112illalID MD02112010 E. BEATTY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR; CARLOSLIE D Wednesday, September ,20,' . 11543. a FOB ITEsthrivr HENRY CLAY, Subject to the -decision of a National Convon-tron ,DENIOCRATIC WHIG PRINCIPI ES. SigIALLY "FOR THE PUBLIC EYE." MIMI Otra CffiEED 1. A sound National Currency, regulated by the will and authority of the Nation. S. An adequate RCVCIIIIC, with fair Protection to Amorican Industry. • 3. Just reMraiyits on the Executive power, em bracing a further•restrictian on The exercise of •the Veto. • . .1. 4.1' the p 11 1 ,14: with au equitable distribo Lion of the proceeds of sules of it among all the States. 5. An honest, and economical administration of the General Government,lenving public (ulcers perfect freedom of thought and of the right of sulliagei but with suitable restraints 'against Improperinterference,in electrons. G. An amendment to the ConstitutiOn g limiting the incumbent of the Presidential office to a =lll These objects attained, I think that we shoffld tecase.to . be a ffl icted With bad adininistiution of he Government .—llntnur CLAY.• For Canal Commissioners. simmoN GUILFORD, of Le !moon. *IIII,LiA 'II WEED; Northunannul MEILTPN. WEAVER, of Allegheny,. ANMPOIRTER TICKET Congress—:Gen. THOMAS C.*MILLER Assembly—enpt. JOHN DUN LAP, . '`• JACOB LONGNECKEK. Trcasu'rer=-JOHN HAMILTON. - Audifoi..-- - -UCIIARD. WOODS. Directrir—t , imiAriA'm IcURTz: CoronerGEORGE EISENHART. • Porter County - Ticket ! Amidly—Jacob Ilcck, Francis Ischlcs,Sr .Conunissioncr—Christian County Treasurer—Robort Moore. ' Director of the Poor—Dr. Robert :Young. Auditor tunnel llono to u. . Coroner—John IC. \Vunderlich. County CORI initsioner. nWe are a [lammed to state, that-nt the so. lieitationt of . many friends, JQHN RUPP, Esq., of E:Perinslioro tp:, has consented to be a candi. date for the ofCounty Commissioner, at the approaching.cleetion. We make this announcement with' There is no office of more importance to the pen. 'plc of the county than that of Commissioner, and Lo office which more requires an honest, intelli gent, active and prompt business man to perform its duties satisfactorily. 'And in these respects no man, we are free to say, is better qualified than Mr. Rum He is well known to the people of Cumberland county, and is admitted by all who am acquainted with hi . tit, to be a 'gentleman of irreproachable character and standing, and of enterprising business habits. No man in the Idwer end of the county enjoys a wider popular. ity than Mr. Rupp, and the announcement of his name for County Commissioner will be hailed in that section of the county with peculiar pleasure.. Mr. Rupp'a election may be coneitiered certain. 117 David Townshend, of West Chester, hue been appointed by the Whig Convention of Ches ter county, Delegate to the National Convention. cChir. Wise made his-forty-fifth balloon as_ cension from the borough of York, nu., on the instant, and landed near Lancaster city, as per intention on setting not ! 1 :0- General Joules Irwin has been re.nomlnatod for COngress by the confspiiNif the Democratic Harrison party, of the district composed of Hun tingdon;Centre, Mifflin, and Juniata counties, and will probably, be. elected. . . . Ott - General Henry Frick hatelicen nominated for Congress by the conferees of the Demneratic Harrison party of the district composed uf the counties of Union, Northumberland, Lyeoming. and Clinton. His chance of success mainly 'de pend upon the divided vote of the Lcoofocos .in that district, ivhich under the present aspect of affairs seems inevitable. 0: Curter, tried in New Jersey for the murder of the Warren family; yes been acquitted for want ofaufftelent proof. DlrTho Razor' Strap' man was arrested and fined $l6, in'Baltimnoro on Friday last, fur viola ting the litonse law in selling his strops. He paid the find good humoredly, and intends dcliv. erhig lectures hereafter on the subject of straps. • CO - 4. man named Patrick APVay, was arrest ed a day or two since in Manor township, Lan caster county, Pa. and committed to prison-charg ed With murdering hia with, in Lucerne county, in 184-9. • - 117 'David Umbergerof Lebanon, who has been oelectetirty - tiii.Tecos, as their candidate for Con. press in District XIV., defeatsd two anti-Porter men in the nomination. Kickapoo stock le Cif.. Mg.:. . • . . The keeper , at a menagerie, was lately seen beating one of the elephants with a largo club.—t. A bystander asked him the cause. Why says the keeper, he's been flinging posts about the tent,,and he's W. enough to know better." • 'O - 3Gevernor,Bopek horpordoned James Su;ii: yanosho.vias 'sentenced to -two years imprison. ment in,thoNe* York reatentiary'for his par tici:l)oloOn the brutal.:prizie fight which resulted in the death of McCoy.: Great indignation pre., Int Whittleiey has resigned, his of dieliensury, for the Ttioj. Office. tatearaboat, proprletore on • our Ncirtbora lakoibi,ler,Tileobled to et,op.i . iiianiag,, , lboir boats on the 4 Itle' iisid that,' briejleires acert:getier. • ally; are boaornieg' more favorable t strict ob. - nor'/Pairs : Of iho"„Sibtaitli;' 4; '• •,•"'.. ' • Mho'- ,Ihib ii:BorneO, ofPhilado)Pl4l34lutil', 'do*ReV:.. ! . ~, . .rii,.._l.-,prhem..0,,,,F .itiod !fie.1.4—:***940,4°,41411A: ~ir.i.:P'., ,, ,, : „-i - -- .. ! 4 ' . '9001i6171.':.. -..--?';v4::..4%,,.,,,.1.:.„;:,, cid', 14 $1/ , '''''''' '''6' IblitiAinils . too ml.. 0 ..,..,,, :-:5 -7 f ' I!.F.:4oll,,,Tizi,,,foitiiine'apor.y. . cntitlo. : liAlfTill..4:.4V" iiki;4*s/rg.l"l h Amer ' 11 -' iifotinec.o , - tm 4 )' , ,, ' ,, .. 2/. , :,;,;,,v 0 1 -a iop '•'' 4 k' -ci,.4..4:4"1,,"e. Latatit ./t,i9 k"- It: ' - .. "" , - - ' - „, ,.5111114'ild!ila#1tVriE4etli • P1 , 144 . 1n the g eld; bythe Whig dounte'"doi.iventleiflatit week; is: trusted ito inembeioftheWidg parts , will on thiti l account think. 'ithis privilege to fold-WS - M4 and take no part ;in the contest this fall ...The .donyention, .wo'cire sure,- contemplated no 'eueli thing. 'Apart from, the fact that it is the duty.;tf: every Whig-th turn out to the Polls and vt the Whig Candidates for dtMal Conintissiciners, which every one who dedires to see an honest and economical management of our public works and put ait- - end -to the” - Waimea,. squandering and plundering course - .or the present „Administra... Lion, vill not-fail to—we think that every - mem , her: Of the Whig party will, upon a moment's re. election, seep. to be as stronkly, his duty to givo his veto for one or the other county tickets which is in The Whig County Convention gave no reeom. meMlation of either of these tickets.. But it will not require much deliberation on Ihe'pert of any one who is in the slightest degree acquainted with the situation of parties or the politics:Cf the day, to determine witli which party the %i hig's May most consistently net. Of the .men on either tickerwc have nothing td say—they aro all rep. resented to be men rit fair intelligence and res pectable standing. But in the measures and oh. jcets of the Porter and Anti-Porter parties of this county, there is n very ,wide difference. The ulloririon" ticket no Whig can think of voting I:.r. ' , Wiring]] judicious and prudent silence has been obserci lately by the leaders of, that party in respect to Governor Porter, yet we have no confident assurance, should Messrs. Eekels and Huck got to Ffarrisiburg, that they will' not he found among the pliant tools of Governor Porter's Administration, sustaining him in the course of usurpation and ruin to the interests of the State which has marked his reckless career. • Ot the Auti-vorter ticket we have 'dearer and safer assurance. The early stand taken by that party,,,against:the Stuto—Vaiinistration, and their resolute and persevering oppesitim to Governor Porter for the last year and a half, prove them to be sincere in their professions; and give reaPon to believe - that they are honestly endeavoring -to promote a Reform in the men and measures of Pennsylvania. Their candidates Ihr Assembly arc pledged to advocate a reduction of the expem diturcs, of the State—a retrenchment of official salaries, and to vole for a sult'of the public works. We would not attempt to dictate to any mem. her of the Whig party how he shall cast hiS vote. Our only 'abject is to, present such a, view of the objectsof both parties, as shall enable every Whig (not knowing any ticket of our own,) to ascertain . Which of these parties is least Objectionable, and, which inost nearly approaches the Whig party in • its principles and objects. When we have no Whigs to votmfor we should choose the lebst ob. jectionable of our opponents., and these we believe to be the men on the Anti-Porter ticket. AIM if we choose them we ought to try and clef than,: JaOge Black's. Positio:n cO. - -A pretty 'well-grounded : opinion exists in this tlistric t among all parties, that Judge Black, of Perry county, the lately nominated Candidate for Congress in opposition to General Miller, is an out and out Porter mot. The conferees from Perry and, Cu ipberlaml who nominated him', were men, two or three of whom arc Porter otlicelliol ders now, and the test .have • been ! Is it not reasonable to pposodhatthey would. take good care of the int le its of the great Nickupoo chief, end if t bey c uld do the thing without beihg de z))l teeted, m • co Porter nominations 2 So the peo ple seem to think, and so widely has this feeling spread through the diqrict, that in reply to a committee of Locos in Perry, Judge Black has. found it necessary to publish a letter "defining his position." It is, however,. a. very mealy mouthed way ofexpressing hfs Anti-Porterism, if he has any. The Judge merely says that many of the Governor's prominent acts have met with his "decided disapprobation," nod that he wan in no truc.sense of the word be called a supporter of his Administration at this time. Any ono can see Wet these are very Ka terms to use toward a GoVernor who has so entirely lost the confidence of thc people as Porter has. There is nothing in this equal to the manly stand taken against tl.h Governor by General Miller and other Anti-Porter men in this county, and we opine that Judge Black's letter will fail to convince the people that he is that stern, uncompromising opponent of the Governor . that every candidate who wants the votes of this district should be.• Merely to express "decided disapprobation" of the Governor's course with respect to the " lumber" transactions and other things, is too gentle a way of dealing, when the people are every where talking of arraigning the Governor at the bar of the Senate for gross malversion in office! Something Strange—very! n'ltis wonderful to see the concern manifested by some of our "Mormon'.' opponents at the course of the Whig Convention, and many of our good Whigs have bedn not a little surprised at the very great anxiety evinced by the Locos for the prosperity of the Whig party! It is something new and altogether unaccountable. We are in formed that several leading loco flieuu in the how or cnd,of the county actually promised to a Whig in that section, that if a Whig ticket could be set tled they would give it their hearty support! How kind—how magnanimous! but how green they must have thought thitheig to be! The " Mor mons" support a Whig ticket! That's the last attempt at Humbug! Now we can put some.confidenee„in the Anti- Porter'party. . They have been standing out from their party a year and a half and havo given some evidence that they -tiro really and truly seeking to introduce Reform into the administration of the government. We know them to be good and true Anti-Porter men. But the " Mormons" with their milli-and-water resolutions--sort-o% Porter and sort-o'-not—cannot be trusted—the Whigs can haVe' no connexion with them, Any Whig that-can he caught,with_ the crafty -iwofes shuts made.by the " Mormons" since ,out. pennty 'Conventionoimst be a very gulhge person In deed. This last trick will fail • The trial of Shipman, the money carrier be tween Philadelphia . and Dlery York, was , corn. commenced at the New York Court of Sessions on.Wednepay. He is charged with having :Mu: bezzled the Monies of the Haien Batik' Of ,New York, entrusted' to his care, to . deliveriirt delphia, to the amount of $15,007,10 in gold .oein, io April last: He has since been acquitted. - .11:3"Tlie Whigs ofthe seventeenth (Thintingdon) 4i'strint;• haVit noininnted the ptesent niembet of Cc:oirees, Gen.. Jatites • Irvqn;. - fOr re.eleetion.- 7 . This hi, the disiviot ts;toliegvo c. ,Gov.f . ,'ortot io mock trouble. : 110 vetoed ; twoy., apportionment tosiniy,,limiztot they, diii„not mSteeldeei. •! I °4lis#oogh',.."VonefoOn..}c,ciry'entiiiie the hnYlr Of. 'Stit'esint. • bn th 4, ' ,l oo•l l ; 4l 4 d lf i i i 94, l ** ;l icorqw_O i r ' 'di/ 4 4 eg #•• f 0” mpe4. timpre,ootno ! ...'; -" ' :• r p,,r Itig•• Jlit ' ,t 149 • 07Thir - candiiiatel presented to the peePle for Canak.Pornmissioriere,shylhe:Demooratio Visou , State Cenvention,'are men, says the Harris 7 :hug Telegraph - , 9E4600hm - a objeoion caneetlM raised. Th'ey•are',nen high-moral : isteedirig mut- of unquestionable ' ttbility , , and , Worth. ;?OlioSeitro then of that , integ. • rlty and proitioable fitness that The, station do enjoy,: thisr,higheat 'Oenfirlenci' of • those Who, know tlicrii—areunconheeted and un adulterated with the fruuds and pectilatioria that , _the management of our public, Works, railed the State debt to the enormous sum of FC/IPPY.T*6, 411LI:ICINS—surilc tho crodit of t'cOpeirrionwerilth below, eve,,, that. of rupteyi - .o4enriiilibil a few out of the hard'earn ingeriiif th e :many: They arc men in' fa. find no friends—and speculators or pluntler'Oriino abetters, They arc mun.wliuse lives and 6a:reefers', aro guarani} , that, if elected, they will make faithful f .competent, economical and devoted.publicservants. e • Mr. TWEED, who stands •at the head of the list, residel in. Northumberland county; a contra and proper location for the President of the Board. Ile is well and favorably known in this section-of the State, not only as a man of unblemished rep. utation and integrity, but as one of extensive in. formation on the subject ofinternaLimprovements —distinguished as a writer upon Them—and as Having been well acquainted' with all the improve inents of the State. from their first commence inent. HiS qualifications in this respect, no one will question—they could scarcely be surpassed —and in the middle counties of Pennsylvania he will receive such a vote as will show that the peo ple know and appreciate him. . • 3 The' second on the list is' Mr. WEAVER, of Allegheny, the present Sheriff of that county, who was elected in 1840 by an unprecedented major. ity fur that Mike. Wherever he is !Mown', he, is esteemed fot his plain, unpretending manners— his courteous demearor-his sound. judgment. and gerM;al intelligence. Ife• stands above re , pined), from even his political opponents, and be. ing extensively - known in the West, will, a very strong vote.' Abetter selection could not probably have been maile, us it regards locality, qualification or popularity. Mr. GUILFORD, of Lebanon. concludes the ' list as thc eandidate for the Easiern portion of the State, and all who knoiv him * will say, that he is' stron'geartdidate, and will poll a great vote hi this district of the State. lie is n Civil Engineer, and has distinguished hims'elf as such in the ser vice of the Union Canal CoMpany. Ills qualifi cations for Commissioner tiremot esereded by any man in the Comincnwealth—and his personal standing is of thateleva led character that secures the respect:of all. .Mr.Guilford Is 'too well known in this **vicinity to require any eulogy 'at our hands. Ile has not an enemy where he is known ---nnd the vote he will receive- in Lebanon alitt Dauphin comities, 'trill show - that - lie - is - not only esteemed for, his private Worth—but that the pee. plc have confidence in his experience, enlightened judgment, unbending integrity anti firmness of .character. We may truly say, that the selections of tbese men arc most happy and satislbeto . ry, as it re., garde their locations and qualifications; and when the second Tuesday of October arrives, we hope to see those in fitvor' of RETRENCHMENT, REFORM and ECONOMY, 'dull political par. tics, git"c.a.long pull, a strong altogether,dbr TWE'ED, WEAVER rind FORD, and be gratified as well .us benclitteoY their election. • True 'll'aritir Doctrines. • Let the anti-tariff men read the following ex tract of a speech delivered by John C. Calhoun, on the Tarifl; in 1816. "That he was`no nrtitutitetufel7that corning rout the Suutli, lie and his constituents had no nterest but in the cultiralion of the soil." " That to :Ilford mannfitetures ample protection, would enable the farmer to Hell Ilia products high, and buy ell his wants and conveniences of life cheap." " That a Tariff for protection was of vital im portanci to the security and permanent prosperi ty of the Union." "That it wou Id. produce an interest, strictly American, as much as agriculture; and fur more so than commerce and navigation.". "That it would produce a hero andtnOet pow. erful cement, far outweighing any objections that might be urged against the system." That it would preserve us from a new and terrible danger— DISUNION —against which we ought to be perpetuully guarded." "And that it would afford to the cotton and woolen manufacturers • protection whia ' would place them beyond the reach of contingency." Dreadful Itai'road Accident. A disindrouii accident occurrcd on the more and Susquehanna Railrolid, on Tuesday morning, by which a number of persons were se riously injured, and, it is feared, several will lose mir lives ' %nen the first train from Baltimdre, say the American, which left at 7, A. M., with a large party of Defenders, Military, and Citizens, on their way to the celekration at Yo . tk, (Pa.,) had reached a point about eight miles from York, the front axle-tree of the first passenger car broke, throwing the car and the two following it off the track, and splintering all three cars, the first one being almost entirely demolished. .The cars being crowded with •people, a acetic of eonfusion and dieriay ensued which may be readily conceived. A thimher of persons who were imprudently standing on the platform in front of the cars were thrown . off, some of them being caught between the care, and others forced under them. Many, we are happy to say, escaped unhurt; but thirteen persons wane found to have' been rnoro or less in. 'used. All the persons injured were on the platform' As soon as the wounded persons could be got out, Medical assistance was instantly rendered to them by Meters" Dunbar, Martin,._ :Maguire, Hall and• Ringgold, and, as soon as he could reach the spot, by Dr. MCClellan of York.. Tho wounded, persOns were soon after convey ed to York, thence taken tho HosqUal where they were well provided for. 41 five o'clock their wounds were dressed, and , they. all scorned to be es comfortable as their condition would admit Oni First Demand. , , irt A provielon in the Washington Treaty Pro= . vides for tho runtual surrender of 'criminallseacy. ping into the territory of either party. The first demand tram 'England under it "Wastbe case of Christianayilmfire, for murder. She' vviur. 'Bur. rendered. ; The first demand on, England, of a similar character, was made in. tendon • gin' the 18th ult., by ofliconi Hays and loviiides oft• New 'Korn, for , a' man namod Clinton; alias jtSed ? 'a - id:war...lW a' 'large amounf open'.` Messrs ilttle dz. • C0.;.0f Reed-'144 iinclin:iniiionianalting tinting. eiiidenci O'filO'VrlitetiPtat"' 4-5 471 457.0 1 4atter1 t n t ehePt e cetelrweetee. *telt tht:,:e l l4oo; t ;telhitittl eetth le, iteeteel dm the 40,pithotillge**kiji :`'y. • . la' the stnountrorexpenintiftetrovWreqdigo.snlA the tlarrisbut litiolligeheer,nrilliii,Vphilieg lines of the PublieVorke Of Pennsyliania - in ' 1839= 40, when „iferries Clerk , of Indiane,Wirs Presldent - Tf. the Boar d,or Canal Comlissioners),. the y ear , bolero under lionerit'AOrninatrittfon l of the public affairs, thii . sama • pithlih'-'Wririti* yielded, a revenue to the: State,. e'ver. 1304 expenses, of • , • $354,180 . 1.72 -., .•• Tho diffe?Onca of exponditurb between these two years, was:thus, $711,351 4 all Here was the• enortnotie sum of upwards of SEVEN HUNDRED. OU'SAND, DOLLARS lost to the State in n' singlaYear; by the misman agem eat of the public officere v 'er by the outrage ous system of WHOLESALE PLUNDER prat. tisod by those officerson the public works. This RUM, properly appropriated,.would have been suf ficient to have paid noarly.th e ballot the interes t r ofthe public:debt, arid relieved the people of One . year's taxation. It cannot be pretended fur a moment that this enormous expenditure was ne cessary to carry on tha works. Ibis clear that the money was squandered upon political favor. Iles as a reward for partii,an services. . Now the question is an interesting one to the people of Pennsylvania at this lime—under whose management were the public improvements at the time thesii enormous abuses were practised?— Why, the same .Janice Clark of Indiana, who is nuw the Locofoco candidate far the same ollice was then the President of the Board of Cana• I Commissioners: • • r What confidence can the people have 'in th e ability' or integrity ofa public officer under whose administration of the public works such astound ing corruption and plunder was permitted? Will they-,can.thei reinstate hint in the same office, to revive, perhaps, the same system' again, at a time when the Commonwealth is bleeding at every pore;ilinwrier.kpvery:, dollar of Public reve. nos ought to be carefully, husbanded and appro primed to, the payment of the interest due to the inndeent and suffering holdere of her State bonds,- her domestic creditors, and—the, poor,bui honest' laborers who have toiled in her seirice, and have been cheated by her dishonest agents? We greatly'mislake the feelingeand temper or the people of Penn Sylvania on thi s subject, Willey do They want 11 change in the management of affairs on the Public Improrenictiti— , -a - thorough and radical change. ' • . ' For this purpose they.hav e taken the appoint. meat of the Conunissioners trout' the Governor , and resolved to take it into their- own hands.— The Imecfoco,,patty, liowe‘'er, -- Say - to the - puple now--.•1 the: old officers -are good enough—Ory . know best how to manage the Improvements FOIITHE GOOD OF THE PARTY, and you must elect such men. CLARE and FO&TER. hare both hod experience on theAyblie_works, and_ they always .managed- thing? . admirably FOR THE PAR'T'Y!" -But will the people submit to tlii§ - paFty dicta, lion ? The election of Clark_and Foster would defeat the wry object they bad in view in making. the Comnissioners elective. They de. sired by that net to tithe the management of the Improvements out of the hands of the ohirificers, land place them in the hands of NEW MEN— men who ore entirely disconnected from the rot /0'461.441. Mb. ddminiliqatioh David R. This 1.1.4 can acorn:dish by voting for the men placed on the liemocratie Whig Tiebet. Elect TWEED, GUILFORD and WEAVER, and you will have a Board of Commissioners cumpo . sed or NEW MEN—EAPAIILE AND IIoNICST 3ltjtc—Wllo will conduct the hushiNts 'cm:rusted to their bands FOR THE BENEFIT TUE STATE, and not solely for the benefit of a party. this gentlemen his never obtain ed any veld political -notoriety, yet he _ix tv_ell known in many parts of the State as a man of excellent qualities of find and stainless probity andAnygrity... The Columbia Protector gives the following instance of Mr. Freed's conscien_ tiotis honesty.' It is !lolly refreshing to hear of such noble conduct in these days; when conduct BO much the reverse a daily practised. With such men for Canal Commissioners our State Treasury would be oak. The Protector says,'Mr. Tweed has ever , been a consistant Whig, ald as to his priiatirpharae ter, it is as pure and inspotted as it could be pos sible fur mortal prima' maintain it: To show how c minently sticeersful he has been, in sustain, i rig en honcit repulsion, we will relate an anee &lc, given us by an ild acquaintance of his, and on whose authority,, do will vouch for its truth Mr. Tweed at one tine, had fallen into redpced circumstances, and Ire effect§ distribuied equally among iris creditors,tiving them about\fifly cents to the dollar. A fen years after, having recover ed from the fall, Imhof only paid off every cent remaining, but addei the interest, from the time a - Contracting the iPbts.l Such acts of honesty are as rare as they.4e noble and generous, and arc knoin only to tip truly good and virtuous: ' • • Edward in Be Baltimore broker, who re ported that I e was obbcd of the 617,000 which lie was commissiond to take to Fredcricit. and which was subseqii9tly found where he had , ty creted-h, is said Mime disappeared in a tit. of insanity. , . . n'A series of mounding forgeries, on differ ent mercantile' hors in New York and Phila delphia, but princi lly on that of C. & W. Mil nes, of New Yor i t i , have been just discovered, committed by Wi 'am Goddard, postmaster of Petersham, fifassaamsethi, who has heretofore borne an unimpeathable character for . honesty and integrity. _ 1.11 was .arrested, and pleads guilty. , New York colbco :Convention. The Albany Ar us contains the account of the proceedings of the oco State Convention at Syra cuse. on the Ath. Afraid to trust' to 1 e people of the scveLl - dis.. t riots, the Convent an have taken tho responaibil. ity ofappointing a the delegates to the Baltimore Convention, all of thr ' • Van Buitn men. If the-Calhoun mr such • a dictation a; t hie without eo indeed to bo ti Governor Mari vention, over lino ? wri barn' b string of repo rem' Among . Cambinlong a ' .761 elect from' the. Ansa o i;:adha trim had a meeting Ccqiiqketce ''of btisinpse diirinir tlis ictst !?:•')+‘, It= ~'~~~,~; 300,595 ‘-- l'ilivArvreed, Esq. face, they doserve )onoboozled. Ex. :sident of the Con- Davis, the Weil s'Cotinty, offered favor'of Van Bu 4 , ointrA are LO. C :4 Staters Senator int, is now in 'the: York., , • . , }lard Jobasoli Eq soya fpf kt# !i!s ATIt VA‘*47 01:iioorA c: , ,,ountyConyention. ~-/'.iiiiitri44lsAiiiiiiheifeethi; ael'egatis'appoint: 81 1 1,1-.81 1 1,14-party,4-41-thit:Lastertil horeughs and avi;iilsiiipil'of Ciligtiiianil, 6cMniy, met in the . i,sq. l C i- my Hall in C i iiiibilfio on Tuesday the 12th of S ptemfmr, init. . Theponventien was organized ' it6iPpointment Of ANDREW MODOVVELL . . : ,- of North Middleton, 'President& and Dri, , I n , I.4atp:cart and 1. 4.:llemphill, Seeretarma,' ' 'On calling over tIM" liift . ei . townships the fol. lowing gentleman presented certificates of clot: lion, altd' took-their seats as delegates : , , Alleia—John Meteor, Doct . T. L. Cathcart. earfisieDeet. 1, J. Mytre, S. D:,Adair . . Diokineon—Ocorio Lee, „ James. Weakly. ; B..Pennsborough--:Christian Stayman, Simon Oyster. .Prankfed—John Oiler, Abraham Bowman. llopewell--J.• J. Hemphill, David S. Runshavil Mrchimicsbuig--W. C. Houser, .1. F. Spahr. 11107in--George Knettle, Moses. Lindsey... ' Monroe—Samuel, N. Diven, Stewart MeGotv. an. Newton—llugh 11. McCunc,.Samticl Piper., Nebari//e-Jacub Burkhart, Jus. McDermond. N. !Middleton—T. D. Uric, AndreUe M.:l)9w- S. Middleton—W. B. )Mullen, Geo. O'Doncll. Southampton—Junco Kelso. Gen Clever. Shippensburg borovgli—Dr. R. C.. Hays, James Colwell. Shippeusbarg townuhip—A'ndrow Frtizer, John 17:0) tic It. ' Silver Spring—W. M. Quigley, Jacob S. Hal &man. W. PeNnsborough—Geingo Rca. J. C. 'Wit BM The following resolutions were then severally coed and passed. . Realised, That in the Present position of po. liticnl parties in Cumberland county, 'the mem bers of this Convention deem it inexpedient to nominate a County Ticket to be voted for at the ensuing election—and that in this resolution they are actuated solely for the good of the Whig par. ty and the ultimate success of Whig measures. Resolved, That. we' cordially approve of the nomination of Canal Commissioners by the Whig State Convention, and that in their support we will rally as a party' at the polls and give then . our undivided stdrragcs. Resolved, That:the course of our licprcsbnta. lives in the last Legislature, JA311:9 KENNEDY cud GEourni Bnitler.ro. &girt'. 'met with our decided approbation. Resolved, Tbat S. Dunlap Adair, Andrew S. Coyle and Peter McGlaughlin be appointed Con g'resional 'Conferees, to meet did Conferees of Franklin and Perry counties, in Ncwvillc, on - Sat. orday the 16th inst. • On motion twutersons frorn-eaCh borough and township in the county, Wercsid&cted 10 act as a Standing Committee. The fainting gcutlinan were appointed: Jacob Shelly, Alexander C:dhcart, of Allen tp.. Col.' Arnisty;ng Noble, N. Detach, of Carlisle. William Line, James Weakly, of Dickinson tp Rohert Laird;SiUnljlonan, of Frankford David Runshaw, James Sharp,- of Hopewell o J, F. Spahr, .191 m Comdr . , of Zacchunicsburg. George Knettle,'Solornon Shaw, of Main tp. James Clarke, .rutelt Young; of Munroe I3nbl C, Dlass, Bilgore . , of 'Newton Win.' Woiniburn, Scott Coyle, of Newvillc. A. McDoWcll, T. D. Uric, of N. Middleton fp, J. W?CraigOcad, Matthew illoore, of S. Mid'ton " R S. McCune. Win. Clarke, of Southainpton " . . Allen Bird, John. Rebnek, orShippensburg bo, John Full iler„ Dr. A. Stewart, of Ship burg tp. John M. Martin, Joseph Bucher, of S. Spring ‘. Saul Grcason, John Laughlin, W. Pennshoro" , Oa motion, the proceedings bf the Convention were directed to be published in the Carlisle Der? old and Expositor. On notion, the Convention then adjourn ed. ANDR Ar Mont/ W ELL, Chairnia J. J L. Secretaries • WHIG CONGRESSIONAL CONFZR NCE, . pursuance of previoni public notice the Conferees of the Sixteenth CongreFsional 1)151n et composed of the Counties of Cumberland, Perry and Franklin, met at the nods() of Col. James 11 Woodburn, in .Newsille, on .Saturday the 16th of September, 1649. The - fhllowing gentlemen apripodZand took their scats as Conti:recto, viz:' Franklin —Gcorg,c A. Madeira, Esq., Dr. Jamas vidt:on, and Col. Nathaniel E. Kinzer. Pirry—JAn U. NlcClitilock, Esq., Major .i.ames M eGewan and John A. Baker. Cum taland —S. Dunlap Adair, Eaq., AndreW L. Coyle and Polar McLaughlin. The,Conference WIN organized Ity appointing Dr. JAMES DAVIDSON, of Frunlaia, Chair man, and Join , : A. BAKER, of Perry, Secretary. The following resolutions were unanimouoi; adopted: Resolrcil,.Tnat we deem i t inexpedient to put in nomination a candidate to represent this D un . gressional District in the Congress of the United States. Resolved, That GEORGE CHAMBERS, Esq., of Chambersburg, be the Delegate to-represent the. Sixteenth Congressional District, composed of the counties of Cumberland, Perry and Franklin, in the ‘Vhig National Convention, to be held in Baltimore in May next, for the Purpose of tionii. rutting Whig candidates tor Presidents and Vice President of the United States. On motion, Resolved, That G eorge A: Ma - deira, Esq., of Chambersborg, S. Dunlap Adair, Esq., of Carlisle, and John Baker, •of New Bloomfield; be appointed a Committee of Corres. pondence. On motion, RestolVta, That the proceedings of this Conferente be sighed by the Officers, and published in all the Democratic Whig papers of this District. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT.-1.(10k nt our bills Of mor• ality, ;nal you will find that Consumption is more destructive to human life in this country than any other disease. %ire all know that cough, like the %yarning of die rattle sanke, alivnspreccdes t as *ell accompanies, this terrible simurge. It is a fair pre sutnption that every cough may terminate in pulmd nary disease if not checked early, and where the risk is so great, the danger so immenent, it is ftstonisiting that .individuuls should fle found mad enough to neg lect the means of cure, DP. Jayne's Expectoran't can he readily procuredin any part of the United States, and the experience and voltiutiry testimony of thousands, Ale results of chemical analysis, and the decisions of profeasional men who stand in the first rank of medical science, all point, it oat as the best preparation ever invented by man, fur the cure of nil diseases of tile lungs,chest, windpipe, and ether or= gans connected with the proceis of respiration. - It used in - regular practice by-the- most_ celebrated_ physicians of the any. Prepared, and manafaelurcd by Dr. D. JAYA Philadelphia, and for sale in Ea lisle by T. C. STE VENSON, soleAgent,for this Barbee'. Mesocar, whether in shape 'of Blue Pill, Cato: met, Corrosive Sublimata,mr any other ; form, nev. or can affect a' permanent cure of any disease; be, cause, being a mineral, it cannot be digested, and conseqUently cannot purify the blood. :The only curative preprztlWit possesses ie to 'change the present • developement of:the disease and inibsti tuteMnOther in its • , ,BratairettOt Vegetable Universal Stands premmiaentlltt the cvre of disease, because their aunts are; as certain' au they'are', salutary, and b'•ing composed entirely , of vegetables, they. tari 7 r 4 possibly Injure, therefore R. trial of, th 9 tll: btllenfoi t i selo of the"alittva'valuabld Pills wi.it:Vork No. $4 113 r 6 4w0 4 ); iiv'Cs file byCHARLEStVii,I9I,Mcdc , ' co :'4 1 444 1 45, :4444A.111310.°F,440/61' alt J. rnanufattoiy, in New is' not in fall Operation, 4 . 14 some, to fulfill.:cirddrs - Itr exports. tic ,are runningliotli'day-and-niiiiti_omploying_ a distinct set of hands. , • AttentiOn , . I,:.C,6II.AVALLACE; a Reformed Drunicard,.from Philadelphia, will-lecture at folleivieg named Oat:ea in Cumberland and Franklin cciuntier on the dayii riarited . • ; totigiitown, ShlpliensLOT; % Grain, CliaiiiborabUrgi Sliiiipansburg;. Nowvillo; SuiokeytoWn; Carlisle, - • ' lioguestown; Mechanicsburg; Opster's Point, Now. Cuinberlund; Middletown, Mount Joy,' There will be a collection {alien up to ricriaSi his expenses,.whiuli is all he asks for his eeriricei iii the cause of Temperance, 6%; 6 - 0 Ivallaisise, -WHOLESALE & RETAIL. GROCER, Forwarding IP Commission .laariteata 4 2 E , • • Dealer in comitry Produce & PittAhltm.nanntlictur'es, No. 28, FiFtit street; PrPTSBIJIM, Pa. August 16, 1843. • .1)'42 <~'J ~ r~..~~v APP, - LICA'II()N will be made by the Hpircetnis of the CRIIiSIC Bank,to the next . Leg- Nature al the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for n renewal or the charter of the said Bank hY the mune and stile of the "Carlisle Bank." It 13 in mitiled that it diall he located in Carlisle, Cutnber land eounty; that it shall have the same Capital it mite has, to wit: Three hundred thousand dollars, for the spealie. Object or ;lookin g end discounting purposes. By order of the Board of Dineetors, NV. S. COLIMAN, Cashier. 6m-35, itme2B, 1843 • Faritas, Fternts. VOR SALE, 15 highly improved Farms, in the highest state of - cultivation, each fttyln contain ing front 70 to '2OO Acres, hest quality of LONEEnrOEILE LAND. - Th., Or S:1111 farms 111 1 0 8 . 1111:11C W 111111) 0111: mile of For further particulars et quire of .L.V.NIES WILSON, • Agent for the pitrelta'sr and sale of Neat Estate.. - Carlisle, Allglll.l 50, I 613. ' ' If-14 CLEANIfiGi SCOURING ANO-Dre:ING. J.tiVE care and attention: to all--clothing and other tali. Iles entrusted to her for dentine:, ticourfc4, or ,dyeing, at her house in Clinch Alley oplin.4te Ed. tication tlnli, Public ritranage l i rmicetibily t ieited. • 11leg BLINDS; B. 3. NV1E1.3.17.11%;, - No. 13 North. Sixth. Ntroe ahoy, Alket I loose' • • or nod Si.to Painter aii3 Motley and Ye-• • 1116:111 111h.c1 Alaillifaeturer. loran and fahininible nssortwent of BLININ ah,198 nn hither,; - vhh•il be:unc, and siyh: of work,oanshio, mill eXel 1 1110 , VI- any, in Phi will he sold at the t•et•J loAest and supplie I with.any quantity at time 1101.1 , ,t not'', 0. Old lilmds . vepaiuled and trimmed :rt the s!mrteht ”utice. Nrll.l.l.‘MS,' No. It!, Norill (tI street Phil:1,10011a. September 11, 1813.-9. m. CHEAP 'CARPET STORE, ON THE CASH PLAN; vn. olyeef, one door Chorna!, uls - .4 41: .N*o. .10 South .e. , cond Plea. TUE F•tillscriber's rent' in the present 8i11.11.7:1 behtp ct`i IoW,S.IIIIIIISIvI . IIIS CA lvi,litlcroliill . ll to 111 . 1(4•S 10 . the 11:1111 11111( . 5. Ile t?'lerg a will selected 'etuck of. - 11,:mtind 1,,p,•0;ri thr,e, ply hAt :tipt.rfinc ittui Ain,. ..._. Fildsollit• EN. 11:i row higrains . : . 'itiemid C.tittiffilli do CARPETING:'. tnyal eveldi• h‘illed•Velictian, f. ' Nile Eizli.h ulirsted do 1 . .olk.lon 1),11;ksk do =Mil Alin, ,\ stock of Flxcellent Itml Lrantifnl I , lnor Oil Cloth.. all widths for Itoonis, !falls, Entriea, N'estiblik., Door pieces. k.. A Iso, Coach Oil Proggets and l'lnor 11818- es l'ianoan%l Tahle Covers. Also Canton and Spanodi floor tiogs, with 11 large assort ,„,mi of priced Ingrain :111d Veiteliall f ‘ qling'i, IL a w NI out,. bindings, Stale Rods, ti. 4: Cns tunts'rsini lo 11111%1110.e Cash. arc respect- . !Idly in‘ bed In (all and ex:lndic lon tlwoiselu as the good:, shall be sold at the lowest prices in the City. kiigust 30, 184:1 BOOKS AND STATIONERY. r For sale nt J. LOUDON'B Crienp Bookstore, a few doors East of the Cat Offiee, Main street, Carlisle, (old stand,) 13 1 . !11 113.):J.". a at of Rligious, S olnol & Blank Books,- consisting in part of Family, School, Octavo size and Pocket Bibles; of various kinds and Binding, Henry's commentary on the old and new Testa ment 6 vole. Royal 8 vo. Scott's coMmentary 3 vols. Royal S vo. Dqddridge's Family Expos]. tor, complete in IMO Royal.b_,vo. Buck's 'Theological Dictionary, first 4 vols. Dick'S worki in 1 inl. Royal 8 vo., also Dick's works cow . Mete in 7 vole:, I'3:tiers 'Universal History, Rol lin's Ancient History ti vole., Napier's History of the Peninsula War 5 vole. Royal 8 vo., sons Ornithology, ,in 1 Vol. 12 mu. colored Plates, fine Turkey Binding, Aitken end Frosts British Poets 2 viol's. Also the 3d vol. a continuation piibliShed, (from Southey to Croly;) Arialt's true Christianity, translated from the German by ilev.•J. N. Hoffman, now Pasta of the,Lutheran • Church of this place. Also Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian and Winebronarian Hyinn Books, Also the different Aritlimetick's & Keys, Smiths Mitchells, Olney sand - Huntingdon's ...eegraphies and Atlases,Algebra, Philosophy, Astronomy, Geometry, rarnmars, Eipositors, SIIC4 Angel's N 0.1,2, 3, 4,5 and 6 Readers, Cobbs Readers and Table Books, Also Ledgers, Di t Y Books, Dockets; Receipt Books, Memoiandum Books 'Sze., lie has also on band different articles of dtationery follows: Writing, Letter, Note and Deed Paper, Visiting Cards, Seals; Penknives, Silver and Lead Pencils,States; Wafers, Mathematical instru ments, Gunter's Scales, Dividends,Sand Boxes, inkstands of varions'ltinds, extra eo Faint, Vic: toria_Fens i llfack Sand,black and red Ink Powder; Sable and Camel Blair Pencils, - Bristol -Board; we: ter colour; Music Paper; Port Folios, Lithographic, Prints, Pilkiket Maps; Albums;Blarik Curds, large office , and tfansparent Wafers, Fancy iloloredTio. per, Opaque & clarified Quills,Fancy Beaes o &e. Also,'Violins, Flutes; Fifes; an other Books and atationerY too tedious to-Mention: Also Slanday Schad Books and Tieltote, Hymn ROAD, &o.- - WLI , PAPER ANW,RORDERING, of superior quality mantifactared by Belrose, Son . ' arid,l3lanehard; Philo: The subberiber has Pattern books, Containing - spectiriend of tins and common' Paper, und'ean' procure in a few oinks notice any ofthe different plitaingthilitirCharier May require; He .also carries an thio - • • • • - • - • , : • Book in allite, vationSbrarlaeliMbeie)lo manufactures Ledgers',Poy:4l3ooo,l .- Pirkite and' blank , books of every. , ..desektp4ea,,apk,citkittitt.siipoript: to those made 4ty . for - country', markets ; , oleo ON,' .; ..• - 'hive their - 61 d fe; Itaatidi.cair bts seree4 at'a"riaislersto price; and. be. Yiasenablectio'preilerre:q?.Oy.,y'al. 4,bl . e.birokeiltat otlieitvisa•tie !wit: • :; •. 1 Writing , siiii(Lettet . ' I!ittoeet 426 'aiuitss,.ceektie • •3. 1.91/DON: AWO5.t. Dlto :V >$ C.ValtSo :117 ILL perfOtti6iH..operiitions upon the Tee* —Altaritre„t_iduired' diet presercati Oil, such . • as Scaling; Milts, c.j-ap— , will-restQo----- the'loss of them, by Inserting Artificial Titeth from a single Tooth, to a ftill cci r -.oMcli on Pitt • atrept,;st few doors Sputli.o of the Railroad Hotel: N. B. Dr. littorals will be absent from Carlisle; the last ten days, in eriel i montli, May 24,1849. • VALVABLE AT 'PUBLIC SAI.U.' Sept. 20. " 21. •!... 22. 25 . 26. 27 28. 29. 30. Y virtue of nn order of the `QrAn'a Court. of jul Cumberland county,ll will - extiese to sale on premises, odylilDAT, the Gth day of,October next,, all that certaid tl'aet pf kotiol, situate in Silver Spring, township, Cumberland county, about 7 miles West of the-Susquehanna nivel., Mid, a quariee of a:Mile Irani die ilarrisburg. and Carlisle; turnpike, con taining2.2o Acres of Oral-pith _ ItSTONIE Oct'r. 1 .' 2 16 3 4 . .. . • ,alintit. 180 acres of vt hieli are Cleared, and in the !tightest state of Cultivation, with a large two story ..' sToN 1". 110U91;, Shone r,pringthouse, • ~. Stone smoke liouscouoi a 110.40 Bank - ~ ; Darn, part along and part frame, and n"'; 4, Wagon plied and COrtiCrib.with Dinning PP I ,; ' • water on the fin and wells that' never'`-' - - fail. I'lieip. is !'shoo.' so ii kooll Orchard, and - a — tenant /louse on ilie rant). Ther6 tire three, Merchant Mills within two miles. and altogether it is one of the best farms, and in tic most convenient situation of any farm in die county of Cumberland. The. farm will he divided before the day of sale into tracts of About 1 , 20 sterol, and the improvements, and one. (hundred acres without improvements, and..will he sold all together or separately, as may best Boit per- Chasers and promote the interests of the heirs.-- -- Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., and terms. of sale which, w ill he made easy, wi ll be made known onAlteilai of sale by ' PE'rEft iIARNIIAIit Administrator of Martial Dunlap, decd. August do, 1843. is-44 VALUABLE MILLS AND 'FARMS, -AT PUBLIO SSLE W AVILL sell At public sale on the premises on% FltIDAy,. the .'2oth of SEPTEMBER next, et at - I I o'clock A. M., all my real estate, situate on the Yellow Breeches C . reck, in Dickinson township, •. pumberlami county, consisting of a . MERCHANT MILL, SAW MILL, CLOVER MlLti and about Three Unwired and Fifty Acres of Lai n ) which I have ilk iclud into three stmll farms: Ist. The Mills null about one lattalred and. i,i r t, 4 . acres of Land, of which about severty acres aii,• el,t aced, leaved anal inn high shad .:;1 cultiyation;, witil a; soil 3 3 , DIV mr.LlNg t • . • t. wi t 11 : 11 'n, and all other yieressnry and core , ..... • '''•. s ( 1, 0 4 l'....itlings ereetell on the :woe. The. Mills at'o.'''.opell , ! ha the waterA of the Yellow Breeches Crick, having an aniotutt of bead trod fall, and A. quantity or Avater mbieh nyver fails or freeze: , nue - th - F - lotillylin.; on hoili — StibM - Uri . tbl. A Purl-1s ing_nn_the Creek.-above. the fir r st c. cic . , cg 'Owl), containing o'WOr one .hundred mitt sego., of which !bunt tut-fur luny' acres H o; d e s i. e . under eniu‘utiou, sod residue in good tim ber, there are Om buildings On this lvaet. l'arpl Is lug nn the Creek n‘ljuitting•the Inst described, emit:titling _nlintitnne sod ttnd ten lll l l .l, i, 111 . 11111011111 1 /la 111 ' 1(1'11 are eleared otiltiiiited, 0101 the residue in.prime timber+ this. toil has ntenunt house eroded oil it. • This Laud is sittnitt•ii-utiout the mile& from car one .rnile and it hair we , t of linithitoris turnpike, in is most healthful ti nil belOoiftirOnuittry,, and possesses ull the ink:tut:l6 , es tbr tort ietiltiirai put , - 110,1. H. ' T 11 1; till' 15 tiowtet•ptionable,llllll tiny inform:Virtu !'on the stilijcet, mills regard to it, or terms of the, sale, eon be had hy mildew l'reileriok Watts,, Esq. Carli.le,or to toe tut ,the premises. JOHN NN'I'_.AKLY. 41-4 Ct.; ir I ,184.1 VALUABLE FARM' • TM.; subscriber, Assignee cf . Samuel Nlt•Cochoo, of ‘V(...t iliberland comity, oilers for sole the belnirggg to said itate, slimily in said township, eon tah,hr; Acre:, of I,llaubtola Land; there is erre tvil oil it a TWO SLURS STONF. ' 'll'l , `V "' 131'11.2111:1,111 . 11 1 1 .. • with ;,11:„,i, Baru :11111 fil•lt . 1,11 gvllavi• itithplhritiog (MCI IA It I); Ne. The Omit: barn is hi it ilia.. ,late of roltitatiotoottil w ill licsolif seperatcly or as it st hole to tilit Thii Ctititherlaild Valle• rail road tuns dircrllc through it, forttishirg, the best lacilities lur specdik rritching iitarlict o itb 111 ,,, 111ee. 11 not sill at itri‘sle DA V, the hilt lac of OCTOBER next, it on Sale on the pren;lises, xt n , (Anelt in the alternotio, gitrit titttl term', u.ade kitortilw JA NI ES Assignee of Samuel Aid:edam.. i : Ntezttsf ill, Ist3. PUBLIC/ 0/11:E. Y an order of the Orphans' Court of onooly t. we io, Administrators of Adam NiOlsoonS, deed. o sell at public winkle a t the publi e home of Alototolee Malmo, Jr. in Shippemborg, on FRIDAY'. the OM of September at 11 o'elock,.A., M., ull that u'ertain L6l' BTIOIH , D, situate al d bulog on the South side orthe Main stree of Shippensinirg, adjoining . the Tslei% house 01 the said A ila ins Niniinens, ilec'd. but 111 it, lOU E, shop and two Wagon-stalker shops,' And other buildings thereon erected., and all the appurtenances thereto be- , Iniighig. A Iso, all those three several LO'FS OF GEOVIA'D, in Shippensburg, bounded by %hi. road to Angle's Mill, by' David Mahon and an tniopened road, containing ahneit one third of 1111)(Cre C:41:11, up on one of a +mall 2.11011 is erected. l'ernis of sale: 01,e hall of the purchase money to he paid on the etnitirination of the sale, and the II:still:hi in tit& rear without interest. JOHN SKINNEII, • .I,A M \VALKER, • Administrators of - Adant Niinntens, deed. August al, 184:3. is il. LEVI EL RIDGE. . New & Cheap Store. subscriber would inform the public that be tins taken the store, room reeent_,lr oc cupied by Met;srs, liod‘erneut and Hutton, to North I !snorer street, ettrliele, is which he is now Open itig• a large nod splendid and cheap assortment of SPRING & - SUMMER DRY GOODS L , GROCERIES, HARDWARE, &C, &C. or every variety and quality, which he invites the puhlio to call auttexatuttuysettattent that the quality of his goods nail their lot , prices will give satisfao-' tion to all who may favor him with a C11.41f1 E 9 ItEIED, Agent ibr Joseph Reed: tf-29 May 17,1843. Rouse Painter, qlazirg riaprhanging. S . ä.t WM T DI P1f.C1'1 , 14.1.1( announces to the. citizens or RA Carlisle anil the puhlio in . general; that. he has conniteneed Ole above b usiness in op its branches, and hopes that by strict attention to,buainess and with d es i,. o.o pl ea se, to merit : and receivesharit pub-' lib patronage. lie' may be , found abr. the corner of South IlittoverAteceinnol.Wist Citapel alley, oiipos lie Carlisle, Jtili t0,.1843 • • " • .'PAYttp .AND SAVE' COSTS,: • subscriber once more calla' Upon all persona indebMtl ko him by Note or: Book Account; to •parupr on or heir: the I iPbf Septembetneitp arter.which date the Owe:44. willpositively be placed, in the Wide ol'ajtiiiibb of the - Peace for ebßectkm.- • iIITNER. •Aukust 16, 184 S. • . •.,. laSnitOit. Fanny Nellie' Os. .• • • ! . siippli of the obo±ie cioalt;ainefiting' of Jaynes.Expeetoraot, ' • • •u Toni* VertpiftN., ,"' ' ' Safilittve ' • • " ct J 44 '`KELtTeti+; , -„ • HAteni-ratt ~..HAMS:-AND DRIED:BEEK A iot ofiwitoo tionvaiso . A lot 'of n Whi' ••111 - eit room: 'At illottotteat'•tci'•t'•• •;; • • n,,n, • -. Sivizrai.! . , ie l iteroat 1114i3Y;46 DENTIST, FOR SALE 113 L E• i'A RI, kr i p 1. SL, v ISM tr-so - Sm•SB MMI