tbAtslMo4 ll6 4 r2241n ~`~~ 9 Wednesday /doming, Sppteriiber,2o, 11843- o:7•A'e:iilikgiwjll'bddliverea on ,file character of the deceased an&larpeitted JOHN Zoo, Fscf. by Rev. Tuonise V.' Merolla ! on Thursday evening the 28th inst., at 7 o'cliek , , - ; the Mated's!. 'Episcmcat Church of this place. The relativee of the de ceased, the friends Of temperance, and the public generally, are re spectfully invited to attend. Qj'lho heavy reins last, week swelled the Creeks in this county to a height greater than ere): before known ; The ,conotiogUinet and Yrtnow Breeches were swollen to an enormous h'Jight on Friday. last, and we .understand n considerable , amount of injury has been done to ty along their, banks. The flood seems to have ervaded almost our whole country, and caused a great loss ofi)ropefty, tratticularly 'm the South. t .CortiereC keeling. .lErny--the-prececd:lngs-of-the-mooting. of. Con- Centlerces, which. Will be-fbund in another colunin, it _ be seen that GEORGE ICAmparts, Esq., of Chambersburg, has been ap 'pointed delegate from this district to the Whig National. Convention at Balthnore on the Ilk 'Wednesday of May next. The selection is a good one. Mr. Chambers is known to be a fast friend of Henry Clay. , . The Conference made no nomination of condi , 'date for Congress. Fn adistriet so gerrymander ed as this, Ow Whigs are powerless, and we can only use our best exertions in favor . of a . frienti of , the Taxa,. in the person of General Miller. , - Temperance—eolonel Wallace.' 10-Agreeably to his . announcement several weeks since, Colonel John Wallace, a reformed drunkard, from Buladelphia, delivered an addreis on Tcmperance,:in the Court House, on Saturday 'evening laSt. The 'Court }loose was well filled, 'and a Oiiiiibor 'of ladiesgave their iiresence -in the galleries. 'choir of ladies and gentlemen snug one of the temperance rneludicd in a beautiful manner and effect. After u few appropriate 'lntroductory. remarks 115 .RCV. Thuass, Col. WALLACE rose and edrainerieed his address. This was made up principally:of 'the narration or the 'apeukar'sh everience." and while intermingled with hurorous and laughable anecdotes, was made as'aceply impressive upon the feelings of the audience, by thy Mo4t aft eting delineations 'Of the drunkard's degradation and misery, and the most touching anneals and warnings, that We 'have ever listened lb. None can so Well describe the drunkard's miserable situ/limn—noire depict his degradation and the misery to'whichlielrlngs his' family—and none so sueeessfully tench and kindle iutii life the small spark of pure hip' ninnity—for none arc all evil—wlilah after fie in brought even to the lust stage IP cfcstruWioll, will reclaim the poor drunkard and set him on his feet a sober man---us a reel:dined 'drunkard him. self. And the success which has iittended Wallnee's voluntary hikers 'in 'behalf of the des pised add unfortunato:diunkard prove him to pos. sees this power in a Moro thou iirdinary degree. Although an uneducated and unpolished man, the depth and sincerity of feeling lie exhibits—the strong, pure sympathy he evinces for the drun kard—and the tender and torching pathos of his • appeals to hin—irresistibly fixes the attention of his audience, and • seldom fails to move the feel ings and win a response from the hurts of the unfortunate class in whose 'cause he 'is engaged. In thtiespect, Colonel Wallace, however humble his station in life, may be considered a public benefactor and Philanihropist. Temperance is emphatically the cause of Hu manity, in its most liberal and hroadesi view— antl he who restores to a family the iron that was lost, or to a wife the, husband that instead of a protector was a curse . arid burden to her—who revives. the light ofjoy and hapiiiness at the fiie nide long gloomy and desolate—who restores Prosperity to the licivel which Intemperaifee had filled with s q ualid wretchedness, and who brings Man back to the image of his Creator which he had polluted and defiled—is no less deserVing of 'grateful remernbran'ee than hercie . a 'and statesmen. Colonel Wallace was one of the earliest cases of reformation hY the Wrishintton movesecnt, and since his own restoration, has been engaged in untiring efforts to re4laim others. For two years past he has travelled through PonnsylVania,,New Jersey and rielaWare as a letiure'r, and the extent of good that he has done may be estimated by the Tact that ho has succeeded in procuring fifty-four ihoueUnd iigiuitUree to the pledge of the IVash. ington -Tempel:unto :Eobiety. :He is now travel lfng through (7inulieidanciconnty; und,iip to Mon day morning last had procured over five hundred eignatiir'es in this county. At' this 'ileaiv in this borotigk, about ticeiiiy -.signatures were ob talned, which to at least sufficient to set the Tern. peranca bull again in Motion, and give such en courageMent to the friends of the cause here as will lead them to renewed efforts in thbgood work. Colonel Watace's uppolntmentri ?Ur meetings will be found in our advertising columns, fle will return to this borinigit next week. irrltoters should mind they, must be assessed ten days before the eledtionl Saturday the 30th of Scptennbet; is the last day: . bill. ono should postpone, 016 duty till that day: , .Tokii by a Tiger, Our citizens *ill recollebt the man' - whe went into the "Lion's den'; , and . put majesty in her ness when the Menagerie was here,,on the 16th •of .Iplyhist, We see it etaiea;that while exiiit):: iting,in.,'New Castle, Merin* county, Pa., he en. 'bared the doh of .wild beastt Usual; tyiii; While playing with his' savage customers; had his urn' dreadfully , torn ,by the tiger. • lie tsae lying on Ids' &Mk at •thalinie, and - With great 01.6seriee of ninA.tirtraise_d,his foot,,and with a Sudden czar {ion of it, threw the tiger froM hini, and gained' his fedi' and awing the brute butt by his manner, retired •limin.the page, and !hinted froin"tlM fchts of his wound It is feared that hhi 4134 wilt holiM td,heiMputated;.„ • , ' . . oj'Wo learn by the Gettysburg Star s '.that on „ _ Monday evening a week last,-the barn of Mr; ).Joseph Sneoringer, in Conewaga townshifo, A. 'lda* CoUnty; was struck br lightning „and don : audikd e'oritents'—being the 'whole of his 0110i , civii, consisting, of upWarde, of tWeis n e'• hundred - jilish4s,of , Wh'tsat in the straw, besides larger,i4eantit3r de, Rysis;' The' loiUi 'estiinated 'at about I . 14 :bY 14. morning i t htfl:A l l4 rgoi:kohig; .• t • TI • • g ZEL of 'our that the Wings organization County, on eceoixni . 4having:.no , tieltet this fall. There is, no danger of thatif we heti, steadily in, view the great Ate'ets before up, and the grand battle to bn fonglit under the. banner "sifjintiry. Clay in 1844.L0t no Whig: fork* in thextinee - pperstions•oftes4.*ties the greet contest teethe •Presideney, nert.,yetkr: , mai _ .Et.sciroxe.-Init67 towns the votes for Goiernor staniis' as, follows: -Ksllogg,- (Dess.)-- Scattering, ~ 'Matteek'e majority,' ",. The Senate will probably be composed of 20 Whigs. end 10 Democietie r:mmbere. the House, pp Whig majority will be between eo,and 30. . • hi;lC.T9pn, J. H. DEVOE., V. E. THORIRE,__ CitAhLIS BELL, Committee. . _ . (Er w 9 ti w a inforraeksayd the Reston Atlas, that when the Actir,g President Tyler was on his re, cub tNorthern tour, application was made to the manager of ono .of-the Railroads, to provide a spe cial train to convoy the President and his suite. This was refused, on the ground that it would be itttended with great Inceimettionee,unddanger t to the regular trains, and that: it was against. the rules of the road, Ili reply to this, the applicant behalf 'of Tyler stated that special trains had sometimes . ' been furnilly.d,9 the road- = und Jut_ instanced the adcomin'odation of i his sort, furnish. ed to convey the remains of President Harrison.— The superin.tcndant instantly replied, that if they would b‘ring, on the remains of President Tyler, a special train should be forthwith provided'. , A writer in the French paper published in New work, says - that twenty-two planetary inba are visible at this thou Cin'ihe same aide of the hea vens. Theie Eire Mars, Juno; Jupiter, Saturn •and Venus, with their respective`eatellitea, They may be seen about 6 o'clock in the evening, in the Southern sky, near what are Called the five zodiacal conetellations. MR. SENA•roI NILEs.- , Theinsanity of this gen tienian is understood to be on religious railijiTts. On all ethers Via apparently rational. What is tho most singillir matter in connection with the subject is that he went to the Asylum himself, stated 'his ease to his—friend, Dr. Brigham, and placed himself under his, medical treatment. Qf his ineanity there is no doubt, but there hopes of his recovery. coed an °mated!, --Mr.-CLAY-rs,thno.—Tne-Ohio State Journal thus 'eenclud6s an article on the .signs of ,the limed;(• • Writer° 1 - A - but ono - feeling, among uo in Ohio; and for tlils reason Ive.have neglected to copy all the ekpressions of public feeling, but have been content with recording 'those of Congressional Conventions. Our friendtt_in oilier Staten may rest assured that henry Clay will eary this State against Van 'Buren, or any other single,,Locoo/co, by a majority an overwhelming en &Id Genera; Harrison in 1840." TIM; itEARTED AVO ' MEN-- f r Bailitnoro papers say that after the unibrtunate accident on the Seequehanna [Ult .- Road, a (lantana having •been made for splints to bind nil the wounds of thetuf ferers, to the ladies be it mild a cup. ply eathe prompt as the demand, from :the car they oecupied,in the shape of the-usual bone and woad supporters of their cornets. Thus furnish. ad, the gentlemen were ena'fifed to render such effectual aid to the 'wounded, as jm l tified their removal to the car which bad been Prelfarcd 'or them. 7 ":dh Wolns! i,r our Mimi; ornate Uncertain, coy and hard to pleaso'; When pain and unguich Wring the brthr A ministering angel thou!" . SLAVERY—Ti:ECAtIsr, OF Tlit DOI7NCALt. OF TOE ROMAN EMP.lll:.—The Steady growth, untqualled extent, and Mug duitalon of the Roman Empire proves the wisdom of their militiealiysten, hut it fell a prey, at length, to the dreadful Mil ofdo. ! mestic slave - ry. It wan this incurable evil oven in the time of 4gustitliiiin . od the ranks of the legions; which in process of tinie, lilted the strides with mercenary soldiers and the provim ens with great proprietors ; which subsequently rendered it impractable to raine a military three in the' southern prvyinces of t h e furipire, and at length cennumed t ‘ lio vittils or the :state, and left nothing to withstand the barbarians but nobles who wanted courage to defend their property and sltves who were destitute of Prol(erty to rouse their cunrage.—Alison. GREAT STORM.—The Storm last Thursday night and Friday morning was very general.- 7 The lhodwas great at Baltimore but the damage done was not great. In the District of Columbia the storm was tremendious, blowing doWn trees, unroof ng buildings, and throtVing.in gable ends. flu life was lost. FLOUR.—Millers have coMe down in their prices for City Mills, and the resalt : is, the sale of several thousand barrels at $4 Sp per bbl., cash:... Nothing doing in Howard worthy, of rerriaTkit is held ut $4 c 24 from store; no,receipt price es. tarnished.. Susquehanna, hiMsosd at si SO, and old at a•fraction lese. . . . GRAlN.z—PriCes of Wheat liaim further ieced. cd, and riot n ove• 90 to 95 cents for good to prime red, 75 to 87 for inferior to•fair ; but the rainy Weather has operated • much against,transactions, patieularly the last iwo or three days, 149 may: lie quoted 59a 52 cents; Corn 48 to 49 Maryland ‘Vhite, and 49 to 50 for Maryland and Pennsylva nia yellow. Outs are in iiinded request at 20 to 21 cents.. _ . : . , WlMKEY.—Whislcoy remains much the sumo as last 23i cents for Mids. and 24 • fo 25 for bbls. PiniatiAtiirtri, nowt—We notice ears early in the. week ;4'1500 bble, sdperfing shipping, brands et $4 4sl per bbh—furber Indus ?f 2700 bbls. at $4 37"4, at which price fielders are willing lo ;itaiiie Seim of gent: in aiciuil,? . s,ay for consumption; $4 $74; other'hhoictihran'ds of Lrneaster l fore* flour,: 4 624 a $4'874. tfo , o is held at per barrei and oern - Dieui at $2 50. PRAIN.7-Sale4 of Penna. iVileatat 90 a 99 ,eta 56 a 57 . Cts. PaaCia,. torn; yellow flat, 50 a 51. round; 52 a 53,aniaY wbp.o,., .a 49.,. Odte . lScl. Of(); 28.cts. do." nay:, Wl ll §KF.Y.,7:Whiskgycamealti . .attmly; .. ap4 Wriis *nudity. at 2.5 ots..zior gal. it s Midi. and 26 cents in bblo. , 712 SATCOI I6 • „. On Tlidi•iiilikt,tilenhitni!!:,:bA,ltc,lin.v..T.,iinnagif-. flir, to/ilLsi Btiuramit fo:Alips.;,0:?;A)11,A0 V fis, boil!, PerTy ,Cpunly , 'l)64":3ll,!**3hlg4llr:?°;="3l, e.13t9.02.914 S 1 gu?‘ Mer4itintiY.C9rrnerry., or :Caallale;* GAZZ SAT ~1111:041a11.14Vti:,..";):....' . . '29,645 .2,8072 1 :),317 • Loops IRMS4 :02,4%.22232.20 BAlNlMOR,E,September 15. 1843 MODOPDSALS twill tieft:ebeiie ltt , th s office ilue? AL. SATUDDAY;tho4lol#otNoiffttitint' foe . AND OATS. for':ene of November twit. elfe-HiiP.r-to'.l ; ke , of tlruothi;of this S , eatos'growth i nutj both`a eti die , of Teritge to be of the beet quelify. The Hethe4 Ottte' roust be the. lileretl in the Granary - oi r ..We ablei . - 41,91 be designr.tetlviti , such , pleutitiesnsluny be reFir l'he number s . , lof , :Horses , 14411 twobabts'.ke sixty eight . '` =2l AkA.Alqr Alester's Office} l'a. . goo, elitii.rohoi7, 194.5. ,NEW::OI:II,AND.STATIONARIVSTORE' It •sp -13LAKIS PHILADLLPHiA. I'ON - , , • iiook Spilt:Ws and'Ulank 'Book Manufacturers, N. )Vest corner of 4th and Chestnut streets, delpluit have for sale a #efieral assortment of Med ical,'Theological, Classical School and Miscellane ous Books and Statiquary. MEDICAL—AII the text books used in the 'Universities And Coll6ges, together with the new, 'llociks'its soon as they are published. THEOLOGICAL.—PuIpit family and pocket Men; Conimentaries, Prayer Books_ rud Church Choir Books, worktt of standard' authors, and the new boOks of the day. CLASSICAL AND SCHOOL—AII those in most popular use in schools and colleges, and in the various branches orientating, including those- in the English, Prench, Latim, Greek and Italian languages. MIBCELLANEOUS.—.IVorks of standard atf (hors and ilie-new booksas issued—STAT-IDNAIL-Y --Blank Books of different sizes and in all the va rious styles of binding., cheap cap letter pallet, ner cantile, and school simian:try. IllNDlNG.—Execut... eil in any style; blank books made to , order, and bound Hail rule d to pattern. ---1101/Kiinot- on hand will be procured to order, and will be fitimished as low as they can be purchas ed elsewhere in the city. L. &B. ITCCIVC the pablicationsof the Messrs. Harper & Brothers of New York as soon as po lished. (including their cheap publications.) and a prepared to furnish them to Country Merchants ai agents 011 filvorable.tertus. - Philadelphia, Sept. 1. , U, 1813, VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE . Wm; .Subscrioer ivill sell at Private Side n Farm of /11411TIOTCRIMTED0 situate in Wiest l'ennsbovongh 'township, };umber 1831 1 1 comity. on Alowit Rock Spring, one mile Iron Mount Rock, bounded by lands of Itobert and Sum nel - I\lcii r eehair; - upd - tireireirs - of - 11 , illiworDikviltum con i tqg Forty Acres, Strict Measure, The improvements ore a Two Story • LOG . HOUSE AND KITCHEN, with a well, of good water near the 4 I h 0,,, ,; lin apple Orchard or gi •qqi! rruit, a Book Thiro, Corn Crib atal , .. H ;.. ':•W00 Wagon Shed, Also, a good Tenant r ouse and Smith( Shop, and Stalde, with a _goqd t_ot toil Gar den. This property will be sold separate or to gether, as may suit purchasers. ••(21;CApplieution_onty 1n...s ta made to the ant'eriber. 7 .- ,CEORGE DA V EDSON. • September , 20,—.1 4. js TIMBER - LAND AT PUBLIC SALE. Trptim sul)seriber will oiler nt Public it Sale, on Ow premises, On .8.11711111.41' th 14111 any of uCT OBER unit, n hoot or Titian t Land, ninnited in Rye (gunship, Perry county, con taining- npn ands of Immult•if by lands or messys. nowoom's ti01i.,, , 00d others, (:tail known US tilt, MOM O tract.) 'file above land has been diridrd into nineteen separate lots, eont Ming ti.init 20 to 5U acres each, and will he silt) either stipleately, Or any number ul lots together as purchasers may desire. • It is 0110 of the best tital/Cl.Ol aunt trust eligible tracts or land in PJii; y lug - covered with very lo..avv Wurrr; ()Ali, cuE:, IN ()AK, Poplar, Che3tnut, and Locust Timber, nntLis easyof access from either side or the Moun tune and lies Wlllllll'l3 or 2 miles Ai' Cumberland Valley, and the lower coil within about 2 miles of the Siibipteliamin Riser. A good from Cum ‘`3llq. cusses the at the tipper etid or the trail, at " Lamb's Gap," and :motile'. listen.) directly through the middle of it, llow tuan's (ioy; " and good wagon roads train the main 01,1'S are either. airesily made, or ran 11 . 1111 little trouble be tootle lo any of Ito Las. Their is a good kUtiter-fontr on the land, m Melt [night lie profitably applied to a Saw-. 11011, TalaWl.l* Ur other nocbiu.ry. A draft. 'or plot of the latici, sliowing the lovaitoi; and the situation of the lots, arty lie seen tit Welty 's (theitterl) Ilownion's) :it which place bidders ar_ requested to Meet, at It) o'clock on the day of SALE. A I easmiable credit will lie given and terms made known 011 the day. of vale by I)A.NiEI. GANTT. ts.- :4f.ptettiher 20, 18.13 - - • 1 17 8tiotic Stile. TEIL su 1 tti ii r. Assignee in Bankrupt , will, liy order of 00111 Com t, Tit U the I;2th 01 October, sell the lolluaing propert,, viva • 10 t Acres and 65 Perches of lirrt rate LINICsTONE land, sittiate in West l'emishoronAh tott uship. Cumbcrfnnd Co ., tin rr eat of Carlisle, on the Neu% ille rnail, ad joining lands of John risitlitirn, Henry Hinter, Da ;id Nailer and othei s. Ihe land is first quality limestone, under good b te es, and in a good mac or cultßation. Imildiligs are a I'WO 11.1' LOC II 0 1.,51.1, wait " vim. other nece sury out building., a first rate S rONi. BANE 11.1 RN, )01ing f • Olit;l1.11{D a well of ne;e4l ' water lit the 11001 . . The above Mentioned tarot is in a Iteslth) part of Uninherland Valley,a rail road of the same name 11114 through the one roil of it; low person ;tithing to view.tile property will please call on John 1. ishlettli Or the Winn.' 1 1 1( . 1 , , who sitll give inform dim' 111111 6110 W it. The terms will be made accommodating to purchasers, and an indispu table title elellr of all nicumbranees, and possession will he glum on the Hist of chi till. same day will he olrerrtl a miteuted steam Distillery with a good new boiler, that- might linSWel . a Saw• Mill, Taitor olio r works, beside-9 huge Wood vessels with Copper \Vol•ins. It will be sold to gether or in ptiecesas that suit purchasers. sale to t.Olllllll2llCe lit /0 o'clock, A. 11. • • DAVID COBLE, • , . Assignee in flailkrnptey 0E1). P. Scheandm. Scptetnber, 2inli, 1843. • Is-47 SEEERIPPS SAL M. If)y virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Ex pianism use directed, issued out of the Orphans' Court ofCviintierland county,. will be exposed to pub lic sale, nt the Court lll3lise uMlietarongli of-Car lisle, on SATURDAY the 7th day of Octobec,l 843, the following described Real Estatt:„viz:,„ . Lots of biourtd, eituate •in Paper lowa, South Middleton to'w ['ship, Cumberland coon- Ay,esieli lot containing sixty feet in breadth, and 2.(1) feet, mane or less,_ in. depth, adjoining Baltimore street male West, Mrs. - Foley. na the North, the heirs ofJelm ;McClure and Joseph Knox on the East, tutu] a street all the South ,having thereon erect ed ri TWO' STORY BRICK MOUSE, a one and a half story FRAME HOUSE, node large , two story FRAME, HOUSE, Plnistered;and a Kitchen, and a Inoue stable, with a well of water., • Also—A. Tract of. LaUd; situate in the township of Dickinson, Cumberland comity,enntain lag ONE :KINDRED AND - TWENTY ACELF:S,. more-or less, bounded by lamb of John Roger's, Wunderlich ' lobo. 'weakly, ,Washington Rsiv,litri. and Others,lutving therwinsreeted a TW() STORY.FRAME HOUSE' tik KITCHEN, Log Barn awl other out houses.-Seized and taken in ex ecution as the properly of Wilaam Weakly. And to be sold by me, . . •• __ • •,. • • PAUL MARTIN, Sheriff: Shecill'a Office, Carlisleq • ' .13th September, 1843. PUBLIC . S AL E;.A . .. , lort iriittie et order of the Ori)hane' Court of Cumberland county, I will expose to PublicSale ' -on the premises, on..SATURDA.Y . the 60th day of September, f 843, 'at .10 o'cloCkTA: AL; all that certain tract of laud, belonging to .the estate of 04orge.Daniel ..Slutser,: - deeeasedi situate in the township of Dickinson, in the county of , Cdnibbrland, about 4 udies from .Papenown, On 'the Gettysburg t ad;Tbethided by Anode .lately helonglng 46 , 10h:tiles Eby, the heirs of Samuel Viroods,sr, decease!), Jacob, Ntyera Carl others,entilaildng„ • - 27'Aerei andArerdes;Stilet itetteure ) About' one' 141 f w hieh 1 s eleated;.and in . ..A' good, state of . cultivation; the balenedts:welf Covered with cheinutind other .tituber., • • ' The tenths of 'Mid 14 , c . one-thirdip'caeh.on .of ifie" safe; ead: this 'WOO In tirts 'equal . payments, in 6 and'llinooths, Whit interest:• efit9:l3. fitili f er;:diva '.4.q4ust 91'0643: t• • f . 11440 01''' eed 1144 7: 0 4 :,_., 'o,4* - ewo ' 'llite'.tioilot4 4: ( .,•ati4-.!'_.'="Pz , ..--•-r, `f , s -, .. - :.: %- ,',...-. - , , , ,1.4 4 ,,, ,;•:" • : ,„: I, REAL .EttATE , 'AO ND MTROPERT. AT .- :,',Ai?UBLIC•'-s,tit - )81 ,,,- :v , =:-.'.; - -7 .: ''..-.. rri HE Suliscribers, Asaiiited roc/ Joseph at 'v.-k :Shttylot Monroe towinthirliCuMberland c p ty; will,c4posemipilblic sale', - on PRILIAY tit th ,01-oCtobCl.4neit;tliti - ia:Mible'Real; Estate am Mr 1 IlkiperY, belonging to: Said,:. elitate; described ris fO/011' , '': 1 ::': •:•.-' I'. : 'i_ . •., :'.. 4kivalaadvulo .atavot) ,conbrinia r 4l.o..x.„,:, 4 dtd at in Munroe township;_ Cumberland county, bountledirlfdids-of-Micnnel • 'Milder tuni-Abrahnm Brandt, lying about 7 miles east of 'Carl iife, - on . trio read foini 'Carlisle to York, and sbautl miles fronsiMachanical_The Jand is first-ratb Limestonerundee good fence, and in tie highest,state'of cultivation.,. The improvements ate a good TWO STORY. DWItLI,IN 14. •' . , HOUSE, IibtAiKI44V.IIARNy WAGON e::;,,; . ' SHED; CORN ;PAM% aodyiether neees- 4 i i • • gory out-lii - .There is also 'a large r 1 g Orchard With tdmice fruit trees. The . b est _ whole jilaniation is , considered tn.be one of the tracts of land in Cumberland county. Also, will be -sold with the above, the large three story - . td•47`. ; ., :.•F'r,. 'i .__:., MERCHANT. MILkPLASTER & SAW MILI , erected on. the said lOrm,and pro tolled by 'the wa ters of the Yellow Breeches Cree k, which runs a lma; the plantation. The Merchayt Mill is in com plete order, containing three pair of burs for flour, one pith. for chopping ; and. a Smut Machine of Grit es's patent, with Elevators and all machinery necessary to a first rate Merchant Mill. 'flip Blaster and' Saw Mills are .also in the best AlsOot the sometime and place, a troot,of .Mountain Land; in sight mrthe above, and well covered with thriving Chesnut timber, cilia:lining about twenty. fire acres. The tiboce property will be sold as whole nr in parts to suit purehaserS. Sale to commence nt 10 o'clock in the forenoon, when •attentlattee will be given and terms made know n by •' itc, 1111.116 it, JACOB NII.ISLEY,"•• HENRY BARNITZ, Assignees dl Joseph Latsbaw. September 9.0,1843.• • , • ts. irrVolideer, Carlisle; Telegraph, Harrisburg; Reading Adler, and Lancaster Vollorromd, inSert until sale, mark price, mul want bill.to this office._ 4t- , ORPHANS' 'COURT SALE. IVTILL - be sold in pursuance of an order of the V V OrUliatis' Court of Cumberland county, on' IMMAY the :Otli of October ii t, at pubfic rendue, prenti , a 7 s - ;ot f 1 o'ulotTh in the forenonn of said flay, the Ilea! Estate of .Abralittm Brandt, deccasyl, to Wit: A.Trpet of Land situate and lying in the township ormum.m., in the county aforel ,. ..till, bound ed b y lands of George BrAttilt, Martin'Bratidt, Brie - key, John Kiiisley and Joseph Latshay, eon- SIM • 78 ACRES I:MUD 83 PERCHES, neat measure, leaving thereine-erecteil it — ' . il Two Story Lot: HOUSE & IC.IttIIEN,'. ~_, mid it good 11A.NR. DARN. The land is ; il — . all cleared except about Ten 'Acres which o. in covereilwith good tiliihT2r. Tliere isi - p.„,, .'"tai,' good youog On:11nd, and a first rote well or v:001. , ..0. the. (loot. 01 the bribing house. The 'pettily or the land is Liniestone or the first order. 'l'bis piney is Ithollt 5 miles *mil ..11echimitllityg,and.iii one Of the hest neighborhoods in the ennui,. ~ The teems of sale will be, $5OO of the purchase money in be paid op the confirmation of Ow site by' the Cduri, j 901) to be 'rail iiii the first dot - of April next, when - Inc:session of Ile pi•oniseswili lie gi% ell 'to the purchaser or pii.rolissers,thit_ balance, of caid, purclia-stuonc,,,....to_be_ptioLin_t_wo_e.4pial-aninitill-pav nients thereafter, without interest, to Ail: On the Ist APril, and on t h e Ist td A . 111.11.184/4 The purchascisor purchasers :Iry not to get utt3' of the rents or profits of said thrill for this year. 'l:he payment, of the purchase inoncy as arorrsaid shall he secured by .judgment bonds :tint invrtgoge he the porrlsoser or purchasers to the tohnittisCrator rd . tinPl decedent on the confirm:litho Olthe sale nod c!tet:ll - or the deed to said porertiqe, , Adfriiiii:rtra FiT tt.rA Sepseinher.'2o, 1849. .assignee Sale. WVhe sold +7t. public Kale, on SATUR r )A.Y . the 12Ist (14 (h tuber nest, At 10 1,:e1:&k, A. Xi., iu Shiremanstown, tilmberlaml romay, the rollowing described Heal Estate, to wit: ~t„(1 )Q (u m vit ( au yi lD , „ode tilt bide of Main .ut•oi,hacim the'reoll ercott.il a good Dwelling Iloyse, n waddler Shop and a Statile. Also—Tlnu one-half or two I,ot, on the Solidi side or .strect,'llavbig thereon erected tan Da Also—The half of a Lot of Groom], oli the East side, of Railroad street, has ing a thane and Stahle thereon created. The nb i‘e proiwetioi nt•c looted in Sliivennuis will be chid by 111.1NItV RUPP, As9itliiee or Daniel Slie Iv. September '2O, 1848 1 9 2tOCINEDEViAS COUM3L. c.:;:j The following resolutions were pas'sed I) the Town Cotineil of the borough of Cadisle, on Friday September 9d, and ordered to be published: Resolved, That the one and two dollar notes issued in 18.13, by the borough of Ca, lisle, be called in, and Bonds signed by the President of Council, be given in exchange for the same, in sums of filly dollars and upwards, bearing 6 per cent. interest., and payable eighteen months utter date. The interest to be paid half yearly. Resolved, That the Treasurer be instructed to receive the one dollar notes of the last issue in payment of the bonds of 1843: Test—R. AIbORE, Clerk. • - ROOMS TO RENT, p IIE subscriber will relit from now until the Ist or April next; TWO ROOMS in tho second story of the house in which he lives, with the privilege of the cellar and kitchen. They would be suituble Ibr a r moll family. Enquire of ltd subseribee, next door to Burkholder's tavern in South Hanover street. G. WEAVER. Carlisle, Se t t. 13, 1843. 5t•13 DR. ,G; 1 FJ KE, IEARN ESTLY requests those indebted to him to call and settle their accounts, as be is eseeedisely anxious to have his• hooks closed, by note or Cash. lle, will give five per cent..premium on Carlisle Borough issue on all accounts paid in I two months from this date.' • August 30th, BOOTS, SHOES; HATS 8() CAPS', , . -FRESH ARRIVAL... having just renamed from the . T HE Sobseribee City, is now .opening a 'very Jorge stock of Boots, shoes, Hats and Caps in athiition to his for mer sto c k, all of which will be sold as low as any in the place for cash: . . • 15 Cases of Men's, boy's and Youth's Calf, Seal, Kip and coarse boots. , . • 7 cases of men's, boy's anti youth's calf, scal,.kip and cosine ommes. , , • • . 3 cases women 8, misses' nnd children's calf, mo rocco, grain, and kip innOroes. . • `2•eases women's/ld 'Mese,' calf and seal hitskias. 10 cartoons of Ladies kid and morocco welts, bus kins and slippers. • . Also a large assartmcid of children's shoes. ' At the store of ' _ . • W,74I.:,III.MATEMIt, . • . §outh Hanover Street September • Amignment.of Alex. UrN the. 15th •ilire of AUG;UST, insi., AUX ANDER fiIeCULLOII, of Solithamptnn'toivii ship, Erenklin tio, made an assignment. of all his ef fects to tlitmatbscrilier for the benefit of his creditor& —therefore, nil persons haying islairns or demands agninstiatil Assignor, tire requested to present [hero' properly authenticated for settlement vithotit deity, and all those bidebteiftO him , sled notified to Make payment on or before the Ist Of 'November next: .ALPL , AtoKINSTICI4 ‘,•• Assign* 3.-45 ~ 3cjitemheh,~fi; 1848,= mans AND nalow orrizEnrs, riptiOSn indebted to timA subEieriber,yil ta.,,plege calkimmpligtels sop settle tlteit: accounts, a:rul oblige yeura , ce. cadisf:llll 21S -444.49 'llankraptcy r Janas rpl 9r - .Estate.. 4-0 1,4 e Heim and /ego ~ ,kepretietztattvre, of Conrad , A up persons' indebted •'JONAS, Bolander; late . of, borqUe •0144401 W , d , 'Estate either tiy . nottior,beatAeboonti o F e . 0 0 0,:: ' Take-Notice; that by virtue 'of a writ, of. Postldon ' ,fietlAtot nygess toystientAfillo9sartke; to or volution to, ma -directed:. limed , out of the, the. untleivogned't, who t,tlllo3inthltehotiont.pi ,phrineflOrttif:CuniberhintOatinty; hOltisni Wootibtirtt , NelnillVor.uli, , lfu.rpor. a!! prehilses, on TilUßSOMr., : the SArl . ft . 1,)T40 the aall! , Alay,, , or.lieetpnio,er,next, .5111 ditfsiNettibir,:lB43,' 410 teelsSk , ;•*s.., theysts,b}7o ttglttmiptt, ni,ilvoittrOlott mv , ;, ttitn.d , lCyovlkliikTifor,,i,.. them, •, •, VieZ . ll 1,4 =I STO VEt. FOR' WC)t)D, . 'vita wood bash, oroattieFenitable trpo;onefinst 'rate. goo fin Stove !and two lama: : len • i:tateLstoves . .74 ll . l6 good nyder. They. one 4p , leen' y'entlinovith: ' • ' *."2' • • • ""..... aICITIN - GltAYiatgent.. • Selitemberl3B43,! • ! • 'l ,- • • • • SHERIEPS:;, A S - LE S: • uK Bl6:virtue ofauntty ; writa of Vend Wont Emmaus • 10 Erie direettat, mated tatt;of the eeta.t. of Coin .mon Phalli or Cumberland qounty;,Will be etti)osetl to - publiCtittlellt - tbe! - Coatt flame KANT:berm% tel - Ciiilrale - ,iar:SWEURDAY-3tye_3 o tb-slaYAL.4.P_tein't. her, - A; 1). 'doe, thottiand • eight . hundred bud forty three, at 10 attack A.M. the following described ReaE-ttatei'yiz-r -, • ~--- A Lot of Groited Situateip:Allen' town ship, containing FIVE ACRES, .M 01.13 Or 1018;t11.; joining• John NleCtilTery on the East,•Tittitip'lliAillee on the Sotith,',losepli Bowman on the NOrth,tinq,a road on the West, having thereon erected erigitOry Log House. Seized and taken in eieediokati.the property of Samuel Duey" -",•• Also, a rtieTtit Lana' sttuate - ford' tOwnship containiiig SEVENTY, ACRES:. more or I‘.ist,talioiliiincitteds of John Hickes,on the North, George Mussleinan on the %Veit; George Strohm MO "South, 401111' Wyti knot> and Nicholas Ultrich on the EaSt,. Mid a Log House, Log Kitcheivrind• Log Barn. • Seized Mill taken in execution as the property of John Lor isli. . . Also, A Tract of Land Situate in Mifflin towosbin, CuMberland county, Cold:4111'1g ONE WINDBAG AGUAS, more or less, 1111joitling lands of - George Chrisllich, Jacob Christlieh, Daniel Alenonalils heirs :Mil other hinds of John limper, having th, reon erected b Two story !louse and Fargo Barn. Also, A 'lrroct,of Land sittiote in Mifflin iifiiindaig , •, -- t WO. HUNDIIED AUlt ES, more Or 'less, tidjoit.ing lands .Samuel Rain') and Daniel Niel/maids heirs, James Purtley and others, having tltereott erected a large Too Story Hoist:. plaistered, and a K Relict), a large Barn and other ha provements. Also, A Tract of Land situate in Mifflin township,emitainingFOßTY-FOUlt ACRES, more or less, adjoining lands of Daniel ,MeDmialds heirs and otlierland4 of John Harper. 8 - eizedmlid taken hi execution as the property of .Inim I darner. And to be sold by me PAUL MARTIN, Sh'lr 0 .. 111re,, Carlisle, 4111 . Sept., 1843.- PUBLIC SALE • Eit virtue of a decree 01 Om Orphans' Conti of . 0 Cumberland' county.l is'i.ll expose to pohlin 'safe, on the premises, on TIIIittSDAV, the Ntit of Oetolter,:tt 10 o'elm k A. M., ail that certain tract of laud, sittime in the township of'Frantithisi, in the county of (*motherland, hounded' by holds of enntsul 1 . 1 yrs, \Vol. lir:mi.:telt awl Martin Lutz's heirs, enotaitthq • 107 ACRES„ . ~ more or less, all of a hiehiti cleared aild-undrr good ... fence and culttratian, haring thereon erected a too slaty , ?• - • LOC. TIOUSM, and IMUELI; LOG :777.% / BARN, out WAGON SI !EDS . s ' ,f; 4 ' li U ii There is attain', at the door Radiant- • A , iil nitig water on the farm. In connex,- , 71 -,."*-, ion witli thitt.Will be sold ti TR .9CT ob' .11 00 •0- 15.4.1 . D in the saws township, lyitg, ahout one toile and 11.1101( from the farm, vontaining about 5u Aere..,, eurertal with good timber. . Thu I erllls %11001 will ha made known on the day of sale, will ha wry ,eas) anti made to 51141mm:ha sers. - , • SKI LES WOODBURN, . ,_For flu!, lii:irs ul_David-ertp - R - Tußetl.- 111611.41 .11 . ORPHANS' COURT SALE, 11 - N pursuance octal order of the Orphans' Court 11.. of Cuniherla c om.ty,.n di be sold let ',oldie wee eloo The ootery, on the, premises, on SATUU the Tat they or Oetnlier next, ut.tr (Mock; P. M., the Farming deserilet9l tract or parcel of zi2x22,1-12,va,,L e i erased, Mutate in South lithiltdon township, Com berlinni comity, :Nato one mile from the !merlin;lt of. CYPlicle, adjoining lands or Jumes Nol4's heirs, John 1 lay?,.lntnes Childs heirs, Nlelehoir llolfer's li, irs, ll..and C. Ilarnitz and others, containing' 96 Acres 22 Perches, Strict, rifeasure, About 3(1 acres of it are cleared and in a gond state ul'mtlliuuiuu;'thc• residue is witefts! with thriving young . timber, which, Olt act:Malt or it, being near the borough, renders it valuable. It nary be oilca tioAvotidv used us a Si•parste lot pi, there Tieing abut, dance a limber for bitililivg , purposes, &v., or mac ativielbril fur out lots connected with borough property. The tet•ms of halt! art!, $ 3O O to be [laid nit the con firmation of the sale, and the residue (,1* the our-half Or the 1.11111;1Se noire on the Ist day of April nest, 1814—and the other halfin two equal annual pay ;acids ti yrearter n idiom intcretili the whole to be enured by judgment tooinla or ret-ngnizanites, as the Court inay direct. 301 IN 'l"rii s tee appointed lit the Court. September 13, 1543. ts. SIZERTEE'S SALE, BY virtuc of a n•rit•of Ventlitioni -Exponon to at 1111'N:101, 11, 111 eNiiIISC to tothlie sole, at lit Coto I I loose in Carlisle, out SITUILDAY the 14th or 0,t0b.., at to o'clock, A. , A!. A. Tract of Lend in Smith., Middleton toww,liii), Contherlanil eotinty, lanils of the Rev. Alenaniter :11eDill, William "Graham an d oth e rs, vont:Lining :wresaitil Jl perches; and :dm) atloilwr Pact adjoining the :thrive, containing 15 acres; and hlso.tthollier tract containing one acre and a hall, having "therenti erected it canna Mill,' Distillery, soterai large I)a.elling Iloiniesoiliti Dam: And the said property will be carrell together or in parts Mt VA hod. 511 it pllrchus era, anti thin Salta, itilg Drrn dicidcd :Is !!allures: 1. A Tract of Land sitnate on the hen of the Letart tilting . , outwitting 11 :ours mid IO , having . thereon . erected n large three 0101 . 0114! Aferehltlit Milloind the' whole %%IM powe thereto tittnelted,uhtridno tdo Duelling !rouse,: an stable, uttinining. !let. A. 'l'. McGill, Wm. Gra hum, anel the residue of die laud. @==ElZ=E=l he chose, and lam! of \''m. flrchtim.lj. Cfepler,h: lohes, I leppreheimer's heirs, W. Red IL eniightlid Cid the residue tire land, cunt:tieing 163 Acres 140 perche,, having thereon erected a large Stone Nlansion House and Rarn, - Two Tenant . I InnseS and Stables. a DiSthler . y . and a fine Orchard, and the Le. tart spring passes through it., . 3. Also-=A Tract • of Land, Situate in Ile n am e township, :Winking the above, and land of the Rev. A. T.AJcGill, containing 76 SO WS and 105 perehes, havingHOOSe . illit I Stable thereon erected; au urehard and 4u:wilful spring of water. . 4, Also—A Three Story Drink louse and part of a Lot of (:round in C . :in:lisle ' bounded by the heirs of the bloa. Thonias Dittman, Nfary Keep. ers,finnover street tat the North and an alley on the South.. .„, . 5. AlSci---the Big Potiil e Es tote, situate in Neviort and Southampton ion nships hounded hy lands of .khriihani Seinen,. John Hilt. sot, Jacob Keller, Jame Oliver, Samuel Alt•xaraha and ()titers. having ono Blatt Furnace, Coal I Inn son tn.° Turd Story Dm:lllovHouses., ic Frame Office, nine Log Tenant Houses, and Slablintc thereon (Ter!, led.—Seized and token 'in execution as the propeity of John Moore. And.tn be sold be PAUL mairuk, Sherifr Slieiifr's Office; Carlisle,? September IS, 1,833. S . . SPECIAL COURT. Y virtue of, a , iVrit from the Hem Daniel _LP Durkee,:President Judge of the 191 h Judi cial District of .PonnsyiVailin, bouring date the 30th day of Augirst,lB43,;:and to me directed. • . NOTICE IS IIIEEEEI!, That a Spacial. Court of Quarter Sossionti of the Peace will be held by the said lion. Daniel , Dur: Itee,nr:d the Assoeiate iodine ofthp Cdurt ofQuar. ter Sessions_ of the Peace of Cumberland County, itt"tho Court House in the borongh ,of Cnrlislo, commencing on Tiiiisday the 14th ;IoY of Nov.' ember, 4. Tj, ISO, at ,Tcn M. of said day, to continue - . one weeki foe the trial of the case of the Commonwealth vs John Llarnil ton, and George Matthew?, agreeably to the pro. visions Cc- the .Acts of Assembly in, auch- t ease made and prMrided. Of said Special . Colin:Ju rors and all other persons concerned will take . . . . , ' ; • ' - • PAO!, MARTIN;SIiOiIff: .. Sheriff's Qfllce,e'cirlisld, h Sejit..Artfr 1843.', :, i -t( , .., .; ~ ; : .Y 14,49 o REN4',P.AtitikT • On:?4teddgy the' 17th tiflOAlober 1843: be 'sold pOlaliqjplO, in pursti." . TT' *loop or nif; order - of.llo GrphautrCouil Cumberland' Cotinty; it 10 o'clock, A. Al.pOf said following- described- retd.e : tati o ,lato 1.4 e. propOrty or.hoob , vlro MAIM Or LAI4D A f sitilato in . . Mifflin -.township; . Cumberland i:ou,ol.f, boOlolealy...lando_ofleana_Glithaleib, Geo. ' North's heirsdolla High; Badlands of the'heirs of said de ' Cadent hereinafter described as No. 1, Tontainin. ;,* an 81 Perches ' neat Itleasure, raving thereon erect ed a TWO STOPN LOG HOUSE, M ,-Ciatt• KITCHEN, DODBLE LOG BARN I zz s f •• • ' WAGON Sf I ED, CORN cltifl,mi :?7,41,' CIDER PRESS, a well of never fail- - stitA . :„, 111, • big water convenient to the house • and%good Apple Orchtird;abTMt - 70. - aeres'of • th e Above farmare first-rate Timber tnuil,,and the , res- Rine in a good state of cultivation, of , which •nhout 20 acres sic good meadow, the greater part of which. .is suitable for, tillage.; No. 2, *A Tract of Land; adjoining, the above described fitOn' and, land of henry Abm: Whisler,NoSes Whisler,Dithiel McLaugh lin, Jacob EitatT, George neon mid others, contain ing • •, • 184 Acres and 113 Perches, , • neat measure, having thereon erected a TWO STORK . LOG HOUS E - and Kitchen.a double Log Baru NVagote Shed and Corti Crib, an Apple Qr• thechard and a never failing well of water near door; about fig acres of the above farm are first rate Tim. her Land, and.tbe.residne in a good state a culiiint-- tion, of which about 20 acres are goodmmulote. The above tracts will be. sold separately or to‘ getter, to milt purchasers, on the. billowing terms: The costs °Gde to be paid by the mirchava. or pur chasers on the confirmation'ti the ante by the Court, nt which time he or they w2l be required to enter into recognizance in the Orphatts' Court with ap proved security, to secure the, residue of the put.- eitast,MOM'Y , Ao - bc paid as follows—one third to re main in the hands b4•-the , perchaser during the lit r e of the widow' of said decedent, the interest to lie paid her anotta:ly,:ennimenc,mg on . the Ist of April next, loring her life, * and at In r death the prin cipal to be paid to the heirs of Naid decedent, one °tiler third to he paid on Ilse Ist of April next, when posse s sion will he given and it deed mallet() the pm, chaser—the'rentahung third to'be paid in two equal annual paynwtas thereafter without interest. • The landloi it's share of the grain gron'ing at the time.of sale will pass to The purchasers. Any per son Si Inking to view said farms before dm day of sole are reptt!sted to call on David High res , .ding on the premiseq, or. on_ the_ subscriber_ It ho lives cue, mile west of New rifle • "'JACOB 111 C Mminisfrator of Jacoh High, deteaded, Septemher 1, IN4'3.—tri. Valuable Timber Land for Sale, On Sa:rird4 the 14th of October, , T HE subscrilwr, Executor of - the rst.•rtf ifvei.:Aed, will scll al publie sale, at . the lettise of Jolla Itatololi:11, in Dicl insn. township,at 13 o'clock, Al., the following tleset•ibed Valtiable TholoplAttal, to wit: 'No. /, marked A. cootaioing ,9 Acmes, and 94 P• L•wilte:q. . . . No. ;2, marl:il B. cod:tinily; 10 Acres and 70 l'efrcht.s. . . No, 3, fo:lrk . ed G. containing. 10 Aert.,i, nnd 59 Perches, All t.tric:'t inetisure. rite tracts of hind iireliounded by hinds of IVilliant 'Atmore, —-- .Nliersnoil others. The yo editions arc, Cash on the f: on fir Ina ti on d, the sale. • ...lon N ENOOOOr. Jaou'o Siptcliibev li, 18 • _ IP ea 1 a 8) fe Form FOR SALE• . . FilirEmillise t ilie...T7.lll.l. at *lirisate sale, dm follow ing di si•ribed Yaltothl6 Real Estate, situate in North ;Vliddletoo wwoship,Combet land vitality coo l-Atilt* 150 ACRES, more or less, tel Placated IdffiUt 155 . rred of which sire cleared, and in it hi; ie State id' cultivittlim, and thee residue covered with dirk ing'youtig timber. The improvements are 3 TWO STORY L bacq A ill ( p)%lE4a, • a • ' • U Staten i\lt(All'11,• and Frame Rarn,El t „ mith Vann shell said it lino youm.i , thrivitt7 Orchard with choice fruit. The 'arm is well covered with Locust thubtir,and a mint her of newt. fuihni running spriegs near the door. The above mentioned Tract, is all I.inllfSt(lflC and iv io abealibv neighborhood , wi th in two miles of lioc;& oiw toile from the Cumberland Valley rail roatlond omthe Conedoguinet Creek. All indisputaide title will be given. Foe termi april3 to die subscriber residing no the alum Bottom road, 5 miles from Carlisle. JOIIN FISIIBURN, /ingest 30, 118.0. hit-1.1 N. R. The above form is convenient to the' Car, lisle market. • PUBLIC SALE BP REAL ESTATE., WIILI be seld at public sale, on SATUR DAY the 14th day of October ti . ext, nt 1 o'elocit,.P.. M., of said day, on the premises, the following described • , . ` 4l '-o 'l` AV' m 4 1ia 4 1 , 2; 4.4 situate in Mifflin township, Cumberland county. bounded by lands of the heirs of Matthew Thompson, deceased, Samuel Westheffer, Mar. tin Bergen, Peter Ilershe, Ifugh Barr, mid the Coinalogninet creek, containing 1835 4ctes, neat measure, baring thereon erected a LOG HOUSE, STONE BANE L f 0 4' EARN, 95 feet long, a never-failing spring of water and a Spring Henn, and a well of water convenient to the • • door, and a Brick Smoke House. Also, a large ApipL[c, , onallAn.[D, amr a number of other fruit trees, consisting. o I'etich;Plum!), Cherry, &c. ~ There arc about CO Acres of good 'niftier Land, and the residue cleared and in a good state of cultivation,of n hich almt.tlr) acres ale excellent meadow. The 'above described farm is 'Slate Land ul a good tinality, , equal to aftrin -the township. • Too terms of solo w:11 be: Two Hundred Del. lure to lie paid on the day of sale, one-halt' of the whole purchase money, including the • alba:said 9:200, to be paid on the Ist of ~ April twat; when the tifte will be inado and Ponseasionxiven to the purehaFer, and the. reside iii 'bur equal annual payments thereafter without inlerest, to be secur ed by judgment bonds or mortgage, . • • The title to the above-will be in tile by. David Sterrett, executor oriftnry . Ann Cul • on, deo' a. who owned the one undivided half, w .o interest in the same will he sold in pursuance oft order o f the Orplians'A2ourt of said county Ly her Eve_ cuter, anti by John Culbertson who owned the other undivided half pa ftor said real estate.. • • • „. `",DAVID STERRETT, Eicentor of Nary Ann Culbertson, dee'd. • • .Joni cuLDErrrsoN. .Ang,iist 60, 1843 Public Sale. BY virtue of on order or ; the Orphans' Court of Clunk:land county, will be exposed 'to public sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, the 30th. Stipteniber,-_1843; at Il_ o'eleek, that CCrtuiii , - C IP • V.P. W13(0 WO * Me situate and•,being in West Pcnnshoro' township, Cumberland county,- containing übuut one acre, and having tCrivo-Story FRAME 1101.1 SE; and frame Siable: thereon PVI oreeted,boundod by Andrew Forbes, Tpg Dan id. Gring Samuel lirCeimick. re us made known on the day of nide, when attendance will be given by • : • • , • • GEORGE.IRO'TII, , - • Adritinistrater of Jacob Eloligherty, August 30, 1843: . 4t-44 HOUSE ' - SALE. HOUSE AND LOT AT PUBLIC . . —. . . . . . Will ho ildlft'h( piddle sale';on the premises, on SATURDAY, tile 312411 day of Sep. (ember npst - R1 12 ch'elnek, M.. .• , • A DOUSE AislD XOT A m . QF PiZOUND, .„ ,) ...10 Isle tlie.estato tif Jolts- Doom+, dee* , 111; 1 4. f• .. leontaini ilk O.I4R,ACRE, rricu•o or less— ,_-. - ...!-- 1 --- situated In fit eclurniesimi•g„ Ciimberland county. 01. bounded on.the Rust by ,, iin alley, on the South by*, lot of Adam Reiglb, west: by a lot rdiNiitioy Kim , Y and North by a street or. idler, The ttilse hi tWO stories‘ high, plastered; well-finished and. roomy w lib , a Ritehen and Dining Room attached. z ,- Thertr,otittt excellent well of-Wider MI6 dooN.:siiitl it'XiirlOylti. nholoerruit. trees on the? tot.iwillt,Otbresktßesleit* tbe , yholOotnioilerlY being lO 'go/A#*o4 i'• silos wtabing to mir,phaso,,wkitim eiieptrilwl• rsi "V, a ti? Ny'eit)llooonJolin Ali,.ver'Alecha *Q4, ; ,&114iitertiss wlitliethatto,utotr_ -44 41 5 v, .'ir.• #: y attentlanglsen by' . ,1. -i'* ' , :i t t,it., , ,.`, ,„ '.; 4 ',, ~.-1,.•,^; , .,` ,:',,f ,•', i. 4., , ,,RAV10F .Ufft.:lC '4lttlW 4 An... iefiitr : * .igs rl 4,'-I:6' - '44` e-O`4'4 • • • "•• • ll.V.if • 2trten A LIIABL R 0 RHIN' . FOR. SALE' iffE!!.E sip iiirtue of :an order of the: Qrphatis' Mal Comet of:Cnrcberlntul enmity, wilriftin74'it the pi•emisen, on 'SAT pRDAy,. the 7qa4y . dr Oct tober,theinlicriiing Vabtable,..iteal , Estate late . theeproPertrof JACOB • IIARNIS1!, - &intik Middleton township, deceased, to Wit A Tract containing Acres of.t •,- - , LlVlttritiONM LAND •• situ:de-10 tainherlittolleounty,,Mi the road leai!iiig frpre-Coolhtleyetothoo , tfi_ve milesfrom flaw former place, otunioiog. loads ot • Mehatfey, Frederick • HoOver and; the • Yellow, Breeches Creek; Having ;Itereon'eeectettil'QUß STORY • i • • ' • , MERCHANT - AND Gnisr.MiLL .TEIREEII I I.IrI6II4III,IIIII6 HOUSES,: the' first is u tic° story • Log House; WrOls . lllpik6r Shop mid new Burn—the second• u one.stoi.yott : [intim; mid ttable=the th irdls a oub fitoti Log. licusei prilith: Shop awl Stable. e ; Tilf.) Mill is in complete order, cont Fining four . . tumor Stones, two pair of Burrs for Mitt pule of. Hairs for chopping, nod oils mitP of Semis, hitv ii4 Mein tnrs,, Smut• Machine of Young's.- Patent, 111141 every other mitterizil used Mills, all neatly new nail is first-rate order and quit lity. Vole' Mill Machine Vas 4211 wit up new wit:Mir - the last . Thell is drlverrby the Yellow Breeches Creek, a 'neverliiiling GOMM) Of water, located in the heart of n gfain: gra wing country, affording Mf extensive' century cisom; and haring excellent facilities the conveying nierchant'work to nutrktt by, the quruber• . land Valley Bail - Road. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock; noon. Terms of talc will be made known on the day of tale;bi JOHN PETEIB, • Executor of Jacob gayi.ish, deed. August 23, 1843. to-43 "AZ BIM 'PARIVE FOR SALE. pY virtue or aii order or the Orphans' Court of 11 Cumberland county, will he sold on the prerni ,,,,, on FRWAY, the (ith of October next, the Vain-, able Farm, belonging , to the estate.ol:dolut Tatiger, late of South Middletbn townbldil;ilcet,?eell, ,Containins 162 Acres, and MO perches, strict meaCure, of first-ratO Lail, situate in said to)teship, sr; miles from Carlisle, on the road IcailingVto and about two miles from the Carlisle Ilmu Works, adjoining lands of Cen. Brenner, Christhm Here and others,.,The prevenient s. thereon erected area good Saone klouse, • first-'inte Bank Barn, Wagon shed, Corn :II: „ r • nrib and other necessary The Wow has a mice' Ailing spring of pore cater in, the collar; !hero lc .alstya thriving' Orchard of choice fruit trees. There is also erected on it n g r,dd new Still nwfnir.,,t wo Tenant Houses With a Stable fin: each. A bong 112 acres of tile piotation . is in !l, hiob state of cultivation son! under good fence', with water! in nearly es cry field; and the'residue is gimd Tinihrr Land. Tle•re is a Limestone Quarry on the' - 1.1..c0 ; w hich is considered to he the very best in the , chilli:l.Y, together With 11 good Iliac' Kiln. Also at the name tiltit:j11111 . ; 10 . CITS of Illouptain • • with sprouting clicienit timber, situate in sniil tenvn ship. ahoinia:o from the abbve-naineil . tract. CO - Coininence al. I'), o'clock, noon; when in, tenilance will he given and terms inaile known by 111 M% . Ailmit&iktuatur of 'ranger, ileCit. • Angus( '2,3; 1843, is-d3' cd Minable Farm FO It SALE T , IIE• subscribers, Executors of jarring (Then, deed. trill xIl ;vt public' sale, on Um 1 , 1111).\ th, roll day of October next, at 11 o'clock,A. :11. All that Valuable Farm, 'situate on the Walnut Bottom road, about onc and a hall'iniks from Carlkle,containliqabont3tlt? acresof the residue is in ilo•Mier timbre. 'mak; thereon etreted a large double STONE !MUSE, Wagon shed and a large Stone Stable, a log Ilattn;rt '.l• corn crib, with other omits.. ey 0I II buildings, together• with a very good fe. well of it nice, and an excellent Or ehard. The cleared land is in a good state of culti , action, part or it !win g sown in clover: The pro perty will bit sold as one eartn, or lii ided to anit purchasers. Thlt terms will be nettle known at the time and place of sale, by •' ' BAWL. GUM, It. GRIN, • .1,1(20/1 ItITNEI2," • Executors of James (cavil), deed. August 2.3, 1h.13. VALUABLE BEAL ESTATE volt sAtx.,.: 1:111WA MX to the'hdA will and testament of AJohn Brandt, late or Alder(' e township, Coln berlaml retaity, deecosed, I will expose to toddle's:de no the premises, tat fiA'll;ItI)AV the 30th of Sep tember 'that certain , platitatiott or 'tract of I,:mtl, late the broperly of John Brandt, deceased, situate in :qtalrot.• towoship, •Camherittoll comity, half a mile. north of Clarh's Mill, thrZ . e miles south of Meclialdaslon•g, and boooded k• lands of Jacob Nies Athini Brandt, 'Juba ikatlt, Christina IlavlslLl. and others, • Containing 130,Acres, more OVICS3,of tirst•rate bilhe6me Land, of, which 100 acre.; is cleared, under good fence, and in n high !gate Al' elativntioni nod the residtie well timbered, having thereon erected a dart.ve STONE • ; • 110 USE, and a good Bank Hera, n ' gas shed, Cora cribs, 1 3arriage. shed,•:•: ••• woad WA oml 41wa ;tut! tweemry not Inuld- 1. 'S. ?Mere isalqo a never I.'aiJingspring of • excellent water near the [Muse, with a good stone spring house. Also an excellent Tenant house and stableovult running water in the' cellar.' There is also at thriviii , 4 pmp; Orchard of choice fruit trees. If not sold at public ale it will he sold tit private sale, ugrerahly to the will. • Sale to commence at 10 o'clock in the 'forenoon; wltr`ti a good title will he hives nod - terms made known by • GEORGE. I3EELMAN, Es'e. August '23, 1843. • - tte.-13 PUB 1 C 011:28. 1141,S Administrator with the will annexed of James Moore; deed., I will expose to pub. lea sale, on SST UItDA Y, the 39th of :3'01:Ink?, 1943, at theimblie house of Peter Weibley, in Csri lisle, at 30 o'clock, A ~ M . the two story rr, Ati‘ ..VfONE C-970Qll•-,.• • ... t , 31 riv - EvEDS' And Lo _of with the Blacksmith Shop thereon ;cretin:6, satiate on the South East corner of IlaniiverVand-Nordrat. and immediately opposite Ileter'NVCililey'itavern iti the borough of Carlisle; containing' 60 feet front OM ' `L.'4O feet in depth. Also two 'full :meant Lots of Ground, eitucite on the North stile of North street; in' Carlisle, !mingled by the said street and lots ofJohd Moore. The•ternis of sale will be made known on the day of sale, by . ROBERT LAIRD, with the At ill ant,eNed 1313. Nlooreoleo'd. Angust '23,1843. • t 5-45 • PUBLIC SALE; virtue of . a . tle9ree, of. tito. Court of 111 Inmon Fleas or Cumberland county, in au . set ion or Partition, ‘,lierein Edward Porter is plain.. titrand George .I.leller EkeeMor,, Francis Porter is defendent--1 will expose to public sale 011 thP-PPM" 4 iBPOII VILMA the. 29th of September, 184,4 , 11 o'clock; A. M., all that iiceloin LIAM of, • • ' • : satiate-in Silver Spring township, Cumberland r00m... iv, bounded by • Abrm. Rosier,-..rolot , ,Voglesonger.l ' 6eo..:Frembles' heirs, and Abe Conodos9ine,t Creelti, containing '223 Acres, more or less, hump; Mereou erected u large Two story .Brick • ' DWELLING. ®U.SE 4t6ny Dank Barn, Carriage other 'necessary . improvements.' ts a out 7s. l '' • Aerei of tiait.stl cleared:lnd le a good state oul,t - tteotion; twa Wells that never fall pumps .• thein,•7the residue bithe Land lapeyered', , rillt gond Timber. Thisfarm is situate about half mitai,liqui i. — 'll46hersl Andtk and o fr,otti 014 risbutt , ; .• The 006:tothe LMailitiodiOntAljk`ffinti sold silkiest W A F,WiLdoAit4olip,l.,oll2oo,l4o),Fliio , term ofwhich tspit,yiblemilmatjklidAbe at tlie - dedessi.of I.sol44r,thioTaeti , g'.3lhtio A11u5:•; ; ;,.... " •'' T. , • / - I= 'i,