Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 18, 1843, Image 2

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leediteiitZeiy,` October IS, I 543
ilubjett to the tlecisioh,q a Natintial_Conventh‘m
d. A sound National Currency, regulated hyliie
will'nnd authority or the Nation.
2: An adOuate . Rovaatie, with fair
American Industry.
;3. Juat restraints on' the rixecutivo power, cm
bracing a Blither restrittion mi the exercise of
kfaithful administration 9r the public domain,
with'an equitable dlstrilici'don or the proceeds
of sale's of it among all the St rites,
.5. Au honest- and onniumical •atiministrittion of
'the General Goverrancnt, kitting public alicers
peifeattrectlain of thuught end of the right . at
suffrage; but with suitable restraints against
improper interference in ciettions.
'6.- An atnendtpent to the Constitution s limiting
the incumbent of the Presidential mike to 11
These objecle attained, I think that We should
ecase to ho'afllicted• with bad administration of
ho Government .—llErnty cum
Dr: LINN., Unitea States Senator hunt Missouri
died at St. Louis, on the 3d instant.
ID'Tlic lion. John Quincy Adatne ban accept
, cd the invitatiion of citizens of Pitsinnit to vie
^that city, and Will reach it probably about the 18t
-of Noiember:
'lrrAlorton Melilicha el is. elected Sheriff Of
i,ha city and county of Philadelphia over .lanies
11. Hutchison, the 'democratic candidate by dint
,800 nonforily,
Massacre of Nestorian Ciu•isti:tiiN
• The extent of this horrible butchery, says the
New Inorlc Journal of Commerce, is not yet fully
'known{ 'but as a: conspiracy for the entire - sub.
• tugation, not to say extermination, of the race,
' was formed between the Paella of Mosul and sev
eral Kurdish chiefs, the worst is to, ho icarial.-=
Vkqere lsPP,Y_Joicarn,Jiawever,z-that—tho:fitinily
•VEAlio Mar Shimon, the Patriarch, has suffered
- less than was a trirst announced. Letters received
at the Missionary House its Boston, render it
probable,says the New England Puritan, that only
the mother and one biother of the Patriaelrhave.
been slain; that three other brothers have born
•taken prisoners, and that two have fled to Persia.
in gives us pleasure to add that the American
Missionary, U'r: Grant, whose life was considered
.in-danger, has arrived safe at Mosul.
'The Silk Interest. •
• 'a:7:eConventio . n of Silk Growers It n I'l lfanu•
`facturers assembled at the rooms oftha American
Institute, NoW York, on Thursday. Gen. James
Tallmadge, of New York, .upon, being called to
'ilte'ehair, stated that this was the first National
Convention &Ver scalleil in this country, and its
object was to take into consideration the oxpe
• dicncy, as, well tis the possibility, of making silk
'ono`of,the staples of the country; to ascertain
whether its culture be or be not congenial to the
soil, and then to advise those ctigsged , i n the mat.
ter to go on with it, if notito cease their labors.
Effects 01 Gorryaliandering:
ci - The lute elcciion in Pennsylvania - tiliows
the fruits of the infamous practice of Gerrytturn.
dering districts. • The Congressional Opportiod.
ment bill passed by the UR loco Coco Legit:l:H.llre,
was so arranged as
,to give the Whigs but4four
*certain districts, with three more so very doubt.
ful as to give the Whigs but. little hope of title.
needing: The infamous intentions of . our•ttrib.
pouts have recoiled upon them with terrible. et:
'' , Dmt. ! In the late election the Whigs have suc
•ceeded In carrying ten districts, with:the probe.
biltty of two more, not yet heitrd from, thus mu..
king a tie in our congressional delegation ! Hon.
esty ie limbed policy.
MURDER IN COLUAIDIA.—The Columbia Spy of
Wednesday, gives an account of ti horrible mar. ,
, der just discovered there. A German laboring
'woman, who occupied a moan building in a low
Tart of the town, was missed about ton days ago,
'Some of the nthbors • broke,open• her door and
disci:tiered her body in eliigh state of decompa-
Sition, her throat being cut from ear to ear. The
Shull vett also
,severely froctitred in two places;
and in addition, alarge gash extended .from the
, right angle of the mouth,' The nnfortunato we.
man Vat,' tibutit ihirty'years of age and Dyed alone;
andblatough laboring fur ri liting it was sapirosed
Ant had considerable money. A small Sum duly
vvvae found in
kitoiMmett 'lnotario.—":llm Indiana Btsles.
' , man of the 23d ult., publiilhed a tNcitv Ilartfieny
eaye,that at the recent sitting oft lieVrand - Jhry of
that county,a hill of, indictment was found against
Poratoor illgger,for.pordoning.(on the solicitation
of the peopie . eftlay county) an individual named
:Rend lief ore: ewer he was tried, for crimes commit
led in Voey tennty.
:(o . " , orite•oduetttion of nur childrem" said :Yoko
Adams to. , his))tife, !oto -never out .-of my ,mind.
titiin them to - tifttid. - ,'Habituate them to Indus.
tikiiictiiitY Make thein comilder
very vice awshameful and unmanly:. : Fife - Ilion)
"With' ber.mseful. "Make 'them disdain
'to be desqtnto of any, useful ot'ornamental knota
' UP - Mho New, Jareey'elealion :wan carried for
'the Locos this year, prineipaliy. by the. etdrtions
and wealth of CapPiP Stanhicni who succeeded in
° .*f i li f) o!ft TY/el : squad in fl!OPfuk°,6Pfr!oiontlY
fdrgeld hold . thci haiance of power. ,', The Locos
itill'ihis tioiei nieti are ilPiitillitini , Ss to. y.h.oni
' 00.,'YidtOrY;beloneti. ' c" ,' '• - •• ,
• 7, i*Alliion, the historlen,
,at, the, eh* of, One'
oelife,:"ir,olte, Writes r rilititi : .4eepundingly of the
, pttuOttt of 't'ogland- as It Tititton. :110 secs too
..,, , ,
r ~
etronglt:leailing.toldeefoc y , ' the goVernihg.
PoW . ori! of 1 4,e.d117:TIttloss oin MO - on the part
lathe court O!,14 blf.# ''tiv . Qlf:mEy prove 'pre.
-1041o ffO I JOAliO•tft° . ~ ,41Fof 13 °P! of the British:
i?it.iiii:r .- .4--,-',
,Brig ! B "Lkbra.
muge •
'` f Ferei~nt ; fj
" •
.m4ea °J;"
th em
~,iii Vilreng„•rec?...l!l:
-7 , 38
eisAjtl'te4t. mce „
• .lt7 - 7" , . ' • A
0411 tll;tetuio:balni'n'COised netbo.bite
aloetinn o . oC99ttes4'jind ktiiio'
egWaturo,)riii!.4lo yrquind, I#.4l4i::tablii belay.
We hive ti-truat ritiiiiber'cf:Pii :
grbsmen elected by the Whigs; although we li . Uvri
lost the Legislaturd, the Whig Canal Commis.
sipnurs, are pia° last. : 'rho majuriiy
against LLeu will PrOtiat),ly fio 3000:
71,Itmik 4e'Ts of :CoiigiviSis - lEre.tTAe - C7
D14.-L , L0c0Pic05.:........'.018:.•••• • '• Whigs..
. 3. John T. Smith. Edtcar'd J. Morris._
4.'T ehales .1. - ingeritdh 2. JuAepli It. Ingersoll,.:
'Jaeob'S . 0
9: • 'John Ritter. • • 1110111vaino.'
Hi. Richard Brodhead.. S. Jeremiah Brown.
11. Benj. A. Bidlack ficnry
12. Almon D.Recd 14. AlexMidar nannie3r.
Hi. James Black. Janne!! irOne, •
19. Henry D. F9ster‘ IZI. Antireu ., Steorrxt.
21. William Wilkins. 11th Johrt.bielsey. '
22. Samuel Hajrcs."".
15th Dint.—Dr. tient) , NCss. (Tariff-GI)
Senators Elected.
frrTwelve membeis of the §tste Semite were
to be chosen thisyetir.--40 have accounts of the
election of the following gentlemen:
Districts. •
2. John Foulkrod,
James Enur, jr.
3. Jahn )
5.' Samuel Fvg )
11,:riry Chapman,
8. Francis W. Hughes, ( n )
9. Jefferson li, Heckman, ( " .1 -
11. DanielL.Sherwood,, . ( ) .
12. Joseph F. Quay, • Whig. )
17. Adam Ebnegh, . (Locoftwo.)
27. Elijaloalabbitt, ( Whig. )
The Senators holding over from last year are
Locofocos, 13, Whigs, 8.
house of Represisntativei, .
1843. . • 1842.
Loco., Whig, ! Loco..
0 1
40. 1 3
1.0. 1 0 •
4 0 4 . 0
Bedford • 0
Catribria - 7 0
Che • ster 0
Crawford 2
Cumberlr.ntl 2
Columbia i.
Dauphin I
Delaware, 0
IlontingdOri 0 -
Lancas . ter 0
toibanon 0
Lehigh and Cu
Lycoinina, Clinton.
and Putter,
1 1 2
Imzerne i 1 -
Mifflin '. 0 - 1 1
Montgomery' .3 . 0 3
Northumberland 1.
Northampton and .
Monroe 3 0 , 3
cm,. 8 •• 0 8 0
city 0 5 0 6
Perry. 1 0 1 0
Schuylkill 1 1 1 • 0
Union end Juniata 0 2 2 0
Westmoreland 3 0 3 0
Washington,` -;2 1 0
Warren, McKean, ,
and Elk, 1 0 1 0
York 3 0 3
..._. _ -
49 31 52 • 33
New Jerivey.
Con Crary to custom for the last fi7c or six yeaid
the Democrats in New Jersey appear to have
made a clean sweep—carrying all their tnembers
olCongreis,and a majority of both branches ofthe
Legislature. The returns of all the State, shoW
the election of 12 Detimeraiti to Council, and 6
to the Assembly, .36 Democrats to 22
Whigs, mtilting a majtirity un joint ballot of2o—,
thus insuring the election of a Democrat for Gov.
ornor, and all the State and County pointments
to the VIM party.
(1"! ray ihereturns from .01iio, as far-ti; heard
from, the ViPiligs have carried a majority of Con.
.gressmOn, and it is believed both krinches - of the
Virigvirit is gloriously roT
Wo murex etrililo 'showing the delegates 15freo
are certainly elected to Congress from Ohio: •
Ist District—Alexiinder bunean, Ind.:Abe°. .
4th " leoseph . Vante,'Whig.
6th llenfy locofoco.
9th " Elias floicmce,'whig. .
10th - Herman A. Moore, locofoco.
12th' Samuel F. Vinton, whig.
13th .. Perky D. Johnson, whig.
14th , " Alexandei Harper. Whig.
15th , 4 . Joseph MOrris, lou - oos.
16th " JAMS Matthew ; locofoco..
17th .. Wm. C. McCuslin, locofoco.
19th D. 11. Tilden, Whig.
Roth 1 . Y Joihna R. 'Giddings, whig. •
This shows the election or 7 whigs to 6 loco.
foeds. 'There remain 8 districts to be heard from
of Ail;ielt the clemearatic Whigs will no doubt car
'ory'tlreild,Rth and . 21st, making ten in.nll-orid
nidre than Was unticipated,_ Ms? run It_
Neliitireircil of earrylng.lhe 2d district.
Philadeiphia Ele.cti6n.
The deletion resulted gloriously' for the Whige,
beyond all'anticipation. The triumph is victim :
•plete, that it leaves us nothing to wish for in the
prlncipleo - .ofPliliadelphia city. Lost
year the
,majority ofJohn I. Scott, for Mayor,
Wee about 1;00; oh Tuesils'y 'it proved to be two.
Adttgand eitx hundred anilXei.: ho Whig gain
thiti ticket, compared Withtliit.yeat''svanjority,
itysi)tteen'hundred% •
Nsweisitss.--Tlit`r:elvdfiripdt ilallfb7citrunidle•
ofciviliiatlon, the common :resevi;sit into'which
tveryl,', , Streani pours'hte iiPing.Walsrs; at which
every marl; can coine , vin , d:ctinkfit is.the
itA4,WhiCh gives to iiherty.-itslife--its
•beibittit obsetVati--ite P r i''t° ol • 1 1g i11 nC° — .
t daily
and Iltepiciiviateliiitatt, n 'teptirtillApiti or.
pty thengdi Whicli t titenticeellicillnstittitlone'Of due
country;And itiiiriterests,
The newspaper informs the bigislature'of public
Opinion, and , luforms the people of the acts of le g . islationi "thus keeping ttp that conSiAnt'sYmPaillYi:
hat goodimaprottinding beiween people
platers, Which' _ .con duttettli , thditnaiptent!niiir of
or,der,,4a4 revlntik the stem 4ciesiti tyt,rdr revobui
# O P/tr 1
, •
,AIZ7! Mount
lte depth, \One *l)i4lBikilp
r • , • ,
. c - • •
:;-•`,fr'•.r• •„, r,' .
• -
' The-spirit Ait 4,l4p . kipqr. ys rettiro 4 llp.o.the
VeerPof • party, Hai, 4. 0 .:Nor:
Toik r : rrribuii
Re'eted; aliffeveiywheie; in its pr0:184141 . f, ihe same!
'140144 triuiiiiifMiltrir ''-the forces of ifbeii.Foad
rem ernwn the labors and AIM. efforts of the gal
lant Whigs. &fern 'oAtIOLINA, TtSpiNiSSEE, MA
antl 9, tonet 'fueWesillieiy . wheeled.
— triumphant
agalifititu thdlirie;,atiff'stand proud y
ilre4laig:Armendaney.-.7: The ..earivans:lmmachml
these States has _been Most- aniniated-Mit.erithii±
_The prominent ,principles of the Whigs,
hate been bOldlY - tirM,Ved;
ithadlly 'urged 'llirmigliout the wheld'eairmaigm
The battle in' ach of thefie•Slates has been 'fought.
under, the , banner of,a Protaplitil :Torfff; and in
them : all, Southern Staten-as they are, it waves
in triumph. Id Tennessee the opposing midi:
dates canvassed the State in person, and niot in
open diseuesion, befori, the - people, of the great
questions involvedin 'the struggle. 'rho gallant
J oN cs (lodated himself in favor of a Protective
Tariff and a National Banlq he was met on time.
high issues by one of the moat popular and ace
five orators in 'the Unio'nL-and yet the people,, in
the face of* all triumphantly sustained,
him. In Georgia, a planting State; and hereto.
fore regardcd'as irrevocably pledged against Pro.
tection, the Central State Committee threni out
their colors for a Whig TAILIFO, an American
Tariff for the Protection of American Industry
and the creation of a llomallarktt for American
Predneffens; and dm people have rallied beneath
them, end now they float intriumpli. . So, ton, in,
Maryland and North Carolina; in all these States,
moreover, the-name-of HENRYI CLAY has been
the watchword with MMry Whig, and how glori.
MIS is the eche it has aroused!
( Loco fdtb.)
.t )
Do not these cheering results, in quarters where
they were least expected, give ground for renew
ed confidenOe and still more_hopefulcxertiamon
the liart of every Whig? Who can now doubt
the spirit of the people or fail to see that they.a re
ready and anxious for the coming struggle? The
great Willa. party of 1840 stands prepaVed to re
new its efFort and to aecure the triumph it then
Ochievcd. Let us look forward with the cont . '.
dencomf well founded hope, but relax no exertion,
nourish no feeling of disaffection,mnd emit no cf.
fort that can in any way advance the great cause
ci Iwq have at heart. '
0 1
1 0
. 3 1
0 ,
• n
1 0
.2 7 1
2 0
TLe. Whig Victory In Genrgin.:
..(X)'Thc victory of:the Whigs• inAGCorgia is
triumphant and complete! The Whig 'Governor
is elected by a majority of over 3000, and 'the
Whig majority on.joint ballot In the Legislature
is about,3o, ! This
,triumph is essentially one of
principlest and those the glorious Whig princi•
plea of which Ilsnrq CbAY is "the life,_thc soul,'
the perfect emboilimen't !" - •
_Thy Augusta, (Georgia) Chronick i ln speaking
of the result, says r—lt is, not the mere triumph
of ‘ll political party in a State, based open local
questir ns, but it is the triumph of principles—of
Whig principles—of the principles of tub great
Whig party of the Union—it is the - triumph of a
National Stink, and the advocates ofd sound cur
ienay—a• Turin for revenue over direct Taxation
and tha Locofoco huMbug of "far trade,"—a
distribution 'of the public funds—and, above all,
it is a triumph which proclainis to the
trumpet-tongued, in terms which admit of no
ambiguity, that Georgia has. unfurled her banner
to the breeze, with the name-of HENRY CLAY,
"the Farmer of Aeliland—the .Unrivnllcd.States.
man and Orator," inscribed upon its Jidda. It is
thus that we must contemplate this great triumph
of the Whigs of Georgia, to appreciatt its int
p4tancc in all is bearings Upon the teat ques.
tions of the day. • '
D ?) - The next election for President will - be de.
tided under the new apportionment of Electors.
Tha i number to which col.' State is entitled, is
set forth in the anncled table. Politicians had
bettor lay it by for tho Purpose ofrefreshing their
memory, when the Limo approaches that sate thorn
to making , s calculations :" •
States. , Electors. States. Electors.
Maine, 9 , Georgie, 10
N. Hampshire,. 6 Alabama, 9
Massachusetts, 12 Lonisians, 6
Vermont, ' , 6 Mississippi; '- c i
Rhode Island, • ' 4 Tennessee; 13
Connecticut, 6 Kentucky; 12
New York, 36 Ohio, '23
New Jersey, •7 Indiana; 12
Pennsylvania, 26 Michigan,
Delaware; 3 Illinois,
Maryland, Jj Missouri,
Virginia,, ' • 17 Arkansas,
N. Carolina, 10 1. '
S. Carolina, • .. '9
Required to elect, 138
It is now a matter of certainly, that, unless
death again prostrate the hopes of the nation,
Henry Clay, of Kentucky, will receive the nomi-
nation of the Whig Party. We consider it equally
cei'Min 'that if riominated, he will he elected.
I'lle votes of the following States may he safely
ealeolated upon as certain for Clay
Total, - la 2
. .
Clai'd chance Ta . decacdly bes . tlcir Now
York 36,,and Virginia 17, ranking s,ft '
Anti n 'equal hence for Pennsylvania 26, and
mato°. g.onalting 35
Tho only rELitcs, the Locos can'ealculateupOn
with 'any degree of ccrtainty,arcz-•-•
South enrollee,
' -Arkahsaii;•...
• •
Damtaitur. Exri,oatoit:—The Evetiin , Thuratitty; mantione'tlitroxploaidu of '
rte*dpi, Inill situated at High;Falle, about /even
r o nile4 tYeat'tif Catt a kill on Wodaesday afternoo n, totyardi efetilog; . Thata were sit , persona in the
0 440510 n, a1!.4w) 3 !)nl
are deacribel tohar been blown to
.aloma° Not;
'Op'curet. 3
the(*vooki ‘ O,Atio. (it
Electors of President.
Massachusetts, l2
Rhode Island, 4
'Connecticut, 6
New Jersey, 7
Maryland, .
North Carolina, • 10 ..-
'Georgia', 10
Loriisiamr, 6
. l3'
Indiaria, 12
!! ', <,f ~
' e
• • •
Letter , from and rt.
" find the followingt l 4 l44iillentl trilet of
AtiVocatc;:eff4hielt . it Wiill..eOltlilaUtOiy. hy Wm'
gentleman tri•whom
- spirit of 05)64 and Itigh • sonleff patriotism
, , •
which must command it to every Americartheait.
It-vttati not written' for thoqiiO4,bntle(pu taiihed •
rfer. the';porpost(of .plattingo.,lWabithar iff . a.prnper s
•. ,
• position witli'qgardto thia,__MOn . tiort that hatcbgen:
made aids. name as nsaridtckto for the Tresi
f`.4';,lle diced of Pres:liiiint:‘„
. ; My__opinion;-has',
- Waif IOW - Frird' - , itnlrialso ih:67glitiraeter Of the coup.`'
trY, at IMMO nail; alirded;liylbe means used Iff
• F e t ~ e drige; . ..High as= the. Presidenty
this,gref nation is, it onayhoreached at tog great
11 . pried. It Cinlisthelow the ambition of an
I rahlo mind; wherrit itt a attainable only by. a seer'.
lice ofthe loftiest patrFtisni...Not to name others,
we have in the elevation of lefferson, Medial*,
arid Matiroe, examples of a high and, honorable
ninbition which is worthy of imitation. ,These
eminent men when named forth° office of Picsi.
debt, reposing oh what they had, done and 'what
their knowircripacaties enabled them to do; in the
highest public trusts, neither took nor. secnied to •
take tiny tigeticy . lii theirlonth affmnbement. '
"Fdr many years I have been deeply impressed
with the injustice, the corrupting and ruinous
eiretts apolitical partizanship. Its introduction
into the Federal Government, has well nigh ruin.
ed . . our beloved country. Before this bane had
perverted-00r Moral schse, our . love of country,
and, so far as Pelitles are concerned,almost every
noble. feeling of the heart, we Were happy, as a
people, in the enjoyment ofgrhat and uninterrupt
ed prosperity. And whatever may. be Said to the
contrary, this terrible evil lies at the foundation
of all'our embarrassments. It lids been mainly
instrumental in the commercial revulsions we
have witnessed, arid it hai prostrated our political
morality.. Our pecuniary losses, within a few
years past, are almost beyond the power °fermi
-potation; • but those are scarcely worthy of con
sideration comparison•with the loss Tit may lie
the irreparable Joss, of moral force in our institu
tions, The man must be blind to the admonitions
of history Who supposes that a free governMent
can be.lond sustained, which addressesitself,
with all its influcnee r to the baser passions , of our
nature. Such a course leads to a widely diffused
• corrup . th and consequent ruin. In my judg-•
ment,mothing can rescue our Government from
this the common fate of kepublies, but a change in
its political adtion. This action must be elevated.
ll must reachy and rouse the moral tune of the
nation. Instead of administering to the prosti
tuted appetites of demagogues, It must rest on a
virtuous arid enlightened public opinion, It must
gather strength by its sets--moral strength. Its
alrn Bilotti° be the general genii. The chief of
the government/in making appointments to office,
shodlti.,earry - out the principles of the. virtuous
Monroe, who, on ti certain person being recom
mended to him fur an office, as a personal friend
with good qualifications,remarked _with earnest
ness, 'No Man - eau feel.more grateful than I do
for personal kintinesn, but in making this appoint- '
Merit I haven high public duty to perform, and I
must look td the publiffinterest."
• 44 A departure from these principles droVe me,
reluctantly, from political life; and in all sincerity
assure you that there is no political office, 1114
even the Presidency, which could tempt nie ngain
into politics, on principles opposed to those.which•
I approve and on which I codeaVor to act.!
,u,Pledgcs, when given by a candidate for pub;
lie favor, should be received with suspicion; as
they are generally made to' answer a particular
Purpose and are schloin redeemedr-T-No onc,%ter•
naps, should bo named for the Presidency, whose
opinions, on the leading topics of the un
known to the public, Until within a few - years
past, pledges
.vere not required. from the mind'.
dates for the Chief Magistracy. And I may ask,
what good has' resulted froin. this innovation?—
Has it made our Chia 514 , ,,istrates inure faithful
to the Constittitioti and their general duties ?
Let ft comparison of our late history with the
past, answer this gUnstion. Who thought of ask—
ing-a-pledge - from the venerated fathers of the
Republic above named ? A sound bead and an
honest heart, I think, are the tick pledges. These
will rarely fail; whilst experience shows that
pledges are made to be broken.
4 . No one who is named fol.' the Chia Magis
tracy, from a 'respffattible source, should feel
himself at liberty to say that lie would decline a
nomination 'fur that office. Ilut I beg be.
liereony dear fir, that this remark is hot prompted
by a vanity which leads me to suppose, that my
name could be favorably considered by the con•
tempt aced Whig Convention. The friends of
Mr. Clay, in 'consideration of his eminent quiditi-*"
cations and long public services, arc looking with
no ordinary solicitude to his nomination. And
I assure you, that I have no wish, by the obtrusion
of my name, to separate my friends, if I have any,
from their present associations. I do not desire
and would not receive the Presidency, if within
my reach, us the instrument of a party. Indeed,
I should count it no honor, to have my name as.
sociated with the downward course of our Gov.
moment ; and such a churso is accelerated, and
only accelerated, by ultra partyism. To bring
back the Government to its old fuundntions, to
restore its lost character; its former purity, energy
and elevation, would', be an deldeveinent second'
only to thtit of Wriihingtoffs;- . --an achic•venient
which ,voutti make any individual the favored son
of his country. Of this, Who would riot be proud
Anti Short of this object; no honest roan dun do ,
sire the Presideney.,
With the greatest respect, I am •
Your grateful and obeannt servant,
eel - Nicholas G. %Munson, sq., Mayor and
Postmaster of Wilmington Del:, died nt: his real.
deuce in that city early on Sunddy morning.
Total. :7.5:5
• James CxrecrohArri...—Looic tit nor bills of mor
ality, and you will find tliat Conshuiption is more
tiestructive to human life in this noimtvy than any
other disease. 'We all know' that cough, like the
trataing of the rattle snake, idwdysikecedes, as well
accoNetnies, this terrible scolirge. It is a fair pre
sumption that every cough May teeminate in pulmo
nary disease if not 'checked early, and where the risk
is so great, the danger so immenent, it is astonishing
that individuals should be found mad enough to neg
lect the means of are. lir. Jaynes Expectorant
can he readily rocnred. in any
s pirt of the United
Stales, and the experience and voluntary testimony.ol
thousands, the results of chemical analysis, and the
decisions of professijnal men who' shind in the first
rank of medical science,all point it out us the best
. tmaration.videlnverite4lh.t , roan, for the cure of all
diseases of the lungs, chest, windpipe, and Ater or
gans connected with the process of respiration. It
is used in regular practice by the most celebrated
physicians of the day.
Prepared and manufactured by Dr, D—lavars,
Philadelphiti,Tail for sale in Carlisle by T. C. STE
yENSON,,spIe Agent for, this BoroUgh.
2E283 22411c111122120
PHILADELPHIA,'October the 13th, 1893.
. FLOUR—The sales for expert 'of superfine
slripping.branus have been light during the week,
.at $4 373 per, bbl. ; scraped, e 4 123. We notice
'sales of about 2000 bbls. Jas. Pattison's extra'
'fiimily flour fd"CitY use, at 8487 a por•bbl.; oth•
dreehoice brands in a retail way, at $4 43/ a $4
4123 i Rye Flour $3. Corn Meal $2 623.
GRAIN—Sales of Penn'a. Wheat at 91 and 94
ets. per bushel. Rye, 50 a 55 cts, Corn, yellow
Ant, 4s'so cantsi ; do., round is, in, demand at •52
:a 53 ets, ' Sales of abe4Booo bushels Delaware
!and Maryland Oats,' at 25,and 253 eta.
WHlSKEY=rWhiskey readily. commands 244
'a 25 cent! per gallon, in hhds. and bbls.; Apple
'cid. 30 a:33 eta' •
IIA7,Ti3IISRE, dootabor 138). 1843
}MEE' CATTLE-- 1000 heird vilbred —6OO
sold; and halaric6 laid over. The prices . ' paid
rugged, from 250 tol i f 0 lier 100 lbs.; which hi
'O e P /i Pe-' Am! g 44 at, market; rie
09010,a! 4 25 , a 4 : , ,
FLO I ,IIO-41ie nitwirci, for iloWard street con.
°tam very r t a l k r ? 6 r/14 , ej•IP O ,n9w
ft 4 121. • "e... , , • , , ± •
lot APPQP AOri.44 f' 6 ol.*siogi.44tysiik
aC flO tbatit .4 , V101 cord. (440 44 , Nr;•;,
-r, ;1•‘,4-:
vi ~~'P...,. ~.xS.r~i.:
Ttl64liorr'or , 'Ttl6• 1-10v;?No!—..
An indiOduel
ahoy() apy'of these Atittr t
,mtiatiiftlilbgs,Anunbe stritek with
thikiiiiigleeekeli.Orthea4eo vOick
niglitl.CPresenteil:to , 311#
3, :fiiinttmol4:o(l:cminot bit t atindr4
4ho - reliiiiikiitorottpleOder tlikkon , "
Vane, ,end the beautiful; tableaux
• Miieltlho celestial bediew.forni.LA,
I. writer • in:tlie New York Tribune,
in-On iiiterctiting• communication,
calls the attention of. persons to the
fe`Milini - :beaiity:Ofltlin scene, and
• the splendid sight it affords. There
ie to be Webitlifo rif,e and intereS 7
I . 44..sittifitclUding the sattelites,
Visible:lmM the earth on the same
vine•Oftheitelestial canopy.. Four
arc 'principal planets of .the solar
system, Mari,' Jupiter, Saturn and
Uraritiz,and one nSteroid jiino, with
their Seventeen satellites, all upheld
by laws of most perfeet,harmony,
Ate little before 9 o'clock, as the
observer faces the South,•Saturn,
*itli its satellites, will appear al:
most directly briTore him—Jupiter,
with i ts four, on his left; shining
with 'dazzling splendor —Juno! in
the vicinity of Saturn—Mars 'on
his .right, now reflecting a deep
red light—Uranus, with its six sat-
ellites, between Jupiter and .the
horizon, whose amidst Incompre:
hensible distance prevents us from
distinguishing it with tlie l naked
eye, notwithstanding it Is not less
' than times larger
than our globe: and some of the
most beautiful of the heavenly con.
stellalions displaying themselves,
in all their silent nialesty; before
him, behind him, around and
hove; where also is presented, in its
mysterious beauty, the galaxy, or
! Milky Way, passing behind Mars,
and sparftking the concave vault of
theMeaveds from the South to the
North. Such a sight must move
the dullest to wander and adMire.
Nis.—Tho Gettysburg
Sentinel Says, we observe the loco
papers place the bailie of Dr. Nss
on their list ofituccessibl candi
dates. ~IVe'icun.give thorn assns.
uria'Fillici he is obt with thenh but
sustains all good \ 'Whig principles.
Trial List for Nov, Term, 1843.
First week commencing Nov. 13th,
• Keeney vs. Leonard
Hughes's Admr vs: Moore '
Byerly for use vs. Loudon
Same . vs. Ewalt
Gorgis's heirs vs. Alexander
Crim vs. Ruth
Brackenridge vs. Maxwell •
Beltzhoover rs . Bricker,et al - . .
- Alexander Rex
:Sheriek • 'a. Graham
&mid neck arm:Mewing Nov:
Thudien et al vs, Beltzhoo•ter
Gorgas for use, iv . darns _ •
Maxwell vs. Clark et id
Ahl vs. Piper
Crook- 'vs'. Irvine
Sr.tnO •:vs. Sante d
• — Deihl
Palm • vs. Trego
Bent . tt,. Shreiner. -
Mich is. Carey
McCurdy. • vs. McClure
BMWs Indorsee vs. Varnish's Admt
- .
vs. Irvine
vs. ItlcKceli.tri
vs. Nevin
Adair to. Ego
Marridtt &Hardesty vs. Nevin
. , . •
Paths ()le Real Estate Painatrie. ilva•rin
his FARMwill be exposed to sale,ii. Shippeni
burg' nt • the Ta ''''" di. A/ ri • FAO" , o" T U E S "A % Nort i li n it f lthl e le ri to li i7 i to l w -i t i l i tTi l i l i k Lo n n t ite l rt l i s n i :l t c e o'it s t i i t t u y ta :l i i T - i •
the z4th of, ourOBEII nest, tit 2 o'clock in the al
tertioon.—lt is situated in Sotlßlampton township, tabling ISO ACRES, more or fess, of Potented Land,
ohmic 125 Acres of which are cleared, and in a high
Franklin county, about a quarter or a mile from the
Tormiike,and about two ..tiles Ilivin Shipponsbulg, suite of enltivation, 1111(1 ‘7111: 173illtll: covered with
thriving younig limb ',1 . 11
or, .e improv ts are emen a
consisting of TWO STORY
C..tca: . .Z - 1.3:T..M . :.. -7 13 • Lta aOA 31(0 1 4/013 9 . rtri .
, , . J
of the host LIMESTONE LAND, in good 0131er, Sinew KitclMll,_Mill a Primo thou, '.. 1 ,,T . 1%
froni,l2 to la acres of which is woodland, with ail• with a Wagon stool and Corn rrilional .. , - , ...c:.-......-: , -,
es:cello!!! Apple and Peach Oraliord, a - a fine young thriving Or•eliarel with choice fruit. l'lnt
farm is well covered will Locost thilliormild a mini
. Dwelling House ) bile ,1 ~...,i. failing rontling sprirgs item. the door.
Tenant House ;mil 'Barn, thereon cream!. , The Minv•e. mentioned. V•ract,ii.:lll Limestone •laital,
The tenni. - Will be made klicini on the day or sale. ' , llll is in 11 1,, 1di I.Y I,, igliinirlinoll, Williiii IWO Milt.); 14
SA N 1121 . 7.1. ANDLI•:, Catlisle,k ma- 111. k. front the Cumberland.Vallej rail
.1.A(2011 E111. 7 .121A', rt.:A.lolnd Ivim; nn the Coitodogoiliet Creek. • ,
Assignees. ' ,Ao indisphtarilt• tit le will lie given. Fur terms apply' td the stilneriber residing o.l„.ttro W ttlont Boltoot
road, 5 Milos 11.0111 Carl isle.
', .-.. •
- -7 i:.4.-.. C.J7 7••'`.:•.-. 71-- -[-. 1 " .17-2. ,
A 't 30, 843.
REAL ESTATE AND .MILL PROPERTY AT N.ligils 'lt'. The above fat•ni la convenient to the.2lll-14
PUBLIC SALE. ' nth. ,0,,,.t., , t.
tiriilE: Subscribers, Asairnic'ea of Joseph Lai.. ,i„
1.• 'Mum, of %Immo.: lownliityCombeeltmil wain- , VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE.
Iy, Will expose to public sale, no 1. 7 MD.\ V the 2.1111
0 . o cte i,„,. „,., I, t h e , i ,-, ii ,bi e it e m E 5,,,,,, ma i mi ll T ill,: Siibseriher will sell at Private
Proper Ir.
ty, :longing to said m elte, described at Side n Earn, of
follows: Taal s :j 4,. cf) L,01:41 11 - ) 4 ia Zit a .
/ .a. ~ .#421,, , 3 i.,1,(1Ju1l _co:lr Litya-T - r o 6,„:„„ ill w.•„, pt....h....u g h to.iship, Climber
• ------- , • ' cootnininivi 10 Acres, sitliMer ip Mooroe tiM nship, I:ll.ll • catire)l'iii. NI mod Reek :spring. 11111. Illill• ft out
Jury List for Novembe'r Tani, 184.3, CtimleTland comity, buns him by lands of MiCliael N lo o , d !tuck, bot l aded 1.1 lands of
,Rahort and Sam
•-• Alishie.• and .tbralicin 1111....1t, Is Mg .bolt 7 miles eel MaK"rhatl; mai the lull' , of %% ilium' 1) “%l'Isoo,
east of 'Carlisle, nu the rend from Carlisle to Vorlc, 'coulain , M7 --
-- G 1t.,,i ND JIIIIOI2S. mid About 5 'Mk limn!limn! M
'Mks limn! The 1311i1 ''
Forty Ac s, 'Strict Measure, '
Allen-Josepli 'Potation, John Weaver. • is firstsrate Loisesione, tinder 7^ { 31011 133311, 111111 41 the V .
Cry/isle—Richard Andersoh. . highest stat.....f math:Moo. The iiiiitrovelilto6 al s o, u ; l l ,e t i ir ( l;l" s vi . ', , " l ...' ‘ "' N '" ilrei , ..;l: i ro iil.:N v ,
.. _ i_.
Dickinmon—Solonlon Brindle, Thomas Lee, Philip a good .T V.' o's I'olll DWEltLl•`‘''' .
Spangler. HOUSE, to•s' •11ANE II A RN', IV.A C ON" with a well of g rind water ilear the .'4, i I . ,
~ . E..
slim), coil N .13t11.13, and other in•ecii- i f" ( a n'ousei lm n i'i . "' I i n d 'H' i i )i. 1 ":' U r i" 1.1,.' 6r • 1 .
East l'ennsbwout-1,-,-James Snell. ' •
a a IVIIII, Il ltslik. Milli, Com Criti mill . 4;... , ' , 5,.
saes oilt-rolibliikoi. There is also n 1:11111(1
//opervell--liavid llotiver Jacob llellleboci Al ',, , - • I ,v.. I ,i , A , ,•,i' ,r , , S.nitli Shop, and Sit Ige, with a wool ,lit and co,•-
‘ 0,,,,, p0,,a,,1101 1 IS 11/11% I.( L 1 .0 .3 03 0. ..11 )1,3,
Mahan) S. M'Kintiry,
tracts Miami in Comberliiiol comity: Also, will be thin. "fi l ls 1" . "1" . " "111 be suld sul"""e ur l" -
Mot:roe—lsaac Mialgor. sold with the abos e, the hinge three story IcetllVl.; Ili may slot port;liasers
Application limy he modem. the solAerilier.
New/on—Joseph \l'zi,vonvr.
'ewc.i//c-- Samuel Lhividson. .
' MERCHANT MILL; PLASTER & SAW Mill; - cE.)11(.1.-. DAN - 1n5...),: - .
erected 011 the said liiimi, tool propelled by die Si,- Se l denti "" . t6l s I 6.13 •
Shippensburg llorough--J,rhn Carey.
„, , . ;
tors of the Yelldw Breeches,. erect., 771111v 11 ) 3 71 , f i j 7. .
Southampton—Daniel Croft, John Duke.
lent the plontotion. The Nlordiato Mill i'l In 111/111.' Peiß e 3 . l rOR &a/LE.
Siker Spring—Samuel Cockliti, David Hinkle, Jo- • 1 ,'"
p 11(1.1 order, LOll 71111111,, L pall 11 1)1 0111 ,
tow pair Mr chopping, and a Smut Maillioe of , • •
&01111 Middleton—John Lonek. GriowN's !gavot, with Elevators and all machiliery WILL "e sold lit 1 1111 ide oak aFA EM of first
, .
West l'enashoron.lll--David Alter, John Connelly, necessary to a first rate )lorrlitint \t ill. riii,e
- Francis Diller. l'he Plaster awl- Saw Mills are also in die hest LIDIES,TONE LAND •
• 0... i....,
TRAVERSE JUR V—First Week. Also, at the &HMV tiunt. and plate, a tract or ' Sit,, t,• In S 'AI Middleto n tow..ship,l,llV mile 11'501
( 11 . Clleli tile, Cmnboland c , ,...0V, lii., Icing on the
Allen—Solomon Mohler, John Shelly. . IVlbunta,in La,hd; Walmit !lotion' Itoall. rootaioiog Ile ActlEs,
Carlisle--David Rican, Peter ' , Might, llarrison lying iii right of the above, and indl covered With more or less, baling therein erected a two story
7 1 •
Kelly, Robert A. Noldir, .Edward Spottswood. dirising eliestitit timber, ir int:titling about [went!-
~". '
Diekinsim—Williom Little. • tives: ' .
11 . fj
East l'ennsborough—Getirge W. Fester, Frederick The abol•t• liroperty ii ill be Sold OS n *hole or in 1666 , i;
~. t iromE 5 JsE,
Mumma, Jacob R. Benninger, John Rupp; Chris- parts to snit porchaseti. Sale ill cdololence at 111
4 I 4 3 large frame Bari., a well ni first-rate
Liam Souta. . o'clock in the forenoon whet, attetalapiie III!! be
~, , ,,- -h , ..- -: a
. ( . 1 „., ;.: n ii , i thr i v i,, ;;ippit , 011 cm In n.
gli•C11/ and terms made k'noWit by
Erailleftml--John Arnold, George Martin.
. (fkOltGE 11121Ni/11, Also fr,i h e ~,,hi with the 11171.1VC tract live acres tit
Hopewell—Robert Laughlin, David lesher. ' fit'st.ratt• Chestnut Titillc•V%
JACOB NIESLEY,. Th e \v„1„,„ 'machi mail ras,(,(l,i•oll-1, ilds Farm .
.Monroc-Altralittni Bollinger, John Brandt Samuel
Miller, Pennew ell Weaver. • A
55i ,,,,,,,, 5
of Joseph Lthhaw. a hicli gin•fr. ii. tiMrket lot' al the onnltice nosed iii.-
/Ifechanicsinfrg--:GeOrgt Dobb, John Yeslei-, Win. September ee, 1843.. ' ' , ts. "fl il l i .'i; s h e •l,, i s ii ,. ° ,.i V :i s i i i l ,'; ' i l :; fl i g i,i l ,`.:.l l , l i ; c se i. :', l l. l v i re , call ipso
Mr. Andrew Illair,,iii Cal lisle, or oil Mi., rbscriber. .
Netorille,—Andrcw L: Coyle, John S. Morrison. , • ORPHANS , CO - URT SALE - : . go liiii „Nlills, 4 miles West. 1.1 Carlisle,
Airrtle Middleton—George Ferronbaugh, William „ r - JOHN HAYS:
[TILL bc sold in pursuance of nil order Of tlib ..l iity t... 2. 0 0 3. '
Strome, 'David Wdlf. .
t- .
Orphans' Conti or Cumberland county, ini
Newton—George -1 - farlan, Robert MTarlaite, jr.,
I. 12 IDA V the 2ntli of Oct Ohl+ 111131,111 11111117 U. 111111 . 1Uiv, ---------*-- ' •
John Stuart.
nn the premisea, tit I t o'cltick in th erm -email) of Said VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE.
Shippensbuit Borougle--Robert Cochran, David d ar n the Rent Estate of 4 n i; It , 1 i• 1 :, , i
--ra..not ...i.,iii..., (wee,,5t...., ' ' ' } .
ill N purstionee I , an order of the Or-
Dial, Jacob Gretri•Holt't Stuart, David lirenizer. to Witt '
Shippenstnew Tountship--John Duncan. . A Trret. or Land
situate .
and lying in
the it phglie Coort of Ciiiid.erland nitinty, will le sold.
tit public sate, on the premiacs, 1111 Vatitrdati the
Soul hampran—James Bentty. • ' townthip of Monroe, it' (We k''ooloy labee Shill, bond- a If, 00,ber licit, id It o'clock, NI.; the follow-
South Middleton—Adam Catalog', Ifoitry Web- ed by lands of George Brandt, :Harlin Ilnindt, Wni. - i ng des cr ib e d infosor 11,13• .1S(1 I/I d, Into gL I
bent, Thompson Weakly. Brieler, John litisley ;Mil Joseph Laishaw, con- ertv of Alargaret .Sliiiiilev, (formerly ain
Siker Spring—John Gcarman, Adam Longstlorff. Lliniiig Cl : ockt•ttiileu'il.. hilltute ill Nil:H . 4l'oe tOWliship, Conn-
West l'ennsGo o —Henry C. Hackett; Wm. /8 ACRES AND 83 rtitbEEs, -
"14,/ ,
iy of Combeilmat,siz: ,
Palm, Joseph, Trego, George Zinn, jr.
NO, -I. tionting• of two porparts;
bent n s i t e „ a i ! y ure hating tilerenn :61. ' + '" (1 n ' ~..„... one part cotitioing,NlNETY ACRES and FOUR.
1,6(1 HOUSE fk, KITCHEN, ,
TRAVERSE JURY— Sr Week mato •stioil BANK BARN. Ti ,, , h „„ is e a PElo.lll:S..kiriet sitraative— ins SO .hell by the ill,
Allen—Christian Mohler, Chriattaii Weaver.. , all clewed except „„ t Trim Acres which .4 ! I ! Itlibilinn filside 1111 ,..C 1 ',8 .. 1. 1 1 fir r 3,11 ';t4)11 aria vitinii-
Car/We-John Bent; Geo. Wi Parkinson, Wm. ill covered with good timbei., T6 re i s 8 : • ” lielkotill tri desali,lll l bl paid 11 "1" , ""I'm am] dia.. -
IL Trout. ••
ern. of the
good young Orcharil,.aiiil a Best rote well of scoter at Fr. T iii!.: , , , <," , .. 61 " ,ili•S,l'e twice ill tit° CI 1.
DickinsOn- , -Martin Cloudy, SArtinel Hattie. thus door of the dwelliog honk. The (outline or the ",'l l l'pj,r , T,',.," ‘"..y.,',1'1.4!`*,`„,, lad
~ , fl . - " 1 ". P al ,' i of t t , 1 , 1- -
East Penn'sborough— Samuel Stigler. , NM is Limestone or till' first Order. This jibiee is
,I“". - ";N 4 1 ,; ' s E : 0 7 1 :.,Z t '' N I:: , 7 l 4 ge gg s l r°e 's e a:,_
Frankford—Joltn Mentzer, jr.,GeormLniiivbruigh about 5 milei fromctlimitialmrg,ond in out of the_
lolnitufliiiitla orGeOite - 11AISIMoVei,tolier lands of
---- Jeliti - Doner. ' hest neighborhoods Ale illhe - emiaity. . .
The term; of sale will be $5OO of the purchase '''l'lei' the I ' ll '!" is 4 o, '' ' ' .l. "'" l laud " Phiii i i m l ll ' n
llopewell—Levi Dealt!, Jolla: T. 'Green, Philip Money to be paid on die confirmation of the sale h iind liw relkw nrcerlies
alt Therother purport
Herron, James Henderson,. Jitmes Law:, Y hick '
the Court, $2OO to be paid on the first day of A pril w 16 mmexed to the ost. gm imposition.
1111filin—Robert Bleat), David Sterrett, John Shut- neat, wlivn,posseasion of the preinises will be given du ll to be sold with it narate tract; If a piece of
lonbarger• to the purchaiOr Or iiiircluisers—the balance oftlithL______,tLXl-74:1W,L,cs . i ,...
. . .
/Iftinroe--Samuel Clark, David Garver. _____________piwchase-iponey to be paidlirtwo equal annual par- mrkt niensin ii„ , innEkeit a jii the ilioa6,-tumex,,ii
_ --
Afechanicsburg—Joliii - Zljiihie . rmail. - • ‘. , mints therealter,. without interest, to wit: On thii, to the i mi litiai e „ , ,,,ue• ,•,, e . p b !, ri f• G eorre B e l l y,
ISt of April, 1845 and nn the tat or Aprit,1,440.-A• !mom . , i c k„,,,i 1. ;4 „::, 1 1,;;;.„,. ,thd o th er - h a d a .of Illicidkton'- William Adams, Henry Elmer - Ist
purchaser or ptirchnsers are not to get 77 11 . S. i of .fi li i oi said t( l i , ~,,, „ re st iii„ t .
dole, David Hefner, Hohry Jacobs; Mich'l Wises the rents lie peDfilli of said fitrm for this year,. 'X h e isr A .I•.' ..,' n '
Newton-Peter Cope, Samuel Westlielfer. payment of thee-purchase money as aforesaid ll ke ~. 0. ~... -.. hue eceetto tract or
.poreel , to.
S'ettfir Mitid/den—Thortios Bradley, imiand er seenr e 4 by judgment bonds and mortgage L- me no soill, is the residile 111 the mid tract of Which the
Gregg, David Krysher, Jacob Spangler, Nathan. purchaser orurchasers to the'ailn , inistratoe o'f said above tell au . " "re a Ilariciii" ) ca" 1 "40
iel Weakley, John Wolf, Emanuel Wise. ileadent on t he confirmation of the sole and execs- •18 Acres • •
Siltb: Spring—John Driiwnowell, Samuel Eberly, tiolOrthe deed to said purchaser or purenatikt aid 68 Perches
Wm Moily, Samuel Musselineu,, Harney SKIM, • - JOHN 11110WNRWELL.
Administrator ofAbraliain Brandt . , de.ilit,l. strict measire-behig porpart isms. no described',
• James Williainson, Daniel Gross. ' in the inquisition and diagram helbe,retiared to--,, .
adjoini ng lands of John- Bellzhoover, Archibald,
Sepsember '20,1843. -
Shippeiiiburg Boroutrh--4)avid Criswell. '
• Gale; JamOs NI 'Punt, and the above described ten
~ " . Tbwrts'irip—Jantes .A, Wallrlcin ' . .
acres. ' , .
Sejlialgrnepn-lienry,l3. Ilauck. . ' • - • . Assig . nee Sale. ~,c l an d s gee ii!kaf.fhle quality, sit m ta in an ecc-
D av a son, -fierli'; C opt. "VW ILL bo sold at public salo; oil SATURnAY "'Okla itt 1 0.0. 001 0' 1 :well wHlci'ed , i" itrxml •"Pai"..:
West Pennsborough-Aildi
- ' - V ,die tit st day . of October peat, at 10 o'clock, will' atIifaIPaXWILILIN , GS;IdINIVIPON ENIFINTS
, ...-... SPECIAL, COURT '• A. M.,liii Shivenninstown;.cumbmand county , t h e erected thrtuit. ; tilti 11.• Itt ()clear and:indisputabl e ,
III•• • • following described .Real &tide, to wit: ' • The terms will be; one halt the purchase, money.
VP Y virtue of a -Writ from the . Hum Daniel ~n . ,, . to be nsi(l,.on the, confirmation of the stile and mak
dl lite ~,,,0 14 4 , mi ,,,a4,4o l7l (infasjo rpm ;Ahc,tfccii!; null the residue in two retinal annual,
..1.-11 Durlrei, President Judge of the 19th Judi- .
thtl 'District of Pennsylvania; bearing date 'the situate on .the South . - 134, of Alain street, litivini Payments thereafter without
,he secured
30th day of AugUat.;lB43,.and to me. directed. . thereon erected 11, g oo d Dtvelling House, a Sioldler: - Z ie l .. "! . !il t " . le l d . r. l P G "; ... l s o ' .• . • ' '
leaner particulars nasnAdeNtneoiwtstioNn,.4h,eru';:seye..of
Shop and a Stable.
That ~._/[,s HEREBY GIVEN, Also—The oub:11011 . of
. tWo . t ete,,r•A.iir. Seplember, 7, 1843.. • ,,.
..., -
That a Special Court of Quarter Sessiblia of, the South side of.Mis* irk I
tt, .t, amino' thereon ere(' eu
Pbaceoolll be hold , by the sold Ron': Daniel tour- two Dwelling' llo ‘ uses. '. ::. r•-- '' ..,1 . , . ' • - - '',
keemod the AssomateitOges of the c o u r t of•Quar, Also—The' half of ii , Lot tif tirkwitttl, on - BOOTS SHOE '&' CAPS.-,..
ter Sessions of, tho ''eace of Cumberland County; the East side of Itailrioid iirect,literiag a Houic and
at fhb Coilfl
id the borough of Carlisle , Stable - thereon erected . ~ ' '
, i , -
._., ..,•,' T .ijt SalliTeritih4Set•."lntv4.ltlPJl(tYst4reLtu:ii.lM.l.'frtnn-l'ite.';'.
commenting on: 71-tetalay *lie 'l4th day of Nov- The above' peopertieeare 'ldeated hal . Shif•CalaW
Banta,o. l l c OPS. stall apt %mita, an ntitituoci tarns gain
ember, A. H. 1843, at Ten o'cleelC..A4 AL, of. town; nuerWill lie isAd fey, ;'„HENgy, iturp., .. . C . 4. l tY) 13g. : now
opening a , ' ve .7. , ,l s ql ° 4 ,Y: 61 i: 64 ,
„ . • . ,
'Sliell Y ; . . inter stou . all of 'which Will be sold sa low asany fir
held dui; to 'continue ono week; forthe trial of . • •', :- : 'Aseigrie`e oribiele)
'the. testy eithe . Commonwealth via , John &Wail— - September - g 0,1848: ' ''' .- • -•• '•
- ,r . I, Pi. the ll i i. .
place Air CAS
ten, epd George Alatteewo, agreeably to:the:pro; ii -- '•' ”' 1 '.'": ~ /. / 2 ,- I' 1/- ... .. •`'s- 1. 15 CAWS of• Men's; boy's and :Yout)ett Colt; gal; ,
vasidniecif tlte ,Acti :of Assembly ,in .' such case "
..eusereunter t uaezieraLraperu . 1 -•
.. , I , nint unarm 4m:its., .., . :..',' - .::- .i.,44;•;:t.-,'": , . ::. •
ninild:and prtivitlaC qr. soil . Special'CiMit Jif f ' - .o..**.' . •;
.......7777"• ;', •- - - z .- - • -:- ' ' .7 easeti of 'men's,' bcles AllkyQUilii:OakileitH);ki?
cora tad all other , paraontr'eoricereed - will -. take ,; ' - ,'s'ait,; -- :',IIP 4 3. my ipt• i T 111- j -..", . • a ad.°°"rao in"" l •l'a r a.' •rr' ' • , '''• ; f:; 7 t 4 , • ••' ••• •' •,. •, ' ‘
Pk•lffi9f ;', - '..i '.% F. , ,•'.' , ~- '.z- . , ),-' ','''.' i - • 14 El.§001•0:ULIS. ;iitOioilo4k4AVOitiiono . ot : 3 ca eca """ I ' '9 11 .1 ! ..0!t. PO 4 .94o.otetLetili l , ad:
.. • _.,.. ,,.„- PAUL' MARTIN, Sboilff.',•-, Krivoi - OMo aro'fbiliablia:ll7 ge. oqi i d Ant ve hai , rocca, grain, and !tip . rville t te e '4,. .
~. . ,,. v
Spa:MN Girete;Ceiliele, '. j• ~ . •'•‘• te r lb- °amide de( th - itheiebUsine 'ii tii't b'' '.i -,‘• • 1 - 2 '" ws w° '"° , k a "" 41.6 bute , , 43 11 1. t ll Bl aahl I.94Yttlllli•
83 11 . $ 1.49 wstnl" 'lO c arton aort.rotHlPl,lthl and . iniorocici welts; bust
''o • -.. getit 42tb• - •0143.` -,, ' I .. ; '.;..". .. ."-'"," .144 qua Y etriet , atteatlati to
,iosittaii brel ivitlirq
it 4
....,., atti n iti Oa,
~. ~ . 1 ..,.;.• .. ...,.. „.. .. , A , dealreto easeito.merlt ail rcee ve stahler &pub- ..• AL, al • , ,ti i i,' ; . 60 1 i i• shoe.:
. - . , . 0 irw, o: E. on ,o ( rill s.- -•?
•'' ' ufteap -Rents ',' -4 ' .'" '''' lip patiel lie - •.' be
j , ,, , ,
~. . „ , ~ .. ~ , , t „,.. ,
~ „ „way, bet lid atAtie earnar,of;-,.
, Atthe -i re 6
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. ~ I riitilOt gotat _Dwelling / ttptiB9* fai ratltttill;Aprif SOUtlt ItinalNT ,VC 6OI I IO O F,' , llat ttlitiei lille:4441103.! . i' - ' „,./.../ / 1 ?,-^' 1 `•':'•-•: f' w 4 ' E 'tily . E' -
ifi;iii ft .fely . leii i shm;,.ktessisslon. given re et . ev i Re C; kt R. Diode ' ilbfutir nuinufnkort. i s \ . 1..?.: ,1 - . . - ' 1. !"..' - C..." . .' ' • it 'l{ r• R ' •
itttety . :`,•;:`i,i`• l ~ :• -- •'•.!'„•,,`,."-', : .'C10.1',1:1014;111'.4, , ••.earbisTOOlily 19, 1841 . ,.... : ', • , ~ :: • , •"';'',••,,.131108•: -:,., 11 : 3i ;.. ti ,' L4,„,, c i iii ...L:. , P1#1 1 1 •Pli ii a ll ,raat
' 4o ' i " .;!, '• ; /'".'•.1. 1,11i.44 . 1 ://`'..;:ij'iii . f.'...:•:',';, : '''.:4,•':•!:':''.••• ..
' ' ''' ,.- :: ll ‘ ;: '.i' Y ' ' '''''' ' '.:i s '2.'•:.,'”o.,'•MMl•; : ./..c:,; . ..i,,,": r 'g7,7. •
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11.11. for use
et3l.l3:Ertlia) CITTNIFir.ALECITON RET4NS For 1843.....0fficia1,
:onion, /(einonsinotikii§:
James. Clarke * ' •
Jess Miller,
William B. Poster, jr.
Simeon Guilford,.
William Tweed, •
Benjamin Weaveir
'Thomas C. iVliller,*
JamesTlack,t •
John Dunlap,``,
Jacob Longnecicer,
Francis Eckels,t
'l:kt/ovum: .
Robert Moore, jr.t
John Rupp,f
Christian Ttizal;f
Richard Woody,'*'
Samuel Huston,t
Abraham Kurtz,-
Robert G.. G. Youngit
George Eisenhart,*
John :Wonderlieh,f
James Hofrer,
Michael G. Ege,
Thomas Paxton,
John Sourbeck,
SCATTERING—Roperts; 306; Williams, 76;. Hemmings, 100 . ; Foreman, 173
' . Do. For Commissioner—lngram, 42:
*Anti-Tax Den:tor:rats. t Porter Tax-Locofocow. Anti-Tax Whig.
. 4- 4
•‘•-zI., •<.;
S 'kt 1 " 4 1
po 769 133 257 '74 ' 4D
59 768 133 258 74 54
58 768 133 258 74 54
97 1 779
. 114. 63,76 56
97. 785 114 63 70 . 56
97 784 114 63 76 57'
83. 'B4l 130 67, 76
59 713 i 1 253 75
07 802 13i .63 76
55 788 131 55 76
82 763 112 253 75
66 754 100 .2sB
67 486 133 ti 3
67 1055 108 tOl 75
83 782 0 . 5 64 76
49 766 110 254 75
69 769r134 59 76
67 764,109 268 75
60 798 134 56 76
79 752 110 259 75
69 784 135 59 75
64 699 109 254 75
22 285 78 233 47 34
4 551 67 12 15 11
2 250 45 6 8 4
-- 168 9 21.41 4
128 49 24 10 6 40
• g -
z • hg,
68 40 420'
69-41 418
67 41 420
32 '4B 262 .
50. : 47 . 263
50 . 47 262
55 32 258
65 40 417
52 19 264
3 16 255
78 48 418
69 44 426:
50 9 245
68 59 433
49 3G 265
71 49 421
49 18 •263
68 45 418
46 ,43 250
74 57 422
49 17 257
70 -'4B 425
33 21 282
5 - 43.
4 2 1
14 1 151
51 63 21
St • "
• co •
• • ‘. •
, • •%1
.• e' E.l
•••:. A. 0
206 78-2319
64 206 70-2326
64 206 78-2324
93 ' 222 269-2262
'93 270-2267
93 222' 270-2266
07 226 - 270-2334
61 199 73-2202
93 205 278-2230
87 185 273-2091
69 211 -- 69-2334
64 250 67-2365
82 207 250-1781
75 209 88-2702
00 221 264-2256
67 202 74-2280
92 226 235-2194 1
64 196 107-2354
92 210 271-2163
64 206 07-2305'
91 . 226 269-2187
63.298 68-2255
32 169 17-1283
19 122 37- 902
• 8 83 13- 433
3 29 119- 579
81 5 524