Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 20, 1843, Image 3

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-7 --- ; ---
eautarassam e 2akt.,3
Vl794nositay Morning December 00, 1943
B.,PALligii, Esq., No. 59 Pine street, be.
low Third; Philadelphia, is authorized to reeeino
autise,riptions and advertisements for the a Herald
.54-Expositor," and , give receipts for the, same.
CO'A number of cords of dry Oak or Hickory
Wood, will be taken at this once in miynient of
subscription, if deliveled without delay,
liyitsit In loon Hotel.
. .„
9,17 it will be seen by reference to our adver
tising ,columns, that the Washington Hotel in
Harrisburg, has been taken by Mr. W. T. SAN.
vase, n gentleman qi.talified im every respect: to
keep the establishment with credit to himself and
with the highest degree of comfort to his guests.
*lee his advertisement. ,
Thanksgiving Day.
Tomorrow being the day appointed by the Gover
nor, for the purpose of Thanksgiving and Praise to
the Supreme Ruler oftho Universe,will be observed
us such in our borough.. The stores, and places
of business generally will be closed ; and Religious
Services will be held in alt our Churches, we be
hove. This disposition on the part of our citizens
to conform to so commendable, and now almost
universal a custom, will certainly add not a little
to their reputation as a religious and moral com
Third Lecture.
(ETA press of engagements prevented our get
ting to the lecture-bull of the Alert Fire Company,
on Tueeday evening last, until
,a late hot, and
we consequently heard but the conclusion of Rei.
Mr. Hosrman'alecture upon Schiller's Tragedy of
William Tell. The conclusion of the lecture, in
" which some general remarks were offered upon
German Literature, we thought to be in the Prop
'cr. tone and spirit. The preceding portion we
have beard highly spoken of.
We regretted to see that the audience was not
so large as usual. This we should judge to bb
owing to a want of popular'interest in the subjects
rather than to any like feeling toward the -lec
turer, whose interesting lectures last season at:
tracted large auditories. We observed, however,
that the larger number of the literati of our bor
ough were attentive listeners, and these with a
"smart sprinkling" of ladies, made "a fit audience
though few."
The fourth lecture will be delivered on Tues.
day evening next, by S. DEINI;Ar At.tnt, tra4.—
Subject—"llighland :Mazy." •
GRAHAM'S MAGAZINE.—Tho number lot JantiL
ary, 1844, uf this Magazine, is already out. It is
a splendid number; and fairly eclipses its prede 4
cessors. I t is superbly einimllislied with hitiiify,
an engraving by Sartain, "The Hawking Party,"
a stipple engraving by Rawdon, Wright & Hatch,
a plate of Fashions, and one of the most beautifUl
title pages by Tucker we ever - saw. •The design
is a splendid wreath of flowers, enclosing the
words and figures, "Graham's Magazine; . 11344:'
The contents arc made up of toles, ketehes and
'pOems, from the pens of Paulding, Willisi Neal,
Hoffman, Morris, Herbert, Poe, Peterson; Be;ija.
'min, the Countess of Blessington, Miss Sedgwick.
Mrs. Stephens. Mrs. SMith, Miss Cushman, Mrs:
Welhy, Mrs. Osgood, and others. Allogethei• it
is a 'beautiful and interesting New Y ear Present.
For 'Vale at, Kneedler & Hunter's BOok.Store,
alit High street,where subscriptions to the work
'Atte 'received.
6-tlia attention of 'l l Cnipetatice men le re:
quetßill 't6 'the following
THe TainPeiance Associations of Pennsylvania
—ofeikay 'description—me hereby notified, that,
in putidarlee 'of the following Resolution, adopt.
ed at die 'Soho Convention, peld at Harrisburg,
in January fat, a State Temperance Convention
will again tie held at Harrisbuig, on the second
Wednesday,'liding the tenth day ofJanizary next,
" Resolved, That um recommend to all 1116 Tern.
perance Asscaalions of rills Commonwealth, to
appoint Delegates, tri meet in Convention, in the
Borough of Hairkiffinrg, on the SECOND WEDetER.
DAY OF JANUARY, DM; and that the said Societieb
furnish the Chairrehn of their respective Delega
tient; with a Repert,Vmbracing the names of their
Officers, and the runnher of members belonging
to the Association, together with any information
they may think proper to lay before the Conven
It is also earnesttyAPated that all Assosicia-
tions which do not send Delegates to the proposed
Convention, address 19te.'.To the President
of Me State Temperance Convention, at Harris.
burg," containing the infoithalien the
Resolution abovo stated; id that satisfactory
Temperance Statistics of th'e whol‘t C,ommon.
'wealth, may thus be had. Signed
JOHN. C. BUCHER, and ethers,
State Central Committee.
Rumored over-iisn
: 10 - The Harrisburg Intelligencer states that it
is .rumored that there has been'an over-issue of
Relief notes, by the BerkaCounty Bank, and that
the-kilo has already received and cancelled the
amount authorized to be issued. If so, ail those
in circulation Are wortbless..They are not re
ceived at the Treasury or_the Banks hare nor
by our citizens. • ,
Adam noin.
This criminal is .ncitt.i: be eitecutedurifil the
12th of JanyeTy, the : Goverupr having t4lowed
'Wit three week:l'l°oyr than at first intended. '
. On Thiaredey morning Week. about 1 o'clock,
the steamer Warren, while tteeport, tip
the Allegheny from Pittsburg, collapsed, tho,star
board flue of lite boiler; and, out of ;18 or 20 on
board, tWelvebadly; Scalded, and so4e
of them it is thi;iight s will 'i l•iot recover;'
- •
,to - ,Teniperalice;
grin the !Ales/Cage of Gol6 ; Shannon to the
Ohio Legislature,: he says the records show a de.
crease of the number of convicts receiied in the
Penitentiary, during the last, two years of 34. This
the Governor attributes mainly to the great Tem
perance reformation. •
rrib m ..Charies • M l Clute, Superintendent of
Public &beds of this State. visited
"laid week tor the purpose of euteing the 1)01 . 1c;
•eeboole of that • •• •••
- irMie editor of the Ofilo'Stateamett•abliode
folloring queetion follotr- Sae,
~,when he gets married,anil
liur things bizeni.orhisthinge huroir Wd
guest they,are.
topmtauce of domestic • motinfaddie4
to he agricaltui, interests le Conclueively elioNfir
Bcei'that Ittassaefitnteth aleMt
Stattarmere grain tha n
.Britain- add` that
the Itaidgne oe 0 - the ivholit parted once ehtitt;
.camte . decidedly a inhottfactutingiStittei!,
lad.ikeig!ig off:tear,* iiittfilimbegtowiu
41,+10 . 1:t0r-pOrnor!'": ' :in 1
; 13inek 3 ii
° shall+ 'Outsider,* • oer dutyl dpring the
present session of Corigreesip,lreep,..the people of
this diditiet flilly,advisetl . rif the manner in which
upon the several questions that will be presented in
Congress. We commence with the vote he has
not, and theone lie has given. • ' •
On the adoption of the rote which confines all
speeches made on the floor of House to the'
apace of 'one • hour, Mr. Blick : did , not. Vote.—T-,
Whether Li• was absent from Sickness or some
Other cause, 'or whether he dodged the question.
we.arenot informed. This is an excellent rule
and has saved the country, "thoutiands. Instead
of being a restriction of the liberty of speech, it is •
the very reverse; for with it, all the members can
be heard in turn; Without it some senseless bab
bler may consume all the spud t i me.
"But when the Howe came to la adoption of
the odious twenty-first rule, which prohibits the,
reception by the House of all petitions having any
reference to • the- question of- slavery, -Mr. Bla3
it appears Oas at his post, and gave his vote
company with wry other cringing Northerners
(all loco feces) in favor of its adoption: What a
liberal spirit! An American Representative de
liberately voting to deny to \ fiee American citi
zeno the right of petitioning their own Represen
tatives, because forsooth their petitions-may refer
to Slavery ! Why even Southerners' themselves
are beginning to speak against this petty tyranny.
Read 'the following paragraph from the New Or
leans Tropic in reply to one of its contemporaries:
regard to the 21st rule, we remarked) On
Monday, that we had never seen anything ap:
preaching to an argument in its favor. We now
repeat it, and we go farther, and say that nd or;
gument can be made to sustain it, The Courier
may fume, and fret, and denounce as much ad It
likes, but the editor, with all his ability, all his
sophistry, cannot make a sensible argument in
its favor. We contend for all that the Courier
claiths, as to the power of Congress aver the sub.
ject of slavery, and we deny what Mri Van Buren
assents to, that Congress has the right to abolish
slavery in the DiStriet of Columbia; bdt frit all
that, we do not reco g nize the power of the House
of ,Representatives to establish the 21st rule.=
The declaration that Congress has no power over
the subject, is no argument in favorer the rule, or
if it is, Congress cartstop the mouths arid stifle
the voices of the people upon nearly all the great
political questions of the day .1"
co• All the Whigs voted for the admission of
the Protest (published in our last,) against the
right of the General Ticket Members to hold their
seats, and all the Locos against it. ' • •
bid Anil; the Violinist.
co. If our city brethren of the press have.nOt
gone entirely beside themselves, the executions Elf
tile Bull upon the violin must be ineffable witch
eft indeed. The N. Y. Express Says, "he holds
a magic instrument, with Which he seems to hold
converseito commune, as it was finely express.
ed by ad appreciator of his genius. It tieerds his
familiar, his second self,as heleans his head upon
it, and even before he touches its chords audibly
to his audienCe, takes counsel with it,—spirit with
spirit " AnOtliti Paper speaking of his perform.
ances, says i .
. .
"He then laid his cheek caressingly uponhis
iristrement; which gradually awoke, and wailed,
and Moaned, like an infant broken of its slumber.
Every tone seemed fraught with human grief and
passion. Ho introduced a dialogue, in which a
Sweet complained so sadly that it mode the
heart ache with
.pity, wlich was answered from
another erring with imriccations so violent and
rincalning thal it made.4nc almost tremble with
fear. I fancied a young firl wati'pleading- for the
life ref her lover, and moving only curses in re.
ply." •
Po A bout'
Jr. Adams' motion ts except from the rules
Of the House the 21st, wlthlt suppresses nil action
on petitions relating to planry, was negatived by
a vote of bit to 91. Fortyseven Whigs 'voted for
the.right of petition, and fileen (southern) against
it. The beauties of politiol abolition are Clearly
displayed in this result, SrVIO the Lancaster Ex.
miner. It is a well knoin fact that of eighty
locofucns who voted to stitain the gag law, at
least half a dozen were eithr directly or indirect
ly aided in diets election b abolitionists wie; if
they had chosen, could !lament men to Congress
who would- have itefeatei this • measure. It is
strange that men of intellignce, professing to val
ue the cause of human Radom, above all others,
sitopld thus allow themselvs to be doped, and by
their acts do more to retar the progress of the
Wise they aciVoctite than cranny of its-opponents.
Methodist EOisessial Clitit;els.
The increase of this hod; within a few years
Nai been without parallel. n their last official
doCumenta they pnhlish tli.;ntinnbers in each
conference in the Union ant Texas, of which thi s
summary "•-•
Cniore. Indians. tital:
This,year 930,730 128,4 3,379 1. 1 88,998
Lasfyear 203,988 107251-4617 913,902
Increase 132,848 21,11 • 762 154,624
(0-The New York 'Frei:Fain says thatMi'ss
Ivla , y Shaw, the pretty litthiOnsl i ist, woIl knotOn !
in that city, has been unite a Highly respeCia
blo gentleman of Baltithefe,
Ilarrlsburi *awn.
HARRISBURG Isretudenat.—The Penniyhiu
nia Intelligencer, at Harrisirg will be publish.
cdiMce a week luring . the ,ssion of the Legis
lature, at the low price of I for the session, oil
$3 a yßii payable in 'Anne
Address C. Ill'Curtni:
'the Tieinocratb Union.
publishers of the }rnocratie Union at
Ilarrisiniii• purpose to istitdii daily sheet during
the sesSidil of the Legisididro Theterms ate as
Deily derlng the seesieth*per' oyal shu t $9 $0
Semi-Nrekly do dOittilroyed,efie; ZOO
Wetiiiktphrmationt trataCtik,s, twice a
week during the eeesiv a• 00
leide GJl;Kit i tti St Co.
''tin Thursday, the 9th inset the residence of
ier eon in Indianapolis, inti 4, Airs. ANN Ca mu-
Incp, formerly of Carlisle, ag #5 Yeats.
,Died at his residence in Soutkiddleteo township,
on Friday', the 15th inst., at eh*ve o'cioek, P.. M.
of Pulmonary consurnptioniMr. WILLIAM
CRAIGHEAD, sr. io the Citlyr Of his age,'
In noticing the death of Bliiirsigh'ead, *e ean
not but adds few wordeiexpreke of our regret at
the loss which his family, and hods, and acquain
tances luive sustained by' that?ent. Tholie who
knew him best, Tared hitifinoif T To his family the
Imo is irreparable., , ' eattping for him, thley
have not to mourn es those W,tiolie noli`ciiin; tin; fie
died in tiin exercise et atrOngankuliri : /etingli t ithi l y
Hiin in 41`nie service" lot neat
ly fo rty. years. o " ,i .. •
.. ,
I'''ille 'was confined to hill hedfijboni , four Weeks'
durini which ' time he Suffeied aid ifialotiiide, in. ,
cident to :hi s • diseftse; 'lttt,- nrot iinuititiiiug'Wdrt
was heard to esoamfrom hil(l4 lifieonfidenel
i 33 IthiSaY.ior was i! ll. '' I IIIANY Al .. 4 h 0 ,191 ,
Clad believe d , and iiits,,loPtii9idefi fie 7 6 !1'1..e . '
keep . that which he *II commi 'liiedlin4 +VAT ,
We list dot" c During his pas thy.*h the sal
ley of the shadow "of (leith his fit stistikined . hitti,i.
'plat the shafts of the Terpi)tor;),w it uo tlit . shfid.
Otr;oti doattimas perolitted3O;tlthletpind. Th
‘trti ter lidW,Atiil conversed with hiOvhfsil times di'at
jfit'hig . : . eloi,r;iipil;"iirid tiaver'didlsilttleia*tiir,
'AIM, ilitedotild tklittylikint fiat tik ;
1245 ll,e•s..',{,
i t
titan istinWdlo
ti • 'cd . 4li 1 With dto hi mail t
"' "ia E O,
be 511 PP,es£:! ,1
tciat ; thßbiglßiiit;oa,and
hie stroniz,loyp, io„chrjit o - t.114,1ed trity9pb,
tient desire ti;4,6x4t:at;ffbe .with 6;:iirt"„ ".ri!tub W&U;
:As man he had few like him. He'littutOnetif the
noblest works of God, for he
,was an honest:Man in
the strictest sense of the 760: Ainisibleikinibanti
of a meek andAniet spirit; be loved'peinie and 00.
cord and was neveribundlii the indulgenee ere con
tentious whit either, temporal or spiritual thing's.
In him tlie poor found a friend .indeed, and he did
not, fail to contribute liberally totheir wants, of the
means with which God had blesied him. .• In. the
cause of religion and
,henevolence,he ;Was always a..
mongst tlie foremost, mid a 'Call was:never made up
on him to which he did 'net ieeponil., •
As it cliristian he wee active, useful; and exempla
ry; and his life shOwed,kliat his. profession was not
merely a name. In the ehuieli With which he was
connected he was always in his place unless prevent.
oil by sickliest§ ; and as a member of the Board.'of
Trustees was punctual and regular in his attendance,
and ever ready M render aid when its temporal con
cerns required it.
We could earmuch More, but we must conclude
by offering our condolencelo his family with whom
we sincerely sympathize in this their sorest trial.—
!tiny they all follow in,his footstek Botha their lat
ter end may be'like his.
Washington Hotel ;
td Btibscriber bee leave to inforrti
the illiblic that he has leased this well known
I odic, haireeently utidel•gone6 thorough re
ppail,!,ntl lion furnished it anew with the best of Bed;
ding.' and other Furniture, nod l . now prepared td
a6comodote Members 6f the Legislature and Tray:
elleA inbest stile; itnd upon such terms ag
cannot MIT to iiiens6. •
Dec. 20, 184 i
X 0 2Tt L 1) (1) a o
EIHE sub9crilier ha s just. received, and
Ibis for sale, n few copies of the, following new
i. Omits: .
0/ofk giving a tafrrect view of the doctrines of thb
Vidlieran Church. by the ReV. B. Kurtz, I). D.
TlON."—This is got up in• the form or an [modal;
and in an elegant manner. It contains a number of
ti•ell written articles from a number of ministers o
dilforent denominations, chiefl3' relating to the life'
character,- operations and experience.of Lutrutti
ipd to the necessity and effects of the blessed Refor
Motion, A most interestiqg find useful Wolf..
Carlisle; Dec. 90,1843. tf.•
311111123 Nan
r in HE Subscriber offers to sell of re
tbe Following Mill Properties, situated on
Juniata Creek, adjoining Petersburg and Domain
leon',Works,and known as the "Petersbut Mil
No. I is a
_ . .
)rty Ly Ott,: fret, three stories high, exclusiyg of
;:wret,lyith two u•ntcr wheels anti tour run of Si
•'fist Sniit' dad Revel Genrin;;,-Grain and F
Smut 1%1111, &c., all Imislital_off iu the
ilaoner. No. 2is
ritable of intiting 1200 to 15011 feet or nom•dbt
Prorh the the tiboio kills have tilt
wisi lig or all their products without the expenof
trattsportatiOn, they are worthy the attention 01'
ehasers or renter4,nall will he sold or let sepa Iy
suit ptit'ellasers or renters.
Peterstiarg,ltee.9.o, 1843-6 w
Vsfriiir. s 0 C •
,ALL persons_ interested will pled to
take notice that the trust account of Peteitro
let rt assignee of Jacob Eytel burer has beeniihil
eil to tile dodges of the Court o f Common of
Cumberland conoty; u Ito have . appointed tlttl
day of Febritury, 1841, for the passage of ac
-Test, THOS. 11. CRISIVELI.,,, Prot hlrY•
Carlisle, Dec. 20, 1843.. 3t-8
Notice to CO'lie
° s;si
aj -- The Collectors of the different tows is and
Boroughs within Bit. Coitnty. of Ctimb il, are
hereby requested not to receive ally of Relief
Issues of the Berke County Bank, under et of
the 4th tame of May 1841, in payment of te 1 have
been officially notified by the St ~ d
ate T • • that
they will not be receivil hereafter liv hi
•• , WM. M. SR It,
' Trhasurer Of Comb . too:
December 19,1843.
. .
Houses to Re .
two story BriclNivel i use
a.Bzo , sitolittil in West Ilto street.
story brick dwelling house with n stun
house &e., in North Hanover street. ~
adjoining the Same now occupied by
Also, the frame dwelling house and sl
ilieTost Office. Also, a small frame t
in West Lootlihi street, and a small t
hotipe in re a r.or Vie same on Oickins
•Pn'Ssession ttj Imgi+en on the lat
FtP,. ternis apply to
So. B
20; 1843
• • auttitwil
WyHE !ile preteri
rived-from aunty . j untecoi
sales trade fur fixes, bib lty re
tions of the Court of, common PI
land colipt,t, und the Simirne-Catt
nave liten declaretlfi.datileht
Lilies of elinitnut and
.other value
Been cut Ilion the lands ; known as
Estate ; the Public are therefore hen
the said esiate consiBl/4p/ all (he
nnj time rised since,the vicar, 1810,
the .11orint Holly lion' Work's, (ei
tions as have since been sOltl by ill
the property of the Farniern",l2,;
by virtuq of a conveyance bitieSit
ty, iu August 18.1/1) tUid all de
within' Aix months troM the time
are, Act pf Assembly, qated
plated Addriletil Rid void *in
chasers; Mai the hiked have been
on evertfraci fotiningpart of aR
first ol:curaticktip io the pi:eient
of Assembly. r ated 29th'llfareli
hauling, purehlidig'; erripinii
or haul, any timber 0'44 upon
another; withotit the license ot
made an indictable offence ;,and
will protleente all persontioffendl
no matter under what fradulent
Lion is attempted. He will al
TEN &mans for such itifnemalio
apprehension, and weirri tiOL
lion of each and every offender.
. Jinni:3o,lB43, ,
• QC).Any,inforniation in regal
he ;communicated to L.,
.lELOuids fo
k•rwo . : coinforhiblisi
session given on the first
first of April next.
tient to 'suit the times. '
Dec: 20, 1843
crucg, i ~ eby.give
claims on the Corodon
tY ' utilitarynke requested (
necottets. before the Stet d
utheryeise the unsettled Undo
befotre July er August; 1644
BC - -
BY public outcry on SATURDAY, the 23i1 o
December, 1843, :It 1 o'clock, P. 111. the sub
scriber will lea•e for one year the estate of Daniel
I'. Scherhalin, situated in West Pennshoro township
Cumberino•l county, containing 104 acres of good
Limestone Land by DAVID COULD,
Assignee in Bankruptcy of 1). I'. Seherbahn.
tr`ci •
pretniaei subscribi4 gotitli
CANDI() the
toivitidp.,on the 10th of November
brinim STD R, stip- • '
poied be,heiwtfell two and three •1 7 /W.- 7, 1
yeti's old -;. 4 lioth his cars have hectic ,•A `- •••`,l
cut 6;f1; irlitch are the only purlieu- 161M4 f
liar Marks. The owner is requested '-'''""----"•"'";'"
to conic forward, prove property, pay charges and
take him away.
-December 13, 1843. 30'4
rth bitng,
o, a ta o
m, ware-
, e shop
ling house
(my brick
jj .
Y virtue of a deed of Trust, from flezekiali
13 Hedges and Blitabetli *ife, to the under
signed for the benefit of his ereditoridated the SOth
day of May 1843, rroi , of record in 'the County
Court or Berkeley, State of thtginidj u e , irill Tien
coed to sell, at &WM auction; to the bigherl bidder,
before the Court House dtior in Mattinslurg'„ on
MONDAY,theadt day ofJanuary, 1843, being Court
day, the following
. .
lying and being on •Bliefc Creek, adjoining tliCfandi
of Dr. Thomas J. Harley, Phillip Syler alit) elfiers
known by;the name of the Shodsrabe,Tat frhFarm,
f tilie, de-
INiiifi end
tl adjethea-
-thin Stater
'large : ileac,-
lather have
lotto fAally
4 if land at
Jig such ilor
suriber,) are
attics' Bank,
of said coon
not, recorded
is eXpoution
ay, 1715, de
aetitient par
:l'ly paid, 46-
htte, frorti the
4 ilia bt, act
4, the cutting
, otherti to,6Ut
. ' the Nude of '
true o'wnet is
the suluteriher
ainst.stiltlita'w ,
Ice ettchqloth,
e h reward of
.y lead to the
or the eanviC
be the same more evicts, there is about two-thirds
cleared, a . good portion of it low ground, inn high
• stine OT arti - Tfron; the balance Nell clothed .with
good liinber. The Improvements are one large and
comfdrialde -BINVELLINE 1100E„ o n .
goodlouse foe a teniml,Selivitzer,J3arit "
iinif,S able, with 'dß other accessary o'l6. E r' I I
and,, a Wqf of never Inning al
wc'ter near the liotise.„, A, hirthee OA-
We deem unnecessary, di any one wishing
to puvber will first view the property. ,
Also','tit the, same thud mid pltec, one oilier
TRAC(' 1„111ew
situated in, Berkeley c'o'unt}", , on TiAbkneed branch;
on the east side, of the North fidouutain, Adjoining
the lands of,lllllollMl Seibert; James ,11. Robinson;
Alerneder Robfnecin and otherr, knoyhi. eq the said.
fledges' l i finsion Pair, noti in the oieupanel of
Sittrofel • Hedges; containing
221 W .4..C'ttlgi 4 Al • .
l i ke
6*y/ l entente erre a gond
• '"
1DV1113114 "
Mr, Dah7,.SuirpkeJtouse, and all mit
neeeesstry foe iifarni,witli a .well of neydr
failing water nue house, with pump •iiei
Thipi.rnrV enrpassed by any in din county for
its fertilit Mliantages, and is well knoWn
certainty o productions; we deepi it,nsineceistOy td
give any further, desetip,den yabfablefkm,ge
any pine front dietaiie% wishing to purchase Will first
view the premises.
TERMSl—tine half of tlfe pat:Obeid tdoinil in
the haltpice- in two intial anntralf • payments;
from t he Ist ditY of April 1844, with„inier#st, and a
deed of'ritnit on the prettileee to tieenti'llie deferred
j9iinst ERTTrustec'e.
emlie,el3 1843: " '
t of said Bunk
the estate may
cry, Esq. Car-
mine. Pos.
nuary, or on the
S. OCiitli`i
r Mfg° .
ptrians having
connected faith
and settle.their
,Ncember' Tic"
cY not - be raid
R, snip,
clyuchaz •••• •
thplOciNes t 14t,ailext
•; • •
• ' • " (tie &pi
lY mitsvniat the - Gepeial Akaseng.
~- h ly. an ;the gegeral:Suppleinents, a
made the duty of theCcnstriblee of 'Mein. th" ectiBe
Townships and Boroughs within the countsok COrst;
berland, mt they:are hereby ; reqdiredOilithr
penalty of" ne hundred dollars to make tippler oittli
or affiriptiii 1, and '.deliver to the Clerk nftge; Court
of Quarter eseions,?,f. wok before Mchilikr. the Bth'
day of JAN
.nr, 18440 separate !list of ellt'persOns
engaged in se selling or vending of Gpods -Wares,
MerehaiOr e, 'Commodities, Or
,etteets; -Of wtiatscil
ever king] t nature," designating those whosetsalea'
are 'Confit d' alone".to buying and vending gods,
svaresraii meroltandize,- the growths product and
manduct -of the United, States," and 8184-those
who sell vend "wines or distilled liquors." Mer
chants,.. alert and others embraced in the forego
ing non are also notified,"that the Associate Judge
and cou Commissioners" of said - county; . will'aV.
tend: at. .Commissloners' office, on Palmy the
19th do of - Jannary,lB4, between Ihn hours of 9
end 4 o ock 'of said day, for the purpose of classi
fying a persons aforesaid, "when any of the Mer
chants, coleys,. or their - agents or attorneys, may
appear rime suid Judges and .Cornmissioneri; and
and el the amount of their annual salsa , daring
the y • previous, and if melt Merehant.oball not
attend t shall be the duty of the Judges and Com
mittal rs, from the best information they can lave
or obt n, to class them" accordingly,"which . classi.
fieati shall be final." By order of the Commis
Corn ssionersOffi Carlisle,?
ecernber 2t, 1843. S
T received a fresh lot or this valuable medic.
the subscriber, sole Agent for Carlisle.
20, 1843
Thiankeglving & Christmas
ST received by MYERS &. HAVERS:I'IbI;
Fresh 111nlago Grapes., perfectly ,
1 . 6 itnisina„4 . hr fink, 12 1-2 cents .01. 15: tresli
a, in fine °Mi.; and very superior Orin); Cur
! ts, Keg Raisins.
Imonds, Walnuts, Brazil and Ground nuts, 14ctli-
Avith a general assortment of CONFECTION-
R Y.
iflecembrr 13, 1343,
ldourners' and Anions Bench,
. ,
N as much lie Doctor Nevill, has published a
L pamphlet in oppesllon to. the Use of the An.
Felts Bendt, - er NA, iiiiiireh, As ho calls them,
[ which he gives all such nioverriOnts,thc appella.
lon of Quili/4g; under the,garllof religion, with
in its inward life and power: Now be it known.
all the gbbil people of. Cumherland county, and
Iseivhere, that I have published strictiiies Onion
le Profbiigbis views) in whieli It will be clearlj.
Ist. That the Use of the Mdurners' . Bench is
let detrimental to true piety.
2d. That thereis Scripture authority fol. wo.
men,prayingin public.'
3d, That the Professor has Written one subject.
he did not understand. ,
Its nature and operations set forth, Through.
out ilies'd strictures it will be etc - ally seen, that the
Professor has evinced himself to be a Quack of
the first ordet in the 19th cclituq, My pamphlet
contains ..46 pagei, Ono 12a
,Ceni,s a single copy,
a discount to thdse Bay to dell. They can be
lied in
Carlisle—st iritheit toildon's Book Store. •
Shiremanstown—of Rev. John. Fold.
Mechanicsburg—Store of Mr. Leese.
Shippensburg—Stambaugh & Hoover's Store;
and Mr. John Gist, or from the author-in °barn
bertibtitt. „ JOHN DENIG.
December 1 . 3, 1843. 34.7
(1223213 H .111IVI
myERs & HAVERSTICK have itik
L VA. opened for the accommodation of their young
Hellas a large assortment . of
Toys, Toy ilooles2V4Ptistcy .Irotions
for little folks, both amusing affitlaistructive,
Call before the assortment is broken.
December 13 1843
Tradt of Land;
DartigEr. Medicines; -4101;
y AYERS !,&' RAVERSTIOk •,havii.rjast• opened
. fall ;assortment; a Drugs; Paints _Oils,
Patent Meiliolnesaedamery.A.dranOy
r6Ods, whiWth - e - y — iiilF sell wholesale or' retail, at
the•Ver`x ;Owes% priceii; alpo -
Axpocirle'Patent Laid Lamipp,
of assorted sizei,iiiiiterini tihdirmes:. ••••• f• • ••' ;••••
' Glass Lamps of. all sizes and Aiatterns for burning ,
either. Oil or Lard. Lamp Shades and Chiandes
or assorted aizeV. !: • • ' :"•••
Best Sperm and iirlitde Oil, Sperm , Caudres, A
mdnd, Castile and CoUtitry Soaps, as loin as they eau
'lb had frorathe.eityli ; • ;
-L Carlisle Borough ,Notes purchases ta•
ken at pir„. t .• . Debembeh 15,'t843. ..
171 splendid atisortment' of "ANNUALS,"
consisting in'part of the Opal, Gift, Friendship's
Offering, Literary Souvenier, American and Bri.
tish Poets, in' rich and showy binding suitable
for Christmas presents. Also. it clinks selection
of elegantly bound Bibles, , Hymn Books, Com.
mon Prayer ditto,-.=together with a general as.
seamen' of Standard, Miscellaneous and
all of which will bo sold lower than over offered
in Carlisle—also,
of every variety, best quality of Letter and Cap
Papers, ruled and nnruled froni 121} to 25 cents
per quire; Quills, Blue fluid and black Ink, Steel
Pens, Pencils, (Jackson's best,) Silver ever Points
Leads for ditto, Wafers colored and transparent,
Sealing wax, fancy and plain, Motto Seals; Paper
folders, together with a late assortment of Pen,
knives, superior attd cheaper thrth ever offeihtl in
the market.
Carlisle, December , 13. 1843.
MOY virtue of a Decree of tho Orphan's Court
of Cumberland bounty, I will expuse to pub.
lie sale ' on the premises: tin SATURDAY, tho 601
day of January ,next; at 10 o'clock, A. M. of bald
day; all that certain
• Lao GllO
.10 17.110,
situate on the South East corner of Pomfret and
Pitt illrbels, ire the borough of Carlisle, fronting
Bait oil Pomfret 'and running 240 feet on Pitt
street; tb an alley, hating theremi. erected a two
story Brick DWELLING DOUSE, and Kitchen,
atailther outbuildings, late the property..of Con
rad BZuder, deceased.
'Perms of sale, one half to be paid in Cask oil
the; confirmation of;,,the'sale, and lho balaiice to be
secured by recognizance in the Orphan's Court,
with approved security,
December 13 0 1843
To the Honorable the Judges Of the Court of
quarter Sessions of Cuiribelland county. Tho
petition of William Clark;,tespectfiilly repro,
emits, that he is well provided with houseroom
and conveniences for 4eceping a tavern in
Leesburg, in said county, and that a Taveht-in
addition Jo the one now kept is , pecui:i'ary for
the accomedation of strangers and liaimllera
he therefore prays you'r honors to grant him a
LOnse,•te keep a 'l'avern in the house he now
occupies, tind he will pray, &c.• •
fiec'eMber . 5, 1843. •
WE the undersigned, citizens Of Leesburg and
vicinity, do certify that we are well acquainted
with William Clark - , the above nairied • petitioner,
that he Is well ,provided with house-room, and
cortvenienees for the .accommodation of strangers
and travellers, and that he is of good repute for
honesty, and temperapc,c,,und that . such
.tavorti is
necessary to accommodate the public and enter.
taro stiangera•
Thomas Sibbet: George Tro'ne,' • ,
•R. S. 31'Cune, - Moses tleatphill , . .
James Wilkie. Johnston Williamson;
• John K. Kelm; Robert H. Early,
Clitistian Boltz; • Samuel Wherry, ,
- John Pilgri.n, Henry B. Rebuck,
Henry Shippeni4eal; RobertpEune
John Ferree, Jelin
Thomas Mattheiws.
. .
Bit virtue .i . i(an. order ,of the Orphans'
polio of Cumberland countyovill be exposed
to puldic sole on the premises, on SATURDAY, the
6th day of January heat, the...
.71' rt,
VAL,174313LE FARM%
h'eltiitng to the estate of Jonas Rupp, late of East
Pei °rough township, .deceased„ailjoining lands
of Messrs. Newcomer, Eberly and others, contain
ing GU •ACRES., more or less, of, Slate id In a
good state of cultivation.,The improvements are a
TWO STORY LOG HOUSE, Log :Barn, and otli
er : neve is also a .thriving young
Orchard, and several siiringsi of good water , on the
premises. , • . 1., •.• rr r. r
'the terms df sale are,. lialf of the purchase, mo
ney to he paid on confirmation of the sale, when nn
indisputnble title will be giveih• anal the remainder
hi two equal annual payments With interest, to be se
cured by,Judgment Bonds. • • •
Sale to 6oiltmente at 10. o'clock in the forenoon,
when atteitilinite will be given by
of Jonas Hupp,
Deceiliber 7,1849
Attorney at Law. ••
• •
WILL attend to all business imtrifeted
to bin ! in the cotinties ofCtintherland.and
Adania. OFFICE in East Main Street:second door
froth th'i Public Square.
Carlisle; Noveinber 29,1943. Iy-5
. . .
„THE PARMERS,of Cumberland county who
arc desirous to• petiolate tliemscives intonn AG.
RICULTI.II2.4 SOCIETY,ar6 iegnested to meet
at the Gault }louse, in, Cailiele;4o SATURDAY,.
tho 13th Jpnuary next, it o'Clock, A. M.
Datid Sterrett... Christian -S tay an;
GeOrgo Brindle; • Benry,JOß.obs,
Thomas Brudlei,: John Rupp. •
George :Wendt,. Philip Spanglei;
Michael Mishict, , Robert 'Lard;
Skilee Wood:ban:,
John Mclieehaii; Tlavidson,
Melchejr pippnonnuCl- RohOrt.q. Steriott;
Wit) oni. R. Goriaki., Goalie
Tiorf:rdiet ' 1843.
. •
~,,' gUGARSi COPPEE..gfie,
,tIN fr:Si.' iiiialliy, Loaf and Crushed . . BtIdATC 'it'
- ‘ - 1 14 centr per lb., ~. . • ~ , : —„,
:y Second , tfmliii, slnile Loaf. aryl ,crushed, gOial
quOitri at nOnatpriee tei, Cents' pf:r ,11i. . .. ...
, *own Sugars, pl. Aenst.equiti to any in th c niark cents zer iti. ; , ~, :•;.
.Wj j i t e. avana Sugar,at,l2(per,lh, ...
',i; 1:
, 'Prime io Coffee at 12i t an Seconsi q uality at 10,
Floe Java at t. 5,11 the Bag at has prices, ,
3illly opening at, our Grocery Stork Went Main
Street, next dour to the store of H. noilatniei„,,,'
i 1,,.. . ,;
6iirlisi l e,: . D " re. 16, i 843. tf.6
Rouses . for Rpd.
1 1 10E3S4S AND•
JL ing tar Itev. Rnbert Eknorhlateli ziccupjeil
pdvkarst S. Walker I t bsseasion given Iran.
rila oi tkly..:,.&lao the Haan% Orehard amt Lot,now
ePofikTIVYJIt. W George,Rit*walt, .
iii: ri4Rllsloitglyeil !IN bit O April next. For
treniXapply iutiedriber l :;ger,
iletege t a, 1,8#9: . . 11-0
Dissolution of rattneiship.
.Co-Partnership heretofore existingbe 6
Matson,Mloore& Haskelf,la this dui diaiolved by
mutual consent, and all permits indebted tq said tiro)
either by Note or Fliaolc, aenouriti.uretytquesteil top'
makd payment out*, before the, l lst of,FEBIL4I.O
'next. ..And the& Miffing olairmtragainst said firMatie
requested ,to piiikuttlietWoriettlemcgt,Lt
MAI'SON, p•tooße• Ist uAsitiELivi
Ridgetminattr; 6', 1845;
N. B All *soup .indgbirit eo co,,tlM' ; 44.firrgt 9t`
liteNtrsiti be tyloolid, itre,tei4sttl to, come forward
4thd'uniVe irinnidiate payment." • ,
persona Indebted to t
.e.,, ate rat of,Samuel ,
. Myers &Zit!, bY./ 4 54e, Ilictlid,Pn Book Ati3ount
me ot,,.befarltref I t il e i
are requested to tiay'Ahe same
o f J anuary ,T3,t,, ,!‘Pt it .PF!4 h A l Ui l elli ti nis f i l liir . , , rf t ~
cark)bc glyen;:,,,' •,, . :,..:. S %M'L , lig,Alllli_ 1
Surviving ttri
• dere ' ar:the late tirnt,britittrattel,My
, - -)•: - 6?,n -, - ...,..:,- , ;
! " , ''..': , M 14t iV ° ,,,;,, - 1i,i1;1,- , • ;,,,,,, k-.;;,t. ,. .,!....!r-vf(w6t4 .
• ,, ,ntovettaper,,vv. A .p,. vv. r i`i. , ~ - 1 -N. - ~' •.: ~.. ,/,''". ',i''_,
• .
I;tatytotati* 1m l
R - '
Ikli l .4)6lbYt':
„ .• • , ,
ArLEdirnii) .91.1rJrUAILS
•'• r 14 1 ".01, '1r4g 2 1.?! ' • .•; Y
TH'QBE.- Inclebted ;Act thp,,irubsprjbei, try
natoorbook aim:no:4o63 requested to cal ,and
Settle their_aecounts
Caitsle, Novembet,oi, 1843.
t ) ~9- 1 174 ta . 4. 7 4 9 .11**4 S!,, 4 . c.,
1 . iiio Winter •Spertit OIL best quality at OM
‘.,,• e, inter Sea epllant (Inc, quality) OIL at $l,OO
b t
t Sperm Candles, warranted Pure, at 373. cents. Per.
~ Philadelphia'. ould Candies, assorted elan at 1.2 i
centa.perlb. . • •.,
o,.ry • t , t
~. ~, f...•, ' " .A. - r
!., Wax 'Candl'Candle '
sateed Velours, at 624 cents per
lb:' • •• • ' •• .. .-.:; . %.i..ic,, 1 • • , . 0 i•••t
, ••i Pure Castile and Seented Sontialso Almond and
other fine SOAP..; ;:• •• :' .L.l , ' , :
.• Just received and for sale attlii Storesof p,.11 r, ..
‘• •• ~,, • , ,•., ;, • • 'J. W. -P,Blr. ,
_ Carlisle, December 0,1843. - ' tf7.6
, „ Catifinereii
~ER & ,CA Rn are just
C .opoinic a lame assortment.of.fashionahle Cos
rimereslc Vestiegs which will be sold at the lowa
October ti, —. • -••
.6 . r:indemnity against loss by Fire.
Charter gerpetual.—s4oQ,oQ9 „Capitnl paid 14
Office 1634 Chesnut street.
MAKE. INSURANCE, either permanent Orl In.
iced, rgainat loss or damage by fireon PRO VEI wry
and EFFECTS of even- .deseruption,,,in Town or
Country, on the most reasonable--terma.,,,Aoliba
tiona made either personally. or by letter, will be
promptly attended to. • •
The anbseriber is ascot .1 or the riboy . p eckidpinly
or Carlisle and its. vicinity., All .applications for
norms.° either by. mail or personally;
tromptly attended to. ' W. D. SEYMOUP.,
December 6,043.
. 412 , 30 1113328. at
lot Oranges, Lemons,
Ctirrania;.6o4 Prunes. , •
• 4ortit t Pteklbs. Fine Olive or Table Oil, Nit
Chneolate = litiler's 1, and Ildintepatliie.
Itlnstard Various qualitiei
Vanelta , •
Together with agenera iissorlrodit . of Nutniegs,
Cloves,,Chins mon, l'epper,iGinger,AnAllice,
and a general..assortment of all oilier articles in the
line of a.qrocer. ' • '
. For sale at the Subscriber's Store—sit the lowest
ensh'prices. J. W. EBY.
Carlisle, December 6, 118;13. tf 6
.„..,,.. • The subscriber oilers ' .........:-...
leanlli at wholesale:Mils 't% tire- 111))1 . "411)111
i t *{l , llowne,. on' the-Cannily-at 1,1 .- ~-Fr r _,L . 1
. 1 1 `,' I,' 4 ',, the fool of Chestnut street ' V.:-::__-': - -'
, . illarrisburg, the following 1' ''''''':"
GroCet , tes, at verir low prices, N. cash:
11AG$ of RIO 46(1 LAGUAYIIACof
'J llhda. P.qtgo
57 Bids. NO 1,2, and • S ackcrel.
30 Half 0 do.
34 13 ixes pripcidal, Young Byson,:inil lids.
• pniinler,•leas, in and bay
; New-Oilcans 111ohieces,111113,. .
13 Wills and Tiei•Ces Stiar Home Strilabei.
13 Boxes Sailor's and oilier brands pliiglM-
,'round and whole Peppin., by tIM bog
and keg. • I •• ,
Starch in 25 lb. Voies.
15 don: Coin Brooms • • , •
Loaf Surar, !Bee, Ainflice iiniil Ciimainon.
0.66 T 0149, oL. • • • „ t
350 Sacks G. A. and Ashton Fine Salt.
750 buslielp "„•
Sugar Boise Mohrises by the •11bil, and
Tierce, at 40 emits peemo
soy. Foe, sale ~a. S. 1?AltRIE11. •
arrislitirg, Dec. G, . .
wHEßgAs, ! iiy dityre....eps Ilopoß It. np
pears. ihat a large amount of County and
n balances, rem out standing in the
hands of the, ColleCtors • of 1•843 i and .owing,to the
low state ol the.Treaniky dmd the.pressing demands
on Mannino, It therefore. becomes absolutely neces
sary,that the said balances, be collected and, paid
into the Treasury on or before the last ..r Ult-
DAY of December 184-3, otherwise jutliirteot will
positively be entered against all delinquent collect
ors. •I • 1 ,
'ROBERT LA MD; ' conitn'rs•
• CllttisT , N
Attest —ions rt,,CI •
Carlisle, Dec. 6, 18 , 13._ St-U
. ,
No 1, finest .quaIity , MACKERLL, fresh) in
whole,.hall and quarter ourels.
No 1, superior SALMON. •
A few balm (Welt HERRING. y• • •
New •Orle,ani.or floe. baking Mokisses at 4U cents
per.gallou or 10 Cents a quart.,
Best New .York Sitlips at cgi bY tlie gallon, or
10 cents per quart. . •. .
, .
A Lot of fine TABLE SALT' in" boxes and in
bulk. , ) r: •.• • )••
A Lot of Liverpool G. Aloft SALT, byttie bush
el or Sack, in good order. , •
Constantly di) hand dud lot sale by; ‘1 t
El I
pplicutiou fay Tavern" LiOonse.
THE subscriber hereby, glues notice that
lie will• Apply, at tlie,3antiary term ensuing of
the Court of Quarter Sessions pi', Cumberland,coun
ty for ii.renewili of his Lieenin'in the Titian stiand
now oecuPled by him in East rp.unsborougii town
snip. being lirpyhled :with all tl a neCessary requi
sites for keeping a house.of , put i ic ntertnimident.
. ~1 , i THOMAS WHAIIIIK----.
Decenther p, 143. i ta-6
We, the 4dersigueil eititens of . gacipennsboro'
township, in the. Comity of Combcrland, do,Ooitify
that We are well netwainted.nith.Thomas Wharton
and that lie le ,?cind repor(for lionesty and tCfritier
-1111Cqandiiawell pripit,led.withlmyso mice and come
menCes for the Ipilging and necoromystion of,Shniig
ere . and Trivelicrs, And do ffierelord tecomMend
him to yrii4 ..lionov,sas mei t deserving ipf a License;
and farther say, tfint a...rimnil' at the stand is an ay
commodatiori to the publie. .; , r ,
Avlsm Sierer lie'sier
John•Sierer• John Poke
Andrew Kreitier John ViPplft 1 ,
Ipauph •Fink ;,..,:• joli'n P. Quigley
Ahrahatu liontiatnad John IJntx. ;
• • .Willidtri Miller gainuel Bushorn
fit 23411 1.
. p
rhn(tcr a A4;II3)'TTI 14. n bankrupt,
1844, Decetubte i A, Petition F. P:ge, Esq.,
ass ignee of..ssiM Isaac Miller, for an .order to sell
certain .lleal Estate, &c., of said tfatalirupt, is read
and filed. • i; , • • •
And it *Nero(' thiCoublicOotice be,givcat in the.
Carlisle Herald & Exptisitbri that 'this application
has peen napdq, and, that FRIDAY the ,15th day of
lleppm K r,ir k ets k ut, n(i l okilock, A, M"
whit cony!. Poem in the city. of Philadel da,ltare
been appointed for the vtame• antt.platie o heartlig,
when ,a4no where all persons In, Internet tallaY appear
and slimy cause, if any they have; diliY the petition
shoat] no; be granted. , • , A } • •
PRAS tiovictx,qo,.
Clerk Diitrict COO.
Dec.Dec.6, 1841
N the metier oi pinifitipt; our
ji Petition of F.. F. Ege v 'Esq . .,for an order to sell.
certain Real Estate
' 1
• eiik etc '"'
1841}Cee70. 0 Or la notice be .
• ist ettagtExpoiltor,thoYthia app I j
Lion Aki,4e , gn itAeinodj43. vni k umt, of De-
CetiThtiii i insigni b tstrlto'cioele Elitttio,Llthirict
Couil ttoorti in tilict city ixe, 4'1100104; intve been
,appoknlptl ,thr tliq time ,anst.priio;,, ot„ii:eating, yawl'
anQ ,pntlitott Kill
eh r ty, ofit'or soy sheylniye,,sihrtint petilion.ishotlitt
, n9t krit pengsie, • ytta...IIOPKINSON,
V;1843. ; Clerk Piatriot coOt.
.PrittrlCiDr;Tioi; ' 4ischare,lo apd ce
Pow: under the , Hankrupt Law; has been fiNt;
ed. by, AVIL*IALIVI - BIGICY, Currier; CrimborlaCti
eountyi arid .11.R.Itlyit; ; ,nl4s4ot
&dock 41. uppointizi tot: tlile henilyttiert,
.of t betoreabe, raid Gtouri,, eitLink . in Biiiikrtil494#
Vlistriot cuurt Room in 010 - City 9( r4iia44...
tibia, !hen and wh'eAti tho Proditot* Voioithl fre ,
! , 10 01 iCrl.who.liavp, PcgNit.thslo . dhldoktrld 4 1 0110. r,
porsoneln interest, rem appear .ang,kattow mongol'
any they have, whx Bop
,Dipekumr *l l . 9ertitle , at'z
abould not be granted . . • . • •
" .111*!S:
Zik "
Phnadellfhla‘l. 4
• 'r i il -77 .71 2 77•'••:7"?'3 , :i 'NAM'
•.....11,41=1 ImisTattr , .*D •,40.F.%
, , ....
...,, ~..
:1111117;mibeilibek 'iiisOpiTe4lietf it seetin4s4o‘.
i• - 11rdraqigW73 Y .IN.Iika;76" - 00087 - tifiriiisiii-wlll
:rtin,..9Flit.greally rat 10614 ,1 priseafor Cash: - liar- c ,
'chasers will 'find 'at hia‘tteitte it Sitifstoek'bf• Cloths,
iMerino 9A..l,paccao,,Zoochia Cloth'. Crape deAmber,
Chem, . Chusait., Miiites ,thi..10.4, - ,:tn9ye de Loins,
iPerisisni,.SiSts,"Satins;flomipt lrefrets and Silks,
ipm e l k
,Cliipt.vs_, :Linen 7 CaralTyk liondkorohiofs l ,
.Gloves; Chglitons,'Calianes, Hisajery irk great *OW-.
iy,.Cambrjek, ',VlAtkiiigt . i, Citeeks;'and lots of oilier
goaide.tbo tiltrderous t lo. insert. ' • ',.i, •., , • , , ... .;
Also, a
. ' frosit Iot.of.GROCCRIES.aust oeCeiyOtl,
:sueli - ei k.Stigar., Cabo,. Molasses, Cliotmlate ; l'oas,
fresh, and fine,Girigh6Statinah Cheeie,i-Rieei.e.lite:
.AlattApities of,all kinds. All of which, will, be sold
'utiemproonly.,l9w,. , : ~..i' .
Recollect e old stand, it is the thiht•store horn;
the corner; East, Main 'wed. and directly opposite
S. Wutidorlioh's old tavernansod.• Otte:door some."
times makes a great diffevatee,i ' :
_,. . •
- - • - ' CHAS'. odium' ,
, ~• , tf-5
~' ~;~ -,,
November 29,1M3
E - I 'l2' ,• • •
TEsubscribe,ewmild..;respenuftilit . in
,iprm his friends and the public, that be has late
lj•• eplimished his stock and is now offering at the
old stand inNordi Hanover Street, a splemid assort=
inent ilartiiaare,,Cutteryof Elc.,conshiting in part of
.Loicks,liinges r screws, nails and spikes, of all , kimls
and aizes....:(4lldo, Canal and odier.kinth of Shovels.
.Carpcidtre r , 'ogle, such as planes, saws, chisele,l.ce ,
Bur •,lrou o.4lsker, • cast and shear Steels. Saddle
an4l bridle nin6dings ill Saildlo. Tree's, 'riding
oral (Alice :Webbing., Shoe rindings of every-de
scription,, Mahogany and Glass kmibs of the he.
teat pt lea ; so t .
, Tarnishes,'
such a', white lead,'sfirrAs of l'urpenthie, Copal and
japon Varuish. GLASS of all si2es i from Bby 1.0
Alfl.ll 1111 1101 . thiellt , or./Iroher's Patent
Lard . I,timps,together with other articles too numer-
OUR tp Mention 1 , ' s '
• " •
All of which:will be soltl twenty-II vc per cent low..
be WM) they +ever beeii sold Wore, for rash and
good money. Call.and examine before purchasing
elsewhere, allll. if the wishes and .prices arc not
found as stated you need hot purcluit4. Call at ally
tale. l ;. • ' • . • • JACOB SENEI2.
Carlisle, November 2'2, 4
. .
A lIGENY fitr, AOIigRSON, on tho
' North Ea3t. Corner of ihe • ' , Mille Square anik
direelly..uppoOte the,47llarke,t .1-Joust:, are uow opeu r
ing • a large titid ell ieleeted• apsoriment, of, DRY
GOODS,anq 6 ItUCt l itIES elf
,011 •
- -
the mint .faVoiahle Itillo . whi articles
COMlioso stook, to whilst' they are week
ly linaking.additionat.....,
• •
Wool dyed:blacks and..lilite blaelis rt u greens, invis 7
ible greens, olive greens, all llitititna, cadet greys;
Mites and brown CLOTHS, also Pilot and Beaver
Cloths. . • ~ ,• •
• • 11 1
Pitney, Plain and Tweell CA.. 4 1111LIILS.
Plain.inal Fancy SATTINPITS. •• "
llhi and White Fliintibi, Chilton and Doe skin
Aterinoes, Afciiiselineglii.Lain l / 4 3,. Alpaca Lustres,
EolianiTs :Prints and lialiarines,Jlroekit, Alerino,
131 ket, Tlitbut SVool, Silk and Damask
Ladies Crn Vats, yi• it a large vtm ent ,of Cloves
and I io•iierY• Together with it great variety of ollt
er.arl idea too tionleroltA to triention.
Carlisle, Nov. 8. 1843. tf-2
; mibsuihei• just received another supply
of hours Yx SHOGS,aniongche lot will be fouml,
20 Oise; Driotsfront s2,to
15 "tui Alouroes from 1,00 . t0 1,50.
i Doi's'. •do . from SU to Mi..
?5 lipm2s to 1,25. •
10 1)o Mallting Shoes and.linrkits. •
Clillaren'tlShoes of allboloks, shapes, sizes, prices,
Don't mistalse,the old stand, where you will be sure
to get great bargains. :I • •': , '
November I2b, 1845
THE' , ,sidtSerllter takei this method to inform the
citizens of Carlisle and vieittlty,,that he has
opened no OYSTEI: fiOUSliot Zieg'a old bttmil,
ku Wu A I lie.y, t ono door.wost,of Education Hall,
wlieie Lr. wili - aqpmtnotlatenll those who may favor
hlm,with,thrltt - itivoin with tlic host ,Oysters thu
marl;,et can Mforil; ns the present prices heretofore
charged by him and. now charged by those follow
ing ram. simile business, sin too., ex' ravugatit • for•thu
poor Inati's pocket, we have deemetlit necessary to
frit mitts bet , doz. stewed; •lei cents per
doz, 1 / 1 .11,101 . raw-A ilte•Mill 75 cen4s per hundred, all
of which prices shall he hereafter strictly adhered
to withoet tuty,insveiise.or diminution, unless harder
times compel us to do so.
• • M. • MILES.
N. B. Privnte fitrai Firs. inktt les, Etc, w promptly
be waited on id their dwellings by sending notice t >
"bur !intik." 3 - •
November 22, 1843. , tf..4
Bundles Lot at Private Sale.r -
•,• •
fill - iß t subscribgr pr ivate n 10,4 vaty tuft!-
' soinely.situnted :81.)1LUING SLOT. situate iq
Ilt6 nuglelornied Pornfretand West High-streets,
in this tiorqugl!,9ll ver n ytatearly opposite Dickinson
College. In size it is equal to n' town lot and n half.
Thern : ia - ont ovary:eligible-or better location fora
private dwelling, ip the borough. .:Che situation
commands' an extensive view of the beautiful country
su repo yd tg,toge er, di, the Coll egelt tti Itli ngs, kc.
Theclot heeth m Iv to be seen to hove its advantages
sUltnitted.i ror further particulars, as to terms, &c. >
enquire of the subscriber. , ••
CMtober 11 MS
/kick Morocco and, Finding ,
J. W. Mir..
/10,ST respectfully Informs the citizens of
•rilburg, and the publicit: general, that he has
removed his. Leather, Morocco and Finding Store
to North Second street, a few' doors above •linnty,•
Boehler's Hotel r where .he wi 0 .keep 'constantly oul
hand a,general assortment of the following named ••
articles, viz: •
SilaßliBOkSlatilleiN Sole, Skirting: l !
liaenessjaw pod hlack.h ri dle„ wax and grain upper
Whip and collar.leather, wax ant gritiii - Calr --
Skinp,Spanisia and,cooltry Nips, :top and
IliteeB and Black'imiths t and Bark
Tarnel §ltper4,kins,
Comprising Men;sMoroccd t nromen's undressed •
red and hlack•straits„French kill ordifferent color'.. '
Red Two:Ail:dings ,Linings of all colon', Book-.
binder's leather, Clill'ehois' leather and ;Buck skins.
.Such bpor key@ and breakers ; shoe keys, ham-,
niersolucers, rplek, starups, size sticks, ponclks,,
knives, rubbersi files; rasps, ..thread; boot. webbing,'
zparalitus,,lmpt,Ford, pegs, awls, &c. &c. AU of
Which he %illl cell at the very LOVES C CASH
MOPE! 1, ~ . ~•
li.,,t:eturns his sincere thanks to the pub
lk, for the lit4slall.atronage which' ItturhOirtofitre,
been eseittli,y l to him, and respectfully soliztts a
contintdku,pl their .favors.
May 17,1843.
~'p,f CATION will so.el►iall9.~Y,
Director o orate Cariisle Banb,to the next 11:,eg...
bilotere of the COnunonweitlth of•Pennsyltattitt,tor
a renewal of thi'^aliarter of the snit! flank by. she.
!tame and style of the , tCarliale Bank.": It is 'in.
'SYmileil that it shall the: located iitUarlisle, Goknitier,,
laud senility, that it shall hove this same Capital it,
now has, to wit: Three hundred thoniarid.
for the speeitiu. object of Banking oniL,diseotiuting
purposes. order of the Board Oftlirenters,
W. S.TODEAN; Cushlet.
June2B,, 1843,
TA alcbrri
ilouseand sesieral,syniq e d well-,
, ings,, well situated; are Oltei.eii Ito , rant.. Alatio
it‘ l eoriter room fitted . for, liaquWksettre,,,FLlL be
reytsd for that purpo s e or ottltir . olo? . .,...ld s tAr t 4sl .
, , kl ,c.err •
• litt e fitt on •
AthsciibAltniviirn g .div•
a‘ock illetiverYVeloo ll ,l , 44o , Col:
lionit,sksicei,thuse,in urre4roges,to ,RlCanti•
settle 4
otil,s9peesubef•tsiie v tlist ttemounis will bet.
plwccil waste' 414 plied cOr ColleigiCab
, ' WltiliAtt..
Ltrlfilible,iNgrf: ; 2el 4 l64B:r , 7 ;.I‘tt
Clot fa [moths ttroViiiiiik
RE DER , Pilot 'out , . ooticioge re, nob, ; :
r; nil d Btoepleott.,l3lpOitiP 'ktit , at: from;
• 1,50 to slo' pee* yAi l / 4 1:VCOIVeintli •tiee; N thetO at^ the
ioliOati store of • -7cL4PPIN9Eyt,' 'Ckp.EV:
_ • an
prirrzns Rafting,' a'
rya. Ia gi
A LAtcA ( sindlAsh sokii V or. 4N1.1.
ArAto' qv if:
W. B. MURRAY.• ••