Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 11, 1843, Image 4

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BY sucnunr.ny ravvient,
There is no retheily Coy:ime
No healing for the waste of
Whose very hangout is a punishaient..' . •
Heavier than native soul ' s an factor 'giess.
0, hours of indolence and discontent,.
Not now to be retleenied ! ye'lting not less
Ilm4use I know this span of life was lent
For loft 3, duthes, not for selfishness,
Not to be wiled away in aimless dreams;
But to improve ourselves nnd, serve Maukin ,
Life ;mints choicest faculties were given.
Man should be ever betier than he seems,
And Shape his acts and discipline his mind,
To walk,adorning earth with hope of Heaven.
'The foll9wing dream appeared in an
Episcopal paper a few years since : "
On the evening of the 31st of December,
had been cherishing the humiliating and
solemn reflections, which were , ,peculiarly
suitable to the close of the year, and en
deavoring to bring my, mind to that view
of the past, best calculated to influence the
- ftitbre. I I had .attempted to call the promi
nent incidents of the twelve months which
-had elapsed; mid, in this endeavor, I was
,led frequently to regre't how little my mem
ory could retain even of that most impor
tant to be remembered. I could not avoid,
at such a period, looking forwards as well
as backwards, and anticipating that fearful
tribunal at which no occurrence shall. be
forgotten :, whilst' my imagination pene
trated into the distant destinies which shall
be dependent on its decisions. •At my
usual hoUr I retired tq rest; but the train .
oPmeditation I had pursued was so impor
tant and appropriate, that imagination con
tinued after sense had slumbered. "In
thoughts from the visions of the night,
When deep sleep falleth upon man," I was
mentally concerned in the following scene
. . . .
Of intern*
I imagined nrybell still adding link •after
to the chain of reflection, the progress
of Which the time for repose had interrupt
.ed; and whilst this engaged, 1 was aware
that there remained but a few moments to
complete the day. I heard the clock as it
tolled the knell of another year; and, as it
rung , slowly the appointed number, each
note was followed by a sting of conscience,
bitterly reproaching me for my neglect of
-previous time. The last stroke,was
ing in my ears—painful as the groan an
npuncing- the departure of a valued friend—
,notwithstanding the meditative pos
ture in which I was sitting, I perceived &Ain) n esstlie—aptartinent_b.ecame,_
brighter; and on lifting my eyes to discover
the cause, I was terrified at perceiving that
another being was with me in my seclu
sion. I saw one before me whose form,
indeed, was human; but the bright burning
glance of his eye, and the splendor which
beamed forth from every part of his beau
tifully proportioned form, convinced me, at
a glance; that it t was no mortal being I saw.
The elevation of his brow gave dignity of
the highest order to his countenance; but
the most acute observation was indicated
by his piercing eye; inexorable justice was
imprinted on his majestic features. A
glittering phylactery encircled his brow,
upon which was written, as in letters of
tire, " The Faithful One." Under one
arm he hilt.° two volumes; in hia hand he
held a pen.: I instantly knew the Record
ing Angel—fthe secretary of the terrible
tribunal of Heaven. With a trembling which
convulsed my frame, I heard Iris unearthly
accents: " Mortal," said he, " thou %vast
longing to recall the events of the past year
—thou art permitted to gaze upon the re
cord of the Book of God. Peruse, and be
wise." As he thus spoke,- he opened be
fore me one of the volumes which ho had
brought. In fearful apprehension, I read
in it my own name, and recognized the
history of my life during the past year,
with all its minutest particulars. Burning
words were those which that volume con
tained; all the actions. and circtunstances
'of my life wore 'registered under their re
ripective heads in that dreadful book. I
was , first struck by the title, "Mercies Re
,aived" Some were the remembrance of
which I had retained—more which were
recalled after having been forgottenbut
the far greater number had never been no
ticed at all. Oh! what a detail..of preser
vations and deliveranees, and invitations;
and' warnings, and privileges, and bestow
ments:: I remember that "sabbaths"stood.
.out in very- prominent characters, as if
;they had been among the greatest benefits.
In observing the recapitulation, could not
bot_be streekwith one edreumstance;
- was- that many dispensations, which I had
'considered, curses, were enumerated as
15/essings.. Many a one which had riven
the heart-- . --many a cup, whose bitterness
lammed to designate it a poison, was there,
Verifying the language of the poet ;
4 "E'en crosses fedm his so v
y'reign hand,
Arelileasings id 'disguise."
, Another catalogue was there—it was the
.enumeration: of "Treigsgressfons."- My
hupfi : trembles as I remember them:'What
, arliMmenSe vaeiefy of classes? -IndifftW
'**-4tyde—unbelief 7 —sins against the world-.
Church against the Fatber—,
•*"4ost;thii'Saylouiagainst - the Sanctifier
Ole 'head 'of their , :ociwded_bat,
:,taboos, as if for*the puipose of driving me
One sin"? was forgotten
#4;llogetVFiiiieleit Sabb*ailisabUsed
na imp Tove t ne--enconrage
Ae4, ol iiCloir 464 4e s. 11 4 :tilsod;s/ith
t l o% l P'C'' o 4leP o o 0n . P ; i147
I°4 4411:4 reiitititi .
1 %
ti!ii.s4 across
01takikOtt?.`0,efAikreiVd 1 at
_ , .
.Nly ; visitant. here ;*iiddiesseil
Met '!';DPottl!gtkfnbOclP lOW stns!}
.' piQ
portion thy.sins, of . 09t.nmissiOn,',be'airto
!he - .
, • -
pointed , me to . instances in the pagelike
4110folloWing"I was hungry; and thou
. gotte*ine no meat,"—"l Was thirsty, and
thinilaVetit drink"—" I Sick;
and•thon diditnOt visit me." I was con
science-stricken:: ..In . another part of. the
record 'read the title, "Duties 'pertormed;"
Alas! . how small was ?their number!
as.l had been accustomed to think the
estimate of my good, works; I was greatly
disappointed to perceive that many perfOr
mimes, on which I had looked with pride,
were omitted, "because," my visitant in
formed toe, "the motive was impure."—
It was,. however; with feelings of affeCtion- ,
ate gratification, I read beneath the record,
smA as it was, the following passage :—.
"Whosoever shall give-a cup of cold water
only, in the name of a disciple, he shall in
no wise lose his reward." Whilst I gazed
on many similar records,. such wervhe
intense feelings wliich seemed to be auak - ..;
ened within me, that my brain grew dizzy,'
and my eye became dim. I awakened
from this state by the' touch of my super
natural'instructor, who pointed me to the
volume in Which I ,read my own terrible
history, now closed, and beating a seal, on
which, with sickening heart, I,read the in
scriptiojt, "Reserved until the Day ofJudg
ment." "And now," said the Angel, "my
commission is completed. Thou bast been
fierniitted what was nevergranted to man
before: What thinkest thoti of thcrecord?
Doit thou not justly tremble? How many
a line is here,. which " dying you would
wish to WV I see you already shuder
ing at the Pay. of Judgment, when an as- .
sembled world shall listen to its contents.
But if such be the record of one year, what
.must be 'the guilt of your whole lift :
Seek; then, en interest in the blood of
Christ, justified by which you Shall, in
deed, hear the repetition, but not the con-
denthation. Pray that, when the other
books are opened, your name May be found
in the Book of Life. • . .
And see the volume prepared for the
history of another year; yet its page is um 7
sullied. Time is before time—se6k to int ;
prove privileges are before thee—may
they prOve the gate of heaven! judgment
is before thee—prepare to meet thy God!"
He turned _to depart; and as I-seemed to
hear the rustling which announced his
flight, I awoke.
Was it•all a dream ?
o, V,7811 7 .1.4\_,LM@,
Torn'urging" Commission
Dealer in country Produce& Piusburg Malian:lump
NO. en, FM sweet, prrrsHuit“,
August IC, IRIS. , •
Susqliehinna Line,
TIP proprietors of the Susquehanna Linewil
run their Cars and Boats as usual to Phil
adelphia and Baltimore during tho present season
Their friend's will please 'apply to Noble, Flint
& Herr, Broad st. and Hart, Andrews & 'McKee
ver, first wharf above Race street on the Dela
ware Philadelphia, and Joseph E. Elder, Eilti
bcUntil further notice, the following prices will
adhered to between this like° and the above
•t: 24 &'• trl , 4 •
<lO3 Fcrl
• E. 7 ,
2203. 15 $1 per Lb
Ale per 100
Dry Goods, Drugs,
and Medicines, 2G
Furniture, ' 28
Wheat, Rye & Corn
per bushel - 11 •10
Oats do 7 6
Groceries, • 23 20 40
Lumber per 1000
feet • $3 50 $2 75
Shingles per 1000 1 50 2 00
Flour per bbl.. 34 30 47
Shad & Mackerel do 50 ' 37
Herring do 44 " 311 10)
Salt per sack, . 32 28 ..
Pitch, Tar and Rosin
per 100, 'l5 20 ,
Plaster gross ton, $2 50 $2 25
Hemp per 100, 22 16
Hides 25 20
P Il
Hides, 25
50 2 50
Blooms & Castings,4 00 3 121
Bar Iron, 4 50 3 50
Nails per keg, 20 17 ••••
Leather per 100, 25 20
Whiskey per bbl 53 47
Burr Blocks per 100, 20 • 15
Curb'Stone, do 121
Tin; do . 25. 20 40 • ,
Harrisburg, April 12, 1843. ' tf
DL A 2 wig 1111121171alkg
From 375, Bowery, N. York.
V t
j OTtfiltie'years - this - rdedieindluts stood imriValed
' far the cure of Coughs, Pain in the side, da
m y of breathing, Bronchitis, and all those affec
tions of the Throat, Lungs and Liver,which areasource of so much sulferingand whic h unarrested
so often terminate in Consumption. So extensively
has this remedy been used and few many cures has
it proVed successful, the proprietor feels ne hesi
tancy in recommending r it to all who unfortunately
have occasion to resort to some maps of recovery.
Multitudes whoifitTeTexperiencedAts.happy effects,
can testify to its utility, and very many rescued from
a premature death, point to it as the means of their
restoration. .
The originator of thiti remedy wt. 8 well vetted in
the,stilence of medicine, and 'a skilful practiciorrer.
Physieians familiar with its effects not at:frequently
prescribed in their - practice, and with the Medical
acultygenerally it has met with a larger :share of
approbation than i s common with ' exclusive pre
- '
• 00 - CONSUMPTION.-The following remarkl
were taken, from the last ,number ' of : the Modica
"TIM surprising abet produced b y; the, genuine
Dr. Tayloes Dalfiarr: of I..iverviort,• ttirrde at es
- Delivery; lii consumptive cased,cannoffitil exciting ti'
e .,
deeßand thrillniginteres ' lfroughouttheworld.' We
linve'So long believed t a disease (oodiomption)itt
curable, that It : is diffle Ilt to•eredit our senses when
we see verse - its evidently :constireptive, restored to
health.. Yet it afact of daily oecutrence.! , ,,•;,,,:,,
,LIVER COMPLAINT and General Debilky , 4
llikconsider My, curealmOstmiraculous. IWasmveii
up,by twp phyjdolaus and told•to prepare for ;testi) .
I was la Os taw:state wheal iftdend sent MO a litd
tie otlyt` t Tayttir'a,ltalszins of Idverwort;froaf" :in:
s 3 64fiY sod- %ru,r4 lithe:T*oso'llp the f botil,p',l wits
.obyttOilt .90 I , 'ti Pep, bythOlui.therlifiq !liailivini
, Pletllyfegikied My litialth..'All ihkiiiit udeltir .
q - ,kycV,a , .--L:'i,
._,l)."tV.P,Ll: l 9;,ggitolirillti - , :r.
''''..-';',;'' 4'4- dV., 1V,M.1, EN4:l44efebinve Rfivie; .
:,..r . frfie'lati - ObY , STV,yr, . - SulZ•V$4 , ::DINKtir, ,, for k
onwriktpgrut,,iiiiitoilleitati. , , ~,,,...,..,,,,,!,,,,,,,,
, ck=tafif.20,18", , .,..k , ,, , ..:;.i..,.., , ::" ,, ..,,,, tmo,
r• ' •
`4l,4•, , DosoAtito.,, , iinlBirto IRODL..AN•
ScrOfulay ; or King's 'Evil, .Ithetimatisni
obstinate ctitan.eous Eruptions; Phil
:PuStulea on . the• Face; Blot-,
elies;DileS",,.ohrOnie; Sore EYes, Ring
Worni Or - Tetter, Scald Head, En
largement and Pain of the •Bones
-and Joints, Stitbborn
tic - SynApttims, Sciatica, or• Lumbago,
and 'disteases 'arising from an inj udi-
Chins... Ape of IVlercury; Ascites, or'
'Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in
Life. Alai, ChroUic Constitutional
Disiirders 'will be removed by this
• Preparation. •
Improvement in whatever 'regards_the lumpiness
and welfare of ourrace is constantly on the march
to perfection, and with each succeeding day some
new problem is solved,or some profound secret re
vealed, having an important and direct bearing over
man's highest destinies. If we Mice a retrospective
view over the past twenty years, homi is the mind
struck with wonder ! What rapid strides has science
made in every department of civilized life! parti
cularly in dun which relates to the knoWledge of the
system in health and disease. how valuable
and indispensable are the curative means recently
discovered through the agency of chemistry ! 'llow
does the imagination kindlenTld our admiration glow
at the ingenuity, the near approach to the standard'
of perfection; of the present time! Through the
elaborate investigations of Physiology, or dm science
of LIFE, and the Pathology of prevalent diseases,
much valuable practical knowledge has been gained.
In consequence of bee:timing acquainted with the or
ganization, the elements of the various Tissues and
structures of the system, remedies have been sought
after and discovered exactly adapted to combine with,
neutralize 111111 expel morbille matter, the cause of
disease, and substitute healthy action in its place.—
The be7titiful simplicity of this map, of treatment
is not only suggested, by the pathology oriliseases,
not only grateful to the sufferer, but perfectly MA:ori
son:lnce with the operations of Nature, end satisfac
tory to the views and reasonings of every intelligent,
reflecting mind. It is thus that Sand's Sarsaparilla,
a scientific colowniation of essential principles of the
most valuable vegetable substances,operates Upon the
'system. The Sarsaparilla's combined with the Most
salutat'y productions, the most potent simples of the
vegetable kingdom ; its unprecedented success
in the restoration to health of those who had long
pined 'under the most distressing chronic maladies,
has given it au exalted character; finmishing - as it
does evidence of its own intrittic value;atul recom
mending it to the afflicted iu terms the afflicted only
call know.. It has . long been a most Important de
sideratum ill the .practice of medicine to obtain a
remedy similar to this—side that would act owthe
11;er, idomach and bowsls with all the precision and
Potency-of mineral preparations, yet withouriely of
their deleteriotis effects upon the vital pOwers of the
system. • •
The attention of the reader is respectfully called
to the following certificate. I lowever great achieve
ments Lure herAolbre. been made by the use of this
invaluable medicine, yet daily experience thou s re
sults still more remarkable. The proprietors here
avail themselves or the Opportunity of saying iris a
source of constant satisfaction that they are anode the
-nwons-of-relitwing-snelHiti-mottnt-ot-sufe'rin, t r.----
Wonderful Effects of Sands's Sarsurdrilla in
. .
Ilemi the Mowing from Airs. 'Wm. Phillips, who
has long resided at the Falls.. The facts are well
known to all the old residentsin that part of city.
Messes. A. IL SANDS iv. Co.—Sins: Most grate
fully do I embrace this opportimity Mr slating to yon
the great relief I obtained from the use of your 8411,
saparilla. I shall also, be happy, through you, to
publish to all who are alibied, as I lately was,the ac
cont of my unexpected, pal even for a long while
despair of cute. Mine is n painful story, and trying
and sickeningas is the namative of it, fin' the sake of
many who may . be surely relieved, I will briefly yet
accurately state it. .
Nineteen years ago last April a fit of sickness left
me with au Erysipelas eruption. Dropsical collec
tions immediately took place over the entire surface
of my body, causing such an enlargement Mat it was
necessary to add a half 3ard to the size of my dres
ses:wound the waste. Next Mllowed,upon my limbs,
ulcers, painqd beyond description. For years„hoth
'in saintlier and ;inter, the only mitigation of to
suffering was found in pouring upon those parts cold
water. From my limbs the pain extended over my
whole body. There was literally for me, by
day or by night.' Upon lying- down these pains would
shoot through my system, and compel me to arise,
and, fur hours together, walk the house,so that I was
almost entirely deprived asleep. During thin time
the Erysipelas combated active, and the ulcers ea
larged,and so deeply have these eaten, that 11)1. 1.11•0
Mid a half years they Imve been subject to bleeding.
During these almost twenty years I have consulted
niany physicians. These have called my disease—
as it wasattended wall an obstinate cough and a steady
and active pain in my side--a dropsical consumption;
and though they have been skilful practitioners, they
'were only able to afford my• case n partial and tent
' poraryrelict. 1 badman). other difficulties too emit
, plicated to describe. I have also used many of th e
medicines that Juice been. recommended
cures for this disease, yet these all failed, and I was
most emphatically growing worse. It this critical
condition, given np by fritids,and expecting for my;
sell, relict' only hi death, I was by the tim e ly inter
position of a kind Providence, furtashed with your,
to me, invaluable Sarsaparilla. A s:ingle bottle gate
me an aSsuranee of health, which tbr twenty yearsl
had not once felt. Upon takin,..., the second my en
largement diminished, and in hvelve days from the
Bth of October ; whet I commenced taking your Stir
saparilla, I was able to enjoy sleep - and rest,by night"
as refreshinr, as any I ever enjoyed leheit in perfect
health. Besides, 1( was, in thus short time, relieved
Cram all those excruciating and unalleviated pains.
that had afflicted my days, as wi..11 as robbed Me of
my night's repose. 'rho ulcers upon my limits are
healed,the Erysipelas cured, and my size reduced
nearly to my former measure.
Thum much do I feel it it privileg e to testify to the
efficacy of your health-restoring Sarsaparilla. A
thousand thanks, sir, from one whose comfort and
whose hope of future health are due, under God, to
jolt' instrumentality. And may the same Providence
that directed me to your,iiiti, make you the happy
and honored instruments of blessing others, as dis
eased and despairing to your ranch relieved and very
grateful friend, • ASLNATH, M. PHILLIPS.
New Lormox Co. as. Norwich, Nov. 4,1841
Personally appeared,the above-named Asenath
Phillips, and made oath of the facts contained bathe
'foregoing statement before me.
• Justice of the Peace.
23 40c
25 43
Being personally acquainted with Mrs. Phillips,
certify that the above asserted facts are substOntially
Minister of the Gospel nt Norwich, Conn.
---Sand's-Sarsaparil la-willerso- remove-and perms
nently cure disedses having their origin in an impure
state of the blood and depraved condition of the gern
eral constitution, vizi Scrofula or King's Evil in its
various forms, Rheumatism, obstinate cutaneous
eruptions, blotches, bills, pimples, or pustules on
the face, chronic sore eyes, ringworm or tetter, scald
head, enlargement and pain of the :tones and joints,
stubborn ulcers, syphilitic symptoms, diseases aris
ing from an injudicious use of mercury, female de
rangements and other similar Complaints:
Prepared and sold by A. IL Sands & C 0.., Drug
gists and Chemists, Granite buildings, 273 Broad way
collier of Chambers streehNew York. And for sale
by Druggists throughout the United Shade; Pried"
slper bottleisix bottles for $5.
The public are respectfully teqUested to remeta ,
be'r that it I s'Sands's Sarsaparilla that hits and Is con',
dandy achieving such remarkable cures of the Most
difficult class of 'di settseslo which the-htiman franc
It:subject, anti ask fret Satidesßarsapririlla, and Wee
nil other.. '
Akeet by special apyiointmelat for the Proprietcfili
for Carlisle Rnd Vicinhjr. :
My 12,1343.,,• • • 13,43 f
e t ceive 4 , e ov:.
emn,missimier iti'Vaiticruptcy. -
rtliAs OfAcq , Noii4Wattaik
pjriot, oid,9; 8 gootaillortb Vootber,
1ite°4914., 4 9,451481 1,0 0t0 thb,,i4Bqo
0,10,,q41abt 1,w 1 2 0 0 lie, wilt' ‘,1 3 '4e, 1 1-4 1 'ctiOf4PY
topitto,oll,buoiaosaivbiob may bo ontrootydr
Of bio.profeotoon,
Thg - beattnethod folth4 B' oliol -V DtHim
'ewe is - qeane 8 ( MP 4 1 4600 6 k , i
`lNOtAllir VEGETAB E , ?US
lt,ye'new acknoviledged, to:liti4e,ieve:llltedicine in
'',• the werlil fo..,thfOitre -
~ - . . EktgR.Y.V./11214-7**:, ; 'okl)l,SEslSE''
GGATISE theycomppOix. c)elase the stciinneli
II and bawd/140m those . .biltenXand:entript
more .which are the'cies.ol4?nly ol'lreatiache,
Giddiness, Palpitation of the liipMt,' Pains in the
Banes, Ithenmatism and Gont,but of every malady ,
incident to man.
' 8,410 IXDIJIN YE.0.41148LE PILLS
Are a certain. cure for intermittent, remittent, ner
vans, inflammatory and putrid Fevers, beesuCe . they
cleanse the body from those morbid humors, which
when confined to the circulation, are the cause of nl
kinds of _
So; also, when the same impurity is deposited on
the mendwane and muscle, causing pnins,lidlatntha
lions and swellings, called
The Indian Vegetable Pills may be relied on as al
ways certain to give relief, and if perscrved with ac
cording to directions, will most assuredly,andwith.
out fail, make a perfect are of the aboVe painful
maladies, From three to hix of said Indian Vegeta
ble Tills taken every night on going to bed will in a
shortfline so completely iid the body from every
thing that is opposed to health, that Itlicinnatistn;
Gout, and pain of every description, will be literally
For the samu-reasons, when, from sudden changes
of atmosphere, or any, other cause, the perspiration
is checked, and the humors which sflould pass off by
the skin are thrown inwardly, causing
Nausea and sickness, pain in the bones, watery
inflamed eyes, sove throat, hoarseness, coughs, eon.:
suMptions, rheumatic pains in various parts of the
body,anil many other symptoms of .
C./ TCHLAV COLD, . . .
ably give immediate relieG From three to' six or
said frills taken every night on going to bed, will in
a short time, not only remove all the Acne unplea
sant symptoms, but the body will, in a short time, be
restored to even sounder health, than before. The
same -may be said of •
• The IndianiVegctable Pills will loosen and carry
off by the stomach and bowels thoselmigh phlegmy
humors, whiell stop up the air cells or We langs,and
re die cause riot only of the above distressing corn
plaint, but when neglected, often terminates in that
still inure dreadful malady called •
It should also be remembered that the Indian
Vegetable Pills nye a certain mire
OppITSSIOIII,IIIIIISI.II, and sickness', loss of appetite,
costiveness, a yellow tinge of the skin and eyeiand
every other symptom of a torpid or diseased state of
the Hier; because they purge from theholly- those
impurities whiuh if deposited upon this important
organ, are the cause of every variety of
LIVER (;0:111'LAINT.
When a Nation is convulsed by Riots, Outbreaks
ind Rebellion, the only stu•e means of preventing the
Ireadlid consequences of a
CIVIL wAn, • -
sto expel all traitors, and e%il disposed ones from
hi like in:inner, when indoor sieknesEi of Any kind
niliente that the body is struggling with internal foes,
he trtfl remedy is to
(Traitors to life,) and lIEALTII WILL TIE TIII.
That the Principle of curing clist:ase, by Cleansing
tul Purifying the body, is'strietly in accordance wuh
he Laws uhiell govern the aid tnal'econonly; and if
,roperly carried out by . the use of the above mimed
IVill certainly result in the complete Abolition o
I)isease; we olTer the following testimonials, 'from
permis of the highest respectability in New Yolk
who have recently been cured of the most obstinate
complaints, solely 'hy the tine of Wntti lII'S INDIAN
JAMAICA, L. L June 9tl:, 1811
Doctor Willi:1t?l Wright—Dear Sir—lt is 'e
great satisfaction that I incortn you of my low
been entirely cured of DrApepsin, olfive vcm•s-stn
leg, I)3' the use of yam; INDIAN VEGETABLF
PILLS. • . , , -
Previous to mextmg with your celebrated medi
cine, I had limn under the hands of several' Physi.
clans, and bad tried various medicines; but all to no
effect. After using one 25 cent bbx of your Pith,
however, I experienced so much benefit, that I re.
sol•ted to persevere in the use of them according, to
your directions, which I sin happy to state, has re
sulted in a perfect cure. In gratitude to you for the
great ',coat I ha , :e received, aol also in the hope
that others similatiy afflicted may be induced to make
trial of your extraordinary medicine, I send you
this statement with run liberty to publish, the same if
you think proper. Yours, &c.
Nv.w Yonic, June 19;1841.. 0. C. BLACK.
To Mr. Richard Dennis, Agent for Wright's Indian
Vegetable Pills, No. .188 Grienwich st. N. Y.
Dear Sir—At your recommendation. Isome time
since made trial of WRICDIT'S INDIAN VEG
ETABLE PILLS of the North American College
of health; and can conscientiously assert, that for
Purifying, the Blood, and renovating the system, .
have received more benefit from their use, than from
any othl.r medicine, it Tins heretofore been my good
fm tune to meet with. I am, dear sir, with many
thanks, your obliged friend, C. M. TATE,
• No. 60Hamersly st. New York.
Mr. Richard
. Dennis,agcnilor ‘Vriglit's Indite
Vegetul;le Pills
Dear Sir—l have been afflicted for several years
with inward weakness and general debility, accom
panied times with pain in the side and other dis
tressing complaints. After having tried various medi
cines without eifect,ll was perausided by a friend to
make trial of Dr. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills,'
which I am happy to state have relieved me in n most
wonderful manlier. I have used the -medicine, as
yet but a short time, and have no doubt, by a per
severance in the use of the medicine according to
directions, that I shall in a short tune be perfectly
- restored. -
I most willingly recommend said Pills to all per
Bohn similarly alilmieil; soil, in the full belief tha
the same beneficial results will follow theiruse.
Iceman yours sincerely ,
Wnwaraing, Ulster Co. New York.
NEW . Youtt, Sept. 20. 1841
This is to certify that I have used Wright's Indian
, Vegetable Pills with the greatest benefit; having en
tirely cured myself of the freq uent attacks of Sick
Headache, to which I had previously been subject.
, 992 Greentrioh street, N Y. .
To Mr. Richard Dennis, Agent for Wright's Indian
Vegetable Pills;
As there are nt this time many *Joked person's
busily engaged in selling a eounterfeirrnedieme
der theunme of the Indian Vegetable Pills; 'and di
these desperate men are soLutterly reeltlessi of eon=
sequences,. that many: valuable lives may be lost, in
consequence of Utlngtheie dreadful compOurids,.tlie
public are :cautioned [against puYchasiug any Pills,
unlesi on the sides of the boxes the following ward
ing is founds • . „ , •
(haus Purgative.) -
TUE ikiettrit AKE/11CAli CoLtithE:or
And alaq to guard especially . . agaitist purchasing naitl
medieine of any hereon except the regular advertiti4o
aients,er at the olliewand general !depot, New 19.
11,A0E 'ST . REET, fifiILADOLPI - 11A.' • 11 '; •
Fur's ale 6 ,
, 0,011;11`4 , 630beOlitid 64,
Julia CoOter, f r —„Algohanideburg, ;.
lienry•llrenneauri;:..ll - 4!,, , N43 4. 404F1iter44gi?
ItuiaciLoyd, . 4,4 .- 4 , ,Y4 , 1410r1•
Alexander Cathcart;," 'l,'.";l9lloll9rditoita.
clippingir koaterp. 4 ,
larch Otit 1804 •-•
. v•
• °
effeliti4Oftthitylitilquitiition be
Cioinug rtiore , Uppnrint4_-...Nurnerous persons.
assert they have darived ufprobenetlefrOm using one
bode. Of ti, dish' three of nny ptherllThis is easily
nccoanted Leiiies Sstiiipairillitis;it much
strOuger, tiny other, tind - !Toilt:lA ce.
as much. is . coninined in One , bottle, as of. ani..other
(and B°l4 littheLsarrie prien.) Let ilie'publie!Fentieni.
-this-ri; no vairilipsst hut.the. •
From the hdictif neview
•Q 'Among the' vegetable alteratives with which
our dispensaries :tibOund, there are few so useful as
Sarsaparillii,and.when properly combined and pre=
pared, is invaluable; not only in restoring debilita
ted constitutions totheir wonted energy but in every
case arising out of an impure, suite of the bledd.''
Front a knowledge of very many eases (and Some of
them considered incurable) . where-many different
preparations of Sarsaparilla .had been used, none
seemed to possess virtues or remedial powers equal
to Er. Leidy's Medicated os loripoiind Extract of
Sarsaparilla,"' -
It is a preparation, it is believed'''fai superior to
any other, anti would recommOnd it to the uirticular
notice of Physicians.---Ed. U. S. Pazette.
Extract of a letter from J. B. Whitmore, of Easton,
in relation to Dr. Leidv's Sarsaparilla.
"My little boy and girl, the - former . now three
years and the latter now seven years old, have been
Whited with a scrofulous tumor from the time they.
were - three months old. Three months ago I was
induced to make trial of your Ditroct of Sarsaparilla,
and have given it to both to the present time. They
are now entirely free from any appearance of Seri).
fain and neyer,wefe in better health."
Dr4eidy'4 Sibtsaparilla is efficacious io all dis
eases ngqasing Bjorn impurities of the blood one other
fluids of:the_systtim. All invalids who may have
been under nu :dicta treatment, who are debilitated
front the quantity hf medicine they may have taken,
qr are under a mercurial influence, will foul that by
tising a few bottles of Dr: Leidy's Sarmaparilla,their
usual vigor and elasticity of their frame and system,
will be restoredi and be again permitted to enjoy the
sweets of life.
article appears to he doing. wonders at
the South, and from the high character of the re
commendationS, we are folly persuaded it is a most
capital medicine for all impurities of the blood. We
know many PhYsiciata who have given their testi
mony as this subject, and we know they would not
give a character to any medicine that did not really
deserve it."—Chlu•lestou Enquirer.
Extract of a letter from Dr: Warren, Natchet.
"Haying for the last year itt my practice used your
Sarsaparilla with much satisliietion to mytelt and
benefit to my patients, 1 have no hesitatiOn in declar
ing it to be one of the most useful preparations in
diseases for which Sarsaparilla is prescribed."
• Cyrhis preparation rimy lie depended_npon as
being the strongest (consequently more efficacious)
or any in existence; all fluid preparations must pos
sess similar virtue., in proportion to their strength,
being prepared frOm the some article. Dr. Leidy's
Compound P.xtraa. of Sarsaparilla, however, pos
sesses properties tint possess'ea by others, front its
manner of preparation, anti combination with other
vegetable extracts recommended by the medical fit
culty—and hence the reason why it is so generally
recommended by the Physicians of Philadelphia and
From the extraordinary virttms of thin prepara
tion and a knowledge of itn compos;tion by Physi
cians, (the VCIIBOII why they so generally use it, as
they would not use or recommend any• preparation
they dill not know the composition ot,) it has been
introduced in many of flue I lospitaln throughout the
U. S. and in highly recotnnuauled by I'llsiehms nod
Surgeons of those Institutions.
• • • . • From tit:: New Orleans Advertiser.
The high and envied celebrity which tlr , s 'pre_
eminent medicine has acqmred for itP
ficacyiii all diseases which it prot , . sses, to cure, has
rendered the usual practice: of - mvffr.'in g un ne ce saapv.
: lt-is-known_hy its -fruit. ono. ity,.. go „4.. wo pks_p_ t air•
for it. Dr. Leidy's Saes:• parlila will be found pat ti
cuillrlY effiencions in al'. disease's of the laver, stom
ach, skin, kidneys, s , ,:anp bones, ulceration or the
nose, diruat nd o ° .'ller •parts,:dn:cisses,fistillas, tern
erysiptdan,.l'AtiMlice,rhentnatisin and incipient
goat ; nercurtal syphilitic afretitions, female de
rangementr ar.d in restoring the sickly.:Md debilitat
-61 to the'.r l.atural health and energy. -
Dr. Leitly's Compound Extelict ofSarsaparills has
stoodo the test for five years past, and his no boast to
say that 'there is its other preparation of equal
strength now in . nee. Throughout the - Southern
States where Sarsaparilla i, es enteeli in general use
Its teasel(' coffee, Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla is goner
-114 preferred,and is highly recommended hr Phy
sicians, [whose li: . ertilicates have beet, ti.equently pub
lished ] '1 lerotegliout the north and went it is also
much used, moi eperhaps than any other.
One bottle of it tlealf a piid) is WHlTalliCill eereeel tee
two ofteny other he strength, and is rqual to one half
gallon of the strongest Syrup that can he nestle.
Directions for making Syrup therefrom accom
panies the directions.
in ,- .llltt a few days since n Clergyman of this city
[who does not desire his name published in the ;la
yers, but is left with 111. Leidy] stated that a lads
who had long been a communicant at his church, but
for two years past unable to go to church, on account
of het: extreme debility, occasioned by ulceration of
various parts of her body, disease of Iter liver and
other internal derangements, and die contant taking
of medicine therefor, never found any change for the
better until alter using several bottles of Dr. Leidy '8
Sarsaparilla, and by a few months perseverance in
its use, was entirely restored to health, and recover=
ed her former xtvength, and to use her own language
" - was almost created a new being." 'Phis is but one
of many instances almost dolls heard of.
It is required odd a n d sold wholesalo and retail
at 1)1.. LEIDN"S Health Emporium, No. lOU North
Second street below Vine: also sold by Frederick
Brown, corner Fifth nod Chesnut streets; and Fred.
Kieft & Co. coilier '2d and Callowhill street, at $l
per bottle, (a hall pint) or six bottles
• For sale in Carlisle by
May 31, 1843.
3Porms IPoritis
parents knew the value and efficacy of Ili%
Leidy'sPatent Vegetable Worm Tea,they Ili er
would be without it in their famillea,as childhat are
subject at all times to WOllll9.
Dr. I...tidy's Worm Tea is composed of vegetables
altogether, and may be given to children of all ages.
Directions accompany each paprr dr package.
Children suffix much, of times, front so many
things being given them for worths, without anY el
feet. Much medicine, given to children, has a ten
dency to destroy their general health, Mud they are
more or less delicate ever after.
To wield the necessity of giving medicine unne
ceisarily when you are certain your children have
wormagive them at first Dr. Leidy 'd Worm Tea. It
is all that is necessary.
Reference might he made to several hundred pa
rents in Philadelphia city and county;,of the efficacy
of Dr. LeidPs NVotan Tea. Try it dud you still be
Price 114 cents a small, dna '25 edits a largo Pack;
age. Prepared only, nod for sale, wholesale and
Retail, at Dr. Leitly'S Health Emporium,No. (DI
Herat Second-street, belmV_Yine (sign __the,Hol..!
den Eagle and erpents,)
For sale in Cifrildn by
ti C. FIEVE - kSOI4.
Juno 14, 1843. lf-33
Dr. Leidy's.Tet;cr and Itch Ointment;
AN infallible remedy fo'r various niTectiOns of the
Skin, removing Pimples, Puitulesi and Eruptions,
of the Skin, and partleuldrly adapted to the cure of
'Vetter and the Itch. ' •
. This ointment had inicif thed in numerous schools
throughout the city iind county, as well as Factories,
employing nurnerons girls and boy, and amongst
whom Tetter and Itthots well as other Affectionstif
the Skin,,pretailed, with the most unexampled em
cees: Names of School 'Peachere;us well as Super
intendiants And ,ProprietorU' of Factories; 'could be
given, confirming . the abore; harm. the delicacy they
feel in having their Mallet .published iti,eotinectionr
wit') such hiathecime and disagremble affeedions,
Price Elietittit box. For sale in Carlisle by
• . T.' C. 'STEVENSON. '
June 14, 1843.. ' , '
Art ONSUMPTICIg, telfgh ' Spitting Blood,.&e.
TdConsumptlves—Fon rfillits of you ere really
sufferingtrern: neglected , Colds; or an Obstrimtion
and consequen,t, , intlammation of the • delicate lining
of those tubes ~ through'Whieh the air we breathe is
distributed to 'wry ptrt of the „longs. This Oh
struetion produces pain rind soreness, ; hoarseness,
eough, difficulty. breatiting;.heeito ..fever,-,anda
spltinsg of.blOod, matter, Or Pitlegnfi which fitla,lly„
ex4sqiets ttig"itropit4pftlitipao4titml enqp:ln
Jitinti'AXPerPrikoti:°,ever filib.):topp*joye,Plia ., eil);;
strnotiOn 4 andprodimea,the most idestUngnntlitatipi
pitgkin ltit'effeetik andeattgot l4o,
e4 . ^ ,
„. . °
•,• " ,
::Btrectiona of the Livqr; Astlinii l / 4 , Bronchitis, Paine
or , 'weaklest; of the ..Brerist or 'Lunge, chronic
Colighe,Pleargay,llxmorrakeof the Lungs, and
cl o g:actions of the Puhnonary.Organs. ~
. ..
• . • • •
=- 41 - tale halm - tele ilreparatioti of the - Primus
Virginiania or" Wild Cherry Bark,"oombined with
the : Extract of Tar, prepared hy a new chemical
process, approved and recommended by the most
distinguished- physicians, and 'universally acknow
ledged the most valuable medicine ever Uncovered.
In setting forth the virtues of this truly giolit me
dicine, we have no desire to deCeive those Who are
laboringunder nor do we w ish tO,,eittogise
it more than itjustly deserves. Yet whet; We look
around and See the vast amount of sufferink find dis
tress occasioned by many of the diseases ih Which
this medicine has proved - so highly successful; we
feel that we cannot urge its climes too stilmgly, or
say too much in its favor.
Various remedies it is true hire been Offered and
puffed into notice for the due of diseitees of the
Lungs, stint some have no doubt been fbund Vetly
useful, but of all that !Mire ybt beef; discovered; it is
admitted by physician§ and all Who have Witnessed
its effects, that none{ hat proved a succeistia as this.
Such; indeed, a re UM'
Of this Balsam, that even in the advanced stage of
CONSUMPTION ' aftei• all the Moat esteemed remedies
of 1148162119 11:1VC fitiled to effect any change, the
use of OILS nietliiiitte has been productive of the
most astonishing reliefiand actually effected cures
atter till hopes of recovery had been, despaired of.
'ln the i•st stages oldie disease,termed Catarr-
Pd./. denounddion,"originating from neglected Colds,
it has been used with undeviating success, and hun
dreds acknowledge they owe the restoration of their
health to this invaluable medicine alone. In that
Form of Consumption so prevalent amongst delicate
young fernales,commonly`termed debility, or
A complaint with which thousands are lingering, it
has also proved highly successful, and not only pos
sesses the power of checking the progress of this
alarming complaint, but also strengthens tied invig
orates the system more effectually than any meth-.
eine we have ever possessed. .
Besides its surprising efficacy in Consumption, it
is equally elliCaclotist II Liver Complaintaidethria,
Br2ochitisond till affections of the Lungs, and has
cured many of the most obstinate cases, after every
Meter remedy bad thiled. -- Vi-For particulars see
Dr. Wistar's Tretise on Consumption,to be had o"
the Agents.
AVendingthe use or this metlieme 10 disease's of.
Lungs, and the many singular cures it 1;, 4 , s
reeled, having' naturally. attraicted the iitt-,, n ti , „,„ o f
mane physicians, (as well as the whole tritt.zrnite of
quails) varionsconjectures and norm' ses , , as , : .„„ se „
respecting its composition; some jophysicians 111150
supposed it to contain lodine,bo.,ei. peen,„
( lees hay it Must contain..l/er curii, „idto some such
substance they each aurtbe a , suigu l m , e ffi cac y„....
As opinions nee 01 .tot;ether erroneous, and cal.
culated to prejitiliee Ina lOU .y persons against i t,
R 110N " Oli.
That itcoatair.s I.othing of the kind, or any thing
the least; on the contrary, it is composed
of the mor,t substances, the principle'a which
are. tly.: extracts of TAU and DM Cherry Burk,
and (Ii whole. secret of its efficacy consists in the
'...10( 1 :e by which they are prepared.
As we hire a h drearly publithed numerous cekili
cates front the
_highest authority, which -- prove' its
iirtnes beyond all thiuld ore consider it unnecessary
to exhibit a lon". ' list of iliem in this place ' mad will
only mention a re w cases, to-show what it has done.
A. SURPRISING CURE.--Among the many
- simpdar — enres — wirielr - this — metlicine — has--efrectral,
three is perhaps none in which its powers are so
filth.- shown 118 in the case or Mrs. Austin. •
This lady had been consumptive for'stiveral yeses,
and during the greater part of this time:had received
the best medical attention, and tried all the most
valnabita remedies, yet nothing could he [mind to
arrest its progress, She became subject to violent
fits of coughing, expectorated large quantities of
matter orensinnallv tinged xRh blood, and step by
'step this learrill disease continued its coarse,
all hope or a recovery . aas entirely despaired or.—
AVli ' ile in this distressing sitnation, lingering upon
the very verge or the grave, she commenceirthe use
of this Ilalsalni, which, to use her own expression,
operated almost like a clisrm. In a few days she
freely, the cough aas gradually sup
presFiett, and mery day appeared to add 'fresh vigor
to her looksiiiiid now, in the place of that emaciated
f o rm withering to decay, she is seen mingling in
society-0u he'rte'r health than she has enjoyed lb
Dist N'tF.R 4 1 1.:S ! Cl‘/ONV.--11:111tit 'witnessed
the surprising ellivoi* of 1)1.. ihliti:tiM of
\Mt Cherry, in 14e r..qt4 of Mrs. Austin, 1 cheer
folly acknowledge the An% statement to he true
and correct. I. C. Ir r at.i.r.tis, .M. D.
. •
Woods:own;l"...vpl.. 4, 1841.
I)earSit.—Althongll your invaluable Me has
already found hundreds of powerful advocates, it
1110 V Still be gratil) hug to you to receive n emninuni
cation from ally one that has liven rclictnd by it.
Such, Sir, is truly my ease. I have liven It Vieli4l
10 that terrible disease Consumption, for marry
mouths, and have suffered so mucli,,that 1 had be ,
come almost weary of •my life. Hearing your
Balsalm so highly praised, I began taking it a few
weeks hack, and can assure 3 ou it has reticle(' toe
more than 4111 y thing I have ever used before, ;mil 1
continently believe it will cure the effbctually. Please
give the bearer the a (alb of tile eiselosedoind oblige
Yours Itespeelidly , JOHN PEAIISON.
• Chester County, Sept. 6,1841:
Friend Wistar—lt gives me much pleasure to in
form thee that my wilds health . has improved rm r
much since she bag been using thy Ilalsalm of Wilt
Cher 6., nod we think there is no donbt but that i
will cure her. She has taken the two bottles I par
Asset! from thee a short time Sinee, Mid her bong!
is much better .she also 4 . lrep's well at nightom
save she has founo notiiiiig to giVe her so mulch rc
lief. 'I Will please give the heitl•er two bottle.
more for Thy Prientl.
Lancaster county,July 18,1841.
Dear Sir—Please send me two !mutes 01 your
genuine DOBAI' of Wild Cherry. I Intro been af
flicted with Consumption for the'last two years, and
suffered very much with a siivere cough, pains in
my lirenst, difficulty of breathing, night sweats, &e.,
and having tried numerous remedies, and also been
under iced:hi doctors. yet I could not find any thing
to relitiie Me until I ified some of your Dalsulm. I
got one Wide from ft neighbor ofmine who is using
it, and hike found film woutlelibl relief from it that
1 have no doubt it will mire me efffiffinally.
Very cespeaffilly yoursi,&c.
ROBERT //0311AN.
gor- Read the following from Dr. Jacoti
a t:hysioian of extensive practice in Minting:lon
county :
Dear Sirf—l procured one bottle of Di% Wistaf's
Balsalm of Wild Cherry, from Thomas Reed, Esq.'
of this place r and tried it in a case of obstinate
Asthma on a child of Paul Schwebie,in which many
other remedies had been tried without any relief.
The Ihilsalm Face sudden relief, land iiimy oPiniok - :
the child is.eflectutilly cured by its use.
Yours, &o. JACOB norirmAN,M.
.December 2:1d;1$41.
Dear Sly—Your Bnlsalm of Wild CherrY has af
fected some astonishing cures here. One of which
is an oldiady, Mrs. Russell, who 'hail been suffering
for a long time with Shortness of breathing, and gen
eral weakness, until she was finally ohlrFed to keep
her bOd. After various other remedies had been
resorted to in vain, she commen c ed using your Ilal r
salro,find after taking two bottle 4 was so far recover
ed as to he able to attend : to all tile:duties of her-
Ileac, and en faking two bodies tnore'watientirely
cured. Respectfully, &o. -
Joitri S. C. Aaiun*:
Pottsville, Pa. - •
CAUTION.—As, there is .tr* Spurious . inixtfire
called kyrtfp Of Wild purabasers should be
very parildular to ask for 'Da. WISTAIPS'BAL
SAM. and observe his sirmature on the Bottle.
Prepared for the proprietor, awl' sold.. at wh'oTe
sale ImAVilliams k Co.; Chemists; No, 21 Minor
street, Philudelphiit.
.'. - PAmuut.lELtiark
' -Tn Sltippensburg by the Rei. Daiid Smith; Har
risburg by John Wyeth,..lti Lancatitert by . J.' Gish;
Chambersbnig,by.LeinenenigVand'itialmost every
town and village throughout the 'country.`; e . •
Price, 01-A0 a,' Otittk . 11
Nevenitier'234B42. ,•' • A
italpib e r oboOilPPrO Pail s opal/ all:r`emna
adobtett to him by Noto,or:Rook account, to_ pay up
.n or beforextbe c•t.ttf-§eptember next, after wltiib
ate,the, be PlaceaLlPithe
odsof q,Juis"tiea.of(l! , areace fur ottlietApp;
,Auffnikl6,lB43•'' .
, ‘ , V i 5
p . 144 1 , ;`• •
I, Wan2.llY-Zaleatelnegi
REPARFelpl*ly.hy..Dr.-D:JAYNIS, InventoP;
and sole proprietor,Zio.' SU _South Third st.
and ..nope optic gentilim without his
written eisnattire'bpnn cvside. irritpeer. All
others are counterreits:..',:yr,,:42., .
These medidi nes are itemoniended !Ind extensive
used by. the Itkoiit intelligent,Pritini in the: United
Mates, by, numerous Profeatiors,- mid Presidentaoi
cilleges,Thsicians of AN Army kid Dliiiy;ritittlif
ospitils•and„ Almilibuses, and' by . mere thakthree
hundred Clergymen of various denominations. ,i
They are expressly. prepated for family use, ant
have acquired and unprecedented popularitythiough r
out the United States; and as theyne so, odroirabiz. -
'calculated to preserve 'Heal th aritteutir •Inisease, no
family.should ever be,witholit theirr.:ll.llo pitiptie , 7
for of these valuable preparhtions received Ilia cdu-:
cation at one:of Miiilical Colleicp in ete. DI,
States, and has had filreki Years experience inch
extensive and diireirsitied ' p6'etice, by which , Ice bile
had ample, opportunities .`iif acquiring h . PritOcal
knowledge of diseases, tin4of the rentedilis best cal..
ciliated to rerooVe them. These 'preparations con
mist of • • ~ , . .
Jayne's Diketorant, a i'til liable remedy for Cough,
Colds, Consumption, Asthma, ' Spitting ' of Blood,.
Gratin; Heaping Cough, Bronchitis, Pleurisy and in-
Minim:diet; Of the Lungs or Throat, Difficulty of
Breathing, tool all diseases of the Pulmonary Organs.
Also jayne's Hair Tonic, for the Preservation,
growth had Beauty offilie pair, and which will posi
tively hying in new hair on bald heads.
Also Jayne's Tonic Vernal fuge,a certain and plea
sant remedy for Worms' Dyap epsia Piles, and many
other diseases.
Also Jayne's Carminitivo Balsam, a certain cum
Or Bowel and Summer Complaints, Diarr Dy.
sentery Cholic, Cramps, Sick Headache, Sour stom
ach Cholera Morbus, and all derangements of ' the
Stomach and Bowels, Nervous Affections, ke.
Jayne's Sanative Pills, for Female Diseases, Liver
Complaint, Costiveness, Fevers, inflammations,
Glandular, Obstructions, Diseases of the Skin, &e.
and in all ellSe4 where:an Alterative os. Ptivgatiw
Medicine is required.
For Sale in Carlisle, by .
11Iny 31,1843
l" Y vir ue , ,01 the rowers and authority
COPthinell fast will and .testament of
MAEL 'EGE, deu'd, r l now offer for soli, the
Carlisle Iron Works,
Situated on the, Yell ow Breeches Creek, 45 miles•
cast 01 Carli•Sle The estate consists ors irst-rate
2 StiatillS 40EtTiVotaia
ivgh Th:Otesaud acres.of Land,
A ',ew AIERCHANT MILL with fotirrun stone,.
froishedouthe most approved plait. About 500itbrea
of the laud are cleared and oultivnted, Laving
thereOn erected
Three Large ' Bank Barns
and necessary TENANT HOUSES O'be
works Are propelled by the ellow Breeches L:reek
and the Boding Spring,which neither fail norfreeze':
There are upon the'premisesall the necessary work
mots houses ' coal houses, tairpeuter and smith shops,
And stabling bitilt Grille most substantial materials.
The'ore or the be'st quality and inexhaustible, is
within 2 miles of the Furnace. There is' perhaps
no Iron Works in.Petinscltania which possessis su
perior advantages' id offers greater inducements to
the investment of Capital. The water power is so
great that it might he enfolded to Loy other -maim
hirturing purpose. Persons disposed to purchase
Will of course exuntine the property. The terms of
sale will be IlUlde knoww by .
• - Exeentri?i. of Michael Eiv, deed.
Carlisle, Oct. 19, IB4'2.`tf-51.
pitoTEGTioN COI PANY, being intorno
&ittfil.hy an act of the Legislature of the present aes
sion,and fir
fully q . inized mat iit Operation 'under this
direction of board of Managers, viz
Thomas C. Miller ' P. Cummins, John Moore
David \, McCullough, Jllllll'B IVeaklY, George
Martin, William AlooVo., Samuel Galbraith..llllllol
flrebson,Tlinmas Psalm!, \Vim Ilarr,Josepli Culver
nod A. (I. Miller, call the atteidinii of the inhabit
ants of Cumberland Valley to the cheapness or their
rates anti the many alhantages which lids tied of
ill:11111111re has ever 'any Other.
Ist. Every person inhortrif becomes s member of
the company and takes part in the choice of officers
and the direction of its COIICIIIIS.
"211. For int.lll.llllCe, 110 more is demanded than ill
uecess.iry to titecrthe ex 'HIM'S of the Company and
indemnity against losses which may happen.
34. The inconvenience or is a
voided by insuring for a tern, of 'five years. '
Ith. Any person applying.lor insurance mum give
his premium note for tlw cheapest class at toe 1 ale
of Use per centstin ! which will be $5O on the sitsio,
for which he will have to pay $2,30 thy ti ve t . m . s ,
and ,50 for sOrVey and policy, 01111 no more unless
sustained to a greater antonot than the hinds
till hands will voter, and 016.1101110 re will be requir,
ed than a pro,,rata share. 'nuke rates are much
elwaper than those of other companies, except such
as are ineorp . orved on the sum' principles.
111S1111111Ce Is .tfected in the folloubig manner. A
person applyiog for instirance for property of the
trimmest class 'of risk din' $lOOO will be charged 5
per cent for five yew 5, a note amounting to $5O must
lw ',vet' by Ithri, oil which he will be required to pay
sper nent sii,sll, and $1,59 for surveying and policy,
and will have on more required of 11110 unless losses
occur and the lands on hands are not sufficient M
Agents , w ill be appointed as soon :19 possible in dif.
recent places to attend to insurances. initially persona
wishing Immediately to apply can do si'hysignify.
lag their With to the officers of the company.
A. G. ;Nitt.T.Es, Seu'y
April I'2, 1843.,
Mechanicsburg Line
2UTZ . f I :Z- We' ADA r
- x;- -
Between &Mechanicsburg and
Philadelphia or Baltimore.
EDO,;Altio IfootEs
[BY .R. 44. ROAD OR CAY.9L]
rOHE subscriber grateful for past favors, begs
. 11 . leave to inform his friends and tho public
generally, that ho still continues to run a line of
burthenCars regularly between Mechanicsburg
and Philadelphia or Baltimore, by which goods
and produce of all descriptions will bo forwarded
with care and despatch at the lowest rates of
Produce will be received at his Ware
Mealtiniesburg., and forwarded so either Phila,
delphia or Baltimore, according to the direction,
Of the owner.
[Ern. highest prico will bo 0'011'644'
and Flour.
N. B. Plaster of Paris and gad •aly4yalmipt
on hand, and for sale at the lowest prices. , .
. .
' lie has also an hand, at the Depot
burg.;.for sale, LUMBER, Such asnemealq
Shingles, Scant lingo, - ffif,e;
which will be sold on libCral terws.
'kukust 17;1842. ' 'tl:4'
akaugnAmm 'I4EOI
YEIIS & 11AV.gliOTICKlat've‘ ust i4Celfcit
Mfrom the Mantifactor.v at Philade lphia' it large'
assortrockil 0f,1•41WL:41.1P8,06 9 / 8 0% of
, •
with or tiitliout shades; which they w kraell pbole l :
sale or retail at the traanuftiliturer's prices.
Astral, Side. Reflectors and blaiil4ldie of
.I;ark .
ees patterns. '
• .
The veryfieati Winteri . .
warratod to r burn clear, f0p,,;,,, „ 0,
, 145
Beat Sp . ei:m'Cafidtes. ST oenCe;pelb
carllde; Dee:2f,,
sobiiaiiiikkertigtio - ;
. ,
ii"11141r, dili r l#101014^ L !::'
watfLl3l4rgTm OfS tAblio taut sh 9,06tt u 0 , 4,
fgaiil34ve'llolitioriiiilllt *lt
aiolit l 9 s, ,lA'alf.: 4l 'th‘a g lindrOtber prtir
dyibijf;'ther tfiStibif protabv dols
r ation'. iptil..i'libic,:phTisktmjecist reo:i44tilakt lett
„ .
5;1:3 r
• 13.f24