Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, November 22, 1843, Image 3

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    asam,Asin zszsimmaszt
Wednee4ay Morning, Novomber 22,1843
, by.B .
13. PALMER, Esq., No. 59 Pine street, ltn.
Pow - Third; Philadelphia, is authorized to media
eiubseiptionsand advertisements for the Herald
is Expositor," and give receipts. for the same.
a:3'We aro requested to • state that theitev. J.
M. Piniturs;olWilliaiisport, Pa., will preach in
the First Presbyterian Church of this place, on
Sabbath next. Sertice 4o 2 commence at the usual
O:7We °Wave by the last number of the
"Statesman," that Mr. Hamilton' has retired
from tthe editorial charge of that paper, and that .
Peter F. Ego, Esq., has assumed its control. It
mill as formerly support Mr. Buchanan and "dem.
ocrati&' principles—besides advocating the free
elom of the Press and other matters.
*By : Taterenee to our advertising columns k
will pe seen that the County Commissioners offer
reward of $lOO for the detection of the incendi
ary; who Gred 'the Court House on Sunday morn.
ing last.
• nre....incendiarism:
.117'Our citizens were called out on Sunday
miming last, between the hours of six and'seven
o'clock, try the cry of fire. It was soon discover.
'od to be in the interior of the Court House, from
'several windows of which smoke was seen issuing
in dense clouds. The activity of the firemen and
citizens who were speedily upon the ground or.
rested its
,progress before it had sueneeded in
spreadihg over the whole building or had done any
considerable amount of injury. It was found to
have Originated in the room On the second story
occupied as an office by Hon. Samuel Hepburn,
President Judge of this district, and there is no
reason to doubt that it was the work of an in
cendiary. • .
An examination of the building after the fire
had been extinguished, proved that the Jorge
bhamber on the ground floor occupied as the Court
,-room, had. been entered, through one of the win
thaws in the rear, and a side door of the room Oise
%reed open; by which an entrance was gained to
the•ny leading to Judge-Ilepburn's office
tin the second fiber of the building. Forcing his
%ray into this room the incendiary seems to have
set tibolit his work With the deliberation of an
Secomplialied villain. Gathering together a mass
of combustible MatErialb from the shelves of an
elegant anti - costly library of law books, and col.
leeting the !Japers and furniture into 'a large pile
in the c.ntre of the room, the 111013 i wits ignited,
and after the window-blinds were carefully drawn
to prevent the light being seen from the street, the
fire was left to do iteivork ! From want 'of air
it had probably burned slowly several hours be
fore its discovery; in which time a apace had been
consumed in the floor reaching across the room
and about fimr feet wide, thrbitgli which the burn
ingmass fell to the room occupied by the County
Commissioner:inntile ground floor, doing a small
. amount of injury there.
The injury dune to the building is indtineider
able, but the loss to Judge Hepburn, - ftoril the de
struction of a large poriien of his library, we
learn is over $lOOO. An act evincing a greater
degree of moral turpitude or deepiir inches, WO
have never heard of. We have not learned that
suspicion has yet fixed upon any one as the perpe:
teeter of this fiendish crimc,but it is earnestly to ho
hoped that the miscreant may yet be discovered
and brought to the punishment lie so richly de:
irrPunclual to the time, Campbell's Foreign
reini.monthly Magazine for November 16, is on
our table, and ns usual filled with the choicest an.
lections of the English publications. The present
number is embellished with one of the most ex
quisite engravings we have, lately seen. Terms
of this Miigazine, 65 per annum.
Wu lMve received No. 6, of the I%l3 , te . ries of
Paris, from the ‘Ncw World' press in New York:,
It is to be completed in,ten numbers ut 123 cents
per number. •
We are indebted to the author, for No. 5 of the
Junius Tracts, published at the office of the Neve
York Tribune. The subject ofthis Tract is Po.
litical Abolition, and the author endeavors to
show the evil and danger of making Abolition a
distinctive political question. The arguments are
said to be unanswerable, by those who have ex
amined it. This tract is the fifth ofn series which
have lam published, entitled, 1. The Test. 2.
The Currency. 3. The Tariff. 4. Life of Henry
Clay. We could wish - then' in the hands of every
voter in the United States, confident that they
would remove much of the ignorance that exists
with regard to our institutions and the policy of
the country. Our Clay Clubs undertake
their circulation. They aro sold for $2 50 per
100, or 820 per 1000:
Harrisburg Papers.
lirrhe"Pennsylvania Intelligeneer," the Clay
pager, at Harrisburg, will be • published twice a
week during the session of the Legislature, at
the low price' of 82 - for the session,- or $3 a-year,
payable in advance.
The "Democratic Unihni V the fodofocd organ
and a good paper, is proposed to he' published
(folly during the Session at $3 ; Semiweekly at
$2; or the whole year at $3.
The °Pennsylvania Telegraph,'" . (rinii.ltlasort
ie) will be published on the same terns as the
Intolligencer. We shall be glad to receive and
forward subscribers td either" of them:.
Verdict in the Ciise o' Libor
(r_j- - In the case of the Commonwealth againal
John Hamilton and Gteorge Matthews; for a libel'
upon Judge• Hepburn, which was tried last week
a n the Court of Quart er Sessions of this county,
the trial was brought to a close and the case sub; ,
milted to the jury about noon on Wednesday.
On Thursday morning a sealed verdict ivas pre
seated to the Court, which had been agreed upon
the lat t some time in night. This ver.
diet declared ittio iiiife7n — EntTorg - hilty of
slander but not ea moral libel."
' The verdict net being in accordance with •the
'"law it was returned "to the jury, who iri a few
*hours returned With"a verdict of guilty, according
• 4ci the:Mariner didi 'ffol - Oof the indictment.. The
„defendants were then sentenced to - pay a fine of
-440 each and pay the costa 'of prOaecution.
07We learn Irani the "Statesman," that the
,Aase will probably , be Carried pp to the Supreme
'Court for final adjudication, it being the opfnioii
of the defendant's counsel that the verdict first
•;, 1 ',mule red:' Was; Virtually one of acquittal.'
gOPIW. Henry' Irs//iiiiSmith, svito lately grail.
I.oled a Cow •ofaar , citutana with setlerar vOcal con.
' we pereeke is gaining some' very eguivocil
puffs indeed in thci Harrisburg papers. .Mr. Belliol
did not Carry away a receipt in fag when•he left
oui,ooee..halvc kindl, /oohed upon, his .depas.
tare without Paying as one ofthefolblei organ' us
Mr.l with, in•onT, opinion, is denid,edly one of the
hest aingars of the day. but he is very, deficient In
• einne nottis,rand4ospecially, those •which mint do
;lght the eerier ous brethron-of the picas!
A :I
A ir^Hut rleinire PaitriCst. o
haie,received'ibe.prospecdos of now pa
per with . 'this Atie, MopOsed. tO,be ,'paklishad at.
Harrisburg, by Mr. James Clark; fdr , ohe dollar
per ATRIUM. It will advocate ,.: the s election of
Henry. Clay to thO nail Prosidency...,the Patriot,
is.reCommonded to ,lhe support of the public by
the Democratic whip . standing Committtee of
Dauphin county, and will nO doubt be akefrident
auxiliary in the Whig cuuse.
RELIEF Nows.--This description of money,,
which is now fast decreasing in circulation, is in
Philadelphia held at 2 and 24 per cent. discount.
06-Congress conveno's on Monday the 4th of
Deeember,.noit. '
Ma. Barron:—lt appears that Professor Espy,
not content with the title of “Storm-king" long
since nWarded• him by the public, soars elate above
MS throne of clouds and aspires to the stars. Brat
bibuard nem tendit. Years ago we. saw him
whirlwind and direct the. storm ;" but
itow he plinnes his wings, for w bolder flight, nntl
pi:epares to guide the course of the fiery meteors.
Accordingly, about die first of the present month,
Mr. Espy issued general orders from his head quar
ters at IVashington,directed to that humble and Ile
voted corps of the seientific army, called the Ob
servers. These were required to watch some por
tion of the heavens on the evening of the 13th inst.,
and to note the limes, courses, appearances, &e., of
all the meteors which might. he seen from eight to
ten o'clock, and to report to him the results. of their
observations. The object was to obtain datafor the
determination of the parallaxes of the bodies, from
which thetr,ffistances from the earth could be dedu
ced by a Simple and well known method. To effect
this it would btiniTessary to compare wit' mch oth
er the different paths which the same ' teor would
seem to describe mi the celestial s ere, as seen by
obseriers remote from each other on the surface of
the earth.. •
Iu obedience to these instructions, your .cerres
pontlent stationed himself, at eight o'clock 'on the
evening of Monday, Nov 13th, m the. campus of
Dickinscin College, with lantern, watch, pencil and
patter and facing 8. S. NV., so as to see that part of
the visible hemisphere which was comprehended be
tween the zenith and the W. and S. C., points of the
horizon, awaited in .solemn silence the appear-.
mice of the expected meteors. From eight to nine
there were clouds in the N. nod N. C., and during
the first half honr,lksmall cloud now and then strayetl
fimm its fellows, and 'invaded that part of the celes
tial sphere,'which he bad taken under his especial
watch-care ; and obscured for a moment the Lice of
Jupiter. 'Aftermine, dearly the whale concave was
clear and bright.
Now, sir, after this grandiloquent preamble, you
may suppose thatyoureorrespondent -Inis somelril."
portant informatioo to announce. Not so. The
only meteor which appeared tar three quarters of an
hour, was his own, lantern, which the wind blew off
f r om titeldone steps of the college. It 'did more
mischief than meteors are in We habit of doing, as
it mulled his watch with it and broke the glass.---
Dot tit fifty-two minutes past eight, menu solar time - ,
at Carlisle, he was cheered by,the sight of a
ing star. It was very and indistinct. It seem
ed originate near lleta Dclpbiui, and to pass to- '
wards Catania about one-third the space
between the two stars, disappeared.
At forty Mimites past nine, a meteor of considera
ble brightneis passed through the square of Pegasus,
and disappetired close to Markel) on. the cast side. I
It woo firifseen aloud one fourth ofthe "'distance
from Dem Pegasi to Alpha Andromeilk. Its course 1
traced backward, passed through the-right hand of
Andromeda, and suggested The idea that her lady
ship might: be amusing herself throwinefire-balls at
the Filing Horse.
At l'orty-fodr minutes past iiine,,anothee meteor
passed through tile square of Pegasus in is line
ther cast than the firmer, hit apparently radiating
from the same point, and disappeared a little beles ,
the-middle of an - imaginary line joining Markalimin -
Algeniti. It was less brilliant than its predecessor
Thr. tinier - above specified eannot be relied on
-perfectly accikate, but they are not tim from the I
These, sir, are the results of this meteor-watch
ing. The most important discovery made by you,
correspondent was, that nocturnal air IS unwhole
some. The hoarsenets out sore throat, which antic
ted him next day are decisive proofs of 'this; but he
has reason to hope thee will not make him 0 mar
tyr to' science.' Yours
Dickinson College, Nov. 1511 i I Y 43.
` . On the 24 inst., by Rey. 11. L. thogher, Mr
PUARLES room:, to Aliha ANN SIEREIt, both 0
Cumberland county,
In this place, on Thursday night the 16th
JAMES Emy.nan, infant son of Martin and Mary
Cormnan, aged two years and i three days.
Like a dew-drop kised Off by the sates mornim
ben m,
A brief, but a beauteoim existence wen given !
hits soul seent'd to come down to earth in it dream,
And only to wake, when ascended to heaven !
DIED, in Philadelphia, on Tuesday, dui 14th
inst., Mr. &miter. E. PIPER, eickst sun of Alex.
ander M. Piper, Esq., of Harrisburg, aged twen.
ty-four years ansix months.
. .
"When to gre t are called away, die extent of
'-the influenceey lave exercised gives a propri, is
to an enlarged p u ilicity of their merits. The
ble good have also their circle, to be affected . y
their adversity or prosperity, and to feel and lie
grateful for, n record of the merits which made their
association dear, and their friendship valuable.—
Mr. Piper was the sou of a highly respectable citi
zen of Ilarrishurg, Pa., and evincing a desire to Ac
quire a knowledge of the art of printing, and e,,pc
i wally in a newspaper office, he became an apprem ice
to the editor of the United States Gazette, Mid si.TV
ed his time as a compositor in the office. It is not
recollected that in the whole course of his app en
ticeship, he gave his employer an occasion lin• a'
single word of reproof, not even of conununitiiiii.=
To the credit of himself; and reflecting credit on
his parents, it may be said that his principles "ere
fixed, his morals good, and his manners courteous
and respectful to his superiors, and kind and social
with his equals. His industriots habits gave him
the-use of money, which lie seeped well to •ititer-
Stail, and his habitual punctuality' secured to him
the confidence of all, so that when he had.conetuded
his apprenticeship, he had the world before him
where to choose, and the best wishes of all who knew
him, for hip entire success in "whatever his' hand
should find -to ,do. " Hut enfeebled-health prevented-
Mr. P. from any considerable enterprise,
and lie
preferred the of fi ce in wnich he bad served his time,
and, it in believed, that he neither accept, dnor
sought for employment elsewhere. And whi se deep
sympathy is felt and expressed for the loss whickliis
parents shtain in the death of such a son, and for
the niapeakable deprivation which the small and
now broken circle at the.lomestie hearth is called
Co mourn, it is'a tilitti.ce of mournful grai intuition
that, in the'verioffii relations in which. the writer of
this article has 240011 to the deceased, there has been
oceMion for only kind feelings and good ii ishes.—
And it is a consblation to the 'mourners, that the
-merits (Stile deceased entitle him to is most respect
ful remembrance to the citent of his acquilintande."
—U. S'.• Gazette. .
Second Lecture of the course 1011 be deliv
cFed Before the Xlert Fire Compaiii,'o.. TUES. ;
DAY efiliiing, the 28th inst., Lb Enrucatiod Anil, by
Professor W. IL AptEN. •
S'llbjeCl"Ele - ilrr4ly Lind tlib Tlieoi 4 Y of' Light
ning Itinierith F;:sperimbnes."
eeture to•eommenee at 7 o'Olock:
• I it,* ee, (lies free- G • e '(' TT
$lOO. EE .RD
THE Commissioners of aumberland
• county offer q reward of * Q, for informa
• ion of the person or persons, who set flri to t e
Court House oa the morning of the 19th inst., to be
paid upon thiecinvietioq.of the Offender or offenders.'
" By order. of the Cototoisstontrai,
• JOHN' 1.11.W1N, Clerk.
Carlisle, Nov. 22, 1843. Sve-4
lows= . TO =INT.
inot, two t story House and several smaller d*ell-,
1.1/ logs, well situated, are offered for rent.. Also,
a corner , room Etted: for a krocery, store, will be
rented fop , that purpose or otherwise. , Enquire of
, • '.• ;JACOB' SENER.
November 2i, 18419. - tf.4
HE Eubscriberhavipg,dispoge, d of his
~.T-en6o stook the Clitry depatitilent.'l4,tel.
fipok,desiees.those aritirtiget;tb, eall'and
aktlettp old scores j otherwise the nee9unta
placed in the hands oft. taistla foe eollettioih •
to r g,
, • ' ' 1, -- .4. - 11E,111!Alt. •
parllideiXOT,Ml RfS,.
For the lientitl & Expositor..
Meteor Watching.
Obituary. ..
Attention !
T HE sObicribOr , respijttftilly
butyl his friends and; the Aublio, that he has late
ly stock and. nosy 'offering nt the •
old stand in Nardi Hanover Street, riakileiria assort
ment ,tfarchadre; Cugerg,of &c.,comlisting in part of
Locks,lintes,, screws, nails and apikes, of rill kiwis
and sizes. • Grain,.Carial and 'other kinds of Shovels.
Carpenters' Tools; such as planes, saws, chisels, Bre•
Bar Irotti'llister, cast nod Shear Steels. 'Saddle
MO bridle mountings in sets; Saddle Tree's, ;Tilting'
and. other Webbing:. Findings of every dc. ,
scripti on. , Alabogany and. Glass knobs or tie • In
test styles, Also, ' "
Oils, and rarnishcs,
such as white lead, spirits ofTrirpentine ; Goind rind
japan Varnish.- GLASS of all.' sizes, froM R by 10
upward. 'Also, an. assortment of Archer's Patent
Lard Lamps,togetlier with other articles too numer
ous tq mention
' Alt of which will be sold trvcnty-fivepercentloiv
than they have ever been sold before, for cash and
good money. Call and examine before purchasing
elan herd, and if the
,articles and prices are not
found us stated you need hot purchase. Call at any
rate' . JACOB SENER.
• CarlisleNovember 24, 1843.
rfflllE subscriber takes this method to inform the
citizens of Carlisle iind vicinity, that be•bas
opened an OYSTER. HOUSE, at Zieg's old stand,
in Church Alley,one door west of Education Hail,
wlti•re he will accommodate till dose who may favor
him with their custom, with the best Oysters the
market can afilird; as the present primal heretofore
chi,rged by him, and now charged by those follow
ing' the same busitiessaire too extravagant kw the
poor man's pocketove have deemed it necegsary to
charge but 1$ cents per doz . . stewed; lit& cents per
doz. in their raw state;and 75 cents per hundred, nil
of which prices ihall be hereafter si icily adhered
to without any increase or. diminution, unless harder
tones compel us to do so.
N. B. Privnte flimiliesiparties,&e.yill.proniptly
.v waited on at their dwellings by seiMilig notice t 3
(Ml' ilOllSe."5
. .
November .9.2; 18.0. tf-4
LL persons Welded to the late firm of Samuel
ih Myers & Co., by Note, Bond or Honk Account
nri• requested to pay the same on or before the Ist
id January next, as after that time no indulgence
vim begiven. SAM'[. MIT.ItS,
Surviving partners of the late firm of Samuel My
ers & Co.
November, .22, 1843. . 6E-4
THOSE indebted 'to the 'subscriber, by
-& note or hook liccoinit,are mutated to cal hind
:vale their Recounts forthwith.
Carlisle; Noteinher 0,1843.-
To my- Creditors,
rgIAXE notice that I haie applied to the
linlges' of tile Court of .Common, Pleas of
I;ttnaberlanil comity, for the benefit of the Insolvent
of this CoMmonwealift, and they have appoint
.ol TUES DIY the I '2tlt of December next, for the
00•atitigr . of me and my .eretlitors, at the Court
!liaise 111 14.. borough of Carlisle, when and where
you may attend if you think proper._ .
Nov. 22,1843
Public Sale.
"RY virt.oo Of an - iiiche'of - the - Otplian'i3
.1v Court of Cumberland county, I will expose to
pobliu sale, on th p remises, oin.NIONDAN, the 11th
of December, all that certain -
belonging to the estate of George David Slopier, de
ceased, situate iin the township of Dickinson, in the
county of Cumberland, 'chant 4 miles from Paper
town, on the Gettysburg road, bounded by lands
lately belonging to Musealby, the heirs of Samuel
Woods, sr.oleceased;Jacob Alyers and others, con
strict menturv; about one half of which is cleared,
and in It gonti_sinte.or cultivntionoultl the balance is
well covered ‘1 ith chestnut nllll other timlwr.
Ille terms or sale are, I/11C. 11111 . 11 ill cash on the
contirmotion a the iniinnen in L i nn'
I n, ...its, in and 12 month.; ' soh • •est.___.
Sale to comment. ut 10 tOuloe , A. XI., It hcu tit
tentlace a ill he
Administrator of (.:„ D. Slussct•, tke'd.
Notembrr 22, 1843. tB-4
Assignment of Samuel McCormick.
NO'T'ICE k Iterchs that SAMUEL Mr-
COIZNIII:,K,tir estpottothorotigh towothip,
Lan made sti Assigionota for the benellt of his cred
it.,.rs to flit mthseriberv, In yhont itll claims tiiirst the
.void Samuel 'Alecorniiyl : .: may be presented :lull ihow hint limy be math.
11011ERT LAI RD,
• , .'• A siguiees,
Xoet.mher lA, 18.1.3. • :31-3.
' Neysivica.7,lB43. 5
TILE President and Directors of this institu
tion have this day-7 - declured a dividend of
on or after the 17th instant.
WM. S. COBEAN,Coshier
November 15, 1-1:1.-3t.
Bonnet Velvet & Silks,
PIUST received a splendid assortment of Bonnet
Silks & Velvet—among Welt are fine, Mo.
rootte,Green, Garold, C 1.11116011. Purple,firown,l3lk.
& Blue 131 k., %Vatered, Figured and Plain Velvets.
Tlie,latest styles of liminet Silks mid
,Satins—all of
which will be sold at the lowest prices.
Sltippensburg, Nov. 15,1843. tr-3
Malaga Grapes.
JUST received a superior artrelthtt S. ELuorrs.
efirlisle; Nov. 7, 1813. 11-4
Or every.' vnriefy from 4cts per yd. up to the
highest prices. New style striped De Laines, Crape
De Laines, Chnsatts, figured Changeable, plain Ala
pacca Lustre's of all colors, French, German, and
English Alerinors. Just received at exceedingly
low prices. Call and see them at the store of
Shippensburg, Nov. 15, 1848. 11*-5
CASSIMBILES, Sattinetts, Jean and Vestings
'us' received by
Shippensburg, Nov. 15, 1843.- 11-3
1 -3 Lyorth East Corner of the Public Square find
directly opposite the Market House, are now open
ing a large -and. well selected assortment of DRY
GODS and GRQCERIES which they will sell on
the most favorable: terms. The, following articles
compose part of their' stock, to which they are week
ly making. additions:
%Viso' dyed blacks apd blue blatiks,. greens,
ible greens, olive greens, olive browns, cadet greys,
blues dud brown CLOTHS; also Pilot awl Beaver
Panay, Plain and Tweed CASIMERES.
Plain and Pitney sATTIN wry&
and White Contort and floe' skin
, .
Itifeeinoes, Atonal:dine do Ulnas; Alpaen• trainees,
EoMinims Print IN! rarities, ['kicks, Merino.
Blanket, Tlubet 1Voo1; Silk and' Bilniabk
. .
LniliFs Cravat's, gismo assortment of Gloves
and flosier);.. Together WitlMArtatt ittriety of oth
ernrtieks-tooMtimentatatameuttoo...,.....—.... -
,Catgisle, Nov. 8. 1848: tf-2
To . netisigiteliti.
711HE'stthscr1lier, neilforiiell to settle lire accounts
of the "herald & Einositor," from the 13th
May, 1899,'une11 March ' 10th 1842, has determined
to 4o so forthwith, and hereby • arises athwho are
in any way irdie4ifed, as:they pp
visits to
regard this notices He Can bb fotind at hig resilience
in West Pennsboroug township,-anthaddressed post
age paid, through iti6 Mount Rock Post Office. •
November 8,1843.
ELEdTION . ..•.
„. . .
AN ELECTION' win be held ',.at the public
house of Samuel Greabil, in Petersburg (York
Alogoo Adams -county ' , ou' the' 211 TU DAY
being um I 2th day of Deeeinbir next,lo"eleet
Managers:or the Hanoimr andVarlisie Turnpike
Roid Company; feet he'ettiuing year, -
By order °fate Board,pf Managers.
NoOnntisi 1840: ,1•
' JOSTicipivid ¢oo6rkiigiligleiit'S*itOlit': ,
COrlisloit Nov, IY-. - plgf,%.• ; 1 - = • 4.0;
trA3TINGentorW into , partnership,for the 'prac;.
(Ice of the Law, will attend to all btiemess entrusted
to them:
OFFICE in West Main street, a feu.' lit.orb west
of the CoUrt House and next to the Store or Jason
vy, Eby 1 hod also at the residence of Join, need,
opposite the College.
!Carlisle, N0v.15, 184.3. , 3m-3
Estate of Robert MeG laughlin, deed.
.ETTErts of 'Administration de bonis non cum
ILA Testamenhvnitnexo, on the estate of 11.0131'.
AVGLAUGIIIAN,deetrof the borough of Newville
have been gr.inted to the subscriber residing in the
same place. All persons knowing themselves in
debted, to make payment immediately, stud those
having claims to present them duly atultentieaten'or
setilethent to
Estate of Allen I3urd, deceased.
EsrrEtris of Administrntion on the estate of
. ALLEN 13 URI), dee'd,,of Shippenshdrgtown
ship, to the subscriber residing in - the borough of
Shippensburg. All persons knowing, themselves in
debted to make immediate payinent. • And those
having claims to present them duly nutheidiented 'for
settlement. • PA)W 4 AIII) BUILD, Adm'r.
.govember 22, 1843. . 6t-4
VELVET & SILK Ribbons, Artificials and
Names of the most fashionable styles' just received
and for sale at reduced prices.
Shippensburg, Nov. 15, 1843. . tf-:3
By. vii•ttfe o 1 an order of the 'OrPliatt's Court of
Cumberland comity, will be sold 00 the pre+
mists, on WEDNRSDAY, the 6th day of December,
the following Vtilhable teal Bstate, late the proper•
ty of Jacob Varnish, of So:ttla Middleton township,.
deceased, to wit: A Tract c ontaining 3'2 acres of
alltalM(Z)2.(l)Ml3 JAAIM)
situate it, Clllll6 . erbilld ' county, on the road leading
from Carlisle to• Hanover, about 5 Wiles . Ireth the
former place, adjoining lands of Thomas and James
MehAfey,Frederick Hoover & the Yellow Dreee!!es
Creek. Having.thereon erected a Four Story
• Three Dwelling Houses,
the first is n twp story Log House, Wagon Maker
Shop and new Barn—the second is a one story Log.
House and stable—the third isa one story Log house,
Smith Shop and Stable.
The Mill is in complete order, containing four
rurrofr.Stones, two pair of Burrs for flour, one pan•
Of Burrs lop chopping, and one_ pair of Sands haring
lilesMorsTSiiint - Mitehine of times Patent, and
even. other material used in all nearly new
and in first .rate mil& and quality. The whole Mill
Alachine hill been put up within a few,yeare.
'the Mill is driven bythe Yellow;teches Creek,
neverlitiling stream of seater, located in the heart
orm grain growing country, nfiin dipg nn exteitsive
country custom 3 nod having excellent facilities
coLveyingineraliant workto market by the Cumber
land Valley nail road:
Sale to cornmence at It?: o'clock, noon. "repos of
Satz: made, kutiwri on the day of hale, by
.101111 Executor.
November I tf, 1833. is-3
Volksfreuml, LanVaster', will publish to
outtalk' or 0,50 and charge this Miley.
3t -4
VALUABLE Pi1.8.11c2
Y virtue - 1i( an order of the. Orphan's Court o
Cumberland county, will be sold-on the pretni
acs, int 'I'II UItI,DAY, the 7th of December, the
741 4 1Z1V %il l Ltaill a " 4.'1. LaTil .
belonging to the estate (if TangerJate of Solid
Middlutun township, deettaseth containing
and 100 . perches, strict measure, of first-rate Land,
situate in said township, 6 miles Irma Carlisle. on
the road leadiog to Hanover, and about too mils s
from the (;:trliste Iron \\Turks, 1111jOillilT lawisuf
(i 81%41111'1', ChriNtinti Herr mid others. Thu im
provements thereon erected loe a good SAtme
tall;rt-1\ •DrliT 3 3 Ill(a 2.03:9
• .-1-1-J
first rate If. 13ut u, Waigini shed,
Corn crib and other ticee'swiry
The'lloose has a lower failing spring of
pare 0 liter in the vt . 11:11 . 1 . 111011• 18111 SO 3 thritilq (Jr.eit:Wl ur choice fruit is also erected
MI good new still hotisii, tarn Tenant Houses
with a Statile ftlii each. About 112 acres of this
plantation is In ti biTh slate of cultivation-and tinder
good fence, n ith 0 aCr iu nearly every field; nntl the
residue is good Timber Land. There is a Limestone
quarry iiii the place, which is considered to lie the
%cry hest.iu die country, together with a good Attie
Kilii. Also at Hie sante . tinte Rill! place
00' Acres oil •Nollaktailo Land
with sproling chi:sluff -timber, situate in said town
ship, about two miles from the above tortnerl tracts
Sole to corpulence to 12.. o'clock, noon. 'rectos o
sale tootle known on the day of sole. by •
• Administrator of John 'ranger, tlee'd.
Novethber 15,1843. is-3
o:y•The Volksfroold, Lancaster; will publish to
antouttt of $1,50 atoll charge this office.
Orphan's Court Sale.
N pursuance oran order ft om the Orphan's Court
k and authority from the lleirs, will he sold on tot
premises, by public sale, on TURSDAY, the 711
or December at o'clock, H
t, 1 1 . Al. the hillowing Ile
s'eri bed -Real Estate of William Orr, deceased,tic:
situate in the borough of Alechaniesburg,on the south
side 'of Main street, containing 50 feet front and a
bout 315 feet deep to Locust street, the same beim : ,
divided by stable alley—hounded on the East by an
alley, and on the West by a lot of Michael Mover,
Esq., hsving thereon erected 8 Two
„ .„ ,7 ,4 ,
Story ...BRICK HOUSE, 30 by 24 „4•411 r o
feet, with two brick back buildings , a , llt.g) n
• `'-'7' u
brick Smoke 11011 M, and a double ..,•
sf li •
frame Stable.
The terms of sale to he as follows, to wit: $lOO
to be paid on confirm:4ElOn of the, sale, one half o
the balance on thei Ist of April next, When posses
sion will lees given, and the remainder in one year
thereafter without interest. Rent reserved to April,
184,4. • Payments to be secured by Judgments. At
tendance will be given on said One by
Guardian for * Anderson C. Orr, William Orr and
Martha A. Orr ' and attorney in fact for Rebecca
Orr and James Orr.
N pursuance of. an order of the Orphans' Court
of Cumberland county, will be exposed to pub
lic sale, itt thu public house of.fno: Stough in Stoughs
town, on Saturday the 2391 of November next, at 12
teiflock, noon, of that day, the following describOd
real estate hue the property of John Stough, sen't'.,
ilec'd., viz:
No. 1. A tract of Limestone Land, ad
joining StouglistoWn, Newton township, in said
county, boundril by lands ofJolinAT / Culloch.Sharp's
heirs, Brownowell's heirs, the llarrishurg & Chain
bunion turnpike road, and other preperty of the
said John Stough,. tleckl.,.coiltoining •RM acres 241.
perches strict measnre, of which abet 100 WO arc
cleared, under good fence, and in good cultivation.
The improvements are a large TWO •
,t k ' r : l ,i,J,
KITCHEN, now oecnilicil its a 'Ftiv- ,q •
'esn, a large DANK BARN; tt3b
Frame - Stith - I - es tiiiU other out houses.
A film young-Apple • Orchard slid other fruit trees,
and aviever Milling well of water. •
No. Met of Limestone Land in
sniU Newtod'township, bounded
,:by Lode of Skilcs
Woodborn" Jacob Ilelshoover,Tolly Filtron,'anti the •
• arrighTo'2l - Ctrombersbut...,,
Within. 71 Acred' anti 22 8-tb Perelles; of which
about 42 acres fire dl'earcd, fu gootrmiltivation, and
ulidbr egeftildet felted; hill/11# thereon erected a one
story Mid a half Lb; HouSe, a Log Earn, Corn Crib'
'rind Shed. There good' Orcburd & Cider PresO
•on•the prentises. •
No. A Two StOrk 'llotfee,
,Stone. Shop, a Frame Shop, end Log Stable,- with
2 Odrp and,67i.perches of land,thereto attached, sit
uate in Stouglistown- dot Mudd,. bounded -bylands of
Mitchell Stewart, Saronel ictellinger, and.' tract No:
The terms of sale will be, $2OO to bepaitton pur
part No, I.—sloo to be paid on purport No. 2
and sso'on - putpart. No. 2—on the confirmation of
the salii ef each .respeotively.' ' • - • ,
• One third of . the purchase money of each tract to
remain in the land, the interest thereon to be , paid
to the - widow of Sohn StOughyearly .and everylear
during her life, nod the principal at her death to the
heirs and represeutativen.ef : thesaid 'John StOugh,
tlce'd: : One half the residue of the purchase 'money
to be paid on the lat.of April nest. when possession
wilF be :gi yen, and the remainder-in twisequitionoual.
instalment& thereafter {without interest.- •Pinwrients
to be secured • by. , recognizances with,nenurity in the ,
Orphaine-Court.. / 6, • • • r -. • • -.6. '
(Grain iii , the,groniutto:be reserved.):
• ,• .• 4
Ribbons, Artificials & Plumes,
11,6 e .ICRE,43,
A. B. MARMALL, No. 188 Chestnut , street,
• . . , between 7th and „
11AS received a birge assortment of Silks,Shawls
n Silk Velvets, C'titilimeig d' Ecosse, MOuse
line de Laines, French .Nlierinoes, Hosiery, Linen
Cambric Htinilkfln Gloves, Laces, Printed Velvets.
Flannels, Li liens...Pre:lab Chintzes, American Cali
coes,. s od in daily lidding to his stock' the most
as they arrive; all'uf Which will be Bold ‘Vholesale
and Retail, at the o Inn en prices.
'V' Stringers will find it particularly to their in
trrest to call, as the goods arc ail warrhnteit and the
Lowest cash price naincil first, and 110 aibattiment.
Philadelphia, Nov. 8, 1843. . St.'2
Orphan's , ..Court Sale:
Y virtue of an order of the Orphan's Codrt of
100 Cumberland county, will he sell on the premi
ses, on ,SATURDA Y, the OtIA day or December, the
belonging to the 1161.8 of Inatic Knotle, det'd., situ
too hi Mlltlllll tomMship, Cumberland county. adjoin,
lag lanils,of t Morge I.uigor, beira of .loseih Landis,
and heirs of Ilenry Mimic, containing
180 ✓ICRES,
about 1.1.0 of which is cleared and froin' . 2il tO :At of
which is meadow land of a first-rate quality. The
itnprovernents are a Two Story Log
HOUSE, and Log Born, with other in,- .4'1 1 "
provements thereon erected. A stream ;;::
of running water priSses,through the en
tire length of the tract, and a well of
never failing water with n pump at the door--mml an
excellent spring of water within 11 few rods of the
This . property is situated in a very' healthy and
pleasant oeighborhoott---ancl persons tlesirinvo mar
elinse property would do well to tall and see it, as it
only lies about 5 miles North from l'fewville and the
Cumberland Valley Itail ItMid.
The terms of -sale are---one third di the purchase
mousy to remain elirged upon the land, durfng the
life time of the Widow, the interest to be pad to.
her annually. Cap hundred dollars on the day of
sale, one third of the residue on tin Ist of April,
1.841,"antl the halanee in trim eyed annual instal
ments, to be secured by Judgment Rands.
.106E1'11 CASEY;
Trustee appoihted by the Gourt. •
Nvember 13,1811. ts.j
N pursuante of an order of the • Or
ja Court of Cumberland counlY, will he Hold
nt pOlic sale, on the pretaiss, on Yatorday the
9, 4 1 of fiocember next, at-12 o'clock. M., the folloW
log (lescrlbei: tracts or parcels of kind ; late lie prop
erty of Mar‘eet Qui}sler, (formerly Margaret
Crockett,) der 17) Monroe township, about
5 miles south-east, of :
Ni. 1. The Mansion Tract. contain
lag — N NBTY - A C WS" - Miff VO ' P BIM IES ;-
strict measure, of which about 55 acres ore
and under good fence and in a high fitate of eUltiva
t ion, and the residue covered with excellent limber.
Said tract is bomaled 6r lands of (:coven Bellzhoo
ver, Philip Miller. Joules Crucket, and the Yellow
Breeches creek. The improvementsgre a two sto
ry LOCI BOUSB and LOG BARN, with .a CGn•n
CM) and Other outbuildings. There is also a well
of WON' and no orchard on the premises. The
1 Chou' Breeefics creek runs close by the 13ot:se and
No. 3. The other lnmphrtirhich is to the
above by the ingithition nd to be sold with it as one
tract., is a piece of WOODLAND of
strict measure, shoot ottc 7 lottrth or n mileTroni the
oilier, aditiining lands of George Ileltzhoover, Mi
chael Ege's heirs, and other' lands of which said
ten acres are 11 1/111 . 1.
The two ,i . l.:1119 togillier make 100 111`1 . P9 111111 1
perehes.of excellent land. Possession will he given
on the Ist of April
The terms will he; one half the purchase' Money
to la; paid on the costrirmation of the gale ;11111 plllk
ing:_the_iiiv.,tl,Jincl the residoe wo equal-annual
payments thereafter without interest, to be becured
by Judgenteni Bonds.
- , GEO. SANDERSON, Trustee.
November, £1,104:3.
Building Lot at Private Sale.
/fl Ili: eubsct•ibcr idliws 01 private sale, it very band
it somely situated BUILDING LOT. situate in
the :nigh lornitiid by Pomfret and NVest I ligli streets,
iu thisinwougli, nod very iwurly opposite Diekinson
College. In size it is.eipeil to etown lot mid n
There is not a more eligible or better leention fern
prhate dwelling, iu tie borough. The situation
eonuu:uuls :w extensive view of the benwilid country
sure iiiitiling,,togetlive ‘i kb the College buildings,lke.
The lot needs only to be seen to lime its ailyantiwys
admitted. roe further rirtiettlars. us to terms, tg.e.,
enquire of the . subscriber.
October 11, I S 4-3
Frfit: subscriber has taken that mil.
known tavern blond in South Ihumver street
rormerly °coupled by Wm. S. Allen, md more re
rently by Mitchel McClellan, n here he is prepared
:ICC01111»0thile all who nit Imm-him %%ids then
custom, in the test std lc and on the must rellsoll
:Ode terms.
, .
his BA R will tilwnys, l supplied with the
thmeest liquors—mid Iris TABLE With the hest the
».irkits van Milted. . .
His STABLING is tunple, :And n 61refitl HAINr
will be kept iilways in :itteoilance. DRON'ERS will
find it to their adiatitage to givehiin 11 cell.
MARDI:IIS will be taken Lc the week, month,
or MU%
l'Zothiey, shall be lett untlow: on the part of the
subscriber to please those who rose pay his house a
visit—he therefore solicits a shore of public patron
Carlisle, April I'2, 1543.
a3CD ''7,aa
TIM undersigned appointed an Auditor by the
Orptuhs' Court or Cumberland comity, to'nutke dis
tribution of the money in the hands of George O'-
Donnell, as Administrator of De..lohn Frazer, de
ceased, amougst the creditors of said decedent, will
meet at his office, in the horongh of Carlisle, foe
said purpose, on FRIDAY, the Bth day of December
next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon oh said da) -- , when
and wheae said creditors are re qu ired to attend. •
Carlislc;Noveraber 1,1843.—Gt.
Assignment of Martin IY/o4ey.
ifiN the "7th of October, 1843, ?Martin Afeiley,
UI of the borough of Mechanimthorg, Cumber
land County, Tiuil.!, MI assignment of all his effects
to the subscriberjor the benefit of his creditors.—
All persons having elafrOS demands against the
Assignor are notified that the Assigner. residingin
township will meet thi , Mint the public house
of nelley - hi"111 - e - zliiintesberg, on each FRIDAY .
idler the publication of this notice, to inljnst mid set
his accounts. And . allindebtcd,
whether by book :maned or otherwise; ure required
to make payment immediately.._
Monroe township Nov. 1;1843
Assignment of Dani(ii Reek.
no the .13th day of January, 1843, Daniel fleck
AL, of Newton township, Cumberland enmity,
made an assignment of all his effects to the subsori
for the benefit of his creditors. All 001110118 hav
ing claims or demands against the Assignor are no
tified that the Assignees and Assignor will meet at
the public If oUse of Mho Deal; in Newville, on
SATURDAY . , be 1811 f of November at 9 o'clock
to udjust and settle all'his accounts. And all per
sons indebted Whether by hook accounts or vendue
notes are requested to make payment on or before
the let day of December, as no further itidUlgelleC
OM be given. _
• • saurr COI LE, ?
Nciaville, Oct'. 95, I b 43. tr.-52;•••e_L.kaa,t,_.'
The subscriber having determined-on piing to the
better keepo keen look ottt Cher, frosty !I - writings, as
rum determined to closd Wpm uiiiiess speedily.,
' Cloths 1 Cloilis 1 tEles 111
BEAVER and Pilot „over . c oatingii French,
English and American' Broad' Clnth at from
1,50 1.5.510 per .yard: atM. them at the
etmap atore:of , CLIPPINGER & CAREY.
JUSt • idiervdd a lot ce city cured IIAIIIS, for'
sale at the afore of% CHAS....BAHNITZ '&. CO.
Carlisle, Oetolscr 25, 1849. • • •• • II:52
Lemons, Raisins and Figs.
A LARGE and fresh supply. of, LEM
ONS, RAISINS and FlGSoust received and
or sale by • , ` LINEit lIONYER.
°arils 1e,..g0y. 8; 1848..:
0ti5i0ag;,...4...:04 . 1tF.V.:.are.,1u5t
. opeqirl a largo 9*rtrilent or fashionable. Om-
Titneres Bc.• ve.ea.ingsphtch'ollMq ON: 14t,' ttid lowest
Ottotir , •• . • '
21.&..coutiga i
ILLyerforth all . operations Itimit tli? . Teeth,
e that anr requTretl for thetrkeservation,such
,Yeating, &c., or will restore
the loss of then:, by inserting Artificial 'reeth, front
:t single Tooth, ton fall sett.
erjADllice on l'itt street, a few doors South of the
Ha:Iron:I I lotel.
N. 11. Dr Loomis will he absent front Carlisle,
the last ten days, in each mouth.
May '24, 181:3. tf-SO
•• . .
etzuft Eizglitcre, • •
Yeo v e 2jo cs c- 6 ,- ", e - v
Ccimmissionor in - Bankruptcy.
HAS removed las Office to Noith Ifanoaer
Strrei, West iiide,S doors North of Loather
strict, and nearfy opposite the Wilco of William
Irvine, Esq., where he will as usual earefUlly
attend to all husiness which may be entrusted to
lain in the line of his professtmi.
Carlisle, April 12,1843.
.6,, no nso,
Foravareling dg . • Couttaissions
al; a LI.
No. 28, Filth sUeet, prrrstsUßG, I'a.
August. IC, 1843.
. .
1 . 4 ESPECTFULLV: ieforni the Far
-"M leers, Millers, :I(erclunitti and the politic gen:.
erallx, that he is nnw prepared with hinge and entu-
Moutons Ware Houses, on the Permit CamiL near .
the foot et Walnut sti'yee,in Hareislitirg, to receive
in Storii , Coe Shipment, .Country produce and Mee
chandice for Philadelphia,. Baltimore and Pittsburg
and all intermediate places: b. Leech and Co's
Line, and ild; following first class tide Water Caind
Boats, will run from the Houses in Harrisburg. .
_ . Boat,. 'J. C. MeAllester, .
Chesapeake, • .
" Mary and Martha, , •
Pacihe. ' ..
Maffil ;184g. . tf-§I
:••• (oVear t . k./Intl Road, Shippenaburg) • •
•VI AVE just opened the sriost eitensive'oissort-'
of NEW GOODS on Vaud and ISM be sokilifile
biC,eit Cash ptlces
October IR, I 8-15,
• Estate • of Christina Unhangtt;, 06,11;
LETTER - .4.teitiiiiitint‘ry mi. Hie
flit, township, deneascd,' having been. grinned to of
sbuserlber resitting iikthe_same township„ All per
sons having claims against 'said estate, re
requested to , piesent them duly. ad thentieated. for
settlement. And those indebted. tti Make payment• . ANDREIW i]EISFEIt. -
''- , Estate of Wm' Rinehart, deed.
. -
NAQTICE heieby , 4firea;iiistt; Leiters of Admin.";
ideation" on the estate of . WILLIAM BINS,,
RT • late; Noetb"MiddletopActismsbits deseasl:
en, have been granted to *
~sobSerlbeesi rest son,
the sane tow ,
Veitaitialtrittaing tlietaseftea•
indebted to said estate to make isaythent
and those havintelairns to - resent theta dilly atithep !
Cleated fot settlement: .' r i •
' -
-,IOI4RY,RWERART. • !•.,,
. ' 'Atiabuiteittoes.-
N.. iIA: N,TsC 11,
rrAKESAis nietlied of informing hie
Jll, former customers, that lig has commenced the
Tailoring Businds, in eoint6ition with Mr. T; S.
Reighter, under theltrm of 11ANTCH Sc. BEIGH
TER; at his old stand, ifs North Hanover street',
nearly' opposite the store of AllyeitSSz Shefer. They
are prepargd to execute alt ordefitentrusted to them ,
With neatness and tlespatelt. •
N. B. The Parisian fashlotis are seceiveif twai
terly, . , BANTCII & 11EIGUTER.
Carlisle, Noyembei.l,l64.s.—ii. .•
. Attomies , at -Law.
T"E, undersigned have associated as
partners in the, practice or Law, in Cumber
hind and Perry counties. One or bode of them may
hettlways found and consulted at the ale& hereto
fore occupied by S. Alexander, 'next door to to the
Carlisle Bank. Strict attention rill be given to all
businds'placed in their-care. . •
October 18,18.13. ' ll'-5t
vv Tobacco &i Segar
rolat subscriber would inform the irthabitants
Carlisle fool its vicinity, that lie Isis opened it
Tobacco end Segni. Establishment , inSouth I latiover
street, two floors South of hits court house, mid irit
inetlottely . niljoining.Mr. Ilitrliliolrlntos I lord. Ile
will keen on hands Alanufactorril Tobacco. such as
Cavendish, S Scent, Plug, Holt;
DulchitntiS, Spike nod Pig tail.. Also,
Cut anti Dry SLoteli liappre ALtailist
. boo Snuff, ' SponiSlt, !liar
Spanish and Common Segars,
of the hest quality, all (if tVhie,ll he will sell on
terms to suit the times.
N. B. The subscriber •,‘ hiller; to have a i hare
Fulthe patronage in opposition to iniposititto I
oreign Afantifitetures. G. IV.
Carlisle, October 11, 1843.
Pe Stale:
W I 1 5 , c 11 , _, , ; e
ons szn i s , e u d u t h i
UAY,tch s p a l o e st n i
i( t li n ly e
vember next at noon, that valuable property situate
on the North East corner of High mid Iledthrd streets
in the Borough Carlisleoionsisting of ;
e MUCK back buildings, ti TWO I;
STORY FRAME HOUSE, and largesfisi
BRICK Stable ; with a never failing well ~..xo.
and primp in the yard. This property haS limn
Itiiretolore occupied no a Hanna for which it 19 well
suited. The lerrrW of sale ttre, dth one half of the
porilniSe Money io be pad on the first dav of -April
titett,when the Deed ma i . possession-will - be en;
aitilthe residue in two (ailed antitial payments there
after, with Interest the whole to be secured by Judg-.
mod Bonds.
1!' the above inn:Melly %rid lie eemet
rue one or more years feent and alter the iht clay o
April next. JA?.11 7 .51 11. DEVOI2.,
Agent for Coottoodot.e Jesie .
Novembth• 1, 1 8.1:),
- Public Sale,
ITN (1111 . 1i11:111CC of no order of the Orphans' Cnnrt
ji of Cumberland County, I will expose to .sale by
piddle oinery on the prothiscs, on Sattirtlay the
day of December neat, the following described real
estate lute the property of John Ilethlig, deed , ti[:
rr:.9 LOTS OI aszoLra79,
•ilitat" in the borough of -Shippenslntrg,-
lots of Steplion Cochran. One of said lots hating
thorron_erectutl a ono story NVoathrr-hoartletl
!loose, and the tither without any inipro%enients
Stile to commence nt 10 o'clock -A. NI. Terms
cash on ;he tonfirtnntion of the Pole. .
Eronon2.7l, Coh?lbri and .Pa.yhioa!
South West cornor of third and Walnut &rents,
• .
• pi lE•Subscriber olliurs all ass trtinent of FASII
JIL tied I lATS null CAI'S, of"
gond natterialonatle by the 111'0 , WOl4OllOl, and got
Lin i n huonlsonit• style. Ala his " PATENT CAS
SIMEHE I iAT;" . which is light, pltuntant and lim
bic, awl best-ol till tultunp. It retains its first appear
niwe till worn nut; 111111 i (.117i iy kept cleat %Vial
I:0111111611 clothes brush or l% i/1 , (11i1. •
Ile NO his ax n manufactory, ;emits I . :fur:on:01y
to all orilerF, and respectfully tusks a call trout ;hose
wluti visit the city, anti he trusts Its tutu, supply-111 Ni.
with such 311 . 111eks Itt 1119 line are I,llllllot rail to give
tuutislactiott, bulb in price and in qualiis.
Every article amide to order at short notice, arid
tiny 11011 prove defective will most cheerfully lie en
01.1VER 1111001i1"..
Ort. 11,18 111. 50.
crj•C:if.ll paid fur FURS—Nlttskrat, Ilacconn, 01-
cr i l•ox, he. he.
' (1. 11.
' El R.ll.llri
• • Harrisburg, Pa
NOW r 0
OArliele , October 2501843
mds:akaJtzr=lmtAt 4 z.iz.s :
i6giste.i s i *Ai.
Carlisle, Novembek 11, 1843.
~I f iiiien.iaherebYtiven to all persons interatithrii
that the following aceounte have been filed in tido
race tilt 'examination by, the accountable therein
bamcrij and . will be,prcsi3Dtact, to ; the accountable ,
of ethriberland code for.eonfirmatiori and
allowa tie on Tuesday, the 12th Ikitif December;
A. D. 1843;
1. Thcoc4unt of Frederick Zeigier; ti Mine-
Trevor or .Iki oar, late of Flea:fort 'limit:
ship, deeraserfi ~ • • .
. 2. ; flat accOrtni i,P Ei'ekirst Bullock; Executor.
of '24wa rd • I/viiizlllyttSr;- of 166 Ilitoiough-ot
Carlisle, deceased;:
'3. Tim account of David firabdt; administrator'
of Illirltnel Brandt; late of Dickinson township,
4. '1'111: ncenitnt(if ttaiiiff ndmitiiiitrator
of John Umberger, 1410 of rt . :inhibit townEhiN,
. . •
, L.
,The sopplementnlnOeoimi of Dark! Wagon:
Cr, Exeently of Adam Wolf;•lute the Beteugh
,Shi”peonhorg, deeeaqvd.
6, The eceoont of John ,Wenver,, oilerer;
of • Math, Into of the lioi.iiugh of Car
lisle, itocentteil.
7. The aaeount of John 11. Weaver; Admirds..
trator of the estate of :Samuel Ncidich, late of the
Honour' ) of Carlisle, deceased.
H. The account . of CIC111(11113 McFarlane, Ad
ministra for D. 13. N. elms Testament,' annexe of
l'hinas Kennedy, deceased.
The account of Gorge Reply ; Guaidian of the
minor children of Harvey Ruse; dec'd. slAtled by
George Rupp, his administrator:
The, Account. of John Darper, Gdordian
of Eli:zahetli Showalter, minor daughter of JOllll
Showalter, late of Frank ford township.
The account of Samuel Bowman, Guardian of
the miner children of [Limy Rose, deceased.'
.lACOB 1311 ETZ, Register..
Fdi tale at J. LOUDON'b , i"..`henp
few doors East of the Cat Office, Main
. street, Carlisle, (old stand,)
A gezeial oAsortnint of' Roftious, Xis
collincus, pokjor a Blank 'Books,
consisting in pain of Family, School, Octsitosize
and Pocket Bibles; Of various kinds and Binding;
Henry's ctUninentary on the, old grid nevi Testa.
ment 6 vols. Royal 8 vo. Scott's COmMentary
. -2...vols:^Royal S vo: Doddridge'S Fathily Exposi
tor, complete in one, vol. Royal b so.; Buck's
Theological Dictionar y, fult"4 vols..,Diel::'s works
in 1 vol Royal 8 vo.; ids° Dick's works corn._
gets inLvols.,-Pytlers - Universal
Aticient History l vols.; Napier's History of
the Peninstila IVar 5 volsc Royal '8 vo., IVtl.
sons•Grnithology in 1 v01..12 inu: colored Plates;
fine TiirkeY Binding, Aitlcen,ana Frosts -.British
Poch; 2 rem; Also the 3d vol.
.a continuation
lately published, (frOm Southey to Croly,) Arndt's
true Christianity, translated firm the German by
Rev. IN. Hoftlitnn, now Pastor of not Lutheran
Church of this place. Also Lutheran, Methodist,
Presbyterian and NVinebremirkih Hymn Books..
Alen the dilFerent Atithmetiek's & IteSts; Smiths
Machette, Olney s and Hunting,don'sGeegraphies
and Atlases,Algebra, Philosophy; Astronomy;
Geometry; rammars, Expositors, &M; Angel's
No. 1,2, 3,4; 5 and 6 Readers, Cobbs Readers and
Table Honks. Also Ledgers, Day Books,P o ckets,
Receipt Books, Mentor:lnd..lM Books; n., he has
also on - hiiiid different articles ofStatiOnery as
follows: Writing, Leifer, Note and Deed Paper,
Visiting Cards, Seals, Peithitives;Silver end Lead
Pencils, States, Wafkrer Mathematical Instrn
intits, Guntees Scales,. Divldencle, Sand Boxes,
Inlcstands of various kinds, extra fine Paint, Vic
toria Pens, Black Satid,black and redlnk Powder,_
Sahle tied Camel Hair Pencils, Bristol Hoard, wa
ter colour, Music Paper, Port Folios, Lithographic
Pocket Maps,Alimins, Blank Cards, largo
office and transparent Wafers; Fahey Colored Pa.
per, Opaque. & clarified Quills; Fancy Boxes, &c.
Also: Violins, Flutes, Fifes; and
. other Books and,
atmitinnery to tedious o mention. Also Sunday
school Books and Tickets, Ilymn Books. &c.
of snperier gnnlily manuffcturcd by Pelrosp, Son
and Illanehard, Phila. The subseriber has Pattern
books, 'containing, specimens of fine and common
Paper, and can procure in a few days notice any
of the different patterns tfic purchaser may require:
Ile also carrion.orr th'e .
,lltinicting ElesFiness,
land; its various oranches,wherc e manufactures.
Ledgers, Day Books, Dockets ca d blank bookai of
every description: and quality superior, to. thoso
made in the oily for country markets i'' also old
rooks reb'otanal.
Persons wishing to . have thoil' Ohl books re:
bound, can be served at a moderate price, and be
Thus cobbled io preserve inul:Y Valuable books thut'
might otherwise be lost.
Writing and Letter Pa 12 and 25 cents'
cr mire. ' J. LOUDON.
August 9,1843•
No. 493; Market Street, above 13th Philadelphia'
AIL L'SPECTFULLY invites the attention of
those who bit for cash (as Ile sells, on no,'
other terms) to his very large and spleinlid'assort
mew of
just received from England, in additiOn to h i s usual
stock of .1:011EIGN and DOMESTIC' 11A1W
WARE, of the hest quality.
Ile earnestly requests them to 6.xturdne chiewlit re,
and after ascertaining the lowest prices at which
they corn purchase, then to call notwithitanding the
distance, and nititilleended 1), , the remarks of ilsteles 7
ted dealers in the same business,and enquire the pri
ces of the saute goods at his stare.
It is Itid faxed determination, and he wishes it so
dlstinetiv understood, not only 'to sell as. cheap as
any oth'er store hut positively chenfrr. His arrange
'ltems are ho pad.., he believes, as to (Tattle lima'.do ro, Mai yet Make .1 small profit. At all cventn
Cash purchasers will find it to their interest to call.
October I I, :843
41 StrtnAeriw striTt, one door above Chesnut;
also at.A'o. sif South second street,
SHE Subscriber's rent in the present
situnuou being very iew,hmi his terms_ CASIt_
he isol'etedieliosqtto sell on prices to suit the hard tinier...
Ile offers a well selected stock of -
Beautiful Imperial three ply,
Jest Spperlihe Ingrain, •
lliindsome Extra line Ingrains,'. 4
' Fine mid Common do • tAriPtrINUS
Royal treble Milled VCllCtiallj ,
Fine English worsted . •
London Damask do
Plain striped de
.) •t ..
Also, A stock Geatitifoil Floo‘r‘
Oil Cloths, ill widths tor Ileums, Halls, Entries„
Vestilnolo.s, Boor pieces. tots. Also, Coach ' . (lit
(;Irtl.os,Puenituo.e Cloths, DrUggets and Float Bair,
Elegant Piano and Table Covers. Also Canton
nod ' Spanish Floor Matting:3; d lire. assort
ment of very low priced. Ingrain and, Vengtian Car-.
retiotg4, Moor Mats, hindhogi, Stair RoolS,Sze. Cus
tomers intending to purchase for CaSfi, oore r&opect
fully, incited to cap and examine for thesonlves as;
the ,n Atoll be 'sold lot the Iculituf prices in the
City. '•
. 50, 1935
I,.stEo,e of . p3mrßeif Oeod
testenlentaryt"fett theetittite .
dor tirSity„ Nnutxiti .4111ett .10w 115 10
have been•gr aniail to the' subseribbefeeitlini
sapse township. 411 persons :laving eliding against
said estate, art:hereby notified to tweseld.thelt.t ',IIFAY.
Authenticated rot. , settleinent: Anti, thoso ktiowing
themselves irphe payment, imMedhttelY•
to SAMUEL "MILLER,. Faeoutots
Estate of John,Thoiacit, 'decease •
OTICE iihCrebi given; thei'Lettt;rs'oi Ailmin= '
istration on
.of JOHN' l'At.);l4l4S;
late' of Smut; Middleton toirnship,"deiense4; have'
been gcanteitto the subscriber :restillufritt did - same
townitdre „All persons knowing:themc t ilielsAtulehtz.
ed 16 Bahl estate Ore lierhby• 'notified to irul:kepar 7
mem fOunedhuely, and those baving . ,0440.4
'sent them auly authenticated for isenlems.ot„
IsToygmt!er 8,1343. :
.e,DY.EIN G:& , (s , CatißlAN - 414;i'l
RE ,subscribe.!: - .;.reaßectfolly' , lnedeine
.- '..:the,Ptozligthstji lips potritrAtutx,tl.ole,inE,
, v, - stc S,COPRlNtio'.Viisiiiibis liVilit - 64:61 . 4 , - - tif -7-
;411;1:t..4.14T.Cti §: i t. omtbe iitpeet,4li,4rej)if i e,reitilyi bra II:
tikes to.,(10 tiii
,work inAiii line el, business, itt 1.11,
iikortkist libtice ikbil bii iiinisbiuMb tek.ins.•" l ' oo / , ' , "
'' ' ' ' .' '. , ' • ~ ,7 ‘ 11 1 ,.1. . ateilit.' '.
0ct0iii . ..11;1843, rr. , .1 , . nr,i;t ,:,;:!: !,„.-1 4 1 1 , „ f icii ,
' ' '' . ' ' ''''' '..-' , -`l•''''i ••,.- ~,
t .