Ell .. , . -I,,,.tl,9i':,,iCi!'efv.ij,.. ^ ,,, iltF* me l *AEOI4.?itA tilMlstmit44,Viv , 4 l ll'e: . m r a„,tbibid phiat„ . ht.litheyiped to , receiue subscriptions;and adyettitienienti (M . the "Herald • ,& s eieviiitteo for the Same. 16 4K 11 .46 .0 4.04ikP): has our tot thiVeili . l The Le • ••'•ratillsiturtc` • • ;• - i tcy , We , have given- up , considerable apace to. "diy tat the`Precite mg* of the Legishture,. which -*ant' into 'fles ,l o eh TuesdaY last, the '2d inst. R'hefe has beSit`nothiiig done` yet of very great llMPOrittithlk The, State Printer question has 4900 Atio d m tt discussed, an tees to be the, mahirt . of. kneeled-Interest to the majority In both be,, seen that Mr. very Worthy follow c been :the 'only Cumberland 'county Man' lucky enough • to get an'effice.' This little i'isop° will, we pro. .suthe; domestic; fetid here'end 'Mit an to : cequirt,indigna ilea excited, by. the last . , ilairlebitrg; 9- TrirWlit" . 4earn by yesterday's. Harrisburg 'ln. ~ itelligencer,'•that on the. previous day the Geyer ,lnhusent in ,a Message to the "house of Represen. 'llityes,',Jetbrnhig the law of tho last' session ap. pointed . G.'MAlallae`and IV: M. Meredith, Esq'ra. 4f Philadelphia, hi investigate the alleged charges of bribery and•corruption in reference to the U.S. Bank carte, stating that he had suffered the bill to become a law without his signature, and giving his reasons for withholding it. - The Governor as serii hit Innocent:lo of the charges, so far as he is •concerned, complains of persecution and invites further inyestigatien. • 1 .;" The , Messager,catised touch excitement'in the fieure,,and elicited•imeh abuse of the Governor rom•Mcsers. Roumfortend Macnianus, who were { opposed to entering ilia Message on the Juurnal. The MessaDe. COTIto annual meting° of Govc!nor Port will do founeon_our—finst nom and we presume Will bo 'carefully read by Vlre A l in therm - ti re natoile &sr without touch ceilmtent, leaving pur readers to form their own opinions of its marl Wititout 6 . 4 Oital preface, he dashes'imm.ediatoly into business, and gives an exposP of the gloomy financial condition of tbo Ppmmpowenitli. To remedy a II this sod "to maintain flip honor and credit orthe biltate, - he has nothing to suggest but .9rugrnenteir 4Wkitton ; 9 that is, we suppose, a tax of, abOut :lour times the•amuUnt tim present.— The lioyerpor recommends a revision 'of wirier . and pipet:idly something by which the rates .41f stoterisjpent in Op 'different counties may . be fequaliktl. lie also 'lbws that, the amount paid PM by the State - for Purposes of EduCation ban been greater ill'aP'lll4 Paid in by the people) a discredilahle fact to these counties who have caused it. ,The Governor indulges in warm grat. Mations 'that the' publie works during the Inst year have yielded a . surplus of nearly half it mil: ,lion Of dollartf . over. their expenses. This fact is grptifyijii contrasted with the result in former years,.but not stuficient, we think, to change the • welbsettled opinion of the people in favor of a sale _public works. The 'Governor ailudes to Yris ve.lu'ef. Ca' the sale afire main line,. hut sa:ya ll it r opt I.egudatrire 'parsa hill free from the el eels tf the, vetoed ono he will not yonsider i his uty to resist its passage, imp a "jaw, flu then touehes on the State Printer quer. tipm'anci pretty severely ori . the,'State Printer against Whom he :makes some serious ,The qapilhor.concludet the message With P4iilogy'UPOri Pinosylrianiti,—lter poptila. 'itiom agricultural and mineral wealth,• and de. slates strongly in rover , of a tariff which. ill de. *Mope; her' 'resources cod make her eventually t'the greatairorkshop of the American Union."— ' 'Such'is 4 fi r taxidcli Of the leading Points of the • • , • • 7 • ' itlg County meeting: -4s will he, seen, brthe coil of, the County Committee, the, Democratic 4Vhigs of Cumber. larid county,' are requested to, meet in general :county :meeting,ln,the Court ,House in this her ,lough, on 'Tuesday. ovening•the 16th inst : The particular object of the meeting is to appoint delegates to the .lEitato Convention on. , the'4th of March next: We. hive to see 'a' untie attendance of our friends, from thelcoentFyopflie Acclaim), .and M.Bos;(l4m also,ptopured . lo.give a correct expreasimi . 4?OnNitifealirigind opinlim as to the choicitf,orihelV.htitti,..-4,ooMheriatid:'cMiniy in the selection rifa - candidate , for Governor. Friends of P.-111:7-,RiliP1164:1114 Tues: daY-grfiliiiirileitV .• : ' • b"*Vir" 0 *aro' ilepriredi •by 'other 'engagements, !!lif ,th,g',.lo4"Ote:oll)learing,•, both the',..,leOtg/gs of Mr evening hist ireek; and ',that Of Itiii:4llv'Tointnn i iiin.iiiiiiday, tinning; randogn thornqie.noly.Speak of,thun from r- Ia itielisaiurei by NIT,ADiIIt, on the subject the. lifei and chatiater•Of author, his lovelyhis poetry, hie good and bad , • sold the ry:+4l,,c,ge:pi ‘ us .and . Tia•spont life of "the •*cii'ltagnitel4t4ti , *oral In ' . .-ktratintie. that galfe•t nfini to iittiifinitlifin . tn the etiiiiienbed ; • The !eiititrit 14Y: Rev:.!Ntil TAIIIIING; before' the .Weabingten relitibiabee Beneficial Societyi an ISteolit bl;eniiiren*ilisi inibjelit'ef!!tha utility of -.:AS.Ac!taßigli 14.4 :":inlitalliiiiikti,#: 44iiiii iiat suivo,444;i4d sl.otorgitttPill,i. tip Aigl(3#klegice. ' itif wititlidom4 , , ,te With the: mumesk interest .by a btinge'ind '4epaiiiiiitittdieliee.:= l, Thilolecitire , . .14 : 0AAAJ I (If# '1 1 01 71 1 „ 0' 4 , 11 1 : ., N 43 0p? .. ea , kz- Are . this Association in 4.6beit datlialt;tirtbsi4elieht itie'', l '.,l;' l ' '''',".. •. '-. J .- ':'-: : 4' . , I u a rt% iji . 2 r i . t ., ' ' 11 ,1F4inai yngaget thy; ittit accounts 'ft 444 ' 441 1, irnfli,i4VS- - ,tO.Mr: 'Adams'. report on 'l4 l l 4 l 44f#o ll' 9 ill i' '' **likiii. Moistor,:. M r . 9, 1iAi1t.0i0r.*4, 4 :!,.,..0 ., ,,,r0,0 1 1ip 1 ige01i. against ''tkt MT l - FIN ) !Ii14 1 . Tit,ii!Orilq tOYO I t itils S . efiS44d.tf,..f ~ '. . ',....'4'', '4‘. 5 . , • ' ~ 74 '•444 , 4, •••• 404 1 , 4•••.‘ 4 44AAa4 . 4 - , ,01..:?..b; ,g;',l.-,1.,.?,, r o ...e...'i:' , . k i Alpa ii , ...v.— ~4 4 4 ; c4=-,` 2 4 3 ' ,: , 4? „, : . , i: '''' .ittAtiiii t '' iitiiiiiiiiiiii -7 -4140.''' „.... .., rtr Y : ",. /"Si* fide t , ... vl_ . 1, -. - "'r•Tgl.' ,7 4, 9 .firz: k r Affitt g 10z 41 11.0 1 . - 0 , N;:• igo 4 . 9 l*4o. l 'ri 4 4 0 #14:: ikt q,tt4.44.44,01 iiiov o# niiiir.,: : J. o .:s f jail iiii * 4. o: o # o :OiiA . iii, c -1 0i iii #r"!i i Iti0Kfth*4 I- ,' e l e. 4 1 fir5."0q . 44. 1 #4* I:'* ,, v-iteßtl, I. 'aridrl ,. !l.'in4li.,Lq44v , 6. ftztiiiittli tiiiO4 - 1 ailooltioioior,owpo' 644'figiAgat s o p', 494 , 04alotifiiiaiiechtbititark - , • .. ••., . .... ' , r, 41 ',..—` -U.c e. , .. , 44. P f . : 9e r nprcepihp:iM i ro ll (sir**Ti;:uliit.;49:!li7l 44 1 eic he 't a w iii4,` , toi Pa 'ifltiOliii OFOili' - Ike . Physicians their Medical 'Ope letise ! l•POt i*iii ea , would, seem to be; that the .fernier,Miteilile,itcti`,4, never - leaving his farin,itrui can 614.4 'powtiliiiitt learn'from intercourse with othersEnor'untiLre* candy., Was It 'ever dreamed , that heceuld:rget . knoWledge from books,: l ,the' common' inearuf:,q i teaching all the world besides. ' ' ' / 7 ----- - -' ..' , "14-., ' thiria have been.gieut improVeniaits ItrAgii, cltural Implements.Th'e Hoise - R' it the C l' - 4? **IWO* Ovate!' Mid Thrashing Machine r partlenlirlY:the two former,lutve done forthe fanner almost what warn has done for the. tnit'vigater, or at least he con get along two:or _three or half a dozen times as fast as 'he could before, they were introduced, in the matters in which they areased., New im plements are constantly being constructed and improvements ma4p upon old ones, and Certainly, it would he convenient for the Faimer to examine at one general exhibition, once a• year, what has been dune, and is doing in this way, and also to have the ()Pinion of his brother farmers; and per. haps their actual exlirience, aSi to the working or value of the articles. So in reference to the different kinds of seeds, fruits and vegetables. . We might multiply rellBollo and.arguments 'in favor of these societies and exhibitions to al.most any extent, and show ,olearly, that, they aro de. serving the support, and eneourskeinent'ofevery farmer, descry mechanic. a every'manufacturer, and every merchant bnd man of business in the country—in short, that the exhibition day should be one on which, all the industrial classes and in. thresie sh utd he represented, Ettch preaentirre 'Le hest, offeringe which his skill, lobar and art in his particular line has enabled hint to produce . during the_past.sessom ant Lin .this ha would be sure to find utility and profit, which in social in. tercuurse and kind companionship, the results or mutual toils and mutual triumphs, and in &lying arid receiving congratulitljohe .he could not fail to find pleasure and enjoyment, Signs in the . Sonlik,,, We see with pleasure, says the National lin, talligdpCev, strung Signs in lii'outh Carolina of what is ever a point of honor -but little inferior to vietory—wo mean a gallant struggle. The Whigs have determined to dispute the State in the, ensuing campaign. We further keit; from the admission of per sons of tile Calhoun, party, that these Clay Clubs ere running over the State "like wildfire." Chip iein is spreading itself like their own pine tree, thp long-leaved pine, of which the seeds have wings and scatter thebiselyet far and wide on the wind. Another Horrid Murder! melt is with the deeneat pain, says the Provi. dcnce Journal of Monday week, that we have to record the death of Amaea Sprague, Esq., of Granatun, senior partner in the extensive manu facturing house of A. Sc W. Sprague, whu was wilfully and . cruelly unordered on his farm yes. ,terday afternoon. fle left his house about three o'clock to go to a porfitun aids farm lying in Johnston, for. the purpose ofloOlting tp the proper shelter of his cattle ; • and n 4. about 5 o'clock -ho was found prostrated on the earth—dead. Upon examination, a ball tyaq found to have ente(ed the front and pa'ssed out of the back aids hood. A pistol was found some distance from his body, and Under such circunistunces as to lead to the belief that a hasty attempt was made In conceal it. It was repotted that he hat! received anodicr wound in the body, but when our informant left; the coroner's verdict had not been rendered, and wo cannot therefore state it as a fact. We learn from the Providenec JOurnal of Tues. day, that Niebrdas S. Gordon and his brother, John Gordon, Irishmen, were arrested yesterday afternoon on' xuspicion of haying been concerned in. the-murder of- the late Amass Sprague, of Cranston. They were brought before Henry 1 1 , Eitiwen, Esq., Justice of the Peace, and committed fur examination at ri future day. • The filktieet tskandAer, Polly Manna, senior,aialer of Capt, finyseman was'arrestori in New York on Sunday, on suspi cioo.,of being guilty of the murder and artirin , - , -- She was discovered, in aanaeloolica of 'Ming pawned a watch fOr an with a New York pawn, broker, which watch was ; diScovornd lobe Capt. Houseman's. A letter4rein her woe found on George Waite, druggiSt,Of Non; York, and very intimate with the woman, in which she asks him for drug' io' giv oto Ali& 'unfortiinate lady anothe.r . paper is'said tq baie been forind on his person 'which contains paina information 'from Polliin Malign to ;hp Coroner's inquest, nod e& vice to billies In thir nourso he must pursue in order to eludo 'detention. • • • Both' , have:been arrested, and the ;1{4311131 has been gent .iOStitten :the people•there are very much excited nod are doing iheirntinost to 410,oviifthe - ihhiderer, The examination of Polly Boiline waa continu. red OP Tueediy. : . 4tinitiher of articles . Wete . foehd ii. - Varipca„ , peWnbiohere,-ahepa, imPrear.. which had been idcdged by her and which were indentiOedl4i,htiVing; : belung4cd o ,1211agichilyk•Ativa`iiiiiiii • o..At.a , locofoc.o"dattoty nteetitt in otO neigh , Itor:Torry, .ittvorobto to Mr 4 Yen Boratitor the/ next ,PkisideneY, e 4 by Itcollatnak• iqqw,.o4ocrYP:rf.iiimilar mbieinent claiio ; t: Irma *Alittuiiiie- ' .' ' - " n,iiii * VPio 4 odantill ^ r; l l - Cs 44 :'.. FLAVII--City, Mills4priold ot 64 181 cosh ? to $ 4 / 5 ,. c ,04 5 1, -1 !1..)r e , ibrO i to I " W 9 /1'01 ' 6114 4 ttliC,lPM:tkri i a,g t .W. 4 o%. ,4 ,4‘; '4 P r r a giW , 0040 b 4, 1110#0411 ors Stall ,101441 'IA' In , 7 ik:tOitfil.,ii,mw l 4 1L , 41 1 ~'", • 1111 t ' -. 41 f t t!il,i'. - 'illi '.• fivi s vt-glir'.:l;P; , ..'- ' t ~), -• ,„ 1. 1 ...,, ~ , A 4,144 iiiii744 . 0: ! -.44 , 44 '6 :4; it#l?-lelV°...4‘'Clß •021f.i4.1;iffietglacciii,,t, .1 11 . ~ 6: 44Mii.';` , (''; iikiikicii4si:, , 6 , 1*.ii. irqiliwiittio*titile%g 40 6 00i:Aii..4 Bell , zrvii.eoiitit:;'o,,. NO,-iipidisTitiiitiatw,k4;,iiii: ~.,:,„.:. P-0, 9 1R , 1 04 .9 ' , Ye', I''h•';•?:''l'''g.44l('4•,'••s4:d.';•;•,,,-,,:q..-',l •', .4',:t01• .'4 , .. , ::.: ,. ..A' , ..ib.::::', - J."' - ..•. - Y -,.. - , , ,, , ,',;'?, , Yr , : : eiTi.,7. 1 ,; 1 .tgcV.0041 , . 7 14::: ,t ki:` - d40 ... :: : : ,- ip,'44.,. , ttioo-,Re laaqafter • I )i',l,ipgi,ifiiCiOA4Vii.: Et.izi , PeiniLi4 in the A'i l k i Yifii':Ooii ; flig:l:'lN..,. , . :'' On this ber . 4ll);at•lli . s)tin!idence of her . mother, 't MIL KOeiriMl4( , llli;;; ' .MARY ANN M. ilartatan, agd 23 yeara,'g montlia and 19 daye, d erOn Friday • last, MT. VAUNT/NE FINCINAN, of Allen tp. at an advanced age. ' ' ' /'On Monday last, Mr. JACOB Repp,of East Penna. born' tp. aged about 95 years: arOn thi2Bth ult. Mr. HENRY BEANANTZ, of East Pennsboro' tp. aged about 75 yea's. ‘On Thursda y morning, the 28th iiit,Mrs. SARAH MILTON, widow .of the late'udge FIAIIIILTON, of this' borough!. • - • , • ' • • Mra. Hamilton was a dmightet of the Rev. Wm. Thompson; an Episcopal Clergyman; ,who was - at one dine Rector at TrentonOT. J., afterward at Car lisla,'Pe. and last in Ceo:I county; Md. She resided , the greater portion of her life in this borough, was :a :member of the Episcopal Chureli'in this plaCe, and constant in the Obseryanee o f Ow ordinancessflie while her health fOrltillOt . • Silelang O%Y -ed that she had found ilto pour! of great price,' and looked byword to Death as only that passage over Jordan which separated her from the land of prom ise. Much secluded factm•the worm; she lived in Alte4r6fte of the life to come, and her hotly now rests in death beside those she lOved while living,until the voice of Mb great :Archangel shall alike the tenants of the tomb. , • -- 4 - CARD. The Committee of Arrangementsin behalf-of the Alert Fire Company, regret to . inform the public that the attendance at llte I.. f eetui•ea of the present course lists not hem sufficient to enable them to meet Ole InF4tPaqPry • expundes. Feeling satisfied that the amp uttandance at the lectures. generally has .. not been occasioned by any temporary cause, but is to he attributed solely to the decline of Interest on the part of the community, they have determined to bring the course to so early a termination. . The COmmitteit,' in behalf of the company, re spectfully tender their thanks to those Lecturers, who by their'eloquent and instructive addresses have contributed so much to public Improvement: 411111. 10, 1844 NOTICE TO FARMERS I THE FARMERS of Cumberland county who are - desitnus to associate themselves into an AG- RICULTURAL SOCIETY,are requested to meet at the Court House, in Carlisle, on SATURDAY. tho 13th January next, qt 11 o'clock, A. M. David Sterrett, Christian Stayman, George Brindle, . Hpnry Jacobs, - Thomas Bradley, Tolin Rupp, • .George Brandt,. Philip Spangler, • • Michael Mishler, Robert Laird, Sidles Woodburn, Abraham Lumberton, John Alexander Davidson, Melchojr Brenneman, Robert C. Steriett, B.gorgna, trlooryre Lpe. November .`29, j 844, Iniportant to Oabinot St ()hair Manu facturers, TDB mibscriher sins on hanil-a hooge quantity of CIIBRRY BOARDS 11111 i POPLAR PLANK, u hick he will Bell lower than can be had elsewhere, for Cosh: .10111s1 RHOADS. Car Jan. 10, p 44. WA • • • 411, persons imiellteti to the sub.tirilter by Note on Book account, will .plense call and settle their nepoupts on or befbre the Ist may of February next,as the occonnts dull in arrears after that lime, without respect trr persons, will be len in the hands of a pauper .ofllcer for collection. WM. M. MATEER. Carlisle, Jan. 10, 1844. &al Dive Haifa Mouse to Rept.. lIE silbsrob, r , offers for rent the two•story Stone DWKILING HOUSE. on North fianover atm t, next door to the it ,. Post CHU; now • occupied by Mr. 11 Clemens Alstent•lime. It is an exceed- ingly comfortable, house Inks night gond • . plastered rooms. two of Mush are papered, and therr rs silso an entry from the sweet. The house has also recently been palmed. It 104 all the neopssary such as,, Smoke house, Sm, .sod all eNpel.• lent Orden. ' Voti tome; Bitt. inquire tit the Store adjoining, of • 014* 0,1844. . •, At-91 • NOTIQE,'' ALI persons knowing themselves in debted to the subscribers, either by Note nr Bonk account, are requested to call and settle the ss.meiwitliout delay, as they intend sooti to nloselliP present partnership concern. ' • ! &,J.' 1010 ADP, du:lisle"; dtinti9j:Ylo,fil44. • • • • tr-I t _Bargains for Cash ,sjiibscribei having reileOpa 'n, fres!) r 'of BOOTS :8(.. 'HATS and APs; : itild general nisortment:or ItPc E lES; 7 , 1.60y/determined 116 do no entire,Casi) lilishiess and salUviith short •pro' fi the' jui,bliu 're,nrltily are in yifed• to call and;esniolne 'the Steck And Tai6es.he•:' tore 'rittrelissing. elsewhere', as Inm ileteminetho sell cheap for cash, and avoid the necessity of Aim: uing„• „, • WM: .M. 111.4.1rEEft.' ,c%0,0 1 .1,4 1 1 1 .90 84 4. , - ';.' • •IPOTICE To ihe'lleirs owl jegal Eefii,.. mutative." af jir.asa a and Riiminui . 411iteer, who were Lrren forifrorSarrimelAtateei,4eed, Tut the heirs of the Spiitset dic'tt. • . NOTICE IS HEREDirIEINIEN,that James Dun lop 'hit sPpliP,d.to the Judges of the Court of Com oro] : , 11 "„ of, f lumberbind , roounty; by,,petition hspe '.sahsfaotionentered upon a, tooKtgago given by him, to lyilljunt.aryncut Bud Itossnun'Aldteet , ,,gse. tutors parallel', Mateer digNl. on thd'l Lib januoit 1805; in lc certain'' (mat a l letnd iii,4llenhitinithigi• Cumberland county: containingAil4oordyl34piiii,', 'hos, which.be Alleges ho haA fullypajd, stud 4he s id court • hss appointed the I#th'dn'y of 'Pebt;tpiry, to hetir;lll , Y person ' iiheiinsat's•ohjeot aqolv4cct7ee.of . eNtisfactiorh. , .tiv oplowiif - Jraiiunif tti; tg, -. 4lo , sppoottio)ot: '7olt.v.Al l IRY tiritOr . 16 " 7 :2* 41/ .1 , I 41' Unf litter Car) •• rO.l 4 i l Vo l 4 o 4 olk aa' ne''"( 4 r#llo lB su be e :04* 100 396*tlfe,, :ec i ii i *sf ie .' cif fC o , l4lBl4 . llfi g l i a •#o,ol o4l ;AKM:i. ',pi urned front . the city .wito4...,kensliOittmott .j.441,4)(11C0TS AND Rletstlfaii4 Coarse,,BOOtalltiAleit,* nd‘,kley'or lie Would alSOinfornrt thifiA, hat I?Oiabio lgoled:-T i ttliai-t044 ` Ptikatir!qtlitticat% • 4ina biro essortmentfAit;':MjalesTantt..Chiltleos Shoes, (Ail sewing of ripadithe He also pUrehilleed d lot of Kid 'and :MorOcCo skins all of which he will .mencfiictortrinio' , Werktiii•Ahe shortest notice, and in; a and Worlurianl nian - nor cheaper, than they'itan he.',..had at soy. other, es tablishment in the plaice • • •.` Be sure to eel I,at htsShoe Store and ivianufactory in North Honorer street, nearly opposite the Bank.' • ' H. C. MALOY. t-10 Cat lisle, Jantwry 9,1841. HE dwellinglitirt-of -the stone building, situate on the south-east corner of the Centre Square, and now in the occupancy McClellan, Esq., is offered for rent. Possession given on th Ist day of April next: • ' " '...,Alsp—rThe Brick Building, situate on the wiener of High and fift, East "streets, lately occupied by John' Zug, Esq:, deceased, is • offered for - - - ‘-'-'" 7 " - rent. Possession will be given immediately, or on the Ist day of April next. Enquire of , Juon ZUG, Carlisle, January CASH! CASH! A LL 'persons indebted to the subscribes will please to take notice dint I am now cal ling on a?! in arrears to pay up, as I coed posit to carry on rny business. °II , ARLES OGILBY. Carlisle, January 1,4843. . • WEIR PROOF. BOOTS 'UST received another . large hesortment of Q p Moir and Shoey, pill seiltpleoromonly cheep for Wen. CHARLY,S.OGILBY: billowy, 3, • - CAUTION ALL• persons ore hereby notifieil not'to receive a cheque on the Carlisle Bank; signed by J. H. -Dowir, Esq., and endorsed by the subscri ber, for one hundred and seyenty dollars, tlated.a bout the 9. 8t h or '29th of December last, the same having be,. et mislaid or lost, and payment thereof stopped at the Dank. CIIAS. ilAßNtrz. Carlisle, January 3,1844. Ou WEDNESDAY, the 21th of January, Inst. ' /1111 - subscriber, Assignee in Bankruptcy of D, P. Schimbalm, of Cumberland county will, by miler of said court sell the following valuta:le prop, erty, viz acres and 64 perches at' tirst7inte limestone land, situate in West l'ennabormigh town- ship, Cumberland-eounty, three miles wcht'of lisle, on the Newville road, adjoining lands of John Pisbrawn, Henry Bitner and mimes. Ihe land is first qualify limestone, under gond fences, and hi a good' state of cultivation. The bgiidings are n two story log HOUSE, with other necessnry •stut build ings, first-rnto stone bank born, a young orchard, a well' of never failing water at the door. The above mentioned farm is inn heallby !tort of Untnhelland Valley, a rail 'rand of the Sallll.l name rims through the one end of ill_ ani'person wishing to view the property will please gall on JOliti,Vishlumn or the subscriber, who will give Mformation nod show it.-- The teeing will he made aecommodatinglto purclnts mit, and an indispotable title clear of all munntbran- Ices and liqueusinii will lie given-on the Is; of April. dale to commence at one o'clock P. M. .. DAVID COW Aviiitnee in Bankruptcy of 1). p. Scherbalin. Jannary 3, 184.1. Is-10 By the Commitice ETTERS Testamentary upon the lag ;till and LA Testament of W. CRAIGHEAD, sr. has been granted in due form of Law,to Richard Craig head and John Craighead, to whom all pertains in debted to the Estate will make payment. and those having rlaints will present them for settlement. RICHARD CRAIGHEAD, JOlll%l \V. CRAIGHEAD, Eiecutors. .9t-9 Deperriber, 97,1849 fIE Eilliscribers will rent that (urge and cma morlious HOUSE nt present in the Occupancy of Miss Sarah E. Mllpr, situated on High Street, opposite the Mansion /loose Hotel. 'rite Garden tilt:lolled. to Om House is large and well tilled lyitlt pltoiee It nit trees. The house is'wcll pldpulated for a Bottling House or 4 Store. Possetiejon given of the Ist day of April, nest, December Q 7, FOR SALE OR RNET. Tivo story stone House and Lot of Ground, the property of Mrs. I-reorient' 'olllsllBw, situate ot the west end of Loather street, in the Borough of Carlisle, opposite Dicliinsou Col lege, now in the occupancy.of Prof, 'l'. Ir e . Stoller. For particulars import., of the suliseriber at . his ,Igitlence in. Hanover street, ' Ppssession gi!en on the Ist day of Awn next, ' 101.1 N H. WEAVER, . . • . Agent for the owner, pailide,llec ? . 27,1843,4 E ., , . LI, persons are hereby noti fi ed that WILSON I~~ ni S. N A ILOII, of Dickinson 'township, Climber* lacounty; Pa. has this 'day 'made a deed of , v Attn. tarp, assignment 'of MI his Estate am] efrepia, real; personal anti mmedto the eilbseeibee,u'lle resides in the 'same township •qf 1./ipikinson, far the benefit of his erediters. All pepsons haying elniinor demands against the said 'W il Snit 1!.... Niiikr: will 'present the same.unil those ind e bted make payment. ' . • • .• , - . . ' 'SAMUEL ALLEN, •• •• .• • •-• •.- ':•. ' --• •,-• `' , Altiigiiee Sor.Nlr: 1,.. Nailer. ' ' Deermiirr 9T, 194,1: '' ' '•.. '" • ' • :,. fit-9 Drugs Medicines.Au' jRS HAVERSTICK • have -just opened their fall. assortment of DrulAs ; Pluints, Oils, Dye-Stufts, Patent Meclieinea, Perfuiniery end Fancy Coods, , which they . will r . sell wholesale. or lretaili at the verylowest pruees,idio . • • • „ uu ,`Archer's'PAllePtu 1 46Fd LOMO, • of. uissuirted aizeu,,Putterne and priees—u•uu ;:.I•• -• • • Glass Lamps of all sizetimul , upatterns for tinning either-Oil or laird. :,-11,airop Shades And Chinieles of ___ • assorted sizes. • Beat Sperm and Whale' Oil; Sperm Candlga,•Al l 40 d:q° 41 107 0941"liM;0W;4 1 4 thORqP h a haul from the , • ' - florgeilt 04.04041 a, Ll 4;I al nmimber 18 , 1 8 43 . `,.f• 4 °PII4, :Ar4Ratwea,4N • •It.te.-14e4hE rkpliP4 l ilnt . F 4, t,*, ( ' g' .'" ofor*lo MP * of _Amite Stitit , VailidA; Uumb PlROl4kaotES, rtosqghlsl4 1/1141i t( 'rr opthe 111 " 434111. 4 0 !t , Nitit l ft sl ° ol, Ri . , 11 1 14 • .414 Om,: ,•- tiT, r'.; PMMEI .„,....„_„ ; .„. E .,,,„,,...p ft5t i 1l po..fitglil4. • 34; 4kir • eil ue i3.4- 1 / 4 1t, ~ . :1 ... 1 . itditt4 - ri l .o . - tIA, 14kiralts, , Vii ii in' ', di -,41ge, , .roit,lmeloicir 14!iteil,i4:141 - ti• (di*Ciii4ii, , EitOKSllkiolo.'! threititiiiiiNAspiiiiiiexiiik ail- :pleirkii)4l p'lf intlalilol4, .04' , - 1 6 414 :t''4 1 9g 4 10i`:,: -' -1 6 01fglii -,. 01 . .iP 1 0 1 4 4 # 47 .4 1 1..!*-0 1 0,(„i.! 0 1 0. eris ~ .lita;of4llo4o,fegoi , . immune v: Ofiilingiiii6golo'fthst.lat 0004 and 414' 6 4.4itiRt10* 3 14.4.9 11 ..K.t4 ,,,, .7yr -- 7s ?,st,..iirtA Flit 1.1(0114004.24r—8r9*c. st t9gretr t:4,_,... ,, ,....v : ,..: , ,,,..,....,,, ~, , , T i ~.. ix. /447',4 i g ti. 6?,.... ° •,..titl t i." 4 , Aii-; ..". 4 43.Y:-Aw.rl:, ',, , : 4;• , 4,z,',,,, .?_, ii: UP ac. rOblic Sale, NOTICE, Fop ,fent. JOHN NOBLH & CO. tf-9 DOVVI3 . , . . . 61 1 , tart...iire::- 7,7 ? - f r Dk, s . j r :? !i t ; of *NI i „ll44l4.fiti*lo 4 44l6l oSrPti 4 1 46 9 4 .qtr i i**,: i ltr • ~41 , 4 z 11" iIZI, tiftl,o p . ! pi,r,ll•o! ;•014.410:itt: t, , . :..,,,, ..t, ; ,••,.* '' l,: c f.l'o(!kii,*' " ..:iiiiiC i *. 4 : o 4*E o -004t . 1 110PT4'.01,40: .'W ''' #144 I . • , 1 I.t 1 .t: 40 '..tjliit . iiditiP4logllo li_ L lYAill i pria Li. 4.4o:stilatif u o 1 . rplW.4-0,,A0,,, L,r',.1.2. dittlifol,6A66olol4 I. .! , 414.0 VOA, JPSl o . i .Me l . ni Cli ie6Obaiiiti 6 44 ' 4 1 4 14 4 1 ,e 1,44 0 q: 0 0 , ,t4 Ti2 t/ F i .' , *d Itiribt:lo4llardttptt*TfrUMlSFdAr.lFt )1411.10 . 11:••=4. pUlik ' 60... A paillid . :lll.4ralllook.... , i . c.,.. , '.‘.. . ' ^ , ;V ;O4 A: ~ Aef . . iRiSO. i!•,91:13 BENifis ''Plitjariide:/-*.1 0 08,4,34 - 'l,O•LA 4 ‘, , i-:' :' '' TO i.CloiiiitialletiAtiiititeis - :of , 111ercha ,0,,,,,,N,2,..4.,,,s ..,-:-, •,1! , ..; i ,„„•,,, • -• , , ,,, •1‘.,., ,,, ,.. :-,,,,, , ze -c.., . ,•, .. - , -.....,, .0: , • , ;y :,;.,,.!,,, :: :-.ul ..s. wi : . . • . , •...4,.%,:r. ; q, t --?, ,, ,:-.: ~. ,:i ,----.. :5 .'' !..,:- ,Iltintl.b34hi•stiserni acts of the 'General AsSem -11( F irgY.tiiiii the; Cacerill,Suppiements thereto, it is in tleikeKtitiik:Of Ont CaOstobles,of ; their respective IrdtrinildpliOniltDoraughl 'within the County of thun ldiditin4itrid:theyi'dre hereby required, "under the 06;00,49 one hundred dollitrs to , make under oath pn'affirEaSion;*enti ()dicier; to the deo.k of the Court of qualiEr.!Sessiona," On or' efore•MONDAY the Bth titiy.'.ofJittontyr,lB44,ll separate "list of all 'persons engaged in the selling or vending of Goods. Wares, Merelnindize, Commodities, or effects. oriluttso eSer kind or nature," designating those to hose.sales' are .00tifitted* Slone 4io buying and vending goods, wares and merehabitite; the growth, .product and niartufscture of the 'Molted States," and also those who sell or vend "wines or distilled liquors." , Mer chants, Dealers 'lnkbothera embraCed in the forego ing notice are also notified,"that the A ssociateJudge and county Commissioners" of said county, will at tend at the Commissioners' office, on FRIDAY the tOtli tiny of January, 18'4, between the hours of 9. and 4 o'clock of said day, fur the purpose of elated lying all persons aforesaid, " when any of the Met chants, Dealers,, or their agents or attorneys ma; appear before said Judges ntid COnintissiniv:rs, find and Shea , the amount . of their an , ite_ sides, during the yea r previous, twit if Rm.:, m e r c h an t shall not attend, It shut: be the '...uty a the Judges and Com miss;.bners, Ern. the best information they can have or and% to class them" accordingly, "which classi fication shall be final." By order of the Commis- sinners . , . JOHN IRWIN, Cler4. Coinnussioner, Office, efirlicle, " pr.B Occembee 21; 1843. • VroanTABLE PILLS. lusT received a fres!' lot or this valuable medic ine by 014 lUtisprOn, Sole Agent l'or Carlisle. CHAS. OGILHY. Pep. QA, 1843 • , , eact2INDOVA I~ I V tiEREAS, under the pretence of,. id, de rived from sundry unrecorded Deeds and sales made for taxes, which by repeated adjudica tions of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumber land county, and tie Supreme Court of this Stale, triVe . been declaredfhodttlent and void, large quoit titles of chestnut and other valuable timber - have been cut upon the lands known as the Mount Holly Estate •, the politic ore therefore hereby notified,that the said estate consisting of all the trade of land at any time Wed since gig year ig 16, in connexionuith the jllount ]lolly trot} 11 - ork4, (eseeiping such por tions as bare since been /10111 by the siihscriber,) awe. the property of the Partners' & Mechanics , Wink, by virtue of a conveyance by the Sheriff of said coun ty, In August 18ps ; that all deeds not recorded within six iithinlis from•the time of their execution are, by Act of Assembly. dated 17th flay, 1715, de clare.d Prat ilent and void againsrstihsequent pur chasers; that tim hi:melt:ice been regularly paid,up on every tract liirmlog part of said estate, from the first oecuptition up to the Present lime; that by act of Asse m bly. listed 1 901 .Mai.ch, 1824,111 c cutting hauling, pilreliasing, Or employing of others to cut of marl, ally flintier trees upon or loin the land§ of another, without the license of the true owner is mode no-indictable offenve dad that the solwribee will prosecute all personsoffentling ligniest sni.l law no matter under wind fradulent pretence such %loin lion ix attempted lie will also give u reward of .TEN - VOLLAitS for such information pm 'nay lend to the ohilu on, slut TwENTT oot.csas for the convic tion of cacti and_ every olfemler. 11' 11. G11111511:1 W. Attorney hi foot of iiihrllank - . . I)er. ‘2O, CrAny intinnontion in ree,nril to the emate may e eoutinuniented. to L. o...l.lruntlebury, Esq. Car isle. 1 110,1 1 112 1 23 V 12228 ITIHE gkibserilier offers to sell or rent, 11_ the lbllowitue: Mill l'ropertles, situated out the littlish' Creek, adjoining l'etersluerg soul Detuesuunoul Iron \Vorks,ntl known au the uPeterslen Mills," No. 1 is :t. STONE MERCHANT & GRIST MILL, forty by fitly fret, three stories high, exclusive dale' Garret, with two water wheels and tour run of Stone Cast Spur and Bevel Gearing, Grain and Flour Elevators, Smut Mill, &c., all finished off in the best manlier. No. 2is a capable of cutting NM to 1500 feet of Hoards per der, Prom tile advantage the shove Mills have hi dis posing of all their products without the exilense of transportation, they are worthy the attention of pur chasers or renters,aml.will he sold or let separately to suit purchasers or renters. AMOS A. JONES Peterslitirg.liee. 9.0, 1843•-6 w al I S SIGXE:I3 7 S 07'1C -, ALL persons interested will piense to take notice that the trust account of Peter Hayti hart assignee or.lacoh Eichelberger has bet.'n exhibit ed to the Judgei of the Court of Common Plens of Cumberland county, who hove appointed the 1311% day, of February, 044, for the 'passage of stud Teat, THOS. 114. CRlSWELL,.Prothonotary. Carlisle, Dec. 20, )84.1 ; 3t-8 .„. Notice to Collectors, (Zr The Collector; of the different townships and Boroughs within the Count) of Cumberlaud, are hereby requested not to receive any. of the Relief Issues of the Reeks County Batik, under the Act of the 4111 of May 1841, in payment of taxes, as I have been officially notified by the State Treasurer that they will not be received hereafter by him. NV.M.. M. MATEKR, Treasurer of Cumberland co. December 19,1845. • 'Hou'ses . to . Rent. „ • . A. two story BrieV!dwellin; House filth stablipt, West I I igh street.- Also, a , two story' briek w'elling: hoirie' wills a store=room, ware lionselke„ iii North Ftniwoer street.' Also; the shop adjoining the same now occupied by Mr. Malloy. Also; thefrarnO dwelling liotite anti shop adjoining the Post Office. Alsci, sniall friirtie dwell his- Image In Webt Loather :street, inid ts Small 'two story brick' lionse..in rear Of the sarrip un DickinsOn'Alley. "Possessipoi to be g iypi the: Ist of April next.' Fur teem, nikply. ' '3NO t, ft. PARKER.' netemh J.1L,.. . . . VORWORDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. , : Ellarriebivrgi- Pa . - ini.)rms nail itie:pylitit; . 5.0 . 0. 9 41 !IS. ,3 11, 44 1 8 l ' t ' i i ° W t .PItPAYq ( . I .l''„jskl 44 lF 0,4-FRlfi ,oloolo9l. tity: 11-1 01,1flPT. , 43 , 1 1,Vik u4oolt §oo,,4ocitr" dip foot oi' Storstsfor iirOihape"tinil 0 1' 11 1 1 411r nuttimore stud 'Pittsburg 4 41 0A1 0,4 1 0i41.0 :PP 499f1., N A). %41telt,..Apfl, go's - 'W'RlPFntc•c ,, ; . ; ;:** l Ylf IPst 1 ‘ I. ~ H a e 1 1 44 41104tagA X 4fAi`okopmElitriiiFkmAmtrig*444, :-.‘S,ruiMPUMIVATW,IPA":•, ,', rtR 1 ,,,, 114 6 % 1 41 C it r e e EN leltve to iill ' ol l in 4411 , 1iiii 41. il '- • Ito. -. .n” . „ . 1,,,14 ;;;;' ' - • '.. WROlittlim ksAßlts :: 1 , 4 A WAti , I tlV , i , - I '', I t t I =, t i •. 1 7,1, W I i t tit i kitlFlSl ‘. ' tn ' '44g .roti; ,L riorimotz , :Mlitilf,i,V-Afe!***llolVg,s,l,s:ilailA 0 f trig .I.j) lift ''i. '14.1 r Y4# tafr, 'F.4 F ti "'.401/4:` 114VERS agitymisTid*bat pu t t flp',itv l a IVA 4 *Plendlif 4f r nAl44l - Atigef °° " l4in g lintt; Enn'OPai ciffi, , P , l4o,dubLP', °fluting. LltOtatY utiVanieri Anlin lag'? • 11 4 on' tish l'"eterfiio ` ric h 44e showf'rblifditif roe ChriVtlltattAls° , k chol o ° elegantly:of 4 044 d eihtegi Hymn Cal& moo Prayer tlitto.--together with:ti gene?al as.' iortinent of Stindard, Miscellaneous'and , SONOOL BOOR'S, r all, of whirl) will be sold lower than ever offlirett in . 'STATIONERY of every variety, best • quality of Letter and Cap Papers, ruled'and oriruled from' 12i to 25 dents per quire; Quills; Blue fluid and black Inif,Steel Pens, Pencils, (Jeckenn's beat,) Silver ever Points Leads for ditto, Wafers Coldred and transparent, Sealing 'ma; fancy' ond . pliiin, Motto Seals, Paper folders, together with a large assortment of Pen knives, superfor end cheaper than ever (dared in the market. Carlisle, December 13, 18.13. 3m•7 OIL, CAW/9LI .VC,; Pure Winter ?perm OIL, Mott quality at $1,20 per • 41tIlon. Wttiter Sea F.lepliatit (fine quality) OIL at $1,60 per lb. dricrrn Candles, warranted pure, at 676 cents per Philadelphia Mould Candles, assorted sizes at 126 cents per lb. Wax Candles assorted Colours, at 626 mita per. lb. Pure Castile and Scented Soap—tilso AlMond other fine SOA p. Just received and for sale at tha Store of Carlisle, December G. 1 8 0. tr.-6 , . , - Casimergs Ff. .Ves t i a gs, ~, CIAPPINGEIt & . CA REY nre: javt aliening a large.as..ortment of fiodlionebb , CllS rimerpsi & Vestiilgn alticli 4'ill be qujtl.at Sikt= loupe sate. . ' . • , October 1 8 , . . .. • itl4U4 . 111.111n a It 'RUN() ti RAISINS, Oranges, Lemons, -FLY Currants, and Prunes. Asqoiled Pickles: Fine ,o:ive orTnble Oil, 114 , ,ct brands. Citron. Choonlate—linker's No 1, and, I ionicepathio. nistrd--variousqualioA,. Vanena Ilene. Togalaw with a genr:ll aeserttgent of Notmege, Cloves, Ciun•+luun, Pe l met., Giager,lsOce, Mace, and a K ontrall aesortratot , oQ all other artkeles in the line at n Gropor. For sale al We Subscrip.fie..Stom—at the lowCst cash prawn. J. W. EBY. December 6,131 q. • 6 FOURS AND CONFECTIONARY FOR Thanltsgivitag & Christmas vsT rereiverl by mygits C riAvEns•ticic pia Fresh Malaga Grapes perfettly smaul, hest Bunch Itaihlns, very. fine, 12 1-2 rents per lb. Fresh Figs, in foie order, and vet y superior Citron, Cur rants, Keg Raisins. LEMONS & ORANGES, Almonds Walnuts, Brazil nod Ground nuts, togeth er with a 'general assortnient of CONFECTION ARY. December 13, 1143. • 3m - FISH,SALT, MOLASSES, &C. No t, finest quality MACKEREL. (fresh) in whole, half and quarter Darras. No 1, superior SALMON. A few boxes dried BERIUNG. New Orleans or fine baking Molasses at .10 cents per gallon or 10 cents a quart. Beat New York Syrups at 62,1 by the gallon, or 16 cents per quart. A Lot. of !me TAIILE. SALT in boxes and la bulk. A Lot of Liverpool f;', Alum SALT, bythe bush= el or Sack, in good order. Constantly on bawl mutt for, lade by J. V. EBY. 'Carlisle, Dec. 6,1813. 114 t11123292111_1111140.11 myEus & HAVERSTICK havejlig opened for the accommodation of their yugag Heeds a large sissortmum of Toys, Toy gooks t 5 Fancy .1i otking (or little folks, both amtising and instructive. Call before the assortment is broken. • December' IS, 18.13. 3m-7 NQTICE IN BANKRUPTCY, APETITION for discharge mid certi ! liente under the Bankrupt Law; has been til ed by WILLIA BIG Currier, Citntherlauxl county, and FRI DAY, the-t fltli.of January .cc7tt, irt I I o'clock A. AT., is appointed kw the heuring of, before the said Court, sitting in Bankruptc), at. the District Court Room in the City of Philadel phia, when and where the creditors of the mini Pe titioer, who have proved their debts, nod tdl other persons in interebt, mu, stipt•nr and show cauße y they have, why such Uiscliarge and .Certilic4 l hunki not bo grunted. PH 'S., HOPKINSON, Clerk of the District Court. Phßadelphin,Nov. 15 . /kW'. Houses fon Rent, 11111 HE HOUSES AND LOT belong ing to Rev..lt , thert Emory, lately nectipicil Slr. Edward S. VVall:eri possession given imme diately. Also the HOUSES, Orchatsl and Lot, iffitv lit the occupancy of tlr. George Ititigwalt, adjoin ing. 1 3 .,ssession given on the Ist of April next. For treme apply to the subscriber, agent for the on net.. W. D. SE% :NIOUR. December 6, 1843. _tll6 Mourners , and Anxious Bench, ' IN an much as Doctor Nevin, has published a pamphlet in opposition to the use of the An. xious ,e , r New Net:P47'm as he calls them, in which he giies all such movements,the °pin lie. thin of, qqackery under the garb of' relizion, with nut, its inwmat lice 44 power, New,be it known to ail the god people,of •tumberlancl enmity, and eltiewhere, that I haye publisheci. strietyr,ep (upon the Professors views)in which it will hit , PicurlY seen. /at.. That the-use. the Mourners' Seriph is . net detrim'ental to trun piety. . .„ That there is Scripture- alitliiirity fur •wo men praying in 3d. That the Proi'eseer hue anbject . he'did riot underatand. ' • " - • , Qu4cict%rt,l.c. ' nature end operations act forth.' Tlrrough; out - these - atriotu re eirr "ur OF *ieuri,;• t hut tiye Professor evirieed hitneel r to Ve a' Qtiockirle thii first' Oidir" i .1p of l'ii , ! ll •' l l!ey,o4ii yC 1 411111P7.-.4: 4l lr l Paltiniillnis , Shiraniatl.W.ml7.9f , ' . 4oyrilOhn'..E:olll4 , - 114064iiimibuig -• ' Shirperis,bytiVi.T.SkirmfiztuOrik.l:lo9y r 43o,,, - ,tore.. 0. - t i wi tg o ic hk • Daomilm( 1843. SUGARS r CUFF 'OLP! o• irainEsi; Riplit4; tidikr`in,), L alurOke4;, , syq% . ,.g..4l, r 44 cello per s s po n a , oval ktr,rl1 qf .e.k? ci. 1.14/k)e,p4,10.ua.. Wit ; , 4.):Lp a vi:.s'•" It ..,- radqiiiliillg",4, i t o4iii,BO.Pre 4 ,., E. i ;.. , .;. e, :,' .„ 1 ....‘ , s , '' ,,, f , "'„']: ii t '.44i ~1000.1..E1N.1ti ,q, coiti 4 1 1,1 6 4 4 1 .,,, , q0.'J, 14 4 , ~f - ,•, 7 . Ato ~ 00,004 , " 'PI 0 4.143 f, eihfOifit, tktv l, 7!, ,:lvii%. 4 , 4IVIVAit, O'itpnq uitta wnf4 .,'lv r * to ,o r . ,to C oo i 4.0 i k r r 4%0 i, , , t 0 1 410 " n14 , 0 t 1 1r 0 4r1e 0 4 ,1 `04 , 0 1 4 1 f.4g . 1 1 0 0E 0 , t o:o4A4Pi,oooltil!Altioilrtabsrr - 'oPl Z ze , : ,o o l te 4 ,ilr,-..oiii io t , bitior,* - di fii „,,,,,,, 1, ~, ~, ... , ..,•, , Fabi‘AkftiFfs A - .‘,,” ". • F . .' gai,iis - bsefill,elkikiliOisikAtitikitb4o*,mtniny • irtiFeicsrlielo O ste 7i•potti . ., iAlf i iiiiiillatterriti,er:, , Wrlttiodkeitlier' ,, bs' , llikik:nit',lollo,l4llvilrnt , .bik', Oromppv fitt,n4ed to:, , ,;• Ay, 4.),; ., 4ipTiviotin, ;!,,, .3Nlletel;ther .6 v4s.' '' " '4lp :, ~, ''' '-, ' ij , 44-‘, ' ,- . , I . _ -,;,.. •-r - kp, , ,,v,i. ~... . • 1 • -', ' 7:-; • '. 11/iRE1 14 1 1 A0 ' 4 • IL " it U. stiluirtif;pr%Aviiiit‘r input his atia tfiethltf,,lle: eplettishell his stnak'and 'l4 iiow,:n.lTeritt` Aim North Monier Strt;• , a ikWl(4l- rnelii. llardwgre,' Cr, y t ,og " 11 Lneka.ii inges.• screws, otitis - and Nati*, or rill kinds and sizes. Grain, Canal inaltither . erShotele. Carpenters' snail as plan'esi•saw a, Chli9) B , he' s 'Bar Iron ; 61 later, coat and.i;fisdrllq nod britNwhiliding4 lit .sets; Saildid.TM74.,gle, lll !R and tuber NV.,bblng. Sitoi! acid ption. Mahogany - stud 13414 knalbs teat styles. A lso, , Oils, l'aints and r .ranal4heif, r/ . • p Rlleit as white !rod. spirits of Turpentinki; Co ual snit japan Varnish. GLASS of all, ,siZes . ;.froPli it by. lo _ 11111\a141. Aißq l ap assortment ''sf,7ttribeEN pttent, Lard 1-omps,together with other aribcbsi..,toAlagnier. OUN to mention All of which will be sold twenly-,1119,11itAg,, ltl- er than they linve ever neen sold betjttuutiii! • , and g ood money. Cull and ezninlvielintilteiWelinging elsewhrep.,and if ifiearfiele;a!niid not found na you need 1)61 pureliiiati.: . Call 'at iriy tale" • 9 JACOB'SENER. Novembei.22, 1843: • ' tf-4 ANcIE4NY ANDERSONi:..on 1.11 0 , , N'ovt.4 , East d'ornerpt ‘ ilte Publie , S9uare anti' 'ttiree(ly ovpoiite k now ()ru e% a large atul well.telgekeiTatisortment:of DRY GU()I.3S' ClitqCk4lts will.tell on the moll lUvorable terrus:: The, followlniartieles 'eoutia))..6 ptirt of their atoislet,lo, which they are week matting alftlitiona ; ••• - ••• , 11'enTtlyetlbIneka teal blue blacks, greens', teci ilile olive. greens, Wive hrowtts cadet lire.rb" LI CSAIIO W .0 LerY S,. giSct ' Vile( gut.l:4euver Glottis. • . . Fancy, Midi' nod Tweed CASINIEgEa, elide and Fenny SATTINETTS':' 14(1 avidFgtinel; Cando!' and Doe ikin ANNELS. . . , • „ „ • Merinors, Mouseline'do I.:lines, Alpaca Lustrea t Eoliaitties Priiits and Balzarines, Broaka!lWerino. Blanket, Wool, Silk' • and Daniabk SHAWLS. Liulieb Cravats, with alargenssoitment of OloYo and Hosiery. Totetlieelieitha great:vim:4,y of oth er articles too nuoterOuti to tlietttiott.,, r • Carlisle,, Note. 1843 • HOTS; SHOS ) . HATS• te,"CAPS . FRESH VAL; ,„. 91 HE • Sobscriher having just 'rettkrnedr , iedit -M. City,' ia • noW • opening u' veryllarge;stonk Hoots, Shoes, finis and Caps in addition our stook, an ar which will be sold as sittinity the place-lin. rash. • .- 15 Cases of Men's, boy's and 'Yuutlt's Calf, Soak Kip a n d (nutria boots. 7 eases of 'nett's, boy's and youth's calf, Hitt ki r and C031 . 5C 3 - eases women s, misses' and chthlreit's calf, irid, roeco, groin, and kip monroes. •'2 eases ..womeit'i and misse,' calf and seat buskin' 10 eartorint. of Ladieskid klitrAiioroVipy wells; bus U1831'1(1 slippm r , Also a large tisssrtrpcnit. of gbildi~n's shoe... At the Store of ... , ' •' Seitt•mber 6, 184Z.—tf. BOOTS AND SHOES. Tun ~tibncriher fins just received' unothrr supply of BO (XI'S & SllQ4S,ntnongthelotwiltbeloUod.. 2O Csitts Boots from .1„2 to $5.. 15 Mims Monroe') from I,p_rn I 10 ". Boys Ito. {`from 50 to 100. • 25 '1 li..nd'es Slippers from •LS to 1,25; 10 " Do Mtitking Shoes nod Ilurkit•p. Children's Shoes ofull cola rs,slot pelt, sizes, prices. Don't tnistske the old BtlinOorbeie . eypu *lll km sum its get great bargains, November 29, 1543 Leather. .71forocco itnd adir; tMR-r.lb IEI urrei.•z i . rEZPER..-i viroST cilizefis IN C. l'i,littrg, and tholOiblin in general, thatheints rentoyetl his Leather, Morocco . MO Store to Nurtli Second street, a 'few' dborezilicre-,lienry IltichlePa lintel, where lig will kceji . CollitillitlY on hand a general asaortmeut Of the., lollowlegiutmeg artjelea, yiz: . , Spa aibiii & Slan'ter, Sollo,'Skiritinglo Aarness, lair And black bridle, wax and grairi tipper whip and collar leather. war'iind 'grain ' Calf, Skins, Spanish and country hips, rut" and' lining leather,bellows Lcatherfor . tutees alai illaelnittlidia,' and • • 'rivaled Sheep Skint, !•'; . ALS4f)!..-JrlolloColit' Comprising Nlen's MgrUcen.,'".Yonien's lin reined red unil at ndis,French kid'Of i fres:int !wilful -A. Ited romp, Bindings. Livings - of all col Ors, 'Book; binder% leather. Chatitojai leather aridßuck Akins. ALSO—SHOEMAKERS! KIT AND FINDINGS, Such as boot keys and breakers, 411oe. keys, !tam merm, idurers, valets, statuits, size Mirka, . punches, kuires ! robbers Ales, rasps,, thread,. bOnt'wobbing, bintrAbles, boot Pegs;l4lo',, or which be wlllito at the .veri• ..11a0W,CST 'CASU, W. returns his Biome Ilook,Ctctlie, ptib lie, for 1116 liberari.litroliage' Ititiherito Oro beebeen(AU:tali:A to 111ra,.aa4 rvipectrailly •aopmts a ciiitinuasasta of !heir rayon.'''` 1 - larrtslaug, May 1.7.1949, akit le a , v ‘is wpg4 . 2,ll • * • DENTIST,:. ~$ ` iil ~I , mt i r, o r e ritofs 0 7 1 , .e. T: eti : w t , if4„ iue4 : iprihen.e64,ioitie „, scaii,w; rifn,ri IltOgkwi - c 7 f4 . 4 147 0 7 14 ' the toss tit tPafrily lasetliagArtOu9k f. S. ~ cons a single 1 0ta11,1 , 1 a fill! r !!7 , ,),_ . ~ .....„0 few” doors SOUth' t th riYqtliite 01l ritt,rf!R..,.,.p1,., -,-• , L •/-.4iti d _ N. 13.. De Loorpiri vill'bpo,l4lll,!;!!fri#l?.l,,,,w,..ati!,.J's Ilia 1114 tell' Olive, in F i t e1 !* 99 0 .4. .t'i, 1 ! ( . 1 ,,Z.,P,. .4 Alm. ,‘24,1i4.3. 'f';",': .stlicAtti.j. , :1:?4 ~,. •.-:.. • -, • - 44 4 1 ? , ..... .•4 ' LA cf , ` . •••1•‘•( . X' . • •' , ' ~.' '' 1.. :•:' . j ~ , , ,:,il;'.t' :,?,, , t,"'NF:f A eIP-1:1P 4 T. 1 ( ) 6 3 i, wil,i, 'll. miiilo...;.ksiriitli.et .- -tia. Dtkelcit :: v t" . !i l v Cu r li,t, p,iiikPiiheilext loy, l islovre v 1 nu' , t;tvav v 'itlwinotli• ; .I,ltVvvr. ) l%vt p , : .1. xt ve v ew v I 51 t . fl i p:- 010110;tillAir*iill'itiule ,JiiiVii . u. 'on , ill vud. bt l ippf. t Lo . .l, , , , .‘4 ,l fili•lige.,•Butik,l!,jt 1 - , it i l l ,,, . tfliptololltir Aii I!. , O.:•.:( 6 bittedli4 . ooe. l 4 l i4'Viiiiitmti. !It 11 , 1414;jit4TIiii4.1 'Ol - 41:'•:118A11it:•7141ip....,-.•,(limiukk t it-- ' lii4 Niii;tii wit.,..1.' ire.e;,'llifiitli . o'l . ll.l94sAric . Ac4llA,9, iiiictlie,q34 , l4 r oli Pit'sif•••li64ldiik,'.uiit,TillOolititrni; ' 1114tiibi , 01:•''. 'q3y. ' i'di , V'otthC'Rbfird'itifp . 44oo 9 l44. ; "•• , ..-•••.;:' , •'i•'-' , . , -•' 7 11 7 :1i,' ,- 0013P144.."0014K.' , , 3 tinoB, 1843:• : ,', , '• , ,=,•••;•- , ,,, , , , ,, , • 1 .- ,-th". - , , . , -q-; , sx.a4t, . •-,, ^a&-01' . 10t ~.-.--•-"; . :.,..,,,, .., ANP. two-sticii7oO4ViiiT,o4_';oo4-T411 1 •' R" ifigc ! *ellsitliSiOliiitAiitli*,ro4 kM 81 ). si,iipartier , rdrink4ll4oArli•V `Trord b,f4, fe . ntit4 fur that liiirht4o4l44.l Vii tir... • --• • . -,•-•''''' ,001%., ' , VOL' : 'ti,SZtismitibt•r'S'il'444' * =I KEE4 12 Tti 08E 1011ebtei 4 41. 5. 410E0 keol oettle their ,enbtkiltf'4ol , 3iLfc ',P1,011,46.A11".0"111 I)AROAI,fIS I: BARGAINS 1:1., •Itf:MATF;EIt, South Huoici,Stro CLIO: OGILBY. tf-5 El • ~,. If-20 V ,