Fl , Imgle''*Otat?.l)patem I DI .241E225/14 *Ait Viefinatda3r , 'ritioniirig Jaikuitii; . 3l, 14-44. 0 3-.17 Fs. nummt, Es q . ; No, 59 Pine street, be low Tbird, Philadelphia, is autherized to media subscri'm ions and advertisetitents for the " Herald • & Expositor/. Ad' give receipts for the same. • Otriiit - ncateipf - our treaders omila careful per ' • mai of Mr. : 4pNyart i a speech wader our Congrpk. clonal head. . cO-lion. T., M. T. McKennun is now mue.h. talked,of.aS the Pennsylvania candidate for the Presidency. CO'Campbell's Foreign Semi-Monthly Maga zine forJanWary has been received end is re ! plete 'with good reading. It is embellished with mezzotint likeness of Thomas Carlyle. The Clay Mln!trell "The Clay Minstrel," er National Songster—to which is prefixed a Sketch of the Life, Public Services, and Character of Henry City, by John S. Littell, President of the Clay CIO of German. town, !nix just been published. Tbis is one of the best works of its class that we have yet met with. 'oThe songs are excellent, and the life well written and admirably suited for popular perusal. The work is also handsomely' bound, and is neat and ereditablo in ail its'arrangements. We cotnmend st heartily.. The "book with the yaller,kiver" which every Whig found it necessary to kave in 1840 .wll,l lie . cite as, requisite in 1844. 0 , 40 - Ilhe Play Minstrel, and the Clay Almanac f0r.1844, way be,had at Mr.litinter's Book store, East High 'di Feet, next door to Mr. Brown's hotel, '.County Tenmerance Conventton. 0:7-Tho proceedingm,oft.lio County Timperanco Convention which inet tin this :borough, on Weil , nesday last, willhe &Mild iin titiday;'s paper. The • '• Convention was well attended• by delug4tes fr;in E nearly every Society in the county, and comprised a large number of gentlemen of the highest char ' timer, talent Mid influence in the 'county. ll'he principal proposition brought holm° the IConven ' tion;heing the quention g9,topka necessity of fur• flier leffislythin, I w..s ,thoroughly discussed in all Jim aspects and with decided ability. The •umn• burs and spirit of the Convention-afforded 'grad. fying evidence of the continued and deep interglit 'which is'felt MAIM progress of the cause cf Tem! werance in this county. . ' Wzishingtoiliaik Revival! The cause of Temperance which has been in a very languishing, condition in our borough .tor some time, has had a new and lively impulse given to it within the last week. About forty nainno, we understand, have been added to the Washington pledge, of peilsons who hal"l3 . ,not heretofore identified thetnsdves W , ith:the.cause:by p piing any •Society. These dumpy amsnlts have !peon aeliievoil monk ahraugh ;the effects of 111 r. ''Clunniingliani, a a rowelling EMturer,who arrived in "pu 'Ficiinesility' dant, and leelciruif several 'eterfargs, ancompanyiing his aciiresses with the Dr.Sewall's Motes:representing the cloVigtteus ofF'ats produced ',pen the stomach, by ardentopinits. The 'Ovid pictures pre nentedliy 'then truthful representations seldom fail [p olarm 'those whose sensibilities have he. came en blunted that ,the most eloquent appeags of.pgrAliasiou are entirely lost upon them. ' This new movement, combined with the efforts .01,1thp new rteneficho Temperance Soeicly„which .in meekly receiving •largo accessions to ,its 011 irf inetniire,'Wc trust will keep the genii ,capric go. ing onward and onward until Temperanceiihaiil triumph over nil obstacles—until poverty and .erime,:aorrowand suffering—for t iritemperanco.is the prolific cause of all these—Opal ho forever banished from our corn mtinity, and hoppittecutund prosperity prevail throughout its borders. Our- State -- )4egisilliture: lErOur readers, sto no doubt heartily flren of hearing !it said that the St4fe Printer question 'is the all.abserhihg question still at Harrisiburg. Bdt -it is rvon 00. We canna find'thrit spy.dther pub ;lid business has been touched. If nary ut ibcir 'constituents should ask either Mr. tee!: Ler Mr. 'Eckels from this county what they slid thciir ;low meinbera hod passed in the Legishiturc, roe . .dolibt exceedingly Whether they could slosivd: in ,any'dther terms than did an English member of `Parliament once to a Aimilar interrogation rid. +dressed:to hipi• by his Sovreign. "Passed ! we 'havepalse(l one month oftime, may it please your M:ijcsty'i" mild 'the honest •Tember.- But to do 'them full justice, we understand Messrs. Heck 'and Eckels did 'lend their vote's to pass a yosolis. lion for thel'epeail Of the claisto in the Retrench. 'merit Bill of lust session, which allows member's but tett dollars worth of stlifitther,y ; but (heir votes • Vero not sufficient Ittid lliia Athalllbilt. ;Oak'''. re. 'erm stilltisists in the bfli. I 're also understand That 'Was 'di' 'voted agelndt hlesolution fur fixing iltelitidnink 'of the 'mornin,k dess'iois &Alio House alliine'filcloclroine . heur edifier I Ilan before. The Investigating Committee in ... M] print. ing quesition ivere 'expected . tp :take repoit ;to day, .The principal facts eliciteg •by tins. ,Cmyr. tnittee Are., thal Mr. l'447,haley,'(the State Fruiter) deposited• !hien& 4,oinerei ctvieprdit s 'notes to the ameba of it:5,500=—53,0110 9f which Nves to be paid 'to hotoCnrdy the tntehligencer, And 000 to retitti'Oie 'telegraph; in the e've'nt ..efAilet,inleie election aslittite tr inter--for which '!they i3Obre ko :influeneelho :whip in his favor '2ll4r;geOetray also testi fi ed he has been tered,lttsoo on the other aide. There is ne doubt thettOoVerner Porter halite titio'ink attempt to elect ;his Inert '(Dintopka but the editors.a,the Union Nero more successful. The §tate Pointer has an nOdress At' hie Net paper, in %Nola he ac. . , . knowledge who fasts, 'and says ho .° seized ion t ideeptirsiti . Nrdtee. of foiliugithe county (#dher) this own gsztie- - -rooting him by the use of his own weaproto:rand dealing out the isxkaiionis4 4 , Suakiithitiingle of things in Harrisburg. Vnton)and ititizioOrt p The Getty erg otatar, 4 • of Sairulle,s , ketit, crime's' tri ns With the proceodi'uta of- azver7.larg° ifpdenthUShiSticAntimiieeele and , VVlxig tpvclipg, held in that county :on" Tuesday a iveelc. proceedings are of the most. spirited and harmer "'minus einireCtor, and furribiti Vvideileri thai the Whigs • and AntiMailiniCofillie • -ivilkbe found shoulder to shoulder 'doing their 00. ttleir; of ; Henry *is 'appointed delegate to , the ler ' March ..-,Ststlp convention, ;witheitt initructions6 l - lie thu s aaai manifested,upon this. occasion leOres no that *denim =county la fully m. 'iiieitiLher - pidrri ice' to give:one IMP majority t., • liTekalcidpA WI 4at - opwar)l6 Otircepn‘iiiiiyintors if;,lbfk:OP)l 4 s, , r foprepin . "4..4 , 4 'h4V°'. ; ) ###Mt IPeii,...t*eik 14 :404, op*ei..^-• AnlOng OVA ,4 . 0. Fr. Amine.* of ,i. viho, nd I itt, *40140 'Mu? '0604' alit e ! 1 ,- , • • 6, ,,„ On° , fpf 11 4 4 199A,t';410ileiva . liar 4 A 0 C ll, bkakiOu' i t, XhiWt. , P , r;r. l .o,!Pf r lirv:Ar, , lo. OlarrA. practice put typrpng„upirithirs.,sl:wesit 'past, among itorAn I;rairdess persods, * eitlitti , - out of ;tho - r'.,igif!loture at nerliebAkt.ef,liv,ritiai ietters,for publication An'thri .Phtigdolpliia peppy ' pa p ers, Containing accounts of riots, fires,' street , altercations, ;&c., Which - The writers' state ,hadcoei; coned in that borough, all of,whickara„deorib;l ed ill such glowing,ternis, as to excite thtlulttniii , consternation at a dietance. One `Of tigt; , writrit . , gave intelligence in a letter to the,Pliiltdelphie' .Forum," last week, of theentire eact , on a ' the Washington Hotel by fire, vvith theloss;of ono • life and the injury of several inilividulls,z`, , T,ldit: false statement is eireering rapidly all oVer ,the Commonwealth, and as , the contradicifon Misst'be in its rear one or two , days;that length of titnC Kilt be spent in agitation and anxiety FhwaiL.,J tent family of every member and aojnemer known in be boarding at the !Washington! The heart Tlik can enjoy such mischief must be idacir deed. It is to I.e hoped the writers may tle de tected and punished. 1:1- • Pennsyllirtiveia was Oven over hand and foot to Mr. Van Buren, by a ineeting of members of the Legislature and others, held in Harrisburg ou Wednesday last. Mr. Snowden, Speaker of the House, presided. A great number eppecehes were made, and resolutions passed in favor of Van Buren, for the Presidency and Colundl Johnson for Vice President. The .prOccedings Vero not very harmonious,, there being much •opposAion from the Johnson men. Li 'The westliorlor some days has betmehiring very ficiilep t the.numerous,yocag ladies and ten. demon Who .irheurtltis time have their most fl;y ous anticipations associated with aleighing. oral times within a week past has eapeetetion been on tip.too far a fall or snow, and as often been disappointed. The weatlmr at this time, however, looks decidedly snowy in its lieclicalions, and will probably soon gratify to their tebri's con tent all who are looking forward to the:enjoyment. of sleighing. Fight iii the CO.plisol!! • (p.'On Thursday last, M. Wdfler,'oftlio House, made ia winlent personal assault upon Mr. Shriver, the tßapeNter of the Baltimore Patriot,' on aceount of some offensive remarks upon his speech in re. ply to Mr. 'Stewart. Mr. Shriver was much in .l)uft since chullehged- Weller, but the latter refused to accept. The affair it is said will. yet lead to difficulties. last 'flare up" in Congress was created on Friday last, on a motion of C. JAngersoll to .exclude N.. Sargent, Esq., the.9oliver Oldschool" of the United States Gazette, front a Reporter's desk in the House. It dreated h. great rumpus and confusion and much angry altercation. ...rjA gentleman wire has iately beenrin a .trip to several:Northern co?ricies ef ,Pennsylvaoia was surprisetl hear of a Jnrge tittniber,of the rn. cently,publiitho John Tyler" having iieen sent tbrough,the Post Office plitier the filmic of Jenne • Black, Twenty ,or tiiii y.copies had been sent le one nirtee in fin ntingdon comity. 13,41 Mr. Illach . .tif district .dive ; his frnitli in ;this•viely—,m.or is it a mitita •- Colonel Tolmson `The 'C'lniirman of tho Johnson Cominitte,o R:entnelty has written a letter to correct the,im.. inression !that he says 'has ceronconsly got atn:cod edlonel .oolinsop would refuse to ,cenvc for the Vice :Presidency. lEJ•c intimates that. the Colonel woidd bb thankful ,for 'this 4:Nor, if' he cannot get a ny Aleittg more. Mr. Van berun bus now secured a .eleartnr,jar ity of thileguies to the National Convention.' • 2ea,`)l3 at4,:a1422 BA1:TIA10RE, gwitzar , y 26,.184$ BEEF c.vrrr.E.—The onprlly and .priedstide week have not materially .vaned ; hem our last re port ; about 600 hundred ?O(l:lila were offered) cold to butchers andpaclierw at 2.50 $4 50 per 11004bs. supply of Live Hogs has been only tnederikto, and the f•w sold' (tuken by hutelicts) ruled at.about 4 25 to $4 37 : 1, in some instances at n shade lens; and dressed at 4 Lo $4 25 per 100 lbs. FLOUR.—City MillS has, continued to sell at 81 50, hut there has beouieply a niodarate demand. 'lslmo holders fairly ,In.the week ,ovinecd but little disposition to sull.ikt. any price: .11oward street also, 14 Mt, bill not ito a gteat extent, purchaser's taking it only to sobverve immediate Wants. The car and Avagro .Priec is $4 376. We invve no transktions reported to us in Sue -I;riehanna, and beliove.itbere is . none of importance. the inspections tkia 'Week ccanprise the folldiving kinds and quantities: !Inward at., 6,512 %Ills, 'and ;14.half bbls.; City Mills, 2,381 Mils., ,and 385 'half bbliii; hour, 573 bbl,.; total 9,867 'and 429 half Idbln. wheat flour. there were also inspected 387 bbl;. rye flour, mid 458 lips. and 10 hhds. corn ideal. GRAM—Thereis no Wheat 'of consequence coming tt.inVarcl, arlBtbe little that dries akrive ie by wagone, and takanicaflilY at 95 to 98 cts. for prime red. Ctirti is scarce and ;nliryted'i either .white or yellow will command Eta cents. Qats ,Irfo also scarce and in .demand, Oa have sdl4 at scents. y,HlSßEY.—Whisitcy it. dull; ,and adlla in !bills. at 20A OF. and Wain. 20. PHILADELPHIA, JanuarS7.26, 1814 Sales of Fle'n - r - bliVe ;been limit ed thisliicek, owing in part to the fciv Vessels in port. We hear of sales 150041s.cominon brands oft ediia. for shipment at $4 59. On Broad street, there is a tenderieY upward. Rye Fbitir is liidd at $3 25; and wanted; Smailealee of Brandywine Meal in barrels at $2 12A, and Pennsylvania. at 2 . 34. GRAIN. 7 - 7 The ttn inactions in Wheat aro lirn ited at 98 a 100/cents for Penna. red, and 85 a 92 for Delaware. i nyefis ,wanlt'dd at 67 dents, with none in market. Cern;Cornmands 42 a. 9 mite , in storo,forSouthern):eillow. Oats have improv, ed, b and wo itpte salea . 6f 1800 bushels Sontliern in store, at 32!eints. there are none‘alleat. WHISKEY.---There is little doing in whiskey at 20001 in ithds. and.. 22 cents .1114 . . /On "tueliiiii the 30th instant, by the Rev - . J. -N. iloffMAII, Mr. WILLIAM .}IItAGOV,' to tits BARAIi SPONOLEIt, daughter of .Ni.. Oaciigoonslar, al!of N9rtlit Middleton towisiilo.. - ~ , ,On tbi.„-leeth instant; by tlitt to*. &pail traff. kriart,'Nfi.iosAnn Mors; of this eaunly-ila .Miss .oAtaa 4 cEs noisy, of Diniph!n county. , ' ' .r - ..,` e"At•Newville, on the 16th int''. bylieti;.Pateit. NeOttcbren;*r.%lBi,tsi'T.-Sitonamtss, of Phil: *lOO, to i*iee 4NNA.,9. FML*LERii.Of Alm 'fiir: Ttar,Pliii 1.:•; ; ' ,', t:', „::, i. :.. ':._,.;.::',::; ::': dion' tims A 4 .tti tilt: by:.llili r e , ao4slitf; ~ 4 -11. 1 14,1dri , " i3aisitit,,W*;7,in AJitni"t l ,l6lANPlSititcrili4rti , '*.th'' 'of .Mintiki tY# , .!lsilip. ''',' ' :2 - , ' ';'.';''''''';',i, ',.'.?...t,,* . '.i.. ; I .°4 , thi 2 SitritifTbi;c4 ea4l .7i' t llk r iliiiiXAtikwu' )I ,, ntak,,tn, Mill *t4,i, o,to4ittiiils4ll',.44FFiklikti;iit 10,.j1- j'.........:,;::.; ~,.`,;'.':.-.'';' ''' ,. •4 , t,: ,, : : .,,- ~!,,, A :4900,::#,i*i V ihe #4 s ki*YilYti. -7 :irfrs,t 4 .- 1 0Paift*C.4 6 44~00*-:'6 : '., ;; . .:,010400*** , , 'fie. , ;: i r " I .i e, Tal..f4io, i tts or ,, ,t ! ~40- oa r _ •,',,,,,..,- ~,,. .ei . 18 • „ntroittiv ioAli;o9ol)itiv,46l64: glyeiniikoidePAbfretikomiNfietie, - , 1 1 7 8 or Aeveit elnne. ;10)kraiiktAVOINfat been kittrititrog.flbt#4o4oeirniii6e Court' Avittt!tirotic,tvarthi,lityi , Atftilifthi/jfeliiii . Or !mi Ul en other mioriiiee,A•ntitt4}iitikitkl' i tie.y.eritr,CP*Kgs lhe editor ti elf ii'Tlt 1414,02#,t,hinitent gires, ttir9prloy , Vrrtjevgiio6otlk'Ati.444-4gproio ; ,toneked,!Reintlitig.M6lgttEsittiktleinng•hrfdr:e -theiertliiti l iitiuPon'el4ltiteri(the'ed , thr 4 irtfie.stqi4o:o4p . 4n6jiktP t kOtoyeti g ttkMie en-,' ;Worthineativrkiheit , emidtioy,iiftdtuAurlitillt,e;t6tit• . thaftli7e'X , hail:V.46l'l4d l'ilhicidlge:tibiiingeOti*":yiee. aeldiaiery6illi. , ,iliteated'yAWlntifitaitlematind, 7 riftiß ,our ;o oraoci t 'Wait a lito' unteeE; :thliti it WWI tint IMO the editerePthe,Stiites, flied 'appeared. in'llte Court •:the • next tnerning anti told their toincire,thai he - recalled alf he tad:aeid the cgening; and ;see:iried . eonduet.aini i 'the:Cdurt. that the'Court entered rsdle,tliOn4.Vlr.,;Eitp]to cause why he alieuld tint,be striekeh Wein the list of attiirntes. . Now, Mr, E( 11 01 ; ;;the'l - 011iertittairked'Aliffetl 'en 'widely in their neyhunte of this MatttiCt.:initt,One tit them is so cm.- o.e'Wilet te other is the julititical (timid at die Judge, , . ty h af ire cannot depend' Nipon the stutemerAeor,eiihen: As impartial and cor rect, Your readers would liegipd to have an,account of the allaieupon which t.licyptd rely. They would therefore request that you wall favor them with what you believe to be a corrent statement of the conduct of ehe editor of the StatceS)ati and those implicated with ttim in the trial referred to, together with the Stets 4nll circumstances upon which the rule com plainer) of was entered by the Court. , . . ' Confident that you will not set down aught in ma lied, nor aught extenuate. through fear or favor, I. subscribe myself on behalf of many of your subseri- Werth A. 'We hsd not intended interfering in this mutter ;because nothing is more unpleasant to us than to give publicity to such ocuu•rences, and because we were , not present during the progress of the trial referred tn, and can only give the facts as reported to us by 'others. V.l,w as the affair has been introduced to the public notice by the party most interested, and be come the subject of newspaper thicussion, we do not consider ourself nt. liberty to refuie compliance with the request of our very respectable correspond ent, and will therefore give a plain statement of the facts alone as we have obtained them froni an 1111.• dollbfed and Alisthterested source. We .shall eti- ileayor to do 80119 faithfully as possible, believing, as ciur correspondent alleges, that neither the state ment in the 'Statesman' or that in the 'Volunteer' are pit cuely correct—the one not stating the case in full, am rt lie other not giving It impartiallY,andnutk ing, besides, at least one erroneous statement. The trial which bus given rise to this difficulty he- tween the Court nod the Editor' of the .Staterniut,' .wliais-n-membei—of the - liarOvhfiin — tictioii fOr - ihe recovery of money lost in gambling, in Which Mr. P. F. Ego was defendant. The evidence in the casu disclosed the fact that Mr. 'Ege had last winter established in his office a Faro batik, which had been frequented, occasionally by. several members of the bar; amongst many-other visiters. and at-which gambling operations had been quite extensively ca r - At alSo appeared that Mr. E. kept at this me a f barrel of whiskepin,his office. It was en iletvorm to be shown that this liquor was druggid for the purprise of producing temporary imbecility of the mental faculties of the adventurers in the gameand thus render them easy victims. But nit this very motet ial point the -statement of' the • V ol tllliCOP' does injustice to Mr. E., as we unde'estand from good authority that rte proof was given to show that anything stronger• than cinnamon was put in the liquor, and this only for the purpose of rendering the flavor of the . Imzlerage barely tolerable to the taste! Such are the facts' without the varnish given to theM Icy the 'Volunteer.' The 'Statesman's' version of the affair is given in the following paragraph-from that paper_ of the 18th, EMI "Samuel Ilepbora. Judge of this Judicial Dis trict, has entered a I . IIIC 011 lii to show cause why we shall not he stricken from the list of Attorne.ys, tbr the lenson that it appeared by the evidence given in case tried lief me !Jim, that vie. ill coon exion.with Six 111` seven other attorneys, had played faro nine months ago." When this, paragraph is•complained of for its want of frankness, we presutoe it will be :conceded that its the Editor is is lawyer anclengaged Sn the de fence of his own ease, a greater explicitness was scarcely,to he ex.peeted. But as we have engaged to given cermet detail of the facts in the case, we arc compelled to say that this paragraph furnishes an .eviipmely narrow view of the causes which led the `Court to enter the rule. The facts that are detailed above were embodied is the testimony of the several attorneys who hail played .nt. this Faro table. It therefore becaine the duty of the. Court, which very properly looked uponthese disgraceful disclosures as n swain 1111611 it's character and that of the liar gen-, erally, to institute such proceedings as .should wipe: off a stigma so ilisreputable. In accordance with this design, these. g,eitflemen were called upon after the jury hail retired to Make up their verdict in the trial proper, to make such explanations as the Court deemed' imbenttively nee'd?...sary to the preservation of its own purity and integrity. response to this call was Promptly and .cheerrully given by everi gentleman concerned, including the defendant, and each explanations and asstirlinees iteuilore(l for the future as satisfied the Court. "i'lle,Ocilikgave no hi iinintion of an intention to pursheAemaitelqurther, and it %vita hoped and scenic(' 'to be Considered r ltv all ;iresent that the case was finally disposed•bf. Upon the opening orthe Coiart on the f01 ; 16,94 morning, we understand Mr. Ego rose anth4ipar ently mnch to the surprise of the Courtaildreased it in reference to the proceedings of the evedinghefore, It would not beproper to give a heat:sly i•eport of his remarks,,ns they must necessarily have a very int..: portant bearing in the - decision ofthis'question,which we no right to Vi;;;Milge. Suffice it to say, that. in The reply of his Honer the remarks of Mr.• E. were cliarit eterized as being in bold defiaace of Chart and as derogatory . to the f etmracter date Court and Baron(' the Court therefore felt it to be a duty 'o direct a rule to be entered tn'aliqw cause why Me, E., shon,hl not be's'tricken front the roll of Attor neys. Itielle,are,in brief the carrec't t particular. of the :oak and Will gi've our readers the means of as . - 'net!ta . ining the partieular cause illicit was alleged for 'entering the role of Court. We have given a plain statement witlmnl coloring and without comment, because we believe it would be Manifeidly Mtjust to so in a case the merits of whiCh are yet to be ar gued before the Comq. IS a statement of ale affair na,jtaelst to'the J'Ne/layo give,it no indite leaning to 'eithe'r title;, A hilote. important Viet. of it woulty.te,in i tiviiiririg on the 'ehartttee of ear hoi•iiuglr, Gut of lira it ivotthl notfting;vail to ilpeak, Vc shall therefoeolle'euL py no turthei. 'spice irpoq the ittltject. ' ta..A )arge Jolmstin 'Meeting 'was 'held 'at Hai , . rishurg on 'the 23J instant. ainterat Cameron Rieilded at the meeting. Resolutions, don'Ouneing tho attempt to transibi the interests of Johnion to Yen Ram; were unanimously T c'ede:9:teZtlietprihis Scotian Wail 'ck-fie ,ric nced last Week. Paraphernalia THANKs to that Portion of the pOblio, and tin, vrelgither'f, thateha'red their custom at the cot tage On Ake,tdrner 9f .Pitt and Pomfret streets, and 'enabled Ahe thtbserdickqp add a few articles to her little stociciiiirch.as nook and buni)rlair, *oBll4* Victoria Mnslins,olainAt figured Holrinet, Ribands, Fringes, •gdgings, aerchiefs, Tiea, :Wits, Shawls, ' Fancy Prints, Alpooha Lustre, lifnoblintr, cal wesi streasSilk, Alancheater gingb A nia,pheclm MAIM, Ti c ki ng , .itnrioty , of guilt*•Cotton Yorn Candlewick, W,Adtfini and' Labk, initioleo of dry• 1'0640 ;not theniit ed;ttogotfiertfiltla 6443V411- 109„14ih,ne !soar Ai, *Brown suo t v p rrgojcootel Meese, %Valet , .1.31.4 . 0r0, sroes 6f att tifiss,.Salarß. ttta • ''en~ line toll,, ' Starobi Baulking. and awintr,Tol. blio'§Oa 0 - thing and'eth6t, Ton iKshee, fraitinol Oh& flittOoinTnitet.lion*, , oonrt Plos: ter, Side 'and 'other Oonsbiiia torkequontily of '4lshetf. foieiel Air Acat , "Aannt, ilfseit'llidY l ikolffofitVinlieiohloblollt 14 #l4 at at atnallsik'profltfitt`'wlll:~iia[ify;fairdptllhg;+foil. ,kAnorofth jiotelo' . wior flirtakt*,pfrituttLlTt A.s.lru-af, , L ,l rwon'TAwitts." -7 -* ' - 1 - 4-011141 4 , 1 !ill ' ' 014.1 i = ••• To sill Concerned.... 1' 'r ~ , ~,,' :A4A - 'dattt %hi, bison' deed, til ii e_ 1 p ylt. ‘a t i t li g c4,° ,4 R SOO, oro AP4ell,ltb n moiliv/`',th-r -IL nieid a l k iq r 11 - ' ei ' e ' %4el'e *.col d e li A l t l Telefuredide the' ' out dela ' . ' - All'indebte_ w i . ate . 11 at 0 ~....,, 4°lnte ' RB4l4Dt"'°l°ihig " r is me „ c its iw reseirhefo Those wait tpiios , ,agains MID LtroN. • • it W. to•Air.,•sinitw', • ~•• ,•, • I . =•.;• .: -.- , tf.l3 '" 'ill' re rlitiVait 24; tp44.- I = ' 11 • 111.0jlei3t.1.•0•441(1 . 14101;Lot !W.``.• • bound trA..0 . 4141141ii . iP40k.01:40 tc•••••-, 'me ,by til lie ariiiiell4t.ibe crnge;,./itio'ni,'lli'ffeefi:- • , high; liakkcoix'hiatettott:io • . countenance:tilt 411. hPlilWVeif . that -- i n i n or about • liayink 'relations residing there. lie hail Whetilie!irent•faway, a black cloth coat, about half, worn, black cassinett paidalitoneand leatlipi , cap. 'T. he abolie reward will'he • paidby me, and all 'reasonal'ile charges, if lie iii•kronght to rue, or lodged in jail; where I can set . hia • . . January 51 , 11 44, .P•: abbe Sate, linHE balance of the stock of goods belonging to the late firo t of Bosserman & Hutton, - will he offered !lir sale,c m WEDNESDAY, the 7th of 'Fell • nary next, at thi n store room formerly occupied Gy llosserman and. Hutton, in North Hanover street, Carlisle. at whirl h time will be offered for sale, poss CU' f AND CIRCULAR SAWS, • Hay and Manure • Forks, Brushes, Selves, Coat and Hat l looks, Tali lgond Tea Spoons, Sleigh Bells, Plitui;s, Chisels, Venitian Blind 'Trimmings, Glass by tile box and it i smaller quantities, .2 Gpain CtYt dleß,a large ass Irtrnent of best quality of Sprigs and Tacks; Also Nails and Brads by the'Reg, sever al Wood roves one Canon Stove; 'Also, from four to five tons of Hi rmrnered and Rolled a -,- cD _. , inslUding Plough , Irons, Nail Rods, Horse Shoe Bars ' Tire, (sissortett a izes) Round and Square Iron will be sold by the cw t. in lots to suit purchasers. Also, best quality of SIM Alt. S.: CAST STEM ? . At the same time wi be offered oneonskr, one horse Carriage, 2 Excellent, Tillinrys 2 Oncl Ilorse IVagons, together with a 14 tic 43 , of other articles too numer ous to mention. Sale to commerce at 8 o'clock A. M. of the above named day. Ter ms of side to suit the times, to be made known at the ti me of sale. Merchants and Met thanks will find it to their advan tage to be present, as the abovik named goods must be sold to close up bt tsiness. NOTICE FINAL .—As there are a few accounts due Besserman & I Litton, and unsettled, all tliose whath it may' collect. N . will please take notice that ey'cry account, must be settled by the 10th day of february, otherwise suits will be instituted against all-t elimmentaiwitht nut respect to - persons. GEORGE HUTTON, .Surriying partner of Bosserman & Hutton. January t 4, 18da. is-13, ILOwelling ilimpir foil THE two, story Brick Uwellium House situated in Wtlst Digh Street dit:ectly , oppo site-the Colleo gemw - occupied by Nlri:Parkes , ,is now offered 'torrent. It bus two good rooms on each story and would suit for stun)! number of boarders. F'ossctision giren on the let , of April next. For , terms enquire of the subseviher, )y.. 11. Murray.' , , D. W. I;4IcCULLOGG/1, • Guardian of minor chlhlrtu of J. Fleming, 3:pluary tf-13 NOTICE petition of several persons inhabi tants of the bortingh .of Mechanicsburg and vicinity, hat; been presented to the Court of Cont man 1 5 Icas of Cumberland rouut , fora chartes. of incorpmittion, themselves tint' successors, to be called the ' o "rhe Church of God," and fited in (be ProthintiXary.'s office, and- if no sufficient reason 'be shown t..Oi.he enntrary, nil!' be incorporated accord-'' iue tti :tot of Assemblyiin such cases made and pro- Test, T. 11. Proth'y. iantinry 1, 1811. fit-13 IA hIIIt 33 . order or the Court of Common Pleas of Ctnn ail 'heel:toll enmity, upon the petition or John Brandt, tlii assignee of Marlin Ilrandt, noire is hereby given 'to ilw said George Balsbaugh, that it is represenoM to the said Court that a certain Mort gage dated Clue .3,1 April I 1i35, executed by the said Martin dtratidt, to the said George Balsbaugh to sr- Mire the payment of six bonds of $363 33, each par able on the list of April 1830, 4.14 Olt each tot of A pril thereat:4;r, has been fully paid and satisfietl,iind 1. , that witisfittt:i II should he entered upon the record of the said ortgage, and pras Mg the Court for an ic s. order ou e said George Bafsbaugh to appear on the sec nil MONDAY, in April next, and show came s Ilyttle said Court should tint direct satisfac tion to to entered on die record of the •haid rtfort gage it i.rim'aitatiee of the net of Assembly, which notice iii hereby given. - - Ilr miler of the Court. i • A I/A NI LON Usi)uitri slicrim Carlisle, Jan. I I, 11144.41-13 NOTICE IN. BANKRUPTCY,' APE'IITION for disphame anal ,certi float: under the llatikrOpt,Law, liiis'been fil ed WiI.I.IANI Currier, einnity,und FRIDAY, the I.2th of i\pr%l 11 o'clock, A. M., is appointed for the hearing there of, before.the said Court, sitting in yaiikruittcy,at• the District Court Room in the City of Plithidel phia, when and where the ereditori of . the said Pe-, titioneilwlio, have proved their debts, . and another persons in interest, mu) appear and show eatiie,if tiny they have, why Minh Discharge and Certffidate should not lie granted. IRA'S. HOPKINSON; Clerk of the District Court. Phi;adelphin, Jan 17, 1344. ta-t! • STRAY SUEEP. • C'AW: to the premi , es of the subscriber, in DlA hison township, iiigint the 15th of November last, eight head of s IVA:P . . l'bernreinnrked by a sthall piece taken MT the rigltt, ear., The owner is requested to come forward', ,prove property and take them away'. ' 'W. L. !AITOIt. Jan. 24, 1844. ' tf-1S HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Stit, grißt 'subscriber would respentfnlty in-' ifirnillis friends said the publiu;thatrite has late aJ his steel: and is now of at the. old f;tatialti'n North I lanover Street, a sAfenitl'assort tnent Cittlery;of Oe.;enti'sisting in part of Leeks,hutge's, Screws, nails and spikes, of 'all kinds and siies. Canal anirother kinds al Shovels. Carpenterk' Tools; such no planes, saws, eltisels, , btw, Bar Iron; bEitele,'east and shear Steels. Saddle and bridle'tnotintings 'in sets; Saddle Tree's, ;liking and oilier Shoe Findings of every de scription. Alaltogkny Sod Glasi knobs of the !la test styles. Also, ' • 'Ol4, .11 50 aisa4 .. aitd ritritishcs, Bach as 'white lead, spskitte of Turpentine, Copal and japan Varnish. GL&S of all sizes, From Bby 10 upivard. Also, an assO,Oloctd, o .Archer's Intent Lard' Lainps,together with:other artielCs ton numer ous to niqntion •. • ; • .. • ' ~ • , All of Which will be aolti:twenty,fiya per eent•low -er.lblin theybavdever been oakd before, for wish and 'gaol Money. Call and examine before purelmoing .oliowliere, a w l ,if t he articles and priges are not h and n's aimed you 'iieeti hot pui 4 t4that:. Cap at.any rate . . . 3ACO6 KLINF,ft. . k•lo'retab 15194 • tf-1 . . -1111131111 at 834143 p litq* J um. %tened tor the sieon'tthottatictit of tlaelr.youna rientls tt ist 5e ossoyttnynt of • Irioy . Fancy ions for If ttle fairs, both amusing instsuottse. Cell before tke'nesortment is broken. Deeettatett 3,TR43. : -.3m4 THoB , E , lndebtot, the sulisdribdr, •Pr: • • ixote, at; oak chaciant,art, twieetad to cal acid i4ttre then iccoantal:ol4lk4l9; „ • r .••• JACtill SENtA. • t " Carlo OPM .• . 76;;,, , ;.i, to .o'edieo?7. 41,14 ' , Lthavem. a .g).'e w -:1140110E la berealLoEcmA of corearn'clotea i Abe 411,1nP, ll or this ? r it e tithe , iftA a of ,ntiberland.c.oCl I nowt,. ;;„- axt,for. Igo, iho , , .4e-cikirt ppainled TULSI) an d naY crqdoOilb'. hero he hearing' af,n3L.h ,rcaKl4'et •e,B aun r - 011!e ,111Vileatill$T11 11444141agi i'AritZr" OU.' BY nu. ,r 1.12 tannery '44.1104rr 3111331,".,--AA, el 44, (O 1 narbaia.4, ' VA t 1 ' 4 7 • • ' OYSTER'S tOltliFfiigi,illENTo tE:' , iiiltio'driber*P-Oniffi: ; . :§4o 1_011_1) . known TavesnlitalS, 9,.e ~,f .y.r. f .y.r. ,thßk.m.ell ~.. , ~,,,_.,4 , 4 44, ; iii r tnit es west, sec's Polidl in. C4lnlieriPlargridegarrlsb rg Had of Harrisburg, St' , the .."0 ~,,,..,„,elaiii,%,,;(phoibuse is Carlisle Tut npikti , and.TrlL .aol ~,-,1,46:474?0,64.1,ikti Very large with. she,ilS tio . f . ,;!E ,t,..•4 ifit , trii.op - bithitteatteti+ attached thereto.>,lTheltr.l . :o, ~ , ~,b01ir0.:14., lion ef Allege 40'w1140.341:70W041,", , y'CUl4l)ftr,-: ply to the subscl'ibei + •at ", , ... ti b et0.„1, ,, ,, ,, ,,t , , 1 / 4. land 'county, Peri°/*W'°rotattitXFOVEYB.P•:„ ... ' ki; ,".•:..1-,.?.1;' .:: ' ,'.... . ,:ii.:'..4.,';',,1 ., - li , . Januar,' 24 , . 18 '' ' 74 i , a;t'iit-ti ~ , ''•' • T • R. y itiiitifto.464o4l*.irtip'o,:ir;thit 'ititVillty!:OftrektinfrY'Meit, at 6'094k,A. M. at the ..hooSe - -,oriaioAkoi6.4•:icyciller, 44 . r PIM land, a trlintity,ef fine ' OklinaltAtttbe,r , Liftngi ? '4l.uste:oi,liro north sitlitiof"t.he South ill'Oltnt4nothont six mileXli-ornOnelfsle,-envettyed in kat'O'of 10, 20, and r . 90 awes each:: The. erms will lifijokde known at the lime salet and the titin-'neayrentedigainst the world. . One oldie sons of.Nfrs. lieeh,- - a lerltil also Henry Hartzell, who resides nellrVie Om `Tavern, will show ,the land, any time helium the sale. • WILIAAM. GRISISHAW, • Agent for the r riirmers 8c Meat:Mies Bank. Janutwy 24, 1144. , 21-13 H. A. MU14,24.r51t: "Keep it before ihePeople.' IFI' you would AVOW the cry of `Barkains for Cash,' or those 'Many...other potent nod heart reMlin7 &teases known by the Illitno of ofleart pparillaa," "Lozenges,".'llair the cheap and one price . Family Grocoi•y Tea and spice Store 04.'416, Eby,:, West Main Street, Carlisle, where 'mar 4 1 : 31 W be hail a fresh 90 genecal eSsortment otitroceries of almost every description 'end finality; Aiming which . lire Rio and .lent Cok'ee's, 'Green Tette, Brown end Loaf Sughrs,• Melessea, Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace, Pepper, Ginger, Allspice, Mustard, Chocolate, Esc. and if Archeit . Piitent Lamps don't please; then we would offer yniu iu its plum, Pore Win* Sperm infiLElephent Oil, or Sperm, Mould q.nd coininpu•Cmidle4: • 'Also - Selenon, Mackerel or Herring, Cheese and Crackers and Vinigar, 'Tobacco and Cigars, Corn Brootits; Tubs:Binikets, Churns, Baskets, &e. . SWEEPING AND OTHER BRUSHES, Cliin4,Glass. and Quecnsware ' &c. Sze. \lc shall be pleased at all times to tiry Ind aenoru motlate'all who favor us with a cull.. " P. S. The practice of thinnin g is),opom:n g • too common—we are studying how to 'tiyitid it ,ii ttl we arc on the road now to tio it--our Hooks arc posted and better or worse than all we take all Jim 'rdwist NEwsmemts--ecrtaittly *Wm we cannot be mistaken, either way we are content. Bat don't forget ' January MI 8 i 4. NEW GOODS, AGAIN: CHARLES ' OCULIST I'l AS just returned from Philadelphia, null in now opettimPa large nod splendid assortment of Whiter Goods, consisting, in part, of Elegant Ghetto Chostms, Crape De Anthers, Plain and sat tine striped Alpaekas, Mouse"De [mines, new style Calicdes, and Loudon Chintz: -Elegant Silks, Mati- - tillas; Broad Cloths; Cassimeres; Caritietts; Ken lucky Jeans; Tiekitigi; Checks; Flatinels; - ttlaitkets Niuslins; Nleilitmes; 'Pipit •LIMICIIIi 111111 Sheetings, &e; Alpacha Wools Cashmere nod worsted nelsiery : Together with lots of otkcer new goods too numer ous to insert, forming akogethe'r The largest, host and cheapest stock of goods in this emmtv. Don't mistslktithe nl.l stand, opposite Mr. Brown's lintel, East high street. Carlisle,January 3,1844. . tr, :row lor the Bargain's! TIIE subseriber.begs leave to inform the ititizois csviisic and its vicinity, that, lie has just re pinned from the filly with a splendid assort ment of IMOTS AN I) eonsistire: or Alen's Fine Calf and C ‘ barsn.fleots---also Men's and Boy's Montioes. Ile would also inform the I.AI/lES, that lie has'pareliased a lot of J. \Vilna's Double Soled Town , romodq, Fuucy Slipper and Walking sh sex. Alto ut large tisortmestit or, 3lisses and Childrens Shoes. (All sewing of,rips dope gratis.) 'lie Also purchased a lot rtilid and Nlorocco skins all or which lie.w'triailisracture into work 3it the shortest malci..,.itia,l in it tietp and workmatilii:e man ner theapori clam they call' ho had tit Any other es- Ile sume to cal at lits Shoe Stoic and t•triti.factar) to North I,tatioccr *street, 'warty tippcdte'the Bank. 11. C.:NJALCM'. Cat lisle, Jatiaary .5,1844 Druas eaicine,s,,,dce., yr.l ! :.; & IIAYEI,6.•;TICK have just opened then. fall aslortinent of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Dye-Slag, l'ateilt l',rrfujuery unit ' , witty hieh they will sell whulesale or retail, at the very lowest prices, also . Archer's Patent Lard Lamps, • - . . . . . . and .. • . . of assorted il.izes, patters wives. .. Wass Lamps of all sizes:lll,l ladti•ras for burning either Oil or Lard. ',amp Shades and Chimnies of assorted sizes., Best Sperm and Whole Oil, Sperm 'Caarlles, Al mond, Castile and Country Suaps,‘ts low as they can he Itad Iron, the city. (0 - Carlisle Borimgb Notc;s'rim all purchases ta ken at par. December 13, 1813. Second Phila. Semi-Annual Sale of BOOTS Bt, SHOES--FEB. 1844 , •On cind Wednesd4, Feb. 611 rand 711 g. THE gulincriber will sell at auction, at kik store, N. 208, Markei street, for, Que.lt, 2,000 C:►MesWl( Boots. klioes;l6ro- J-1 gatasi - iiii;tts, - die; " • comprising a general and com plete assortment of fresh and sellh011;161ll gOOI.IV, now beingwtlctii.yed di rect from the Matturacturers. , Purchasers are assured Oat every case plrereil will pas Lively be .sold to the highestltiolder, Mid the catalogue will yobrace the largest:M(l best,alsorteil stock ever nil red at auction in this.city, The subStpiber's arratipMenti - W;ithtlie thatairae timers tire such that regular semi l antinal sales will continue, to he Its they have been the past year, and op that first Tnestlay in February satill.Angtast of each year, 11 great ,seryt-attatual stile. Catalogues will b e' prepared, and the 'gob& open ed for' examination die day previous to the sale. , • , GFIO. LOA(); Auctioneer, ' Phiht. dun. 17, 1844. .{2(ili Market street, 114RDP 11.111CKERS, whoic'sa . l46 cale're Fortin and Domestic Dry Goods, 'No. 4G, ko7 ; th..itanii Street. A fen , South of Arch Street, Phicadeltiliiit. virovi,pthe attention i;f V condtry 'buyers to their large amiortinent of g9o(Ts Plitable ,tridie- season. o Wave n'lllind large stock of Foreign 'and Roinesiic Goods, laid its at lower prices than tlit7 eonmild be ha ti antrare prepariitito offer'induceiniiiits to the:ti'efle: • We 'solicit a.catl 'front buyers het° re . ph rchaSing elsetbere;aa we are sat 'ailed ha the . pricestlUWiliidi we edit Offer dor goods cannot fail to gtt'c satisfaction. ditntiary 41, 1844. .31u-:12 Notices . 'THE 'Assignee neenunt of M.,Porter, Assignee of George M. Phillips, tuts This tlsytheen filed in the Conti of Cnrionhp: Mill of Combefland. 7eoutity,ontKrUESCAY,The 13th of k'ehrtiary next, 'appOinted for its esclifirtnntion. • .T.' If. CllkßlSlVELl4,..ikoth'y. '3rin.17,1R.14.. - . 11.42 7111 E pelitinil Varian's - pe'itotts.- for the • lneorpeittion . 61‘ Evangeliehl Letherail coogroption or S • tephen„in Kipgatown," have npplied to the (:oust of C'oMmon Pleas of Cumber. land notitity;ffii. hiirier sufficient reason be Shown to the I.contraryi wilt he cdfue and lie a, aortbalatiote Rr body politic at ,:the ipext,April Term ot:anid cmt tioe,oriling• to agl pt' Aseembly in .soch oases made itiutpro'vided. TeSt.T: if. Clll§WELJa,,Protley. .Tan. 17,1844: • •-• TUE supplemental Recount tf'Shrimel Hairy, 701dg-heed Dortheimeo,& Cromlech, Ims this day beetrAliii fret ICoitill'Of:Counion fleas of Cain. , )4eriarid county, and Tuesdny,pe 13di day of Feb rwitit' peat %Tainted for, its Nonfp,'4l3klon tOd ? Q.: . ciiimiVE,'4; Pvw?s•-.. •, - .Al 6 I ;o.ofliiiti , fi4 4 4fhbriirfOt." 3 =AA'9F.9o l _aq• that No*hciiii;# 4l o , o l os 6 l .l o4 4 /Yllool,erq!!!..t!lit!lt , , , l! I of a OgO.O.ItP.MV..F.A.(II4,IIiSiiki.AWIC, 11131" S ZZIPQII:)%ZiZZCIII-W Orphpsf court. SEde 'or AtkLU'AILETREAtEi, AV puiitionee :of an , onkr4if ' Court of Bedford Clo'untY, the aubserillekti:o l 4, self at. public; ,yendue on the . - e irisgg all e y, on TUM4Y,thel4tirday.Xtfra-• R LTA tty, ripno i r4l ;om t!v - premises pp:o'o'l'o6'4lg Pktsbtlit Tiii4Mifte day folloti~Ag,~lia Ifeeeilter;•describeillteti,lXitidel of Simon „§tiicky, ,Ileeeitied, 'late, of Prciii,iileqe . Townililp, tiOviO•z:- • •'• •,t'• • • • The )1114445i0n situate In tlreil•antl irceacrea, ninety , iiine , perchis and allowance, of 'fit , et rate limestone land, one bluidivir and - fitly acres of Which are cleared and under t . :ll'e,e;•: and tinily acres of well watered meadow--:with Iwo. story' and double •It'aen, thereon erected.— There is besides on this tart, a,, elegant and well situated orchard of choice fru it trees—sull.:S lime stone spring issues from the ground jnst in heists of the house; there are• besides ,cor;veille,il nfit ings erected upon the ground, also one othei • FARM OR TI IAND ,' situate in same 'Valley. how, In the occupancy or .co.I Stuckey, COOLtitlitlg twill/UO(11'0 1111(i tifty-sic acres and 67 porelles limestone ,lantl- 7 . wren. of which` are etc/well' and tuathMtetiee, '4O thms ante meadow land, told there see besides two large MTh ands of fineyoung fruit trees in' roll bearing, with an apple mill and pt - can therenn.,. A grand LOG DWELLING HOUSE 'and filkll• . y t l/1 ble log barn is thereon erected. A gji; 'stream a wider - mins past the fritat (loot. IP ?A - Ihe whole' year round—also. VA °TILER 11.10111 i, . . . • pt, die forks of the 'rowl in Noptcr townsittp, now in the occupancy of Clorrien Stuckey tool Daniel Stock containifig 216 of line Aimestoile land, 18k acres of which at oleared 'under limee, 90 meadow, with two good I.Chkrits theredM On this 'place . tehre is erected a sp)t:mild - groNE T.i.yEuw-HousE, twn storiev.logh, 50 lo; tee', well furnished 'with suekas 4:11)1C3, oc.:er.savy tor a tavern Ja4se. There ve besides everted there-, on, TM.? PARM 111 , U548,11 large hank ham 'and grajner7, nice DFelling llonseantlill llnn . se, and a large stalile and dry bonse,also tan other liWvii1111"; houses and II wagon maker shop, aunt . ❑ black ittitit bhop, and saddler shop. Also one otlie. Tract of Land • no•joi,.)„. IJtc 111.01'...., containing 1 114.1,'11' of whieh are e'haket,l and on.ler fritett, and tel. 110109 in 11:1p11110 \ (tal f(11)0W)11g 111'01 yit : Otte 410e5,11.1 .loPat:s of the, . n10111)' the 1111111tiion plaoe to remain ',it. the hands 1,1 11n 11111.- :ella.set...ring the life the widow of itio . ,,kitt Si mon Th of Stuck::', deceased, he paying 'he'r the 'lnierest ihereoftold to lye'a upon the thir4 o r porchaae otoney 111 each ease, only the abei.e mentinoe.l $1 ; Olal, to he OW , hand at the c....lirroation,of the t ale, the balance il) three etinal jat•tpents thei. , :aller, without in terests to lie secured ;Itolginentlio...l3: or Bonds and Njortgage Sale.to commence at 10. 'e ek A. M. of each day. _ _ DAVID — STUCKEY. CII.IItLES sTuci:Ev, AdministratoiT Beilloril„Tarinary 17,1g3.1. • For Sale. or Rent, lIP. two 'story . 111tleli: HOUSE sifel'iterl Arniw Street, inisv in the. - orenininey or Nirs.lsrowo. "osse'ss(on given oii.tlie ISt of it next. JOAN W. CRAIGI7r.AI). January 17, House and Store for Rent MILLIE I)IVELLING. HOUSE ANI) STLRE JOL: ROOM, pow occupied by N. W.' ni.d situated au Pie , Routh-west 'eyefu. unite public square ()flips horaivh, in Otfie•cd fur relit. Posses sion giVell 0 . 11 the ist of April ttexi. It is ci.e of the ung. busineKs 61:91(lain the liorough.. • En quire GEO. EGI.I. • January 17,1311 rm /11111: dwelling silt of the stone building, Situate on the.smith-east curney of the Centre Square, and now in the occupancy of Mitchell 1-Iq., is offered for t slit. Possession given on lii Ist day of April nom. , • Alin— 'file Brick Building, situate olt . the corner of Iligh and *.a . ,1 ii l 3 8 .;! FAIR lately occupied by John r i - 6; • /mg, Estj., deceased, is ofrered fuir 'amt. Possession will be given immediately, or on the Ist day of April nest. Enquire of: ' JACOB Carlisle, January 3,1841.---3 t. Houses for Rent. TrHE DOUSES AND LOT beloriq .intt to Roy. ll,hert Ilium', oi,trifttl by Sir. Edward S. Waltr i !t. ;,.ttos;essuai• given imme diately. Also the I Orrhard oud lot, itoiv ht iweltirtiiety of :Ur: Possvi;iioti Ott the lit o 1 Apra text.• For (rums apply to ilte habi,r.riber, :1•46..f ror the %V. I)reetnhrr'rt, 13.13. 11--11 For Rent. stibwribers 'trill rent that large and colla t. modions prr.sent, in the Otettpaut.y or Miss Sit tlit E. 3rillerotituated on Strew, Opposite the ,NlitnXirm (louse Dote!. The Carden Attached to the House large'and well fillet] with trees. The !mule wellcaleitlnted for ilo .l.ltirse or Store. Voshesiiott given on the Ist day a April next. JOAN N411,r. k Co. December '27 , ,i EEO wiro4be t 'Io /1111./1111.sithrpilirr ot t e r s top relit the two-story Stone MVP:MING nit • . North Illiadver strei t, ne!it 'Nair to the • Pnit Office, Mr. Igit ;I:/f :Crerhen3slikerai•Pine. 6)111 ingly enntlin lublc, house has right gond,. plastered l'onros, to 0 6t* qhie.ll.4e papered, tmt there 1s 7!fzn'nn entry from the street.. Thepouse lips also ,petiviitly been paiiited.' . , It lois 'nll the sueli as Smoke house, kit. • and an excel . - lent - kardeii, Foe terms, `u. ingittre'tit flit! Store attiniiiitig, JI/111.: SNYI,MIL Jute. 10;1341: , IXouises-for Rent, limo) 'Comfortable Brick (louses. 'Po 's'- . session given on the first of 'January, or on the f t. rs of ApriCtiext. wit 'to 'suit the times. drIAS. OGII,IIY. ous,es to Rent. 'tivolitory Donau malt stablink, 5i1111.161 ill West High street. Also, a two With a store-room, ware-_ Ilaniiver street. Also, the shop tidrnotio„,.. the Tame now occimied by Mr. Malloy. theThitneditrelling house and shop atlydnitig the Post 0111ce. Also, a small frame tla e I igliotise hi :IVost. Lowlier kreet, and a small Iwo story brick hooSeinretii: or the sautetillDickinson Alley. Volici*olotit . o be given on the Ist or Aril mom. iur terms apply to JNO: 11. PAREfilt. „December 20,1843. . AtOXISTIS TO RENT. Nl' , ova-story ilotise and several sinalle'r d well -4111, logs, well situated, tire olfereil for 'reiit. Also, poor room E . ittli for 0 grocery Store, Fill be muted kir that pirpcise or otherwise. toilulre of • • • ,PACMI 'SEN ER. November! 043. 'GA c' , .ogains .. for .Casb.. ti E subscriber having rei'eived a fre§l) ..JL 'supply of k SIICIES;- HATS and - CAPS, ned a general assorttnent of GIIHCF4IES, lit now dt;termined to ilh-tin 'entire Cl:ohhaslet ss and sell 'with short itroflts'ohe llnldiß generally are in= cited to call and examine the Sttick and prittes;lar.• % . lore' purttliasiog elseivhere, , att , tarn determined to sell fdetetn,'# . ad'in:old dig tteesaity of 'olmll :30110 18.4.• tf,t. " •. .0 ested 'to eat', l i wl settle the eMne ivittiow. they, siNin 10:43losp , :-iY cuzgacvki80ar,04601190,,, , , , , , *41.44 , ..K . ,. ,tobei,ti 00 0,, ,:10 "cd)" ` ashington Ho: el, Pl7(i/114Tt OF .MAlt!{l{ . ..T, Erfhrt:ST 4:ll;!AlitEy 4SARROODUKeD I T lfe4iii oi i)6ectiegs-loa`ve to inform . 00 he has leased,thie Well known Manse, line recently undergone atliorough re - I Pitjr,'Ondbairtirnielied it anow-with,the beet, ot Bed: d . ing.nrid other Furniture, and Is dew , ' prepared to OVeprundote IVlehiberli of the Legielotureand Tray 'ellereltolie•itery best style, - and-upon suell'termens esChOititiri6 pleated.- • . • . - - Vt. T. sni;mtits. ` .154 !29..i5'4,11.!'.'. ; ' i• . het W. .GOtiDS FOR : CHRISTMAS SPLIC.IrDID 'a :treats. A Y ER& & IJAVERTICK has just recelyo I.VA.. sPlenditl assortikent ot ,gANNUALS," censbning in part'of the Opal / Gift, 'Friendship's picrary:Sonvenier, American and Brf tiAll.Poets,,in rice and shorn , f)lyidirig . suitable for Chrittmas . presents. 'Also a' clicae *election of 'elegantly bound Bibles, - 'hymn Boolt*„ Corn mob Prkyer ditto,—together„with Agenetia tiortnient of Standard, Miscellaneous and - - ..1011607... ti o - 010. all if which will be 'Sold loiver than ever offered in Carlisle—aim, STATIONPR? oreVcry variety, befit "Imlay of Initer and tap Papers, ruled and minded from 12Aito 25 cents pdriwire; 'Blue fluid and black Ink, Steel Pees, 'Pencils, (Jackson's best,)Silver.ever Pointe Leads tin ditto, Writers : colored and transparent, Seniiiig, way, fancy and plain, Motto Seals, Papet folders, toeetlrilr'with a large assnitacnt of. Pen knives, superior and cheaper thaniiVer:OfTered in the market. tticeufb . cr 13. 1843. ' , 3m-7 Jr. 11. B it. 11.1 1 .7 . , F4iIi4ROING . 86 ciii,4l , soobN •MERCHANT .• Pa RFSPI I4 ,(rPrOt , LY ifiitirms the Fat , „ , 11111Clil i /N1V11:111111111./llill the public gen erally, that he is adwyrepared with large and ennt tnnninlis Ware 110119CRYon the Penni' Clllllll, near the foot of VS'alent street.in Ilareisburg, to receive in Ruire for Shipment, Couch)` proditee and Mer-> eh:utilize for Philadelphia 'Baltimore and Pittaburg and all intermediate' "places. D. Leech and Litte,and the followinglirst etas% tide Water Canal u,h'i a ts, will t•tta frOlfl'llle 1101180 N ill I larriblitirg, Boat, J. C. Me..Vllenter, ' ' 'Cliesnit'eake, tdarr ntitl NI/11'111a, • Pallitie ET= si \II ° , TTIF silhserilier ha 4 jast received, anti , has for '...in,le,'n few copies of the following new works: I. ','W.Ii,V Anil VOU A Y.7l'iltitAN."—K ~, , iit'c , -lirig . .a - c ot'reetklew' of Ihe doctrines., of tilt; Lutheran Church, by the Rev. B: Kurtz, IS, B. 2. TIM YEAR BOOK OF .THE REFORM, TlON:"'—Th?r: i l fiot Ijl in the lorm nt un annual, and in ml ellanfmnoner; JI cootnms a number of well written artlek9 60a, a 'umber of ministers of ditrermit detirenidatilms, chiefly hinting to the character, operatintin and experience of and to Ow necessity and efreets of the bleated Belot , nnaion. A most interestis nod useful book. JACOB SENBB. tfdi 'Catii.di.,"nre. 90, 1813 Casimeres & Vesting, fILIPPINGER `Sr, 'CA'REY are 'just oiiroing . a large assortment of fashionable Cas ameres ht yeamg , 4 which ',till he 601 J at dm lowes .octolii‘r • .. 'FRUITS .AND CONFECTIONARY FOR UST reveivell by MYERS & tiAvvInsTICK. Fresh Malsga perfectly sound, bat Rauch cry tine, 12 I=2 crate per lb. Fresh I'iyn, to lino billet', and vet) superior Citron, I ots, Keg ynisins. • LEMONS & ORANGES, Ahnomis, wnhiuts, nod Ground nuts, ‘vith a genimul assu: (went of CON FEICTION- A RV. Decemher 130 813. czmuzova 111:111 7 .AS, noller 4 the pretence of title, de , • front sundry unrecorded Deeds and salt'( made for taxes, which by repeated adjudich tihmi of the Ccihrt dr common Pleas of Cumber land ermine; tool tile Supreme Court of this State have la en ileelitred ii•inkrent 'anitvoid;lhrge lit4es.-of.cliestant—atitl-:other-volualtle-timber have been cut upon the lauds ktioivn its the Mount holly 7: mite ; the 'addle nreilierefore hereby notified,dint the said ; espite msi , tting of' all the tracts of land at wry time ;twit siiif:e the oeur 1 - 5111, In consuirilatnieli IX" . 110,11 :' Irait Work's, (excepting such por tions as lime since In.eit sold hy the subscriber,) are the pt open ol the kat owls Mechanics' Battle, '.1r. : ,- . yirttle of a eopvev tome by theSbei if of said coati ng, in .litgust 1838 ; that all deeds not recortle'd tiontii;l froth the time. of their execution are, Itv Act of ~,ssetuldy, dated 27th May, 17(5, de clared Jradli'leid - rtiul vore . ! agaili4t inhiequetit else sbrs;4ll:l t the titNCNINiTe IWell regularly .paiti, Op on every tran roymitig part of said dilate, froth the tip to the'Present thine ; that by act of 4 1.sscnibly. dated . '29th Mavh, 11124, the cutting it udiug, poreltaaing;oreintilo:ong'dt othei's to cut Or blittl;aoz timber trees upon or fronftlie: lands of another,, wultoitt the license of the true owner is made an ilfgettilik; Oifetice ; had thatilte'subscribet , will ',sesm:me all persons olfettilitik against said law no matter toner'ultat fradttlenetiretence inch vinlii& tioti is ittteMpted Ile will also give a realty& of TEN i()LILAIth for gilt:li iplollllBtioll RS 11111 . 101 d to the rand DOLLAtiS for the'convic. 'thin of each and every °Wender. .. WA'. GIZINIITANV. Attdruill In fict of said Ilank • T ,.. 7•Aily information in i•Cgiail'to ibe`eitate mliv be cominimiehted to 1.... C. liiiintlebury,Esii. Car lisle. --- 24111234 (0%21126 P Saitlsor,iber o ff er to sell or rent, the'nilli.... lug Properties, sitisiteit the Cretk,'"atUoining Petershtir and nitricannon Iron .lVyalts,•antl known as the "reWeaborF No. ia • - • , • ST 0111 E NrißO EOM fie .GRIST MILLI forty by tiny (Vet, three itortea`high, etceltil'Wcfc thet• GaraZA, will, two water whaehfaNtipitertuteAtdnet Cast Filmy anti 'Bevel GgarSugg, Grain, soil Flonti• I:lWv.itors, Sink , Ec64ait•hriiihv.lofiln MIA him* manner. No. 2isn" ": • ... • . capable of coming 12004015110 fait of Boards Pt , . . . Vilint. the'odeantage•ehe titfire.-Ittills hare: iptlillx posing 4)111 tbrir products ivithout the expense or transportatiim, iliCy 'are irerthy the attention 'titttnr=• • chasers de:renters;bmt Will be sold or let setAtately to suit purchtisrs or renters. ••.. - • • • ' .• • • AMOS A. , aciNts. . . J'rtendotT„.lpro. 20. 1.1313--6 w . BOOTS AND SHOE& . 4111 1 :11-01.t:tilier Inns just receiva another toppq i:r ROt iTs &s I 10ES, mong tlfg,,tot.ical fottlit4 git Otiv•ti Boots front s‘2. to Vt. 15 " 'Alen 'norm's front IdO 141 0 5() ! 1 to " • nor; Oa tiltoof tt) 1.;:ol"c% Sliokt4i Sit " Do • Nittlicito; Shot nod„ Children's Shoes dot bolot oil htukc jlie old hitai l tgAv4efreltiqljelil ike ! sutli to g t great barziiim :• -• ," • ovembee t.) 1 scl,tf-5 . • F . ‘j "zr7, o y,. v i r c;ie ot ',a, iVrii ,Idiii liiet'' liiiiii litiiiei • 2310. - IDerbee,'tvresidubl Ilidge'ot', , ,i.hbfllltlaudl- - • , f eiel--lliat#ck if_Poc_naylatdat lia jß4 s date tlid • 16th cty 9,1 December , 18413, ce. -Fitt 'dfirtieteciA— NiitAct is UER'Ett : altildNi That"ti . kieClal Mart of , Cam on Plakiterbf .th* 'Peakec will be'held by' tb,C*o4•llcme.poioel •Dur:. , keeinad the Assoate 3 udgai.sifyr Ce*tertquara ter Sci eSslbits •ofilief Pelle° of 'Ouirdsighlii4oiiun,ty; ,•• at. the , Court' liotteet,.htt , ,thil,NOtieig,Parlisloo. ceicteencin ,, , ,'• en • lYletSPß,l4l,ltAi4tp , ltcy_ of areN•2A;"'D'lli4 , l;• at ay, ';:lbirtpiii,c'his!l*,*Ar. of Aft d c ,to beilttik 4e,,ette,, t 374 l ;fer,illik'; . 4iel of 494rtiiip•ceena d cpcigl ltig lit thePhA t t iliCete: Mop rioaeommurbalaimdiqbot ,Lakto Ono, taiiatotts4,*lfiAtiO,i'Vgim°2l4ohate p),.upAiit: - 04.904 - c ti ttl:ir,t4' . 4 - pe' t o irt-Ju: ore:64-4e4tfife , 'iik.4614)410*0111 talid, IlliO,' , !,!1,',6„,,,,1 . V.;#0,, '.. ,epimmiroir ..,: herio yglee, vodka; :,;,,',:v,,if--2::: : ,i,7i,, ..-,.. ;-,;:' , ):14114 ', 1 ''-' ,:•:4;;T:t. t 700),: - ' -.1 . .•, '‘. '... '..,.:4:1 - i- `,..7.4-• ",-4,•,.--:';'[.....,,,,,,,,b,,.' MEI El