ELECTION PROCLAMATION, WHEREAS. in and by an act of.tbe . Geueral 'Assembly of the ,Commonwealth of I . 'ennaylvantsl, entitled "An aottmlatin„, ,, the, elec. , ' wins this Commonwealth," Missed the ad ay of one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, it is made .the duty of the Slierilf of every county within tlti* - ermarnoMvenlithAb give public notice of the Ceneral EleatiOns• and io such notice to enumerate. . . 1. The officers to be elected. Designate the place et which the election is to be held. I, I'aul Martin, High Sheriff of the County of Cumberlandolo , herehy make-know gn'o' this PUBLIC NOTICE to the electors of the County of Cumberland, th at on the szcoNDTuEsnAy oF ourollEß NEXT /being the 10th day • of the montlOuGeneral Elec tion will be held at the several election districts es tablished by-law in said comity, at which time they will, vote by ballot for the several officers Id:veinal ter uldued; viz : • "ONE PERSON 10 represent the counti of Cuniberland in the house of Representatives of the United Stows. TWO PERSONS to represent thu county Of Cumberland in the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania. ONE COMMISSIONER for the county of Cumberland. ONE SHERIFF • for the county of CumberhUal. ONE - CORONER for the county of Cumberland. ONE D ECTO St • of the Poor and of the House of Emi,loyment of said county.- . . - I)7Y 7FIDITOVI In Settle lIIC 1.1010.1 y Moneys, 8:e. Also by virtue mid in pursuance or an act of the Cenenil Assembly of this Commonwealth.ilassed the 18th day of April, 1843, the Eleetors'afsiosaid, are to elect TIIREE PERSONS, as Canal C ominissionei•s of Pennsylvania. Thu Mill elections will be held throughout the •county as follows : -The election in the election district composed of •• 'Ale borough of Carlisle, and --tatviiships of . North Middleton, South Middleton, Lower Dickinson, Lower Frankford and Lower \Vest Peonsboro„ 'will be held at the Com t House, in the borough of Carlisle. - - The election in the district composed of Silver Sp r i n g township, will be held at the public house of John Trimble, in Iloguestown, said township.. The election in the district composed of,that part _ of East Penosborough township, lying West of Oys-, ter's Point, running front John Bolters to Ballet larger's tavern, at the public house of Andrew Kreitzer, in said township. The election iu the district composed of that part . of East Peunsborough tp., lying East of Oyster's ' Point, running front John !tones to Eichelberger's tavern at the public house owned by Robert 11. Chm•ch, in Ilridgepert, in said township. The election in the district composed of New Cumberland and part of Allen township, will be held at the public house of John Sototlack, un Nev Cum . • beldam!. The election in the district composed of Lisburn nod a part of Allen township will be held at the pub: lie house nfTeter AI 'Cam, in Lisburn: The Meal% in the district composed of that part ' of Allen township;lnot included itt"The, New Cum berland and Lisburn election districts, will he held at the public house . of Shealfer, in Sheperds town, 111 said township. ' The election iu the district composed of borough of Mechanicsburg; will be held at the public house of John Hoover, in said bdrongh. • The election iu die district composed of Monroe township, will he held at the public house-of Widow Paul, in Chtachtown in said township. The election in dm district composed of Upper Dickinson township, will be held at Philip Wea r ver'ti house, in'Coilreville, in said township. The election lathe-district composed of the bor ough of Newvilleoind township •of M,lhhin, Upper ' Frankford, tipper Westpetinsboro', and that part or Newton township not Included in the Leysburg lion district hereilialler mentioned , will be held at. the Brick School House, in the borough' of N ew- -The election in die district composed atilt. town, ship of llopqwell, will he held et the school house in Newburg, in said township. The election hi the district composed of the hot•- •ongh of Shippenslittrg, Shippenshiirg township, and that part of Southampton township, 1111 hi the Leesburg election district, will be held at the Council House, iii the borough of 'Shippens •htn•g And in and by an net of the General Assembly of this Collllllolllllllllll, passed tltl•' • 211 July 1839, it is •thus pro% ided."That the qualified electors of parts • of Newton and Smith:unpin:l tor, nships in the emu, •ty of Cutillierlatitl,boun.led by the following lines and distances, viz .-ISeginningat the Adams counts thence along the line dividing the townships of Dick- Jolson and Newton to the turnpike road, thence along said, turnpike to the 'Centre school-house, on said turnpike, in Southampton township, thence Inn point •MI the Walnut Iluttom road at Iteybuck's including lteyhtick's liirm, thence a strait direction to the saw-mill belonging to the heirs of Geor g e filker, thence along Kryslier's von to the Adams (moldy lute, thence along the li e of Adams county to the place of beginning, qe and is hereby declared a new elec.- ' tion district, the election to be held at the public 'house of ‘Villiant NIIICCVICII, in LileSl/111%,SOU111111111)- lt.oll (OWIIBII4I Ii pursuance of an net of the General Assembly .of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled - "An act relating to the elections of this Common 'wealth," passed the 2(1 day of July , l). 1839. • Notice is hereby given, - .‘That every person, except justicesof the peace, who shall 'told any officepr appointment of profit or trust tinder the government of the United States, or of this State, or of any city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a sub ordinate officer or agent, who is or shall be em ployed under the legislative, executive or judiciary • department of this State or of the United States, or •of any city or incorporated district, and also that every member of Congress, and of 'the State Legis lature, and of the select or common conned of any city, or commissioners or any incorporated district, • is, by hew, incapable of holding or exereishur, at the same time, the office or 'appointment of Judge, In spector or Clerk, of this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector,' udge or other officer of any such elec tion , shall be eligible to any office to be then voted for." And the said Act of Assembly ' entitled "an Act --relating to- the--elections- or this -Conunonwealth," • Passed July 2d 1899, further provides as fullous, In wit: "That the Inspectors and Judges chosen as arbre , said. shall meet at the respective placesaltpointedfin• holding the election in the district to which they re. spectively belong, before nine o'clock in the morning of *second Tuesday of,October, in each and every year, and each of saidinspectors shall appoint one clerk, who, shall hen qualilied voter of such district. 4 .111 case . djeperson•Sylto shall have received the secoudltighatinudier of the votes for Inspector shall not attend on the day of any election, the per son ivho shall hove received the second highest num ber of votes for judge cit the nest preceding election 'shall act us Inspector in his (dace; and in ease the person who shall have received the second highest number• of votes for Inspector shall not attend, the person elected a Judge shall appoint an Inspector in his place; and in case the the person elected a judge shall not attend then the Inspector oo reedy ' ad the highest 1111111bUr of votes shall appoifit a Judge in his place; and if any vacancy shall continue in _the-board - for the space of tine - hian• after the time fixed by law for the opening of the election, the qualified voters of the townslo.ward or iistrict Mr - which suckofileer shall have g p en elected, present atthe place of election: shall elect one of their iittm •ber to fill such vacancy. "It shall bathe duty of said assessors respect' vuly, to attend at the place *of holding every general, spe eid, or township election, !luring the whole time the. said eleetion is kept open for the purpose or giving information to the inspector and judge, when called en, in relation to the right of any person assessed by them to vote at such election, or such other matters in relation to the assessment or - voters as the said i it spectorti or judge, or either of them, shall from time .to time require. "NO person shall be permitted to vote at any elec ‘tion as aforesaid, other than is white freeman of the age of Iventpoiine or more; who shalt have resided swthla_idate at leaf/1.911Q year, midi') the eleetion , dis - trio; where lie offers to vote atleast ten days immed halal) , proceeding snob election, and within two years paid a state tr county tax, which shall have been as. .sessedat leastten: days before the election. But a citizen Or. the quite() States,Who has previously been mmalified inter,.4, This, state and removed there ' from and tetinned;and yhb shall 'have resided' in :lite 'elletion, district,* paid 'taiceasts •flforesaill, selltgkei , o44olYete;pftef , residitr , in' this state all x :4104,011 I ' P*ldeff, That :the' white freedien •eitizenS , :lif 4in United 'Eittites;lietwecn the, ages of - tyentY44anif itienty;Orei and:having resided' in :11111taate:ONE.YEAWiarittifit,tho eleetioniititriot Tim', ipkinciiii aforesaid, shall bOintitled, t,9 frote,; ;tilthatigh,lllWballnat,haye:paltltatett.: : , . : -,':, -, °! ' lf93lP gr k t i • i tli I T(11 4-e f 9R 11?' °M; ill ' 414' * ltridt* n' ' . :46lAituziA i i i i,rl4l 4 4 : t 4 1... ~*i,*,Sloo: * B4itifqktitti i 4" . pi. JAI!! LP!,9y - ,,e O ISTAIF.*4 .0' iil ITgliVantli OOP ',44 (141Wratt4fastarr Vitill , A. ''( . 4;, , 1 , ..- 004 1 100gt),Ok n Or; i'ol. l ,' , ”m"iit, :': -1 .:,,f.. - tiKtfhori ) thavh!t;hae '(ii*** . . .*-64-Aoritv Fi• viii Itgre evidi op the paid ,sui shall Make oath to thOpayttlent, theCeof See -O,No t—i t clitimSO right to vote b 3.: being Mt . Mr between the ages of,tw'etityone .tiventy-ta , o searpOie shall depose.on Oath 'or nflirination, that be has resided!in the stalest lenstone. year, next,before his' application, and, make .such proof óT residence iii . the district akiarequired net j and that he does verily lielieve from' the account givsLitim, that be, is Of the age aforesaid; and' give subli other evk dunce as is' required. by this.act. ‘Vhereupon the name of the person so adrnitted to vote, shall be in serted t in ,the alphabetical list by the inspectors,. pad a note' made' opposite thereto by writing the word "Mx." if bestial! . he admitted to, vote by reason of hayin g paid a tax, or the word "two," it. he shall be admitted to vote cin account 'of his age,dul in eitheemast„theTeasomnf.suelremeilitill-iiip,alleti out to the clerks, who shall make' the like liOtes in, the list or voters kept itv them. "In all eases where the name of the person claim ing to vote is not found on the list furnished by the, commissioners and assinsors, or his right to vote whether found thereon or not, is objected to by any qualified citizen, it shall be the duty Of the limpet:- tut s to eumnie such IRTNOII on oath aim his quuli fteations, and.if 110 clamps to have resided within, the time for one vent or more; hi south shall be sufficient proof theme'', but, he shall make proof by at least one competent .witness, who shall be a qualified elec tor, that lie has resided within the district for.more titan ten dma neat immediately precectling said election, anti shall also himself swear that his bona lido residence in put mance of his lawful 'calling., is within the district and that he did, not remove into said district Mr the 'unwise. of voting therein. "Every, person Mtudilkd as aforesaid, wlio hall make due proof if required or his residence :Itl payment of taxes as aforesuid, shall be admitted 'to vote in the township, Nord or district in which he shall reside. • any person shall prevent or attempt to prevent any officers vof au election cinder this tel Iron hold ing such election, or use or threaten any violence to any such officer, or shall interrupt or improperly interfere with him in the I.sec:idiot' of his duly, I Hilcic . k-iinjoe-au—ncio-Uri . Inc!: op -Mt-- window or Cie coeliiii.• tic c the same may be holden, or shall riotously disturb the peace at such election, 0 611811 use or practice any intimida tion, threats, force or violence with design to in fluence unduly or overawe any elector, Or to prevent Li in from voting or to restrain the freedom or choice, such person on coo iction shall he tined iu tiny sum not execedingffive hundred dollars, and be impris oned for :my time not less than oiie or more than twelve months. And if it shall be shown to cheeping whew the trial of such offence shall he had, that the person so offended ic !isnot n resident of the city; ward, district or township where the said Ocoee wan committeclomil pot entitled to ,vole therein,theit oil conviction, ho shall be sentenced to pay :t fine not less thaw one hundred nor more than one thousand dollars, and be IMlniSolled not less than six months nor more than twit years. our person or pei sons make an}' bet or wager upon the result or any election width' this Common wealth or shall (Aline to make any such but or wager, either by verbal proclamation thereof, or by any written or printed ailyerfisetitcnts, challenge or in vite any person or personsto make such bet or wager, upon couviction thereof lug or they shall forfeit and hay three times the amount' so het, or offered to be bet. "If any persons, not by hitv qualified shall frau dulently vote at any election, within this common wealth, or being otherwise qualified, shall tote mit of. his proper district, or , if any person knowing the want of such qualification sit:lll.ldd or procure such person to'vote, the person Or persons so olfending, shall oil conviction, be fined in any sum not eXcecils ing two hundred clollarsolial he imprisoned for any term not.exceeiling Omer months:. "If any petion shall vote at moretlem one el.,ction district, or otherwise fraudulently vole • more dam - once on the some day, or 'shall fraudulently Mid 111111 lieliVer - 10 111 r . 1111311ertOrS (WO tickets together, with the intent to illegally' voteow Shall vote the same or if :my shall advise or procure 100/111Cr so to do, he or they so Otrelllllll.4 shall 011 ItOlIVIC(1011 bit fitted in any sum tint less than fifty nor more than live hun ded dollars, soil be imprisoned 11,1. shy tori l l 00t less than three nor more 01011 IWritellllllllll9. " any person not qualified to vote in this com monwealth agreeable to law,(except the 811118 01 . 1110111- lied citizens) shall appear at any place or election for the purpose of issuing tickets, or of influencing the citizens qualified to vote, he shall on conviction, forfeit and pay alit/ sum not exceeding ene hundred dollars for every such (name and lie Imprisoned for any term not exceeding three months." The Judges are to make their returns for the comity of cumhe,hth,l, lit the Court flonse in Car- Ikle. on Friday • the day of October, A. D' 1813. save the Cominnimeahli. Given ender my hand at Carlisle, this 100 i 'clay a September, A. 1). 111.1:1. I' , AUL mAirrix, Sheriff Sept. 13,1543 TO FARMERS. TE111011111,4 1111111118234 rall IP. subscribers, at their FOUNDRY AND 1 ACIIINE Sllol', on Maio street, nearly op posite the County jail, it) the Borough ()I' Carlisle, Pa., still (Indio() to build the thllowing Machines and I IM'sl! CI.S—Vi Z: T. D. Dtirrell's Patent If ittprovet 77111 ER AND FO Ult 1:202„:4.15. With a horizootal b au d-o heel, w ith a tt.uuk to co cloel the strap tu the Nlachioe. • BEVIL GEMI. MORSE I ) (11VER, 'rhe hauil•wheel outside or the. horses. They well calculated to put to one side of the. Intro bridg or under the Intro shed. i!k New and InapreNed Shaker, To separate the grain from the straw, ttlticlt will dispense with one or two ham's, w ill he made to the uhut .Nlitelline if wahted. a .1-1, Pnrchosiog tiny of the above .I:tellines haity have the privilege, alley II tilirtrlai, of rettwisitg the sanie,it not satisfied. All Alia:Macs and Horse Powors tic warranted for ane year, if will used. • RE Pal 1 lit .1 - 01 2 P. All kinds or repairing will he done at the smiles notice and on the most reasonable terms. They al ays keep on halal all castings necessary to 1 epair the above Muchines,or any others now in use. IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY. There is also 711.1:1011011 to the mime establishment an IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY,tt which 01l kinds of CASTINGS can be hod—such as Apple Stills, Corn Brokers, Nosier Brokers, Mill Gear ing, Saw Mill ,Gra oks,. Machine .6e:tong,- Wagon ' 'loxes, Rec. Cl. Also. TURNING AND VINISIIING, Such tis Mill Spindles, Car Boxes, Turning Lathes, &c., all in the best order,- in iron lad brass. :'All orders will be isecuted at the shortest no tiee,and promptly attended to. Farmers and others Ura respectfully invited to give us a call, confident that they can be suited to their satisrartion. A. STOUFFER fie CO. Carlisle, Aug. 10,18412. tfi.4l callanek's,fienwood's and,Ogle's PLOUGHS and VLOUGIL CASTINGS, such as Cutters Laud aides;ku. &c., can also be had at the foundry. BR. TAYLOR'S Llll 11.111/6112,, From 375, fcowery, N. York. rq. OR years mediine hs stood eit I' far the nine jore ofthis Coughs, c Pain a i thu tide, unrival Mill athy of breathing, Bronchitis, Mid all those affec tions of the Throat, Lungs and Liver • winch are an source of so much su ff ering and whic h unarreited so often terminate in Consumption. So extensively has this remedy been used and in so many • cures has it proved successful, tile proprietor feels no heal taney in ,recommeniling it to all who unfortunately have occasion to resort to some means'of recovery. Multitudes who have experienced its happy eßbets, can testify to its utility, and very many rescued from a premature death, point to it us the means of their restoration. • The originator of this remedy Ws well versed in the science of medicine, and a skilful practicioner. Physicians familiar with its effects not unfrequinntly prescribe it in their practice, and with the Medical 1 7 aculty generally; it has met witlitv larger share of approbation than is common with exclusive , pre'- parations.- 11:5 , CONSUMPTION—The following remark' were taken from the last ' number of the Medics "rho surprising effect produced by the genuine .Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, made at 375 Bowery, in Consumptive cases, cannot fitil exciting deep ned thrilling interest throughout the world. , We have se long believed this.disease (consu m ption) in curable, that it is difficult to credit our senses ,when we see persons; evidently _Consumptive, restored to health. Yet ills, a fact of tinily occnrronce: LIVEI COMPLAINT. and General do i s sieeille.rin,it ourealmostmiraculotia.: I Was given uAtitWo.pliisicions and told, to prepare for.,.death. AW4itilthnSlii*:.-stato when alriend tffint me:tt bot tlywgft% . Xictyleffilglalsam, Liverwort,froa, 37.1, lovt A 941.04401 had used up ,t64-bo#lti'f. , wits ,111 firthor• Use I ba#,z*, :p realtk,MlL:kkoplif ) ",fJi 2 1 .07W , vt , 7 ALLEN', 7 AleivtutuV4lloo4 l • :tvONsolt. Oc'PINALPi f doles 4iiitsycituitiftuntid.iißbiltv ,s , t tiVSM) SAND'S SARSAPARILLA; FOR..THE 'REMOVAL :AND PERMANENT pun. DISEASES: :7ARISINCI FROM' AN IMPURE 'STATE 'TRE .pLOOD,., OR HABIT , OF, THE SYSTEM, EMMME , . ,Scrofula; or ICiti6ds Evil, 'Rheumatism" obstinate cutaneous Eruptions, Pim : .ples, or Pustules on. the Blot ches, Biles, Chronic, Sore Eyes, Ring •_..Worni.orl.Tetter n Scald---HeadrEn==' largetnent and 'Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubboin'Ulcers,'Syphili . tic, Symptoms, Sciatica, or Lumbago, and diseases arising from an injudi cidue Mercyry,. Ascites, or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in Life. r.Also, Chronic Constitutional Disorders will be removed by this, • Propaiati,on: Improvement in what Over regards the happiness and welfitre of our race is constantly on the March to perfection, and with each succeeding day `some new problem is solved, or 'some profound secret re vealed, having an important and direct bullring over luau's highest destinies. If We take si retrospectiv'e view over the Past twenty years, how is the mind strnek with wonder ! What rapid 'strides has science made in every department of civilized life ! parti cularly in that which relates to the knowledge attic human system in health and disease. I low valuable and indispensable arc the curative means recently - di - stay - era - diroiWillie - iff.Teife — oy chemistry ! lion dues the imagist:nisiu kindleand our admiration glow at the ingenuity, the near approach to the standard of perfection, of the present time! Through the elabmstte investigations of Physiology; or the science of Li t'n, and the, Pathology of prevalent , diseases, much valuable practical knowledge has been gained. ht conseqftence of becoming acquainted with the: or ganization, the elements of the various tissues mid structures of the ss'atem, remedies have been sought after and discovered exactly adapted to combine with, neautralize and expel mephitic matter, the cause of disease, and substitute healthy action in ; its place.—' The beautiful simplicity of this mode of treatment is not only suggested •by:the pathology of diseases, not only grateful to the . sufferer,but perfectly•in con sonance with the operations of Nature, mid satisfac tory to the views and reasonings'of every intelligent, reflecting ntiud. It is thus that Sand's Sarsaparilla, a scientific combination Of essential principleaol the most valuable vegetable subStances,operates opium the system. The Sarsaparilhiis combined with the most salutary productions, the most potent simples , of the vegetable kingdom ; mid its unprecedented s'necess in . thr restoration to health of those 'who hat' hang 'pined under the most tlistressit'ig chronic Maladies, has given ii an exalted character, furnishing na.it does evidence of its own intri tie value, and reeons- . mending it to the afflicted in tern); the afflicted only can know. It has long hem A most important de sideratum in the practice of medicine to obtain a remedy similar to this—one that would act on the liver, stomach and bowels with all the precisitin and potency or ini j ienii preparations, yet a ithUla any or their - deleterious elfects upon the vital' powers of the system. • The attilition of the reader is respectailly called to the following certificate. llowever'great itchicre molts have heretofore been made by the use of this invaluable medicine, yet daily experience show a re- . sults still 11101 T 11:111H rkable. 'rho pt'aprietors here acttil themselvesof the opportunity or baying it is a .source of cgtistatit satisfaction that they are made the means of relieving. such 1111 . 111110 MA of suffering. Wonderful Igrects of Sands's Sarsaparilla in Norwich, Conn Read the following from Mrs. Wm. Phillips, who has long resided at the Falls. The raids fl well known to all the old residents in that-part ofthe city. Nl'Essas. A. 11. SANDS tst. Co.—Sias: .lost grate fully do I,enibrase this opportunity foe statina to you the great 'relief I oldained from the one of out Sae, i l saparilla.•\ sball also, he happy, throot.th you, to publish to al who are :111410,as I lately It as, the ae enunt'of to unexpected, and even fin. lt long while despair of .tire. Aline in a painful story, and trt log DWI SiDkellitig :IS is the narrative of it, the the sake of many who may be surely relit:v.ll,l will - briefly yet areuratrly State it. Nineteen years ago hint April a fit of sickness left me with all Erysipelas ermitimh. Dropsical collec tions immediately took place owe the entire surface °fey body, calisinr such im tail:it-gement that it was neeessary to sold a huff Soot! to the size of 111 drys sesaround the waste. Nest followed,upon my limbs, itlcens, painlid beyond deseription. For years, both ill 5111111111 T :11111 %1 illilT, the 0111)', initigatimi or toy sullerilig was liana' in pouring upon those 'harts cold water. From my 11111118 Ille.pllill l•Niewled over my whole body. There hi iis literally for me no rest, by day 0f by night. Upon b jog 1111,11 1 1i11..6,• pains ti (.0a shoot through my system, and compel me to striae, and, for hourstogether, walk the house, so that 1 WOO almost entirely deprived of sleep. Daring this lime the Erysipelas cote inued.metive, and the ulcers ea hirged,and so deeply have these eaten, that for two and a half years they hove been subject to bleeding. During these alincist twenty years I tune consulted 111:111y 1111)siyialts. flitate have mallet! my disease— as it wasatteniled with an obstinia cough and a steady HMI active pain in my silk—it dropsical consumption; and though they hate been skilful practitionersolley 11'eme 01111' able to alfordany ease 0 partial slid tem porary relief. ' I had many other difficulties too cum pliiiattalto describe; 1 hate also used many of the ittochottio!, that have been reconininiled asiiiliillible cures for this tliselise, yet-these all failed, nod 1 was most emphatically growing worse. Ith..4ltA eritical condition, given up brfriends,and experting'hu• my self, relief only iii death, I wits by the tinielylntr- • position of a kind Prot 'silence, furnished with pm r, to me,invaluable Sarsaparilla. A single bottle ga e me au assurance of health, which for I a enty year I hail not once felt. Limn taking the second 'pay en largcnient diminished, and•in twelve days Ironl the Salt of Octobee, when I commenced taking your Sat. saparilla, I was able to enjoy sleep and rest,by night' as - refreshing as tiny I mer enjoyed when in perfect health. Besides, 1" was, in this short time, relieved front all those excisiciatitr o • and unalleviated pains that had afflicted iny days, as well Its robbed inn of my niglit's repose.. The ulcers upon - toy limbs are, healed, tile Erysipelas cured, mid my size reduced nearly to my l'OrITICI• measure. Thus much do I feel it a privilege to testify to the efficacy of your health-restoring Sarsapiwilla. A thousand thanks, sir, from one whose comfort and whose hope of future health are due, miller God, to your instrumentality. And may the same Providence that directed me to your Mil, make you the happy and honored instruments of blessing others, as dis eased and despairi n g as Your much relieved and very grateful friend, ASENATII M. PHILLIPS: - NEW LONDON Co. is. Norwich, Nov. 4,11142... Personally appestred,the above-named Asenath M. Phillips, and made oath of the filets Contained in the foregoing statement before me. . RUFUS W. MATHEWSON, Justice of the Peace. Being personally acquainted with Mrs. Phillips, I certify that the above asserted facts are substantially true. WILLIAM 11. RICHAIIDS, "Minister of the Gospel at Norwich, Conn. Sand's Sarsaparilla-will also remove and perms neatly cure diseases having their origin in an Impure shitutof the blood and depraved condition of the gen eral constitution, viz:- Scrofula or King's Evil in its various forms , Itheimmtism, obstinate cutaneous ctuptions, blotches, biles, pimples, or pustules - out the thee, Chronic sore eves, ringworm or tetter, scald head, enlargement unit pale of the bones and joints, stubborn ulcers, syphilitic symptoms, diseases aris ing from an injudicsous Lie of mercury, female de rangements in - idoliser Bil Milk' oornplaints. . Prepared and sold by A. B. Sands & Co., Drug gists and Chemists, Granite buildings; 273 Broadway corner.of Chambers street, New Y,ork. And for sale by ,Druggists throughout the United States. Price slper bottle, six bottles for $5. , . The public are respectfully requested to remem ber that it is Sands's Sarsaparilla that ltasand la con stantly achieving such remarkable cures of the most difficult class of diseases to which the human frarite is subject, and ask tbr Sands's Sarsaparilla, and take ito other S. 'ELLIOTT; Agent. by special appointment for the Proprietors, fOrtlarlisle and vicinity. • , July 1t.1,1343. . ....A . Ir-97 0 'T [1:0 IaIIETITIONS for biaaliarge and Corti. lioate under , the Bankrupt Law, have been JAMES M. ALLOT, fate Clerk,. Cumberland en. and FRIDAY, the 29th 'day or SEPI'. next 3, at 11 o'clock A. M. to appointed'fer the heating there.; of, before the . said , Coort,: slitting In Bankruptcy, the Illatelet 'Cofirt tßoein i le:the ..City of Philatlel t . phis, when and . 'Wheo.the Creditors of the liold•reL' •titioner's;vlie hails proveil sbtie , hiint*it;iair appiir 41,01)46w cause,' toy,' thAfi , h4v#,) , lvky -, : , gaclrilitiolrgeit'.;aruf±paillOoktpki' )41. 1 501itiratiftgraiitqd,..! . : r , HdPKINSON, • ;Pouri . • I Tlfe_fre# melliod fur the slbohotin of Dis ease, is cleanse Rrpyrify t4e)3166:c1,' :VEGETABLE OF THE rortk .Inteilean College of Reoltli 'Are now ttehninyleilgCll to, be the the world for the cure o !- - ET