BM • -- -_ A FAmlg a y NEwp 4 pER-110EIVOTED TO . GEMERALL'INTELLIGENCEi ADVERTISING , POLITICS3JLITERATUHF4* MORAL, Y, iGniCIATURE,CTS.AND SIOCE% AosorgENT, • 'AI • C ..• :.• Imustommaraissmarinimmimmesm, • '74.W.5VWX3 211172. kE RALD & EXPOSITOR. • mike, Centre Square, S. Ir. Call'iteri at the Old Stand. TERMS OF .PUBLICATION : itlito TIERALD & EXPOSITOR is published ,weekly, on adouble royal sheet, at TWO DOL.. LARS,per annum, payable within three months 1. from the time of subscribing; on TWO POLLARS . MU) FIFTY 9ENTS, at the end of the year. 1 . 40 sUbscripflon will be taken for less than six months, and no paper diScontinued until all ar rearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher, and'aTailurc to notify a discontinu. ance will be considered a new engagement,. . Advertising will be donc.cin the usual terns.- Letters to insure attention must be post paid. :Pro Bono publico ! Call and save a Dollar ! . • HATS ! HATS LL ye who wish to suit yourselves in in first rate HATS of every kind, just give a M the new Hat Manuffictory of the subscriber, 1 No. A . .,..llarper's How, two doors north of Angney Vand Andersoo's, store, where he intends keeping eon. :gtantly :co hand, :mil will mantifttentre to order of i'the hest tnaterials and at the very shortest notice, 9 lIRETSII a I' 4 4e"; InKaf the neatest and most.fitsloon, wok:tided tohave as good and permanent aityptT:the I lots mantifacturid in the 'et. —ries. 'Vise, • 11 .a ' lsetl 11.11 Ili I ar, y Cans, ' every des...Op:tan made in the best style, and at If moderate prieos. Iltcry • "s•mot lie 14 . 4/ OA lower than ever Hats harm Ins prices heen-sold t. ' 1 IM suchlZ;i7P3. sill[ the depresston of •11 4 .1. lie ' wiling tor Cash— Ihe times. It " Mint.; to tni:e Coentry pro . Net he m.'ill, ls " . : a ' , • ex . change fo l t. Ra.ts. ..'ilsee at-the evirket-I,zic „. sineeee to .2 'The l •cttn:` , ...ement lie bah !, .;ness ghoul .eeived since lit , lust emontenent, "." • in the 'old shop LotatlK'y . C. • eel • hope's • II CA •• •a 4.v strict attention ro to 111(11 . 1. 1. ` 111 " i •ostitssewe er :heir p s troe t e,„ , ., Gat ;tett js.i;_ty ree•yees eiit, • .. \ vii,l,lAm .1.111)p. • )lliy '2l. I 81; ;rack N (ties. 1711-IE sahseriher has just opened his new ja GOODS, he ,t ill-Fell low lov-Ctish,cont limed of Cloths, Ca,sinteres, Satinets, drillings,,,,st iigs, sheetings for dn. 10„ beautiful .1-1 Ileaelted 12-4 Illeaelled sheeting - , 14nd:ionic new st 1121,1. S, 10. it: 1.11 . 11114 ,1 , N(Jeking5.1,10101111111.11q, 4.111 %11:1111•4;11111 11:11%1801101,..111- Intl 4-1 lode coed touslins, and lawns, elnott, :11tus de 1;611506th ‘aviett a oilier • ; ,.,,(15, I, lie fie go.' will ifriiiseives. Also, Braid, smog lionneis, ladies, )times and Childrens Nlorneeo and kicl slip lees. Best Rio (;41111.(o, 11,1 I,l,ack,iniperial lu r id Teas. Superior Cat radish Tnlmlceo, so pennon', ti ll yrt, hirh he m ill sell nt vices is accordance S. :`.l. Carlisle, \ lay 3, 1343 C0C1122Ei1! , i91)2 2 Gnertt6;r: ni,2;:taNG it,foeir.:; - the public, that he is 1:12i; 'wow , ed to rereiwe, forwavtl and ilisposwof I,s,eVery t4use,.l pi iota, either at the Phil : oh:10111a tie Baltimore Nlnelzels, or tit any other point accessible by IZ:til Road. As he will anew! in person 1,1 the bale it all nrtieleF el,tlll,llal to his care, the most satisfactory awl speedy returns way it all tones be wsliertetbawl the tilniost promptiulde iu rite tranSactioo of all lt altos!! villein:led to him. l'itriners awl others haring . any article which 111,:y wish disposed of, trill thi Still to rail 01l him, iui metlimiely opposite the. Nlansion Moist., anal Hail Ito:1,1 Wool, West Ilionstreet, Owlish.. G. F. is withoeiit,sl to lolecloow several hawked lioslals of Grain; for n Rich the. higliest price tt ill lie given. • Carlisle, Nfay 17, IS-1.1. ', tGoq Selling off at Cost ; wiTtiou . t . RESERVE. Ttl E sultserilwr, dt.terittineti to OoFr her wilt sit!t hrr enure s,toek Of A ;(1011% .47' COST. I't'l•sons wishing to glint :Ise 'lay rely on getting goods precisely tit cost; her stow: consists of a largo assortment a Div Goods, Groceries. liaratittre, Chios, (.lass tool (lni•i'lli'.tllls•; Shoes and Boats of cua•c hind; Paints:toil Dye Sloth. Country Merchants tool othi rs are invited to tall tool examine, liw thentsel Yes, as t.liet will sell her zyliole stock or any part or it to suit lilil't•lnlsel•F. Store in South 1 lattover sirret, If the cativo stock is intrellosed the Room, \Varehouse and cellar can ht. hail WWI it. August 16,1843 FARMERS ) HOTEL: iIIFIE subscriber would respectfully in .. 11..• form his Emends and the public, , mierallYi OW he has taken die . . r in j, 'IL ~..t...-.l , k•— c trci:3,, , ithi g s . late y kept by ilr.,Simott Wonderlich. in East , ll;;/ , Street, a Yew doors east of the Court (louse, where Lt will at all times take pleasure in administering tokhe comforts of those who may favor him with their Custom* . . Nic 11A1t shun be constantly anpylietl with ,the ,r_thaieestliquort,und his 1'A.8.1.12; with titub,est Ate toartztx eats furnish. A careful 051.1,14 t always keitt in attentlattelt —rind ;, o thsi n g . shnli be Left undone to please at! et::," ! with blip. BOA ILDIC; t s tikke,nby obeweek,month yr sear. NY;11,1,14.N1 1340 Nl' N. tt ' JOlig V.7.' iirENEVIM 1 % ' l 2) Til i Tt r 4 i' a .'3 ua, Q NI tSPEOTFULLY.tendcrs his services to the j[II citizens of Carlisle and its vicinity, that he mill attend to and perform all dental operations ouch as Cleaning, Plugink t . and Extracting na tural Teeth, and ins.erting tneozimptable ertilieial tooth from a single Oath to im entire sat • CrOirreo oppoile M'Perlatio's Hotel. • -.Tv! r,' Family Ndicin, 'AN ailattional supply of the abqvsyl:lluab,le Med .pinesiconsistiag pi' •Jayne's Expeetorant, • " Sanative Pills, . Carsninative Balsam, tkait,4l:and It, sale by But what gives it a superior character of inherent dignity and genuine enjoyment is the religious essence, peculiar to it; the consciousness of those whO are suitably allied in it; that they have adopted a tie hallowed by divine sanction, and are fulfill ing one of the noblest ends of existence. The ecstacieo of courtship are dashed by fears, jealousies ) misappgthensions, which are unknown,to weddethpartners of , sound minds and' affectionate hesrts. ,With thergall'is trust and security their faith is beyond the sphere'; of temptation or ac cident; thilir adversity, if misfortunes come has consolotions `deriied,frqui thelnost. alteffsoutees t (rota the invisible, and holy 'world; as ASTe,Preedlit ellegliered Beeo9p,f 11 ‘ 1 14 4 aelkft: N. B T homes H. Skilee will be omin - 114 In din The qtia4pd± , ;arorshif;, pteellent I4,so4bliehment as Cuttet.: , ' 1 4 . • ,• " ' 'd /I ' Carlisle. June 20, - jelpiy•beitigi net , ral n 40,4 ‘ ,4, 4 , rlAkla: '46444516i01•4146mi1iar.h....0,,,,,,4,444464ataia1a,V`2, 11121411109? MEM ~,rpHE subscribers respectfully inform the inddic,that they have purchased, the entire istook'of , GoOds of Thomas H. Skiles, consisting of Vest!rigs; Gloves, Ilaidimiechiefi,Liriou7Gollays. -t:Geudemens. - Hose, Crivids, Caps,- &c. all-of which.they . offer 10 sale at the old stand of Thomas -11:81cilett;•111:West Main• Street. They, assure the .kititbliiiAltat their work Will he done-in the hist man ner MO tliost fashionable stile.. 'Gentlemen fentish lliseefoth kitty reiy :Upon having it ttaado.litt 'With !tie /:+ •.• taNiTiticist, ' • ... . , . . , . .... . ~ CIE ' '. ' ', ,• Ik. '' ~,` T• '• '.!,- ..,1". , ...' ' . ' , . ,•,;.„ , .. , , • ;' I . ~ . , . I - .. -.', 1 ''' • • ' . 4' . ' :.' .. . , . .-. . '- .. ~ . .., . • , . . . „ . .'. . , ... . . .. . . . . . . , , . ... .. . . . . . , Oh, there are some dark : hours in life, When the heart seems charged to breaking; The qui ekcning'pulse withfever rife, • • Marks the slumbering passions waking. When the rapt soul in burning chains, Seems writhing in its sadness; Yet scorns the show of mortal pains, And smix,r.s in reckless madness. So lightning 'mocksthe storm cloud's power ft To dim its viVid flashing ; ,And revels most when Tempesti lower, With its eehoii 0. Thunder crashing; . . Or the wild laugh f maniac fears, That rings from Passion's struggle; Thus fills the soul with grief and tears, As vaunted strength a---bubble! Ke 4, there are times we love to feel A. loneliness is sorrow ; When from the world's bright ;Alarms we steal, And shades from memory borrow. 'Tis then we feel that keen remorse-- . The bliss we've madly blighted; For Time, whilst on his ceaseless course, Gives back no moments slighted. !lope strews ourvallt with sunny flowers, Atitlhires UN with bright seeming ; Yet thorns will Spring in fairest bowers, Anil wake the,soul's sweet dreaming. • Life g:ves no joy without a pain, Twin , t ,.. ol l,m• with every pleasure ; • M e e-lost .11Cer inay, hope .ainti n__ _ clasp the Vanizb'd Treasure. ve love-- ti:e more cur " Ave rAilq!ed tt.);lCas s;;cetocbs ; its eraneseil,g 61iss illSpearg To muck us withits Slcctuess. yes, there, awe liout•sot:licit haggard thought Wi:l crowd our troubled i:;0 1 .11 ; \\lien joy at life eeent , dearly hbught, litsmitit its ,gntrol. , Otte git Is they are ;truth -And gentle and witty, As tai)• the world, ever knew; 'folk not About bpaui h, Ciretissittn or Danish, Or Grecks"netttlt their sountoer skies blot.; But gi%C roe toit• hinsies, .:I's fresh as the gross Is, Olt roses awl deu• .I;aeli lilt's like a lilnAsota, Each fair swelling bosom ts !tile as the high drilled snow; With ry es softly llashitq, Like spring-bubbles dashing O'er hill-rocks to sallc)s below ; All smiling %,ith lu•anty , All tloing their A nts, AN'hert; shall we For loNclice ? The sweelesC Wit! surc,t, Tr;e: purest and fondest 1 see ; Their hearts ort: the truest, l'heireyetore the bluest, • Their spirits so noble antl fi ee ;* 0, give use tot other, True lov . e, sister mother, oor own are the Stosen lin. toe ! Wn have somewhere seen the doctrine, that love, Or the state of courtship, is the true licatitude of this life; and to be clesiteil l beyond any other fond relatiup, even for a thousamlyears 'l:he writer of those opin ions could not have been married, or, at !cost, not experienced a wedlock even oom molly fiirtunate, otherwise, his own hap piness would have taught him a different and justvr theory. S. CLARK. tr-42 In the conjugal union, love may lose some of its vivacity ; it may be less vehe- Meta or. rapturous; and the imagination, which,.durieg courtship, commonly feeds, PS it were, on nectar and ambrosia, and sports on a of roses—may become in cr.:and . steyile; but the pleasures of pure, intense ke,m,itnont, and boundless, mumal eordidenee, and the excitements of virtu ous and tender hope, arc ilitinitely multipli ed.. Lo':.l Vernlani haS truly said, that mar riage halves griefs, and doubles joy. It combines in fact,, and transfuses existence for each party ; it blends and identifies souls, so as to render common to them their several susceptibilities of:gratification ami Yeljnernent; it' cieiteinety energies, and generous sympathies ; new- objects of en. dearments and reliance.; numberless 're ' cuted-antFreciprocated-fervatirs-of-regarct and respect. S ELKIOTT. Agent for Carlisle rP(!) DARK HOURS. BY MRS.' A. It. ST.. JOHN, Frgin 111. , 1 New Yoit:' QUIZ G 0, nui•s 7IT.C. nia a 6.3 (i)al WEDDED LOVE.- fly nomum NVALSII 3E - air -c9vEsT qsagazzammo *A, involves something more rational and ele vated, when the object We wife or a bus:: band4than When' it refers to a mere mis tress or laver. In the first case it associa tes, itself with duty, and implies an esteem the more proper and grateful as accompan ied by intimate knowledge. • Li proportion, however, as marriage is of a sacred and permanent nature, produc ing weighty obligations, and liable to spe cial and severe cares or calamities, ought it to be cautiously and deliberately, and pi ously contracted. It is ,not to be viewed or anticipated as, a merely halcyon career; rich as it often is in smiling .prospects and auspicious event's, and Serene as it may be rendered in all that the human creature can control. A childish penchant, a calcula , tion of convenience, a momentary caprice, form no warrant for it ; though they be so frequently the only incentives. Such a bond requires matured and dis criminating attachment; comprehension of its good and evil; resignation to,all chan ces. Butlie or she wholta.s the right in telligence,/feeling, and opportunity, and yet avoids it yielding to selfishness or cowardice, sins against the designs of Prov idence and loses the final reward of coura geous and successful trial. • .It was a favtte remark of Lord Little ton, the younger, that marrirge . is a lottery; and that of course, it is as preposterous to rejoice at a wedding . ; as it would be to ex ult in puiehasing a ticket for the tread wheel. According to the, same questionable an, thority, all opithalamitmis are, therefore, at least premature in their usual strain . ; the adventurer in the cormubial scheme should ascertain that he has drawn a prize, Before he indulges himself in self-gratulation, or welcomes the greeting of his friends. The analogy is not, howurer, exact—because it is in the power of 'the bridal parties to, determine their own fate, in a miiterial Life itself might be equally styled d lottery, • looking to the diversity of its chances, and the ineei'titude of its incidents; but it is nevertheless, a positive blessing with well-constituted minds and healthful frames. So, likewise, is marriage, 'which should be Undertaken as life is accepted---- with stronger expectation of weal than wdl —with bright visions and cheerful resolu tions; but, also, with a spirit of philo sophical or christian submission to what ever Providence May ordain to its course. The Greeks made Hymen descend from, Apollo, Urania, or Calliope. This origin from the fountain of harmony and light, anil the two noblest sons of the muses, il lustrates or shadows forth the true chance ter of the espousals over which the garland ed god waves his never-dying torch, and sheds•his celestial influence. ENGLISH LANGUAGE. W" We extract the following from the Rev..l. N. MArrres Lectures on the En glish Langfiage—its origin, beauty, rich ness and power, which we find in the Bal timore Sun.. Mr. Maffit, iit reference to the English Language, says that the Latin tongue was introduced at the invasion , of Julius Caesar, A. D. 45—that the Roman language prevailed Mail 440, when the Saxon passed over and established their power, while their language gradually blended with the •Latin. This was con tinued until the time of William the Con queror; when a direct effort• was made to ettablish the Norman French; but this fail ed, as the Normans lost their'own language in that of the country. Mr. Matlit then Icoritinues as reads the following : • "The English language 'is the richest of ancient or modern times, but by this asser tion it ia`'not intentled to undervalue the an cient and dead languages:--if the thesis is sustained, an unanswerable argument is de duced in favor of them. The Greek was the. first language .of the arts; the Hebrew of philosophy. we have been debarred from a knowled49 91 the ?Of contained in the early , writings of Greece by the burn ing of the Alexandrian library. Many of the Greek words Seem to be of the Egyp that or Coptic origin. Thcos, in Greek, seems to have been derived from Theo, the Mercury of the Egyptians, and from it we have our Theology. The Greek, is the most perfect of languages-it is invulnera ble;severerterriblesin--affortling—powor—to, invective; conveying all the thunders of 'mint' it is the language of love,'and, un happily for Greece her physical power was gone before her literature . was • estab lished. The Roman language' derives all its power and beauty from the'Greelt-----hut Anke.the Greek from it and Yen: hays, noth ing but the, grinning;. ghostly hones of - a skeleton standingbefore you. Rut not pne olthe 'ancients can 'compare with the En glish tongue: The' Latin beats its power cdeXpressing sense-by sound. This by the'laws of _measure; and theUympn'y of feet: Take an example from ; Thunder! how , diei), and .:impressive* when compared wit?i'l ' onnatit? ` Lightning! boo tioiok :and: -sharp . its contrast with . -• Vtilga !: The English language ; contains about • 140 000 ,words; 16,60'0t Whielyal'it;print- ; ;:itlYeastfitilr..46,i c Taiieotoo:oo'Patioi or through the medium of the French;' the rest , are compounds frontlhe Latin and Greek, aiding in the polish and beauty 'of the whole. As a son of the Emerald Isle, it might be•expeeted that the speaker should all;ude to the Irish. It is a spirit-stirring language, but since Queen Elizabeth had stirckened it out of use, it has fallen into ! disrepute. It is remarkable for two quali ties; first, it is an admirable language for making love ; and secondly, it is unsurpas sed for scolding. The magnificence of the English tatil gunge is finely illustrated in the Scriptures, which abound with pure Saxon. It is learned as the Greek, melodious as thela tin, courtly as the Spanish. Several pas sages were quoted from Scripture to show its plaintive, joyful, sweet and touching powers or expression; The writings 'of prominent men were referred,to for its di versified powers, as Byron,,tatricknenry, John . Bunyan and Washington Irving. It was that tremendous agency with which the orator cati roll up the wave , of public opinion, break fragments from the roclbof intellect; and 'shake the world . with the thuOder of its elriquence; Ibis the garliin which some new thought goes, out into the world subduing the myriads, like .the cede of Napoleon, sustained by the•serried umns of earth's proudest chivalry. 1t makes man the angel of übiquity, 814110111 one moment' everywhere, it:lffilbs the pest) with the present, and present with the. N.: tore. I' is the • only true key of the feel lugs. Its power in the hand of the lawyer, the' statesman - and the orator of God, was descanted upon. SoMe factitious and iron-I int remarks were' made relative to the treatment which teachers received_ atAlte., hands of the world, and the speaker drew to a close. In the course of the peroration, 1 , the English language was compared to temple_ built of marble, in which one part cause frotn•one nation, another from ano ther, and harmonizing at length to a beau tiful and diversified whole. -- . The English tongue will become the universal language; it will flow on in one broad stream L-broader and broader, recei,v- Mg others as trihntaries, until finally yields up its breath to Eim from whom all languages are derive,l. It will be the mil: lenial language, the language of the earth then until all 1. - !.fTthige shall be dis placed for meditatiott and the language or looks, when Je'As — shall be in all blessed forever. Cod speed the day)" TRIAL nv Jour.—\%o take the follow ing from an amusing natrative in the "Knickerbocker." The writer of it has sat on a jury without doubt: " Did you ever serve on a jury, my dear sir? I don't refer, now, to a coro ner's jury, nor a grand jury; nor a jury in the criminal courts—‘--these are well enough in their way--but to the case where character and property are discuss ed, were justice in matters civil is confin ed to one's peers. True, the the theory of the trial by jury is a beautiful conceit. X citizeti of thy United States to be tried by his peers !—J it looks vastly well an raper; there is some thing in the very sound ,dint excites one's American feelings. But my dear sir, the ory is one thing—practice, another. And why 1 Because, sir, the word peers is a very ambiguous - s ignification in in this free and glorious republic, The theory Bait!) that a litigation .be , Mean merchants possessing thousands of pounds shall, be arbitrated by merchants possessing thousand of pounds; that me• chanics shall mete out justice to mechanics, gentlemen of leisure to gentlemen. of lei• sure; and so on. And, indeed, this theory carried. out, would secure the end and ails of justice. But look It the practice, 'Pita mer chant, the gentleman, the man of wealth, whatever be his vocation, disregards, the summons of the court to attend us a juror, and pays his fine becausa he can afford it. The poor man on the.contrary, who has quite as little leisura as his rich neighbor, and can far less afford to spare that little, obeys the summons because.he neyerthe less has no money to pay his firfe: The result is obvious enough. The fu r fre e uentl pot being the 'peers of the parties litigant, and unable, not from Al q ficiency of sense but from a !diveisity of occupation, to judge intelligibly of the rel ative rights of the parties meet in the jury' room, and look at their watches. i Foreman—Genqemen, are !NO all liir the , plaintiff? ... . , .. . Three, jurors at pixce--;yos cor course: • it's a clear case., Voreman—Very good; lot' us assess the damages. _How- much do you say Mr. Smith:? ' First Juror'' . -rA thMtsand dollars: • Seetind Jtiror:--Firty dollars.•‘. Third liirOr—Nineltundred'and'oinety nine dollars. . • • ' . „ , . . cep , te. Fftli'hirorrr Ten doiliars' Sixth Jtiroi ti hundred and tiiirty,five ' ey,#, Eighth - Juror—Seven hundred dollais Ninth - Ju r ror—Fiftrente: • , Tenth Juror—Forty-four cents: , 'Eleventh Jurcr,—A hundred dollars: ForemanL—T%yenty-five dollar Foreman (in continuation.) Gentlemen, this won't do ! We shall never agree at this rate, and it is almost . three O'clock. Fourth Juror—l will never 9hipge 'thy vote. first Juror--Nor I, ni starve first, Eleventh Juror—So will r! Foreman—Gentleman, I am sorry to hear this. The plaintiff undoubtedly has "suffered twine" in the business; and looks to this jury of his Ho' has a family, as tVd all have; he has rights as we have; and; as I have already said. it is nearly three o'clock. I propose,-gentle men, that we.add up our several amounts, and decide upon. their average as our ver dict. Alt--Agreed ! Foreman--Gentlemen, I congratulath you on bringing ourdeliberation to a close. Justice to be- Justice, mtist•be speedy. • I have cast tip the amounts and find the ag gregate to be three thousand , six hundred and twenty dollars; one twelfth of this is thee hundred soil onedollars and sixty seven cents, Are you all agreed :upon this as yo . ur Verdict ? Jurors Unanimously—Yes! • Arid; Ea.etint - Unifies my dear sir, what sort of justice do you call this? • - A TEMPERANCE ANECDOT hi * one of the most beautiful towns of Conneticut lives a good natured fellow, whom we:slal callfake,--Now-Jake was a hatter-by trade.; he was also the . villaie grave-digger, and a toper. lie had fre quently ,been asked to sign the pledge, which he had positively refused to dd.—. One day he had went to dig a gravd for one who had just died; and during his labors he plied the bottle so freely, that by the time he finished it,he was considerably more than half" gone." I-Ic looked at the grave, and it struck him very forcibly that it was too small. lie !coked around for his rule but ita . vii.4 nowhere to. be found =-: and there was no tinte to go home for another. It wollbl lie very awkward if the funeral should arrive and -OW! grave not be large (maul]. At length he thought:that as the dead man ' w as considerably smaller than himself, if there was room for him to lie in it coniforiably, would answer—so in he got "it'llbe a close lit," muttered he. streteh ipg himself out. When he attempted to get up, he could'nt. Ile dug his hands into the earth and tried to pull himself up, instead of which he pulled the earth down —and the more he scrambled and kicked to free himself from his unpleasitni. situa tion, the faster the dirt and stones rolled in upon him, and he was nearly buried alive! The fright had sobered him and he began to halloo must lustily. "Help! help! for God's sake come and ,help/me ()in. or I'll be buried alive!" A IVashingtonian wlio was passing the graveyard, lieard the noise—it soundedl-as' though it was above his head—aud it was some time before he could imagine from whence it came. The cries continued loi! and long for "help." The Washing tonian got over the fence into the• grave yard, and was attracted to the spot, and there he saw poor Jake altruist cevered with the dirt and stones. ' • •' • " What'on earth's the matter ?" asked the Washingtonian. "Oh ! sir," &led the half-buried man—"olt; sir; get the ou and I'll sign the pledge—l iill.l.—intleed "Paxss ON !" Never despair ; never he discouraged, however stormy the heav ens, however-dark the way, hoWever great, the difficulties, 'and repeated the failures-1 "Press on !" If fortune has played false With thee, to day, do thou play true .to thyself to-mor row. If thy riches have taken wings and left thee; do ,not vietp thy life away ; but, be up and 'f o i ng , and retrieve the loss, by ns‘Y 'energy and action. , if an unfortunate :bargain has deranged thy business, do not, will." • fold thine arms and give up all as lest ; bat '!'lto 81 tfation of Jalt4 Was extremely stir thyself and work-the more vigorously. r ) ,, P ftous, for he had dug away the earth If those whom thou hest trusted have be ; from below, in attempting to extricate him- trayed thee, do not be discouragedolonot self, until that abotie was, likely to fall in idly weem'but "Press ou t " tied others; or upon him. But notwithstanding the dan- I what is better, learn to live within thyself, ger, the Washingtonian could not refrain Let the foolishness of yesterday make thee frotn laughing—for Jake had repeatedly 1 wise to-day. If thy affections have been declared to him that lie would never., sign popred out as water in the desert, do . not away his liberty ! However, after consid7 , sit down and perish of thirst I but "Press' orablo difficulty,. Jake found himself safely-on," a beautiful, oasis is before thee, and, upon the face of terra firma, thou - Mayest reach if thou Wilt. If anoth , The Washingtonian presented the pledge, : er has been false to thee; do not thou in saying that be would hold him to his bar- crease the evil by being false to thyself.— g ai n , • Do not say the-world has lost all its poetry " Give it Co me — l'llCti sign it," was the and beautys not so a but even if it be .quiek-reply----. 0 -but-first-yon-roustpromise_so,...make thine own poetry slid beauty, by me that you will, not tell people what made a, brave and true life. me to do it." I ''Press on," say we to every man and "Well, Lpromise—diat is, Will not do woman, for on this depends Success, peace, so without your permission." ! Work while it is day, for the night Jake signed the pledge, but the story 'cornea% in which thou shait'reateneugh.- 7 - was too good to remain unknown. , Jake Thy hand is to the plough look not hick soon began to fkel and coast of the advert. i ,until thy , work is done. tages of a cold-Water life. The Washing- IcrAn upcountry gullant,not long since tonian told him it was his duty to come .went over to see his "bright particular," out and' tell his experience. He promised and selling "ear, ' le't.ay without to attend the.meeting thitOtight and do so. saying ii Nverd . ,,at last got up and said— It was spread through the village that .Jraitio reckon WS gettin' Tee'din' thite— Wes to mtllt9''E.Sooo77 lll6 . h9'9 B e,' ; i as "" 2 ' I must be gohe . . " Well, gnod,ev'enin' to and among the audience were to be spoil; , you all, Nancy. ,ptany'of hie plc, ", Ot.bnieS:::'4ke stand, and,after detailing the . tronhles:and., d'itheulties'whieh drink. had , _brought Upon himself end .family, finished:l?y'tel. tegi.the •tibove . etorY.,' s :,'phe 'effect Was tremendous - . qn 'all - priseit4.Und as, .take,..itek,.hiSiseitt there, was a general "A: • TRUE POET. The folloWing extract from Mr..HlllailPs Oration; descriptive of what trhe , Poet should be, will gratiqrinany tattirreaders. Ibis eloquent in diction, and elevated in thought. " The poet.rinist not plead his delicacy . of organization as an excuse for dwelling apart in trine gardens of leiske, and look ing at only through the loopholes of his retreat. Let him fling himself with a gallant heart, upon the . stirring life, that heaVes and foams around him. Ile must Call home his imagination from those spots Oni 4 /hich the light of other days has throwii its pensive - chart - it, and be content to dwell among' his own people. • The future, and the present must inspire him, and . :not the past . : He must transfer' to his pictures the glow dl morning, and not the hues or sunt set; He must not go to any foreign Pharr phar or Altana, for the sweet influences which he may find in that familiar stream, on whose banirs he has played as a child, and mused as a man. Let him sow the seeds . of beauty along. that dtisty ,road; . where humanity toils and sweats in :the 'sun. Let him spurn the baseness. which ministers food to, the passions, that• blot out in man's soul the image of his Let not his hands add one•seductive 'chain) to the form cf pleasure, nor twine the . rn. spa of his genius around the reveller's wine cup. Let liirri'mingle with his verse thoSe grave and high elements befitting him, around %Omni the air of freedom blows, and,upon whom the light of heaven shines . ; Let him teach those stern virtues of Self reritheiation, of faith and patience; of ab_ stinence`and' fortittide—nt hich COnstitti s te ' theloundationi alike of individual happi ness; and of national prosperity. - Let him help to reafrup Mid great - people to the sta ture and symmetry of a moral manhood.— Let him look abroad upon this young world in hope and not in despondency. hini . not be repelled by the coarse surface of ma terial life. Let him survey it with the piercing insight of genius, , and in 'the rec-_- Onciling spirit of love. Let him find inspi._ ration iVhererer man is found ; - in the sail= or singing at the windlass; in the roarin_ flames of the furnace ; in the dizzy spin dles of the Pictory ; -in the regiilar beat of the thresher's , flail ; in the smoke Of thit steam ship; in the Whistle of .tholoconto. live. Let the mountain wind blow cour age into him. Let him pluck from the stars of his own wintry sky, thoughts, sc retie as their own light, lofty as their own place. Let the purity of the majestic hear ens-flow into his soul. Let his genius soar upon the wings of faith, and Charm , with the beauty of truth." "Putss Os."—This is a speech brief, but full of inspiration, and opening the way to all victory. The mystery of Na polebn's ecreer, was this—under all difft- . culties and discouragements, "Press on." It solves the problem of all,heroes—it is the rule by which to Weigh rightly all suc cesses and triumphal marches of fortune and genius. It shoUld be the motto of all, old and young, high and bow, fortunate and-unfortunate so called. • 3 " always ERE .ereud gentleman, `t.liat'a cortainiquantity of wine does a rnan . ,,no ti arm. after 'a.goud dinner.". iio,Sir," replied mine host, 48,the uncertain 4tiaßtiw that a,tlie ME ' Mlll24ltaril Wh a „ reeent gathering of tin! friends of Temperance at Newiii4ket, N. H., an aged mariner. Capt. Otisyalls . : of Portsmouth,mnde a Most toochinggpectch We cut from tho,, columns of the :11/tite Moontain Torrent, the following eittraCt.: . . `I have come, he' eontinited, to attend:this - meetiogyetl do not 4 -value my .time—l feel rewarded by what I see a aound me.., ,My' friends, I have seen more of lie worldthan,most of you. I have .trod the streets of prondold tondon ; and the winds of distant India have fanned thee furroWed cheeks of time; My heel has been upon every seat 'Mid my name up on many a tongtie. - Heaved blessed me with one of the best of wives—and my chil °Oen : oh, why should I speak of them !-- My liema Was sifieo a paradise. But I bow ed; like a brute;th , the`killing cup'—my eldeal StOt • toraliimself.froin his degraded father; and 'has never returned. My Young heart'sidol—nty beloVed and suffering wife has gone broken hearted to her gra'vp. And my 'lovely daughter, Ciitiose , image I .seem to see in .the beaUtitol around , tpy pridaand niy hope—pined away in eor-- . row and:Mourning because her father woe I a drUnkard, and now sleeps by he'r Mather's . . side. lint I still live 10. tell the history of my shame, and the ruin of my fatrilly. I still live—and stand here before you to Of fer up my heart's fervent gratitude to' my heavenly. Father, that I have been.s . r.atched, from the brink of the drunkard's grave.— I live to be a sober man. And while llive; I shall struggle to restore my wandering bredire'n again to the. bosom - of society.— This form . of mine is ivasiing and bending 'under the iveight,oLyiears...Htit,--My-yoUng friends.; You are just blooming into life, the places of your fathers end your mothers rill soon be. vacant. See that you comp to fill them with pure hearts and annoifired lips.! 2 Bind the pledge firmly . to your hearts ; and be it the Shibboleth Of life's warfare Rtoirrs.. 'The rights of 41811 over his felloW man can • only be founded, either upon the +actual happiness he secures, to him: or that which gives hiiii reason- to ope he will )`t.ocitre for him ; without this the power he exercises is violence, usur pation, manifest tyranny; it is only upon the faculty of mulctilia him fiapiiY that le gitimate authority builds its structure.— NoMan derives froth nature the right of commanding another; but it is voluntarily accorded to those from whom he expects his welfare. • The'authority which a fatli:. Cr' exercises o ver his family Is only found ed on the adVantages which he is supposed to procure for it. Rank, in political soci ety has only for ha basis the real or imag inary utility of sonic citizens, for which the others are 'willing to distinguish, res- Het 'and obey them.. Genius, talents, sci ence, arts, haVe rights over Man, only, in consequence of their Milky, of the delight they conifer, of the advantages ihey procure for Society. In a word, it is happiness; it is its image, that man cheriShes, esteems and unceasingly adores. Utility , is noth ing more than true happiness; to be usetul is to.lie virtuous; to be virtuous is to make (idlers It a ppy.—Ho/ba'th. ji'a"."Aim at the steeple if you should strike the roof," is an Old and a .wise say ing. Few men come to any thing' with; out corresponding efforts. Cowper,,whose poems sparkle with gems like the follow mg, thus speaks of , Low Pursuits "To dally much with subjects mean and low; rroves that thm mind is weak, or makes it so, Neglected talents rush into decay, _ And every alba ends in push On play. The man that means suceqs, should, scar above A soldier's feather or a lady's glove... • Elsa sttuunoning, a muse to such a theme, The fruit orhii her labor is whipp'd cream, 'As if an eagle flew aloft and then— , - : Stoop'd from its highest pitch to pounce upona wren; As if the poct purposing towed, Should carve himself a wife in gingerbread." fIEAU . TIFUL Summt.—The infinite send; its messengers to us by untutored spirits, and the lips of little children . ) , and the u‘ boasted beauty of simple nature; not with the sound of trumpet and the tramp of mail . - .. . clad hosts. Simplicity and commonness are the proofs of ileauty's.divinity. Earn: estly and beautifully touching is this eter::; nityof simple feefing from ake, to agc. 7 .-, ice's •th which the heait flings forth te the winds itssybilline lesYes t tO be gathei:ed and cherished a's Oracle; fpreie,r. .K.7 . =•There is a, place in IVliehlganitiherci the fever, and ague are tattier ' pent POlow par. We heard it stated iitenttx t .ttiat poor ox in the street would lean against: . a fence afe w moments to ieit,.and.then,stand mit, and shake till all was blue blab). It was also feared that the Wheoutrip *Out() be a failure, as they iYore Mho. say ' Michigan la' " shakee after this? : . A quaint writer of senterieee itytife Vtai4 ays-- 2 =‘‘l hve 'Abed ivoinati .: 4;l44oli> elite, thnetli e ,y' the horse might of away7-4,51:t for fear the boat might, oyerset'afrAid,,td want. o'r feeti:the:(l,i)tt , vet. pdty 'OO fraiil te,'be married r?';., -~ !EMEI3=