Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 27, 1843, Image 1

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    f I"F; t
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'IN It!
APER-6DEVOTEIar TO' T—LLIGENGIK Apygitarisinvo-irox,lgricsoaTEß,Aiciiit-E, , ,niioxeiturr "AGRICULTME;4O,I* AriII:SCIENCES AMIIISENIENT &c s'dke
Centre S qua r e , S.
1 ..:' ''Corner,, at the Old: Stand.,,
:TkeHARALD, EXPOSITQIt is ;published
:•'' weekly, on adouble foyatsheet, at TWO DOL.
LAp,per annum, payable within three months
om the time of subscribing; OR TWO DOLLARS
1/1 ANDMISTI , mem at the end of the . year. •
• No 'subscription ' will be taken ' for less than six
othonths, and ne paper dis Continued until all ar
roarages are paid, except at' the Optio'n of the
„publisher, and a'failuro th notify a discontinu.
once will be censideied a' new engagement.
: . Advertising will be done on the usual terms.
Letters to insure attention must be post paid.
LIEN.E Iko 11.110NIVER,
WOULD informtheir ends and rublit
• that they' have just received at their store nt.
High street, next door to !lectern's Hotel; aril sic,
alarge, Email; and clegantussortment of CANDIES,
FRUITS, and other ,articles hi their line,-which
they are ready to dispose of, wholesale and retail.
on the most reasonable terms. Their assortment
comprises the following varieties, all of which are
of tlicelidieest quality: • • _ •
CANDIES.- 7 31,int, 'rihand, curls, quies, spear
.mint, mint plat, cakes and rolls, cinnamon, sassa
- ras, lemon, hoarliound, clove, crenin and birth-eye."
Thompsomatror pepper candies 4 Jacldon and Clay
balls, lemon .balls, French and common Neuga
French, commomund explodingseerets . ;. Mint drol
rock and vanilla cattily ; sugar and fitirnflibiteadt
- candy toys, liquorice, tarn.
NUTS—Almmuls,tilberts;English walnuts, shell
barks; cliesnutS; and Brazil, creani,cocoamial grointi
FRO.TS--c./ratiges; lemons, raisins, figs, prime
datesuml citron. Also the he?.
Irobaei:o :Ind Sev,art:
nuts 'as itegalja,'Frincipe, Havana, Trabucas act'
A'racrican segues, of the finest quality.
Theirassor:ticent is kept constantly supplied
. ,Country merchmits are invited It
,calt, as they can be supplied on trrins as advantapt
' ens us city prices. The patronage of *the Reidy.
respectfully solicited. -
Carlisle, April t 1(, 1843.
OFFERS for sale at very reduced prices, alts
lissurtmem of •
drugs, Medicines, nye-stuf:_
Station:try, Fthe Cap Paper, h. the Ream, Leiter
the dov.en,Sil vet. l'eueils, Draiving
Sable heir do., I)eawing l'aper, Sea
\Vax, Wafers, l'eukades, al a lion
quality, Vitiating briailies, Grid
lug do. Sliaving
!lush do. Sharing stud
Toilet goo paiii great
variety,l ;whist',
ices Grazr.uti Silfgrovratd,
Together with every Other article in the Dryg liiK
tltenttention l'lt)sicians, Unwary Merchants awl
Dyers, in solicited as I. am determine to, sell at ver)
low prices liw Cash.
Carlisle,Marclt-15,1313. of
Stela!, Pre:fits 4' trietick ,14 esks.
T!I E stibseribei• hns just his new
low for (;ashomiii
lmsed of Clotrii, CoAsiniere's; Satinets, 111111111g$,Vt10.-
tra.ts,ll-4 sheetings ilrr I`2i, 5-4 dn. 10, beautiful 4-4
Muilins for I:Et, Bleached sheeting,
iiatalsnute new st;le fr, 10, i 2. chintzes, glove.",
storkiugsorisli li,, shades and parasols,livati-
OW4-4 hair cnrd and hi WIN, Cll.llll Al US de l.llol ' s, with A °collier „midi; which lie invites
the good folks of Carlisle to call and examine fin
themselves. Also, Braid, straw and lairs Bonnets,
Ladies, Nlisigs a n d ChildCeint Nforoeco and kid slip-
BeSt Rio Careit,htisi black,iniperialaml oth
er Teas Superior Caitaidisli Toliacco, so prouniiii
heti hi' the hest judges, all , of which he will sell at
airecirdance with the times,
ll -.27
Curlielie, \t ay 3, IS4I
Forwai;ditig., ac Conynission
69 kg. . E
B . g r •
PSPECTOULLY informs the publicoiltai he is
ra. palliat ell to receive, forirard 01111 dispose of
erOdlllteo 91 . every .tleserli)tioat, .
either at t h e Philadelphia ot• Baltimore Alarkets, or
at ally other point accessible by Hail Road. A h Ili
*will attend iti perstitt 11l the delivery and salt. of ail
articles entrusted to his care, the most satisfactory
and speedy returns tatty at all times be exitteted,and
the utmost promptitude in the transaction of all bu
siness entrusted to
Farmers Umd others haying Any article which they
disposed of, mill do melt to cull on hint, kn..
toediutely opposite the Mansion !loose, told nail
Road liqiUt, WeWI Ugh sweet, Curlisle. •
' G F. is utilliorized to purchase several hundred
bushels'of Grain, roe which the Jr. hest price will
CUrlisle, May 17, 114:3.
anbScriber would respectfully in
it corm 6i3 friends and the public generally
that be tatt taken the
• 'II; .
. CI
toy kept try Mr. Simon IVontlerlit;ll. it East I igh
•Oteeet; a .1e 0i doors dust of the Cotirt House, where
he; will at all tittles take pleasure ; io`,ndmiuistet in
to the comforts of those Who may fame him with
Hteir. custom. .. •
BXIt, shall' be constantly supplied with the
Oinked litittoo, said 1118 TAM A!. with the beat the
Xnlaitet Oat' furnish. &careful:OSTLER always
ToOpt' hi alteittliiie - eand nothing,ahall beieft undone
p,leatie all whit intll with hint. • ;
.."Eart IMEIO fitheithy the Weekitnonth pr year:
Canaan A trril 12 , - 1843, „" ti-2
Jayne.'s ramily
AN additional supply of the above valuable Med
einesioonsisting of
'4BY : e' rlo x i:iu ie ra rru
ectc i nt ifti.c, '
• • "
FOR 8414 E.
• •
T ILL,Lie sold of pirate -sale: A PA2M of Sr
V y , rate
181111 ES T g4l ARD "
(lituate in South Middleton tow oak' p, one mile *ea
- of Carliale t. Cumberland county,. Po., On - the
wirnmunxiiiii7 Road, 'iiknitainink 110 ACRES,
141 PliMl e gAi1(4)bc*Irei 141 a4t 4 wa'
sti alr
a • •
, 'ONE:1100 USEk ,
, 44gef,it ! tggilat4:tt. ` tiiik nE;firat rate'
Atetytt Yminit Anti tittiving apple .! OR 011,484,1,,,:,
•,,,,,,,Mgeg9 be s i p, ith Ahof atiotte: At Act. QYe acre!,oi,
Ytt:9 1 . 1 4 paysg thr4Pgh goerarm
which g ives A market for all the produce raioetl,lll7
on it, itytiroptimust'ktm,tp;thq,gattk.
• PeriOni7vvion lostinit hasd'All'pielitteciill upon ,
filll4loYeOle ot-Tailiate.4 l ,l
' • k•s . ! 9 fr.'"ft 54v , 94,9 -‘ jonw,Ewysi.„
, f irpt,l.o. l G azifyoll9tirlia.#olg,
1 , 3.1 h. , ' 1, • At , • , l!
Viti i .7lW n ittv
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o tt i ltt l 7oll4l: 4l 4o 4lo 4iiii it* ikar 01
ttcYtlio it-serml Othe,xllim
en - th e above bulinee lit * rieitnee;end
dealre to "*. in. *OltiWsMiTr9timik
-11011*00440.A ebt*,of.
Soar fir iitietttatlMPOl*ol*Po/101004
krimullOhair tasauract47.
'W4 4 *'; P I 7:A 9 J La il
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61-The followiniode . was prondunSed by%Cole
ridge:too be one ofthe lidst be ever read. The author
or it is Mr. Pringle who formerly travelled in Africa.
'MAR in the desert I lOve to ride '
With the silent Bush-boy alone by my side;
When the sorrows of. Life the soul o'ercast,
And sick'of the Present I. cling to the Past;
. Whetl the suffused with regretful lean
Front the shadows of things that bad long sirmailed;
Flit o'er the brain like ghosts of the dead- 7
Bright visions of glory—that . vanishe;dtno 800 R ;
Day-dreams—that departed e'er manhood's noon
Attachments—by fate or by falsehood reit ;
Companions of earl!, days---lost or left ;; • _
And. my native hind, wholie magical'idune,
Thrills-to the heart like electric flame,
The home of my childhood, (be haunts of my prime,
All the passions and scenes of that raliturous time,
When the feelico were young and the world was
Like the fresh bowers Of Eden unfolding to view 1
All---all now forsaken—forgotten—forgone!
And I---a lone exile---remembered by none ;
Nly high aims abatalonVl---my good acts undone , —
Aweary of fill titaris under the sun.
With a sadness of heart which no stranger may scan;
I - fly: to the. Desert afar from matt.
Afar in the desert I low to rich, ' • •
With 'the Silent Bush-boy alone by my side;
IYlu•n the mild turmoil of this «col iS'ome life,
With the'scenes of oppression, corruption And strife;
The proud man's frown and the base man's fears--
The scormir'slaugh and the sufferers tears;
And malice, and meanness-- a nd falsMiess . and folly,
Dispose me to Musing and dark melancholy;
When my bosom is full, and my thoughts are high,
And' my soul is sick with the bondsman's bigh---
Oh! then there is freedom, and joy, • and pride,
Afar in the desert also,, to ride! •
There is rapture to vault on the tibanipidg steed,
A bound away with the eagle's speed; ,
With the death fraught lire-lock in my hand--
I•he only'lmrof a Desert Lund! !
Alltr in the desert 1 love to ride,
NV itt:the'siletit Bush-ho) alotte by my side;
AwaY, away, in the N ildet•Oess last,
V\ • bcre,tile white niati's foot bath tie'vv:r passed,
Sall the quivered Comma' or Ilechuaiv
I lath scarcely crussekLuith his roling eln:
And-region or Cllll/1111 , :tilf, Ito u'li un 111111
Which 11/all bath ill:mutinied fromprnite anti fear
the sucker and lizard iidaii,it ulolte--- -
Vitlt the hi:light but front. the ttaity stone
Where grass, nor,herh,.nor shrub take root;
Save poisonous thot•ns which puree the loot:
And the hitter melon for rood nod drink, •
1,11,0, !cowl tn's late by the Salt Lake hrink---
A region of drjuth whert: • tin riser glides.
Nor rippliog brook with it 3 glassy sides--
pool, nor bubliiiiig fount,
Noe teee, nor cloud, 1101' IIliNI) 'nutlet
A lipl,llo, to 11:11 . 12511 the e;
hut the Let reit cord, and the burning sky,
And the Llurk lioriziel, route' itiel
Spread---voill of lniug light or sound.
And lit re, t+hile the night-w 1111111111 i ate Sigh,
And the slurs burn hl'iBht iu the lailhilght sky;
As 1 sit afar by the desert. stone,
Like by linr:Ai's csve mane, .
A still small voice conies llurnurh the
Like n father consuling.liis litttiil child,
Vida banishes bitterness, %tenth and fear,
Sr) ingL--"WN 'ls nisT:sNT,.nuT Gen .is
'All precious things, iliseoveriul Irate,,
To those thin seek thy,' issue for);
Foetoie, in si god, werk. with Fate,
ud th•au s the veil iron, hidden oral."
•. COLD and white as the bridal blosinMs
in her heir was the youthful cheek, which
a glow of love and pride should have kin
dled into color—fur llarriet Percy, though
about to become the bride of one of the
most admired and dtstingifished men in the
country,' was, too well convinced of his in
difference to be happy in the prospi et.—
She knew that With him it was a marriage
Of expediency. That he, was poor—that
he required means to further his ambitiouS
views, and that, tiiOngi uniformly kind
and respectful in his-manner whetrldiey
met, he -had scarcely bestowed a thought
npon her mind, heart or person, during.the
three'. weeks which intervened between'
their introduction to each other and this
their bridal morning:
For-years'before that introduction; even
from childhood,- she had worshipped 'his
lofty genius, and admired at a distance hiti
noble form. He was the idol' oilier every
clream=her hero,'—her ideal 1 His haugh
ty bearing, his coldly intellectual expiessz
ion; which' would have • repelled a' less
ardent' and romantic ,heart, 414 for her an
inexpressible charm.: And when, al a par
ty given by a mutual, matchmaking friend,
'during the first seiison of her : entrunce into
society; he had beenrinitedneed tolter, she
who agitated and . confused-by heevarl;
ous emotionti'
and. reply in monosyllables With, 'pate
attem Os : at conversation.
Agenl. foe Carlisle
' , Poor Harriet , was angry murmortified at
herself; and utterly unsuspieiona; in ,her
own guilelese trdth l sif:any,mereeneripao . -
titre , on his vart, : she .not'lesti amazed
Wan delightid when; after
tervieWs'of ilie tiame : diseription;"hkfOrin-
Wy proposed rto her , father , for ,, pohand
.her conquest, Yet
Meiner,"ebe 'hardly li:new ai &Biwhether
te i lle haßpy or tia' / Oxiiiii4l4.'iioi l 'i4inj
t9449lle.itiCsbaNash,thezit lixaa , a,lateht
PP , ifiXn9kitriiklilli-44 1 01 1 i*sQlOticolt#41 1-
, filNilik l / 4 1 c ilehlthe"'had• ,f tieviikTfonyt
, 4 , 4 , 04
itlvalloMakqneuLbY4 t!erluesehtlilMj*
;10.M0,4 2 1144411004001ii
~.. ~~~,~:tidti
m, 3, fe, - ILtJm):..nlv.
113 M
otg'‘Ell:3=4.2l , LD
ing,.lhi,•noblerand l more, tender: feelings;
and she, trusted! to-time. and !her'ownitrutit
to conquer and arouse the 'Other. :
• "Btit in the inetten' tirne iihe',"iv•ottld be no;
pining victim ; to
, ne'glect' •Oer'sWeet
curled--her high
spirit revolted atthe,thoughtl, . She would
sooner die - than humble.hersell in his.eyes!
She would love him, it is tree, 'dearly
deeply; devotedly; but it should be in the
silent depths of a soul he could not fathom.
Not till he should own
,love, fervent and
devoted as. her own, , would she yield to
the tenderness ho,„inspired.,• Not till then
shotild be unveiled- to him the altar on
which his image dwelt enshrined like a
deity of old; with the breath of affection
for iii incense, ever burnhig over and
around it, and the-fruits and flowers of feel;
ing and of thought—its sacrifice.
She would wed him, because her fortune
could assist his efforth for the good nf his
country and his °Wit . distinction. She
would have bestowed that fortune
him withoullier hand, but she knew his
pride too'well to dream he would aceept'it,
and her resolution pas taken.
For hiS life Mr. William Harwood Could
not liave told whether-his intended bride
had any claims to beauty or to talent. "He'
saw Amt her . manners were refined, he
.knew that her fortune 'was immense, and
he _was satisfied. • He heeded not—he
never dreamed of the tidies of her heart
and Mind. But '‘vhile ambition and selfish
ness blinded his eyes to her superiority, it
was not so ,With others. A dazzlingly fair
complexion, soft,-wavy hair, of the palest
brown, hazel eyes, iiiiensely dark and
:fringed with long, thick lashes of the same
hue, a straight Greek nose, a mouth of ex
quisite beauty, in the expression of which
Sweetness and spirit were charmingly com
bined, a light and' gracefully moulded form
—these were the le'a'st of her attractions.
A thousand..nameless graces, a thousand
lovely bUt indeicribable enchantments in
manner, loa and tone, betrayed the soul
within; and yet with all this, she was so
_modest, so timid, so thorougly feminine
and gentle in all her ways and words, that
.the world. never dreams & of calling her a
beauty, or of making her a belle. It was
thube she loved that she ench,cd,
She stood like a beautiful statue by his
side. She quelled her tears—she hushed
her heart, and spoke in accents calm and
cold us his own the vows which were to
bind them for lift , unto each other...* She
received the congratulations of friends and
acquaintances without a sigh '°a blusG,
sign of emotion--modestly but coldly.--
liven Harwood himself. wondered at her
strange self-possession, and while he won
dered rejoiced that she had so little feeling
to trouble hint with. But when her father
approached to say farewell, and lead her
to the carriage', which was to bear her far
from home, her proud resolve gaVe way I
She threw herself on his breast and sob
beij passionately ,and wildly, like a grieved
and frightened child, till her husband, as
tonishod at such a display of emotkin in;
nue usually so quiet Mid subdued, dreW
her gently away,"and seating himself be
side her in the carriage, ordered the driver
to proceed.
Harriet withdrew from his arm, pleaded
fatigue, covered her face with her veil, and
soon succeeding in •conquering every out
wiird sign of emotion, sat still and silent•
during the journey.
It was the evening of the wedding-day.
The bride had retired to4ress for dinner
and Harwood sat dreaming beftire his li
brary fire, when a note was put into his
band by a foolmalt: What was his sur
prise at the contents !
"You do not love fuel—and no pretence
of love Which you may adopt from motives
144t ti
of duty or compassion will •iI with me.
You had your object in 'pro k sing this
union—l had mine in accepting that pro
posal. Be cuittent . that tho3e objects are
gained, and let . Me be' your wife but M
name, I beget:di- t ow ••
41A - mkiar ILiftWoon."
. ,
Harwood Started at the paper with .
tOnishment at first;. but ha: ha'd alivadS
looked upon Harriet'as , a child, and •he
soon begad to consider, this
. as somo
ish :and romantic, whim, which TaquiTaa
his indulgence.
,• Amused. :perpisied, true
must be tolth'alittle piqued; withal, he has
tily wrote paper.—"Be it so'!'
and folding sit;laid it on the,iable' by the
Sid - el - Of her - J=4la. • ' ' ,
'Harriet - blushed as she entereo, - but top):
her, seat guietly -end - silently: She glean-.
ed, at the, paperEand.ivith a, tronbling,hand
nrifoliled kindled,
as. She• read; and lien pretty.jip, q tuvered ,fOr.
Firiastiisieh; , to• ;Ad +31813P 168' tablet--' •
4.0 ;144';.'HiliY.PPliliinkini l tO.biltYltdia - ar,
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ta!re narks:
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.. - • . .
son,': ' But that 'wag tiy':ii!':?:'lnpattii thi.ease.
Ite:li:ocf heen',frOin • childhaod,so devoted ,
, ..,,.
to , ,intelleCival -pursuits,!that;he hd never
found: time even to Aliiiik/of love. - Had
his good . :Migel but whispered to iiim, at
that - tnOient, 'that' his beatififul vis, 'a' vis
loved him as .her life, and,
.that,lier full
lieart.was„waiting and expecting his love"-
iiti return, he would have given it as 'in
honor bound, and have WoMlerod"that he
never thought of it before; hut ,the, trouble
Was, lie'did'nt happen to think any thing.
about it; and I, for one, cannot find it in.
my heart :to scold him, Rix.. if ho ..had
thought I should have bad 'do Story to tell.
, Seeing Harriet only at ineals,
and ~b
sorbed in his ambitiotis schenies, *Harwood
at last almost forgot that lie 'had a wife,
.the poor girl .stroye • to content herself
in her own silent and secret ivorship of her
But love, unloved, is but
A wearying utak at hest !
• Better be lying in the gehve,
Id dreamless, careless rest !
She mingled sometimes with the gay ; hut
society had no excitement for a mind like
hers. She could•not long .enjoy a convey
- salon in which her heart was not in some.
Way interested. •For, while the poetry of
feeling was her clement, Harriet was not
an intellectual persoM—she was more spiri
tual thatk intellectual—her heart supplied
the place of a mind.
One evening, 'at a-party, ajoung Eng
lish officer approaching Harwood exclaim
ed, "Aly dear sir! do you know, an you
tell me the name of that . beautiftilcreiture
leaning by the window ? There, that pale,
,eyed.girl in, white ! • Yoll
,ought to
know, for she has been looking at you,
With !lei whole soul in the look; for the last
five minutes."
flarwood looked up ; he caught the elo
quent gaze of those beautiful eyes; he saw
he - r start and instantly avert them, wiih.a
sudden bush, as if detected in a crime, and
strange and new emotions thrilled his heart.
The hour had come. Love, the high--priest
had suddenly 'appeared at the altar, and the
fire was kindled at length, never again• to
be wholl)? . extinguished. For the first time
moused 'to a Sense of her sing , ;lar 161,4-
ness, 'for tip first time.kszspeeii:ig !Jer hid
den plission , for himself, he colored, smiled,
and seemed so confused, that his friend was
turning away in surprise. But Harwood
recovered himself, and taking his arm, led
him forward andintroduced him to his wife.
•A's we have said before, Harwood was
by no means without a heart, but his giant
intellect and his situation in life lisd hither
to rendered him unconscious of so valua
ble a possession. Alter lituening for a few
moments impatiently to Itarriet's graceful
and noire cOnversatMn with • the handsome.
young officer, he drew her baud within his
arm, and pressing it tenderly, whispered,
"Let us go home,dear [Harriet; I am weary
of this scene."
"Dear Harriet I" Wasshe'dreaming!—
the words, the tone, the look, thedight ea
res, all thrilled to her inmost heart, Her
eyes filled with tears, and trembling with
the . heavenly eestaey of the moment, al
most fainting, indeed, from excess of emo
tion, she murmured,
"Yes, leCtin go at once."
He sprung into the carriage - alter het,
and drew her to his heart. "Oh, William !
do you—do you' love me ? Can It indeed
be true ?"
"My wife I" '
The scene is sacred—let the curtain tall:
"More close and close his footsteps mild;
The magic music in his heart
Beats quirk and quicker till he find
The quiet chamber tar"
At en tmustially 'early hour; the next
evening, Harwood returned to his now
happy home, and; hastening up the stairs,
paused at the door of his wife's boudoir,
arrested by her voice within. She ,was
singing, in a low and touching voice, and
with exquisite taste, , asimple song which .
he had' never heard befdre. Though na- .
itraliyvery find of music, it had happen
ed by Some strange chance, that he had not
heard Harriet play, or : sing, , indeed he, did
not kriow. that she'-possessed :the accom.
plialirtierif::: The til'ordaof the• Song Went
iiiiaight to Iris Wire,' arid thug iheY'ran
I kiidvv'tt tie last! " '
The heart4ltithlenstiguish.fortileiis Oast
Love li :t ightens his dark eye and ssf;enti hixtsna ;:,,
loves lnehilOies ion, is miii tat ii! • •
Cciree,sit re,antl,tiiisfortu:nelthe dotal andlhestormi,
I've a light in this hear.t. : all existence to
No grief alin'o'pititisame,iiii ehialOtrfci'ereast; — •
.10 that hlestaidesenviction--lielOVeS ItlClit
' Echoing. Attith voiee t the
last five weid, Harwoo l d oplined4fie
! f re s hPP,O;Prgelq.ooglki• 4 lo'
eating to the etorldhiverit' Wen ,she , vfov
W.? Jth.r.Ortalit vi•to 5." 4
wo..ettie; Eiettfoolliw'as
i ted lavei:erttPibusband; laird tilititletwttliti.
,41 , t0 e ' t,_
grew , .1 1 I, l o l lr,
1 10. 7 . 43 1
I. •
... . . . . .
And;riow „garriet,..t.vau, Tc.lo,,l,Vretched -, Jealousy, inger;•pity, remerse.and love
than ever: .: 'Now, -.that Like had .ones • *.ere..at4ar,in..the breast Of,Elarwood; bni
perienced the` happiness of 'being', loved, with a moment's reflection through th . .past
earressed‘ admired, 'She. could not endlire bpony.his :pain conduct, the -- ;three latter,
life 'unbleeSed bYlendernees . and hope: By coMi'uered, and, kneeling by her : side,, he
nature, ardent, susceptible, dependent, Up- pressed hislip's upon her,brow, .She mei
on those around her for, happiness, end inured ,softly .in. her sleep, "Dear, larling ,
clinging to all who. could -offer her affec- husband I do you love me?" and the color'
tion, it had been otilfby a violent struggle trembled in her cheek like the rosYdight
that she had. forced '-herself into a state 'of of mor9ig on the snow: - . . •
apparent apathy,' during the first few weeks 'Harwood pressed her passionately to his
of her marriage.; - but, once- aroused from' heheart,an L l she . awoke terrified; ashameti,
it, stye ltd abandoned her whole being to penitent, yet happy. at length beyond eN. :
the enchantment of Love's happy 'dream, Hessler), for she forgave and.waS forgiven.
She had overrated, in her conscientiousness
and henceforward life Was loSt s 3,:ithout it.
the extent of, her error. Her fancy; her
Iter;lruSband's ' returning coldness' and
'mind rather than he-r--'affections, had been
neglect had Woundeilaint not sUbdued her
beguiled. Harwood felt at once that the
heart; and that was the- Wife to do with
dewy bloom of purity-lrad not been brush
ail ills Holy unemployed feeling and fancy
ai'valtened_ in its depths ?, . ., .. : ed from, the ,heart of his fragile flower, by
the darling wing of the insect that • had
The interesting Yyoung officer; -•" -g • - '
sought it, and henceforth it was cherished '
mentioned, had fallen in love With Harriet
in its proper home—his own noble and
at first sight, ere he. knew she was
the faithful breast .
bride or his friend ; and,• though distin
guislied in the field - 6y this bravery and
skill, self-conquest Was an art belied neith
er learned nor dreamed of. Visiting from .
time 'to time at the lootie, he-soon saw her .
unhappineSs, and penetrated its cause. - Hid
sympathy was exeited— : his visits grew
more frequent—with refined and subtle
tenderness, almost irresistible toll helix(
like hers,' he entered earnestly into her Pur-i
Suitsread with her, walked with her,
sang with her—praised her mind mid heart
—called her "the sister of his' soul',' and
so adapted himself .to her, affections that
Ilarriet found herself on the verge of a
precipice, ere she was aware she had over
stepped the limits of propriety and discre
tion. It was a sort of spiritual Magnetism,
which she. tried in vain to resist.
Harriet would never have been guilty of
actual crime=she was too proud and too
pure for that; but in a soul so highly toned,
so delicately and daintily organized as hers,
the 'slightest aberration ; in thought,, look
or deed, froth the faith which was d'ue to
her husband, grad uced a discord, involving
the loss• of self-respect, and consequent
misery and remorse..
.And now Loyv and Sorrow sweptihe
strings, and awakened a melody sweet, hut
plaintive as the sound of an lEolian harp.
limy had made her a poet, and she pour
,•d forth, in incident verse, the various
emotions they aroused.
• . .
Mr. Harwood had just returned from a
long, journey. He had been unsuccessful
'n two or three important projects, and,
lisgusted with the uncertainty atteifding
its pursuits, lie had suddenly determined
o abandon 'politics altogeth4. His heart
~ e arned toward his sweet
.wife as it had
lever yearned berme. Ile had been away
from her so long ! Ile Heeded her love
now, he needed her soft voice to soothe
and comfort him, and he came prepared,
not only to receiyOitto give consolation.
He' entered her boudoir softly, intending to
surprise her. She was reclining on the
sofa asleep—pale and sad, with tears still
lingering,. on her lashes, and her fait
hair .streaming from herrekdish brow—
her lips half :vartedVanil sighing as she
slept, she loOked, so enchantingly lovely
that .he sprung forward to awaken her witli
a kiss, when a.paper, lying loosely in her
.hand,.arrested his attention. Ile drew itt i
softly from her. It was" addressed "To
My Husband," and thinking himself thus
justified in, reading it, he did so, with what
emotions may be better imagined than told; follows:
Ohl hasten to.iny elde, 2 pray
I dare not be alone!
The smile that teniptit, when giou'rt away
Is (wider than thine own. •
The voice that Oftenest charms mine car,
linth such beguiling tone,'
'Twill steal my very some, I fear,
Alt ! leave me not alone !
. It speaks in neeentsloW and deep,
It murmurs praise too
'lt makei tne pnesionately 'weep,
Then gently 'soothes inY
. .
It calls me sweet, endearing names,
Kith Love's ' on'n•childlike art, • •
Nly tears, my &obis, it softly blames—.
musi, to my heart! •
And dark, deep, eloquent, soul-filled eyes
, Speak tenderly to mint; ••
Beneath (list gaze.wkatfeelings rise !.
It is more kind than, thine!
A hand oven pride; can seamen repel i
; foci fondly 'clat; •
It is not safe Is not well!
At, !' leave me not alone!
•7 try. ttp calm, to void repoae - • • • ''
n ,peneallt, hos tryeat
• T'ho,heat•( that Mir) 4, Ore ciiniik'thial TO*
A as. 111 vain try! ••
•ql 1- 4 , 94 Pcii - 7 0 e kali ' •
1 5qCIPelirlatea 41 110 . , •
Leitt,lolely, unlqy?d,f fun,,
441:itistria e the mine PI WirC
it k t;-. 4 A li $ A r A $ • •
s l .. .;Y:4o,e;bheitl . it.b . dosh gad ngd horsh44
441,1 tee's
sttCr t Ttble,ArYpt'sar.
1,1N 1 9,-*BV,9OO§. Eiki4e'!
Mall. MY Peril: 400 Y`lo .64 ire " 4 ,`
014,101k0Orstikip10 4 4441 •A , }e4 141
1 rt t ;AlltrePA WAIRYO,4I4 3 iIkaE
Att ft 1i t10P:7401,34 1 41, 4 0Wtt .i,;1Z1•4414 - 4 , t1.
5ifta 4 10 0 0 0 4 1.61 P1 44 ,1P,,
,Ifiliddtch,o44.944.or 1 ,01ret7 04 -
il 4l 4 ll6l g 4 t 6 thtati'f k it/ 1 " 1-4 :‘ M 4, ,"
Aileaaidhd*Oftpiti34l :444Mt itb
• .
From the cradle to the grave we' occupy
tenfold More time in wishing for What Ave
Iraile not, than, enjoYing that which we
have. Where we once offer up praise for
benefits received, we twenty, times petition
the Father of mercies to add to the num
ber of gifts he alr,zuly has bestowed. ,
There 'is a restless discontent that seems
to cling to us like a leprosy. Give a child
un apple in each hand, and he will want the
one that remains on the table ; and give a
man thousands of gold and silver, and tens
of thOusands will become the object of his
desires. Experience warrants the belief,
that the possession of Europe and Asia
would excite a. yearning in our hearts for
Africa and America ; and that if to, those
the moon could he added, we shOuld never
rest in peace until we had obtained the sun.
As it was in our childhood and youth, so
has it been in our manhood. Object after
object has been attained with no better suc
cess. As he who picks - up shells on the
sea-shore always has one preferable in his
eye than in his haud, so we ever hope .10
add to our happiness by some new acquisi
tion. This is the case not with one only,
but with all.
We have never yet attained one earthly
advantage that has given us inure than a
temporary joy. We have Dever gained
aught , that has satisfied our desires. Is
this your experience ? I know it is. It
is mine. It the experienCe of It's
We have all blown our bubbles, and ran
after buitvrflies,in our childhood,Our youth,
and our manhood. The bubble has burst,
and the caught burerfly lias been crushed,
not yielding us half the satisfation that they
• -Oa
did when in the-air.
Who is there among us who can look
bark through the vista of three-score years,
without wondering that, being so frequent.:
iv deceived, he -could so confidently trust
the Nun' piOmistal future joy ? It is
in vain we try to deceiveourselves—
"Fortune may favor, Fancy May beguile, ' . •
Ilupe wane her golden wings, uud sweetly smile;
But sad Experience, with u blow n'ereast,
Siglihq with gai4, nod pnitaing to the Hsi,
Whispers, the fair illudon to destroy,
That joy unclouded is cot earthly joy."
When we were young, there was some
_ .
excuse for us; but %viler excuse lave we
now ? I speak to those who have gray
hairs on their heads ; and to those who 111,6;
no hair at all.
The homely adage teals-us that, "old
birds are not caught with chair." If this
be true, old birds are wiser than old men.
Shame upon us; but we aro continually
forgetting the good gifts of God; and pur
stung objects which are no better than chaff
when they are attained
The following definitions may be useful
o some of our readers, as exiilaining the
meaning of terms which frequently occur
the agricultural writings:
"The piimitive ea;'l4B" are four: clay,
sand, limes and magnesia.
Clay 'is called by the geologist, alumina,
alumina, orargilaccous earth.
Sand is called sites, silieFons earth, earth
of flints
„Lime, as it exists in - the
monly called ealcat4OutS `earth. term
Calcareous is not . properly • applied to any
soil, unless it' will etrervese with acids.. •
.tach of these, earths, -sr a d
, anwe • eter•
minute and specified purpose in the &er
My, and, growth.of plants, and - the perfec
tipn of the ' soil s lien in'a mixture of 'the
. , ..
.- yegetable/Mhtter—All vegetable . it‘ili.
knee in-,a - tliCaying or rotten State: -.
AhimatMatter . ?",Afi animal eutStaime in'
a Eitinfyiug,46te.... -,< , i. , • . . i .
Organic fi'Luitidr•Ll•k' terin apylieable' th,
both:anktal,And,vegetat;le'litibbtEnhes in '.it ' - . ' ' -, i
„ - jAi *et might' , ti-,':niiir id ''''ilibit
liiitill,iint 'elli.W"''': . ' ,'` '''' , ''.., er ',' '•',' ' "," 1. :,,. 1 / 4 „, . ':,, . ':;„ -.2. 3 ,..., , . , , -,n,,,,„ 6 ~,k ,
‘. ^ ,l ` • ir '' , % • '' i ..
in '', -., ;.. ';'l '' • '''' wow water or steam "as-a - '' ' "
.Vegeteblet.‘crtoold—t h e' earthly remains-- ,-1 , ,,,,_. ,!.... , : ~,-• , . Prqs,g., 4l 4 l pu.i . ,
--• •• ' = ,
!Of eith er '
: vegetahltsittnitiiiihea:iehtcihjittW; ;,,,/,;,,,,,,.. ~ .',' 4 • -t, : ,-... ..'; 1.., 1 4,44 A tipi
town 41 / 06 4 '?,0 0- g l igietib9h ave :' 1 . .,f! 'l3 / 1 6 .!xtreilf0,_fi?ll9if9 1 4iitoll00 , 1ilt* t' t
;I?een,9n s ept,d,,,tii , ltltey jo4t 0,400054 f little tll liaiLiillf4l4 : 74 - 4; - *O4 .
.., 014 ,1 4 , : vii 41 , 10;ti ,4a iri1 . f4 ,41,,agtk . ..410.ti...2,r,9,;; ~ ,14:,;;,;,,,:-,wl k ,
.. 4:itt4,,,, ~o,* '..-11,0 3
`,lola .:15 , ,KtO c Rifililit ea '7, , i 7:7 40 : 1 .,:ri' '"ii vda 4 lll4M -I ,iii, iiiiMillto its •
if %rth ti k t Pt ' 419,0#1 ,4 0b.0 1 4 . ,it 9t1,4 t. Vorg;i1•0oCo ' e (coilett " ' ;' ' 4l l"'
1 i
OSO IIIO , RAVNRA9** 4 :1110400411WiN ''.., 1- • 42 ' -• 1 44 4 e ! ° ! .4
ZP• 01 0 0 * L iaPir49.i i itittlitflOtsvill4Mtjteel 4 t't ,I,OPPItcII*OO.4I ilikllltiiirc, ~
~,,.,0 1 0,1 1W Irtir usPikestialtatiiiiitChitliPibilyni#l4,titikiiiiitii4ooitt*t ' - L , *:
milli#loll4Aillito*ititehoNAlltttiAiktimeviv;44ol,;,At . :,11+ 7.
~..,,. ..,..,,-. 4 ...n.,,,,,.........:.,,.„.1;eip.;-,42-:,,,
itinerant preacher 4.)f more Zeallfian 'cliscre
tion, was in the habit',of accosting those
he met in his walks, and , inquiring into
their : spiritualolvollfare. passing Along a
country •road through a small settlernr,
he met .a simple country. fellOw driving a
cart, loaded with corn.
"Do you believe in God, sir ?" said he
to the .country man.,
sir, 7 was the instant reply.
"Do.yon read your pray . yi your
Maker,. and attend divine worship regular-
.. And this string of questions Was also an
swered in the affirmative. :
"Go on yoUr way, rejoicing, my, lad,','
continued hct "you are in the high. way to
heaven." , . .• . '
. Clodpole flourished his whip, and drove
on, much
.delighted, no.doubt,:witil. the
blessed ietelligeneo. Another perapu came
eP • by„iltis . ,time,, and he also . was interroga
ted .witn vertcerenoniops stare:
you believe in God 1" 0,
".What have you to do, sir, with wbat
believer replied the person accosted, with
a look of surprise.,, .
; "Yon
,are in the gall of bitterness, and
the bond of iniquity - ," cried the offended
preacher, "Look ot that poor lad, whistling >
alm;g the roadand driving his cart_before
him; he is on the straight way to heav
en." • , •
"It may be so, sir," said the person in
terrogated, "but to my certain knowledge.
if he is on the road there, he is going' with
a cart'load of stolen corn." .
CAxsor.—Whatever may be your pro.
fession or pursuits, if you would hope for,
success, never nsethe word cannot. You
ma*is well attempt to swim with a Scotia
-grindstone 'et your neck and a Poi:than
shot at-your heels, as to expect to'accom 7
plish any - thing worthy ofa man,while this
word is in' your vocabulary. When the
f . trallant 111illea, at the battle of Niagara,, was
aske r d by Scott if he could carry the enemy's
batteries suppose, instead of the determin-,
ed 'l'll try, lie had whined out 'I cannot
where would have been his fame 7r WOat the
result of that day? Cannot accomplishes
nothing but the ruin of hint who uses it..
Keep shy—use not the word yourself,
and be careful how you employ those that
do. Napoleon wetter allowed the; use of
the word impossible, and in themanage
ment of all business there should be no
place for cannot. ..You' can do all that is
necessary to be done if you set about it in
the right tine.--l 1 you, do not, your labor,
will be like„that of Sysiphus,, ever begin
ning, never ending. Neglect nothing, keep,
a watchful eye over,. every part, that all,
movesin_harmony„ and together, and you,
wilChave no use for cannot.
" Giving a child an education in early.
life; may he likened to dropping a stone ,
into a po'ol ; theie arises a circular , w'a.%
and then another, and another. until*
reaches the shore. So with you, my .
friends. Give your ehildren education;
give them a'good moral and religious train
hug.; they will do so by their children—.
and their children will do the same ; - and
as the ciroulir wave expands till it reaehoP ,
the shore 30 will , these good examples be,
cherished and expand till they, reach ,the,
shore of time."
11.011EAZ‘ZD LTS AFFlicnoNs.—llow sweet
arc the affeetions of kindness ! ,Honri
balmy the influence of that regard which .
dwells arotind our firesides ! Distrust and
doubt darken not the brightness of its puri
ty ; the cravings of interest' and jealousy •
mar not ihe .harmony of that scene. Pa--
rental . kindness and filial affection bleirisoni7
thet;e, in all the freshness of eternal
It matters . not if the world is. cold; if we
can but tunn to our dear circle and aslranch
receive all that our own heart claiMs.
FALL FASIIIONB.-." hyv-John," said7a
• ..„
citizen on the Levee,• (N. 0.) 'to an sc
•quaintance of his, • '‘v • hy, :John, the haeli,of , ,
your coat is covered over with molasses,',
'Yes,' said John, slipped on !Win,:
fernal platform, • fell - Ant - my - back;and,have -
spoiled my new black coat.'
!0, not at all,' said John's friand,;' , qoC ,
only a specimen of the fall
bee:, is a-lady, in . whS has
beetr . so Ldarit asked to daria,e,[4. the tiff
erent' balls she
not go to a party, where gys,,ligh,le.prsk.Mett,-,
for fear she will, be takeit.7for,•Sre'
. • .
."-1 shell never - get . , out .
alive,,,". as th&,bovsaiii , ,.when't!letviiiii
rubbing the brietlps off hie- I/844 1 41th
shell; andsVatdini,vititiii.;:`