imooN-issuscut im2mst4Sl dl2lßAlla MlLil2llllDalia E, BEATTY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, OARLOO,LE D Pao Treditesilay, September,.27, 11S-i3 FOR PRESIDENT lIENRY titibiect to the tletision,ora National Cani•ention.i ZEMOCRATIO PRINCIPM. SPECIALLY " FOR TILE !TWA: -EYE." own CabEnlD, 1. A sound National Curr . ency, regulated by the will and authority ;lithe Nation. 2. Any adequate Revenue, with fair Protection to American Industry. 2. Just restraints on the Ru - ntie power, cm , . bracing a further restriction on the exercise of the Veto: 4. A (lathed! administration ;tithe public dotnnin, with an t ., oiiiablc I!“ , proceeds .!. . • • Au tones ,nod tmoootnival :ohninistratinn of the General Governineut, leaving public °dicers perfect freedom of thought and of the right of suffrage ;• hut with snitable s restraints against improper interference in.clections. - V. An amendment to the Constitution, limiting tile incumbent of the 'Presidential office to a SINGLE Tr.nm. These objeeto attained, Ithink that we should comic to be afflicted with bad administration of he Government .-I.llavav CLAY. For Canal Comm! salmon. SIMEON GUI L INDEtn, of Lebanon. WILLI/01 T WEED, Nurtlitiathl 110 Eli'i.J'N. 'WEAVER, of Allegheny ANTIE-PhiaTER ess 'Cohgress—Geti. THOMAS C. MILLER. Asstinbly—rapt. JOHN DUNLAP/ JACOB LONGNECIXR. Treasurer--.IOIIN .11A1HuroN. Antlitor—TZICHARI) WOODS. DirecIorL•ABRAIIAM KURTZ. • Coronct—GEOßGE Coinmirsioner—JOlP! R)SJA'P, E.l'cn'bor Porter Ciiiiatts Ticket. Assembly—Jacob Ike l'rancis -Eckel& Commissioner—Chrieljan"l'itzel. County Treaeurer —Robert 11 ore, Jr. Dirertor of the Poor—Dr. Robert G. Young Auditor—Saintiel Ilouton. Coroner—John ond • rr !re are authorized by C rotor htat ntr.L, Es 4. of Southampton t , wnsliip, to state that he peremptorily declines the nom ination for County Commissioner, made by the " Valley." Mr. Kt Timm, is an old whig, and his name will be found attached to the Shippensburg proceedings: The paltry•temptations of office are - nothing to such men compared with the success .of whig principles. • . manly course of Messrs. Ken- . nedy and Brindle since the county con vention, meets with the hearty approba tion and applause of their friends through out The county, and has given , these gen tlemen new claims upon the friendship and regard of the party. They have shown in a noble spirit that they hold their personal interests subservient to the wellate of the. party... Arouse Whig ECT.The election is close at hand and it is time the Whigs were stirring. Recol lect that the most important part of the tick euthis fall is exclusively and distinctly our The Canal Commissioners and the county Commissioner no Whig, can stay away from the polls and refuse to vote for without proving recreant to his party and the intereits of the State.' 13ut vote the whole Anti-Porter ticket, and do the work etftiCtually. It is composed of honest and respectable men, and the candidates for As eembly are pledged to tire cause of Re trenchment and Reform, and a salt;of the Public Works. Vote the whole AntiTi?r ter ticket ! MIR Shippensburq meeting on Sat ft .f.-evenng,- has . killed the Mermon scheme for sgetting. up a new ticket, as a 444 a '.lnsPlterel.!" Let our friends keep a sharp look out fdr other tricks of the'enetny. They are straining, every nerve .to elect fleck and Eckels, but the whole tieket can be elected if the defy. • iM=E=l id-4mo adoption of the Anti-Tax ticke t by the .Whigs this fall, will !lane 'and can haYe no effect upon the Whig Sheriff' eau- Aidatee. The story, th,r6fore,," about 'its . . , being a movement to assist Me. Elsa, is ab &hid. ''Tvoiy man has his - owi rote in his own' hind, and '..can lie not 'do what lie pleases With it? ~.1 ye 'are . siolc - of (tearing the 64 - 06 . 6otit 9 iy, that at; attempt isluak int to "Whip Lin" tho Whigs to tits snppaq of Id.' A:l etter from Shippensbnig informs us:that, the .Wltigs there are now tletertnirt - erfto - itote the - :Anti POrter ticket''with 'JogN clierpk:.fig'Oomniissionee: This is the right i*thirie: -., let to use eviry,ofilirt to damn!- , ish the, , : - Plorinon Porter • faCtion Clear, "AheT,"2.may; 7,(cir k majority , for HENRY VMORMON. LOW FOCO,NOVEMENT. ito:divido aild'4lfitrito. • .0. tbb , We beve,beeti aware-that theleed . Ars of the Mermen party h in Carlisle ire , heen 'ekeeedirigly distressetlet?er since the : , Whig c,;66 - t - yetinvention Met, et: the acl, tine of the dOiiiientimi in declining to tuiti 7 ' Mate a Ticket. Throughout the day op which the Convention' was held, the Mor mon leatrers 'in Carlisle were actively en gaged all day in endeavoring to influenee the,delegates—in'draWing them off into •private conversations—in representing to. them how •Megrading;" as they expressed it, it was for "high-minded and honorable Whigs," to give way to the linti,Tak pahy hoiv easily the Whig- party might /elect their ticket ! .although these fellows knew perfectly Well how things stood, and laughed heartily in 'their sleeves as -they suceetnled in duping some few Whigs into an opinion so absurd- as that the' NVhigs were able to elect in a county which year after year has rolled up a majority of- four or five hundred against them ! But not siieeeding on the day of the County Coaveiniou p dpkgrop s ;i delm.mtes we take occasion here to say. were all old and well-known Whigs, who had no other feeling than tht7. of genuine and ardent de sire for the welfare of the— the ingenuity of the MorMonsWas in their tksperationdriven to a resort to •different expedients—t 6 a new gaine in political , management. failing togeta'Ticket midi; inated, their 'next resort Was to,try how they could work on the dissatisfied feelings of certain. good Whigs, who were snipe what displeased at not having a Whig ticket to vote for. To get these Whigs separated from their party—to' get them to move in favor of calling's new Convention, Was noir the 'object of the Aformon 'tind ers. For this purpose 'they sent thoirtools liglunder-strapers into every part of the county to tamper with the Whigs and ex asperate their feelings against the Conven tion—they wrote letters to all pariS of the county to such Whigs as, 1.114 thought they could AcCeive----and in one part of the county several Mormons actually pro posed to a Whig that: if a Whig ticket could he got up. Me); (the Mormons) would- give it their support ! ! Was ever any 'thing m a re absurd heard of ?.Do they suppose the Whigs so besotted in igno rance' as not to he able to see•through so barefaced an attempt to this. Thailks to the stern, unflinching charac ter of the Whigs of Cumberland county, these base, mean and dishonorable attempts of the Mormon Locofocos failed. Although several ‘Vhigs in the county were at first dissatisfied with the action of the Conven tion, a "sober second thought" upon the matterconvinced, them that the Colleen . - Lion acted with the best intentions, and that the true policy of. the party was, not to nominate this fall, but to give the Anti- Porter party a chance and let the Whigs make their preparations to rally around HENRY CLA Y and a full 117ljg County Ticket in 1844. This was the opinion of some of the Wiest Whig,s in Cumberland county, and so far' from being done at the dictation of any "clique" in Carlisle, it was done at the instance of public.opinion, acting through as intelligent a Convention as ever assembled in the county. But the Mormon Locofocos, f a iling to get Whigs interested in their scheme, . have under taken to do the thing themselves'! A newspaper which has been printed for some time in Shippensburg, called tlun "Valley," and which, while it was edited by JOHN McCurtny, Esq, was a sound and efficient \V big journal.—has lately got back into the hands of two ytiong men by the name of Kinsloe, one of whom' never pretended to he any thing but an out and out Locofoco: As soon as Mr. McCurdy left the paper, the CLAY FLAG, which was at, the head of the column, - WAS HAULED DOWN ! thus shnwing, that the Messrs. Kinsloe had no feeling in com mon with the Whig party and no friend ship. for Henry Clay. This paper—the "Cumberland - Valley"—the Mormon Lo- - cofecos have got into their hatufS-Lhave got it under the control of Samuel!?. limn: ill; (a beautiful 'Whig , to be sure !) and it, has conimenced in good earnest tieing the dirty work of the Mormon leaders. A . number of it was issued last Friday, filled with abuse of the most violent character against the Whig County Convention,— them iraitors'and charging them with an attempt to sell the, and give it' over to the Anti-Tax party, &c.—charges 'such as no Whig would make against &her l'esPectable Whigs of CuMberland county-:—friends of Henry -clay - We wish to pttt you on your guerd'against tIM machinations of the enmity to iliScracy and'tlestrOY - the Wliig party.: •This •Paper-;---the -4 !'•Cu-mberland Valley"=--We'"say' it without fear 'of sue eesifurcontradiction; has gotiiito'fire hands tifllie • Miirimin Porter Locefeleirsi—lT IS' NO ;WHIG 'PAPER--its professions: of ' friendihip'for the ytirbigs . iitii'orily Wended to• gain ofdel:t6 mkt' yirti its frierlilship' Mes6rsAinii , ti . EDIt Sul :Billt4nirlt will be ~9piertiOtt by , I ‘otialberlaiiVa.o r stak,,be a# ... #10 their otvildestratiil44"*JeCli ;V-hige t• appeal' to yoti,.You ali ,w/iy , the it , ineXpedient to settle,:ayieket. You, all know that could Sesers ,Kennedy, and Brindle :have been ;elected: would hivo given the Whig partridetieure to Te r mini. 'nate them.. . But does not every ',Whig. know we had net the power to re-efect them. - ButOrae will say ; theirmight have been elected by.. means of a split, as they. were last fa11. 77 .; 7 Now let the; Whigs of the county be sureCthat:t4ere • :would not have limp a. split#4 lind'a Whig Ticket bee ytFlini; nateil-byotr- Convention. It was a fact. 4611-kdOw n -that-ithe , :resignalion_oLevery candidate on' thb.Anti,Tax ticket was pre : . pared and would hare been pitbaihed im mediately, had a:Whig ticket been formed. Under these, circumstances, the Whig Con vetition; 'believing it to be an object of par amount importance to defeat the Aloinion Porter party in •the county,. and knowing that a Whig ticket could not be elected; thought the hest policy of the Whig party would he to give its strength to the defeat .and nveilllrow of PorteriSin. To this con clusion, therefore, they eame—if it should not prove to b'd a Wise course b the delegates can only urge that they acted es pure in tentions and their best judgments dictated; with the consciousness besides That if the Whigs are true to themselves no harm; at least can accrue to the party. Whigs of the county'! we say ihts.,mticli in behalf of the members of the Convention. Are you prepafeit to condemn _them Se bitterly as these Locofocos of the "Cumberland Val ley!' . Would have., you? Do you believe your delegates would sell your- party, as the vile calumniators of this sheet are charg ing? No! you know these delegates to be staunch, true Whigs of long standing, and , well known in the county, and that'll - 14 are men who' nothing knowingly to endanger the interests of the Whig - party. We call upon' yon, then, to crush this Mormon wortunent which is endeavoring to'distract the Whig party, and which by dividing its' strength would elect Deck and Eeltels. Show these fellows that•you see the cloven fdot of Mornion Porterism plain ly visible in this Movement; .and - show the unprincipled aetors this'affair that the of Cumberland coni4 . .are too in- telligent and too true to the Whig' party to be deceived_and gulled by such a shallow artifice. We know you will ! A WORD TO WHIGS. tc- -. .We have heard it stated that some Whigs in the county, have declared they will not vote this fall, because there is no Whig tickk in the field. This is . a 'Ws taker} view 'of the matter. The Whig County Convention (lid not put any ticket in nomination, because there being two ticketS already in the field - , and Ono Of these an Anti-Porter and Tariff ticket, the Whigs deemed it more expedient for the interests of the party to vote the Anti-Porter ticket this fallow(' thus be better. prepared to make a grand rally upon lIENRY CLAY and a full wiig county ticket in 18.14 ! But We - must not forget that we have WHIG CANDIDATES to vote for this fall, and it is the duty of every whig 'to vote for theM himself and secure every vote for them he can. • The Whigs have THREE CANDI. DATES FOR CANAL cOAIMISSION ERS to vote for. Will . they stay away froth the pollS and let the locofoco Canal Commissioners he elected? Do they want the system olextravaganee and of plunder which has been for ytnrs carried on by the locofoco Canal Commissioners, still contin ued? Do they want the TAXES to be in creased,' and a few more millions added to the State Debt? If they do not, let every Whig lino - out and vote for SIMEON GUIL FORD, WILLIAM TWEED and BENJAMIN . WEAVER . for Canal Commissioners; titey are honest men and will put a stop to the squandining of the people's money upon our public works. Will not the Whigs turn out and vote for JOHN RUPP, of East Pennsborough, for County. Commissioner. This is the most important office of any in the county to the people, 'and there is no man in the county, we•say it ,without fear of contra diction-who is. better qualified to dis charge its' duties, than JOHN KIPP, of East PennSborough. Ho is well iceown . in the Comity, ash man ofunimpeachable chlracter.and • integrity, and of industrious . and , active business habits. The interests of the county could be in no safer or better hands. if the people of the County want a good Commissioner they will elect JOHN RUPP, Will any Whig stay away from the polls and refuse to give his vote for a staunch Whig like, Jono IturP? We . say t% the Whigs turn out to, the polls!, , Turn. out for the WhlL,Canal Commissiumers 7 —for the ,Whig County fJommissioriers--tyrn out and ,vote. the whole Anti-Porter ticket. This is the best the Whigs can do. , ,If they vote, for I , :cite)s and . heck on . the "Mormon'? ticket , they may, get two Por ter members in the next ,House of Hewn : , sentatives,who avi4l4,votel to , sustain the Governor and prevent a salc'of the;publiu . •Tbe ; ether ; eanditlateu- I -Dnnar (Prinetinntaklitinglt, not Whigs, tn'tti . fnm•Arnti-Portet men, and ioe.a sale of the Praline Woike;-:•:foie , the expenses of 'paver ment-4or anY,,bPla advisors., yute:thet', '4oPFief LETTER. FROM Mr s , 41rTli0-7oikiwing lettee‘frOii 4 1 41 W: ,K*NNEO4, , pq.,- ; is commended i kti ° "":ooo4ift.k ; '.' l ; - ' 1 0 )Iis- PO r a mis t ake4tC , Mortrion .Locofo' ther',t,44o, matte Mr, Kennedy an inetruMeiiitiiili,fjurk, w hy, party, It, • e en ,tta4 r. euno than whom no truer any where, promptly ziecliniethe honor' iripmded the Moreton leaders We' kiieW Mr. K.ennedy minld not hesitate,.to' denounce at on any scheme calculated 'to distract the Whig pally; • We have not heart from Mr. BRINDLE, .bufive feel pet:- fectly safe in saying that he;rii-too.ttauncli and firm a Whig to pursue any course at variance with the 'interests of the Whig party, and enure confidence iii assutingour friends,that Mr: Brindle will say " ditto" to the patriotic letter of Mr. Kennedy. MIFFLIN Towmite, Sept. 23, 1843 To the Miter of tho Carlielo Herald: 'Sin —I perceive from the Cumberland Valley publishedi at Shippensburg, that my name is plac ed before the people for a scat in the Legislature. This is' done without my, knowledge or consent.— The Whig County Convention, having 'deter: mined that awes inexpedient to nominate a Whig ticket, I cheerfully submit' to their decision, and will not permit my name to be used contrary to their wishes.' Having been, honored with a seat iti the last Legislature by the suffrages of the Whig party, I would be recreant. to the party arid its interests, if I could allow my mune to ho used,• not by Whigs; but by disorganittint men, to de. tfent the Wine pointed' ut to every true I therefore say etnOhrtlie - tilly.that I um not a can• dial°, and desire that_nbne of my' friends Will suffer themselVes to be misteil, eider by their friendship for me, or by the enemies of the party; under the assumed name Of Whigs, to throw a. way their votes at the coming election. Very Respectfully.' , JAMES RENNEitYt MR. BRIIIDLtr. " liITT.O !" WSince 'the eboile was put in, type; Mr. Brindle has authorized us to publish the following from 11iM. We felt , ,safe , ,in assuring the public that Mr. BrOgle would noyn any way permit the use of his name to the detriment of the Whig par ty, and his letter fully confirms our expec tations : '.25, 1840 To the Editor of the Carlisle Herald': ' Sni-1 unfortimately heard nothing of the plot, devised by the " Ajormon" leaders of this county to divide and distract the Whig party, un. til Alonday morning blot, and as I did not reach Carlisle until the attertioon, was thus prevented making known thrOugh the medium of'your "ex , tra" issued on dint morning; my decided reprO: halloo of the course pursued by the "Cumberland Valley" newspaper. I avail the pre sent opportunity, however, of saying that you .did me but simple justide iu wowing the IVhigo of the : comity that, I "ivould not pursue any course at variance with the interests of the Whig .party." I ha'o been 100 long a member of that party; sharing its difficulties and its struggles,l4-, feel any Ices. its principles now, and those who thought that the'action of the late County Cunvention had produced any dissatisfuc ilea with me i have entirely mistaken their man:— 'VIM - Convention found um • with the same deter. initiation after as before its inecting . --diet WOB to cheerfulll abide by its decision. 1 will illy add that I luny concur in the sentiments expre.ated in the letter of my fate colleague; Mr. Ifennedy, and unconditionally decline the nomination made by the "Cumberland Valley." Very respectfully, GE'CIUG,F.: BRINDLE IrPTo allow the sinteritV of the pre tended Whigs of the . "Cumbe'ilnil ley:" in wishing to get up a _full' Whig ticket this fall, we will just mentfo'ri that they approve the coming out of JOHN RUPP, Esq . for Codnty CommissioLtr, and at the same time nominate GEORGE KIMMEL, for the same office! .That's certainly an improved way of electing Mr: Rupp! Something new ia political tactics Mr. Rupp's friends can see by this what kind of influence is at work, and whether the Shippensburg movement is a 1174 movement 'or 'not. The " Cumberland Valley', is en dea.voring to spread the story that the friends of Mr. Ege for Sheriff influenced the IV hig County Convention,. and' induced them 'm nominate no ticket. We deny this. 03e4eral of the Whig candidatesjor Sher that we could name, were in favor of the same course. ~It is foolish to talk of such a design when every man has his vote in his own hand to give it to, whom he pleases. , eCi'Samuei 'R. Hamill was heard to say before leaving Carlisle on Thursday, that he wquld have a Whig Convention called to nominate a County Ticket, be fore he came back 1 A Whig Convention got' up through his influence would. be a verylueei affair. indeed, Of course no Whig would dare to• dispute its authority! Ev'Thie eXtracts in the last "Cumber and Valley," copied front the Carlisle Herld of 1838, in reference to Oen`, Mil ler's participation in the Ducksh'or war, show conclusively who is engaged in' Mu aging the "Cumberland Valley."' Those Self-same extracts were liken from a bound file of the Herald which Samuel R. Ham ill borroWed from our office on Wednesday last! Does nut this show where .they came from. Do the Whigs know any body in their ranks by the name of .Sam uel R..Hamill •• • -1110 , Whigs-linow perfectly well of Gen. Miller's course during the. Bucksho t, War, and -dii . nof by any means,_consjder" that iher . t givee him any claim upon their suffra ges: But the question ie,le it' better , to• have a iound friend' of the Tariff,eleeted from our Aistriet e or a full•blooded Porter loco_foco_Avhoiine4or modif,ying the Tar iff? ',We leaypit fbr , Wkige to judgefer themeetvdee.,, 16'11, 'that the ' tc• ri)" d . ip grer , le, et),le, •,e es , thieltiiinees ofr, "vary. If Eekele and ItiCg o i 7 einor Forter„4,es ‘oinernlieri:iiere" ihe 4` , -` ate, ,` ~,itt;rlr.,(4fixet ‘ rAto9,oher ttIiCOOP 'tar; 4 #:!iVi`',, ' 4 oikut' titir 0 11 44Tkitif'T3.# ,Aft . r.. 1 4 7, • 99# [r , P.' Atve- , , lills THE/ P110:40101 404;;tofitilt8S i.'‘WileV4l.:44:'e, rlitto9k* reTrY Frog' , ‘nritint i ?lif opening'Att:political Campaign in' iliac county, preeente:thefollowing view of awa" canjidates Sot' Congress , in this dia. trio''t: We dopy t`tb,show ho* cUe bteth ren in 'Pert'y 'it' the. mater If .go for Generel-Millb6'*i may elebt a true friend of, the 'present whit Tariff: If we Bleat' 'Jude)ol,o4k, we shall have 'a man, brotighVotit . bylahe Poker ibction firid,one who Will go With the Sotiihern 'Lcieofoces .and Northern• dough-faceein . modifying the 'Tariff. d. Will any Whig stay away from the polls and let the Tariff be %sit Thcre are two, Candidates in the field, 'says - the — "Freeman:' ,thejion.- james Mack of PerrY county, and the other is general Thomas C,. Miller (if Berland. Let us e2tamilie into their , poli tical/character, as the Motal character of bdth, we doubt not, is uneileeptionable. We here take it for granted that the choice of the •whigs is narrowed down to a pre ference of one of these two candidates, or to no choice at all. There is nu 'other CM who, then, is James Blacks As a politician, he belongs to the clique always in the political market, known by" the fa' miller . name of Porterites or Kickapoos, notwithstanding he has alreadytasked . his ingenuity to the utmost to catch anti-Porter votes by saying that lie is not the "panic friend of Governor Porter He is well know,n, to •the whias of l this county as their indent bherhy, as Orie . of their un coniPrtimislng upponentb. They 'how his political charactlr toe tvetl to put any trust in him. lie odes his nomination in the inilinnee of the Porter factidit in ati Well as init of thiS district. 'that this is the fact; the do mdst candidly absttre . the n'ltigh of Perry;. or CumUdtland, and of Franklin: to eoffohorate tirib it is only' necessary to say that the daiNStlie, identi; cal(sonfereeS tilto nominated meat those froffilierry and Cutitherland; as those from Franklin ,did not give in their adhesion to the.nolninationof_Black at the meeting pf the Conference—appointed as Senatorial Delegate to the State Conien . , don, Janies H, Grahaio, Esq.; one of the strongest Porter men in the three euiln: lies; and perhaps in the *Me; • That .Itidge Binhlt cantiai to Suppiitted by the-Whigs 111 lherefore absolutely her e aim Before they can sdpport hitii they must turn traitors'to till their principles: The only remnininth thiiidhiste is Gen Thomas C. Miller of CuOiberhoul: We hazard nothing in sliying_ilint hid qualifi cations for ? seat in Congreds are deCidedly superior to those of hiscompetitor. 116 iiad been nominated by the Antil'ofter. n Cumberland. Ile ie therefore. whig candidate. lint he holds to n certain and, 10 our opinion, to a necessary extent; good, sound, deinocratic whig principles. What arc they? In the first place, he is the most decided and uncompromising ad: rotate of the Protective Tariff hoe) Siandtl. That is a measure of P'riniatY,itn portance to the whole peoprei and fife 4t .las whiCh upholds and sustains' the viliigs; and with them the best interests of the country. But this is nut alt; He, lit' the second place, is in favor.of a (food Cur; •rency—another cardinal rifen'inie or the %flak's. Upon the Tariff and the Currency •Ire is therefore orthodox fir the' Whigfaith. We are hot now prparied td st a te tha t these nise the' Only measures of a w hig com plexion which GeneroMiller will cordially and dianfully tykida if he' be elected to Congress. I'Ve'inclitle to the opiition that he is-a very judicrouliman,' ‘ and- holds to. ttiOold,not„the'new, spiYi ious doctrines o the democratic party. Ile is. for the ma-. sons already . stlued, a sate, judicious and sagacious man whose principles will by no manner of means permithitii td ge for the Free Trade doctrine norralf those delfilinC: Live measthes *Which Mr; Illack,•by his Present political' associations,' would be compelled to en'pport iFereeted.• whigs havebeen Governor Porter . for yeartr. whigs knew him, when he s brotiehi' out, to be just as bad as his former' . frieinlif.haVe now found him out to he. .Some : of the locofocos still stick to him—or at least they' do not•fiublicly oppose him—among whom, are the "Mormon" party of Cumberland county. But the Anti-Porter party has come, -out against him and opposes- him manfully. They want to stop ,him in his reckleis course, and want to see peached, and the truth .or falsity of the charges made against him tried at the bar of the Senate. 'hie Anti-Porter men call upon• the whigs to assist them in bringing Forcer tb trill:. Under these circumstances, their; thr titswhile' lose , any thing by' elect 7 'leg Nnti-Porter Men' to' the tegistatere this fall, and thus securing to theniselyetro bet ter chance of electing whigs\the nexit Let us all' vole:for Dunlap and joingepeaker. `llMa 1241aterialttaa PHILADFLPIIIA.E4ept'r tHt, t. FLOdff—The inaileet has inaetive.generallp Early li, the week soles Made at vti- reotte,orices'to a limited extent, $4,50, 40; a 41; deftly at the , ItOr'priart, - yla ;-4.090 or 1,500 hbls.- 7 : 4500f ilrmidywint; et 114,75 and, 100 of seraiiinfat 4,121,'-"Oncia:,,the arrival of the; Caledonia, thare.has pot, honk, time to ,tteeettain the efl'eets-:holdere ash. 40i 7 hot a nale_ii ported inf 250,101: at einnetbitit 'porta havo_beoprzpasidernblb Able Wank vitt .11,* 183 loirioririi,, , ApiAWo4,.oo,K4:oo, o 4, l .- do4l,', 64 . 4 ` 9B t b 91 ' 411 5'40.**Inik, Wka# l o 7l o . 4**!;l l o#9 l : , 9WN,itiio.:'4 it 0 4 ,49 . 0k*V 9 *: -, rtf • 1A10%81;P 0 P EfiTt • ofhe Cotirt of.,•Cumbeiland eountylmilt 1m.301d t P re lAe°l 6o , o4.ll : l , l KPA Y il l l ' 9 73h da:Y:Pr o 'to er.,tlie following -- • . • , , • Valuable` R zii a eal e, late the property of JACOB BAITAIBIi, of South' NOddietdii :township,: deceased ) wit: ,A 'rraot 6dntelniflg S 2 Acreatif tIMESTIONErIiAND situate in Cuniberlati& county, oirtlie 'road leading froM Carlillesto Hanover, about like Miles from the, adjoining lands of Thomas :UM James Mangey, Frederick Hoover and', the Yellow Breeches Crock, :Having :hereon eretted.a FOUR. STORY .rMERCHANTA I),GRIST, THREEDwipp.Lx$O iriousEsi, the firtitls u Ovo'ptOry 2 1 , 9k;Hquile,Nogoti MaiMe Shop and new, Barn scOnd i.s q one story Log House and stable—the third is a one story Log house, SMith Shop and„Stable. • .„ i „,, ,"The Mill is Inv cortmlete • ordei., cotitaitilng four fun .of.p . tooo, tAvo rof BurrS for: flodr, one bair or Burrs for chopping, and one hig Elevators . SOMA Machine of Yoillig'a Patent, and ever y oilie ' r iltOrial used Mills, all nearly new and in first-frit e order and . The 41931 q Mill Maehinc,llris, can ptit up neW. within the hist Yam•,l• t,• •! t, The IS'llritrppy llie y eIIOW teeViel Cremci n never failing stream of )eater located in the heart of a grain growing countvy, tillordlng an extensive country custonit and having excellent facilitiei . • for conveying merclinnt *Mit to marks t by the Cu hike, land Valley Rail Road. . Sale to commence at 19, °Mock, noOn. Terms of sale will be - made knoWn on the day of sale, by JOHI4 VETERS, August „ • uell - tor of Jacob • o 23 - 1849. • ts-43 n ~ ~ .: i Yom.. 5..._1._ _. ~~ lei. , :~ :q ~f... ~ ~T. ~ ~~. .t;'OR SALE. . Y virtue of on order of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, will be sold on the prend nen, on r RIDAY, the 6th of October next, the Valu able Farm, belonging to the estate of John 'ranger, hoe of South Middleton township, decenced, Containing 162 Acres, • and 100 . perches, strict measure, of first-rate Land, situate in said township, six miles from Carlisle, on the road leading to (Hanover, and about two miles lion, the Carlisle Iron Works, adjoining lauds of Gee. Brenner,Christian Herr and others. The 'movements tereon erected are a good • , Stone hurdling House,) l l brat-rate Bank Barn, l'iragoti shed (Corti crib and-other neeessary out-buildings. The lionselms a never failing spring of pure titer in the there is also a thriving.. Orchard of choice fruif tfees. There is also erected on it a good dcib Still Bettie, ties Tenant Houses with ai Stable lor each. About 113 act-es of.this plantation is in a iigli state of colfivation .the tinder good fence, with water in nearly every fiehlt ittitl the residue is good Timber Land. There lan Linicidonb Quarry on the, 'place, which is considered to be the in the' country, togetlwr with ti gitoti lint Kiln. Alr:o Ili the same-time and &Reh r to acres of Zand; . . , with glomming ellesnot timbei.,:sintate in shititown ship, about t w o Miles from Kir ajoie-minied tract:.. Sole to commetthe at 12 p'eloek - , norm; when at.• tentlance will he glvcn noir terms made known by CHRISTIAN HtIRR, ' A ihninistittoi• of Jolin •Taaget•, deed: 23, 1843. "-.- ts-43 ad Palatable Farm - POI: SALE. THE siMseribers, E ~ eciitors of James Gbhu, ttiLliu salt., onilie premisefq on l'ltl DAY % an; fist day of oulobei• at 1 A. M. All that Vgiiable Farm . . • road, utnit~ dne and ii Csivlisle,unlitainingathout 308 aervsof V.4 - 223.22.0'2"23 M42,e211) . . aboat 170 of a Web is 61,careti land, the reolltie is in ihrivingti lading ei•ceirtl 6large doable STONE I agora slind and a large Stone SixibTe,, a log darn, • ' corn crib, h'l4 ne,cess, , t:.% S buiblingC„ Inlxiber , lith s'erv i ooof well of walt:f.,.and excellent (Jr. ' 1 •& chard. The ;leaved land is in a griail iart of it bring sowninclove r . T ile pro perty.will lit sold us one rOIIII, nr liiiittOd to Snit QarchaEers. 'The _terms will be:vale kbonn al the ton 6 arid' isle, by - I. GIN'IV • .• Exectitori of mantes Cavin, nagnst 1E43, t!;43 .. VALUABLE BEAL ISTATE FOR SALE. .• GiTim4. o prx to the of aril ter,Wri'enf of ti„ John firaiiiit; late of .%Initice towtishii;; Cum -441,9-", In Pl!hlie " 31e on the; pretnises o . o . 1 . :171-1 Stith µf'-Sep tember iieKt, Tilt . plantation or tract of late the iii-olerty or . lobo lirlinhy deceased, hititate in Yiimiroe townslirp, Cumbeilatit'l comity, .tyitile north of elai`o3 Mill, thive mires smith or ATeelianieslint.E, , , 14.1 ilblijidi•it tati c is or Jaen!, N leaky, Achim Brandi, Joliiir Ilartaler mid others, . • .oontqlning 130 Acres,' nm! or' less, of first-rate Liiiii!sione I.toul,bl ( which 10 1 ) :Ored is giant eon:could rtAi' state cultivation, awl able residue well timbered; having thereon erected n large STONI.I I tQIfSE, Mid 74 good Bank Baru, '• gnu shed, Corn Cribs, Carriage sired, wood Aid and all neeesOry . otit inns. isalso never swing of excellent water near the liinise f 'witlt a good itone spring house. Also.,am exCelleiik.sTenitut hotiv pod stable, with running Water in the tfillar. Ireci'e is also atbriving young Oreiti&ll,of 01104,01A:it trees. If not split 14 public FOE; it will be sold at private side,ngeevality to the . Sale, to continence at Itfo'eleck in the foriniorib 41teti ti'goutl title gill Itle.gitea 01111 .made known by GEOICGE BE:ELMAN, Ex'‘.. August 9.3, 1843. PUBLIC Sell, Ea A S Administrator with the Will annexed of *lames Moore, dee'd., I will e4ose .to pub lic sole, on SATURDAY, the ibtli of September, I,B4o,at'ilke public house of , Peter' W eibley, in Cite lisle, dt id o clock, A. 'M. the tiigory OTroNg'inn • . H And Lot of Ground Aviii ) .ole Blac'ksmith ShOP thereon erected, sit late on the South' Ent Enbt €orlier or.pAnnyZr and Fipi ih St. nod immediately opposite Peter WeiWy'sitive6in the borough of Cadmic.; dotal - 41'4g 60 Ran S tunt und 2 2 10 feet in deptV A si?" lift) full Lots of Gemini!, sheik: on tbk Niktlt side of North street, its boeinfed by the said street'and lots ofJ (dm MunrV.' The' terms of sale will be made known on the day of sale, by • • • -- tIt'AERT LAIRD, Atlner. with thews lannexedolJ.,\foore,tlec'd. August 23 . ,'1849. ""' . ,s-4.3 POBtlfilthit. . BY virtue, a decree . Of • the court of •C‘mmon Plead Cumberland eatiOly.' in an malign of Partition; wherein Etiltard Porter is plain tiff and George Keller Executor, Francis Porter is defendent-1 will expose to public, sale on QM -prem ises, on FWI)AY, the , 2gth of September, 1,843, at II o'clock, A. M., all that certain tract of • • .1:t Al. rZ) a situate in Silver spring to wnslt qi; Cumberland ty, b ounded by n ~ A brm. nosier, John roglestitger; Geo..-Tremblee' heirs, and the Conodogumet Creek; containing 243 Acres,"More ,nrlesh itasin , ti! 08 effected alarel'iso Story , IMr . oiltei neeessary_tintiroveraents;' 'TAW*, ea Attlee of thif4Akt aiktitty..) lA' stidal iltdoiekttliP• tivtei &Alum) pulps tit theoroliti'its)dtiV.4l'4l4l4ltaabAkels'*lgAl Tirriber; 3:l4,fativiapjtilio htitik!ii4 irons AacUPra"mut okad a pp* KcoOte . ,potr4. risbo4 l e Ivio ft ci4ll he 4, • nw4 1 ,.. ct(t, • ' l oo lo 4r ,or firos.isoomiswxl^ 1 . rtiwc t i r tito:iVlßO le adtbe:PO !itIIAT I at * . deaestaa aatitt..titattot, 48aati.ItItts-, b e tad . ' 4.AutaietiniT Shitliff. J . !j- '1.1"44 4'. , •:' ,, 1i .iv ' Otiee.+-1. Egr Ap .1. ,-.2 . liiliiitiir::tkii#l44 etB:o;o•buitoe . .., tt - ticsi.: ilorril 4 siettliptip•blik bookoie4sAir RlPpoilible.4.. i te. T .1010; .indebted to r ; Mtn. elther - I*.ciate or Tritlissklit kcOtetteilSßW ipptottile,i , ith... • 'iita ;40 tiOjtlAbiliti bayin g gaidnisltlit'ettht if iett ftlie,ta,Olvitaiti.'o4'h n ' Y I A44W# I ,?VSUIX4 :•., . 04 11 ~ o, 4 b 4 rii ii l i ,4 9 4,A • .Si... -,, ••?:,1 , ..." - '• (..; ;,*; - ... 1 ..6. 4 ;2.1; ':- ' :..• .' , .' 4i'.'1.;.....2 ,, .1. , , , ,.. - : -' I .:' 2 :. 4e...,N 4 ' , Mr ?'''' , ,«:.; . : , %/.. P") .4- , V V.'„,;',:i'''"Y''‘k.'d.'-'l2*A"':::..;.,','. .'tatit , ..irokit zoo ~',, , ,1 , '. - ~ - J:ill: . . ~.i. ', • ' Illi 1'i.8 1 19 - 7.olWoPee,l4l9.{.l!!'iipon the Teeth, " . ei g, n hit r ate rtiOtre,tl,lo,,riltlP preservation, such • Y . thiloss of ditgatiptalaisagAZgifi,pril7dlirerornei a single Toolli;!tiriftdrsi.T.- ' 9a. .. tlet l ' " ca-Oillee On •Pitt'striiet, a (ow doors South of du!? Radrond Hotel. , -'.., ~..,'. ' , . ,,, ' , '' , 1 , ' '' .= . - - 7 - 7 N.)3. pr' . .Looittiti, iiilflie Rhoda from Carlisle, , the last ten.daylf, in eanh,luotitk , '"., 11 ...; . • ; 70.q . . 2 4), 1843 . -','''.--,'. -' ''..,; ' •' ' 24.. . • ' ir-so vaszaunzaz AT A ; 'pIJBLiC Y virtue of llhibrdstk °rib& Orpliao Court of canlberiattit couniN,l, , ,.wllllC'aiit to sale ott pretnises, on.r#ll.l)A Y.,ihe.lith -day of Octoher'hext, all.that certaid tract of Land, situldeln'StrverSpring township, CuMberbtOd biMltty;Mimut 7 mile, :West of the Susquehanna Riven, amp alitiarleysof a suilu. from the Harrisburg-, and' paiiisliOtirriAii tainiag 220 AcO,oflipatvtp . • •• L0E1E67 4 0 ' 42 LAND ' ,about 180 acres, of whibli bre,:hleared,• and in • the - higltiFifitate - of - xultivattonfwitli,a-largetw"cistaty.-r.-- S 1 ONE ftOIIS, Stone spriog house, ' • Stone smoke house, and a large Dank Barn, part stone and part frunte.ollml e.. ' Wagon shed ntul.COrn criMivith, ruptdog 77 8 • water on the far&, and went lhat, ,never = full. There is Also a good 'Orcharlf; : aturtf-lehant House on the SOM. Thete ore three Merchant Milli - within two pitch, and altogether it is one of the best furms)and ,to the most convenient 'situation or. any. , farm in;tile comae of CuMberland. The' farm w4ll be divided beforitim day of sale into traOs' of abidiu 120 •neres,' - und the • i mprovemetits , antf Ht nduxh I , a erth: w ithout improvementsomd/ stud 011 togedurtou.separatCl)., as may best snit put.- chaiers And promote tlulluerbstd , ei thelludia. Sale to commence ul.l.o'O'rtnek; anti 'terms4 of mile *Welk w,ilVminitt!e easy, will be made known 011 the ay or tz'ite by. v ; If ttj `. 2 VP DA - Iti , rl:4llT; of Marlin liuntap, dec)l, ' August' Mt, 1843.. • • to-441 VALUABLE MILLS AND FARM; AT PUBLIC SALE. WILL sell at public sale- on the premises on , I FRIDAY, the 29th of SEPTEMBRII nev,at at I I (Aleut: A. M, all my real estnte, situate ondihn Yellow :Breeches Crerk, in ,Dickinson" tottenship,, Cumberland county, consisting of a MERCHANT MILL, SAW MILL, CLOVER MILL I and about Three limulred and Filly Acres of Laud which I have divided Into three small farms: tat, The 'Mills and about one hundred mad thirty" acres of. Land, of which about seventy acres 'are' cleared,, fenced and in a- high cultivation; with a; nod , DIVELILJI NG , • oe . Thum anti all other necessary and con vcuicitt buildings erected nu the same. Jim Mills are propelled by the waters of the Yellow Breeches Creek, having amount of head and fall; and a. quantity of water which, never fails or freezes; AO lite land Is lug on both shiest& It.' • A Paula >y big on the Creek above tine first described containing shout one hundred an tell • / acres, at which about twenty four acres are cleare.. and limier colutntion, and the residue in gond tint-, her, iltel'e ore no buildings tin lids tract. • • 3.d. .A varm It ing nn the Creek adjoining the last deserithll; catitaining about one hundred_ and len acres, of .which idiom fifteen acres tire cleared tutu cultivated, and the residue in prime timber; this tract has to tenant ;muse erected on it, • . This I,and is situated almut live miles btorn'.Car lisle, and one mile antl•a half west of Baltimore most healthful and beautiful country, Mid possesses all the advantages foe agricultural pun-', poies. 'rho fille is unexceptionable. and any information on the 4ubj, ct; with regard to it. or terms of the sale, MO hi' bad by application made to Frederick %Vans; Esq, Ciirlisle, or to the on theprodist•ts. JOIN- WEAKLY. .4t4 Aiigasl lfi, 1A49 VALUAIME FARM FOR. SALE. • . stibscriher. - 7Assignee f Samuel` AL, NleGvelluti, of West l'emktior.mir,:s township.' Cumbeelaml comity, otters 14 sale'tllo • trALiiABLIE; FAIIIIIIII, . , belonging to said estate, situate to said township, eon taittlug ' Acres al Limestone Lstudi there is twee. teal oil it II T‘VO sTonx STONE - bl/ 1 111 1 13513.1 ',.11 . D11U 9 wills ti Hank Ilan] and several other out-houses, to-, griller With Mall IA lilt, ne. , The whole Farni is in a fine state of cidtkation,sind pill be sold. seperstely or as a, a hole to suit purchasers. 'Phut , cluntitrland Vallet rail road taus direct') through. it, furnishing the best Ilicilities rm. machin g a market with produce.' If mit sold at prhate sale previous to SAT Mt -I).si Y, the 14th tiny or ouronEtt 111,1, it sill OIL dm he oGresl nt Public Sale on the premises, at. t o' Trek in the afternoon, when attendance Will given and terms ti.ade known IN .1 AMES NieCUI.I.OI26Ii, • . Assignee or Samuel MeGvelian. • A:11,.:;t6t 16,1849' PIaBLIO SALE. :LEY an,nrdee.of:the Orphans' Coast ot BUR C.ifilbqpn!) comity, we 04 A.llololl,ll . otOrg oP Ammi NinlmensOleol. will gen ad public I:4l'itkiie Iniuhe or Alexander ,Nllinter, Jr.. in Slnppinsloirg ou PRIDA V. the 89111 of Sptetub©r an 11 o'clock, A. ?1., all that eertein OP AO . d being mt OA South side ofthe WM) etr o• or ;I!iippeitalitirg, a,llj6jiiing lil t, avert) Am& of the t.aitl . Adams N mittens, dre'd. bat tug. a DWELLING !j(lpSli., stun:land two Wagon-trinket. slutp% 1 1 4. ,Z 'atittother thereott,,erept,i4 and all the appitetenauces thereto Ns: Inuejug. Alm,ltl tlico serrir;il LOTS Or 011PUNII,' .) Sb . irdhnpinnTe..lnnltnlkel by-the emit' . to ale's Mill, by cihs) unopened road, euntainite• abolit.ottethird; of tin acre each, up on one of whicri II *llll4l I phop Terms'oft?l' the plirchase money to be paid on the eet.fintyiitt4on of the - sale, and the residue in one year withopt interest. JOHN SKINNER, „ . . JAMES WALKER,, ' AAlivilliOratori ofAdam Niruractie,deuAll. August SO, 1813. ' . to-4.4 Nevo: & Cheap Store. rill II eefiscriber %veldt! inform the public tlitit lois taken the store room reconfirm:- Itl6lsrs. Ilmwernoto n o d Hunott, in North'; Iltdratee street, Carlisle, in which he is now -Open— hox n large nod splendid nod cheap assortment of SPIRINGI & SUMMER, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, •SbC,' of every variety ma quality, wihich he Willett ate public to call and examine,courelent llattthe % w 00.., of his goods and their low prfeiia utillitints sallataNit 4 . 5 1 Lion to all uho may favop 'him with ova pit, . CHAMA3, Agent for Attatki 4(Fidt . .1 tf-2(1. May 17,1843 House Paiute; Glazir.PPr; sPF4I" Al l** Oka lo (he ettisas or: R. carlieanvOe puhlititi; general, that he has_ r:onunenesittheahowebushieSi in ail its branehes, and, !hog . . 0 10 „,that ,4r . igt. and saith n. tiestrp au glean , . to Inert ,1 Ititkette tt,shatie of pub-.. ,Ve.,- , P;it k tli3Oc,Coor of Sbuth HO"Piler le i t haPotiti,ls MOs, ite A.,llspii*fivrFß.t . okfiottol,: • CaVlide.aiff Z 19 ; Pai." ' • - SO* r 4) ' - it A. P4I.IoxTIO r:/the Cheat& a cif the esslielolitent;to thanes! Ler . 'labiate ot , the Commonwealth of Petunwhanta s for a ronewal'of the•ehartettpli.thp Saitt Aoki', Ike mittei tind*tyle of Alto 4 tCaalialp *ski' It Is Ism hauled that it BIRO W,loualothskeititaleo OnzOor•;., land sweaty, *al italtstl ,ba,ve ftw aim takpftal now has, to wit: 11)ree; toinyind thoungtil dollar*. for the stmaitlo'eltiatt &Aim matEallstosentlot purposes. Oriftrof*ATAPiptkqnir, s -.. 4., VaiNlir • j B 4 A,F0.45, ~ . , ,•.-- ~ , -,....,±;:•;,,";?, :',4'., - ',!l' 44414!.' ; - ., ; - { ': . ;44t - ' 7, 4 §., - .'"': • 1 _ ° i 4 i ' l l t ilttTivri t ", 4 141 - 1,1", e.411ti,... ~,,.,,i ..,,,,,00,-..titiF4o. • , -:',i:,10111r. itli'N/A N Lo.n.::' , t ‘... v i ta thro l / 4 414**i;Lrel:***50 ' * 4. - 404 . car 14,,,,,Inar.flitliiitilitA t f 0 0 t ,v .1 . Av" o . ,ftx 4 ' • - + ir it; • 1 " 41 1 1 4,M1i '11 6 11 140t - 0 .1 , , , 0 ,:,,, , i !)0,44i , t9ma, ,; -. 4...14;',7 , p•.c.- . 4v..i•".i'...‘ ' ci
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers