Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 13, 1843, Image 4
121 FRO it TUT SATION,AL INTELLIC=SII. . ~VIr*.; O ZAI I, A BOY!It14, - The following lines were suggested by tui H eitimli: tt.ion of Wisa's picture The Embarkation of the Pilgrims !' The Pilgrims are Portrayed on . the deck .'of the vessel in the set of supplienting'pa guidenee . and protection of their Heavenly Father t and on the corner nfthe sail which was hung up to oover.thom sti is inscribed the otto, ! ‘! GOa wrra.os," suspended jnbt over thc'ai•eh 'Of the' rainbow; which is eonspicu ous hope, and the prom ise of the covenant; in the same glance and reeollec . - tion. Under this inspiration the lyrist seems to have written his animating ode. . COD WITH US I" on our troubled way, When darkening tempests lower and sweep, Beyond we see the peerless ray That liglits our path across the &up— . 'And while on liigli• We turn our trustful eye, . ' 4 ‘ God with us," is ou• constant cry. • • GOD wire 'us!" When the billows foam, And stir the ocean's snowy crest, He will provide a freer home, Where wearied pilgrims hope for rest— We will not fear, Faith whispers in our ear "God with us" all, threrer near' " Goa wrrit'vs !" when the lightnings gleam Across the sky with flashing light; They are the types diruth r whieh cross To rend the pall of ereo{•'s night— And whil4 we see Their thrilling imagery, " God with us" cheers the strong and free "Con waft us!" where the star-light sheds A•pincill ray on Freedom's youth; lie will regard the soul,that treads In his own panoply of truth— , - . And while we hail The wild wind and the gale, "God with us" now! not fail! "Goa WITII us!" When we reach yon shore s 'Where we may, woralp him unliarm'dk Where we may know and fear no more The thre.atenings of the evil-arm'd— And when we reach The yet far (Naiad • "God with us" we will ever teach.' "Goo WITU US !" While WC CPOSS the sea __Qt . human life in every hour, To that eternal rest, wheFil we May praise his boundless love and poiver ! Where we shall string Celestial harps, and sing "God with us !",through Heaven's fadeless' spring! FRODI THE EOSTON TRAVELLER THANKSGIVING. "The custom 'of 'nn autumnal festival for•thc abundant fruits of the earth and blessings of the season, dates back to the earliest tradition of the Saxon people. Among their many wild ankinys. Wiens rites in the deep shadowy gloom of the forests—theit only temples—was the . great sacri fice to Thor, at tho winter solstice. This feiist continued nine days, and was eimeluded with the greatest merriment and rejoicing. At tho introduction of Christianity, this cere mony` Was early adopted from its supposed con•cs pondence with the era of our Saviour's birth, and Christmas is still known by the ancient name of Jul among the Northern nations. Our great New England festival, by a singular coincidence, was first instituted an& invariably-. recurs on Thursday.--tlio Saxon Thors-day—a day dedicated to Thor, on which their feast .always commenced. But it has other, and to us more interesling associations. It is the only one whiCh the stern, pure virtue of our Pilgrim Futhers— who in their honest dissent from the Church of England, warred even with its holy-days—has handed down to us- r and in its simplicity and har mony with our better feelings and gratitude to Heaven, it seems an enduring monument-to their character. "In ono of the first aummers'aßer their sitting down at Plymouth," we are told in the Magnolia, "a terrible Draught threatened the Ruin 'of all their summer's' Husbandry. From about the middle of May to the middle. of July, an extreme hot Sun beat upon their Fields without any Rain, so that all their Corn began to Wither and Lan. and.soine of it was irrecoverably dried up. In this Distress they set apart a day of Fasting and Prayer to deprecate the Calamity that might bring them to Fasting through Famine; in the morning of which Day there - was no sign of any Rain, but before the Evening the Sky was over cast with Clouds, which went not away without such easie, gentle and yet plentiful Showers as reviv'd a great part of their dccay'd Corn for a comfortable Harvest." • • •' * • • "The Harvest which God thus gaVe to this pions peo ple caused them to act apart another Day for So. lemn Thanksgiving to the glorious 'Hearer of Prayer.'" Such was the origin of our annual Fast and Thanksgiving—and who that has over felt the fresh New England breeze upon his brow, or the Pilgrim's blood • thtill 'through his veins—hut • looks upon their return with quickened emotions, or does not desire that as 'long as the glad sun __ shall look-down upon this Freeman'S !Mid; they may be reverenced and perpetuated. His indeed a glad festival. Families which have pursued distant and separate the many walks of' life, now gather again around the home - of childhoodeaddened and sobered, it may be by the events of years—yet drinking again, with a new relith, from that pure fount of happiness, which they tasted in the morning of life. There hone family, who grow , up with mutual kindness and joy and peace. With time came Ma; turity, audthey_left. 'a mother's arms with a fa ' titer's rich blessing, and set forth upon the journey • elite. They..come now together from widely separated .citiey ,and districts, where they have made for their hearts another home, that the af. ' 141 4 0,1 11 friii!,9:i'ollist9'.4)Poo min round the amnia • °tether yintrAind7 they war pour out long pent • up emotions, in thanhe to those who watched end loved their ;childhood, and in • gvatitude to Him 'who inuth'ecitolMited them.' They are surrounded,„ , too, with' merry hearts, in whom ,voung faces eager eyes, sdiGl the renewal of their own youth; - —and oneriit may 6,4 their nuMber,nhas brought there for the Arai time, the beainiful being he has :OineinnitiObleeshiefliatent heerth4tone,antfeheer itini - ii;tiatNiffiittit kilts of 'Ore. There ie joy Pm: .e.til:.:*#4lAo3e°:a the 'g ross the .heari ,, thriptiow,,4oo4,d by, ao mitor tions,anitcroivd'arsilind to welosioe Inv Thoigfa ca te. Tr i a y ti .• t tirow. end sonew. teit alikr , 1 4 ,7 t : atthitheartotrings , Ante the* . P 1 1 0 1.4. •?kr.f i fy37. 4 orAin.:, harty.AO. of boils atleuqcnitit: -rettu1g:0414P14 4 411, * ..606614 4ti 414 gh:' , . i " ii * tit i i l l : l S li a t :,4:4 l o4 l #X 0 : WlPlttAlft, Aiig1.440000 3 ,00,1., T.40:14 .4440 044411*' • ar0pit141443 4 4;;;:, - 14;;i1. ritr0t0.4404;,, ;with 'night at : , es.ferthelab etnienand Striggieir'of-yeriiiii-- . - - - - ;:k .- '7, Thoustiujs'e neliiiiiiighedi enileiidalioniii * s ped ifwe look in upon them '.-some in the man:, atolls oCihri" rich and elitnd;nrid Debate in the`; hiunbloyeeitege and plain firm house, ;;Shie4, dot . 'every, h ill , and 'yalley; of Yoe* England. There' goes nit - rom,the tinivnisal tk:ait.'*afklie people, an anthem of joy, and thankegiving. 'There beams,an almost radiant smile' froin thy:ll'sec of childhood, the countenance of benoty,,the sterner features Of manhood, and "the wrinkled looks ofag,o —every heart fluttere,ltand 'every lirOtist gushes forth with a bliss 'as pure di this world knows.—:: But while to sonic, the day rettirini* with unmini: led happiness, sorrow. and care have been busy, at the hearts of others. ", . . There ore guests' guthcring ;rimd that quiet cottage. Brothers and sisters aro mingling again under that almost sacred roof;—but, theinis ti trace of 'aridneiss, almost, as it 'were, the track'nf many tears upon the cheek—their greeting is qui et and subdvd, for the heart seems to have some. thing. behind which 'it cannot speak without a sigh. Their dress seems uniformly darker than even the chill evenings of November require; and perhaps this aids in giving that cold, blanched whiteness to the cheek, which yOd may mark.— They have been sometime together conversing in low tones, and they seem' happier. Heart has communed with' heart, and. it heavy lead seems removed cff of it. They,ure more cheerful and happy ''now, as they gather around the table spread withithe tounties of the . year. One seat, alas, in ditipty; and non• you may see the sacra 'of this shadow upon their festivity. She, tIM youngest, most . beautiful, and most loved of all—, she will never meet them! But last year her lath. was 'gayest—her smile the brightest, her words the most joyful. how she 'will speak to them no more—never again, through all the scenes of a weary tvorled. Another group mourns a brother. He left them With the snows of winter, and went fiirth, for the firm tire; to- struggle with life, full of hope and such gay dreams, as only youth can know; and•fiMd hearts went after him, and trusted to his • return, years hence, full of honor and tenawn,:— . lint alas! the spoiler was dear him; and he sunk down in a distant grave., the saddest burthen of the ' , unattended hearse." Alas how many hopes • died with him I There sits a poor widow on her hearth alonc.- 7 Iler thoughts continually wander to - lier only son upon the fiir off see; anerirs - lier hpirl goes out in gratitude rex many mercies, she commends him and herself, as if they were but one, to the wid ow's and orphbn's God. • Others, too, have met with sorrows and disap, pointinems, which have eaten deeply into the he'art. , Wealth diminished, schemes overthrown; ingratitude' and the wounds of the world's rude bufretings- . —all things which go to make . up the vaiious emotions of this chc . ckered wcirldemm tines of mingled joy and sorrow of wide!) no hour and scene is free—have left sonic faint traces still. But.with this gladest night of the year coines other and calmer thoughts. Sorrows averted, good enjoyediglie,joye of pence, while other lands have been desolate'd with warhealtli and plenty, 'while• famihe and pestilenee, have. t Oka, with a grim and ghastly stride, oi'er the fairest provin. ces—unnumbered blessings, which - have been showered upon each and all, call- for a.gratitude which stills even the beating pulse ofsorrow.' So be it. It is a good thing to turn aside from the cares and toils of lile 7 and while we remember thanks for blessings received, to letlhe heart gush with joy. Who will not return to the duties of his calling with spirits refreshed, heart enlarged, and mind braced anew 7 It is as lithe wanderer in the desert had met by the cool spring and srml ing oksis,the friends and companions of his na. tive village. It is as if the tempest-tost ship once more lay at rest in the quiet haven. Vlm,vvill not feel a happier and better man when it is pait7 That it may, indeed, be to all the happiest anniversary of life—a scone long to be remembered and cherished—is our earnest, hourfelt wish Message—continued from first nage. tlemen, without recommending to your most favorable consideration, the interests of this District. Appointed by the Con stitution its- exclusive legislators, and form ing iii this particular the only anomaly in our system of Government of the Legisla tive boily being elected by, others than those for whose advantage they are to leg islate;y ou will feel. a superaddell obliga tion to look well into their condition, and to leave no cause for complaint or regret. The Seat of Government of our associated Republics cannot liut be regarded as wor thy of our parental care. In connexion with its other interests, as well as those of the whole country, I recom mend that our present session you adoptsuch measures, in order to carry into effect the Smithsonian bequest, as in your judgment will behest calculated to consummate the liberal intent of the testator. When, under a dispensation of Divine Providence, I succeeded to the Presiden ial office, the state of, public affairs :was • mbarrassing and critical. To add to the rritation consequent upon e - long standing aptroversy with one of the most powerful ations of modern times. involving not only .uestions -of boundary; which, under the opt favorable •circumstances, are always • mbarrassing, but at the same time impor ant and high principles of maratime law— .order controversies between the citizens nd subjects of the two countries had en endered a state of feeling and of conduct hich threatened the most calamitous con sequences. The hazards incident to this :tate of things were greatly heightened by he arrest4nd imprisonment of a subject of Great Britain, who acting, as, was al aged, as a part of a military force, had aid :d in the commission 'of an act violative of he territorial jurisdiction of the United .fates, and involving the murder of a chi ,en of the State of New York. A large :mount of claims against the Government f Mexico remained unadjusted, and a war (several years' continuance with the say : ge tribes of Florida still prevailed, attended with the desolation of a largo portion of hat beautiful territory, and with the pacri ce of many valuible To increase he 'embarrassments'of 'the 'Government, *ndividual and State credit had been nearly tricker' down, and confidence in the . Gen-, -rat -Government Was,so ; Much impaired hat loans of oilman amount could only be egotiated'at a aoneiderable,satrifide. Ae nacesearYCorisequenee of the hlhibt which ad fallen' 'On commerce, and mechanical tir**4o,,throivn eitt Of tapploymeat. and Ltha operadime.Of hoe'other ited,.heeti::gteatly-dihtfolehed:ii-ii I .to‘olo 'et!. l lo l iiin:9Lithik:ett!Fench 4cheoges. between. Minot ,lutirte,ot the uatry had. become and 44. 1 1.41n0.4 op,Mitopoitoopier liiixteAcy,:-.f.n*ntitkemil . gfii*Oadc!OC shalt beperpitiet try Providence. ' 6 4 0 0 - #44ioe.Oid'ititat!u!i'te "UMW he nation s :honor; the war • tell NAMPeed,r 3 ,FalinoPD; .4190 . •;• • t • portion oplltixteolia l ve been • poioilliii.Accoottplif,p.oopiq o. o ' ent, whilejuitlee.hee heitlxinderedle in dtliiiithatterte ity,,other - ^nations; ,confi-, Bence between man it6l'Man'iii irr'a4iett ineasure iestored, ancl . the ,credit of ,thie Government' fully, and ,perfectly re-eeitab ; ; lished. - COMinercelit Weaning more and more:ektended in its operations,, and matt ufactering ~and mechanical industry one more reap the rewal•ds of iskill and labor honestly applied. The:operations of, trade rest on . a pound currency, and thera,tt!tl of exchange are reduced to their lciweet P-, mount. ~In this condition:of things 1. have felt it to be my duty to, bring tti'your favog able• consitleralion" matters of great intermit in their present and ultimate reaults;•and the only desire •vhich I feel in connection with the future is, and will,continue to be, to leave the country. prosperous; and its' institutions unimpaired., • ' JOHN TYLER WASHINGTON, December, 1843. SANDS' SARSAPARILLA. FOR TILE REMOVAL AND PERMANNNT CURE OF ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM AN IMPURE STATE OF TIIE BLOOD, 011;„ MADIT OF THE SYSTEM, NAMELI Scrofula, or King's Evil, _Rheumatism obstinate cutaneous Eruptions, Pim ples; or - PitstuleS' on the Face, Blot ches, Biles, Chronic, Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, En largement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphili tic Symptoms, Sciatica, or Lumbago, and diseases arising from an injudi cious use of Mercury, Ascites, or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in Life. Also, Chronic Constitutional Disorders will be. removed by this, Preparation. Improvement in whatever reprds - the happiness and, welfareolonerucels_constantly on the_ march to perfection, and with each succeeding day some new problem is solved,or some profound secrefre waled, having nn important and direct bearing over man's highest destinies. If we take a retrospective view over the past twenty' years, how irthir mind struck with wotitler ! What rapid strir:es has science made its every: department or civilized life ! parti cularly in that which relates to the knowledge of the human System in health and disease. Alow valuable and indispensable arc the curative means recently discoveredshrosigllthe agsgcy4Ultqmis!sy . ! how does the imsigioatioil`kfflfflleand our adgiration glow. at the ingenuity, .the near approach to the standard of Aterfection„ of the present time! Through the elaborate investigations of Physiology,or the science of LIFE, nod the Pathology of prevalent diseases, much valuable , practical knowledge has been gained. In consequence of becoming acquainted with the or ganization, the elements of the various tissues and , structures of the system, remedies have been sce)glit after fund discovered exactly adapted to combine with, neautralize and expel morbific matter, the cause of disease, and 'substitute. healthy action in its place.— The beautiful simplicity of this mode of treatment is not only suggested by the pathology Of diseaSes, not only grateful to thin stilierer, but perfectly it; con-' . sonance with the operations of Nature, and Rtisfue toy to_the views and reasonings of every intelligent,- reflecting mind. It is thus that Sand's Sarsaparilla, a scientific combination of e§senifal principles of the most valuable vegetable substances,operates upon the system. The Sat saparilln is combined with the most salutary productions, the most potent simples of tlm vegCtahle kingdom ; and its unprecedented 'SUCCOR:3 - in the restoration to health of those who hail long pined under, the'most distressing chronic maladies, has given it an exalted character, fund thing as it does evidence of its own hstrinic value, and recom mending it to the afflicted in terms the afflicted only can know. It has long been .11 most Important de sideratum in the practice of medicine to obtain a remedy similar to this—one that would act on the liverodomach and bowels with all the precision and potency of mineral prepara•lons, yet without any of their deleterious effects upon the vital 'sewers of the `system. The attention of the reader is respectfully called o the following certificate. flowerer great achieve- meats have heretofore been made by 'the use of this invaluable medicine, yet daily experience shOws sults still more remarkable'. The proprietors here avail themselves of the 'opportunity-of-saying it is a source of constant satisfaction that they are made the Means of relieving such an amount of suffering. onderful 4hrecto of Sands's - Sarsaparilla' in Norwich, Conn hind the following from Mrs. \Vm. Phillips, who as long resided at the Falls. The facts are well knowii to all the old residents in that part oldie city. .Mr.siins. A. 11, SANDS ge_CO.—SHIS: Most grate fully do I embrace this opportunity for stating to you the great relief 1 obtained from the use of your Sar saparilla. I shall also, be happy, through you, to publish to all who are nflicted, us 1 lately was,the ac count of my unexpected, and even for a long while despair of cure. Mine lea painful story, and trying and sickening as is the narrative of it, for the sake of many wholnay be surely relieved, I will briefly yet accurately state it.' Nineteen years ago last April a fit of sickness Lett me with an Erysipelas eruption. Dropsical -entice tionsimmediately took place over the entire surface of my body, causing such an enlargement that it was necessary to add a half yard to the size of my dree sesaround the waste. Nestfollowed,upou my limbs, ulcers, painful beyond description. For years, both in summer and winter, the only mitigation of my suffering was found in pouring upon those parts cold water. From my limbs the pain extended over my I whole body. There was literally for me no rest, by day or by night. Upon lying-down thesr pains would shoot through my system,' and compel me to arise, and, foe hours together, Walk.the.liouse,so that I was almost entirely deprived of sleep. • During this time the Erysipelas continued active, and the uleers en largedoind so deeply have these eaten, that for two and a half years they have been - subject to bleeding. During these almost twenty years I have consulted many physicians. These have called my disease-- as it was attended with an obstinate cough and a steady and active pain in my side—a dropsical consumption} And though they have bees skilful practitioners,tliey were only able to afford my case n partial and tern. portal relief: I bad many 'other difficulties too com plicated to describe. I have also Used many of the medicines that hiVe been recommended as infallible cures for this disease, yet these all failed, and I was most emphatically growing. worse. In this critical condition, given up - Iby friends,and expecting for my self, relief only in death; I was by the timely inter position of a kind Providence, furnished with your, to me, invaluable SarsiParilla. A single bottle gave me an assuranee of health;which for twenty yearsl had not once felt. Upon taking the second my en largOrrient diniinlslied, and in twelve any& from the 6th of' October, when I commenced takingynur Sar separate, I was able to enjoy sleep and rest by night , as refreshing an. I ever enjoyed when In perfect, health.. Besides,.i was, in this• short time, relieved from all those excruciating and unilleiiated pains that had afflicted my days, as well as robbed 'me of my night's repose..: The. ulcers upon my limbs are ht;aled,the Erysipelas cured, and my size reduced nearly to my fennel' measure. . Sand's Sarsaparilla ,will also ,remove' and permi t . nently core diseases having their origin in an impure state of the blood and depra*ed condition of the gett ersl constitution, vizi.. Scrofula or King'S Evil in,its varions forme . -RheUmatisro, obstinate ,eutinentie , uptions. blotehein: - biles, ?.pimples, or, pustules on the face; chronic sore eyes ringworm qr tetter,acild head, enlargement and pain °flint bones and joints. - stuhborn ulcere;'.hytibilitie arnPtnrestiltiesuies aris ing from tale di, -. .feinale de rangements andother '1 • -4,lirepared!andsold,,brA4.o.44l3*Rds DOS!: gird ind.Cheinistsi Graph., hilltdings,STSEroadiray, corner, ofChamlieriistrcet,Ne*Yorlt;', :And hir man . bralrtiggists.throughout that United..Shites.,,:rricas Si nor: Lk - Ails:olz tottlei for .SL) ,„•-: it - hi, p l ihtt o are respeolftillY rquesbcd An retnen) bee thatltis SandihEitraitparillitdisehasandispotir, "tautly achlailot sneh 'remarkable co rn of the meat tliflloulgolastlof thii,,huntantrnia l - Al hil i tstdandsdclor Snadn,Sarsaparllll; and take ELLIOTT, ivlitbi*4lo . ooollbaqat fot Piftors,kit' iniale:anit*wtyi rt r; • , 1111“11'1813. • ' " ' . 007 • 4 " 31 :1 PPIOY i gIAitgA f PRILLA • • '71,1410 4tep' Ai $,r61944 9 ;1:1;c: co*ng tr4reti e ,apparent,;;sumgrtta, tersnoti . assert thy have denved toorebene4yromnstet ape, bottle of tt, than three of any othem. , This is etisdy accoueted for;lis Dit Leiden Sareapitrillti itta'ttiuch stronger preparation than any otheri and near twice as meth le , contained , in one bottle as of mny other (and sold at the same price.), Let thepnblic remem this—it is no vain boast but the real fact.' •.t •.. Dia. Lmailibs sAnsiipAnirLLA Froni the Nedidal.Review.' I •, • itrAmong t'lie vegetable alterattves witli which ourdispensarkes. abound, there are. few.sotinefiii as Sarsaparilla, and when propery.cornbined atid pared,,isinvaluablel,aot only,in restoring - debilita ted constitutions totheir wonted energy but i l liverY ease arising out of an' impure state of the odd.' Front a knowledge Of very minty cases (and awe of them cdesidered• incurable) where 'many ililrent preparations of Sarsaparlla .liad been used, one, seemed poesess virtues or remedial pOwers to Dr.teidy's Medicated or Compound Bow of Sarsaparilla." It is P. preparation it is believed far superi/ir to any other, and would recommend it the partittdar notice orPhyaicianiT. 7 -Ed, U. S. Gaulle. DR. LEIDY'S SARSAPARILLA. Extract of letter from B. Whitmore, of Eastm, in relation to Dr. Leidv'S Sarsaparilla. ! ' "My little boy and girl, the former now Slice Yenra.anil the latter now seven years old, have tabu afflicted with a Scrofulous tumor from the time tliy were three mouths old. Three mouths ago 1 vr i a induced to make trial ofyour Extract of Sorsa pari tn, and have given it to both to the present time. 'flay are now entirely free from any appegance of Sort fain and never were in better health. Dr. bvialy's Saasaparilla is rilleari;ais in .all dif eases arising from impurities of the blood ane fluid!, of the system. All invalids who may Inuit been under to Wien' treatment, who are debalitntel from the quantity of medicine they may have takeq or are under at mercurial infhience, will find that by using a few bottles of Dr. Leidy's Sarsapnrilla,theii, usual vigor and elasticity or them frame and system will be restored, and be again permitted to enjoy tiq sweets of life. DR. LEIDY'S SARSAPARILLA. ca" This article appears to be doing wpaders at the South, and from the • high character of the re commendations, we are fully persuaded it is a most capital medicine for all impurtti,es of the blood. We know many Physicians who have given their testi mony on this subject, and ,wp know they would not give a Character to any medicine that did not really deserve it."—Charleston Enquirer. Extract of a letter from Dr. Warren, Natchez. "flaying for the last year in my practice used your be:marina with much alienist= to myself and efit to my patients, I have no hesitation in declar ing it to he one of the most useful preparations in diseases for which Sarsaparilla is prescribed." DR. LEIDY'S SARSAPARILLA; in' This preparation may be depended upon - as being the strongest (consequently more efficacious) of any in extstence ; all fluid preparations must pos sess similar proportion to their strength, being prepared from the 'same IV. Leidy's Compound }tract of Sarsaparilla, however, pos sesses properties not possessed by.otliersi• from its manner of preparation, and combination with odor vegetable extracts recommended by the medical fa culty—and hence th& reason why it is so generally recommended by the Physicians of Philadelphia and elsewhere. From the extraordinary virtues or this prepara tion and a knowledge of its compoo:tion by -Pkysi einns, (the reason why they so generally use it, as they.woald not use or recommend nny . preparation they did not know the composition ot,) it has been introduced in many of the llospitals throughout the U. S. mid is highly recommended by Physicians and Surgeons of those Institutions. I ruin tlis,New Orleans Advertiser, DR. LEIDY'S SARSAPARILLA. The high and envied celidirity which this pre eminent medicine. has :motored for its invariable &A gency in sill diseases which it professes to core, has rendered the usual practice or maim; unnecessary. It is known by -its fruits and its good works testitY for it. Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla will be fooled parti cularly elliencions in all diseases of 'tlie liter, atom- Itch, skin, kidneys, spine and nines, ulceration of the nose, throat and otherptirni,abscesses, fistulas, stem Mins, erysipelas, jaundice, Owe mat i sin and incipient gold, mercurial and syphilitic iitrections, female de rangements mid in restoring the sickly and debilitat ed to their natural health and energy. DE. LEIDY'S SARSA PARILLA. Dr. Leidy's Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla 6s stood the test for flue )ears past, and 1 115 no boast to say that there is no other preparation of equal strength now in use. Throughout the Southern States where•Sarstmarilla as mooch in general use lIN tea and coffee, Dr. Leitly's Sarsaparilla is viler :lllT preferred and is highly recommenAd-hr-Pliv sicl/1119, (Whose certificates have been frequent!'" pith fished ) 'I hroughout the north anal west it is also mulch used, moreperhapsthan any other. One bottle of it (half a pint) is warranted equal to two crony other in strength, and is equal to one half gallon of the strongest Syrup that can be made. Directions for making Syrup therefrom IMMO• nudes the directions. DR. LEIDY'S SABSAPAIIIILLA Onr-But a few days since a Clergyman of this city [who does not desire his name published in the pa pers, but is left with 1)r. Leidy] stated that a Indy w h o hxd long been a communicant at his church, but for two year mist nimble to go to church, on account of her extreme debility, occasioned by ulceration of various party f her body, disease of her liver and other-interim 'erangements, and the constant taking of medicine th dor, never found any change for the better until Mts . using several bottles of Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla, and by a few months perseverance in its use, was entirely restored to health, and recover ed her lorener strength, and to use her own language , ;was almost created a new being." This is but one of tunny instances almost daily heard of. It is prepared ottiy . and sold wholesale and retail at Dr. LEIDY'S Moth Emporium, No. 191 North Second street below Arline: also sold by Frederick thrown, corner Fifth and Chesnut streets; and Fred. Klett & Co, corner fld and Callowbill street, tvl $1 per bottle, (a hall pint) or six bottles $5. For sale in Carlisle by T. C. STEVENStiIst tf-31 May 31, 1843 Worms : Worms I IF parents knew the value and efficacy of Dr. Leidy's Patent Vegetable Worm Teat,tlicy never would be without it-in their families,aa children are subject at all times to Worms. Dr. Leidy's Worni Tetcis composed of vegetables altogether, and may be given to children of all ages. Directions accompany each paper or package. Children- suffer. much; - of tines, from so many things being given - them for worms, without feet. Much medicine, given to children, has a ten dency to destroy their general health, and they are more or less delicate ever after. To avoid the nenosaily of giving medicine unne cessarily, when you are certain your children have worms gave them at first Dr. Leidy's Walla Tea. It is all that is •oecessary.. Reference might be made to several hundred pa rentain Philadelphia oily and county, of the efficacy of Dr. Leidy's Worm Tea. Try it and you will be convinced. Price WI cents a small, and CS cents a large pack age. Prepared only, and for sale, wholesale and Retail, at Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, No. 191 North Second street, below Vine, (sigirof the Gol den Eagle mid erpents,] Philadelphia. For sale in Carlisle by T. C. STEVENSON. tf-33 Jtine 14, 114.5 Dr. Leidy's Tetter and Itch Ointment . , AN infallible remed y for vitrionft'affectiOns of the Skin, removing Pimples, Pustules, and Eniptions„ of the Skin, and vortioularly adapted to the enure of 'Tener and the Itch.. . • • • This ointment has been used in numerous schools throughoutthe city- and county, as well as Factories, employing numerous girls and boys, r and amongst whomfietter and Itch,as well as otherrAffeetions of the Skin, prevailed, with the most unexampled 'Ma cias. Names of School Teachers, as well as Super. intendants and Proprietors ,of Factories, could be given, cohfirmtng the above, but for the delicacy they feel in having their• , names published in connection With such hiathiorne and disagreeable affections.. - Trice 25 cents ti box. For fade iwOarlisle by • ei STEVENSON. tf-33' 11 11,A.X111EIV 411ROPPICINKANIT.' ONSUMPTIONi.tough, 111(0, .150. . ,To Consumptives—Four fifths of you are really tin eclair trona nekletted . Colds, no ani.Oltstruction and consequent litlarontation;pE the delicate lining, of those tubes, through which the air tio..bresthe ii distributed to, every t ,in# -Ottf;' , lungs.. This Ob. ! : struction produces' -pdtrand7sbrettess, hoarsenessi yiottghi tit'braithine;lll;OltS,Ueriltin'T spitting of hltiodi riatfeifi.or *Mai 'Molt exhausts th e st rees i lloftht i ottlePtAurelAiliVelid " JaYnel V4PetitoromP.P kemevelas• ; 0 2 , gfruoti9;_finoirqueskt "3" DiensinelitTA reetilic: PeOehOe. APPIt 41111 FPS . hpwd No.-flow-44 k .0. ; #or GP 41 4. 1 ' , • N'4li= ; lianuly.atedzeutes..,.. lIIREPAREthifiIf by, De. ThlAYistEkliftiontor, • Ei ) atid sole proprieto r , - N o; 020 Setithr`hirtlat. nonearegentilnei,Wftliont , Irrseteasignatarittipen the outslde,wrllPPei Others are bounteifeits. ; , • . These medidinestirerecommeodedaysive.; used by the moat jntelligent pe,rsotis in the ' United_ States r hY"Outneroua l'rolessors and 'presidents 6l' • Colleges,'Physicians orthe Aitisi and NitiY,'Ond of Hospitels'ind . Alnitilforusee ! ' tied by atomthan diree ftundredelergymen of various denominations.. They are expremisly -prepared for family mse,and have acquired and unprecedented popularity,through out the Dolled Statest mut na they are ; ilOadmirably . ' scalCelated to preserve aids and cure 'Disease, no family shOuld ever be ' R without them. The proprie tor of these'valinible preparations received his edti- , cation at one of the best Medical Colleged in tbe Stated, and has had fifteen years experience in an extensive anti diversified practice, by which helms had'ample'tipportunitles of acquiring or practical knowledge, tit diseases, and of the remedies best cal culated tq remove ,them.. These preparations Jnyne's Expectornnt, a Valuable remedy for Dough,. Colds, Consumption,. Asthma, Spitting 'of Blood, Croup, looping Cough, Bronc hitis, Pleurisy and in flammation of the Lungs or Throat, Difficulty of Breathing; and all diseases of the Pulmonary Organs. Also Jayne's Hair Tonic, for the .Preservation,' fi yowl!' and Ilentity of the Hair, std which will posi tively hying in new hair on, hold heisols. Also Jayne's Tonic Verna fugex certoin and plea sant remedy for Worms'. Dysp tpala Piles,and many other diseases. • Also Jayne's Carminitive Bals am, a certain cure for Dowel nail Summer Complaints,biarrlicea, Dy sentery Cholic, Crnmps,Sick Headache; Sour stom ach Cholera Morbus, rind all deran.cements of the Stomach and Bowels, Neryons Affections, Bco. .layne's Sanative Pills, for Female Diseases, Liver Comp:aim, Coati% enrss, Fusels, I iillainniation., Glandular, Obstructions, Diseases the Ski a, &e. and In all cases where an Alterative or Purgative Medicine is required. For sale in Carlisle, by T. C. STEVFNSON. MRy 31,1843 VALUABLE IRON WORKS Ircom EaliVaLOQ Y vie ie of. the powers and authority continued in the last will - nail testament o ficnitm, EOE, &Oil., I now,olTer for sale, the arlisle Iron Works, !tamed on the Yellow Breeches Creek, 43 miles 01 Carlisle Pa. The estate colibibts oils first rate 20111YCili IM.VALS I) • tith Ten Thotesand 4cres of Zan 4. Jnew - MERCHANT MILL with fnurrun of stone, fiished on the most approved plan. About 500 ecru rl the laud arc cleared and highly cultivated, having tircon erected L ll:hree - Large-Bank Barns " t i necessary TENANT I HOUSES. The wrks are propellet the dl ow Breeches Creek ad the Boiling Spring, which neither fail norfreeze, here 'are upon thepreinisesall the necessary work mos-houses, coal houses, carpenter and smith shops, anitabling built of the moat tubstiiiithil materiais., Th ore of the best timidity mid. inexhaustiblecitt nines of..illc Furnace. There is 'perhaps no ton Works ill Pennsilvania.which possesses so pour ail vantsige6 and °Were greater inducements to thesvestment of Ctipital. The water power is so greithat it might be extended to Lily other mono- Inciting ',mtotic.. PCIIOIIB - 1161)011111d to . 1)111 . C11118e willf course examinellie property. l'heterms of saki ill bo made known by MARY EGE, Executrix of Michael Ege, deed. Etibile, Oct. 100 84'2. tr-M. PIOTECTION AGAINST LOSS - . ~ rrifi CUMBERLAND VA 1 6 1,PA' MUT UAL i ROT ECT I ON . CON! I'ANY, being incorpo rated lan act or the Legislature of the preseiluses sielbsi fully iirpinizeil owl hi operation under the directii of the following 1,o:1111.01 Alanagers, Si,.: ThomiC. Miller ' C. P. Commit's, John , Moore David V. McCullough, .Inincs Weakly, Geoll . :e NlirliniVillia in Moore, °bowel Galbraith. James GrenhoThomas Postoil,Win.lii irriJosepli Cul; cr and A. Miller, call the attention of the inhabit ants of 'timberland Valley to the cheapness of their rates simile many advaiitattes, which flits :Mil of hisuratithas over any other.' Ist. EAT person insured becomes s member of the comply ril hikes part in the choice of officers ond the iii.ction of its concerns. . • 'II. rdosimince no more is demanded thin is iteceEntatlo meet the expenses of the Company awl indemnittgolusl losses which may happen. '.id. Tlinconteniefiee or frequent renednis is a voilltql 1 4m/ring for it term of ave . :v(lra. 4th. A!'persori applying torinsurance must give his Kern's indelor the dui:meat class at the rule of fire pi*titii in, which will be $5O on the $lOOO, for whieltl will have to ,Pny $2,50 for five years, and $1,50 (\survey and policy, and no more unless less be siati\eil to a greater 111111 , 111al (II:III the funds on hands wit over, and then no MOM will be requir ed than a pi rota share. These rides lire 1111101 cheaper thmliose of other companies, except such as are hicortiated on the sane principles. insurance infected in the following manner. A person applyt• for insurance for property of 11. e cheapest classf risk for $lOOO will be charged 5 Iper emit for fi. 'ear s, t , note amounting to $5O must re given by hi on which he will be reimieed to pay 3 Pee cent $ 2 , and $1,59 for sum eying and policy, and will hare spore required of Ilia; unless losses occur and theinds on hands are not 'sufficient to meet them. 1 Agents will lappointrillis soon as possible indif ferent places tolend to insurances, andany persons wishing immette/y to apply eau do so by signify ing their wish the officers of the company. CHAS. P. CtJAIMINS,,Pres. A. G. INfir.ct - Sec'y. 4 - The fidiewill entlemen have been appohiteel AGENTS i Dr. Ira 31e.dinisicsburg.. James Reedy, Esq., Newsille. . George Bane, Esq., Monroe. ClemensTinian; W e Carlisle, L. 11. Wi ins, Esq. estpennsbor James by Newton. Col. Jas. ( istnut, Leefs,,X Roads- Jos. M. A4s, Esq. NiMburg, Jos. MosseEsq. New Cumberland, John Clenii, Esq. Hogestown. Stephen .CI4 rtson, Shippensburgi Peter, Me Illin n, , S. Middleton, April 12,1849. Susqu FO PHILADELPIO anna Line, ND BALTIMORE DAILY. ,_. , T"proprietorsithe Susquehan n a Linewill run their Card Boats as usual to Phil. adelphiaand Balti d uring the present !Milieu. ro l Their friends will se apply to - Noble, Flinn i & Herr, Broad st,a art, Andrews & McKee ver, first wharf aboltace street on 'the Delo ware Philadelphia, Joseph E. Elder, Balti.: more. . . Until further nod the following prices will be adhered to betwe is place and the above places. - • : • ' • gu rri E big'F 470" , ;5 Fin - • .wm .1.4. 9. F (0. ry .9- 2 " • • • a. it. 15 $1 per bb Ale per 100 2 Dry Goode, Drugs, and Medicines, 2 Furniture,. Wheat, Rye & Cora. per hushe Oats do • • Gioceries, 2 !Lumber por 1000 co l feet . $ :A Shingles per 1000 51 Eder perbbl. , ' • ' 99 Shad & 'Mackerel d 0 Herring' do' 4 Silt per sack; 2 Pitch, Ter and R': ' . porlQo, ~ • 5 Plaster grace ton, $2 0 Hemp, por.loo, , ".. 9. Hideo; ,, ..• , • , ' '".''• 5' Pig lidotalgrdeoitmi 3 Blooms Vic Cootings,4 0 ,Bai'lroii; •-.' :, '.' i !'i 'Naito pat k3g l ;'-' , i - ' '', ;Lealharpor,..loo; :•,' . l iVhiolfir , nor bbl. ' . Ilarr books poi . / Ilui PO 0/9poe; Alliß •:,-''.` . TIN '• ' ''' - i .:;—'l $2 75 2 20 • ;'3O ' 47 37 '3lk .103 20 25, /.,112 1 1.- . •:• ‘• ''•2o 10 ^mo . • 740 lig IS 1344_ Hil The. 41 : 1 p , iitl k od •l A ` for ik tOb l iiiolpf A .' , is .iaBetittlo 88 4iivtifmOcllo64,, '' i ' ERR/att . ' Ike TABLE.,FIIII6 , ~• , ~ .oF. THE ‘s•, . , . , . iroilit".4;trieriOsWeiiii4eoilifeitifts Ore o w ticlEnOtriOtiged - to lie the licit 'Medicine in' - ,'t,h64dritikini thOontie of R. f. i .51/ r rfaii . 1E ti i' OP hjSE4SE: IllaiCAUgi they cMnidetely s 'ciennt l e iito'at'otininii' :!J mid bowels from those bilious hied Cor . rupt hu• l ' morn. 'whin!' are 'the ennui not only of HMulitithe i Giddlneks, Palpitation :Or the Heart; Pains in the Thinea,ltheumatisin and Gouty but of every milady , incident hirmin.'- ••• ~ : ', • • •-:+ . • , SAID IND,IANYEGET.OLE FILM' Area eertain'eure :for Intermittent, remittent, ner *ous, inflammatory and putrid ,Fuvers, because they Cleanse the body from those morbid humors, which When confined to the circulation, are tIT cause of al kinds,of . . . So, also, whiM the same impurity is deposited on the membrane and Muscle, causing pains, infinnitima dons and swellings, called GOUT, 6'c., The Indian Vegetable Pills may be relied onus al ways certain to give relief, and if perserved with ac cording to directions, will most assureflly,andwith: out fail, make n perfect pure of the above 110141 maladies. From three to six of said Indian Vegeta ble Pills taken every night OD going to bed will in a short time no completely rid the body from every thing that is opposed to healtin, that . Rheumatism, Gout, sod pain of every description, will be Stet alt 3 PRIVE.I4* PROM TliE .BODY. " Vor the same reasons, when,from sudden changes of atmosphere, or any other cause, the perspiration is checked, and the humors which should pass why titeskin tire throwti Inwardly, causing GIDDEVESS, Nausea and sickness, pain in the bones, watery and inflamed e)ea, sore throat, hoarseness, comilisi con sumptions, rheumatic pains in various parts of the body, and many other symptoms of C~RTC/f/eVG COLD, THE INDIAN VEGErAnLr, PILLS will invari ably give immediate relief. Prom three to six of said Pills taken every night ongoing to bed, will in a short time, not silly removeJAM above unplea sant symptoms, but the body will, inn short time, be restored to even sounder health than before. The snore may be said of • • . .ASTHMA, Olt DIFFICULTY OPHREATIIING. The Indimi'Vegelable Pills will loosen and carry off by the stomach and bowels those tough phlegmy buthorsiwhiclistop up the air cells of' the lungs i nnd re'flia'ause - not only- of the above distressing corn plaint, but when negle'cted, often terminates in that stilt mare dreadful malady tilled CONSUMPTION. it should also , be remembered that the Indian -Vegetable Pills are-s certain einc for ' PAIN IN THE SIDE. .Oppression, nausea, cud slekness, loss of appetite, costiveness, a yellow tinge of the skin awl eyes and every other symptom or a torpid or diseased state of the liver; because they pine from the body those imporities . whish if deposited upon this important organ, see the conic of every snriely•of LIVER COMPLAINT. ' When a Nation is convulsed by Riots, Onthreaks and Rebellion, the only sore means of pre% entmg the (Iretonl consetpwares of a • CIVIL NVAIL is to evel all thaitorsi aMI evil disposed ones from the Country. Jo like manner, when pain or sickness:of any kind indicate that the body Is struggling with internal foes, the tree remedy Is to LXPEL ALL moutim HUMORS,. ('Traitors to life,) and HEALTH WILL IJE THE CElt PAIN REautx, That the Principle ofcurinedisease, by Cleansing find Pitrifyittg.the hotly, is strictly in actordatieeiiith ! the Lows which gotern the animal economy; and it properly carried nett by the use of tlic above. named INDIAN tEGETARtv PILLS WHI certainly result in the complete Abolition-6 Disease; we offer the following testimonials, from persons of the highest respectability-iii New York who have recently 'teen cured of the most obstinate complaints, solely by the use of WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE Plus Or Tile • NORTH AMERICAN COLLEGE OF HEALTH. JAMAICA, L. - I. June HI,, 1841. ‘• Doctor William Wright—Dear Sir—lt is with great Plaisliiction that I inform you of my hasifig been.entirely cured of Dyspepsia, offive years stand- , ' log, by the use of your ~.INDIAN. 11:GE1ABLE. PILLS. Previnin to meeting with year celebrated medi c cine, I hail beeni under the hands of- several Physi cians, end bail tried various ;nettle; ties; hut nil In no effect. After using one '25. eent hex of your Pills however,' experienced so meth benefit, that I re solved to persevere in the use or them according to your ilirearions, which 1 am happy to »nor, has re. suited in a core. to gratitude to yet for the great benefit I buy? received, and also in the hope that others similarry afflicted may be Wined to make trial of your extraordinary, Inedieine, I seed can this statement with ftill liberty to publish the same ii , you think itimper,•,'" -• , Tours, Bte. • New Vous-, J ime 19, 1161. G. C. BLACK. To Mr. Richard Dennis, Agent forlYriglit's litilhin Vegetable Pills, No. 2811 Greenwich st. N. Y. Dear Ste—At your recommendation, I acme tun since made trial of wßicitys INDIAN VEG ETABLE PILLS of the ?forth American College of Health; and can Conscientiously assert, that flit Purifying the Blood, and renovating the system, have received mere benefit from their useolian from any oilier medicine, it has heretofore been my, good fortune (*meet with, •1 sl dear sir, with many thanks, your obliged friend; . C. M. TATE, . No. 60 Hamersly at. New York. Mr. Richard Dennis,' agint for Wright's, Indian . • : Vegetably Pills. Dear Sir.-. 1 have been afflicted for several years with inward weakness and 4-eneral debility, accom panied times with pain to the side and other dis tressing complaints. After having tried various medi eines without' effect, I was perniaded by a friend to make...trial ot, Hr. Wright' Indian Vegetable Pills, which .I am happy to state hire relieved me in it most wonderful - manlier. I have asedllie medicine, as yet but a short time, and him no doubt, by a per-, severance in the use artir medicine according to' directions, that I shall in a short time beiartitctly restored. . - , r 1 _ I most willingly recommend said Pills tiiiill per sons similarly afflicted; sad in the full belief that the same beneficial reshltsiwill follow their use. 1 remain yours siheetely ' . ~. __, , ' . Hp.NR , z A. FOOTE, f ‘VawarsingJUlster Co. New York. NV i / YORK, Sept. 29.1841. . This is to.certify,fflatl. lave used . ,Wrighttslndian Vegeable Pills with the greatest benefit; having en tirely Cured myself of the vent attacks .of'SiCk Headache, to:which I had previously been suldect. . ; ANN"MARIA , THOMPSON, • •' :. ' •.f ~'.' 392 reeitwith.street,N..Y. ~ To Mr. Richard Dennis, 4,gent for Wright's Indian •Vegetale.Pills... . .., . As there are at this ti . . many 'wicked xtertionS busily.engaged in selling tiounterfeitinedicine un der the name of 'the India Vegetable . Pills; 'and as these desperate men ire • utterly reekless ofloonV sequences, dust Tinny-vat welives may" be loot, in consequence of using thei druttlfel pompom'', the public, are cautioned 'a net' purchasing any Pills, unleii on the sides of tbelioxeolhe following:ward leg is found; . . . ....,.. .' W/HOl - I.rS q*INDIAN trud#Pl - 1 OF THE NORTH AMEBIC And also to guard : men meditaitte of atiqi perique agents; or atiltaldlicean "R.ACEATREMPiEII MEI 23 40c 25 43 20 90 ctimite§ obrO , -Henry srennemo.n, t,tl :115' • 'soma FEVERS. tirsv . wao, YERS 8i 11 AVEIISTICK have. just .reeeiveite In from the Maaufaetory at Philattelphia , a large aeaortmeal 1.48.7 P.LetairP.S, lionsisting of • Parlouir,Cli herd Study ,Itaiimps l with or l withotit alu iJce which R414:1W !sale or retail at tlio raanaitettirer's prioea. I VEOETA.B.kIP r1M149. • ar,,C4r,r,..r.fax,0r.1 - Ix4rjrn. - • 1. 00 regideradvertlied IsOperaL deppt,, N0..169 . .. • ALSO, , ;,... t, +, .•.: ...• "Astral; 8 eile liefier.tors aud'Glass LfAtips;peljari— putf flattersis. ''' .. ' • • „SP •ZZ,ZZO, ", t`. The , eery beet Winter ttrainetlifbfeetated, fhteyntl, Oil, wainntntetl to burn, olear.for. ' •• - - "per ;:fr IWO:pent', Candtell, gineotttper /bA41 , ..1 • Cipliale 4_ 4tr-I.k. Csir 44. tsticalkerliinit co F,MCP* II O. I To "T ' 'NOW etler/kkil+ 4 ' 'A136041 10 .)!:I‘cs, 7 1, 10 91 4 9rAbtArt :1)"; e=Va, 0 A & 1 1 ' ~ tiOiGiti tIo i ''''. r.iltteii4;r,t'l ,ilia' IlltErtioialtdilit We jVaiOn 4' 4 ; "" ' i "' Carlisai Atiust i 4 1100 • ' . ' ' • ..,.: .. ',/.. 1 ".4 ', A ,`„,,,„. , „,„ ;k ' 4.:,,,,,',.,4:.4 ..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!“...,,, •- ..- . niffinlEs&lnALlts. inlbipensible hinny remei 'dim may be Mind - titithe village drugstores; 'and soon at eierinntintry store in the state lkeinemlber and: niiier get theni unless the. Lave the illgitature of • - e . d Jla */ Olt the irrapiiere; at all other :by.the same names are htigh ltripositions atutecouropi feitti If the *mortheaf iietitat you ,has them ,fibt,t. urge him 'to prteure 'them lit /1 Maidetr-Itine, tias next time he visits. Now Yorki,tit to write for' thi* No fdinily should be a week t6iihout these remedies BALDNESS BALM OF OOLUMEitAiFOR. THE HAIR, which Will stop it if falling out, or restore it on bald places; and on children make it grow rapidly, or.oni those Who have lost the hair Vont any cause. ALL VERMIN that infest the hettdrii of phildren in schools, ire prevented or killed by it at=oned. Find' the. nteti ; e of Afh.gA...ld[Jeo' it, or never try it., .Remextber , Chia flui4a. RHEUNIAtIVIVI, 'and LAMENESS, positively cured, and all ahrinellid munko and limbi are restored; in the old or yming, •by the% Intaari' VEGIETABiI ELIXIR erio.linwrs rixb Boni larnsines- - but never without the nanitt oCCoinstoek & Co. omit.' _ - ore wholly prevented, or, gdiremdd ' the attack lia‘ l Come on, if you use the only tine dos'Llsratztry,froni WOM. I4I eZ ( 4' Vo• ALL S ORES and every thing relieved by ft that adnits of : , an oat ward application. It acts like e chann: • HORSES that,.:. have Ring-Bono,' Sitivriu: Wind„Galla, &c., are cured by ROOFS' Eneirid ; and Foundered horses entirety cured By hoofs'` Founder Ointment. Mark tide, an horseman.' • • . Dalloy'g Magical Pain rar.4 . tractor Salve Th • moat extraordinary remedy ever invented for all, nevi , or old and sorep, and sore thousands. It will tako out all pain in ten minutes. and no failure. It will cure the_ PILES I= •LIN'S SPREAD PLASTERS. A better and more nice and useful article never was. tnadd. All should wear them regularly. LIN'S TEMPERANCE HITTERS: on the principle of substittiting the, tonic in place of the stimulant principle, which has reformed so many drunkards. To be used with • • LIN'S BLO OD PILLS, superior to revs for cleansing the , system and thd humors alien. "if the Mooch and for fill irregularities of the bowels and the vneral health. LL [See Dr. LIN'S sig. virCipl--- etY nature..thusrl "7 Pr HEADACHE DR.SPOHN'S HEADACHE REMEDY will effectually cure sick headache, either from the NERVES or bilious. Hundreds of families are using it with great joy. DR. SPOHN'S ELIXIR ,OF HEALTH, for the. certain preventiokof FEVERS or. any geneftd sieknetra ; keeping the etoniach in' moat per. fect order, the bowels regular, and a determination ter the surface. COLDS COUCHS. pains in the bones, hoarseness, and DROPS are quickly cured by it. Know this by trying. CORNS.—The French Plaster is a sure cure [\ * )75 .- ** -'.., P- 4's v`, - J - L ' hair any ahade you wish, but will not color tho akin. SARSAPARILLA. COMSTOCK'S COST. POUND EXTRACT. There is no other prepare: tion of Sarsaparilla that can exceed or equal this, If you at; sure to get Costsxocx's, you will find it superior to.aLl others., It does not require puffing.. ICllollEito .IW-4111111111T9 S` 'CELESTIAL BALM 0? CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, and ,all external ailings—all internal irritations brought to the eurfeee by friction with this Balm ;—so in coughs, swelled or sore throat, tightness of the chest, this Balm applied on a flannel will relieve and cure' at once.— fresh wounds or Old sores' are rapidly eased by it. Mt% ilartholimeirs !EXPECTORANT; win prevent or cure ell incipient consumption,. COUGHS & COLDS taken in time, and is a delightful remedy. Remem,. ber the name, and get Coinstoch,n, KOLMSTOCK'S VBMINGE willr ..dicat. all WORMS in children or adults• with a Certaintiquite aatonishlig.---It is the same - aa tharinade by stock, and sells. with a rapidity. almost incredible, by Comstock 4. co., New York. TOOTH Dao}l. ILLTNE'."--cure efrodually. Entered according to actor Congas, in the year 1842, by Comstock 41. On. in the Clerk's office of Southern Anna of New York •By applying to our agents in • each .town and • village; papers may ,be, had Gee,, showing , the most respectable names in the, country for . these facts, so that no one can fail to believe them. • . - . (j- Be sure •yee pitil for oar articles, and not be put oil with any stories, that others are as . good. 'HALVE THESE OR NONE, should be your lOotto..osid 'these never cast be but and genuine ecithotd ear sunnerto'thai: •Alli these articles to be had whqlesale and retail out! of us.: ' • • riftegre*. Wholesale Drngigt4, "lAfaideraino Nor,Vork.ond of our agents. Fop sale in. Carlisle, by SAMUEL IVIYERS & HAV EMMEN; _ 1 1 . O. SVEVENSON . p a MI It pm! delighte&