Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 20, 1843, Image 4

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mapuz/t•' meat.tuasser
tha g .zin r q r*ember.,
oProAlt?' Tlintv •
zit, 0. D. I'?.TERBON.
How old art Omit ? Mording
• ~
Id glorious beauty o'er thee l '. Does Ally heart, ~
With hope and fancy's dremny blisidrenowhig;. ,
Deem earth a paradise, where sorrows smart,
Nor grief, nor fear may come;?. Is pleasure flinging,
Fair flowers nrid , Precidus fruits about thy ray,
And from its treasure houseof blessings, bringing
New joys to charm and make thy spirits gay,? ,
0 ! in the sunlight of thy youngheart's gladness,'
Remember thou that chaste andoldinge may come,
E'en unto thee, and, "with a cloud of sadness,
Wrap thy bright, visions in funereal gloom;
And, though the, saddening thought calls forth an
anxious sigh,
Think that, though .few .thy ycnrs, thou'rt old
enough to diu! •
How old art thou ?' Is youth's gay season over ?
Haat learned that life and joy are things dpsrt ? •
And dolt thou wear the. sup.). Snti!e, , to cover
The anguish of a disappointed' heart ?
Or, are life's loveliest gilts spread out before thee:
No good .withheld, no fond desire denied;
Hath fortune waved her golden sceptre o'er thee
Bidding esch.looging a ish be gratified ?
Ow, lath Ambition's Magic ialluence boultil thee,
thee onward to some lofty 1m4,11t
Above the peels, with the mood world around thee
Nl:iy gaze, ndmire, and own tier spirits might?
Alas! nor grief, nor bliss . , nor aspirations high,
Can turn Fate's shall aside. Thou'rt old enough
• to die!,
llow.old , art thou.? "Thou feeble man and
Gay youth and manhood's prime bath passed uwa3;,,
And, po thy brow, Time's record tells the story.
Of ripening years, and nature's sure decay,
As lengthening shadows mat k the day declining,
Life's dial-plate decoter the setting sun;
Antsoon all earthly cares nail thoughts resigning,
Thin% rest in calm repose, thy lahOr
The past; with :tints mingled joys and sorrows,
-Its-wealth and boners can be naught-to thee;
When from till . , future thy worn spirit borrows
Visions, which prompt fond longings' to be C. cof
And ante of bliss. unknown to mortal ret.e or eye,
I.:tenni in the heavens. Rejoice! 'Tis time for
Oleo to die! •
How gracious, and how
instructiiet'the - condescension iit the Son
of God, in being - born, and that too ire so
abject eircumstances,! Who is this of
whom we are speaking ? Who is this of
whom we learn-such strange things ? This
is .the Word of God, who in the beginning
sas with God,and-wito Was God,by whom
and for•whoni all things were made ; and
this Word was made flesh, and dwelt a
mong us: Ile 'Who created whatever ex
ists without life, from the huge planet that
rolls in the widest fields of space to the
' veriest atom that dance's in, the sunbeam ;
and whatever exists with life, from the no
. ble seraph who 'adores before the celestial
throne to the smallest insect that creeps in -
kite dust: He by whom all things are up
/held, and on whose shoulder rests the gov
ernment of nature,of providence,and grace:
He who sits On the throhe of heaven, while
its hosts adore him as worthy to receive
blessing, and glory, and hontir, and power . .
He descended from that lofty eminence to
this low earth. He stooped to assume the
form of a creature of his own hand. lie
belarne man, and was born of a woman !
If such an one was to have been born at
all, we should have supposed that it would,
have been in the noblest and wealthiest
station of life ; that his parents would have
been royal : that his birthplace would have
been a palace; that the room where he first
dreW the breath of life would have been a.
spacious, splendid, carpeted, gilded, and
canopied apartment ; that the first ladies
of the land Would have been contending
for the honor and the pleasure of waiting
on the heavenly Babe ; that his clothing
would have been the very finest which could
have been furnished 1 and that his cradle
would have een a master-piece of ingeni
ous, and beatiful and costly workmanship.
t \l
But no ! "Is t 'is not the carpenter's son;"
said they, '"and is not. hie mother millet' '
Mary ; and his other connections are they '
not all mean persons in the midst of us ?"
-.He_was_a root outof a dry, ground_;- and
when lie came, therewas in) earthly splen
,• ) ,
dor to attract the carnal .eye. but, on the
, contrary :much poverty to repel it. Instead
. of being ' lodged in a palace, Joseph and
Mary could not obtain admittance into an
-inn; undervalued and repulsed, they bent .
• ' their Weary steps to the stable ;—and there
Mary,. haying brought forth that &in on
whose head the increasing blessings of ran
somed millions of the hunian race are now
initiltiplying i 'and will throughout eternity
be multiplied,, wrapped, him in such plain:
clothes as she could furnish, and then
cradled him . in a manger ! Was there ever
any thing shall comparable to this . ? Let
"not familiarity, with his liisitery lessen its
-,4 importance in our view. : How asionishing
,'';,the whole ! , The eternal Nord become a
ilOpleas babe. • ,He.who '.'made the cloud
.o(gaiment., - end thick darkness a swaddling
- bend- forflte'Sea,"- was himself wrapped
in swaddling bands.'„Nay: "Ile whose
are the cattle on. a thousa'iiii-hillsid4ill-.
the.flocks' that graze the green. earth—be
''!,Whost dWellingplace is, the,..fairest.':Ma'n 7
'.elan ;of heaven ' s brightness - and , blessed
. .. r • • • ..
, - liiisitheVlatlien he, was coming iniii:this
, world,. , was refused adMitiance into the
dwelling-place..o.flatmati beings; was tree
,lied es 4 word ? ,for. Whet can be said or : epti-'
'' 'itived , half eo , "affeeting l• wee} boriiin' a
, i itaidii.:inkleitriit' a, tOSiiiOi .i' ~ ' lsi ea:ei 2 , let
;tie ,
,#Oitils of thiti - ',event lessen in:our,
; - t , ,*ioy - . -NOrei., :When ‘ , ‘ , ,e ., think of it, lot'
c0a,094:4034100. and addre: !, , ,sli,-, , . , . , !,:
:, , :! , -1'!.. , : e;i: , . , i ,- ' ' - . ~ ,, :1,• ','.
101414 ,
z it
the ?"'-- in.::
I t, 4
.45,fficf,r'1,)/rigAin 'ha,"
44- 4/4111''
iio A'S 5. ~4,441111 m,
0;11 . 44:: tit
'of the revo u " Ti •fr ~o rcer had. : eftep
introduced, the sobject, orate: as it may
appear; triliisjaughterifand,urgedher to
embrace' tenets:''' succeed
with lid n; Caii not 'Ofteit: m'i'ster - the heart
.of :svomeif, for.abov'e ,all:others,:the , law : of
her nature:is trust, and, she .needs,peculiar-•
. the holy trust of heaven. The young
lady resisted the entreaties of her'father,
She eking to the princiPlei of her SaYiotir's
Disease afferwards,, wasted her
fair form, and, she dreW near the , closing
scene. Friends hived her for" her loYeli
nese., and the father wept, that early beauty
should thusdanguish into the tomb. The
work of disease was almost consummated;
die light was. passing from her -eye, end
the pulse front her heart—it was a fearful
momenithe dividing moment' between
time and eternity. She called the infidel
father to her' bed-side—and'ai 'elte„'gently
pressed his hand, and looked' tenderly up
into his dad countenance, she said: 'Fath
er, would You have me be an Infidel now?'
There was a pause—there %V 8 . 8•8 sigk—
and the heart-stricken man answered, i i /Ve,
datighier, No !'
EN GES ,and gre.. ~tti they are "
snidest and most effecti ie meilichitr in use. Enor
mous gnantitier are sold. and 'every body likes them.
' , taxman"! I , editor Of the : . 11erchants lag
azine, says they cured his cough in a few hours.—
The Rev. Ale. Vonhar, of the McDougal street
church, was cured of a very ljad cold and hough n a p
one day: TLC Rev. Mr. Anthony, of the NletMalist
Church, was eared of consnapti. theM.
SI IEitNIAN , S \VUIIM LoZU.NGE::; have saved
the lives of thousands.. Ask \V, E. Evans, Fsq.. 6
Walker M., the lion. Edward J. Porter; Ilan. It.
Beardsley; Dr. O. I IIIIIRT:811(1 nearly 1111 our physi
cians, what ti n y think of Shaman's Lozenges, and
they will tell pm they are excellent—the only in
fallible medicine known.
real andidotes headache, palpitation, sett siekness,
- lowness of spirits and despontlenm-:-or the effects of
dissipation. Capt. Clmdwick, of the Wellington,
Mr. Ackerman, the
. great sign painter, NlayorClark,
and almost routs beds knows their value.
POOR NIAN I :i PlfASTEß—Sherman's we Mean
—costs 123 rents, molls sure to cure rheumatism,
lumbago, pain orpdthefis hi the Breast, side, or
bark; also pilesed they cure warms when applied
to the part. Ask Joe Ifoxie, or any one who has
used it, nod would give - Vi for one sooner than live
cents for till other plasters.
Sold in Carlisle at lIUNTER & KNEEDLER'S
Book Store, East Digit street, who are sole Agents
for Carlisle.
And Ansley & Greason, Shippensburt*.
For the cure of Obstinate Eruptions of the
Skin; Pimples or Pustides on the Fare;
Biles which arise from an impure habit
of body; Sealy Erucitions; Pains in the
Bones ; Chronic Rheumatism; 'fetter;
Scrofula or King's Evil ; White Swel
lings; Syphilitic Symptoms; and all dis.
viers arising ,from an impure state of
the blood, either by a lon residence in
a hat and unhealthy climate, the injudi-
cious use of IVlercury, Ste.
This Gltdicir.e 'hos frequently been found
highly hencficialin Chronic Coughs, or
Colds of long.stundingn
This .Nledicine bos been extensively .. Used in the
United s hi r es , k ith ( I,,,ided benefit ln Scrofula, :Mer
curial diseases, and in aii. l cases of an ulcerated Oar!
oder, As an alterative in the sprinA and ball sea
sons, it is unequalled. It possesses runny advantages
over the decoction, and is introdleell as a prepara
tion mere pot table, not liable to inicry by long keep
and better adapted Lc the use of persons travell
inn, or residing . abroad. • , . ,
fire proprietor begs .flue to call ;dietitian to the
following certificates, s ceted from in largo num er
approving its efficacy: .
"This certifies that my wite Mrs. Deem, had for
nearly eleven years suffered from a sci:ofidous crap=
tion resembling .tetter. uhich.ate deep holes in her
face, neck and arms, the constant discharge of which
destroyed her licalth,and frequently confined her for
different periods to her bed, (luping which time her
sufferingi were very great. The'lrest medical linen- .
liee - Wll6 - obtainedoind-all-the_known_remedies_
were tried with but an alleviation of her complaint,
Much always returned with increased malignity.—
Having lost all hopes of recovery, site had almost
determined to give up the use of avy atlte.• medicine;
she was howeven, by persintsaion, induced to try
Oakeley's Depurative of Stirsaparilla,-the use of
five bottles of which has removed the disease, and
restored her to pet feet health. •
opposite the depot, Wading,
This is to certif ., ' !lilt my little son, about eight
years old, had suffered for a long time from exten-:
sire sores on the right: knee and leg, suppose'd to
have been while swelling, which I found impossible
to even by theunl . of the most respectable
medical advice,until I was recommended to use Mr.
thkeley's Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla, fi bin
ties of which not only healed the,sores, hot perfectly
restored the health. which had suffered much
in consequence of this affection.
7th,above Penn street, Heading.
• Ilattorcrutr. gchulkill'aoonty, Oct 1115 D. '
nflear Sir‘--Sometime ago I wa s 'c o nau lted by a
;codeine', with an 'ulcerated kg, who . intbamed Inc
thut it was tiitworti of twenty years 'standing; ah that
he had beitt undoe' of tiltvsicians both of
Eurnpu'and . it:rnerica, , , Without Teeeiving but 'alight
benefit . Not
• Wipltiog
. to be 'troubled with bib case,
as I then thin/gilt n cure doubtful. I recoommentkd
him to nse your Coutpound S y rup Sairsaithrilla,
After taking 4 few btatlea, he informedtuethis leg
yiallicaled,whickupott examinalion.l found to 1)c.
the fact • Y•0u.n44,•
• .• • • ;'-" tlotaLassvtccw.: April; 19,141; ,
Oaheley s--111y son fEdmund 'Leif, had the
'scrofula in ihenfo - st dreadful" and' distressing , man.'
ner for three-yeari x during' which time he was de-
AwiVed of the use •of his , limbs; his , bend and neck.
were' covered with btfiers:''' We tried (11l the' (idler,
ent'remedied,,but to uo effect until Irecomniended by
Dr.',Johnson !cif INoryhdo - wn; - and
life'st6 ( ,!oflicitiling; to use your Depuratiir Syrup
of'Sprsaintrillo; of Nathich I obtained, several bottlee,
the use of which drove llie disease entirely outs of
his systehi;`, the f - Ores! healed - tipi -- and'ilhe child was
restored bi'llerfeatbietilth, Which tic , 'll4 . enjoyed tin.
;Interruidedlr vier Since;:tw the netoiiishMent 4:4; 1 42
tip lierwiltti.wio , peci,.him..durinv alliicilOn.;
h a ve.thOnght it,my Aluty, Mat liend° yhtethisi decal'
tate;that, , Others I who-,ttave ;like' failliction the ,
family obtain'seitvaluable awned
:l* Your,, truly: ; . •,i
4 a
re, - E
folkiiring , Agetii9 l in Cu er - J
.mi-4,000S n, tUogr,afiw 6 ;
1 11
,Y M ,•;;; •
• ".
• N'
. .
. • • • •
'.; 1-
Scrofula, or King'stvil, , Rheumatism .
• ,;,obStintitectittureetiS " ,EruptionS,:Pirii7
pies, or Pustules on the:Face, .Blot
cites, Biles, Chronic, Sore EYes;'Ping
• Wormer Tetter, Scald .HCMl,':En
largenient- and Pain of the Bones
' anct.teintS;petibbOinX.l . lCeA Sypth
• tic Symptoms, Seiatica;Or Lunibagiy,
and " dieeases arisitie . froin itri'hijudi
,„.ciow. use 0f..-Merettry,. Aseites,:tT.
• 'Dropsy, Exposhre or.lmpruclenPe
- Life. Also; Chronic: , Constitutional
Disorders., will 'be. rernoVed by this
Preparation. •
Improvement in whatever regOls theitappiness,
and welfare of our race is constantly' oni.the maifch
to perfection,..and.,yyith, cad' succeeding day some
new problem is solved,:or sonic profoUnd secret ee
l/clled, having an important and direct bearing over
man's highest destinies., If, we ttil.te a retrospectiCe
view over the past' twenty' years; how is the mind
struck with Wonder ! What rapid strides has science '
made in every department 'of civilized life ! parti
celarly in that which relates to the knowledge of the
human system in health' and disease. How valuable
and indispensable are the curative means recently
discovered through the agency of ,! flow
tiCes the imagination kindle and our admiration glow
at the ingenuity, the near approach to the. standard
of perfection, of the present time!. Through the
elaborate investigations of Physiology, or the science
or 11.1rE,--and the Pathology or prevalent diseases,.
much valuable practical knowledge has lieenttiin'ed„
In co 'sequence of becoming acquainted with the or
ga cation, the-elements of the various tissues nod
rut:tures of the system, remedieshave been stOght
afterand discovered exactly adapted to combine with,
neautralize net expel morbille matter, the'eause of
disease, and substitute healthy action in itt pi:to:ie.— .
The beautiful simplicity of this mode 'of treatment
is not only suggested by the pathology of diseases,
not only grateful to the sufferer, but perfectly in con
sonance With the operations of Nature, and satisfac
tory to the views and reasonings of every intelligent,
reflecting mind. It is Mos that Sand's Sarsaparilla,
a scientific combination of essential principles of the
most valuable vegetable substances.operates upon the
system. The Stir saparilla is combined with the 'mist
salutary prodnetiOns, the most potent simples of the
vegetable kingdom ; mut its unprecedented success
in the restoration to health of those who had long
pined under the Most distressirg clirouie'maladieS,
has .given it an exalted, character, forMsiiing as it
does evidence of its own intrinic value; and recom
mewling-It to the afflicted imterms the afflicted only
can kiMw. It has long been .4 most important de
sideratum in the practice of medicine to obfain
remedy similar to this—one that would act on the
liver, stomach and bowels witli,all the precision and.
potency of mineral preparations, yet without any of
their deleterious effects upon the vital powers of the
The attention of the reader is respectfully called
to the following certificate. However great achieve
ments base ber.ltofore been made by the use of this
Invaluable medicine, yet daily experience sh . Ous re
sults still more remarkable. The proprietors here
atoll themseh es 9f the opportunity of saying it is a
source 'of constant s:dig:teflon that they are made the
Menus of relieving such an amount of suffering.
Wonderful E f fects - of Sands's Sarsaparilla in
. •
Read the following from Mrs. Wm. Phillips, who
has loiig resided id the Falls. The facts are well
known to all the old residents in that port ofthe city.
MESSRS. A. B. SANDS Est CO. — SIRS: Most el.:de
feat' de I embrace: this opportunity fin• stating' to you
the greabrelief I obtained from the use oft 01Ir bar-
Sap:lEllla. I shall also, be happy, .through you, to
publish to all who are allicted , as I lately wee s,the ae
count of my unexpected, and even fur a long while
despair of core. Mine isa lethal story, and trying
and sickening us is the narrative of it e fiir the sake of
many*who may be surely relieved,,l iv ill briefly yet
stectuately state it.
Nineteen years ago last April a fit of sickness left
me with an Erysipelas eruption. Di.opsical nollee
tions immediately took place over the entire siwface
of my body, Notelet); such an enlargement that it was
necessary to add n half yard to the size of my elres
sesaromid the waste. B r est followedmion on limbs,
ulcers, painful beyond description. For years, both
hi mortice find winter, the only mitigation of my
suffering was fonnd in pouring upon those parts cold
water. From my limbs the pain extended over my
whole body. There was literally for mo no rest, by
day or by night. Upon lying down dies , pains would.
shoot through my system, and compel Inc to arise,
and, fur hours together, walk the huuse,so that I was
almost entirely deprived of sleep. During this time
the Erysipelas Con , inued active, and the ulcers en
[Urged, and so deeply have these eaten, that for Iwo
dud a half years they have been subjAt to bleeding.
During these almost twenty years I have consulted
many pit sicians; These have called my disease—
as it wastittynded with an obstinate Cough and sYsteatly
Fl ntl active pain in my side—it dropsica 1 coma) nun ion;
and though they barn been skilful practitioners,they
wer e t y able to afford my case a partial and tem
porary t.l I had Many other diffieul ties too com
plicated to des, , rilie.. I have also used many of the
1 1,,,t h a ve been recommended as infallible
cures for thin disease, Yet these aniline& and I was
most emphatically grdWing worse. In this critical
condition, given up by fe.`eaddiand expecting for my
-6,11; relief goy t „ degth ;l IT the timely oder
position of a kind Providence, furnished with your,
to me, invaluable Satiamieilln. A single bottle &ye
mean-assurance of- health, wide!! toe[
bad not once felt. Upon taking. the WM , / 'MY en
largemetit and it) twev..? day' from the
Bth of. October, when I commenced taklng yo& Sae
sapnrilla, I was able to enjoy sleep mid rest ? by niAld`
as refreshing as an. Fever enjoyed 'when in perte):4
health. Besides, l was, in this shorutime, relieved
truth all those excrutiating and .unalleviated pains
that had afflicted my days, as well as robbed me of
my niglit'irepose. The ulcers upon toy limbsure
healed, the Erysipelas cured, and my size reduced
nearly to ray Former measure: .
Sand's Sarsaparilla will also remove and perma
nently cure diseases having their origin in an impure
state of the blood and depraved condition of the
in constitution, viz: 'Scrofula or King's Evil n its
various forms , Rheurnatism,, obstinate cutaneous
et uptions, bloiches,, biles, pimples, or pustules on
the face, chronic etke'eves, ringworm or [Mee; scald
head, enlargement tinerpain of the bones and joints,
.stubborn ulcers, syphilitic syinploms, diseases -aris
ing fretn an injudicious,of mercury, female de-.
rangerrients and Other 'sitidlar complaints: ,
Thus muclido I feel it le privilege lo testify to the
efficacy of your healthLrekoring Sarsaparilla. A.
thonsaattthanks, sir; from tine whine comfort and
worse hope' of future - health arc Mk, under God, to
yourinstruinenuility.'Antlmay the mime Providence
that directed met° ' , Our aid,' 'make you' the happy
and hondredinstrunients of,blessing„othern, as din
eased and de'spairing as your mtichreli eved. and very
grateful feiend, .M. PHILLIPS.'
NTAV LONDON CO. S11; "N014117h, Nor. 4, 1 842._
- -
Personallrappeared,the above-named Asenath M.
Phillips; and made„oath, of the laces contained In the
foregoingstatertient 'before:o::' ' . •
, , Juitice of tbe Peac,C.
Beingperionally acquainted with Mrs. Phillips, F
sertify,that the above asserted facts are subatantially
Miniat6 df the Gospel•at Norwieh;Conn.
Prepared, and aold by A. B. Sande St , C 0 .., )rug
gists and Che,mists .l ,Graulte buildinks,,273 Broadway
corner of Charnherslitreet, - NeWYerk: •"And for sale'
by Druigistathroughoiwthe , United •States,C' Price
per bottle,aic bottleS forss.- -•,
, The public are respectfully , requested to'remem
ber that it isßands's Sarisaparilla timehapand bloom;
'stantly richieving-suchTeniarkable , cures of tlimmbst
difficult clasi ol.diseaids toAvhich the , human frame'
is subject, and ask forlSands's Saimaparillai nod take
nc; -
• , -1••
• • • • Ef.;
';Age . nt bd:stiedtatikpiSetitittilent,fkthe Proprietorti,
tor Carnal; and vicinity: • '•'• •
';" f.• . '
, 1 •
, i N. =".' Voifo'ttit /
I .* S Ps d °tt il.r hni li s te liEtii;thitt 40.
Astiepi ,4!,—,440er: golAptatvpigigkon°
* kAtte4l) It4"` 'laticCEiblutingisa-.
"einh Ail' Olecin!Pft PlI qr z t t fr
hi, hOunplablet:litifik*
iiiti ir toitis?':am-9195.578.!''fittittelitt—f4'Lalaw)
Nortoiolr, Conn
~~_~': _7s~.'.P. - .4tu'd~jVi.'lF'iJJi.: ~tq'G"l:~s.:
1 Ifiliits°lolDYl.lttilillitiT ;.j1
AILY, nrd, tpe .. ,effeetrcif
. 91 . t e tt preparation te.i , ,L
1 coming thorn L Laptittrent. L . is . .itnertntt! t enrol+.
n 8 e 0 01 . .:)' , :hirlid, ilerliedpiore..t!enetit freprm tint onn
lintild'lnf It; itinit i tlifie of any', ettiO.,t,llitzt in etteitt
1 ne, - 6?intell ftir; ati' Di ) . lleitly's Stiritir - ' ' , ell
sirditger'prepnittiiiii thittinny 011ie' !e.
riti' inuqh - IA ~enntaknd i tt'Citie ' boitle
(AO 'so,IFI tit 'the:mime pit cc:) . Let tin
this-lt in irai , jhlit boast brit the , real
I:Dn.' iMEIID.IIPS:' Er A 11.1541.7
. . .
From tlibrigedidaldlei
'o:rAmonr, the megetable ahem,
our dispensaries abound; thereMro
Sarsaparilla) and'when.properly co
pared ie i liot only. in rem
ledeonatitutions to their wonted en(
case arisingaout of an impure stat
Front acknowledge of .very many cal
:them . :considened incurable), where
,preparations of Sarmpariiln had r
seemed to possess virtues or verb&
to.l)lf.Leitly's Medicated or Com'
Sarsaparilla,'? • , •
' , lt is a preparation it is believe
any other, and would recommend 1
notice of Physicinns.--Ed. U. 8.
''.xtr4ct of a letter from J. B. Whitmore, of 4tontj
. . ,
in relation to Dr.'.Leidv's Sarsaparilla. ,
"My little boy Mid 'girl, tlie former now tree
years and the latter nOW beVell years old, haveleen
afflicted with a serofulous tumor Frain the time ley
were three months old. Three months ago 1 vas
induced Minsike trial of vour Extract of Stirsapa la,
111111 hal, e given it to both to the present time.. ry
are now entirely free from any appearance of S 0 -1
fuhrand mever were in better health." '
1/r. Leidy's Saasaparilla is. efficacious in all s-
eases arising from impurities of the blood one of r
fluids of the system.. All invalids who may h e
been under to vdical treatment, who are debilita I,
from the mulliaity of medicine they may have MSc '
or at'e'rtiiee a mercurial' influence, will find that
using a few battles of Di. Lehly's Sarsaparilla,th
usual vigor and elaSticity o 1; their frame and syste
will be restored land be again permitted„to enjoy tlf
sweets of life. ,
Ca' e rltis article nppears to be doing wonders
the South, and from the high character of the re,
commenilaiions, we ore fully persuaded it is a most
capital medicine fin allimpunties of the blood. We
know many Physicia.ffillo have given their testis,
loony on this subject, and we know they would not
give a ebartictes to any.medicine that did. not really
deserve it."—Charleston Estuturer.
Extract of a letter from 111.. Warren, Natchez.
nl laving lot the last year in my practice used vnurti
Sarsaparilla with much satisfaction to myself' midi
behefitto my patients, I have no hesitation m 0ce10t...1
lug it to be one of the most useful preparations in',
diseases for which Sarsaparilla is prescribed."
(0 - This preparation 11111 Y be •clepeinled upon as
Lein g the strongest (entnierently more efficacious)
of boy in existence; all fluid preparations must pos
sess similar virtne ,. , tit their On ength,
bring prepared from, the same article. Dr. Leidy's
Compound Vlxtract, of Sarsaparilla;* however, pos.
senqes properties not possessed by others, from ill
manner ok.preparation, mid combination with Mite
vegetable extracts recmtattended by the-medical fa
culty—and hence the reason ally it is no ~,, ,e iu;rally
recommended by the Phi SIIIIIIS of Philadelphia and .
elsewhere. •
From the extraordinary virtues of Oils prepara
tionand a knowledge of 'its entitling:lion by Physi
cians, (the reason ° why 'they so generally use it, as
they would not use or recomniend any preparation
they did not know the coolpositiou ot,) it has been
:introduced in many of the Ilospiuds throughout the
U. S. and is highly recommended by Pbysicians and
Surgeons of those institutions.
Prom th!.. New Orleans Advertiser.
The high. and envied celebrity which t h is pre
eminent medicine tins armored for its invariable ef
ficacy in all diseases which it professes to core, has
rendered the Usual practice of mailing unnecessary.
It is known by its fruits and its good vvorks testify
for it. Dr. Leitly's Sarsaparilla will be found parti
cularly all diseases of-the liver, stom
ach, skin, kidneys, spine and bones, ulceration of the
nose, throat and other parts, abscesses, fistulas, scro
ruins, erysipelasjatinflice.rhentnatism and incipient
grad, mercurial and syphilitic, afrections, female de
rangements 'main restoring the sickly and delnlitm
, ed to their natural healthiind energy.
Dr. IA idy's Cotiipound Extract Of Sarsaparilla has
stood the test for five years past, awl 'tin no boast to
say that there is no oilier preparation of equal
strength- now in use. Througliont • the Sontliern
Staten WIWI, S:u•s:ql:n•illa as 111116 iii general Wie
as tea awl coiL•e, 1)1.. LA.1113 's Sarsaparilla is gener
ally preferred and is highly recommended by I'lo
[whose certificates have been frequently pub
lished ] broughout the north and west it is also
:midi used, more perhaps thati any oilier. •
One bottle of it [half a pint] is warrauted equal to
1 wo °fluty other in strength, and In 0111111 to one half
gallon of the strongest Syrup that can he 111:1111.. • .
. 1)11TV:1011S for malting Syrup therefrom accom
panies the direUtions.
cryllot a few days since a Clergyman of this city
[who does not desire his name published in the pa
pers, hot is left with Dr. Leidy] stated that n lady
who had long been it communicant at his church, but
for tWo years past unable to go to church, on account
or her extreme debility, occasioned by ulceration of,
various parte f her body, disease of her liver and
other interns 'erangetnents, and the constant taking
or medicine th efor, never found any change for the
better until tilt, using several bottles of 1/r. Leitly's
Sarsaparilla, ono by a few months perseverance in
its use, was entirely restored to health, and recover
ed her tormerstrength, and to use beeawn language
"was almost create.l a new, being." This is but one
of_many instances almost daily hearth of.
• It is prepared orOj and sold wholesale and retail
at Dr..LIM/VS Health Emporium Nod 191 North
Second street below Vine: also sold by Frederick
Brown, corner Fifth sod Chesnut streets; and Fred.
Klett & Co. corner 211 and Cal Inwhill street, at $1
'per bottle, (a hall pint) or six kitties $5.
For sale in Carlisle I'.
May 31,1543
liPorms Worms ;
IF parents knew the value and efficacy of Dr:
Leidy 'a Patent Vt.get able Worm Tea,thev never
' would' be without it in their families, as Children are
b•Ubjeet at all times to Woi'ms.,
On: Leidy's Worm Ten is composed Of vegetables
and may be given to children ofall ages.
l)ireelio; as accompany euCh pap or package:
Children suffer much, of times, from so many
thhts 6 4 veal them for worms, without
feet. 'Much Much medicine, given to children, bus a ten-.
dency to destrof the 1r general health, and they are .
more or less delicate tu,nr after.
To avoid the necessity oft giving m e dicine, mane-
CCEISIIIiiy . when you are cert:OlL your children have
worms gave them at that U. LelVs Worn , Ten.
is all that is necessary.
Reference might be made to several hundred pa
rents in Philadelphia city and counti,,
of efficacy
of Dr. Lehly'sWorm Tea. Try it mad you Will be
convinced: „ , • • '—
Price 14 cents a small, and es eoltg a large pack
age., Prejaaraid ouly, 'and, fon,sale, wholesale and
Itmail, at Dr. Leidy's Health EniporiUm, No. 'lOl,
Nardi Second street, below Vine, [sign of the Gol
den Eagle and f. erpents,] Phtlndelp aim.
For sale hi Carlisle by
June'ls, 1643
Dl'„i,eidy?'i!retteiiirid ItCh
. . ,
Aliintallible'rernedy for surions' affections of the
Skin, removing Pimples; Ptistules;and . ,EitiPticins,
of the Skin, anti particularly. ,adapted to' the cure of
Tetter4no th 9 Itch, ' ,
This oil tinealuut been iisedinuumerons schools
throughout the oily and county, as Well as FaCtories,
emplo y ing' numerous girls and bo y s,. and amongst
whom Petter,and Itelt,an well as other Affections of
the Skin, pievalled; with the most unexampled sue
,Npirneti nf Toachers, up; wellus Super. :
int4ltutts and. Proprietors, of Fuctoribi - in* be
,feet in having 1447, contiecliop
.Willt.robtinthsoine and disagreeable
Prree2s cents a box. For sale iir'Carlisle . hY
, §TFfV.E/is°r s
"' o.lj
eONSUMP. lON,,polsh, Sinning Mead, Sm.
U:To Con'tatinptivea—Vgr strii rally
titdrering troni regleatcil ur 'att`,9hafruction
and couseijuent, inflammation of' the delicate`lining
of 4tiose LUVOS thOugif;Whieh the air we breathe ati
diatributed to &ell, part, of Ite, limga. „This 96
'traction produCes' intin sorenevie, littarkeness,,
cough, difficulty-of breathing, hectic fever, and a
spitting:of blptuattetitinxibletcm,- which finally
eidtausta the rent( ortim pagentAnd euda In death.
Eijie "never thilitip•entive tbla ob.
iithlCtiMqtrdriceittilid Man Ititithatile
saaulta., teak Mete, tinot Rill to,
reticit:rd atßibakaudfilio? st:t
I , 'Or salt in ,
• , r , v. • , V , 7 7, 4'at7.Z. •%. .• •
tel W4't sts,:•4icurt:i;AiiintLoti;ll ft tt•L•s:qr: •
, :••,17177 - ;V:. 04; ,-;•. •
t,al owP o mlEp pnly i ky Dr. JAXNE,,Thventqr,,
Mid propt•lntOr;lktO, Or:SW . OI TbiN
Philinlolphia,'Nind none aie +gefittind' withquedils•
written signature upon the outside wrapper.
otherkarc cqunterfeits.„,. i , ,• r ,
These medidines are recninniendrd and extrn4 ve
mind bf the most intelligent' her:tonal', the Vidal!.
States;•bY!nutnerous Profeaseiti. and •Presidents. 01,
Colleges, Physicians of the,,Army' end Navy ; , ainl of .
Hospitals and Alinshouses, And by otore 111111. ilitOe
hintdred 'Clergynien "variousArnomi mid tins: - •
They tire•exprestily, prepared tor family ist•'; and
have acquired and unprecedented popularity triton
out the United States; ; and as they arc so Inimitably
calculated to itreserve Health alit( cure Disci's:ye, no
family should ever be without them. The proprie
tor of these. valuable preparations•ieceived his edu
cation at ofie of the hest Medical, olleies Pie U.
States,: tind'has had fifteen years experience in an
extensive and diversified ptsetice,• whieh'lie has
had 'ample loppeitunities, of .acquiring : a pinirticel
knowledge of thsettses,ond of the remet ies hest cal,
eulated to remove them. These prepavetions con
sist of • • '' ••,
Jayne's Batiectorint, a valuable remedy for Cough,
Colds,, Consumption, Asthma, :Spitting of llloot',
Croup, Hooping Cough, Brionehitis,Pleurisy and in
flammation of the Lungs or Throid,' Dillienlty of
Brenda ng,and all diseases of the Pulmonary Organs.
Also Jayne's Hair Tonic, for the Preservation,
Growth mid Beauty of the Hair, mid. which will posi
tively bring in new hair on bald heads.
Also Jayne's Tonle Vermifuge,a certain and plea
sant remedy for Worms' Dysopsia Piles,and many
other diseases, .
.. . .
. . .
• '
Also Javne's Cartn initive llalsmn a certain cure
for.lloweland Summer Contplaints;Diarrlnca, Dy
sentery Cholic, Cramps,Sick Headache, Sour stom
ach Cholera, Merlins, and all derangements of the
Stomach and Bewcls, Nervints Affections, &c. •
Jayne's Sanative Pills, for Female Diseases, Liver
Complaint, Costiveness, Fevers, Inflammations,
Glandular, Obstructions, Diseases of the Skin, &c.
and in 3111 eases where an Alterative or Purgative
Medicine is rquired..... •
For . side in Carlisle, by •
May 31,1843. tf-
n y tie of-the powers and authority
,titiP contained in the host .will and testament of
MICTA EL Ell E, deed., I now O'er for site, the
.. .. •
Qa . rlisie iron. 'Works;
Rimmed on the Yellow Breeches Creek, 43 miles
ault of Carlisle Pa. The estate consibts of first rate
2 Cl 2 CZ 4:o 111V2,2„0.2 9
71thTen Thousand acres of Land.
. new MERCHANT MILL with four run of stone,
tished on the most approved plan. A bota 500 acres
the land are cleared aud highly cultivated, having
prom erected
ILKOM i. 141114,1114
Irhree Large " Bank .Barns
d necessary . ENANT HOUSES. "rlic•
ii•ks are propelled by the Yellow Breeches Creek
, • the Boding Spring, which neither fail norllveze.
• re are Upon the preinises'all the necessary work
s houses, coal bowies, curpenterand smith shops,
watabling, built of the most substantial materials.
'Dore of the best quality and inexhaustible, is
win 4 2 miles of tho. Furnace. There is perhaps
otmn Works ii, Pennsylvania whielrpossesses su
p r ail vaidages,and offers greater inducementsto
tl ,vestment of Capital. The water power „is so
gi that it might be et:tended to Lily other manil
la jag purpose. Persons disposed to orehase
wmf course examine the 'property. The terms of
sakill he made ..,.
..• Executrix of Michael Ege,tier',l.
flisre,Oct.Oct 19 1 1842. . tf-51
7.0.• -
',u.o.rEcTioN COMPANY, being ineorpo
ratey an net of the Legislature or the present ses
siottd.fully 01 . '111117.1'd :11111111 bilerililoll tooter the
diretti of the following board of Al:wagers, viz:
'rho` C. Miller ' C. I'. - Cummins, John Moore
McCullough, stiles NVeakly, 'Geode
MartlVilliant Aloore, Samuel, Galbraith, James
Grea.,Thomds l'axion,AVnt. ihter,Joseph Culver
and Aliller, call the _attention of the inhahlt
ants i't.'untberlatul Valley to the chrapnet,s or their
rates' the many sulVantages which this :hal of
!Instill: No ever anv other.
) 3 trery person insured becomes a trtenTher of
the etbity and tears part ill the rimier 01 offier . rs
and Iltrection.of its enererns.
t 2 ,11. intim:lnce no more is ilenrimlril than is
ndeca'Nto meet the eNpenses of the Company and
itidemi against lira's 51 hieli may happen. ' '
311. i IIIC011V01111:11VC Of frequent renewals is a
voiihAinsuring for a term of five years.
4th. 1. 'Hiram) applying for iiisurnitee moist give
his Preim note for tho cheapea class at um' I ate
of fivecentiiiii, which will be $5ll on the $lOOO,
for whit, will have to pay $ , 2,50 forgive years,
and $ 1 etn* survey mid policy, and no more aces
less he +tined to a greater amount than the Muds
lilt handy) cover, and then ntrinore will lie requir‘
ed than' .0 rata share. These Niles are much
cheaper those of Lther,companielr, except such
as arc in orated on the same principles;
11 1,1 " 1 L $ erlipited in tltv following runner. A
person a ing for' insiirance for properly of the
cheapest At of risk for siooo um. be charged 5
pee cent live yea, so note amounting to sso'must
he .„ivon Ihn,on which he will be required to pay
5 per, and $1,59 for surveying and policy,
and will bolo more required of him unless losses
occur mull funds on hands are not sufficient to
meet them .
.Agents ib^ appointed:is soon as possible itt iTif
['event piaci attend to insurances. :Many persons
wishing itnlintely to apply can do 50 by signify
ing their 'lm the officers of the compnity. ,
A. C. \T' n, See'y.
The fah gentletnen bane been appointed
Dr. .
• Cle
• April I't,
I ay, Mezlinnieshiirtr,
entirely, Ebq., New idle.
3rinille, Esq., Monroe.
3%1 eVarlatie; Carlisle,
Esq. Westrimsboro'
le, Newton.
Cliestont, Lee's IX Heads.
4eansi Esq,—Nrylnirg.
per, Esq. New Cumberland.
:letiiit, Esq. Ilogebtovi.
Atuglillin, S. Middleton.
ehanna Line,
rrillE prOp sof the Sung:lath:no Line will
. 1 - run thei rs and Boats as usual to Phil
adelphia and more d uring the present season.
Their friend S please apply to Noble, Flinn
& llerr, flro , and Hart, Andrews & McKee
ver, first wh ova Race street on the Dela
ware Philade , and Joseph E. Elder, Balti
more. r
Until fort ~ t iCe; the following prices will
be adhered to ecn this place and the above
o•. - 6. •RI
' 15
2 oin. ,S 1 per
Ale po'r 100
Dry Owls, Dr'
and lifledieinee,
26 ;- • " d
28 •
.Wheit, Rye &
per bushe
Oats do
11 . 10:
7 6
23 • 20, 40
Lumberper 10 1
0' $2 75' •
' 2 00
[ 44 30 ' 47'
0' , ' 37 • '
4 , 314 , 103;,.. . ,
[ 2 28
Shin per 1911
'Shad 4.7ittaq4ek;
Herring do
Balt periaok,;
Pitch,Tar and
per 100 1 .
Plaidoigkosit ton
"tibias, • .
o'. 42' 25'.
5 2U.
0 2' SO
, •
47' •
T. 411 1 1
rig .. Metubgreser . 1
Nails per keg,
'.Leathror perloo, - ,
Whiskey per bbl.
Burr Blockaper 1
ITtti, T . 7 , ror dru
I* J l 'TlireiVlitatirkk t/I P
btitinetliddybr Yhe:4Bb , ooti . litr
' pu
'itir"i c ii 1
tgaiiitvlr ettrAst,
.; y'il
AanericanCollege Efealth
,AVe.nolv:licknoiviellgealo bet like, best;lVledicinein
. ; ;t ~,,; t ho
1141;ECAUSE:44 cotni ! l c telY Cleanse thd stothach•
bowelsiror 0;
; 089 bpiqus : f 9 ;4„cory;lo Ito
inora ; 141;i0,,,tv,e;,4a.F.A.1!1T not
IG ; iddine4s, :I'ulejtutlu t t s in ~tbe
Bones, Rheu t nMism nu ! ! Gnut,but of every, malady ;
incident to titan.
Are a certain ci.Me 'ter interMlitetit;l4•eLkiy.tent;rier'
yous, ieflarombi'M‘Y and putrid -teiers,becatise`lh` e y
cleanse the body 'crcn those morbid hilmars,
wben etniflned 'to the eirettratibn;tiVe' the 4 auS6 di' al
kindi • • •
So, also, when the same impurity is deposited on .
the membrane and muscle' causing, limns, inflananui
tions am) swellings, called • , , •
11.11EU7LCIVS'41, GOUT Ch.., •
The Indian Vegetable Pills may ,be relied on as al
ways certain to give relief, and if permeved with ac
cording to directions, will most assuredlyoutheith
out fail; make a perfect cure of the above painful
Prom three to six of saiti Indian l'egeto
hle Pills taken every night on going to bed a ill in it
short time so completely rid the' body from every
thing dint is op p osed to health,' tiltentnOtism,
'Gout, and pain" e'very description,.will In•litewlt]
1)ItIVI•;.•\' PR uor 7711:: 110111':
For the same reasons, when, from sudden chatiges
of atmosphere, or any other cause, the perspiration
is checked, mid the humors which shoal pass off by
the skin are thrown inirardly,causii •
11E3P3CILI3, 'ainh 'ESS, -
Nausea and sickness, pain in the honesovidery and
inflamed e) es, sore throat, hoarseness, coughs, eon.
admptions, rheumatic in various parts of the
body,and many other symptoms of '
ably give immediate relief.
_From , three to six of
said Pills taken every night on going to bed, will in
a short time, tint only 'remove all the 11.1101 e unplea
sant symptoms, but the body will, in a short time, he,
restored td'even sounder health than I.Mfore. The
same . may be said of • . • •
The Italian Vegetable Pills will loosen and carry
ofl hy the stomach and bowels those tough phlegmy
humors ; which stop op the nir cells of the lungs,atal
re the CIMPe not only of thin :Move tlintre?mig cam
plaint, hut when neglected,' ofteit termitintes io that
still more dreadful malady milled •
It should also he remembered that, the lialiatt
Vegetable Pith are a certain care for
Oppressimi, nattsea, and sieknehs, loss or tipp(.t.ife,
costiveness, n yellow tinge' of the skin antli: - yes and
i;i'ery-other 2.)Aliptom 'of a inept() or diseased Slide or
the liver;, because they purge from the body thins•
impurities n loch if deposited itpon this important
organ, are I Flo .conme or ei tof y vorioly of
Idl ~.0 ...' !'L.IIX'I
Wllt'll .N3AIOII is COIIVIIISVIIN Ontht•enfo
and Rebellion, the ink sm•e menus \ f jireventinT the
dreadful, eonse
xpitoices of a - _
ClVll, W.lli,
is to expel all traitors, liiiil evil ilispcint' if ct",,sfixim
llie Coinitry: , .
lu like 11181111 . 01., whelipaiit or sick lien of auk kind
is Itruggling wislrinternal
indicate that the bode
'the true remedy is to ,
EX1'I.11„11.1 ° .110111111) It Cioi?s,
Cl'iliitnrs trt life,) JIM THE.
Thitt the Prineipie'ilcnring cliqt•llSP, by dchlising
nnil Purifying the- 6ndl, ix stlietlt io nceorthince
the Laws n Lich gierett the eentioiny;-niul it
properly earrieirout the th•-etif the iilictit. named
INDI A N ;, plus
Rill ceriniulr resnitin the
DISCIINe; olTer thiTulltin lug tegtinionialx, from
persons or the high. t respect:llol;ly iu New York
whit Late recently I, II cored • most ( ; I,:ithmtv
complaints, solely li the use of WRIGHT'S 1:(1)IA:.,:
r.GVrAIII.I: I'll.le
great Kttiffnetioti ft I :volt 'of tiiy
been voithTly enrol Dy9iepsitt, nrlive real % RNnu•
hig, by the me of Jmr INDIAN VEGI•I7'ArII..I.:
I'l.o-ions to meelig with your eelebraled medi
cine, I Had been mice the hands of several Phy si
ciatisottirl lisd Irk/iv:wimp medicines; hilt all to iic
efect. After it:dugout: '25 cent box of your l'ill;
however, I expe;ti 7 !21i"30 ;Midi bl'ilefil, 1113 i 1 re
served to perseveri
II Lie its! of them according to
your directicms, 76' ell I ant iia;lpy to state, has re
sulted in a perfeN ire. In gratitittle to you fur the
great benefit I liai received, and alas in . the hope
that others silt:Hail/if:fitted rosy ht.; ii"elw.-eil to make
trial of your • eatrfrdimiry medicine; f , Sethi you
this statement NV itfrill liberty to ',oldish the same if
you think proper. -. Your?, ls:.c.
,NEW Von
To Alt. Ric hnrd
Vegetable Pil
Dear Su.— A t
since made trial
- or c
PueifyiiT the
Mice received , m
soy other, tnedicl.!, it bus heretofore been toy good
fortune to meetth. I any dear sirovith many'
.1d feientl, • C. M. TATE, '
o. GO Ifilluersly st. New York.
4ttis, .nge,2 l Jot' Wright's Indian
) r ileloble Pi 115..... , , ,
l .e beeti nfilietett for several years
'less nod giateriar debility, acern.
th pain is the side and other dis
c. Alley !laving tried envious mill
i:0 was persuaded - by a friend to'
Wright's Italian Vegetable'Pills;
to state haveyelinved late lora most
r. J. have need tis' medicine, us
tte and hav no doubt, by a ker
nel! of the inetlicine according to
shall itilt,shart' tiniti . be periectly,
thanks, your 01.
fir. Richard
Deitr Sir-11
with inward W
parried . tildes ;
treating compla
cities without
make trial of
which 1 ant hap
wondkirflil mai
yet hut a short.
severince 111'6
directions, tint
restated, .• ;
suns similarly.
the same yuc.
• ivi..
,yetet . able'li)
Dennis, ,Agent for Wright's Indian
Vegetable Pills. . i
'CA VTICIN., ,'. .' , ' •
ht Me n time mini} , wiek6il' 'Orion!
n selling a!eounterfelt medietoe , iin7
the !Kuban
,Vege.tahle .Pillsvand isi
men nre,so utterly, reel4ess of con
any titiluable iives 'fluty be lost, 4 . 1
using their time ful tornpoundsi the,
ionod.:lohuil 'Purehasing,!iny Tills,
des of the hoses, the following word--
To Alr:Ricl
I busily enigng
der the new
Sequences, '
public are
ii ! g is foulid
eisTilthlt VEGETABLE 'Pil l ia.
ChidiciwPiirgatioetY !' • • ,
AnstacOAN Couxor O •
,' riF'b4jieeiall~ + s ~n ihathutroltasing'uaid
phrsooexeepltiieregulgr tid verthOd
Ape ailds•lleuOrld AeP9ti 6 q
' Atnlnfant.
Medicine '
ngena k
. n
01 P I,
GArlialetiimbeetand eo
,New Cunibe'rland;' "! 4
Taeb`enj if"
'zitUirt,;--''' , l'SheftlbeNlbtowil , ,e: - . 1, '
ttii.,Parzrb -' , lzBhipeashilits% t'
obls, ,
• , -
N C01.1.1:(F: 01 , 111'7AI:1'11
I.3tine 9tll, 1841.
right—Dear Sir—lt iv with
19, ISA!. G. C, BLACK.
'11:111., A . 41'111114 Wright'S liulinn
N,. 4b3 “reeimieli et. N.l
ir recommendation. I sr.metllll
11 NVltitaff'S INUTAN VEG
of the North American College
conselentibusik assert, Mat for
mi, nod 'renovating the syMvm,
benefit from their use, than from
recommend said, Pills to nllttier
ilicted; and in the full belief that
.I•reinolts will hilloiv their use. •
yours sincerely • ; •; •
HILisTRY'A..I , 6OTE, .
awarsing, Ulster Co:.rifetv York.
• *r.w
Mo YcOiik r Serit.'99.•iB4l.
. . , ,
fy' thatl Inn's en Wrbilit'sinilinn
villo:the - greateit Lenefito ;haying en.
lrot . ti, frequent attacks bf Sick
bAdiireviottsly . hen sullied: • •
NN .Tlloinif'SON o „
.49‘2 GreentriClistreet, N' Y .
The folio : wing - indispensable family semen/
di es may* , found th e village drug stores
and soon at eveireonidrritore - in the state
Remember, and never git, them unless they
herb the fac:-simile signature Of: "
4 the ;ra PPere; m ;ftathei! .
by the same naitiee,me baseitapo!itiottwattd aeunfifr
' If the 'Merchant' nearest you ' ;hob • Uteri iftit
Ititga hint' to ' procure them , at 71 'lVleidetOane; thd
,next thine he 'visits 'lsreiv York; or' to' write' for them:
IV° fatitily +Mould be'a reek t/iihout theee"'reinedies
'l3'islm OF cin.umniA,FOß "EHE lIAIR,,
which will • etdp it if filling butt or resoere . it On 'Said
places ; and on children mite it. grow, rapidly, or on .
those, who have bolt the hair frOnl anY'eanse„
ALL VElittliili!T. thk . tinfeat the ehildren
in sCliciols, prevented by it' at 'oneiLL'-'
Find tho name of. 41bz.„...0 4 4 . an
or never try it: het' this attiniyar
positively cured, and oil'eliritieled Minim and limbo
are restored, in' the old iir • goalie, by the T.NDIAN
but never without the name of Comstock.a Co. on. it.
P . 1..'. , E.!•1'5 . ..:_:.-4 . '.
ere wholly prevented, or governed , if; the- attack •hria
come bn, if yoU use the only true Hevetlminttorr,from
69 "°Cie " 5 ` . • ALLS ORES
and evev thing relieved by if that. admitei of ria,
ward application. It, acts like a charm. tlei3' it.
HORSES that ,havo Ring.. Bone, Sparin,
pre cured by Roots' &tom ; and
Foundered. horses, entirely cured by Roofs'
Founder Ointment. Mark this, all horsemen.
. .
Dalley'g, ,Magical raja , Ex=
tractor, Salvo.—T .moat_ extraordinary
remedy eyes irivented.for all ,new or , old :, ,
and sow, and sore Ey Es deligincd
ttabustinds. It will take out all pain 'ln ten minuted,
and no failure: It will cure the 'FI•12E"&
A better and mord nice and useful article never was
made. All should wear them regularly.
en the principle of substituting the lonic in place of
tho•sfitnalant principle, which has reformed so many
drunkards. •To be used with
PILLS, superior io tii.
reis for cleansing the system and the humors affect.
" ir. tho blood; and for all irregularities of the bowels
and the a.meral health./9 .
[See Dr. Lta's
..0 D V V
f ... .
. V . — ,...
-,... it
nature. thus:] —,o .
will effectually cure siclt headache, either from the
N ERV: ES or bilious: Hundreds of families are
' using it with great joy.
rev the certain prevention of E EVE 115 or goy
general sickness; keeping the stomach in most per.
feet order, the bmyels regular, and a detenni . naliOn to
thil surfaco. ' ..00:12 7 0.'S :‘:C.O-'U:l'ORg
pains in the bones, hoarseness, and D R . O RS*
are quickly cured. by it. Know thiti by trying.
CPRlVS.—Tho.French Plaster is.a sure cure
'o you NS IS
POUND' EXTRACT. There is no other prepara
tion of Sariaparilla that can exceed or equal this.
If you are sure to get COIiSTOCK'S, you will 'find
superior to all others. It does not require pulling.
OF CHINA. A' positive cure for the piles, and all
external ailinge—all internal irritations brought to the
surface by friction with this Balm ;---so in coughs,
sWelled or sorc throat, tightness of the cheat, this Balm
applied on a flannel will, relieve and cure at once.—
Fresh wounds or old sores are rapidly cured by it.
preveo or ewe incipiept ,coFiqumption,
takemln time, and' is a dali,ghtfal talmedy. Remain.
tier the name, and get Co p:Bfock%
.... , .
ariidicate WORM or Oulu
with a certain& ciuite'astonishing. •It is the same.. a.:
th'at'nnide by • 'stock, and Bella' with a rapidity ,
almold incredible, by - Cainstack J. Co . 4 , New . York.
TOOTH DROPS KLENEIS—mui effectually
,Enteredeeeording to - actof Convesejaihe year.lllll, lii.Oon stip ck
4. Co.. in the !Meth'. Wiled of theßouttieto District of N ew York.
By ntiplying' ipLciur ' agents Air latich lowa end
village, papers inay be had 'frail, showing lhomnat
respectable ,names in Om country . for these facts, no
that no`one can fail to believe them. • .
ocl-116 sure you for'onr articles, and not
•be petecit With any stories, that others are as
HATE , TIII9I4g OR:NONE, should be
your motto-eland thew, now eon but, and genuine
without our , names to then. All these articles , to be
had wholesale and retail only of us.
Wholesale .Dru&rgietay
taff4llso/1, 1 ,/, '. ~ .
Maiden tano New York. add of our wont&
byd' ' ' '
, elkater 9 S
10,91111 alApiait;
MYEItS & HAVERSTICE. kart Jpst*, reeivcd'
from the Manufactory at Pluladeiphin. a large..
assortment of 1.41 W •104 1 1;e$3POnsIgitig. 01*
isarlonr,Cha> r & Study Lu nips .
ivititor" without sinides; 4 whiCh: they '.w:ll*'vlible- -
sale ofictail at the Faanufacturces pricce.!.!'
Astral, Side. Reflectors and GhissLamps of varr--
•orts Patterns
• -' • • •, 1 / 4 -1312 •
.„jrhe verrhest,Winterstral nett, bleached : Sperms
fhr,::tcarinnted;ta;birn gear:,
Candles:sl seats
• CarlisleMeci2rpB4Bp4cl , iver4ll4 ,
Lvr'te •-
+t ißaGß~lni , 9taG ; t~lokllq &' o1f17 ,
gait& VER , •
BEST qtaility,just receivell aoßfor mattic i w i lt
Parliaal A 2• . 8431 , ,
lo skin.