11121114110 IIiaIMIRIP4 I EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. DMZ OAIRIMIE 6 Pk; _ 0'04104(4, theembet 20, 1543. Sion PEESXDEI' HENRY CLAY, SubjecVto the talcciaion of a National Convention DEMOCRATIC WHIG PRINCIPLES. SPECIALLY "1 , 011 THE PUBLIC EYE.'I OUR CREED t. Atourril Nritirinal Currency, regulated by the will and authority of the Nation.. 8. An adequate Revenue, with fair Protection to Ameriedn Industry. 3. Just restraints on the Executive power, em bracing a further restriction on the exercise of the Veto. 4. A faithful administration of the public domain, - with an equitable distribution of the proceeds of sales of it among all the States. 5. An honest th ,:encrul Geverinninit, leaving public °dicers ' perfect fieedoiri of thought and of the'right of suffrage; but with suitable restraints against improper interference in elections. '6. An amendment to the Constitution, limiting the ineuinbent-of the. Presidential office to. a SINGLE TESIII. These objects attained, I think that we should cease to be afflicted with bad administration of iic Government .—HENRY CLAY, DEMOCRATIC HARRISON STATE CONVENTION, • The members of the Democratic Harrison party •of Pennsylvania—those who united with them as allies in the achievement of that glorious political victory in 1840, tho • result of which was the election of that pure, venerated and much lament. ed patriot GENERAL WILLIAM 'HENRY HARRISON, to the Presidential Chair—those who have hitherto consistently battled fur "the Supremacy of the Laws," who are opposed to all mysteries, whether of the Government or otherwise, which are in. accessible to the public eye-41toss who aro op. posed to favored classes and monopolies either of Mice or power—thoso who arc tired of expert 'ments upon the Commerce, Manuflictutes and '.--4.lurrency-of tho country, and all others who-are • convinced of the necessity of so reforming the abuses of the State and National Ugvernments as to secure their prompt; faithful, economical :and energetic administration, with' a strict account ability to the people, on the part of those by whom they are aria] . dstered, are requested by the State Central Co tittee of the Damooratio risen party, to me-t in their several Counties and Districts, and in contbrinity with former usages. to elect Delegates in proportion to the number of Senators and Representatives in the State-Legis. later° from such Counties and Districts, to a STATE CONVENT/ON ,tO be held at Harrisburg, on MONDAY, the 4th day of MARCH next, at 12 o'clock M. to nominate a suitable candidate for Governor, to be supported by the friends of good order at the . next General Election, and to do such other acts and things as'may be deemed necessary.. The several County Committees will be careful to give the proper notices in their respeetiie counties. • GEORGE FORD, Lancaster. HENRY MONTGOMERY, Dauphin HARMER DENNY. Allegheny. WILLIAM M. WATTS, Erie. JOHN G. MILES, Huntingdon. JOHN TAGGART, Nord umberland IVILLIAM F. HUGHES, Phila. en. JOAN S. RICHARDS, Berks.- JACOB' WEYG,ANT, Northampton. oirMr.,Calhoun's friends still stoutly deny that he will withdraw his claims. itrPitiladelphia was again diseraced on Sun day last, by several fights among firemen,. cci.The IVhigs have another Congressman from Maine. Freeman Morse, a Whig, is elected from . tho Lincoln and Oxford district by a mujority of 13 votes Mona 'PAnnose !—Rusk and Freeland, recently convicted in Montgomery county, for prize fight ing, at a cost of $260 to the county, have already been pardimed by the Governor! n'Tlic New York Plebeian, a Van Buren or gan, in reply to the repeated assertions of the friends of tho other candidates, that Mr. Van Be. ren cannot possibly he elected, says it is positive in its assurance oftyc fact that if it is impossi ble to elect IVIr. an Bur n, it is equally impossi ble to succeed with any ther candidate in the party.. For once we find urselvcs in agreement ' with tiiirManites, says the itsburg Advocate.— Ile is a weak candidate to be s re, and commands _neither_lbe_respect, r nor _confidence of_any_but. office hunters; but then he is quite as strong as any that tbd party can put forth. If they cannot succeed with him, as it seems to be conceded that they cannot, they cannot succeed at all. ILTThe Washington correspondent of the Phil. &dolphin Inquirer says:. Mr. Adams is in very feeble health. The,reCont . ha'rd service he has seen, has 'proved too much fur him. Ho needs "a long repose, but.r fear his' sense of duty will not permit biro to enjoy it. (oGeorge liattenborger, Es 9. has been op. pointed by. the Governor AfteocieteDn dge forTer. ry county, in the room of Hon. James -Black, re signed. We have known Mr: B. for seyeral years, and think hie appointment 'an excellent does not appear to give satisfaction to the Editor of the Perry Democrat. ILrln case of a suit of fraud, the Georgia ;spurts .., have decided that refueirtg,to take a newef t wAr , flora .the otrice,or going away and leaving it un called for, until .all arrearages are paid, if prima. •facia evidence of -intential fraud. ‘. +Colitis falba "ago of iron"--iron steamboats' -, 7 jirore coffins--iron toutbstonetr; and now (hey aro making; iron oradles.at .P.ithiburgt Tins boys roektol in them, doubtless be inert of 'iron nervi." . _ . oVtis elated in ,a recent hiegraphicel sketch. Of ilia late'lli,Legete, that he. learaWhoisr. 'ThhevAll ie ?mind tree of nearly . •or el : 'the moat eminent men. * ' • • of antogod.oatwill prott66et hi.. drophobio withont. Oar hating been bitton,--go . : 11 '3 1 , 1 01V wotl4 .41.1,4u:430 -tho asaor. lion by .citirtraoloa ,frig hecti!, instances,.. 11 - I ,:rPhw.. ! Jeroy i l *igt a 'papal atianNar ,373,305 aculs, has 3,38514430ne above tbe,age of 20 . who'. ear; not'read a nd.write... , New. Hampshire, with , 3 pop . 4tran:pf2B4,V4, , lnts only 942;tinrstbsficient. o:7ThelitrtfjO i llitioniabiitit,amounts te.£770,. 0014006, )iiiil44 1 410k - to'about 1,500 5 , pIJ porsoit,, t ; 1", '" POP KO$N.-Ini Pom l PlPhin , '"'fftw t ev,:etitnr .. , 'ltitioo:lSfr;?Afotitairtoititi(o346l' ,16`itipl in,ol ..,1-WeLz : , • ,%;,- ';'Coliimblia Hail bead. MOorehdtsd, •Ociptirtntendent the Columbia ' and P.hiladalOhialrail road, bier. ffort; , 'ilishetftbe Editor ofthc*est illtesterltepdblicaS 'the fedkiwing!tilistract of file annual report, log the receipts and eipenditures'on' the rued for the past year. It presentsavery favorable account of his management or the rOalind as he says, will gratify the Tax.bdrdened citizens ofour Corn mOnwealtlito login that our public wcirks are ea. pablo ofkoducing a revenue, equal to•the cost of :Repaitemndmanagement, and thr_intereskon the. cost of'construction, doubt ,an . honest and cs - Wpnblic''neriant, beliette' the" best officer the road hitt hod since •it was under the admirable management of AndreniMehaffdy, Esq the Seieriritendent under GoV.lptiter. But how ever much these. favorable statements nriaitrat.. ify the people, we do not believe that in this quart: ter at least they will prove sufficient to change the firmly settled opinion that exists in favor of, the sale of the public works. It may be true that our public works are. capable of producing 'a,: revenue equal to the costof repairs and manage• meat and the interest on the cunt of oonstrtiction. We.have always believed this. And the fact that this was done with the Columbia Rail Road under Mr. Meltaffey's charge seven or eight years ago, and has not been done since that time until Mr. Moorehead has achieved it within the last year, shows how much mi4innnifiement and,corruption there Was in the several years' interval. Mr. Moorehead has realized a surplus from the rood, hut whp . ean tell - whether it will be done by :my one succeeding 6.m, irthe public viorks. rcr.' lit in the hands of the State? The people nos, plain. , ly see and feel that their only hope is in effecting a sale of the public works, if our annual interest is to be promptly paid, or the State Debt ever to be liquidated. The following is Mr. Minirchead's statement: ABSTRACT STATEMENT; Showing the tall receipts and expenses on the Columbia and Philadelphia Rua Road, Rom De candler lst, 1842, to November 30th, 1843—0n0 BM RECEIPTS, Amount of road tolls collected, . _ - as per reports of collectors, . $199.274.51 Amobut of Motive Power Toll 190,510 85 Amount due, from Post 01liec - Department, •for carrying U. • ' States Mail, 2,733 33 ~ Amount received fur-rents, and -- old rilaterials sold, ' • . 2,173, 48 8394,692 17 EXPENSES. For' repairs of Road, ' •afrnm Dee. Ist, 1842. to Nov. 3Uth, 1843, $55,082 09 For muintennnee of Motive• Power, dur. • • _ ing same time,. 135,292 99 . . Excess of receipts over all expenses, for the y'Cur 1843. $204,317 09 To which may Improperly add- . ed, the difference in vnlne of stock in the Mtitivc Power Department, Dec. 180842 in favor of Dec. let, 1839% .481 38 Nctt Profit . "A:Young Men's Carivention is to be held at . Baltimore in May next, and the Whig papers of this State have pledged themselves to sena 20,000 Whigs from Pennsylvania to said Convention.— Now what will this cost the State 1 Say trans • portation; an average distance 200 miles going and returning at $B - per head, travelling expenties $2 each, and two days boarding in Baltimore at 91 per day, and we have the pretty little sum of Two Hundred and Forty Thousand Dollars! Add to this loss of time--five days for each man at .50 cents perday and we have the round sum of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars !! ! What consum mate folly—and with our State over head and ears in debt, what rascality it is for any party to ad vocate the throwing away of so much money." - Shippeasburg Democrat. This farrago, whit some additional flings at "soulless rail road and stage 'companies," (which we do not - publish on account of our regard for the only "stage company" between this and Balti more!; we perceive is copied into the last Volun teer—and endorsed ' , sensible and well-timed," bebides being kindly recommended to the special attention of the Whigs. To our .mind it is ex tremely impudent and ill-timed, and we think we can prove it. The Editor's calculations may be correct, and it may be true that the aggregate ex perm of twenty thousand persons In attending the Cdnvention will amount to $540,000. But we should like to know by what right, other than that of impudence, these loco faces are authorized to comment ,upon the manner in which a Whig or any other man spends his own money 1 This, however, is thrown entirely into the shade by.the transcendent impudence in which it is 'charged that it is no less a thing than "rascality for any party to advocate the throWing away of eo much money; while our State is over head and ears hi ..debt L! . .."!__We_beg-our-readersnot - to suppose - 11MT we feel any indignation at this remark: it should not excite any such feeling in any one; ~ Oh, no, the idea is too good—too rich—to ex cite any thing like "virtuous indignation !" Loco. focoism is about to open a new era in the_annals of our Commonwealth. The State IYebt, is at last really to be paid. .Every body is to savo'his odd coppers and throw themlnto a general fund for the payment of the State Debt. Nobody is to travel—nobody to buy new clothes—riobody to enjoy any thing in the way of luxuries—for it is a shame to do so while the Slate is over head and : ,ears_in_debt.i..it_would_be....a burning_ shame for any - . family tove Minced-pies - .until the State Debt Is paid! ta ke comfort now, Mr. Sydney Smith, ferihe utelliiiiacier - of the Shippens burg "True Democrat," hai found the "ways and means" to retrieve American credit ! and as the . coining Legislature, (of which he will probably be a collateral member,) will undoubtedly speedily pass a law.tri prevent people spending money tool. ishly, and to prevent particularly the lavish 'eX.. Pentiltura of•the Whigs at the Baltimore Canyone tion,-...F.au . may, how feel confident:of getting all ,',hat is due you bob, in principal and interest! Oar estimation of tgoofocoiern is incalculably ... ~ era rare anced by this re patriotic 'end magnani: , .. mpus ' reeling it evinces now in „referenco to the payment-of the Btate Debt. Yee, ' Locofecoisni that has had about tea year's goad Picking. at the public goose; whose leaders in'every jiavt,of:the State now roll in wealth and live in palaces from - the very means which have plUnged the State 4 oVer head arid care in debt,"—it is this loco. foco - parti that 'hi' now exPreieine eiMlii.lielY 6014 hie' at the expenditure'' of money while the State is'over head and ears in debt! llfhe &redone - 1 7 PulOeuea con l 4 o fartlierßPl •::a ~.:, . Brit as to the Baltimore Carrveation,—it vein be ,helil, and in ail probability there will befall twenty plauseria- young anctgallant Pmansylvania . :Whige Pe* .ground.!„ There is, - aaMcW9B ta.1 17 4)6 8 , isiVeliar.in. &Maxi and . cents ear@ a coxiternkor:' 1 pry;_ and !.rsthent punt: r4on, 41, p r , . belt e,T thaf . by ;devoting jialiiinie, in: thi s vi iii;"hi the service: tigii4UnyiirOnk : , : . ' •rc ni : o,.i. : atorkiPtthle,'or their titian iii'lvilishit., ii**ante; it•*iunll4.4 ngrovelling • ' Kin th . xi , aim , a *4liiivUguni;(inii aelcalntn tltp,enit 461u4in , it, -. i,:!!fi'P's.Pie4Weiity:ilirkularuight.:.Thiiirieriey! :iiik l o,ot'•4 l :hejiisitiieiiiiealtfteriholol l o44.l!iiii ;) iitiat':': n eliti-VilliiP ifitlarkiii(ii4iiii;4dilialiell =: , ..-s -., ' . ',- „ ,,, Atkg.' , ..:..;,,, , ..' , . 4.,v:,,,, , - , • -, 6?• ,, '',:'''':.:,',- ';"aitif,..'llia.6,6Qifo:l;#-4,;aL'.l.'•/,'::2:.'ift4:l:,.'''''',.:':-. them, and whicitw4lbb ,trongthened bit*, great moi3tin*: at thatinaiii Ain spread abrdtid, as [t wi11„.4 `Tay i t ecurn'to'.,the2,l.yhig canse•nroajcaity in it4l, of tv!euky thousand in PenneAvaida.— Whir, then, wouldl.hlnh'ilid . cost of tra4ei,4voitti computing ? State Debt.- -: 1H eetlag_ letWatee Coupty. • ;,. • The venerable Judge Hustonal the Supremo. Court of this Statc,'addressed Jx•merttingf of the eilizens. of Centre County on..the 30th ult., in which Pennsyliania and her situation, prospects and duties were subjects of discuasion." brief sketch of hid *tiddresile.raportedin the Bellefonte -tiyhig, in which it :la stated tliat!,heinive ai his infra for 04p - siting' the:peoplei, thnt lie, wee. a • Pennsylvanian, had received .rnanypeyiffenees.of the partiality of his native Suite, and acted solely from a conviction that the State debt oughtto be paid as well as any other debt, and that the 'peo ple ought to order it to be paid, because to do 'so ie honest, and not to do so is dishonest. He , corn menteil on repudiation and the idea that the State could not be sued, and their effects upon public and private mends, as well in a religious point of view as in their effects upon the public prosperity; alluded to the credit which Pennsylvania httl once enjoyed and the disgrace into which. she is now sunk. He recommended a tax - of five mills on the dollar, :on estate, which he said would be sufficient to 'Meet the State Debt, and create a sinking fund for the extinguishment of the prin. cipal, if proper economy was used in the disburse nimis nail expenses. 'fhe Judge nezerspolorof the extravagant, use of the public money in all the departments of the government, and dwelt for a short time upon the extra expenses, postage, &c., of the Legislature. He recommended rigid economy in all depart- Ments; - and - strict justice against- all defaulters.—.-- He concluded by offering several resolutions cm bracing the views above stated, which were adopt. ed by acclamation. The following admire sentiment is contained in the first of the sanest "Resolved, That honor, honesty, and religion require thnt the debt of the State, and the interest on it ought to be • paid." lteport of the Secretary of the We learn from the Report of the Secretary that the United States Navy, at the present time, consists of the following number and description of vessels: • 061 . 5 ship of f2O 'guns; nine ships of the line of 90 guns each; ono race of 112 guns ; twelve 52 gun frigates; tine 50 gun frigate; two 48 gun frigates; eleven first class sloops of war of 24 guns each; three 22 gun sloops; five 10 gun sloops;• two sloops for store ships, 6 guns each,— There are also four first class sloop; on the stocks nearly ready fur launching, Eleven 10 gun brigs and schooners; three ditto used as store ships, and one for a receiving vessel at Charleston: The steamship Mississippi of / 2 guns, the Fulton of 8 guns, the Princeton (Ericson's propeller), of 12 guns, the Union of 4 guns, (with Hunter's sub. merged wheels,) the Pginsett. of 2 gunth . and an iron steamer, the Michigan, of 6 'guns, nearly ready to launch on Lake, Eric. There are like. rs'isc four small selmoners•employed as packets qr receiving vessels. In all, seventy.aix vessels of the various descriptions, . 190,375 08 t> $213,798 47 The schooner Grampus has not been heard from silica the 14th of March last, when she was off Charleston, S. C., and is supposed to have. been lost, with all hands, in some of the severe gales wiital'ocentred about. that tune, - Allusion is made to the loss of the Missouri; and the other naval disasters which have occurr ed during the year, are briefly referred for Reportot the Postu►aster Genet:AL POST OFFICE DEPARTMEW, Dec. 9, 1843. The Report of the Postmaster General is Very long, and hence we condense those portions that are of less importance. The revenue of the Department this year has met the expenditures. The Postmaster thinks this should always bean, and that the Department should never be a source of revenue, nor its ex penses exceed its receipts, hut that its incomu should alWays regulate the expenditures. The amount of annual transportations of the tnail, as ascertained on the 30th Juno, to% was 34,835,991 miles ; the cost of which was 63,- 110,783. The amount of annuartransp rtation on the 30th Junc;lB - 43, was 35,252,805 miles ; the cost of which was 82,976,284. It will be observed, that the cost of transpor tation for the last year was less by $134.490 than it was for theprevioits year, while ilie transpor. Cation throughout the-year—was-greater-by-410,- 814 miles. • The number of Post Offices supplied in 1842, was 13,814. To accommoclato- the service to the extension of population, reductions in tho service in soma sections, And an extension or increase in other portions of the Union, were rendered necessary. The aggregate of these reductions wa5.8134,- 253, and the amount of, additional and new ser. vice was $98,555. Fora more detailed state. ment of service I refer your Excellency to the report of the First Assistint Postmaster General, No. 1. For similar 'reasons it became necessary to dis continue, in the year preceding let July, 1843, 900 Post Offices,and to establish,during the same period, 481. The total expenditures of the Department for the_fises,Lyear_ending..the_Alth irme t AB42, as stated in the report of this Department to the House of Representatives, ander date of the 28th of February, 1843, were $4,975,370 42., In this amount was included $392,664 51 for debts paid out of the special appropriation at the extra ses sion. The total eapenditures'of the service for the year ending 30th Jupe, 1843, were 84,374,713 76, ihcluding payments on account 'of debts due by the Department,for which the appropriation above wris made. The amount of gross revenue for the year end ing the 90th June, 1844 all stated, In my annual report of lidpeeember,lB42, wa5'54,879,817 78. That arm 342, was 84,546,248 13, The revenue of 184Na° rat as the returns ex bible' the amodneforibeyear ending '3oth June, is i1t.895,025 The Postmaster Peneral does ,not recommend rodueltiori—he re f ers the matter to. Congress, and • • If Concos shoulil not detorm m . lO make the ridnetion :of . Feetelte tife eirtent truliCated by 'th e dew p uOtrind otoiniotie of those ihro have egitatea I: would reepeetfully re. , commend; hnim, done on *former • pceaaieria, tbat•the present rates. of postrigZ? be so changed ' ll . O t° corresPeN r'ith,tho .mine of.the Pel4o trues:. Tbere tsar large °lase of printer! reOlierl : teeth, ea Ireird.bills,the prorlpriebili ofrt r euirent;iri 'dttrwltire'erlatte'riesjiriorrt 'dtenOw charged with leftrii Pestaisiyivltiirti tri,fght,' not to, , pay. tilerat roin :than . newepriperso -ond• PatePbbfle.r just thipriinination betriTenreeWr4 ,Parrr °°P.°••Ort°,' 9r tt?ight. , °, l l°uld I°. ... • 'trough)* ifrivile 4i, if 1(. ;; . : , 4 , ba MEMIIMMEM TIWENTY.EIGHTNI-, •,4iladifitßESS. • • WA:Mani 'Y TIM Presitlent',of the Senntii: announced the' standing CoMinittnel, of whieliire.4nve.iiivenh&, low the'eeveral Chairmen : • • • Foreign Relations—Mr. Arbiter. Mr. Buch anan hi upon this committee. • - -? F r. .E v ape. • • .4' • Commerce-Mr., Huntingdon, '• . Agrioulture—MG Upham. , Military Affairs--Mr. Crittenden. Manufactures—Mr. Simmonst Militia-411G Barrow.: * Naval Affaira,4lfr. Dayard. • Public Lande=Mr. Woodbridge. . ' ,Prinatts Land palms—Mi. ileriderion, White. • Claims--Mr. Foster. ' ; • revahtionary Clainos=l4li. Tarnagan. Judiciary—Mr. Berrien., , - Post Offices and Post Roads—Mr. Men . Roads and Canals—Mr. Porter.• • Pensions—Mr. Bates.. • District of cohirribia—Mr. Miner.- • Patents—Mr. Porter. • . Retrenchment-- , Mr. Morehead. Public Buildings—Mr. Dayton. • Contirigent expenses of Senate—Mr. T 1 Printing—Mr. Simmons': Mr. Asbury Dickens .was then unanir4sly re.olcoted Secretary of the Senate: Mr. Dyer was reelected Sergcant.at•atmsi Mr. Beale wag, after two, trials ) ro.eleet4 t as Assistant' Door keeper; the first trial was . ahe, Mr. R. E. Horner of .1. J. h , vhr 23, and Beale-23 ; -the next- time .14r...Beaie had 24 Ihd Mr. Horner 23.. " The Rev. Mr. Tustin (Presbyterian) was eti Chaplain, Ilkusn or IterarstNrATivas.—After the rei. the Journal, a long debate arose one p;.. position Introduced by Mr. Hamlin, of Me. to pungo from the Journal the "Protest" subinittl .by the ploority of the House on the first day , f the session: The discussion, which was party pated in by many members, was carried on nee. the whole day, when by a vote of 92 to 82, tl House decided to expunge ifs records of Monde• and Tuesday Mr. Dromgoolo of Va. then submitted a motto to amend the Rules, or rather to make a new-rut which would prevent ally thing being put upo Journal by the. minority of the House aceordin to the present - practice. , The House - adopted the Resolution, which ir area forbids the clerk to insert the protest in the , proceedings of today. WASHINGTON, Dec. 12 , • In Senate, to.day, Mr: Benton announced the death of his colleague, linu. Lewis which occurred at his residence a few weeks pre , violin to the meeting' of Congress—and give ut terance to the sensations excited thereby, ln do. • quent, appropriate and Laming, terms. Mr. Crittenden also paid a brief and heartfelt tribute. to the memory and virtues oftho dedoased. Resolutions were then adopted expressive of the sense of the loss - sustaine - d Gy this melancholy de. cease, of condolence with the afflicted family, and for Ong, inta'mourning for thirty days. • The Senate adjourned. In the House, the Speaker announced his ap pointment of the titled standing Committees. We give the name of the Chairman of each, and the whple of the important committee on Mainline tures.---:---- Ways and Means—Mr. McKay. ' - Claims =Mr. Vance. Commerce—Mr. Ilohnes. • • Public Lmeuls—Mr. John N. Davis. - Post Office and Poet Roads—Mr. Ildpkier, District of Culumbia—Mr. Campbell. - Judiciary—Mr. Wilkins.' . Revolutionary Chimp—Mr:A. D. Davis, Public Espenditurcs—Mr. Vinton. Private Land Claims—Mr. Cross. Manufactures—Messrs. Adams, Co!lamer, Del. ser, Hudson, Woodward, Irvin, Moseley, Lump. kin, and Cranston. Agrieulturp—Mr, Beherry. • Indian Affairs--Mr. Caro Johnsen, Affairs—M. Harrelson. Militia—Mr. Bean, Naval Affairs—Mr. Wise, Foreign Affairs—.. Mr. c. J. Ingersoll. Territories—Mr. A. Jnrnb Zeigler. Shipproshorg Ilorongh..Samuel Anderson,ffen ry rarikk. • Fought. • South Middleton—John flyers, Gilbert Searight, Sen. • Soinfinmptontilolin Hale, nol;Crt Mateer. TRAVERSE JURORS, FIRST WEEK. Allen—Charles Ilingaman, Alaleer, Geo. Rupp, Jr. Jacob Renit!ger, Jacob Swiler. Carlisle—Marlin Common, Siunti.e.Mliott, WM. Hood, James R. Weaver. Dickinson—David Glenn. Frankfiwil—Jolin, C. Thrown, Jolin - Oiler. HopeWell--William Wherry. Milll in—Samuel L. Gillespie.. Monroe--Peter Hull. Afechaniesburi.., , --Hetiry "AIM, Jacob Rupley, Newton—James W. /Oen, David Foreman,iffolin Killion, William McCulloch. Newville—James R. Irvin. New Cumberland --Charles Oyster. Silver Sprin g --George -George V Colver,3oliti Fieroviil, Jelin Harman. Henry Ken egy , Samuel Mwselman, Samuel Senseman Smithamptoti—Joseph Cressler, Elias Jacksoff Shipperislutrg liorough—ltobert Preston, Samuel Vague, Joseph ‘Volker ShipprnsbUrg K.Tritt South MeFeely. Jamb Either • West l'ennsborongl il linln Ca rot hers. (Turn pike) ,losibla Carothers, James Elliott. William Lehman, Jr: Samuel Resler, Michael !ilium. • North Middleton—Samuel Grey, William M !renders ... on, Valentine Shally, Tobias Lipe • SECOND WEEK. • • Allen—Samuel Eckel% Jr (.;nrlisle , —.lnenb !lectern . • I)ekinsonz4ohn Auld, Isaac Dtalsel, John 3lht gnst Vennsbni , onzb—Snmnel flowman. Soh : noon Phornole„hirries iiunsheiyer, George Intdey,lfen r Pranklohd---John Arnold, Dovid Moser, Ch.orge . Enrovst; ineoh Aft•vre John slctrva, John OiliN - 11npvik.11--John Carson, A hrsibarn S 1%1 cKhn . wy, Witham Mellione , I)eari, Chrisilau Hartzler, till ifaitri-Peldr Tierslif,:ltilm Parma it.. Mei laitiiraldirg--Wil Ham Ilooser..lotut Nosier Neittino-Samtiel - Greell, Jaeoli George Newt ille--Georgr Lightner - Soildilimpton 7 -11eilry .CleverrMiclisel Zeihler SltirMelisliorg Townsliip--Illigh Craig Sltimienstiorg t Silver Spriog- 7 .101m H L Dimiap, David it Lamb, Gesrge Reed, Peter Thrush Smith Midilleton--Andrew Kerr, Henry Weltheit Midilletno--Peres Dinuird, David' ions Samuel Williams, Willful Weise %Vest Peinishornogli—ltoliert M Graham,' George . Deikes, Alex:older Logan, James Lindsey • JOHN AND 1, HENRY REED, HAVING entered, into partnershi,) for the prac tice of the Law, will attend to all business ektrostell to them.• OFFICE i,, Rest Main street, 31 re IV Ti, ors west of the Cowl noose anti next to the Store or Jason .gby ; and ohm at the resilience of John Reed, OlipOsite - the College. Carlisle, N0v.15, 1843 ,~: •.,,. ALEXANDER & • Attorney:Kat Law., Tll undersigned ` ha , --- , assioriated as partners in the practice of LAW, in,Ctimber land and Perry counties. One or both of them may be niwnys found and consulted lit the office lwreto lore occupied by S. Alexander, nest door to in the Carlisle think. Strict attention will be given in all : business 'dated in their cote. SAN! UFA ALEXANDER. LEM um, Tom). . Ch40ber18,1243 New Tobacco Segar MANUIPAOTOB.Y. I. ttirl subscriber would inform the inhabitants of Carlisle and. its vicinity, dint lie has opened 11 Tobacco and Seger Establishment, in &milt lianoVer street:Also dont'S - Sottlli - 01* houseolud,im- - mediate!" adjoining Mr. Burkholder's Hotel. ' lle will keep on hands Alanufactured Tobaeco, such as • Caventlish i ' Sweet Scent,. Plug, Roll, Virginia Twisti Spike and Pig tail. 'Also, Cut find Dry, Scotch Rappee and Nlaitcea !mu StialT i Pipetti &e., Spanish, Halt Spanish and Common Segars, of the best quality, all of which he will sell on terms to suit, the Dines. CRORGE WEAVER. .. N. B. The subscriber -Ashes to lime a Mare or public patronage in opposition to, imposition by Voreign Manufactures.. ~, G. W. Carlisle, October li, 18411. ~ M