Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 18, 1843, Image 3

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.isik.m.. 4 sarilatzavo
ez..zatuomm , ',, azia-,.,
I . 2rodnosdasr Morning, Oktober 18, 1843
s• tO- - Otirvarmest thanks arc duo to the' ilarria.
bet "Intelligeneer,"Lrinien," and several other
brethren of the plugs, for slips containing election
returns. " * •
ficl-The "yhalaux or icternal of Social Science,
'dovoted'to the cause of Association or. Social lic
fern] apd the elevation of the human race," is a
new paper, the first number of which has just been
issued at New York. It will be edited by am as
sociation- of talented gentlemen, nmon i g whom we
observe Greely, Brisbane; and Charming. .
"have heretofore gift, our renders sonic idea of
the doctrines of Association or'Fourierism, but if
any of them desire to examine the subject farther
We would recommend this journal to them. The
firtif' =fiber contains accounts of the organization
'ofseveral commilifities on this plan.
The Sherillthlty.
Longsdorf, of Silver Spring town
'Alp, was elected Sheriff of this county, on Tues
day last, by a majority . over his highest compcti-.
tor'of 381. Wn understand Mr. Longs(lore has'
appointed Mr. William M. "lectern of this bor
ough, a clever young - fellow, to be pepiny Sher
pr. It le no small complmithit to • the of
Mr. B. to he preferred against the elaimd of 'rev. ,
evil other applicants, all of whom *bre men of
etxperienee and-veterans in 'the party.
We "Rise io Explain P'
('''Tliere is a little unassuming paragraph In
one corner of the out-side page of our last paper,
which requires sonic explanation. Tt is headed, ;
"How to get into trouble," a subject on which any
addict would be ns bale welconited'iir followed,
tut upon any other tee know of. We have no re.
collection of having selected this paragraph, and
can only account for its appearance in ourpOper
by the supp;sition that one of our compositors
hastily took it out of en exchange paper as that
first paragraph Ile could find which would fill out'
a column, and not.hecause,.ofa.ny applicability it
had to any of our rooters. Itr.was with regret,
therefore; that. we heiird that the members of a
respectable family in town erroneously conceived
that the Paragraph was directed at and intended
• for them. Vat heed scarcely disavow .
deed, so far is' it from being the case, that %viten
two days after our last publication, our attention
Was pointed to the ,paragraph, we had no recol
lection even of the .attiele being in our paper !
Our attention is more strictly paid to the inside .
form of our paper, and thus it happens that small
articles of an . objectionable character have found
their way into the Paper without our' knowitula,
The article id question, howtvver, does contain
some _excellent general advice; but we do not be
lieve 11._upplicable to the cnterptising family. to
avhoih It gave' umbragre,—and as.fitt folehdipe
it fat them we distinctly and emilltalically
vow and disclaim any such-tint: . businesi-
Members of the. &mit) , we-MIMI° to, have never;
to our knowledge, given . , cause for public cen
sure ; and the sueeessall candidate bit the county
ticket, who is thoiliiit Li be personally nainoil lu
the article, is known td be a most worthy nail ir
reprinteltable citizen, anal a man Whuni We hate
nett+ made any public (genital iii,-even on po:
111.161 grounds. The article is supposed to have
ti lierstmal bearing because of the phrase " poor
which occurs in it, although any rekki. of
the paragralph; iVe are sure, would at i'mee
that it•deals only in generalitiFiq. and that " Bob"
In liurelj a Waltham t•harnetel'.
Editor of the " Porly Preeman"
linteers the fttllowitig defence of the policy purse.
Eli by the Whigs In rtintilug Gen. Miller for Con
gress, at the MU election. Several of our broth.
wren of the Orem; in adjoining counties seemed to
think it their duty, before the election, to step he.
yond their proper sphere of tiction and indulge
in unwarrantable censure of the Whigs of Can.
berland county for the course the:y.saw Proper to
pursue, in the late contest. Thjs,iliey-had not
the slightest right to. du, for. ; iipart front the in.
ittstiee done i ty, impugning the motives of the
Whigp ,I,tcra, jt has had revery prejudicial effect in
disturbing liio Icormony of our party, and thus
ittventingit frill turn-out at the polls. The course
riersued by the Wings of Cumberland, Ave 'are
free to confess was not right as a 'matter of pri3-
erVpie,—iho'ugi ut the same time neither dishonor.
yip s r de4rudin• , —but UP a course of paiicy,
•there were numerous and powerful' inducements
(loidting to the future) in furor of its adoption by
the Whig co!ty - Vpuy4nlion. •
.4 • t
4.)0 :the result moyci nup
ported the ill? CoMityponvention 114 r,
mon i kauslT and, their whola, strength.
,have a ioMine friend of the Tatiff
can most most likeky, h . Whi4'..ayieart,") to repro
tient this district in , coagresse
given a good majority in fi,vor of the'Whig pu
ma' Commissioners, and might have hall a hound
County' Cominisfione;; Rut
iferiAly jiertloo of the Whigs or the ai
, •
. •
Unofficial retatieehow, chose to let a feeling of
li ,dissotisindtion get : the bettpr of their,
attachinenc io the .Whig parik;ind staid at home;
leaving locofocoism to run riot at the polls. The
• .
—consequences are that hire - lost - several im
portant advantages which our party never had be.
edre and pessibly may never have again. . But
"there's. no'use of crying over_spilled says
a lirimely.idage: N'exiikall we nldv trofit• bi the
past. The .:folloiring fa die .CArdel, tl•om the
"As the e l ection is now over, we wish to ;alarm
ammo ,of our brethren of the press, win. express.
ed the opinion that the W higa • of Franklin, Cum.
berlaad and terry, were pursuing a very bad poi.
supporting- GOll. THOMAS C. MiLum for
Congresse—that that policy, under all the circum.
stances of the case;was the only judicious course
that coald have been *tined., That It was inex,
pedient, to nominate a, - distinctive 'Whig candi.
date f 5 .0 CO'lljress in This District, must lie admit.'
ted by ever intelligent Whig residing. i 9 apy of
the three counties comppsing the District. ; By
adopting the course we di we had tiineh to'gain,
fn several vespectii; and n7ithingc to-lose. Let the
result of the eleeildri for Congress be what it may,
a benefit will certainly „inure to the • Whigs."
to Nitre hiriFe been requßsted t to s a e that Mr.
P. lifitettrassn9, of
,tbie borerigh, lost his ivory
headed wOknig cane, recently, On the Harrisburg
tUrnpike. between Middlesex and • carbele. A
suitable reward will beiglien for ite r ecovery.'
Adjourned . Salim.
ctr The axle of the Beal Estate of andel P.
Soherbaltn, Bankrupt, is. ailj uri et until Saturday
the 411) day of Novel-ober; .no having been ef
teatedep the Ith inst.; if not 'sold on anid'day it Will
be kniedfor'ene , year tenorne. See talvertisement.
(0 - 1 7 101 4ttle;'of Iteal„Estate of Saltne! AloGee
yn.:Weik;Snnaborour,ll,',toWnehtti, , 11' S. -Ma-
CulloughiAisignee, hkittlinurt tl:lilWedneaday' the
12 tI1 ; , November . next Odiaie . .
Wan Saturday,lasi. , See itivertisein4t.
CC:3 l) i•jtichard , 1111rlia4 . foiiilegl
, Dr ,,,114 1 1 0
A - T r....? . • ,
returns n't iiibiTnland,Ceautf,
'which will be found in to-day's paper,.show that
the'result it -not so bad as' We: antielpatet when
our last' aPeilwae istued; Instead of gen. Mil.
Ittr being defeated, ho has a clear majority of
132!:The Whig Car!al Coriimissioners only.
fit!! behind their loc,o, fee° opponents about. 62
votes, and the Whig CotincyCetrimissioner.cemeli
within '42'votes bt a inajorityl Owing to the
dissatisfaction of a large Portion of—our friends,
the majorities on the remainder of the ticket are
considerably larger.
It is a matter of deep'regret that so large a
body of our friends permitted themselves' te . bo
kept from the polls, because of dissatisfactiati with
the action of the County Coiniention; or frOm
er canna. Whether the'majority orthe Conven
tion acted right or'w rung, there is ene - thing cer
tain, they a cted as they honestly thought the best
interests of the party required. They were re
spectable men and - well-known Whigs, neither
"imbecile" nor "corrupt," and men who were in
capable of acting treacherously 'or , doing wilful
injury to the welfare and prosperity of the 'Whig
party. Their conduct ought, therefore, to have
been looked upon more generously, and their me.
tives,_ . 4t least, held above suspicion. And it
should always be recollected, that if the County
Convention i naltes "a mistalce, b the error cannot
be remedied by staying away from the polls.—
The only proper course in such elreudistantes, is
to t hring out the Whole vole, and correct the error
the next fall: The only hope of a party Is, in
unifinmly polling its whole 'vote 'eve?) , year. •
Every one that reads tlicreinilis may now see
that by the course pinsued this fall, we'gained for
the only really important part of the ticket—the
Canal Oommissioners and the County Commis
sioners at least thrt4 )tundt ed Anti-Porter votes;
which, with a Whig vote of at feast that amount
which was not polled. would have given these
Candidates a triumphant majority! The vote of
Dickinson and other townships proves this. This
result sustains the vien , taken by the Majority of
the Coniention; a view which was however hOsed
upon the confident hope that the itliefe Whig vote
would be polled ,and which has only been disap
pointed by the failure of our fricnili to do so.
In our opinion the returns of the election in
ihis'eonnty arc full of ,eneotiraiement 'to the
Whigs: Instead of the hundreds of a majority
tvhich have been always heretofore polled against
us,' we 'have cut down the strength of our nppo.
nents to the 'meagre majority of about fiftyl We.
*have brUken down their compact find perfect or
ganization, beyond the hope of xepairing it—their
welklrilled ranks have been deserted by 'scores
of good men, who 'ill never return to them.—
Let the Whigs to c heart then, and rally to the
contest with renewed hope, and fresh zeal and
energy. Democratic Whig principles must- and
will yet triumph in Cumberland county!
. Let the
flag of HENRY CLAY be hoisted hign, and eve,
crygood Whig redouble his exertions to crown
it -wifirLietory l
,Let us bury our regrets for the
Fastond--aet -earnpstly for tiro future. Let us
commence our organization early—put our tiekut
in the field early—rind not cense our exertions
until they shall result in complete and triumphant
success: The cause of Henry Clay 'and- Whig
principles expects every MP to do his duty, and
"shame on him who falters now!"
The Comiresst6nal Vote.
The•following arc the official returns from the
several! counties of this district, for member of
MILLIa, 131. mm
Climberland; 2,334 . 2,202
I:ran k 2,169 2,055
Perry, 660 1.360
5,189 5,6 1 G
Major 4 fur nlnals;
li Tm 9l
g The following urn the number of votes
jiniled for each of the three tickets run in Lan.
caster county, at the lute election. The Clay
whigs had a triumphant majority. We take the
vote for Assembly :
Clay Wh:g '; 5,079 :1
Anti:slasonic Ticket, 1,903
Loco loco Tieliefi 3;891
The majority for the‘Whig Calla' Cutmnission
era 1,ti51.. There were 293 votes polled tbr u
separate ticket with the names of Hugh What:
fey,. Ilugh D. King nod .1. Morehead ; a ticket
winch seems also to have been voted in Alleghe
ny and other places..
Sudden Death,
Mr..Adulplius F. Dellinger, ofCincinnati,
Ohio, died, suddenly, at Buchler's Hotel, in Har
risburg, on Thursday last. Ho had been in bud
health for a long time in Baltimore, and arrived'
at Harrisburg on Tuesday evening, in, the stage,
with his with; took h hearty breakfast un Wed
neSday morning anp soon ,aflor fainted ;—prompt
medical assistance was at once rendered, hut all
the usual restoratives availed nothing—he died in
t,wo hours., Truly, "in the' midst of life we are
lu death.l!
. ri• Jariles Rice, a volunteer candidate for
county Treasurer, was elected in Perry on Tues
day last, making a small triumph for the perse.
vering whigs of that benighted county.
cO'A capital story is told ofJudge Tappan, one
of the Senators to Congress, who is unfortunately
cross-eyed. A nur r riber of yeare ago hewasJudge
of a newly organized county court, in tho eastern
• in thiiie•daisi of piirnitive simplicity, or per.
haps poverty, the . bar-room of a tavern was - used
as &court:rerun; arid the fttdble as a jailw--One day
during the session of themourt, the Judge had oc.
casino to daeieli repieriialid twoof the lawyers,
who were wrangling, .m odd looking old'cus.
tomer, who sat in one corner listening apparently
With great sativfaMion tc the 4proof, and presam
ing on old acioairitarico and the Judge's Well
known good 9pler, sung out, "Give it t to 'um,
old gimblet e es !ft., ;"Who was that?" inquired
tho Judge. " t was this 'ere old boss," answered
the chap, raising himself up., , "SHOrifir aimed
the. udge withigreat grimily, "take that old hos
and put him in the itheiel'Y . . .
"6n Thursday the cidatter, by the Rev. J.
aentvlpr, Mr,, JOIN NICHET, tOMiei ELIZAUXTU
HOOTtii, bath of-this county.
i f Ott Thurs(ll,llto 4th that., Itcv. J. A. MlT
ray. D'Apn Davititti, to Miss . ELtz.o. A.
.Yotrso i -ot Cltimberkind cOnnty,'Ptt:
Monday morning the kith iast. ,
.lolvJ 7
Ault son of Dr. John 4: slid Margarci 14yeiti, oP
'this borough,agetl:aix weeks.
.DICKINSQR , COliteE'lfinTlC64:
Thd Geneeer Treaseirett: Dlikiason C4ieie
hereby noti'fi'es Witopi it flaty;eencerft / that he'
;will be in hil;;,oltici„,' : :lsici. 22 . Fault College, the last
itt'Ooteber; Bad the hial Siterdar:in each'
atteceeillat':indeth 'for . from.loq•
'PosttO', l o l "‘l44..; ! ilicrCiti'the!'l)4l)9se.tor king
the bills q,e94,lh i altithalla may futyl,e,p,t the_
*eek,frcit4ltelf',tert);.tp half petit ;rig! ,
tile:roll . oliea#4.
• ' "The niehnielfdli'days nee ernaq;.,':
. 'The saddest et the:yeitr,',, , .?,:,;; ; ;:?
An01f 1 4:4:4? /4 th. 4 o „anot h erl;o44'*
eieriaitri the ldylelineffS - Of Oteiearth Wifgaiii fait.
fading:awni.; I,The annual charnge of the seasons
has cameo antifthm.beility and verdure 'Of Nature ,
is deafing44.lf t d•goitrstiff Wlth . ;their'fragranee 7 =,
did birds With..their me lody-'.thn l 'bright greeri.:
award-=the, thick foliage of thn groves-41iddeep
shade - Of Mc ToieStLtheitilldneiket . tholiluki * Sl4 l
—the soft air redo lent of. perturne..=ll} . .that,filled
the Summer with
. beauty and joyrinfrine.tai: and
life, are passing away. Evefy,thingi n ley,Piature
reminds us ofdecaly, anti that the nt mcd
is dying, but dying in richness and. splcnddr and
glory! Dying,
"like,the dolphin, Whom cael f pang imbues :„
With a new' olor,us it gasps a wity,
The last still loveliest, is gone—and all is
gray !"
And now -Autumiitheirave preacher of the .
seasons—approaches with chilly breath and sus ,
tern aspect,. and 'solemn lessons, admonishing
Man 'of the Instability and nothingness of earthly
things! Pointing to ths falling. leaf and withered
fiewer, " all flesh is grass;' saith the solemn mon ;
(tor, " and all the goodliiinto thereof as the flower
of the field—all 'the glory of man is as the flower
of the grass."
Hilt ive jair'C'eive that all do not look upon the
approach of Aittumn will: feelings of sadness, and
of tliese is our senior brother Cuss:mkt:, of the
United States Gazette. The scene which imbue°
with melancholy feelings the hearts of many; his
finely-tuned heart Views with wonder and plea ,
sure imnd he calls earnestly upon his readers to
behold With him the gorgeousness and splendor
of Nature; and to acquire a kindred feeling. Let
us, then, follow him, as his graphic pen delineates
the beauties of the scene, and his heart finds cause
for thankfulness "towards Him who garnished
the forest,eVen in its autumnal ice:l3 , olnd made the
thousand trees, as they yield to their annual .
death, asstnne, like the dying dolphin, their most
beautiful hues."
"While thus contemplating, thus. cajoying, the
beauties of that nature which is but the physical
evidence of God, the impress of his handy work,
the loot prints of his going forth, de not forget
gratitude, for the powers
. of appreciating such .
beaCties, the gift of deriving pleasures from such
a source. Addison we think it was, who made
the latter a subject of special thanks: '
"Ten thatisiital precious gifts;
Aly daily thanks employ;
:Nee is the least a elieerllitlleart,
To taste awn': gills with joy."
Perhaps some who see the gorgeous loveliness '
of the forest, may not experience slid emotions. to
which we allude. The hcautiei of nature, sow ;
flint and so coninion here, may fail to awaken
that • spirit of enjoyment, and impart that calm de.
light which should 'be felt in such a scene. Do
not give up hope to acquire lt; look again. Look
at it undeianother aspect.' Walt puietly . for the
impression. to be given. Wait till the heart is
softened .by thou g hts :of l ow; dear one gone,
whose latest moments were made the must beau"
tiful by the melioration .or worldliness in her
thought, and the consequent power of reflecting
_more and more the hues of that Heaven into whose
light she was gliding. To think of the.mmtitione
of such an one, or if eke uttered no, word, to think
of the monitions of tech a scene, and the outward
signs will associtito in the mind with de
liglifiuf emotions, and the lesson of nature will be
one of love. Should there yet be provocation'
[needed, take with you the Mowing lines, written
by Clark. Read then—learn like him to make
October "the month of tlic heart." Poor Clark
went away in the greenness of his foliage, before
the evil days came, before even faun: had muturod
'in the first of its gush, was young and
sweat to him as infant breath. The first budding
of his genius was bedewed with tears fir his
death. He passed away heroic the autumn thin
ned his foliage, or veiled its hue. His leaves
were gathered like those of the June rose, and
like them, they are redolent of lasting sweets.—
lie has connected his song with the loveliness of
nature, and the song, like nature, will endure.—
Its inspiration is immortal. IVe loved him living,
and nut best claims for that affection are renewed
on a perusal of his verse. He passed away like
the immatured leaves of spring, but his own early
death gave a bell t freshiniss to the iumfortality of
his verse
Solent'' yet beautiful to view,
Mouth ot• nay heart ! here,
With sad and faded haves to strew
'Fite 'summer's tudattelioly bier.. -
The moaning of thy winds I hear,
As the red sunset dies Au.,
And bars of purple elottils
Obscuring livery western brat. ,
_ •
Thou solemn month ! • I hear thy voice—
It tells my soul or s otiier days,
When hut to live was to rejoice—
When earth was lovely to my gaze;
' visions bright—oh, Messed hours,.
‘Vliere are their living raptures now?
I ask my spirit's wearied 110Wvrg.,
1 ask my pale mid fevered brow!
I look to nature and behold •
ISIly life's dim emblems rustling round,
In Imes of crimson and of gold—, • •
The year's dead h toms on the grountlf
Anti with the winds, I feel,
While to it low pinions fattriniir by,
How mush their sweeping tones retest
Of life and human destiny.
NI hen Spring's delight some Mordents slione;,
• They came in zephyrs from the nebl,
They bore the wood-hail's melting, tone,
!_They_stirred the blue lake's ghost' bre:anti-4-
Through Suunaner, - fsinting
hrl'lley lingered in the forest shady; k'
But changed and strengthened now, they bent,
--- storm, o'er-mountsaar, - glen'and
• .
how like those transPoril of the breast,
When life is fresh loaf joy is new—
Solt as the balcyon's•downy, nest,
• And transient, all as they ate true!
• Thee stir the leaves in that bright Moidh, ,
• Which !lope about her forehead ttrines,
Till Grierallot sighs around It larentlie—
Then Pleatsure slip its smiles resigns...,
Alas for Time, aril 'M AI, and Care,,;•
• What gloom about our way they flute ' '
Like clouds in.Autuann's gusty sir,
The burial pngatnit off the Spring. •'
The dt cams that each successive yetr " • :
Seemed bathed in lutes of brighter
At last like withered leaves appear,
And sleep in'tlarkness shle by side.
. p Mr, 'Fatranagh, of Maine, acting ;Gtoiert4 .
61'014 Stott; vet"( jlli and not likely 4i recover;
Directot s.
, . . .
, .
r • ~ ~ •• , , • • .C.IIILISFE PANIC,
3 1
. t
- 1 i'. • '' -. ~', :' ,ctoliur 18, /84. , -. ,i.
- ‘7,OTIC,E is•lipteki giVen to, Stockholders in
• flr this Institutt9n,Allitt till flec4ien wilkhe held at
t le' Banking' fieuse,•on.therSt „MONDAY of,/ , 14-'
vember ne/4, , Netaikeiv4iie hours of 10 nod 2 o'clock
(eo4 the 20th tiny of the mouth,) for thirteen Di
rectors to serve the ensuing year. . ~ • ~.
, ~
_, .. :,,I , 'V M.,S. CQI3EANi Caeliey',
THE .:subscribed reispeetfullv• infertile
the Publiothnt be h9s 'egnlmellebd , the DYE.
ING 18t SCOURING - business *nt'llid ,ebtlier 'Of
North West Sr.Loutherstreet;Oero lie relitly ill
times to' do id kwork line , of +4ll nei), tti.thO
shortest notieis‘ititit onyassonable teroat
Ootober I h.tpir
:AVER;iinft; fi h
intighoto,, 4 44 #Apieriosii, , PrOdip,t,„
1,50 19 1 103'Fr • C° llj4 tul . . .;" ePtif i • c r.,
:A A 1? °: - ‘7k:TObl):,'
k - „li4 , 2,4tionides . at ,Law. ~ ..
tiiii''' d''' — 1
h .'
, .. , ,.un optgr. .. axe. - appoetate ne
•:: , :,•I;iteiti§fli 101):9 : 4,; inetßd - ,011.41 , 1,. in Cumb9r
. trO'Porry 'could di., 004,0 r NA!' :or t4m may
lid:iiiittyiifiitintniialciiniultditnt: they himeto-
Cort - tocettiiiod by S. Altixabder, neitt door td to the
.. . ' •
': ',•' • :.• E:" qt. , .!.§trk ' i : i y oßention,yß Ibo
' g iv .
e •
rtn 'a .
binineislilitd4llrpeli card. :
Eitdber 18,1§0'; ' -
*:. ~ .' '. tf t sl
NO* iiit ; ' lirartalitit •.'
~ •-. CAREY
... • 'l.oYedr the , Rail Pond, ShippqyPthigl •r.
. •
AVE' just opened the moat, extensive negnri-
H o
GO DS ever offered in this place. Every. yarirty,
of NEW: GOODS, : on laind 'cud will be sold at tto
lowest Cash prices ' ' - ' '
October 18, 1843.; '':: • (1.4!
IS'hereby 'hereby given to all -persons • having
claims against the firm of MALOY & WING
AHD, to call atthe place they formerly carried on
in, and they can have their claims satisfied, as (heir
is a sullieieney in the hooks, which are in the bawls
or Mr. Maley, to pay nil mir obligations.
And all pea said parties, are respect
fully solicited make,jiiyment of the same on soon
as passible, which wi,ll save unoleztsant feelings and
coils. ' !,1 1 ,IALOY WINGARD,
Carlisle, Ociolre; 13,1843.
•.Dfie Ladies
Will find at. the' store of Clippinger & Carey, a
splendid . ilisortinent of every article that is New
and Fashionable. As they are now evening their
FALL AND WINTER COORS, it will he to
their ;irman: to call and exionine their stook.—
Lots of Bargains on hand.
— (4N ARO - 443. tfit
Oasimeres & Vestings,
opening a large assortment of fashionable Cas
simeres & Vestings which will be sold la the lowest
October 18, 1845. .
F.iihscriber will offer 'at, public sale, oil
111. SATUIMAY, the .11th of NQVII; . MIII , ..'IL, on
the premises, the property known as : the Sterrett'd
Gtttt,Property, situate on either side of the Clinther-
ISIld and l'eTry county dine:toil lying in North Mitt
il!ettur, Cat roll and Rye townships of' said cohnties,
doseribed us follows: No. I, A • . .
Tract. of Larid,
con Mining 214. Acres, lying on both sloes of the
comity line, about 50 acres of which is cleared and
well cultivated, and ty remainder well: inibered
with oak, chestnut, &e', There is erected thereon a
TAVERN HOUSE, known as, the
Sterrett's Gap 'l , , r„, situate On the ,*;zlz. g
road leading fro 'Carlisle to Bloom- g li
field. There is ;esitles all the neceit- .37!
nay out-buildings and conveniences
necessary to R Tavern. No. 2, 5 LOTS OF FIE
TEEN-ACRES EACH, all lying in Bye township
Perry county, and covered with thriving young
chestnut timber. Also will be sold several hundred
'acres or Timber Land, using ill said township,
which will be sold with the above, or seprate, as
may best snit purchasers. Terms, &e. make konwit
October 18, 1813. Is-51
TH E subscrilief, - A - ssi - gnee in Bankrniii
ev, will, by order of NOW Court, ou SATUR
DAY, the 4th day' tif November, sell the following
valuable prUpetly, viz:
104 Acres and 65 Perches
of first rat& MILESTONE land, situate in West
Pennsborough toWnship. Cumberland Co., three
miles IVest Of Carlisle, on the NeirsilTii-7-road;rinl
joining lands of John PlAlntro Henry Hinter, IL
rid Nailor and others. The land is first quality
limestone, under good fences, and in a_good state of
Cultivation. The buildings are tt
other neeessarr out huildiags. a first ..i44;
rate STONE 'BANK HA It N, voung 5 ,
ORCILIIM a well of never failing '
water It the door.' The above mentioned farm is
i n a t io dilis p or t o f cunilierland Valleyoi rail road
of the same mom: , runs through the one end of, it;
one person wishing to view the property will please
rail oh Joint Fisliburn the suborriber,'who wilt
give intortnatiost awl show it. The terms us ill be
made accommodating to purchaSers, and an indispu
table title clear of all iticumbronees, and possession
will be given on the first of April..
On the same day will be offered it patented
Steam Distill.ery ,
with a good new boiler, that !night answer :1 Saw
Tait Vardar other works, besides l:u•ge Mood
vessels with Copper 11'111•tits. It will be sold to
gether or in pieces as m:n• suit porellasers. Sale to
uotontenee at 10 o'clock, t. 11.
Creditors_ will please attend.
Assignee in Ilniiketiptcy 01 D. I'. Srliei'lmam
lober Ili, 1843.
For the' cure of ObstimititEruptions`of the
Skin; Pimples or Pustules on the Face;
Hiles which arise 'RI an impure habit
'of body; Scaly Ern liens; Pains in the
Hones ; Chronic RI eumatism; Tetter ;
Scrofula or King's i'vil ; White Swel
lings; Syphilitic S ruptoMs; and all dis
orders arising tp' m an impure state of
the blood, either by a long residence .in
a Imt and unhealthy climate, the injudi
cious Use of Mercury, &c. .
This Mcdiciee hes frequently been found
highly beneficial in Chronic Coughs, or
Colds of long standing. ,
This Medicine has been esteNti'N:'ely used in the
United States with decided beneni in SCrriltda, Mer
curial tliseaws, and in all eases of an tWeeraell *char
acter. As an alterative in tbe:sprinA and 'jell sea
strt., it is unegnallet). It possesses many advaniakes
over the decoction, and Is introduced is ti piviiara
tion mere portable, not liable to injury by long keep
lag, and better adapted tr the use of person 4 travell
ing or residini.ithebad.
The proprietor begs .nee 'to call attention to the
following aortiOntee, e Wed from a htrge 'Amber
approving its efficacy':
• ~ Itenniso, Mardi 3, 1839.
This certifies that Atty . ,Mrs. Deem,
nearly-eleven-years angered froin-a-scrtifelnes-erep ,
tion resembling Nitre, which am deep, holes in lice
face, neck and arms, the constant discharge of which
destroyed her henitit, and frequently confinell'hee for
different piiriods to bee lied, Miring AS Web time her
sufferings were very great. 'rite, best medical atten
dance was obtained, and all 'the known . remedies
were tried with but an - elleviatlon of lieu
Medial ways returned with increased malignity.—:-
flaying lost ell 'miles of recovery, she Mid almost
determined to giie up the use of any other Medicine;
she was Itimmter, by persettution, induced to try
nakeley's holowalro of Samiporilla, the Use of
'five bottles or tvlpe t halt removed the disease, and
restored bee to set feet licaltit,
opposite the depot, Reading, Pa..
Tlii is to thrtif, tied' my little son,.abOtit eight,
years qhl,l4ll,4Bliffered for it Wog time from' exten-
Sive sores on the light' knee add leg, supposed to
hate been whiie.swelling,,Ayhibli,Jl found impossible
to beat, even • hit,. the itd or .tile most respectable
medic adylo,6til I was recommended to use Ale.
Oakefet's Cod - 416mA Syrup of Sarsaparilla, 8 bot
tles ef net may healed the sores, but perfectly
restoypd,the child's health. Which had sulfered much
in aousequence of this iiffectiOn. '
704iibote Penn street, Iteatling.
. .
• Tite above ease was presented+ to me both before
anti after the use of .Mr. t)akeley's Syrup otiSorsa , '
intrillav anti J have no hesitation in believing that it i
wail the agent of his restoration.
• • .Beading, Sep!. Litt; 1837.
• SOltl'lty 'C.. STEVENSON ,. ,
lisle and the following Agents in Cumber-,
land•Contityr- • •
• ' G. 'lVtinit`;Netr'Citnbeilanai . •
Joshua Crain, lloguestown: , • ;
JneollHtfrichorti,;AW.,: j L . j ‘',ll
;WOO; kiog4tlntratoviiir
StiOptirOatortt: z :0. ,
o_oso444,,MOY,lo.olllltpenshiti*'' ;,. - 1
~.:ii. ;
.:-. 4`.
i .
MOl NE a SittiE •
Assignee of Samuel
At i':Geluild'asif !Wok. Pitinshe'rotigiy M i'vn 913,;,
Cumbegland.Couitti,, , ollitrs At- Hit odium:lied iAlc,.to,
be held on WEDNEBI4A.V Alio 'Bth ddy of ~Is.lovetnb—
ee nein, the •." - , .
VA LuAittio , TAwi
belonging to said esilde, equate in said townlibipicon-
Wain; 231 Acres of Pmeitotie , Lind; Ow* ss
led on it a, '.;
• .• SWAY'VPJ)TP ,
57111111143 , 1111)331-:' , ;;';
witlrn Dud: llarn'and sereol;.oilterout.liotises; to
gethetivith n'thri Ong (*CHAIM, 1910iel
Nflll is iii a finestate Cultinititht, mid will be sold'
eperately" (matt Iry hole M 'suit" ptirr,hasers'..,...,7l'he
Cumberland Vallej rail road runs directly:tbrough
it, furnishing the licselbeilnies for Iskedily reaching
a 111211i1gOilt produce. ° • '
Sale to commence at I
.the afternoon,
sullen - attendance. will given sand Iin'NVIS made
known by •
Assignee of Samuel AloGeelocti.
Oc'ober 18.1843. • is-51
•,i 1 , j ,.1 y SH DIM AN
.___l_____• ,
OR ,
.. '': TM M ‘i• A Ptf , yr AR ti- I
11—li. 're •.3. - -. - *-!•'-•• oancisQ,NrE ...g, Vkl
til.:: :iri tozOVO, titif;;;; AssAus,
11 111 ; 1 " - ''' :' - ...4`'t,:..-.,4_,‘." 41,k N Y •
.•••, .. 1 . ~,..•:•••.." 1•,......::mi :44i*
..., , -
1 , t , 1 i , „'! .14 •P --
,• t d •••;.I.•ffyit 1.14 IR
•:41;II, A;• ; ' , '';10t1 "' - 1 41'a •
1, 1••'Ir:41 ,- ' 40 •:-14- V*•'• '?''
it) 'fif....4''''lli'4'.,ll-•••••,-.:.•:44,r-*•!.1 ••• ;.3 ,- ":(
.., 1t .. :. - ;i:"1!..... , v0itt r iL,,•, , _. , .,
47 )
i11..,‘.1.1.1: Wi... • 'tiMti -.;*;;
t.:' 4 i .,31i, ‘4 : ,.. , ....* 10, ~..._.--.t.
i i , , ,
ENGES,and grown people soy they ore the pica
gamest And most effective medicine in use. Enor
mous gaautitien are sold, and every holy likes theM.
Freeman Hunt, Esq., editor of the'Merehants Mag
azine, says tiny cured Ida cough in a few hours.—
The .Res. Mr. Dunbar, of the McDougal street
church, was cured of a arty bad cold and - cough in
one..'day. 'lug Rev. Mr. Anthony, by the Methodist
Church, was cured o f coa,sumption by them.
the lives of throistiolls.' ABk W. E. Evims, P 511.. fi
Walker st:.• the lion. Edward .1. Porter; I lon.'ll. R.
Bearthiley:Dr..G. I Ittoterotiol itetrply all our physi
cians, whnt they tliiiik of Sheriono'B„l,ozeoges, tool
they will. tell lon they live excellent—the 'only in
metkierite known. • . .;
real aI 4 M idotes.v. headaclm, pa ipit tition.;s64 sickness,
lowneoUt spirits,mal despoodemy—or the Oredi of
dissipation. Capt. Chadwick, of' the Welliagton,
Mr. Ackerman., tbegreat sign ranter, Mayor Clark,
and almost every hotly know a their value. • , ,
. POOR MAN'S PLASTER—Sherman'.; We mean
r•-•casts I cents,,,tual is once rheumatism,
Imultago, pain or weakness in the breast, side, or
hark; also piles—and they cure worms n hen applied
to the part. Ask „Joe He'd... or any one, who lam
'Used it, and would .give $5 fin; one sooner than (lie
cents for all other plasters.
Soldja Carlisle at lICNTL R 4.: KNEEDLER'S
Rook Store, East II gil street, who are saki Agents
'for CarliMe.
Building Lot at Private Sale; .
Toil F. subscriber ()freesia private sale, a yeti.
sotnely situated 13UILItiNti. 1.,0T. o,in:de in
the &Mole formed by Pomfret and West Digit streets,
in litiChorough,-atill yery nearly opposite Dickinson
Collegii. • is siztt it is equal to town lot nod a half.
There is not a more eligible or better location for a
private .tke borough. The : Am:dim'
cdnintatuts an eMictisite view oldie beautiful country
surrountllng,together with the
The lot needs only to,lte seen to bale its-advantages
admitted. For further particulars, as to terms, &c.,
enquire of the subscriber.
W. B. AltiltllANi.
October 11, 181.3. 11-30,
New Tobacco Segar
111 1 111 E subscriber would inform the inhubitants or
`ll . Carßald and its vicinity, flint lie has (4101(41 x
Tobacco and Segar Establishment, inSotalt Ilanover
htrtet, two doors South or the Court house, and int
metliatidy adjoining :%Ir. Burkholder's Bold. Ile
will keep ou hands Manufactured Tobacco. such as
Caventlixh, Sweet Scent, Plug. Roll, Virginia
Twist, Dulcisiinuis, Spike and Pig tail. Also,
Cut and Dry, Scotch Ilappee and Nlifacea
" him Snuff, Pipes, kc., Spanish, Ilia
Spanish :mil Common Segars,
of the hest quality, all of which lie will sell on
terms to suit the times.
N. B. 'rho subscriber Avishirs to Int%o it down
Fpoblie pan:4)ll34;e in opposition to imposition of
Foreign Mtiouractures. W by
Cadisle, October 11,1843. 11-50
No. 493; Market Street, above .1 .311 i
11011] ESPECTTULLY invites the 'attention of
lA, those who buy for cash (as he sells on nu
other terms) to his wry large and splendid assort=
meet of
just received front Englautl, in addititin to hit nstnti
stock of .FOREIGN and DOMESTIC 11. A R U.
WARE, or the hest quality.
He earnestly mimesis them to examine elsew h. re,
and after aseertainink the lowest prittiis at which
they can purchase, then to call not% itiotatalim; the
tlistanueomil unintitienced by the remarks M . interes
ted dealeri hi the samehusinessonal enquire the pri
ces of the same grants at his store. "
It is )I fixed deterntinati% and lie wishes It so
distinctly understood,. talt.ottly to sell us cheap as
any other store but postiirkty'rArapor. Ills arratuzez
moats are sou he believes, as to etiabli; biro to
do 'so, and yet make small Drat. At all events,
Cash purchasers will lied it to their intere4 to call.
IlEtilt L. F.I.1)EII.
()dialer II 18111. '21)1,50
L'conoiny, 'Comfort anti Fashion!
South West corner of third and Walni4 Streelo,
TILE Subscriber offers an assortment of
lONABLE and I'l AIN HATS and CAPS of
material, made by the best Workineti; Mid got
h i lnuolsome style. Also his " PA:FENT. CAS
siNivalf E HAT;" which is light, - ule'asautt anuillora
w,„utl best of all cheap. It retain§ its first ORPIII ,
11116: till Worn out; and is easily kept cleim tvith the
corilingqti clothes Itrugh or wiT
th..),,,s his own manufartory, peribnaily
iilLordlers, soul respectfully asks 11 tall, from' tlioke
41,,, , ..0 5 it.the city, tinullie-trusts-he !Nem
wtth sutilt.ontintrs,in Ids line as cannot fail to sire
L i ti s fit e tion; both, in price and in
Krikclet.inaile to order at Vtolittoice, and
ittlythat prove defective will utinfit elie..:rfully be cx
'changed'. r.t; .
2•••-• ! 't•! „MAYER BROOKE.
Oct i I t;18.11:. , • ' ' 50.
Cr.terlshintill fi n. FUltS'--Nltiskrat,' Raccoon, Ot
er, Fox, &o. Sm.
'Minable Farin
THE iubscribers, Executors 'of J am e s
Given, will Kell at public bale , no tbk
pVenaises, on, .TUGSDAY, the, Mat day of Qctober
next,ut 11 o'clock, A. M. Alt that • ' "
• •• Va.lnible
situate on tbo Walnut llonorn i ron4abniit One and a
half miles fronaCarliale,contamingtihngt 808 :kerns o
azatAsramate SA' $11.0 0 "
about 170 of which iseleaped land, the residue is in
thriving timber; baulk tb,eceott erected a large double
STONE UOUSF-4 , wits 9.9. shed mut • •
a liirge Siono."Stablo,iss log . Llaeiwa,
corn crth,l4,ith I other hecessl7 I • '
building% tugethee .Isllloeveervied ,
• welt of water, utid an excellent Or-
Chard. Irke,sdegrettitinthis in a goad. state of culti
vation, %ant W „iitolover.•'!llitt•
periv! 'be its• ono faratoe :divided to 'snit
:pyrilussers. I The terms he maile.lsnOnii at, the
amt niul Once of sale, by
..• , WON ' '
.IAbOB ,unkimit,
Executors of JanaeUlqivitv'elcoil.
'. •: 6.4
, „.
ITTnits ...resttimentary:on the ER.,
lout of JOHN S,ILIttER, +.11110,, oi%Eas% rem* ,
tow9alkis,lloelieeo'grottoilto sobtiork
itTreglin'F 4?, the Im!olo,t(0441)114 pergma
e te,4l! t 9 tirc,MUF . 4ool , ifl? make
paymoli v Oid tiloorbovii* olitomMo,ppeteni.
l!leql to • AYM.M4 I / 4 ERLittlf 5 fni%;1V , 4414r
tINIZAB.E I : I I'II,EtrAIt;AO for.tro. , '
9. 6 toYel* 4 /0 1 '
cikititt .PROCIPAITIA,4I,OIV.: I
HP.EAS the Hon. Sort. ILEPBO,
• ' OidellflUdda or„tlisi Court:lVipll-
: of Common
Pleas of.theillintkludielal district of .Permsyl-;
,and the Ilen..JOlin STUART and T)1033
, dur,iErt:Jucketi the 'mid COuriiif Caninicm
Pleas:fer the county of Cumbeiland; - 'hairelestiell,„
thiikrireccpt bearing date alba 14th day,of
1843, and to me directed, for MOM& a Court of
Oyer. and Tortniner, General Jail Deliiery, and
Goose), 44:Wafter 'Sessions of the Peace, 'at
lisle, on secondill.Ondny of November 1843—be
ing' the 13th day--ut 10 o'clock hi the forenoon,
NOTICE .IS .11HRERY GIVEN to the Coroneili
jrtoqcce of the Ijeace and Constables of ,the said
County; of CUM herland,' that they he then awl
there 'in theiri•! proper , persons, ith • , their
Records, In quisitions, Examimtiono: and other
remembrances, to.dollie things which to their of:
6corespectivclyiap'pertain•—ntrd, those who are•
bound by mogni4onecs to present!! e against the
prisoners that are, or then nifty be in the Jail of
said county, to be then awl there to prosecute
against - thermos shall be jeat and right.
Dated at Carlisle, the' 14th thy of% A num,
1843, and the 67th jiear, of,Arocrican Indepen
dence. •
• PAUL MARTIN, Sheriff.
Octoberl3, 1843. • ' , • tc..5
za.W a
CAN lie had at liacrdler F¢ iliinter!sCheap,liook
and Stationary Store, Kast street filmed,.
opposite to Ch:u•les Ogilhy'a, Ihry Chants .!ql'e; the
liillowiog list of CIM.I.I' \VI/IMS, ()Hate publica
tion, viz:
k it j 1
. Pictorial Bible, containing the pld and new.Tes
oiments, with tine thousand engravings, conildpie in
16 numbers at 25 cents each.
Cha Lectures on the 'tplsile of I'aS:l the
apostle to the !lonians, complete in 5 nos. .•25 cts.
- Biblical Repository, published Quarterly, price
75 cis.
American Bibliel Repository, devoted to Bibli
cal lull Gettersll Literature ' Theological ili2.enssion,
the I listorfor 'rheologicalOpinions, etc., by liolines
Agnew, 'rive it7,l .
Bildt:111 Spain by George Borrow,
Gcpsies " 46 64 .
• .
l'usyism no Popery." .
'Re-issue otthe Family Magazine illuslohm I will
7048.1 engravings, complete in 116 nos. '25 ets. each.
Allisini'sllibtorj , ol . Europe complete inlil otos.
25 cis. esek. .. ..L .
Encyolopet,lin.or Literature and Art, complete in
12 parts. . '...,.
• • Thierti' llistory.ol the French Rekolutioirwlthirr
Steel rdigraving , :cimiplete in Itl o. 25 cis.'each:•.
Mulloclts' Ga
zeteerhilt, tciren - maps 011 steel
Comph4 in 18 or '2O mo. '25. v. .4. cacti. -
..Sparks! Lire 01 'Washington; Complete in 14 tios.
'l5 ets. each. .. .
Compfoc Works of ore, in 8 ims.2s
]'print.' 'Encyclopedia forlahrtion of Hugh) Life
Cuthbro Johosoo, complete io 18 HIO, Y 5 cts.
. .
BlmkspOc's I)ramatic IV4:rhs mid Pootim with
obtesomil numerous Etchinici t on . riteel, complete in 8
nu). '23 els tutu.
Nlvt,. Ellis' celebrated ‘i•orlt,s, Wirea.of England,
Wooten of England i Daughters of nigland , Poetry
o f Lif,•,,voi e v.trona \ - Jut. g c. • •
‘Vorks by Frederica Deemer, PrAitletit's Daugh
ter, Scenes hi Norway', Nina,
Liebig's Agriculture mill Physiology. '
I,:ist,of the Barons lir Ilia wee. ,• .
False l'l,eir,by (tit Janieß: „ ;
• II plai tiim• theLifeof Theodore Agrippa
Adam . Drown,llic
Clitre.•:Joi it, by Dickt4ts. • • •
~,Winihor.Cohtle mill other tole!, too numerous to
mention. •
Also Cticap Letter and Writing Paper, 123"eents
a Claire. - -
ALM pt Client) Co,iy Books, 4ets enh.
Carlimte,,ol4. 4,1841,
BY kirtue of:, writ or vemiitioni Expmais to me
directed. issued out . of the Court of Common
Pleas of Cumberland comity, 1 will , expose, your
Beal Estate for, sale, at the Court llousbon.theohor
°ugh of Carlisle, on TII UIiSI)AY, diet, t 241 this of
November, A. 1). 1843, pi l It) o'clock of yid day, the
following ilCseribed Bral•Estatte,,vi7.: I , ~ „
't'wo Lots of. Gr9und, situate in IVorm
h.vshorg, East Pettit boro' township, each lot emi
t:tuning 5a,ylib, and one hundred and fifty
feet itillepth,'ntore o • ler& iounded hr a lot of John
Black on the North, Pune. Alley oil the, West, front
street on the East, and a street on the Smith, having
thereen erected a two Stoll LO tjOUSE, a small
frame Shop and frame ..tafile• ,seized :0111
execution as tfie propelty; id . ..fere:loin!) lteee'..
Also: A Lot of Cirnontl, situate in Dick
insult lOWithliill ' ,Clitillit iiill!ll county, coot:titling five
acres, mule or less. adjoining .bads ofiali. Gille
land, the \\'nlnut Bottom amid and OilleVS, having
thereon 'vet rted it large Iwo story. Brick, l ll()LlSE,
Tan Yard; Tun Souse, a stable and other mit houses:
Seized and taken in execution attlieproperty of John
Nlitireigh. i ..
Also—,A Lot of.,Grotinil, situate;in the
borough of Newt ills, to:timberland county, contain,-
ing, Gm feet in breadth and 1240 feet in depth, more or
lehs,' him:tiled by ;Lim of John Biller on the W'etit,
George Lightner on 'the East ; Mail. ,isticett oil the
North, and Church idler on the,SoinliThaving there
on erected a three story . Frame !loose and a l‘itclien,
and a frame stable. Seized and taken is execution
as din primi:riy of Al:Minot Barr. • .
Also:•:—Otte-thiril of a Lot of Ground,
containing one acre, more or
.less, adjoining. Big
Spring. on the East, Main street on the North; mid
John Blom on the West, having thereon erected a
Tan-yard nod buildings belonging to the same, and
a two story Stone !louse and Kitchen, and it SlOllO
stable. . .
Also—A Lot .or Ground containing 0)
acres, tnore or less, sitimte in Norton township,
hounded by hinds of 11'illiam 11. NVocullipill on the
South, lands ol.litenh 6iosloe on "the, lito4, and p
lane on the North, having thereon erected at Lod
House and a Log Statile. :I t , i•
A Lot of Ground. contai n ing about
one-fourdi nerr, more or leltiktvaielt tont own-
Ellin, adjoining the'rttilroad Olt the l 3'll'lth% Mg Spring
on the East, Norville road on the Westomil other
jitime- , ty pr Miry Oil dIA Noilli• liusiug
thereon erected it tau btol7 610110
icred..• ' ,
Lot of Croonil, in Newton
township, rontaining about three-faispilis'or an Hell',
11101'0 or less, bounded ou the East by Ilig Spring.,
111,1 1110 South by the AV:ire-house lot, oil tliU %Vest by
the Newsille VOllll, and' on the Noilh by a lot ca .
Win. Itafesnider, having thereon erretait it Patent
Lime liiha. Soizeil and tAeii 11l pxecution MR the
property of ill iota Barr,' Anil to by linkl bit te,
LL a PAUL Awcrtm,
October 11, 18.43. S . is-50
-n s7 Ala
11111? copartnership Heretofore i..sisting bet siren
11.. the stiliscribvis, Ihrwarilinz inert:hams, under
the firm .of IF.EI k IIAI.I 1 1.1 !CV'. was dissolied
oil the :30th day of Septeuhlier last; by mutual von
rrid. The business will be C(11111t1C4:11 future by
Jacob Ithecin. The bookiHnd accounts I contra in
sow, indebted to the late firm are rtqltliltell to make
payment.--and all persons having .litintis will please
presilit them to tit the Ware .Itouse, roe
nee of High and West tame's. - •
.1, ;: . .111. SF. PH 1). 11 A.1.13E1r1 . .
Carlisle, October 3, 1843.
•I t SSIG.N EE,,eleconvr.
IN 'hi: Court of Common Piens of Cum-
Como) i . •
Now, to wit; .2 1 41; of August 1843, the Account of
Tito:tins I). Uric, Aloft-nee 'or Henry Heger VII
Wife,pre.leitted to thmenurt du Monday the li3th'
dm. of.Novianher next imPointril for the tionflaimption
of the Sallie; wisieli all persons.intermited *Hit tyke
notice. -Hy the Court
. • • ' Telt 'MOS: H. CHlSVintitli....'
'Cnrlisle,September e 2,1843. ,
WILL bo rented by pub outvri 0,11 SAT .
UR.DAY;the'2lst of giffeber,, ii)st4nti•
'(JtISTII 'etm sea , the BNllii,rBltNl ;011
lash' if in, Situ belonitig, the:Subscriber.: '
id situated in "Diekittititt township, on -.Wet'
Ilreetthitte tietir
It is kuOli sonsmouli.,,by , the
liey" will be rented
,siTeravrii? is tety,liest suit... A.
pat ki'sliinrs'eniiiiir di the ,ort.inisol..
bs . gaseit'sTl terms on
titectlay, of rciitiii by 1. 1 1'
ok.. 4; 1843,, " . °, ,tr.-48
•, „ .
Assknment 9f Amu, It 41010 , ',
NN vie p4tb,,4 a r,pc avjust uli. +llloM,its 11
IaKI,LES pi:Otelialth,c/oßibtplanil,countcomodi!
m sosignttient orawhis,stßatakto.,il)a•SlttOriber ror
iho'i beuAtu
efft of ,Isioiureolito 48-10efore, itill, perfume
luotitql ols pet (human& tpituss,AssigOOrs use eo.'
questa to ntopeotY theucateoporly,OUtimullelit .for ,
autlieuVid ?migloot liciar,lend Wl' 01 0 411 1 (10 0 to,, 7 4 , `,41*4. - r s , ,lirOilite , let:tiirderit z.,:ifilifr:‘zthil
i 2 i 4 m tl g e r l4 o r w t e i m ile h d er T ii m o sk t k
~ ,,r.4 4 x). e c,, ,,1 rk ~ , ,t. :, ,, c 4i,re 117 , . 1 , t i tr .i. g f e )l o444 , i6 , oo/0 „ , di4 , ,0000.4 , 1 1 .i** 4 ,
' '
1,-' ,- 1 „' „ --, ~t , ,t, •1 AfiSigtit:Cf , s ';',„t4t:t 1 , t. ~ , 'Ol ; ';'' 4 ;',',........”
+ ` i 'estFirsber; 20tli Ad. :, • ::,,•:• 4 --,'' ':. ,i.rsit-i lkOutlviloat,* 184 Pe- .?r,','4 . :7'i- oARl:gtv..4.,to r,
....,,,,,...,.::„..,,,, ~, ,4,-, , p- : - . v.";`,,V--.'.',1:,Y;';,, T i , - , ",-t:se.,,i'p.r.,'";;- , ' ' ' p, ' '.,,•;:"',',';',0”;vic,,,01.2
Sheriff's Sales.
toot§ . ANo sTATiothY,
For idle at,,J; LOUDON':s .Cheop, riookstOre, a
four Ethico:lhe:Coo Office,' Main •
• • :,./t4raat,Parfialc,.(old:atand,),,',..,! •
• ,
gg etatittimortinnt, of .Religiaus, Dlls,
Books, • .
eimsisting:thlgtaitof 'Family; School, Octavo size
and pockeoPlas, of, various kinds i ond,Binding,
Ugnry'y,Gorpelontur' on tlie!old andm*, .Testa
ment R :Ruyal 8 vo. commentary
3 vols. Iloytitoo. D . oddridge's
tor, conm[ete: .orie Royal b se. Buck's
Theological Piciionti3Y, fit . st,4 vols. Dielr'
- in I .vol iniyar 'vie,' riled Diek's wiiiks,ortm.•
pleto in 7 vols.,',...Pyllere Unlyeisar Hititory u ltol.
hies Ancient History h vols.; Naples likstury of
thePPllinsula WA' vols. Royal; ,8 vo.,;ti Wit,
room Ornithology hi* v01.,18 on.. colored Plates,
fine Turkey Binding; Aitken and ProNts,British
Poets 2 vul's. Also the, 3d .vol, o .cpitititiation
lately published, (from Southey 19 er,'s
trite Chritliaidiy, transfided front the Gerninti by
Rev. J. N. Iloffiniri,-pow Pastor of Rao' Luxiievan
Church of thlii place. Abu. Litlliernn, MUlltedlst i
Presbyterian 'and Winebrenitrian Hy dari;;llooks.
Also the different Aritlimetiek's
Mitchell,', Olney s and Huntingdon's pee./rSphica
and Atlases, Algebra, Philosophy, Astrontany,
Geometry, Grammars, Expositors, &c. Angel's
No. 1,8, 3, 4,5 and 6 Readers, Cobbs Roaderoil,and
Table Books. Also Ledgers, Day Books, Asir:lets,
Receipt Hooks, Memorandum Books, has
also on hand different articles of Statiritery aQ
follows; Writing, Letter, Note and Deed Boer;
Visiting Cards, Seals, Penknives, Silver &milked
Pencils, Slates, Wafers, Mathematical' instru
ments, Guider's Scales, Dividends Sand; j;ces,
Itikitiiiitht of various kinds, extra fine Paßll o Vic.
torip; pens, Black Sand,hlack and red Ink lkoillexr
'Sable and:Caine' Hair Pencils, Bristol Board, ; wa.
ler colour,:losic Paper, Port Folios, Lithoirrifilsic
Prints, Pocket !)ups, Albums, Blank Cardeilarge
office and trammtuyit Water.t, Fancy colniej Pa.
per, Opaque & clarified Quills,Fancy 130#3, Sze.,
Also, Violins, Fluies,Filest ad other. Rooks and
stationery too tedious to inention. Also Sunday .
school Books and Tickets, Hythe:BoOks;*.c.
of wiper' or quality mannfuctured by i3elreae, Sou
and Blanchard, Phila. The 6nbarriber pas Pattern
books, containing specimens of fine and common .
Paper, end can procure lit,nAtv days notice any.
orthe ditrerent paucity; ilieiturchaser may {quire:
He also. carries on the,
11'90; Binding Business-,
in ell its various branelies,Ohere he manufacture's'
Ledgers, Day Bmilts, Dockets and blank bookii
every de;mription, arid quality superior to (lose
in the city fur, country markets ; also old .
Books rubomitl.. • I
Persupsd C r shing
. to, have tlicie• old 'Melts,.
bound, can be soiye'd et a moderate iprMe;•and:Or
thus enabled tOPiaaPrYeimmy yaluable boas that
might i utherwise ha 105t..,. 1 ~•.
Wrllidg and Letter Palter at lqi mid.itheent •
per quire 4 . i J. LOUDON..
August 9,1843. • 4 .
THE subscriber has taken th a t well
liL ktioVrt tavern stand in South MIMI er street,
formerly octopi( d by Wm S. Allen, and more
cently by Alitchel McClellan, where lie is prepared
to accommodate all who luny favor hint with Ili
cuticula, in the beat style, Mal on the must
able terms. •
.liis ,Il Alt will always Jut .supplitni. the
choicest...liquors—mid his with the best,the
inarlitts , gati Word. •
Ills S'ITAI)I,ING. is orpOc o .andiearpful 0511 w? will he kept nlways
tl) 1x25 will
find it to their ullvillititge to givehiui n call.
.takcii by the week, month,
Or year.. • 1 .
, i Nothittr, shall lie left milloM) On the part of the.
subscribet. to please those oho may pay his house
therefore solicits a share of public patron
11. L. 131111.KHOLDEM
Carlisle, April 1:3,1843.
itain street, one square West 01 the Court lloue
11. suhstriber having - teAseil tl)e•ntiolro .
. house, would titost' respectfully .Antibuittaitii
ids rebinds and the tkoblic getTrv.lly 1:11111 ,he ift,ve . r
pared to a?.cokinkkoklate"thein Quill tile trui.ellingb . olrit.
tuttitily, ill style that Ike hopes r ill til ; mund satis
factory to all who mar layer hint with a call.
',His table will recei've his especial , . itttentiotr,
shall nlwio be altunditotly sigkplird with .the best to
he find, in the county. late is alai will he thunkl
uannantly stipplied with the choicest Wines and
I.ititines ilatt'are tokike obtained here and in the eititpi
The Stabling attached !to the Iloost;
and will be under Elie charge of. a:cakroful.Ostler.
lie hopes by aslv o ltuttcutlon to business to receive
n.1 , 111(41'1 share of;the publimpatrika4e:; r •
00 7 .1:0ARDEjts II ill be taken hy.the \Next:mouth
or year.'' ' . I .1 WILLIS POULIK.
Carlisle, April f 7,18-13. 11.43
• t • J. 11..8114fi1i
Miry bib nrg, Pa
114 !:informs Far
o•Fltatits apil the public gen
erally, that he' is noir prepared Irith large and coin
nino;tous War'p Il.oilscs, op the Ponta Count, near
the tout of Italniestket,itt Ilarrisbarg, to receive
in Stine for. Shiptumiti,. Cothitry produce 111111
chniolize for Philadelphia, Baltimore and Pittsburg
and all W 611110140 'ltem •1); I...ceelt and . CON
1.1110;111111,1141;1111191Y111g first clais'tide Water Canal
lluals,:11: Hut from thu Ilottses iu Harrisburg.... 4 .
float, J. C. Mc Allester,
o Chesapeake, ‘,
Mary mid Nlartlia,„
• ' . ;
May St, 84;. IP Si.
Hay and Oats . c
PitoposmAs Mill he received nt this office on-,
lii SATURDAY, thelth day of
1% melcal; M. for simply tug this swim], mi,il6 11/Vl'
AND oATS toe cuteear ' rommencior. on the I f,th
of NON ellltiee tievt. Thellay to he nil timothy of
his year's get:Milt, anti both articles o.lbrage,to be
of the best quality. The !lay :mil Oatt; most be de
livered in the Oronary or Mollies A 0,146 stiti4m,
may be dettignated, in such quantities, as may be re
moved. The number of Dimwit Nitta' Probably be
sixty eight: ' Euvy.vou,DeAs % •
Ist Lient. 4th Artillery A,. A: Q,,r. Master.
•Qr. 'Master's Office}
Carlisle Barrack% Pa.
211th September, 19413.
. .
.• •
INRSAYI. ct. 1114AKISTONiAlook.
n • Sellers nod 4 1.111iiik Book llmttifactngcrs, N-.
WesC - corurl of - , 411 ainireliestnot
delplint have till! isle a general •assfirtinent of Med-
Theolowvali,Clossical School and
cos Books and Stationary. •
•-MMIDK:A.L.—AII' the text hooks used. lib :dui
Universities and Colleges, together witliAp. new,
hooks II soon 115 they 11111! published. •
'l,lolol.4l3(ilCAL—lbilpitandp4 6 o4 l ,
blew, .Combientaries, Prayer Books, 11
.ytitti ,and
;Church Choir Books, works of statidardiniitPtintli
;noditlie new-hooks of tlie,dity. CLASSIqA•IO,,AaND
SCIIUOi —All those in most pcip`nini• itse
liand colleges, and in the sarionsbranchen ottfienuegt
Muclitding those in. the Ertnac4, l tie;
!Greek and Whin langungiss. " ,`" ,•
MISCELLANEOUS.—Woas of sumolapt).*eit
'thors fool thenew books as Issas!! . STATIONMIY
, —plank Book,/ diffbreni sixesaiat lush the' mi.?.
rions sty,lenof binding, eheop nap letter, papern iper,
i cantile wad 'veliourstationnry.l36llANV.
ied in ally styli.; ',Wok 10) 0 4 no . ide;ne,cmiltso, god
hound and railed to patteNi.4 r _ . : t s . •
' BOOKS tint int' tinathwill!te * .iiroOredifly , iirifetot
1110. will beftienished ns lOw they,44lik.'flitt ,-
:ed elsewhere in the citri ' b. V !!! •
: L. & B. reeirlienlltte•tothllemioivioralailiTeier# 4
Ilarper Brothers ',of, New, ; York os Ain? ink;
'tidied; (mobiiiiiig ehetip Aura and
prepared to funds!' thenato Country Allrintantikant
agents on favornbte terms. • •
rbilailelphia;SePt.ctur lett: ;. 1..1t0r
to.tet. a. 4a. mouoirAtsiv
• pErtrisT,
toisrthit Teell;.
nis Seating, 44r14ci;r1;1'11"eZ`"."
the too them r, inserting, Art be om
a single Tooth, to a tell nett.
i 7omoe ill Fitt street; a lbw'doord tilotit)t of Ilia
Rat N. 1,1. DP. Loomis be absent AVM , el
the lest teu days, m
iuustatmomb. IA •, t, ,
1411 , 124, 4,7 t r. . ,