Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, January 17, 1844, Image 2

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    CAN .P 44.
1, A
4 , r0; , ,.^"..1".V1:44 r • - "%ii, 2 A ,T 15 0 4,,.
v 11:::116411ei
ItErvi t r) y
• ipb*A.T•444oo'6,lpionteillattAvil Corteention
'' • .
ghtli 01$14
ftri PUBLie
1;A spup4lsT4itionel, Currency, regulated 'bretto
wtu and authority, of:the Nation.
. 4 4,:Arxttdelitlato Rii , Ventie, with fair Protection'to
~/,.4.cterican-Inditatry. ' •
vestiairitiv on tho, Executive m
power, O1 .' 4 )1 1 (64 aliiither restriction, on the ordrcite of
a. A,flol.ltful administration of thepublio domain.
mi:eifultable diattilandion of the proceeds
OtittleilOtitlimong all the States. • '
tioneittand. economical , administration of
tho General Government,leaving public officers
perforlitirecdom of thuilght and of the right of
flfil-ago t, but with, suitable restraints against
improper interference in elections.
41.rt,stiitandmeot the C o nstitution, limiting
he Incumbent of the ?residential office to a
'airroi:s URAL
Thesurohjects'ottainctl, I think that we ahould
'mass to bo afflicted with. bad administration el
lie Government .--listrav CLAY.
.e Ihe members of the Pemocratie Harrison:party
of Pennsylvania—those who tinited.with them as
4111elitytho ochfearermailtaif that gtotious political
victory 184 the treselt of which was the
election eiflliat pure, Venerated and much kunent
cepetriut Gat:east Wlt.t,rvat Hasav
to the ,Presldential Chair-411080 who have hitherto
'fionsistently battled fur "the Supremacy of the
1 1.0 ses," *bp are opposed to all mysteries, whether
'of the Government or otherwise, which are in.
`acesssible to the public eye—those Mtn are 'op
posed to favored claisca and monopolies either of
office or miaVici-khoso who aie tired •of experi
ments upon: the , Coinniercs,panufactuies
Currency of, the, country, nod ultothers who are
convinced Of the necessity Of He 'refu'rtning . the
'abuses oftheStetc'and liationallioveniments ks
t to leder() their prompt, faitliftil, cconumical and
`entrgetteAdtniiiiatrailon; With 'a eiiidt account.
'Ability to tko veople..on . the. 'pan: 'of those by
2dltuni r thdy tire adminiatcred,are requested by the
StatOCential t nniiniitce of the Dainneratie
rssou party, In met in their several Counties rind
Districts, and in centinsnity, with former usages.
to elect Delegates in pinportion to the number of
Stirtaters and Representatives' in the State Legis.
, letture from such 'Counties and. Districts, a to
CosiVrxrion to be held at Harrisburg, on
MONDAY. the-Atif clay-of MARCH next, at 12
'O'clock M. to nominate u suitable candidate for'
‘4;ororttor, to be supported by the friends of gond
'order dt.the neat General Erection, and brdo such
ether acts and things aSmity he deemed necessary..
The several COurtly Committees will be careful
to give. the prOper• notices in -their respective
conties... ,
GEORGE FORD, Lancaster.
,•;: WILLIAM M. WATTS, Eric. , .
JOHN . G. MILES, Huntingdon.
• , J OHN TAGGART, Norti.uinherlervi. •
*wirAum F. HUGHES, Phila. cu, ;
- RICHA RDS, Darks.
, 11A.C441..WEYGANT;Nortliumpten.
Tho Whig delegates from Berke to the State
‘Cotnrention,lhdvo . bedtt instructed to vote :or John
MBank; for Gover nor. .
crA'correspondent of the Pittsburg Gazette,
•warritly Urges 4enerarglargle as the Whig can.
*ilidito for GOiditaor., •
ErThe 'Whigs of, the Reading 'District have
viecied i 3oliot.liehirits, Esq. their represents•
Itvete the.NatiOrial.Coniontion.
4Canaill Commisstoners.
new Board of Canal trihtnissioners
cant:cued tttllas-cdpitcil on Tuesday, and pursuant,
.the firit isctiprapf the Oct of Astuntibly., tbeq .
"proceeded to draw . . from a box, ballots itunben.
'id one, two and:tbeeOletiituited which oNliem •
shall - bald his'offiee one, vvlliebtwo, 'and tvltieb
three." •The result is as '
• • William B. Footer, Jr. drew 3 'years. •
Jmnei Clark, • . ": 2 Ai
40810 Miller, —••
'„jansneplark, Esq. was elected President
tiJegtrkend David Mitchell, Jr. of Bradford cone.
'ti,B•e'eretnry. ; .
'State Trea ourer.
Ariolk."Atousos,of our, State Legislature as
. .
sistiiblSii4n,eortrption .
,Alcondity .morning last,
- 1 1.9 elects State On the first hullo!. the
'yeti stottd sit
7. ' ror litOttsititt",
•• • • ,17 i• • •
• 8414terinil .3
•491):4Wann f 149 ; .pmezr.q*Ittbent, having re
celie#, t nlaje . ri!y i .eilimelo;am;4eelared duly olee
• .iecrOtiqnT'rea'anrer Vie,iniii!ino
I )Vintri Horn, alias Andrew illeilatan, !el exe.
Bated ,
:ert*OriiNoAtit'eriatid 'g lows
1 14ting.lxeli'Vr'ellettebovelikelvalle of 'Viejo% in
°Merl Frolicker' isithout
intifitt PitiiiltrAhe; forenoon 4tv,vrigaged,
proyermitkßev.: 711 esera..fihorrielfentl - Noonra 0, -
lierrrirt And, ifievioue to the or
• esiioelie6"gie 'teatliiiese to'die, lie was
siwttri; oir, et
,26' :61'0;41 . : 12 'oNelcieli; tnia
hung un6l, l 2Tioeisety, , iirliehl6li'bpa,,i w as ta k en
irp to his ion
' '''"lfrialuilsodiolotiitit44 till*•tvildtkiiro or
IT6l ,li l Nnt l l ol oo l rirlr tte rl", ll4 ioMPlt. Of
Lnar*to Put,' 91 70 41 fG,PY'RftPst , MiateiliV!, , ,
Thii,',Otiif.,,Prei,P* 4l 3lic' ftded,f in t Her''to
r ?*Pittat i ltNissl.*tilned I. 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 4riAtili
ttiveimiix 4%fivoltor...t Cis, 9l pcOpine4 o h o f a 0 0
' bin " - 4P.0 , 01 , 0,04;',MV tie Add d, f 00 Oh
--44 thitioprilrifie.,,idinoAi g ii,(,i,
N,..,, 1 a ' , . :, < 1, .1., 4 ei
4 , 64144 . fottho tioppile. ,
i-.'..-"' , 'l, , t• , l• ;r1
001.1?0:0 1 01 . ! iknd
was ppldielr Under
Harrison, of whMU he ;‘ , ai' v the long isidfl
confluenttai and devoted friend:' . /VOtirtespiir! On
tf the ' rittsbnig OaietteaitiS
acrd to beyond rsprottnit::lie is a fi rat littisTee"
k iinen'of - e0 fashioned ~ Hermatt* honesty.', A flit%
'moi, be icipPicritio,o,!: l. his profession with the
most numerous claili - tif the peOpIC. His head is
seleditthd bia Medici& Mimi remarkable. Ho co n.
• ,
'verses with energy, fluency,' end 'yivacity, ane,
`With 'tt "BoldierAlko franlhicsa whtith' inspires in.
l atent ebtlyance, The pubtie Mind durfeited Wttli
the holler'ii professions and'ainister tonduct of the
herd ofMini7palttietans, wiirroTgvec--wp,p-ciinfi.-
dance. In . ,
Congresa, ,
. .
'T'he're very little 'cluing Clongreee.
It bun Iven.inaceeion ono mordlt - ind a pelf, and
in tlin Ronee oritepresentativ&tlitre pact been as
yet hyt' ene litegle Ltll pastled4 This is the' bill
refunding to General Jockson the 61000'111e im
posed upon him by Judgo Hell ) of Naivlaticans,
tat& Snell- is the
,Reform practised hy 'this
4coloce Corgrcss l This bill passett ‘ thHOtitis
bye vote of 1.58 ayes to 29 nays—many Whigs
voting for it. But little objection•wis.madOo
felhnding the nioney to General • Jacltson,4ut
dirctiunue opposition was evinced to the bill, on
the ground that impeached the motives of Judge
Hall, who is represented to have been a honorable
and upright Judge. The bill is now before. the
The •eortcppontlent of the Philadelphia Tonle
says, Mr. , AthienP "report from the Select. Come
inittee im'Rules, uccupios the daily inoriping hour
until disposed ot; •A'nel as•each speaker has enough
'to say 'to occupy his allotted hour, we may look
ahead 'a great ways, before a decision eon be ex.
pelted. Expectation is on tiptoe to lmar Mr.
Adains oil rho_ subject, and when le does Speak,
in consideration of the importorico ot the stibject
and tiro mass of aeguinent and fact which ho will
Undoubtedly pteduce, , l•trtist the Rouse Will sus.
pent! the "onolhour :rdle":in his fivor: Of the
many speeches on this subject, a few aro entitled
lb marked ettatitlon, but ?he:Limas ifre for eeet.
Mi. Rim:Chas made the only constftdion . al atgu.
went in fay . or Of the 25th rule, and the 7ierlitution
of the right of petitioners to the mere preseritalion
—there are cobwebs which the first breath df Mr.
Adams will disperse. Ido not expodt the gus
t:ion in all this month. •
. .
In our last we mentioned that Mr. Clingmad,
of North Carolina, had made a speech against the
twenti.first rule, - which had produced..a grout
Sensation In the House. Mr. Beardsley, of Now
York, had also i;polren strongly in tivor of re.
einding it, indicating_ that the Van Buren men
were preparing to abandon it. We make the fel.
lowing .extract from Mr. Ciingman's speech, be.
ails° coming from a Sniithrrn man it possesses
greatest interest
- ~• I have for It 'long lime been of the
npinion that We of the tout% have been, on this
subject, .pursuing a wrong course.; and the more
I see of its consequences, the more I am confirm.
ed in that opinion: The tlet ride is, as all con.
cede, a restriction of' the-right of petition. But
it is attempted to be supported on the ground that
Cengrear acting tri this Matter as the local Leg.
islaturei f the Di.trict of Colombia, ehould not
receive petitions of this character, coming front
the m obit:nits of (lie Biales, of this Union. Were
this position true, which' for reasons that I shalt
presently advert to I do not admit, it would not
support the justice or propriety of this rule; be
cause its prohibition prevents the people of the
District from petitioning on this subject as much
as it does all others. None surely will deny that
ithis people ofthis district have a direct Interest in
the emitter, and of course ought to possess that
right to have their petitions presented, should they
Over 'Oh& proper to offer them. • 0 « is •
But I do not assent .tall to the position taken
by the igeriilernan from New'York, (Mr. Beards
ley,) thin When the people pray fiirobjeets in them
selves unconstitutional., they have no right to be
heard. flow can you ascertain. that their prayer
is iurfeehstillitiunifi till you receive it?. They
come and present their requests at your door : you
may'reject their prayer if you . please , but surely
you tuldlit to recoi'ee their petition, so as to aseer.
tells for what objett it to presented.' Tho tight to
petition the Government exists in all enootries. It
esiitslinnuordienrit:ly iii England, where 01 the
subjectsquive a dightto petition Parliarfirrit aell
, to petition the Crown, and where their right to do,
the one is as Mirth admiiteil a;s. to do the other.
fhggiboral party'have dlwaylittitaid UM!! ground
in 'oat country:.
...I. remember one of the most
eloqherit speeches ever delivered by the great
debater. dindlituteinntn,'M r.tox,itve.s tin this sub:
jam. Not on the proposition to receive petitions.,
Oh, no; 'noliody disputed that; but againste Jaw
which prevented largedeseinblies for 'the purpose
of petitioning fairliaMent, heesueolt might inter
fere with 'the universal right of petition. In the
bill of rights' of With Ceralinallie iiight.or peti
tion for a redress of gritivencesis declared to; be
the inallenableright of the people._ ; But what are
their grievances? km not ihey'to jolly) It ie
said, that the continuance of slavery- is
once, and so they have no right to petition against
it: But if' the Gori;rntrien't Is th'ha itte fudge of
what it; and whatknot at rievairee t ift May, on 1
.thatground., refuse to receive any . pclitioq what
ever. All it has In do is tu:detiaa' that the kbing
complained of is noi grievance, 'and refuse there
upon to reecho the potition.'• •Ae. to :ashat,,
grievance, the petitioner ought to 'be allowed to
judge for hiniselff'it brietighTor suor'‘i.
Welitba, right, to reject An prayer uTliip petition,
If We'esteem the matter he comolainiiiiif nu griev,
ante, it ier anitielY 'thing to refuse bid
Is it out,aiteproach that the right of petition; a
- right so sacred and so important, should nowhere
be ifestricted (Mt fair repUblia? The tight
of poll where bens free, in my
as the:right of all ereated,,beings to -pal,
Bon' the flopienialtuler universe . ir thei
it:eliiioher thinks he. negriered, , thit is: nough
to e dab 144mt0 iienting.... • * ~..••• •
.41 1 ,Q 111 )1k i ,° i t;',r r'YP-0* q o b,k4 of
in: the
yietion,eiong.rr t :o o • ; on °rm iiro9,qf RP,I
reapet:o4r ou.rthat . is i a ,or t eopt
,!"'PePifi"-_ . 11 4.40 1 °91 , 1°A49.-. 1 9.k.A . 4704 on:
he;reeointloni;werefusliy ; no .(
4 4 19;'"2
" 1 4 0 d 3 1 1 Y"*Orefi*Aklabccdtte
4 k 4,1 #9q00 1 -rotilo. nO B 'YP;b 6 :
itebeititiat 04011 'oifidiinienti
105 Ice,
for Mee ,REf!lEr OE 'TflPi B- .g.ttT.P'4; , 4%...".
Wonattssis,,the State of,PentiaylVentkAW44lif f
et upwards of estb,ooo,ooo,
eirrhitiataing , Ond blirdensehießikthiflpeUpf,SW
And,..iwjpereasi it. ill o 1'!4:110tYl 0 041PLCE1441114 .
enjoined hy thelitilkeeinsideratioketiindicating
The stiiiiected fagit,:o4l iesterinethelticecitedit
of the States teprlividi Means, for, tho'poyMent. of
the deher.Aerhirhernes, The already:embarrassed.
Canditidin Ihit - Petiplev end' ihe 'coalition dictates
of a soddd..poliey; require !inat.the means of pay.
mont 'stionl,il be ilranqltiiirCeourees the least
- lnirdenirorhe:" Mid VhefelistThesolouf the pub: ,
lie imprenensentrof:the:Stateiliiit'l the appropria.
timr by l gengress do . londs
of the :Atoll StaleliYorAtie Probeeds'thereet, to
Penhayivindie; viihdyhefong to her,.Would
tinguish the State debt, and free the people front
the artiitaiien'i — Wherefore; be it --
Erse/6d, That loaner, junitite humanityi aN
well as what we owe to our character as apeople,
unite in 'requiring that, the faith of the State,
pledged 'to' its"cieditcirs 'at hobo atid labioadv
should begnaranteed by it .etredhrevislon for
the payment of debt, and all arreerirefinter
est : Therefore, .
Refolded, That thepublio improverrrents and
property of the Commonwealth, embracing canals,
rallblide and 'shacks, isteliild he Gold; and that the
eurninittee of ways and moans, be.,and, they are
hereby reqtiired, to iePort u bill autheriiing the
artte orate semis.- "
Refolded, That we recommend to'n'er Senators
'and Repraseritailves in Congress lo use.their ox.
dtions to'prochre the passoge of a aulhOnting
the issue 0fe200,000,000 of block, tube diatribe.
led amongst the several States, in proportion to
the federal perhYlatiort, and 'to 'be payable by the
United States out of tiro proceeds of the sell of
the public lands, which lands Shall be pledged for
the redemption of Lire stock en issued.
„ Rf solved, That should 'sn't reeceds of the sae
of the public lands bo insufficient for tire redemp.
lion of the stock in a reasonable time,that ways
and means should then be raised by oheesti, by
levying such additional duties on foreign goods es
may be necessary.
. These resolutions were read and made the 'Or
der of the day for Tuesday next.
Some further discussion of the Printing ques
tion was.had, which finally !welted in the ep
pointment of a committee of investigation, to act
in conjunction with the Senate committee. The
committee arc ,filevirs,Meradden, Cooper, Route
fan, Macmanus, Evans and Dunlap.
Mr. bailY'read in place a bill directing the sev
eral counties of (ho Cortimonwealth to •pay per
diem allowanee'M their Associate judges, instead
of a salary to be paid out of the State Treasury.
Mn Sullivan, offered a resolution instructing
'the Judiciary Committee to inquire what action,
tinny, should ha taken in relation 'to the mandarin ,
us granted by the Supreme Court aiainst, the
State Treasurer, on the complaint of Judge
burn deciding that Judges ealaries could ii;et bo
taxed: which was adopted.. ' • •
Mr. )hack submitted a resolution that the Sen.
ate will on Monday next the istit inst., proceed
to the Hall cif the House of Representatives for
the purpose of electing a State Treeaurer, accord
ing to law, which was agreed to.
Mr. Brackenridge submitted the following res.
ulutiondproposing to levy a STATE TAX of
400,0001 They were road and laid tin the table
• Whereas, the State of Pennsylvania has 'con
tracted a.debt of $3.9,081,000, by loans obtained
chiefly for the purposes of internal improvement,
adding to her lands increased prices; to her min.
eral and agricultural products enhanced values,
multiplying tho oppurtunitiee and profits alit.
(Insley, and greatly enlatglng the business and
wealth of her commercial and Manufacturing
'cities ) th'es affording forever en ample remunera
lion to all her °Wiens, lYn the actession of general
advantage to the State, notWithstantling the im.
diets profits aline works to which the money has
bbeh applied, have not realized previous'expecta
tionst And whereas, the commonwealth is thus
hrought under the highest obligation of morals,
justice, and duly, for Value iecelired. to discharge
'the interent,at leash of her debt, with ritinctuality,
and speedily brush away the tarnish which "her
credit stud character have suitainell thrOughout
the civilized world.
' And whereas, The just principles of duty a'nd
el ligation sternly point out to her citiiens, that
no matter how grievous and butthensomn It they
be, the , decisive moment has arrived when they
must, In the first instance, look to antrlilyr hpon
their uwn rriseurces alone as the only stlrd and
safe mealns of' , restoration to her lost position, by
manfully putting their min shoulders to the wheel,
before she can call with effect upoNliercuies for
assistance. , • -
' And whereas, also, must be apparent to, all
that notther the ale of her public improvements
nor any appeal to the general government, can
prAiont any immediate probablo hope Of timely
end presenting. as thercin to the State ere.
dhows% merely the unsubstantial tribute of hope
deferred, eVinces a disposition to put off the bur.
then whlch justly rests upon ouraelves, and ought
to be relieved from our own resources, and in the
very proposition itaelfaffords new evidence to the
world nf a dispesition,Whieh, if persistettin, must
inevitably destroy whatever remains of the char.
actor of this truly gloat and patriotic Gammon
wealth. •
Resolv&, That the commits ,of ways and
penes he and era hereby insteneted to report, a
eatitetit arid convenient day, providing
for the assessment and tillectual collection of an
unnual revenue not exceitd,ing ono Million' fi ve
hundred thihtsan'a le' be pldagdti . together
with the sut receipts 6f, the :StatOimprove,
m oot, and 'tile other caittimg ,rovtums, of ; ithe
Corrimumieratb, 'for the faithful Paythenl of the
MR4'OBE4OI6 State 'deht. •
The amendments cif the Senate to the-Reg:lien
-6311 were taken up, and , refoirtul to the - it-440Y
On Motion' of Mi. Broo k e , t hel-Ions& teMlitllp
and passed throtegh committee of Mei' Wh01.3, Up'
bill Wn
eaact !Numerical brror, in the law °fillet'
'session, natendinttho charter of theltank 'of Del;
aware county.,
the' bill was then taken hp'nOd posited CO lo tis
and r'ini4het.
At; rhoh •
mi. Itifultifore'rni6icii ftn - , a riiond.r*i , yinai ! tirr
log the'
liable fo r nil the dcall of < tiid Dank: dn" :3 :
,t ; cl " l `4-entliiikO'hitt;_l; l 44 riO*4oy,
!).•= l :trt§r , .oltAbO:ttolipoiribiivt
' { , .. t 1# 1 . 1 4 7044
tWipr'oor.illo4:4 tore:4l4 j!,,,,prOoOteop'
t*tolillniYA V So
t 4"
WIT 0,3140 Yooooif f
'll4j, ii91 1 00,4,10*h
r -LttP4 f ind
tifiMa!ri'.. 0 4 1 ;',
Brigl l2. e:rii)erood, Con.r.
Butler) 0-41Pirin*r
•IlinnheutorJerd lin;
40111114 'iktiAiLawrencerT-040144;'
;74b , Nptk
.114ti06.40 . 41 1 10E;v 0 .
fi*XfkkEettergini . :o4;iLkoy.
iiiigfpoil•lBll44•Fitiltuaii , Eiturgoon ' i`hontOlott;- 1 7 4 .n;
;,i! l ,l4i.fgO,?o43 l 44'„Yv l3 itaiOrr ,Whitnian . "4 9, ; "
doiectriin titles to
' • •
rho EdiiCation; to inquire , into the
eivedionty of •repOrtinge. bill nmendatory•to the
school law, inflicting a penalty upon directors for,
neglect of duty. Adopted. • .
Mr- Mott a resolution instructing the .Tridicia.
ty. committee t o Inquire into the propriety of re.
pcittiljg:ll! bill to. proviqe for-the effucival canc..
tlon • of -the-school-las. •
. .
Mr; Cummins of Fayette, submitted a resolu.
thin instructing the Committee of 'Ways and
litearuh to inquire into the, expediency of report
ing a bill to levy a duty , on all ardent spirits,man.
uthetnre4 the Commoolvealth. Adopted.
A message was teat:llya tom the Governs
titintititting tephrt of the Oommissieriert op'.
pbinted for the bale of the Petitivate D 1 ion of
the Canal. Tire report was ordered to be printed.
On motion oflikr.Caitlin; the resolution to
our Senators and member. intongrese In relation
to the OFcybon territory; hero taken which
itlero tintleltiticusiion When tho Horse
faunilittinihe Campaimii of '44.
A,spaciial 'Notion fora memher of COngress
was held in Georgia 'lately\ Od tltn reteirns show
a decided Whig triumph. General Clinch's ma.
jority is about four thoitinald This is only tinoth.
er 'proof cifthe growink qitirrY of
tho West." ,
Not long sines Mt. Clay wrote a !Chet. 16 'the
Wbigtecor 'Gcoria, in wh;ch ho earn—J.l think ,
the preseriftariff in the main is right and proper,.
and is corking much good." That letter has been
circulated among tho people, and non , wo have
the response
Another Gun!
It Icon. Andrew boularel (Whig,) has been'
elected to Congress from the sth district in Mas
sachusetts by 500 Majority. Oentin baker, whig,
is also elected in his district by twit ides. Geo.
N. flriggs lips been elected Governor orthe'State
by the LegislatUre—ho having failed of an otec.
lion by the people on account of the great number
ofecattering votes. In the Senate the vote stood
30 to 6. '
The Oregon Question
• j; The Baltimore American, in referring to
Mr; Atchesen's bill, introdueed in the U
States Senate, says:—The whole question Involv
ed in the matter of •the Oregon Territory We re
gard as tiller:ellen of time inercly:c The country
'beyond the Rooky Mountains will be ours to, a'
certainty whenever we are ready to take posses.
sion of it. It must be settled, when the time for
its settlement comes, from tho States of. this
Union. Whether it is good policy at this moment
to hasten the course of 'events by holding.out
special inducements to emigration thither—whe
ther it is tIM best mode to ensure the imaccable
establishment of our claims in that quarter by
taking military pessesstciti'M the country before
our people can occupy it as settlers—these arc
points to be considered: The tido of emigration,
%Olen once it is mirly ,set through the passes of
the Reeky Mountains, emit bear every thing be
fore it. There can bay° doubt of ouNhnal pos.
sessien'otthe Oregon.
A/Brute liritness.
The PrOvidence Chronicle that ono alba
peteohe arrested fur tlfo Mader oT Mr. Sprague,
hhd a dog, which cab kept confinedafter his ma6l
tees, arrest, and adds— " •
"The dog belonging to Nicholas, allusions to
which wo have made heretofore ' , as having Ilsen
prObably dith the murderers at the time the deed
with dOn'e, and 'which has been in cialody, was
thIS neuirnipg lot loose. He appeared 'Waco to
miss Vs Master and wont , to the house hi seaich
of 'him% • .
Not finding the object of his - search, he ton off
on the hack made from his 111111qer's house to the
swamp. Ito followed the track to the ewatnp, and .
thence went to ltie jock near where the Minder
was committed, • Thence he- proceeded to pass
over the whide. ground of the murder, snuffing
about, and then took the back track to the swamp,
where the gun and coat were (bunch and, thence.
back to . Gordon's house.
Terrible Calamiin
-The steamboat ?heperdeseon her 048 . 0E0 from
Cincinnati to St., , ,touls,',ltruek a snag wit h in
sight 'of the latter city on the night attic Ith
atant, and several 'Oinks, were torn cdt. 1 a
minute or two thiii water rose , to -the lower denki,
and those who; ..had- retired to ; their berths were
thus unexpeatedlypdeinged.:- A portion of those
I On Co, deo were eared by getting into the yew! )
where hasten e d. to the hurricane deck, and the .
boat drilled doern stream wheitehe struck anidher
snag end was thinivn : on her beam Midi on' pai
Jarbee'rd Drifting-from this snag she again
hotbed to thtr starbeerd, - and at each lurch
eel P e rP e e B mere Wetheik utl4 0004' - •bledy
poilshed with, lit cold. The ull soon afterwards
linair; Mid fife babin
;lodged "int 'ail heti' ftinn which Berrie Paiienirere
.4ara,tatren-by tieVeteenihriat lien rry.Oryit Others
4- ere;, l "Jice` fettif4tioatiGhOldegine
_tieFh!i" fr P t / A!eh!eqertekftq ,New Era ee77,,
t " m A ar .4iiv'lles ( ir,OPee-fe!!!iifiee
lost 1 , 0.00
40004 '64'01,6,30401* ,iti'iiiipboAkoijapi4;..
4.P. 11 0:411 . 40] . .041:114i Cupalt.ttl hi. ,
'CrfOt4'o4.ii . o 6 **osopiet 'o r d
.otpst.,o4o* ite;lm!l4,*t.asoooPt.T!;
# 44 f' ,l;
- . 41 A471
,41 1 :04,
; 1 54 ' . ' s ' i ' re . ! ::91fliteH ld 0 4 9 : 51)11 0 t :
~, at, ,
li c 4ig";Yoj, ' ;' , +•
iiivirSi': , iiara'oczis for oiri4li f oi,ittib': ilOcletY;ii . nde'r?
one ;',of thel•proiisiens
tion~ to serVe the,' annual meeting id .
October next, ; whereupon the said committee was
appointed'and Made report of the ambit ticket
which wasunanimodsly adopted.:-• •
• ' , • • •Ptestdent; • , •-, •
-- FR EDER ICK - IYATTS", - EW6l* Carnal&
„Vice Pridiciettiac
Andrew, Frazier, of Shippenabilrg iownvbip.
'Shiley Woodburn, of
David Steiret, of Mifflin. •
Christian Stayman, of East Pontisborodghl ,
George H. Bucher; of Silver Spring 4
Thomas Bradley, of South Middleton.
Milani IL Hen det &IN , of North Middleton.
Recording Secretory.
Abm. S. MolCinney, of Hopewell.
Corresponding Secretary.
Geo. L. Lino, of Dickinson. •
George W. Shaffor, of Carlisle.
j • Managers.
Christian Titiel, of Allen.
Jacob Zug,'of
Robert Laird, of FrankfOrd.'
Georgo Brindle, of Monroe.
John Pon!, of West Pennsherough.
Abm. Lamberton, of North Middleton.
William Shiver, of Dickinson.
Robert C. Sierra, of South Middleton,
Petdr Barnhart, of Batt Penns borough
Tile mooting was then addressed by Fazoznias
?Thidh he en'deavOred to impress
upon the friends of the cause, the immense ad.
vantage which would result rival a zealous +Wen.
Lion to the Farming linCrestri.
On motion; William !Miler, Esq., George
Brindle and William Cameron, were appointed. a
committee to request of. Mr. Watts, a copy of his
address for publication' The meeling - then di•
rccte4 their - proceedings to be publislia in . the
Papers of Carlisle.
D. Uwe, Secretary.
the Committee to whom the Constitution Rae
liden referred for revision, will meet at Gana
Beetem's, in Carlisle, on Friday the .9.6 th January,
at It n'elock.
The 'Officers and Managers of the Society will
hold their first meeting at the Court House; on
Wednesday,, the 7th of February next, fur the
purpose of perfect organization, for the
adoptibn of tlio Cousin:alien as it may be reported
ty the above cathitteri, and for the appointment
of certainwaiiimittecs to act from that time, un.
til the first annual meeting ih bettiber. The at.
tendanec of every member of
,the Board is ex.
Groot Doings for odd 21aii
aTThero is a Farmer's Club which meet's in
New York twice every month, at which indivld.
nal members give an account of their practiCal
operations on their faimi. From iho published
account of their proceedings, we .clip the
ing.extraordinary results attending the opd-ation
of-one man upon his farm. They will astound
most emir Pennsylvania Fainters, whet ivotlld he
heartily satisfied with half of his success: We
copy it as well fur the information it eentlitirr,
for imitation c
'.. Mr. Wigs stateVtliat Mr. Pell, of Ulster
eountr.rnado a statement at the'Repository re
, lutive to experimental. farming, from which it ap
peared that he had found benefit from the use of
oyster shell limes using 300 bushels per acre.
That in addition, ho had employed 52 bushels of
charcoal pet acre. That en this charcoal dressing
; ho,,ebtained. last bummer esventy.eight bushel*
and itienlyfour quarts of wheat per acre. That
he he'd twentrtherusund appletrees'in full bearing..
That in dry, weather, lie had applied lime freely'
ai the radta-42.and that this preserved the vcr
dare and growth When the heigneritood was
much injured by drought,. That lie had e. nt wheat
two iveeks sooner than his neighbors; and when,
tho toot of the straw began to turn Drown, and
When by the pressure of finger, and thumb on the
grain, its milk Would fly out.; That the wheat
weighed 64 pounds 'per buslialthat he datcl it
for seed at ono dollar, when, ordinary. wheat was
seven 'shillings.
,That he cutclover and housed
it on the same day, sprinkling Wait it Cabo:l'of
salt over every load. That :this clever ittained
Ilea green color. and was preferred by cattle to that
steed Medi way. That he dipped a sponge in
ammonia, nod applied it to the wo/m nests'on lite
trees,And banished them completely. That ho.
sent to 'market fOurthousand barrels of uPplein
1 many of which go to London, ar.d , sell for tilde
dollars parbarrol. That lie,employed a man from
Vilethoht to engraft, 10,000 apple trees for 01,50.
That, thin man brolightti cempany-of-morr, alt
.vhOm two sawed oft the proper 'limbs,
made the proper incisions
of Ihem)ln the
hack two more inserted the Odle, tiro more bp.'
plied woo:west or was, tallow, and rosin._ •That
mil Ultra 10,000 greifts"not onoTailed.„
AsrtlslA CURER .— Mr. )I,Tard,reeldlng
214 street,' l'hiladelphia, was for
More 'than 'four yssis badli 'aftlltted thi
Asthma. From
. „
its bffectri upon the system,' he
was reduced to a mere skeleton, and as he Mimed
beyond the reach all )3 aynen,al4,iteiliy Medi.
clues !Ind Iteen v ticemmended,AsA sure.iemodp
but on trial ,proved to oelittlp or rro•service.
finally throuettheitertleatiltins 'of a
11'144, :indecnd.
,to:,trithe-Brandreth; thittretial
'Notable • which in. t h anfive yveeks
trinMemldd'lW:Mbltink'it•kileet :60.e; Ile; Willi
AMU gI known i as rung,
~tnin Of Arlitb indlonen
hid , Wl l . l4 4ittikplOOltrfOlititi* l o.l4.",erft 44(4 7 410.
`ikon' relative to his
• .6 1 61 a lit,4sAl6l,iyatittlitcialittrtlik
, )-19Fitys-49.ff oi , ctrin
Ing4iiif -
mm 1,.“
u ,g‘ 14‘, "'fi‘wwn,
u, .»;;‘J,:;V\"€;M 3'7““; ”21':
6' ""€"“i¢v.’az:€mzu..rm at.
tlie'w end are '''Made
for Oirpiiii t i'sinee then
4 ' ll '
l m . MO qniet; ive' ha 'a
of a good brarid'for shipment,
VifitiVittek'rate • some of-the flictore have'been
sales to the city, trade,. at. $4373:
tho'nuirket clOses'dull; with, little Er - no enquiry
for ehtpping ' brands, ' which' MO . ' held at 64 37i
"A model'ata retell - basilica's 'doini in
Brood greet. for eitiuse, at 64 373 -a 4 50,initrit
64 62i a 4 76, and
,some fancy in small lots at,
fa. Buckwheat considerable sales at s2'37i the
ItYe ViOAi• sells 43 25. 'Ocnna: Corn
Meat 16 hOld at'S2 Nillaisfes
BRAlN.—Wheat is scateer.''Sales df
lota of primp Penna. 'redv ih
,%lore, at $l. a I'o2 for
eked] Making; good southern..brings
Southern Ric would seil al 57 a ii9e Poona, 0
a oc. .Corn . .Selli'from afore al al - aAtl 3 c, bud
42c old ; Pbnitat On'Brd'ad street at 47'a We'fiter.
We note a'inde Of gobd southern, afloakat 28Ed
from store 29c; Penna. 30 a 31c.
,Baport 182
bu. torn.
. Attorney at Law. • .
WlLL.attend to all business entrusted
to him in the counties of Cumberland and
Adsms. °FMK in East MUM Sired, stiiond dour
from the Public • Square.
Carlisle, November 41),
For Indemnity against loss by ]Yre
Charter Permtual.—s4oo,ooo Capital paid in
Office 1631 Chesnut street.
• MAKE INSURANCE, either piirmartent orlim
ited, against loss or damage by fire, on PROPERTY
Mid EFFEC•PS of every desm•gdion,' 'An or
Country, on • the most reasonable .terins.
thins made - either personally ,or by ; letter, will be
promptly attended to. - • • • • -
The subscriber h Aunt for the above comfutoy
for Carlisle mul its ,vicmity.. 911 upplicatious liir
Inturanco either by mail' or rerstmully will be
peOmptlySittemled to. W. D. SILYAIOUR.
Decetnbet• 6, 043. _ I y-6
1 1 11A.§.11'st fronvilthiladelphia, 'and is
I - now opening a large null. splendid nelsortnient
oC Vinfer Goode; con'sisting., iu pull, or Elegant
Chem' Cling:ins. Crape He Ambers, Plain and Nat
alie striped A lintel:A, MouseDe'Lnities, new tile
Calicoes, and liquild4 10111.itt,r Elegant Silks, Man
' tillas; Broad glotliiii,,Cassinioesi Letts; 'Ken
titzky Jeatit; Tickliigi; Checks; Flannels, dtlaiikets
Nfuslinsi Merin,oest Irish'. Lliiiivite Vital Sheeting's;
ke; Alpnebn Wool;Catainuire and ivricktell Hosiery:
Together with lots Sr miler new otiJe 11111 tiklitior
ous to itosert, tin - Ming a Itogetiter 111 . 0 latest, butt 711 W
cheapest stock of goods in 00'3'i:omits%
Don't nastiiketlit old staiiioNosite fir. P. '1.13 . 1,11's
hotel, East High street. ,
Carlisle,January 1,184 L if,
Alnv lo9`:t116 ndrgabisi
7HE subscriber beta leave to inform the
1 / 4 citizens a Carlisle add its V46'11406' he has
just returned from the rite with n splendid tdssort
ment of BOOTS AND S I WES. ntof of 111 en's
Vine Callum! Coarse Boots!.—also tind 1101
Mour n es. flu wnuld elan inform the LADIES,' that
he This purchased u lot of .1. 11'illis's
Diadlne holed Turn rounds, Fancy Bllpper
Al5O a large assortment of Misses and Chi'dram
Mina: (All 110 sing of rips done gratis )
He also purellaspl a lot of Kid and Morocco skins
all of Which lie will tdunnfacttn•e into work at the
shortest notice, avid in 1t dun and tvorkmatilike
nor cheaper Malt they tail ht 9 had at any other es-
Vililislintent m me plat ti
Bo ince to esll at Its 4k6ra And Manufactory
in Ner'tli 'diver, nearly tirifaisite the Batik.
11. C. MALOY.
Can lisle, Inutility 3,11144, tf-10
Drugs, 1110aidineSi &ol io
MI2AVERSTICK hate just
. otienell
their tall assortmeat of Drugs; Paints, 011ic•
Dye... Stuffs, Patent Perfumery nd
Coeds, which they will sell ititoldale or reluit, at
the very lowest prices, also
At•clier's Patent Laid Latnpr~
of assorted sizes, patterns and prices.
OTals Lamps of all sizes and pallenot
either Oil or Lad.. Lump Shades and
of its 'fitted sizes.
Ift.4d ,Sperm nod 'Whale Oil, Sperm Candles: Ail
Mond, CaStile and Cuositry.Soaps, as loci as they can
ltO had fimni'the city:
• ta•Cstlisle non:nth- Notes roi•pu... o .llUies
ken ut par.
llecentei• 'l3, 184.9:
r •
GL g.tth,l )
ltt r a e r
t i l e i r e e k b i Li;o n ti t ti n e w ti n ta i t p - , W . 1i.13 1. Oltr
eoinity; Pa. hi s 'this day made u iced Of.
tat 7: :of , nll. his Estate mid •elreets;'
personal awl miseti to the pulpit:l'liter, Mho resides in'
trfe"MmeiatittlSllift,'or lireklosoo, for the litinelif or
his cretlitors..persons Itschig claims or'denhantle
against the said Wilson 1.. •Nailor. will present the
same and Mate itideb&ll bake parineet,r
' ' • A'sslitiee'or W. .I.,•.Nallor'.'
December !a l 114.4. : • . ; .•... -; • 6t-9.
loi/se Hein qua I.4ol.R_ep , 4 1 7 wit:gra,of InMani
• Bryiinf tifttili'dmuno ',Mu - er:, }oho ivere 4:reirs.
• • tort giSai:#o‘ l •4l44ol6 40'4 (sodas. 'l4eire'rf the.
iaidS'ainitet Nal err, dep'il. . .•. • ~ . , • :
1 , 70111 Cg IS IIEfiEBY GlVEN,that Jnint's nett.
lap Int..s appli e d to.the,Judges Of the CoUrt itf.Con ,
mon PIMP of co - mberland • county, hY,' Petiikm tn.
have satisfaction entered upon a mortga g e
him to !tV4lliant ilt7spb,onti itoPsna •• 511 ftteefiglte"
Otters 111 Samuel Mateei;tleetl.'oti the I gth Jahus - hy
1803, In a certain waist pf,lstul:ltt Allep:tootisliip.,
Croiihilitind'Otithoyi Okootaiolng,lB4 ' acres 134 per ,
c* a, tsish,ttet alleges lie Ints fullyritliantl the' •alitt
cogrt,lataappoitstetithe 130t,thtm rettraacy Iriji,,,
tiibecirluir peesoit'etk Perions * wrilo . ob je ct o!,v
itiotiilg . Frpeqf eqktierootioo.':4 - - . o7 . ojici° tile , Nangti
~. - - • ~. .. • ,4- kONV B uPlit 1 4 ASherill
'J46 1 ,20. 10 ,1844 -,. ,_,, 11 , -;,•v.
yt4 , , .1.U. , 15/..: t',t !'
0 UlR:riij/127;44•
n ' . '"' 101 1 10
AP24 , AtIf
`, NOl7o'
, ,
. a...._.a. It
-440P#C : .:
a C.N. BANCKER, West,
and Walking shoos.
,i;A t s.4o4 itj o : 3 * : . ll4 ll4 l °) l oli
het . • ti k hi 6in wily
i °
be - km*7,llnm 4iiiii , .tolistatetka the
. o
obe'i tr-si
h , ,, ,, ,:p ,y
ulttlEA , 4 ;9Dl)„l . ) - 0 ,' , , , ,, ) ,
ITAI./t 1 9,' 41 g R-0 4 ';
vpro ULM li4r4rn iheir.,trivntiLiti!Ltha,
4kat.they,luna jqaticteirailikt.thert otope
nigh tdreq,..n*t. ',l4 o ,,toWHiiinV,Ciiiiisle.
a large; fretih,and *gnat lissorttneooo4NplE'Sy
0 114 1 0 0ter artitOosAnignOti.,oo4,l9ll6k
they are ready, to dispoie or: wholtiale'lind:retail,
on die Most.' reasohiible tcrind^lifieli"ataiOin'ttvt
corntitisei the. folto - ifing, Yarieties,lol4e.iikitalt aro
of the choicest quality: •
CANDIES.—Min f, '
mint, mint .'plat,'eakes
fras, lemon; hoarlmunt4:olOVN'iCr,Pion'tiitakirti-eye,
nornosoman or popper.condleal4ickson•and'Clay .
balls, lemon balls ; Feeriali - and,:aanimon 'Nettgo
french, common, and exploding secistus
rook and itanilla'cands i ao r giman - d;barnt'almantla
candy toy*,,liquorice, &au • :
N UTS —A I 111)0.114RA 1 herts,E ish Sraintits,shelV
barks; claestiuts, mid Iltuzi4creatn,cocoa and'grand
. ,
FRUlTS—Oranges, .lerrioiti;Whine;,figs, prrinco,
dhte.! and Citron. .Also the hest
Cavendisll.4rohaeen. and Segitrit
such as ItegalliaJsrir,acepe, tilai44:.Trahucas .10
Aiftrioan tlib finest qunll4t;
Their sasorttgaitt 3); atipt consnintlY . flOpPl.ka
fresh additions.. entintrs: merchants are invited to
call, as they eau 11H implied on terms as Sthailttirle.
oils to city prirea t •Tlie ii:stronsgo ,of the publichs
ttaneeitilly ' • •
. ‘;qri sle, etlirll„.26li+figi
_ .
111014'4 1 i! . tot; Itle to very- t.editietilliieek' . 26ll.
•• • •
Drugs, Ditedieines, DrokSztins
• • emxts; ice. terthet with t •.' '• •
Stittioonry, Fine. Cati Poke, in• Life Item, Lett& 410
lilted by the tinieti, Oraw'idg'd
sole heir dn., Linktvilig tistiter,,,,Settlitra _
Wes, Wafer% Pi:4.11,1:6, d u rnie.
tog dti. tillat lug tld. 'V&A
Vivid. do., Slating and ° '
Toilet Seqiitot gr 4.
Sp Eccg Oren/Ad and ungfonlia l
Together with every Otherfirtiele in lice Dreg Hoe)
the ottelit ion of Ph)ttieiutto, Vomits,: . erebei its NMI
iiyer3, is Aolieiti4l It um 6,tflhdlnp to 101 l It i•erY
low. price* rot , , • ."
elloisie;march tA,,ta43 if .•
Farwaidial2 tk%
OEORGE eLchilto
Ir),F,SefICTFULLY Informs the illtlolltilltill he iok
I t
It tll'e al rtlJe receive, forward hod- d ispose of
Prth iice of every.descritilioin,
eithee al I le 'Philadelphia nr Baltimore Markets, el'
:ot any other ilifliti 3 weessible by Itall Road. ' As he
will attend, in person, to the delivery and stole of all
articles., clam:dell_ io his care, the nook satinfactorl
anol.speetly return! til'ay at all limes he expeetedoond
the utmost protoptittiole 100 the tniiisaction of all hil l .
sioess entrubled to hint: : .
Farmers rind others hatingany article which thein
wish -1111Rposed (In t . 1,11 In Call on bins, int- ,
ntedinsely. opposite the Mantion Ilnitsq, and Mit
fund i)ilnd, NV est I I igh street, rni , lisie,
(;,' us authorized In ptiFehlitti several inintlerei
bushels nt• Grain, for which the Melina price will
he given,'
enriifile, May 17, 1R.13
.HE tubseriber'woulii r e fit
fbrut ttik . friends gaol the public ieiiiillillyi.,
thut he hut
,liil,teli die ; , . ,
Otrt . " 4 •ru c
; 11.1i'
Y (
i-1-4QWREt CE) 9 ,Iltok
ate y kellt 14' MI: Sininn Willnrerliell .In East i igki
Sievei, n 14,4 acioli aiiit a (lie t;oitet !foils; where
lie win et ali iiirkeil'AL.Vilemmire in namillisterie„o-
to the eomtok eiy ti
sof illeke 'who tttdier .1 • with
tLeil•etistam. , : .... -
Ili* I . I/
I 11* I/AR S be ennsV4v, knlipliqd with the
I:hoieest liquors, awl Itik TABIT, itll the 4eKt the
ynarket can rtirilisle.'• OSTI:P.R
kept hr uttentlanee- - -nnti 4'0'1060 111: , tett Undone
to pdense ali 0111 call Wiilt hint.
BOARDERS tikeit tbe weelc,nlollhtlekiii,V. •
Ca'rfille`, April 0i43. • tt-r2
Mini Subsqrikr ‘t'•111 keil. at Pkilrate
AL Side irriltitt or '
LbLtzT_Be32(o.l - a.l tt) k ,
biluttlil In 'klreite,:ftilineharouglt: inwithltip, - CittAlAk•
land 011110, OR. Illtin•tt. Itnek Spring, non mile front
111p)40 Unt:t., - tchltilltAl In Im 14
ola of I(9ltbli 01 tiniiitl
Viet L lloKeeWie,'Aoll time I,eirs of %V ill±ala IVA tirsoo .
o'ilk.:lltiiin; ' . . - • • ,
, . ,
•• - Vaiiiiieth,-.ditidt .Dieiiiiii,--. , ,
ii , ,,,•.lifeiVit. kbin TWPStor7 :''''''..
1.0 1 0 110 US '; ..thii• Eirckirv, ~lif.
kvith A well i 4 glin'tt CAA'. nettr, trio •
itou'iti itlt tlitit tki:hStrif iiiilti.4l :-....0,t .. II ... '
'fruit, A' jiiiiik BO" CoVir' ikinkl•• , - ",.--,-.l' '
1 1
iVagoo' SIPL Alio, h ; g', {{l l 41•Iviuu..licut s , mil,
Smith Slitiji, Rini S'itiblli, whit m. knoir,"a.ol. Ant pat ,
ftl6n. tllll'Proileilly . lill'lie,fild'll'irill'lti.V,ot• l' ,
getlter, as may suit titirtlimal., ,, ;' • ," ' • ' .'
C:rApplientloifmay,6 untithsilei Ilitt , ,lttbstoribVet
st;plembiq , so; itris:' - • • 11:
• -
• . .•
NI AEI) . slid sold tihoiesair mini
W. q. 51telieAoti, iSest - sidn, tiltmtv;: i -
iwrishurgi 'r• ••
Tilyatt Spirit are„trarrame4 o,be tiw,l;lo
other prrpat:atiots noir hi Ilse; rat"' rittlOsni: ail .
of Grease, Illr; 00'
gentlemen's wvaring.:appateli
them. It is tilso eireF.tuM kemotlmiipll# 4 op#v... •
sioned - by any kind of Rein:, '"
It trill also he foiiptt iliff
moriitk iltntiroff,froMtheb4lo,,AtOtf toisiprOsltlie.
ill n healthy imil - sios.ifus oupdplim,
' Price 311' e 646, '
Trlnde t,O thm.:
Sold in Carlisle! 'bp soil •
MYKItS ,!iAXEIST/CWi'l.l,-,ltki:9-4,,fok:lkit4:-‘4,,
. •
:Hflisle, NR'simbct l 4114*..: tr-t
:. I. ` E .) _ t - - -i• - I .'-',. -,
On WONOSAett the Oh . of jewsary,' inst.
rki.'autoorlbeeivkateMelit'-tank lillilcklAti•
1• P. Soberilsbn? or Cumberland oistoly, will ? by ,
order of silif court set( the folloiying,Sittlit row- '
e . ity,'.vit. :.41134'0Wil itnit;64_ 3 l4ole(te tst-tile
luslostooe,lsinblrittt I";l.4'elmilit-4rP41?""..'4';
'flip, Cllrritleklun colui i Firle,tilliell'welke , ia,-
ii aeon MiNiwillltO'Mitio•it(tfoinitt 'bait of Out- •
Fielitnitv4lenmpib!ci ankothees,,,litg , Wel is ,
rai l llt''4 9 oiti Oldesto 4 ; unltEr , 004 IbnoColl in a
g (l #lllo .o r e Ui t tYl e dmOjtiTtin ll :oo 4bilitwEY7 -
goylog *OM; ithil t i4lll Ir 7
i pt 'build-
iiiksof 11M4StIPAtofie,hellkt ".' Rhiriliet``
WOO of oeterfitil,hit_villik* . - AkSIP , -
nthil#o,lollifltlqi . iirlt tkil street
VspegOtol' i• ,, at) Or .
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