NIEWSPAPER—DEVOTED T O GENERAL !N'IELLIGENOiWA* I IR I I [ O/1 1 G 124 *ITieSi Erk IOI 4TVRERIORAVE*I I ;; ARTS AND APIUSP 816 lENT , &c. e• VtltalltigE —4X747. sultup.:4,EXtosrroL Wick ibentre Square, S. W. Cartter at the Old stand,' • TERMS OF PUBLICATION : • • Tic HERALD & EXPOSITOR is published weekly. on adouble royal sheet, at TWO DOL.. LARS,per annum, payable within three months, from the time of subsurping ; on Two DOLLARS AND FIFTIt CENTS, at the end of the year. No subseiiption • will be taken. for less than six months, - atid.n . § paper discontinued until all ar roarages are paid, except at the option of the publisher, and a failure to notify a discontinu ance will be eonsitiered a new engagement; Advertising will be done on the usual terms. Letters to, irieure, attention must be post paid Pro boilop it &i 7 Call - and - savo'a Dollar ! RATS !) HATS ! - A LL. ye who wish to suit yourselves in fiPst. rate HATS of every kind, just given • call at uew at of the subscriber, N 073, lifilllCee Row, two aora north of Angney and Anderson's store,where he intends keeping con titertiy on hand, and will manufacture to order of the test materials and at the very shortest notice, " - BEA IrElk, IZTRY4, INRUSH Avz N.Tta.MATZO • .„ of every description,in the nestest and, most fit s able style, warranted to have as good and permanent • color as any or the Hats manuTheturcd m the et-, ties. Also, • Chapeaus and Military Caps, of every descraption made in the best style, mutat very moderate prices. - For CASH, be wiii sehliower than ever lliits have been sold in this Borough—mid, indeed, his prices gei t erntly will be such ns to suit the - depressum of site tiMes. • Although he prefers 'selling for Cash— yet he will, as usual, be willing to take Country pro duce at the market prices in exchange for Hats. _subscriber returns his • sincere thanks to a generous public for tine eliOoO ragemontlro-hos-pe 'coked since he first commenend business about three years no,in the old shop itamuthersjrct,and hopes •hv strict attention to businugs to merit and receive a A:ambulance of their patronage. ' r ik t uditolgaoo-yoursokt,tr WILLIAM H. tnout. . . Carlisle, May 24, 184.3. .Satait Profits .qtfiek S ales. THE subscriber has jttst opened. his new GOODS, which lie will sell law for Cash,tioni posed of Cloths, CassimeresTSatinets, drillingihrest ings, 6-4 sheetiligit for 54 air. 10, heautillil 4-4 ...Bleached Muslin:3 for NA,. I'2-4 Bleached sheeting, hnndsonie new style 6,8, 10, NI chintzes,. vloyes, stockings, 11.1811 linens, gtilll SieeleS:111(1 parusols,beim filo( 4.4 hair cord muslins, and lawns, cheap Nliis de Lairs, with a variety of other goods which lie invites the goolifolks of Carlisle to ell and examine for themselves. Also, stva w and lawn Bonnets, Ladies, Misses :mil Childress Morocco anti kid slip pers. Best Itio Cnlli•e, best black,iwperinland nth , en Teas. Superiur•Cavcudish Tobacco, so pronoun ced-by the best judges, all of which he will sell - at prices in accordance with the times. s: M. 11A1ilt1.5. tl -27 C:u lisle, May 3, 1843 ELLIMT AntiFFERS Mr sale at very reduced priers, a full CIP assortment or • :Drugs, riEedicineg, dye-Stutlb, PAINTS, &c. together wills I:Ilion:Irv, Pine Can Paper, by the Ream, Letter do Slates by the dozen, Silver Pencils, Drawing. du Sable, heir do., Drawing Paper, Sealing Wax, Wafers, Penknives, or n line quality, Painting brushes, Crav ing do. Shaving do. 'l'eetli •Flesli do., Shaviiq and Soslrsurgrutt varietvAiirnish, Sp ices arounit Jul Ungrorcurt, • T , Together with every other article in the Drug line, the attention of Comitry Alerchants and Dyers, is snlielicil ns I am determine to sell at very low priers ib r cortisto, march 15,1813, ' ti F ores)a riling S.: Comniiission BUBOHEB GEORGE FLEUENG I) EmwrruLLY informs the pnblic,that he is A prep:tied to receive, forward Roil dispose of rodiace of every descriptioia,.. either at the Philadelphia or Baltimore Markets, or at tiny other point accessible by Rail' Road. As he -will sttettd in person to the delivery and sale of all urticles entrusted to his care, the Blast satisfactory putt speedy returns may at till times he expected,and the utmost pronlptitude in the transactiou of all bu siness entrusied to him. • Farmers and others having any article which they, wish disposed of,.'will do will to call on bitn,,itur rnediately opposite the Mansion House, and Mill Road Depot, West High street, Carlisle. G. F. us authori4ed to purchase several inititired bushels of Grain,- fop which the highest' via: will he given. - Carlisle-, May 11, 1843, Rats: Rats: EtatS STANDARD FASHIONS! No: It6l Market at:, and corner 3d 4- Walnut els PHILADELPHIA. 11l HE subscriber has on hand and is nOw t t making tut Blair° Fresh Stock of Hats anal Laps for the Teass)lVania trade. Fine and sc*Antl qua li ty Ileaver,'Moleikm, Con: nice Silk .4114 . ,,8r . tten Hattwc- and the "Patent Cassi mere Hat", 01, Witten he is the Patentee. Maki% tbe, fliita at his own Factory of the bet{ iitateriala :the hest workmen, he is enabled to tell ithystiOo irw. ' Those who buy to seil again will have such Hatt . tritt go as will be sure to,,keep their customers,K vkl.l! r llstts and Caps are made ftapreaely for Retad 25:ade, Call and judge Mr yourselves. OLIVER BROOKS, HA Market St. and earner 3d 15c Walnut at. Philadelphia; April 12, 1848. . Selling oft, at Cost, - WITHOUT lIESHEIVE. THE subscriber, tlpterminud to close her fluidness, will Sell her entire, clock of Goods AT. COST . Persons wishing to,to,Clutse may rely on getting goodioinnieeiy•nt cost; lidilatock Consists of a large assortment of Dry, Goals, Groceries, Hardware, Chinn, If., lass and Queepware; Shoes and Boots of every kind; Paints and Dye Stuffs. , Country Merchants and others are invited to,n c li and 'examine for' themselves, as she ; will, sell her whole stock' or any,anwt of it to suit purchasers. Store in Soetkifitiover street, .Carlisle. the entire stock,lis purchased the Room; Warehouse anti cellar carOe httd with it.' • • - ~ S. %milt Augiori6;lB43." . tf..42 V 4)11N 'IArIitELIDLE • a:Well ,tk% . • ESPEOTPULTAr• services to the ,leitizena of C'srlislq/ead - ink.ritinAy t Ailet he will 'attend tn'id o 'ltefronrf., •rtit dental operations *melt as mtractingno. tura, matterntig'inOroptildi) - artificial fetarlfg, d tingto tooth' Win entird.tial Mee oppoeitoNEFolenneiiHetiii. I Apl:Rtk gm! Anq . yyc vu _un . , e. Ci 2 ; I 16410 8 tiptlCti)iniii i ' ; 1.3 • f , 43 . 00i6..VerintrUge,- " • "..",trtjAtta . ooll),'A V . • . tj4 .f 4 cortni*it,e4Bitlon4i arid • ,?;;;:;...! , , • • -"; .400' . . . ~.-i- ~. •-- • , • ~, ~.., ~ , - .4 ,,, .^ , f , 1 ~,-,,,,...,., 4 , 1,1 , --.1,' 4 4:::-.r ~:.,,,,.,:-..., 4 , .--- -',-. V ".'-''''''.'"."' '"''''' ....:., ':rre':' - :r . i . : 6 i*:;='h-417...r.,:0 , 1 , f7:-50-:'! . • 4 ".`" . ";. * -' '--' . •:?;. 4 :':',. , ', , t11,1t:, , :ir , :•‘ - ;. "-`• '". . . . • ~..' J. : :,lA*l 4 t'A..ii-' , - :4 4 4„Z - 4.,.. ( ' ",: ,:,,,. , a,tj , -;.<-4., 0,•I0 : . - • ,i,... ; : '2 -I- , '' , 'V, ,, ' , ' .'.., .. 3. * •,.....L L, S. 3.dr ..' :: ' 2 ° • • . •- •• ~ ,••,••••,„,_,, •-•-.'.,„ • . •,c ',••-•.• "•( ; ~., .""•- .• • •,, ,•• 4. • - '.. '-' • ''' • . .; rt' e• - •• • ;;' • ' •-•'•. - ' .'• . , .., ~t t; fo „,-, ,• •• . . •'4 ,• '. ..., '., - Yei. •'''•.` ,',.. ' •-;•'''l,';•.!•"';' , ',' , '`',••• ',..ti." i,'Y. - • "--• •'''--'' ' ' ' ' " • ' ,••'•'; '..• • '' ) '' (4 '' i '- " v• ''-' '-- '. -v ;""""' '' ' ' ' • ,64 11 '• ; ' , ", .‘ : 1 ' ' •;,•. 1. % :3 ' ; . ;',,''' • ''' •'' •" .:a," ~, , ~,,,,,,,,, , , ~,,,, ;, a -,„,,.....: ,1,, , ,, , , , i; , 1 . I,r , r .; ~,,t tf , '"Y ..1 c'o,' KA'ti , .; ,:. P.' .:„ `, ::: :-;,, .:, I- ''' ='' '''. '-' ''. .'• r: ,,, , , -: , . , .., , - . ,_,..., ~,,- ":,:: • ~,,:- •-•••'_:::, - ,_: ..,_. _..._,_ '........ ....,,. 5• ...:,, - -7 ,f i ~ :I'' :'.,:, 1,1 n•,' ' l ‘ - ' l '''' ''''''.. ': ; ''.- -- ' ' ' - ' 7 ' : 4 :1 r' ' ', : '/ ~• , 'i; ;' I. % ' 1 ,', ~` ir, •,•'" '3' : • r . ~ .. . i . . r ~,...,,,,,,,:„.,.., ~,,,,4,,,,,..4„, ~ ,t„...:., ~...,.. , ........Ai.,..,,,,,,, coif • „,... , ~,,..., 3r . 7 .i'11 , t! i # - 1::;" 1 1: : j 'Y' - ' l i t : 7 l 7 11 . ' iv : k- il; ' .':' r. ' '' t;:' ‘ .l..::: f , ,f.: . 1re. ,.- !s' . - ~, • „ '''',,' '''''. 3 3,... '. ~ ~ ' • ;/. • • ''.' •' • ' . ,43 ‘::'''''.:',..' - : ';',.:',,,''' : . - - 4 .3: :::: ' : '''' . 9 '. 1 : "• 4 •'' 1 ',' • . '3'-%'% . ' ".- ' " ',, , .., ~..• •1i3•.,,, , -.4.. 3 ,(,,,...3.:• ~, ... .., fir. .-.. ,;.,•.• •3'.: • . •4•...',)', .1. - ' ' .3: „ -' • •.; , n c. , •, • ~ "3' ', 't :• 1 • ' '.l' ' r • ~• ' •'' ' ".. ', •, . ~ ~,, , . , • . •'• ' ' -.. ~ , • .• ~ '' ' ' , ;..- •'''., '' ' ,3. - f 4 ., ft ) :'i::;•: - , '' '..,,''. :,-''. '',.'.".,. ~,. .1 }."•.' :',,,',,,, I.'l ..... ;-: ~ .::'.-.-',".; ,- , e , ...."' .:* '1' ,, :•".4;`.'' , ; : - ., !. ''!C.' ' ''.". .' ,' , 2 - • ^ 'f • ' '-'.":' ''. .' : ' '. .. ' :... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . FIRE INSURANCE! North Atne;riea Insuir•aarice Co. • -- •OF PHlLAllthPliiA. JOHN 3. MYERS, Agent, Carlisle. MIR'S company continues to make Insurances J 11 - against loss or damage . by Fire, oa - tho most reasonable terms. They also take PERPETUAL RISKS. on stone or brick bUildings at $2.5 on $lOOO, the premidm subject to be drawn any time by the party insuring, at a deduction of five 'per cent. on the amount of premium paid. , The usual rates for one year on Stone and Brick Buildings, $4 to $5 on $lOOO Log and Frame, $6 to 97 on $lOOO Merchandize, about $5-ort $lOO O ,, Application in person or by letter will hap - , mediate attention. The Sprilig.lGakilen /nowtance OF . PiIILMDELMI.A. AKE INSURANCE, either temporary or perpetual, against loss or damage by Fin; iti v 2 i ton br Country, on llouses. Barns and Build ings of all kinds; on /lonsehold 'Furniture, iller ebandize, Horses, Cattle Agricultural, Commer cial and ManufaCturitik Stock, and "Utensile of every deseriptton,as well as MORTAGES and GROUND I RENT, Upon the most favorable terms. • The following are the usual rates, 'viz; On Stone and brick Intildings, frOm • 35 to 40 Os: on $1 OQ . "Log and frame " CO to 7Q pts. on 100 4, lllercliandize and furni ; ----ture in . brick or stone buildings, from "Do. in log or frame; "Horses,cattle, farming utensis and sundries, at ab,ont. 4. • , Application mu) , be Made to - JOHN' J.--AMERS,-- Agent— Carlisle, Dec. 1842, ' ly 9,11111D1V • • T HJ, subscribers respectfully inform the that they have purclmsed the entire stock of Goods of Thomas IL Skiles,consisting of Cloths, CaSsimeres, Postings; Gloves, Stocks, ilandkarchipfs, Linen Collars, Gestkniens Hose, Cravats, Caps, &c. &c., all of hick they offer for sale at the aid stand of Thomas 11. Skiles, Fit West Main Street, They assure the public that their work will he done in the best trian tier and most fashionable stile. Centlemen fund* ibg Cloth, may rely . upon haying it made up it ith equal Care, , . \VII. A. LINTIIURSr. WM. SIDLES. N. R. Thomas 11...Skiles - will be continued in the establishment as Cutter. Carlisle, June '20,1843. .it 3l CONFECTIONARY, FRUIT-S. &C. & moNritn, 11 - 7ntrin.infiwm their triciulD ithlic, that they hose hist received at their store oil I I igh street, next dour ru-lkeienibi I lotel,, Carlisle, a large, freXli, and elegant ssortincot.or CA N I)! ES, FRUITS, and otlaT articles in Vlicir - line which tli;:y ready to dispose of, 101'01es:the :mil rend], ou'llse most reasonable terms. 'flicir assortment compvisertlie follow iiil; varieties, all of which its of the eltoiCest quality,; • . CA N hit,. piltdud, curls, ; guiles, slice.; mint, mint cakes :Mil rolls, cinnamon, sassa tilis;.lenton, IMarliomal,. clove, cream and biriheyiu, Thompsoniati or pepper candies; Jackson and Clay hellion French and common Neiiga.; coninionoial exploding secrets; mint 111 . 0 r rock and vanilla candy; sugar am! burnt almonds ; canal: toys, liquorice, Sze. N(.lT—Aliiiimils,lilbeils,Englisliwitlntits,shell hark4, alit:snots, mid Mail I ,crea in,cocoa and ground inns. Pit UITS--Ora ages, heinous, raisins, figs, prnaes, dales ;and citron. Also the hest Cavendish Tobacco and Segars: such as Ilegalia, Principe, Havana. Trabucas and A oteriedu . sugars, of the finest quality. Their assortmeid is kept constantly supplied by fresh additions. Cowart . merchants are invited to call, as they can he supplied on ir1 . 1114 as advantage ous as city prices. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. Carlisle, April '26, 1843. Leather, Morocco and Finding W IV. L. PMXPER MOSTi liar respectfullytleer of fr anti gewtzt e hits removed las:Leather, Morocco and „Finding Store, to North Second street, a few doors above Henry Buelder's lintel, where lie will keep constantly.on hand ii,genertil assortment of the' following named 'articles, viz: Spanish & Mauler, Sole, Skirting, I lames's, fair and black bridle, wax and grain upper; whi and collar leather, wax 'and grain Calf .',tins, Spanish and country Kips, top and lhtiug leather,bellows Leather for Fur, naces and Blacksmiths and Bark • Tanned Sheep Skins. . • , , . 'COMprisitig Men's Aforocco,".Yomen's undressed. redLanil black. straits, French kid of different colbrs. Relliroans, Bindings, Linings of all colors, Book bioder's leather, Cliamoiq leather and. Buck skins. ALSOOT4HOEMAKERS' , Kit AND FINDINGS, as boot keys Mid brCititers, shoe keys, ham • mere, pincersi role's, stamps ' size sticks, punches; knives, robbers, files, rasps, thread, boot webbing, spatoles, boot cord, pegs, awls fisc. &c. All of hb .will sell at Pip Very LOWEST CASH r • • -• rutiums his sincere thanks to the pub lic, for tlio liberal patronage which has heretofore been extended to him, and respectfully solicits a continuance of their favors: Harrisburg, May 17064_ tf.29 El , Agent for the sale of t Southtoeirik Manilfacturing SUPERIOR WRITING PAI'ERS, The . following at constantly,- on hand, and for sale to the Trade at the lowest market rilitest Fine, thick Phi Caps, 12; 14, - and 16 lbs. bide and 13*,45, super and Superfine - ' . ,coPo Posts,Dlaekwhite. Extra caller Packet aqd edanneruial posy, blde and white. . • )1. rp Extra super ',igen Note papers. • SuperApelind fine Bill papers, (Loni.) ! - • • .do (Broad.). J.. 4.".! ` do CountinglionseCaps,blue& white. Extra super Congress • Caps and Letters, plain and • ;pled blue and white: ' ; , , • Superfine French Post plain and;ruled. • • • Do , HerrnOn.Caps•aud,Posts. • ; Supeg_ab.aqitl i f#l Caps and Poshy ruletyand.plain, . • . , ~blue and :white, various qualities and Otic'eS. - , Also • Bonnet, Roards, Tissue ii;nyelopu, Wrap ping and liard ware 'papers, 1 . 1 1,41 a. Ju1y.19,_1.843. : Grn4ll good Chiasce,for a Pabgain. " •g, j To a poised , wie mi.c),"coannerico ,hoopoes in Carlisle; '.oilpertttity . is 01'440 of pur chariek a Steely. of goods nalirlt oew,, , and which were all hopght Or:Caili;:ae, the pcesCat Oreprlir, ter. itr Coesequenc'e'of.'othiir-Itheligeoiante, eirous'of eolltomoif„.which, each Wisrpleacp:a.rutehaiser:,nertirtg at 'the Office^ef g , ? , a iitl c atif* !rifted:o; FOR' AtIVIS Omcw,, 40 to a cts.'on lOU O. to 70_qo, tot_loll Company'', =2MMWM U :° Ca . U 3ll3- t 2l ;:ap tigr ,tltl° ME .IVff MOTHER'S HISS. I LOVE to hear the music Of my brother's careless glee, • ,•••• And tunny •a' voice • .• Bringeth melody to me, • I love the gentle pressure - Of many a fond caress, Yet there is one that more fl an im Malt power to soothe !and bless, My infant lip turned ea:serly To meet i ts soft F;alute, Given with the ',m o lding. earnestness„ That seal ed the giver's mute. I 1 4,1 , 0 then, uncousemusly.,. 4 2 .itl from that taut to this, There's noughtmi earth so. pyecions As my Mother's geotle kiss. • I; was theorny richest pardon, . When, some childish lesson o'er„.., With the wildly gushing joyousnos That may visit ;Mt no more, My young heat i t overflowing With the fulness of its • I flew to claim the promise ' Of her proud atul happy And when at length grown weary Of tumidness and play, I sought repose and balmy sleep, At the chine of a stntimer day; When my vesper hymn was over, And my evening pr4s , ur was said, And the ciirtains gathered carefully By her timid around my b . ed; _TheferventipVesureOft4t.kiss, - • As unj: eye began to close,' Shed o'er my rest its rosy dreani, Tin the early•bitda arose. 60 ctth oR 'lOO --And.ever_whenit From my •love-encircled home, Alia other scenes, with other friends Delightedly I roam: When twilight shadows gather, And the dew falls on the Gower, Alill the weary birds are turning Each to his forest bower, . • And.the fold heart homewai-d tendeth, Oh! 'tis sorrowful to 111 . 153 The accents oilier sweet "good night," : . 111y parting kiss. . The cold world ma } dissever hearts e'er so closely twined,. The thirest Mowers may wither, Breathed on the northern sand; Glad tones lose their music, • Khitl words grow harsh mid strange, Yet the magic of my mother's voice, or me can never change.. T l lie fond heart may be driven From its sweet repose in love; Dark waters viler round us, And skit;s grow dark - above;. Yet earth halt still resting place— • My heart's strong flail lie this: There Is no power can chill or change My mother's gentle kiss. '. ATTACHMENT.. L STORY OF LOVE AND .Dri/T - A curious anecdote was once related to us, with name of person, and place and the date of the event, which we shall . repeat for the benefit of the rising generation, who in their haste to carry Mat' their views, may commit some mistake .whwie efrect will .be permanent. . Mr. Rhodes was the High Sheriff' of county, Massacliusetts; and his good name, inherited from the father, and cher ished by the son, made him not only pop ular as an officer, but,Tather IveUlthy, as a man. Why Mr, Rhodes had never 'got married, the ladies could not 'ascertain, though they• talked the irtatfer, over . and over very often; but almost All said - there must have been some cause in his youth, (Mr, Rhodes was • thirty-five, at least,) which was• known only to himself, and perhaps one other. . 'Some disappointment,' said Miss Anna, a young lady who thought it wrong that gentlemen should be disappointed; 'some fatal disappointment.' 'Not at all,' said her maiden aunt; •not al, ails nobody ever thought that Mr. R. had courage enough to offer himself. to a lady. fle is so modest that I should like to see lnm make a Proposal.' 'No doubt of it, aunt, n'O doubt Of itj and to hear him, too,' said Atina. father and I,' said Anna's mother, 'once thoight that Mr. Rhodes would cer tainly marry Mies Susan Morgan, who then livetl in the neighborhood.' 'Was he accepted by Miss Morgan 3' ed,Anna. , , • don't believe' she ever had an offer:" said aunt Arabella. 'Perhaps not,' said Mr 4. Wilton, 'but she certainly deserved one from Rhodes; and I have frequently‘thought that , during service in church, he was .about to make proposals before all the Congregation, as he, kept; his eye continually on 'Do yon aiked,iinna,`'thet Miss Morgan was as fond of hfin as 'he eppeered to be - of herl' 'She cerlaiidy, did.not take the same 4• ' means bf show i ng ; her feelings,' said Mrs. 'for she, neve(' loOked: af him in" eluirch,'and ieetned to itincli'WhenikT any MO:tic ! Chi disci/040d. that .ethers ciOd fire 'f' should' think;' said -A nna,'partly aside , 'that' a' *Ali Oki leek Confidence. to, address, a lodyi eispe , Melly if alin , waii , Couseious of herciwn'tetili Inge;'nfid 13f "*,rs, , NY!;olll.o 6 o , 4_4APAirtiroteli,Tica! , alpiouttnairthßno htily'slioulitOver evipce 440'040 ME WM CAMMESZago /Ma 4V826023311 1 11114 WNW. ' MCOBITMIT. From the United States Gazette.. 1 0 i 1 :'n Mrs. Witm`ot: • reiiiarked that Once, w'tten 4he had joktui.;lliis • Morgatt . hpo,n her conquest, she rather pettiehly 'that ske' may, have subdued high but he never acknowledged het. power.' 'Conquest and possession did not go to gether, then,' said Anna. • . „ •Well, is this attachment the cause of AN Rhodes's single condition t Was there no cute else it whom he could look in church, who would be likely, to loek, at hits alb?' said 'Anna, nodding Inward; her aunt. 'No . ,' said aunt A. with a hearty smile, 'none in the peisr to which you allude. I at leak was too strongly impressed with the force of the tenth commandment, , 'thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's or nor his ass,' ever to be looking over Miss Morgan at Mr. Ithodei.' One g, , morning Mr..,Rhodes was 'sittin in his office, when one of the deputies read off a list of executions and attachments, 7hich,he had in hand to serve, and among them was one against a lady at a . bliort dis tance. The amount--was not kreat, btit enough to firing distress upon a family 'Let me take that,' said the Sheriff', with some feeling; it is out of your walk, and I -will- drive-to-the-residence-of,the -person-to , • .1 morrow morning.' The. modest vehicle-of the officer stop ped at the door of a„,neat dwelling house in - a-retired-and..delightfui:Sitp 4 ation, Where all things told of taste' , and economY—The -Sheritope-nedthetatet-eventlstl-the-steps- a the house, and asked if Miss Morgan was at home.-' The servant Answered in the affirmative As Mr. 'Rhodes passed along :the hall, he thought over the 'part he had to perform —how he should introduce „the subject— how,. if the' debt • should prove to be • otter ous,lbe.should contrive to lighten the bur; then by, his own • abilities; and when - he reached the door, he 'had conned hOalitta tint to the lady, and his oPening'ePeech on the subject of his official call. The servant opened the iicor,---Mr: Rhodes entered with a bow. He bloshod, hesitated and at length took a seat, to ivhich Miss Morgan ,directed lam by a graceful turn of her hand. After a few moments' Iles;.:;:cy, Mr Rhodes felt that it was his business a conversation, that would explain the ob ject of his visit; so he offered, by way of preface, a few remarks upon the coldness of the spring. `Yes,' said Miss Morgan; but yet cold as the weather has been, and even not withstanding a few frosts, yon see the trees haye their richest foliage,.and the flowers are luxuriant.' 'True,' said Mr. Rhodes; 'it seems that though there may be a great deal of cold ness, that nature will have her own way, and in time, will assert her prerogative; late, perhaps, niss Morgan, but still the same.' Mr. Rhodes felt .rather startled at his own speech, and looking up, waS infinite ly astonished to see that. Mis s. Morgan was blushing like one of the roses that was hanging against the window. 'W,e are pleased,' said Miss M., 'to see what we admire breaking through the chill ing influences by. which they have been restrained, and satisfying our hopes of their ultimate .discloSure.' Miss Morgan was ,looking directly to wards the bush on which three roses were clustering in most gorgeous richness. Mr. Rhodes put his hand into his pocket, and felt of .the official papers, to gather a little courage from their contact" . hatei' said' Rhodes, 'an crikchnient.' Miss Morgan thiq time lent blushes to the rose 'The attachment, Miss Morgan, is of e distant date, and I felt that too much time had already elapsed; that, indeed, instead of entrusting it, as I might have done, to another, I' thought that in a matter of so mubh delicacy, it would be proper fot me to come in person.' 'f'or Me, Mr. Rhodes? the attachment for met - , • . tri . s I was saying, Miss Morgan, the at tach,ment I havef and I felt it :a matter of'come in person, thinking that my own, meane migllt be "'eonsidered, there was any deficiency in the value of this'property. . „ 'Mr. Ithe4es, you seem to be rsther enigmatical.' ; , 'I, •nevertheles,s,' said bir. R. 'meaty to speak very when I , say that with reference to this attachment; Miss Morgan. should , you honor me so far as to, icsokt ' propesiiiO,, Ty ,PecuniaTY woOltkbe tlevoted,to,: the; the attaelsi meat,' , , , ~• , 'I ,'• • ..,..'i , I,•,wee•',' OW Ehoflli .• r, t ,m ." v t hally , 'n , n 2 p reparf 4l or }hie;:: >,a ~,1 ri IA - *ao , • a taid tndt'ipas the case; l'aaid r.Rhode, , and there Ore I th ' t iii' ' More delicate to make:the .offer` it,par-,: d ' „'' amr; Rho es., 'You are YerV v.°niderate;. .' , . 1) lois imort,iti, ' • ~:. 4405.6.40 thialitotalri_y. ~ „ ? ~, thi4,`ALIII ..., ~. IT' iiiiire(abltito,,797 =i 1iY , ,0, i , t0 P,T4 1 ,9,...,,, f . . 4 t i4l , ' ilt' 41vWrairAiatit leace ,01, 1 4- - -,- -a,i, ,, A.',,,- ,i.. ,:' • V.. , 41111 • ;iMr. Rhodes,' said the lady, with , ,muelt hesitancy,"l must _claim . a little' time-to think of ft.: ; •`. t , . 'I will call clien, on , my return froth the tillage beyond. 'Let mil ask a little more time,' said she, 'say next week:' 4 Miss' Morgan,' said Mr. Rhodes, ''the matter requires immediate answer; ,the at_ tachment is of an old date; and time now is every ,thing: l My feelings are ,deeply interested; and may I not hope that,while you are, using so short a time to 'consider a subject, which you are pleased to view as ,of such 'great 'delicacy with regard to Yourself, you will allow.,my t wishes and feelings to Weigh with you . if deciding in favor of my , proposition, which, L. assure you, is made after due deliberation upon my ability to perforni my part of the con tract?' . Mr. Rhodes then took his leave, aston ished at his own unwonted volubility, which, indeed, nothing could have induced but his desire 'to relietr s e one so much es-. teemed as Miss !Horgan from present dm- barrassinant . _ . Mr. Rhodes drove to a neighboring . 'Buncombe!' I said, 'pray.what is that?' pine, (*ply occupied with his good p ur- 'Did 'vid you never hear of Buncombe?' 'No, poses towards Miss : Morgan, 'satisfying I never." Why, you don't mean to,say tha t himself that tho'pecuniary sacrifice he had!li you don't know what that. is?' de not proposed was due to, his untold and un- indeed.' Not Buncombe? why, there is known affection for her, and not beyond i i his means. - ' more.of it to Novia Scotia every winter !than would paper every single room in . Miss' Morgan_ felt aretrewal of althaso oovernmentjlouse, and then curl the hair, fe — ellic:s — Which .had rather_bnert,Alormant-- T • .every gal in that town. Not to hear than quenched it her bosom, and desired about Buncombe? Why, lniw you talk!' the advice-of her married sister, who was 'No, never."Wel!, if that don't - pass! I unfortunately absent. That Mr. Rhodes ' thought everybody know'd that word! I'll had once felt a strong attachment to her, ! tell you, then,• what Buncombe is.. she could not doubt; that he had continued 1 All over America, every place likes to to cherish,,as she had done, the reciProCa! ; hear of its member to Congress, and. see feeling, she had not ventured to hope.. But I their speeches, and,if theydon't; they send as it was evident that the proposition of la piece to the. paper, inquirit',if their,nrem- Mlar: Rhodes-was not front any sudden im- I bar died a',nateral death; j r was svered death, r Miss - Morgan resolved to signify her with aßowie knife„ awl ley haint seen his, assent to a proposition so Worthy, of con- Speeches lately and his friends are anxious sidcration on all accounts. • .., ' to know his fate.. Our-free and enlightened citizens don't approbate silent members ; it don't seem to them as if Squashyille, Or Punkinville, or Lumbertown makes'itself heard and known, ay, and feared too. Su . every feller in bouden duty talks, and talks big too, and the smaller the State, the loud er, bigger and fiercer its members talk.=-- Well, when 'a critter talks jest for talk's sake, jest to have a speech in the paper to send home, and not for any other airtlily. purpose but , electioneering, our folks call it Buncombe. • . ,- Now, the State of Maine is a Ont. place for Buncombe. Its members for years threatened to run foul of England. with salt Iu ess titan two hours, Mr, Rlikdes drove 'up tothe door again, ;fastened his horse, and was re-admitted to the little back 'parlor, which.lhe had occupied in an earlier part of the day. , hr "Miss Morgan," said Mr. Rhodeb, "be ,fOre, receiving, your answer, which I trust you are prepared to give in faVor of accept ing my proposals, I wish to state to you that I haire re -considered all the circum stances of my situation and yours, and find myself better able, from some previously unconsidered matters; to keep my part of the arrangement than I thought myself, whentventured lo_make *offer; oo_thal the kindness, if you will have . .that word used in thismatter, is all on your side." "Under present circumstances—l mean those of our long acquaintance, and .our family intercourse, though of late rather interrupted," said Miss Morgan,. "sndmy right by. years, (she added, casting a glance at a looking-glass that showed only matur ed womanhood,) to speak for myself, I have concluded to consider your proposal favorably." Consider ! Miss Morgan, consider fa vorably ! may I not hope you mean that you will accept it ?" Miss Morgan gave no answer.' " Nay, then, it is accepted," said Mr. Rhodes, with a vivacity that Miss Mor gan thought would. have brought him to her,lips—her hand, at Jecst..c Miss T.iet is the darter of Enoch Mosh er, the rich miser of Goshen; as beautiful a little eritteor, ts ever stept in shoe leath er. She looked' for all the world like one of Paris fashionlprints, for she was a per fect pictur,' that's a fact. Her complexion was made of tv,h4e and red roses, mixed so imperative.' beautiful, yeti couldn't tell where the white' , 'You speak ruttier abstractedly, Mr. eended, or the rod begun, name had used Rhodes.' the blendin brush so ddelicate.Her eyes were screw augtirs. , I tell you; they bored ‘,But.trul t y, very truly, Miss Morgan.' right into your heart, and kinder• agitated ! 'Rut why limit us to ten days?' ! you, and made your breath come and ; go, l'he ottachment requires it.' • I and your pulse flutter.,• I never felt noth 'l thought,' said she smiling, the 'attach- ing like 'em. , When lit up, ttley sparkle rrten would be for lite.' like lamp reiectorst.und at other ,times, Mr. Rhodes looked exceedingly con- they was as soft and, Mild, and clear as fused. Ait length he started suddenly to- dewdrops that hang on ,the bushes„at sun wards,the lady. . • !, • ' rise. When she loved, she .loved; and 'My, dear Miss Morgan, is it possible when she hated, she hated, the wickedest tl t for,onee,in my life, I have, blundered you ever see. Her lips were like hear( intho rig4,pathl ;.Can I have been to cherries of the 6vnation Bind;)l6plutiV fortunately.piseeopeived?' , , . s,, .., i . 1 and full, and hard, you felt, as iryou could 'lf there is, any mistake,' said Mitts Ilitor• fall to and eat 'em right up. Her voice gan,.'l hope it will be cleared up!ininedi 7 . was like a grand piany. all sorts, o'rrver ately. . t can scarcely,„ihink ' ?lint .tfr,! in it; canary birds' notes at one eertd, and Rhodes wpuldo,tentioluill3r.,ofl'end athunti thwider at, t'tother, accortlitt', to the humor protected ,orphan, the , daughter f ond Sister she I'm in t for site was almost a,grand bit of his, forpter frOnds.;, „ i 1 1 , ~il l of stuff was. Happy,, she'd put art edge or Mr. 'Rhodes hastily pulled from his a knifa idnicist., 4hq, ,j , ps a met steel.-- i pocket his wtit:Af attachment, and showed Het ~hgure, Watt r i lighk as, a . , fairy's and it to Miss *Tent' ~ r ~:. , i t TO 1 her vllts PP .t 9 05 IP; tiqr it seemed , 'This is certainly • your name, and this jist , Made'r9i4l 2 4 l P an at al .th} ( !ni' InJiall”, .P."'O rt Y — ". I 1 '. ~ ' 't , in4l.ln,' ; lv,,TM z . t ,F4ll. o an 4P.POßkb . 4 i Pr T fa t , 'ls the diSputed possessions,' said Miss ad tilettitimpttht;ithimesaf *Witt ftsol tOtich-, Morgan, 'of my sister-in-laW'of: the sam% : iiip i tnatjti F ;Ort'Otolli:fitiW i :4o4lol nam - a",kri. , :sn:san,Oprgip:',' ',-, ~`-i.;", , ,;, did seem irtn. , ifiltdmill i t;dfilMtaiNttl, ~ Mr., Rhodes stood ,, capiounded.;' -'lllS.jispringik . 'ind'',ChiCge'O'4l, 4 .."'' .411, ati l t Was*Old.the course ; Whi,oo °4 4 a et X' 't °4 4'P,• 4 04 14 * 1 51 1 1 ) 4.2 44; ) weit•likoir to' take. I. -, 4,1 ~:-':.', t.-P l 'A , j , '''(" l "c ifittitol9) ‘o 7 3ieb 0 4 14 'j kti . 1,3 ,1,1ii.',10-PiodeP; ,you ,fie ! ° :' slAti t ifkio) . (4 l ,4o4 o4 "'"! 4 '. he itr” l t. ' I , l ' , ' I ' mini Was ?or this iirepertis„4ArtV IS kkjis.'atektn'Rnifand. , .. A ,,,,: : , `.: ..., ,"..e..k.l'''' l' , 10 04:: o:'.'" ' r rr ';'? 7,- .±..K 1-4 , > #4,,„,. 'e, 4 ,, , , rijAi '.*rY q.'.'l'7V,, r , " How happy you have made me," said Mr. "Optics; " haying now disposed, of this Matter, there are ten days allowed." "That's very, short," said Miss Mor gan, only ten days; you seem to be in haste unusual to you at least.' 'lt is the attachment, and not 1, that'is lEEE MIII not mine, and as, indeed, I hava,liuleiof my own, you, of course, have no •ciaim up'on my person.' beg yout l pardon, my dear Miss Mor: gan; beg your pardon. You have not the i property, to attach, but bo pleased to read lower down on "thewrit; you will see—look at- it if you 'please— 'For want thereof take the body.' 'But, Mi. Rhodes, the promise was exL torted tinder a misapprehension, so that I am released.' 4 Not at all; you.* required only to fur, fil the' promise just as you intended when you made it—rand as to the attachment for the wi4pw and her property, I'll.serve that by depitty,' • , „ In ten days the clergyman and not th e magistrate was called in, and the whole ar rangement was consummated. And aunt Arrabella, who was so careful about the tenth commandinent, declared that it said'nothing about coveting a neigh bor's husband and, if it had, alto did not think' that she Shotild steam on, and to .sink her about the boun dary line; voted a million of dollars,, paY- Wein pine logs and spruce boards, up to Bangor Rills, and called out , a hundred thousand tnilitia.(only they-never come,) •to.capture a saw mill down to New Bruns wick. That's Buncome: all ~that 'flourish about the'Right of .Search was jest Bun combe. All that brag abont. hanging up your 'Canada Sheriff was Buncombe; all tho;e speeches about the Caroline, and Creole, and right of Search was- Buncombe. In short, almost all that is said in Congress, in the Colonies, (for we set the fashions to them as the Paris gals do to our milli. : tiers) and all over America, is Buncombe. —Sans Slick in England. - EVItiCOIIIIIE. A YIN 4:UTY. stulturast • '"You may 'thank -Father' that," said, the coachman to Wed . when he observed the • quiet and orderly., Manner of some Irish people, returning from a funeral. It speaks: .Well_forithe. glorious benefits that Apostle of Tempe lance is confeiring upon unhappy Ireland. His name will go,tlqtytt to posterity among . , ; _ her saints. His efforts are waking to eheer-,. , fulness and new life, thousands of hearts;' for years benummed with sorrow. What is his praise, aidegrie, the praise of all ,who are toiling;.inihe benign work of restoring to happiness and ; honor the downfallen, in our ownland, by. enforcing, by precept and exaMple;: high and ennobling principles of the Tern : Terence Reformation.. We hear the same., commendation 'bestowed — ii non he friends in this co . "try.,, You may thank the ele-• •quent advocates of Temperance for that; says the Physician, the Justice,. the Keep er of the Alms hou.4e, 'Tie County Jail and' the Penitentiary, whert,..•,the ,ntunber of wretched and deluded vibtims• of intemperi ante are diminishing in number on their hands. We cannot too often cheer on the, friends of the glorious reformation in their work•of love and goodness. , They are indeed doing Much to unpeci l pie thefenitentiary, the Police Court, Lind the Hospital. But they are restoring tq society, thousands who ;had been deemed . lost to their fellowmen anti theunselveS. WOMAN.—AS the — dove will clasp its wiirgs to its side, and cover and conceal the arrow that is preying on its•vitals, so it is the nature of woman to hide from the world •the pangs of. wounded With her the desire of the heart ha's failed. The gileat charm of existence is at an end.. She neglects all the cheerful ,eicrcise.that gladdens the spirits, quickens the pulses„ and sends the tide of life in healthful °cur-. rents •through the veins. ller rest is bro. • .ken, the sweet refreshment .soned by melancholy dreams, ".dry sorrow... drinks her blood," until her enfeebled' frame sinl e tunder the last .ex , ,ternalassail; ment. - Look for her alle - Pit,little and you - find friendship weepineover. her untimely grave, and wondering that, one, who but lately glowed with all the radiance of health and beauty,should now be brought down to darkness and, the worrd., .You Will be told of some, wintry : , chill, some slight indisposition that laid her low, but no one knows the mental malady that pre viously snapped her strength, , and made- -- her so easy a prey to the spoiler. A GOOD SPEECIL—The following speech was recently made,by a Washingtonian in • Connecticut :—" There is no mistake about it, sir. Rum never did, nor never •, will; make the man rich that drinks • The last Winter has been a severe one up. . on us poor folks generally. lul I have lived better, happier, and.laid„Up more. money during the wintir,r,-although des; titute of work more than half the : time, than , • I did last summer, when I had work every. : • day. I have not done half so. much labor, and still twice as well off. And, sir, the . . reason is this : last summer; drank rum, last winter I drank waTer:' LIVING TO LOOSE.—Who is, there' that lives past twenty, that does not live to lose?, First goes by.youth, down into that deep, - deep, sea,, which gives us Efack.none of all the treasures that it swallows up.' , Youth, • goes .doWn, and .innocence with' it, and peace is then drowned too. Some , sweet and happy. feelings that belonged to yOuth.., like therstrong swimmer froth scime . wrecked barque, struggle awhile syface, but are engulphedat last, ,Strengt4.'' vigor, power of eujoy,ment, disappears one Hope, ,buqy ant hope, .iviatehine t , f l at straws to keep,ber,self, siloat, sinks aleO l .'. in the end., 1%611 0 11kb:self goes.. dowrW-. and the broad sea of everiiii which has just` swallowed up another argosy, ilowit on, if such thing bad been; and myriads cro4: and recross op the same voyage the where others perished scarce a day before. It was all loss; nothing but loss. . prg..There is now livingin a country, village, amen viltb has,been three times, married ; each ol.ltis wives names du; same ; he had three, eaeli;. and. each lived with. him three yeorq, •j4Ol. was. a widower betwaery.„eack ; marriage+, .hree years, has three childreklitling,tht ,. . ..thirdiby eOch and iniffoso ar*'vtithin three days .of e caele pther, list , wife has been ',.(leair three i gett,e4 . ;4o4- • he ',expects t o be . married again ..; .1 .: ~ . • . Ho to keep a eliarp . lOOk .OPt , 09 1 .! I - Ogopepu4 ; hoowl,edgolycni , keaties'le,!o#ot.,T , i l ;4i 3 UsstlOu should: a 7 ilii-1 . 094150k of ..jty; 7 ,l ? c.p.4.les #ill43:tAircoo4!-1.,., , ... e . , 1 where,or 4gt . ; FM! IS El =II li 4, ~