Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, November 29, 1843, Image 3

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'' s t i gOicy ,
„ .
Wodnesday Morning Nolieniber 29,1844
PALMER, Egg, N0.,59 Pino.stroot.,•be
, lo‘n;Third; authoriied to receive
.siibiTcriptionot nd advertiseineno fbrAlio Hoinid
eceilits r fOr
. ,
collicknell's. Reporter , Rays:—.Money 'is as
'abundant as% over: in. Phihidelphia::. The rates
o'runge•drom.4,to - . s.per cent. per annum for good
have' heavy' depositcs, and
likeirto' timid fir name' t ituo. • , Many Of Our mer
,'ehants, have largo amounts of capital un, hand,
which they are, willing to loan at lo•,v rates on
good. security. , No amigo of Importance in
u 'do . Untry paper, may rate it a little
'rile Clay Club:
0-it will be seen by' the proceedings of the
.`meeting in to•day's' paper, that a proper start has
j.beerrgiveti to the Clay Club; and necessary
71surea taken to bring it' into `active and efficient .
'operation. 'Another 'irMeting - will be held tommr
, ronrevoning, at Whi . ch a constitution and bye•lawa
'will be adopted, arid the Club be permanently or
ganized by the election of the officers: One or
-More addresses may, also be exported. Every
friend of Harry' of the 'West, eserY political ,puints to us the next President of the
Ithiited:Staies,Should feelsit. his duty to attend and
;give his personal finfluenee land exertions in aid.
Ike geed Whig cause. 'l.,et eo.Whig in the
dicrrouglubo:absent tomorrow-night!
co tress.
(d• Cong,resS meets on Monday next, the 4th
'of December.' If, as is onerally . Supposed, the
President , should' recommend the annexation of
Texas to the Union; and should be supported in it
by, the Southern iiiernbers, tlio coining session
will be one : of the most exciting ever hold. As
this ipicstion is oneWhichtoncerns every freeman
and every friend of freedom, we shall keep our
readers fully advised upon the subject. There
will also be other important subjects brought be
fore the next Congress, havingun incidental bear
ini.ofion the question of tiro next Presidency.
Persons wishing to subscribe fur the^. Herald"
nt sl,7fi , per annum, in advance, should hand in
their names immediately,..
rarniers' Meeting!
/*pro are rejoiced to sec that a number-of our
Fartitin's have at length taken a step towards the
formation of an A gricultural Association for Cum.
I , crland county. A call for a meeting, for
: that
purpose, signed by a number pf our most rupee
-table and influential Farmers, will be found in
to-day's paper, -and 'it is lived will excite sta.
clam interest thro u ghout the county, to ensure a
full uttendonee'nuil the success of the design. This
is tioshhatically the age of improticnient—and per
haps in no iiiiienkave ,greatcr develnpements
been aiudc withili the last few years, than in
Agriculture. And wily idiould Cumberland corm-
IV nut gp . nheati" with her enterprising, neigh
bors-in all efforts that are made to increase the
richness of soils—the' hnpro r cut of stock, &a.
-Land though last by no means st, the elevation
of the Avietiltiiral profession to that high station
unme t ; ttkellecaled and enlightened of the land,
tehich only' sell-neglect prevents them front occu
pying 1 \Vu are sure that the, formation of un
Agricultural S..,ciety will be found productive of
toilvatitades nail benefits to our Farmers, that will
in a short time give a tenfhld compensation fur all
the labor and trouble that ,may be expended in
getting it into sucecssful operation. Active and
perstrei lug exertions will certainly be required,
but we are happy to know that an interest has
bi'ien taken in the subject by a public-spirited gcn
tlqucita in, this neighborhood, who will, not flog
nor tire in his exertions, if properly sustaincil by
the Forming community, until they are crowned
with success, and n Society worthy of Cumber
land county is in successild operation. We /iced ,
scarcely assurc our hit:lids in the country that our
columns will always be open to ColllllllllllCallollB
JHORIOCIVO of the oljeets of the meeting, and the
twrnitnent organization ofthe Society.
j'%Vo observe that the Harrisburg Telegraph
h as become a 1)r Locofoco papers on the
1 .,11 T4.•iff. The elaborate but unfair
Arriie te,,:ra to prove that Mr. Clay and
icuMoun ,occupy the name position on the
Iraniffglicstion (! ) KA , ten i s to pleOse our Locofoco
ttrieods highly. If the T o l ograi 7ll can me no otlier
difference between Mr. 014 and Or. Calhoun on
I.Vs subjea, we Ivc,ul.l suggest to it th..'t Mr. Cal.
boon Fa tiA4 qr :of .heaping the ramify m'mning
fozap i tdvrAp t le i/the Public Lands in 4e I.lll'itcd
aTr9suryi i thus dimipislitng tlxe anaonnt
/ revenue received from imports. Win:neve" mlue,c
hco itllo.r. us he is in Favor of "a revcnuo Tariff
, vith incidental protection." but opposed th e
dli444lUpinoftbo.public land money,. wo set:Wro
down sari deiringogne. If the TelegraA could
.pould but look upon Mr. Clay with an unjaundieed
,eye. it would disemier that Mr.Cluy is in ftwor of
,protection us' a iirinciple, whilst Mr. Calhoun
mould, realize as much revenue as passible. from
dathOi'imurces in older to Preclude protection from
ep imports,
Crci•er, an entorerising yimitjg:
pativo,ofCarlisle,.made a, balloon ascension from
i ftelekingham, Virginia, on Tuesday the 14th
•Tife isecMsion 'was cainnletely Suecossfdl; and the
young igronautalighted from his car about twan :
iy..131k mites frOm the point he 'started, having gong
ta,tbnlieighilt of- a mile and,porfor mod the rerhil
journey in one hour.
" The' publishers 'of 11! d ‘v lark Tribime
announce their intention of publishing an extra ,
of the:Weekly Tribune,' commencing on the 9th
of peb'Fintn - ,and combining until after the Pres.
1(10104 elactiOn. 'lt will nCintain tho matter pub
in the Weekly' Tribune,:and:Will be pih.
lishiA of ppe year;,f9.r,',a,
aingincOPYitenrcepies or more at the late of eve
-411311 Vii et,:t.Wenty, Copies for twenty
Qolair eitcappub
, L trei , Wig he, 'fOiiVarit
names of, anypf our friondo who may desire it'
ofE, 'or Cumberland.' Valley;' at'
paper 'loeofoeS;
py",,ty4o4l4o , tprr.uo,Damocolf.e..,our Whig.
fri l kißOti haveto
there, or they may be overspread with.7politicsal
if ill. V 'B'l'llolll7i
o:274:t.pplie :A1,104110 , feitiON(are! . tualting
itltiyiqikhrt? . ?loct'Vtisfir , Htitoit , i,itt:ryti'uti#ltlicivt r e.
: , 1.4 ` 144.4 1 ,91c:/14 '. 14;g:;fitieri,k,ion} kfii pnperdj, ti
Jotters through tho At . ? ON, An , VeAelhAt 9 1 ,0.v.9,019*,
*tett ought to be! ftillowed up in t119.141,4cr,01::c.
• "il, 4 :34Viliiiiiitiltal%'olllSof . c'S'n SPlONitiWor:
0 r 0 b ,C , ,! 1 49 SPY.. 3 vh,
n F r id ny4t i ar t Lis Alb
J ra,44 ,
xvpinisure n11f!!!,9!4i , '1,i
44, • •
Vie !Ailt4
i'J oir
'ldied; : latelp:;~
• P0,q044).,*413,11‘r11118. ;
:0 * ""N ' .4r4,V4,91, 1 4!4 1 44 1 , 1 1,101 in RR TS
tra tit 'eStrli4,4'it7rittO, qt,l
vatiositioils of hiOlce. bete of them ,
PQ99) 8 :111 '''6 7 . le rgi 4 l. 4 Wk i i . P l !l.lF-TOP ch
(Wil#Upegh,nkliti ? teo,i,n . burl
of ifliißtAg# \ !*;:ilj, , T4li#o l .4 .xti4JOkelsii ,. e• of ! ! '!'i
true .4 ,
) , .4iutira,,,..Anit were we defending
' 811 044 %.',thitilt. , - of.`efreritiel'nO ,
entiled,cyneuon leay . 7
ing„Eltrepe,? . .the liassag s whiet,wo.
annex. 'I crappreeittle them the reader ntint , recol- ,
lest thatritfr.; , Witils,tearried while in piglail, and'
brought hom e young,tvife;•whom hetlitts
tiitiehinglyttenonelidsto the affections' of liii'inother:
Dear tnr,,,thci,Ltn thi,
Tlitre,conie'new woy,ds and Wormer tears ! • , •
Oti leng; long..darkness breaks the light- r ;
'Conine home the hired, the lost for,years!, . •, eli•Wave-Worn unirtner !.
Pear . not; or sterns or sea
'file ear 'of beareo bends low to her
• Ile coshes to shore who sails with , -
Thd spider knows the woof nitrite'',
While 'swings Ilis web, thrtingliliglitning's
And by a thread still fast on 'leaven,
I know my Mother lives and prays ! „
Dear mother !,witen our lips can speak—
Whgn first our tears Will let us see—'
When I can gaze upon thy cheek, '
And thou, with thy dear eyes, on me--
'Twill be it postitne little sad
To trace what wc , ight time's heavy fi ngers,,
Upon' each othre's forms have
For all may' floe, so feeling lingers I
But there's a change, winced Mother !
To stir far deeper thoughts decline ;
I come—but with me comes another
To share the heart once only mine !
Thou, on whose thoughts, when sad and lonely,
-One star arose in 'nortnory's heavet T -
Thon, alio host watelt'd one treasure oar , —
Watered one flower with tears at even—
Room in thy heart! hearth she left
Ie darkened to lend lights to ours
There nre bright flowers of core bereft,
And hearty—Mat hi,vtisit more thou flowers--
She was flick' light—Meir very am—
Room, mother ! in thy heart ! place, for her hi thy
' prayer!
L. "A Child's First:lmpression of a Star," is also a
'e,Vlll. .Marly of our readers have on doubt mid it
but they 'may peruse it again slid aptin and with
plea sure.
Chant First Impression of a Star.
She had been told that Clod milk tilt the stars
That twinklettnit in heaven, and now she stood
Watching the coming of the twilight 00,
As if it were a new and perfret
And this were its first eve. She stood alone,.
By the low window, with the silken high •
Of her soft eye' upraised, rind her sweet month
Half parted with the new and strange delight
Of beauty lieu she could riot comprehend,
And had not Such lielbre. The purple folds •
Of the low suniet elonds, tii bine sky
That looked so still nod delicate above, . .
Filled her voung heart with gladness, and the eVe
Stole on with its deep shadows, and she still
Sunni looking at the west with that, lialf-muile, •
As if anpleasant thought. were at her heart. '
Presently; in lire edge of the last tint
Of satiset, where the bloc Waii welled In
To the faint gulden inellowtwss, a star
Stood suddenly, A laugh of v hid delight
Borst from lire lips.and putting np her hands,
flex slinple thought broke thrill expressivOy---
"Pother ! dear faker! Goth hats made a strre !"
nu! "Snervil Poepis". are publedied in au 'extra
New AI irr9r, primed, at 1'25 cents pet
cumber. This is the Dilly zoinplete elitists ever
published. .•
A Spirit.A ilp)veilleilt
ri-The P,ltiladelpitla papers contain the pro
ecedingB of a tneeting of tlUrNational Clay Club
of that city, hell on tile 2r)lli iucL, to adopt Incas
ores for ensuriug such un ett•nidauce at.:the lial•
thnore Young Men's :llays Convenlihn, iu :Vey
Belt, as will enable l'etinsylvani.a to carry off the
elzgant prize banner which is to be liiecti to the
largest, zieleg,ation in, attendance at that Couven•
The Philadelphia Club proposes, first, that the
Whigs iu every - county and township in the State,
shall immediately organize for the purpose of
making the accessary arrangcmcill tu attend the
Convention : Second, that the einirit State delega
tion stud' assemble • in the borough of York, to
proceed thence in a body to Baltimore.
A committee of the Club:With Charles Gibbong,
E,q., at the head, was then a ppeinted to open :t
correspondence ,vith the different counties on this
subject, and to take such measures as they.may
deem cxpt client toensin s c the attendance of 'horn.
ii Thou.saml Young Men from Pronsylrania at
said Couve Boo; :and that the said committee be
instructed . aseortain from the Rail Read Com•
panics, the t ns on which they will convey the
State Delegaliot to Baltimore.
This action of Bar Philadelp;;ia Clay ciub is in
the proper'spirit, and coo hope to see ;t re:ire:Nita
by a like spirit throughout the State... -,,Whigs of`
Cumberland, we must be up and doing :"
FEMININE: A 3lUSMMEN'rs.—Willis, in one of his
letters to the Washington Intelligeneer, soya the
female dynasty is gaining, ground in New York.
There are ladies' oyster shop 4 to be found there
and ladies' reading rowns. Thcso are nothing
extraurdinurY„says the Ledger, for in Philadol
.phia there tad ladies' ruling houses established,
which thsltionable ladies step into when they are
out. shopping, and thus spend. a double shard of
their husband's money. lint what is a little sin
g... far hi that in New York they have 'a ladies!
,clutm::00/19.4" alley, most luxurious in alLits apart.
ments _ c „:rpets, ottomans, dressing rooms, &i.—
The &Wiles i.'tbscrib i ng. am of the most fashion.
a w e.c .u .l „, , „„ d ' . nd wale foot is snared to enter
gynedluo pins being set up
by- girl:: and thg IlAtendhi:" excl u sively ferniditte.
This caps the clitung onnou:'3:n improvements.
(o^The State-Printing will be one of the first
questions that will Come before the ro:xt. Legislai
Lure, The printing ,ha.e always ; been a heart'
item of expense, and generally cost the Oat°
considerably mem than it should have done.—:
The last Legislature however passed an net for
the election of a t.,'Llite, Pr:inter by that body to
serve Owe& years, and be paid aCcUrdine tst
amount of printing actually'dene.l . A printer wa s
elected n pder this sal, but a's he Wits ,obtiMtioo's
to the GoVernor, :the Pi was returned for the
purpose of defeating hug 'Tike Matter will there.'
for come up before the next * Legislatitre, •
Colonel Johmion remarked; iam-late
that during Ida jearneyingM'tlialcewEngland
Stafea, amid all the'resilvale Nvldelt.he,liad
ded,ke'lmd never seen a person'in an intoxicated
meeting' el - l.lie' . :l2.lainlo 'lslaed
Slavery soelety,atßrovidenee,mr;gairician,,the;
Chief speaker, is said to' have doelared strongly ,
against all political op slavery,, The ground
taken , . was, that .Goveramtht corrupt to
Aanti?emu' oW SASCR:A. Anismi+-Atic;krrivat,fitt
New ygdc letelligettee free;
20th ult. Santa Anna mud° whir rthe etecuthre
power, to Canajl y ) 'Octogei,' 'And
theontli do tlielth as proyieional
di) Clay° till after AlN.elecuon mirßositiont:„,;
, . t7tt.i) f • 11'7 ' 10,1 , 10 h.llt 524 q 1
DI- The editor , of,thr,t/Tewloo/,(13,4011,,c01Aty)
Journal, speaks of a s'eeonct , ,efop ni apples,. the
site of walnut. , ' , rd. •
Ti"" !1)
large quay
i •
or ovr ma^uflC;.
4 1 1 '' W;
0 014440VAL9iVi 3 / 4 110.,
100 0* T fttriSV. 3 00AOt'- ate
r'vr ve
n :7l lti,‘ 444 'nting: 4s af-, l9l*7"' *,,hige,.sold - atThO 74: :Oblie
Club" for Dia: berOntifnf
I * s, :Pti'afri,4o4o4', Tour
,tuz, ! E A A , ,,§coptAr,y pr,the Inaeting, v , t I ;
.3'444 110j.gdfe fl i4i4 ,/ 46'4flititi
a: eoinmittee,itodrafb. , a Constitaticini and ~ Bye-y
lia4iei'ibi t itib '0 be
submitted, to An adjoutted -electing:, 'to' be: held, at'
the same
',„ , • 1
-The conn,nitteo *ere' farther 'emporeted so-,'
the : 0 0 .0 at ova n . ana also ,tct reques t
every' friend of Clay"' pOoetutil in
Ins ittiendance, • ' , ,
• 10nii sncYy:' :
. . ,
On the.Oth inst., .by .Rev.. Henry Aurantl,
FREpEILICK 8000 Ell, Mice EucznKELL, 1111 0(
1 'l?ti d ri.y county
On the 21st the same, Mr. NIMISILAT.I.
Tinntlisoit;, all tit: this
place. „ , •
!,4.h11 the ‘2sil iiist.',. by the same,lifti. SoLoittinti
BRIGHT, to Miss' CAnnit Connii. , nr, all of cat
Ott the same clay; by the sante, Mr. Join; M'Conn
to.lHifiS LOW, 011 of NOrt.ll M41(11000
Di ED,
/On the t . l3d instant; of a lingering illness, Nlr
SAMUEL MCCORMICK, of West Pennstiorti! . town
ship, aged 44 years and 4 months. •
THE FARMERS of Cumberland county who
arc deshous to arsociate themselves into an AG
RICULTURAL SOClETY,are•requi.sted to meet
at the Court House, in Carlisle, on SATURDAY,
the I3tlr January next, at 11 o'clock, A. M.
David Stamm, Christian Stayinan g
George Brindlii, • , Ilenry. Jacobs,
Thomas Bradley; Jelin Rupp, •
George Brandt, Philip Spangler,
Michael Mishler, Robert Laird,
Sidles Woodburn, Abraham Lambertun,
John McKeehan, Alexander Davidson, •
Melchoir Brenneman, Robert C. Sterrett, •
William R.Gorras, G'ecrge Lee.
November 29,..143. • • '
01 , 11ve Board or Alalingers (wale Cumberland Val
ley • !llntnnl Insurance Company, will he held at
Cumberland Ilall on tic Ist SA11.111.1)AY (2il (la)')
of 'December next. A. G. :411ILLElt, Seely.
November . . 29, 1843.
Episcopal Church, re
ceolly oreutotl In Dillilurg, York. County, will
he deilleaunl oti the First Sv.blotth in I.h.comber,(3ll.)
Divino hertice tony. he expootocl in day time nod ut
night, by t h e Itev...l'volessor Domini, of
:ISA other Clergy inch: 'flue publie are invited to at
Novembev.i 11, 1813. •
11. 11,1ILItP
littorney,at Law.
WILT. ;mend to allobusieess 'entrusted
to him in do, eoootieJ of emoberialot mot
Adams. t)rvee: in East Maio Street, serum! door
from the Public • •
Carlisle, N')ll•liiber 29, I S-13.--- •
.VE G (91:-.P
NO. tZ.
Ims just leeched a second sapid,.
of N .P.' WINTER GOODS, ohicl lie ill
run oil' at greaily prices the Clu6. Pur
chasers will nod at Los store n lila, stock of Cloths,
011tiSlIte , Vestiogy, Flannels, Blankets,
eri Does,. paCCIIS, 'twill/1113 Grape de Anther,
Aluit's de Lniox, Craw: de Lidos,
•i• Silks, Satins, lionuet id elects and Silky,
h'reileh Chint7,es, I :mini Cuichrick Handkerchiefs,
Gloves, Gingleinm, I lalienes, I Insiery in great lark
itkings, Check:, awl 1019 of other
goods too numerous to insert. • •
Also a frost lot of GIt(ICEILIES. jost
such us Sugar, (have, llnlasses. Chottolate, Teas,
fees!' will hue, Ginger, Staunch Clicelie,
Also, Spices of aq kinds, all of which will he told
1111e01111»0111V lOW.
itreolleet . the old stand, it is the third stove Irmo
the conter,East Maip street. and directly opposite
S. \Yonderlich's old laver!! stood. Ocie door some
times makes a great dill'erence.
November 49, 143
111 F; subsorliwp lins just rceviviul :mother supply
of BOUTS S SllUES,aunting the lut will he
21) Cases Hoots rrinti •k 2 Li )
15 " Melt .lottroes from 1,00 to 1,50.
10 " Boys do from 50 to LOU.
125 " 1.:10:es Slippors Irmo i r ei, •
10 " Do• Afalking,,Shoes'atol (fart:Ms.
Children ',13 Shoes °tail colors, shaves, sizes, prireq,
Don't (Ad stand, where you mill be sore
to get greta bargaittS.
(1.1.t5, 061LII1'.
November 0.0, 1843. `. K. 5
Y rirtite of':in order of. the Orphan's
411` Court of Comberland county, 1011 he exposed
topohlic sale, on the• premises, on NI ON DAY, the
lit h thty of December next, 5110 o'clock In the fore
noon, part of a .
• ..LOT OF .artora-D,
sittne.bhihe west side of North ll:mover, street, in
the 'Borough of Carlisle, bounded east by saastreet,
.south lir the residue. of said lot, the property of the
heirs of liendriekg Weise, decAl:, , west by a lot of
Col, on. Irvine, and nor th by a lot of A. Lech
ler, Containing 29 feet in front on Ifanover street,
249 feet dj'av4to the lot of Col. Win. Irvine, haring
a use 'story' '
Frame Office .and Fkamo....Ware-House,
thereon crected--alsO, a well of never
with a-pump in .it, subject to. thel•tight rus:rvia d
'The owner and - occupiers of the residue of said- lot,
to take water from said well and,putuptorerer,
the purchaser to contribute 2 ket ,witle, along, UlO
southern lino of said part oft lot toivartleonstituting
6 feet alley to run 79 feet hack front ilttliver., to be
h u la iod usedd -in con - into!' with the OWnerSand
° A l d o , the r99itluv of said lot idrevet' on the lot
Mowing territC.
sou h i l i d the ;..cinfirination of the sale, $lOO
oho v u iii - t hur en cie,• rAlithltit siterest; IQ 'residue
three vent., after said rconlirmation of Aale , with hi
tertst . front the end of om.c year after.said confirma
tion, alf to be secured byloci i ;ment hoods. .
1,:y1 z '2 I ET t 1 WIll5ll,
• • ti ,
''• ' I.!.!'Wenscv ""
Corti slel i Noveinbee 29, 18.0. .
• ,
rprillE Commissioners of Cumberioncl
county oflir,a retard of SXOI3, forittibentrt
ion of the petiou !Derscifilt; W1i0,0". tine to the
Court I louse oa the mortdivt; of 1 1 0th inat., to he
paid tiptut %he cotivi etioul of. the olitotlee;oe pos.
• ,CReliglo, 41T0tt.,,t20,7 ttio.;l,:t At t
iet y ,,,.. mq , 7 ,.41 0u ie and pey9yildimaller Owe
iiigh;‘4ll intuited; hie bltbrei for t 4 t4ie ,
4:o l. .Poil!r.Qo lo . , E.tteo A'Qrf 0 1 :0 4 YrY/PtOrN,VP I ,( I ?9,
rented Ibr AnitittrposttorSititer.srtitc - i i<4 ll ,quirg°' ' l.):
Ciwßolc,,NA:nemlnr, PRE ISA:" ri3sr 4-11.4:4
• Attention •-•
IWllV) , t9Al4srciber.,l)o.v,lPg AthPOA 04 Pt 1 1 ) i l k
A.- entire stook In:the,JAv,erptlepartnnitA c to,Cnii
Hooti4vlitetrtittnnOtl,argikrephip call and
settlenp eldiikretiji'Mirryktlielrettoffints rape
Omed or - u.i'u!iybo •
• ••.- • • • ItEnTrkle
• n; ,
11 ICi.Yis liin:Ott'o4putrt*V
ok t—e
td? 4101011 tk*
do 8 t 0.'11) . 'l l - ;,e,' fife
„,pt, tes
c ad smo,lvi
~,;,Aliv‘okimp, n
s. .2
:FiPA Put
"übpdpn r.
•-• '
s,:4Pira(teir..liAil!Lfg,aol:o,lo4l).4l)ll,lin 49140 r
,Iq,O.cTlt POY.W. II I , II34,IPtAbie
,o..” . ..lanuln,..mitnmandxp,ribtr.qatoiaß puu,aagort
-4,_frleni-41,e":4P180; Pilt/P4. o WPio.Ptisting:in Via Of
ar Iron;. And ileitis: Sie ' efa: *
and Lig. idle monntinga atttskEtadr
661" Mull' nirtibbb.f'''Sbne`riin ;Ito' eveil
Scription. '•' , Mitllga r nyratal glasi'kaoba of the la-
,keet.atylos w 1 % . ‘,:.:‘, ,• '
.. Oils; ..Paihts' dim, I, l"Virt,sishesi
,elcik AS:White lead,ispiritTorTuri!ontin'it, Copal and
. 1
javaniTnyniali, •...GLASS of oilF , sizes;fiviil 8 by 10
,upwatd..Also.,:•tui: saortaiont , of ,Arulier's• -Patent •
Lardt,Lamini,togethor,witli othetartiolea nummi- •
ous toanention ••• ,• • : • 1 , :•.: .
ILll,ofwhich wilLbe sold twetiiit.:ftva : per cent 1 cisit
pr,than they: lnivd ever been sohtfiefhre r for cash and
g?Ql 1 monay.r.., Call and , examine before Iturchasini;
osetillerei, and .if the. articles add itricesl tire not
found us stated you 'need hot purchase..,i , Call,at , any
rate, , , ,, t . n JACOB SENER.
• .• •
imn:4 t—
ibscriber taken this method to inform tile
citizens ofrearlinle owl thal lie lion
opened on HOUSE, at Zieg's old stand,
in Cfmreli AlleV , , one door west of Education Ilan;
where lie will aceomniodate oil those wilt) may favor
Mtn with their custom, wills the be,t Ovsters the
market nail afford; :is lite preaent piques beretnfore
eh:tilted by blot, and now eleirged by those follow
ing the some businetis, are too J tMtraVagllllt rol' iiu
poor inmi's pneket, we have deemed it necessary to
charge but I s eunts per !roZ: kteweil; 194:e0bts per
doi. in their row state, mid' 7.5 cents per hundred, :111
of 3vltiell pekes shall be liereatter strioily
to without any increase or diminution, unless liard . er
times compel it's to do
W. 11111.F.5.
N. B.• famMi.9,lntrties; ;ii promptly
he waiird on al their dwellings by sending untied
"our house."
rik North East' Corner of it Yuldie SqOare owl
directly opposite the Nltirket Iloose,sue now open
ing a large and-well selected assortment or DRY
GOODS 11.11(1 GROCERIES which they will sell no
the molt favorable terms. The tollo” ing articles
'compose part of their stork, to which they are week
ly making stdditionsi
Wool dyed blacks and bloc blacks, greens, invis
ible greens, olive greens, olive mourns cadet greys,
blues and brown CLOTHS, also Pilot mid Deaver
Fliney, Min Arid Toerd CASIMMREs
hlain :rod Farley sArn N rrrs,.
Red and ‘Vliite . flannel, Canton and 'boo skin
FLANSNIN;S: . . . ..
Meninoes Alonseline le Laints„Alies
ntea I .l}sir,
C m
oßrues P i
Prints and Balzarimis. Bilicka. 'Merino.
' Blanket, 'rlktbet NVool, Silk and Daniaek
. .
Lndics Chi \ nts, with a assortment e.; loves
and Hosiery. Together i‘ iiltit great lariety of , mil
er'su tides 100 numerous to
HAVING eatery(' into partnyrs'ii,t for the prac
tice of the Law, will attend to all Inisiacsitchirto.o
to them. -
OFFICE in West llain strret, a row duns west
of tlivTow.t II aise and ovxt to Ow Ste,., of .I:wson
; mar alio; at the resiticiale of Jolla heed,
Carlisle, N0v.1.5, 18.13. -
C • -
61.1, personq indebted to the late roma or
INI% erti Note, liottil or Hook Ai (mum
111,0 requested topay the same, on or Infori! the Ist
or Jammu alter that time to indulgence.
can Lenten, 5.11.% .\lll'.li.S,
CEO. V. Si IN.\ FM?,
St:nivilv2: moneys of the late livnt of Sanotel,M.-
CIN ei Co.
Nou.inlovr, 1843.,/ , fit-i.
Tut )Sfl indebted to .the snbscrihvr, by
!, to or hook arrount, Ore requested to en! lild
suttle ditit
FPAR'E notice that I have applied fo the
•-• l o d g es of the CMtrt of Common of
Cumin:Hind ( . 0(1111y, fur IIuQ booorit of do. losolcoot
Lawe or Commonwealth, And they base appoint
ed TLIESILI,V the lVtit . of December nest, for the
io,o•io g or me "and lei , creditors, ot the Court
lltmoo the beroogh 0r(;.,0r0d,., hen tool Where
your nniy attend if ) oo tmok proper.
• xov. nu , 1811. :11.-
• .
N017.) ' 7, S
and this Ltetitu:
I' Lion h; tcu this day declared rlDe
etnrs l
dividend of
TWO' 1N D'A HALF PER CENT., payable
on or after the 'l7lll inatant.
CHAS. oGiLuy.
• tr-5
RUST ref eiVeli spreffilid assortment of notelet
SillsVelvet-- , strooteg-whielt nre Blue, Nile
e'optve, Green; ( :e'etott, Crimeou, Purple, Brown. 1111:.
Bloc If k., Weterrol, totil Velvets.
'nu latest styles or Rollout and Satins—all ui
whieb.still he sold nt the lowest prices. „.
' Sliippfm d sborg, Nov. T 5, 1844, tl-3
JUST received n•'nr arQ•cic at S. t. Luorrs.
7,'l3s3,Carlisle, \ve.
, ,
• .
E.W every Variety ',kola .4rts 'per 'Yd. ':,.D',to the
highest prices. New 'style striped lie Laines, f,'.eape
1)e. Laines,Chusans; figured Ulusgeidde, plain k l -
paccat bistres or all colors, French, Germain, and
English *Meriitoes.„ ,, ,lust received at exceedingly
low prices. Call and see them at the store of
Shippensburg, Nov. 15, 1848. . ' if-5
'CASSIMEItES, SSUinetts, Jean' and Vestings
just receiyetl by • •
Shippensluirg, Nov. 15,1843. . 11,3
, .
, .
SILK 'Ribbons,
.Artificistli ,:ssta
Pittete* of the most fashionable styles just I:et:eked
and for. sale at reduced priers, .
; (.3.1V111NG,12111, & CARE Y:
Shippensburg, NM„ 13 1843 '' ' tf-3
' ..-,,....e .
... ! .
Eitafe Of, r w 'Cib,it - Mcofl:iglilin, doe 'LI.
i•Trats 4 Atlntioistrati bn do kainis lino -tom'
.. 4 Testameeteiitiinti:tO) on',the estate of 'ICA)IPT-
M'I.II.AIJ( . .iIILIN,iILe'd of the borough of Newrille
have beca plaited' to'the subscriber residing in the
sasn'e place. All pursuits I:slowing Ilienisetres in
debted, to make payment immediately, and those
haviag„elaints to livesi t att theist lluly'authenticated fur
setileutent' to •• . • i
,H. , .:, Jit'\ VlliENCEllt.lo.Nl)Al,l4,,Atlin'r.
1 . Estate ..of , Allen Bard, Accaa'e;d:
..„ .
a -: yirrEßs. or Adm . inistraiioli on thh , estate of
...,t!..I,;EN iiURD; Ok'd.,t4f filri two natio rt to wt I
s ikp; IA ~thr, 'kit '.. , 'riber litshling 'iii too borough 'cif
hi plop ~,;qt,'''. Ml . iosibii:knOis:lot themsel pis inw
I!.,‘,Wil;.o:;l44"..Mlol'B,lll,lo',,vinielit.,•Alul - ihohe
hp,rtutoluitfis!:O p.;:pit;t:ilikm 'thilr linilidotionted thi.
84;(tle,1. ~ ; , ''
: '‘,F i t.)lAr,_k RlYilliti In ;Adrn'r, ,
0 ,
A 1... M.:.; ' ; ' . ' `l '" "''''' .6 t -4
. . .
itoi •,),1,., l
~14:,..114.0 4
J . tr. ,11
'... • .:,,af ,•1 i"
ia 44g10 2 (14 1 4 0 0 ' '
rfq 044,00;4403,-06 , yamutelhe . ,:tcaopt.
. •,. Au .. IFideittlYl l / 4 t Ar.asositor,'" from. the 15th !
11 h;o, 1839, until March 10th 18 , 12, leis' llateionittetl
to do so . forthArithtited Iterelty- . ltyloises_slio who are
ifi any:Waif lielf13011:00:1Lientlatt 1 1°4 1104 4 14,118 to
,llteNtgaltn°,lrll%tP ° V. l 'li. ll. 4 ,1
,k i l l itlAlji:i l 4 o-0 1a '
I " -55 41 5 ?" 9E91 e4 I tlitteggi'le4 7
4 . 51011.1,51)ri11att, A l i di ~ o ; l vizramitg34
, vita rAtVi Di . 4 rar ,:, q i7cf , tt:to 0 ;',Ottil , ;..V4') itt2
.. { • .9.V.fft VW AA ~,, i 441 4 es a;:4lrWl tt., - 4.0 tq,s,li 10
. ginrifiT .4p...4.1! , :rtT - ''r , ..., , .. ttri.A i;) inmoifilpii.:
..•01A120.11•04,. 0 , kilEcjirl .M.ry,,T,,ti.44.,4,,,
.• A N'•l, , , y i i4 ; 1•.i.L.2) . ‘ , 1 . 4 . 1 ,, c;4 7 “i'd,09.14, .. L ILLAit). J1 ,, ,e,
Ifell Libl+; AR, ti. .11 :t r ifl l Jlt ll (l,..ll4l;,' „t? ,T2l9°
' .. eliou6e!ofSkiftue .rp4l4l..”l.°9lFLWlErt,..(acir.,#
0011100vAtinnuoxielitye ow 0* ;44;79,PPPY . 4.
tilieti 4 /-/itirtiliiyrof,fi)eceroberiirte#4l,969,llio:
MAI- stirettieillatiiiivei *roll c ar ij o kfrurriskii
tita etAilliii9,ilbtolhi3witaiiii7kii'd .3, .. , , , , , A. - . , -,' ;
v6.4'1'444 4 14 r 4tlig 1 634fd of AtitiA cire.... ,
. 4.'.. , ~,, . 4 . r i k .... , -. ......-. i • •• . t
'1),*l.r 4
Ael Op
1 11314'ail 1",, t' . ',-,. ;• ,- • 3 1 trt 1 4'.iv.,. . .
November 22, 1343
Carlisle, Nob. 8. 1813. '
Noxt.nil:er ‘.1•2; il3
W.\l. S. COBrANA'ashier
November 15;1843.-3t:
- .Bonnet Velvet Et Silks,
gql3 ga errape'a..
LADIES' DuEss,ao9Ds
Ribbons, Art Mauls Plumes.
, ...........
Aortitoll4,RSll4l4,,,,ottAni t git e9 3 ol4 l'Aeser;
"Orrtt:PAlrt ;tar, 7!)
TT AS repeive4.lA,LußiipsspAtrgeof,obSilkb,Shawl
Int Silk' `lrd'heti ; Ueslimblv Fosse, MouW ,
Tine de Leines, Frerioliq-41c:fidoes, flosidry; Lingo
Cnnlbl'i9Ps o okPC9l l 4";•%s)Vi c .q 9, l l . k r iSq i i9 l ; k4et lS s)
I:annels,liiiteleoApneli" Chintzes, meiratide ir
co t es; end , ik addiO OP' iliA tlie2r quest
as tbC3I,4III;iNT pf,rellieb will be sold Ntriodpede
t g • " , 1
LTG? Stringers willAud ii yrnrliculnrl7lto their ink
torpqtlto call,#ll,llip geode nre nil }warranted mid the
Lowest cash rime:tined el4dOsnent.
"$ Philadelphia, Nov: 414 18 , 13. ,11:11;1' ; St-2 $
Orphan's';, ourt , : Sala,
virthe ofien cutler of Orphan's Court of
tunberland county, be•sold on the Komi
bes, 'SATUIXDA V, the 9th day Deeember, the
belonging to the:heirs of iseni:Enettle, sitt
ate in Mitllin township, Cumberland county; aldjoin=
ing lands of George Guiger, heirs of Joseph Landis,
and heirs td . I lenry Knettle, eolitaining
' "
. . , . . • . .
. , • . 1120 .11C,11'S, • '
about: 140 of which is cleared alai ft:om 5 to 50 of
Which is meadow land of ii'fli•st-fate ijunlity) The
improvements Are . Iv 'Ewo Story . .. Log
HOUSE., dy,„'O,.
HOUSE., and Log Barth, with otheedin- - :o. ;
r nt
oyeeittstliercon erected. A strearo ;a; ''''
of running stater passes dirpugh the en- 6 Il illl_ .. o r :
lire letif,;lll Of the tract, nil(' a 'WA of "" •
never failing - Water With II pump 'tyke iloor'---nail an
excellent spring of water within a few rods of the
This propei•ty is situated in a very healthy' mid
pleasant neighhorlymil---and persons deli ring to pur
chase property would do well to call and nee it, as it
only lies - lama 5 miles North from liewsille and the
Cumberland Valley Itail 1 toad..
:I:he terms of sale are , --one third of the purelatne
money to' remain charged Upon the hind; (hieing the
lire time of the Widow, time inteeest to lie paid to
her annually. One hundred dollars on the miss of
-sale, one third of the residue on .111 e Ist of April,
1414, and the lialanee ill tWo equal :Mattel histalL
teems, to be iteeuvod by Jtulgrintta Bonds. • - .
:,101-i1:PI-1 . CASKY,
. • Trustee appointed by the Court.
Noyeinher 14, 1513. in.:l
- -- .- - .
N pursuance pt an 'order - of the
Court of Cumberland cranny, will he ..i.lll
at pliallif-sale;-ow-the-pvcrilises,_on S'dincrider
1211.0 r Dereinhar nem . nt 12 o'cliwk, ?1.,160 11;116 w.
ing deseribell tracts or parcels of land; 111 to the 1111/1).
erty of .Mergeret YZnrrilcr, . (formerly Nlargaret
Croelwll;)ileeil.. situate in Nlriiiron totriiship, about
1 miles sotith-east
'No, 1•,• • Tho Manainil-Tract.
strict measure, of IMOM 5..
nod ifildev good tenet; and in a IM;Ii state or
And the residue roceyed with wieelltat timber.
Said tract is by heels it Giee....le Iteitzhen
-3,1111Mi U1 . 041:M,11 1 1‘ 1 the Yellow
Ilrodehes creek. The improvements tire a till sto
ry LO(': IfOtiti.P. and lAA; -BARN`, WWI a Corn
drill'and Other outbuildings. 'There is also a well
of water nail nit orchard oil the premises. The
\ cline; Breeches creek ilia close by the house :ad
No. oilier pitricirlwltieli is annexed to the
shore br the inquisition nil to be sold m tilt it as one
Iraet, is a piece of 1V0()1.11....-1N I) of •
strict measure, :Moot 'one-fourth of w mile from file
other, tutionsing lands of f,;r:orge Rrhrhunrcr, .\I
rhacl Egels hews,. and other lauds of which said
ten tuxes are a part. •
Tim two tracts together wake 100 acres and 4.
pen:ll(.s'lff csculletlChunl. Possession Will he given
MI OM ICI of April next. •
.The terms will het Mie hull nice titurelittse money
to pain on the eindirmation of the sale mill mat,-
ing_the de..ul, and the residue in Iwo equal 'a unu
paytnent , i thurealter without ititeast, to bi secured
hy Judgement Bonds.
SANDEIIS9N, Trustee.
November, 5, I •
Building Lot at Frivato Sale.
I 1 offors pri vOto sole. ti v01.,' h:md-
IS situtilsol BUILDING LOT. Aitinite in
the :nigh.' lornteil by l'innfret tool \Vest !Ugh streril;
in this lioroul;li, ;Intl eery nearly tippiihite
College. In it is eijr.ol to a town lot owl a half.
There k not i more eligible or kilter lorittinit.for
I.risalti dwelling,. in the borough. The oitinition
colons:olds - nit extensive t it of I ht•
sum tioiling,ltt;tether tt ilk the Cilllegebuiltlings,ko.
The lot iireils only to lie .ern to hose its oilsontoges
admitted. Rae further tu.rticulars, us in terms, ke.,
einitaire of tiie Subscriber.
W. IL .NIURItit V.
°molter 11, I Sl3. tf-50
THE subscriber bas taken that well
known nusera xt:i n t!•iu south Hanover street,
formerly neenpi , d hr NVin. 111111 more re
eently he here he is prepared
all w ho may favor lrini with then•
enstont, in the best ityle,:nal on the most reason
aide terms.
Ilk It A!I will always he supplied with , the
chmee,t lionorA—atal his 'FABLE vtitlt the-hest the
markets can silord.
I lin STABLING is ample,aida earesll Ostler'
will le: kept in:ihad:uu•o. I)ROVPIRS wtll
1111 , 1 it to their 21111 al/t11:41: to Ott. him a call.
11'0. \ 111)Intii will be taken be the week, month,
or year. "
Nothing shall be left widows: on the part of the
snliserther to please those r,Lo may pay his house a
therefore solitits a share of public patt•on=
Cai•lisTe . , 'A p riL '_', S , ll. • 1191,24
~:lG~r~'';.rr -.~
Tfir, tioderslglied mmoititeil tolnem' by, flte
(Tip Coort of Cumbcrfatol tibOoti, to Make
trilodloo mo!ley in the, Molds Ceoege o'-
Finintell,lo. A thoinintraior of Dr..lormltz,el l ,
reaged„ notimp,st the creditors of Nail decedent, ',cal
Meet pt, his in the borough of (.',orllslei for
said porpose,,ml Plll DAN', the B,lt sky. of Dreember
tte::t, nt tell o'clock in theloremnbt of said day, illicit
nod Said exi.nlitors ore required to attend.
CartisieF, November 1, 1843.—Gt„
Assignitcint of Martin Kelley,
,41.0 the 27th of October; 1333, Alartin Meilrv;
%Lk of the ,lierough . Mechanicsburg, Cumber-
County, made • an assignment of all his effects
to the subscriber, IM. the benellt of his creditors.---j All p ev s o ,:s having claims or demands againstilio
Adsignar tie that the -Assignee residing in.
Monroe towns hi l , will iwiet them at the politic-house
of S: Mt:Hey in Afe.3;ianitn:hurr„ on each FRIDAY
after the: publication of this mote, to adjust and set.'
tle all his accounts. And all peesans iittlehttil••
whether by book scOnnt or otherwise, tic requir6l
to Make payment intmeiliatelv.:•
io'wnship.NnV. 1,1.343 ,„ • • tit.-1.
As:iignment„of'Drdel Heelr.,
N the 13th (lay of January, IH4S, Danicl
Arli k
•of Newton .township, Onotherland comity,'
uuulenu asSigannent , tit all his effects to the subset!
for beitefit'•'ef his' creditors. pUriiollS.bat - :
in:; claims or•detnands against the Assignor. are
tilled - that the A 45igIleeR and Assfgllol . swill lIIVet lit
din MUM: or Elias !Mal, ot :Newville nu;
SAT Ult ITA V, lie•lBth 01' NoVtanber • nt
to: ntliost and settle all his accounts. ..kittl all
sons Indebted -.whether by book :r.ceottuts Or sendue,
notes 'are requeked to make payment:am or-before
the tot day, of Duce tuber,: as no further indulgeoce
cam be givtan.• •
,•,..• • , • KIOTT CONLE,?•:. A , •,
• • JOHN Hl - •,t, ,8 ,; j r" 1 '7
Nen:title; Ong- 25,11i43. •.• ‘:• • , of SL
. , .
S - 3
llicegLecrilr MgAci - emi3ined i?ii . goitig to th'e
;htul . to him hidivicfuitily' had
liat,Ji;'kdoi • • frojr . tiromMing?cio
4 n "" 'del" ii olose . up
' SCOrr'!, • •0Y0. 4 .','
9.1 t•t , i „
oraveAt AnA*!Pilot caiinge4- Frolicly,
ancl.4AineblbanP.Bread:elalpot! IMP;
1,50 to $lO per yard. Call and see thelprott-tkko
eila111) st.I.4I.iff,I,rPUPPINGEIt CAREY.
wry:6 1 , 777
IqUaT recciteil a 'lot 01. clay cureikllAMS;roe
salemt.the Adore et 'WAS, ..1184Ntrz
• Carlisle, October 9.5 1849. . - - If-52
- Lemonsi - Ral 3iS an , IV.
0 4:..tcfritGEtineft'eslti ti)6l"Er,ll
- 'f.) Olittip;lN* ,, miti - PiGti; titttNetsiii4dFfipNi
ott mfg 1,1 , 11:".t. ~, R.,'10,/,41.1,NE1ii I'ONyETLINI ,
tihkit , ilt fiV118,413,W.11q - ' , 70 , 7 , 41tii h )4 ,-, ,q;:0 7 r
6 0 6 7 ' ~ : , I r Oa 1.401 , ,/..)i‘ vat( 10.-,tyta.llF4c ~.,I ti ,r.:
iiiT;t1n4 . 0 . 6*4 1 :1. 8 41 ,5 1i . 1;:A11 + ,.1;;;;.: i
, rlLiP i et 'EVER;flfiel:`Ciill woivjusti,
4 1
imwiliVirthiq W 0.0 s'prtteiiebr-1,10 'tH4b161.411'1 7 ;
iitliblii'• . OF±ditqlhir,ViliaslQftl ttkittlaiett' l
ftilobtA . `l.i3•',
':.,'' •CT ..44. - 4i. i t7-;;n1, ~
--' ' ----.• •I--'' - ' t';', , r'''...!.. , ' , '7,.:,, - ' - ' -....' ,`
. 1 ' ' C- 1 - 14 1 ri, , `7i„,".1 - , fr•
'NEW T iLppjNG.,. sTAtiosOmpi,
fivr,j4l , o 1101 ; ; - I
. 1 4 1 • th r i j iL.;. • -
tia 04 1 . , 0 1 4 !iliTS4fUlieb 4.1
1 . 0713.
TAKE,S this method of • irdi#l6* 'Oiellie7etl4;3l . elijigliCn to personsinterested;
former cilatomers, that he lips commenced th that ilnktollowing,acconnt.s.;havg Oefm, 6{ed in this
Tailncinp,Bitsiiiiw,„iumonucctioit atilcd 21Ittoiontion , by.,the pecopotimtp,Mergin
Reigliia.,;]ilifer , tile 'llm REIOLI • 11 ,1,4 d:. , tiool94 , ph; ,„ s , •
44,, , ,ili,•ptho,,in,,Northi I I 11 °Ve s t y. "' tedr6difitarittil b e r thiki . ediCaifirniairo ' d pod
Ilear i PlP °4te the Niverl.ShtWev' .1 he • llo . Wd•iciiritt Tbdtiauf I,h 121,11 ciiV'orEloebilibEr
arcl'Cl ' - '
witli pealttealit pm! , •.., ' . IC
N; B. Tai Pnrisinn' flishiribi are. riceikethquat'- J. TIM neeptme Freifegelc ZeiAlef '7lllllp/4 -;'•
. ; Av .
tArly.i. i; -i-+/ - X.A.NitTli4r 1314 [41.! kru. valor orgari't.tclifitir,•2ll,"Ot'ritinhtOr 'towel:.';
Cm•lisle,November4,l3/3. • .;
sh 2 ip :
A LEXANDER iSt, TODI) ofEilward• Dr uglierty; late of the Borough of
•; ' ;; Carlisle, deeensed •:•
• ' , Attorief - a' 3. T h e necourlt : Ur Ar vid
tiny& 9r . 4lichitel 13rat4t,,;atu. of T.,ehininnt, township,
Oitrtners,M.the , practice
,of thother. deceiPscd: . • . • ' ' , - • ,
hind, Perry crinuties.., One or, both, of.tlion nut The':O
acont or David'n mintstrator
Infalbilfys fofind COnstilted'at the office hei rto.. of John. Uniberdcr, late of Frankfurt,
•forentectipicil•NY'S:Aleitintler; do or to io the deceased. : • ',
Caelisle:l3ank:c, Strict alb:Mimi will lie,giveicto . oll
The suolJelnVntaffiecoutit NVitgon.
business placed in Oleic care. , ,•• • . .• or, l'xceutor of Adam' Wolf; late of: thetheßO'rOugh
1 .4 •;'•••. ' • L'Inl'UEL TODD: . • of Shioperisherg, dectinicd.. ; • ,
, account of
,John Weever, ndin'r:
Cletehn ' lS ' 4ll443 ' • of Elizabeth; Blitek'; Into of the; Borrinei of Car.
lisle, deceased... • , 4; • ;. ; e f.
7. •The acomnt of. John 11..Weaver,,4dininis. ,,
tramr of the estate of Sanittel:NeldiclOatoef the
Boronalt ' uf Curlisle:deceased. •
S. The accomit. of Clemens; lll,cgarlqno, Ad
ministrator D. M.N. of;
Testainento annexe. of
Th.... Kennedy. deceased. .„
':'he act:6lllft of George 'Reply, Guardrait'siftlio
in hair children or Harkey llt,se,llec'd. cattle& bir
George Rupp, his administrator: .
The account of John Harper, Esq., Ginudiait
of Elizabeth Showalter; minor. daughter of John •
Showalter, late of Frankford township., •
The account of Sanwa .Bowman, Guardian,of •
the minor children of Harvey Rose, deceased. . -
JACOB •BILETZ, Register:
New Tobacco &, Segar
' NANurAciron't.
Tun subseriii. ,,, mild.ll , rorm the inintimilammis or
Carlisle 1111,1 that he has opened a
Tobac'eo nod Seger ILstahlislmment, i,i South Ilanover
street, two doors South of the Court Imam:, mut im
tnedmateli• Mijohming Mr. 1111.1:11011I.T'S I hotel. Ife
will kilep 'on hands Alianttfahil'ril . TWlß‘cc"• such hs
Cavendish, Sweet Seent, 'Plug, 11011, , Virghda
Twist, Dttleisinnts, Spike and Pig milt.. Also,
'Cut and Dry, Scotch Ilappee and Alancea• •
Ilan Snarl Pipes, &n., •Spanish, half
Spanish and Common Sogars,'.. •
of.the hest quality, Lill of which, he will sell 011
(Mika to :mil time times. •
' I. he subscriber dishes to have a ,hire of'
ptihhe plitronage • in oppoUition loy
Foreign I:inttlituturei. , -G,
Carlisle, October 11,1843: ,
• For Sate. •
WILL be exposed to.publie'sale tne premi
ses, on SATUI2DIYi the '2sth day of ?KO.•
1 . 1111/01 . 111A1111. 110011, that vitluablepropeety 'situate
ott,the North East corner of liigilatarßedfordstreets
;it the liorough•of -1 ••
a T F,T012.1' STONE lIOU,St,', ex
tenske BILICK.bark bnildiags,a TWO'
'8 . 1 1 ,011Y- F.11.A1411!1,110USE, and large Al I 4- "
BRICK Stable, with a never • -
and pump in the yard, This property.,..,hasYters:
heretofore oeeopied as'a ta:ern fin , whieli•itis Swell
suited. The tenon of sale are, the One, trail: of the
ptwelinse money to be paid on the first dlty Of April
next, whtM the .peed and possession: will be given,
and the residue in two equal annual paymcnr9 there
after, with Interest the whole to be secured hy .Itulg-•
ment Bonds.
If tlk• alone prnpt•rlc iv not 'Fold, it %Oil br rooloil
for one or tool,: ento . lroni nod "affix %lie Ist (lily of
April next. 11. I)F,VOIi,
Azent (on'tionticre •less, I).
Carli,ie, N 011.11,149. 1, 1815.
17 - a;blic Ealo,
ITN porstainet. of :1i111.1i1.1. of the Or Cooet
AI of Cumberland Couch, I will ex . pose to sale by
public marry on all, preliiiSeS, on Sal , ll . olly the pth
clay tdl)cretaller 'lest, the follott described real
estate late the property of .lohn Its iiig. tlee'd
T171.`' , ,9 LOTS Gl' (.atOkr.D3➢,
sittwtr it. Cie borough of Shivinsishorg,
lots ollitt•plost entlinnti. One of said Into has ing
this non nrceted o moo slot Wenthee-liontSlell log
house, nia., kik! • 111110 y wit6nut any itOpcosetnents
Sale 10 commence - tit 10 o'clock A. AI. Terms .
cask on the confirmation nor the sale. '
IiusTAIN , DENIMA, Adm'r
November 14. 1813,
.Ecenpiity; C'oni:lbri and Fashion!
South West corn of third and Walnut Streets,
/Intik; Stills:critter °trees tut ussoci went of I'ASII
-0 UtNA111.1:1 owl lIATS owl l's, I.f
goo d in:aerial, made by the best Avorkmen, owl got
ii;a I n -hadsome s)yle. Also his " CAS-
IiAT;" ultich is light, pleasant owl (tura
:toil best el !ill Chi up. It retains its first :ippenr
ohco till worn put, will is easily kept cle:in iiith tit
~; ww ww clothes brow fie wi p licoutn:
Ile hits, his Otto moutiliwtecy, uUpuds 11cl:son:illy
to all orders; awl respectfully asks n call brow thwe
who visit the eity, owl he trusts he eau supply them
with such articles in Lis line its cannot. hill to gist::
satislitetion, both in price and in tpuilit.
Ever) article mule to order tit shoo ti or t eo, too l
nitv that i'irov'e defective will most' chuotAilly be try-
Oct. 'll, IS-13. .10.
,c;77 - Cn. , 141 4 1 for UltS— iltiskrat,' Raccoon, C
or, ox, &c. &c. •
0. 11.
kt-Tc? 113"”CHP
1...4•41M'Nh0p. 4:11
- DENIM, • 7
'11)7. all operations npou the Teeth,
that are reiptieett for their preservation, snail
ns Setzli IQ., Pinr;yring, `,2t., or *lll restore
the lobs of them, ily inserthq Artificial Tieth, from,
a single Tooth, to it sett.
ty7olllce on Pitt street, a few doors South of the
Ilittlroad hold .
N. It. Dr Lonntia NI ill be absent front Cavlislt,
the last ten tins, is each month.
May '24, 184:1. If
'0 , 0311 ganainCer,
z' veiai 4 . ; t9 2 c
z e e
•• ilantinissioncr in Bankruptcy.
Tuf AS . removed his oftlac to North Hanover •
A.A. Street, West: side, 8 doors North of Loather
street; and nearly opposite the odic° of William
Irvine, Esq.; where ho will as usual carefully
attend to all businchr, which may be cptrusted to
him in the line of his professiim.
, .
Carlisle, April 19., 18.0:
Fortvaillihag Comysission
Dealer in country Produce k Pi ttshorp....Mainillictorer
No. 28, Filth stvect, errrsti pa.
August 1t3,1863.
.9; IL- 1311.1.4" l , •
• • • Ilarrisbiwg, .Par
111t111, ereliants and the piilktic
(wally. that he is, (lOW piTparethwitlklarge ;1,14 cool
monions Ware llonsus, nu th e Penna,Caind. 'ocar
the root oi Walnarstrea,in;liareislairg;to receive
in, Store for.tiliipinent, Country produce and
cliandize for . PlHltdelp!int; Baltimore and Pittsburg.
and all, intermediate ,places. , I). Leech. ; and Co's
Line,and the fultowlnOirst (dial tulle Water. Canal
Boats, mill run trout thellousee ;it liurrkshurg,
Boat;. J. G.
• Chestipeuke, ,
14 . , , „ ~Mary and •,
, May 31,18.1 v. ~! •• , ,
t 201i:T/ITI - BARdiNOTSI :
- (31.1I'PINGER •CAIMY , • •-e
(Xecir Sldppelisburgi ;
int A V just mieneil tlio most extensive itssurt-;
.I.,ounit or CtIE.Alt 'AND ,VASILIONABLE:
C;QODS: evno' init!tis'Wed. 'viii•jetr
or'NEW' GOODS of Ipp,1(1 , 38"(1•‘111;1iti 4 idlir4 the
Itiw,O:st,CoXli •
October s '18; 1 . 8.18'.'": •"" "
EgtWto'..iltChki*A4; ll o# o,' * ;4ll' •
4:4 .).3fl{;llll..ll3:lllZ4l.UNttA 3 dGS'P;lnte : j ofDiti
11)astretkler ineeklingiii the aantelioo3)}.l/.111. tv1,1111)01-!
sons litifug.:cltiinla, ,tailVeatatcy ttrit,tliurchy;,
requ Vikeipitcrolivitothriliedulpipt 4 l. ll tpilichwiy ,.,, for
ittutatOributtititttAbmsd .
frtioatnliafely to el
+al ti-s 3 eItT 1110:1 .77;11 , yca ,vl. 4 ,4xuoustoc..l
iyiCarlioie4o,dinbeki(e3;4B4a•nirw At?) .114.'2i
lilstatfr Itin'liaii;liiiiiiir' f " '
. puy e ~.,t , .., ,
3i47.ymarotiuttbsiovtiy:tiourio dpdloi_il
~A,4,ltwp .oßil, , , p,colmobisyri id,y+lo;k t
- Alm; igofit . Nortli Middleton swollitti, tige
ed,:!tre Legit ginnted to the' sidiserMitilf read' I I
tlinsione idwoaillij'lATlVP,WsoilielcddintoktliiroVe tt4i)t
indebted to said'estateetvitOokolidynista itiniedlgtelsl
and, tic4l9oiiiitothlOktitifpretenilhahltuttldtlieni
lietitctllOr.settlenient:',:viti'rwilV,;VdoWaV ,iiiitA 't
~. :,
• : :
, ' L.... ' • . . ir 1 :( 944.4tratlitZightEt.k - ,L,., 1
',n4 , lc . P. , PriiPpli,oll,,Oliqopra._
For safe, at-. 4. LOUDO'N''rs tchcan Booksi w
' line doors,East; id' tint Cut .011loc, Main
strect,Carlisle, (old eland,:
A gcnoral ayiortnint, of,Religious, Pais
ccilanous, School & Blahkßook3, ' ,
Nmsi,Aing w part a 'Family, School, Octavo size,
and Poeltet Wiles, or various kinds and Binding,
lle ry'a commentary on the old and now Testa.
ien t, 6 vo i s :' Royal 8 vo. Scott's commentary
avols. Royal ti-vo.-Doddridge's Family Exposi
'tor, complete iii ono vtth Royal vo. Buck's-
- 1. Dictionary, first 4 *sob , . Dick's *arks.
in 1 yol, Royal -6 vo„ els° Dick's works' coni-•
plete in 7 vols., Pytlers Universal I.listory,;RoL•
lie's Ancient Ilistory 1.; vols., Napier's Ilistorv.of
the Peninsula War,' vols. Royal r - vo.,
eons Ornithology in I 'vol. I' inn. colored Plates,
line Turkey Binding, Aitken mid Friists British
Poets 2 cot's. Also the 3d vol.'a continuation
lately pnhlishcd, (front Smithey fo Cruly,) Arndt's
ttne Christianity, translated from thoDerman by
Rev. J,,N, Ilnil it n, 'low Pastor or ilia Lutheran;
ClMrell of this Also. Lutheran, Arcilitidist,
Presbyterian and Winebrenarian Hymn Books.
-Also the (11111.o:tit & goys; Smiths
Miteliells, Olney s and Huntingdon's ihes ' raplifeet
and Atlases, Algebra, PhiliisophY;: Aatrotiomy,
G e ometry,. Hranunars .I:;spositors,Ac,‘,Angtsl's
Nit. 1,2, 3,4, 5 a .6 Readers, Cobbs Read Ors and
'Fable Books. Also Ledger's, Day Ilaults,Dockeis,.
Rent ipt Book's, iileniorifinloM Stooks, ike,ho knit
also on I;amd fiiti' articles of Stationery as
f o llini.•;4 Li-tier, Not,. and Deed Pam,
Visiting Cards, Seals;Pcnkuivcs,Silver and fwati
Pencik,7Shics, lVafers ' Nni
atheatidal Insfru
menls, unlef's Scales, Dividends:Sand
InkstandK of various kinds, extra fine Paint, Vie
toria Pens, Black Sand,bluek and red Ink Powder,
Sahli and Camel Hair Pencils, Bristol lloard,:wit
ter colour, it usic Paper, Port Folios, Lithographic
Prints, Pocket ;aims, Albino's, Blank cards, largo .
°like ainl transparent Wafers, rancy colored Pa.
Per, Opaque Si clarified Quills ' „Fancy Bo;:res;&e.
Also, Viulios, Flutes, Fifes, and.otherßooks and
atalionery too ?Idiom; trimention:' Also Sunday
schutil hooks and Tickets, Hymn Books, &c. •
of superior quality inautifpeturtd by Belrose,Son
and Manch:ail, Phila. The subscriber has Pattern
boobs, containing specimens of line and coximion
Paper, avd can procorc in a few days ~0 1 1R 0 an y
oftlie dial :rent patterns Ow purchaser may require.
tic also carrics rot Ilse
L'ltwEs. pitioding Busiate4ri, ,
in all its en rioop lira milli:soy hero he manufactures •
Ledgers, Da:,; [looks, IYoclicts
s and blank books of
every description, and quality superior to those,
made in the city for country markets ; also old
lioido; rebound.
.Persons whiling to have their old books ie
bound, can la -served at a moderate price,,und he
thud enabled' to preserve inacy-valuablelTaliS that
otherwise be •
. Writ; og andl,,cttol Pa . 12,. and 25 cents
per quire. J. LOUDON.
August."2,lB•l3. •
• 111)11. , I1:Y L. ELDER,
No. 193, Illadcet Strut, above
.13th Philadelphia.
irb ESPECTFULLY invites the attention of .
these who buyfbr cash (as ho sells 'on sib,
other li•ems) to hie cry hewe end splendid emit•
meld a
• •
just received rrom Etc.! . hind, in addition to his usttil
stock or FOREIGN and IX/AIt:SI.IC 11 A 11D
-11 ARE, of the best quality.
Ile earnestly reqUests then't In examine elsewln its,
and Air nscectainitig the• lowest in'tices. nt %title!'
they can intreltase, then to call mittrithitandlltethe
di'stitstre, anal uninfluenced by the remariztof interes
ted dealers ill the same businessotial enquire the pri
ces or the.saine ! t•titals at his store. •' • ,• r
It is his tixt•ll ' detertnittution,und he wishes it. an
distinctlY tuidt.rstooll, tint onIC lit sell as elienViist
tiny other Store but poßkivety cheaper— His arrange
mints arc so mad he Iteltevef, Its to matble [drat
lo"•se, nail yet make a milli qtrolit. At; all vicar:
Cash put.chascrs u ill audit to tittleinterest tfigAll,
' iir.smy L. lILDEIt..
October.ll, 1843
'StArirberry - airri'et, oho door iibotie
also ot all South second etreet,ndr:q,, ; ,,.
MAIL; Stlllserib - ei's rent in ,thc, present
being very low,hud liislolits CASH,
lie isileterniineilid ^hl l iitiinicestostiittlielordtiniels.
Lle offers a' pal selected stock of.
Imporini jay,
Heia. Superfine linpliiir,•• ••. ;,.
fine Ingraitin,
P1111.!111111 el/11/ MOll dd
linyalArehle fie filled
Moe troi •sled do
'London Damask. ' do''
Ala hi atrilled do. l -1;J. • a •
A' shod: bf `r;kerlient and benudfnl Iloor
Oil Clothe, all ,aitiths.tor
piecrs, fie, A 1,9„ Core!' 011.
Pa‘•td tare Cloth 4; Draggefieed
Illegaot Veva) and Corers:, -, J I / 4 1,511X:9,,,ta0,
and Siroti6ll Ficior Mattiogs, pith a' assort
iiteht. of vi'ry' Ititzrain; maidNbettthitili-.
petitrp t ,l)oar,
totaers ititriallok to per'eliasefhrOtsiiarirespeet—
fally • ihritedito onlhaard 'examine for; theAtaelteis•
the goods.ahall ,v,oltl at the lo‘rest ‘oriviesjiyite
,1 i .••• LEN1.1111.4)1111/Gal
August 50, 1145' „,,
Estate of Henry, dfo*setL
i , 1 ‘ E' C't ; E R. 81: vesternelltaYY.4lTl l l e• estate
itill 44
of , 111 , It , I111,14,?11,, r .0f.,._4 1 ,19 1 YlVlAlki,lis
io Ifecii gi , tlt.tecifo' the ealisoriber'ilißiditig,irttliu
..etttne ov, .Mil ver4irs•baNiymibilm4Akikiiist ,
',said estate, are he' eliv itutilia;d,to present diem duty;,
'4 uthe . mi glad' Rii4Vitiliiiikete:. um, ityti ANA:1161016k: '
t b e y l oiy,et sr o,iitelt)tnjoil;svinavvq,nuft e spi‘f l y ,
SXMlTEt.',,tikilnit, Egetmor.
'. s coo istiout*y:#247i ,s I 8,04 ~ 0 : 1 ; ri) # a !, , ; ‘ ,. 1 itfi'
7- tiatato tif Ibliiftheinit a Edeiiiiao" ,
Ivforlictiii-looiy 4 .0;0i - 4 iilkt ik ' OlthOia/AiditSlit-,
:c . ,01i istvati94,9,llle vOrktu Akr...91,10% nipiti4.§.
lid'. orsb4ih- VitatnelotViAk s6l l ), Oaelit , e(fl lii 4 Ce -
)keeriVAtiltti:to44lV 001;74 41 *y **Ogg ilitAiri.o o ' ,
tx.rpkliip , ' till vrboiri tptowwg . Ouipmelvet , ilikiew
ild 620 Will ) elithit. VP liita)? $ itot tii44 0 tft4 . 4o , lCht
Clt t ttt:Srlatl42ll2tlntP".. '
BP4 , ..l i eft : -I , ,(ii W.44II°IIiAttrONVAP44II,WI' '
Noverni) r : 1./345. .' ' • ~.." - . ' Gt. 2:
.„, , •
' l4 : tidYOE tiN 6 18& $/0041 RiN Swtht
4 . fn , IsCriltiOillPgalgg l il - -Olt
po ,i.' , .t. t st t e up polrgtkettectl (lie 1) : ;
4 . 11110g(MIgittUi ItustiesattWo F.qtAlvkikft o ,krt.,
qi.AlPArithttOtltlvs,!l:, IVlMalre'
I!PVI I ,OiRI t „'„Vi - , 444 \,t 11 45 4 * . "7tAt t Alal.ktV .
‘' It IS . 1 ,, ,4 ih' 1 .. r 4 t1110 V‘ o 4 ll-I, TO
"j.; \''i,t , `l&,'' ',';',,.i , ',;,, ' '' ,', ~ .:•',i.,.!..,' :',,:.';-,;',;.-,.;,',.•,1..*:`'.--'
< ,