Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, November 29, 1843, Image 4

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tetam - trinatalmaze-.-
Froth the New York Knickerbocker. -
' B'eneath the star lit skies, .
Treading the dew.gemmed lyeik' to Thee,
Father AlMighty ! and these tea* eyeri• 4,- - r
Througkinortarshatl,ows would thy glory see t,
My splriClooghath bent,
To earthly idols r wlille Faith'S single eye
ID'azing upon the treasures thou bast lent,
Turns from its goalbes dad the glowing sky
, .
, .
' .Ingratitude bath chilled
Affention'agushing loantaiu, till k flows
Sluggishly ooward,•like a stream distilled • •
Mese blnekeited punks and gathered sands oppoie
And hope renews her flight
Only to' mourn her desolate return ;
Since not beyond the veil of mortal night
She strives the laud of beauty to discern.
• Allll Love With forged its chain--
:A gfittring baud that dazzles to subdue!
' The itailijih r ; wiptive3 in its lengThetted lraiu
Turn from the fount of Heaven to earthly dew !
And thought had bent its wing •
Prom its Mgh journeying; awhile to sit
Within its wide(' cage; a captive thing,
I'leatited with the trifles that lx.ibre it tilt.
Anil from the /prp of life
Griefbath her wild rli.emrilaut measures wrung;
She brAV death 00101110 in the fearful strife,
And on the utr key notes of sadness Hung..
ilven as the withered flower
Lookehtt for evening's damp, reviving brhatti,
So in this calmly bright and solemn hour
My spirit struggles with the hods of death.
From thy resplendent throne
Eternal Father! grant one lucid ray
Upon the path Which I must treild alone,
Unless thy smile illume tiw ciouded way.
To thy returning child •
Bent! a propitious ear . ! Accept my prayer,
Through Christ the crucified, the underact!,
Whose cry clannish rent tlia'iiiidiiightair:
And now the entre look down
With softer glances, and the dew•-drops roll
With kluging. melody from pale crUten
Theseare Thy smiles to my awakened soul!
A nation would, indeed, be truly blessed
if it were governed by no other laws than
those of this blessed book; it is so com
plete a system that nothing -can be added
to it, or taken from it;' it contains every
thing needful to be known Or done; it af
fords a copy for a king, and a rule for a
subject; it gives
,instruction and Counsel to
a Senate, authority and direction for a mag
istrate; it cautions a witness, requires an
impartial verdict of a jury, and furnishes
-.the judge with his sentence, It sets the
husband as a lord of the household, and the
wife as mistress of the table—tells him
how to rule, and her hriw to manage. It
entails honor to parents, and enjoins obe
dience to children. It prescribes and limits
the sway of the sovereign, the rule of the
ruler, and the_authotity of the master; cent
ilium's' the subjects to honor, and the serl..
vents to obey, and promises the blessing
and protection of the Almighty to all who
walk by its rules. It gives directions fur
weddings. and for burials. It promises
food and raiment, and limits the use of
both. It points out a faithful and eternal
Guardien to the departing husband and fa
ther-rtells him with whom to leave his
fatherless children, and in whom his widow
is to trust,.and promises a father to the for-.
mer and a husband to the latter. It teaches
a man how to set his house in order, how
to make his will; it appoints a dowry for
Nis wile, and shows bow the children shall
be left. It defends the right of all, and re
veals vengeance to every defaulter, over
reacher, and oppressor. It is the first book,
the best book, and the oldest book in the
world. It contains the choicest matter,
,gives the best instruction, affords the great
est pleasure and Satisfaction that ever was.
enjoyed. It contains the best laws, and
. the most profound mysteries that ever were
penned; it brings the best tidings, and af
fords the beat:, of comforts to the inquiring
and disconsolate. It exhibits life and iin
, mortality from everlasting, and shows the
'Way to glory. It is a brief recital: of
:that is past, and a certain prediction of all
that is to come. , . r It settles all matters in
debate, resolves all doubts, and eases the
mind and conscience of all their scruples.
It reveals the only living and true God,
and ihoivs the way to him, and sets aside
all other `gods, and describes the vanity of
them, and all that trust in them ; in short,
it is • a book of laws 'to show right and
wrong: a book of wisdom that condemns
all fally,and makes the foolish .wise;
book'of truth, that detects all lies and Con
fute?, idir \s :rror! l itid a book at. life, that
phew!! tit' way from everlasting death. It
Is the most cotnpendious book jn the world,
theOest authentic, and the moat entertain- -
ing history that ever was published: -It
containathe most ancient a ntiq u ities,s tra age
events, wonderful occurenees, - heroic deeds.
'lmPiralleled wars; it describes the celestial,.
terreetrial, and infernal worlds; and the ori
.gin'olthe 'angelic 'myriads, human tribes,
and devilish legions. It will instruet the
accomplished mechanic, and the profound
artist. It , teaches the rhetorician, and et
,.".eistus the, , .o& of the most skilful
carithMetician ,- ; zzles 'pu the wisest anato
. •
end exercises the nicest , critic. It
..'ecifecis the vain philosopher, and confutes
she *tie astronomer; it , exposes the subtle
-sophist, and maims diviners mad. It is a
complete code of laws, a perfect body of
di, 0110 1 an unAleatled narrative' a , b a ak
oidiVes, a book of travels, and a book of
voYaliell:„ it b the, hest covenant that ever
waa4 d on, the best deed that ever was
ses44i, the 4test evidence that user was
produced, the best testament that - ever was
sign . eio Pro - ,uifterstalid it, icolte wise
ti4.ailltillrillatol It is ttitiltitieWtiliW •
10 0 .. 11 ) 1 00k 4 0, 06 .C` iu Kift4 l 4/7*l
4 o t;goldi'v l4- beer- diveetnrYt,
beet .
cP• 44 , 1,4,4 4,a4/41,
And:what-orowatt i ttll4 , is,Ahat , tho AuthoriS
irititcitit 'Partiality, 'and withatit hypocrisy,
—.lain *holm ie iict‘ varitibletiess or shado*
' •;,
cituv.E.—A.Mong, all
43 fine and beautifulfiguretiand Medea of
• . ,
reasonint,that, the universe in .which we
dwell ~has.afforded..fer ,the "ilitiatratreii
the • bright . , hope, that is., withi n us of , alife
"beyond 'the tomb,--them none more
beautiful' or exquisite that I know of, than
that_ which is •derived from the change of
the seasons—from ", the ..second life; •that
imrste forth in spring in objects apparently
dead: - and from' the shaddwing forth, 'in
the renovation of every thing. around lie, of
that destiny which Divideßevelaticin calls
nintit our f ith to believe shall be ours.
The trees that faded and remained dark
awl gray through the long dreary lapse of
winter, clothe themselves again with green
in the spring sunshine and every hue speaks
of file. The buds that were trampled down
mid faded, burst forth Once more in , fresh
ness and in beauty; the streams break from
icy chains that held them, and the glorious
sun himielf comes wanderin g from his far
journey, giving summer, and warmth, and
fertility, and magnificence to every thing
around. All' that we see breathes tire fittnie
hope, and every thing we see . .rekindles
into life.—Jaynes.
, . t.v,_, an,,.,..,11,,,,,, 81-IERMANt
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IiNGES,und grown people say they are the plea
santest and most effeeti vc medicine in use. Enor
mous gum& ties are sold, and every body likes them.
Treeman lima, Esq., edam. of the Fel-chants Mag
azine, says they .cured his cough in a few hours.—
The Rev. Mr. Dunbar, of the McDougol street
church, was cured or a very had cold and cough in
tuna day. The Rev. Mr. Anthony, of the Methodist
Church, was cured of ntisu pt i by t:ieni. •
the lives of thottsauds. Ask W. E. Evans, Esq. 6
Walker st., the Edward:l. Port er; H on . 13.43.
Ilvardsley; Dr. G. Hunter, and nearly all our physi
cians, what they think of Sherman's Lozenges, and
they will tell ra they are excellent—the only
tnedieme kno wn.
real anilidotes to headache, palpitation, sea sickness,
lowness of spirits mid despondency—or the effects of
dissipation. Capt. Chadwick, of the Wellington,
Mr. Ackerman, the great sign painter, Mayor Clark,
and almost every body knows their value.
POOR MAN'S PLASTER—Shermsn's we mean
—costs 12,3 cents, and insure to cure' rheumatism,
lumbago, pain or weakness in the breast, side, or
back; also piles—and they cure worms when applied
to the part. Ask Joe Hosie, or any one who has
nsed it, and would give $5 fur one sooner than five
eents'for - all other plasters. ' Sold in Carlisle nt HUNTER.St KNEEDLER'S
Book Store, East High street, who are sole Agents
For the cure of-Obstinate Eruptions of the
Skin; Pimples or Pustules on the-Face;.
Riles which arise from an impure habit
of body; Scaly Eruptions; Pains in •the
Bones.; Chronic Rheumatism; Totter;
Scrofula or King's Evil; White Swel
lings; Syphilitic: Symptoms; and all dis-
Hers arising frop an impure state o
the blood. either by a long residence in
a antrunhealthv climate, the injudi
cious use of Mercury. &c.
This Medicine has frequently been found
highly beneficial in Chronic Coughs, or
Colds of long standing..
This Medicine Ilan been extensively used in the
United States withslecided benefit in ScroMkt, Mer
curial diseases, mid in all eases of an ulcerated char
acter. As an alterative In the spring and fall sea
sons, it is unequalled. It 4:assesses many advantages
over the decoction, and is introdneed as a prepara
tion mere portable, not liable to injury by long keep
ing, mill better adapted. Ix the use of persons trav'ell
ing or residing abroad.
The proprietor begs .11VC to call attention to the
following certificates. s : ected from a large nuns ice
approving its efficacy:
REAIIINC), mar c h-8, 1E139
This er tifi ca that rev wile Mrs. Deem', hail for
nearly eleven years slithered from a scrofulous erup
tion resembling letter. which ate deep holes in her
face, neck and arms, the constant discharge of which
destroyed her health, nod frequently confined her for
different periods to her bed, during. which-time her
sufferings were very great. be best rogdical acted=
dance was obtained, and all the known remedies
were tried with but no alleviation of her complaint,
which always returned with increased malignity.—
Having:lost all hopes of recovery, she had almost
determined to give up the use orally other medicine;
she was however, by pirsuasaion, induced to try
Oakeley's Depurative of Soreaparrna,•the use of
five bottles of
. which has removed the disease, and
restored her to perfect health,.
opposite the depot, Reading, Pa.
. This is to certify tint my little' son, a bort,
years old, had suffered for a long time from xten
sive sores on the right knee and leg, supposed to
have been white swelliog, whieh I found I possi bl e•
to heal, even by, the. atid.4 - the most respectable
medical advice, until I was recommended to use Mr.
Oakeley's Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla, 8 bet,
ties of which not only healed the sores, bat perfectly
restored the chilcßs health. which had suffered much
in consequence of this affection. •
',above Penn street, Reading.
Tref ahove'case was presented to me both before
and after the use of Mr. Oakeley . 's Syrup of Sarsa
parilla, and I have no hesitation In 'believing that it
was the•agent of his restoration.
Reading, Sept. 12, 1837.
I.lftionsimrSchulkill county, Oct. 1839.
e.Dear Sir—Sometime ago was consulted .by a
entleman with an ulcerated leg, who infomed me
that it was upward of twenty years standing, and that
he hod been under the care of physicians both of
Europe and America, without receiving but alight
benefit. Not wishing to be troubled with his case,
as I then thought a cure doubtful. I recommended
him to. use your CompOund Syrup of Sarsaparilla.
After taking's few bottles, he infornjed me his leg
was healed, which upon examination.l. found to be
the fact. Youre,ka.
, Douotastivrtti, April, 10,1843,
Mr. Oakeley t --My son Edmund Leaf had the
scrofnla In the moat ' drendfUl "
and distressing man
ner for three years, during which Alma he was de
prived of the use of his limbs, his' head and neck
were, oovered:with ulcers.. We Ariel] all the Mei
eut remedies, but to uo effect until' recommended by
Dr.. Johnson, of Norriso wn; and - also Dr. Isaac
Hiester, of Reading, to use your Depurativ Syrup
of Sarsaparilla, of which I obtained several bottlee,
the use of which .drove. , the disease 'entirely out of
his system, the sere' healed up ' anti =the thlid was
restored toperfect health, whielthe has enjoyed, wt.
interruptedlg pe ecer since; to the astonishment"of,'ltnt.
ny *Mons who seen him during. hie affliction.
have tbonghtit my duty, and send you this Certifl.
rate, that others who. have's':like i fielibti . iu-_The
family may r khow where tAtain t o valuable med.
YoilroiMic" . ;4 A. al.Ftikr?'
o at.
iiAPPn4P,t4P'o l 4 l ll?g4ofiteJA:Curailiir-_.
kr; Nair duittberland , • ,„
~/,Iq.',JoslitiVerain,'lllogolestotto:l;,. ' O l
'''',WM.'l.4o4 Londe% Kingston,.
Wm. •
311001);Itur,kartot do.;',): •_'•• „, -•
'' •
FOR 'FRE - i4tdoiit'lirii:EiiitiriBNi - otin
OF ALL ,fipts 4 lpze Anion l 6 FROM /RI
Hannor 4 , 11 E surritra-; •
Scrofula or icing's Evil Rheumatism
obstinate cutaneous Eruptions, Pirrt- .
plea, or Paattilea ou the Face;. Blot
. ches, Bilea. Chronic, SorerEyep; Ring
_Worm or Toler, -Scald Head, En
largement and Pain "of the Bones
and Joints, Stubborn Ulceis; Syphili.
tic Symptoms, Sciatica, or Lumbago,
and diseases arising from an'injudi
ciouta use of Mercury; Ascites, or
Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in
Life. Also, Chronic Constitutional
••Disorders will be removed by this
Preparation. - •
Improvement in whatever regards lhe happiness
and welfurC of our race is constantly on the march
to ,perfection, 'and With each succeeding day some
new problem is solved, or some profound secret re
vealed, having an important anddirect bearing over_
man's highest destinies. If we take ti retrospeaive
view over the past twenty years, how Is the mind
Oink with wonder ! What rapid strides has science
made in every department of civilized life! parti
cularly in that which relates to the knowledge of the
human system in health and disease. How valuable
and inilispemble ate the curative means recently
diecoveridhlwough the agency of chemistry! flow
does the imagination kindleand oileadmirarton glow
at' the Ingenuity, the near approach to ih•e standard
of perfection, of the present time! T hrongli the
elaborate investigations of Physiology,, or the science
of Lire, and the Pathology Of president diseases,
much valuable practical knowleil , „e has been gained.
Ti, consequence of becoming net:mimed with the or
ganization, the elemerits of the various tissues and
structures of the• syKem, remedies have been so•fight
after And diseovemal exactly adapted to combine with,
neautralize and • expel morbid° matter, the cause of
disease, and substitute healthy action in its place. -
The bedutilhl simplicity of this mode of treatment
is not only suggested by the pathology of diseases,
not only grateful to the sufferer, but perfectly in con
sonance with the operations of Nature, and satitifac
tory to the views and reasonings of every intelligent,
reflecting mind. -- -Ittethus that - 81 M's Sarsaparilla;
scientific combination of essential principles of the
must valuable vegetable stibstances,operittes upon the
system. The Satsaparillais combined with the most
salutary productions, the most potent simples of the
vegetable kingdom ; and its unprecedented success
in thr restoration to health of those who had hing
pined under the most distressing chronic maladies,
bas 'given it an exalted character, furnishing as it
does evidence of its own hitrinic value, and recom
mending irto the afflicted in terms the afflicted only
can know. It has long been a most imptirlant de
sideratum in the practice of Medicine to obtain a
remedy similar to this—one that would net on the
liver, stomach and bowels with all the precision and
potency of mineral preparations k yet without any'of
their• deleterious effects upon the vital powers of the
,The attention of the render is respectfully called
to the following certificate. However great achieve
ments have heretofore been made by the me of this
invaluable medicine, yet daily es:persence shows re ,
sults still more remarkable. The proprietors here
avail theinselve'sof the opportunitybf saying it is a
source of constant satisfitetion that they are made the
means of relieving such an amount of suffering.
Wonderful F o rfeits of Sands's Sarsaparala in
Norwich, Conn.
Read the following from Mrs. Wm. Phillips, who
has long resided at the Falls.
,The_ facts are well
known to all the old residents in that part of the city.
111rssns. A. B. SANDS & :%lost krale
fully do I embrace this opportunity for stating to you
the great relief fobtained from the use ofpier Sar
saparilla. I Shall also, he happy, through you, to
publish to all who are aflictedots I lately was, the ac
count of my unexpected, and even fora long while
despair of cure. Mine isa 1)16141 story, and try ing
and sickening as is the narrative•of it, for the sake of
many who may be surely relieved, I will briefly y, et
accurately state at.
Nineteen years ago last April a fit of sickness left
me with art ErYsipelas eruption. lhopsieal
tions immediately took place over the entire, surface
amity- bodyi causing such invenlargement that it was
necessary to Add a half yard to the size of my dres
sesaro,und the waste. Next followed,tipon my limbs,
ulcers, painful beyond description.- For years, both
in Summer and winter, the only mitigation of my
suffering was found in pouring upon those parts cold
water. From my limbs the pain extended over my
whole body.• There was literally for me no rest, by
day or by night. Upon lying down these pains woad
shoot through my system, and compel the to arise,
and, for hours together, walk the house, so that I was
almost - entirely deprived of sleep. During this time
the Erysipelas =Ciliumd active, and the ulcers en
larged,mid so deeply have these eaten that for two
and a half years they have been subject to bleeding.
During these almost twenty years I have consulted
many physicians. These have called my disease—.
as it was attended with an obstinate cough and a steady
and active pain in my side—ii dropsical consumptioin
and though they have been skilful practitioners, they
were only able to affordmy case a partial and tern
porary'relief. I had many other difficulties too com
plicated to describe. 1 have also used many, of-the
medicines that have been recommended as infallible
cures for this disc:tie, yet these all failed, and 1 was
most emphatically growing worse. In this critical
condition; given up by friemls,and expecting for my
self, relief only in death, I was by the timely inter
position of a kind Providence, furnished with your,
to me,itivaluableSarsapatilln. A single bottle gave
me an assurance of health, which for twenty yearal
hail not once felt: - Upon biking second my en
largement diminished and in twelve days fromthe
Bth of October, when I commenced takhigyour Sar
saparilla, I was able to enjoy sleep and rest,by night'
its refreatting . as any I ever enjoyed when in perfect 1
health. Besides, was, in this short time, relieved
from all those excruciating and unalleviated paints
that had afflicted my days, as well ins robbed hoe of
my night's repose. The ucers upon my limbs are
healed,the Erysipelas cured, and my size reduced
nearly to my former measure.
Thus much do I feel it a privilege to testify to the
efficacy of your health-restoring Sarsaparilla. A
thousand thanks sir, from one whose comfort and
whose hope of futurei health are due, under God, to
your instrumentality. And may the same Providence
that directed me to your aid, make you the happy
and honored instruments of blessing others, as dis
eased and despairing as Toni , much relieved anti very
grateful friend, ASLNATH M. PHILLIPS.
New Lortuost Co: ss. . Norwich, Nov. 4,1.84,1
Personally appeared,the above-named Asennth M.
Phillips, and made oath of the filets contained in the
foregoing statement before me.
Justice of the Pence. I
. .
Beingpersonally acquainted with Mrs. Phillips,l
certify that the above asserted facts nre substantially
Minister of the Gospel at Norwich, Conn.
Sand's e. Sarsaparilla will also remove and perma
nently cure diseases having their origin in an impure
state of the blood and depraved condition of the gen
eral comititudon, vizi Scrofula or King's Evil in its
various forms, Rheumatism, obstinate cutaneous
eruptions, blotches, biles, pimples, or pustules on
the face, chronic sore eyes, ringworm or totter, scald
head, enlargement and pain of,the bones and joints,
stubborn ulcers, syphilitic symptoms, diseases aris
ing ti•om an injudicious use of mercury, female de
rangements and other similar complaints. •
Prepared and sold .by A. D. Sands & Co., Drug-,
gists and Chemists, Granite buildings, 05 Broadway
corn er of Chambers street, Neal York..-And for sale
by, Pruggists throughout the United States. Price
$l. per bottle, six bottles for $5.
Thes public are respectfully requested to remem
ber that it is Sands's Sarlaparilla that bawd is con
stantly achieving etch remarkable cures of the most
difficult class oediseases to which the human frame
Is subject; and ask for. Sands's Sarsaparilla * and take
. ' . S. ELLIOTT,
Aga*. by 'Peas' !ippoletrnent for the Proprietors,
or Carlisle and vicinity. • •
Ju1514,134A • .• /3/47
. „
k ?PUPATION . ; Will be made.; by the
gnrectm orihg, tka"
ielgtuee Of the Commonwealth Of"Petinsylaanlic,for
a renewal of the. *barter of the told flank by the
nß.K49.slnd Atileaf thn "Carli*le' Bank."? la i n ,.
ii.ntle,l dint Jt Wall be 'located in Carllile, Calabar..
kW! 'comity; thatiCihall .•,hareital! limo - Capital it
ln**l l 4/1 3 e. hEiFkdrfeti th eNsen 4
& T ithe .', : lrettlit object Of `,l6lankinca tidiscounting
PoTg*Mll•,.,:u'•97: order ock%Bogr
viv7 OS 44.
.2,40001 - 8,
' •
v..lirwsLsApasPA -
toff;.**FP L'Citqltki ti4B,lorinaratiait 1;44:
bei4dit risore 'apparent: ".,littmetcvea ,piersolis;
assert (Way' Sae derived morel?enefit from ttstaiona_
otticof - tti thatithrie of earl:alter. This
ilia oolly;
' aocounted fiir,as Dr. Leidy's Sirtanarille leech
strOaget preptration than any other, and near. twice'
es Ouch% contained in one bottle as of any other
(and sold at theitatnoprice,) tet'the,pabliq:retmeu.
this—Wit no 'vain boast but the r eal ibet.
F,ro a the Medloal Review
tar•AAmong the vegetable alteratives with . which,
out dispensaries abound, there are 'few so , useful as
Sarsaparilla, and when properly combined and pre.'
pated, is invaluable] not only in restoring debilita,-
ted . constitutiana to their wonted energy' but in every
case arising out of . impure state of the b100d. , ,"
Front a knowledge of very many cases (and some 9f
them considered incurable) ivhet9„ many different
preparations ,of Sarsaparilla had been used; none
seemed to possese virtues or remedial powers equal
to DriLeitly's Medicated ,or Compound &tract of
'Ms a preparation it is believed far superior to
any other, rind would recommend it to the particular
notice of Physicians.—. Ed. U. S. Gazette.
Extract of n letter lrom J.ll. Whitmore, of Easton,
in 4:elation to Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla.
"My little boy and girl, the former now three
years and the latter now seven years old, have been
afflicted with a scrofulous tumor from the time they
wire three months old, Three months ago I was
t Adam.] to make trial ofyour Extract of Sarsaparilla,
and have given it to both to the present time. They
are now entirely free from sue appearance of Scro
fula and never were in better health.".. •
Dr. Leidy's &asap:trill.t is efficacious in all die--
o..ry, arising from impurities of the blood one other
fluids of the system. All intalius who nine [we
been under medical treatment, who are debilitated
from the quantity of medicine they may have taken,
or are under a mercurial influence, will find that by
using a few bottles of Dr. Lehly's Snrsnparilla,their
usual vigor and elasticity of their frame nail system
will 1.6 restored, and be again permitted to enjoy the
sweets of life.
gAnsA rAleatiA.
( : - ..."This article appears to be doing 'wonders at
the South, and from the high character of the re
commendations, we are fully persuaded it is a most
capital medicine for,sill, impurities of the blood.. We
know many Physicians ' why have given their testi
mony on this subject, and we know they would not
give a character to any medicine that did• not really
deserve it."—Gbarleston Enquirer.
Extract of a letter from Dr. Warren, Natchez.,
"Having fcir the last year in my practice used your
Sarsaparilla with much satisfaction to myself and
benefit to my patients, I have no hesitation in declar
•ingiLto be one of the most useful preparations iq
diseases for which Sarsaparilla is prescribed."
(r - This preparation may be depended upon as
being the strongest (consequently more efficacious)
of any in existence; all fluid preparations must pos
sess similar virtue., in proportion to their strength,
being prepared from the same article. Dals,eidy's
Compound, Extract of Sarsaparilla, however, pos
sesses properties not possessed by others, from its
Manner of preParation, and combination with other
vegetable extracts recommended by the medical fa,
culty—and hence the reason why , it is so 'generally
recommended by the Physicians of Philadelphia and
From the extraordinary , virtues of this prepara
tion and a knowledge •cf . US Composition by yhisi
rians; (the reason why the/ so generally use it, as
they would not use or recommend any preparation
they did not know the composition of,) it has been
introduced in many of the Hospitals throughout the
U. S. and is highly recommended by Physicians and
Surgeons of those Institutions.
. FrOm ths.New Orleans Advertiser.
The high mid envied celebrity which this pre
eminent medicine has acquired for its invariable ef
ficacy in all diseases which it professes to„core, has
rendered the usual practice of pufffing unnecessary.
It is known by its fruits nail its good works testify
for it. 1)1.. Leidy's Siireciparilla will be found parti
cularly efficacious iu all diseases of the liver, stom
ach, siiii,kidnevs, spine and hones, ulceration atilt
nose, throat and other lutrts,abscessel, fist:lllas, scro-
Tains; erysipelasjanndice.rheumatisraand incipient
gout. mercurial and syphilitic affections, feinale de
rangements and in restoring the sickly and debilitat
ed to their naturallealth and energy.
Dr. Lehly's Compound Extract ofStirsapatilla has
stood Ilw test for five years pri,t, mut 'tis uo boast to
say that 'there is no other preparation of equal
FiVellgth now iu use, Throughout the Southern
States where Sarsaparilla i'. asAnsuck in general use
:14 tea and coffee, 1)1.. Leidy's Sarsaparilla is gener
ally preferred and is highly recommended by rhv
sicians. [whose certificates have been frequently pub
fished lwoughout the north and west it Is also
much used, mote perhaps than any other.
Due bottle of-it-Duff a pint) is warranted equal to
two °fatty other in strength, and is equal to one half
gallon of the strongest Syrup that can be made.
Directions for making Syrup therefrom accom
panies the directions.
06-ilut a'rew days since a Clergyman of this city
• .
' [who does not desire h is name published in the ;ta
pers. but is left with Dr. Leidy] stated that n lady
who hod long been a communicant at his church, but
for two years past unable to go to church, on account
°flier extreme debility, occasioned by ulceration 'of
various part? • f her body, disease of her liver and
other interns. 'erangements, and the constant taking
of medicine tit efor, never found any change for the
better until Mk: using several bottles of Dr. Leidy's
Sarsaparilla, Ana by a (iffy months perseverance in
its use, was entirely restored to health, and recover
ed her former strength, and to use her own language
"was almost created a new being." This is but one
of many instances almost daily heard of.
It is preared only and Bold wholesale and retail
at Dr. LEI I)Y'S Ilealth Emporium, No. 191 North
Second street beloW Vine: also sold by Frederick
Brown, corner Fifth mid Chesnut streets; and Fred.
Klett & Co. conic:- 2.d and Callowhill street, at $1
per bottle, (a hall pint) or six bottles $5.
For sale in Carlisle by
May 31,1845. tf-.31
'Worms I Worms 1.
IF parents knew the value and ellleacy of Dr.
Lenly's Patent Vegetable Worm Tea,they never
would be withot it in their familleaos children arc
subject at all t un es to 'Worms.
Dr. Leidy's N orm Tea is composed of vegetables
altogethei U , and may be given to children of all ages.
Directions accompany each paper or package.
Children ..suffer much, of times, from so-many
things being given them for worms, without any el
feet. Much medicine, given io children, has a ten
dency to destroy their general health, and they are
more or less delicate ever alter. -
. . .
. . -
To avoid the necessity of giving medicine unne
cessarily when you are certain your children have
worms give them at first Dr. Leidy's Worm Tea. It
is all that is necessary. . .
Refcrence.might be made to several hundred pa
rents in Philadelphia cif/ and county, of the efficacy
of Dr. Le y te& Worm 'I ea." Try it and you will be
• Price l'2i cents a small, and 25 cents a large pack
age. Prepared only, and for sale, wholesale and
Retail, at Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, No. 191
North Second street, below Vine, [s . ign of the Gol
den Eagle and : erpents,) Philadelph ia.
For sale in Carlisle by
June 14, 1843. tf-33
Dr. Leidy's Tetter and Itch Ointment.
AN infallible remedy for various affections of the
Skin, removing- Pimples, Pustules, and .Bruptions;
of the Skin; and particularly adapted to the cure of
Tetter and the Itch.
.This ointment has been used in numerous schools
throughout the city, and county, as well as Factories,
employing numerous girls and boys, and amongst
whom 'letter and Itohots well as other Affections of
the Skin, prevailed with the mast Unexampled suc
cess. Names of Schnol Teachers, as well as Super
intendents and Proprietors of Factories, could be
given, confirming the atiove,but for the delicacy they
feel in having their published in connection
with such luathimme and disagreeableaffections.
:Price 25 cents is-box. For sale in Carlisle by , .
June 14, 1848: . • : • tr-ss
c el o sNstibitri: l oN; 4 . 6 dat". 8 6' 41 4 8 1 44. Ito.
To ConsoloptlveVour fittha Of you are really:
au riog hoar, reflected • Colds, or, ah 'Obatruotiow
and consequent)oaninuktiOu tit: the delicate lining
those tubes , trough which'the'air arlil ) reathe
/distributed to Very', part of • the lunct.'` This 'Oh:
struotiooprotitiossi vain, *o4.•larea*i I **saego•
cough, tliffieulty., ieethlog, heek)o ,revq.t . end a
iiiitthC:euitter;Or Obiligity: *Mott &laity
v‘tav 'lo4ttlfgoinfthe Pnoinoind en 44 in deFleb,
Jalitesi nt: - Atever fails to keret:me (i.*
etruottoeittudelubes the 1E1E4404110g stßitt.b4PktY
in in it t effeets.elli e rron .1191, to
*there.' To be it,p1.:418001e,-,411!7!.11!',Pn!P1i•
• :'490 11 4 6 . 10 :1WRO!,17' . f - a 44 14 .-; ' : iS ' saift;
--'!,JiApn 1'4;140
1 ;
.1100EPARE*007,bipr,p,..0010,bwentori ,
and solnproprietor; No. 214 South. Third et: ,
-andynonottriillinuine -IvithOut
"writtetrefsnature upon Ateiotttidde‘. , wrapper. Apr;
others are counterfeits.' -. • • ,
These niedidines are ribinninendedind eitterisivel
used by the moat intelligent 'persons intim - linked
States; by ,:nutnerotta-;Professora° and -Presidents 61
Colleges, Phisielana of;the Arraand ltlavy;,and of
F 161016116 and Altiishoused; 'and b y more thati three
•hundred Clergymen vstrionitdenettilitatirmik ,-
Tbeystreexpreatly; . prepared tor,filmilY use, and
bare dequired and unprecedented po pularity through
outthe United. States; and , na they are , so admirably
calculated to preserve Ifectith end cure Diseaseqw
family should ever be without them. The proprie
tor of these valuable preparations received his edu
cation at one of the bestlledical Colleges in the U.
.and has bad fifteen, yearn .experience in an
extensive and diversified practice, by which he has
had ample opportunities , of acquiring practical
knowledge of diseases,nnd-iif the remedies beat cal
culated to remove them. - These preparatinns "con
sist of
Jnyne'sExpectorant,a valuable remedy for Cough,
Colds, Consumption, .Asthma, Spitting of Blood,.
Croup, Ileoping Cough, Bronchitis, Pleurisy and in..
flammation - of the - Lungs or Throat, Difiloulty of
Breathing, and all diseases of the Pulmonary Organs.
Also Jayne's Hair Tonio, for the Preservation,
Growth and Beauty of the Hair, and which will posh,
Lively bring in new hair on bald beads. • •
Also Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge,a certain and plea
&ant remedy for Worms' Dyspepsia Piles, andmany
other diseases. . • %.t.
Also Jayne's Carminative Balsam, a certain cure
for Bowel and Summer Complaints,Diarrhcea, Dy
sentery Cholie, Cramps,Sick Headache, Sour stom
ach Chcilera Mortals, and nil derangements of
Stomach and Bowels, Nervous Affections, &c.
Jayne's Sanative Pills, for Female Diseases, Liver
Complaint, Costiveness, Fevers, lidlanimations,
Ohstroctions, Diseases of the Skin, ke.
and in nil canes elwre nu Alterative or. Purgative
Medicine is required.
For sale iii Carlisle, by
May 31,1E41 tf-
1rC.0113 EPAUALOO .„
•BY ate tie elf the nnwers and authoiity
columned in the last will and testament of
MICHAEL EOE, deed., I now offer for sale,,the
Carlisle Iron. Works
Situated on the •Vellow Breeches Creek, 4.3 miles
east of Carlisle Pa. The estate consists ofa first rate
-120 at. ea -Zs- - •
with Ten Thousandacres of Land.'
tle,w MERCHANT MILL with . foor run of stone,
finished bif the most approved plan. About 500 acres
of the laud are cleared and highly cultivated, having
thereon erected •
Three Large Bank Barns
and necessary TENANT HOUSES The'
works are propelled Creek
the liow Breeches
and the Boiling Spring, which neither fail nor freeze.
There are upon the premises fill the necessary work
tncua houses ' coal houses, carpenterand smith shops,
and stabling built of the most substantial Materials.
The ore of the best, quality and inexlmastible,is
within 2 miles of the Furnace. There is perhaps
no Iron Works it. Pennsylvania which possesses su
perior advantages anti offers greater inducements to
the investment of Capital. The water power is so,
great that it might be extended to hue other manu
facturing purpose. Persons dist:mid to 1/1/CCIIIHIC
will of course examine the property. The terms of
sale , will be made known by
Executrix of Michael Ege, deed.
Carlisle; Oct. 10, 1842. ti-51.
puoTEcTION .COM PA N Y, being incorpo-,
rated by an act of the Legislature of the present sea
sionond fully organized and in operation under the
direction of the following board of Alanagers, viz
Thomas C. Miller, C. P. Cummins, John Moore
David W. McCullough, James Weakly, George
Martin,. William Moore, Samuel Galbraith, .Inmes
G reason , Thomas Pa atoll, Wm. Ilarr,Joseph Carver
and A. G. Miller, call the attention of die inhabit
ants of Cumberland:Valley to the cheapness of their
rates and the. many advantage's which,thls cind of
insurance has over tun• other.
lot. Every person insured becomes n member of
the company and takes part in the choice of officers
and the direction or its concerns.
For insurance no more is demanded than is
necessary to meet the expenses of the Company and
indemnity against losses which may happen. -
U. The inconvenience of frequent renewals is a
voided by insuring for it, term of live yors.
4th—Any person applying for insurance must give
his premium note for the eliespot class at tile rate
of fire per maim, which will be $5O on the $lOllO,
for which he will have to pay $'2,50 for live years,
and $1,50 for survey and policy, and no more unless
less be sustained to a greater alumna than the funds
on bands will coverond then no more will he requir
ed than a pro rata share.
.These rates are much
cheaper than those of othercompanies, except such
as are incorporated on the'Same principles.
Insurance is eifected in the following manner. A
person applying for insurance for property of the
cheapest class of risk Mr $lOOO will be charged 5
per cent for J . , ve yeals,n note amounting to ssomnst
lie given by him, on which lie will be requires} to pay
5 per cent $2,50, and $1,59 for surveying still pokey,
and wilblinve no more required of him unless losses
occur find the funds on hands are not sufficient to
Meet them.
Agents will be appointed as soon as possible in dif
ferent places to litt7itil to insorances, and any persons
wishing immediately to apply can do so by signify
ing their wish to the officers of the company.
CHAS. I'. cummiss,
A. G. MILLER, Sec'y
April 14,1843,
rt+ 4
Between Mechanicsburg and
Philadelphia or Baltimore.
mHE subscriber grateßil for past favors, bogs
ji leave to inform his Mends and the public
generally; that ho still continues to run a line of
burtlien Cars regularly between Mechanicsburg
and Philadelphia or Baltimore, by which goods
and produce of all descriptions will he,forwarded
with care and despatch at the lowest rates of
freight. '
Produce will be received at his Ware Ilouse,in
Mechanicsburg, and forwarded to either. Phila.
delphia or Baltimore, according to the direction
of the owner. •
07Tho highest price will be given for Wheat
and Flour.
N. B. Plaster of Paris atid Salt always kept
on hand, and for sale at the lowest prices.
He has also an hand;at the Depot in Mechanics.
burg, for sale, LUMBER, such an Boards,
Shingles, Scantlings, fie. of all kinds,
which will be sold on liberal tame.
August 17, 1842. . tf-4
••, • ',archer's
HAVERSTICK have just received
Mfrom the Manufaitmy at Philadelphia' a large
assortment of LARD LAMPS, Consisting of
pastouir s ehamberac Study Lamps
wither without shades; which they w si sell whole
sale. or retail tkt the manufacturer's prices. •
Astral, Side Ileflectoilabd Glass Lamps Of
ons patterns..'
; cp . 11.1:1 4
The very bestVinter stridned; bleaohdd Sperm
Oil, warrinted to burn clebr.for.
Ots2sa:Mier 'Pllllolli, '
ileidsPeriu Csidlea...3 ,r is,entaperlh:'
pee:4;o42:- :1 , • •
00 , 1:0101.0.0viiiii0:; . .:1,00:40,000;
arAlfic ;,‘
yircPpliDinfling the &blies thatOlo'Optitlitt*
tlfo OTRIPPOPO t tali! par ,the, tit*oat,
ear. ii.4dAtten4P alt,c l OUPol.4 l o o ther. l o'
es entruotect to fmrt' , f,cti.Ol!Wltk,
Ol m o i gk i i ;704kp:604,1a,1040x100.4,,1i.
omouniornort or THE'IritINGS,
Afeetions of the'Liithr, asthma,' lirbnel We . , Pains
.or, weaknete' of the Breast or Limp,: Chronic
CoughaaNettruy, Hxmorrege of the Lunge, and
affeetiOne of the, Pulmonary Organs.
. 111 computind 114161111210 preparation or the Fruit,*
,Firginiatua in." Wild Cherry Bark,"combined with
the Extract of Tar, prepared .by a new chemical
process,.approved nad recommended by the most
distinguished physicians, and universally acknow
ledged the most valuable medicine ever. liscovered.
In setting forth the virtues of this truly great me
dicine, we have no desire to deceive those who are
laboringuniler affliction, nor do we wish to eulogise
it more titan it justly deserves. Yet when we look
•around and see the vast amount of suffitring . and dig
tress occasioned by . mony of tae (messes JO - Which
this medicine has proved so highly successful, we
feel that we cannot urge its claims too strongly, on
say too much in its favor.
Various remedies it is true have been 'offered and
puffed ioto notice for the cure of diseases of the
Lungs, and sonic have no doubt been found very
useful, but ofall that have yet been discovered, it is
admitted by physienos and nil who have witnessed
its elfects, that none hai: proved as successful as this.
Such, indeed, are the
Of this Balsam, that even i n the tolVinced stage of
Conustrrtorr,after all the most esteemed remet:les
of ptpFieivus have fulled to effect any change, tin.
use of this medicine itaa. been productive of the
most astonishing relief, and actually effected cures
after all hopes of recovery had been despaired of.
Iu the first stages of the disease,termed Catarr
ha! Consuniption,"origi nal lig from neglected Colds,
it has been used with undeviating success, and hun
dreds acknowledge they owe the restoration of their
health 'to this invaluable medicine alone. In that
form of Coneutnption so prevalent amongst delicate
young females, com monly termed debility, or
A complaint with which thousands are lingeripg,it
has also proved highly successful ; and not only pos
sesses the power of checking the 'progress of this
alarming complaint, but also strengthens mud invig
orates the system more effectually than any medi
cine we have ever possessed.
. Besides its surprising efficacy in Consumption, it
is equally efficacious in Liver Comptaints,asthina,
Bronchitis, and all affections of the Lungs, and has
cured many of the most obstinate cases, after every
otter remedy hail failed._OCrFor particulars see
Dr. Wistar's Tretise on Consumption, ta be had o
the Agents. ,
Attending the uie or this medicine in diseases of
thc Lungs, and the many singular cures it has ef
fected, having naturally attracted, the attention of
many physicians, (as well as the Whole fraternity of
quacks) variousconjectures and surmises have arisen
respecting its composition; some physicians have
supposed it to contain lodine, other ignorant preten
ders say it intik. contain Mercury, and in some such
substance they each attribute its singular efficacy.—
As such opinions lire altogeth6 erroneous, and cal.
culated to pre jtolice many persons against it, we
That hi:ordains nothing of the kind, or any thhig
the least injurious; on the contrary, it is composed
of the most simple substances, the principle of which
are 114 , ,estracts of TAR and /I itd Cherry Bark,
and the whole secret of its efficacy consists in (lie
mode by width they are prepared.
As.we have already pi/blithe& numerous certifi
cates from the highest authority, ,which prose its
virtues beyond all doubt, we consider it unnecessary
to exhibit it long list of them in this piare, find -will
only mention n lew oases, to show what it has
A' SURPRISING CURE.--Among the many
singular cures whichthis medicine has elreoett,
,three is perhUps none in which its powers are so
Cully shown as in the rose of Mrs. Austin.
. . .
I t lrie lady had been consumptive for several years,
and (hiring the greater part of this time had received
the hest medical attention, and tried all the most
valnahlt remedies, yet nothing could be lomat to
arrrst its progress. She became subject to violent
fits or coughing, expectorated large ginintiti..s at
matter 9m:ll.lkm:4llv tinged Si iti blood, and steli
step this fearful diseatr: contintsed its course, 115(11
all hope of II recovery was enr . Yrely despaired
11'hile in this distressing sittiatixt„lingering npon
the very verge of the grave. she commenced the tisr
of this Halsalm, whidi, to use her own expression
operated almost like a clihrin. Inn l'ew days she
expectorated freely, the cough was gradually sup
pressed, and every day upprared to :old fresh vigor
to her looks, and now, in the plate of that emtitLiatell
form withering to. decay, she is seen• mingling in
society, in better health than she Iras enjoyed lo
the surprising' efficacy of Dr. Wistar's Balmli of
Wild Cherry, in the ease or lrt. A nmin, I cheer.
link acknowledge the above statemeid to be true
and correct. J. C. VAL./Tits, Al. D.
IVondstown, Sept. 4.1841.
Dear Sir—Although your invaluable medicine has
already found hundreds of powerful illiVOCllll.4i, it
SOH be grallryillg 10 you to receive a coinumni
elqloll from any one that has beet) relievad by it.
Suclt, Sir, is truly my ease. l have fleet, a victim
tit that, terrible disease Consumption,' fn• many
mouths, and have autrewil so mucholint..l had he
roine almost weary of my life. Hearing your
lialsalm on highly praise -4J began taking it a few
weeks hack, Mid can assure y nu it has relieved ne•
more than any thing I have ever used hefore,and
confidently believe it will ettreme effectually. Please
give the hearer t h e worth of the enclosed,und oblige
Yours Respectfully; Jol4:s VILA RaarS.
Chester County, Sept. fi,18•11.
Friend Wistar—lt gives me much pit asa re to in
forms thee that my wile's health has improved very
much since she has •been using thy Iltilsalrn of Wild
and we think there is no doubt but that it
Will curs her. She has taken the two bottles I pur
chased from thee it short time sitm., and her cough
is mush !miter she also sleeps well at might, and
slays she has foonut limning to give her so much re
lief, 'nue will please give the hearer two bottles
more for Thy Friend,
Lancaster county,..Titly 18, 1841
Dear Sir—Please send me 'two bottles of your
genuine Balsalm of Wild Cherry. 1 have been af
flicted with Consumption for the last two yearn, and
suffered 'very much with a severe cough, pains in
my breast, difficulty of breathing, night sweats, &e.,
and having tried numerous remedies, and also been
under several doctors, yet 1 could not find any thing
to relieve me until . used some of your Balsalm. I
got one bottle from a neighbor of mine who is using
at, and have found such wonderful relief from It that
I have no doubt it will cure me effectually.
Very respectfully yours, Sze.
Bummer 1103 MAN.
pal`Reatl the following from Dl'. Jacob Ilofrman,
a physician of extensive practice in Huntingdon
county t •
Dear Sir—T procured one bottle of Dr. Wislar'a
Balsalm of Wild Cherry, from Thomas Reed, Esq.
of this place, and tried it in a case of Obstinate
Asthnia on a child of Paul Schivebie, iii which many
other remedies had been tried without any relief.
The Balsalm gave sudden relief, and in my opinion
the child is effectually cured by its use.
Yours, fee. JACOB DIMAS AN, M. D.
December 22d,1141. ' •
. bear Sir»-Yoni Balsalm of Wild Cherry has ef
fected some astonishing cures here. One of which
is an old lady, Mrs. Russell, who had been suffering
fora'longtime with shortness of breathing, and gen
eral weakness, until she was finally obliged to
her bed. After various other remedies had been
resorted to in vain, she commenced using yearns!.
salns,tutil after taking two bottles, wa s so far recover
ed as to be ' able to. attend to all the duties of her
house; and on taking two bottles more was entirely
cured. . Respectfully,
P6itivllle, l's. '
CAUTION..--As there is a spurious - mixture
called Syrup of Wild Cherry, purchasers should be
very particular to ask for DIL WISTAR'S BALL.:
SAM. and observe his shmature on the. Bottle,
Prepared for the proprietor, and sold • at whole
sale by*Williams fit ' Go., Chemistsi , ltio: fit Minor
street;PhiladelPhia.' , , -. ~ • ; ;.
t9old 10 , Carlisle liy,
It; Shippensburg by the Rev. Bold, Smith ; Rae;
rialinrgly John Wyethdit'Lancaider by.J; Gish;
Chairtibersburt by , Levriartenig,,and In Almost evbry
town and village throughout the country. ;
ase.sticouec9.l4lBo,;;4oi, ; „
'1 iiiiiltryijnit oxeye& autilor b r • r p
. • • r • ELLIorr
August te,"18491‘ •
101/10-04"1:1i:iiiiii ate
11 " '
-Jt-rocpi C aO44'THIELOPFICO ,
V:: V VI4
• \
The'bei(pietfidti tar the vlblietin bf .1)
ease s 4. - purify
'.*ljOrGHT 9 tii
Vora,. wlmericats. College of Efecellle
Are now acknowledged to lie thibeil" Median° is
the,world foribelin4 of.
„ .
yit ECAUSE they completely itemise the' etominili.
and bowels from those bilious einfeOrtiipttllU4
more whisk are cause
.not only ,of kleadtielle,„
Giddiness; y l alpitstion of the, Heats, rains in file.
Bones, Rheumallsm and Gold, but of every malady
, • .
SRI/ 1J . V.6.L1N VECE TABLE .01:11Xik
Area certain ours for intermittent,' remittent,:ner
youa, inliaminatory and putrid refers, because they
elemni . e the body ,frep,those morbid humors ; ihddeti•
when 6oameil to the circulation, are the cause of la
• .
Sir; also; dheti the same inipurify is deposited on
'S* Membrane Aitd muscle, ea usi ag 'pa ins, in flam toO -
siong and eif ellVno, called
hithiziti3T/5.49, GOUT, .&.,
The InfliSsi ireiCiahle Ails may be relied on attic`
ways cernsin to 4 , 46 relic ,and if perserved with ac
cording to tlite6sons, will stioilassuredly,andwith
out fan, make a . ; Perfect trifle of the'above
maladies. Yvan' &in to lifdian'iregeta*
Me Pills taken 'Vet" night on going to lied will in
short time so complete), rillthe holly_ from every
thing that is Opposed health.; that litheumatistif s
GoOt,i and pain of she siription, iffi
For ! 'he same reasons, whenifroni sttdadn'elitit4da
of atmosphere, or any other cause, the pdesplration'
is chcekej, and the Inimors whith should pass off by
the skin are thrown inwardty,eauslug
Nausea and Oakum, inlin in the hones, watell
inflamed e) es, sore throat, hoarseness, soughs, eon=
sumptiens, rheumatic pains various partial dm:
Muly,and many atbei• spumonis or
ably give, immediate relief. From three to six of
said Pills taken every night on going to bed, will in
a short time, not only remove all the Obese unplea
sant SymPtoms; bet the body will, in a short time, be
restored to even sounder health than before. The
wine may be said of
The 'Whin Vegetable Pills will loosen and carry
off by the stomach`and bowels those tough phlegthy
humors, which stop up the air cells of the lungs,nnd
ire the cause not only of the above distresslOgcom
plaint, but when neglected, often terminates in that
still mare dreadful malady called
It should also be remembered that the Intliatt
Vegetable Pilla are aceriain cure for it
PAIN IN 'llll O ,
oppressiou, nausea, and sickness, loss of appetite,
oostßeuess, a yellow lingo of the skin nod eyes sod
et.ery other symptom of it torpid or diseased slate of
the liter; because they purge from the body thole
impurities which if .denosited ryon this important
organ, are the cause of ct'ei•y variety of
When A Nution is raivtilsed by Riots, Outbreaks
uui} Rebellion, the only mire means of preventing; the
ilre3llllll consequences cd: a
i 4 to , expel sill tvaitors, and evil disposed ones frorn
the Cfrohtri.
to titannr, when pain or sickness of any kind'
indicate that the body is sli.oggliag with 'twernal foes,.
the trot: remedy is to
Exur.i...1%11.1. MORBID IIUMOIVI o •
(17itithreto tif'e s ,) und
Tliat•:fits Principle ofeeritaz disease, by Clenesing
mill Purifying the hotly, is sirietly iu III:C0111/111IN. wUh
the Laws ellich govern the animal economy; and if
properly carried Um by the use or the 0b0,,t. Homed
vEta , rmit a Pius
Will certainly result in the complete Abolition o .
Disease; we offer the following - testimonials, from
persons or the liigliest respectability in New York
who hare recently been cured of the romt 01;siinate
coplaints, solely by the oso or WNIGJIT'S INDIAN
Vrar.T.qmr.F:' PILIN or Tor:
.1.‘nA1e. , ,, L. 11..1m‘te 9111, 1841.
Doctor William Wright—Dear Sir—lt is with
Great satisfaction 'that 1 inform, you of my having
been entirely cured of Dyspritsitt.r. $t , ..4-
jug, by the use of your INDIAN VEGETABLE
PrevionS to meeting *kit your celebrated meal
eine, I had been mater the hands of several Physi
ciansouol had tried various medicines; but all to tin
effect. After using one 25 cent box of your Pills
howe", I experienced an much benefit, that,l, re
solved to persevere in the use of them according to'
your directions, which I ant happy to state, has re
sulted in a perfect cure. lii tide to you for the
great benefit I hare received; and also in the hope
that others similarly afflicted may be induced to make
trial of your • extraordinary medicine, I send yam
this statement with full liberty to publish the sturot iP
yen think proper. Yours, tie.
Ncw Vonx,dimel9, 1841. G. C. BLACK.
To Mr. Richard Dennis, Agent for Wright's Indian%
Vegetable Pills, No. 288' Greenwich
Dear Bir—At your recommendation. I some tom,
since made trial of WRIGIIt'S INDIAN VEG—
ETABLE. PILLS or the North American College
of Health; and can consciebtionsly assert, that for
Purifying the Blood, and renovating the systerit,
hove received 'more benefit from their use, than from
■ny other medicine, it has heretofore been my good
fortune to meet with. 1 am, dear sir, with many
thanks, your obliged friend, C. M. TATE,
No, 60 nomersly st. New "York.,
Mr. Richard Dennis; agent for Wright's Indian
Vegetable Pills.
Dear Sir—l have been Afflicted for several years
with inward weakness and gederal debility, accom
panied times with pain in the side and other dis
tressing. eorophtinf. After haviag tried envious medi
cines %%about tarsi, I was persuaded by a, frientido
make trial el' Dr. Wiiglat's linliaii Vegetalik
which I ani happy to state have relieved um IttPtilt
wondetful manlier...L. have . used the mediaineitl'ii.
yet but at short time, and have tio,doubt, by.a per
severance in the - use of the medicine lictioedit to
ilirectioni, that I shall inn short time be perfectly'
1 most willingly, recommend mid Pills to all pee
sons similarly• afflicted; .:and in the full ltolief.that
the same beneficial results will follow their tile..
•• • I renutot yours sincerely, ' •
• • .
I , I'Vstwarsing, Ulster Co. New York. .
YOMCs Sept 29, 1841.
Thts is to eertity that I bave.tiseti Wright's Indian ,
Vegetable Pills with thegreatest benefit; haiirt i4t:
tirelk el myself' of the'frevent attack's of ,
.Heattaelie, to which previously, been subjeet.%,
ANN • mautucruomrsoN,
. 392 Greenwich , street N. y
To Richard Dennis, Agent fore Wriglit's.lodistw,
• • • ' . VegetstleTills. • •
As there are at this time many -wicked versons .
busily engaged in selling a counterfeit nietlictne!tin
der the name of the Indian, Vegetable Pills; and att,.
these deisperittp-mensare so utterly , reckless Of ion- -
sequences, that hump...valuable lives: may bo lost; In
eonsequeace of using their.thradful co p plunds, the t
public are cautioned ;against - parehistog
unless' 6n the Sides 'of '416 boxes the following 'skiti*
irsg itifoundt. .
(Indian Pqrgative;)
Or' +on Noar7c.AstaittektitiCou4tici
.And also, to 6uall !APerialkragitlo l 4l4 l reo
444 4 4
tneijivirienrlgny, person expept the regularsidiertleed ,
agents, on ;it the, o,(tiee and: general:, dep0 . 0;101, 'l6O
RACE ' • "
cttiltPo', , 99.o ttY l4lo 6 lercuP.44 4 4trito.
%.01 , cr. • • timiloolm44 ,"!
•44Fromukpi , J -4 .4 74." ‘4l-1 1 11 0 011, -
''AktrikUd takepilerditOw?,. '
tart, 0.4;004g;
tap ,
, 4