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"i'' s f'',' "'': .- ''',' ';'.,, ::!,' • 1t...;:f•%,..• ti f. iltv . 4,41,4 tj 71 '.1•: I'll ft/?' ' ; ' ;':•'• i i ''''''''''''s ';' -17211' '''' :.-:''' ' •*;1 ' .r.r , ....f.:.1 ,•liil '.i .. ..0J , . . , ~,.. , . l r 1 j^ f ~ ~"~L ME MBE IV -•- A pArtutLy cirpWSlrA.. l r-ER . . 'D TO .GENtRAL' iITERATIURE AGRICtIATt ' - E. 7 Et " vomiwans arcalt, PItSIDENT'S ,MESSAGE. •To the .Senate orka ' ' „ " ' House-of Repriaidtatives of the M S.: . . If any People ever had cause to render tip thank's tb the Supreme Being for paren tal care and protection extended to them .`in all the trials, and .di(ficulties to which . 'they have been from time to time expos ed, we certainly are that People. Front the first settlement of our forefathers on this continent—through the dangers attend hut upon , the occupation of a savage' wil derness—through a long period of Colonial dependence—through the war of the Rev= olution—in. The wisdom which led to the adoption of fiteialtisting Republican forma of GriOritinent—in the hazards incideht to, a war subsequently waged with one. - of 'the most powerful nations of the earth—in the ineretipe of our pitpulation-4n the 'spread, of the asts.and'sdiences, arid ih the strength and durability Conferred on OH , :cal Instituthilis emanatteit from the People and sustained) by their will—the superlhten 'denee ol'an titerruling.Plmvidenee has lieeti . iplairllY A/Sible: - • As prepratory, therellire; . to entering dnce more tiPon the high, di]- . ties or legislation, it beedines us humblY to ,achlow/edie but dependence dpon Hith ae , .as our gilidii and protector, and to imploie 1 ,a continderiee Of His parental Watclifulheia over out lieldtmd,countrY. We _have neit , cause for the ekkessioli of our gratitude in • the preservitifin orthe health or our fello4: citizens, with iiithe partial and local eicep; firms, . during the peat season--for the ' !abundance with *Mai the earth . has yield: jt i ed up its fruits to ill latiors of die,husband i'liiiii—for the renews aetivity which has bee 6 imparted to eel therce—for the revi-, 'cal .or trade in all its _depaitilients—fot the , .lite r reaied ,rewards attendant on the exer 'else of the mechanic arts—for die confiru:. ed grok'vtli of our populatioh and the rapid- Iv teVi'vilig prosperity of tile *Kite 'coon- try. I hall be permitted to eteliange Con: kratelatioilli With you, gentlemen of the . tWO Houses of Congress, on ,these nevi.: . I.;„triiiii cirettritgialicea, and•to assure you, in allihlitee; of Mk ready disposition to concur wit!! You hi the adoption of all swill meat tires as eliall•be 'calculated to 'increase the. happiiitigs of Otir.'constittients and to ad.: l ,tvainte the 'litri of our 'common country: Since the last adjtittinntent of Congress, the Exectitll , 6 has relaked no effort to rein der indestrallide the _relations of amity which so hapri!lY,eiist itetween the United States and-.Othei• countries. The treaty. lately concluded tt.iiii Great Britain has tended greatly to iiteiease the good under standing which a reeltifocity of interest is calculated to encourage: iind it is most ar dently to be hoped that•iiiithing May trans pire to interrupt the. rehtlioni Of amity . which it is go obviously the poliby of both Ai:tibias to cultivate. • A question of much importanCe still re-, linli4ls to he adjusted .between thein. The 1 territorial limits of t h e two countries in re- - iatiou to What is commonly Itnod'it as the Oregnit territory, still remains in ili6pte., The United States would he at all times; indisposed to aggrandize themselves at the expense of any other nation; but while I they would be restrained by principles at honor, which should govern the comfort of nations as well as that Of individuals, from setting up a demand fora territory which dims not belong total, they would as nn willingly consent - t a surrender of their rights. Abp.: the most rigid, and as far acg iiracticable unbiassed examination of the subject, the United States have always con-. moiled that their rights appertain to the en- tire region of country lying on the Pacific, and embraced within the, forty•second and! Atte-fourth degrees of North latitude.-- This claim being controverted by Great' Britain, thoee who have preceded the pros 'ant Executive, actuatezl. no doubt,- by an (eaineot desire to adjust the matter upon norms mutually satisfactory to both coon ariea, have caused to be submittel to the , lßritish , Governsaent, propositions for set-; dement and final adjustment. which, how-1 ever, have 'not proved 'heretofore t.ccepta- We to it: Our Minister at London' has; under instructions. : , gaitt brought the sub ject tor, the consideration of that Govern meot;.and while nothing will be done to .compromit the rights, or honor of the Uni ted States, every proper expetlent will be 'resorted to in order to bring the negotiation .!now in the progress of resumption, to a opeedy and happy termination. In the meantime it is proper to remark, that many oureitizetutilre _pither.alreadY .establisht. eg in; the tet'ritory, or are, on their way thither for liurPose 'Of foiming perma meat. settlements, while Others are prepar follow:---and in these facts, '•gmlustrepeat the recommendation contain mesSages; fOrythe establish , iment.df 'military posts, at such places, on iheilinelif travel, as will furnish security and protection to" ottr. 'hardy adventurers against hostile tribes of Indians inhabiting thosO extensive regions. Our laws should also follow • them, so modified as . the cir : cumitances of the case require. 'Under the'intluenee. of Our free system of govern ment, new ietiablicti are destined to spring 'up,:at no distant day, on the shores of the Pacific, similar .in policy and in , feeling io those existing on , this side of the .11o.elty• Mountains, and giving a wider nod' more extensive spyead .to the . priticiples of civil and' religiote,,liti,64: ".." • to:jpiokm yrin that. the cases hicli have atisen.'.`fiom time to thire.r.Of Wit cdetentioo of , American by Utit= 'isb"' cruisers oetha' eo;Ast, fricit, under prOdeelialbeing engaged in the ; slave . trsthi,,,4 ve been placed in a.fsiv train olad '-iiiiitino4l.• 'ln the carte of the W William and vzEtimeli; Nati:44°4oW Will allowed. .1 1 the moot' of 0.10 TygriittindSesinew,.the iris . Mt;:,ut . ad m that: satisfaction • it due. In the east: of tlii.letieS'e 'the sum , witting ficiitit''tlie 'ads of%thiti Vessel and qiuttwityil) be pitiAto the *moot but be myself that 101 l ihaeinni~ ; ' :..10omiort„ will. be., allowed for ell' •damages isuruitiriALll they detention di of the- i Douglty3.o l o;Maj7. has elpressetlits 1 - ; (Itopet: aref the rtforw efitirteul , tV#4onat, ofk , eta' etedi., iOakkO f frl 9 81 tee the' ratification otitqw.Peittor.olfot Nike. ton; and, it is confidently anticipated, that the slave trade, under the operation of the eighth article of that treaty, will .he altil gether suppressed. , • . The .obbbsional interruption.eiperienbed by out felicw citizens engaged.in the SsHi= eries .oh : the neighboring coast of NoVa Scotia; lies not•failed to claim the atieritied of the hiecutive. Representations upon this ilitibjeet have been made . , but as yet no defiriite answer to those representations has been iiceived from the British Govern ment. Two •other subjects of comparatively minor : importance,but nevertheless of too match consequence to be neglebted; remain still to be adjusted hetWeeri the tWo Cann:. tries. By the Treaty between the United States and- Great Britain, of Jul,', 181 - d; it is provided that no higher duties shall be levied in either country on artieleb import: Ed from the.other, than on the - same article imported from any nthet in 1830; rough rice by abt of 'Fsailiaiiiehtosias ad mitted frbm the Cdast of ' A frlha into Great I . lritalh oh the payment a a dhty- Of one penny a quarter; While the same article from all other countries; ineltidleg the Uni ted States. was subjected. to the paynient hf a ditty p 1 twenty shilling's a quarter.— tint Minister at London has from time to time bfought this subject to theohonsidera lion of the British Govailithent, bht so far without Suceess.- He IS instructed to re new his tepresentatiotig iition ,Some--years since a elaith was preferred against the British Gdireiliinent oh the part Of certain American 'merchants, fdi. the re turn-of etport duties paid by therii on 'ship ments of ivdollen goods to the United States after the ditties on similar articles exported to other eolihtries had been repealed, and crinseqdehil3r in contravention of the com merdial Convention betiveen the two na tions seating to us edtiality in such eases. Theprinciple on wide!' the claim rests' has long since been virtually admitted by 'Great Britair., hat obstahlei to ti settlement have from time to time been interposed, so that triarge portioit of the-amdtint claimed has not yet been - refunded. Ohr Minister is now engliged iii the prosecution of the and I cannot but ,persuade myself that the British GoVernment will ho longer delay its adjestinerti. I am happy to be able to say that: noth ing has occurred to disturb in any degree the r elations , ;Malty which exist lietween the United Stales and France, Austria atid Russia, as well as with the other Powers if Etirope;.sinee the adjournment of Con gtess.. Spain has bee ti agitated with inter nal rootolkion6 for fatty years, from' the effects of whieh it is to be hoped /She is destined speedily to retiorer—when; under a more liberal system ofeninniercial policy nit her part, our trade with her may again till its old and so far as her continental pos sessions are concerned; its almost forsaken chancels, thereby adding to the mutual prosperity of both countries. The Germanic Association of Customs and Commerce, which, since its establish •ittent in 1853, has been steadily growing in power and importance: and consists at this time of more than twenty German States, and embraces a population of 27- 600,000 of people united for all the pur •p6es tff coininercial intercourse with each other and With foreign States, offers to the latter the most valuable exchanges on prin ciples more liberal than are offered in.. the li.cal irYstein of any other European power. From origin, the importance of" the German Union has never been lost siglit'of by the United States. The industry, 111 0- raljty and other valuable qualities of the Gernian nation, have always been well knots u and appreciated. On this subject I invite the alention of Corigress to the re port r,f the Secretary of State, from which it will tie cen that While our cotton is ad mitted tree of duty, and the duty on rice has b e en goer+ reduced, Which has already led to a grertly increased. Consumption, a strong disposition has been tehently evinced by that great body in reduce, upbh certain conditions, their present duty upon tobahco. This being the first intimation of a crinees sion on this interesting subject ever made by any European power, I cannot but re gard it .as well calculated to remove the only impediment which him so, far existed to the' most liberal commercial intercourse between us and them. In this view, our Minister,at Berlin, who has heretofore in dustrionsly pursued the subject, has been instructed to enter upon, the negotiation of a commercial treaty, which, *bile it will opeenew advantages .0 tolheauricultural in terests of the United States, an d e a more free and expanded field for. • cornmereial- opera tions, will affect injtiriously no existing in terest of the Union.. Should the ,negotia don' be crowned With success, •its results 'wilt be conittliMidated to both' Houses' of Congress; • : I communicate herewith cettain despatch; ea received fromotir Minister at Mefico; anti also a correspondence Which has re; ceritly occurred between .the Envoy front that . Republic and the Secretary of State; It must be regarded as not a little ektrzior; dieary that the Gotternnient of Mexico, in anticipatiOn , of a nublid •dieCtission, which it has been pleased toinfer.froth nowgpapet publications, as likely to placein Congress{ relating to the annexatiOn of, te:lart tO the United States, should 'hate so fat' antici pated the result of such discussion as to. haieeneonimed its Aefeffnieration to Visit stn each_ ;anticipated 'O4OO by a' retmal deelatation'of war against the .U. Stated.-- 1 - If designed to ,prevent Congress T from' in troducing that question.; its a fit'sitbjeeCfnt its calm deliberation avid t&l' judginent,, the EXecUtiVe has' neefeetion' . ,to tfOnbt that it will entirely fail of its Objecl: The ROO . • roserktativea of a brave and nattintic mittplie will puffer. nos apPreiintiiinf: of uttureciot !sequeoees.tcvembarrase,tbenr, in,the ceurse Qf thenr,prepOsed delibgrations;l:llrii the-Executive Pefratinthrit' AiOnt• . daiisiol 03' discharge 0 1 ,01o10`,dtkio' i tfici betWein. 7 is6 . oi4:sol l ,l**.tr since the f, rbattleooftflartt:4 ll . o A4 o !,., 6 oo?- 12 , fertihe " Masi of t Fired aturY, 400140.1t0n‘ 114 blortbeeir attOrrtiell with' hat*. kept.the, 'herders otthe -01;i',"notiotOW. tit' a pitith. ; o;;nonetOtiilikiiiii•Jit6pArp,*** • • ERE EWE LP . WWEL:O2.O3ZIUO2Ca - v-mg,I2EIZIEMEILtAX 'UEL. Z:ALICEDIV.cfac/tP`Cro' fitted . outini'ffirinidable . ' artrietneffit by land or by sea for - the: `subj ugation of Texas.4-'-' Eiglit'yeare have' now elapsed since Texas declared •lier independence lof Nexia; and during that time she - has been , recognized as a sovereign ,ppwer by 'several of the principal eivilized,States. Mexico, never theless, perseveres in - her plane 'of- reedn 7 rittest, and, refuses.to recognize - her inde pendence. , The, predatory incursions to %villa I liatie alluded,, have, been attended, in one instance, v;ith the breakingtip of the courts of justice, by. 'the seizing upon the persons-of the, judges, jury and officers of the court, and dragging thorn along with , unarmed, and . therefore non-combatant citi zens, into a critetand;oppressive bondage, thus leaving crime to go unpunished and immorality to. pass unreproved. A border iVarfare is evermore to be deprecated, arid hV'el: such a war as has existed for so many jretiii between these two State*, humanity flee had great cause to . ffidient. Nor is Michor.iiitlition of Miner to be deplored hilly beedirse of the indivAthial suffering at-' thirdant ilpon it. The effeCts are far more extensive. The Creator df the Universe ffith ditireii man the Earth for Ills resting plrie'e,'• and ire fryik fdF Iris subsistence. theieffire, shall malts the first or filiV part 'Of it ri hbene bf ,deklation, ef fects injuriousli . iliS heritage, atitt may he regerded a 8 d general hal:nutty: Wars may sometimes be necessary; but all nations !Aim a Ciiihirion interest in braking:them speedily lb a clok. The tinted States have eh inithediate intereat iii'Teeing an end, put lb the Slate bf heitilitieg, tween Mexico and Texas. They are our neighbors, of the same clintinent, with whom we are nor only desirobs of cultivat ing the relations of amity; but of the most extended coinmercial intercourse, and to practise the righth of a neighborhood hospitality. Ouroitit interests are deeply involved in. the ihtilier,_since,--however neutraltfiiay he her Course of policy, we cannot bore toyetiatie the effects of a spirit of jealousy ottille . part.,of [Kith of•the pow ers. Nor cainlhis .Government be indif ferent to the het that a 'warfare, such - as is waged SeitVeen thok two nations, is cal ciliated iii iveaken both powers, and finally to render them, and especially the Wealtet of the oil . tWo, the subjects of interference oil the part of stronger and More powerful Mt: tiolis, which, . only on all'iranCing thhir own peculiar May" eninier . iar Mier attempt tri bon abont with fermi. as the ciaitdition hf their inter poshinn; !dilae iiefoaStorY to the nation gi'atitirig thorn dortineitial to theinter esti of the United Stati.Sl We could not .be ei4fficted quietly in Perrnit any 'Stich terferelree to our d i'ant age; Consider: ing that Te.itts is slapiated frbm the United States by a Mete ge6graphical line, that het territory, in ihe Opinion of Many; (brined a portion of the territory , of the bilked! States, and it is hrlittogeneoos ih 46'1;001:i -dol) and pursuits With the adjoining EJ tate;;, makes clintributioni to the commeiiie iif the world iii the saine articles with thein; and that most of her inhabitants have been cititens of the United States, speak the same language, and live tinder similar po litical institutions with ourselvei, this Gov ' ernment is bound by every consideration of interest as %yell aa of sympathy; td See that she shall be left flee to act; especially in regard Id her dothestie affairs, Onaived by force, and unrestrained by the policy or views of other countries. In furl view of all these considerations, the Etectitive has not hesitated to express to the Government of Mexico how deeply it deprecated a con tinuance of the star, and how anxiously it desired to witness its termination. 1 can not but think that it becomes the U. States, as the oldest of the American Republics, to hold a language to Mexico upon this sub ject of an unambiguous character. It is time that this war had ceased. There must he a limit to all wars ; and if the parent State. after an eight years struggle, has failed to reduce to submission a portion of its subjects standing out in revolt against it, and who have not only proclaimed them selves to be independent, but have been recognized as such by other Powers, she ought not to expect that other nations will quietly look en, to their obvious injury, upon a protraction of hostilities. These United Stales threw on - their colonial de'- pendence,and established independent goy ernmeii's; and Great Britain, after having wasted her energie6 ili the attempt to sub due them for a less period than Mexico has attempted to subjugate Texas, hail the wisdom and justice 18 acknowledge their independence, thereBY iecognizing the ob ligation which rested • On her as one of the family of nations. An example thus set by one of the proudest 6i well as most pow erful nations of the earth, it could in no way disparage Mexico to imitate. While, there fore, the Eiecutive scbulJ deplore any col lision with Mexico; iii any disturbance of the friendly relationi WhiCh exist between the two countries; it cahoot permit that GoVernment to contrbritd Policy, whatever it may be, towards Texas: but will treat her as by the lecognliion 6f her indepen dente the United States iiave long since declared they would do, as entirely inde: pendent of Mexico: The high obligatione of public duty mai enforce from the con': itituted authorities of thet United Statei a' policy *Melt the aurae perievered ht ~6 li % exicti will hairi, mainly antribUted fo produeef, and the Eiecutive, in such 0,46- tingendy, Will with confidence throe iiielf upon the patriotisrii Of the'peopip to otistaio the Govetninent id ris course ofsedan. • Measureti 'of 'ni t 66'n'Aal •chai r itier have recitnifr been adol44d'hy• th l eMetican Gov ernment, Calculated i'n' no small` degree ! to a'ffec't in tied i e f pater nations ,ivillt Alex i l'o; an to PA to injuriously to - silts Uni- s fed Seates. Al foreigntle,' by d'decrie . of the 23(1 44' f September, ' and after six =months' from the dtiy nf its promulgation. are forbidden" to carry on the'-businesi of selliiwki ritail rittegtiodb %titan the finesinf , Mesico.ts o Againsti•thia.tieer‘s our Minister bacrint failed it.q. ternonstrate. , r ! ~ The trade fietetofaie: dartimkon, by-i* oiti'ictib , mai , SATI64 F,li,jp , il o , l o• 6 lk:n„."!i it capital ; was lalreadyginvtistsol .t!nd .wkli'lll• tyatt*ttecoming of 'dailP hilirna.4 lo l/"44 l Pr t i lance,; ha* soddenly..beeil been aroStati'!):iy a de• ;ergo Of , Yirllnd,proltiliitiOn PA 0 :P4O, of OW Mbiinit,finitorinitint; •:ilNllllUlvfl'r may lie the iti,ht orMhxl4 tolorphibit#4,o4t= 11111 aw7i+rz=Sts4A,l alsemeassza . . , ticular course'of trade,lto the citizens or sub jects of foreign povvem this late procedure, say,the least of it; irearifit harsh:MO on rriendlY isPect. , , • .the instalments on ilia claims receno settled by ,the. 'Convention with • Mexico: have been punctually paid ae they have 15i1- ler' due. and • our Minister 'is engaged aging the establishment of a'npw conidt,is sitin' in pursuance of The ''Conventiorl' fur the settlement of ajusted claims., With the other American States our lationS of amity and pond will have main-, cd uninterrupted. • Our Ministernehr tiie Republic of New Grenada, Ims st4ebtled in effecting an adjustment of the claim. up on that Government for the schooner " RIF Chance," which . had been pending . foi many years. The claim for the brig "Mor ris,' which had its origin' during the exis tence of the Republic of;Colonabia; and in deinnification for which, since the' dissolu tion of that Republic, has devolved on its several Members, will be urged with re flected zeal. • • • I have much pleasure in saying thilt the Government of Brazil has. adjusted the claim upon that Governmentin the case of the schooner "Jahn S. Bryan," and that san guine hopes are entertained that the same spirit of justice. will influence.ita, Canricila in arriving at an early decision,upon the re maining claims, thereby removing all 'cause of dissention between two PoWers,•Whose interests are to same extent interwoven with each oilier:— Our Minister has succeeded in inducing a tecognition by that .Government, of the adjustment eifected by:his. predecessor of the first claims in the case of the " Mace donian." The 'first instalment has been received by. the claimants in the United States. • Notice of the exchange.of ratifications of 1, the treatY . with Peru, which Will take place et Lima. has not yet reached this country, btit is shortly expected to be received, when the claims upon that Repbblic will detititless be liquidated and paid. . .iii 'consequence of misunderstanding be t Ween this Government and that of Boa poi.AYres; occurring. several years ago, this Government has remained, unrepresente'd it that Court, while a minister from it has' been constantly resident here. The causes Of irritation have in a great measure passed away, sitti it is in contemplation, in view of the idiportant interests . winch have grown up 'in that country, at sonic !at*, period during Alte present,session 'of Congress, .with the:concurrence of th'e Senate, to re itoie iliplisritatic relations hetWeen thb tivo coMitries. Violer the provisions of an act of Con= resS of the last sessirm; a Minister was Ileitlaiehed from the United States . ii) bhi mi, In August of the present year,- who, from the latest accounts we have from hint; was atucz, in l it, ?!, ihe j Ail, ei).. teinbel• teat, In S route to Ottlaa. 'ln, regard to the intliin'trilieS re s iding ivtthin hue juiisdtr,Upi: it lithiiSVtlte great kiaildnee of the GOVelitineittlias been exerted . 16 iireeei.;i: them ,at peace• among theinselve,. and to inspire them tVitit feel ings of confidence, in the juiitice of this phy- : ernment v and to cultivate friendship with tho border inhabitants., , het happily succeeded to a great eitent a snb- Jec . o' regret that they softer .themaelVes in shine instances to be iiiipoied upon by artful and ,designing Men—atid efforts of the Government: The receipts iritfi the TiCasurY for the calendar year 1843, eidlusiVe of 16abs, Were a htile,inore than eighteen Millions of dollars; and the eipenditUres; exclusive of payments on the piihlic debt, will have been about twenty-three 'millions of del: lars. By the Act of 1842, a new • arrang ment of the fiscal year was made, so that it should commence on the Ist day of July in each year. The accounts and estimates of the current fiscal year, wilt show that the loans and 'Preasury notes made and is sued' before the close of the, last Congress-• to meet the anticipated deficiency, have not been entirely adequate7 - ^ 'Although 'on the Ist of October last, there was a balance in the Treasury in consequence of the provi sion thus Matle•of $3,914,082 77, yet the appropriations already made by Congress will absorb that balance, and leave a prob. able deficiency of two • millions of .dollars at the close of the ,present fiscal year. There are outstanding Treasury notes to a bout the amount of four millions six hun dred thousand dollars i and should they be ' returned upon the Treasury during the fis cal, year,, they will require provision for their redemption, . I do not however re gard this as probable, since, they .have viously entered into . the' currency of 'the country; continue to form alior-, Lion of it, if the system now adopted be continuer'. .',The loan of 1841; amounting, to $5,672,976 88, falls - due do the fat of Janitthe, 1813, and must be provided for, or pdstponed by a new' loan': • ; And unleda :the reeoureea of revenue Skald be Mater= iafiy increased by you, there Will be-ii ble tieficioncyrfor the,Servicc of the year anding. June 0 , 16, of tisfithithi of 0 b0 . 4 four millions of The. delusion,. incident t'6' an iMettiti/i4SIY exceisii;e:p niter circ6lail4, ) • tNilsith gave a eieo thiAA; and atiniu feted 411eCoture and":CPC eaglen an ex travagant extent, hattbeen,happity succeed-, 'ed 'by stibstitiftha. af' the' precibits als om'i' papeikijointtli . redeemable, in cpe-' rte: mail ` thugrilleeidines.have disap peared, ‘and',4 l- 46'nder of.thitigs,h,aef been , Thietreasition, plkhottglk, ,tiriVsyy 'eotine4etf ,sei!th'Ahrt „prosperity.. of 'OW eountryt hag nevQrthelese, been ettbri deer . priabarreesitient, 't,193 Cs over'rt=, tiVerif; Pireigrifinieoo 3 'o 6 o i 6aoejiii'P: meat or then' cargoes iil'.,a'' etirieriey 'of =ftilly4failable" here pure hise 'of oui lagritiploiralprodrit,iiispifohelepiitfits:'l44 immfitiegfablyalitalkinte*bythOperati4o; ,therehltimtiukCircie largo, and fhafratiriiiiett l tOffthe:olo,oitisiletifb4.ooie 414 . 4144 0400 gptlado ftfl,t4ooo:o4oo,oo B , o rwo*dtioiloq it - ,n6Aimge,i,4mpte‘t the •40 044; P f r ti t t l e i r v Ibi t i t e kt "ril* k 4 1 44 t rit i l a rt, .F. ; !` „o,l4lo44lootattifiedil , , tetideeby diminish d• inaportetionsi and a consequetitdang off inthe revenue." This has induced; Congress, from , 1837,•t0 Sort:to the,,expedient of Wining 'Treasury note,s,,andlinally of Funding them, in order to supply deficiencies'. I cannot, however, withhold,the remark', that it is in no way compatible with the dignity of the Govern , meat 'that I :itiblip debt should be created in time of lieaee'(o_nteet_tbiLeurrent, eit rien'aikof 'the' Government, or that tempo- Tory expedients should be resorted to an hour longer 'thanit is possible to.'avoid• them: The Executive can do no more than' apply the means which Congress place's in its hands for the support of Gov: ernmenit and happily for the good bf the, country, and for the preservation of 16 . 116: erties, it possesses no power to levy exac tions on the people, or , to force frbm tem contributions, to the public revenlie in ' any form.. ' It can only recommend such meas ures as !nay, in its opinion, l3'e called fcir by the,ivants of the public service, to Cott gress; with whom alone rests the power to "lay, and collect taxes; duties, imposts` and excises." This duty has upon several: obcasiotis heretofore been performed. The •.• present condition of things gives a nailer ;fig promise that trade and , comnieree are rapidly reviving; and; forMitately for the conntry; the sources of revenue have only to 11e opened, in order to prove,abundent. -While we can anticipate dd Considerable increase in the proci.eds of thh sale); oftliel . , public lands for reasons perfectly obVious to itir.severtil Years to Chine, yet the public lands, eannht otherwise than be 're garded asthe of the public cred it. With i3 ' 9 large,a betty . of the most fer tile lands in the World under the Control and at the d6po'sal of ilw Govelminen4 nb one can reai,pitabl , doubt the entire ability of the Government to meet its enitagethenta under every eriergencY. In Seasons of trial and difficulty similar to thosb through which we are passing. the CapitaliSt !Bakes Iris investment in the aniPertiment Stocks with the most assured coniidenee of mild- . k i 'mate reintbursement ; and witatever nay be said in a period of great 'financial prris parity, such as existed some years alter 1833, Islimild ,regard it as suicidal in, a season of financial embarrassmept, either to alienate the lands theinselves,rktirer-pro cetds arising flout their sales. The first and paramount duty .of those to whom may be entrusted the administration of public affa6, is to- guard the_public credit. ,In re-establishing the credit 'of this central C4oVertiritent, the readiest and . most obviL Mis,inode is taken to restore the credit of die StateS: The ,extremities can only be Made sound by, producing. a healthy action .. in the Central Covernitent, and the history of the pre;ent day hilly establishes the 'fact, that an increase, in the Value bf the stocks of this aovernment will, in a iliajor l itY nt instances, be attended by an increase m the value of the stoelta of States. „It should thetefore; be a matter of general congratu-' ration : that amidst all the embarrassments arising ,friiiir surrounding circumstances, the credit of the t;overnment should litiVe been so fully restored that it has beet, ena bled to effect a loan of seven millions Of dollars to redeem that amount of Treasury notes, on terms more favarable . than any. thatliareheen bffefiti Rd'. many ,'ears. And the six p er cent., stock iirliien was civated , An 4142, has advanced in the . hands of the holders to nearlytwenty Per cent. above . its fidi Yalue: The confidence of the beo plc ni . the integrity of their 'Government has thu,; been si g nally Manifested. 'these opinions . relative to.the publia lands dii`not in any m anner ennitictwith the observance of the most liberal phliCy toWarile those of m i lt fellow 7 Citiiens who 6tess,t,or T , , ant into the Wildernese and . are the pioneers in the, work of its reclamation. , lii securing-to all such their rights of pre-emption, idle Government'performs but an act of retribm: tive justice for sufferings . encountered and hardships endured, and finds ample remu neration in : the 'comforts which its policy ensures and 'the happinessw hich It imparts Should a revision of the: tariff, with a ,view to revenue, becothe necessary in the estimation of Congress, I doubt not you will approach the subject, With a just and enlightened regard to the interests of the whole Union. The principles and views which I have 'heretofore had occasion to submit, remain unchanged. it can, ho.iv ever, never be too often repeated, that the prominent interest of everriniPortint our-, suit of life, required for da*es, mime nency and StakilitY in legislation:. the, can milk be attained by adopting ad the fia: nik ofaoti en,rtiod tration'in all thingi; Wideh id as intliSPeneably . necessary • .6? • secure the liartininiOtia action of the z pniifical ati . of .the, animal itYritena; • In our 'pntitieat Or ganiiation; no one ieetion 'of the COftntrv, should dedire to bade its sufigiedintereSts udvanCed at the sacrifice Of alt others; hut Union being the great ititeieii, • Aijita(lYke 7 .. ;eindii ilia should bii foliteredand sustain ed by &dna concessions and. ke . , etiltiva tion Of that' tipirk Ot'A of proar s itin froth which th6,Cgrnititti4p itself proceeded: , .. 1., , Toil 44t be informed, by, the report fromm the TreUiiiiir Department, of the measures taken under the act•of the last:sessiimi.au thOrizing the re-issue of Tteasury notes in fieti 'of those then 'outstanding, ' The syti- I tem 'adapted in, purstnince;.of ex is till, hiviiiii seems 'well. calculated ,to : tfaVe..tliticodittry a large f amnunt of iistinteif, ttihile it- afi'orils eonVe O i Clive's` entlofirifiketiAttgef,i.atid ei- . , _Ms°. IP ,tfit. '4anstitiiiiitit,i,4f:filo4,t6 ;di's . tiOiiiiititentg;: 7 l l- ,i'Alvtlu also , to that .deposit Or: themiteaits. praposed. by- Oh Sed raiar'y'te tribietake,the reVOMPe.' 041'0M : deli- . ' fatly tri.ihat' Pertiiih lent ~o ficeliodetateo to the ' Er9lo4.4.'lti4'4 , .‘iiitliiiiiiini, ey stem,' *ilia, 1, earriOttly: thee! , kpOn . Congierfs at Its la4iaeseitiltitatgallo thb itripoithilea Of Which ,) riny , .,..dpiiiiiiii'' hash' ''tindergatfe ' 'no Auitito; '.' " ,'''''"-. ''''.:'. ' . `" t ‘ .... ,::: . ' . ~ .i , fn. vieOPtit ihe'4ipiilr4}l. o,iilliti'pn ..,iit we'aiiiiii4y;A:o;teirii.,.:llllid, Om high 416' 01:„4 s plit,Jiiio",.qt, vifie ~ 'q- . 4l.)"ife'reptipaits Of,the mountoo.iffdt4to! 4e , inetiii#AinCtipok 00 1 , toipresent:triethe . :.coiloille . ialici*Ogikp*, A - 0,0#10 4 , ; 4 0 1 , 11 , 0 0 0 4,0419,4 1 .**t Apory)l ll . l ,t,lo,PiimiAtApp.'or.;o.o i ,e ; r ow ° ogi . ,§posi.A.ltiolivibrow.i.,o, 7 . tia l i t 4i#,.. A l.e.tioti:;,b i a,:itio,o4l6,4ppolii, c , f. 1414, *ens. '4IIP. lloo.ittpe.:. i t 1 0'.'0, 1 .; t it 411:.:''sik,‘1 1 ," : 4..,r0041,k0r ,0. !o r ,kp,:wii,i.ngog,, 4eatOgypotql. Ap.4oqempooniiisitoettAhmk,otoo- . • - • , moil! than 'one hundred dollars, to be eMr lo,P,c . iff all excre'Se.' elm' es . which frera . time ployed in- payment of the ,e,bligaticies of 4A:time may, have,geown,up, yet it hap riot the government in lieu of 'gold ,aed silver, been regarded as 'Witi,e,,or prudent to recom 7 at the option, of the public, creditor, and to Mend any, Material (dirge _in annual ap bn amount notexceeding 16,h,00,000... It proiiriatione.• , The interest; which are in-, wee proposed to make them.teceli , ible ev- volved are , of too,,iiiiporiant,,schatacter to bl',y where, and to estahliSh, 'o,i. ~, a 'rtous lead to the,,iecoMmendatien of any othei points depositories'of gold .'ati4 sievee to be than' a libera l . policy : , Adegilte appropria-, held in trust for the redemp . ion,e f such' tions ought to be ",lade to enable the .Fxe mites, so es to ensure they. ,comerdhility cutiveto,fit,out all the ship;; thet,are,. now into specie. No doubt ,waf,,emortalned in a ceurse.ef building, or that require re that such notes ,would have rhaintaOd a paire,•lOr active service, in the ihortest pos-• par value , with, gold and sil,ver,,j.fies fur- sible time, ,should ;any ,einergency .arise nishing , a r papet currency, of yrival v alue which may require it., /inefficient Navy; over Union, thereby meeting,:lbejust while 'it is. the cheapest 'means of public eirpeciatione of the people end halting the defence; enlists in ,its suppert.the feelings duties q . ,a pateetel Government. ~,:ir l ieth- of pride and . confidence ,which .-hrilliant er theilektsileries should be permitted, 4 , deeds end heroic ~valor have heretofore sell or Purchaeebills inter very limited re: served. to strengthen and coOtirth, strietiOo togeper with all- its other details I refer you particularly to ,that poiot of. , ,,, ~ its other was submitted !o the wisdom of •Congress; the Secretary's RePort'whiqb has reference. and was, regarded 'as of secondary itnpor- to r ecent e pcri . th e epPlieatioo- of , mime. , thop,g),4,,then, and think OW, steam . and in : the censtrUctioh . , of war , that such attarte,ngement would have lieen Steamers; made under the itiPerititepilence attended with. he heppiest results:., The of distinguished officers of the Navy.' le wholematter of the - currency Would 'addition to other manifest improvements in have been placed where by rho Constitit- the construction of the, steam engine and don it was designed 1 ,0 be . Placed—under.a . ppli ca d on ,. o f the Motive ,. power, which the _immediate supervision,entl .emittol of . has rentlereirthem more appropriate to the • 1 b Conreas. The action of the Gove'rement ' ases of ;bins of War, one of those Airmens u world have been independeht of all Cerpie • has brought into Use a power which makei rations, and the same eye which rests tin- I th e s w a n ; s hip most formidable either for e easing y. on tho specie currency and guard;; attack tir defence.-", .1 cannot too strongly it againet adulteration, .would ..also have reCominend this subject to your eonsideett • teSted .on -,ihe paper.-currency, to, control don, and,do not beSitate'lo,express • my en- . and regulate its issues and protect itagainst tire conviction of . itS•great importance. depreciation. , The,,saniii ,yeasens..whi l ch I call Your , partimilar attention also to would forbid . Congresa 'free, parting,witit that, pPrtion ,of , the, Secretary's Nepali the power over the mina c, would . peern Which 11as reference to the act of the late to operate .with nearly equal force, in, re- sessio n of CongresS which prohibited the gird to t any substitution, for. the preelone transfer of any balance pi' appropriatioo metals to the form of,a circulating Medium. from Other heatle . Of,appreprititirm, to that.: PaPer . ,Wben substitute d roc :skein, Consti-. for building, equiPment and repair. • The Mutes a standard. f valim by which the op- repeal of that: prellibition . will ,enable thq erations of society are regulated, and what- DepartMent to give renewed employment soever causes its Ilepretiation, effects encl. to a large class of workmen Who ,have been _. ety to an extent nearly; if not-quite, equal nevesierily discharged itt , consequence -of to the adulte,ration of the eon/. Norman I the .tvatit.of means topay them ---1 circoni withhidd the, remarit, that its advantages, stance attended,. especially at ,thui season_ contrasted %volt . a Bank, of the United of the ye'ar,-with much privation Mid sttl= - States, apart from the fact that to batik was fering...: .. ' . ;„. , ~, ~ ~, , . ~ esteemed as obnoxious to the ptililic senti- it g ives me great pain to announce to - Mm e , ,as well on the score of expediency you the loss of the stuarhship !''Fite Mis es of censtitutionality, appeared, to tne to stifiri," . by fire, in, the Bay of _Gibraltar, he ettikrog and obVidns. The relief which where : she luid stopped to renew, her sup a litMli would afford by en issue of SO,- plies of coal. on her voyage to tilekandria, 0011,9 . 01 of Its furies, judging ; from, the ex- i with Mr: Cushing, the American ,Alinister perienee ef . the late ~,United States flatik, to Chine on board, , There. is .ground' for w , would not .1e ,occurred in less than tif- high cop mend:l6(m f the Officers and men, teen years; iyhereas„under the proposed for the coolness,aett intrepidityand perfect arrangement„ the relief arising from the is- submission to diSeioline evinced ooder the . . , site of tz,9_s 4 oo,ttilft of,. Treasury, notes most trying eireionstanees. Serromided by ' would have been cons ummated in one a raging fire, skllielethe ..utmost exertions • year; thus furnishing in one-fifteenth part could, not subdue, and which .threatened ofthetiMe in which a bank could have ac- momentarily the explosions of ,her well complishedit, a paper meditnaofexchange supplied niagm,ines, the officers exhibited eetialin amount to the real ,wants of .the no sigma of fear; and the men obeyed every. country, at par value pith,gold,and silver. order . with alacrity. Nor was ,she eban the saving to the Gov,erninent would have tinned until the last gleam ef , tope of savr been squat to . all the, , ,which it has ing her had expired. his Well i worthy of hail to pay on TreaSury,,potes of previous youvi•onsidt•rittioti whether the losses sus : as well ,as subseLitient issues, thereby re- tamed by the officers and crew ,in• this un lievingtlie Gpverpment, an d a t th e Came fortunate a ff air should net be .reimbursed time affording relief to the people... Under to them. .. .. all the responsibilities attached to the eta- I cannot take leave of,tkis painful sub; tion which I occupy, and its redemption of jest without adverting to the aid rendered a pledge given to the last Congress,at the upon the eceasion by the British authori-, close of its firstsessioni I subinikted, the ties. ,at Gibraltar,-nOd . the, commander, of suggestion to its consideration at twh eon- ficers and crew, of i the.liritish ship of the eocutive sessions., The recommendation, line ", T,,M healabar,"whieli ,was lying at however, met, with no favor,at, its hands. the time in, the ,hay, .gvery thing, that Yi'hile I.ani free . to ,admit, that the neccs- generosity or huinanity•could dictate, was sides of the dines ha ve since become great- promptly performed. .It is,hy such sets of ly aniellorated; grid thattliere . is good rea- good will by one to another of the family, son 'to hope , that, the country ip safely and of nations,thet fraternal feelipgs are riourish rapidly emerging from the difficulties and ed,aittl the blessings of permanent peace eritharrarifitieents which every ,where sur- secured. —, .• .•lt -1,, . .. rounded tt ill , 1841, yet ,I cannot but think The report of the yristmaster General that its restoration to a sound, and ,healthy will bring you acquainted with the opera condition tvould . be, greatly expedited by,a tiona ,of that, Department during the' past resort to the expedient in a modified form. year; and suggest to jeu such Modifications The operations of - the Treasury . now of the existing laws ps in yeur opinion the rest on the act of 11E.9, and the resolution exigencies of the Public ,service may re-. of lblo, and. those. laws have been so•ad- quire: ~Thechange which the country has, ministered as to produce as grea t .e „gnaw ? under hoc inthe,mode of travel and trans tum of good.to the country as their proyis- portation.has, afforded so - man facilities facilities ions are capable of yielding.. , If there hail roi ; rit e ~ tr a nsportation of rnail, matter out of been -any distinct expression of (minim' regelar mail ; as. to requi re the greatest vig going to show that public sentitrient is dance arid. eircumspeetian in order enable averse to the plan either as heretofore fee- the, offiger at the lieMl of,the Department ' ommended to tiongres.4,er . in a Modified to restraio the eipenditures, within the in form, while my owh opinion in _regard to come., 7here is aleo top • Mueh,reason to it would remain ,unchanged, l etionfil he fear that the franking priviledge has . cup • very tar from again presenting it to your , into great abuse. The pepertment never-, ecinsideratibie ~ The GovernMenthas prig ; theless has been conriected with the.great inated I:frith ,the. States and the people; foe eet vigor, and has attained ailliileest poi-, their, evils benefit and advantage; and, it 'Bible expense , all. the , useful objects for N ' votirtl l hP • Subv ersive H of the.„; foundation which it- was -established ~, principles ,ofthe "'wildcat edifice which In regard to all the Departments: I am, f i lmy lia,v.ereared;te persevere in,a measure quite happy iq the belief that, nothing hap 1 which iii their mature jedgments, , they had been left undone, which was called for by , either repudiated or cendeinned.` . ,The Will a true spirit of esonoiny t or by a systent.of, of our censtituentS, ; cfnaily ,expressed , accountability, ,rigidly-enfprced. . This is should be regarded ,as, the, light to guide in some degree apparent from thefact;llief loai footsteps;'„ the title . diffqrence between the. Goverpment has sustained no, Vies by,- - driaenatchial o r' aristocratical. government ; the default of any of its agents. ~ , In the and,s itofniblii: .being,.thpt ib the first the ' cOrnolex„ but at the same time, ,beautiful tViIT of the few, prevails over the will of the machinery of our Goveroment,,it is not A, many; while in the last the will of the ' Matter of surprise, that some remote agetir .. 'man)) should be alone consulted. ” ' t' cy may have failed Tor an, instantto folfil, , The report, of' the Secretary of 'War' ?ill* its 'desired office 'i but I .feel,confitlent in . the . I bring you acquainted with the contlitihnOf assertion, that nothing has . occurredto M I .. that important branch of the pit:tile servi c e . terrupt the 'harmonious act ion of the Gov-, The Army may be. i l'egaided; in come- ernmelet• itself, arid„ that while the. laws, I qience of. the small.ritinaber Of the rank have been:execoted,.Witketficiency end.:vig-, and Mein pitch Company and Regiment, or, the rights neither of States tiorlodividu aS little inure than a nualetis Around which ale have been trampled on or disregarded.., to 6113 the military foice. of the country - In the Mean , time the connay",hatt'beem incase of war; and yet its, services in pc-, steak)) etivancing in all.thateontrihntoito, se ioyg‘.the peaCe cf . the fontiers are,.of) a national greatness. The'fithie . rPottilatien ' most i m portant nature: In all cases of' Coritinues unttrokeoly'to fitiwyntn:tho'neiv, i emergency,' the relianee of. the country , is . Statee and territories, Where'a; 'itifiige.le. properly pleeepti the Militia,Uftheleyeral ferind met only for our „ n , ativ .. ' heri, 4o . l !P.er. - : , States, and it aibY,Well deserve the . cOrSith , citizene,_hutfor,einigtefitiPM'lool B . of. Or'idott 'or ,6:iii' g r'ess, Whethei a cii,tr . e.tit) ~the„ civilized. world. 100,,,:Pe01e.. 4 MIF: . :M 3 ,- Olin; Perfect:Organization 'Might treitbe o,Jo.partaku . of . the blettiog-e,ofght''Cree..,ltteir.. troddeecl,'. looking mainly 0 the Me:roper tutiens,and.thakd,bje, ti,st : lilehei.Y?- ,!v? 13 1 1 communes of the. Unioirtforl, , ilie`P . reis' out, the ehrreiit'otionr: i we . .,elo4l: ifirer,.._;,_ . • ~_, ; and Of .easY,'SPPlieaticin.to i th,e,,great body ' -. lt is doe tc . 4ytry,e#dridep,tto pfpublic i, 4 -the,Militia_in tune tar: . ' •:: • ' ,-; ; policy that : tiff )11#40 . 4Y0r,0p,, the We9,t. : ~_ The expenditures of` the War ;Depart- ..should. rgi . eiy..„ all:, itiCti; i eelctric . .at,- - 11m , • vied have been' ~coniapiabjk reduced ' in ; : liantja"cit.qoPeequatlifi, • • cnO,ttitcoc i ,wili , ;tiiii:lai4t44•;7gtati6kinkragencieS,' 'ii4iii. ; 4.114 1 4,0:...!i0.,. 1 ).9f 4 4'.; 1 191ef1a1gv.- "eiel t i*3',!ttf4.l9o,Y,o3l l d l c4UF file.thil %,1 1 ,0.....p.Tyrrivitplio,?Rk , vo t 5),,Mepti0v,50, 3 .1 1 .,:' llA4 , 9llAßAPgqw4Atigi4 , 4 4o ;r7: , .,hqs , :ml:s.q.k . .. g.imdePti.?B.l.4i i rseolow., . tiN9), ASWV,R I OI4AIigiO YeO;. ra ,, , STF,, . in case pf r w,ar . 0 1 , ).1. 6 0 , ..01, 1 !4,195 4 . 1 11, , b ~1 8 ,,IF. : orm,W.It„,,*:yP40f/i01.1 ; .,gq 0i1 i b,.. 4 4-,; 'l , i v