Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 13, 1843, Image 3

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    Ata-K . 4t40.";' .4 , 01A4,(2; 1 ,4,4PAMi
• . 1
eac totwzik a i !,"t;&a.111,1.
Wedncieday • r4orningi Deconlbor,l3o.434*
CONB. PALMER, Esq., N0.,59 Pine street, be.
' low Third, , lade!phis, .is authorized ,to receive
snbset,iptione andadvertiSeinenis for ihe'"'Herald
SclExpoiitor," an d dive ieceipts fOr thd
ccrWe are repeated toratate.that the Rev. VIM.
R. DEWITT, of iiiirtist;tiri,iitilll i . 4lily the pulpit
43(11;3 First Preehyttitin of thie bereVol:
on neit Oabbth. ''Servites're commence at tho
usoni hour. —• , •
. OTh u, first page of our paper today is wholly
occupied with the President's Message, but those
of mit-readers 'Who are, not politicians and who
1;4 "iiiio' r ri snob doetinierits ue very great "bores,"
will find•on tho fourth page some good poetry and
an interesting 'sketch' of Thoultngiving as it. in
obstrvcd in Now England.
ozT. A call, for a Stato Convention of the Dem.
'Ocraiic.liarrison party of this State, signed by
the Stnio.Contral Committee, will be.found in to.
day's paper, to which we ask attention. . •
irrWo are indebted to Hon, James Black,' of
the U.. S. !louse of Representatives, for a copy of
the President'S Message.
An attentive friend in Washington, to Whom
We, are indebted for several favors within the last
week; will please accept our thanks.
Dreadful Casualty..
rrAn eiccedingly. disiresSing tiCeident occur
red on the -Valley rail road, on Ft. Way% 'morning,
last, I?otwcen Newville and Shippenskurg.. It ap
pears, says the Shippenshurg "Deinoaratrthat
young man named David-Fugue, Was employed
to accom p any the Locomotives - that ittorning, to
waist in den ring the tinolv froth V.yo Rail Road
track. Ile was seated.On thti !'bumper" of - the
front Locomotive and by- some accident fell off,
and melancholy to relate, the Wheels passed over
him, terribly mangling bOth legs and an arm.--
Ho died in the evening attic same day...
ry'yi fine fall of Slimy fault place here on Thurs.
'dny last, reaching a depth of from eight to twelve
inches. 'Sleighing bail of course Stmonilithego"
for the last week. The enterprise of our rail road
comp ,'Preirtineed. the delay of tile inils
any great length of time.
'11:1 - We learn'thlit there will be religious servi.
ces In die ebiciirChurches of this borough, on
the morning of Thanksgiving-d 4, the 2ist inst.
Wo fervently hope that our entire populmiini will
join in a proper observance of the day thus' set
apart; and thus manifest our appreciation of the
goodness and mercy of au overruling Providevee,
and a grateful sense of the" blessings we have so'
richly enjoyed as a nation and us individuals.
to Was4ifieltni(l). C
I*--IVe eon fremthe Nutimial Intelltgeneer of
the 311tli ult., thc following oaks) of the instella.
tiuti iirthe Lite esteemed P.sitor of the First Pres.
byteriaii chive!, or this borough, to , tho Pastoral
o lice o: the First Prcslixterion - clibich in Wash..
'igloo ,city: . • •-
Agreeably to notice, the ins,all .tion services
the Rev,, WILIAMII T. SPII OLE, pastor elect of EMS'
.elourodo took pia ur lust Monday evening, (the Tith
of Novembee.) TM re was present, to witness the
interesting 6remonies of the oceasiun, a large 'and
it:specie btu ronditury. Thu eloquent and appro.
roifittc sermon, by the Rev. Dr. Du Witt, of
t'intioirg was listened to wills earnest attention.—
net% „Trilin., C. Sulitli.acted as the organ' of the
Presbytkry t the District, in proposing the pre•
beriberi questions to the pastor and people, and
Messrs. tino2, (the recently Mei:died , pastor:bf
the Second Presbyterian Clitach of this city,) and
Danforth, of Ali•xiindrin, suhcessively delivered
the charges, the former to the pastor, and the lat.
ler to the people. The exercises Were rendered
still further interesting from the excellent music
by the choir .with "which they were interspersed.
It will be rritioillectedlliat. the Rev. Chas. Rich,
late the sermon plislied and much !need pastor of
this people, was obliged, in consequence of ill
health, to roll squish the charge. 'rule new pastor
ttttt .s to them under the most favorable auspices.-
With the highest recommendations from the
place where lie hos been laboring for many years
and having already justified, by his efforts here,
the commendation hcStowed upon him, it is ear.,
tiestly to be hoped that his health may long be
continued, and tha Providence will smile upon his
labors us a watchman on this most important point
-of this walls ot'Zion.' '
Whig Almanac fog• Ig11,!
hive received from Messrs. Grecly and
Venture 'of the N. V. Tribune, a copy
ore Whig Alinamic . for 1844, lately published by
them. Besides being a good , A4manau in every
respect, It is also a most yOunhle political and
statistical work.- Among its contents are, Govern
ment of the uiiikotateii: History of the Tariff ;
Thic;'liVhig, Tariff-of 1842 A National Bank :
Liaer treviiiiirit and Vice pri - Adolint of the'll.
St . atoki' Th. prawaiim Arinerlean Industry:
Mr.'VeriHureii oirthiii . Tarlif:' Mr. Clay -on' the
Public 'Lands : Register, 17 pages of
election returns: :of holding clectfons in
„Om several elates-: Debt of the-,States e • &c. &c.
Every Wfiii it) Vie comity Amid' have a copy.
Wohave Also received the Medical News and Li
brary, for.•Accethher. , ' ljs contents are us usual
most: v,aluablq character to the profession.
T'ntilhhed.mtipithly. by Lea & Blinn:hard, at $l.OO
per annum. -
Lectinvs in Sliippensbnr{t.
sceA. fripo ir ? r 9 rips iia that arrangements have
'been . made fur , having a , •contse•of Lectnies
livered ih ShippenebUrg, during the prdsent sea
•son, 'Under- the auspices of 'the , "Vigilant Fire
icePectable tnd setive'Wesociation
,lately limped thCre'.• The coinpany,Welearii, has
secured il4 . fielice:Wverße ME TiniUtg , e, of this
T,ocou h? in
• the ,4r Jeeture'on, Thuriday,,cycningi , RIO ;
-instin4lon' "Party , spitio, ,The; subject will ho
doubt be willhilihilitojidiVtiii6o , l:' .;
1101114 Pa
in a new
has boon long 'Gaictie feitoiv one
of the handsoinesi.papeis in the city, as it is ono
of the !beei:. •
Tho Columbia , iSpy"• ha's been ptireh'siredi'wo
ebserye, by IVlesSiti..,ltewenA Gositer, Editors of
the A'Pi'atector,!"and the two eiliniiiiSsinnents uni
ted. ha liciesiterptili.lii;ho its a
We . w'oh the 'ilitin3;l. sue
tips to the new undortnkini..; ;
ca • The adiertitiothebto Of'our viriouEr,Morch
°Oft YVklic4 ,F/R2bo , ,tbnt,doportrriont,i,
p . ronjent arid
,ottraotbro, diorloys . tbot . cnnpot
(al to gratify,. very. elatet l biivrtirelt , faltidiotte
Airnplo proparations be 0e0n,.. , bive boon
'nil& for tho
-• 117 Adam Horn, thtkouroitirort2ii to be mooted
' • ,4
stntlkpictott:,mr;tmgivin;syticiitvis. oftho
eitt doprtnients ttf-the govermt
nen in - coiritorto
f ogorTho ,171nessecr. TiopntOtt Imo rttineq
nad{tlr'of'flonl yci f r fireslderit; 4'114
- nA4r37Mci . • • '
16 4 'lrlrAlii Mired!" fliciAt; bilvOrlinipliefi t
gloriously lit 'ettr4ingelr', , the ^nt Mesh
higton. Every bifida, of tbit I:WOW EePresee
i'hitiviii—lSPoitlter;tlbik,` tieleti4oo 8 0fit a.6 Piri
A'rms, Doorkimper; and, every , thing else is , filled
bY a friend o 1 Mr. Van 1 , !!.,,V914!!) ( E,
the Buchanan candidate for Sinatkur,Tecei'ved'oite .
v?te ! What a commentary:this upon the bluster
mg professions of Mr e pechanan'sfriencleAn.this ‘
State! • When the. time for • , 'aetiori:eirives, their
"State pride", vanisheeand the ' g rent Perinsylia r
nia Statesman is supported - by , one vote! ', ; Mr. Cal
houn's friends, too, have.been completelyout-gen.
eralled by the superior dexterity of the friends or
the Magician, and the prouU ' , chivalry" of the
South made to yield to the "phlegmatie Tool and
,calettlating North,' as was apprehended by the
Pittsburg Bachand) address lately published.—
Thus has the thing been managed; and so delight.
ed are the Van Burenites with their triumph, that
they aro already intimating that Mr. Calhoun will
soon see the propriety of withdrawing,his name
from the list of Presidential candidates! They
don't think of repiegt:ng aiiy such course from
Pennsylvania's favorite sun, though. He will be
disposed of with lestaxcremony:
Mr. BEATTY the "Herald it Expositor"
of the egilt ult. I perceive that a Farmers' Meeting
is Propotocil to — be held on the 13th of January, in
Carlisle, to organinc an agricultural Sttliety. It
would, to use an ecclesiastical min), be supereroga
tion, to oiler any arguments in favor'of sticli n sobic ,
ty.. Who does not know that if Farmers:will asso=
elate, and each feel hiniselfttiorally bound to make
careful tool accurate expeohneote iitthe +iin•dult Of
his ailing, for the beitelit of oil, that tile fesult will
re prnlin;ble ? Let each elicertulli - borne f or ward In
this cause-Act them nll net in harmony and union to
contribute accorilinglo their. several abilities In
general difllision of knowledge, adapting such mew.
slices as would excite reasonable innulatiod among
themselves—measures of this kin& can be matle'llie
means of tot only improving agriculture in your
cuuoty; but O . nly prove (lib' means of enriching the
state, by giving au impetus to terraeulture gentifal
2 -this an association can accomplish,
'l'hat every age demands a greater degree of men
tal tuiturb, than the one which precedes it, is admit
ted, at le:141 theoretically, by nearly all reflecting per
shut but there seems to have been no corresmntl
ing action; with this admitted mini', on the part. of
finnzemilwir low makers., and their piaiers--all
sliari in 'the blame.
Faimers are much to blame.' Many of them'be
lieve that "book Arming," as they tire pleased• to
call it, "it; ige mere useless visionary dreaming of.
men that know tio.hing abatis practical agt'ictilturc.'!
lit an excursion, sinne years ago„frord tile eastern
part of l'emisyl ania to the j southern etrevolty of .
Illinoc.;l noticed, and - foam( on strict inquiry,. that
die son, a ith it few exceptions, plotighed as his father
did before. him, mid the great mass, then, of farmers
were as stationary in theory as in practice. hi pass
nig through Waiihingten county of this state, l_saw n
farmer plou,,hing a tcry hilly field--he skimmed
stmerficially. IV lien Isked, thc so by lie did`
not plough deeper, aria ercil--the had is too hill) ;
fir plough deep it washei too touch 7 Anihtlier
in an ailivccia state Alas ploughing for , corn iii low
'mashy grountl--lie skimmed superlicially--7and his
rrasuu for doing so, was, tint if lie ploughed deep,
(here tt ould he too lunch' moisture int the surface !,-
Iyasouandretlection teach that to preicut
billy ground, the farmer must plough deep. . 0
pt event too 1110011 . 1110 i bill' V ill in irsti gromid, on the
:airfaee, plough deep. .
St. good and learned mats said, "the real
Isencfitetnrs of mankind artthoSe a Ito cause 'two
blades' of grasslogrow ivhrrc 01w slid liksfore." The
fields of our country, subordinately isonsidereshought
to hfs the nistotitig anti evening. theme of the patriot
that loves his cousstry. To fertilize and improve tire
soil should engage the inlnd l the I.sOrt awl Ow liana
All osstiostaliteghrislizcaLsti!, tinrer sins! W'calfli MuY
be traced to agriculture, as its ultimate source... Who
dors not know that einnutrrre andmasollarture . T . stre ,
only 6uhnknininte -results of agriculture \Vital is
more .sithsitliary to-abundance, industry, r;oftifort.
"health st ud wealth," gnoll 111n1•ela.•Ita S, religion it
scll', than "tilling the ground." "Speed the illough,^
nest to the praise ~eithe hi,..""hem „nnw(l'i
good aml perfect gill," should be silt% by the pa=
ti tot and ritrissiait.
Ilere is the Jest of the Inver of his tionary---the
statesman, the patriot, that will iise his influence to
sustain the Sterner nod the general interests depend
ing norm the agriculturist's avocation. is worthy the
confidence of his follow citizens. It cannot !mother
wise; the man who knows that Agriculture forms the
foondation of national proSperity, mid that-it •is the
great source a hence ts , cry other branch of industry
must draw its materials, cannot manifest any apathy
to mwourage the Farmer by Legislative nid.
, The farmer with the potency of his 'cause, must
iteverdwless do something himself, otherwise, agri
cultural pursuits will ever be viewed by many, high
in ore--- men of dignity." as a mere menial calling.
Is it not even sit now, ? While he who can make a
speech—or sty pen and nay---ut three dollars le
diem,“itesidt:s extras in knives, razors and towels,"
&e., is lauded beyond measure, the honest, bard
working man—the farmer,who makesi mprovement
in agriculture worth millions to the United States, is
passed by unnoticed, and mmsidered scarce Worthy of
attention. Let:every
. fatmer thtin assert his rights,
press limn home upon those who should foster
agriculture—tell the law makers and :those - of your
public sertants, who eta, if they would . aid—tell
them that your mode of life was ever held in respedt
Mnong the wise, tl o great and hottorable—that
"hi a n cient times the stcred plough employed
The kiogs ancient Litheed of le:vac:Md.'
, .
'lVashinglins, the Father'of hie cotudry-r-the great
founder or American lilmrty, when the toilsand dan
gers ol'• warfare were ended, retired to the cultiva
tion of that soil, which his ialor end his virtueg had
endered free. yoM Legislators, that, in what
we and they'are pleased to cell monarchical e oter?'l•:,
'manta, the science ofagrizulture is publicly taught.'
In Sweden, Den niark , Goland, Gerniany, agri
cultural schools lira estibliehed mad 'm o ldy Supported
-well ensptinetl•—liheratly emluwed.
While you urge these thirigs upon the f , Govdrii
'meld'," give attention to, foul introduce the most
'proved methods of formiog. his to the farmer, the
rest of eonswubity look fur n;chabge—'-for Impro'vb-
Mem in the physleal, atom! and religi'Mia
vvorld. parrilers are the fiche, the &limn% the onus
'eles of a neintry. 'Whilst you pursue - assiduous . -
iy nod iotelligibly the of ciiiiings," all will
nvekethe blessings Of liren on, your labors and
efibils,' and say'‘lieace . ivithinyiitir'wsp:"
/rids subject has ,alreadyliem pursued tot greater
?length than I intended whet I oonimenned to wri
low` ine, to close with the Vneark, that agriculture is
; c sucliiiirimportanttranoli librarian industry; that the
fermer.must be/minuted to elevate: hill tr4* l l4 , sind.
I to make it profitable and lifnocableto himself: .Mere
muscular exertion, s'oitlicirt ?intelligence and skill,
does pot deierve; and it iti hopefully trusted, 'neier
Mfiripellatie an' 'tleVartenent:'
pi Industry.' ..TO this Ifesfraldeo end ?mind. : must her
;brought' toi bear , anon nhilanier - eaertton; as welloas
oFfilAfiT,PEfiENfirlloilf) , :f
Vititt3V : evel'
the following enumerati of the verleas expos
chine' of the fainele e e
t I
the limitation: ,
le defiance, ! ti the glance of
ove, the flat Aft Id bosm,4he
tanguiefimea int, of, au a roni
he fire of
pri,,, , *it r t
i ),.1.9'6.16gr0 nii;o4,,prontog
ill °punk:
.. ,h, ~Ei'.L .J
Tor flat Herald and 'l'lzpositor
,1M . ,741% , :f....k.^.L.FTN. , 1 , , , ,, , 1t.:41 , .17„4"....:' , ,..^ , ,:....
.., , :.&;ibrtOPF4A/1.4:00N.; •.:
'' .!. 'l .:. ''.4l
‘ , 0 1 'NVO,EitikAA:10:f0teatliliiikilAiiii
‘). '.. , ,iiivdependant,:...eleatuVes,'.llbould So,
CU L .: ' , knOwledge "Witktillfi4n)tsgivAng,i.3l.lo(
15 1)
r ,‘, -,0 -filvor k confe*Cupozkiu g ,by.6uribii . 4
!‘i',..., 441' , i iieficeint -Creator;olnif. tbat'with;ditec
' , l l :hlimiliti we abblild' implicate th&cdti-v
tinuance of gle blessings: --',( ' , E' , !' , ' ,,. . '..1 ,, ..
i' ; Irtheitefoe . ;' . holesa from a'rcen,Victjtai of its nid-
Plgitifii!:;l4 ll l?i 'i!:e ..6 4rilaii4i . r.:.Witli tte!eirtiressed
wit:ea:et if large pumbeir o'r . lny, felXowcitlize"ps;:4l:i'
issue, bifi":Prock4iiiiiM. , i9- O C99IMOi/ 1 41 ' .4.'4(;;
.lie `ietaiiritt by *NO' p'enple - pf thiii•Ciatirrionwealill,.
id AIikIIGHTY, GGHi..., , ,tixie
, i .hv, f ifit l iip,;;.ii
that, day.: fr6m 'their:WM4y peetipations, And,
imite.iii .:doveut' oNpressiems, of gratitude to the.
Giver of all Good for the ,bleskinge of peace, tiro
general.prevalepee of healtb,,fruitful.seasons, the ,
enjoymentof civil and religibuii liberty; and above
all; the tho blessings, of silvation'an , richly'vonch.: •
safed to us: • 'And thitilhdy'humplybeieech Rini'
that He continue' those Mercies' toward ',us; that :
our, land ma yield us her fruits of increase that
a sacred regard.for our responsibilities, individual
'and +oldie, nitly p f s elierislnid, and, by His bless
ing, all ,Sur; obligations faithfully; discharged—.
that vice and wickedness may ho restrained, and ;
every. social and moral virtue promoted: and that
Ho inspire its with a 'due sense of gratitude to '
himself, us the Source from whence all these bless
ings are derived., . ..:
Given' under iny,barid aria- the Great Seal of the
State, at Harrisburg, this second day of Decem
bercin` the meal our Lord'oee thousand eight
hundred and , forty-three, and of the Common
wealth the sixty-eighth. . . .
. ; the Governor :
.. OCretary of Mt tithimonwealtlr.
Thanksgiving & tihristunati
a Fresh Nlalap,m Grapes. pet•ti•ctly sound, best.
Bunch Ilair•ins, vary , fine, 12 1-2 cents per lb. Fresh
Figs, in fine artier, and 'very superior Citron, Cur- .
ranis,Reg Raisins. ";.-
A hnonils. Walnuts, Brazil and Ground nuts, togeth
& with a general assortment - of CONFECTION
December 13,1843. . 3m-7
Mourners' and Ankious Bench.
IN as much as .Doctor Nevin, Jute published
••pamphlet in oppositicin, to the use of the; 4n.
nude 14 . pch, erNeta• Measures, as he calls them,
in which he gives all such movements,the appella
tiotkol Quackery under the eurli„of religion:with
out its inward, life and power. be •itlcnoivn
to nil the good people of,Cihnherlaud Ceti*, dud
elsewhere, that, I have pubiished strictures (tipnit
the Phlfessors views) id which it will be clearly
seen., . .
" Ist. That tho use of the' Mourners' &rid] is
not detriinchtal to true play. , !
2d. That there is Scripture authority for wo
(nen preying, in public. •
3(1. That the Professor has written on a subjcc
1 c(lid nut Understand.
. . QUACKEttI. :
Its nature and operations set forth. Through
out these grictures it will be clearly seen, that tl
Profespoi has evinced himself to ho a'Quack
the fitst 6,rder in the 19th Century. My pamphl
contains 56 pages, price 12,i cents a singlc•c,gt
a discount to those who buy to sell. They can
had in '
Carlittleat .Tomes Loudon% Book Store
Shiroman3town—of Rev. Alm. Fold.
Mechanicsburg—Store of Mr. lease.
Shippefisburg—Stambauttlf. & Hoover's St ',
and Mr. Jain Gist, or from the author in Cli i.
b..rsburg. ' JOHN DENI(
December 13,1813. .7
1111111311.11` , j 4114134/
MY E &H A VIM:STICK hai:ebSl
f. opened 101. tliv :ivenninithlalitin or their lui , g
ivinia i t tarp. :Issort Molt of
Toys; 'ray fMs 4 Fancy .Iroliqis
liji• me, f,a., Midi :limning mid
the As.ortineill
M . (7/ . 111111:1' 15, 18)3.
C.'..11 .Fll TO 1,
outcry on 5.V1 . 1.11t1).11', t1i013.1
1f JI Llecenthoe, 1843, sit I o'i:loek, I'. M. 1!. 14uL
srribee,M ill leo e for (file y6llr the emote I thilaiel
I'. :i . utlerbitlin,h4uateil 111 West ['collision.°
Contherl'on•l county, i:ontinning 1114 ne.6.4 good
Ltmcslonti Letskil by • -1./.1. WISP.,
Ibilikiliptey of I). P.
\.1l1.: to the premises of the subserikei t South
st_ Middleton tot, iiskip. it the link of ,:!:robvi•
hiss, H. dark brown STELII, sop- 4 -
postal to he between two nod 1)..10;13.,T;
yiiiirs old kis care have been ' .
rtit off, Ire the obly.partieu- MAI ;
lar itiarks. 'l'llr owileitis requested -
to come nirti d , pf oie property, pay /urges mill
take hint away.
G.41/Nllll. ,
December 13, 1843. , 31*-7
1 .
BY Y virtue of a deed of Trust, f i Bezekialt
II Hedges and Elizabeth his wife the under
signed fin• the benefit of his creditor ited the SOth
day of May 18-0, now of record the County
Court of Berkeley, State of Virgin' ; e will pro
ceed to tell, at public auction, to the 'hest bidder,
before Ote Court. !louse door in, .1 tinsburg, on
NIONDA V,the Silk day ofJanuary, I', being Court
day, the 1410,4.i:1g
Tract of L
lying anil being on flack Greek,
f;1 Di. Thomas .1. Daplev, Phillip,
knownbylaw name the Stiodgml
he the same more orless, there i boot two-thirds
*tared, a goad portion of R. low tound, in 31 high
- State el cultivation, ,tll, It:dance I clothed with
good timber. ,The Improvement 'e One large and
comfortable DWELLING 110
good house for a tenitut,Schwitz 'it ,
and Stable, with all other weees- out- 111
buildings, mill u well :of never thing
water near the - !Muse. A flu , de
scription we deem'unnecessary, ahrone - Wishing
to iitittelitisO will first vieivAlie erty. -
Also; ut: the' mune tiine e, one other
situated in Berkeley contity 'o'olo'oses branch,
on the east side of the North °Milian, adjoining
the•lands, of Michael Seibert, nes 'IL ijohinson,
Alexander Robinson and oth. known' nh the said.
Hedges' Mansion Farm, now the' Occupancy. of
Samuel Mt ; Hedges, colitami • ' : , ,
tt '
220 Ike • ••
The improvements are a goo .
- IDlrglinatc.l)
0 op:,
Ilarn, Dairy, Smoke house, till out '----`? - .-. 44 -
buildings, necessary !Or Ist with it well of tim'Oe
failing.water 'tear the bons ith 'a pump in. it.—
roriii is not surp a ssed -tily In the county for
its fertility and aiNanitiges; is well known thr its
certafidy of productions, w tem itioniecessary to
give any further description this valuable lititin,its
ainrone from distance wisl to purchase will first
view the,preinises. , .
TERMS:—ode half o ,purchase inoney, iii
hand, the balance in two MI atitnial'Payinctiti;
from the' let day' of April ' with iiiterest,litid
'dec,4l of Trust on-the pre secure thb ileferved
3 ustee's
ERT'? ttt' . • ,
December 13 1843. . •.t St-7,
the 191
ly yot
of dice me
from , '
the' tt•
erty of
N()1 ti
Ri s tr' it. 9511. it
Pu a': Pill?,
Mhe t ir fall itsiert B m ll elif
',thF'Vbiflenfe)lVilidea,°4l.46 3 '-'
Arc Itior7*,Vitfe tit.. IrAtird pun Ps g
(if assoited;l3liCtli patterns and. • o:
Chits 12u4s of allisiies and ; paueras forbdrning
eithero 011 bro,ll2,ard: ' Lamp ,Shades - ands Clilinnies
`of assortedaides:'
tolo '
Best Sperm and Whale-011, Sperm Candles, Al.
!mond:Casing - ale!' COMitrit SeapsaMsliiiesii they aarf
he had from the glib: , .;
alcaclislelieropih l!Tolas for sill pliehases ta.
Deaendior 13, , 1843.
.. ,
..pv.. 4 . , ..
i.aint, .
t, splendid imy ii
b. up id ,
tbs assortment
e s.Hi
yt .
m o t:
i l
ne 1 A nd
io N 6ok
so U Ce L toi S r
no , n ' . '
, ngin pal ( of Ife.,..ppal, Gift, FrlOndsbip r s
''... 1 A1 ,tr Z it E cra jri ry ° Se X i D e 4 ie,l l le r ri a e l a lt n a 'S ni . llr;
eta, Ell: l 'rich • i. if: R a S c i v b y lC . binding h aai I
,suitable 'icce le d
r t., rt r, t u y ie e d r
u d n i o tt , ul nr t u o i g e e d tl . i f e r r om Wit l h 2 a l g m en 2 e fi ra c l- 6,n a ta s:
t Ift. of Standard, Miseellaneous and
. •. ' ,sixoox. BOORS,
) which will be sold,loyer thrill ever o ff ered '
7 rlisle—also, .
. ' STATIONERY . - .
dry variety, best quality of Letter and Cu l;
i direr Quills; . Blue fluid and black Ink, Steel
) , Pencils, (Jsckson's best,) Sil vet ever Points
: s,for ditto, Wafers colored and transparent,
itng wax; fancy and plain; Rialto Scala, Paper
ors; together tvith a large' aserribient. nf Pen
eryittperior and .clicaper than boor offered, in
mc rket. • . '
;arlislo, Deeember 13.1843.
tish PI
for Ci
of air
all o
in C
Y Oirtue of a.Decred of the Orphan's Cotikt.
Ir of Cumberland county, I will to pub
-1 bale; on the premises, on SATURDAY, the iith
. dy of January next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of raid
4.„a11. that certain..
tunto on the South East cornet df •Bonifrci and
at streets, in the borough of Carlisle, flimfing
ast•On Pomfret and • runnin g .l.4o feet on' Pitt
Ireet; to alley, ;haying th r
ere , •O erected a two
Brick DWELLING 110 USE, and Kitillten,
od other .outbuildings, late the property of Chri- -
ad Bolander, deceased:,
'Fern's of.sele, ono, half to be paid in Cush on
he cisnfirmatieti of the snle,luiti the biluncit to he
.cetiteti by,roobgniznnce in the prphan'a Court,
with approved security.
December 13, 1843
TO the Honorable the Judges of the. Cnprt of
quarter Sessions of:Cumberland county... The
petition of William Clark, respectfhlly repre
sents, that lie is welt provided with house•raorn,
arid conveniences% for keeping a Tavern in
Leesburg, in said county, and that a Tavern in
addition to the ono now kept is necessary for
the accomodution of strangers and travellers ;
be therefore prays your honors to grant him a
License, to keep a Tavern in the house he now
'occupies, and,be will pray, :&e.
December 5, 1843:
WE, the undersigned, citizens of Leesburg and
vicinity, do certify that wo arc well acquainted
with William Clark, the 'above named petitioner,
that h^ is well pl•ovided with house-room, and
conveniCrieciifor the accommodation of strangers
and travellers, and that lit;is of good repute-foi
honesty and temperance, and that such tavern is
necessary to aeconunodute the public and enter.
bin arrangers. •
Thomas Sibbet, Glegrge Tronc,
R.S. M'Cune, Moses Ilemphill, •
James Wilbs, • Johnston WilliaMson,,
John IC Mehra, . Robert 11. Early, , •
Chrktian,Beltz, Samuel Wherry,
John Henry it nebuck,
Henry Shippensteel, Robert'Veune
• John Ferree, • John lll`Clen,
Thoulaa Matthews. •
- E r t virtue ()f all order of the Orphans'
."-coart of Contherlood county, be eN wised
:tn tlw IWeinises, on SATURDAY, the
OIL iPty ,Innuarynext, the
va,Lvarzr,E ritls
belonging to the estate of Jonas, ilium, late at . East
iislim•oli g h township, ilecessed„ailjoiniiig lands
al• Ali o :sr', Ne.conicr, ElicilY and otbers,"cootaiii
more or less; of Slate • rsand in a
good state of eullivatien. Tin! improvements site a
T\l . o STOItY LOG 1101.160, Log Barn, antl oth
er unt-bnililingi. There is also a thriving ymnig
()minted, and lieveral springs of good watec on the
The ttr . iMi of sale are, half of the purchase mo.
nee to• lie paid on confirmation of the sale, when an
inaispiitalde title will he gien, and the remainder
in two eijnal utniiiiil payments With interest, to be
cured by Judgment Bonds,
Stile to emornende at 10 .o'erOtkin the Forenoon,
II lien attendance will he given b) 5 .
of ,leMit Hupp, dee'l.
Deeeniber 7, iB4l
Attorney at Law.
• • -
WILL attend to all bus i ness enirtitiftid
to hint io the cod Mies of Coml;erhtml and
Aiktus. ()Emit in Ea' ist Main Street, second &for
front the Public Square. ,
Carlisle, November 9.9,134.1.
in the lands
I lee and others
''.l'weern Farm,
THE FARMERS of Cumberland cothity Oho
aro desirous to associate themselves into un AG
RICULTURAL SOCI.ET Yore retjuested to meat
tit the coon House, in Carlisle, on SATURDAY,
the : l3th :January next, et 11 o'clock, A. M. ••
David Sterrett, Christian Stayman,
George Brindle, liettry. Jacobs,
Thoinae Bradley, • John Rupp,:
George Brandt, • Philip Spangle,
Michael Misliler,' . Robert Laird,.'.,
Sidles Woodburn, Abraham Lumberton,
. John McKeehan,- Alexander Davidson,
Alelehoir , Brenneinan, Robert C. Sterrett,
William R.Gorgas, George Lee.
November 29, 1843. •
I? ES'[' quality Loaf and Crushed' SUGAR, a
'll . • • • • • •
14 cents imr lb. ' •
SeLond quality jingle Loaf and Crushed, grand
qualilif, at usual price 14 cents per lb. '
• Brown Sugars, at least equal to any in the mark ,
et, tiftl'ail, 10 dents pei , lb.• • - •
I himint.Sligat• At I:I per lb:, • •••
,1 1 riMe.12io Cam at 1.23; and seninal ttnillity'at 10,
nu', Jain 15,11,4te11ag at less ptierea. •
Now livening at 'nor 'Grocery, Store,' West Main'
Street, neat dour to the store "of 'or It: "Sitollgrails. l
• J., \V. EBY.
Carlisle, Dro p . 6, 1843. • I tt.r,
h • , n Houses . for Rent. ' •.1
FirlH E. , HOUSES AND -LOT. -belong
i fig to Rev. Hebert Emory, lately occupied . by
r Edwaftl7S: , Wliiker given ' mine,
dintely. Also the HOUSES, Oreliard and Loh now'
in the oceupliner . of , Mr.-George , Illtigwaleouljol n
i ng:Toasession given on, the fat orApril next: ;• :For
beam apply. to Ow; subscriber, agent for the ownew.,
:1. •W. JA SEA MOUH. !
December 6, 1643
s•Agen't, On,
'civet thiptlier, :
on :17upAilnx,
.06tilber t . ).)e:
Stalk Mid
siurveyed eh'
puhlio are
LIT eap/e,; iE
4 qther
th 9 Alrglirt
Cataid BAnk.t
wniE. bo:•Pattinership heretofore otistimt befFeen
Matson,Mooregs ffaskell,ia thin dui disanired
mutual: connentoand all 'perfoas.indetatnj *said firm
either by4Nomor, Unoje•aceount, are requested to
Mike payment on or before the lat.of - ,YROUA.I4Y
.nest,. And those having claims against snit firm are
4reques4o4:ttipresent thqm•for;nettlement,—
• MATSON; Mdol2E & tietsizELL:
---KidderininetetOeu.4; 18431: c„ %St.:o
persona IndeMed , to: the , tat& fiam pf
MatamtlafMnons .4teteituested to woe foiwaid
}.L I)ereogdiq~ebted thrilpleffpni'rkiq;:;tu7:
Ittrierft Ctl•kililY O P
P;eg POt; As,entr e gt,
ar e #O, the time, on pr:,kergre the I st,
0,1 1 k1 1 91+,r7,,!*1, Ste r
9 1 , b .P 411 1 Y, , e ,, , ~ 1 1,-• -,9,41Dt
cu:v stin t P'ei"
rl "i
' 9 4.47 • 14 ;! 1 k, 41.01/ ° l 4 O
" i 4 ,004 04;444.. v., J ,
6 14 ,
, ,• ,s
f , g
• ,
leo f i4;tiplii4tlbOr3Y.
ilioi r e Or bObk riOdOo;tii;Ord ttl, &it and fecueodietiociiritstaiitiwith.fJ•. ,, .;'rt
eprbilp,l‘Tov.ember.22 ')84.9 • • I
; .
''',Y . Ott:t44 l ,llltzt . n ~''A•e,"Pule :
t quality a) s!,:d
,pervkallon: - • • - • Sperm' (AIL;
'r • ;
.Wiiitee: Sea Elephant (Rim' tpiality) tat 41',001 - ,
Perlia, ll °n• ''!
Sperp;Cmllezovarinideti: pure, at prfe,!mts, per,,
Phitaltiblphin Mould Candles, assorted sizes nt
°mita per lb..' , a -in "
Was Candies nisMeted 'Colours, at 621 (:1'473 per
Pure Castile and Scented Soap—also Almond and
otlim Sae SOAP.: ;
i lusereceited and for mile at tho Store or •• • .
.• • -••J.L W. EIW.
Carlisle, December 6;18 , 0. , tr-6
• •
. , . ..Casimeres Vestings,
PLIPPINGE4 • & CAREY' are just
opening a large assortitieat_of fashionable Cas
rimeres & Yestiag,s which will be sold at the limes
October le, •
For hide.mnit . y.againsl loss by fire
Charter • Pernotual.—s4oo,ooo Capital paid in
Offlis 163,1 Chesnut street.
MAKE INSURANCE, either perManent or lim
ited, tigainsf loss or ila Wage by fire, oil PROPERTY
and EFFECTS of ert. ry description, in Town or
Country, on the most reasonable terms. Atiplie4l•
tions made either personally or 'by letter, will be
preMptly attended to.
The 'subset ILO i'S agent lor Ilse above.eninpany
for Ci&lisle and its iieiiiity. .All applicationri for
Instirenre either, ril dull yi. I.,..rsolially will be
promptlysileitqi....dtb.. W. 13. 81'.1:10U11.
lkeember d, 1143._ . ly-G
411311 5411113 IP
Bulic II RAISINS, Oiuhges, Lemins,
Curnints, tool Primes.
Assorted' Pickles. Pine Give or Table Oil, bi•st
brands. • Citilm.
Clincolittb- 4 11aker's No 1, Om! I I onorpailaie
11111,tartl- z -Vorious qualiti ca..
VitllCl la BV:11,1
Together d itli a giiiii•ral •shFuliament of Nutmegs,
Cloves,Motion;ri:iitirr, Mace,
1111 d 11 - 7,tflt ; 111:119k)Hilit.111. of all other articles in the
line at a (ironer. .
. • rai : 'sale at the Store—at the lowest
cash ry•tces. .1. IV.
Cudisie;, December 6„ 1843
The • sitheriber oilers
;it wilolesilleot his \\ are-
liouse„oti the 1:4111:41 ) '
the filbt Or Cile'silllll.)4l4l
...4 ag: . .:0 1
Iliteristiorg, the Ohio ing • •
6 tiO:.eries, 14 verj• low prices, 1 , 1. coda:
4'll I
. 11 I
I,_lll .
400 il 4
f, ‘, 4:. 5 , ,0 .
f 1 L te r tlAYlt Cof-
•U Mids. Porto Rico Sig .n•..
- 47 111)18. No 1,‘2, »lid 3 .118elkerel.
50 111111 - 1)1)18, do: do. . .
5- 11.60) Intiovrial, Toting lIS anti, and Goo
i»,vilor TO6, in - and ,)! hares. '
Not-011006 )didnev's)ll 4 A - B."' • •
13 I )01(1SO.)19) Roust) :\ lolasses.
13 Anse) Sailor'.B mid OLIILt bra . nds plug To
' • hfituo.
liit•atind nail whole Puppet., by the bag
and kt.g.
Starch iu 4511).
15 doz. Coati 111.00116 •
Loaf Sugr, Ilice,.:thipiLT Citatattioti.
Tons of Plaster.
Sacks G. A. 01111 Ashton Pine Salt.
• 73u Int,11(•:s Smith Goal.
Sagm• Matsu Alolioses by the •Tlhd , am!
Tiert;, :0 40 routs per gallon, hortiagli ma.
aev. "For hall. I/V .
Ilarrishitrg, I)cc. 13, 1 . 843.
"' •
yIIEItEAS by tlw Treasurer's Report
.pears that a large upimint of Comity: 1111.1
State tax. s, latwes, remains out suamlutug ill the
bawls dl the Collectors of 1 Sl.i, and owing to the
low state of .he Treasury and the pressing (remittals
on the saute, it thcrefore been, es absolutely utters
sary, that the said baltuwes he tolleeted and paid
'tutu the Tt easury on or huthre the last SAT Lilt
-1)A V of 11-centlwr 18-13, otherwise judgment - still
positively he catered against till delinquent•collett-,
noisEirr LAIR!), Comm'rs.
(MiltIST'N TrrzEt.,3
A (test—Join Inwm,
C4rlp,le, Ike. 3t.6
No I. finest finality 31Ackli1:11L ( L, fit:esti) in
whole, ball' and quarter Darrel s. , .
No I, superior SALMON.
A few boxes dried '.III , .IIRANO. • •..
New Orleans or fine baking Molasses al 40 cents
per gallon or 10 cents a . nuart.
'Best Neiy York Syrups at Col by th'e golf., or
10 outs per quart. •
A Lot of floe TABLP. SALT in boxes and in .
. .
A 1,0 or Li s'ertmol SALT, bvtlie
ci or Sack, in good order, • •
Constantly 1111 ' ii . 311(1 by
Carlisle, Dec. 6,1843
Application for Tavern License.
Frill?, subscriber hereby; gives notice that.
•'• lie will apply, at the . .lnnuare fend ensuing of
the Court of quarter Ss;aaions of * Cumberland coun
ty for a renewal of. his 'License in the Tavern gaud
now o6Capied bY bigli`ia East l'eunsborongl; town
snip:bring provided with all the necessary requi
'sites for keeping a boilse oh . pultlic entertuhtmet.t.
DeceMber 6,1843
NVe, , tke undersigned citizens of Eastpemisboro
tow Oship, in the Catiqty of Ciiiiiherlitittl, do Certify
that we arei well acquainted with Tlinteas.)Vtiartot
and that he is `Mond reporlfor honesty and temper
anceand is (veil prm'illeil with house room and cotiVe
toences for the lodging aid acconiniodation or Mimi . ;
era ' turd Travellers, and : do llicrefore recruitment
him to your honors as well. of i licenie
and further say, that ahi Tavern at tOftitid is MI tic,
m ,
modation to the ' .
edam Sierer • Peter Peace •
•'•' • Jolitr'Sierer • ' Fake
Andrew , l{reitier •Jobti Hippie '
' ' ;Joseph Fink • ' ' Qnigleg
'Abraham.. HoiMaroan ' 11n4 •
Nilliam Miller , • Samuel thishorn
JN'tlic matter of ISAAC'MITTEN a BankrOp
184.1,1): . 6.4.6 % 4,Petiami of P. F. Ege, Est'
a s s ignee of ssill Nine
,M mem, for al) ,ortler to' sel
certain Real Estate, &e., 'of Bankrupt, is 1'0(
. .
And ii ordered that ntildidnOtiee he given in the
CurliSle Derit,:tl St; Kspositeir.thitt this nindiention
has been made, iuul that 1111DAV,,the sth day of
Deeeinherjutant.; et o'elnek„ - A ' NI., 'rind the Dis
trict Court Itnoin in the &Ay . of Philadeiphin, have
beep algid:lined; for the: time anti pinee of . hearing,
W•hen atal,.Whereldlinirstins intel. : est inn appear
w ad staiet ,cataso, if any, they . ha o, tvity the itetidon
altytdd ottf he granted.
Clerk Distinct court.:
' •
: .• , 4.Th • - 2 3. a•••+.
•tifts.moitef of I:intim:Al Merl a• Hankt apt; Ser.
It Petition or l'..4 l .'Egei Esq . .,for 'tar order:Air:l3dt
&rude Reid tidete ; • . • 0. !:
184.1;Peeherher 4.: Oirlered that notice be - given.
iri the' Carlistb herald Et, Expositcir;•that
lion has been 'nude, and thnt': , EHIDAY 15th of:De,
Cember,linttatit; stud the llifshi et
Court•',l:nbritiii,tlio 'OlO 'of • been
1 9r' 'and, 011417:01.1n.iiringr when.
end srlilito tWrcedi'ire loterest , tnay:•ejipear and
slieiv'eiqte,tlithytheylintle; whtthe.petitioe shoal.)
Clerk I)islact•Courte
PttiTiONt far .dieChtirgit..
LAY deka 'utidet; tha 43010* Law) has beeW fil
ed , hy , ll7lLEllol l lllGlak ettrriet.i. Citniberhuid
eduntfisitel FRI DAV, the 10th of Jantnoly , nextini
11 , b'elocleAVIVII,iiiiippeleVed for 1 he'hearlyithere4
tf;'l)Ciore the said • Couh, ; sitiietin illitetruptity,
the City ' tifiPhibittel
andrwhe4 die oteditrollt•oE tha:eitid Pa:
titioner;i4bo Intieliefided tholiNlehtsi`saalkObete
permihoinAtiterastiintis .appetrnand
atOtrtltorit{Vei , ncbtpiihalt•lD/tiolutisOalitt ;.getijfinstrZ
s hould not be gratittd:'L • • 470
VINSt . I;qr gibi,scoN t :
' " 4 - 1 1' It*GleK k Ant 00,4004 1 COart
irl - 4411 14 •
AP 7 . • - ~A ktst
. . „
C. N. It A NCKEIt, Prest
iro:1111 • 3; . 441/11: . : 1
E1)11311111US ('riniv and iilliZ:Witle:ll.l3l'Utiliki• A1t . 11 , 10.
lil;ukct, ‘S'oul, Silk - ittitl liamask
Sli A
Ladies Cravats, with a large assortmeni of Waves
and 11osier. Together ‘vitha gre:o.sariety, of oth
er articles too IVI:IiCI . 9 , IR to 11101000.
Carlisle, Nov. 8. 1843.
Tlll.l subscriber has just received aupther.siipply
of isii(Ers siloEs,:imon g the iut lie !bum],
20 Cases Boots front p 2 to $5.
15 " Aleut MOTWOCS Irmo 1,00 to 1,50.
10 " Boys do. from Ott to 100...
t 25 I.all.en Slippers from '25 in 1;25: -
10 " 1../o NlalkingShoo sod Harkins. ,
Children's Shoes atoll slPipes, sizes, pric'es.
Don't inistake the old stand , where on x ill be‘sure
to-,get great bargains.
Filth: slat:4l46er takes this method to itirot'm flie
citizE , n4 of Carlisle and -Tit:Mils, 001410 has
USE, opened an OYSTER 110 ot 7. - itfs old, spool,
iu Church Alley, tme door v,:est or Ellnetitido [loll,
WIRTe he will accorrituothae all dune who neiy facto'
him witle.theie custom, will, 014 hest 03 sters the
market can Wird; as the preseta prices lweetorore
charged hy hint, null - now charged follow
ing the same bIISIIICHS, ore (WI eKtracagata the the
poor maul's pocket, we have decimal it occessary to
charge but 14 Costs per doz. stewed; 11'.1 ellll5 per
doz. in their row state, and 75 4,1115 per hundred, all
of which prices shall' be hereatter strictly adhered
to h Montt any itierease or douinution,unless hat:der
times compel us to do so.
N. 1. I'rit I ies, parties, Esx. will prompily
be waiteil-iinlit - tliuir dwellings by sculling notice
"our house."
November 122, 1843. II:4
Building Lot at Private Sale,
Y 'nn SIII/5V1 . 11,01 . 0111.1 . 13 St private sale, a very hand
-1 sotnely ~;nt-ted BUILDING LOT: situate in
the angle torntud by Consrvet and I%'est Digit streets,
in this borongh, S ert ers apart). ypponile Dickinson
College. In size it is equal to lot and it ball:
'Piers' is tint a sillier eligible or fiettei• Furst
private duelling, in Isorots,, slits:dints
conitnandi an c'ktetudve view orthe fteittitilill country
'sstri . onstsling,together with the College buildistp, &c.
'Elie lot steeds only to be bee', to hstve its advaptages
'admitted, For further particulars, as to terms, &cc.,
enquire of the subscriber.
Lepittr, Oloroccii aapcl IPitecditeg
J. Y. Ell?.
WIT. L. P1 1 :12P1311,
resitectftilly W1)1.1111814 citizens of liar-111Y1 risharg, and the public iii general, that he hits
removed his I,:eittlier; Nlororeo and finding Store
to North Senbild - street, is few doore above Henry
Iltielifer'S !Intel; Where tie Will keep'ronstantly on
hand at general asSorttnent of the following maned
articles, size
,Spanisb ZOL.SlaWier, Sole; Skirting,
11:irnesi,tatr find black bridle, wax and grain tipper
with). and cullar leather, wax find• grain Calf
S'Ang,Sp'anislizind tonntry Kipi, top and
liuiu lenthey',lnl lows Leaffier for rm.-
'. 11:IC149 Sad Lthlllk4Ulitilfl, and Bark
'Panted Sheep, Skins..
. .
Compri ai og i's two tato, Wooten's lintlremed
red :toil black EA t*.:tits;FrentAi kid of dill . ..mot colors.
Red roans, 'Bindings, Linings of 01l eulta.s, !look- '
binder's kother, Chamois' leather and Buck skins..
Such us boot keys Mid, ITeakers. shot• keys, limn
titers, pincers, 1)10i, slaiuts,•size sticks, punches,
kuis(.s, rubber 4, files, rasps /. thread , boot webbing',
spin:lllles; hoot cord, pegs,•:tyls, fie. FGE. AU of
which he will sell ut the very LcowEs r CASH
rItICK •
L. - 1 1 . ietornss'si . oCere thanks to the'loth
lie, rot , ori,ififte w hich hew heretofore
been extended , to him, mid . t espeetfully solicits ti
contiouance of, their, favors.
liarvisborg, :tiny 17,16.13,
z ip a cm : :
. .
PplAcATioN• be h. the
nire.Clol so! the CilrliOe Batik,to the ilex eg
i,shiture-of the 'Commonwealth of l'entisylvitk , for
nrimeWal 'the chartee'ef the MA . -the
narne.atid st\Te'of the "Corlisle't Wok." It is in
-I°,ool !hot Aishall be. formed, in:Carlisle, Comber
land trototy, that it,shaff have the
,same Capital it
now fins; to wit: 'Three lintalri-triltomittliti Minors,
for the •silebiliti object of Banking. And Aisconntiug
purposes. .By order qthe Board of Dirt:atm:o; ~
g. C013811,N,
, . „
Jtineint 184 3 . '" '' •
11006PE0111.11.0t,tetAers killl'acilikeetothe
jug citizens of tAttlisle and ifs, vicinity, that he
will sttend to and ',Delform en efentAl ovOrition's ,
dabli tig
luebtTeelh, , enti riniertinginbittuptabhi
tee* from' d eingle,tooth toaiYentire. 5et..;,,:;
:0314filetk.oppeitito MTarlatl,eVlSek.44.::;'
;' r - „ltAcixts,Es"ireatirt*: ."';'. ,
roerenej. , AlK
ii oat* Iztocopr faddlttir othgrOcerylniitore, /ill Spa
repPlq , 1144 knurriN4b l l±l*••>Xiir / i i re i lt
-411sie,govemb4i0 0 ;010;`- 1 :Ift4'
1 kr,l ,4 , , ,iii - , , ,,lAAtte n titi k oLtu k ,:i 7 , ,•.1 . ,, 4 ! ,: t 4,
IttlN l 4i a tikilfir l o4fil l icillii3Aiaidelli i i
enyft:d if at intail.WO&OirtihrithaitikWat.,
' wooriodo ' Waotititi itga•eamtisi)doteasie
tt)P,lii 41109r#41$14m)sihilul'r,ilvlinnt!!itilllp,
P4ll°Plltr44l,lYlklibletha?Pqßlieloti,-18, i
otramitierAtiAmiiittik riptih . 4l. 34 , ;(lithfr '4141'
4 1 1 11 P .
r ... !,(Iv4l ••••,37•24•41!:'
!• , • ARRIV:4 14414R;•:71.f1t.r
rim. iigpeopr.h.4 . 4 l rA;oraiecond. , 9l ) l o
halal' at greatittresluoor.pititsi for.!Glasbi
filljd at ,
. store ss.,fility r . el pals ,or i gi 908,,
o o iniei v ,; Cassinetts,Yestinga,Tfaniteri,l3lsinlcuie;
~Cheno- . Chusun;,Alou, s .de l,niugy Crpg% 411r4-ostines..
Parisians, Bonnat Velvets and Silks,
Milo& Cliinizes; Awns eanihrlet
Glortii; Calhicies,Ettaieryjitgretatevarle4:
lyc,Catobriok ;Checks, , ltlkotauy rim,
goods too numer ous to,kosert. -
Alio it fiesli'lat'of (4110CE11.1E.g;',ittil. inetheit,
such as Sugutv Coffea',77lll9lusses,, Chocolate,Tetts,
fresh and fuitc,Gi ogee, S,ta r t'inieli Cheese, lllce,&c.fv.m.
Ailia,Spiens of all ' kinds, all of winch, wilt tie :lOU
uncommonly low.
Ikonileefthe old stand,,it is the third stare fro m,
the corner, East Main sirdet, and directly cippostf.e.
S.'lVtintlerliell's oh tavern stand. 'Onc'doorsomc
times makes a great difference. . •
Norembdr Q 9,1843
TE• subscriber woultt_yesketitilly jr,-
.torni his friends and the public:, Ili:alit: has late
ly replenished his stock and is iniw ofioriun ,at , be
old stand iii North ilsinover.Street, n Aldcnid assort
ment Hardware, Conery,of a eouiidstiiig in part of
Locks, hinges, sereW.s, nails awl° spikes, of all kinds
and sizes. Crain, Canal mid other kinds, el' Shovels.
Carpenters"l'ools, such as planes, AIMS, chisels, We.
liar Iron; blister, rust acid shear Steels. Saddle
and bridle mountingS in sets; Saddle 'Free's, girtiiii ;
soul oilier IVebbing: Shoe Findings of ever) lie
geription. Mahogany nod Class knobs of the la
test styles. Also,
Oils, Paiiiti irrtcl raratislafs,
such as white lead, spirils OfTtiroctitinr, Go pal and
japan Varnihlt. GLASS at' all Rites, from by 10
upward. Also, in assortinent Of Artihrr's Patent
I,ard lanips,togetherslid: other articles too minter
.ous to tneniion
. .
All or which will be gbh' twenty-five lieu beat low
celitairthi•y have iwer Ween sold befere, For'enAi and
good looney. ' Call 1111(1Ory leu•elmsing
elsewhere, and il• the nre ant
found as stated you netiil lint purnlinin. Ciill.lll.nny
rale. .JACOB
Carlisle, i\overmlci• '22, IS - IS.
• •
North 11;10 Col:olo• or ifo, pow,. Sip:Ave.:hid
directly uppoAte tho,Alorliet Iktiie,lll.ll open- Illrgo and well,. selected ussurttnetit of Dlt
GOODS and GItCCL,Ii.IES whiCh.theyorill sell 011
(lin 1110:t rAvor.ii4 )cries. Tlie It:Tic:wing articles
euitipm.e part of.theit' stock, to a !deli they nye, week
ly looking additions:
NVool dyed 1:111elt4 hltie blneßs, greens, hints
ihlr greens, olive greens, olive bronliNtatilet greys,
lilies mid brown CIA /TIN; also l'ilut nod Heaver
Cloths. .
Plaia and Twell CASINEE:IIF:9. •
Plaia and l'aacy SATTINKTTS.
Heti am] \Vitae , Flawa:L Comical atal 130 tk
November 80, 1843
• ti-50
°ember 11, 1843
~9~0~ ~a
.:*tga=l,lZOtt*'"' .‘l-MloEra*
, :MA
lAVlNG'entered,, ln t 9 .gornor,oltip, for the rrnc•
Oct or tbo ittrou'd to iilrbdsittess entrustet
: 10 Alicin• • ; •
'ofitliAlOtrirtilliolio 'and hikt-tif.ther,Stonoof Jason
w`E.bYtt 1+4., Oteo t ot list) ; . t;cs,ittFoc,e,of-,Jolto
lityy,9,449.oidoloPm-, •
. I.. r.: . .''gtiiiii*:•o;:i.a.#:'' -.''''''
rrilg iinile isikisetl have 'tiseopiatej ' l le
ii the
. ie jiraelfce . of. Law; in Cuinbei'••
Itaal and Perry counties. One or b!ith of them -flair
lieralways foundnil consulted at the ollieeiteretri
fore ocennitid by S, Alexander,
.next door •to to IL'
Carlisle Minh,
.. rict attention will be giren't'n ~i.'c4
()Niemen !dazed sit Or care. . '
~ . • - 1 4,, LtINIUEC TODD, . : •
Cleltiher t, i' 843, ' .ti-. 4:
. • • • ..
_ .
New Tobacco►.& gega . g ,
• KANUTL,‘QT.OVIV.,.., •
nilflE subscriber woulil-Wortif'the inbstitants
Carlisle and its tieitiltyillutt he hits opened a
Tobacco awl Seprir Entoblisliment,in Spoilt lianovvr
atrci.t, two ilonrs'Suuth of the Court house, and i to
itietliiitely adjoining. NIL.. Berkholilitr f Olutel.. Its
%ill keep on Ito iiils..Matoufacturefl Tobaceo,'^Arch
Ca%muliah, Sweet Scout, Ping, 8011, Virgiui i.
Ibilcisinius, Spike and Pig tail. • Also,
Cut alai Dry, Scotch Itappee and rilsocea.,
has suar, ripen, 540., Spanish, hull
Sininish and Common Setors,
of the best quality, :ill of which he will yell 01.
iCIIII3 to suit the times.
N. 11. The subscriber wishes to hate it 'hare . 0 t
'patronage in Opposition to iinposition
Foreign Alanutactures.
Oefolier 11,184.1. ••
Econom!), Coa4liirt andirashion!
South 11 7 eat coriur of third and ;Walnut Streele,
Subseriber offers an assdrinient of FAS . ' i
lONA] 1..11 sod PLAIN HATS mid CAPS, ‘,l
material, 'mule by the best workmen, and g.+lup in handsome style. Also his "PATE* CAS
SINI lAT; which is light, pleasant and Mira
;,,,tl best of all On ap. It. retains its first appt•at
t ill worn out, and is easily kept clean with the
immtnott clothes brush or wisp broom. .
He hits his owe manufactory, attends personalp•
to all oi•ilers; 111111 I MlWetnllly_ll6k6 Wean trout tho,',
who visit , theviry; and be trusts he can simply them
with such articles in his line as cannot fail tot ivy
satisfaction, both in price and in quality. •
Every article made to order at short notice, tool
int)• that prove defective will most' cheerfully be C7:-
Pliihnlclpcia, Oct. 11,1843; 5 0 1
FUUS—Muskrat, Raccoon, Ot
cc, P ox,
tTeat, c. zotto2so
{1 that 1110 required for lheiepresel cntioit,sncn
as Scat/n.7., .2e.; or will rush,.
the loss of them, by inverting Artificial Teeth; fr,n,'
sini;h• Tooth, to a full sett.
on l'itt street, a few doors South of tI
Iladroad lintel.-
• X. 13. Dr. ImMois witthe absent from Cornsb
Ilia Inst ten Ilnyii; in each month,
- .73lay '24,-1813.
eite E.ngfinctr;
Yaevey oz. 4 . Ye ' ze : vevz . ;9"
COM missioner 01,,Ratilcruptcy.
AS removed his office to`North Minoru..
Street, ‘Vert side, B.doors North:tit' Leather
street; mid nearly opposite the office•of William
Irvine; Esti., *here lie Will as usual caront:ly
attend to all business which may be entrusted to.
hiin in the line of his profession.
pirlisle, April 12, 1843.
as no
Forwarding .S•• Commission
at !..2 4 0,2 29
)ealer in country Produce& Pittsburg 51un
No. 28; Firth street, PITTSBURG, Pa.
August 113, 1843. •
111. SIRSAAri
inionns the Far
-a- niers, Millers, fercluutts and the public gen
erally, that he is :,prepaKed with large andl. u
,moidoitt• louses, on the Penna Canal, near
the foot of NV:ilout strCeCin , Harrishut•g, to
'in Store tot Shipment; Conuiry produce and Alcr
chauilize for Philadelphia, Baltimore nod Pitt hw.
and all hitt•rinediate plitees. D. Leech and- Co',.
Lie, nod the following first class tide Water Canal
Beats, „ill run from die )louses ih Harrisburg. .
Boa • J. C. NlcAllester,
•i< . Chesapeake; •
Afary And Martha, •
Pacific. •
May 31, IRdg
rttaar ran THE 11.11EGAINE;!
(.\lyip the Rail Road, Slappeathyrs) ,
11 3A V E just opened the 'ulna ektensive at,art
;HODS ever offered in tins Every variety,
if NEW GOODS on hand and will be sold attie
owest Cosh 'prices
October IH, 1843. " . tr—it
Cloths Cloths : : Cloths:::
I'D I?.AVER. and Pilot over coatings- -French„ •
Flnglihli and Anwriean Broad Cloth nt front
1,50 to $lO per yard. (all and see them , at
eloap, store of CLIPPINGER & CAI2EY.
JUST received a splendid assortment ol Bonnet
Silks & Vehrt-among which tire Blue, NI.o
room', Green, Gamut, Crimson, Pottle, Bro Blk:
Blue Blk., Watered, Figured and Plain Velvets.
The intent styles of Bonnet Silks and Satius- 7 aLl
which w ill he sold at the lowest prices.
Shippensburg, Nov. 15,1843., • , • .IC-3
Lemons, Raisins anti Pigs, '
LARGE . anil fresh supply itof•LF.M .
ONS, RAISINS and FlGS,',Just received sad.
inr sale by • UNE. &
k, . •
' dAssointva slitiod,ls„
ust rectived by
exteoXoitiii CAREY.
- •
Ylibbons, Artiiiciale & Pltiirtes; '•
rANE:r lc: SILK' 1111.shotis, A;tiSeisilg hind
l'ltotitls of the most llAsltionoble styles *at reit:Cot:Ll
snit cm' sale akeedte;ett pekes.
Shiptensbarg, Nor.. 15 1843.: . *. 1.; `.
'Assignment of Samuel Zbenioe.k.'
vroTo.*. IVieby gicen %hit S EL Mc
-1,11 CORIIICK,„of Welopetintborbpit
Atte.niotle an,Aspigootont. fol.' the , benq4 4lrtwotl-
,i to tilt' hubsihibera,io utitop claims tti 49 tile
Siimlitl . lWaietit'mick'siiyliejpretaitektibil tfibVe
itlliVl4 Win may' be patio. (
,f,roye .A 0 . 71 );;
'Ettt'te of Robert' .IVeOlaii >u c ec'd.
I)7l:ims,cx m, s o.o6u2 , 2 l „ ,, R.9Noin:i c it "um
• Nistamento an. , 040, Po? 0.
l itt mineq.gorged. ttotip jihtkie
prim jilms. All :.psrpco . n* :110townig them- htes
ilk tte~, ' fd%Ytiako~pajpient ; iriiinbdihte , t ~ull ;llik+3e
i l, Dr elkelA 4140:441u1 4 y Ay, pito. ( or
rdol 7 .llE§OitfrAtkiii)4 l itt 'Ad c.
. .
—.,t-giVatCIIPC4,O9 O ,4, I !;4I, ‘qCass4v: , l
) 4
„If i rrif. aikiinini,Vmtionisß Att,iitilior
M., .Bil , : deced,,pt Olappego vo‘T-.
li 1 ltio ti 014114%eftilgttsti iti ltiti! 045 t
Ki .
abippigotivt*44l4 4 ,4 ,40141 ' itt.W
iliggarltriZel Alitialteatitt
Harrisbalrg, Pa
Bonnet Velvet & Saks,
CU sleor ctioTua.•