Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 06, 1843, Image 4

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. • _ How beautiCullY falls ' '
1 oriiVvess 4 4
.`pie sound which aliens Ileaseti 7 -,Fooews ,
' 'On earth, lost Edenii,lioom;andilings
Hope's linloyous . o"yy the waste of, life,. •.
• Thrice happy lie,mliose:,beiti i t ldis been s° sehooi'd
• .)n the meek ' lesson of humility, • • -
That he 4 * n'gis-dituttermiCe; it imports
elestiiifgraiideut lo the litMian soul,'
And iiiiketh.inan'an angel. • ,
. .
glum's PRANER.-•. -. 1119, folLnOng
tiweee.aml simple expression of early pielY
is from, - pie' pen of Isaac Pray, jr., •of
Boston •
rather now tho'day is past,
On thy, child Ihy blessing east,
Near my pillow, hand in hand,
Keepthy 'guardian angel band;
And thronghout the darkling night,
[Mess me with a cheerful light,
Let rife rise at morn again,
Free from every thought of pain; .
Pressing through lilt's thorny way,
ICCoP 010, Palier, day by day !.
Doath-bod neventatico a Dclasion
01,.101111 A. ELICINTON,.II/. D
The idea that "death-bed :repitanee, 4 '
6•4) called,is allelusion, is not now. How-,
ever startling it may seem at first,- reflec
tion will soon convince anyone acquainted
tvith the human system and its sympath
ies, that.very little reliance be placed
upon a confession 'of reformation under
such circumstances. The intlividval
self is deceived; and it is right and proper
that others should not deceive themielves
on this important point. Our appetites,
tastes andldreetions, all contribute to wed
us to life, and_to endear us to existence.—
And although these tests of our temporal
attachmenfnre selfish in the abstract, they
are, both necessary and useful, as well as
to our own happiness, as the happiness Of
those around us. • We may even feel giite:
ful for the enjoyment of these. natural and
rational propensities; but. is the Itcart di-
Ytn,.ed flour '8 .c ion. re
we prepared at any monient for deathl—
Try the question ! '
We have been grateful; but not penitent
"Or whence this secret dread, and itiWard horror
01 fulling into naught? Why shrieks the soul
Back on herself, and startles at destruclion?"
Sieknegis attacks: . our system, and fierce
disease commences its ravages in the midst
of our most blissful enjoyments, in the
height of our gratification of appetite; and
how soon do we turn with disgust from
the very object which in a state of health,
gavo us pleasure! But is this repentance!
. The merciless arrow of death wings its
'way into our dweeling, and strikes downia
gentle iamb of our lo've, and where then
is the sunshine of life? Where Iho•gXpcn
fields and fragrant flowers of earth! Their
verdure' has faded. 'The sweet scented
Gower has lost its perfume. AU its gay
and beitutiful tints become unsightly and
sickening! Is this repentance?
The beloved object which sweetened
every enjoyment is buried under the cold
clods of the valley, and cheerfuhiess, which
Was the companion of 'the cherished one
in life, is changed to sorrow and sadness.
Now he is dead; and all the charms of
existence have vanished with, him! Is this
Is this 'Change in our physical condition,
this temporary disrelish Yor accustomed
gratifications, this want of appetite for car ,
tal Indulgences,repentance? Are our hearts
nearer God? our souls benefitted? our yip.,
toes improved? What are the evidences?
The healthy functions of our, organs have
been suspended by disease, and we have
no present desire for the things of earth!
Is this repentance? It is a delusion! a fa. , \
tal, dangerodi delu — sion!
'rite sick and dying lose their vigor, and
'aro in a state of physical and mental iner
tia—neither positively good, nor positively
evil, but very far from that condition of
spirit-Which constitutes true repentance.—
We feel subdued and penitent, and in our
helplessneas, throw our poor prostrate bo•
,dies, our yielding intellect, on the mercies
of Heaven.' This is not repentance, but
tr'delusion of fearful magnitude. Are we
to bury out talents in a napkin, and rely on
God and a sick bed for Safety,
tvithoutan effort of our own? Certainly.
not! Man, with all his priers, and ener
gies, and healthfulness, can scarcely hope
:'to be justified with his offended Creator.
• Remember, that debility of mind and
body; , tha 'prostration of. vital energy'', the
absence of the desire for evil, are only in
voluntary causes, and have nothing to do
;14 , 4h the . subject of repentance. If we
sleet daily to make our Teconciliatioti With
,'.God, tn. apply our moral and intellectual
; strength .to , his hector and. glory, depend
upon it, we cannot, ought not to.look fur
accaptance s ' merely, because, in the, hour of
Wanes's, We feel a disinclination' for those
intlnlgences which religion and virtue
'condemn:- beath-bed repentance,' lerme
repeat' it, ° fin "ninety-nine' cases out .of a
;titkilthd; j 9 a" terrible delusion
4 .';'Vinirr oot:op.—How, often do. 'we sigh
or 4peitunities of doing good, whilst we
' e
,:incg 941 e,epen t n g s,o pyt en e inlitt l e '
,0 4 1tfeh would frequeno lead•to the
ent:et •mostitportant useftip
ijesi 1 Dr. oin on used to say, e
Wii!ti` , w4ftgrfositertt t,treati,tluay of good Uf,
` - ‘44o*lll:nevekder.-'any.t-004 , ' Is clon e
11, • Ift
,PLFAnYA !n oPOr
'4 l oo.:iito*o o 4,Stlilottfoilows.:ktdio.f4uUt
r 7 ,1
..kkieltttb fn . •
- „
.;•!Rai ,
`ll]:itte ' st, and
st.calmto.r tapoDs t ever brOught parlkillo‘ai ,
naong , :wlaiolt'ary dip following:
• Broad •CloULa_for $2lO $7. ',•••'; • :'-
„Cassiinero $1,•11,1 and !Li:, ' • •
Froaelt . Cassinteres, a new prtlele 87/t I.'and
• • Arstings•, $1:12. • 7 .••••?.•-•
Pantaloons stall's tenni 64 : to $l,OO.
Calteoes 4 011,5 6 8 10 and 121 cents.
t.o 25. „ .
Mullins, 3, 4;6, 8; 10 idal.,l2.lcenti.•• . .
Lawns,l yard witle,l2 I=2, 181 and 25. ,
Ballareens, 37 1-'2'sU:it'd 82 1-2. , •
- -Stintmka'otly-Slapittliyi - and liambroons.
Clakkes, 6 11 oents;.B, 10 and 12 cents.
'Pickings, 7, 8,10, I'2 and 181. • • •
Laces and Edgings the 1 car to 191 cents. •
Elegant Foulard Silks.
, Poult de • Liii and Gin de Rhine Silks. •
Mousilin de Loins, 12 1-'2 via. 18, 25 and 37.
Bonnet ltildthus for (if to 311.
Cardirals and Black 'lllicit Shawls.. • •,
Elegant Einliriddered Sn - ins Mull SCUITS.
DO. • .aq. Silk and Fillet do.
Bonnets, 1 gnlies • and. '.l isles of all lauds t.r." prices
• 111ens•Leghorn null Chip lists, un grout variety.
Cotnmailr's, Ihilliugs. Also, •
A Fresh Lot. of Cheap GrOperleg.
.itily'n and I,o:if
inn en6;,e, strong, iu , • -
, •
l'oung 'pain, lin peria I,and I.laolc•Tens,fresh and
r•ved Chocolate, and Spices oral' kinds. ;
,New Orleans and Sugar lions(' lOolnascs,&c.
Of every description 01111 prices, several thousand
pair just received and selling dstnnishingly low, Ibt•
and au short every article tiectled,from a ytw aphis
to Broad Cloth at 4,1; per yard,and al prices to suit
the times. Recollect the 0111 stand (pligSile .1
Witilderlitit's old 1511l111), 111111 now the second store
Itelow the corner east Alain street.
As our chimp el'rocer , up street says in his adver
tisement, don't mistake the house, one door some
times makes a great dilrerence. Purchasers, friends
and customers, one =hall, pleose to call at the old
shop or CHAS. OGILIIY.
C;arlisle,3fity 17, I 843. tl-f27
. •
TIIIIII3IIITIB-211111 1 111T111
• •
rrally,subscribrs, at their FOUNDRY AND
NI NCIIINI7 SIIOI', on Main street, nearly 1.1)
posite the County Jail, to the liorottgli or Carlisle,
Pa., still canaille to build the folltiwite.••Alachines
anti Horse Powers—viz:
T. B. Burrell's Patent Improved
moagm IRDw - nn3, 9
With a horizontal bawd-wheel s with a trunk to con
duct the strap to the Alachine.
The, band-wheel outside of the horses. .Ther are
well calculated to put to one side 011ie barn bridge,
or under the barn shed.
A 18cea• and Improved shaker,
To septtrni.: the grain from the kraw, which will
dispense with one or two hands, will,he HMO to the
above MaLhine if 'wanted. • •
• -
, `11•'? • • S .
• b
Purchasing any of qie above •Maelti nes may have lite
privilege. after n fitly trial, of returning the some if
not s;utsliedy All Machines and Ifurse Powers are
warranted Ihr ime year, if well used.
-10 E 1-'Ol R
All kinds orreletiring will he done nt the soortes
notice and on the most reasOnable term's. They-al , -*
ways keep on hand :ill castings. peceiisary to repair
the ;thine Nfachines,or any others now in use.
IS IIISI) altineflell to the noon: establishment
an II ON AN I) BRASS FOUNDRY, at wlticii all
kinds of cAsTINwi--. be had—such as Avitle
Cora Bralwrs, Plaaler Ilmkera t Gear
ing, Saw Alin Cranks, Alaelkine GearoP , Wagon
Boxes, &1.... Also.
Such :19 Spindles, Cur lioxe., Turning Lathes,
kr., nil in the hest order;in iron +lnd lnliBs.
(j'.\ll orders will be t xvented nt the slimiest no
ticeottul promptly attmolvil to. Farmers:old others
nra respectfully invited to give us C:111, confident
(loathe.. out he suited to thews:dant:6mi.
A. S•l'OtlFFElt & CO.
Carlisle, Aug. 111,1812. o'4l
CCfPlanek's, Ileuwootl's and Oglu's PLOUGIIS
P1.()11C11 CASTIN(IS,sueII as Cutters Laud
silles,&c. ice., can also be Lull at the fouudrs.
Family Medicines.
117 REP.IltEl) only by Dr. D. JAYNE, Inventor,
. MIA sole proprietor, No. 211 South Third st.
Philadelphia, and none are gentlinti ' Without his
written signature upon the outside. Wrapper. All
others are counterfeits.
These ineilidines are recommended and extensive
used by the most intelligent persons in the United
States, by numerous Professors and Presidents of
Colleges, Plat sicians of the Army and Navy, and of
I lospitals and Ahnslionses, and by more than three
hundred Clergymen of various denominations.
They are expresilly prepared for fondly use, 81111
have acquired and unprecedented pimularity throtigh
out the United States; and as they are so admirably
calculated to preserve Ilealth mad eure flisease, lio'
family should ever be without than. Theproprie
tor of these valua b le preparations received his edu
cation at one of the best Alealical Colleges 11l Vie U.
'Slates, nod lion had fifteeli years experience in no
extensive and . diversilled practice, by which he has
had ample opporttinities of acquiring a practical
knowledge of diseases, and of the reineeies beid cal
culated to relative them. 'These preparations con
sist of
..lnyne"s Expeetnran4 vid made remedy for Cough
Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Spitting of Rluod
Croup, I looping Cough, Bronchitis, Pleurisy and in
flammation of the Longs or Throat, o
Breathing, and all diseases of the Pulmonary Organs.
Also Jayne's Hair Tonic, for the Preservation,
Growth and Beauty' of the 112%11%11ml whinh will pail
tiyely bring in new hair on bald heads.
Also Javne's Tdnie l'errailiip, , e,a certain and plea
sant remedy for Worms' I)yspepsia Piles, and many
other diseases.
Also , ,layne's Carminitive 'Balsam n certain CI
for Bowel and Summer Comulaints; lIT
I)iarrlicen, Dy
sentery Cholic, Cramps, Sick lleatlache, Som. stom
ach Cholera Marines, and all liel'ittlgelllelltS of the
stom m :1
and BovoB, N,rous Aficetim ts .,
3ayne's Sanative l'ells r for Female Diseases, Liver
Complaint, Costiveness, Fevers, 'lnflammations,
Glandular, Obstructions, Diseases of the Skin, ke.
mind in all cases Where as Alterative or Purgative
Medicine is resolved.
For sale in Carlisle, by
May SI, tf-131
311a11 1111112111Ybao
From 376, Bowery, N. York.
LIOR nine years this medicine has stood unrivaled
.1 , for the cure ef.cett g h,, nth) in the side, diffi
culty of breathing, Bronchitis, and all those affec
tions of the Throat, Lungs and Liver ' which nee a
source of so much suffering and which unarrested
so often terminate hi Consumption. So extenitivel,
has this rensedyieen used and in so many cures has
it.proved successful, the proprietor feels no hesi
tancy in recommending it to all who, unForttinatelly
have occasion to resort to some means of yecovery.
Multitudes, who have experienced its happy effects,
can testify to its utility, and very many rescued.from
a prentatore death, point to it as the, means of their,
The originator of this remedy WP a well versed in
the science of medicine, and a skilful praeticioner.
Physicians familiar with its effects not (Infrequently
prescribe it in their practilfe, and with the Illedieal
'Faculty generally it has tnet Ivitli'a larger filmy° of
approbation ;than is, 1:mullion with exchicive, pre
parations. . .
Citr CtINSUNIPTION- 7 -7flie following remark]
were taken fro m the last nunibee 'of thus Illediett
I . llagnaluer ' ~ r . ,
"The surprising 'effect 'Produced by ',.the 'gdneino.
'Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, made at SO
• Iloivery, in consumptive enses;cannot fail:exeiting a
ileep and thrill ing interest tlwoughout the worIA. We
have so long believed iliii diseaselcoosumption) in;•
curable, that it is to , credit ' iiehae s when
we SeirPePions,*evi deafly' cOnsutiptlie;ithitored to
health...yuitriiii (het Of 'dailkOliatikreke. ''''' '. ; '
41.YE11,' CONIPLAIN'r mid tletiONAlDelillilt--1 -
do oonsitloti th,jlnOrealmoittniiigulons: '1 was given
up by two phySitilitiisfi*olohrttrift'epatis for. death:
1 wmiltitips hal state rlielLifrientl :000 me g a b0t,...
'ild,iittit.;'lloovii:nhitaiiitle Lifeiiioet; Vn 875
II wiver;yj 407,1)efortill,a4 list;4,l,iipt%tie,l)olllAl..W:fks
able to.l4.l.q.ixtbo;l,ik , .thO'ftittliefissi hitvooptAta
14140.YA"talilot /PP hottilk.T.Allishouldmstc4'„ :
! , , , 101:{ 1- 41' ,,- P4 , ~ .y.^. 1r .61, ,. , ( 1 K 0katf1;1410,10tmf1i. , 1.
ti? - 11101 , 0T. ,0 4 1 1 1 1',11sTi.aliEf•b14.-irt ,1 1 11v , i'
- : . b' ' liliit'll'OOY•slo,lontliglir4firllsollitl‘nitonili9g: .
004100 ;AbogitlertlimlirtOon:i'lliz.F.livOi .l os s
k) 4'.# iit.fko.4 l l4*alia*l',4lool debility, : bY.4l!rY..imeAoCtiito
bat oikDr:7llo,l6oll:l)phiiim atLiyoryprtlt''ANi.
! ~ciPll.). O I'iI,W.I.V.ALLF.N3 7 111creliant*i(0,61,1
I , '• ; ,*. : l4ll`.;ioi*..)Okiefl!l;lYlo7Bo,llj4 , .Diligtmi , ,Tiolc.,
.136 - 0.615At1i1.319. 4 1 ,10.*ipi,4-.' i - ; , .1t' , ,y-...i,.?"..... - - !''-fl
r1e,10er.26 , 1840..- ,, 4,',, ' ~ ,,-6 ...-. , , : 105'60.- v 6 ..,,, , i 1:74:6. 2
''`it - '4:: - - ''L-'21":1 - i2;:i.:..,:::;a:14...:.: , '
;Alm tir t itsi
• V l rx , , •
A e vlotesx'so , a -
- ott `•-•
lucre or., , rne stsrtm,'
,croftila,„or:‘,oo Rheumatism
,obstinatecutimpoite Eruptions, Pirit
plea, or: INist;tilee pri, the Blot
Biles;Citi 3 Oxiic;gore EyeS, Ring,
"Wo'rin or. Teile,e;" Scala, 4 . 04 Ep
large.inent ; -Vain ,of . tliel3ones
andJointsiStubb °Err Iticers,-Syphili
, tic Symptoms,'Sci4tica; or Lumbago,
anti.,,.tliseases arising from an injudi
, Cien,4 ; . - use of, Mgrciiry, A.scites, or
Exposuie or Imprudence in
'`'':Life. Also, Chronic Constitutional
,Diserders will be removed by this
linproyement lm wlanteyer t regards the happiness
ind.welfare of ouryuce is constantly OH the' march
to perfection,
,and with each succeeding day some
new problem is nolyed,nr some profound secret re,
vealed, having nnlmportatit tutu direct bearing over
man's highest destinies. If we take at retrospective
VIeW over the pant twenty yeiirs, how is the mind
struck with wonder ! - What rapid strides has science
made in'every department of ckilized life ! parti
cularly in tint which relates to the knowledge or the
human system in health mud disease. How valuable
and indispensable are the curative tiieans recently
discovered through the agency of chemistry ! I low
does the imagination kindleaMl our admiration glow
nt the ingenuity, the near approach to the standard
of perfection, of the present time! Through the
elaborate investigations of Physiology,or the science
of LIFE, and the Pathology of prevalent diseases,
much valuable practical knowledge has been gaineq.
In consequence of becoming acquainted with the
gnuiz:nion, the elements of the various tissues and
structures of the system, remedies have been sought
after and,discovered e;:actly adapted to combine with,
tteatitralize and expel morbille matter, the cause of
disease, and stlbstititte healthy action in its place.—
The beautiful simplicity of this mode of treatment
is not only suggested by the pathology of diseases;
not only grateful tti the sufferer, but perfectly in coo
sonance with the operations of Nature, and 'satisfac
tory to the views and reasonings of every intelligent;
reflecting mind. It is thtu that Sand's Sarsaparilla,
a scientific combination of essential princiPlei . Of ihu
most valuable vegetable substances,Operates upon the
I system. The Sat saparilla is combined with Odin most
salutary propellents, the most potent shanks Of the'
vegetable kingiTinn ; and its unprecedented success
An the restoration to health Of those- who had long
pined under, thti Most disiressing chronic maladies,
has given Wan exalted chamilirofurnishing as it
does evideuceof Its own ititritiie Naluv,..aud vvermi
mending it to the afflicted in tams allieted-o
can now. It has long been n 111051 important
shleratuni in the • practice of medic:4le to obtain a
remedy similar' to this—one that wthilil net oil the
liver, btomaeli and with all the precision and
potency of preparations; yet without any of
their-deleterious-effects-upon the ritat-powers or the
Tiratentiou of the reader is res . pectlidly called
to the folloOag certificate.' I lowel'er great achieve
ments have heretofore been made by the use of this
invaluable medicine, yet daily experience shows re
stilts still inores'nemarkable. 'rho proprietors here
avail themselves of the opportunity of luiying it is a
source 0r constant satisfaction that t h ey are made time
means of relieving such an amount 01 suffering.
Wonderful E f fects of Sands's Sarsaparilla it
Norwich, Conn
Mol the following from Airs, Wui. Phillips, who
has lung resided at the Falls. The Stets are well
known to all'the old resideittsin that part (thin. city.
Al coons. A. 11. Sauces Se: Co.—SIIIS: Mold grate
fully do I embrace this opportunity for stating to you
the great relief I obtained froin'the use if your t;ar
saparilla. I shall also, he happy, through yon, to
publish to all who arc afflicted ,as I lately was, the ac
count of my unexpected, and even Mr a long While
I espair of cure. Aline is a painthl story, an.
nd try in
anl sickeitingios is the narrative of it, rm. the sake of
many who may he surely relies ed, I will briefly yet
accurately. state it.
• Nineteen years ago last April a fit of sickness left
Inc with an Erysipelas eruption. Dropsical collec
tions immediately look place over the entire surtioce
of my body, causing such an enlargement that it wan
necessary to add a halt' pivot toi the size of iny dres
sesaround the waste. Next followed,upon my limbs,
ulcers, painful beyond description. Foryears, both
in monomer and winter, the only M44;311011 of my
sintering was found in pouring spot. those parts cold
water. Prom my limbs the pain extended over,my
whole body. There was literally lior mono rest, by
day or by night. Upon lying down these pains would
shoot through My system, and compel me to arise,
and, for hours together, walk the house, so that I was
almost entirely deprived of sleep. Miring this tithe
the Erysipelas continued active, and the ulcers ea.
largeol,and at
so deeply have these een, that for two
and whalf years they have been subject to bleeding,.
During these almost twenty years, I Save consulted
many physicians. These have called my disease—
ask wasattended with an obstinate cough and a steady
and active pain in my side—a dropsical consumption;
and though they have been skilful practitioners,they
were Only able to afford my case a partial and tem
poraryrelief. I had many other dilliculties too com
pile:4ml to describe. I have also used many of the
medicines that have been recomniended its infallible
cures for this disease, yet these all failed, and I was
most emphatically growing worse. In this critical
condition, given up by friendsmnd expecting for my
self, relief only in death I was by the timely inter
position of a kind Provitlence, furnished with your,
to ine,hovaltiable Sarsaparilla. A single bottle gave
me at, assurance of health, which for twenty yearsl
Imo] not once felt. Upon taking the second my en
largement diminished, and in torehoe days from the
Silo of October, when I commenced taking your Sato
saparilla I ems able to enjoy sleep and rest,by night ,
as refreshing as any I ever enjoyed when in perfect
health., Besides, I: was, in this short time, relieved
Iron all those excruciating_ and unalleviated pains
that had afflicted my days, as well , as robbed Me of
my night's repose. The ulcers upon my limits are
healed, the Erysipelas cured, and toy size reduced
nearly to my boomer measure.
'rims mulch do I feel it a privilege tai testify to' the
efficacy of your bealth-restoring' Sarsaparilla. A
thousand thanks, sir, from one whoset comfort and
whose hope of future health are due, under God, to
your instrumentality. And may the same Providence
that-directed me to your aid, make you the happy
and honored instruments of blessing others, as dis
eased and despairingas your much relieved and very
grateful friend, ASLNA'PII Al. PHILLIPS.
NEW LONDON NOI:Wiell, Nov. 40842.
Personally appeared,the above-numcd Asenath
smol made oath of the facts contained in the
foregoing statement before me.
• 'Justice of the Peace.
Being personally,nequainted with Mrs. Phillips, I
certify that the above asserted filets are substantially
Minister of the Gospel at Norwich, Conn.
Sand's Sarsaparilla will also remove and perma
nently cure, diseases having their origin in nn impure
state of the blood and depraved condition of the gen
eral constitution, viz: Scrofula or King's Evil in its
various forms, Rheumatism, ,- obstiatate cutaneous,
et options, blotches, Liles,: pimples, or pustules on
the lace, chronic sore eyes,,ringworm or tenor ? scald
head,-enlargement and pain ef the Lanes and joints,
stubborn ulcers, symptoms, diseases mris-,
ing from an injudicious Lse, of
,merctiry, tbmale de ,
rangernenfs and other si Maar complaints: • .
. 'Prepared nod sold by•A: B. • Sands' & en.; Drug
gi st sand Chemists, Granite buildings,273 Broadway
corner of Chambers streel, New York: 'And tot; sale
by Druggists throughout the United States. Price
s s l' "ter bottle, six bottles for ss.' ' • •
. The public ore resp ectfully requested to reinem
ber that it is Saada's Sarsaparilla tint has eon-.
stand* achieving stibh rentarkablo cares ortlii!imoit
difficult chats of diseases to Whieli•the frame'
is subject, and ask for Sands's Sarsaparilla:, and take
- • • , . ' S. •ELLIO'CT
Agent by special appolutraeat foillicyrqprjetors,
9r Belisle !mil/deity.' ,
July 111, i s4s. . . • I.y-.37
. , .
itTrriOPTS"for biaaharke and Certi
;°gate ,/14 4"1Pt, 4 i oo/ ? cen 'Al - -
J.6.lllgir Itif:Al,LEtsr;iat,ii,C,lo4';'cumberlanil
anti PLtittitZ` the, ptitiv-4sy 'Or seyy.
I:o'clock - A:* Ts :0001101i fo.,th6'lloniiti,krinre-,
°IL brifpreAn tuticl Binitruptiyot,
the Oistrieg C - ogrt Itnnna l in;,the,Oitir 4)f Npiltuiek r ,
phir,t, when and Ayherallte. credithis tlid ieg t ,„
litioncel';w ll lhhYtkiwVed Pieir Debts.'nnil nil Berl ;
sane intsrn4nnt3rralnitiEr mid 'plinw cause. ir Any.'
hkY JotYPP' , X I I,OB 4 1 4
14 1 k, , 0,4 1 Me.5, , 1. 0 1 , t 3
allattppagnaltid, I
FRAU' n t iP° 4 '
Cleekpfrp , tarAo r vomit.
~ ..`tAprdiwl3B44,,e, •
ThaeziaißgalWAfieNdlialalif big'',
,A . . - e,f4eit' , o fckali'.#.` , P . 11,1j4Y1#1,?..,` P1,..P.t4 '.:•'4.
Al ls
: ~..: 4 Z:it,":- ' 3C RIO: '. _ • ,
.'.•_,,,•!.§ 1 _!:, , 1i',..:t-t.
iftilgtirViett r iX 1 " IFltit'
'roitle4biiii*Ot; Gialcbt*lllOafilt : 1
iitlilipsi**l6;4ogo:ol4,ihoi,,v64;4ool6titiifif ,
•:-. ibe*Lirld'fc?r.ikolo , - ,5 (04'''4 ,,, ::::' ,
; ; . o.y.E . R.r.'v4losTr,ol7,jj.lso4 - s:e . "
IlgellUSN they entanletely tdenntie.thulstmultey:i
" and bowels from .those.billousram) - .onrrulithu: , 4
:" 1 0 0 ' , !Filielt'Pl*,9le. 01s P noV'PYIPI,9(..I,..PxI llele.,
'Giddhiess;. li‘tpttation ,of the Ileart,;ralins in, lie ;
'Gone's, Aheuinatism'll:4 Gout; but ofTatery, malady,
Incident to Man: ' - :.'
84thl1M1.4:11 1 1ftat,t4.01.4 .PILZS • a ertnin cure fisr • intermittent, remittent) ner
eons, inflamtnattny and 'ptitrid :I'!evers, because they
cleanse the Leib% from,hose morbid humors, which
when emdined to.the circulation are the cause of al
kinds of
, .
So, a lso; the same impurity is deposited on
the membrane and muscle,causing Willie, illflatilltla.•
lions and 'swellings, called '
The 'lndian Vegetable Pills may' be relied on as al
ways certain to give relief, antr if perserVed with ac
cording to directions, will.most assuredly, tiadwith
out fitili make a terfect .o9rc of the above plaid
matadies. 'From three to six of said Indian .Vegeta
ble Pills taken every night on goittg to Led will in a
short time so completely, rid the body from every
thing that is opposed to health, that Rheumatism,
Gout, and 'pain of every description, will be literally
For the same reasons, when, from sudden changes
of atmoiphere, or any other cause, the perspiratiOn
is checked, and the humor§ which should pass off by
the Skin are thrown inwardly, causing
Nausea and sickness, pain in the bones, watery :and
inflamed e) es, sore throat, hoarseness, .coughs, con
smnptions, rheumatic pain's hi i;itrious parts of the
body,and many other' symptoms of,- •
ably give immediate relief: .From three to six of
Said pins taken every night on giting to bed, will in
a short time, not only remove all the above unplea
sant symptoms, but the body 'will, in a short time, lie
restored to even wonder bealtp_lhan before. The
Stimenfay - be Said or.
The Indian Vegetable Pills will loos e n and carry.
off by'the stomach and bowels those tough jililegmy
hutnorii;which stop up the air cells of the lungs,and
. ,
re the cause hot only of the above distressingyinn
plaint; hut When neglected, often terminates in that
still more dreadfol ma lady-ealled
-thalibl also by reinenilitzeil_that—lhe Ind'
Vegetable Pills are n certain cure for
. PAIN . IN 1111.: StliE.
Oppression, nausea, and sickness, loss of oppoilic
- ctsstivettess, a yellow tinge of the • skin and eyes and
every other symptom
, a a:torpid or ilise;6ed slate of
he liverrhecame-they - porge from the Wily 'those
impurities whida if deposited upon this important
organ, are theeanse of every variety of
When a Natioui,s, , eonvullsed by Riots, Outbreaks .
'and'Rebellion, the only sure means of prvetuttig true
dreadfnl eonsegnencesof
is to nape! all traitors, and evil disposed ones Ni - no
the Country.
In like manner, when pain or sickness of any kind
indicate that the body is struggling m Rh internal foes,
the true remedy is to
(Traitors to life,) anti ['EMAIL \VIM, 111•.1 7111.
cr►t FAIN itEsur,T.
"Flea the P,tileeitile (Smiting tlisease,hy Cleeenieg
and Purifying , the holy, is strictly in accordance wUh
the Laws which gol'ern the !Animal economy; mid if
prolierly carried it I,y the use of the :Move n ied
Will certainly result in the complete J bohtion o
Disease; we offer s the following testimottials, from
persons of the highest respectability' in New York
who have recently been cured of the most obstinate
complaints, solely by the use of WRIGHT'S INDIAN
Vr.orrAtum PILLS ow THE
FARA:It:A, L. I. June 9th, I 8.11
Doctor William Wright—Dear Sir—lt is with
great satisfaction that I inform youl of My having
been entirely entid of Dyspepsia, drive years stand
ing, by the use of your INDIAN VEGETABLE
Previous to meeting with ypur celehr . ated medi
cine, I hail been - under the hands of several Physi
cians, and had tried various medicines; but all to no
offect. After using one 2.5 cent box of your Pills
however, I experienced an touch henefit, that I re
solved to persevere in the use of them according to
your directions, which I am happy to state, has re
sulted in a perfect cure. In gratitude to you for the
great benefit I have received, and also in the hope
that others similarly itillicted may be italtuacd to make
trial of your extraordinary medicitie, I send you
this statement With full liberty to publish the same if
you thick proper. Yours, &c.
Nr.n, Yong, June 19, 1841. G. C. BLACK.
'0 Alm Richard Dennis, Agent for iVright's Indian
Vegetable Pills, No. 488 Greenwich a. N. V.
Dear Sar—At your recommendation, I some tame
since anode trial of %Vint:lMS INDIAN VEG
ETABLE PILLS:of the North American College
- of Health; and can conscientiously assert, that for
Purifying the Dlood; anti renovating the system,
have received more benefit from their use, than from
any other medicine, it has heretofore been nay good
fortune to meet with. I am, dear sir, with many
thanks, younoldiged friend, C. M. TATE,
No. 60 liameraly at. New York.
Mr. Itichard Dennis,. agent. for Wright's Indian
Vegetable Pills.
Dear Sir.— have been nillicted for several years
with inward weakness and general debility, accom
panied times 'with pain in the side and other -dis
tressing complaints. After having tries/various medi f
ewes without etrect, I was persuaded by n friend to
make trial of Dr. Wright's Italian Vegetable Pills,
which I ant happy to state Ithve relieved me in a most
wonderful' manner. I have used the medicine, as
yet but a short time, , ,and have no doubt, by a per
saGemncein the rase of-the medicine according to
directions, that Inhall, in n short time be perfectly
most Nvillinglirecommonil said Pills to all per
sons .similarly
.afflicted; .and, in the full belief that
the saute beneficial results will follow their use. • .
I remain yours sincerely '
Wnwariang, Ulster Co. New York:
New Yonrc, Sept. 29. 1 611.
This is to certify that Ihave.used,Wriglit's Indian
. ,
Vegetable; with the greatest benefit; having en
tircly cured myself of the frequent attacks of Sick
tleadache, to which liiad previously been subject.
e^ ANN .MARIA Tlltili IPSON, i
' 'r ' 392 Greenwich street, NY.
To Mr. Richard Dennis, Agent for Wright's Indian
..:,Vegetable Pills. .. . .__...., ~ _
As there areet thin time many wicked`' persons
busily engaged in selling a counterfeit medicine un
der the name of .the Indian •Vegetable Pills; and as
thi se deolmitie'snetrare stfutterlyi iteklOss'of;con-
Icequences, that many valuable Jives may be lost, in.
eonspinents,9f,using their.drendful to . mtionoils, the.
1 public are tautione ingainst• pureintlung pny. Pills,
unless on the the boles the . follgivtng wisyd
-1 fok is foiled, ''.. ~ ..., , .
~ • : .
'WltlGlit'S If41)1All '', V Edkl'Allti: ~ TILLS,
- ,—, ~ -: 4 -:, , Ciitdian.,P.rorgalive - .) - , ----
00 10 1 ...; . **0 1- **If CPriEPC o i4frAthlr•
'4lid.iiiao f 2 guard especially swinst purelinsing Said
lne , t l4 o o ' 6s 'itlf Pl i kin'exidllit the tiOguir adairtiseda
sgetiisi omit ; ktis;,Uftinlsiuid ' geinial
. 4letidti ~ Nd. 169,
t.,,K' l3ll , l *K.V'P e il s iFfPft::l4ll,lii,..!: 'rli t.' , A;..
'‘ f,' ,, o . ?'.l!,l ) '''' '-'''', '',' ,'.',,..V T ':',l.";.;C:' f:'7,,i' • '
~,Af4to;,..o4;4AVvoniliollmorlitpi e
;;i• 0 oToril,, tf , 2 ' ,', .: VO:1 0 T90410 '4 "'''''
Ateni7IItIPPONPO.V;(4SU- t OPtYri l ' ' li •
:77 , -••=•• • '''''d' " ' ' . . - '•''''," ,. '',• - p• , ,: l'Ai
AlFOin d t*Piifikl!likt"'-' , 4: 6 0.4. ,11 40 4 :4 . •it: :,•-'
~..x.406...w.....09,(„0r ..._....:,1,"
wv..„: j- . . ,:',',,•, ' '•• , ' , TA , V , .. 4, 'Mt•-?':5 .. .,: • '•1 . ~. ' •":0. 4 " . •
• ,•, , ,4414,1ga.A10:4A,AWigg'f'Abt'2. , •.,;1..,•-1:= -.‹. , , -4,...;14(
'O 4 ' 1 ts'lAlitA - A
i i .:, i ,„„4,2,.,,
A,,„T. t T ,t,„e: ects.,of this preparation be
1. ,- ebb#o 'Aft* arete - ,Ndnihrotidlierstoha
asser't ave'de sut d Anctre benefit from using one
bottltiof tt,lliati three' ol' tunl , Olhatt itTltia is nnal t ,Y
,accoutiled for;Aut Dr. lbeitly's
, Sarsaparilla is tt rilUell
,ifionger preparatlinYthan aby Mititr, mid 'icor' twice
Inf,,Much fscontained Iff , ottet bottle nd of any Tither
lainylny itt the same price.) Let the public reniem.
•,thlfritit a remain bond bulthe real (att.. ~ „.(-<,,,,
, 1.',•, , t.-'4.-. , '- . , ;r• --- 1 • •‘ 01, 7 „i';``
Iblti4 , l l 4EXV,ltk - SAlCSA.lo.itliiitilL:
-.. ' i,' ,ProM die .11ledical Review. ~ - .
~ , .
QT4lbnag 11,14 ,
yegetable alteratives with which
' onr•t idfienwiCtt abound,lltere are few so useful as' ,
Sartaitatillii ittall_when..properljr,oombloestantf pre
parethlslifyaluable; pot only in restoring debilita
ted constittitions totheir wouted,energy but in every
enact milting °tied an impir`e. Saito ottho b 164.7 ,•
From a knowledge of very many cases (and some al
them considered 'inetirabie) where,inany diWerent
preparations of ,‘.i arsaparida had been used, um)
seemed to p089e99 virtues or remedial powers e it ,
ttl Dr.Leidy's Medicated' or Compound Extra t of'
Sarsaparilla." ~
. .
It Ia at, preparation it is believed fi ll. super or to
any other, and would recommend it to_the particular,
notice of l'ltysicituts.—Ed. U. S. Gazetto. ,
Extract of n letter Irom Whitmore; of Easton,
in relation to Dr. Leidv's Sarsaparilla,
9ly little boy and gill, dm former now, three
years 011(1 the latter now seven years Old, have been
afflicted with a'serofolons tumor from the time they
were three months old. Three months ago I was
Induced to make trial ofyoue Exti•act of Sarsaparilla,
and have given it to both to the.present time.. They
are now entirely free front any appearance of Scro
fula and never were in better health.''
1)r. LeitlY's Saasaparilla 'is efficacious in all dis
eases arising (rout itummities ol• the blood atm other
fluids of the system. All, invalids who may have
been 'Ander medical treatment, who !,trtt
fybm the quantity of medicine they may have
or tire under a mercurial influence, will find that by
using a few bottles of Dr. Leidy 's Sarsaparilla,their
urinal vigor and elasticity 'of their frame and system
will lie restored, and be again permitted to enjoy the
sweets of life. ' • '
(G - "This article be doing wonder:l'm
the South, and from the high 'eharacter.of the re
commendations, we are fully perstmiled i@ is ft nutst
capital medicine for all-impurities ()film blood. \Ve
know many Physicians r have given their testi
mony on this subject, and we know they would not
give a character to any medicine that did not really
deserve it.'?—Charlestott Enquirer.
Extract of a letter from De. WOrrell, Natchez.
"flachig lin• the last year in ow practice used your
Sarsaparilla with numb satisfaction to myself and
benefiLlit.mY pnlienla z I hare no hesitation in ileclar 7
log it to beone of the most useful preparations in
diseases for which Sarsaliarilla is prescribed."
This preparation may be depended upon us
being the strwirst (consegnently more efficacious)
of any in extstence ; all thud preparationi: must pos
sess similar virtue..., in proportion "to their strength,
being prepared from the same"article. Leidy's
Compound VAtraet of:Sarsaparilla, however, pos
sesses prokriiirs not possessed by others, front its
InStliner of preparation,and combination as kb other
vegetable . extracts recotnmentled by the medical' fa
utliyuaL.lvence—tho-reusott—wlty_itis_so. ~e ne e.. 11
recommended by the Pll3:siciatisul'PbilitdelphiaanJ
- .
elstm here. .
'from the extraordinary virtues of this prepara
tion a n d a knowledge of its conomsitien,hy Physi
einos..(the reason why the/ so generally use it, :is
they would not use or recommend any peeparaliou •
they - did - not - know die compositiOd ot,) it bas bumf"
introduced in tunny of the Hospitals throughout the
U. S. and is highly recommended by I'l.ysicians and
Sufgeous of those Institutions.
From the Nt.4 Orbiiitts Aulvil•ti'ser
The high and enilial Celebrity which this pee
eminent medicine tins iietpurial for its intariable el
ficacy in all diseases it push htieS, us core, 1 . 11,
rendered the usual practice or pnlliing ISSIt'veSSSI.V.
It is Mims by . its (coin; and its good works tt silty
for it, 1)r. Leidy's Sarsaparilla will he found parti
cularly elliraciotis iu all iliseaws Of the liver, stom
ach, skin, kidneys, spine and Inines;tilceration, ottlw
nose, throat:old/alley poets, Oise( siies,fihtillas,
flllnsi erysipelas, jaimilive.rlieumatisia mill incipient
niereurial and syphilitic afteciiiiiis. ilc-'
I.:ingenious audio restoring the - sickly uud debilitat
ed to their natural health and energy.
. .
1)r. keitly's Compound F;xtract of Sarsaparilla has
stood the test for pil l' years past., and 'Os no boast to
say that there is no other preparation or cow,'
Strength IIOW ill 1151'. Throughout the Southern
States where Sarsamirilla i, as much in general use
as tea and c 0110..., 1)1.. Leidy's Saesaparilht is WWI . -
3111 . y preferrell and is highly recomint.mktl his i'llV
siciatisc[whose certificates have been frequently
lisbed '111'1)1%11am
,tile north and west it is also
notch used, 1110Ie perk:Tsai:in any other. •
Our bottle of it [half a pint] is warranted eoptal to
two orally other in strewr ' th, and is equal to one half
gallop of the strongest Syrup that call he made.
Directions for making Syrup therefrom accom
panies the directions.
, •
ternist a few days since a Clergyman* of this city
[5lllO does not desire. his name published in tin. pa,
pees, but is left with 1)r. I,ciily] stated that a lady
who had long been a communicant at his church, but
rot. twit years past tmahle to go to church, on aecount
of her e xtreme debility, occasioned hy ulceration or
various parts of her hotly, disease of her liver and
other internal derangements, and the taking
of medicine therelbr, never fotind any cluing. rm• the
better until alter using several bottles of Dr. I.citly's
Sarsaparilla, and by a few months. perseverance in
its Ilse, was entirely restored to health, and recover
ed her former strength, mud to 11$10 tier own language
"was almost created VOA:NV bring," This is but one
of many instances almost daily liege(' of.
It in prepared only nod sold wholesale
at Dr. I,EII/1"8 Ilealth Emporium, No. 191 North
Second street below Vine: also sold by Frederirk
Brown, corner Filth :11.41 Clwsnitt %tree's; and Fred.
Klett /X Co. eortitr; '241 and Callowhill street, ttt $1
per bottle, (n ball pint) or six' bottles $5,
For sale in Carlisle by
11Tay 31,18-13.
'Worms I Worms
IF parents knew. the,yaliie and efficacy of Dr.
Let ily 's Patent Vegetable Nl'orni Teti,they never
would be without it in their fatalities, as children are
subject at all times to 'Worms.
WOllll Tea is composed of verwtables
altogether, and may be given to children of all ages.
Directions accompany each pap r or package. •
• Children 'suffer much, of (lines, from so minty
things being given them for worortrwithout any ef
feet. Much medicine, given to children, •111113 . 11. tell
deney- to destroy their general health, and' they are
inore‘or less delicate ever after.
To avoid the necessity of giving.- Medic:hie unne
cessarily when you are eernilil 7oUr children have
worms glib them at first Dr. Len Worm Tea. It.
is all that is necessary.' .
Reference might be made to several hundred pa
rents in Philadelphia city vial county; or the ellicacy
of Dr. Leidy's Worm Teu. • Try it and you will-be
Price lq cents a small, and •_'3 cents n
1:1t•ge pack
age, Prepared only, and, mile, • wlielesfile sea
Retail, at lh•. Leidy's Health Natiewi9tu, No. tgt
North Second street, below Vine [alga of the Gol
den Eagle anal crpents,]
Fur sale iu Cu lisle 6y
June '14., 1843
Dr. Leidy's 'Fetter and Itch Ointment.
AN infallible remedy for varions affections of the
Skint removing - Pimples, %Pustuleti, anil Eruptions, -
of, thu Skin, and particularlTmlaptcti to the'cliett of
Totter and tho Itch., „ •
!Phis ointment has been used' in numerous selfoOli
throughout tlto oily auQ county, ns Nell as Pnoto,rie,s,
'employing iriunterons,giels bOys, nod amongst
whotti . Totter anti Itch as other..A. ffections of,
ilia Skin; prciyalla, wi th' the niost itnexainplena ettd.
poss.. Names of School ,Teachoys,, as well 401:Pr
intendants and Proprietors 01'1'dt:tortes 'con! !be
giye9,conOrtnt ngtheattoce, but for the delicaby ley' •
feel im,hnving. thei t• tuituus . ,, published in nbntucctlon
midi, such loathsome Ontldisagi t kalablenirticlichis,,
flbelints u box. - por ante to Carlishi
/pONSIJAIHTIONA - .ough; Signlug-111°0i' 8to:
_ _To_coateurv,tives:Four flilles of yeaard really
541,o•tueglestOikco.llle,,oo au t plisliataion'
ad4rebnoftgeot InuarongikOwrof ilii,:#o,lSitte filling,
of„fltgikp,tioßa ,t l onyhmilielkAß, air wt. breatlai is,
'iliottibloted to, evory,,park Of tic on , tufo, ob.: ,
pocticiin gc tllipesiDatl4 itOit , otate\CO A'":l(9ifisco4nll
1 OtiiigMUMOOfir it I*64l4iig;' , lioetiefevee;`,liif,d, rr,
spitting of blbiati mafters:F r illaimi.,,w,lileli;stririlly,
eihauoaalhe eirangth of the3so.leof,aoll
..etililii!ff (101 all.
layoe's Eitveetoramtiiioo , faija to remove fliiii'W
Ali:u,rtiotio'4oll.P*46, , tte 'moat pleatii% 4441 balm
*4141 , ..'' ,tzivectaidthil4GrlrkiioiolMatioi fo of
telAcfr;:. i fh 41 1 .01. 1 k50.* 1 4041 -1 1141,,PP1 lid
..:"...,t i ,-.t,,,.,,,. i ,,,,,,_upy tit i , . !; 4.: 4 .1§, 41 ,;,,,,,,,, 10 , 1 , ) i."1: 4 ,- : ,,. ::0 0....4...., i
14. , ,FIREINSuwetr'
"...,„., ~..,
' ll 9 t: •+g ii.
meric M.-41' 1.1z,•°. osir •.,
Nor tkA , ' U 011,110C,C
4 .
OF ;PHILA' . fil'
tt . „ . ---, j.,., ,f ~ ~..,,:.., , ~ ) , ' -, - ~. •
i''.‘,;•f.';‘( --. ,-°,:, ;ii , ,------ .:' , I '' ,
Ititillg'ciiiiiiii'VCiiiiin'u''',Ai triaiiiiinsttiahter6
' '''',';'ii'gtiiii'stlisqii; or daiiirig6 - ,isiFiiiiil illoil'idi4
ivusimalilii 'A.iiiins. ' Tii'y also4nkiv . ,/" . • ••
.. '
~ . •
, . . •
. .
on:stone or I;rick buildings ai 825'0n 'BlOOO, die
Rraminm,snikject,o be drawn, any time
deduction of five • per dont., on
R.,,itOilO''°l:'Piiii3!Oki?Tilid..;33l';:l •
totniffir Ono4ci t i
9t4tio,nii titfelt :;',',„94; to 85 on 81000
„Log and 916 to.s7, on 81000
.„ ' 95 on slop()
' Application inporson or,by. loiter will have im-
The Sirripg ilifardeit Insurance Co.
, OF
.311 AV INSURANCE, either. tomporary or
_ perpetual, against loss or damage by Finn,
in Juwn or Country, pn Houdes,•Barns and Build-,
inge of all kinds; on Household Furniture, Mer
chandize,'Horses, c!ittlo ‘ Agricultural, Commer
cial and Manufacturing_ Bteek, and
_Utensils of
every description,as well as Illowrnare and Gaptugn
RENT, upon the'most: favorable lons.
The following are the' usual rates, viz:
On Stone Etna from
• - 35 to 40 cts. on $lOO
A .. 4 1,qg and frame 4 i GO to 70 cts. on 100
"Arerchandin and furni-
. turn in brick or antic
buildings, from
"Do. in log orframe,
"Horses, cattle, farming
utensils anSsundries,
at about • . •
Application may ho 'mule to
Carlisle, Dec. 21, 1812. ly
• • ),_r,,z.e
PiturEc.TwN cum PANY, being incorpo
rated by an 'net of the Legislature of the present ses
siomatiol fully organized and io operation under the
direction of the following hoard of Managers, viz
Thoinas C. Miller C. P. Curtimittit, John Moore
David \V. NlcCultough,..himes AVeakly, (;ehrge
Ilartin ) Will into* Moore, Samuel Galbraith, .lames
and A. G. 111iller, call the attention of the inhabit
lints of Cumlierland Valley to the cheapness of their
rates and the many advantages which thls and of
insurance has over soy other. •
kst. Essex' Person insured heroic •s n Member of
the company and takes part in the choice of officers
and the direction of its concerns.
oil For insurance no more is demanded than is
nevem; try to meet the expenses of the Compatty and
indemnity avinst lo , sses which may happen.
• ',tl 111 P. 'cols is
7341:7110,011Velliellee til.llllolt 11111.01'05 IS 11..
voided hy insuring for a term of five years.
Ith. Any perami I iplsiug Cu. insurance must give
his premium note cheajwit class at the rate .
of live per eentam, which will be ti,so on the $lOOO,
for a hieli he will hate to pay $'2,50 l'or live Sears,
atal-S'l;so-fortaireerand-puliey T ttial-no-more fatless
kss he sustained to a greater amount Orin the funds
on hands will eoverotal then no more will lie reiptirr
tut than a pro rata share. These rates are mach
eheaper than those a other emnpanies, except mtcL
as are ineorporated on the saute
fitsaratiee is eifertell in the lidlowing manner. A
person applying for insurance for property of the
elleapinq class of risk-Ittr,i,looo will he .eltarged 5
per rent for fivt;yeat s,a note amounting to $5O must
he given Ity hini,on which he will he relpiiri•il to pay
5 per cent and 4,td foesur‘eying and
and will have no inure reitiiired of him unless losses
occur tutu the fonds onak hands are not sollieituit to
meet them.
• •
Tr' appm i l et as sons as popdble in dif
ferent places 1.0 :IttVlld lit llMlll'llllLlCh,llllllally tSrrsttns
itillillg immediately to apply can do 50 Ity signify
hug their wish. to the ollieers of the emiipany.
• eIIAS. P. C,II.M.MINS, Pres.
4%. G.
April 1.2, I SAJ. y
18. © 0 S
tqc tiu of the powers and authorit)
ents:;i4,l in the last will and teseonent o
11 ienA EL En n, 1 now olret. fur sale, the .
Carlisle Yron- Works ,
Situated ola the YVHOW IL•eeelu•s Crth:k, •4}
enbt at I'm The estate colibists °fa lirbt late
„If - 0 alcua „L'; ottizzals c ,
tcille Tae Thousand dciTs of Land.
A new lICIIA NT MILL welt iceman) ah,t(ine,
finished nn the most approved olam About 500aeres
of the heel are cleared and highly veldt:tied, hat iog
thereon eructed
'llkree Large Rail ASi Barns
and necessary— TENAI 1' 11101ISES4 The
works are propelled Ily the Yellow Breeches Creek
and the Maim; S iiring,which neither fail etorleveze.
'lliere are apouthe premises nil the neiessar)• work
melts !maws, t; oal houses,carpenterand south shops,
and stabling. built of the most. sultshottisklosteilsls.
The ore of tre! hest (pointy and inexhaustible, is
within '2 miles of the Fitroacd. There is perhaps
no Iron Works in Peintsvhatila which possesqes su
perior :nlvantages and otters greater indocemems to
the investment of Capital. The water powci• is so
great that it might be e%tettileil to I.lly other utann
ttctm•ing purpose. 'ersons disposed to purchase
ivi II of course exam' ie the vEhltefty. The terms of
sale will Le made kt °ma by •
ti ,
Executrix of Michael Ege, ilec'il.
dat•lisle, Oct. 19,18 , 12. 'tf-51
IPARilit 1111143.
have jit , t received
BY I frOm the Nliumfactory at Philadelphia' a large
assortment of J,411.0 L.4OIPS, consisting of ,
Pa rlo r,C Ittem b era% Study Lam ps
with or without slimiest Which they so it sell whole
sale or retail at tile ma millieturer's prices:-
Astral, Side Reflectors and ,
Glass Lamps of tarl:
nos patterns,'
The very best Winter stealued, bleached Sperm.
Oil, warranted to burn 'clear, for
$144 per gallon: •
nest Sperio Candles, 37,3 tentS'peilln " -
Carlisle, Dec. 2V,18412. • , tf‘ii
llechanicsburg Lute
llelwrets,•)Plecismaicsbeti* find
[BY RAIL ROAD _OR' CAA/L914 : • .
seliscrlber gratefutler ,past lavors,,bogii
leave to inforin .his friends anti Alio piddle
genetellY; that MI still continue i to'riin'a: line of
biirtlien Cars regularly batwOont 111oellitercebtirg,
and' Philadelphia or. fialtiinoro,-*`..which gtipde
„of all descriptions wilt holorwartla
with' care despatch at the lOwest, rates of
' •.• • ": • :
~ . .,P,todue.o.willbo resolved at his:Virnie ,
Moolianiceburg, and forwarded to either rhil3,-.
liodordingloithii; . diroc,tfolf
of the owner. -•••- • .
:'•,(l:rThci highest 'price: giVonCtor Wheat ,
i t tid,Fi t iu t " ; ;; ; ,
' .N. D. pltistor of.ratia an d kept
uu httiiffg &if fft's'i4iiii4',llYlool4;olo4ti:,.
; "
;buttriXoti l 44PlTAlL a
guch a 4. oordfit:'
igh i a triesik 146 p:. of all kinita t
:',AtilVii* . fe*ll . olllle 7 l7,
tl . firEW Ack.i.illllY,,SlkiiipensbtArg, bay
• - ,osfoostihtotot
01'ha 19 " 441 / 4 " ) 4 4 inet .ha wlse of 00 wrest tt.tl6l
a n d a t redqttd 0r1,C48.
. .
antiutiq,' Bronchi:A * 47*ns
or 1 . ae4111 , 08 .ifreafifiom. „l 4 lll . l gfi,Clil;Onie _
Gough*, kileurtsudlxtiloriwe - of thelapik!'; dnd
qffections of'the •
Vir,ginianyt ur"Wdd Cherryßarlc,"cOmb,inedwflh
the Extraci Of Tar, iirepayed• 6y a' heir chemical
process, approved add. recommended most,
distinguished physieinnsiand - universally acknow
lodged the most valuable medicine ever liseovered•
setting forth the,virtutscof this tody.grcui m e .
we lave no desire to deceivahose who tire-
I 'Meting d afili cti on,. no r do : wo wipli to, en log ise
it snore than it - justly deserves.' Yet When.we look
a mind and sec' tlie vast amount nf sufrarliikstsid
tress occasioned bymany of .t.llo;•tliseases in which
this medicine haalsroved so higitly,..euccessful, we
feel that we onniiet urge its Claims tad'striingiy; or
say too much in its favor.. ' !''
Varions,remedies true have.been offered and
Miffed into betide' for the ciire -- ofdistak , i of the
Lungs, and' some lativettut do - obt been found very
useful, but of nll thutinrce,yet been dis Covered, it is
admitted by, physicians and all who have witnessed,
its effecte; that none bat proved as successful as this.
Such, indeed, arc the .
Of this Balsam, that even in the odianced stage of
CONSummin; after all the most esteemed remedies
of physicians !have ed .to effect any change, the
use of this medicine:lms been productive of the
most astonishing relief, and acleallv 'effected 'cures
after all Illtpcs of recovery hail beetidesimived of.
In the first stages of the di sease,termed !‘ Catarr
hal Consumption, 'originating from neglected Colds,
it has been used with undeviating success, and hun
dreds acknowledge they owe this raker:U.lon of their
health to this i n valuable medicine 'alone. In that
ferns of Consumption so prevalent amongst delicate
young females,commonly termed debility, or'
40 to .50 rte. 100
60 to 70 att. oil 100
GO ets. on 100
A complaint with thousands arc lingering, it
has also proved highly sticeessful i nud not only pos
sessos the power of cheating the progress of this
ultdmiing complaint, but also strengthens and invig
orates the system more elfeetuayy than any meth
einevve have ever possessed.
Besides its'aurprisimg cflicacy in Consumption, it
is equally elficacions in Liver Consydints,dsthrso,
Br'nichilis,ittut all affections of the Lungs, and has
ented'many of the most obstinate CASCO.> alter every
otdel• remedy bad - failed. - (0-ror-partictiluirs sec
Dr. IV istar's Trelse on consumption, to be haul o"
the Agent , .
'At:ending the use of this ineilieine in diseases of
thy. 1,1111 , 0,11nd the many singular eurvslt has cf.
reeled, having naturally attrantetl the attiNitton of
mans. physicians, (so well no the whole fraternity of
yawls) variousennjectures and stithises have arisen
I . C:1111,1:1.1111; its ; some physicians 1111011
ppusttLit_to-cuMara-14/ 'y., atlua:-tyvu+ t•nut-irreu•r
tiers say - if must contain femur!, ,111111 to soma such
siil)9Mme they each attribute - 11s singular efficacy.—
As such ()Murata; are altogether erroneous, :unreal
culatetl to prejudice tunny persons against it, 81M
That , --itenntithis nothiti,, ,, of the 'northing
the least lititirionss on the cuntrar l y,it is cotnposed
of the crest simple substances, the principle of - which
seethe extracts or TAU. mot ItPti,Clierry //ark,
:and the whole secret of its cllicacy consists in the
nititle:by whiidi they ore prepared.
,As we It:iv / cadre:lily nuifirrons certifi
cates from tile lailiest authority, which prove its
irtues beyond all doubt , we consider it ininecessary
to exhibit a long list 9f thou in this piece,
and . will
only mention a few cases, to show, what it has done.
A SUILI'IL ISING U'UnE.--Antong lbtintauy
medicine. has elfeeted,
titer( is perhaps lione'in which its - powers are wt
tolls' shown its is the ease of Ales. Alll/1111.
.elllll holy ball been eoosomptive for several years,
amd luring c the greater part of this time had reeeited
the hest ntedival attention, 1111 , 1 1.4011 all the most
valuable rettirdies, yet• nothing could be lound to
wrest its progrees. She beeatue subject hi %talent
fits of coughing, exp,eterated large quantities cit
matter ovessionally tinged eith !Amion(' step by
step this 'fearful disease continued - its course '
all hope of it recovery was entirely despaired 01.—
While iu this distressing sitnation, liugeritue' upon
the I erv.verge of the .rave, site sommetwed the use
of thisAlalealm, w.•1 4 1 . , ! ..11; to use her OWII expression,
operated almost like a charm. lit 11 rOW, days she
exp ec to r ated froely, the - cough was 'gradually sup
pressed, :old every day appet ( etl to.adtl fresh vigor
to her looks, Mid now, in the place of that emaciated
form tt filtering to decay, she is seen mingling in
society, ill better health than she. lets enjoyed fo
11tsrvrtnrsTrn Tr.!.q.istrmv.---11nrin(; witnessed
the 81.11 . 111 . ki11g eine:icy or 1)r. IVigilll'S 1111114111171 111
\Vila UIKATY, in the core or. Nlrs: A 114615,1 direr•
rolly ackoottledge the abuts setientent to he true
end current. .1. C. WILTE:{9; M. D.
Il r oodstown, Sept. 4, 1841.
Dear Sic— , Althour.,di your i nittabl eto ell; ci tie bas
already found - hundreds of pnwerful advocates, it
may still be gralif . ling tO you to receive a communi
cation from any one that has been relievatd by it.
Such, Sir, is truly toy ease. I have been a victim
to that terrible disease Consumption,' Ihr ninny
mantbs, nod lurk! suffered tio notch, Ildtt 1 bad be
come ttlnnist weary niv' life. Dearing your
Dalsalm so highly praised, 1 Intim taking it a few
weeks, hack tool • eau IISMIre you it Inovrelicvcd sue
more than Any thing I have ever used before,anti
coolidently believed will i311P01»0 'len se
give tjre heitrer the worth of the enclosed.tind oblige
Vours llespectfully, , JOHN PEA IISOS•
'Clot . *ter Calmly. Sept. Co, 1841.
'Friend Wittar—lt. Files me north pleasure to
form thee that any like ' A 11(111111 11:
, 1A iloproved verc
mach siute she has bee,{ Ming 114 . Ilalsahn of Wird
Cherry, mod we Ukiah there is .11C/slotlhOlet fira it
41114,111! liar. She has taker! the two bottles I pur
chased ream thee a Short time shiee, autfher rough
is much
says she has haute uottaug to give her so nowli, re
tier. 'llion wilt (ukase tnve ihelleseer two bottles
morefOr' . • • ' ' Tify end; - ''•'' •
Landlisiet eottuty.J4lo ROB4l.
1/erft• Sl— vaso send me two homes of your
genuine of \Vila (;hi•rin I Mire been all
llicted.with. Consumption fin• the lost two years; :tall
surraed tcry nitiell with 11 screre cough ? leans io
toy br'enst, difficulty of bre:Wiling; sivtiots,
tool hawing tried numerous remedies; n u l•also been
twoler several dm:UW:I, yet,1:!;01J111 not•,fool ;my thing
td relieve. me Mail I used some of your Balsaltn.
got one Ithithi litho n neighbor of none 11'11()li lchlllg
ii, 1111111111,Ve ft/111111 such wonderful relief fromit.lll:4
'thine no doubt it will cure me
Yet•y nesliectfully
. .
cantend the following frOca 15r, Jacob
a physician of citensice' kantice in'lluntingtion
• Dear procured one bottle 'of nui o Wittar' s
I.lalsalut PluilniuklteellrE4ll
of this place, and; tried It in a
..4ASC or obstiiady
ActitinaOli'll child tifratit wliidi roan
Ott l er•rehllli ic ha d beennrictlirithouttiny'relicP
balsaltu kt•aye saddeq relief, aud,itt i nty l uAllion
the Child is thwed by• its use.
• , Yoursitto. ‘.l:ito6r Iterrsatti l 3.o).
December 24,1841. r.
Dear Sie , Your .Dtilsa lin of lVililthero' hies ar
recwit.spoto as tem isiti `ettets.bere,t NORe which
is an ; eili
'for it lobg time with Shortness ofbroathing, and .gen
cent NVOllkilletlf4 until ake was finiillpnbligedtek.eep
,After ',Nations ,'pther oetnedteoid been
ipspActl to vain; ahh
_Salkitantl atter taking pvtitittiletii waiWtar feeot er-
Vti-- as" Wins !able': to attend lea , iirther
II WM, and; ci , 4 1 ,11 4; tfo.bottlea ; ' , ,nme4wss,entirolY
' • itesneetftills•;-te.
Jotlti S ; „• .
• '
! called Syrup_ of. ifyiVeheirl);lltirialtaseli e,heh'ilif be
vem , partieulne tat a sk•iiii , :t.De: MALSTAICS
ned,obweve t ! 4 skrneincf . e , p, gief.401404, .
'.:-.ti k e ß eim l le r,tbe,preipeleieraind'sod'lttwholo •
inU.ty L Wilitnnts *44.CO:; : .etittittiSittiWti. " :ll lltince
A re4 t. ll4 lPo 3 lo l .i O :40 ;ill - O'T
0 1
; -
••,In §hlpo9l , : 4ok..Vilr)'.l.oc. David Smith;liar
e.ll#P.fgar.49,llll,4Vo464lo4li. , GISh ;
• , :rra rii4"7 44e at -1 kAt i 0;111 - 3 1 m4Ry er Y.
II toopti , e?RokatA. •
ti1it4•4440W4004.:1•3'1W-Aittttitt,*•-• ,
• .
.111:4 4 , E14 4. 0itt it tm ,.. kutoo lss