cProfeasors . and Pie . bidenti ot •
.Collegen,li i hY•kftinint of 'die Armytitad 'Navy, and Of
-1 - lospitala s aMliAlitislibuses, and by more than three
•IfttialrCtl, ,cki:orpon ; osf.. various' denoinitintions•
~ ,T heys are expressly' Prepared 'for Enmity ' ito, and
haviiacquirett and Unprecedented popularity tlirough
pupate United States; rind an they trc so admirably
calulaiMl•to.pretiervt; 'Neal nntl' curt . :Disieue,. no
'family should .ever-he without them. -The proprie
tor of these, valuable, preparations received his eilu
viiiion at one of 'the best MCdical.Colleges t'te U.'
states, 'antl has fifteen yearii experience in an.
exteniii.e.and diversified practice, b y which he has
bad. ample .opportuoics of acquiring a practical
Xnewledg6 - ot - xlittettnefoltertifilte"Ferdreeles best col
ciliated' to remove them. These preparations con-.
nist•of •
,laynesExpectorantot valuable remedy for Cough,
Consemption, Asthma; Spitting of Blood,
Croup, I /Doping Cough,f Bronchitis, Pleurisy, and
tlamtn:ktion or the Lungs or Throat, Difficulty of
Brenthtng,and all di somms ofthe PulmOhary Organs.
Also Jayue's Hair, Tonle, for the Preservation,
Growth and Beauty ofthe Hair, and which will posi,
lively bring in new hair on bald heads.
Also Jayne's Tonic Vermilitge,n certain and plea
sant remedy for Worms' Hysp vpsia Piles, and many
other diseases.
-- -
Also Jayne's Cautninitive - Balsam - i - n certain cure
for`Bowel and Summer Complaints Diarylima, Dv
entery-Cholic.-CraMps;Sick fleadiate - itiour stom
ach Cholera Morbus, nod all derangements of the
Stomach and Bowels, Nervous Affections; &c.
Jayife's Sanative Pills, for Female Diseases, Liver
Complaint, Costiveness, Fevers, Intlationettions, •
Glandular, Obstructions, Diseases of the Skin', &c.
and in all eases where 7111 Alterative or Purgative
Medicine is required.
For sale lie Carlisle, by
May SI . 1813
18011 WORKS
crr .oe of the pokyrirs and authority
contamed in the last will and testament
IlirnAr.t. Ear, dee'd., I now Olfer for sale, the
Carlisle iron .Works
Situated otrthe Yellow Breeches Creek, 4.h miles
twat of Carlisle Pa. 'l , lr; estate ebotists °fa first tate
• Q-A,
‘ , O 4 , 6 jyci - fttirit u.
tt4., • • 9
:Viih Tfaa 2"/torrstraid acres of Land.
A or•w NI EitClIA NT .NIILL %volt Thor eon or atone,
rthithea On the thOst :thilvovednltta. About 500 art•es
Of the land are vie:alit! 4:od highly volt' tateal, lull hog
thereon ereetial
Tilree Filkun; f : . anirgi s
ileeessinT TENA NT 1-1() US ES. Ti'e
works yr propelled It) the It t•Ilow Ili'eudies. Creek
teal the lloilitig Spring, witiellnt•tilittr rail norrrerze.
Tlote are 1111011 tht• premises till the oreessm•v work
melts !noises, coal hooses,earpeoteraltil stud') shops,
and stabling built-or !be tyntst olist..itial materials.
• I'he ore or the best tioality tool ine‘htt,stibli , ,
Si miles or lie Porn.tce 'l r ,Lere . is oerliaps
no Iron ork-s l'ettost I , totia which pOS:YeSSIIi
11c1.101. ath ;Images tool olli•I•s grearo•',ittiltututinattsto
the in of Capital. 'I
be is so
great that it luip,ltt be et:tendril to 1.1 - I,tlltlier
factoring purpose. . Persons disl•osed to primbi tae
of rnurse CX:illlille the properly, hetet/us of
sale will be tootle bum% it by
.ll .% V
T.:m.1..1111.1x of Michael ,Ear,
Csnlialc,Oct:l9, IS!. - tr-51
%tit.; (Almnr.lll,v.s. - 1) \'.11:1:1:)'UTI:.\ 1.
Pitcyriwri(lN l'A N V, heittg
ntteti hi All tICCOf the 1.1.g.11,1:1i111.1• el the
Sillll,lll.lllllly orgettizetlmell in operation etith.e the
tlive.etiott of the littlett in" hoard tti Nlttote 4 t et, lc:
Tho Pets 11 II 1 , e,-C. Etta( mitts, .leht t tirtre
Ihteitl Nlx:Celicittglt,. Slimes ‘Vettl:ly, - (;ettrge
oory, Sunruk.l I;ltitzettith..lmt.s,Tittittets toti,VVitt, 11:11r,Josei t h
Allll C; he ttliemititt rtr Ilrr ihretlttt..
ants of Cuttiberhuttl Vttlltts lit tire rlitt:txteew or their
yews :Ind the Intely thlvattlagett N%ltieh
ittherattet• Itary ever um usher.
+l. 1 . 11 . 1 . ,(1111101111.,11 hlv mars n mer,hee
the company mai takes part in the elttilee ttliivers
and the theta:that or it., eout,,,s.
. .
I , nrlll Ks Ira e un nlisre is 111:1:1 is
lIVINAS.IVY she ('spruces of the I:oasis:say mg/
issilignoilv against. loses uhirh way haisisea.
.Isl. The issoosivessienre ',hr.:Ai; is .i
--voirit4l-I,y-itinitring for ti 11 . 1'111 fist' years.
411,. 4ssy persau II lviir lot' iIIStIrIIIIVV 1111151 i ire
Ills 1112111111ln i11(1 for 1110 CLISs at II e I alr
or rile tee centotn, which will lie , 5,511 on the ';Thou,
fin. he - still lain, to pay 55y2,511 f o r lire
tool $1,50 reie sore( y mu! policy, anti no 111 me 11141. , S
IPSS In It grontiT iilll , llllll tltna the Ilunl,
(111 11:11111ii will coverdssol sing s imams., will Is e Isrsitsirs
sal than a pro rasa share. These rates are marls
cheaper than those 0f511,6
as are istrarograted sasses principles.
I - pearliness is !greeted its .the liillmr nag so:sower. A
person avid) ing .1tIfillrtille(• •rtit. propene of the
n11,4;1,4.4'4 rla ei of rink for i s '.100!) well he elsargell
per rent Yin• year in note nouninling to s3li Initst
lie given by him, on uhtc6 he n ill la: requires! It, pa 3
5 pee vent j • !,5 0 ,i0nl 54,591 . 4 r 'bug nod Insilco,
and will have nn Hann.: / . o(r4ired . tlf wales, fosses
occur arid Ilse. foods; Oli it:unls sure 'nn suliiciew to
1111.4il !lawn.
Agritig win by aypniatedns'snoll as VASPilill. iti ilif
ferilt places Ln attend to insmlinvvs, luidatty perrnns
winhing inmetlilocly to apply e:ot .lo cn Lc
iug their wild) to 1111• oflivers of the cloupu
• CHAS. P. CUMMINS, 'Pres.
A: G. MiLLEut, Sec's.
'lho follim jug genilemmi 'have boon iipprinited
Ih% Urn I)ay,
• •Jait%lly, ‘;i111.. •
Gen•ge [kit Esq.. Mintroo..
Clemens \lel•'urLnie, Carlisle., •
L. IVesifienngl)n•o'
.I:truce elo, Newt .m.
CoL .las. Chestonl,'s X Itoticls.
J. M. .Alentm, Esq. Net. litir".
-.Jos. Musser, .Emj. Now Cumht• r hnul .
Win P.sq.
Stephen Ctillwri son, Shimienslitirg
i'eter NlcLaugliliti, S. .Nlioldlettati,
April L,!, 1843.
Susquehanna LinO,
IRE proprietors of the ;Susquehanna Linewill
run their Curs and Boats us usual to Phil:
adelphin and Baltimore dirringtlM present season.
Their friends will please apply to Noble; Flinu
& Herr, Broad st. and Hatt, Andrews & McKee
ver,. first wharf above Race street on Urn
ware Philadelphia, and Joseph E. Elder,
Net further notice, the following prices -will
be adhered to :between Ultra pineeautd tit° Albovn
. ;
P" 0 7
igR- Et - 11 ,:
0.„ & k t ,
9 - 1; 1 ,
•0-7 . LT a.
Dry, Goocts, Drup t
and Medicines; 26 . 40c
F l rrriturbi ' • 28 . 43
Whoatilkyo4 Corn , '
;Nets, :15- F . ll. porbb
-7 _
,09.te , do ~.
Lumber:por 4.(190. . , , _
': feet;. ~,
Pdriliglee .por 1000' 1:50 - -'. 2 00', -:,
Flour per bill. ' -' 34' , ' - --.' 30 : t
Shad 52,41nekbrol do 5Q , , ...,; 17 : .: ,
lierriug do ,•,
,1„ ; : , 44.
~ ; ;.: 11 .314 ,11./3_;
- Salt per euelr,,, . :, 32,', C "- 28,;'" ''
Rioh,Taidild ttaalit'-'" --' , . 4 ---' , ,ft , '-2----- ,''-••
..,, Per 1'00;`s ~--,. c :::: 1 15. 1 ., nu ~ 2 0,, - ,,
:Blaster groffaMulOß AO 4 ':'',!;ig s : , •
ifetpp,pet 4 0.p,, • k r ~...34. ', . 46 ,
liide4. ..'"' ' "';'_'''" Rs''''''' ''. 11'^ '.
rig Mitil‘rose toil 3 50, , „ 1).50 , '''l, 4 g .4? ,
Ci11b0i1ii , 4 5 VA , 0 4 14 3 44;0 6,4 —La ,13a ~. ; ..,—; I le :
IlittArtiao'i't ,••,'" - , , ,z".,','.. , 4 4,,f1A:v - o' ' ',,
Mali per keg', ',. t() -"''' '''ll!'.
~' ,
r A eutlier„por jell, ',, '
•. ,05 m '4 , : - o.oo' , , Pf 4•:..
irliaieyVikße , ' (-4 4ft
3; 1 •,(); f . J , '. .t , ',,.;.
4160401Peigi#44410;10, ..,'' • p,: , :45't , % z.:•- , -:'• ,$ '
a .guolittono
erhe beat me
:.matrit ;
- is leanse •
) • NV
kg& .:PUS
;odatitNl -
Vorlh . 411 eiiftin..09ttojeorfirerinli
A;e , now.kciciinwleii~eTT to
besi ididiejnein•
• •
•-• the;tiorld for thetureve;•'..',
L' VE I? V. 41111: GIP :O,ISES SR
);CAUSE they comPleteti•eleinie the 'stomach
I.J) and bowels from those bilious:and,corrupt ltu7
More vthich..nre itheuause not only , of •Ilentlacht,
Giddiness, Palpitation of the "Heart,•Pains in the
Bones, ltheninatient and Gout, but of:every Malady ;
incident to Man: - • ,•• • • . • ,•• t• •
Are a certain cure for intermittent, remkttent, ner
inflamenattMy and putritl_yeVers,becausethei
eleonse`the body' from those morbid humors; which•
when confined to the eireulation,are the's:onea 'oral
kinds or . .
So, also, Arlit , n 'the aurae' inipurity is deposited on
tale ineinbratte and Intlitelti,cansihg !talus ) inflamma
tions and swellings, called
11 L'EU. 4 I.377SJII y GOU7,
'rife Indian Yoki'illS lolly lie relied - 6'o'ns al.
ways . wit:tarn to-vice i•elief,stml if pprserTed
cording to direetiona, n ill most assuredly, atultrith-
Ant - fail, make a perfect., cure of the ghote painful
undadies. front three to 83S of said Indian Yegeta7:
hie Pills taken everj.. !light on going to 611 trill inn'
short time so completely rill,the holy frtiM
thing that is opposed tt. , lie:11114 that RhcUMati+in,
Gout, and pain of every ription,wiil be literal 4
For the same l'essonS, Wilell, front autliten elititiged
01 atmosphere, or any other noose, the perspitation
is ;checked, and thin litimws which ahnuid jiais
the skin are thrown hiwarilly,Cattaing•
Nausea rani sickness, pain in the bones, waterytanii,
iiillsmed eyes, sore tbro:t, hoarseness, coughs, con
sunii4ions, nhettro..ttie pain's in various pat o)f-the.
imtly,and many other symA s . of
C. , 17T//I.;VT; 1.1),
ably give immediate .relief.. •om tlirce . to sik - ot
said lakeii every night oil to bed, will in
abort time, Mit only leave all tile IthOte
sant symptihns,bm•the body will, inu short time, be
re:tort:ll to even sounder health than before. Thu
same may be said of
ASTIIAL‘mt oFintr..vrinNG
, In 1i: Vegetable willttmo,t•ii and arrs
In thehturnat Ii aail boa els 4.1)05e phlegmy
till:i+.ll stop tip the sill• caells el th e
se ihe Isaiise I,at owly (IX Ihe abate dish essing Clllll
hat t 111: 11110:4100011, 01101 te1 . 111111:1W5 ill 'that
still wore flruadfill analarly
It should also be' tymentherett that the -
N'eg.ecoble Pills :mt• ni:eittlit. eitee. la•
PAIN IX .niv, Film:. • •
. . ..
opio.H.hioo,i.ou.,, HO.I siekoo,s, Toss or appe!ife,
v0 m,,,,,,, , ,,, ‘ .ll oo , Or or skiii and c . ro tool
every other st million or o torpid or cliseosed mole of
flit' li,er; beloor,. Ilet.)'. purge from the holly those
impurities mioeli if (leliosittol kij,ct) tint iinportant
orgito,:iiie . t.lie valise or every variety of, '
LIVER cwi 11, \ 1 N •r,,...,
It \:,l101is t . l,ollltird liy
and 1141.4.11ia11, the null suer tils.nins or pre% eht ! a g . the
consvcviciwt.q ,•I•
into exp..] dl'p•:;ilui s, et II diNtosed rel),front
the, v. _
ormi v kp esn
body is itil internal res,
the true remedy is ,t,O
(Traitors In dui! 111;:117/11 11E Ttr
Tl.:.t the l'riiteiplv orytirm . , 4 41refist , 4 hy
011(11'11613111g tht•
the Lasts %I 1.11111.,1 evo0o111) ; ;41;11 if
pr olit ly 1,1441,4 tf, q .It . ii •.4.,va:
INDI IN VElirr.‘ll!
vesitit in the v0111;300 Ailllolllll
trihl.,l4o; It e Offer the ninon it.g tostimoninis, Irons
111-VS(011a ilie highOst vespoolibility in New fork
n•trntlt 10,0 COll.ll 01 . HIV inn , t
voin;.l;ii.ix, snit-1y I t the tisi! of \Vititilyr'n 1NU1.•04
NuitTl/ (1)1.1.1.:(T.01,11EAL-1•11
asmste.t, 1.. I. linty Nit, I ~: ii:". 7
(Melt* jii'illiszo I Vright—Dear iir—lt is milli . .
gt eat salislit . etion it ot I intUrna
. VOlt of my hating'
beets mai vely mired of I) spopsia, of hive yvars stnott
ing, by tlie use M .* totti• INDIAN I . :CA.I'I'A lII,P,
1 ' 11.1.5.,
Pre , inlll In Illt'lllll ;/ . ;ill your coleltratell medi
cine, I Itud been auttlei the it j toth ' t of wti•ral Physi
cians, and had hied tariohs itti - ilieittes; but all to 1111
rllert. After tisitu . ", - one' 5 relit hoc of visor Pills
boomer, I estterieneed b(11.11l1d1 benefit, • that I re
solved to in racier,' ill &twose or itti . 4i aceortling to
your directions, which I ato happy to lithe; has re;
Stilted /1111 perfect mire. In gratitude to : ' ,.oii for the
great benefit I hate receit eil, and alsi in the liolie
that others similarl a filleted may lit' huh:rill inlaid:O . .
trial of y nor ettraortlioney medicine, I 5%:4,1' '.oll' '.
1111$1tIntenuMt tilt!) full liberty to publish thesiiiiiel . "
tou think proper. , - Yours,' &c,
Nmel ' oas - ,, thole IEI, I ` l 4l. 11. C. BLACK.'
To ilr. Richard Ihmois, Agent for Wright's latlitiu
Vegetable Pills, No. '2B/i llrceowielt st. Ni. V.
Thstr Str- - At *low recommendation, I some hut
millet' made trial of W12IGII'll"S INDIAN WA:-
I.:NADIA'. •PILLS of the North A tueriaan College
of Ilraldu and can conseieltioteste assert, tend for
Purifying the Mood, to rimmatiog the System,.
have received more hew ,from their us'e;thnUfront
any other titediUine, it i ituretofore been tey good
roi tulle to meet will,. i ton,, ,clear sir, with many
thauks, your obliged crietni, .C. M. TATE,
No. GO ilantensly st. New York.
:Ur. Richard i/ettuis, algent tar AWright'm Indian
Wegotable ]'ills.
li ee
Dear Sir—l have boon Afflietoll flit. vera! , .years
with inward 'lrv:it:nese and genera r
e tility, atseo
'mkt, .timer with Istitt io the si e slot other (lite ,
I•tressiog rotoplohds. After hat ing,triell;satious,medis .
elites oftliont effect, :I tens permaded ;by a !Metal lit
1 ionise b hit tit Dr. 11 ' oiglit's lialhin Vegetable Pißsi
which I anehoPl,% 111 ste,ii• iist'e:rtdio et! mehi it 111411 t
.Wn lll /e 6ll 111 / 1 1/ 111 t. 1-i111Ve.:1161.314.1111' otetlipineinit.____
yet but a short 4ittle, and , lume nu 1/(14/11, thy. It ,Itet:. ,
•srvertittee to the unto iJr:the tneditiine• ationriling,ln
,tlirections,'lltut I Anil .in st elKirt,tinto -, ho' 4tertently •-
me4tored,. , ' ~• :„,..,
~.,. ...i .
I mostAnilkingly , r'ecomtnentkothl Pitlft l o . ol. Ocr'
suns titniltirEv tillbctiidt ' and 'in itliolull - heliergifit , ~.
the•same hettjhoiniresults will follow theft Lute. , ,: •
. .., 11;etnatti,y9o - rssiotorekr, „. . ... . . ,
, • 'lllOl,ltY A. I , OOTE, '
-• ' -2 '' • Witworiln,g,dllater Co...Netv•Yerk,
- • , . .‘. • - ,
' '''
This isdo Sertifylltal ma .oset rig ft sto . n
Veg,etttlar Oulktiwith the greatest Benefit;, having en:,
sleety utirckf otyselrittilth'fienttent *dicks - 4f Sick
ki ,4ls 4 o WP ) th ich it
Y Yl,l ' .i:PViotli Y! '"i ttt U lli ePt ' ~
„ i:,"7,, , ,!,,, 'f, 1 Ali ‘ N. • MAIII* !ntomm . 1,751.,- , . .
• . '. . 'Ape ckieniiiiii gii;e6t N - `
..rp Sti-Atithard ii6h ß ii - Agent fol. Wyliht i alnillink
'---- ' lV'ettetzithi'Pills. i .;:-.1,1 ,1, 11:-.,..;
:,.- i: , ',, •.'....,-. - . e CAUTION... ' , ~:.::rqi::4•,.:'.'4l
i ,, A. 7 ;ham are aPthis , liine_ranny,..wicklti "tOnns '
hpsity ~,,r ge o In, treeing a tOtintorfeit iikediefekiins
:tier ihieinune of the 11/Idllllll' Vekiitiblk : Plilligittitur as •
klieSe*spOve: Jaen:amen 1440.1 y .tnnkln . aanrc i non , •
talneines,tbax many .:111tatblt,!. lives , nmy,.fin . lost, in
i nonseijnenie'or:nsin'k , ilinii , 'llii.atiftif clisstinstinds':sthe
inilblin aa , nankiarietr,agriint4 . .iltir,chastigliny+.!Pllifi )
4 1 11 ,4 11 1 4 )11 . 1 11, 4. 5 4 1 . Mi , 9t . s*P.' ,o ? ; P.P th S 4 MlC'''h4g4ll'.i'll' ,
VRl9llT V .SlitiliS s /k . ..„ . '"VeGt.TiktiLt ''. tie.r..9:
~, J sv.i,i ~ • ;*. . , z ;h:tri i - - tilftittedths4l,l4l, f.:. - 4A,. js;n4
jOiCiiii . .Ndatlll - -ASSEE*InA.I'S OiUtitli)*(.l3zAven :
AO OVi3 t044•1"4,011G14,1411-6141)11qtringKid
Lr na Me ni eki):ltt ) -9:4# . .4 ) _, i1.1 . 0-' l4 #lF4 , dirtitietl
rgti11t5P,114,9 4 ,1 ) ... ”pk!.4g!seralgti,,N . 0.. 169
ItOt: , t4Alittlfp pll , 3tAlitt,* .. , ,I.T
.t. t ;:
- .., .:f.,,::. 1 , ,42 , 01iri ; ,. e, „Ity,.,;v - 6,A - ..' ,;), 1 :.-'•
mur - EIN . Fir BODY:
.11E .411.4(7 . 1,1P„ GIDDIXEBS,
C 1111. 11..!{!
EXPEL ALL .11.17:1101iS,