EOM E: Wadne 82ailtorniiii,4446intoi 27;1043 , . iir~r , , • o :7•A . euliiiyivilhedeliveregoti the aharactei of the deceased v.O ante'd Jour tun, Esq. by Rev Torus V. hroreribioriThutsdity evening.the 28th inst., et 1 o'Cirfch,',tti the Methodist Episcopal Church oflthiii' ; Idaho: The relatives of the de odase4,the,:filer3h4f 'temperance, and the public RenerallYt'ner *eaPectfully , invited to attchd.. QIIN i nwi r, Isaac Toni), , •. J.. H. Devon, • • • • 3. V. E. Trionne, .•, . CHARGER BELL, it Committee. , • OrThe friend in Southampton township whO taVe*eitily intelligence of, the ploi kvhich hat since developed (and been quaiihid ter,) hal on; lthanks for his well written communecation, He agtee with us, we adult, that subsequent events have rendered its publication unnecessary. . -- 0:7"Our paper is almost bniirety taken up this / week with matter relevani to the appiliaching election. One. number more will put on end to ; that, and we shall then give our acclistdmdd 'a. liptY. . . ~ . • 1 . Preddent Durbiii. •.• 0:3110v. J. P. Donors, President of Dickinson ,College, returned to I cffliele on Thursday last, 'After a aliort toar,ttrUiMinati. His arrival in down was marked by the most signal manifesta tions of ,rejoicing on tlfe part of the iturients. 7 . Upon-the apProach of the care to town, a proms rsioit of the Vtadents'iNts formed, preceded by the. -VaCulty of the College, who received. him at the rail road tenet end escorted him to the College. kVe leant that an address was there made toThini !by me of the students deputed for the purpose, to Which Mr. Durbin replied. • ' In the evening additional festivities took plum in honor of the return of the- . Prwident, Both Collegebuildinge,with Ole -Grammar School, were splendidly illuminated, and, a variety of fire-works -exhibited from the campus. The brilliant spec ter& attracted crowds of ladies, and gentlemen, • Who seemed touter Silly into the c alliteration 'and excitemcni of the occasion; rs'Wo are roguested to state ilhatAnyder '4loy, of Mechanicsburg, has withdrawn from the, Vie. of Sheriff Candidates - calve inadvertunt/y omitted to Blab, at the proper.: time., that _Mr. W. M: Mateer was elected to the office..ot Colonel of, the 197th Re - giinent, P. M. at the election held on Saturday, the 19th CM The Shippensbiarg Bleeting. The proceedings . of-a Whig meeting held in Shippcnsburg an Saturday evening last, wiyl be .found in tu.day'e paper. We invite tho particular attention of the Whigs of the County to its pro. sesedinge. . The resolutions art: Italie than wail written and breathe the i.ruaspiht: It is Very well itnoWn -that oa's; Whig friends to Shippensburg were no. little Chagrined at tho no tion of the Whig County Ccinvention, - and it was much feared that no lose the heavy elect co-operation is lb`fa fall's campaign, wlib;,lf the Wings of ShiPqan fin 1 / 4 - sic so well able to gi and which tvAA the littereste of the Whig cause require it .;hosi never wAishold. Our 'oppohients .Were seCret rejoicings over the sup. 61the Whigs of Shippetishttrg, the spirit that was chilled lint nut eiart '4lisP Y ed . the silociPd that ancient town as the• t QucF . ,fUr madding agrand scheme to explode tIl %yliig , pnr . l3%;anil its citizens as the most avai l. aide to give Siiee;iste as shallow an impost . tihi as was ever uttemploti to be imposed upon an width ,f i cent immitturirty. But never did any se len , e meet with seauMerable a faihre, and neVer /pre •• .• • • hoietoes'im any vile plot so completely di,t ec tm expost.ihuMl diceinfited;as Lacy was IT sooner unfolded than its Due d i a. iietor•was perceived, and the whip;s" 'there w ing by the keenness of the insult, rot• d up as ono non and with the promptness of ' 4 nohlc spirit , fie. rounced the vile scherzi° end the unprincipled actors, in it, as ,men ,deetkuto of all political in tegrity, who should be 'listed an 4 dcapiied stl good citizens." •i,.• 'Cho proceedings of the meeting in liippeh' a. urg as Saturclair evening, have tiaen sine best e Ire c e, not 'only there tint throughoUt the moiety,' This conepiraoy on the part of our op. torrents null its epeedy explosion, have aroused WIT spirit of the Whige and animated them to lively and united action. Although the battle Is tot fairly Their awn, they now adopt it, and will • contest it with spirit and energy; let the'reaull he what it may, • • The Whigs In Town! in - The Mien of Carlisle held a apitited and enthntdaetio meeting on Monday evening; On. pro, swedings of which will bo found in another col- murk, mui ,, ,proceedings of 111O:rieding of the Whigs 'of Shippenaiirg,:bipro cal led . for by.tha meeting, and recoived,fith thil ; wartoto4 it P 3 144", • „f,: short addreao vi.ad inatie.by EDOICIk whlol hi! p,ld ' apri%bofore f ile meeting a letter from Gen0.g1,,...p: )I.mbalt, -Nbleh be ,had received in reply triorptilreided to•Acni Miller, Oopinintling,oektain•ilarAdgmomf publiChierest. The correspondence eubjoined to the piiicedinis. ben, Mar's reply to the ques. tiOns WO, believe will., govh nheirely..patisfactory txithoWhigit of this Congreasiorial distret,, The (I:C4I*W/tilt hle letter are truly American, end do bin) !Muer. . • • • ••••!1.., •• • ' f .,• .; 03011 en the 'Porter county tieicet you settled; we toolcit down alt the ;times . Fero rppaated ti) us by oini 'or two — gentleman ;tithe, hePpiMell to be iiresent.nnd thus. got several, nrimen Wreng, rernainedin type so, and • was trainithrieiftn 'onr th° Ilami.Prfore. In it, pitugethgr. .Pugh inadvertence. The . Volunteem fimi estreokd ts.clarse'rriji 4 to its dr!i. *l'l°l:M4lle, eitaiiily give ()Ay Apponento faitpler far thie cies; - . WHIC MEETING IN CARLISLE' ~ A kris ginfloim atl it mooting of i e Whige orCurliple "Idiur held at.4tie public boys° of Mt.. WilStto : Brpm op .410tittei Oaring, September pat. -On rrmiont ale - foilaviing offTers We" up. , - V 'a ' • ' • , Ithairzroot WIPLIAM IRVINE. . ;:o, ~ . Ti4l" r:t,;44lslohirod: • Ptltertroom rignal GralloilSrositiitisobleGiur, 0 ,14 61 9 4 P!'"' - It ? Ktmsft, Otpteirtf4iim Irtiompeopt, Cwaraim atlVC 4 o4o2Ardis Wonm ' ; 'an' + 4 400 barer *auto. . ' v . t..r% - ''. ' i ° 4' 46 f ld' ' '' 0114 :14, 143 4TE 1 44 ;16 joi'itteob ' It l a rßOPts Wilioß V1C14"4" E ;& ) ",i ) .T.E 1 9 11 ; ' litOlinted k'ioni#litto to, dri 10,614 . 1tani oitesiivii,W the ;: ,0* . kx,t , 4114: 'fiio4lo*: ,: AWN: . tabanoce. 9f thf ei4o ll 4* . 2 F/ W l l lidit t A. " 110 •ARRIMPIeiI :t44. 1 110010/61;41 1 0;ilLiati , _ rrea.; vi t ei poadenc, 4 114* 1 , : , took.tplaw. o,4tlrtiliP between "Oen, 'OOO.O Mit tOltdatwelf, a ..clo y'iot ~ 1 iftiplits*m* . 'lo' 'I pi 3101410,41 inlliti aii' • • *OVA. lOW iiii , gitiqMONA ')-441 , - , ' 4 'ol Cern (lekielAwll all RIW , , e ,‘,‘,., ' • . .: -' ' ' • *-: .., „'`'-&': ,`...` - .'42, , ,,,r,eLp2idr,— ,, •LAIL:kI.I2 J;?.;:.,AME . l:'l4:itla Aii. ' 24,Vii.a.c. , ` WM anateooltilitt wor.e m ift niniagob , ! Owed. ":tireitinititli44,Wthillutisteneti;Ornny , thrnoghAli n ii ifiedliintor delegate's duly appointed; audthsi*hinly4olegstes.do rnciet•:•nnSl . , tgl,ng;. gather the. vitiWit; 'and feelingl'ork thOr peillical friends ,fl•piti.oll , lnirts ofthe county,and come to' the conclusion Milo what is the ,best policy to piirsuel 4t is the duty of all Concerned th abide:by the result. , • " • . Add mheicani dur late Whig CountyGoiliefition deefibd it.inoxfritlient to, rtnitiete a. ticket; add: we itive alread36the.heit evidence, that tha6aurffe, tliah ime'rltedcu4.hy the Convention was the",truo thus; „by tlie desperate efforts of- our opponents to defbat ibis determination. Therefore Resolved, Thattve do .hereby express ouriiei.. feet satisfaction with' the coursopurpued by',Out • delegates lately assembled, in iheir determination , .that, the; besi-pulicy westiet,to nominate, a ticket at • Resolv ed; That we'itillt:supfitiri tiM following. ticket of theapprhtiehing,eleetion,t - ', •• • • '• • • etii;o4 Commisiiionsrk: 7 Simemi GUilford;Ym.. Tw ced,,• Moja Min WeaVer: ' iCenniy,.Commssigner—Tohn Rupp. , ' '6,inigreBB--p'inera ' A'ssenibfyz , l'Captaln Johh liunlnp, laeoli Enng• necker. . ---71.easurer—Jeilui Atiditor--Richarti • Director - of the Poor' '-'ll..brahani kurtz Coroner—George Eigenhtirt.,t, Resolved . , That we ilbeni it Our liiity , to support the aboire ticket; and that the 'mill dpon all good Whigs In thh county to unite with us in ite sulr port: • Resolvcd,.That our late Reprdseiltatives, J t.thts KENNaut , and Groves BRINDLE, Epqrs. deserve the warmest approbatidn of the Whig ri ytit for their faithful services in the last Lcginliiturb their prompt atid manly lettere Torus* to allow their names to be used by the anthem of th e eon spiracy to -dam', the Whig party; Which *as made in tn:3.lllst number of the Cuntbeiland Valley --a newspaper published at Siflppentibuit—flir• nisi) nddltlonal evidence, if oily was tVantin'g; of their firmness and attachment to the Whig party, .Resolved, That we have also. heard.Witli sure that Messrs. Kimmel Mid Houser have pub licly denounced those Whe Made use 'of their names for a'similar purl:Wel Without their know ledge or consent. Resolved, That the Wlligli of Shippensburg, in' promptly and unanitifoiisly Coming up to the res-, cue and meeting and. exposing the covert Joe his OwngreueM deserve the thanks of the honest portion of all parties and the front rank in that of the Whigs, • , :Res olved k That the Whigs of Giiithberland con n: ty, know better their own interests than to be mis. led'hy. the shallow and contemptible fraud which was attempted to be played ,ofT.in the last "Ciim berland Valley," and believe that each political Wasn't%) must recoil upon those using it with fatal consequences , Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be 'signed by the officers and published in the Cat , lisle Ilerald. . . CORUESPONDENCE Carlisle, 22d iNJ To GCN. THOMAS C. MILLER. . DEttt .Sit:—The Whi g petit} , is ptaeed in the peculiar position of ldi‘ling no deka of theii own . for the approaching erection.' Their delegates came to the conelinann that the political interests of the party would be ho'stromoted by permitting the tinketa already presented by the; respective portions Of the democratic party to carry on 0.0 contest. Perhaps they. concluded wisely ? ho t whether or not, they were the delegates or e: no , ,party, and us good, Whigs are bound to 'ac quiesce. iu (heir deeisiml. But our party per / cum , to by guided by " principles ,and' men, aad if I know itrirwiil nut cast its' vote for any; one whose opinimin arc either, unkrir.mn or op.. . posed to the great leading interests of the country. I trust, air,• you will not deem it i'dtrusive or in tended to prejudice your political. -prospects, that I ask for the information ot . ..'whi g „, f ur you opinions on the following solii /u t, 1. Are, y'oir in favor ore Ts .1111 for the. protection :of American Industry . • t. % . :irlral are your ( 5 1)i . ,sions respecting' the Dig: 'triluittAit of the Procc'An of the Public Lands ] Whitt views lito,ie - you with regard to it Cur rency, fii, for the nec ess iti es and Lupines!) of the country, 7 Theso,tre w:iestions which enter Into Lilo poli• ticul erg , ' the Whig party; and nn loan can command ',is support whose belief ditrers widely from itt But there is one other Snliject sheet whi chi tlt-sire to malt° an inquiry What is the rumuniarr.of the designation of "Anti-Tax Demo. math' which has berm given to your party 7 Respectfullyunur friend,. • .1•111 PK. WATTS. • Cumber?! Pin 7ZUCe, 25th Seit: 1843 To FttgDpnicic wAT•ps; EFR., • tont; Sin t —The 'eYidence of your personal friendship wide)) , I hake always lied Ake pleasure to enjoy, forbids that I should deem your' queries either unkind pr intrusivevon - the eontrary, qun convinced they are dietatpd• alone by that zeal which yon . litive always evinced to promote the principle,s you athriicate and to,enhance,the ehar inter Of the. party to Which you hake okays pro fessed tQ belong. In the same spiritof. frankness, then; With which the questions are asked; permit me to say to reply, that I do not ilesire to repro. sent the people of this district in the Congress of the United States tinleSs a majority of them should agree with me in opinion on nil the lending topics whieh ' form the subject of your inquiries ; and while I profess to be a democrat in principle and In practice, my viewer of Government and any in cidental questions whiali arise in itg administra tion, aro never chneehled from those who have any desire toi know thatn,• . In reply to Your first query,lanswer—T am in fawn* of a 'Tariff for the protection. of American IndtWry.' Hobe I might rest, upon this distinct; fend uncoilvocal answer ; but I take the occasion to . add, that the 'value:of a tariff consists in Its being diSerimidatlni, uniforin and permanent— Out country has suffered, greatly suffered, by he. ingdrnined of its ipecie, sect abrontl•for .the pur e chase of foreign goods, Manufactured lity ; thC hands of foreign patipers,Airhilp our. owd ettizena and their workshops languish arid die fur vvant of Ctn. ployment. While all thecountriesiff.klurope for. bid the entry ef our prodficb lntd their ports but upon the payment oft prohibitory duties why should we pay tribute itv specie to their l abour.? I have said . that a Tariff &add bediscrintinnt% ing ; by which I actin; that deities should be laid, upon such articles as wo .manUfacturb bbrselvea, to an 'amount unlit sufficient:TOO protection. It should ito uniform, operating middy Upon all; withoutprefefring any class orthicons over'tdm:: tl;pr. :And above. all it should be permanent opted this depends its valuti ; foi"'net , ltiiilf, how ever protective or uniform, can bb naffed, tinloila it be ; built tipon• a foundation which shalt pot be disturbed, ~ Your second question presedio a subject Which involves \ considerationanct easO•diseurismi with in the UMW' allowed .rno; and't willilibrefore, bo excused for any, failure to lie, as explicit es alight be desired. A war with Urighnd writ thaliodse. quenceof the Deelarition cif;ludepeinderiko—Vic. tory was' the roeult of the Wer—erinquest was the fruit of victory. That ,contest r pextended far be . ' yorut the Halite of the States, and embraced that territory Whieli ikas .designated , as tire. "Public. linnds." When the ThirmcnStates entered into the tiefuriff Union arid formed atiabrieralGovorri- Ment,illey •wers the, owners of gamer: s 4 Putilic.. I.;ands,'"wldch formed no part of 'these "'United , Statesily:ttle the prosecution ni tha.'war of Whe Rovoletkiki the original thirtc9Statmilituloreat ed fi'ilelft Whah tf, was necessary tal pay, afil iiiii of; tint State& filedgcil and Conigyett to the.Generat Goveenrriant• Its share of the' Prublic Vends".,,th trust'te"be acid 'dad; the proceeds ; gmlled 'to Me reSoltilleritk r 'abbi; qnd When".lt: woe 'paid, 'Yhe laridetitiltlerrt Os the States: - That dfilit'lltili been' ong.elnee paid thel"Public 'Lindir"thereftire, .elnng to the.,§tates. and the.,,RepreseelitiVea Of the peoplh asseinbled in 'Congfedi'haile might id make edify disposition 'Of the tirothids of'the salee'ail r i , balimost cOnduce tat the paildio*oo4,- 7 , Tho • reatft9 3o }Yea, itself iet9 a iquo'itiA ii`f;rlrxpio.' diffifriy,Oinvolving the eanditifir4 - iif, Op . General 1 Gov.fti.l, al rtt °Rd theAiecesaitios ofiliOrtaltisl' ' 0 ' , With oregtfo.l9.llfif Correh ey:—A , a pot ',npinlerf that 'nothing se 'ttiudh reoailiteek7ta tw.igtareb s ui - of any eidintiy Mt trithjfertri' aurianeerid''llit. - ere t o t meat .iorelolrert no of 'piper end stieoii:. . hat.tye, pppei.currfriei, shield bri Ifeilted;iii 'Orient; and'Ork'Oottretffrom.:,whiriVit faint:tile 1 I . eenttellerfas'tlutt.ft,ihetpit aleMY6:l4""i4Tilee4's ;bid in tip9"diel;‘,lV.tieiteitok 4iit Orikiiil4ll3co 'pre, °Med hy i 4hich - '.`theifiP,Obleititi:ettli!',lie,:,..ettalbti'.. 4;itlibut' yeoperfiltig=„`the..:xiglitir . .o4;fitiertiei . .:df. thii". - iffiVili r f!'t::Wilk.li 6 V*eat hap 1n! ht:Maiiiii:g#it 0 14 old to,,ortharkiliffeattilillsknent.i,:.2 lo b 4a tititegiOliWthiOlm,ii*i • he'..,06, teillvoingt : 411 . 90itatowtoibeNoioiritio , .4 doo4fir'lto - d 40, ','"!,..'..: ' , . , ' ,:;,-• ' ' , 1 , 1',,;42,',,, , . , i!..,..?...,., ,, , , ', , ,,;', , -,!•,11 , :ft.1 , 4 -,-' ~,,,:, ' '... ' V ' '..,: : `,;'',4'ig,:::%''', ':: . ,',"''''',43` ('''','''..?•":l:ll`l:e.'.'lligill'ltZl • r ‘;' ,, .. i:i. , ..•...04 . 4.1 , .. - 0 , 4 ,- - , t, , • :. '" rite4iihilViititli,VlC ).,1 4 :1 '4 . . ' itfitiiii':o477l 401 , 144 prelitWtzhaff , -3 1**OXV0 1101 44'- 1 lioif lif'stitildilUirtNiltli'' afillilet,4Melll'l. L •lii# I litiiirceii, eAPlitl l .4''4 ll6 ltiiioo 4442l 4oog r iltOt f , t Ail Stain:lpin a mirst•iillEihnteqii# Okrilgeblitt Olit . 6f the - irlitijiraliimigii4oo MailMateritr cifittririPfiblio ViruklkAliCirliqh ll fuo ci* - 01,114ii,k friaM yuar =to pa! fer,..on,Pal'OPOir,rAl'llog 40; 1 1: rimy tu•piiy, the 'intercst; biii4reltYar intrirept :nor, principal haelaen paid, t l arid.the;publia de4t4ron,., tinues•to in ore ase. . Our. poli py,,is, upposed;to,taxi t i 'atiun,so long' as thetakes are notlmptupriatedAti. Miy, useful purpose.;l;tit it met be,paillwo, MO lif• dir.vor of repudiation; We look,WithuMirrl 4 uptintAiri imputation. Our propOilitiorils.inAhlf the publio works and' appropriate - the', proeqeditti: I theypay.; ment of our ; debt, and :if. any balOn.c#, • reirlairior, lei., ItAie Paid to the uttermost farthing. ••: But Wawa 'not- agree,: to ; a' system of terratigh Id "a pObri,:ca nalo_arl Ai 11, roads which '-have , alrerady;'berriv a: liuttlien!tholliravy to bear. ' •,' ', • ',I !MVO this'iesponded to all, he,subjects'Which yell have been pleased to suggest to my •Cohind.' eratiohl and irvdoingfio; I am aware I hove run ~ . counterto some of those doctrines of modern do. mocrarle which Southern influence had engrafted upqn the old patent stock.. If I am, to represent the 'people of ihhidistriet in Congress, let it be 'Understood that Igo there as a Tariff man. , I am, dear sir, verv - respectfully_ yours, - ' TI - 101lIAS C. MILLER Carlißle,2.sgh Septtnitic., 1843 To GEN. THOMAS C. MILLER. DEAR Sin:—Although t hale loiig,ltnOwn the liberal sentiments and truly, American feeling which you have always entertained: cannot but express to you the great Satisfaction I feel fur tho honest. fearless end Anderiendent manner in which you have expressed them. 'I wish I could coin• mend for you the vote of every 'enlightened Man who wistitii io promote the happiness and welfare of his country. This I cannot do—but my own I can and will give you. Very respectfully your friend, • FRED'!{. WATTS. e • • id SiiIPPENSIBURG DiEETING. At a very large meeting of,tho Whigs of tbo Borough of Shippensburg, held at the Cannot, House, on Saturday evening the 23d list., for.lhe purposes of expressing the utter: . coalempt with which they have viewed the attempt vvlti.ch,l aß been made through the columns of thr. "Cum. berland.Valley" hitherto a neutral r,aper, by a few designing LoCe Feces; to hoodwink, and be traylbe Whig! Paris , into the se.dre which - had been secretly laid. for, its - dest , .uction, JAMES STURGIS,' Esqr. Was chewer, Chairman, and Jo . ux ALTrC, BCC, 3otir.l HennucKs, soil. .100 N MYERS, Wm.' Waxier:, 'and WM. MCLEAN; Vice Presidents; and Jerre Alcamo; Secretary the - tneotjeig 'Wail duly and the object fin' which assembled had been stated, on motion it was • "' Resoleed,74o, a committee of seven be, ap pointed to d."rail . resolutions, whereupon John Fol. Rob.(ert Scott, .Illser„ .Alpheus Dale; Robert (Coons, • Jobh:C. 14ser,,:i0r,, Win.. Sturgis and were appointed, arid after retiring for Ir. sh.Ort Dine, returned and ,reported the fol low in'priamble and resnlutidus W hereas our politioal opponents maddened by ... th.e pros'pects of dclbuts bal'n PIA in rc(ltttitnl ',hair accustomed arts of falsehood and ileaptipti; and talcin2 advantage of tho peculiartfositiop or, the Whig party,'and (if a suppospinjoloctimi in the minds of sartiej are_ industriously employ ed in,cireulating false reports designed to dissf-' fem. and. mislead tile untVary athong.the 'Whigs from their true interests. And Wheruas, the nlnro effectually - tont:corn. plish their purposes iv most unpriliMpled plot • has been deviscd.mid put In riperaiion here by thrt•Eld iters of The Cumberland Valley," a.riaOr hitll orto neutral in polities- 7 in, concert with others of the Leer) Form party- T t,llo objeCtlind trosign of which is to deecivc and. divide the Whig 'party; and - for that " - piirposo3hp paid, ''Curnber. land Valleys' has been made to lissome ellsely nod hypocritically -the name,- and, gdioo* of a Wbi4 paper. And Whereas, great pains have been taken Jo get up the impression that the Whigs aro disat fettled ana indifferent to the success of the. Anti 1 4 orter ticket. Thereforei fie/Jolted That we most heartily approve the action of the lute Wlr.g Convention, end assent to their resolution 1 That it is Maxim:limit at thin time for itio ‘Vhig. party 'to put a ticket in nomi nation." nesolved, That the said Conventhin in declin ing to nominate a ticket, cannot, we helleVe, With any show of reason he said to have sacrificed any of tlic interests of the party or to have compro mised any of their principles, Reaolbed; That we despise all the.atteimits of our deceitful enemies either to coax or drive us from the ground we occupy —thatground is pure ly our own; assumed of choice and thereinto to the cry of comprionise, coalition, sacrifice, &c., we-hro quitelndifferem. Resolved, That to have entered t h e field whilst our opponents were warring to the knife; though we nii4ht have gained a paltry temporary advan• tam wctuld have ended in the more solid union of thwcontending parties and thus pahtlyted for• ever our just hopes of a inilliant victory in 1844 —whereas by reemining aloof we do bat drive deeper • the wedge of *disunion and hold in our hand theopower of giving success to that party whose principles are at Mast an . approximation to MU own; , • Resolimb .That wethe Whigs of Shippensburg do •most emphatically disclaim any and all con or sympathy witirthe publishers of the "Cumberland Valley" pewspaper or this 'morn. ing and hearafter; or any knowledge of or as. sent to the wretched scherke of tleceptien which it embodies. On the contrary, We regard it us a shalloW artifice of a few thriving I.pcbfecos to impose 'upon and seduce the Whig party , frbin the support of the Anti porter ticket.. ilut the trick can servo no other purpose than to °lmes(' the true character of the men employed in it and to show to the world •the•. deptlmof.dcpruvity to .which a 'mercenary party will doccend to accom plish Its purposes. . Rosolned, That whatever may 'have been the intended line of conduct of the.Wldg-party in reference to the contestin this county, wo now in view of the infamous machinations of the Loco Focos, call upon everr.,Whig in the county to put forth his best exertiotia to give success to the An ti Porter ticket, anti consequently, defeat to the adherents of Gov. Porter—and we assure our friends that Ave of ShiP,kzeburg alli good for no common majority, ~.Rasuivqd, That the prostitution pf the ,Curn fterland Valley" by one of its Editors (a Loco Foco) in concert with Samuel R. Hamill and othera 'hfothe Loco Foco party to the infamous purpose of dmodwiniting, cheating, and decetving the people. of'Cumberland county Under rho 8001., blunce) . of a Whig dress i is abase imposture—an insult tdillii• 'good , imigo of the community and neitat.reboinid with ton ; fold fury uiton the heads of the party which they thus stiipidly endeavored to servo: , . 0 , • . . ) • . . Rcaolved. Ti at melt who will. condescend to such base intrtguds to serve their, party . would not scruple, we believe', to sell the* party, in turn, froppertunily bitbreelliye i aniiiithcir coudtry, too, and therefoie Should be hated and despised by ell geed eiticens, ,q.Resetbed„ 'that ws_lteieby return bar than ks _ to Obr , aeiethy flOondailiesentACENetsoY and ENti,i... DLE, fhr,the able and consistent dischorze of the responsible - duties . dritruited to theurditatilso for the alacrity taiid 'toed will with 'which-tiley: .tnet etle tipoiaion 'af thi? lute: yhhi cfithity cortien: fia t . ; - ~. --', it.. , r: .0•, , t - -,. • ..V , 3 4 : 1$ : C ' • On".mottoh ll'h:rhtlOwing raaoluters. were a. ttopted , 4,1, , , ~. ‘ ; :,.' I . p' , -,0;r• ~ .-.5 f- E ;',-1, ss. `,t: . ''. Reit:aye/4' Thaeohe boteiiiitredOilie'er The Cal.l lisle Herald , icoAlei n big !the' iiiebceillnks of tiiie ineatiec'ee,prip4lo4, , ferthe'plmieo of beteg elri Oulateil kitittie iipiOiboripied: , . ; ' Reiolbid; ]'hat the ; titAi`ceetflOgs, be. sighted liy , 'the °fame . the. inaptiitg.,and. idtbliAed. 1,6 ad shiignlrki4retlio'cotteceallinit.l illettiot' , ,that kroi 9Phse s d,.4o givlii.: - #4'clrtPrO4it iti, , ` lt'llar oht, 'fbiekannet iind%bininirijilit:iyinlnfatoqon of the fftatn:44:44o4o Paverlitoe 6l ., :::. :;,. ''T! . . - .r:T4inabortioitisaill'ad 4 biiiheo Officers and by tici 'itilleWlilf ititai ititi> t it tie;.:l#lilliel'lY: f. .5 ' . •,,'''•:..., Rea. alicatialti,v Req.' --, m. Peacoek , , .: , At n 'in' ,ll . 43o Hors , i. , ..1.• . ; in, - M XarkWard. ~ 4, *::Elitiititi,qt. , '.::,;' , ; , ,,' ; ‘;!.ilobn,lbutiiiiergoi:p: • .11,m4 , C0ie+e11..t. , . -,-: ' iltiiilt 8 ~/Ceie,Tl. , , ' i, '; ' '. 41.01ge'ROf 6 bid N ''' 7 1 ,"-' , "Rielatit!ft.ofic% ,,, ; l4 . , 1 AOtir Ikqktilio;fEe4i-itetli,jititilic .. ,. i'idik?.;i, ..'iM,l l i.l",Piiltal l ;';,!•;:,:‘!:, - InknAip. n;, , ,. ,, ,;c:•, , ,• ! I+ l 4 l / 0 0 ,, C-s-; . .,,, , ,, , , ~ .7,, , = ~Tpf? ,= k., „ Or4r;'?:, M ' ,P1e , ;12 - 4•*Me l i .. I! , ' 11C. -' . .. 1.. ".;•.• t•:."''' '., • V:•. ) ? 1,.•.' 1 •i , , 4:7 ~,,,,0 ',- .4 , - ' 4 7,3, , ,,:ti ~, •' n ...' , .2 1..2r i ..7.7 ;.141,,h11.0, 7 7•17E7 7 • 7 7 7 : . ' 77:7, ••• 7 T:':• - ` ' .;-; • AV. Fr e :,,,f ,' ~.'",.- N.. D. nenderson'. . , ':,. ti 4! ' iiipiiig#s ~ :MITI', Pnetley.', '.',‘i '..,..,,, thilfil ttdotoo , ,!lit,,i,Sitnnel Kuttkle . , ' • • ,0,30.1 , Kt 4 iii4.Csiiiiiiistifoti6iitifi the,4 l iitin,:ttoket. ~.7. 0 , illyingit,-,1ir.,..k, : '• ~ Itobeittll*4l,,,, , ,' • • •12, i',••*'qultlettifijii, ••,' , .- d " , ,'-' , Adafif Coliktikkt : '.:,,,7•. - , ''., ',`.7.'Ci -4 06intiargdrY , , , i..-.L '4Vi-.11. - 11 4 . 0Clafe , iq - ."z'' 4 .'',4' . Jacob Wallillue . *,,' l'atn'Ataidei" E - .:1: ' •." . 'Sani,,4ol Deal . ',-',...,,,:: John - 4 r.larein , : ~". : 12Otert l iCdons 4 :..: 1 :' , '.:Win,YForliee ..; ' • kliilin:,Catittnik,"-.:i - ~.,. ' Win:lfinnbSrger" ' ' wygd. - Ourd.' '-'' v, Fiederkik 'Scott iffi':tiibiliiili .., t , •tkiiid . Mallen ," '" Agit,.'R.. , p,;tp1y5i. , ,, ,, ,. ;4a eob • Markward , i nir, Atop*, ~ . i ,,.; : irliomas Sirencer ',. •i. pdviod titcull-',' : - , -Robti Snodgrass '' •Itobdrt .I*ear- 4 .': : •C. K.:Hinkel ' . o.''W:•?Cl , lEgngei. • , , ~. A. .t.:'. Wolf IF&Coehran ~.,-, John. Carey , .. __ .. _ . Dr: A. steiart : ~ John Clark • , 1 John, Altie, jr., ~ ; . ~- ;:J..D. peoraman Geore . Attic ~' "?James Mahon • , 1 1 James Gilliard'. '[ ',',' ' jamas Mackey, jr. Joel ShtiPlaY ' ' ''' '.Gen. 'Beaver •, Barb% DeforeatDavid Waggoner George Altic .. -: ' Christian Cobaugh. • , y• i 'MARRIED. ' M. P. Daniilton, -Mr. JONATIIAN SAND= SON to Miss SUSANAII. GARLAND of that . . . lily°. .. . • • ' • . (At Detroit, Michigan, on Wednesday, elloilt., by the Rev. George Gaffiehl-; Mr. SANOia. Zug; (Nferchnot,) fm:merly of Cal. Hole, to Misg Atay, anztat STEAD, ell of DeK•oit. , . AL Uniontown, PUyttto county, Pa., on Satui.-- , day the 234 just, of Hysenteryi GEORGE W. litfi- HER, infant "soil ofGeorge W. and Eliza Hitner of thjs borough, aged about 3 yeakv. Lt' this borough, on Tuesday the ;:9th instant, lIF.NRIETTA., JANE ALMEON, illtitnC di fighter of co.B r.nd Mnry Ann Bergner, of Harrisburg, aged about 8 months. For the "Herald and Expositor." TRIBUTE OF RESPE(II4 At a meeting of the"Stutlents of Dickinson Collegl•, hell Stipteother `Toth 180, the fidiowing resolutions were adopted. , Whereas, an the - ottlr - oEnn-all-wish.-BrAxitlther, JOHN' ZUG, Esq., one of the first Graduates °MIA:* insult Colle,e (under its present ortputivdion,. , and subsequently - Principal of the Preparatory„ Depart"- ment of the institution, has heen.reinoved 13). death; NVlierens, we; the present tnemlicyd of the institu tion, reel disposed at Once to sympathize ivith the rintiily and friends of the vleeeased, and evince ou: regard rue his 'memory, tlierelbre, • itcsolved,l hat the family and relatives of the de ceased have our heartfelt sympathy in their late k rearructit of one, who to philisisig sociability, and strength oLintelleci, united • rectitude of purpose, and energy of character. - HA:salved, 'l' luaus, an evidence of one regard for his memory; we - wear the itsual„bailge of mourning on.the left urn, for the thirty days iteNt ensuing. ltesotved that iss Orden to ilievmpro% cultist or this nfßicticu d.spensation, the ,Itev,. llr. Dr unix,,he re questedto deliver a discourse . suited to the OVeJlbhlll, Its KIWI as convenient, in the M. E. Church .4 ; ; It esnlied; That copies of the, :f();.7(g01 II g, bentlins. inittett to the wife_itinl parents oti the .ileuenseil. and published in the 'Herald ann Elpositor of Gullible. . . J. 11. MARTIN l'ves't. J. S. Gonsucii,See'y. Assignment of Thomas H. Skiles, , gink'N the flay of August 1111.-111014.kS II SlXll..lilti of Carlisle, Condit:Hand iminity made aii assignment Mall his elfeets to the subscriber for the benefit of .his creditors—Merriam., nil persons having claims or demands against Assigner, tire iv quested to present. them properly authentirated fir settlement without delay tool all tholm indebted to him, :We notified to make payment 011 or before the 24th of Nos - eniber nest. WM. 'A. uvrtwitsT, . . . Ashignee: Sept”irlitir, 20th t 843. • . 11.-.18 Notice, Wet.lberS of. the Res:Litman Fire Compiles . of the. Baro4lol or Newville and vieintly haw presented them petitimeto the'Court ''.(enteon Vleos of etimbertand Gmtety asking' o charter of in wwporation smelling to on net of Assembly in such ens.:s modelled provided. TIMS: 11. CIIISWELL,yrodey. Carlisle, , Septymber 2.241, 3134:3. 4 ::3t.1413 .1 SSI GA' E E .4 if: C 0 V.l-1". IN the. Court of Cotimon Pleas of Cutn- JI Countyt Now, to wit; ‘29111 of Atigliat . tR43, the Aettroint of Thoinav D. uric, Assign,' or. I tunry tiresented tit the Court oi l NI outlay • the I tiny of November next “ppohlted lot the eintikittlitioli .o(Alte same, or Whiell ;di pursuits interested will take • notice. ' Ilv ilie Court • • ) • Test TWOS. 11. Ciirlisle,Septembur , tr.-48 SHERIFF'S • SALE. BY virtue of a writ of Veu. V,xportils to me direuted, Will 1)1: exposed to, public. Sale at the Conn !louse in the lnirntigh of Carlisle, on Fri day the thirteenth livid' October, it ten o'clock A. M., the following described Real Estate, viz: A TRACT OF LAND sittinte in Southampton township, Cumberland coun ty' beginning ut a pine stump,' titmice by lands of Clarke and Cotfey, South 79 deg. West 198 perches to a white oak, thence South 481 degrees East 12 Perches and three tenths of a perch to a post, thence South 2i East '23 and 3-10 perches to a post thence• y tscorge Troni,, Smell 63 deg. 'East 76 perches to a post titmice North 66 and 1-2 deg. East 78 perches to a post thence Noel' 85 deg. East 59 perches to a post, theme South 10 deg. East 92 per ches to u post, thence by the Carlisle Bank, North 79 deg East 28 perches to a chestnut, thence North 3 deg. East 52and 1.2 perches to a white oak, thence by'lltAniel',4cevers ' North '2l deg. West 42 perches to a pine; thence North 4 deg. West 18 and 1,2 per ches tti'att oak .stionm.thence North 85d. East 18 1-2 perches to it post; thence North 15 d. West 16 and 34k0 to a black oak; Induce by John Warner, North 27d: West ' p. to a white - ntik; thence North 75 d. East'l7.p. to stones; thence: South 9.d. Emit 8 p. to a pine ettirOp the place' or heghtning; containing 118 acres and 154 perches strict measure, having thereon' etinttM Grist mill, iltrelling haute, Barn Stable, and:other out Houses. 'Mizell and taken in execation its the progrtroftkeurge unkat, Sr. Ault to he sold by ine _ " PAUL M ANL IN, Sheriff. ,Sherift's Office; Carlisle, • 15.-1 S 124: 1843. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR sAL,II 1N pursuance of an order of the Or li. plows' Court of CumberinieLcounty, will be sold ptiWic Sale, on .the premises, on Vuturday the 'Llitfi qr. October next, at I i Weloek, M., the follytw feg described tracts or parcels ofi land, late the proP erty of Margaret Quigley: (formerly Alargnret Grookett,)ilec'd.. bitUtatf 1114 Aidliroll township, Colin of.Cumberlami, ). ' • No,' 1. Consisting of two purparlq, one part containing 19N1.11'r ACRidS and FOWL I!ElitCllES; strict measure—its pet apart by the in quisition mado under a writ' fit partition mid valtia tion: and as described in said inquisition and granveieleited, filed ;tithe of iee of thq•Cderlt of the Ofiphatisl Court at Carlisle, and below. part or. the old' 01.1MVON TRACT uf' Gitbrkli Crockett, deCeased, Who Was father td Miirgaret Quigley-6:11d- Milling lands'. or GeOrge 151rItilibover, other lands: r, which theillbove lan pari.and lands of Philip Miller 'anti the Yellow Brecellespreek. The other purhart which is tinitesed to the abotOy.tlli!, , and to be sold with it as ono Iraq, is a piece pi. asz) .tout . 1111041 re; alerted' Bin anqeXA to the requillititte, aajalailik:iaadiat Geoi.ge . Benz ,heirit; ';;end; other lands of 'tvhiCli said . ..tea 'fieres *rest I No; ‘d. • Vhii,.iiaccmg';,tfoiifir;.bp ' roftt 40 soldi %lit; i;eB(Ousof,the*tl tract ; Of ,whieh tho 'Above:imp f 3 r4 llitt orono . . • 18 , Acres LEa s iPintiet, , . ' ...:(kot. pgatf.:Diti; '3 hirAlt.serilm3 in ?thelnquisitiorr.nli referred to—. rololelovituala.:pf.'.4olnt.slMtelonser, ,Arehlhaltr Oteledantes7*.'ol.,noe,wittl dip„ab9ve described tea s- Ton t.soile ore." 1- 01 litho-T*l4y iiei toplq 10 SW eX., 4aifent n e lghbothootlo4oll.,waterettt in a gookriniair., with NTS Sad the, title elttatitil'hidispittaPle4 t4erntiolinlftlidAirolnionimt*Zr whiUnirlitiliP!).44oo *ale ifit Nho'reslitlaot in•',Ter,o ''iv,tc(fout . „ „ • -- .REAL ESTAttANDAILL PHO TY AT' ,rGli • PUBLIG,SALE. 1„. !• :.rant,. , % ;.,;!:. • , rip HE SubseriberilAsslirie9vof'Joseph Lot: sllaw l of Monroe townshm•; ctimberland Coto+. ft, Will Expose to publie•,stile; Mt FRIDAY:the 20th• pf9Ctither next, the lidiudde'Rear Estate foul:Mill ill•operty; ,belottingdetnirilied as - • • -- QUlA:O l e ',l ;•t v it ZATIVO ' isontaining"MO.A.cres;skuide in Monroe township, Cumb . eidand nounty,'bonnVed by' lands of Michael Misliter antlAbridnon Brittult,• ly i ng QhoOt cast of L'arlisle, on the read from Carlisle to•Tork, and-,about s.miles from Mechaniestult•p•.:. The land is first-Me Limestone, under good fentieintid hi the . highest - State - of 'cultivation. *The iniprovetnents ate a good TWO STORY DWELLING ••• ROUSE, flew BANK. •• • SHER,CORN , CRIBS, and other;Vedesk r s sary out-buildings. There ie also ttltf/ge; Orchard mill, choice trait trees. , The •• schole plantation is•considered4o, bemne orpie best tracts of land in Ctimbet•lancl county.' 'Also, will be sold with the aboVe, the Itufd tlit•Fe . stery• MERCHANT MILL PLASTER'& SAW MILI, meted on the' said thrm,atal-prdiielicil by the wa-. ters of the Yellow llreerbes Cree k, :.which runs a-- !mg the platuatioft. The Merchant Millis ill com plete order, containing three pair •of • link for flour, one pair , tbr chopping, and a Smut I Machine •ot Gt•ittles's patent, with Elevators and all ~inachinery necessary to a first. rate Merchant Mill. The Plaster and. Saw • Mills are also in the best order, .• • • • • , . • Also, ht the same time and place, a tract of. Mountain Land; Alving in sight 'of the shove, and .covered with thrivin g chesnut timber;:e intainhl about twentyr five acres, . .. • , The above property 1;111 lie gold as a whole or in parts tofinit purchasers. Sale to' commeilee at 10 o'clock in then forenoon,. when attendance will be • given and terms made known by GEORGE, BRINI3LE, JACOB NIESLEY. • HENRY BARNITZ, Assignees ofJoseph Latshaw. Septesnher 20, 1R43. ts. ca•Volittiteer, Carlisle; Telegraph, Itarrislntrg; :leading Adler, and Lamaster Volksfiltud, insert until sale, mark price, and !wild bill to this office. ORPHANS' COURT SALE 'WILL be sold in pursuance of an order of-the 9rphans' Court of Cumberland county, on FIi')).LN. th, v , 201.1, of October next, at nubile venilite, ou li m: ye e n l jaea,tit_t t o'clock iu the foretionii of !add 'day, I r,siate to . • . A Trpet.of Lninl.situntn and lying in ilia nransldp lonroe; in the -comity aforesnid, hound ed -Im.-.landantlieorge„Tritmllt.Martinliranif,;, ,John Kinsley and incept; ,Ijiitshaw l con taining • • • 78 -ACRES AND 83 PERCHES, - tic!•:t nie:our6, having thereon erected a Twig Story LOG'IIOUSP, KITC3IFIN, 4 . -and r,ood BA.NK BARN. l'h,clthill' all o. , :ared exkwpt alinut Ten Aertii %Oak ; g is in'.iretl with good timber.' l'hi•re is 'Fbod Yonng OrehaVd, and'n first rate well of water at the door of do.' dwelling. house... The quahly of the Jand'is Limestone or the first order. lids place is from -- Aleelurniesbur 4 ,and hl one ot the hest neighborhood:rill the eottiitT. ' The terms 'of safe -will he, ~ ;:500 of the , pOreliase mimes :o ho 'mid on the confirmation of the tide by the Court, to:lxe paid on the first ilai - of April next, when possessions of the premises ail! Le giten Id the purchilDer or purchasers—the balanee saitl Omelets:. Money to be pat& it; two equal llrlllIISII pay- bents thereafter, without interest, to nit: On the 'I t of April, 1845, Mut on the Ist of April,lB.l6:l - purchaser or pitrrhasers til a nal to get any of the retits . or profits. of naitllitrin forthis var. payment of the - purchase Money Os nforesaitt 61111111,e secured by judgment hoods anti mortgage by the purchaser or purclinsers to the ailusinistrator of th•ceilcut lust the - effiifirnmtion or the salt, 11111 i l'NeCtl -6011 of the tired to said purchiser or purchasers. AM IN .11110 NVNEAVELL: :Admini,trathr .1 - Abraham Bratnit,clee'il. (.li.setutter '2O, 1:43. ts. Assignee Sale. 3AT ILL, he sold :it public sale, on SATUR TINY 1 Y • the '..+.lst 114 or October next, At 10 o'clock, A. l„ iu Shi Ventanstown, C111111)01111111 county, the following . described Itcat Estate, to wit: ~..t i tly4- 0 (D uo - L uilrovizr si,„„te ott the South side of Main !Avec', 119ing thereon erected n good Dwelling 111011b1.01 uldler Shop and a Scuttle. •• ' ' '• . • Ako -:1 . 111! one-holt' of two Lots, on the, Smith slow or Jlninstrret, 6nyia g .thereou ,reveled t wo Thr et ling' I louses. Also,—The half of, a Lot of Ground, on the East:sidepi ltaiiroad btrect, basing a ;louse told Stable thereon erected. . . . . . The above properties are located in,ShilTll7lllS io%lll, elld will be fi)lli by lIEN ItY RUN', Assignee t)f Daniel Shelly. September '200818: is. ' 1- 3 47 b tic Sate. TUE subscriber; Assignee in Bankrupt cy, will, by order ofsaitl Cnurt, ott TI I UItS. DA V the l'2lll 6f - fit:tuber, sell the lollowitig-valtut- Lie -property, vis: 104 Acres and 63 Perches of first ran. UNIKSTONE bad, situale in West Pennshorough . township. Cumberland Co., three miles \Vest of on the News ills road, ad joining lands or .lolm Fishborn, Ilrnry llitner, Da- Nnilor and others. The land is first quality limestone, under good fi'lll2s, and in a good nude of cultivation. 'rile buildings 'are a • TWO.STOUY WI; I [OUSE, with •, 4 6 other necessary out buildings. lustS4A rate STONE BANK ItA ItN , swung VS:I ! URCIi MID a never 05? . ..L. 4 :"ea: water at the dour. The *Move r mentioned farm is in a healthy part of Cumberland' Valley.a mil road of the same name 1105 through the one mul of it; any person mitsbsing tti victr : the Property will please call on John k ihhinirn or the subscriber; who will give information and show it. • The terms will he made accommodating to purchasers, and IM 111(141111- ode title clear of all ineundirances, and possesOolt will be given Mt thin first of April, On the some day 'wane offered a patented • • Steain with n good new boiler,. that might Ammer n Saw Mill, Tam Yard or other works, besides large Wood vessels witty Copper Worms. It will. he sold to gether or in pieces as:mar snit purelnasern.' Sale to commence tat 1,0 o'cloek;.A. M. a • DAVID COBLE, AFs•gnee in Bankruptcy of D. I'. Seherbalm. Carlisle, September,!2dth, 103. 7 suEnErrs SALE. BY virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Ex. petals to me directed, issued nut of the Orphans' Court of Cutuborland county, will be exposed to pub lie sale, at the Court liohse in the bormigh of Car lisle, on SATURDAY the 7pi day di Outober,lB43, thpfellywing desoribeit Kea - Estate, ' 'Tty,olipfs of Ground, situate in Paper town, SoUth Middleton tutrusltiu t Curnherlund comi ty , each lot captaining SOUr feet. in briquitb, and f.,10 . 0 feet, inimir or. less, in:depth, aulinhthug Dalttmare street 010110 %Vest, Mrs Folerott the North, the heirs al,leint-MuClure and i Joseph Knox on the East. antta-street on the South,ltacttig theramt erect e -A:4AV° STORY IIItIGE,.IIOUSE,at 011 e, and a half story FRAME lIOUSE, t and at large two story FRAME, HOUSE, plaistered, and a Kitchell, and u Irma SLAW, NVith at well of water. • Alitoz—A ,Trabt of Land, situate in, the towanlOD of Dickin4on, Cumberland enmity, contain ing ONE. lIUNDEED ANI) TWENTY ACRES; 'more or leiS, bounded by lands of John . IP4..,ers, Daniel WunderliCli, John %%rosily, Washington .lteiglifiirir grail olltees,having thereon erected a two sTpay 1.;;ItAl1IS noosp FxrctiEN• ; jimg • Harp snaVother out houscs.--Seiv,ell atyrtakeit in ex betttion as the property ffryttrink/Veak.:/yi r Audio tiepOld bY ":, ..• " • I • • " : • " ' itliiRTIN, tieritr. • 5h i'ithe (take, enrilnle,? ' lath b'ejitinntiee 1843.,''C • : • • , PUBLIC SALE • tt •4 Y . virtue t an ,ortlet,nl the Orphans Court of Cumberland•county4 eViage 'to Public Sale,, on the premises, SATURDAY , the' 3Utli day of Sopteniber,.lB4p, at. 19 o:clock, A 21114 illliltat,uertitity‘tna9fpf,;l,#,ul;b4l9.tiging!.o.4lte oftate of 'Ceeirgc Daniel Slu,aser, tlecearsed, situate in, the'i tovnsbip of Dlekinson,ye tliSiofinty of Cumberland; about 61- ralldsfrork-Papertottui, en : the Genyatanas , :Road, bounded•hy, lauds lately belonging - Moses PI, the 'keine of Samuel Woodson, desuase'd,,J tniob %Iyers end'otliens,eontaining . , 27#0re 8 ti11d4P0 61 4 68 ) StarletT 62 oo4 .Al(O,OiAtt6 hided( edilelt Is Idetrit l / 4 1,ittlii , t0a' goot 410 illtifiltivath?lirtheN499ol;Yelk99*liri With - - ' TLI. bo 6101',;iikedttolv x ,,;ed'wo, - ,d; or other shittibV todeone first rate Friri!k^. Ha Stoic And kw6tairge, 'Nu Plate a3tores—alkitl, goo4 ‘ ,or , drE, Vi!etran be itien Tijo4alling , WIN+ bfriAY, Age"o. 1 Cailisfe; September 13,180: .. ... -k , - SHERIFF'S: , SALEr 1211-1:;-siilltie2of 'atiadrk.iyriiior.Vcinutidid,Expott's' p:, _To Me directed,lssuedink - a itlii'Cii*Ccir Cons, - tpotiPlens of Cumberland bounty',*llllWexpoSed to' puddle sale at the' , Cotirt lie in the, borough of gailisle, on SATURDAY, the.soi,E. tlity,ef Sepfem-s iter; A. D. one thousatt4 eight' littridred and flirty. three ''at 10 Waled's, A. M. the qtawitrr described , lleat ?Estate, viz : ' ', , A , Lot Of' Ground in Allen town . .. . ship, containing FIVE ACRES, more or less, ad joining John MeCalTery inithe East, Tobias Miller in tiro South, Joseph isoi, man on the Nrirth, end. 0 roil op the West, having thereon erected, a otie. stor y Log !Pulse.Seized and taken in execution as the, property o 1 Samuel Duey. " • '.' '" , •. Also, a Tract of Land situate in rranit. ford township. containing SEVENTY ACRES more or lest, adjoining hinds 5,f .Ihlut Ilickes on the North, George Mussleman ,00-tliii 'West; George Strohm mil Mrs. Shaw on the. South, dohs; Wyo.- koop mid Nicholas therich on, the ,lust, and a Log House, Log Islitchea - and - Leg - Sam; --Seized ' Mill tithed in exception as the prepchty et, JohnLor . . .. jab. . . . . . Also, A Tract of Land . situate in Mt Milt township, tutnberlatid county, contsiniug ()NE 11uNniow ACRES,, more or less, adjoining lands of George Christlieb, laced> Chid stlieh, Daniel MoDonahis -heirs and other lands of John flamer, laying th,reon erected a Teql - Stury Doom:and largo 11.111rit. . :. -1Also; A Tract of,Lant!'silunte - in :Mifflin tro:ltsilip,containitas TWQ lIUNORED ACRES, nitire or' less, adjoiOng lands Samuel. Ramp and Daniel Mt:Donal(la heire,.latnes emalev and others, hit - ring thereon erected a large Two Sung Muse. OlnitdevrtilTimd a Kitchen, a.large Bain and other im provements. Also,, 'A Tract of Land simile in Mifflin to w n siiip,coutoiningvonly-roun A citv,s, slate or adjoining lands of Ibtaiel MA)malds heirs and otherlands nl Attila Seh - ..ed and taken in execution - as the proptblv of John Harper: .And to }le:iota by me PAIR. MARTIN, Sheriff's °Mee, Carlisle, •Ith Sept..• 1843. 5 ?ÜBLIC SALE, 11 , ileeree Of Ate t)i•plutos' Court of nit Ctio.lterhool comity. I will eNpoy to public r.ale, no the premises. oh 'Frit:, ItS1) AY, the P2lll of Oetoherott_l9 o'cito all th,lt. certain brut or !hod, toyosFivii - iii — PF.Tariziwoliltre eionity of Comheylooll, Itronto,(l 11 . • lands or (id0,..0 \llcrs, \Vol. Drawhoela owl At tic Lotz'z. coutuinihr, • • 107 ACRES, loom or less, till or which is cleared and tinder gratil react.. tied etiltnatiOn, haring thereon ereried a two story I.OG lIOIJ I nail 1)OUBLE LOG • ll.\ lt.N, and .IN'At.“)N 5111.11).4. p,g There is a pori.p at Ob. dotermar ritn. iiingwater oa, the farm. • In .tootnex-4 • ion with this will lie Sold a 7'.141CT Oh' 00D bd.VD iit . the sante township, lyin' about one wile and a half rroin the fa•nt,e taiuing ahOut 5U Acres, covered with paid-00)er. thi.,terios_whirli_AdUN_mailr know' on the, day al' role, u ill be wry easy and made to suit sers: SKIMS '‘‘ . 001)111;11N,, For the lieit•it nt I),ivid Crept:, dte'd. August 31, • • • is-43 .. . .. . ORPHANS' COURT SALE, —.. • IN pursuance - of an urclei of the Orphans' Court or Othillerbt COMIty. Will Ise f•ohl :at publi c . reodoe.or ontery ; on the pr e misrs,ffl t S.VI'IIIMAY the 7th dal. or Oet,,her next, at '2 o'clock, P. At., the f fullowin g .described tract or parcel o' - ' vev.06.1 4.54.4 ' 41V 41" -e) q" *OTIO B TaIt - 2 A Vs • liciongins in the estate of Dr. lanntiel Custine, li. ciaised r sittinte in South , IlitldleloillOW9001 , ,Ic""': lied:mil county, alma out utile front the borough of Carlisle, adjoining lauds of Jitinea Noble's heirs, John I lays, .himot Giviii's heirs, Nfelehoir I fplrer:s 11. .and C. llarnitz rind ollters., containing .` 95 'AcrOs 2 1 2 Perches, -Strict Plemure, •. About 30 le acres of it ar? cared and in a good state of cultivation; the revidtie is ete:cred vita thriving young:tiiither, attemod of it.: being near the borough, renders it saluatilss , It map lit atisati tageotisly 'metros a separate flu in, there being abun dance ut thither, for building. purposes, &e., Inas lie subdivided,and used for out hits emineete,l with borough property. : The terMs of salerare,l,3oo In be paid on the con firmation °film sale, and the residue of the one-half of the purchase moiwy on the Ist day of .April 8.1.1-111141 ,the other half in two equal annual ptIV 1111.11lS there:ll)CP Willlolll bitterest, the whole to Le secured by judgment I oa Is or 111 . 0 , 411iZ:1111•I'S, it S the Courttiny direct. - .011N . IIA It PER, Tilt I the appointed by the Court. September 15, 18-1;1. Is. SELERICE I I7I3 F147.4E, Y virtue of a Writ of Veoditiour Rippling to s. toe directed, I o ill expoie to public sato, at the Com t house I' the 1.1111 of Oi•tolier, nt 10 o'elot, A. AL •' . A Tract , of Lind South 19iddICton township,-ctunlicrlal , d 4;ountv. boand!..,l bt !nods tbeiter. Ateaankr ttr.dm, and others, contitiiii iteregaiiil:s i perches; and also another trait t adjoining the Ithove, eindaiiiiiig 15 tivrc: , , mud allio another trail adjoining, containing our Her e and a haying thereon eretted n illihi titinut Mill, De..tillry, Several large, Du ening I looses, anil llarti: • And the property trill I olfertill together or iii•pirts will best 11110.11114111.1- 1.1.8;1111111 6 110 SIIIIIV 11:15 10.1.11 111%41011 116 101100 s: 1. A 'l'raet of Land situate on the bend dose betart spring, tont:tilling 11 act es and 101 perches, haling thereon erected a liege three story Stone Nlereliant Mill, and the whole water power thei•i•to astarlied, and also two Du idling I louses and Hey. A. T. mewl!, 611i haniond the residue of the latal., ..Tract Land, adininina out land 00Val. Graham. C. Clepfer, .l ulr•itylltygwnheituer'e heirs, %V. and It. and residue of thV land, 4:mitititiitig 1(13 Acres, till porelie.., having tines on eautteill l a bOlllO MlllO4Oll I louse ninl liarn, Two Tenant !louses and ?itubles. Di'atillery a fine Drultaril,"iattl the Le tn it eipritn; passiir, dirt - nigh it. ' . •• !'• 3.. also—A Tract of Land, aitnate .in the mime township, adjoining the above, and land ur the Rev. it. T: :11eGlil, containing 71 1101'05 and 105 perches, leaving a house and Stable thereon erected; all 01'i:1111141 and lieautilid spring of water. • . , 4, Alfin— , -A Three Story 13rielt and pai•t of a Lot of Giunnd In Ca r lisle the heirs of the lion. Thomas lll:try Keep erg,Flast street on the Noll4lllo an 0111.1 011 tile SOlllll. , Also—The -Big. Pond Furnace Es late sioniteln Newton null Soullummton ton mhips, bounded be laittls or Abraltntn Seeiers, John Hus• sel, t tliver, Samuel Alemottler and °fliers, bontnitting 5111)11 ikeka more or less, hat ing one Mara Furtatee„.Cenl,llouses, two Two Story 1)welliog, llouses, a Frame 011iee,niste' Log 'rums' klooses,ad Siabling ilteeeon erected.—Seized nod taken in execution asllit , propyrty ulJelm Moore.— Aaßl_to said, by me, . • • , PAUL. MAliTlNiSlierill: Sherifr's ()Mee, 2 . „ • September 43,1933. S SPECIAL .COURT; X, Y . .vi due .of p. IrriVroin the ,414,n. Dhnicj Durkee, Fresiclent :fudge o f th o I m o. chi District of- Penneylvpilin, bearing data. the 30th'do bf August,lB43, rtnd.fo meolfrecetcd. NOTICE IS IREIFCEIWGITtiff; That a, Special C..oprt qf quarter Sessioto3 ef the peace, will be held by thli said Hon.. Hatilei llinr kco,and the:Associate Jim:lgoe ck,f,tho Coul orQuar. ter Sessions o( tlitaadee of COnberland 'County, IA the ,Conrt, Housso hi the. borough of gbrlislo, ootrimenb,ingqin'.-. TAstfay. thd I , lth day,of orpber 18,43, 'at'' 71in+.O'clook Said dak, tb Continue Out,' wak i : for 11)4 trial of 0,0 Faso,' of the qointrionwealth i ts .Hamil tOn; ' 4 Ba pp o y g et*DOthew?tvigrtpably, fo the pro:. 4fsion. or 'the. Ads of ~Aiimully cast; mAlle, and: prOidc{i, O f roil -and - , all cPnceuipii; win fake . , et.: ; .„. •• •. ; AtAP-TIN, Office,Colll6l4. Fif , t:' 1 2 t.ii 8,4:P1 S .lier ; 1101114: 13 P .) twits' Minor% .t4l4:t -rl"Eauttntil Eiyi • ;On,Tuesthty the ik of 0.000, WlLlAii;pofd•j-,l4.'poild r to e; 'Onisti- . - ry ,of the Court or Ctiplitrltind...tdountyott• tO ,A.; 14:4 nf 'raid , tltty,.. the foliti#ing'lluscriiird . ,entit; ju 6 l;‘,l*:. property.,9r4neob A'TRACT , OF , LAM situate -in -Mifflin, tovinship;: . contberlanil'eri ntv; houluled by ' , litutlitisf patio Christleib, Gen. ldortlPe I -lioirs,',lnitsi High, undlonits of the heirs of 'said de cedosit horeittlifter deserified as No. tticontsiiiint , • and 81 Perchoa, Oat finiiiigtheyenn erect ed a TWO •rolvz •. - KiTctlEN,pouill,tll,of; • NVAGON COHN Clllll,otOP 4• • • .!, 4 C11)Elt PRESS,,it'v , ..ll of Tiover water . com . kattent' the house • Ina a good 'Apple' Orchard; abbot 7t atitCni . of the libme tarot are rwst rate' 'flintier l e and; and thC teat i'dne itl k good state of ettltivatioti; 40 acres gond meadow, thpetttee.part of tvitialk for 11111go'. No; 2, A 'Proct of Land,, cilin(1) .1 111; the shove ilescrihed fitrin and ltd aPdlenry Miller, A Inn. hialer, Moses Whister,llalliel licinugh lin, Jacob Fititer_, Georzellootratill mho i4cootainii Aeres and 115.Per8hes ',eat niensm., - 2,. laving thereon .erected a T Wd STOltl 1.1,1 G !ROUSE and 1....T.0161.a double. Log !t a rn, AN'agO4 'Rhti I. and Citlti crib; tip Apple Or chard awl a irzver tailing u ell of water ocai•theiloori about 10 tILI,e3 of tlieahove farm are . first rate Tim ber Litol. amnia! residue in a good staie euttiva tion...pr hith•111,013; 201101(5 are good meadow. • • 1:1;0 above' trains will be :sold„sltiarately or to g-,ther, to rnit purchasers, on 'the hollowing terms: . 'rh o o f a3 le to he paid by the purchaser or pUr chaser:, on the confirmation of the sale by the Court, +it 0 lihth, thou he or they will he required to enter into recognizance in the Orphans' Court with.sp. proved security, to Iseetil.o 11112 residue of the par chase money, to be paid as follows—one third to re main in the hands of the purchaser duringilte life of the widow of 'said decedent, the interest An be paid her wititia:ly, commencing nu %Ice Ist of April nett, Miring her la!, anti at lire death the prin cipal to 1111 11,11.1 11/ 11212 11.41'S or said decedent, one other third to be paid on the I si or April nest, when pooession will he given and a deed mstleto thr pur chaser—the remaining third to be paid in two equal anottal payments thereafter without inteveq. latl,ll , lltri 0111(1e of the grain growing at the (10112 of cal.! will_pasi• to the purchasers. Ant . per snit hliing to view - said farms• beforcllie they -ofd. arc requested to call on David Iligh residing on the trentiscs4r on the sobscrilwr •w.lin.,lives : one miiu (0111 orNewville , • ,;114 GOl3 -111f111,—.:. Agliniiii‘trator aJacob lligh, deceased, Ecptember 1%43.-Is. Valuable Timber Le for Sale, On ayt,,, day ale 14th of October, I- F °subscriber, E xeCti tor of the, estate or ibeeessed, will sell at Iliadic the 11011!P• 01 301111 11:111(1011/11, in Dickinson towlihlop, at 1.2 o'clock, following described l'iniberl.niiil;to wit: ' • • No. I, united. V cootoining 0' Acres, end 01. Perches. No. 2 ; market 13. cot•lttiiiiit 10 Acres and 70 Porches. - No. S p twkil“..l C. exifinitiitig 10 Acres, nod El Turelirs, all itrirt iiien,nre.. The otiose woos of land .use bounded In lands or mooro,— Nlyerl. and others. The cooditions ore, Cash eolifirinotioli ui the sole' PETERS, Jacob !banish, do:ins:id S I,s.—ts. • IvQattse,4sZe .Faran 7141111•: oll'e'rs at private mile, the follo • ing ilv.seribed Valuable Reid "'stale, situate in N u rtliztlaldletnn to entudy;eon- Witting 150 A Cl-l.i;tionore !es's, of Patented Land, about 15.5 All'eS or which are, cleared, nail in « high :date of cultivation - . ~. and- t he residue covered-with thriving yuuttgr hither, The improvements are a .—T, t) STORY I.9,„tvisol_a, •_a iv, stem; Kitrlten; atill . n name Porn, rO t i II j Ililt a Wienni shed tail Cure erili,and &LAT , it fine runt; ()veil:nal with choice fruit.. The 11111) . 1 is will eilVVVell with LOClSl.l,lllll.ldlYiell a 1111111- berm(' never failing riaming rpri, gs near the dour. Anre mtaitiaurd Tr et, i tall 'Lund, 111111 ia ill il hralilry heighlmrheed, within wo miles of Cat lisle,S; nitendle from the Cumberland Valley rail road, and It Mg nu' the Conodagnittet Creek. Au inilisputtmle title a ill he given. For terms apply to the Fubseriltm , residing on. the ninth •llottom road, 5 miles from C:u Ii JOHN Sr. ' agentlß4s. '2lll-14. N.ll. The :tinge farm is cons enient to the Car lisle market.. • PUBLIC SALE OF HEAL ESTATE. sold I M ' V b t e l t th i :;• lb a l f ic sale.on next, October tiU t, o'clock, P. M., of said day, on the premises, ti e lug described I:1 41'12 v.iwi‘s.tJ gso Ni+s. gist • silt:ate in Main tow usilip, Cumberland county. bounded by lands of the heirs of, Matthew Thompson, deceased, Sdnuiel W esthetic' . ' Mar lin 13erget, refer Ilershe, Hugh Barr, and the Cianodogninet creek, containing lEi3i Acres, ne oitiasure. Juicing . thereon erected a .LOG HOUSE, . STONE BAN BARN, 93 feet ong, a pi t - icor-Win spring of water and a ❑ ~,,in ti ..1 1 'Itilp owl a Well of water co t , o E:4O door, and a n' i lo Also, a largo L Cratii.l%.ll a !mother of other fruit trees, consisting of. Fetch, Plumb. Cherry, Ste.. There aro shout 60 Acre's of good 'flintier Land, and the residue cleared and iu a gond state of cultivation,of sohick about I 3.1" acres elle.7:N..l!ellt meadow. The shove described farm Liind of a good q - nality, equal to any iii the town-hip. , • !Vile tenni-Jo, An e wit be: Two Hundred DoJ lurs to be paid on the day of sale, miediall of the Whole purchase money, including the aforesaid 3200, to bu paid on tip 1;t:or April next, when tho title wildhe possesSion given to the puiehaser,'riud the residue in four equal annual payments thertaller without interest, to be secur ed by jUdginent bonds nr mortgage. • , The title to the.above wiil, be made, by' p 04 . Sterrett, execntor of Mary Ann Culbertson, Mio owned the•one undivided half,,whose interest, in thin same will ha sold in pursuance oi'iiii,order. of the Orphans'sCourt of said county. ty hqr color, and by John Culbertson i wbo,,oweed the other undivided half part of suid.real estait4 DAVID, ,9TERRETT, Executor of Mary Ann Cnlliertsiin,'dec'd. JOHN CULD,ERTSON., August 30;1843, . Public Sale. -F2pYvirtpe of nu order of the Orphtme. Gantt 1.-D of Cumberland 'county, will be oxprisecl to public'tn le, on the premises, on SATURDAY, the 30th September, 1843, at 1 I o'olocki AOl4 ull that curtail' . alq) . 9 2 OUP ' 1a3L 1 ,414) 1 Un. 13) * Situato and being in West' Penpaboro' 'township, ';i.iittberlari:cotiiiiy, containing aliont Onn' acre, and haying b Two Siory:rtiVlF.,' tiOUSE, and bill= 'rituldii, thereof' i. v oreeted,bounded by 4Tylrew.VorbeN INOele;ring&S'ainuelf)l'eurypjfk.ii 7 . .. Terme mane the ilayytrealil/,,whon attqciancu'wl)l ho tiven by' ".; EOTtGE ttoTiti "• trd . AdministrOmof 4601:19ug.hr •0 • August , iIIt.AT , PUBLIC,S LE. viii , b.inki tit pailic Fite on on SATURDkX; tho', 3 0 th o!olnelz, M. A EIt)iTSE ' 01. ,, G1tOUNA late del wale or.Jons.llo9vpit., , ,„ ilimntaiehig ONE A, eIf.E..KRO/AkeiNielikr , situtitod in.--.MeebeeickbettiQoabetittel teiteletl,on the, Vest tve-up i i rri'79it ut'.Attere Ileigk4 I.l* :tklotie teet , :isterttitl;st ityret!titt latttpiAl',.49P•F 4ritti • " • FOR SALE NEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers