t:l",.o . l.l*.LttaiPat4i.6-' - ! . :,' , ' .7 1[1 11.F. IME!!!B . • Ll'. Thefollowitt g . littes;po the' Illihrrluie, are:full dt tAtb r itild p i uetid beauty, t'ymetspeetls ; • - , Drpp:frotque illie.the leaflets sear ; .• : Deopilike the life ; blood from our hearts; ' The ,rdse;bloom frem the cheek departs ' The tretriea frau' the temples fall, ; The eyes grow .dim and strange to all. .• Time•speeds atvay=--away.;- = away ; • .. likethe lot*mote in a stormy day ; • Ile undermines the stately tower, ,• 'Uproots the tree, and snaps the flower; Andiweeps from our distracted breast • : Therrien& that 11041, the friettan that blessed; • And leaves us weeping on the shore, To which they. can return no more. 'rime speeds away---away-.. away ; No eagle through the .kies of clay, Nov ind along the hills eau flee; So swiftly or so smooth us he. • Like fiery steed-•-from stage to stage Ile bears us on—fro nt•youth to age, 'rhea plunges in the fearless sett Of fathomless Eternity :1 WHAT IS LIFE? How soon are the most striking events and solemn admonitions forgotten ! The lexeitement which is prodoeell in us, how ever stiong, is for the most part transient and momentary. A strange sort of delu sion seizes and stupefivs the tnittd, and it settles down again upon the lees of earth and 'carnality. Hence, in the holy Scrip tures,' the same, searching appeals on death and eternity are so often repeated. Hence the most vivid and affecting descriptions of the shortness of. our continuance here, and,. of the infirmity and sorrow which enter into the lot of our present pilgrimage. But some !nay ask,. fire three-score years and ten, the ordinary term of flums ! life,-to-be called a short period 10119Wf r, Certain ty it is, when compared with eternity, The life even of Methuselah was but, to end less duration, what a drop tlf water is to tile ocean, or an atom ionhe.universe. , In j s lie flush of youth. while fancy forms a thousand glittering pictures, and sports a midst the delights of sense and sin, this ,:Tepresentation is wholly disregarded.— ' Time then seems slow in its movement;' ' andlife'presents a vast and varied fichl, il - lutnined with all the gar visiims of hope • and happiness: 1301 the grey-headed ,se nior,, who is just finishing his mortal race, .• has widely different views. With hint the enchimtinents of a delusive imagina tion ,have successively vanished away, in the progresss of •Sober e x perience. The timiles and figures used in Scriptures, to set forth the rapidity and shurtncss of life, are remarkably apt and striking; It is a tale, a dream, a flower, a flood,.a vapor.— These are objects with which we are all familiar ; but heti/ few, alas! receive the monitory lessons they teach ! 'l'lre tale is soon told ; the dream, with which we are tumultuously occupied, vanishes with the morning light, and not a fragment or trace remains ; the flower opens its rich tints to the sun, but even its bloom begins to fade, and shrink, and wither'; the flood caused by a tempest rolls down the mountain channel, and is swallowed up in the sea ;- '• the vapor gilds with gold and purple the evening sky, but while we gaze and admire • melts and disappears.. And why is human life so short and full of trouble ? . Why ' does God deface and destroy the work 'of his own hands ?.11e...nce this dire rdis pleasure of the Alnii lily, Iv x hich has swept away many gene lions ()Tour race, and has everywhere suspended signs and tokens of momning,lamentation, and woe? "By one man she entered into the world, and death by sin:" Here the mystic veil is piereed- 7 —dm cause of human frailty and suffering:ls disclosed. "That same rash hand : That pluck'd in evil hoof• the fatal fruit, Unharr'd the gates of hell and let loose sin, And death, and all the tinnily pain, To prey upon mankind." ENJOYMENT OF Ltr•E.—The first step to wards either goodness or happiness is to believe in their existence. Are there no pleasent realities? And is this august, this mrgnilicent, this beautiful, this de lightful world to ye termed-a doleful dun .geon, or a vale of tears? What mon strous ingratitude ! Enjoyment is the natural :state of existence ; our senses in stead of being limited as they 'might have been. to. the .purpose,of mere existence, are made to minister unto 'a thousand su- that create an innocent plea ''sure. Whit' incalculable; what ineffable "delight, apartirom all objects of utility, Upon us by the eye, by. the ear, by the palate, by the sense of smelling. Why is the jocund. earth, our magnificent ,•bartgiteileg hall, garlanded with. flOwers, :odoroes' with . perfumes, and melodious. With all varieties 'of grand .and dulcet-mu liui Mat - the abundant and delicious festival which ie incessantly renewed for all animated beings,..Making their existence illerpetual jubikei'mily be rendered ati,:va. delightful, es "possible, and, fill` the ,'•rnind,Othe'retiOrting guest with• piomi,grat itudelltothe Creator for the blessings and deliihts : that ;.he..:so,.Profusely • scattered ibrilugbOlit'tbe whole treatiblit Douatsiavtuts, , April, 19,1843, ai r* onkeley :--My ,son .Eldrounti Leaf, hiol die scrofula in the most, dreadful and, distressing mall: tier for three years, during which time he woe de= privet! of the use q 1 his limbs, his head and neck W(ll . e covered with ulcers. We tried all the Miler cat remedicsi but.to tto °net until rommentled by • Dr. ,Johnson,of Nerrist , wo, and also De.: bane '`;',' otqa.T.l77.—Thete is M the conscious- H leder, of • eeding; to use your Depurattiv Syrup •, __ . r , ri, p impression o t of Sarsaparilla, of which I obtained !mend bottles t ' ' llillit , J 3 t Ove*y . :min dicer - • • ow use of widoh drove the disease entirely out of trPootloos,i, eFiatence. , The .casuist; mar • hit) system, the sores healed up, and •the child was " 4 0 0 /i,,aillititudzit till he , bewilder ,himse f restored to perfect health,which he has enjoyed en, 4 , !t t fiti("*ll 110111011108 •• . but a voice with 4°lllll°4lg ever since, to the estOnishment.of ma. ~., , - , , , Jay.perspne r whe seen WM, ,thiring his affliction; I ",,iol:tveit.(tlie"7 et toCalt-hitc vain ; speculations, have thought it my,,Aluty,,aud.agnd-you, this cert ifp itiWitdi9,:foit,'•tiiiVe,which ie to' defile.— oltle, that mthera%whd 'limit allikkailltetfon in the; Vitrlioatiecio'hutable ' 'l - 1 1 ftPilt.lßP.Y. 4l 44l`r MbOreto l im i t !alibiing :a Med. ,- .. „, , , _inquirer e tape - 4 , , 1 , , -w toug:l ti u ly._ , , A. 0 : 1. 4, 11 , , ,, ,40,,,,rti,..t r i t .0# 1 *llllllO , he 'seeks feriae- -' - `-, " ' `," "" , , • ' , VI ;IttOPPI , ratibjtetrl 40, ,11101iletIt0110 i .?. 45).1 l d — Y°. : , ' :,,, , ~.Dig, t `l. ,• . Car' 'and 60 . OC-' " ,altitArtittli , abniluto,,c,iin; WO 11 01 : 41i ithil'svgka 4ai i i" ,l6 - 4110 aii T:l4bil ,i , lr• ' ' tll4s, ?, ,thick biaiii* o l l ,lll l4 I, l4lld , g6tility.i 7.''''VA•l`t..,-,., ~.,4-, 1 4: 7 1 0,,,,S 10: 1 A4 rt * ''' ' lthtwottar '44('''' '‘- '• •i'A',lllr.4loloestgeto cloW4crsiiiifrr,, ,,,, it.o . d -, 0 1 i , , -,, ~ ~,. : ~,,,,, , , r : „ , , Mys,taft-' 141;yeguilk cothigileaueetEuvel , ',r-- ,, ' 44." , ,',,) 4 ' ' ; 4444 `q °1i t V il l4 Wi l hip kir ti anti . :I ' l4l; PVot* 9: wattaiironlitoii— ?: , b , :. , . ,,, Y:( ~,,,-,,,-,,,, ~ . Ad' ..tir4 ' ‘ r...a` .' ,^ i ,,, . , ,• ' • 4, t . ,t . Atm 4.- , , ~1 1, ,, ,- 1 ~.,,,,t , x,.,b' goaa o lot,t- .P.4 l l ll .olf4Joyoi'm c•-•,Avr,rbr., raften, w Me. , if, ~, :•-, i ~-,, - < ,:,' -:"Ig tr,,,'0 . , Ott Iltbrtit te4litelit ''',404„.1e 4 .'- f ," ' lli t' s iv ' auvkhatt ill'" l '' l' '''' • ` Iturolltgwno,.• ,`"",*- V '''';''', ''...W , : 4 A/ `'.,.-aVt 1 091110.1At'egYP't*:!", , P' - 'l'itik' 1 . 41 1 1 5cr (04 ,..-, 4 %Prn',..11 , :,:::"t i 9.41. OnJht 04' , before T bt e ito , i'etiniptittione d r iopPed. s ayi 'with the dust.. Thou , remindest Old' inati;:wlici .na,mhesed century` •'•:=4l.ll(r.hattseen • his youthltil•frientio -- aid tiffs companions-of-dti~dle'=life pass away - ', Mid leave" .111 m 'albite. But," h'usht there' 'comes islightlneezethe leaf flutters 7 —' t).! it is gone•to mingle with:ihndut. , So , will the, patriarch pass away. . Like the Wile ' le af, I too must' wither . . • and die.. In a few - years— ; a few months perhaps—l shall, fall and ,perish. 0, 'that I may leave behind a name, that shall not, breathed with reproach.— [lb. , A KIND ACT.—Flow :sWeet is the're; medibranee of a kind' act ! As We' rest on our pillows, or rise in the morning,.it gives us delight. We have performed a gond deed to a poor man ; made the widow's heart m rejoice ; we lidv.e dried the orphans tears. Sweet, 0 how sweet the thought ! There is a luxury in rememL boring the kind act. A storm careers above our heads ; all is blaek as midnight—hut the sunshine is in our-bosom—the - warmth is felt there. The kind Pet rejoiemh the heart, and giveth delight inexpressible.— Who will -not be kind ? Min will not do good ?, 'Who will iiot visit those -who are afflicted in bOdy or mind .?" To spend an hour among the poor and depressed, I s wo r th a t ,(I passed • . In pomp ease---'tis present to the lash'? [Portabnd 7Mnute C1111.1)10 - ,." .1 , k)1( I.OZ l'INGP;Sonni growmpeople sas they are the plot saMest , and most effective medicine in nse. l'mor tunas quantities are sold. mal cvery body-hl:es Mem I , eLeman I Imo, Esq., editor of dee Merchant: amine says they cored his coac,h in a few " ' 'rho Rev. lionlate. of the :11e1)en n . , a1 fdree church, was kll,ll Or :1 Sill 111111 cold :Intl tough II on, day. The Rev. Ale. Anthony, of the Nlethodi:d church, was cored of COI,IIIIIIOII I II by them. . 'SIIEI4:IIAN'S W(111:51 I,(E/EN( IES 11:;vr F:11"(.1 ,;1 11 10115 ,m1, As!; v : E: Eytitttt,i , ml.. t Valker St., the 11;11,, Elk aril l'ortyr; I kn. IS. IS Ilcardales; 1)r. 14. I,rarl all our pllysi %rhat 111; y tlii,.k :,livrtirtiCh I,"zeilges, ;1111 ~0 002 uniy iu no, a. IrtIAN'S \WH(l!? I.OZI',NGES art real t ...headache, p,ilpitailoo, lii 10WileSS of spoils tlespondeot the eil•ets o (I..tipatioo. Capt. 01 the 1% elliogt.o Aukorinao,.the great sips paiolor, 111) - or Clark evr: y bmly knolls Ii 11•11. POOlt ti'l.'F.R—Shertnan's we mean costs •I2 I Y malts, null is sore to cure rheumatism, ttinhago, pa% or weakness breast, sole, or noikLalsji piles—and Ott y eul V W 01•11. :11/1/11 , 11 U. the 11311. Aftit .100 I loxie, or any due who has iseil it, :mil would gi% e,ijs far ono EOOllCr thall use •ents lot. all other plastvrs. Supt it, Carlisle t‘: Book tilorc, F,arl. I I igh sired, uho are sate :tgeats •'or , • Arid & Greasmi,Si,ipprmhLitr,,-; t.Y r 'WH~:... /ad ~J ~iN w 1 COMPOUND BEPURATIVE SYRUP, For the cure of Obstinate Eruptions of the Skin; Pimples or Posit . 'les on the Face;' Biles which arise from an impure habit or body; Sealy-Eruptions; yains in the Bones ; Chronic lilientoatisin; Tetter Scrofula or King's Evil ; White Swel lings; Syphilitic Symptoms; and all dis rders arising from an impure state of the blood, either by a lout; residonee i a hat awl unhealthy climate, the injuci cious use of Mercury, &c. this N 1( dicive has frequently been found highly beneficial in Chronic Coughs,, or Colds of long standing. ThisNledioine l.aR !wan exienslyely,.llqed in the Skates Nitli deei h d liin,cfa tit Scrotilla, Nler iliiieltscs, and iii till cows of an tilt:ended altar :icier. As an in the and tall se:l -SO:IS, it is unequalled. It possesses rocs' ii(!vaittages ove , d o ,. d e coction, and is introduced as a prepaa tion torve portable, tint liable to ittiory by I.l4;keete• leg, and littler adapted It the use o r persons travell log or residiag abroad. • 'lite proprwtor begs .are In call attention to the rationing certificates.. h octet! Crook a large mon cr approving its ellicaer: It EADltia, 3, 1839 This certifies that my witc Mrs. Deem, had for nearly eleveuy ears sullet•ed from a scrofulous ernp ; tion resembling letter. it Lich ut e d ee' , (isles in her face, seek and arms, the constant discharge or which 'destroyed her healthond frequently confined her foe different periods to her lied, daring a Lich time her sufferings were very great. 'rile best medical atten dance was obtained, and all the known remedies were tried with but an alleviation of her complaint„ which always returned with increased mal 'laving lost all hopes or recot.ery, she had almost determined to give up the use of any Odle • medicine; s h e was however, by permeation, induced to try Oakeley's,Depuotive of Samaporilitt, rue use of five bottles 01 . which MIS removed the disease, and rcstered her to per feet health. TIIOM AS DEF.AI, opposite filet:pot, Wading, Pa. • 'rids is to twilit' , tint my little son, about eight years old, had sullet•ed for a long time from exten si*e sores on the right knee and kg, supposed to have been white swelling, which I found impossible to heal, even by the tud of the • most respectable niedical mince, until I was recommended to use Mr. Oakeley's Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla, 8 hus tles of which not only healed the sores, but perfectly maimed the child's healtlt:ivltielt had suffered much in consequence of this affection. CATUA RINE RINGENIAN, - . 701,abOye Pettit street, Heading. . Ti e.nbove ens° vine presented to me both before and after the use, of„Mr. Onkeley's Syrup of Sargn. pitrillitomil I have no hesitation in, believing that it was thengent of his reshwation. JOHN P. HIESTER, r". IMPURECRTATR , THE BLOM, OR HABIT -Scrofula- F orTKing's - Eviti7Rheurnatism obstinate cutaneoni Eruptions,•Pirri- •iples,'Or :Pustules On the Face, Blot , cheg, Biles; Chronic, Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or 'Fetter, Scald 1,164, Eli-, largetnont and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphili tic Symptoms, Sciatio4or Liimbago, and diseases arising from an.injudi • cious use of Mercury, Ascites, or Dropsy; Exposure, or Imprudence in . Life. Also, Chronic Constitutional Disorders will be removed by this Preparation. Improvement in whatever regards the happiness and welfare of our race is constantly on the march to perfection,, and with each succeeding day some new problem is solved, or 'some profound . secret re veitlee, having an important and direst bearing over man's highest destinies. If we take a retrospective -view over the past twenty years, how is the mind struck nMt wonder ! What rapid strides has science made in every department of civilized life ! parti cularly in that which relates to the knowledge 011ie hUman system in health and disease. How valuable and indispensable arc the curative means recently discovered through the agency of chemistry ! I low dces the imagination kindleand our admiration glow at the ingenuity, the near approach to the standard of perfection, of the present time! _Through the elabbrate investigations of Physielog,y, or the science of Larn, and the Pathology of prevalent diseases, much valuable practical knowledge has beengained. In consequence of becoming acquainted with the or ganization, the eleMents of the 'various tissues mid structures of the system, remedespave been aceight after and discovered exactly adapted to combinewith, neautralize and expel Morbffle matter, dm cause of disease, and substitute healthy action Mils place.— The beautiful' simplicity of this mode of treatment is not only suggested by the pathology of diseases, not nal% grateful to the sufferer, but perfectly in con sonance with the operations of Nature, and satisfac tor) to the views and reasonings of every intelligent, reflecting mind. It is,thits that Sinai's Sarsaparilla, a seientilic combination of essential principles of the . most reusable vegetable bubstances.opiTates upon the s. stein. The Sarsaparilla is combined with the most salutary productions, the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom ; and its unprecedented success ip the restoration to:die:llth of those who had long pined under the roost distressirg chronic maladies, has given it an exalted character, funiishing as it does evidence of its own intrinic emu mending it to the afflibted in terms the afflicted - only can know. .11 has long been a most ultimo:nit de:- shier:llm iu the practice 4.2 t .. :medicine to obtain a ottoly slonfor to this-olie thot tvooltt net on the' liper, stomach and bowels with Till Ihe-preeiniou mnl poten . ey of mineral pri•p•h•ii•ions, yet without nny of their deleterious effects upon the vital powers of the . systent. ' The attention ,of the reader is respeetlidly called to thefollhwing eel tificate. However great achieve ments have'ller.dolbre been made by the, use or this Invaluable medicine, yet daily expeticure shows re stilts still more rema•ltable. Tine proprietors here avail themsehcs of the opportunity of sin ing it is A SOUVCC Or consl.•mt satinfaction that - they are made the means Or I vlieving such an amount of sutrering. Vonderful 17,0'ects of Sands's Sarsaparilla - in Norwich, Conn head the following from Alrs. Wt». Phillips, who has long resided at the Falls. The facts are st ell know: to all the old residents in that part of the city. Mr.s , its. A. B. ..I:4liS & Co.—Sins: lost grate fully do I Cllll/I . llCe this opportunity liir statiiGto you the great relief I 011iililltrliI111111 lIIC soar toti•- -- shall also, lie happy, through sou, to publish to all who are all irted , tIS I latihy W a s, the ae eelltit. Of my •1111eXpeetwil, !toll civil fir despoil' Of cure. Mine IS it story, and try ;Jig and sickening its is the tiari•atise or it, tin• the sake tit ninny who piny be surely relieved, I will brielly yet accurately suite it. Nineteen rears - ago last April a ht of sickness left me with an Er nultelus tiruplunr. Itropsical collec tions immediately took place over the entire surface of toy hotly, calls tug such nu CillargelliClit that it was necessary to aild n Half lard to the size of my (Ices. sesitround the a este. Next foliowed,tipoil my limbs, ulcers, painful beyond description. For years, both. in slimmer and winter, the only mitigation of my suffering was found in ',miring upon those parts cold , water. front lily limbs the pain extended over illy it hole body. 'rhyme was literally Mr me no rest, by day or by night. Upon lying down Mrs • 'wins would Shoot through my system, anti compel me to arise, and, for hours together, sulk the Imuse,so that I was almost entirely depriied 01 sleep. During, this time die Erysipelas coiriiitted active, and the lacers en larged,and no deeply hose these eaten, that Mr two anti n half years they have been subject to bleeding. During these almost twenty years I (la's e consulted Many ply sicians., These have called toy disease— as it wasattentled with an obstinate cough and a steady and active pain in toy side— COIISUIllpt1011; and though they haw been skilful practiiMiters, they were only able to afford illy case it partial himl tem porary edict. I had many other difficulties too com plicated to describe. I have also used many of the medicines that have been recommended as ittfallible cures for this disease, yet these all failed, and I Was most emphatically growing worse. In this critical contlitioti, give!' up by Illetids,ind expecting for my self, relief only in death, I was by the timely inter position of ii kind Providence, furnished with your, to meiitivaltialde Sarsaparilla. A single bottle gave me all aSSIIIIIIICO of health, which tor tit enty years' hall not once felt. .'Upon taking the second my cu largetnent diminished, and ill twelve duys from the 1341 i of October, when I commenced takingyour Sae' saparilla ' 1 was able to etijoy Sleep and rest by night' as refreshing as any I es et. enjoyed when in perfect health. Besides, I was, in this short time, relieved Irian all those excruciating and unalleviated pains that had afilieted my day sots well as robbed ine of my night's repose. • The ulcers upon toy limbs are healed, the Erysipelas cured, and illy size reduced neatly to my termer measure. Sand's Sarsaparilla will also remove and perma nently cure diseases having their Origin in tin unpure state of the blood and depraved coodition of the.gen era! constitution', viz: Scrofula or Ring's Evil to its various, forms, Rheumatism, obstinate cutanetfus et tuitions, blotches, .bi les. pimples, or pustules on the lace, chronic sore eyes, ring% tient or tetier, scald head. enlargement and pain of the' bones and joints, stubborn ulcers, syphilitic symptoms, diseases aris ing froM nn iu j udioous t.se of mercury, female de rangements and other similar.complaints. • ' 'Thus much deflect it a privilegelo testify to the efficacy' of your health-restoring Sarsaparilla„ A thousand thanks, sir, from one. whose comfort and w`ioseliope.of.futurehealth are due,-under-God, to y Tn. just caltivillatity. And may the stone Providence dint directed me to your aid, make you the and honored instruments of blessing. others, as dis eased mid despairing as your much relieved null very grateful friend,. ASENATH M. PHILLIPS. New LONDON CO. se. • Norwich, Noe. 4,1842. Personally appeared,the ahove-named Asenath M. Phillips, and made oath of the theta Colitained in the foregoing statement before me. • , :RUFUS W. MATHEWSON, Justice of the Peace. Beingpertionally-aoquairited with Mrs.• Phillips:l certify that the above asserted Snits are enbetantially tree.: • ' WILLIAM H. RICHARDS, - • Minister of the Gospel tit Norwich, Crime. Prepared and sold by A:B. Sands & Co., :Drug; giets and Chemists, Granite builditigi,273 Broadway corner of Cliainhers:strem, New York. And for sale by ,lliliggists - thrqughbut the United States. 'Price $1 per bottle, six bottles for $5.- • l• -The poblie,are respectfully requested, to remem ber that It is Sands's Sareiparilla that, his Mid Is con itantly, such rerriarkable cures of the most dilfiCultnlese of diseases to .which the:huniartframe Is. uliject , and tisk Coe : Sands'," Sarsaparilla, and Wee p 9 .9ther , • I • ••i, , , - ;': . .Agent by special appointment for the Proprietors, for Catlisle.and .• , • Pt.-, ft ;Jid;12 , ..18,84 IY-37, ‘4Oll - N' "IXT AfENZIEV ' V i. AP (, 1 .g 1 .0T4911 4704 4 Iliwo!'!ii i ,tirio Aiffkilk , 9 , 4oit olo ,avP 3ll3l . ( Xv t- -Ck ' l4 Mk tOPPit 4) fn ...:0 3 4 °Ai PU PO) Pper#ol:4 o 111 fitt cturoin.g, Almllit4 x/radlino nar tiiroit;ateth; AO. tusorglyr,lwrrulitaide . artgicil *lam* imilied fciotiva,iiiientire set V9PM10 . 504 10 1 0160$11.11101:-. , ! 4.1, • fr ! TILAILY •ifie. eifec s of.iliis ;.ireparation ue bontin'g"-'lmbrittap assort th•CY haie:derived wore benefit titan nseugana: bottle , of tt, than three of any other. Thiti act:op: 1 0.0 fora : Pr. Lel4y*SPir.saPall.llB,l9 a mach'. stroageizTrepatation ihadany o,ther c aad, ,near.tirie:e as:much- ta ,onntained . in:One, bottle aapfrany, %other (aad . solil at the sanae pritie.) Let the publioyetaem-' , , aci . siar boastboast'bltt , the reel fact . DR. LEIDY'S SARSAPARILLA. •Frora thaMed cal nevieW., : • -'Ani ong the'vegetalde alteratives. with which our: dispensaries abound, theremre , few so useful as Sarsaparilla, and When properly noinbliwal.aod pre pared, is invaluable; not only in restoring debilita ted constitutions to'their Wonted:energy Wein every case arising- out of an impure state of the blood." Front a knowledge Of very many. cases (and some of them conaidered incurable) where - Many different . "pieptirtitions: of S'arsaparidn had been used, - none seemed to possess 'virtues or remedial powers equal to Dr. Leidy's MelliCated or Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla." Iris a 'preparation it is believed far Supebior to anyother, and Would recommend it tb the particnlar notice ofPhysicians.—Ed. U. S. Gaulle. ' DR. LEIDY'S . SARSAPARILLA. Extract of it letter from 3.11. Whitmore, of Easton, ' in relation to Dr. Leidv's Sarsaparilla. "'lily little boy and. girl, t,e former now three years mid the latter now seven years old, have been afibeted with a scrofulous tumor from the time they were three mouths otd. Threb months ago I induced to make trial of your Extract of Sarsaparilla, and have given it to both to the pvescut time. They ore now entirely free front anv appearance of Scro fula and never were in better health." Dr. Leidy's &Asap:trill:l is efficacious in all dis eases arising from impurities of the blood aim other fluids of the system.' All invalids who intiv have been under IN alical treatment, who are debilitated from die (annuity of medience they may have taken, or are under a mercurial influence, will find that by using a few bottles of Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla ,their listed vigor and elasticity of their frame and system will be restored, and be again permitted to enjoy the sweets of life. DR LEIDIPS- SARSAPARILLA. 17 . a"This article appears to be doing wonders at the South, and From the high character of the re commendations, we fire fully persuaded it is a most capital medicinefot 1111 impurities oldie blood. We know many Ph' iehins Or) have giv6ii their testi mony on this bithjeet t and we know they,would not give a character to any medicine that did not really (IClRl.l'Veli."—Cliavleston Enquirer. Extract of a letter Irons Dr. NatChcZ. "I laving; for the last year in my practice used your Sarsaparilla with much satisfaction to mysell and lictern to my patients, I have no hesitation in declar ing it to' he one of . the most_useful. preparations in diseases for which Sarsaparilla is prescribed." DR. LEIDY'S SAIISAPADILLA; (rj - This preparation may be depended tipnit as being the strongest (consequently 111(11 . 4: CI5C:1611118) 'or any iu existence ; ;ill fluid preparations must pos sess 81111111 W their stryligth, bring prepared from the same article. 1)1.. Leitly's Compound V.;tract however, pos.• susses properties nnt possessed by others, from its manner fli 111% . 11:11 . 1111 0 1i, 70111 COM1,111:ilifill Willi lOW'. vegetable extracts recommended by the medical la cohy—and hence the reason why • it is sr; generally recommended by the I'll 3 sicians uCP.biladelphiauul elsewhere. l'roin the extraordinary virtues of this-pt•epar„- tinu a knowledge of its cruni•os:tiiiii by Physi cians, (the re:ison why thei so gendrally use, it, as they would not use or recommend any preparation they did But 1:B0w the compositiou ot,) it lnis been introduced in many of the I lospitals throughout the IT. S. 111111 is highly recommended by Pl., siehins and Surgeons of those Institutions. From tl, New Orleans'Ailvertiser D. LEIDY'S S.I.ItS'APAIIIILLA. Tiw high and ens jell celebrity o bleb this pre eminent medicine has argatt•rel its inyliriable el licut.y ilivainses whirh it iirofi . ssissi to cure, has remlertil the usual practice or ulluecess:u•v. 11 is I:110%11 by its fruits and its trucks testify for it. lii. I ashly's tint's:quoin:l wily he fnnnd parti cuhu•ly elilencions iii tdl diseases of Ilse liver, stom ach, 43'113, 11111131'33, 513111 e 311111 bones, Meer:ohm oldie nose, throat and other parts, outset t.,,,„tisothts, scro erysipehis, suill 111(.1134111 g 31131. mercurial and syphilitic larcenous, lentalt. tic eaingelaellts told inn rumoring the sickly :mil ilehilitat esl to their nntural he ulth and energy. Dl. ILEUDVS SARpApArtgE,LA" 1 Addy's Component Extract (4'S:wt.:marina has wool the test fin• the 3 ears pa.t., and Imast to p. I ). that (hen• is on miter prep:m.okm or ,r i n•:l now in tire. Thrtatglettit the - S o uthern Staten where Sar‘sperill:t as much in i•eaeral tent eullee, Ile. I wiily S:n•sitp.u•ill:l iS,gelit.l.• ally pivferrial mid in highly recommended 13% Vite sivians, [idiom. certificates have heel: freutoodiy fished 1 '1 Imoughout dui north and Nicst it is also much used, mote pi rhapsthati :inc other. (hie ituttleuf it [half ti pint) is ware:toted equal to two of any °thee iu strength, and is equal to one half gallon of the strongest Strip that can he made. I)irrctiansfln• making Syrup ilicrefrnot Himont panics the directions. DR. LEIDY'S SAICSA PA INALLA. [Ky.-Biwa few clays since a Clergyman of this city [ts ho does not desire his statue published in the pa pers, but is l e ft with Dr. Leidy] stated that a lady ho had long been is communicant at his church, but for twoyears past astable to go to church, on account of her extreme debility, occasioned by ulceration of various party r her body, disease of her liner and other interna 'erangetnents, and the constant Inking of medicine th elbr,lleVlT i1,t111.1 ally change for the better until alts using several bottler of Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla, and by 71 few months perseverance in its use, was entirely restored to health, and recoref.- et] her looney strength, and to use her own language "was almost created a new being." This is but one of toasty instances almost daily be4rd of. It is prepared 'onfy and sold wholesale and retail at 'Dr. LEIDV'S Health Kinporinin ' No. 191-North Settnal street below Vita, also sold Frederick lirown, corner Fifth and Clit'quint streets; and Fred. & Co. coriter '2(l anti Callowhill street, at $1 per bottle, (a hall 'pint) or six bottles $5. For sale in Carlisle by T. C. STEVF.NSON. May 31, 1843. 0:31 • I•Porms 1 lite.ornis : gl' llamas knew the value and efficacy of Dr. Leidy's Patent Vegetable Worm Temthey never would be without it in their families,as children are subject at all times to Worms. ' Dr. Leidy's Worm Tea is composed of vegetables altogether, and may be git;en to children dun a g es. Directions accompany each pap e be package. Children suffer much, of tithes, from so many things being given Owm for worms, without any el fem. iluch medicine, given to children, has a ten dency to destroy their general health, and they are more or less delicate ever after. To avoid the necessity of giving medicine unne cessarily when you are certain your children have warms give them at first Dr. Leidy's Worm'Tea. It is all that is necessary. . Reference might be made to several hundred pa rents in Philadelphia city and aim'', of the u Jilic my of Dr. Leidy's NVornt Tea. Try it and you - will be convinced. . , Price t'2 cents a small, and 35 cents a large pack age. Preparied only, .and for sale, wholesale and Retail, at Dr. Leidy's Ilealtli Emporium' ' No. 191 North Second street, below Vine (alga of the Gol den Tingle and erpents,) For sale in Carlisle by T. C. STEVENSON. June 14, 1843; tf-S3 Dr. Leidy's 'fetter and Itch Ointment. AN infallible remedy for variouti nffeetions of the Skin, removing 'Pithples, Pustules, and Eruptions, of the Skin, and particularly` adapted to the cute of Toter and the Itch. , •This oititnient has been•used iu numerous schools throughout the city and county, as well as Factories, eruplov ing numerous girls and boys, • and tunongst ovAtait'yetter nod Itch es'well asother Affectionsasf diU Ski 411re:11111ml, with the.tooelupoxompted.!suc- Cess. Names Of School Teachers, att•well as S uper intendants and Proprietors of 'Factories could be given, c oi, fi yming.t4e above, but for the delicacy they feel in Wring • their, names, published in toonunotion with eaCh lenthoothe and' d i stwC*lle Offe<itions: 25`ceidik it Voi. - For 'ptdolri Carlisle byy -'--• " " C; STEVENSON:'7. ',lune 14, 1849: .• ' ' !" '11;83 ONS UM HTION, Cough; tSpi tting h 00l ctio. To'Colisu vCs. , =Fott r fifths of you nit au wing:to:llw neglected Colthi, • ' - iii 4 ", : fin Obitrinitibk and consequient toilamtuation •the 'delleuto,ll4ltre; of,those tubeit,thomigh uhiehllie'nfr ife l hienlhe diitrihutedlo evel;y l "lnFt of ,kho'fongs.. This Ob., struction.,orbdttes quob and Boheuess;"ftparseneds; •cough;, , difficulty. of breitthi* , ‘fidetiC; 4 fesoeil; tint! tr spitting of blpod,patter, oi•iddcm,,,whinhYfihnlly, Slktuirl ibknerenstli Of f therttlifitiand ends In death.. . 16 9 11 ' 6 . s'Extleatiaratitiiithier4.4`iiiSi l einoTe this 'oh struatinn, and produces the most sl4cidifit hitpyi iiisilts.--Ititrcertaininitit'effectuvandratincitfn relieve To be had atak t lth:oo44,l,7rht F 141,; :PtililP4OrqVilq/P4it , ,„....„„..,.,..„,,„r4„:„.......„, ?4 ,4.,.,.......,,,,,,,,,::."-,,,„_..„:„... ti:', l iliy , mcfp... e ,, , ,,, ~„,,,„.,,,,,,,,„.,,,, f O . , P.l ti.', '..' 1::: lrffltti",iltiit Ciy . lii-151"..,' i);)ii i .Ys ,ivqntoi , , End aolii 01:opiieuit,'No' t 020.13ithi- hity lit. - Plalatlolphra,,fatid none arti'igenttlati !!ixii. bu'e. Init .saritlen Sig:nature upoir'ilte,'Onudde'sVra , o#.:;*! - !4Sfl olliersareeounterfeits. :::; n.•:_•! - .1.',..., ,- .! . ...:.21. , : ,, • . • ~! These !med idi ne a are itnoinin en ded and extensi ve- 11004 lyithesuostlittelligertp, purseas int theLll , ltited Simes . ,try 'intitnekOns Pri&simisr 1414 - i , ki . siilZ,nts'.id: .Colleges;Physicians' orktheAreity and ,Navy, and of Rospitala and , 41'inishouses; Xtd' by' iiiot'e thiiit'tktim hundred-Clergyinen of smelt:ma detiontinatlbriss'';', , , ) l They are expressly' preper,talloe &rally iiise',:tuid have acquired and unprecedented popttlaritytlMoegh.: out the United Statew admirablyadmirably and as,they a admirably calculated to preserve' Histialitl'ettrel - IliieUie, no family - Al:mid ever be Sintliolit4lMMH:l'lM propeie.... for of these valuable preparations received his adtv. Cation at one of thatest Medical Colleges in OM U. States, 'and has - bad •fifteeti years - extipietice iii an extensive and diversified' practice, by whieli'lle hits lied ample opportunities at' netplirtag is practical knowledge at diseases', arid of the remeeies best eall unhand to remove tIMm. , These preparations : con:- slat of . Jayne's Expectorant, a valuable remedy for Cough, Consumptioni' Asthma;- sliittiug orl3lood, Oval), !looping Cough, Bronchitis, Pleurisy. nto in flammation of I,tings or Throat, Difficulty of Breathing, and all diseases of the Pulmonaryßrgri. Also Jayne's Hair' Tonic; forlbii 'Preservation, rowth and 13entity of the Hair, and which will poith, lively bring in' new hair on bald beads. Also Jayne's Ttinie Vermiftige,a certain and plea sant remedyfor Worms' Dysp,lpsia Piles, and many other diseases. Also Jayne's Carminitive Balsam, a certain cure for Dowel and Summer Complaints, Diarrhcca, Dy sentery Cholic, Cramps, Sick Headache, Sour stom ach Cholera 11 , 1orhas, and all derangements of the Stomach and Bowels, Nervous Affections, &c. • Jayne'sSanative Pills, rev Female Diseases, Liver Complaint, Costiveness, • Fevers, Intlaminations, Glandular, Obstructions, Diseases of the Skin, &c. and in all eases where as Alterative or Purgative Medicine iv r , quired. For sale in Carlisle, by T. C. STEVENSON. • Mat' 31.11113. tr- VALUA ISLE IRON WORKS •al (tm AL A tAr vir de.of the powers and authority contained fit the • last and testament or Miennet. E ec, deed., I now olrer for sale, the Carlisle Iron Works , Situated on the Yello'v Breeches Creek, 4,i miles east of Carlisle l'a. The estate consists eta lint I ate ,_2_SZte.2 Thousand band: A new MERCHANT Ala.!, with font-rim of stone, finished un the most opproved plan.• About .5011 acres or the hind are cleared tied cultithted, having thereon erected 9:llnree I.a rum rtartas and necessary TENANT nour s ! , s The . o:save propelled by the Yellow I.lreet hes Creek and the Boiling Spring, which neither fail nor freeze.. There sire upon the premises all the necessary work 'liens houses, coal houses, caCpenter and smith shops, and stabling built of the most •tMstantial materials. The (WC of the hest iptality and inexhanstittle, is within 2 milea of die Furnace. :I'llere is perhaps 116 1 von \ orks Pennsylvania whie6 110,SCSSCS su perior illiG7rhiges and offers greater holm:LAM:ids to the investment of Capital. The water power is so great that it might. bc extended tll stiv-other manu lacturing purpose. persims dist.ostal to purchase Will of course examine the property. The terms of sale will be muile known by 111.112 X EGE, Executrix of Michael Ege, deed. Carlisle, (MAO, 151‘..L tr-51 PROTECTION AGAINST LOSS 1.71.3'7,;•4 /111111'. CUNIIII'.I(I..A NI) VAI.I,EY 1112TUA I vitoTEurioN coAll'.lNY, being iticuriin nainti by ;tut or the. liegislature 111 the 111 went ues siemand folly otiganized And in I/1A . 1%111011 1111111 . 1 . thl (lIITCIIOII of lull, 1,0:$1 . 11 (II :11:Iii:VOTS, 11Z: . .‘1111i . 1 . , C. (;1111011IIIS, .1 , 11111 . A 1 , 101 . 1. 0:11'111 \V. NleCulloogli, James 11'eaklii, :llartia, Villein) :11oore, Samuel Caltit.:ith. Janie I:reason:llmoms l'a \tom \Van. Itaiir,in u epli (MI% et and (:. llilit,,call the attention tit' the inhalot ants of Cuutfierhtiul Valley to the vlitiatiness of lhrii rates mill the many advantages n nit 111h111 . 1111,r tins bl el . allW Et cry person insure' becomeS 3 inetoher of the company anal 1:11.:I'S 1113 in the choice ot olliccrq and the threctioo of it, c0ti1,1114., l'or hist:ranee no 11101'0 is denettolcd 111:::1 is :wee, ley to meet the In 111.11=1.4 of 113.C1,1311130) 3101 iudenmity agailw hielt may happen. .;,1. The incom :mimic:. of frequent renewals is a voided by insuring 100 n tern' of the years. • 4:11. Any 1111,33 414/lying 101. 111511413100 most gke his premium note for the cheapest glass at me rate of five per ceittion, w hid: will he s.;:i on the $lOOO, for which he er ill have to pay $'2,50 for five ' NITS, and $1,50 PA' surrey twin pOliCy, :11111 no more unless less be - sustained to a greater amount throt 'lie lints oll.hatuk will cover,and then 110 more willLr requir e:l than a pro rata 'share. 'lliese 'rates are much cheaper than those of other ennipanies;, exeept such as are incorporate:l on the saute principles. Insurance is ofected in the fidlowilq, manner. A person applying for insorooro for property of flo, olio:west class of risk for $lOOO will lie chnt•ged 5 per cent for five yea: so note unionnting to $5O must he given by him,on which he wi,ll he required to pay 5 pt.i. cent 6'2,50, and $1,59 for so'u'ring and policy, and, will have no more required of him unless losses occitr and the funds on hands are not sufficiem to meet them. Agents will 1) , , , appointed as soon as possible in ;lII= ferent places to itttend to insurances, andany persons wishing itomeilialely to apply can do so liy signify . log their wish to the officers of the company. CIIAS. I'. CUI:NIINS, A. G. MILLER, See'y. The flowing gentlemen hare. been ,appoiuted AGENTS:— Dr.. n Day, Ale.thaniesburg. James Kennedy, Esq., Neu %ilk?. George Brindle, Esq., Monroe. Clemens Menet:me, Carlisle, L. H. Williams, Esq. Westpentisboro' James Kyle, Newton. - . • Cul..las. Chestnut, Lee's X Bonds. Jos. M. Means, Esq. Newburg. Jos. Mosser, Esq. New Cumberland. , John Clendenin, I'4ll. IlogeatoWn. Stephen Culbertson, Shippenshurg. Peter MeLanghli AGM,leton. April Itt, 1843.. . ' ly-'24 • • • Susquehanna:Jkinp, FO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE THE proprietors of the Suaguehatrna Line IV in run their Cars and Boats as usual to Phil. adelphia and Baltimoroduringtho present season. Their friends'will please apply to Noble,Tlinn & Herr, Broad st. and Hart, Andrews & McKee. ver, first wharf above Race street on the Dela. waro Philadelphia, and Joseph E. Elder, Balti. more. Until further notice, the following prices will be adhered to between this place and the above places. V I - V r T ..' ;//e 72. ,-/ ". //- -, " ~/' er ~.. n t,"/,' .1 aq 31 :-..- Q" . 0 Po' 0 2.1 ' 22i .1 . -= ... O,V m z .4 Cr p .4 8:: ' " ' , l ' t';' =.l ° • e G,7 a.. ., rir IL Ale por 100 20cts. 15 $1 per bb I Dry Goods, Drugs, and Medicines, 26 23 40c ° Furniture, 28 25 43 Wheat, Rye & Corn •,,,,.' 4 per itasho Oats do Groceries, . , ,23 •20 40 Lumbei pet 1000 ' feet ~,,,,, w , 'B3 50'. $2 75 ' - Shieglsrf o'o'looo 1 50' 200 ' Vi # r per bbl. at' 30' 4 7 ' . She & Mackerel do 50 ' 37 , 1 - 14 ing do . , , .44, . : 31. 10.1 • . ' Salt, per sack, _,32 • , - -, 1 '2B / Pitch, Tar end Rosin / , •/ . , _ ; 4,s Irv ; , ! ~,, 15 ~ . 20:./ :: , tU, Plaster gross ton, $2 4 50 ', /$2 25 , I, ~ ~, 'Hemp pot I OD,. ' ' 22: ' /' :16 ''' ' ' 'aided, •''' ' , ' 25‘ ' ' '''' 2tf '" • , ri fetal,groes ton 3 50; , a so , ''; Ells , 13 & Castinas,4 00 3 12i . • Bar i 1541,, `Z.:,ti , llsoc. , 'l'` , /81 51p,,5./ ), • '" i -NO R°, ll cgt , „22 - ~,,v1,•, , , . -, , ,,, ‘ 1 1 ! ° X R ° -°l l° V" , . ' . '04 4 - c .,, 'P0.,,;,, : :‘,l. r:.'. :vir... v s ,peybov:-' , : ,, m , e,1 , . i,,41,,,,, , 1 .'„;.i ~,,.„; Bur locks,pp t ,lou; vo ,‘r7:o2,. 4 2 4 5 ' 0 %41 I'•* 4 tr , '.- 1 4iiiiti , tooe, ,do,'' /c,1'..:. , ,,t , :i/;• ,:,, t.,126:4.;,/,/ ..,st .;,,,),,', /,' • T,in, do 25/,' .", V i.... 101 4 4L , '410 1 14:: ,1 4 : e . :O-rAlr.Tfl 4 ~:. oll e 0 i..*:sArv;'&4OIrMART4IN: D ) RIP 4prlitrAqvt:' - , , ;v Nat t..... %111 , „•, 4 str ?Win o Dist easeao' ?,r x. I, Is. cteanse , ‘' ' rortleameriettleCOliekeofiteiiith Arb tor#4:pitBifi*l6di . edqi.••6e the Vest' M'eill64 id • '' , l l .) , ''•!,: n the orki ror die riiresor , : kalut 27 .I);OE4qE, , aotiOe ' teiy stoina'cit 'Witt& lihWeli frail those hiliotts and eorruitt he .the.cause not 'only of ifeatlachU, Payiltatidti''Of 'the licarcPains the Boom, ltlicumntisrri and pnut,tiueof everi'maiadj incident to rth'rri. ' S.IJD 1X f. Vga&T.R.VL.E P ILLS 'Are a 'ee'rittia'Cute for inteittent, renilifgrd, net. roue; inllath"niatory and putrid revers;fieeUuSe.they cleanierthe titi'dy 'from those morbid humors; wltit;ll when confined to the circulation, are the cause oral klada of" F:EVE.RS. So, al Se; When the same impurity is deposited on the membenne and muscle, causing pains, inflantina lions and Swellings, called 12178U0L1T1 4 3.11.4 GOUT, The Ind Vegetable P ills may be relied on as al ways certain to give relief, and if perserycd with ac cording to directions, will most assaredly,audaitlt ont fail, make a perfect core (Woke above painful maladies. From three to six of said Indian Veketa hie. Pills taken every night on going to bed will in a short time so completely rid the body from every thing that is opposed to health, that Rheumatism ; Gout, and pain of every‘description, will IM litm ally MIVEX 1710,m 11.GDY: , • For the mine reasons, when,froM sudden 'changes of atmo9.liere, or any other _cause, the perspiration is checked, cool the humors which should pass off the skin are thrown inUardly,catising GIDDLVESS, Nausea and sickness, pain in the bones, watery and inflamed es es, sore throat, hoarseness; coughs, con suminions, rheumatic poi ,s in various parts of the body,an4l many other symptoMs of " CATCH/NG COLD, THE INDIAN VEGETAIILK PILLS will invari-' ably give immediate relief.. From three to six of said Pills Liken every night on going to bed; will in .0 short time, not only remove all the :ime unplea satiLsymptonis, but the body will, in a short tune; he restored to cVell sounder health thaw before. The same rimy be said of AS'111:11.t , OR DI VEICULTY 09311EATILING. The Indian I'vgetable loosen:lnd carry oIT by the stomach and how els those tough phlegmy. humors, which stop up the air cells of the lungs,and re the (116 C not only Of the alnOt.e distres,lng• Co plaint, lilt when neglected, Often terminates in that still more dreadful malady called CONS LI.NI 11 should ;&) refleinhered dell the intrein Vt%elable Pills 4114: neer:sin eIIIT rOl. PAIN IN oppression, ',mhos, fool sickness, loss of Sppecoe, COM IVelletati, It yellow 'loge 0r the skin iond eyes and every 'ether sy othimo of a torpid Or diseased Sittle Of the li 1 Cr; heeteltet Illey IllleV s e fee, ciliv body these 'mllllllll !ICS Willtth if (!,•poHitud 01,,,, this imporuini \ organ,;tre the cause or et ery t :will \ or . LIVE!! CON] I'I.AIN - I \ '. . NVlleti a Nza ion 14 eon%ulsrd lie 116 t, i Ootbreuk• umd lbw oils aimr menus or pre% enttilg the dreatlitil conntvivni:es qf II MEESE IS 11l C•Npl I ;11l U . :till/US, t•1 • Il 111,111,( 0 11,111, [ ' von 11 tite Cruu.h•P. 11 li4.r it . nuiner, when pain or sieltnessor thst the holly is struggling eith iuterual lots the true 11 . 1111 . dy is to ALL moioni) numons, ('llait'n•s to lill.,)ant1,11E.11:1111VILI. 1_11:1 71'11F I'AIN lIESTI, Tioit the l'riociple of envoy.: diseww, by Cleansing and. L'arif log the Liiiil , is so.b tl, io accordance m tli the !jam a ljelt you (To the unioutl evorioniy; :tot! it . oat Ly it use of the nhok't, b:ottell 1:';111.1N 1'11.1.S Vi rr:•laiuly resell iu tht. rntupll•te Abolition o u e olli•r the Gillu,ling'lrstintmtiels, front persons of the st resiu.t.tnhility hi New l'ork oho hut, i•rrrnll'r been ratted of the oto,t ohstinatl• vontilluints, sdlely by the use of \Vrticirr's I. DIAN VEC. r.T.A P 11.15 or To r. NOII.III COLLEGF.OI:III.7.AI.TII. •.1.1 leik, I. I. Juni. 9111, 1$•11.- Doctor William \Yright—l)cw• Sir—lt is Mitt great satinliietion that I ipierto you of toy having been eatirely cored or Dyspepsia, of live years stand ing, by the est: of your• INDIAN VEGETABLE l'rei ions to meeting with your relr!Jrutell medi cine, I foul Loren touter the hands of ser•ernl Physi cians, and hunt tried various medicines; but all to so effort. After using one t emit box or your Pill!, hour: er, I ("xperieWeed so much henctit, that I re soli re, to mrsevcre In the use of them according to your directions, which I ROI P o ppy to 'state, has re sulted in a perfect mire. to gratitude to )on for the great benefit I hate ta•rrived, and also in the hope that others similarly teillieted 111.1 i he holoced to make Trial ur your extraortlittary. medicine, I send you this statement NV jib full lihe•rh• to t otitt4b the souk, it you think proper. Yours, &u. NrAr Yont, June 11, C. To :kir. Richard Drou4..lgrut for IVriAt's Indian Vqetable Pills, No. '2B . 4 ' l.;rtreowicliZt. N. Y. Dear Sir—At your reconimendation.l samr tun h h i ee made trial of WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEG ETABLE PILLS of the North American College of Health; and can conscieotiotisly assert, that fur Purifying the Wood, and renovatliq th e system, have reached more benefit erOr.? their useoluut from any ()thy. medieine, it Ices heretofore been my good fin tune to meet with. i ant, clear sir, with Many thanks, your obliged friend, C. M. TATE, No. fit) Iftunersly st. New ;1L•. Richard Devitt's, agent for Wright's Vegetable Pills: Dear Sir-1 have 'been atilieted* for several years with inn no weakness mid general debility, accom panied times with pain in the side and other dis tressing complaints. After Inn tug tried various Medi cines without elfect.l was persuaded by a friend to make trial of 1)1.. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, which lain happy to state have relieved me in it most wonderful IIMIIIICE• I have used the medicine, as yet but n abort lime, and have no doubt,• by a per severance in the use of the medicine according to directions, that I shall in a short time be perfectly restored. • • 1 most willingly recommend said Pills to all per: suns similarly ,afllieted;" and in the full belief that the Saint.i lienefiehil results will follow their use. 1 rennin yours sincerely, ' - HENRY A. F9olToi , Wowarsing, Ulster Co. New, York Nety Yo4n, Sept 29.1841 • ' This is to certify that I have used Wright'slndian 'Vegetable Pills ivith the greatest henefiti having en tirely cured myself• of the frequent attacks of Sick treitilache; to iehielt I had previous)). beeirsiihject. H" • • ANN MAItiA TIMAIrSON, ' • .992 GreenwiCh street, N To,Mratichard Dennis, Agent for Wright's Indian .'„ Vegetable .• As there , are . at this time many wielted :persons busilrengsged In selling'a toubterreit Medicine un der the name of the Indian Vegetable Pills; irad these desperate men are so utterly' reckless hi c6nL sequences, that linen) , ittluable•lives mai fielost, in 1 consequence a doing their dr-wilful oqopbqnoe, the public are cautioned - 11011st Oirrihsenig tint pills, unless on'the sideemil.ihe Laktes the fiiiiowingivard-.1 lug is founds r , ` V; INttlAiT V EVETAtIIiP ' ,Purgattoe.) 1. ',," • Os onus NORTII-AURETCAtIf" Cetf,TOCOF AFtiellp ttilip;d caltresier4rinsittqchme4#ill erifeira ' ' UisTeggiifirtnivsrtis4ll ngentiqtntiirttitiorfattind 'getieivirdepal N 0 . 4039 n ACE' th .#,X• IN o.olt 't Vltet Vii MMUS dOGICaIt-titirtsl4 mr.Tobwecialleisp• - ,4 7 "e"-"Lt.f Relimak.ennefiWir.F.altre*l4 rborbe'.t . 0 1 .'"Li4b`kn ;-,(1 ,- ; 'WM .co l3l l.rei • • 4 iiirM.;, , az' ' kbPiP7 l ,, >. ;,.,,~ t%' , r~_~+Q.>~A L,I E s ~.~t ~I lA L~I Vii. ~. The follolving!?indhipetwahle family reme. dies mailki;tound.'il.ClSii,,yilihtge drug stores, and pond, every citki;intir fitcire in the state Remenibor'ilitd,novof, , get;t4rn unless they have the the.ShnilS' Skull:lure of -•--- " en - the wfepgele„nsAill olttrrt. by the etnlte . Ar:re gie . bt . t ea ni)Ripeettiiiptienff neti4er • ,ttrpe; ,y 94.1 r ui7;a7l 3 , grßeth ito procure :,th9 . 111 ,aol,l4ekden,leneohe next Aime• be visits New, York; or to ,write., fon ihem. IT tiro. family ahouldo a eektoithoziOlikie'riiriediev • . BALDNESS • BALMVF bOLVMl3l*;FiterliE4lR„ Which' will ii if lallidk kiun t,r retheri) places ; *and on children :make :it growrepidly, 'brow those who have lost the hair frenl,nny cause., "ALL'VEliii;llN:tinti f infest ' the' heads of chiklyen. itt!eltrools, 'at'e 'prevented :or, killed t" o Q nce . , Find the name of i •on• it, or never try it. Remember this always.' .-- ~ . ~.,:_!~, RHEUMATISM,' and LAMENESS pdeitively cured, and all shrivelled itiusalea and limbs ere reetoled, in the old or young ; ;by Innien VEGETABLE ELIEIR AND NERVE AND Bortn.ldrinunnT-7- but never without the name of Comstock Sr, Co. am it. L P Lie ~:a.; ! •, Bz, : are wholly prevented, or governed if the ittack ben come on, Wynn uee the only true'lliVe Dirtntrlo,frons 6 " 'Z ' dt " Z: 4 ' (6° ' IL: L ORES . ; and eveq.thing relieved by it that admits,(, an out: ward application. It acts like a charm. Us& it., HORSES that have Rine:Bone, Spavin, Wind. Galls; &c., arc cured by Roors' SPECIFIC ; and Foundered horses entirely clued by Blefs'. Founder Ointment. Mark this, all horsemen. • , policy's Magical Pais Ex tractor Salve.—T _he most extraorory remedy over inventeclfor all new or old , BURNS .. 8c SCALDS and sires, and sore EyE s It has 'delighted t I usands. It will 'take wit all paia in ten minutes, mid no failure. It will cure .the LIN'S SPREAD PLASTERS. A better and morn nice and useful article never was made. All should wear them regularly. LIN'S TERIPERA.NCE BITTERS an the principle of substituting the tonic in place of the at/ant/ant principle, which has refortad so many drunkards. 'ro he used with LIN'S 8 E0 :0 5 . PILLS, superior to to rers for cleansing the system and the humors affect. dtioln: !deed, and for all irregularities of the . bowels and the gcheral health. See Dr. Lts's sig. W'rrin"-•0 nature. tints :1 F, DR.SPOHN'S HEADACHE REMEDY will effectually cure sick headache, either from the N EpAymiq . or bilious. Hundreds of families aro with great joy. DR,OPOHN'S ELIXIR OF HEALTH, for the certain preventi . on of . p,E40.4p,t or my general sickness ; keeping the stomach in most-per. Sect order, the bowels regular, and a determination to the surface. tkPC.OVP).Ssi pains in the,bones, hoarseness, 'and 1 0 .110 * .!:• , -.1 ure quickly cured by it. Know this by trying. OORNS.—The French Mister is a sure cure. hair any shade you wish, but will-not color tho skin • • SARSAPARILLA. COMSTOCK'S COM. POUND EXTRACT. There is no other prepara. tion of Sarsaparilla that can exceed or, equal this. If you are sure to get Couvroces, you will find superior to all others. It does not reqUirepuffing. 3LID Jilr,4llLIGhT, CELESTIAL BALM • OF CHINA. A positive curo for the piles, and all external silings- 7 RII inunnal irritations brought to.the surface by friction with this Balrn f--so in coughs, swelled or sore throat, tightness of the chest, this Bairn applied on a flannel will relieve atuLeure at onco.— . Fresh wounds or old sores are rapidly cured by it.— ISarthoitmel33'n, , EXPECTORANT will prevent or care all incipient nonCunipticin, COUCHS & COLDS taken in time, and is a delightful' wsnaedy. Remem ber the name, and get Comstock's. KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIRIGE " ili in childrp .adults entdicato all \NORM with a certainty quito astonishing. It is the same a: that made by. . stook, and sells ,with 'a rapidity Almost incredible, by Comstock 4. Co, New'York. TOOTH DROPS. KUNE'S—cure effeccullly, Entered peconling to actor Congress, hi the Yegf /Oa bt.Caleeteca ¢Ca.. in the Clock's office of thd BOUthern ilatnet of yew yore. By Mmlying to our agents in each , town - and village, papers may be had ,ftee, ,shoyFiler,tl lo , tart respectable names in the, country,for.thoutjacts, so that no one•can fail to believe them. - • • gi* Itti'snre fon call for'our intieitOi "Laid 'not • be 'nut off with: any stories, that oilibre` are as taxi. HAVE THESE OR NONE; 4Oilld be your motto--and these now-can be irtie and ; gentlins without our names to them. Alkiber Flieles to be had and retail only ..„ Wholes:4 J'Auggista. 9 *olden-Lylelio! York. and . s.:,;r4tifiii,ontei. : , For sale in Carlisle, kir • 0 , -.. , •vi;1 IM SAMUEL ELOTT;-- , :,, MYRRS & HAVERSI3OIC, 'P. C. SVEVENSCYN'' • airaterli , :- •;', 14213111 1411111: , . . Bp ' • . .. MtERS it iIANER:S'FICK lowe'llis oz t•teeeived :from the Manufactory at Philittletitto ''n large assortment of L. 4111) 1,41 PS, coiiiiktlit of . ~1 Pa klo titc,,C ka in b.ttir et stuly ain ps with Or without shades; which. they .!.tf tried whole" sale dr retail at the iiianulitettlikr'S iikieea. — ':', .Astraf t Side , ta Itelleetok:a Ali „Gtit'asi.aitii . 'oryari-- ' tiutt Ittitterim I '',.' ' -".!, ~' !:•T i 7 ' ., =' , "1' . ;; . ' 4 ''''n;CA 4 `" ,' - . 1, ,.. , •', t, 1 4.-,1.Q:::;:30.;;;Ci,1a..E1irr...kj. ,14zoil0i,T.7.:Yis '. - '- • • .-- :. - ii,, . 4 :1 41 4 'llo l 4 , oilieit'SN'illiito iitrtMl,l,l4,Ktibo. ;44174, Oir.i.i.lit' o 4o,e,ct*li.lit!?,;br o elt; l Cofv'it t h : . t, st ... : t ..c - e <, f ,i 4 ',. i pt ' e i r ggiu g m, .....-1 / . 0,140 ±tu.:. , !.. .. 4 • 4 0 us ..,'" •• .. , I"6lrili- lults*A7.loVOkti,PoONwt ‘tr , ..t *is t4.ikiii*N. tO'.VISN.9!it gii t 4ifw,i, ArpOise 00, t 4mD,x44 , ,, , 4 41 . 1 . /kAr ~ 40 hi'i 6.41tj44.7...44,., ftti:4 , ,, "g e t 4.l;64:4lkagWv4A 0 . ,: - .-9 , ..a40#40ke 3 .64110,,, tik!OPtektirigrlyt; - h oosito IVO, ii **Wed A 14140400 . - 1-,',000 1 • : .4 r.:... , t , .:* h 7.1. i. , ' %,• tlinktZ ' ".!__;1,..,4 •.' , •• ', '••• . .:: ' ,'• 4i.!.., ,gt ''' l 7'. ~, r' ItM,tti. ~: :' MI II tmcfmgx:itmo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers