Ctittilit aßllr TI 111011114/),YG. flow beantiful the morning ditirtia!, , low onirqSaidies ihenight And eloping and grassy,.lawna Are' tinged with rays of light ; :*1 ' And clew drops'glittel snfOike hearla; 4 .!did'a niabldn'a'floating fe Ur . . :flushed is the reveller's mode 'song, 'Aiid 'el iciiiierd'x'roti ,, d 017 I ' And flocks nod hcivls inore,sidw As conscious of the day-- . And 'mid the boitglis the-soft wind stirs; Warbre the woodland elieristeri. And every hrookletgtitling hy; And torrent hounding' free, 'Odium to the Power Supreme on high: A Siibbnth Melody ; Ara eye the nankin h's Atinp, A morning hymn he 'sweetlY \Vita waald ant rani 9a ani,l, a onto , . Front labor and from roro l :Must he hotrod u ehihl forlo4,' Unus od to praise nod pro) cr. - Illesceq (lay ! Nfost h o ly ofihe seven, Thy shored 'prototype in 11?..11VVIi SIIN,DAT 11ft. SCOTLAND. 'rho uoeiing in of a •Seottish Sunday Morning is far ditTerent front what every • one : MuSt have had oreagion to oltServe— empecinkly in sir untie thi• large towns in gland.. There are no shops liall'opened to. the very hoer that surtmionS the population to its worship,— no servant's work to be done at the doors and windows, though ev •er so early,—nothing that can remind olio of the toils of the week, 'and the anxiety of' the heart after worldly tiff+ Ni artizans idling, unwashed, aml their Working dregs, about the streets; or any of those tie. graded characters trim may often he Reim with half a dozen dogs making their way to the outskirts of thetown for the purpose of havint, , r a mowing sport in a rat-hunting along the ditches. 'they labor six days, iind Saturday night effectually closes the scene. From sunrise to broad day, the whole dine steals on as quiet as though toil and the common anxieties of life were' never ,known. Every care gave that all Important one, seems laid aside. The calmness of the atmosphere, the repose of the senses front every seuntl, and the slow chiming of the distant bells seems to speak it. to be truly a day of rest, when the parent and the child, the rich man anti the needy, alike -in the presence of the Creator,- oh: serve his appointed and remember the Sabbath lo keep it/kohl. The cottageiion the monntain side, which during the week present the very picture of peaceful industry. are usually on Sunday Morning shut up. and silent; as though with the cei.sation of all human la bor, the inhabHants had in spirit retired to that peaceful world of which a (inlet' Sal) : 'bath ie so beautiful an emblem. Hot about the hoer when' the village hell begins• to . toll for the devont assembly, then may he seen issuing frimp the. humble cottages which, hitherto, appeared from their quiet nose almost uninhabited, each little gamily, from first whist, all clad in their hest, clean, plain and homely; but to the devout and meek, a far more acceptable sighl,than that gorgeous and costly attire, which attract ing all attention to the pomp of this life, seems to Convert the temple of the Most High into a house of (-nimbly vanity. The elderly clad in sober colors, becoming their season of life; the young in simple .white, .one following another in a long train idling the mountain side, form, together with the place to Which their steps are bending, subject on which the mind long dwells with internal satisfaction. In the evening, while perhaps the aged .;--they who are nigh ripen 'the brink of the dark ocean of eternity upon whiA they must soon e'm&ark r —are engaged in the pe rusal of that i•oluute which points out their way to the distant land; the young to whom it is given lo4rjeice while their day i 3 be fore,them, often 'walk out no the frills 'in. gether or alone, though always with the peaceful demeanor; that total absence of a tendency to unhallowed mirth, which be speaks a heart humble in its strength. and .eopeefouss of the service it owes to him i whom all is giory and honor 'flans peacefully and silently; the nigh attaib steals down—closing- upon a day of which, ten thousand hearts have been bet ter titiight.theii (10; to all living WHAT DQ, VOI/ READI 'heed deeply pained, in inter ' course %Cult friends in different parts of the dand t to find that a great part of the reading is the skirt recy newspaper paragraph, or 'the light r lietitions trash so widely diffused at the present day. . And:Whal,`,think 'you, is the reason' that sober-Minded and 'even chrisiiat; people read these 'works? iV.hy,. that, as ladies. and 'frie i ndsmeet, they ',May be. able to 'tall: .about dwelt- and' not he , -Muni( so unlash- . fiX. , 142,:p6. - :itpciTani of tv hat, 'acted 'out in4eal life, they would exclude from , their.familitte,for !erg : • r' s h*Pithers.' w gu nrcftltrir aughtere . from Khe idightest al:Tread) of. indelieneY; accept_ the ItKesentof,tite; lieentiOtts nnti.4 to am. - inentthe perlomable, or to , be the rompatu tiktripflbeir ehildren j itf . the ~i 1 tog Bouts Do they' itnoW what they are ,what , thesctseeits..wril grow? We'Could detail ket's:O"brhlten vows, and xleepr , diegracenand hearts;; and lii(l24 . 4F tt e o /115C ill'ienCei 194 , goint filthgtOelon, which have followed, thoooludoi&POosai oilto u € 4 knlianOilgt,del ~ t, a . t ti t , " Our ehdaien are tottiive, in ,a..wnriilt of Yt.41',?...,"Wh7-_l'(l4VlleP) be ti',l.lj',i‘o,7 beter inetead34l4e.teinViOiliiii 4t qtiv ! in. dnignifit ..,Ofmbrillinntolloslilo666 ei ) in )oo4 oP44' ll‘'4 4 -I V l 4 e Or s C ' ill'4.. i rag C f.: lll34 l °a 4,lll)l"ll:,*°*ntltaiti***o reckless in&int iett - are — their• pros peets ;t'therebyte brighter? • Suppo4ethey,indulge thes? day dre - tMis' 'fi years br 'ten'. - en d'.o bei‘ munothe , wives or,widows of. the drunkard, , and the:ruined ,in (braille Mid charatidei, are they ! thereby the hoppiert: . pive . mm poiieriy;.chain rue to'' the , martyr's'stake;, hut,sare,me from the last, long, lone years 'oft het who Was/Caressed for her CharniS,,, and then'deserted, to be the prey of disppe .pointed expectations: . • %V hy not read FACTS? Are there not enough, in all the range of history and tfci— core ? Has not Grid given us enough, in his creation and his word? And is there not enough in all thi4 Antall' in c ir c l es of relinement?-- We repeat it, we must live in a world of 1,. - Atrrs; why not train ourselves and our 141'ildren in facts, to Meet the facts of our future being? • NE CHEAP CARPET STORE, ON TUE CASH PLAN, • ~. 4I .S'trawberry street, one door above Chethna at.Vo. SU Smith seeppd otree:, Phira. 7 1, 11E. Stih, , friher': rent in the pre en sittiatinit hoiu vt•ry Ine••nndlusti•rtna CASry he to sell 30 twitch P!,quit. L.1.1.11:11111mies lir offerer a teal selected clock of neonatal Imperial dime ply, ih•Ft Snitryline big, Mill, • I '11 , 18011117 Extra fine Ingrains, Pint. and Common do } CARPETINGS pii ito treble verw t ian, • Fitio Eng!' slt Worsted do Lon.lott Damask do . Plain striped do ' j A Isn o A stock of Excellent • and beautiful Flnor Oil Cloths, :ill widths /Or ItOnMS. " 1 / 11 S/ Entries, N 7 /./iilllieS, Door pieces. Nzt.. Also. Coach Oil Cloths. F.;enititre Cloths. Druggets and Floor Baiz e,. Elegaid Film] and 'Fable Corers. Also Canton and Sp•mish Floor 'Mailings. with in l.•trge assort ment of very low priced Ingrain and Venetian Cot-. prtings, Door rats, bind Mes. Slntt• Hods, &a. CUS -10/serSill/ellliler, to purchase Tor Cash. ace respect fully in, ited to call and eNomine fat• therw.elves as the goods shall be sold at the lowest prites lit the City. , .‘11:411 , 1 30, i Si 3 CHEAP *BINDS. R.. 1. NVII.I.IAIIIS. No. lq North Sixth Street above Market. Philadelphia. (lielp !loose and Sizo Painter and Glazier and Ve piiiao lllirsil Matadiloamy. A brae and . inshionable assiirlinent of J N D, HI wa y on hand, whin!) for lariety, brainy, and tittle lii workmanship. will excel delve ' of nay other estahlislonent lo Philadelphia., a liich will he sold at the very lowest prices, wholesale and Comm,. Jlarell i is sapphc I with any tioantity at the chortest 11 , 41‘ e. Ohl - Blinds iepainted atithrionned at the shortest, notice. • 10;',N.I: J. WILLI \ MS, Nn. IC. North fith street September 6, HAMS AND ,CHEESE 4. rm. of Prime Phi:ad!.lplita Family TIAIIS • Alsn. 'lves aapply of I:IIF.F.SE• f + r anlr la he stove of %VAL NI. .I . oi,mst 9,1843. a, no roalla,l\ WHGLESALE&, RETAI GROCERY, Forie•arding A' CoLlainiuSion, • xa s zta lt a Dealer in vomiter Produce k Pittslitter, Nlanniaentree eN, street, PITTSBURG, Pa. A liglo,t 111, 18.13. ffusqueha,nna, Line, FO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE DAILY r IIE proprietors of the Susquehanna Line WO -I- run their, Cars and Boats as usual to Phil ndelphia and Baltimore duringthe pOr—. cot sepson Their friends will please apply t Noble, Flini & Herr; Rroad st. and Hart, Andrews & McKee. cer, first wharf above Race street on the Dela ware Philadelphia, and Joseph E. Elder, Balti. more. beUntil,furthcr notice, the followirg prices will adhered to between this place and the above lea. • - ta tz o•-c-. :, g• ~ P F, .. Fig f'.-q ir ,, :: 1 -1---) 2 - - 4 ' g'•7l - • .=-.• ‘,... .4 0 P. _ 0 . 4 :' i: - .... 7 • c.. ', 1z• a. 2. 9 cts. 15 ,9I porbb Ale per 100 Dry Goode, Drugs, and Medicines, 20 23 40c Forniture, 28. 25 43 Meal, Rye & Corn per bushel Oats do Groceries, 10 - 6 20 40 Lumber per 1000 . . Rot 83 50 $2 75 Shingles perlooo 150 . 200 Flour per bbl. 34 • 30 47 Shad & Mackerel do 50 37 Herring do .44 31j 10.) Salt per sack, 32 29 Pitch, Tar and Rosin per 100, 15 20 , Plaster gross ton,f4 50' 82 25 Hemp per 100, 22 , 10 I Hides, 25 20 • Pig Metal,gross - ton 350 - 250 Blooms & Castings,4oo . 3 )21 Bar Iron, 450 3 50 . : Nails per kog, 20 'l7 ~ Leather per 100, 23 20 IVliiskey per bbl 53 47 Burr Blocks per 100,20 13 ' ! Curb Stone, do - .'l2l Tin, ' do 25 20 •40 • . I. & P. MARTIN ' I Harrisburg, April 12, 1843. lf DR. TA YLOR'S 12:k11l(D4 lallaTDll, rrom 375, Bowery, N. York. IPOR nine 'rears this medicine has stood unrivaled r for the' tire of Coughs, Pain imam side, shill • clay of breathing, Bronchitis, and all those affec tions of the Throat, Longs nod Liier, which are gnome of Fib suffering and wide% unarrested so often terminate in Consumption. 8o extensively has this relnefly been used and t u so annoy :mines blip it proved successful, the proprietor feels no -Ilea , holey in 'recommending it to all who unfortunately Imre occasion to resort to some menus of recovery. Multitudes who have experienced itaimpfsy etreets, eaugcstify to kw utility; nod very many rescued from a peettutture death, poinuto.it untie means of their remtirtition. 'llie:origiti•toni; Of this romCdy tv rg w e lt : o6 m ' i n the scienFe, or medicine, and a. skilful practicioner; i s liYsiciins'Cnutiliarwithitseflectsnot unfregtiently reel t in',l heir :prtietice, and xiilk the - Altidieni; sicaltikelierhliv it has met with n larger. tAtaie 'of purohtitlint iliac IS COIIIIII9II with.exclusi,ieiiiie7 titration% ' ' ' ' " ' ' InrCONSUSDITTON:—The folloWini ,reintirki Were bitten , Went, 'the' last n umber,' of !bp; Al edieti .Nlagnitine: .. ' '.. ; * , ' 0 .- . "The surprising' 'effect produc e d by Abe' 'genuine IDr.'"ra'ylor's' l!shwim, of LicSrwort.:Madetut .3 7 43 Hewer:l, In consurriPtivo•enses,eannOt fail exciting st. deep-11nd thriiiin interest theoughbutthe world. WO ;hare so litng belieied Ode disease (consumption) lu. ~ e urable, that it is (bilk:tilt to credit our senses when (we see perenns,.esidently. consumptive, restored to health, A'r.,t it 3S Afs et- o Nici ly occnrrenee, ', v , !•1 !AVER , CDMPLAINT rind - Oeneral Debllity,lt I dci eonlider' MY eurealmostinirseoloua...l wa'sgiviii. nii , bY . two . ithysiciani and 4ohl•th preleirefer 'ilesithi ft' won ;a this l'oir , itate4hen a' friend Mot me a - hot ;tie ef!Dr. Taylor's Dalsanriir three Wort; frare'S/5. iDo*ery,and , Aelbrel4mil used op the ' , brittle t•Was Fble te blt, , aplirhed,tbYrAhwfortlier• Intel haid'ealzwl lyelir t egelnediny hefilth. ''All should hielt. , ''n't•.'l,::.,ii'-',`, )..r .ei , Gt l o. :• Welksg;"2oJohilSiti , '' .., . . • . . . i •,...-•••,,;•- ,',.... - 1j.. , A, Ti. Atair , ,t4;;7lferelivititiiTtil*W L., "For sale Ibit i STAVIMSDN.64 , DINKLF,,•soiti: ,genif(foo.o4.llelp Mid, aicitAik.: ~,,, ..' , , A'''" r34'.oitillier 26;1.8iti.!` , ."' -, -, - ,.:,'. trr .. 1 0. , '.• ,T‘ Clerl i f;32 iriioMo * .:l..fte; , ;• • • 'r' -:Wi'''2 l ' ''': ""7''''''',-, INEIM *410: LS' ,AIiSAPA , .1: , QH„TIiE-•itiE~IO_VAIIiAND+I'Bi lAN NT :' mum Or ALL' 'DITAI349 MUSING ' IMPUFtE • iIAI4T - OP: SMEnit ; ' ; • ; NAMELY Scroftilii; or King'.s,Evil, Rheumatism "Obstinate cutaneoustruptions, 'ViefS, , or Pus:lll9h on 'the , F.a.eei., ' , ..ehes; Biles, Chronic; "Scire Eyes, Ring or T?tter, . largement 'arid` Pain of the, Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphili2 tic Symptoms', sciaticci, or, Lumbago, and, diseases,arising from an injudi- CiOUP use Of MercurV, Ascites, or . Dropsy., Exposure or Imprudence in Life.. Also, Chrcinid Constitutional Dis Orders will be removed by this Preparation. Improvertient in whatever regards the happiness nod Welfare of our race is constantly on the march to perfection, and with each succeeding day some new problem is solved, or, some profound secret re vealed, having an important and direct bearing mer mait's highest destinies. If we take a retrospective view over the past twenty years, how is the mind struck with wonder ! What rapid sti•ldes has science made in every department of civilized life! parti cularly in that which relates to die knowledge of the Immo system in health nil disease. Row valuable nod indispensable are the curative means recently discovered through the agency of chemistry! !low does the imagination kindle:lnd our admiration glow at the ingenuity, the near approach to the stamdard of perfection,. of the present time! Through the elaborate investigations of Physiology,or the science of Lau:, and the 'Pathology of prevalent diseases, much valuable practical knowledge has been gained. hl consequence of becoming acquainted with die:or ganization, the elethents of the various. tissues and structures of the system, remedies have been syght afterand discovered exactly adapted to combine with, nentralize and expel morbific matter, the canse of disease, and substitute-healthy action ill its place.— The bentiful simplicity of this mode of treatment is not only suggested by the pathology of diseases, not only grateful to the sufFerer, hint perfeetly in coii sonance with the operations of Nature, and satisfac tory to the suers and reasonings of every intelligent, reflecting mind. It is thus that Sand's Sarsaparilla, a scientific combination of essential principles of the 'nest yahaible vegetable subst'Ances,operates upon the system. The Sarsaparilla is combitielwith the moat 'salutary productions, the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom g and its unprecedentMl success iu the restoratidn m health of those who had long pined under the most distressing Oreille maladies, has given it an exalted character, thrnishing as it does evidence of its own intrinie value, and recoM mending it to the afflicted in terms the afflicted only can know. It has long been a (mist important Ili , Sidelllollll in the-practice of medicine to obtain a remedy similar to this—one that world act on the liVer, stomach mid linwtls with all the prtrcision and potency of preparteions, yet Si idiom any of their deleterious elects upon the vital powers of the system. LEVI ELDRIDGE. , am-44 9 • he attention of the reader is respectfully called to Ihe followitg certificate, liowever grciat achieve ments have her, tofo're been made by the use af'tlus Ipialuable medicine, yet daily experience shons re sults still ITIOIT t•emarkable. Tlie proprietors here avail themselves of the opportunity of spyin g it it a sotive of constant satisfaction that they toe made the harass of relii.,ving such mitunotint of sufferin g . Woods; ful L'ffects of Sands's Sarsaparilla in Norwich, Goon.. Itead the following front .llvs. Wm. Phillips, who has long resided at the Falls. The facts are well known to all (hr old residents in that part oldie vitt . 711F-9S/IS. A. 11. Sktios Sc Co.—Sias: Most grate fully do 1 embrace this opportunity for stating to jou the great relief I obtained front the use of your Sar saparilla. 1 shall also, be happy, through you, to publish to all who are 411iieteoloth I Illlely A% II 5, the lie count of my unczpectrill, and even for 11 long while despair-of cure. Mine is a painful story, and tr)ing and sickening:ls is the narratite it, rm• the sake of many who inay Ile surely l'eliel 1:11, I 0 ill briefly yet accurately state it. Nitiete'en rears 31';0 last April u fit of sickness felt me with an i'.rysipelas eruption. 1 iropsieal collec tions immediatt•ly took place over the entire ;lirlitce M . my body, causMg such an enlargement that it was necessary to-add a Galt' yard to the size of my dres sesarmind the waste. Next fidlowed,upon nay limbs, ulcers, painful bey our description. For Volt s, /10111 ill 1111111 Iller 01111 1611100, the only mitigation of my ' suffering. 0.115 111111111 in pouring mum those parts cold eater. From my limbs the pain extended over Illy a hole body. There was literally ter memo rest, LP day LW by night. Upon lying down dies , pains w 011111 shoot through my sy stein, and compel me.to 110150, nod, for hours together, walk the house, so that I a as 11111100 e 11111.14 deprived 11l sheep. Duriug this time the Erysipelas cote umed active, mid the nieces en lat.gerl,mul no tleeply have these eaten, that for tiro and It half years they have been subject to laleediog. Doriv, these alumni. twenty years I have consulted many plisicians. These lime called my 11i51:11Se -1l it , 1/ 1110101.4111e1l WllllOll 01151 ton gll 111111 11 501111 y and active pain in my side—a dropsical consumption; 01111 though they hate been skilful practitioners, they were only able to afford Illy case it partial and tent pommy rcliof. I 111111 011111 y other difficulties too coot plicatotl to describe. I have also 1154m:111y of the medicines that have Been recommended as infallible mires for (hist disease, yet these till fiolcil, and I was I ost emphatically genrwing worm!. In this critical condition, given tip by ifrietubt,and expecting for my self, relief only ill 1108(11, 1 .Wll9 . (he timely inter position' of a kind Pro% idence,linmishell with your, to me, Me:doable Sarsaparilla. A single bottle gave me all 118$111111lee iii health, which for (amity yearsl hail not once felt. Upon taking • the second my en largenterit diminished, and in twelve days from the Stli of October, chen 1 commenced taking your slip gripm•liin, l was able to enjoy sleep and rest,by night' 103 refreshing 85 ally les er enjoyed when 111 perfect hearth. Ilesitles, I waB, in this short time, relieved [rum all those .excruciating and unalleviated pains drat had afflicted my days, las svel 1 1111 robbed• nie of my night's repose. The ulcers - upon my limbs are hertled,the Erysiimlas cured, and my size reduced nearly 10 my Milner measure. Thus much 110 Lied it it...privilen ' e to test.ify_to the_ ffi ecacy of yonr health-restoring Sarsaparilla. A thousand thanks, sir, limn one whose comfort and n'tose hope of future health ore 1111 C, under God, to vourinsttlimentality.•And may the satne Providence that directed ate to your aid, make you the happy and honored instruments of blessing others, as dm eli,§etlimiteesprkiring as.y.smr. 1011111 relieved and very-- grateful friend, ASENATII 11. I'IIILLIPS. N:w LONDON Co. ss. Norwich, Nov. 4, 1842. Personally oppeared,the above-natned A seanth NI. Phillips, and matte oath of the litcts . coldained ill the foregoing statenaitt before one. RUFUS W. AfATIIIEMSON, Justice of the l'eaee, ' • Being personally acquainted with. Airs. certify that the above assorted facts are substantially true. WILLINAI IL ILICFLOIDS, Minister of the Gospel at Norwich, Conn. Snntl'a Sarsaparilla will also remove null perma nently cure diseases baring their of In nn impure state of the blood mid depraved 'condition of the gen eral constitution, viz: Scrofula or King's Evil in its various forms, Rheumatism, obstinate cutaneous uptlons; blotches, • biles, pimplea r or pustules on the face, chronic sore eves, ringworm or tetter,scald heed, enlargement and - pain of. bonm and joints, stubborn ulcers, syphilitic symptoms; diseases aris ing front an injudicious t.se of mercury, female de rangements and other similar complaints. . Prepnredund sold by A; IL Sandi& Co., Deng gists and Chemists, Granite buildings, 278 Broadway corner of,Chambers street. New York,' .And lon sale by- Detiggists , theoiighoutithe =United - Stnics:' — .Delee $1 per bottle, sic bottles for $5. • •' The public nee respectfully' requested to rentem- - ber that it Is Sands's Sarsaparilla di:Wittman:l la cote!, stand); naltleying , such remarkable mires of the most • difficolt blisk 01 , diseases to which the' human fr:inte iicobjectotiffusk• for Sands's Sarsaparilla; Lind take neebtlie'r. ; ••••. • ,• ; • ;; , • S;.:'ELLIOTT. Agent ,by, arieCiel'alipninttilentfor therreprieteoill a for Cneliele'nint " . • - . . . 1 . • TPLICA'.'IION :,thp •L'A: O rectgte of nes,Co4-. isliture of the COmniOntrealtit,- q 1 Poonvivitoili;for i it'reiiewitl'of oriiieksoty•tfikuvbY'3ligt. l nomkoiol style of •tlit v010114)4 it ahall ho lociottid littoliOokttitt,ihat itisll4ll'. have the's htivt,hav, - ,temit: the'epOollitf objeet,er Of reattitti; 's.• BE4'N; eitikie,r ) ' - • • • LE. EMMWakUlaAMlltitrg IM=MME MI The heSeniethod fbi.i e ~ a. 10110.0 . IS., 1# r - v.. • ~.,. ,e ;,,, 'lb . i ease is elethise 4.. fail, tke,#hiack.:4.2; '• ': ':,' ' ;'::" : ,IV,`„' ,';' ' , .t . I - • ; Ittint ANY' : 1 11EGEr ii\B t: ' 4t114$ ''' ,t, , . ..' ;•',.:. ~., • ,or frilz", , ... ~, . :14:,':', . • ,'-`:'",-,'! rprth airiiiictin colfowOrgetittla Are now acknowled g ed to,he,theYbeat: Medicine in , the world for the eurenf ' E6'E,ll Y . 1 7 .11111.#Tr OP - :b1,51, i 4 'SE' • 1131•EOAT./Sti they coriipleiefY'Cle , mae the stomach , 111) 'Anil bowels fiord tlicte,bilioua and corrupt hu mors which 'five the catiac"„not ,OnlY', 'or ,Heinlache, qiddineas; titfpitatioa orthe. #ctirt, :Pains in „the ponoa; itheumitiarntetd Gotii, but of eteri ..rnalcidy incident to man. . ,' : • ' . svirn Ix.alJ!* rEc.E:7.4IIz,E PILLS •.!sre . a certain core for intermittont, rendttent,ner 'cons, inflamtnatorY and putrid Fevers, becatumthei cleanse the body' from those . nipchiti humors; which when confined to the cii•chlation, Aro the cause of al kinds•of • So, alsn, when the'satne impurity is deposited on the ineti.lTane and muscle, causing pains, hal:Mint:t itans and swellings, culled trimitor.giv,w, GO U 7; err., The Indian Vegetable Pills may be relied on as al ways certain to give relief, and i lf perserved with ac cording to directions, will most asiuredly,and with out fail, make a perfect cure of the above painful maladies. prom three to six of said Indian Vegeta ble Pills taken every night on going to bed will in a short. time so completely rid the body from every thing that is 'opposed to health, that Rheumatism, Gout, and ptiin of every description, will be literally DRIVEN PROM 711 E BODE FOr the some reasons, when, from sodden eh:urges of atmosphere, oe any other cause, the perspiration is elictiked, mid the humors wii init . shoulAriss off by (buskin are thrown iminrtily, °nosing • --- 11E.IDACIIE, CUDDLINESS, Nausea and sickness, pain in the hones, watery 'ati infla l meil eyes, sore throat, hoarseness, coughs, con• sumptions, rheumatic pains in various parts of the body, and many other symptoms of C.I7'CIILYG COLA, rxmAN VEGE rABLE PIL I.S will itlVflri ably give immediate relief: From three to six of said Pills taken every night on going. to bed, will in a short time, not only remove sill the above unplea sant symptoms, bat the body will, in a short time, be restored to even wavier health than before. The same may be said of AsTum.‘, OR DI FFICULTY OFIIII,PATIIING. Melodist) Vegetable Pills will loosen and carry oil' by the stomach and bowels those tough phlegmy humors, which stop op the air cellit of the langs,and re the cause not only of the above distressing conk plaint, but when neglected, often terminutes in that still more dreadful malady called CONSU NI PT lON. It should also he remembered dint the tndi Vegetable 1911 n are n eel tnin Mire for PAIN IN TUE. SIDE. Oppression, nausea, and sickness, loss of a s ppetite, costivenes4, a yellow tinge of the skin and eyes and every other symPiont of a torpid or diseased state o the Hier; because they .purge front the holy dime impurities whiult if deposited upon this important organ, are the canoe of every variety of IA VEM COM PLA I VI IVlien a Nation i 6 conitilsed by Mots, Outbreak , . and lick:llion, the only sure intuits of prevetit.ti% the dreadful eunsequencen of a Cl' VII. . to expel all traitor°, mid evil disposed ones from Conbtry. Tn like manner, when- pill or sirknes9of ani• kind tuliente tlwt Ow body is struggling with internal he true remedy is w I.XPEI„ILI, N 10111111) ilUMOit§, (Traitors to life,) and IIEALTif WILL BE TUE CElt FAIN RESULT. Tina the Principle nf curing disease, by Clesimin and Purifying the body, is strictly in ncenrthuire wttl the Lau s which govern the nuimyl ecnnonty; propel:ly carried not by the use of the alatvt.• 'ethic( INDIAN I: PILLS \\'W certainly result in the complete Abolition I)isease; ttcoflimthe forloe int; testimonials, from persomi of the highest respectebility in New 'York alto have recently been rurell of for most obstinate complaints, solely by the nee of IV ate tz - r'l4 INDIAN VDD DTA HAI 1'11.15 or Two Nutrill AMERICAN COLLEGE ONIE.V1:111 jAnAIeA, L. I. June 9(1), 1841. DuctorMum Wright—Dear Sir—lt iv with great satisfuction o.m I infm•m you of my haying been entirely cured or spepsia, of five veers et:lod ine, by the use of your INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS. lie inns to meeting with your celebrated medi cine; I had lweta under the halals of several Physi cians:anti, had tried various 11101CIIIVfi; lint all to no ell'ect. After using one Q. 5 cent Gov or your Pills iIfAVCVIT, I en tit:Hence.' soli - MI6 benefit, that I re wired to pt IIseVCIT in the use of them according to your directions, which I am happy to state, has re sulted in a perfect cure. In gratiinde to yon fur the great benefit I lIIIVC received, and also in the hope that others siadiarly afflicted may he induced to make trial of your extraordinary medicine, I send yon this statement with full liberty to publish the same if you thick Koper. Yours, &c. New Yoan,inne 19, 1841. G. C. BLACK. To are. Richard Bennie, Agent for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, No. 289 Greenwich a. N. P. Dear Sir—At your reconnentlation.l some time since made trio! of WRIGILPS INDIAN VEG ETABLE I'ILLS or the North American College of Health; mid can emiscientiousl .assert, that for Purifying the Blood, and renovating the'system, have received more benefit from their use, thanfroin tiny other medicine, it has heretofore been my good fortune to meat with. 11..tim, der sir, with many thanks, your obliged friend, NI. 'TATE, No. 60 Ihmersly at. New York. Mr. Pebard Dennis, ngeot tor ‘Vright'a Luken Vegetable Pills. Dear have been afflicted for' several years with in ward_weakness.and general_deltility, -mecum ',aided times with pain in the side and other dis tressing complaints. After having tried various medi cines without effect, i was persuaded by a friend to make trial at Dr. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills; which fawn happy to state have relieved me in a most wonderful manner. I have used the tnedic.ine, as yet but a short time, anti have no doubt, by a per .severance in the '•use , of,thecnedicine- according to directions, that I shall in a short time be perfectly restored. , 1 most willingly recommend said Pills to all per sons similarly niliteteth and in the full belief that the same beneficial results will tallow their use. 1 remain yours sincerely , HENRV A. IMOI'E, • Wawarsing, Ulster Co. New York, NEW YORE, Sept. 29.1831. ' Tide is to certify that I have used Wright's Indian . Vegetable Pills dith the greatest benefit; having en tirely eiwwi myself of the freiment attacks of Sick Ilendeclie, to which I, hail previously been subject. AN.N.211 ARIA TILOMPSON, 392 Greenwich atreet; N Y. To Mr. Richard Dennis, Avid for Wright's Indian • . • 'Vegetable Pills. • • • . (4A. UTION.;, ' 'AS there arm tithe. m any wicked Persons busilyy engaged in selling a "counterfeit niedicine'util tics the Hann! of•threkLod.ntii' . Vegetable 'Pills; and us these' ilCipernte 'Med are so iiiterly • reckless of con sequences, diet many valmiblu lives may he lost, in coinietpience of using their dreadful compounds. the Mtblio arc cautioned =against piwohasing any unless onihe ayes. Of .tht; boxes, the following word hug is'found`r , • - YEGP:TABLE PILLS. -silitdien:Pergrive.). • . . OF TUE NOM.c.A.IO.RI,CAN:COLLE4 And si !An en 'te guard istiechilly against Mutlitteing Said tetlidine;of any Peitiolve. s silept the regular advertised ents, or at the Mike and general" : tlepOt; , ,Ne. 109 ACE:BTREETPI - lILAOE4PIIIk • • • ;Jobe Coover, , UPPIT nrelin. ol . o T.i;;;':i ,.. Niiii''''oo44llll/11; 'l l '- i, :June Loyd. , Jelin Vt • 'At "•.A.O IBM rrrrns. crrunt n few days shims 0 Clergyman of this city [who does not desire Ilia name published in the pa pers, hut is left with Dr. Leidy] stated that 31 lady who had long been a eninninnicatit it Isis chttrilt, butt fill' IWO ye:urs past nimble to got', vlitirtio, (11111(14m. of he, extremedebililV,oceasionell by Meer:llion of y 411.10115 parta O. her body; ilkease of her rivet. :mil other 111 W! nal derangements, and the constant tliking of medicine therefor, never 'Mind any ehange for the bettee mita alter using several bottles of 1)1.. Sarsaparilla, :mil 6y n ii•AV mouths perseverance in its use, 11 :Is enthvly restored to health, and reenver ed her former strength, mot to list! her own Im,,o,tome "was shntist ereste,l ii tielQ. bring." Tifiti, is but Otto or loony instances almost flails. of. ' • It is prepared only final sold wholetaili: and retail nt 1)1•. I.EII)V'S Health EmpoiitincN6. 191 North Second street below Viiim.also sold by Frederick lirown, miter Fi lilt aitil Chestitit streets; nod Fred. Klett & Co. corner ‘241 and Callowhill street, at $1 ier bottle, (n hall pint) or six bottles•s'. • For sale its C'Arlisio by C, STEYENSO. • 11,11 IF parents knelv the value and efficacy of Dr. Leidy 's Patent Vtgettible ‘Vortn Ten,* hey never %%mild tie without it in their fantiliesot Olt14 . 1:1111re subject at lill tittles to Worms., Dr. L.iitly's Worm Tea is composed of vegetaltles R itogether, mid may be given to children °fall ages. Di, ectionsaccnintnty ettela pap r or package. chudi t en sulfer much, of times, 1 . 1 . 0111 5() many things huing given them fur worms,'W idiom any ef fect. Iticla medicine, given to children, has a ten dency to Aestrey their general health, unl they are more or less delicateever after. To avold the necessity el tieing medicine untie cessurily when you tire - ctirtitin - your - cltildreiritit worms give them at first Dr. Lettly's • Worm Tea. it is all that is necessary. lteftyt•ncc might Le made to severtil hundred jin rents; in i'llilndelitliin city nod ):nottly, of the OM:lm.y of Leidy's Wolin Ton. Try it and yoo will be convinced. Price 113 cents n smalionills cents it largepack a,,,,e. Prepared only, for sale,- wbolesale sod Rebell, at 1.)r: ',eddy's Ilealth Noeporititn, No. 19'. N ort h se c o n d swept, below vi11e,f411441 at . the Cot , - linle steal erpeals,] Plaglebidatt. For sale hi Ciallede by - 'r.. C. ,StEIVENSQN.. tf-53 Dr. Le . iOy's 'I otter~ and itch Ointment AN inkillible remedy for rurions affections of the Skin, rentoving Pimples, Posttilesointl Kruptions, of the Skin, and particularly yitutkleti to the .c s t.tre or 'Fetter cud the I.lph. 'Fbis ointment/las been used numerous itgbonis lhroitghnut the pity anti counly, es well as, Factories, emploiring numerous girls and bops," unit Ottiolltst whont'Vetter snit Itclions us other Affections of the Skin, pretatiteil r with the.moSt . unextunplett sue. eess. NttioCa of School Telyiltera, Us well oit Soper- Intendants and • PrOPrietors of •Mtetnries could be reel in above, but for time tlel,icacy they, reel in baying their"thintes - pitblisboyl 111 connection withrstich•luitMome anti disitgreenblk Offeetintis. Price ‘2sOtials“ box. For toile ity,testlisle by , , r STy•VENSON.' lure idylBd.4: • •Yi ' • • r rrr tr. 443 Altai IC'S' EX roctortAk NT. , ONSAJSIIiT/0; CoughiSeAtting Ace. kJ TO Cbistsurnptire'w—VOurillintoEyinifire *ally eutterjng,tl•omy orglretpd, CON; orno;.Obetrtictidn, anlYcoosequont iMlomMotion oft ilm •,rdelleote of ibor.Mb4 Ahrongthyhinh breinhe se distributed tp..e L very Iffiti*,:ilto„lunge.tv Wide .ob-' strFrAloo .pratiolep polo, nog vorenetv 4 .lmoirliengSei roog.1); b 1 :00.11?gi !V ;top; bKoil i nioiter, or' phirrr4-'whreh,.'fin4lijr ev,ll4iitsta ilieo4rength or th notientiAnd ehtln in dePilk- JnyoiN popectoront never - to remove this: oht, ot ruction; onttprottnOnalhe:MolitiilegOlinfifiN'tt kr reoulm,-;lkPloeo44 in Ito efreomiond enerint.co rolyo:'= ! r ( Cbe'r l ßo l4l . ll, l+ 2 9,o9.4! l Third 00401111: ' V ' t ;11;14Uttitit.4t: -5 ST In 4 4 j • ••=x4..,.4 5 ..!:, , :''" • iNS" , ; . - ";:': • ,;;,'• MEMff== .• DRAEIDY'S SA SAPARILLA 114A 11 4Vokli n i• the 'affet44' prepa'riqia'ry,b6;, -. ll,"ekainaehlbek.apiila.ent t Afei.sons; ssert'xlify !atya $lOl sect Mote belfefitTroili tieing one ;bottle nP tt,:tluin threeOTony. - othetc. This eintily. acoonateif folf;filir.:' Leidy's is a' hitieli ,stroitgerrpintrationlienviitiy niliel., 4 tuur-near twjce sip much enntoined in one 'hottleiti of.ani: other (and Bold at the some price.) Let tile - ptifilie.renytit , . thhi—it is no inin c lionst but the real fact. na., LEIDY'S SA IiSA rA it ILL A ' - Fi'Om the Medical lieVie*. (1 - '"Airwaig. •the Vegetable altoratires with siddOlt, our'diepensitries abound, there ate few ' so nada! Rs Sarsaparilla, and When properly combined nod pre piiredos.invaluable; not only brrestoring debilita ted constitutionßtotheir wonted energy but in every Case arising out of an impure state of the blood. Front a knowledge of very many cases (and some of them considered inctit'ahle) where many different preparations of Snrsapari la littd . been used, none seemed to possess virtues or'remedirirpowers equal to Dr. Leidy's Medicated or ComPeund' Extract of Sarsaparilla." • It is a preparation ills bellered superior to any other, and , would recommend it-to the particular notice of Fitysicians.-- 7 td. U. S. Ginetie. OM LEIDY'S SAUSAPARILLA. Extract of n letter tram J. IL Whitmore, of Easton, in relation to Dr. Leidv's nirdht. "'My little boy nod girl, die former now three yenrs and the totter noir seven years old, have been afflicted with a scrofulous tumor from the time they were three months old. •Threc months ago I was induced ti make trial of vont. Extrnet °Navas pail Ila , and have given it to hotifto the present time. They are now entirely free from :me apnea tattier of Sec.o- Fula anti Here,' were in better health." - Dr. Leidy's Sa.isaparilla is efficacious in all dis eases arising from impnritio or the blond nue other fluids of the system. All 'ovalids Olto mar have hero under at aural treatuont, a linfire debilitated from the quantity of medicine they may have taken, or are under n mercurial influence, will find that by using a few bottles of Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilliolleir mud Vigor and elasticity of their frame and system will he restored, and be again permitted to enjoy the sweets of life. DR. LEIDI'S SAIZSAPARICIA. (Cr" This article appears to be doing woinkrs at the South, 111111 front the high character or tho re commend:ll'foot', we lire fully persuaded it is a nrost capital medicine for all impurities oldie blood. Wc.• know many Physicians mlr) have given their testis moor ciii this subject, and we know they would lint glee weleiracter to tiny medicine that did not rea!ly deserve it."—Charleston Enquirer.- Etttrsiet of a 1 euer from Dr. Warren, Nateltez. itg the last year in lily practitte ascii 'cony Sarsaparilla with touch satisliiel ion to ni sell' and benefit to my paiietlia, I have no hesitation id declar ing he one of the most useful preparations in IijSCIISIM for which S:u•s;yan•ill❑ is prescribed." S2tRSAPARILILA. • (rylltis - preparation may he depended iipon as being the strongest (coin:civically more efficacious) or any in ecisteittte ; rill llind inieparations must pos sess similar tile', in peoporrinil to their strength, being preoreil Irmo the salon article: Dr. Leiily's Compound E:xlrat.t of Sarsaparilla, however, pos sesses properties cot possessed 'by Miters, from Its .maititer of prepaiTtion,pittl combination s lilt rube vegetable extracts recommended by the lit- . catty—and hence the reason why it is so ;;laterally recommended by the Ph) bichois of Philadelphia and elsew here. • Prom the extraordinary virtues 'of this prepara tion and a knowledge of its minims:tiro by Physi ritms,-(the reason why the/ sn generally use they woad not use or recomineffil 3IIIV preparation they did not know the composition it has been introduced in many of the IlostiitnlA tbeongboot the IT. S. tool is highly veronimettileyl by Mysieiaos and Surgeons of those Institutions; From dr: New Orleans Advertiser. LIU DV'S Sit 11i.54V,11 It I 'Hie high mid envied celebrity uldeli this pre eminent medicine has tiegoured In its td- Cleary in all distlist's which it profes2es to 'ince, -lis remlertil the usual practice el' wanin g umwerv:try. It islinown try i s fruits mill its gond works li.Stiry lot it. Dr. Lily's Sarsaparilla will be 10111111 culls efficacious ill all tliseases'of the liver, siom 'nth, t•ci - ilt, kidneys, spine and bones, ulceration orthe nose, throat anti other pares, abseesses, fistulas, sem colas, eryslpvlns,iiiiiiiilice.i.hetintatiani and incipient gnitt.invrecrisil mid syphilitic alb'etions, lenetle de rangements and in respiring the sicf,ly and debilitat ed to thele'initural health and DR. 1,1E11140 . S t4.IIICSA Pit 111 ILL t. Dr. 's Compound Extrar, of Sarsaparilla lets stood the test for five y RII.I • RI, 1,11051 to say tutu there is no oiler p•reparation or etpuil strength cum in me. 'clirongliont the Southern States at here Sat tparilla it as notch in eeneral use as tea and votive, Dr. Leidy's Stirsaparilla is gener ally preferred and is highly reeomntrnded hr [)% rt•rtiiirates hove been frequently pnh fished 1 hroir;liniti • the north and set , ,t it iv also notch used, moteperhapsthan anyolier. One Willy Of it [half a pud j is wlitTalliell equal to IWO of any other in strt•ngth, and is :gnat to one half gall'on of the strongest Syrup that tact he Tircetions or ImAkiig Syrup therefrom nerom ainies the nireetions. OK. LEIDY'S SA:I.S.t.IPA,23IIr.E.A. May 31, 13!3 irorms : IPor ins June 14, 1843 E=l I - Pamily•llltedicines.;,.. • IpouseAßEp and sole proprptor,., No. ad 'South ,Ttlitalet„ P,tulatfolphin; ' ni'ar huntl'ute gen 1, nifth without' s signcitureitpon ;the outOthi, wrapper. 'All otherd Me counterfeits. • . . , Tilde medid i lies nre recommended nod exteOsi ve used by the most intelligent veracias hi the';..thiiteil %to o by numerous Professors Prcisidents of -Colleges, Physician Aof the Army-and filiv i Yin..fid HoSpitals and' : 11 1111)ShOilSet1;1t110 by More than three litindred - Cleit7pieu dc'v,itrious • They are expressly prepared fdelandly use, and hare acquired and Unprecedented popplar4 through ditt. the United States; and as they are so admirably qulculated .td preserve Health ylld cure , Dieeme, no family shogld ever be without 'them. The proprie ter.6l. these rithiable preparations received his edit estioniat one of the best Medical Collegei is the U. I States, aild.lins had - fifteen years experience iii nit extensife mid diversified practice, by, width Ile has ' load ardple opportunities of diciptirinva practical knowledge of diseases, and of the TerneeieS best cal culated to remove ihem. These preparations COll , Ost of Jayne's Expectorant, h taloa hie remedy for Cough Colds, Consumption,, Asthma, Spitting, .q mom' Ceoup,ilooping Cough, Bronchitis, lilettriin , and in flomtnation of the Lungs or Throat, Difficulty of Brenthino . ,iiiiil'all diseases of the l'ulmonitry'Organs • Also rayne's flair Tonic, for• the Pretteri - ation Growth and Beauty orate Hnn•, nod n hich will poi tively being in new hair on bald heads. Also Joyne'S Trade Vethniftige,a certain and.plen said remedy fin• Norms' Dysp :psiii and many other Also Jayne's Cartrabitive Balsam, ti certain care for Bowel and Sommer Complaints, Dian. !Dy sentery Cholie, (:ramps, Sick Ilrirdnche,Sour stom ach Cholera Mgt all derangiunents of the Stomach and IlaWls, Nervous Aflections; &Lc. .layile's Sanative Pills, for Female Diseasel ; Liver Complaim, Costiveness, Fevers, Inflammations, Glandular. ObstructiOns, I)iseases of (lie Skin, &c. and Mall cases where nu Alterative or Purgative :Medicine is required. For sale in Carlisle, by T. C. STEVENSON.. Nlay 31,1843 VALUABLE IRON WORKS LK)~S~ ~~~~0 irpY vtr i'eff of i he, powers anti authoiity 111 1Thmniiiincii in the last will and testament of NfleitaEl: Eoi,dec'd.y I itoiV offer far sale, the Carlisle Iron 31{1fOrli.s, Situated on the Yellow Breetlitqf Crerh, 4.; miles east of Carlisle Pa. The estate Consh.ta Oro !first tate 2s ilit 2 l e 2, 2 To 24t, ita u Tear 'Fitotrsaniti .Icres of _Land. • A hew Nll:l{CflA NT 0/111110111.1.1111 or stone, finished oit the 'oust approved plan. About acres or the land are cleared and highly coltisated, hat Mg, 011+01)11 erecied Lam Rank Earns mid ffeeessm'Y TiiiNA NT IHIOUS'ES. works are propelled by C the Yellow Breeches reek and the Boding `ipring,which neithet•foil norftneze. There are upon the premisesall the necessary work . - 1111.11 S, 11011801 iie01111011/Seti,C111110111•I'Z I llti smith shops, Mill stabling !milt or the noon •obhowtioi ootoo•ials. The fire M . the loom epiality and inexhaustible, is within 4 miles of the Vurnstee. There is 001.11:10S 110 Iron IrOrkS iu P0:111S31101101 which possesses so perior. ittlenidages . and otters greatei• inducements to the investment of CapiTst. The stater inm er is so great that it might IM'eTtenclefl to Lily other maim, tat:wring :purpose. Persons tlifMosed to purchase will or 00111.:0c esmoine the property. '1 heterms of sale will be made known by • MAUI' PIM:, • F:1-catt`ix of Michael Ege,tlec'd. "Cat•lisle, Oet. f':, ti->1 PROTECTION AGAINST 149 aia LTL,3, rt‘rfr, ]1("1'1'.1 1. P l itoTErri,.N (.;()7(11'..5.N V, itivorpo• nitrcl by Hi( tit t Sys !ldly in ..1)1110' ti e ilirvelimi (it the I•4lriiv3iii; viz NI Wei., :111ifire \V. f.t./17",:e (;:•(•:(sni,,l" (;. Myr. '!1 Vacy (!),. 01•;ippl•rx eel' their r:ite, nud 11c nu, , y • 0113 :hid 01 iIISIII . III‘re bay St a :Ms Oilier. Elely per- Ili :I thy rompliry thn . clinict; of ullivcrs :mil iii lincttioo it; coliten,%, 4 , 1. Pori ih•rn:uldvel 'Nun iR Ilulse,fidry (0 11‘,1,1 the V:iIII.IIM'S hid) may 3i). The ilienhvenieus•e is...v.:As is he fl/1. a ivrm Of rft itlr. Airy persinii iliqilying for in:Mr:lllre must give Iriv prenthiny 'nine for the eliealarn-Ulnas the tide nf five pre vellum, yi hirlr 0 ill t/O:ttl ta the i,1 ,11 c 0 , filr'ythieh lie a ill hale to paytt . .?,..iftilyv yrays, inky, $1,51} for mules twit policy ; and en ysairr, initess le'vot to a greater the finals nil bands will enver,:iiiil thou tutu minae will hr veilitir reit turmla pro rata sha'. • ralrs chraper than' n( ()flier ramp:oaks, rarept stitli 11A•tt.11 . I/II O' .tune 1113 , h.:Illet• i 9 etictfeil itl the filthy% lit manner. person apply ing fin' 111.S1111111re fOr propel iy of the clicopest rhiss of risk ru,i , 1:1004, , ,, ht., ithargeil 5 per rent fin , yeat :I. 11(.Ie wylowiting In , :;51111kliq lie 4:vull st ill I.e rrryuirrd lu Inn prr ev . .t51),:k1111.:1:,59fin• Ylt,t^t'ing and pony) .. . andit] 11,1 V 'to more rt•triirol of trim nide , s !loses °erne and the htnda (All 11:111113 urQ 11./t if. Ilirei6lllll. • .q.Z('lll, , 1, in If" 111111 ,-, ?litOdOlgOl, as 0r, , ,VA1. in dil • TILIN'S In aOu uul to i1 0 ,11 1 .:111,3'h. 100 •011. wishing iihmeditdoly to nopdy coo do lir) hy niiinill ollivori id tilt• CHAS. P. CONIAIffiS, Pres. A. G. Sib Y April 1.2, I sp. %I celnari iestui rg Line 0 21?- 1. yy 41.140 , is : )3rlavern./12eOlitsiiiri;bearg and Philett&lphia or Biz [RIP 11.1 u, Ro.lb OR CA,111:1:] TILE sabsertber grateful for past favors, begs leave to inform his friends ana the public g i nicrally, that he still contiones Lanni a line of bindlien Cars rigUlarly ifetween ilferilianicsburg and Philadelphia or Baltimore, by which goods and produce of all descriptions will be forwarded with care ! and despatch at thp loWbst rates of freight. Producc,Will be received atlas Ware ilonse,in Mechanicsburg, and forwarded io either Phila. delphia or Baltimore, according to thb direction of the owner. IrrThu highest price will be given ibt and Flour. - • - MARTIN AIEILEV. N. B. Plaster of Paris and Salt alwgys lept qn hand, and for sale at...the lowest prices. U_Quzv - w -- I,l2Dcs)zn, lie has ulso an hand, at:the Denman Mechanics. burg, for sale, 161U.111 lISIE It, snob an Boards, Shingles, Senn' H up; - ate. of allkinde, which will be sold on liberal terms... • August 17.1842. ' . tf.4 elyrektes lailiD rti `'FIRS 8c . 11.4tVERStICK I . nt just c just rOeci yet! froni (lid Manufactory at Plulmlelphist‘ irlavgY assortment of Lveßil .1.1:11PS, cunsiaktitg. of Pariott v,h•a bc . 14f•ing Lam,ps wait or witliont shatlen'tyllich they w:11 *hold ov retail 'at Om otalitifiXtUreY sliFices• • • Antral, Side Relict:tot* intb Mani Liiratis'Of Thp very Wear Sperm Oil, Wm...ranted to htiro' elOr, for ; • $1,26 Fier slest Sperm' Caildleq.i• centikpe'rlih 00•1it1e,1it04t,4842. ?; CLEANING DYEING she,eddliesms y '06'41604 endpey the - dimwit dike die' dtfamttoie Vidlt• clothing end oOieelarth:' 0104 Ontrqsted to< 'fbi 4 theningi dyeing, at bothabois,iniCtlitck.Allgrohloalte pot eliAqopctrtgb: 40 1 e • " • ' " ,4 c '47'ft 111=IMMI MM=IMWAM tOliTititiOiiiNVAiliiii. ~,,..„ ... i.., The 'following indispentable family reme. dies may bo.Sound , at 'theAilltage drug stares, and soon abiverrecntnt,li Store. in the state • Remember and never'. , get them nnleis they have the fae-siurnite*iinatate of ~ ' on°the wrappers, as by tho same names are base impositions end countq., feits..- If the merchant nearest. yen ;hair. them not, urge him to procure them at 71 Igaiden.lane,ther next time he visits New York, or to write for them. Aro family ihould hr. eiecektalthq;it,ihetm remediet ALDNE; , , „ BALM OF COLUMBIA,F9It HAT,. which will.stopit if falling out, or restore ii on bald places; and on children make it grow rapidly, or on those wholes° lost the hair from anyenuse.. ALL VERNIN,that infest the heads of children in schools, are prevented or killed by itMt . • Find the name of 16.1:91iiarifiao on it, or never try it. Remember this altaqys. 31,", • RHEUMATISM,' and LAMENESS itositively cured, and all ahrivelled Ila:dee and are restored, in the old or young, by the INDIAN VEGETABLE ELIEM AND,NEEVE AND BONE LINIMENT but never without the namo of Comstock & Co. on it.. has come on, if you use the only truo HANS' Littnitarir,from Wo22ldioCl( ALL S.ORES and every thing relieved by it that admits of an out. vlrard application. It acts like a Charm. Use it. .RORSES, tIMt have Ring-Bone, Spavin, Wind-Galls, &c., are cured by ROOFS' SPECIFIC ; and Foundered horses entirely cured by Roofs! Founder Ointment. Mark this, all horsemen. Dalley's Magical. P . dint..llr-i tractor Salve.--mo most extraordinary reined) , ever invented for all new or old nd aores, arid sore Ey E s II has delighted housands. It will. take out all pain. in ten minutes, and no fabure. It will cure. the, P I LES' MPS SPREAD. PLASTERS, beucr and wore nico and useful article 'cover was wide. All eliould wear.ilkem regularly,. LEN'S TEIMERALIICE n the principle of sitbstituting the tonic in place of stiniehmt prineiple,.wl•ich has reformed so many. milliards. To be used with LIN'S i13:1Et):()D PILLS, superior to ry rers tbr cleansing the system and the humors affect: 'it: the !deed, and for. all irregularities of the bowels• and the gmeral health. [See Dr. LIN'S sig. r- , ViGg at— to evi MEM HEwYlll IP 'A . , CHE DR. SPOHN'S' H E APAC H E FiEMEDY . ly will eilitctually ewe Bich headache, ei.ther from the orbiljona. Hundreds of families ant' NERMES DR. SFOHN'S ELIXIR OF HEALtH'i for tho certain prevention of !FEVERS:I or nny zeneral sickness ; keeping the stomach in. most per. feet order, the bowels regular, and n deteintination to; the rtc.o. :i0;0)Qcb:S1 pains in the bones, hoarseness, and ORO. P S Y. are quickly cured by it. linen• this by CORNS.—The French Plaster is a sure cure I - '" - 'f , ; f „-.=,...' - 7 - - - -- - =''..„, 1 ;,. : -4k cs .c...'•-: ,---- -- -1- -; ~., 6.,-ra - :fa • - - ' - 4 1 / 4„; :-. 0 .•••• -,-,; .;... r, 1, vr,%." hair. any shade you wish, but will noecolur the skin SARSAPARILLA. • COIIS'FOCK'S COIL POUND EXTRACT. There is no other prepare.' tion of Sarsaparilla that can exceed or equal this. If you aro sure to get COMSTOCK'S, you will find it' euporior to all others. It does not require puffing. 1113:10.111011. CELESTIAL BALM , OF CIiINA. A positive cure for the piles, and all external ailings—all inthrnal irritations brought to the surface by friction with this. Balm ;—so in coughs, swelled or sore throat, tightness of the chest, this BAnt' applied on a flannel will relieve and cure at once.-- 7 " Fresh wounds or old sores aro rapidly cured by it. D. Bartholenithels ME EXPECTORANT will prevont or cum all incipient consumption cpups:kco!. - .Ds taken inlire;;iind is a geliigifel mwedy. Inmate. her the name, and get Coma'ol4*, KOLMSTOMM.vERMIcuct Nisi eradicate all Wo R M in children or adult With u certainty quite astonishing. It is the same a; that made by stock, and sells with a rapidity almost incredible, by Comstock ,j• co., New York/. TOOTH DnorB. Entered ycconiing to act of Cookrece, in the year 1842, byrdnistes4 4 01.. In the Clerk's omen of the Southern, District of Dew York. • By .applying to . our agents• in each town and village, papers may be had free, showing tha moat respectable names in the country, for these,facta, so that no one can fail to believe . them: Cc). Be sure you call for our articles, and not ,be put off with any stories, that othereL are as . 'good& HAVE THESE OR • NONA. tINPu, III your, tiotto..ctiul these ewer eins,be type one 1 ,genoine' withinig our, names to them:- All these articles to,be' had tyhalesale and retail only of us. , • twa y •if i to" • , Wtioleasle ;Druggiu "f*sidon-tang yowitork. ar, of ow. oie - For solo in hy -, • • SAMUEL ELLIOTT, & 11 AV E RST K , , T. C.. SVEVENSON. , PAY UP , AND . . SAVE COSTS,: . THE ottbseriber once more calls indebted to' 141» 4:lC'ete or Honk ttettottni r tniir y, tit% on or before the Ist of tiridentber licit, 'arter date the potitirely:'beldaied 110101 bands of a jnstiey of,the r!i. , ttee,for nollertion. 1.1, t.; • GEO.' W. ' HITHER. August 16, 1513... HAMS, ANIS.I)HIED., Int ok primp ennyaslo):l nis t :;, A lot of. I)rietl Ijcer of• 49 , 14901/ ttitit k Atti,o 4 ;) nibre. Ai store' di - - ; SeptemPer arta43.-111,, BE ,• •••;;t./. ; ;:„,in i t, , g ai,;1.,..,,•„..,,..a40,.„, , , , f,„:) Aso.Golioo.•or IN,OI/(4,' Videgli brlTtir : kg it '' ,- C E HEST 414.1;k10.',41,ir1,¢00r441iRd pr. sulallrm, !,, -, ~ • „ .- '',,:' '. : • ,:,. 1 '.'..-:.; LlAO'rl'i . . i .ilati a llitift.:l4 l ....4.Arlmla , i , ;. 1 g .r& . ;', :',...IFOR:SittoWATi 'it,: kV lc rt . ' '' ' - ~./,;(t,',.`!-‘; , .t,ir,, , '..;.,.;ti'-.* : . 2 ',',-.. l''' , . ; • ~-. ~;„„;/.. .. - •.;.' .*: ~",,, _ ii:43A'5,2,‘4.<1.1g(A.VE.:1•1'::!,,-';V::,*.'.";Z:,,,; ER Si using it with great joy ~:CiO-;.U'G;H-s !ZE may