Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, January 24, 1844, Image 3

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    ammais - a LaEslevras
eziatazA4 o '
lylokning '4arturkit'4, 1844.
,Extp; No. 59' ; Pine atroel,;be
lonr in authMized to imeive
anbicriplions and advertiseinenta for the "'Herald
.& ExpositOr," and give'reeeipts for the same.
Our thanks are tendered to Han. He Hen
FRIER and Ilan. JAMES Btaietc, of the U.S. House
Representatives, for valuable public decumeetg.
Temperance Convention,
Tho County. Temperance Convention ass( m
%bles to-day-at -10-0310ck,A.-IH-intlie_Court...
House, and n public meeting has ken also immune ,
• ed for tho evening,in the. First Presbyterian Choral,
. where we arc informed some .gOdd's . peal:inig rtJa'w
c 0". The 'Volunteer' sneers at the site 'of the
Whig meeting held last week, and says it ^ pre
sented a beggarly account ef empty helms:" The
meeting was held on one of Itlui stormiest even
ings we hays had this SCRI3OO, and there, was no
attempt made to rally our friends whatever; but
with all this we' venture :to assert that it was not
much smaller than the last Buchanan meeting,
and twice as large as any rneeting that could be
possibly gathered together in this county of
friends of Van Buren—whom the volunteer
itattegly briiig,a upon the carpet in his last
Igr. Rives' Letter.
cijLet the great length of Senator Rives' letter
deter no one from giving it a careful reading, s
it contains facts and principles connected with
the coming Presidential campaign that should be
familiar to all. We would especially invite our
democratic brethien to give it an attentive perusal:
From ➢larrisburg.
:'atj;The.Tublie business Seems to bei pita'eta
stand•in:tlarrieburg. The State Printer.' Tiestion
absurbethe s abole interest of our legislators, and
lreepeup tt continual squabbling between the
maitre and'the Legislature. The members say
they cannot gn ° to work because the Governor
; hue not transmitted the reports of the different
• departments of Government. The Governor re
plies that his duty is to furnish •these to the
State Printer, and no such otlicer is yet up.
pointed in his opinion. '',Flieso reports the Gov.
ernor hiss, however, made public through several
of the Ilcrrisburd papera, but not the "Union,','
ancl,thirhis given umbrage to the majority in the
Legislates°. Another subject of wrangling will
be found detailed in the letter under our ..TAgisla..
A resolution was offered in the noose some
days ago by Mr. StrsUss, josiructintr the Commit
tee on the Judiciary. tri inquire into the expediency
of so amending the Constitution as to call the
Legit.lature togetherrudij 'enery other year, by
which from two to three hondred thousand dollars
would 1;0 saved to the State every two yearn. On
second reading of this resolution, the years were
4 65 and nays 27. Mrl',Fekels, of this county, voted
in the affirinatiro and :11r. Heck in the negative.
On thh'd reading the:resolution was adopted, and
Mr. Heck wisely concluded .to give his t'ote•intts
favor. It would bemo 'doubt a good reforin, for
Wally State suffers from bad le7,islat!on It is ours.
A long debate has also been Lad In the Hense
on a proposition of H. 11. Laughlin and Jos. NI or
jr. to dO the transcribing business of, the
House for $9OO it sessimi. 'After a day ebusumed
in debate the proposition was rejected. The
relating to Election districts which was vetoed .
lipthe Governor, was passed into alaw•by then
rJonstilutional majority. The investigating com
mittee have nr,t so far shed much light upon the
charges made against the Trinters in the Geyer
netts Message. •
Nominations anal littajectiOns:
learn from the Washington papers that
inu'ruesday evening the U. S. Senate, in Execu
tive session, confirmed the nomintithinsUf a 'nun,
her of marshals and district attorneys, and also
the entire list of appointments and promotions in
the Army, submitted by the President. Aiming
the confirinations is ilhatof Gen. Georgellll. Reim,
as Marshal the Eastern
,District of Penney).
On Mond. the Senate rejecled, brmvote said
to he 34 to 8, t Nzination of David liclishaw;
of Mass. ns Seer ti ry dile Navy ; .
On Wednesda last,the Senate rejected the Pre.
sident's nomin. ion of lease 11111, of New Da nip
shire, to be Chief bf the
.D.ureau 011'resisiehs
and Clothing fin the Navy.
On the same day, Mr..Mse, of Vs. was re. the Semtte'bi the President ns Min
ister to France. Several other Executive nemi•
nations were also sent in. .
The military committee of the Senate has
unanimously reported against the corifirmatiOn of
James M. Porter, and'his rejection by the Senate
is daily expected. Mr. Spencer's homindtionititi
also thought will 'berejeCted.
(Cl'lt is Stilted in the:Bcdford (Pa.) Eritirci,
that the friends of the latuCharles Ogle, formerly.
• a member of 'Congress from that. district, have
brought a suit against the editor of 'the %Redfern
' Grzettc, text ho publication of the malicious libel,
' In which ho was eliarged with retracting on his
death bed,.what bejlinil said of the gold spoons
and other:extravagances of Aran toren.
(dTheEpnal ,Commissieners have appelriteil
Edward •P,.cav,Esq., to ,be Superintendent of
Motive 'Power, and Supervisor of Repairs, on:the
Philadelphia and , Columhia Railroad, to.talte :ef.
feat from and after the S4th.instant. They,haVe
also npiointed Jghn Snoclgrass,'Esq.,•to , be Super.
intendant of Motive Power, and Supervisor et Re.
pairs, on_the Alleghepy Portage Railroad. '''
A Flovement at Washitigtoti: g
,cortoßpondent of the Boston
"Courier says: ..A diplomatic dinner was given day
'before yesterday by the lion. Willie P. Mangum,
.at which were present, among. others,lhe Uon.
-Daniel Webster, and Messrs. Barrow, Choate,
•Crittendenitnd Rives of the Senate : Gen. Scott
of the Army. All . theso,distiniuished gentlemen
have .efinitely agreed:tp,suppert the nomination
of Henry Clay, to the ?residency. Mutual ex
planations were made, and existing differences ar
ranged. So now look ont;fOr a bold fight against
Shank...and Mublenberg.
Harrieburg Union.' says that of the
' , delegates thuafetePpelFited, 38 are for ignlenherg
- and 32'tor shonl6: . :The,.canainder are o inayneted
for the other candidate!, or *not inettulted nt all.
: If •.; ‘ l ‘. •
•._ - .
0716. Sprague of...R.bod'e Island his Teeignea
hit seat 'in , the, U. O. Fenate.r Zt ie tlainght
Sin?inene of, ilie_aarno S to witl Also
' will be Mled by Whigs. - •••
At ,recent
,meeting, of the, Whig hioEiiheritig
,4,:tieiiryjtvere F ii9mltiatodlie teri:
dhititee for Proeide'othili EleetOrh for the phite','eted
W. btirtu n and w il l Jo anti delegatee to the
~134 1 1i mPt.0'PetOollIilfti='; ; '"- • ''' .
f., ary~~6r~ ~~~~ ;vim ~~:'
Great. . rite " tuear ; and'iTlanufaac•.
A large and lifghli:rLpeettible, Meeting
, Of
friends of egrlieultUre pnd,manafscttires,was held l
in the Hell'of itepiesentetiveS,!at:Waskingten, at? ,
which the Hon. Levi VV . O - Odbll6i,.ol'DlcUrj - ittiffillo-1 1
shire presided. Theobjeet'ef the meeting
beeit stated by Hr. Horner, of New, Jersey, •t4i3 „, ..;
Hon. J. S. Skinner, - of piopoied:•jt
preamble and.resolutions, recommending:4ol*
friends of Agriculture and
Out the Vnion, to join in, - holding
liibition of Agricultura(kdeete4ool4llAle r "
niesits'be hnsbandrY,SPeeimolee474,),o46:o . ow:
Proctored, goods, in •all thefrLtriiii.44
&c.—zit : Baltimore, in Mei neiii;.wlien'itienriktnki:
Will bothers asseintded;eb meet the various Con=
ventlons the'n and there'to'boheld,
The resolutions were 'theh `iereired ten corn- ,
•fnlttee, to consist alone frtnn'each Stido and Dis
trict, who ore to report at an adjour ned
, meeting ?.
to be held •in a short time. ,The meeting 'then lid-
- A strange sceno•avas enacted before Judge Par.
sons, in Philadel p hia, on Friday last. It appears
that ayoung couple (whose names aro not given)
had been married and living together three days,
when the will; went home to see her parents. ' As
she: did not return, the husband went after her,
but was informed by the parents that she dill not
with to go with him, and that he could not be per.
mitted to see her. Thinking that she was re.
strained by them, the husband got out a writ of
habeak'corpus. The parents appeared, with their
daughter, and in answer to the question by the
court, whether she was willing to go back and
live with her husband, she returned a decided.
negative, but, would assign no reason for her
strange .determination, nor for the sudden and
:unaccountable dislike Which she had evidently
taken to him. The Writ was dismissed; the court
'having no.autliority in the matter.
On Tuesday the Itith inst, by the Rev. J. N. 11011 1 -
man, Mr: JOHN IL COLLINS, formerly of Philatlel
pltin, to Miss MARGAIMT GOIII,D,Cif this piIICC.
.On Thursday last, by the satne, Mr. .I.lmcs Cru
m., to Miss NANCY ANNOTRINICII, 110th of South
Al hitt letoti.
In this borough, on Thursday morning last, Mr
TIidMAS BROWN, aged about 76 years.
An this borough, on Friday evening last, after
a lingering illness; Mr. MATHIAS Mounv,,aged 81
years and 10 ninnths. The deceased was a native
of -York coulty, Pa., but for the 40 years had
teen a resident of this borough, where he was uni.
vorsally esteemed an honest man and worthy and
unoffending: citizen. ^
lie is einpoweretl to collect :111 monies due nu• with
out delay. All ititichotil will, therefore, see the oh
so(ttte necessity of closing their nceolitits at otter.---
Those !litchi.... chtilits we will 1,1 . 1,111 i I hem
to Mr. Settilll IL. \V. ININDIJLETON.
earlisle..l,l:mary 2L. 1844.- tf-13
balance of the stricleof gitoibrbelouging to
the late firm llosfermati h ,flattim, will be
ollercd hir sale, on
ruary uext,at (lII' stare room formerly occupied by
llossertniiii :oaf Hutton, iii North Al:mover ctreet,
Carlisle, at which tittle will be oirerial for lade,
(lay and Manure-l'ut•kv. lisushei, Selves, Coot and
ll:d'lbanks, Tohle nod Ten SI/00?14,
Chisel, Venition Blind Triruntilys, Glass
by the box owl in smaller goontitivo, Groin Cm
o large lisriortorent or hest quality or sprigs
dud Tacks; A IsONails and Brads hy the buyer-.
al Stoves, one Cantor Store; Also, lruirt.rour
to live tours of Ilnmmered and Itolled
inebtlling 'Plough Irons, Nail lteds, IlorseSlineTlars,
Tire, (assorted sizes) Round and Smiare iron will
he sold by the cwt. in lots to soh. 'purchasers. • A Inn,
!MS( 11111111tY of SIIE CAST STEEL. At
the some time will be ofr2reil one new one horse
Carriage, 2 Excellent Intry•s;
2 One Itovre Wagon..
together with 31 erica). or other articles too numer
ous to mention.
Sale to commence at•S o'clock A. ST. of the / there
named day. Terms or .Itt In suit the times, to be
made known nt the Only ..)1 - sale.
• let•chtints and N.lethatlics will find itto their advan
tage to be present; as the above ironed goods twist
be stilthtn close up business.
FINAL.—A'S there area 11. w Recounts
due llesserman k Ihittbn, and unsettled, till those
shoot it may concern, will please take notice that
cycle asemittl must lie settled by the 'Rult day of
Fernery, otherwise suits will be lumina:A against
all delinquents, without respect to persons.
• (11'.011(i1.1 HUT TON,
Surviving partner or Ilossertuan & Hutton.
January '24,1311.. is-13
6D4celli,tr z fr• Riolose Mr' Resit.
0 11,1.1 E two -stitry ,Brivii Drielling- Ilona)
f,itt; in • t: 9L Iligh Street direetly (Tim
silii Nies. Parker, is
flow ()tiered tor rent. It has two good rooms on
earl) story mill Ivontil snit for a Email iniinber of
hoarders. Po'irlessinu given On the .Lit of Apra
nest. For terms enquire of the tuilseriber, or W.
11. Alarray.
D. W. McCULI.Ot3(I!,
Gliordian of .tninni• eliildrito of .1. d eed:
.Intoolly '24, 1844, tf-1
rrIlE . petition of several persons inliabi-
J - tants of the borofigh of 7114.:chaniciburg
vitiinity, has byes presented to the Court tki Com
mon ile;ts of Cumberland county, for a charter of
incorporation, fin r thetnselvessuccessors, , to be
callett•the'"*The,Clitirch God,'' and filet! Ala!
Prothonotnry's Mike, mid if 'no saflicient reason be
shown to the contrary, mill be incorporated accord
ing to act of - Assembly in such eases amulet tuid pro
vided. •
Test, 11. Chriswell, Protit'y.
3111111aiy';.4, 1844.- .
X1)93 -
Y: oi.ilii- cr he Cohrt of Common Pleas of Coro
t," berland comity, upon die petition of John
Brandt, the assignee bf Marlin Brandt, notice is
hereby given tb said •George Ilalsbatigli; that it
is altresentbdto the said billet that a certain Mort
gage litited'lbe Sd April )1835, executed by the said
Bramit,to die mill George Balsbaugh to se
4nre the payment of slit liondeof $5BB 63, each pay
able on (he let of April 1836, and on each Ist 01 A
pril thereafter, has been Tully paid and satisfied,and
that satisfaction should be entered noon the record
of the said Mortgage, and praying,the Court for no
order on the, said George Bnlshatig,ll;to appear on
the second 'MONDAY, in April next, and show
cocoa why the'said Court slictild not direct satisfac
tion to he entered on the record of the said Wirt
,in pursnatice of the ' act of Assembly, whialt
notice is hereby given. Ily order of the Court.
Carlisle, Jan. 11,1844. dt-1.3
Af ipcharg'e and certi
flew tinder the Da krinit w,luis been fil
ed by 'WILLIAM lIIGL , Currier, Cumber:Nu]
county, and PItIDAY, th 'Nth of April next, at
11. o'clock A. M., is appointed for the hearing there
of, before the said Court, sitting in Bankruptcy, at
the Bistriet Court :Boom . in: the• City . of Thiledel-
Phin,„wheo and ;where the !cretlitors'xd'Ans t schi pe
titioner, who lump proved their debts; and id:l ollter
perspus in'..interest,ina) tippear and sboy.icaun
nny„theyhavei, p by . such L linielturgeAfid4 l tificale.
should not be graut4d: ,• • • •
pistridt' GOilit. -
•Philadelphiti, Jan 17; 1844. ;taut.,
- 4stkld.o i. 44c0k.A41).* ,;'.404:4'5.,i.a.`.-.0:1,;:'
t ' ''rTgß4:Teidarneritiry.ofildii 4!tid'e of 1 ,14,0
' . . ' " '.
14 ' • , iii boioufth township, , have
'heell'ornie"? the
n l i e t r „ i oirin.theniathit.i . 44,
. 11 S i, t r: e it i,
~,A :. Y. '' ,., S f . h !O ut ° iii , , ,i. ll : b ",: : : '; . ' "'
- ''' ' 'll*""silt Pe '
' ' ' ' bei. reiliflititi , lale i.anl,;
iri A ini6 E ti t ;io i wn h - township , !.he!,lsth'if ,Ntiembei - 16*n 4'. ,'•'.. 4 . 11 1 . ! , n
to tonediate.:partontti#lo
- id by 4-.` -ed ti'mdd!-est, ..,• "tienlowygiuthiiiotog-',.
1 124, ef it hthead ' bi 5 ii
- E ": . - T hey 1 -7- c ;rt own'it• ii. tkes ' &l4,vlW P lol9/1 ...i,'..T! 7 - -7;;. , '7 :.•••:'JV'.
'hull piece take, , air 4hq . figh 'lr• i 4i,' e 4,,i4d ptkiksiArft,ir #,ittleprilt• ''':`!" • iiißit , iqi‘Prl. l ;''A
requested t°4'C.41)791,:•7,t ',E.'ve-1?.P 4 -..*44 ,Aft# 0,-: 1 - ' "f .i , ' ,: ati 3 O.',..,.....i . ' 1 , 4 4.,,-.4,44...' ..17i'7 4 ,0 * P.. ,
thoinaFA f:: ' k.'':!.`:'.,:', ~'. '',,-,,2,01,e„f,;,,1ft1a: J:....914,;14571v,r.
iHiW.` "'-' ' ~ -„„, •,,„-.., ‘.l ! 4V ,e '!' - : , !:! •.;.. • ... '% . 7.:, . '
...:•, - .4 , ."‘ ' ' ~, .:. -
;i '''''fr l ' h '' . ''''''''''''''''''' ' "":'''''"'''''''''"7o.'tg' l ' V it ' ll 7.o. , , ,,, :: .. ,. ,. ,,,„...., , ..,-. S. -," !:2 .. ... .”, .•;,,,:-.,,,,,t,
A Oard Case.
V all Concerned,
Pivlptic Ntate.
;;-c3 0 ~.~~ a
;:4 4, Tlittilitt' , p i !lilt , FokliENT
„... ? ' :0 ,4 , : , , - , i lii - ‘ .0 4, -4 ; j i'V t :ie l ....Piv , .:'l , r , ,7': . k iiii,ifi'vsei 4 .6 :d,f 4o l ; ';,o 9 ,i#74"ibeir
tUrlePoitit . ,o'
~ inb . alte. 4 , eedihti, threci,nules" • Asest
!-OrMarritgg i ii 'goy ki,orifie Harrisbiirg end
4 0,
Na.rOld , i,"Fat 116:191f , -.k . iiitu I.oeaVi The he hi
, Ni)ri r , 2*#'':oo , li l 4 4 ilk , 0 Ain acres origin&
iitttn”,*etktnglii.o,.ppo ' sO t he atten l :
tibkof . , t.i l osik T irs k , — * idetuAti" 11 I?iiiiSe. • Api...
adti6‘..iiip: f tio,46roo: l olo::"A . `6 .). pi , Tnbbr.4 ,
iit,/cdotintirpolioApeoplbrxeu ,Ni's
410%'44.`,AW ~c':ct,' ~c,-tAftx,ts Tt, , F,114 , 0
~,,:,td ndi i-4- ; i2 k ):0 , . .:..:,, ,, , , ,,, , :7:Y., 1 --,,w;,, . .,w,, 4 1p4 i 4A,
..,.-c+P .r_yo,` : , ",',., ;' , *.' , ': ,. F..:5.1' ' . ' , ',‘,C..., - .;. 4
.4 . ' ".^••: et 'l'74
ithimpt. tr 4, q;.
:I, I I III P • :,..a.•.":;47 ;
t,cr•ligliPo4l ,- ./l• - • - :
, s it(it\6, SA lb'
and 9ficci*o4ll , F , pc',Aome will be made knoiYA
at. tli Of!., Oct. t,4 tte- 'wa rran tOd again st
•the. .
.00.13101 p lieuriler, and also' Henry
Harl.z011;• - •wifO Hap ,rtivern, will
show klikOand,:a4 iitnO, before the sal6.
.- •
'Agent, for', Mechanics Bank.
January • ' • 2.t.4
• • •
"Keep it before ..11te People.'
- yr you would nvold the cry'afglarkains for Cash,'
or it many other patetit and heart rending
diseise'skpown by the 118111 e of "Ileart Pills," "Sara
aparillas," 'Lozenges," ollair Tonic," &e --call at
the cheaVantrone price
Fo.o:rily. Grocery, Ten and Spice
~ Store of 4. W. Eby.
Wen Nlain Street, Carlisle, where Drily always he
had a fresh 'and 'general assortment 01 Groceries of
almost every description and quality, nmot q which
are Rio and Java Coffee's, Black and 'Green Teas,
Brown and L(ifti . 8114arn, Molasses, Cinnamon,
Cloves. Wee, P , :'pper, Ginger, Allspice, Mustard,
Chocolate, &e. and it Archers Patent Lamps don't
please, then we would oiler voit in its place, Pure
Winter Sperm and Elephant ilil, or Sperm; Mould
and common Candles.
Also 'Salmon, Mackeral t.l• nerving, CIICCSe and
Crackers and Vinegar, 'rob:keen and Cigars, Coln
Brooms, To., Buckets, Churns, Baskets, ke.
China, Glass. and Qnecnsware, &e. &c.
e shall he pleased at all times to trymnd accom
modateall who lilVOr US with a call.
P. S. The practice of donning. is becoming too
common—we ire studying how to 'avoid it, and we
are on the road now to do it—Our Hooks are posted
and better or worse than all we take all the Tows
Nr.wsrAccus—certainly then weeannot he mistaken,
either way we are content. lint don't forget
January 17,1811.
Di_AS just returned from Philadelphia, and is
§ now opening a large and splendid. assortment
01 . VVinter Domes, consisting, in part, of Elepot
China Chnsans, Crape 1)e Ambers, Plain and sal
tine striped Alpachas, Mouse De Laines; new style
Calicoes, and London Chinn: Elegant Silks, INlsn
tillas; Broad Cloths; Cassimeres; Caseinetts; Ken
tmsy Jeans; Tiekings; Cheeks; flannels; Blankets
Mullins; Merinnes; Linueos Sheetings,
&e; Alpachn Wool; Ca'snmere and worsted I I ostery
•I'ogether with lots of other new . goods too limner- ,
ons to low's, Mrunngaltogether the largess, best and
cheapest mods ar g m,ds.ol this county.
Don't mistake Ow gig! shind,eipposite Mr. •own's
Hotel, East nigh street:
Carlisto,January :3, 814. r,
'.I,M) dor - thr litriwains
THE silbFieriher begs leave to inform the
• vitizen9 of Carlisle aryl its vicinity, that he has
just returned Iron' themitv with a splendid assort
ment or 'moors :CXU si 10 ES; consistritic of
Vine Call a:141 Coarse Idoots---also glen's and Ilor's
Moitroes. Ile it'oulti also inform the LADIES, limit
he has purehastNl a lot of .1. IVillis's
Double Soleil '['urn r Is , Roney Slipper'
and lVulk Lid shoes.
Also a large assortment of isses and Childress
Shoes. (All sewing or rips done gratis.)
lie also pitrelinseil a lot or Kid awl NTornero skins
all of a hieli lie will marmlartitre into work at the
shortest infli c t., and in a ilea( and witrkinattlike man
ner cheaper than Cllll he had :it :my other es
tablishment in the place
Ile sore In call at hits Shoe Store and '4:mlS:talon.
in static:, nearly opposite the Itatik.
H. C. :11ACOV.
Gal lisle, January :3, 1311. 11-111
1 1.Trugs,
YEUS St lIAVEIZSTICR have just opened
thrir frill morttlient .r Drugs, Oils,
Dye-Stalls, Poirot Medicines, Perkiiiiery and Fancy
Cowls, which they will sill wholesale or retail, tit
the vtry lowest prices, also
A.:7 . 014.11°5 nitwit Lard 'Gawps,
df assneteil sizes, piittenis mill pekes.
(hiss I,ampxof ell Sizes foe burning
either Oil Or Lira. Lamp Shades null
of :issorted sizes.
Best Sian AVltale Oil, Sperm Candles, Al
mond, Castile and Country Snaps, :IS' low as they call
he had tram the city.
pzj'Carli sic Borough Notes fn• all purchases ta
ken ;It 1131..
Deceniliet' 13, 1A43. 3tn-7
Second Phila, Semi-Annual Sale of
On 7'ues' day and Wednesday, Feb. (1(1)
rPrILIE subscriber will sell at auction, at
11. his store, No., 208, :%larket street, 11)1. Cash,
2,000 Cases of Boots, Chou, Bro.
rompriblog. a general and apartment of
fresh tool seasonably goinls. sow beingiveeivell di
reel front the Manufacturers.
1 3 orehasera are assorell .that every case olitaTcl
positively lie sold to the highest hithrer, 31111 i the
eatalogtic still entloalce the!laraest tool hest:thsorted
stork ever oirereil at tmetiou'in' this city.
The sidtserilter's arrangements with the•rnauttrae-
Weeps aru such, that reguint• setdi-auttual FAIL, will
COlitilille to he held as they hale heel' the past year,
and on,thu first Tupsday hiTebtsinry and August of
each year, a great setui 7 aunnal sale.
Catalogues will he ort!iptire4l,tuttl the pontll open
ed for.exantination the (lay pros inns to the sale.
GEO. \V. LORD, Auctioneer,
Phila..lan. 17, 1841. 208 Market street.
11.1 BIDI' o'f' LUCKSL'.II4%.,
liVholesale Denierel in
Foreign and Domestic' Dry Goads,
No. 45, 'North Second Sfree4.
A . few doors South of Arch street, Philadelphia.
wrouLD respectfully' invite the attindinn of
country buyers to their large assortment of
goods suitable to the season. • •
They have. on hand a large stock a 'Foreign and
Domestic Gooda,laill at lower iwiees 'thou they
can now be had and ore prepared to offer inducements
.to the trade.
We solicit a call from buyers before purchasing
elsewhere, as we are'satislicd that the pilces it which
WC can offer our goods cannot fail to give satisfaction.
January 17,1844. 3rn,lg
Ifota,"ce. •
TIM Assignee account of Wm. M. Porter, Esq . ,
Assignee of George M. Phillips, has thin day been
filed in the Court of Common Pleas of e mdierland
county, andIeUESDAY, the lath of FAA, nary next,
appointed fbr its confirmation.
T. IL CHRIS WELL, Proth'y.
'Jan. 17,18 , 14. tf4r.t
firitiE petition of various perilous for the
" M. Incorporation of the ' Evangelical Lutheran
Congregation of St. :Itophen, I,(Angstown," have
applied to the CoUrt
,01 . ,Cornraon Pieas , of Cumber
ing] county, finr a charter of Ineorporatien and if no
sufficient reason be shown:l6,th° vontrary, will, be
come and be a corporation or_body.tolitie rit-the
neet April Term of said Court according to act of
Assembly in such cases made and provided .
Teyt,T. H. HRISIVELL,,ProtIk'y...
• Tan. 17, IRO. •
.F.WCE; I4 'I4 6 aCaI-Wc!
TIIE supplemental account of Elamite' .N. Bally,
nssigaee of porsheirrierit'CroMleleh, bas this - v.loy
,filed oMmon.Plesis of Cum:
berland I;,ei!oty - ptml ;1'0(41111y, the:l44l! clay: of ..Feb,
ruary: apiOltitetl Ar,,ats On by ..001t1
~i f
'4l' IJS:SrielL;:ProtblY.
• '
) ' -
I a
, ' ' .;' • ,
; , • _ . - •.7 - , , • •
juvufau,sl4O ths*ct"ollesemilly; passed the i'itti , d4y of 'lny; 7 lB:44,,Che 4011o;vicig statement icereVy phhbshed.bir.ithe .00mmissi4p*s,, CuMbethind enunty,
description and value 'of the R'e9l,and'PerSonal,;l"reperiy' Trades, Occupations atid Professione 'Made taxahle by the' several Acts of Assemhly of
Ongt.CominonWealth, showing the amount oT...the valuatioh,lOgether„, ivithAhe'iaMeunt Of. the, several l'axes assessed fOr Sta . te,-peepo6l3+ etich ,770iinahiP•and Borough
• •
hlthinlli'enunly" of CUmberland, and ace .apportionurpent .theXeto neacirClihg•co lecir‘•
•. • •
- • • ,•; , • •
,r.r.;.vi,;;i - ,, , ,,,,, ; ;:.... , ..‘ .. ..,4‘.....•.';•;,•••••. -.- - - •;•: ,i , .."...'-, • . -,,,, t -' . -- ': - .:,,',1 . ; , ., ."•."...'. , '.i:Akt.'k'."-i - h':*Yilf - •; ,' ..'" '- . - .. • . --- . - • , ..,--; tel:...,'lViit':::.',k/t.A . ___,:':' ' l''' , .-, : r..,....:".....
, " C ' . 6 ., : , :1i '' -St ,;. Y . Wil - 1310 Ill.''. 4i.itiliiititei / :Whole Iv. Whete l 'fi , J 'Whole -- a:: „ , , - ;„; ; ;11401. ~,,..Wltoie • Whole a- . , Whole a- Whole. m.
,Who: .. em l - -..,*.'hisil:E,',a.: i:j.yViipl9,a- ',.Whitie it- 9roasam't
- - ,i, -, ~„•-,.'..,. . ,
,- mountptytt., , !ipßrapna,.-.• mount el va- mount '4l Anpicri!_;:nf! . opet to erest qt . toun, of mount .of mount of mount of sa- , mount .:of, tophq , ,id',.. ...rodent of.
~Mount, of . of state tax
; " ';' : :; 2 ' . 2 , -" ' : ,' •.• 1, , -I'llistittrf,4.,int . lrade's,' . „oe- luation for State tax' en "Mortillicit,- on.atutteo - ,. ...lStitte. t a x m car ri ages , . State tax on levies& cm- State Mi. ,Oh fornitirfro" Aide tax on state tax on ;in the •
'.- ;'.''..;,--;:' ' .;;,'-: ail:: tittiVeA e',,tit;:atiOna & shalt purpo; the same
,at iffo#ll,yatitt- ,'.. '...,,',"";... '..o.4 : iitlllsoli e- also,persotit the pine at olumenls 'o the Banta'. at hove OW the mite ^ at watches. county.
~.• .. '- . . ~ -.,r.., mito. , - . olk . k,,iiro(6BSihts sea on all or.. .I.'ollon the tiOaVeleti(a ---,:‘:, -•':'-','..-: : very . ", 'per trades, peen- 1 porsent Op office above 2 per eteit on Itir,,statte.. i per cent . • •
",..s, . • - ,:., ..''•'P , blO',l)i , ..j .l NV 120. itinl,tieles mail dollar. ~•., duo TAM - 4...."';•:, '`'.. cent interest pations and the ddllitr. $2OO lot the dollar.' piirtioges.: on the del,
ff - Toimiltipft'ide- Cch“ - ,-..eiiiinty, Uni . er,,', 7 ';:e'totl taxable for -,•' ' , `; aolieettpletr :' ; •••;' "t"; on the dol. professions . : ... State put•po- ". *• s ' ".
'', ...,..;.:.„.;••• ler. .
, s i, r t i l k": ' p e ,
)9!19:10130.' .
..... . . •
00rOilal10':1 ii:litil49i,,e r : aubject -'• to county,pin.- •'• . : bri t titticks;;;; - ~.$,..f.'-'''': • liar.
, ses. •
, .. . ...
7 ''`
...:". •• • "•••• :,".','-',,-• State' Tai. po t s e e p s t , inn. , ex- . . l i o c a a t t i m an e w n iti ts i , n ii ; ; ,-., .. ,!;,, •
. ,
- ':-. " -. trades, * on: "'. ' , eorporatiMil '--".- . .
, _ . ......... ._ ........____ ........... .... ..... .._._ ...........
• - . ~ - rap:diens,* - . • . front other,, ..___... ..... ...
•.„ .1 .professions. .. .. Btatqs. - .. . ~ . .
• , •
. , ~ 'of $2OO Mill , - 1 • , ,• .
----- _ ..
,_. „ _
Allen 6mol 90 4449 2 ' 636698 - 13676
. .64527 6 193 58 5605 .56 05 375 •7 50 . 400 , 2110 12 9,5 .-,- 911 08
Carlisle, 1,390710 225500 66521(1 • 665 21 lBl2lO • 543 63 • 31230 SLe :10 14,50 29 00 211
Dickinson,. 658235 23395 . - 634340 634 54. ;18130 . 54 59 2400 24 6(i .. OP 116 SS
. ,
E. Pennsiorough 735420 - 46800 - 688220 688 62,, 61222 • - 183 67 5765 37 65 100 50 425 '
,914 69
Frankford, 176296 : • 2426 , 173670 173'87, ' • .17878 ''. 53'63. . 0101 6
9 11.1 , - .232'60
1 lopewell, 192825 . 23200 169626 169 6.1 14188 . 42 50 6401 40 , . . I'oo 219 59
Mifflin, 201050 6440 194640 194 64 . 12278 . • ' -36 83 .
7901 ' 7 90 . .
, • 1 50 1240 87
Nletwoe, 636175 2508 5 613080 013 08 51086 153 29 30651 30 65 , . 50 798 52,
Nlechanicsburg, • 85030 16201) 68830 68 85 249611 .
74 88 .3130 31 50 • . 150 75 8 50 1.0. ‘2";
Newton, 414860 . 18090 42671(1 4211 71 .23540 70 6'2 1308 13 08 '
• 700 350 . • 75 '514 66
Nrwrille, : 05705 11855 - 53850 53 85 84100 42 30. . 1315 13 15 • 21)0 1 (H 1 - 800 118 1 ,
. • ,
New Cumberland, 36875 4525 32350 32 35 . " 726 ' 216 1105 1t 05 - .
4,0 p 49 56
North Nilibilet.on; 663715 33147 625568 625 57 #4953 134 87 2635 26 351 -. • . ' . •1 00 77 81
S mith Middleton, • 62 4010 45986 57802 578 62 33742 -, . 101 23 2470 '24 70
,1 201 106 .1 00 .796,A5
Silver Spring, ' 768070 .. 41710 72656& 726 36 42.500 127 50 3620 36 20 '
- C 975 805 81
. . I .
Southampton, 453100 • 35050 . 448050 4)8 05 498115 ' 59 66 ~, 1470 • 14 70 - • 75 523 -16
Shippenshiirk ho, 193825 " 43335 150490 150 49 _ 18320 • 51 . 66 . . 5785 57 85 - '
.. , . 5 75, • 269 1 .05
Shippensburg• tp. . 894711 • 4010 85460 85 46 - 950 - 2 . ,,J5 —", 330 , 3 SU .
- .
• .. 100 . 92 Cll
W.Peimsborough - 7802E5 • • 43380 742835 742 84 1 48640 ~ . __1.1.5 - 3,) , 2 _.,---1 925 19 '25 . , 801 - . 1 00 - - ;916. 61 1
..--- 77 . -.---- -,--- -I
$84.72,3 -7 1/ , $69106, $7,715,211 • $771.5 12 . $052,411,1 , 6 "'"078 53 73159 • 731 SSI - 1905 3810 ' 12850 64 2 25 - 117 00 $10744'701
NOtiee is also hereby given, that the' Board of Revision will meet in 'the Commissioney's'otTice, in the borough of ('•arlisle, on Monelnr the 29th day ofJannary instant,
to revise, correct, and equalize the valuation of all property tax a ble by law, and for 'finally determining whether any of the valuation of the Assessors have been made
/0w a just rate according to the meaning and intention, of the law, ,and from the time of publishing the returns of the Assessors as above staled, viz: from The'date of thi s
notice ."until the aforesaid 20th day of January 'instant," any t a xable inhabittuit of the county shall haiie the right to examine the said rettftn in the Commiss'ioner's office.
That the said "Bohm! of Revision" will "on receiving the returns of the Asscssors, proceed to examine and enquire whether the woos hate been'inadein . ctinformily w ith
the laws of this Commonwealth, and whether :ill property to be valOed fOr taxation for State writ Comity purposes, has been 4'alued at a sum or price not leis'than the same
would bring after full public, notice, at a public sale, supposing e a ch separate hit or piece or tract of land, With!the improveinents.or the personal property ( 4 , era c h individ
nal,.company or corporation only were to be sold." And that the said Board will "receive and ennsider the written eommunie.ition of any taxable inhabitant Of the conmy, •
relative to :Inv property which such taxable inhabitant 81;ail b e lieve to have been reduced, too low, and on the day appointed" aforesaid, for determining 'whether an y,. .
property has been reduced too low, or redtifie the same if tog high, they shall proceed to raise the price or valuation of 'any property which t►ee+j shall believe to have been
reduced too low. That when the whole of the valuation of the Assessors shall have been raistuLrevised and equalized, in conformity with law; the same proceedings
shall be had in reference to notice, appeals and corrections, which are now h'ad by the laws of this Commonwealth. excepting only'that the - Board of Revision; in3tead of .)
the County Commissioners, shall hear and decide upon appeals." 7
Ailest--3orEN linviN, Clerk
January 16, 1814.
• . . .
Orphans' Court Sale of . . •
For Sale. or Rent, W ashington. Hotel, NEW SOUS FOR • CHRISTMAS !
: •
E. Nl: i th i t l l. l:; lrl l, l ‘ ..t ° it b o t , { t ',r i . ll t i l l i l e n t l '... l olp l 3 l o ° ,3l l- :rM b i l • t srl t ;:.: l tsen. .'. • • SPLE.)II'DID .I.IIr.rUsILS.
POSSCSSIOII glVen oil the Ist of April next. .i" I s [lll A IJ - 1 1 11 11 '.-•') E ;13 ~ F- . 1 5 PA. _ ,
.ff N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' JOHN W. CRAIGHEAD. - - MYERS 'Sr. TIAVERSTION bits jest received
_EL Court of Itedibrd 1,411111, IIII• 11 1 ,111 , ClillITS will • January 17, 1844. • ralilie Subscriber begs leave u) in nt n) i a spletidid assortment . of "ANNUALS,"
',ell • it piddle setidno on line preitikes. in Snake- • 11 , the pa.die that he has leithed this Weli kilo, ti consisting in ionft-or the Opal, Gil, Friendship's
spring Vallq, on TuESI)AV,the l,itit day or vEit- . House and %ore for Rent it,,,,,,,, wio,•i, kis recently undergone a thorough re
RUA lIY, next, nod 00 the pryntibeq at the ihrks ill'
lIE D‘V ELLIN '..(rM' OUSE 'AND s'il RE
. , i i , i ii i i i t z ., , , , ,: l l , l , l l a } ,i te l i ut;tiitiln . ..,l it anew with the best 01 Bed- Offering, biterdry Solivenier, American and Bri•
. .
the-Wheelhar, and Pittsburg Turnpike Roads, on the T . dsi, Poets, in rich and sin:key binding gaitable
day followiM4, the herealiur described Beal Estate for - ...lirktmits prei+elds. Al . . so a choice selection
or sin... Niii 4ir detie.ised,,elate of • Providence 1100 ;‘ 1, 1 ":" . 6 cculli"d by N. \V' WoOdlc itee4:llothat: A 1 I::i i h r e u l ' i t s: ' o r t e :tl i t t t l i.Li i ;l4 l l:: % t v eri. i i " a r n i :l l ' ' e l"i ' im i . ° -
and situated oil the of elegantly hound Ilibles, , Hymn! Hooks, C . Ol1 s .
iu'iii '' " est ' ern " ' o f the lothtio..ener in the very best iitylii, and immi such 10111510
TOWIISIIip, to l% it 1— Naar, of this burough, is 011i11•C11 rot' rent. Vl./FSI•9- • • ominot coil - to please. mot: Prayer :title,—togetner•with a general as
- slot; tri,,in or, the liit,of Apri ',next. It is cite or 'lie
~ W. T. E.ANDERS, kortment of 2tandaro, Aliseellaneons.and
The e;Filettesioti. Tract, fliest eligible iiti,,iiii.,ei i,..,iiiiis ,ip the bereiigii. Eli- Dee. 20, 1313. . r .. . SortooL BooRS.
skunk. i., Snakespring Valley, emit:tilling. one him- trOvo of
deed and eiellistlireo.iires, 'Cutely-ohm perches And GEO. EGE., -
J. RI. INIC.R.Irt , all of which will be sold lower than ever ofrered
ailowative, of nest rate limestone land, one hundred Jootiaq 17,1814. . • ht Carlisle—also, .
and fitly /MVOS or V,llit . ll are cleared and under fence; ' - -
and thirty lII', or s, - ,..11 watcycil me:Mo.-16th 11 •
.7.- - .9' a CrDa - A `',:.a?..c.a.aava. ST Al IO NE RY
two btory - . lilarrisbitiv, Poi • .
~ ..,A l _ r •
~---- rpliir, oweni, g part or the stout buildinA.,...iiiiate •
p EspFurFuLLy int
i t 0. 1 .1) It [ vi t9 p - F,.,?" 1 4.4 ;! .'; Yl3' ( s lon the sotilleesitt coriaT ol tlll2 COOtre .1111111• C, 1. '- .
... , Papers, ruled and ithriad from 123 to 25 cents
f 1 'ti LI
.4 i ...I Z 1.921.10 orni4 the Far
r ' , ill :' " '' . ( o • I vin the (wee ,eery of NI itch .11 m e 'him. - ~... tilers, Milk's, M,..ti.lbints a nd the public gcu-
~. :I I ; 4 .) • 1111 COI
1 , . , , _
, Of ', OVOry variety, bait quality of ,Leuer and Cap
and doable barn thereon ertieted.---.).?-72..........a.v. ' l',. , Ap ril . , J I ' best,)ever Points
Pane, Pencils, ( ac ison s Silver (
r - ''vloct , 4 F. , , IF ofrc , 'Nl tor lent. Possessiot, ghee ci, it, math', tbat he :Is now prepared with lorge and coin
-Ist nay in 111%1. 41111100111 ‘l'iiiie •Ilonses, on the Priam Ciuntl, 111,111•,
Tlll.l, IF 1 / 1 •NilIOS 1111 this 1 . /11111 1111 1•1171111 t 1.1111 Well ' Per quire; Quills, Blue-fluid,and black Ink, Steel
siiiiateil ord.:till of eliiiiet• fi iiii tee,s—uud i i lit / +•- A Ise—'l'lle Brick Bnililing . „ , 7- 1, -.. ••( ~. : . ...., Sea l ' ' and plain, Motto• Seals, Panel
, ,'t,, j g ; • in Store for Shipment, Country produce unit -Alit- ing . ttax, ftncy ,
11.. loot el AViitilut street, in I larrisburg, to l'ecoiVe Lends for ditto,, Wafers colored 'end transparent,
sum, spring i,ues trom the ~ , , Toiniit Jint in Irma iir citinde n i, the c o niv e or 11 1 w, ~,,,,
thc 1m0... ; th, re rise licsi•li-i cobscnictit not build- Enid 1111'1.4.4 1, , hitely occupied 1,3 .linniZt f l,9t....AV .
i "o' i; q elontilize Nit. Philadelphia, Baltimore and
and all intermediate places. , D. Leech and Co's knives, superior and cheaper than ever fitTered in
log , , erected upon the ground, also oily other
Y;wg. ' l' i . " 1 " d'i"s".lli; is i " g ; 11. ""! fm. - 1 - I' ' '' . Line, and the folloning first c lass tide NVater Canal the mar k ot.
Pill , buri; folders, together with a large assortment of Pen
reot. ,'”,scs , ,, , ,tt w... in, g. veil ,niniemate.y, or'on . • -
FAnWI . Oil TRA(Tr OF LAND, die ILI day of April next. Enquire or ]!oats, ~ ill run from the lionst,s in Ilarrisinn. Carlisle, December 13.15.13.
,itimiciii same %aims. nue/11. the nsetipiiney of coo. -JACOB ZUG. Boat,
64 J. C. itileAllehter,
Shieker,eoiimining 'tun itandr, 61 .11)661 . ilt . 4 Si Be V 46 4 I a Pli , 11•, Jewelry 3, 18.11,---3t. Chesapeake,
• Mary and Martha,
and It 7 I.Th,, Ili' 81111.11104 , 111111— 170 111:1 . 1., or _. ____ . •-.--- -
shielt are cleared and under ticluee. ili AunTo 61,.‘, Houses for Rent.
lliellaill 1:11111, Mill there ;11.ealeSilleS lll'e lel 4.i 1.1 lI
FIE DOUSES AND 1.0 . 1' belong- - -
ands of fine young fruit trees in fon beariiir, with an
apple mill and ileehli thereon. A good )i Mg to Bev, R .beet I•Imory, lately occupied by Ti iv I 1 (Di'D lii 3
1.111: DWELLING 110CsE and dim- ...i..4" 0, . I'. Eilllaell S. Walker . ; , pmsesdii given home- . . ....I; . 0 October Itl,
I NOUS!. S Orelrird • nil lot :m
tilt In Laura in thereon creek il. A . :',.,.. g ii-tely"m-L ,, .. ••: , .., ~ , ",• . vr T II E subscriber has just received, and ------------------ sire:int a water rens 1 , 1 0,1 the I vi n i t ( l i m n 0 • 1,11 A in the oceitttileycd Mr. George itingwait, amino
_ .. .a . „.,.. i ng ,. 1 ,„„,„,;„„ g „ . „„ nn the i „ o r Ai „. ir „ ex ,. 1 , 0 ,,, has roe sale, a few copies of the following new 1 1 )11,2.,.31 1 / 1 ., „lira - in/ill 11 5,
the whole year round-also
ON WI CD T ULM au r ~tiztat, treats apply to the subscriber, agent lor the owner. 0 firks.'•
'A'. 0. SEI AIOUR.
December 6, 18.13. - I. "WILY ARP, YOU A LUTHERAN." - A B' UNCI.I RAISINS, Oranges, Lemons,
tf.,6 %yolk giving a cornet tie. of the doctrines of tie currants, and Prunes. . ,
at thefoi•ks of the earl in Napier tow list.ip, some in
--- Liitheimi Church, by the Rev. 11. Kurtz, I), D. Assorted Pickles. Fine Olive Or Table Oil, hsst
tho oectiminey of Clutides Stuckey and Daniel Stink- . • ,,
cv, conniiiiiiig 216 or line lion,tone hold, Ito :toys l'or Reid: 7 Q. TIIE YEAR 1300 K OF THE REF'ORNIA- brands. Citron.
of which are cleared mid order fence, 80 'meadow, ETIIIE subscribers will rent .that large and ram- '.IIUN."-This is got tip iti the form of an animal,
with 'wo good t rehards thereon. 'Jo this place 11
tchre is erected a splendid. •
modious DOUSE tit life , toit iii the inccipancy and iti an elegant manner.. It contains a number of C At h i ° l. L t m a l i. 3 ,l, l, -:-. e-. Vi i t a r k io e u r : R q N tia t lit i t ' e. ' s m . 'I
11 : °.r7"thic.
a mi..,:, sni . nt , C. mitt ,,,, , 0 . ,,,,,,. ( 1 „„, M g t, ! ti .,,. 1, well Written :kr tielrs ircin a number o f .m i n isters
. i . l
. , , opposite the Mansion house I fowl. 'liie fisii•ilei. different deumnit r ndions, chit -11 y relating to the likt : I ; ': l l, 4 l,' e vi tt h ie l i i • ii :ll " l . l.n genertl 'tisiortnient of NutmegS,
i w. 0
stories high,
Si) lir 45
lire,, w
iil 1
c a t h t , s ,i c ,, l , o . n t l u t i i i i t t i l i ii: ,, l s lott i si: ht i , s t, l o :i i i i te
i t s : I ,l, d ,, i i i i ec il d . t. t . i u l l l ieo i ( l ., , , ,
t i , , , 1 i ,.
z c i •!:: i i i r t .i , i ) .t i i i • m t e .,
n i: , i c iez i t t i y oi , rs ,,,,i tu ,, .. ir l
andC l o v a e 5 t,.... , , e n l e t:7 i ; t i t s o: , , , , o l: n e e p i i: t er o , f G . i l t i lg o et .t . , , e 4 , l . l . l i sli i i c e l e e ,.:% i
i l s il t. e l
i t: e ,
buildings, heel) ns stables, grainerie'r, tv.e. fleeeFleilly a noleding.: ttiAr. Cr Sture. Possession given on 11 111 A most.
.istett..Sting andusellil honk. line et n Grocer. ,
for a taveril'hillthe. There are besides erected there- the Ist day iff ..Vpril firx,t.
on, TWO FARM lit 'USES, a large bunk barn slid , . . JOHN .Nortu: K CO. Cal•lislv, Dec:20,1843. . if 6
grain:l.y. one DOC Atli, I lOWA, 11101 Still I.IOIISP, and December 27,1847, ifs ', _ __, ___ Carlisle, Deceniber 6, 1843:
JACOB SENElf t . i.. .. 2.
_ ,,t, lti' i o p t.;s ti %le s. at the Subscriber's Store -- j.. kik , l . liii ,, l i e w w . cs , t
ii large stable :Intl dry house, a Igo two other dwelling
/1,9' ' - V------ • .
hinoes :mil II wagon nattier shop, and a black smith Ditvediiii.,..' ~..111 1 1St 10 nen!. INDI AN VEGETA/3LE rr.x.i.s. ,
.1,0 1 „,,,,d shop. A Isle one other wit I C ~,im . i . ii;„,.. „w oos r oe rent. ' t h e i „,„,,, 0ry 3 tis . r received a fresh lot old:is valuable ineili.c
ine b y' the soh,eriber, tole Agent for carlie.
Tract of Land, - Stone DWELLING 110 U SE, on
e „....„
~ .
CIIAS. OGULIIY. Thanksgiving" .56 ChtlUtmas . ,
North Ilimover strei t, next door to the .....-7- •
Dec. 20, 1813 _
adjoi ii; it" the above, mitt:Ming 1‘...'3 acres, 60 :Wren of p„,, oty,„ , „„, „„., i d e d i n . m t ., ~ g ; ; ir UST received liy :MYERS It.: HAVEIISTJ el':
W Inch are cleared and under 6 , iive, nail ten acres ill c 1„,„,,,, Al„,I,•„0„„,... ,t, i s r ,,,,,,,,,.. 5 •I'** . ~ III" Presli Alai:fp Grapes. pedeelly sound, best
..1 • . •
ineallow. On the follawkng terms to wit: • inglv condin.table,houselis &add gooll
One thousand dollars of the purchase tiMney or ph,,, , :tee,,i ronms.ts%o of Ilie.ll iire'plipdredoilithliere 4 D . ; ill ',.. & D l l2 ;11112‘3: Al'lii.urn'tjillilifi'llo*!hO'i!il'eerr,Ya fi
1 ill "toll 3 '...1. ' ;.L) 0 "- '
ll' ""th'i"" 1 ,1 " , e 1 " j'emal" in the hm , d , "I the 1." , - is air o till ootry from tic street. *flie•lionse has also „ „„ r , , .., . „ . rants,Keg Raisins. ,
chaser the lif e o y t h e w id ow o r th e said Si- reeeotie heen Painted- It has lilt the necessary out- - aII YI u, ;NI uscrtner 'lifers to sell or rout; LF. MONS 6t. ORANGES,
man /-
Stio 4 er, dee" , edt•he fraYing her the interest huililingi, such as Smoke lonise, B:,c. nod an excel- the Collnivilig Mill Properties, situated 011 the
thereof yearly, and to ben lien mum ll:eland-one I,„ t g .,,,,i,,,,, For t erms , ,5,, e ., h ala i ro ,,,,, fl u; 's tore Juniata Creek, adjoining Petersburg and Dunciiiiiiiin
third or the . 111leellase money ni 'each ease, ouly :le- ~,u„ii j .4 . ', • ,,r •
(hteting the above mentioned .I,;itiott, In he paid in Carlisle, Jim. 10,1844. Joll\ SNYDER. loot: Worksomil known as the "Vetet•shurg Atills," er " 1 . 11 3
5 1. ...11 No. I is a . Alinoods, Wl:hafts, Brazil and Ground ,, n . tat , s, . geli:
Alt\ . 'general assortment of CONI LC ill . -
hand at the conlivivation of the Sale, the halancc in ' Ducinither 13, 1841. fini 7
three equal annual payments I llClTltiler, witimill it, STONE MERCHANT .&
.(z'RIST IHLL, .
torch!, to be scoured by Judgment floods, or Bonds I-Itonses .for Rent. , , ,or c FISH, SALT, MOLASSES, &C.
forty b y ~tv wet, three stoi•ies' high. exclusive of die
and Miortgage in. Mortgnges. „. . NVO comfortable Brick I - louses. Pos- A,:orret, Wilk two water wheels:mil Iran. run of Shine
lia 11
Selo eOl lilellee'la 10 o'clock AM. Of each ses si on given on the first of JailiCary,or on the Cost Spur nod Ilevid Gearing. Crain ' tr. ll Hotly
- . first of April next. Vdevanws, Smut Atilt, &a., all finicheil off lii the beet • N: I .- . S I.LNION
.. 0 • supe. im.. : , . • . ..
Item to snit the tinter. llellelee. No. 2is,n . . 'A few bones dried Jiy.IIII.ING.,
wiNwit,iiiltit.'::iist,ti-iiTil,arltie!yr : ) .:k a . IIC Ic IiI I EILEL, (fresh), in
- , ..,1 4 if3 . 4 . - N '7„„,;,,tr571=;!,i2.,a . - New Orleans or Otieltakitii Molasses at 41) cents
. per Lorton or 10 cents a'quart. ,
. . .
- capable of cutting 12.00 to 15110 feet of Boards . prt. Il i .st New l'ork. Sp:Ts 111 .g.l_by the gallon, or
.1 °lire 10 C retli fors. , Houses tO Rent. ii'lly•.l6 cents per Too. . • , ,
, „ .
•• a'riirii . the advantage the shove Mills litire in'tlis- . A Lot of !me TABLE 'SA:LT In .boxes and Os
Xl", OTICE is hereby given, that [have implied to ti two story Briel,!dwollintitolom malt etablin, posin t , of all their products without the ennui:se or ;bulk.
ilti the Jilitges at the Candor C ommo ., ph. n , o r
~ t_tke„R Sille,lea ill We'ia Iligh street. Also, i., two 'lratisp s iniation, they nee worthy the attentioi: of p . m- ' A Lot iff Liverpool G. Alum SX't o tT• 'ltytlielinsli.
Condos land.countv; Mr the' benefit a the Insolvent story brick dwelling house with a store-rtiMn, ware
house tke., in North llanover street. Also, utilisers or rentersonal will he 'sold 01 , let separittely el or Sack, in giant order.
Laws cif ' th is Coinntonwe.ilili. ,And that they hose the Sim i' to suitintreliasers or renters. . Constantly min timid and fin , itile fix .„• .. .
oppointed TUEstux the IStlk of February ileXt,Cor UlljOillilig the wine now moulded I.y Mr. Malloy. . AMOS A. JONES. J. W. EBY. •
the hearile, a me, and 'toy creditors at the Court AN" , the frame if dwelling house amid 011°11'ir
ntni) !6' Peteralmrg,Dee.2o, 1813--Ps , Cnilisle, Dee. 6,1843., - , 11-t3
Douse in.the boro ugh qf Carlisle:when and where the. Post Ofilee. Also, a Small frame do ell iiitt home ..---
Yhtt may fittenitif yen iliitik kopek: 1 ..- in WIr , I. Lnuthey Streetoind n sniall two story,brick ' - , - •
olwittal . FREEzE . house,in riAir of dm saint: on Dickinson Alley. • SUGARS, COFFEE, Si3O. . „,,
ill. Ill' 31f1)113‘ 011'21
(, fv , ,pi,_ i b Possession to be given fill ale ISt Orile'll next.
_ . L 1.. .l. ell tutus apply to . 71 , (1N EST quality Loaf and Crushed SUGAR, at .
. , .
" ' YE us &• HAVEItTICK huve just
; DeceMbet. 20,1843 • J NO. ,B. :PARKER.
.. lt 11 rents per lb. . , .. fla
.. Second finality . Firiii Loaf land Crushed, -good - opened for the accommodation of their young
• - qui:lite, at uslial price t 2 , 1, vents per lb. .. ' ri ends a large assortment of - - . ,
. . . ,
. . .
• . . xtoutsrs. TO n MIT.
T UE subscriber #oUld respectfully . ' ,iii-.. • ' Mown Suprs,bt leach equal to any itilthe intit:k- , -..,------....
Toys,l'oy BOokslf Fancy ,Irotiotair
• e 1 , 5 1 2:. Alla lo ceots, Per lb. . , ' -
form his friends mai Abe iodine dint he has , lat e - . r a n t sfl,NWsto House and several siliallt:.ttiliri•n
ly f etdenishinT his stock lintl if; 1196. , oirerlng .at she tillfi jo, well situated, tire a tt ire d for Vela, Also " I . Hte t i .'"'"!"' ir S "e" r 1 Plp er i b .' l .• ~.).., „ • s io,. J . Or little fslks,. both amusing, nod instruem'e.
old stand in Nordi Ili:novel. Stivet, a splenl.l ['Wirt:. II CONIC!. ,:ono t.ited fora grocery store, will bt', .. ; , ,i prtn, tip
. 5.. , 0 ze . i i it 1 . e .,1 ;unit h s ... e .: ennv , iza,a) al
Call be f ore the nemrtmentis broken.
meal Hardware, Cuttery,of in ia l vt o f rented : for that purpose or othet•wise. ' Enquire or ~ '":' . l ota at " , "y , ""; '‘'.',"!.' "`,;
,',',. 1 "., ~ ,„ . December 13, 193.
Locks,lituges, screws, nails
- awl spikes, ot all
- . ...Now opening tit out t.i out) t o r t , iTrfii. /saw
and:sizes. . Grain, Canal and other kinds cfShovels. . Carlisle, November 22, 1843.
... eAlittE2oEfe
Carpenters' Tools, such Its plinies,,saws, eliiyelo, *i.e. . . . 111:11,• AS, trader the pretence a titib, l l , e - -
. ' , VE'tIMLE - fiATAL ZPll , llfir 83
Bar !eon; blister, cast and shear. Steels. ' Saddle Ra,rgains for Cask - fl orgoximi) and solifosfiokoale'mall retail by Dr.' ‘ 7 , rived from Sumlvy ut f recortled . Plied; qiinl
and bridle mountings in sets; Sailille Trpo,girting " • , - ~,
Shoe, Findings .r every li e . T , H E subscriber lifiVing received a fresh l :F orri N s \ ii c, ir C , . ,
i tl . 'l'ller sea , :iyeat Side Atarket Square, 'sali'.B nude 'for edem, which by I•cpcsitell l l l ..lititlien
bona of the "Conti. of Common Pleas 'of:Cumber
sacullP°llitir , \ ll V l e atg in a g ti . y and Glair: knobs of,,die Ila. . ' supply. of BOOT'S it sums, lIATs and 'lth i s o Sjdrits Inv war6inted:to•Le•SupetiOr to an' , liihil ounieN., anal-tile Supreme £0111:1,(if 'this State
test styles. Alert ,
,i/ )1 kinds have Iteen'tleelered.freduteat ithdteinW p hirge qsati
Oils, ipalnis , :vild irw rit i s h, s , is maw determined to do mill entii•e , Casla businetis and,; ( ,/. Grease, 'Par, 011 War, 11ie., - trom Indies and 'titles rtf!cliestatt . mid other .valimble 'aniline •havi.
a.s while leAt i , . siorl 7 , or , i , u„mtnt i n . b o i" ,a ; ,• sell with Anil profit% die publfa generally ore M..- r , :ntieniejo , n t ming ill:pare!, Le., without injuring tieen cut upon the lands known* the Mount holly
MA 'hell to eat' and exainitie the Stock and"Pricee be- '
japan Varidsh, GLASS of all sizes, from 8 by2lo
upwitt:d." Alsp, 'nth nssor'tinent of Archer's ?bre inn•elntsla,,.. elsewhere, as 1 nth' • tleteribilied to ; i t ei Ti i It •J S . : •'..,, d e erfcl N. a l in r, itncit ' i "g 6 P d fc "7" Etta le ; the public , are thereforellerebY nati fi vid,that
'Om Kalil ,•stote eonsisting of Wilke traco or lant(.l2i
Patent 'sell cheap for, past), ,Mulaviid 'due Hetes - any of dun- s.° l t t:;ll l l Y o u ll ' iri Y It h e l t nr i u bim r il a t " yery iiseftil titlnle for re- 'tiny Write used since the peat. !Mk iti'evlikaimiwith
Lind Latnps,tokether Witli otherfirtieles too tinnier: ; '
it ng. . . • Wlll. M.III.ATEF.H. moving dinflruff front the hend nntl leueintthe 'Hat' 'the aloitat /fatty icon Wol:ka, exec iii!! such . Per- .
. Carllsit.,:lan AO, 1844. , , , . If.t
All of which will be snit( twenlv-firc per tent low:. • in a healthx and ysgprouo , poittlitieti. • ' • tlOlllB 118 NOV shine beet. sold by the Valiseribec,) are
er th an they have eviir:beett soldfiefore, for eaal, an d , •
NOTICEn . ' '
ma l: l t e •ic t e o , t 3 h 7 p t .e . ce4t i6 s ratite. .i l l , ef icii
i to
s. A l l i, i ,t tif! ii . 4 ! discount
.tilltyn,j.pirrtoopeeortry.; o e f oi tr e, , , l;:a u r c i e nt t i ,3 r , s t ' he Br. sh lk e t i tt i. 4l o to t d4s i ' d ll oo k o n n k,• ,! .
good Money.' Call and amnion Itelbre'faireliasitig ,
elsei4herp. and if the ailieles 'and Piices are not Sold. in Carliale..iby T. C.,,STEVENSON find ty, in. Angina 1838 ; thin. all,,,dieds not .peopideo
~ T.• pe'r,49 ' riel...iii ! eit ' oiti . g. ' the ' ris ' tilve.''B jtf- 71 . 1.6 t EMS k HAVERSTICE, Agents for ibis bo., withi n 6IX itionths.frum dielime, of tteir eteentlon ,
A i dehted to the suhaeribevs either by Note* or rough. .
foond 111 . 3 etotdd 'yon,neett r hot nurehase. Call Stymy .
ride. ' '•.. . ' .. JACPB SBNPI. . Book , oh ~ ~ i ' • c all •
Carlisle,.November 22 1843. •..•". ' , • - tf-4 Itt : CO t, , are 'questa( tu and settle the - ;,Caeli,le;l t io . roinbov T, 1543.. , , , '.
MI , eal;4ld)Y,/Arcicrllftkift4Ala-'elriltivi 1 ti an n t gt e* !lt f2 ts 7 t th u S l i i a se y iln i e 7- 0 1 tVa * r... :1
some withouTdelay , , ss,they Intend sottm . to,,,cdose the . .ohaiprs; that,tbe teams have been rigtilarly pitidoni...
4.n. waltz-A=l;3 - . Present patteriership cbncern: * . ' • - , , ,ir . ..N . ...n.' re-legszz , Zas.sos ,:,., ' on every traoffrAning,part 'ef,i t iktl ,. ,,eatatejrcirkgth
4 -tP4t. •
9 : • ' .- : • ~:, .. .-- ~,.. ,•.! • TE:1,44...J. atioAtos,?, • ,•-.. ~ ...., ~,.........,- •, ,•, ...., , ...•:.••,...; - first oPetipstklOn:Pp to the rElisent OroeVtlikeliy tint : '. C .
.• . Corinkle,ibnuarylll„ll4.l... ~. ~ ~ , .. ~ , trTi 4LL persons Indebteo An tnecsuounibea . py ..0,..*_ o cm agf ol v , dated .120th:Morelt,-I}l24olt:ontuog., - ,
... : ''' • . '. ',''? l , ImportEtut to-Citbinot..ii, ' Chair 1N9.11
:WHOLES,ALE-ti RETAUGRODERT . . , - - ,-'. .: , • - ~.. .A. , oriiook 'l l 66 o 4inlewill.please call amid e e t lle hitolliik n't7Mtailtii 'Or i.iiiiiho l l,Pl : ' 4l ' O t le i ` ta iut'
. , . ' • u... Abell : sr:o%mq Oa Or before . Ihnlst.' day of .Febroai* ''.or * .hinfl;iny,iiertheri l i*es''4iiOnnr.,..frinii;t l iii.lnialedt ..
Rorvarffittir . sv-ci*onission ' • -- • . , next,ns.tha annonntsbf all :, In arreap.aller . t.bat time. a:l;4e, , *ittioati,lbcyliAtin ol i' ..° 1 t i i ! 4 1 :9ft .4, 11 . e ra 8 • '
. ... 11 4 it, , , .
, .. ,
... .. ~.. . - .
..,.1,..0110. < l' ', '. .. , ivlthonereipertioTersbnt,leill'bisiorko "the bands; ITii,deievielintablei offenne ; AA , i the' subivi,i ''.:l!,,
:.• ~ • 44 4 4.%?-c. , 'MAV,Pi •: '-'.:- , THE suilt;Oriher)otiiiio"ititit'a ', tiii'•ii ,- 'iiiiiiiitityoe Pi.., i t,P.M.R l A99.F . ' rc !riOP ec t t r . 4,4 i 'ie r ' 'Or,.t4 '" '' ; WllK,Priea6te 0 1 :1*40 1 140 1 aPdi.4 i l 6, l6 W :4l4 o : 4 l*''''
geril g rt i rOlP t rY PiWii.CeB4Pitiabaig MantifsCturpr, CHERRY .ROARPS, And ~F,POPLAR, , PLANA, ', -'• .ic•, : ' L. - ::,"-.. •.. • :,. ,57 7.,...',4t 4 ,. - 190 . ,he matter tickler ; ivhiOindaliniii . reteiatoeffietilfet..i,-: : V;
--, .1i d. 27(` rathi3treist, prrTSPUIt,O. Pd. . vdah he iVIIIVeII iinfer thlin'ean'lnibitd il Ithirhire r ' l .:'veellsle;`,Talrio o ;l[ l 4.„`: „ c ::: ,- .`22 -. . ; r: i;...'.''c r 0.!•7 113 (loci iii`Sileihittett.' 'll6':4lll.,.altui'gtie; iSkili#4,l,ot,.rs,'
..A.og t '.4 is, 180.,, , ,,,:; ',-,... ..:;,.,::-.,,:.,'.,..,.. .' : • :'. Tor Cctill.-f.% :,-,',".:;' , ,.L , , , c , : '.. ; - . . - ..3oll,NquipAD, , -,!.! . , ... -,. ,- ~ I , .-. '. .. ~, , .... .., c.• -,, , -., .1,avt , 04.0.ns roc•ruriilotirrtitujoilitovtuiy , gia,teiti..s. , ?
. „,. .. . ~."...,„..,.,,..„;.? ~ i .c.0i.ii,.r..19,1844. , ..! , • ; :„,,,, ~.,,,-,..,,,, ,. ...:,•(f1t':., .. , ~. ".,' '''. cASri •cipapit' ;',. , ',1! ,;_lipi•eto,iiici l idiwi.t.T.,*.aiiiit thOOokriti 4 „.!'
E; ';'''
" ' ' ..
, r—WATERTWOFIDOTt. ..'; .:‘,,,,.. "4" '. ~ Llllit'f,ll6,lol4, .
~ k : 0, 3 esd po s p , o r . - ?,.,- .-. .. , ..',.•,--;: , .-f-'l . i.7..::: , fWAVVrltit StrAW''' , ".? '
yy • - ~ .. , 1, ~..,„,,,.•,.- -.I la! ..,:-.:--)-. ''' , .011 , ininnfrkt*-Oliee'Abatil . inn povtlial- , J , ,;.,.., i...,' , -; ; ~,.:1„ t .,, , •,!:,.:A'ainfootli nrsght,Hilm'i.
~ ,,,,.,...ante.or boakiseonn . l, Oat ;num: . :I,lls7',i,u . tOtosk., ipuogy,liirilk, aig.ofoirro,, or ins,nn"4ll.;ln'r,nri:itani'lo';,, , m7:l4ii - 14,11' 0110,!e4a4,19 ',' ;',1)en4')11000:;: : .',,-'•,,:,'',`;;,f ,';,;."..''`..;'.., , '1 . .fP,;;`.,,';',..„';' , C . -' - '.':.
101. '-'° leir 11 ", i 1," 1.1.9:1. # 9 *' ' . .''''''',i . ' '''''' l '4•,'''' . ' "'''':l. n° 64 ,0 oo .. s l! fiih Il i gl: sen 4 AP ° mm-wIYI-car_lTlllliil l Y.buidPOC :,-I. :' - • : ~ , . !', ' , . .5 .. ~ , -• ',H, , %:, ,-. •••;, ,,, ..i0; :tC„.4oy 4 ,,inforreinitoti* :r r oi4l) , '4'01i0.:;14y' , .. , ..:.
: ) .2,, ,. •:::' • - , .:-N•:.0,, ...v5kiA',4.141q...A50, ,, ,1c eV,:fOr:P4* - 1'...i...; ~
~' -,CHAR=PAIMWt:,,,, : • .... ...-,; 1 4‘..:-, , ,;•:_e,','",... ,- ,:j-'..' - ,YCHA„S.ES:IS:IG4EI3Y. .. r:170, - rotwo,,t4l,t;.9o##llllot)' . I::::clii!'' ,. .;')
1....,,, Y0rM.F1'.'i1fP*?,"4,,,:.,..,!i , ~..,:`.. ';.. JtetinntiY,3l Pg 4 k. ..4 , :' ,1 ' , . • ',3 , :!;:: , 7.:TV - ,', ,- L'AL:Pirlisiliti ' lailllii:/ -1,.'!P 4, 4'. ' ' , I :T - ''',--'-'''.,-. , ::::: - 'm'-' ` ,li',4lii , - .. ' '. ',,'... ~:•-,Vr':, i. 401';',,,,••1-1.:A'!"-.,,.,.•i'',,',74t3,0.'-;,:'
~ .,,,,: , 3, , , ,• _ t„,, , ,,„, , z, _ . ,,„ „...., , ". , 2 . .,,.': ,, ,
,-:,,,: .',....,-,' '' -..., ': •
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.',,,-„ .'' .„..,,, - ,',: f ''' ~ .. ','" ~.';',.....1'. . ..., z .,, , . '..
~,,,_'.. •,,,
~,,,, ...; , -,'....„..." ...,..4 . ., . ~,,,
~:„,...1, : '1.T.', ,•'. ,
.1,,, ' T., ,
~....". . ..n.,t.';,,, , 4, T ., „" t ,''`''2, - , ::.`'--''''''.....; .."...1 1 i
:-..; ..''' ; = ‘, 3 . 3la ' ,:4 l ?•ii/..ii , L11 ** j.;J:..i. ,.. , f ;, , 1, ** ',:i1aL ' ' 7 - *,' ~;,:;':' '''''': ' '‘:°. * : "*'*****'.. r::
' ':
' ' ' . l c . ..14.°;7:'
IleillONl,Jagstnity 17, ISdi
January 17, 1844
IIII.I'NNI*II:4:.;,..,4.S . SIKSSaIE.X'I. 4 '.' , '
May 31, 181 c
ROBERT LAIRD, Cornmisioner's
cmasTIANT TiTzEL, •
Casimeres Vesthige l
if-9l opening a large assortmefit of fashionable Cas
rimeres is Vestiugs %%Melt will be sold at the lowes