ELECTION PROCLAMATION,' '‘ . l WHEREAS in aml ,tht •• i aqt ;or :the General Assembly of the'l.loinitpiitreall Pennsylvania' entitled " An act' relatik. tiotia of this' C,oromonive•alt pagaedAfie;2(l tlay ; ef July 'Alin° . .thlrtydnine, it is made 'the, duty' of the, Sheriff of every county' 114 cOmmomyialth; to give publio notice of, the. General pectlona and 1:4oli notice to enumerate. , • 1. The officers to be elected. • '. 2. Designate the place which the election ,to he held. • . .1, Paul Martin, High Sheriff of the Cimniy . of Cumberland, do hereby make knowirami give this , uar to the eleotois OF the Coulitv of Cninberlanol, that nti the SEPONDTUESDAY 'OF OCTOBER. NEXT . (beingilnilOth'dv or the ountithy):l,Getietill Nee, tion will he held at the sevi.ral eleciion di trios es tablished by law in said county, at which time they will vote by ballot for the several ollieers Itereinal tee otuned,tiz t • , • , ONE, rEstsori to represent the county of Cumberland hi the !louse of ReprFsentßtiveg Of the United Suites. tbrO. PERSONS to-represent the enmity of Cumberland in the llouse of Representatives of Pennsylvania. • , ONE COII 311. 11S§ION Eta for the county of Cumberland. . • ONE SIIIIEREFF... for the county of Cumberland, - 1 :'? TON E - 0011.0 N rat for-the county of Cuotherla oil. •• ONE D I RIECTOIR. • of the Poor. hail of the I Inithe of Employment of 'Said 'utidy: • ONE AUDITOR. 'to settle the public in:comas of the coludy Commis.. sionera; AI oby virtue and in pursuance or an act or the General Assembly or this Conntiona.valth,pasi , ed the 18th day of April, 1813, the Eh:eters arm esahli are to elect THREE PERSONS, as Canal Commissioners of Penitsyhtda. • The said elections will be held` tin nughout the county as follows :. The election in life election district composed of the' borough of Carlisle, and townships of North Middleton, --- South Middleton, Lower Cielsibson, I.4iIVCV Frankfort] and Lower West Pentishorti„ • will' e hi:Witt the Gotta House, in the li,irongli of •Carlisle. . The election - in the district eemposed is Siher sp r i,, ownkhip, ,viti he held at the public house of John Trimble, iu I lognestun it, said township. The election in the. ilittritt COIIIIIOSI . II Or that part of East Pennsbormigh township, lying West of Oys , ' ter's Pointoptiting front John 110117.'8 iu Eiclwl lierger's tavern, at the public luntse of Aiiiii•ew Kreitzer, in said township. ..... The election is the district composed of dial part of East_ Pentoborough 41., h illg EltSt . Or (./ . )1,11 . 1 . '3_ 61111 . Ildit z's fo Etdiell.crger's • tavern •at the public, house _owndil by !tuber!. 11. . • Church; in Bridgeport, in said tinvoship. • The ,clection isi the district coinposed of New CionfirAinditnil pact of A township, will beheld at the public house of Sourbeelt, in New Cum, herlaud. • The election in the district compoxed of Lisburn and a part of Allen township a ill lie 'add at the pub lic house of Peter APCIIIIII, 111 Li lltiru. The election in the dibtrict composed-of-Mat-pare of Allen township, not included in the Nest herland-and-LiAltumelection districts, will lie _._:_al_lltepuLLe~tuuse of Dat id Sli - ealler; in Sli6petls . town, in said townsll4). Chc election in the district composed of the borough • Of Alechanieshint, - Will he hetd at tli - e public house of John !looter, In said horottigh. • 'Flie.election in the district eomposell' of ilifonroit township, still be held at thepublic house or \vidow Yawl, illin said towitship. _• The electiott ilLthe_tlistrict composed or L, 1 ".,. Diukinsoit towitstiiii,.will be held at Philip \Veit ' vcr's !louse, in Centreville, in said township, 'l'lle election in the diStrict eittopicied rif the bor ough of Newsille, and lost ',ship of Al,lll'lll, Upper I , ratildord, tipper \‘'esipeotthorit', and that pbrt of Newton township not included in the Leesburg dee ' lion district hereinafter mentioned he—littlil at the Brick School II ouso,in the borough of Now- The election in the district compoged or tiw town ship of Ilopewell, will be held at the, school house in Newburg, in full township: The election in the ili•tt•uet composed of the low- Pugh of Bhippenshiwg. shim...lo,l,m l ;township, and that part of Southampton too, loship, uo included ill 'the Leesburg election district, io oil 10! held at the Council House, in the hm•ough of Shippens burg. And in and by no act of the General Asiembly of this Commonwealth', passed the :NI July 1859, it is thus provided ."Tlint the qualified electors of parts of Newton and Smith:moonu townships in the coun ty of Cumberland, bounded by the hollowing lines and distances, viz :—lleginningat die Adonis county line, thence along the line divitlingthe townships of Dick inson mod Newton to the turnpike road, thence along said turnpike to the Centre school-house, on said turnpike, in Southampton township, thence 101 l !mint on the 'Manta BUttolll road at iteybuck'n including neybuek's lions, thence a strait direction In this, saw-mill belongimg to the heirs' of George Clever, thence along ICrysloer'sl.lll4iPillltAdiuns.co_wity thence along the li c of Adams county to the place of beginning, oe and is hereby declared n new elec tion district, the election to be held at the public house of William Nlaxwell, in Leesburg,Soutliamp ton township. 1n pursuance of an net of 14 General Assembly -of the commoiiw.wh of entitle,' "An act relating to the elections of this Common wealth," passed the 1201 day of JuIY,A. I). 1859. Notice is hereby givop, "That every . prrson,except justices of the peace, who shrill hold any ollice - or appointment of profit or trust under the government of the United States, or oh this Stale, or of any city or incorporated district, whether a commissionedollicer or otherwise, a 'sub ordinate officer- or agetat,-wlin is or - shall - be ctn ployed under the legislative, excentive or judiciaPy department of this State or of the United' States, or of any city or-incorporated, district; ninradso that every member of Congress, and of the State Legis lature, slid of the select or common council of any city, or commissioners or any incoiporated district, ' is, by law; incapable of holding or exercising a the 4 same time, the office or :imnutment of Judge, In- Spector or Clerk., of this Commonwealth, :mil that no inspector, J edge or other officer I ., datny sttelt elec . thou, shall be eli o ilde to any office to he then %Med for." And the said Act of Assembh , -entitled "nn Act relating to the elections of this ,'Ununnonwe:dth," passed July 2a 1839, further provides us follows, to wit: • • ; !"Tlint the Inspectors mid Julies Chosen ns afore .., :Said. shall ineetat the respective placesappointed 11)1. ". holding the election in the district to 'which they re ' 'aipebtiively belong, before ninee'cleck, iu the horning. of the second Theettay of Ocioberiin each cud every • - . ..year, and each of said Inspectors shall,appoint one clerk, who shall be a qualified dater of such distriot. ease the person who shall have receited 'the . 'second 'highest number of the votes for Inspeelor. shah nokattend on the day of 'ally election, the per - son who shall hove.received the second highest num .ber of vo't'es for judge nt the nest preceding election shall net us Inspector in his place ; mill in case the :person who shall have, received the second highest number of votes for Ilispector shall not attend, the • person elected nn Judge shall • appoint an Inspector an his place; and in case the the person elected a judge shall not attend then the lospector the highest number of voteaslmll appoint a Judie in his place; and if any vacancy shall comiiiiie the board for the space of one hour ..nftt r the time 'fixed by law for the opening .11e 1 ea ion, the qualified voters of the township, Word or iistrict for which such officer shill' have been elected, "'resent Ili the place of election. shall elect one of their be: tct fill.euch vocanci. "It shall be the duty of said assessors respectively,' - to - attend at the - place of-holding every general, spe , ...chili or township election; diming the whole time the ' said election is kept open tint the porpose of giving information to the insiouinr and judge, when called on, in relation to the right of any person qsacssed by , them to vote at such election, or suet) other mutters • to the assessment of, voters'im the said in- :speetors or judge, or eitherlif them, shall from time . Ito time require. , • person.shall he. permitted to vote at ' any elcie.; ;Han a s aforesaid;nther than a,' whi te,fropinnit 4 of-the: rage of twenty-one or more; wilt shall Intie,resiiteti drajttitt.this state leant ooe year, mid in theelectioi this riet,Wherp hp offers to onto at lesst ten day') homed' ~...iiielyr.litreietiling_sadie.le:e.tion,Pott_within two years. . ? :„,!paid a state et..poutity.tax, , ldelt",sliall'huve,heen $' . ....1e1*(1. it leastdays 'belore. the , election. lint a; LiqkifoitjaeioCtlie Vitited.States who ha preciously been „ 4 , qualiPeti Wpter. nf.'lltis • este and renioved there. : ~,W.4iFtin;titnd.tliitr'neili'ini;sillto shall Use. , resitied. in .tkpotion,ilist,! ! et . ,tunt.; l 4l „tsxus ;as. itedreiniii ilhensiititJed to otte,,ailer. , .rtnetiling , jn'tWa stOtg: ;:white tivenien, 'Attv,thWiiited-',Btateiybetivpen,,tlie..,nget of.v inpringiresitie(l" said ~tineh'ilttr; Or pn..n failure to r it'dp ee recei pt.; shit iltunke OW to gitiO4ynieittjiterecif t;-7drSEp oruiz:,-it ho , lelo4.l,ol*4;'rMitiby'bob*" . deel. tOr•betuten ;the Atett of,',.,twenty r Ofieitrit - tyotity , ktisrci, ilepoSefitiontlitinffirinntitift, thetlie - Intsjesi tiqd - in the , thitqiit lenAl 'of r'esideoce in theilistriet no is required by this not t and flint he doei verily beliOe from this necouittgiyen him, that be is of the . Age'nforesnitl, stint give such other ,eri,- denyeAts is.reqUired, by - this Aut. ,NYhereii pa n :the pame,'of the person.so admitted to vote, A811,4 - 'l6= sorted `in ;itle - Alphabetical lint, by (lie inspectors; andit Ohl nude 'otipitsite therto by writing, the word "tax'? if he shall he Admitted to vote Iv -reason ot haring paitl_n tAx.,:or.the worth "nee," ir pc, .611 be :admitted to vote,-on neontutt - of-his-age; ind-hv -eitherraso, the , roo tT oi or such, rote shun he called mitt') the oh rks. who sleuth unlike the like notes in the list of voters kept hy them. , - , "116111 coxes where the name of the person claim- . Mg to vote is tint found on' the list furnished by the commissioners and assessors, or his right to vote whether root.' thereon fir lial, is objected to'hy any qualified citizen; it shall be the duty of the, iospoe : tot s to examine such person on oath as to his quali rienliotr", nod if claims to have resided within, the stale fin• one year or more; his oath shall be snificient proof thereat*, hot -he shall make proof by pt least one competent Witness. 'who shnit be tttpittlitioil iliat he has.residerl within the-distriet• frig more titan ten dins nest iinwedintely preceeding said electimt, and shall sloe himself• swear that his howl lido residence in pot sintner of his lawful 'calling, in within the distrii•t and that he did not remove. into said distt•ict fot• the poly nor of voting therein. .‘l';ct-ry person modified as aforesaid, nod who shall maliAtltte proof. if required of his retitli Lice tool roymoot.oroixoq as aifinre•said • shall he admitted to volt' in the township, ward Ut• district in which he shall reside. "If nsv per.on shall prevent or Atempt to prevent nor citriVelli of :111 ch anon this act front !Mid ing'tmelt.election, Or 110 OP 1111T3Iii.)111111) . VIOICIICV to any such oMeer, or shall interrupt or improperly interfere with hint in the expention of his duty, or shall bloclytp, or attempt to Mork up the window or the avenue to any whitlow where the Mille may be holden, or sliall_yintously.- disturb the . pence tit or shall use or praehremly- intimilln tins, thrents, force or violence. with design to in fluence tuulnly . or overawe: ny elector, or to prevent . him from . . titing,or to restrain the freedom of eltniee, such person on eon% ictirm shall-be-lined iu any sent tint exevedirg Ilve.hutitlred dollars, nd h? impris oned for any time ,tint !VHS 111:111 (MU or 111100 than twelve months. Andif - it-shall he shown to the court when . the trial of such olienee shall be had, that the person 50 otretided vns nit Si . i•,•sillent or the cite, ward. ili'striet or tfnVIISIIII/ sheer, the Said rafillleV was eommitted,lind lint entitled to vote therein,then ho convict ion,lte shall he sentCatced to . Pay a line not less than one hundrednor more no more than one thousand dollars, mill he imprisoned not less than six months nor more than two yeal'." "If any person or neesoon malte'sny bet or ‘iliger illpm the result or any election a ithitt this Common enlth or t•lial I oll'er in Make soy snelt bet or n'oger, either by verbal proclamation thereof, or by• any written for - printed nilvertisetnents;ebnilemze or any Jierwin or persons to make Huddle( or itager.• comictimetliereol , belie 110' . sliial .. ftirfeit and lid' three times the amottot se bet, or-offered- to be het, • "If by 610111 frou didently vote tit uqy elpetion, a 1111h1 this etiniinott , qualified, blittll iron out of his proper district, or if ans . pet•srio wntit of sue)] iiiialiflent.ion shall aid or proem: sneD person 11/ vote, Ilie person or persons so nillindinizi shall nit nioiviction, he fined in tiny stint not t•yeeeds hug two Inuuh•ed diilloes, and 1,0 imprisonedifor tiny term not exceeding . _ 11 , 111 . 7 nrtnahs. "If any person sli,)l I voted More than one el, coon iliStriet, or oilwritise 11roltdolectly - ote more than clime Oil the some clay, nr shall fraudulently fuld anti deliver to Ow inspector, two ticki.ts together, Avid, the intent to illegally vote, or sholl vote the shoe, if any shall adviSe or procure another so to'clo„ he -or tlrey sn Oltrllliling all II On (le/1%1001111 Ile liurd in am slim not less 11,1111 filly lust• iniwwilitni live Mil-. 111141 11011Ilell, aild he imprisoned for any term not less Mall'il,ree' car more 111:111 twelve irmilths. "If :111V IleeS(1,1,1 not qualified to 'coil hi . this 'Ol,lll- monivenith agi:ecohle In SOIIII atm:di ned citizens) shall :miaow' at :my 111:101, rile t Werra, for the purpose of. issuing; tickets, (1r or influencing ilw Co vote, he shall on . enllVielioll, and lily :My sum not exceeding. hundred dollars 11,1• mery such c,fli.ore Mid he imprisuoid for any went 11111 eseeeding three months." The .hulges are to make their.. returns fur the coinity of etimberhincl, at the thmel 1 mist, ill Car lisle, on Friday the Ilith day of October, A. I). I God savc ilie,Cninmooweidth. tam) under my hand at Carlisle, this 10th day o Scptendivr ; A. I). 18-i3. Sept. 13,1513 Susquehanna, line 2 FO PHILADELPHIA AND BALiIIVIOHE DAILY, T"E proprietors of the Susquehanna Linewi run their Cars and Boats as usua ITO Phi adi.dphia and Baltimore dining the present sense' Tlijr friends will please apply to Noble, Pia & Derr, Broad at. and Hart, Andrews & Mcßee vcr, first wharf above Race street on the Deli ware' Philadelphia, and Joseph E. Elder, Ball! more. botintit thither notice, the following prices will adhered to between this_plucc slid. the above Ale per 100 Dry Goods, Drugs, and Medicines, 26 Furniture, 28 Wheat, Rye & Corn ' per bushel 11 Oats do 7 Giocories, Lumberper feet $3 50 $2 75 Shingles per 1000 1 50 2 00 Flour per bbl. 31 ' 30 47 Shad & Mackerel do 50 37 Herridg do - 44 314 HD . I Salt per sack ' 32 28 Pitch, Tar and Rosin per 100, 15 ~ • 20 Plaster gross ton, $2: 59• 's2 25 ' Henip per 100, . • 22 l6 • Hides, 25 20 Pig Metal,gross ton 3 50 2 50 Bloom & Castings 400 3 121 Bar Iron, 450 .3 50 • Nails per keg, • 20 17 , . Leather per 100, 23 .-20 . Whiskey per bbl ..53 ' 47 • Burr Blocks per 100, 20 15 Curb Stone, do • 121 Tin, - do 25 20 40 • J. & P. MARTIN. • • Harrisburg, April 12, 1843. tf.2 DE. TAYLOR'S UW.(O 111112anifik9 From 375, Bowery, N. York. ]EllThitnitic years this medicine has stood unrivaled ihe't4l: cure of Cbnghs, Pain in the 'side, dill'- unity of bit-Milting, Bronchitig:Und nil thole Alec tions ef•the Thronti:Lungo and Liver, which are a source Crisp - much suffering and which tin:wrested soeften terminate in Consumption. So extensively has this remedy heels used and in ,so ninny _cures,lits it proved successful, the 'proprietor feels no hesi tancy in recommeutling it to all wise unfortunately have occasion to resort to some means of recovery. Multitudes'who have experienced -its happy Micas, unit testify to itsntilitV, and very many rescued from preinitture death, lat to it its-the secant of their restoration: • The originator of this remedy wee well versed in the science of medicine, mid n skilful practitioner. ,L'ltysicints familiar with itB et.Menot ,unfrequently prescribe it in their practise, fifid witlethc Medical Faenity generally it has MO with a Ittrger slutee of approbation than is common with exclusiee pre parations. ttY.CONLYMPTION--Tbe' following eeniarkl were taken` from theitatt noodled of the Medico . „ AlaFtminet , ‘‘.l7lte surprising effect produced genuine Taylor's llalitam'of Liverwort, made at • 375 HOwery, in consumptive cases, cannot full .esoitic... 'deep and thrilling interest throughout the world. ,*e have so long,b4evedellis insole (consumption) in durable, that it is Illoult .tmoredit Our ionses. when We tide peVsons,:evidently 'iestoredp tq Vealth.; ,:01fot "'fact of daily occurrence: 81.2g,tatilir.Gendral Ittltroilittgilio9tpus. I was given ;AA , t4lll tor preptit7d br&tl - 6411:, ititrwheltit frikiid',etttit 401 - $75 PAUL. MARTIN, blievifr. F c-.,11 . - cf^ , , . • 7' (r 4 o [TV; Fi . 3l P* 7 . ; . 0 ET`O L 5 E 2ets. 15 t3l per 5 23 40c 25 43 plicated to describe. I have also used many of the. medicines that have been recommended as infallible cures Ihr this disease, yet these all tailed, nod I was most empliatically_growing worse. lit this critical condition, given tip by frit•nds,mul expecting for my self, relief only ill death, I - Was by the timely inter positiou of a kind Providence, fornished with your, to me, invaluable Sarsaparilla. A single bottle gave me ail assurance of health, which for to enty years( had not once felt. Upon taking the second my en largement diminished, and in tWerve 4/(01 from the Ith of October, when I conimenced taking your Sae saparilla, I was able to enjoy sleep iindrest,by night' as refreshing its an. I ever 'enjoyed %%lien in perfect health. Besides, f was, in this short time, relieved hum all those excruciating and unallevinted pains thathad afflicted my days, as well as robbed me of my night's repose. 'Flue ulcers 1111011 my limbs are healed, the Erysipelas cured, and my size reduced nearly to my former measure. Thus much 110 I (eel it a privilege to testify to the efficacy of year health-restoring Sarsaparilla. A thousand thanks, - sir, front one whose comfort and w`inse hope of future health are due, muter God, to your instrumentality. And may the same Providence than directed use tq your null, make you the happy and hoiffired instruinents of blessing others,„ as dis eased and despairing as your much relieved and very grateful friend, ASENATII M. PIIILI.IPS. .New LortnoN Co. sd. Norwich, Nov: 4 , 1845. PCll3Ollllllly appearcd,the above-named Aseinith Phillips, and matte oath of the filets contaiiied in the foregoing statement before me. , RUFUS AV. MATHEWSON', • Justice of the Peace. Beingpersonally acquainted with Mrs. Phillips, I certify that the aboveidis - Prted facts are substantially true. WILLIAM li. RICHARDS, • Minister of the Gospel at Norwich, Goon. Sand's Sarsaparilla will also remove and perma nently cure diseases Iniving their origin in al impure state of the blood and depraved condition of the gen eral constitution; viz: Scrofula Or King's Evil in its various forms, Rheumatism, obstinate' Cutaneous et options, - blotches,. biles, pimples, or pustules on the lime, chronic sore eyes, ringwortn ortetter ) scald head;enlargement and pain of the bones and joints, stubborn Ulcers, syphilitic symptoms, diseases aris ing from an injudicious tae of inereury, female de ., ... rangementil sndother Miler complaints. 'Prepared and sold by, A. U. Sands, & Co.,' Drug gists and ChernistsXmnite buildings, 275 .I.leciadyny corner of . Chambers street, 1 , 11,' York.. ,Snd for sale by' Druggists, throughout the. States., Price $1 per bottle; six bottles MP The publioare respectfully requestato'remem her that it is Sands's Sarsaparilla that hasanil is Con stantly achieving such remarkable envoi. of 'the most difficult class bt diiieittes to 'which the Notion [ramp is subject, and ask for Sands's Sarsaparilla, and take no other ' 10 6 20 40 . .. ...•:-., , , -14 . ; Er,Lior-r- 1 _ --Agent by srecinl - appiantmentfotrifie Protielors, fort:ll4l4e and vicinity. ... ,;July 12'.1114a • ettigUlGl.Tifit,tve • 'tra eve ao' c ks l, , , c e , . ; ALSO =, • • fits officol6::Arpit:4 l l - t4hOrii''' 'groat sidi4B-dolitliNki'rtfOrPtifithOi, . •-: SANDS' SAPAPIL4kr Fort Juo,'ItEM9YAI4AND: PE 11ra AO.rer CURE 4oF ALL ' ,, DISEAS4,4RISING P'ROM 'AN inoriag wrA t iiiiiito moor), oft. •-• oF pip' SYSTEM, , " NADitrt: • SGrofula,,,pr King'6 Eir - ; — R 11hitirriatiSnf obstinate, cutane4'o4EriiptiOns,,Piin: pies, pr pastilles oil thO FaCe; Blot • cli'es, Chronic; sOfe.EYos,'Ring; Worm or ','l'etter, Scald - --- largement -• and Pain of the' Bones aud Joh Is, Sttibhorn Ulcers;,Syphili tie Syrriptoins, Sciatica,o . rl,4ttubogo, dispaies arisitig`frohi an injucli .Ptoit,itse, Of iNtercury, .Ascites, ,Drcipsy, Exposure or linpritdenee,in ' Life. Afso, Chronic Constitutionzd DiSOrders will be removed by this PreparatiOri. , Itnprovement in whatever regards the happiness and welfitre of,ony race is 'constantly on. the Maith to 'perfe;ction, and with each ... succeeding . clay ROM: new problem-is-solved;or some prolbutul secret re- Vented, having an important and direct bearing .over • tintit's highest destinies. If we take a retrospective view over the past twenty years, how is the mind etruck with wonder ! IVliitt rapid strities has science made in every departinent of civilized life ! parti cularly' in that which relates to thetnowledge of Ole 1111111 Rn system in health mid disease. [row vain:title and ingsPensable are the curative mean t ; recently discovered through the agency of chemistry ! llow does the intagtiiiiilandleatitl our admiration glow at the ingetittity, the near approach to the standard of perfection, of the present time! Through the elaborate investigations.of Physiology, or the seience of Lire., and of prevalent valuiLbt q. Lid lailiTh A iitl i' rig nee f i' mite.. le intuit. Igo has beep gained. In consequence of bectianMg. acquainted with the or ganization, the elements f the various tissue and structures of the system, remetlieihave heel . ' Bought after and discovered exactly adapted to combine with, neatifiWiriliill-Muirliillu- matter, the calla: of disease,und substithte landthyttetion iii its place.—. The beautiful simplicity of this mode of treatment is not only *suggested by . tlM pathology of diseases, not only grateful to the sufferer, but perfectly lit con sonance withilie operationl of Nattire,'and satistite toi to the views and reasonings of every intelligent, reflecting milli!. It is thus that Sand's Sarsaparilla, :txrimitilic combiteition.of_essential principles oldie most valuable vegetable sulistatiees,operqtes upon the. systai. -- The Sarsaparilla is combined With thentost salutary productions, the ntoSt potent' simples of the vegetable kingdom ; and its unpreeedthuisl . success in thr restoration to health of those who had -long pined 'older ' lost t 'stressing chronicmalatlies, Ines given it an cx et character, furnishing. as it does evitletitfe 61 its owit,intcitiic value, and recom mending -it to the afflicted in aUsits the afflicted only can know: It lets long been a most important de siderattim'in the practice of inedie'iSie to obtain a reinetly similar to . this-11111: that, would act on the lit o', stonnicit'itial howils 'with all the precision and potency of mineral preparit`imer, yet w idiom any of (lade deleterious effects upon the vital potvers of the sy 5 ft' M . . . The attention of (ho reader is resmadndlycalleth to the following certificate: iloweveigreat avlde% melds have her:Mime been inadelly the use of this 1 ;1v:du:Ode medicine, vet doily shoos Stlit% still moro retnat:hable. The proppriemi, here .1% ail 1111.1112,01e'; DI the epportnnity.or sating it is a source of satidindion dial they ape made the meam, of t elieving finch :nnount of sulreving. .I;Yrrls , Sandy's Sarsaparilla in = Head the following . . from Ales. Win. Pliillips, tthn has Imig resided at the Falls. The fact; are well knowil to all the Ohl resideiq in that part - ortlie city, coins. A. 11. SANDS At. Co. — Stns: ost grate fully do I elalleare this opportunity fir huithig to''you the great relief I obtained front the use of 3 our 8;0.- 1 saparilla, I shall also, he happy, through you, to publish to all who are allicted, as I lately ii i ne ' COMA or my tinexperivil; mid men for a long while despair pc curt . . Al ioe is A pailiful sturyonitl try lug :tad sirkeningas is the narrative of it, for the take of main oho ail y, he surely relieved, I o ill briefly 3et accurately state it. Nineteen vrars ago last April a fit of sicktiess left me with an Er3,sipulas eruption. Dropsical volley lions immediately took place over the 011ie,. !Oehler of my body, camilicg suyli an enlargement that it was necessary to :Ohl a lea lan' 10. the SiZe my dres. -• ....mind the waste. Next followedmpon nude:, ulrer..j, inland beyond description. For 'cart, bath iu summer and whiter, the mily Mitigation of nn sulleriug was 'Venal 1111allleing . upon those parts cold wader. Prom nn limbs the pain extended mer my whole hotly. There was literniti lir me no rest, by has or by night. Upon 13 be r ; down dies, pahts mould shoot through my system, mid compel me to incise, - mid, for Imurstbgether, walk the house, so that I a'a, almost emit elv deprived of sleep. During this Oche the Erysipelas roicinued active, and the ulcers en larged, and iordeeply have these eaten, that fee too and a half years they have been subject to bleeding. During these almost. twetdy years I have consulted matiy . pll3 sirloin. These have called my disease— as it wasattendcd with an Obstinate efingli nada Steady and active pain in my side—a drepsiral consumption; and though they bare been skilful practitioners,they o ere only able to nflbril my cos, a intoi:ll and tem porary ri lief. I had many other difficulties too coin- =EI .'4':,P-1'7 1 :0.':':::,.f.i.::: . .*P'..:.0i,',. . . , . 4 -..4471rM4 "Trt ',7te i best,luet4oil foi.:the 46#10,0p.Di54 C rs • . - • u f d Wir,? ; s„ , :os.mlo.4ol.i :,:lftitiliki*EokT/01,LEY„ttfikt:T `4:IF . • 1 , 1 1 / I :'''i ;; 4 4: "; Forth a*,iiici.t*cp,preireitritfiotf* Moo now acknowledged to lult,lll4',..hilt,;l46 . (piiii# fltC w,Ot:ltif9f the P41?.174R/E.rir OP 1)I,MINE ; :j ; L' , , Ty, d orni „. Lind Itowelaleom those bilious and .tionettpt let!, „ .4.- .• 'noes- wliiuit 'one: the cauaemot only” Of ; ilentlifel!O; 4.1 t daneas Pall) tatiod of the lleaq, . . Botie:a, and Gout, but of evory malady incident to inttol' ; ; MEM INDLIN'yL:GPIIBLE PILLS Area et:oldu me foe' i (tent, reteittent, per vons, inflatnatatoey and putrid reveilt, beeitese they cleanse the body trap thoqe . morbid humoes, whitih •when confined to the circulation ,are the cause of al kinds of , • . . So, also, milieu die some impurity is deposited on the inendienne anti tnnsele, causing 'pains, inclomnut= 110118 and xwellings,unly4 RIIEUITATIS4, GOUT, &c:, 'rite Indian Vegetable Pills may be relied on as'al ways certain to give relief,and perservell,with ne cordlitg to directions, will most assuredly,midwith :mit Tail, make a perfect cure of the above painful maladies. From three to.six of said Indian Vegeta ble Pills liken every night ou going to bed will in ri short time so completely rid the body from every thing that is opposed to health,. that liluminidiFm; Gout, and'pain of - every description, will be literally D 111 V EX FROOE 'IW 11 PQM". Forthe some reasons, ‘l,:heim„froni sudden changes of atmosphere, or any other cause, the perspiration is-clieckeiliand the humors which should pass oft' by time skin are thrown inwarilly,catising GIDDI✓VESS, Nausea nodsickness, pain in the hones. watery "mill inflamed es, sore throat, hoarseness, coughs, con sumptions,' rheumatic pains in various parts of the liody,and mittly..othek. symptoms of • , • C.:l7'Cillalq; COLD, • Till; INDIAN VE(iE CAnix PILLS will invari ably give immediate relief. From three to six ol• said fills taken every night on gnink• to bed, a short time, not only rimiove all the above unplea sant symptom's, but the body will, in a short time, be restored to even sounder Inadth than before. The same may. be said or -AST - JIMA; Olt DIFFICULTY OFBREATIIING. 'l•he Indian Vegetable Pills will loosen and carry nifty the stomach and bowels those tough phlegmy hOmors, which stout up the air cells of the luogs,and re ibe .. eause not only of the above distressing coin Idaho, but when neglected, often termioates io that tonic dreadful malady eallea . • CONSIDIPTION. It• slitettlf also Ile retTioniberod that the Lelia Vegctaltle Yill4 al,e a t'ci thin cure for. PAIN IN- Oppression, pause:4,llllll siekM•.s, loss a appetite, roiatvelless, 11 yellow tinge of the bitill and eyes and every other symptom of a torpid ot• tlineasLal state of lie Hier; because they purge from the body those impurities %% tovh if deposited • upon this important imgan,are the cause of every variety or • LAVER COMPLAINI When_ a Nation is coitytllst.tl by Riots, Outbreaks awl Rebellion; the only:sure.ipeans or pi•eventing the 11111 . '111hd coliscipienqes or a CIVIL \VAR, - is to evkl all tiaiturs, and e\il disposed 0115.51 T the lo like when pain or sickolssnf ney _kind indicate Ilia! the body is struggljog a ith internal lin•a thetnit , remedyisto EXPEL ALI; NUM Ml]) llliMOlts, (Traitors to lifc,) nwl 111.1.11:111 CEI: rAIN itEsui:r. Tina the Principle activity.; disrase:hy Clransir and Purilying the hotly, is strictly in:wet:l-dunce mitt the Laws which govern the :wind economy; and properly carried out by the use of the tilto‘t mane INDIAN V1 . 1(;rl'All!. 1 .' PILLS NVill ecetainly remit in Ills iminplete Abolition 0 1)iso:Isv; we {.(llm.lilt• rollowilig testimonials, froni pvi.t,oo, of the hilliest resp6:oll,ility iu Ne‘v York who Imvt• reet.ollp been cured or thy, wo.t ol•!,cowle complaibts, solely by the use or NIrIIIGIIT'S I:101.1N rmt:TAiiim l'ims of •lilt: NORTH ANIEIIICAN C 01.1.16 o'. 01'11EALTII .11MAICA, L. 9(11,1 Si 1. Doctor William Wright—Dear It is with great satisfaction that I inform you or toy having been entirely coma or D s spo o , :i., of live years stand ; lug, by the use or your IN DIA N ETA lILE PILLS. Pro ions to went with yenr celebrated medi , eine, I had been under the hands or several Physi cians, and had tried various medicines; hut all to no Wreet. After using one :Li cent box or your Pills however, I experienced so intuit benefit, that I re solved to persevere in the use or them according to yon• directions, which I am happy to state, has re sulted in a perfect curt. In gratitude to you for the great benefit I have received, and also in the hope that others sintilaily afflicted may he induced to nalke trial of your extraordinary medicine, I send you this statement with full libertylo publish the same if you think proper. Tours, Arc. Ne.w.Youx, June:lo, 1811. aC. BLACK: Itieftavil Deimis,Agent fin• Wright's Lunn' Vegetable Pills, No. ilSti" Grecom ieVst, N. I' Dear Sur—At your recommendation, I some tune since made trial of WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEG ETABLE PILLS of the North American College of Health ; and tan conscientiously assert, that for Purifying the Blood, and renovating the system, have received more benefit from their use, than from any other medicine, it has heretofore been my good fin tune to meet with. I am, dear sir, with many (hooka, your obliged friend, C. M. TATE, • No. GO limnersly St. New Vdrk: Itichard Dennis, se,eiit for Wright's Indian • • Dear Sir—l have been afflicted for several years with inward weakness and general debility, accom panied , times with pain in the side and her dis tressing complaints. After having tried various medi. clues without elTect, 11 was persuaded by a friend to make trial of Dr. Weight's Indian Vegetable Pills, which 1 ani happy to state have relieved me in a most wonderful manner. I have used the medicine, as yet but a short time, and have no doubt, VAL/pet , severmice in the use of the medicine 'according to directions, that 1 shall in a short time be., perfectly restored. ' 1 most willingly - recommend Baid'Pills to all per sons similarly afflicted; and' in the full belief" that the same beneficial results will follow their use. • , ' • . 1 remain yours sincereli, HENRY, A. SOOTC,• • Wawnrsing, Ulster Co. New York.' Witt Youn, Sept. 0:1841. • , This is to certify that I'h:l,n used Wright's I n di a!) Vegetable POW with the greatest benefit; haying en tirely cured myself of the frequent attackc. of Sfek Hei‘daeli'6; to Olith Chad previously been sclijett.:'' - ,; . • —.ANN, MARIA ruomPsow,: :,591„ , Greenwichctreet, N Tcillr. Richard Dennis Agent.tlip.WrightPs Italian ItegetableTills/ •., AB there Sco nt, this tinio many wiekfd, permits busily engaged fn . selling a Counterfeit medicine,dec the name 'of the Inilian Vegetable; (1114 of ; c, Meets ilespeiiitU . fits BO:Utterly .feekless, of i c .' .seimencesithat-rniuii- , viduabhilives finny - Ini . frst; - consequence Or using their dreadful compokinds, the public are cautioned' a wrinst. purchasingpny.Pill unless on thesides of , thtf Loges the following word.. ins 4..1440 ' • , • NES! WRIGLIT,'SANDIAX rL yOPVTAIILU Or Tni,:gon.i ; H: - Nataltn`AN) , !Etokr.cin,nr 11*4.1;rn. ;•And fillen'tn gpay4olipol,o;yrigidinstitloluksing medial nnor any pei•aon nkceld the' reguint4dierti tied ,169, • CHARLES';'OCIE BY , C011i1690,1000 , ..na °° 4°14 udify u. ' '"' IMMEE MEM FLV Ell S. Vegetable Pills. IMS MM! EIDY' , SL 11 ' A V-ILLA " ~c0, 4 9F,,,m0r,e/Atsailpo, A re l i9,o,lB.rra°"'i 11, 1 , mritillertplye 4!erac gip? keit it ~l liA lig one,, bbttleof tt, thatl'thPeti of tot ether: 'This 1ir...18M. aereuntd# far, all LehlY) Siti•ertialillii is ifieseit' stronger pireparatioa than none t Moe int ie contained on& bottle no or hdy (and wild at the same prite.) Lettite reairia. , thla—.-It is no siaielbossttbut the real fact. ' SAI4SAP44.I4ILiiiI.' 'Protit ilia Mddical RcvicN. ' ~." thevng'etiddejnlicentiedis With *Melt ddr dihifehihricir",",aboitiftl;thereliro 'faw•soliseful tui 'Sar3apnrilla,'aud when'propery.condpinezfpnd - preA• paredi is iirvaloaid6 not onlyin restoring" ,idebilita, led noinditiatichie if/their ,wonted eitergy;blit array. 'ease :wising opt of an impure atitte.., • Front 41 knowledge' of:l , ery . niany cases"(api'dine of them considered iiichratite) where "ninny different iirepacations "of used, none 'seemed tollol3l3Cll3 . virtlics remedial poweva equal' to De: Leidy's Medicated or Oomrotind l'',N.tract of . • • " • • . • ; 'lt is it pri.liaration, it in' tielieted fur .superior to would recohriraEanil it to flip particular, notices of •Physicians.---Edi - U. - • -- DR. LERDIPS. SARSAPARILLA. Extract of a letter Irons J. B. Whitmore, of Easton, "in relation to Dr. Leith's Sarsaparilla. My little boy alai girl, the limner now three years and the littler 119 w AMU years old, have been afflicted with a serofttlons tumor from the time they NVCI'I! three 'months old.: Three months ago I was induced ttimake trial °Qom. Extract of Sarsaparilla, and have given it to both to the - present time. They are now entirelylree from nth appearance of Scro fula:mil never were in better health." Dr. Leidy's Sa.isaparilla is efficacious in alLtlis eases arising from impurities of the blood ane other fluids of the system. All Invalids al t o .m a r bre!' tinder mI !I. 111 . 11ipMI, xlin are dybirlated f 1•0111 the - quantity of 11101161 W 1116' MU,' 11.11"tl taken, or arc under a mercurial influence, will fled that by using a few bottles of Dr. Leblv's Sarsaparilla ,their usual vigor and elasticity or their frame and system will be restored, and he again permittedth enjoy die sweets of life. • DR. LEtIVIPS n'"This article appears to be doing' wonders at the South, and from the high charm:ter of the re commendations, we are fay persuaded it is a most capital medicine for all - impurities oldie ',loath - We know many Physicians will have given their testi iiitiny on this subject, null we know they would not ve a character to any medicine that did not realy deserve it."—Charleston Eoqun.cr. Extract of a letter from Dr. Warren, Natchez. "linving lilt the last year in my practice used your• S:u•saparillh with notch Entistlottorm to myself. and lament to my palirnls, I live no hesitation in deelor im: it to he one of the :most. useful prellai•ldions ill diseases fur irltielt Snrsnmwillit"is pinp - na - ibml:". - DUR. LEIDY'S SAIBCSAPAIICYLLA. ccg•This preintilition Tway Ill.' ilimentleil ❑lion as being the strongest (eons( tmently more efficacious) of any in existence ; all 11111(1 preparations mast, pos sess similar virtue'•, in proportion to their strength, being prepared team the same article. Dr. leitly's Compound Estr:el of Sa•sapnrilln, however, Om, sesses properties not Vossessetl by others; from its manner of prepm;:ttioo,lllll combinstion with other* vilzettible estriteut recommended by the medial enity—and 'tenet; •the reason why it is so gent , ratly recommended by the sicians of Philluiel.plibt and elsewlwre: From the e'traorditi:u Ortites or itds pr,para tiva and a knowledge of • its compos:tion by PhYsi r chins, (the reasonwhy thiv so generally use it, as they would not . us or reconduvill :iny_xepartdion they dill mot know the compoSition ot,) it has been introduced in ninny of the I lospitals throughout the U. S. and is highly recommended by PI ysieinus 111111 SargeOllS of Ilisse 111Stlillt.10113. From lhu Nov (lr11 , 3;15 LIMY'S SA ILS.II I '-i fit ILLA. . , Thu high antl envied celebrity !rich' this tirv ciiiiiictit invilicitte Bois netpitreti for its imariable • limey in all ilisei'ises which it pros sses to curv, has relideeld the Usual practice ol• pidliiii unnecessary. It is known by its fruit% and its gtua' svorks tl slily for it. Dr. Leitly's Sar.tnparilla will lot found parti cularly ellicnritots in nil lisracl•s or the !trey, mom spin-e toot hones, ulcer:ditto attc thiml!, throat nipl other part s, tittzet toes, liaUii.m, sets,- erysipelasjattittlire.ritetintatisiti and incipient gout. iliV11:111431 Mill 'syphilitic alliatanns, female dc raugcmel is and iu Vehleehlg lb, sickly ltfllt tichilittit ed to tht3ii• tiottiral lit:4llh aml energy. 's (:o i i gad E 511.11.1 flrSarsoplitilla has stood the test for five years pot, and 'Lis un hoast Lo 5:1)' 11111 t there is 111.4111111111011 or 42:111;11 strength now in Oho. I . lll..l.eAlioitt the Sotdhrrn tilltles Where S:11.,:ip;10 Ila IS exilor t il tete :1414.:1 Nolivo, 1)1.. Leidy's is ,•r -ally reil'a nil is highly recommended 10" Leon tissiliently pub lished 1 'I hronglintit the' north and west it is also much used, mnro 114.1.11:CpS than any oilier. One bottle of k [11:11r 21 pint) is u arranted cipinl !two of :my tither in'strengili, and is equal to one•Iill . gallon of ilii• strongest St 1.111) llitit not he 114:14)4.. 1)11.4,110104 I . ol' makiun S . ) rep thereicoln acont panies the nicections. IDIL. LEIDI"S SAIT,SAI'.I6IILLI3. i)'7 - not :I row days titice a Clergemon of this city [mho does tint desire his noise TelilliShed in the ;Pa pers, but is left —witla-Dr...-Leitl3 -Mated that a-latly 1 , 1 11 , had ', m g. b ee , ' n communicant at his elitirch, but twoyears vast unable to gn to church, mi actonott or her extreme debility, Oetelsl(7lsell by uleeratiou of %allot's poets or hoi. body, disease of her Ilser and other internal arrangements, anti the constant taking of Inetliritte therelbr, never Ilium! any vintage for the better until niter using several linttles of 1)r. Leitly's Sarsainteilla, fled by a few months perseverance in its use, was entirely restored to health, awl retover ell her lormer strengthottal to ume her own la n guage "was almost create.l a new bring." lint one or man s insttmces moiost d.ity tio.‘.l gr. Itis - prepnrwl only and:RA(l Wholesale and retail at 1)i. I.FADV'S I leaddt Cmporinin, No. WI Nord) Second street below Vine: also sold by PrilCa•ick Brown, corner Mak and Chesnut streias; and Fred. Klett k. Co. core: 1I and Callon hill, street, at $1 per bUttle, (a half pint) or six bottles For sale in Carlisle by T. C. S'rEVENSON.- May 31,1843: tf-31 - Worms: Worms I IF parents knew the value and efficacy of Dr. Lady's Patent Vtgetahle Worm Tea,thev never n sold be without it in their families,as chiltrres are . subject at all times to Dr. Leitly's Worm Tea is ibmposed of vegetables altogether, and may he given to children oram ages. Directions accompany melt pap.•e or package. Children stiller much, of times, from so many thhigs being given them for worms, without any el feet. Much medicine, given lo children, has a ten dency to destroy their general health, and they are more or lesS delicateever after. To avoid the necessity of i vine medicine mine. you are remain •our children lutrc Worms Rico them at first Dr. Leidy's IVornt Tea. It is all that is necessury. ltererence might to tamale to severot lautialreal rents in Philadelphia city tool tanuuty, or the ellieury of 1)r. Leialy's %Vora% Tea.. Try it soul you will be couriocetl. Pith:n . l'4 rods n small, and '35 rents a large park age. Pr4artl only, and for sale, wholesale' and lietailOit Di. Leitly's health ntnporimn, No. IN North keeond street, below .Pine, [sign of the Gol den Eagle and t eritents,) Philadelphia. For sale in Carlisle by , • T. C. sulvr,NsoN. . :fun, 14, 1 A 43... • • tf-33 Di. Loidy's. Tater, and Ifch,Oinnnent. AN ifilallible remedy for vitrifies - affections atilt: Skin, redierink Pimples, • Pitstules, anti , Eruptions, of the Skin, antrparticularly adapted to the cure of Tema. mid tholtolt.,l ••. • • , - ' • , ointment has been , used in mime:gas schools thrtiughoet the city so county, as w t ys as v aatar i es, employing., numerona,girls and , hoys; a at t ata9a g st Whom' Tetter find Itch,as well as other Affections of the Skin, prevailed, with the most unmfainxiiefl' Cgiis.i:` Names of School Tea'ohera, as well asSuperi. intendriiitaand Proprietors of Factories' antild• be' geeniconfirriting t Oia pima, tiot fsor the delicacy they. ccl n baying ;Ilitifr,...nanfipil with such lefithsome"alailitagreeeldViitACtiana, • i• • •-•l l l , lColts`eetitira - batiir Palo In L aarilsl4 . • , T.• 0. ;SI;EV,ENSON. '3Mie it14:9.% •• • I4' 1143 .'‘ 'JAYNE'S - EXPECTORANT: : ' .ri ONgUMlll , CoNt,tbuAl?,,lSMtffogPapil),Bio, 'eciniettiptives.49or titlitsof sutlering Irmw'tiegled(ed Olintrti6tiott Cao!eettiinti itilhitothatiott:ofelhybihmhzflini9G. of those tithes thuro9o,,v(hick the„ WC, typ preathe distributed to putt drtliit "MVO: ° Ott: stirs Ofut soii3Otal; cough..!liffioulfy.: of 'reatitingi4l4clie spittiug,uf blooNniatter, or phlogrn,4hloh: exhanittstike r streroktrthe 311 Y1 1 q. 3 P. ouvoipT,,f49l4,l,l•Rfit i i ises Imrstnat'Aqamitart j le s jtiltfrt*t{arilltilll0 , M . lt a ielieto,,lViym (1 20 Soep; ~~:~.iW '-.' FIRiANS R , ~, . . 12. 1 /0401;- •,,„ 1 ; . 4 , 0 , 4 w vf , * P - Att•-6. 0- +givriO.Vo: • '4, - 4 1 `4.,-;„ 1 1 North AtiraericraAn 9 rottcta C 0,. ', OP; , eigAL4Pgrio 'ii., ,, : ~ ' ' ":"', .11•11$.EIN J. riIIZEIMS, Aginnit, CarDisle.,l afrivany eoniinueCtornako Insurances t,lju i bkainst lois 'M. &imago by Fire, on the most ternisk They 'also take!'-• • oh Anne or, v brick , buiklintis at 825.0 n ;810014../bel Tieminyn subject to' lie any time by the peilyintriflegotioteduction of five pek cent. on tlip o nniount of li s tiimili;i ji4id7 - - rittee.toiObo Yew' . . Mink Buildnigej ' 84 to'ss . on $lOllO Log tnicT Freine;' 86, to' 87 on 81000 Mot-phi/110in, about , 85 on 81000 piiention in person - or by' letter will baba im mediate attepjiLn. The Springo.Garden, Instirance, Co. PSILADELI'IIIA. ' ^ ' . IRAK El- INSURANCV, either temporari or perpetual, against loss or damage by I. tar, in Town or Country, on .Houses, Barns and Build. inks of all hinds; on household Furniture, Mar. cliandize, throes, Cattle, Agricultural,. Cotnmer. ciul and. Manufacturing. Stock, and Utensils of every description,as %vellum MowrsouSind GROUND Upoll the most favorable terms. The following are the usual raft's, viz: On Stone and brick . buildings, from 35 to 40 cts. an wTOO "Log anti frame - " .. GO to 70 ctn. on .100 .diereluldizo and fun'. Lure in--brick or stone buildings, front "Do. in log or frame, "Ilorsea- cattle, Owning - utensi ls - and sundries, at about PROTECTION AGAINST LOSS .11171114 CUMBERLAND VALLEY MUTUAL I'I2OTEC'TION COMPANY,huh% ineorPo rated by Nn act of the Legislature of the presebt sus sionoind fully organized 1111 A in operaticou wider the direction rd. the following... Award of.Managi.rs, viz - Thomas C.l Hier C. Couoionins, .Folio Attioue , DowtirVio*:llXididitit:h, Lines Weakly, Ceorge, IN'illiano Moore, Samuel Calloraith,..lanoes Cresson,Tlonornis Paxton, Woo. Itarr,,loseplo(foilver• and A. (1. the attention of the inhabit ants of Cumberland Valley to the cheapness of their rates anol the malty adsaulages which this ;hod of insurance ha? MTV any other. Ist. Ecery person insured becomes /1 111(111111. 1 1 , 0 f the eonipaity takespart in the choice of °Myers anol the direction of its Concerns. I'm. insurance no more is demanded tblin is nereis.try to wit the 4ixpenses .o.of theConipany and indemnity . 11!;,11i1101 1114,e3 loirlo note happen. 311. 'The nicutoveltience of frequent renewi:ols loy insuring foie a term of-fire -teats. 4th. Any person ottople big for insurance must give his premium note foe the cheapest class at the rate 11l- I,e, per relltillll, which will he , f.. 50 on the siboi), foe Which lio will Hove In pay . so,so fur lice years, and ?0,511 for surrey and polies, and no moiess less sustained to A 141141te1 . 11111011111 111:111 the funds on bands will rot eround thenuomore.will Inc requir ed than a pro rata share. .Thene_ raleu Rye 1111101 cheaper than - these of officetasporanies; eNcept SACII :Mare iticorprxaleil on the 411111 e principles. titspraitvi• is eil'et•ted in the follo)(ing manner. A p01 . ,11),1 :4111/1 rid ~ rill , property or the VItt:111( .. 11. VIN,9 of tick tnr ;I t littni will by eliargn(l tinn (wilt for five veet tt. a note onintinting to $5O must ho Given by whieli lit, Will be reintirvil to pay 5 per cent. i,`,51 1 , and $1,301111 , st!rveying nod policy, noil will hove no (miry required aid.. inde,s.h , ss,.., nrcnr and the butts on hands tire lust solliriunt to lilt 010111. A lit: mmoilitell its SOMI Ilti nosNible in ilif fcront plores I n imolai to insoranc,s. anilatty persons II fishing inintycliattly to apply' eon (I() so by signify ing theit• wish to thy ollinttits or the nonitriny. •CIIAS. I'. CLISINIINS, l'res. A. G. See) . .\ de Or the pnwer, niid e t ,th or i ts . • • ••:; cnntniard in the tact ti ill and U•ahn soul of AI [co el. ro;t:,(lco'tl., 1 now oll'er for I,alc, CarlisleYron Worlts 5it,..01„„ the Yellow Breeches CreeN, 4.4 miles eahi of Carlisle I'm The estate Coosigts era first tate 6 .3 4" Jul !iicat,_'l77zortstp:(l orriaittl. A new Nll.lltCll.‘ NT foorrtio of stone,o linishcd mu the loos( approved plan: A lmitt 3Ot acres of the howl are cleared aunt highly cultivated, haling thereon erected Ir. la ree . l3:iratt4 anti necessary TENANT HausEs. The works are propelled hy inn lellow ileeeultes Greek and the ;Soiling Spring, whiult neither fail nurfreeze. There tire twit the prentkesall the neeessarr work-' tnet , s houses, vial hnnscs,ea rpenterantl smith shops, and stabling Mat of tha. most , tibstatttial materials. The ore of the hest miality and - inexhaustible, is within of - the Pomace. There 'is perhaps no Iron Works in Venom hank. c hieh poshe , ,ses hut !trainr advantages and oti . ers greater imlneements.to the hiveiStoletilt or Capital. The water power is so great that it might he ententled to Loy other maim-. lanniring - purpose. - Verson& disposed to poreloose will of course tt".x . litnitte the property. Thefernts of sale will by math: knowA by M.‘1117 1:111'.; ExeoltriN of Alieliael Ege, CortißlO, Oct. 19, 181.4. if-51 • 014-citeros 11.11D . 1.0Y51 4 twitorints gr: TIAITAISTICK hnve ju , t' revoked ham the Manatitetom• at Philadelphia' a large assortment of 4,4/21) J.,./.l:lll: l S,coasisting of Pa rlouriChautbpr& Study Lamps' with or 'withotit'phutlesi Which they w Il sell whole sale, or retail ut the atanuliteturer'spriees. ALSO, • ... . Astral, SolO,lleflectors mitt Glass Lamps of vari ourpattrria—ef:— - j The very best IViotee bladeltall Sperm. Oil, M urruuted to burn clear, far • 1nt,95 per.gaiion. . Bast Sperm Candles, 37i cents per 11). Carlisle, Deo. tn, 1842.. • . : tr-s itleehanicAurfr Elie • rerfikft,.:l6 . . ..I.sevecti•Oleclaaniclttga.g anti • PlOdatielphia Or.' Battintinv: - (111"Ii4117,110.11) on CA11,^.41,1' T"'subsCrlbcr 'grateful for pa4,tavors t po , re 163 10 to 4rlfo4lq, his friends, aid, the pubgo' "goceially, ,that ho st4ll'glotloites torun zi.liee of barthon cars roilciarly:betwooj. and Philadelploa or. Balthrzo;e., by whlalitioods end, p,rodpcc,of all doticripticaii caro and despatch'at the,- lazvest.3 , zziozo of , prciauee 7111 rOcetz;c4 itechatgiisbarg, , zo4,forwarded d 'll'hia,9 l '.. l . l ottli9r9e , C4c9°;dl o gA9: ll 9. ,4 o ffe ol 3' ' , yilttaagitt T 1 atiAiV,Oat r andyMly., • ritgil4EL ti il.:l:ria.elqr„Pr4.TvicAnd B 4t.r.ilvtaviiwo prOultiat and for e '..,:o . ;l44:64:o44llsvcriktrua tOg4eir t4OO,aIAVAIMPRIiitIe h BOAintlisi; Pf4 l l4. o oftM 4 itifol l t#9**g;;:9o ,ll YPdiS maii 6ll :',)(Utb of4a- o' 4->i 044 MI ''',.V. l4l 7lT4ettli."', 7 t':Y:''' 4. , 7 V,fir1 , 4,1,, rt. • IS 3 O INA , +? 1 ;- 'Aiwa , Njo.tmtilfmtme NERY/ AVOY;O:liMlysil ulfor: *Cc ; 't44lsle4ilitrtgBs 1 8 P1 " 4 t - `A - %'sr ,,, v , ••tio3t2 . • ;$.,,..q1.,•x.r•Ag.-. .i[iii6ii•EiiJ4 ,'t, iiisk 40 to 50 cts. on lOU 60 to 70 cts. on 100 Application may be made to JOHN J. MYERS, Agent Carlisle, Dee. 21;1842. 1 ESE WA tf,ll/I,&llg.E;', i .i 2 otl W 0 Pi itS ;,:) cr, j Ay) ,s_.t:l it‘VM . ....at7l ~,,,. ..:11 ,! , ,• , . .,.F....,..1 , .,,:t. . ., , ., ~,, .. .9 1 r .,., ~; . v tE,el4l .7. C4trsti rrtsparjb V I II t,w.hicls.,: . .. 9 „factiontretfid:Liktr f disthin ' \ Zfrgitfkilisi Rah!, i,, oh - weakness, Al ght, 4i rqpi ,I,7;pgs, .Chroiluc Coughs; Ptertrily; Ilthniool.4o r: trlSVlAtiiidPisid ' itrertione lithe ..( 4 itlmeni46fil -ii .Y . 7 : ' , . 7,- ..' ,. :' . ' ;.. NAT Olt E'S i OWN t T i llEi5OAl'XIONy t..tiv, . . , 4litodi ildtiiiilllidaam it prepiiili,loill,f44 .fi'ff,tull. 7, ri.rxiiiindia,oi• "Wild Cherry Dark, ..r.iosa,,liii,led %yak OA! El ilitct 'df 'Pth., jiretinfunky''sii!liw;fitligiiii'C.iif , pi oticasogiproy . ed,. mid. riAiidorciendeihl t iftlie'anosx il i sti ligti i died .. physiciaiiii, and ,idillvifisidly,siekobw- , 'hided the moat vtilimble medicine ever.lipcovered. NO QUACKERY: Li NO pECErtiox, Lt , . • setting fdetlilbe victues of 114 4,..uly.'gre.aNne dicine; we iniVe.sto desire to deceive those who pre laboring, untler affliction, nor do VlC,Wihlllt? eti.ogihe it more titan it justly vdeserves. Yet whet% we look arouttil'and,see the vast amount bf autfflringlilid ibis tress occasioned by : many of the,liilletineti,injvhiel,k this medicine bins proted ;v6 leel that we cannot urge its ,tlaims 84 100 match in its 111Y01.. 11 r e ' ' Various remedies it is true have been paced piacd into nottee for the ' Lungs,anti , some have no doulii been 6011(1.11m.y useful, but of all that have yet been discovered, it is admitted by phySiciuns anti all who its effects, that tunic has, proved as suicesiratiiii (bib. Stich, indeed', are the sußrßiszNG VIRTUE or this Hal sam, thtd. eveu in theitv4tneeil.stage,"at Cortsommeton.,llfter till t h e most esteemed remedies of iihysicivsis have failed to client nay change, the use of this metlichte tits heca,peodoctive of tke not astotdishing relief; end "actually effected ClWes aftet'all hopenrorreCoveq had bneti despnlied of. hi the Best stagei a fthe. iliavase,termell ',Cotner hal Consumption,"origi nutiivx f?on n r gmcod Colds, it has been tts'ed with ttioteshtling sneeeiti, deeds acknowledge they owe the restoration of their health to this invaluable s nieelichto alone. that form of Consumption so prevalent ntionisfiielicitte young females,commottly termed debilityjoioi . GO cts. on 100 "GOINIV, 1 , 11:0 A DECLINI. O . i n. A complaint with tvhic6 tbousands src lingering, it • has also proved [Uglily successful; and not only pos. sessus the power of checking the 'pengresi of thin alarming complaint, but also strengthensand invig orates the system , more effectiially than tiny ,rneui tine we have ever possessed. a ., , Besides its surprising eflienev in Consumption, It is equally efficacioustrr - LiTierr - Cohlygailiii, .481h/teli, ifr)//rhifiß, 3111 , 1 till antlidliS of the Lungs, And has eel eil ninny of die most 'obstinate eases, sitter every 01 te r remedy bait failed .• (*.For . particulars st'e Dr. \l'isttir't; Tre Ise on Cousumptipn, to be bud if the Agents. . . ,EXT:-:,kORDINARY SUCCESS . Al'ent;ing die us..! of this inudieinc in diseases nt Om. Lungs. and the many singular cures it bag er- - ceded, having naturally ettratted,,the attentioa of many physicians, (ns well as the wltole fraternity of quacks)sc'otijeet ttveststtil zittrAiscs hose prit.ett respeetitiz, its t. unirsitimi ; Mime pJn sitititis base simpo_sed it to emitain iniWite.;other i nottillit invteu-," tiers - sn'y eiteeCl7/11,ti»Infl I . ll9'eilutt-alliilnile its singtiltir eilieney.--r -as such ttplititnis tire altogether ereenenus, and cal ciliated to prejiiitice many persons against IL, WC P4EDGE GO( HONOU That iinnttttinS. tt otltii j n. of.thr - kind, nnY the Tenst isijurimu l on the contrary, it is composed, Jrtli - c:msost simph• vitbstances,.ibe principle of tvhieh are tin extracis or TAU. iind 11 Pei C'herry,Bark, Owl the whole Secret elliciiefronSiits in the mode by which they ore , As we Ivire 11111,1. i lied numerous ccAiti eate3 rront the. highest authority, which prove Its virtues heyond all donbt, we consider it 111111113e8flifS to OXilifilf a to g list Of theta iu this place ' mid, will only mention afew cases, to laity wind it has done , 1",1FT.: REA! AINS . -WE 11,1,1iE STILI, SOME 110 PE. A SW: CL'ltl',---Aittniq the 'ffia l ly singular ours which this • niCiliciou has ell i evtetl, them is perhaps none iii which its powers nye. so hulk' shown as in the vase or Mrs. Austin. This lad), had heenvolisiinlptit e for severed years, .111(1'4111ring the hest utedieul itttention, unit 11 . 11 . 11 3111 the most valit.thlto eautedics, yet nothing could' be homed it) arrest its progress.. Site hecame stilije e t to r•init•ot fits e:ne,thitig, expevicrait.ll lst.;;e wittlitities el nutter oectisionittly tinged with Ithitolottitl step hy step this feat hit tlisense continued its emirs,. *twit all hope an renotery was entirely despaired 'While 111 this distressing situation, lingering 11111111 the sire Verge of the gins t). slit eitilimeh,e,l of 1111 s . 11:11h111111, meet li, In fist 13VI . 11111 i V:t)1C8,11.1;, (11,e1 . 111C1111111111S1 11;,. 11 Clll.llll. 111 II fear dins the expeviorated freely, the coligli 'has to odd befit LO her leeks, nod now, in Ilit place el tied em:u•iotnl roriii withering to (levity, she is seen mingling in sottiely ? in .better lieslth than she bus enjoyed lo years.l BEI DISIN'TVIIESTED tt it tivasvil ILe stirprisiug vitieney of Dr. \Vilitar's. Itulsolut \Vil.l Cherry, I Ito rose of Mrs. Austin, Ildh arkliom ledge the alwty hititeltleta to I`O 'trite 31114 correct, • J. C. IVALTEDs; XL 1). Wooilstown, Sept, 4,1E41, Deariiir—Mthongli . your invaluable medicine has already round hundreds of posverfitlativneide's, non' still he grortilj ing to you to receive a CORIIIIIIOI entinit from any one that has liven relie‘ail by it. Such, Sir, is truly toy rase. I have been it sietim to dill( terrible 11151 . 1150 Cnusnlmptimt, tar iiinpy 111011110, 111111 have RIGITII so % ouch, that I hind lie contectilittost weary of lIIV Balsalnt SO praisetl,l began taking it' a•few weeks 'trick, and COO VISSRI4 . 3011 it has ELTICASii mu more than :Illy thing I have ever used before, and I confidently believe it will eurente effeetnally. Plranc give the bottrer the worth of the'enclosethsind Yours itespeoctilly, ,lotto PEARSON. Chester County; Sep!, f 1,1541. Priel4Wistav—lt gives me moth fd, sue to in form 'thee that i my wile's health lins imProveil'r( ry much since slit has been using illy 13:11F111.1111 Of Wilil Cherry, I intl•we think there is no tnuht, but tut it will cure her.. She has taken the twe liottleS 1 pur chased rrnin \bee tt short time shire antlther.entigh is much heifer itho sleeps well at night, 111111 sirs she has limourtiototh!gto.gire fier so much re nil. 1 lice will plensy sire-the hearer two bottles naoreTor • Thy Friend. • • . , " EDWATID /101,31T.5. . . Lancaster aonift-,Jiily 19, • Deaf• Sir--Please me two bottles yout genuine lints:din of Wild Cherry, I have rem af dieted With Consumption for the last two years, aful suffered very nitwit with it severe 'entigh; 'ludas in my breast, dillicully of breathing, itiglit awatits; and hating tried numerous rcmcdits, suit also Meet' titular several doctors; yet I coulifilot flail any thing to relieve me mail 1 used shone of yourlialstilib. got 0110 bottle from a neighbor ofmilte who is 4sing it; and have found 'such woniferful relief it thilt I have no doubt it will aureate Very u•espectailly urn, Co ; • - Itcorarr I,lou 11:0' • ,,1 the following fecm• lintentail, 1 ‘ . ysiciati of extensive vodka • lie'lltilltittr4 (111 , collpty: ' Dear Si 11it.oeuret1 cue hottle, 1pr ? 1(}" Ile hal in of Wild C hem, Tlio9n,l6"fteett, - Esq of this platn74 — eihrtiiiltl - it..en 4 eilse.ot.Ostinm e . • Asthma on a - chiltl of f:II,W tunny other ventetliei liptl.,heen,trietkii/ithohennylireli e f. Thu li;aitilin siivy stnhlyn r eellet, lay, opinion the child ts'efleFlusillenretllly,i,ti hse. .•••• • „ • ; Vonriq Std.' 4A.ed•tt Defelithet*.lo 3 231 , • 1 ni . # 'l ', - Dear-:Sie...H.Yiahl nalsaltif of% if( obe43 II As of feats'? some astonishing eurea 4iere...\ ! Obe , of , ii , li ieh is no ,oby,lagi,, 4lrs, y 9 401, ‘y ho, M O be,grisuirc r i ng bra long time witlishortarst ,eftirealliing, taKtgen :Oritt*alfifeits;tretill 'she . i , lo filiailsobbliked id lee r ), ber7bi s L. After various , athmitximedf e rb ox ii,„„ irev9rtiAteltilltithal!e , eclia4ten*.•!leißlyl9.qt nal- Mloi,tinil nfler taking two bottle's, lisitiSo tureov et, ii ilia - 4.100 eablblco niteiriiirgall)hclnisi .of her 'holieetafill'oittaking'tird Bettlisetiatiie,V enti re ! pre& 1 :' „ileßeel:9l .f ~ ,VT.! 0., ti . ' - - vldA r 1 2 ...t4 ‘,l v?1t....Z - ~ ,e 4 ... .. J o. t r, Iroite‘iimilen.i -,, i!'....,5,i„.. , :,,,•. , -' 4 't 4711 "ZT , "‘ , •"‘. ___., CAVTlON:—A,* \ ,lthere tit ti - `,lt4ViiiheliiiiiTt;r e called iS)pyip itfilfrilete/getterirehitsbl4l ehaiibil bo very inkrticqter te,aati fee. ihr: 1V15WA1V8441,,.. - , 41U ..fli.re oh 2 e rr 14 1 ifirkeMiltn,44 , 4941c. . . j`OltVg i#V' tro6,il'iciWiltl). 6 ,4t , , atlwhole.,., )10PI. , y°,l:Y h tT,g!tr4 , 4llFAtiln°r i e, P*31 '1,61 E1 1111: , ''v ; 1" ,/I '''sotil o" o o4 6 :o'itit, - , ...., 4 .. k .,,,,,,- 5t , 04. , .. tta ,c,, 4 -• _ - dor' *.K.tt; 11,4 -a 44 , t „ 41.1,5?,8t .. 111843.' ' • 7 • •::h'