Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 06, 1843, Image 3

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    som( l l l,,, ,lkAitmgg , suom ,
, :,eatilltagSagst„abitiet
• : . ;?„.
Wodneadailioirting,Sopt.embor. 6, 1843.
11 t IL PAL Eft, .Vstt.. pip fills
delihia Agent for this Journal, ha front
liia fale!tfiewiri Third near Waltitittreei,Pliiill ' -
deliAtia; unclip now located at NO.O Pfnet:reet
below 'Phir4t4iiquares south of the Exeltange.
Vets ond Philadelphia desiring to advertise'with
us, • wAI please' 41i", an, Air. PALMEA, who is au
thorised to octal onr:Agent: • • _ .
cal'ho-weather;for some days has been most
cipproseWely'' . viikrin,:tho' mercury ranging from
Ninety to'ninetx-four ci . ogrces. . ,
Eizrvve,are neither competent nor in the:humor
to .! arglify" the, great question of:Fmirierism .
, _
Isithieur.:: brother of the Perry Freeman. our
notions on this subject are generally embraced
in tho charge of Chief Justice liernblower, of Ist
...Tericy, which -we' sometime since published, and
which has lisen•Citensively copied in the news.
,papers. We wiled direct his attention to it,
Canal Commissioners.
Kr The Locofoco State Convention for the no.
,mination of candidates 'for Canal Comnilssion9'v,
Inc! , at Harrisburg yesterday.
The Whig Convention for 'the some purpose,
meets at the same place to-day.. We shall make
:.known their proCeedings in our next. '
Nominations toir Congress
, aAt the meeting of "democratic" conferees
tfrom Cumberland, Perry and Franklin counties,
ihbld at Newville on Friday last, to nominate a
candidato for Congress from this district, [lon.
JAMES BLACK, an Associate Judge of I?erry co.,
received tIM nomination. Judge •Illaalt n is goner
cansidSred to be a.quict adherent of Gov. Por
t ter. He was nominated by the conferees from
Perry and Cumberland, these froth Franklin being
opposed to him. - •
--The Anti. Tax Conferees, we understand, plac
ed Gen. T.• C. "Itlnt.tma of Cumberland county, in
nomination as tho Anti-Porter and Tariff' Candi
date for Congress from this district,
The Tariff
irrAs this is the question of greatest Moment
to the people of Pennsylvania connected with the
coining election for Congress, weshall tali° occa.
sion to lay before onr..miders between this and
the election, several articles from ableiens, in
a do
vocacy o t w all ,co • .
arguments in proof of the general pnliey of Pro
tection and particularly the beneficial results ac
cruing from the Tariff bill passed by the last
Whig Congress. „ • We believe this district, aid) . _
strongly loco fern, to `be essentially hivorible W.!
4110, principle, of protecting . . American IndUstry,
,and therefore consider it our duty to contribute '
.us far as in us . lies' to the advancement of that
,great object.' • -
riThe Mystery, is the title of a little Paper
just commenced in Pittsburg, by.a colored man
by -the mane of M. TCDelan6y, try advance the in
tercsts or the colored people of that city. - Ile
says in ono, of the silly paragraphs with which
his. parr_ abounds, that he ketoOs Carlisle and
•Chambersburg—u they hove. always becii behind
the age V: The paper is distinguished by morn
impudence than 'intelligence,
cod'Our neighbor of the Volunteer takes up
with great zest the "something of a snarl"
which he thin en occurred in the Whig County
Meeting on tie 23d. He has, hoWever, in bin joy,
vouch' exaggcraled the facts of tho case. Mr.
Craighead certainly did oppose in firm but mode.
rote language, the resolution relative td Mr. Clay,
but it in new to us that. "he became so indignant
its passage that he immediately left the room "
If we remember aright he continued in ins seat
Until the udjournme.nt, which was, immediately
after the passage of the resolution. - Our neigh.
bor's "'wish is father to the thought" that there
will be a flintily quarrel in the " Universal Mill
Party". of Cumberland.
Franklin tonnty.
The "democracy" of Franklin, we understand,
have been thrown into quite a hubbub of exeste..
meet concerning the nomination of 'fudge Black.
The • rejection of Mr. IlleLanaban has created a
great deal of iidignation. Mr. McL. is the vie•
tin of Porterisn., hTis d'th of July 'letter ruined
him with the Carlisle elinue:
7We hear it rumored, and presume it is true,
that the penalties of tho Court in two cases tried
at tho August term of the Court of Quarter Ser.
ohms of Cumberland county, have already been
remitted by tha Governor I
Wo have no other than friendly feeling to at
least ono of tho individuals who has thtis been
made the object of Exeoutivo clemency, and do
not object to tho transaction on his pecount. But
as an authorized medium of public. opinion, end
actuated by a sense of duty, wo do say, that the
Governor has in both there cases, most grossly
usurped the prerogativeir of the Court—committed
a foul - outrago upon Justice, and struck another
blow at the very root of the saerod principles of'
law and order. •Wo speak of there cases not in
referenee to tile 'pardoned - persoo.r, but to their
fatal effects upon the good order and urchin.° of ,
society. Why, if Gaverncir Porter intends con
tinuing this wholesalo is:Liaoning, why not at
once shut up our Courts of Justice, throw open
the doors of our prisons, and bid rapine, violence,
leWlossness and edam boldly stalk forth. and do
their worst Why; contiona this parade of War
any longer—why gO through the solemnmookery
of inflicting sentenees- 7 wlty par, judges and ju-,,
juries' any longer te 'exhibit :the: "barren sceptre'
and the idle pageantry 'of . Courts to the unawed
and unterrified- multitude? Far bettor, if Gov.
Porter Is to nullify everY;dectroOof our Courts, to
shut 00 1 up at Once, and strikeout the expenses
of the Judiciary as a wise and economical
trenoltment °four, State expenditures., Wo have
temperno to speak calmly 'of these repeated user.
potions of aleeklees''''ExeentiYe-of that+ gross,
to . lestice —of those foul outrages upon the.
people 'Of a State - WhOSO
4Pd ifthe people ''of"
to pa a 'duty atilt parties),
slo' not , elect - a - Igialattlre; Which td
.. its !
coming, riessitn4itpra4 the Governor for
abuse of the pardoning powpr sml , for thcstaine,
with vitt' it t" - 1399,,0p0
' ° —ITT° ege," .
- :esse brilxn'Y NW 'soiled. Our. quit.4 - ciatelteori,
tpey;*ili , fait ! ' tlipirtirif/thattlitalkeritilastiertilelf of
Penn, or of that liberty,' ankindefientlineartihich
is presortod only `by. Our ulleeeesteg Xigltanoe over
el o tici of our Wore:. • •
_ _ motel
CoPMPirciniiiselb ev" beet
leg l 'll 4. e e th e NO:pi:n. l 4 4 l;4 l * chita• Yourid.
in 16 . 6'0441 of I!tr.ifitii4rioitcliA4"orlxvitilmoo
toffwit!i ii i ' itlitiPOtgittOtiit'st bean ' in the'
'Wi n rot F.T o ' e l'e i r.'i t til le e , ' A t. t t , ,,kt ne e elieee, * er t •
throwrn itonfedisioly after , !tr , f , t11,1,!. Yfea.l,
'ol)4ded . #01), 1 0 1 K 4,46 it,io`po,(iptifie l t Yet
VPat l yeli Aefr'"; ; Vjgueieer ,
CatugAegtijlit#tAelelagßir a t li g r iP. ,
Ott,*S*;,oll44#4l9i; Ote:oololo'iztrortit.
of, Chtirili, , which Ootli ,
'lino of the', iiint:lttlirtjfitioth,drtlorMl 'Ond ,rogulated
Came 'Aleetings4'ol,4;i. visited.. Art immonso4.
crowd, wO'uttdcratitia, itiOtittl it oh.SundOrlaet;
and' but two, ctIO of disorder ,ocOurtig44ich;
were) proMptli:dditit witfl7'',4llO4otiti ilasAw
three in , niMbor,ltutd ainonget:titclrgicuptftt,tal
arc sontoiif.,l.44' k nost wealthy: and reepceptliiii
faiitilicti in tin; ,CCOtny. .Tho .to!
morrow ,7 •
~ ' •
Eneainrrient at l Vtifitopilibi!Fg4;
rho Militdry ',T
largely 'attended,' ciao Anion eitpeetedltro
Hagerstown !tad
Liberty Pitrty. , Xeiilibiatioils.;: .4 .,.:,
A National Cont4nticio'nf:the - Liber,ty Party or
recently; Met: at
After regulations had been adopted, they phi Ced
In nomination, - _ ;
Presidetit of th 6 11: Birtiv,
or. Michigan;• _ . .
Far Vico Prosident--flenry Morris, of Ohto
The Abolitionists in Washington county, Pa.
have settled a COurity ticket. Dr. Lo Moyne for
Sound (Opinion.
the late trial of the McClenaelians in
Norristown, for an assault and battery upon the
Rev. Samuel Aaron, the defendant's counsel
sought to justify the ease by evidence of provoca.
:ion, hut was prevented by tho Court who would'
not paimit slich evidence to go to the jury. Juego
BURNSIDE, a man of forty years' experimtp.inAhe
administration of the laws, at the bailed en the
bench, Made the folloWing remark in bib dhArgo
to the jury : "'rho Court have a confidence in
their knowledge of law,. aml they unhesitatingly
say to you, that no word,.or lecture, or writing,
will justify au assault or battery."
frrPeiry Burdick, of Jefferson county, NOw
York, now 90 years of age, has voted at every
Presidential election since the days of Washing.
ton; 'and says ho shall votp for Clay in 1844,
if living,
• crj-The Whigs of Philadelphia have renomina
ted John M. Scott, Esq. as their candidate for
Mayor. James H. Hutchinson has received the
Loco Foccr nomination for Sheriff of the city and
county. .
Tho New Haven Herald confirins 'the report
that the Hon. J. M. Niles, U. S. Senator from
Connecticut, now 'a
patient in an Insane Asy
lem and that' there is little ho e whethei he will
ever tio tilde to attend to pnblio duties again
A young lady nstonisliod h party the other
day, by asking for "the loan of a diminutivii at.
gcntcous truneated comb, convcs on tle summa,
and setniAicrforated with symnictiicia ludenta..
tionu." r . ,
city-The Nashville Banner in noticing Presl.
&tit Duibin's scathing notion• of Dickens, Bar
"the letter is an able oue,but it dues not ACC the no.
cessity, of firing off a , cannon to kill a rat.l"
Specie of the World._
The entire amonrit of Ppeclo of the world is es
timated by . .lnciits m31,900,0(10,000, In Europe;
there is supposed to bo 11,000,000,000. Accor
ding to the best authorities, it is supposed that
the paper circulation in Europa is fourteen times
the speide currency.
The Nation:tit Debt..
The permanent debt of the United Stn4es nt
this tnne is 821,016,862 69;. of which'
$5,672,976 Imedeemble 31st Dec., 1844,
1,000,000 " Ist July, 1863,
8,343,886 03 " 3lst Dee., 1862..
Oiu•af:; Outaag
_ .
( r.:7•A healthy female soceimon of this remar
kable animal arrived afSalem, Massachusetts, on
board the,baninis Reaper, on Monday week. She
wus caught in the wilds of Africa a short limp
before the Reaper sailed, and is said to be the
most remarkable specimen,sycipexhibitcli•
Miss Itaxide,n.—'rliis popular Swedish author
ess is about 30 years old, rather light frame and
moderate stature, her complexion and hair light,
and nose rather long. She speaks English per
fectly well, oven the accent being pure.
1" , Z2te1ECM:22.0 ,,
BAl:rt moitz, September 1. 1843
BEEF CATTLE.—There wore a few over 300
at the yards, and all readily taken at 4 to $5 25,
per 100 lbs. Hogs have advanced in price, and
notwithstanding there la a Ihir supply-in the mar.
ket, holders i''efuse to sell ab less than $t 50.
FLOUR.—City Mills 'may be quoted '4
75 to
94 B7IA, in large parcels at the former', and sales
are chiefly made in largo parcels. - Howard street
is steady at 9.4 75 from store, and 9462} to deaf.
ers from the cars and waggons. There is little
or no Sosqueliantia in the market.
GRAIN.—The receipts of new Wheat were to
a considerable extent on' Monday, and wore chief
ly from the lower parts of Maryland and Virginia.
The prices paid for good to prime red were from
09 cents to 91 03, and these rates have since been
sustained, but .retiepts have fallen off. Thera
were also sales of new Pennsylvania at 0 1
Pciinsylvania Ryo lots sold at 57 cents, and prime
yellow Corn at 52. Maryland Corn, at the malt.
ing up of this report, may be quoted ',RI , to 51. ets.
for yellow, and. 49 to 50 for white, with only a
limited &Maud, Oats 21 to 2p,ces the hitter for
WHlSkEY.—Whiskey is not active, but is
offered at 23 19'24 cents fit hhds. and cppts in
POLL ADELPHIA, Siipto'rnbei 1,184%
FLOUB.=-Thore has been but little animation
in the market during the week—holders aro (Lik
ing this day for good shipping brands t 623 per
bbl.; choice brands on Dread street in' a retail
way,l's4 75 a 5 per bbl. Rye' $3 a 3 124 ;Carp
4190 1 ,. 82 624..
GltAlN.—Sales oll'ennii. Wheat during, the
week' s'ange:frolii' 97'cts to $1 03'iiet bushel, Se
in, gaglitp .. Ttio,27 corm', yellow, 33
and 57 cts: l Volumene 008,25 a 2 d'old Southern,
27 ets.'; Penna..2o a3O cts. •`: •
WHISKEY.L.,Whiskey Teadll7 conunanda 24
a 25 cts: poi gallon, in 11,1 a. anti
- _
()anti tafaYette--Shippcitaburg
A, 31ilitary Eneampmoat :wilt he held 'itt Ohip
pensburg,out the sth, 6th, gr 7th ailiepterhber,ta which •
the hit/itamog the taljoiniari eatintles are reapviiti .
t'oJtY taFitati. •
Prom: inforrO4tiil reviyett by the,COrriteitiNit is
eatiftdeiltly expected that ht` least 'iwthity'caappaniarc
wilt be ItLattendataue tEArsallerlaY • Gov. PPre
tert tiTta nufahettof Staff ()filter'," have
been 'are.Opeeted'to‘attentiv • "'
Thifaire On _the Cli'.rniArlittitt Nalley . aati.Fratiklio
ilt"4 ,l 4 l lookua Jfeert.ttlitteett to haif
'the latio!e iNIIF nithe eivatOttteot.;foo / 4 kgrYi
•auttt for• torLratecitteeason the 6dt. " • ,
T. T‘'it, 4. 4 4.41r.0 I,IIIIAIM, •
• 40$ - 'I4IOFLIWoo'
A:: • '
31 4 01,444,VALE11,
Augud 30, ISA., •
, „ A • '
, ' • ' ; ~, : • .::,11 , 4 , 1 6, 1 9 r414 f ft.0ti1A / t 4
•• .v , Oir-T9estlajo, tb•Aitadiiiit4oo,, .*.M4l4*,
q!' - ' 97 r - o. :1 * --. . --- "l v4 4 1 (#:;* 11 .tr -- ;,p.. ,ii :i*i i .t... ,, ,. /v1 . ,,IA, „
JaLizAiiiiiiirwiiibotita.,o, o rnptrixt v iir..4,d4
'•th,iri. Aaotinty.;,'..-. ).`'4 1 1041ii'l , 9Yi 2 : l ' is '
'O(7 - pn Tuem,lay the, , 242 d.;pst;h,y - tbw*f:'.m: - giyjir:.
tikti'nfi, Jimim 10:doiili) 1411aiiiiiciiisi Aq .
IternlFiinsi,T, 61,0115 County.4l.' , .::,:v-.. , ' -;• iri'ivt . tl . 4
,5'. , ';• - ;:•• ,': '•,", ' • 1 ,.•,: r .'" . ' - ,- Af.3 ,044?,,
i', , ,,, , - , i,,,...:, ..,,t, ,, ;::: :,,,, D j ig p,....,:.; 4,l , L.i,'.f,l,l;rtilfph*,'
.., '4, , `tAvka.".
rtitilt,,Upsdpy morning; 09,t4 uii:Aiiee iiistilto.Tr .
' iiiill painful illne6s;clll eere iii,i ,,, ;:,:i .. iii,liiiti.K.ic.#4.-:
, . _ .
;Jmigti!tklci,ifilikOr,,.'aged ' 20:0,10-. : ? : ITIp . ;.,0 , 040(11
I t('
,ii,;,g,p . ki oe, i(AliO;ilile 4 tino;iost ,i ,r4lo6otsigg.Alpc;f:i
;t4iii BytrOugh; illiy! ilM.i9l!•-s , 41,r0 : Al - '.*io•F, t: ,e4 k tti:veli,
''hill itc:Ohititiiiiicesiii oourii.liitOt'litiiii*;:',W '-'-":"-• i''s,.";•:.
• 0. FOULKE,
TOARNESTLY, requests thoselddehte
••••41,,tki him to call fluid settle tbbir'accounPfitia lit
'itiAdMecdingly anxious to have his hboks closed, by
nOMor.Cash. .He will give five pee cent. premium
'onlidditile' 'Borough issue on all adbotinfs Odd, in,
: . tWoZiriMiths from this date.
caclitde, AuguSt 30th, 1843. . -
Bank Stock for . . Salo;
Wla be sold at public vale; at the COurt house.
in the borough of Carlisle, an S AT U
DAY, the 9th of September, .nt 2 o'clock l
1S Shares of Carlisle Rank ' SfOotip
upon which 540 Dollars have been !Mid.
Mitiinistrator of. Mary 1). Ramser.•
August 23, 1843. 2.1-43
THE Siibierilier haring just returned from the
City, is now opening it very large stock cif
BOOta,Slioes. - ilats and Cape, ip.atitlitioll to his for
mer stock, till of s whieh will be sold as low as any in
the place fbr cash.
15"Casils of Men's,
.boy's nail Youth's. Calf, Seal,
Rip and hoarse boots.'
7 of men's, boy's and youtli'lcalf, seal, kip
and coarse mottoes. .
a cases women's, misses' nail children's calf, mo
rocco, grain, and kip 111011r0e8. .
'2 cases WOlllOll% and niissos' and seal basking.
19 cartoons ofj,ndipq morocco welts, bits
kilts and slippers.
Also a large assortment oreltildrett's shoes.
At the store of
Septem!ier 6, 1 842.
B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 1.2. North Sixth Street
above Market, Philadelphia, Cheap !loose
•atul Sign Winter Mal Glazier nod Ve
iiitian Blii.d Matinfastarer.
lai•an and faßhionable assortment of
BLINDS always on hand, which for variety,
beauty, and style of morkomnslop, will excel those
of any other establihltment in Philadelphia, which
will be sold al the very loweit prices, wholesale nod
Cntititry."Alerc)intits supplin I with tiny quantity at
the shortest notice. •
Old Blinds repainted and trimmed at the
No. 12, North 6th sti•ect
Philadelphia, Septetnlibr 6,1643.--2 in.
• A 14 of mime enOilisiett I lam%
A lot of I)rieil Beer - of Itobinsons curing, Haiti
more. At the store of
Septrmbvp fl, 1843.-01
Mfrs. JANE 101c1111Ili1LAY, .
n tl ,2 l 4 e s t
nzirl:ll n
will i t ui s y h e t
l i i ; c oi t i l l t i=
core nod attention to all clothing and oilmr nrti•
elan entrusted to her fig cleaning, scouring, or
dieing, at her lintom in (Antall Alley opposite Ed.
unation Hull. Public patronage is renpeetfuily so
Bankruptcy--Jonas Hitler's Estate.
Al 3 , person. indebled. .I()NAs 7111,1,1",11'S
Estate either by note on book neeontit, ore noti
fied, that miltats they tunkepityment of the same, to
the undersigned ; who will he nt the puddle Mutsu of
W. 11. IVondlturn in Newrille, for that ;impose, on
SATUIt I) A Y, the :Nth day or September - nest,
stdi will juntuttlialely thereafter he brought against
. _ .
. P. P. Pfa3 , Assignee in
Ilankrupter of Joi n ts Millet's Estate.
Carlisle, September 6,1843.
Assignment of Alex. PileCulloh.
irk N 150 day of AUGUST,. inst., ALEX
ANDER MCCI.II.IOII, of Southampton town
ship, Ersiiiklin eft. made an assignment of all his ef
fects to the subscriber lifetime benefit of his creditors
—therefore, all persons having. claims or demands
ngainst Said .kssignor, are requested to present thew
proPerly authenticated foe settlement with Out delay,
mid ull those indebted to him •are notified to tnalte
payment on or before the Ist of November next.
3 45
September, t, 1813
n Y virtue of fillildrV WON of Vemtitioni flxprm 4
DI to me directed, issued not, of the Court of Cow
mon Pima of Cumberland emu. - - lased to
public sale at the Court Ihu
Carlisle, on SATURDAY, tlu
lier; A. 1), one thousand OW
three ' at 10 o'clock A. M. th :scribed
Real Estate, viz :
A Lot of Ground situ' town
ship, containing FIVE ACID lesS, ad
joining John MeCaffery on tin Miller
on the Smith, Joseph llowman and a
- roairon the West; having thereon erected 6 one story
Log House.' Seized and token in Onetiltioll tin the
property of Samuel Duey.
. .
Also, a '('ract of Land situate in Franit
ford township, containing SHVEINTY ACHES
more or lust, adjoining lands of John I lickes on the
North, George .Masslonum on the West; George
Strohm mil Mrs. §liatv on the South, John' Wen
keep and Nicholas Ulerieb on the East, and a
Log I louse, Log Kitchen and Log Barn. Seized
and take!' is olecution an the property of John Lor
i sit.
Also, A Traci of Land situate in Mifflin
township Cumberland county, containing ONE
UNDI43) ACHES, more or less, adjoinmg lands
of Geopp Chrisdieh, Jacob Christlieb, Daniel
McDonalds heirs and other lands of John Harper,
having tht raaou erepted a Two Story lloosantul large
Also, A That of Land sitnate in Mifflin
township, containing TWO HUNDRED- ACRES,
more Or less, adjoining lands Samuel Ramp nod
Daniel McDonaids heirs, James Purfley Mill others,
having thereon erected a large' Two Stacy 'Houser.
Plaistered, alcitclioll, Pgranittl other 4m.;
prorements. • •
Also, 'A Tract oflantt sitngu in Mifflin
township,enntainingrOßTYlPOUlt ACRES, more
or leas, adjoining lands of Daniel MaDonalds heirs
and otherlitinfi of John Harper. Seized and taken.
CHM/1103 ag the property or .foim Harper. And
to he sold by me ' PAUL MARTIN, SIM'
Sheriff'a Oilier, Carlislel
4th 'Sept., 1843.
• •
Valuable Timber Land for Sole r : : .
•, , On Sabin/4y the 14th of Oetehet.,
TLIE subseribori 'Executor of the estate
of Jacob Hernial', ilecenSett, trill 'eta at patitiw
saki, at the libose of John Randolph . , in:iltickinson
township, at 10 ti'cloCk;'lll'., the, followinglitOscCibed.
YalualitoTimber.Latiii, to. wit: • •
' t, et. containing' .Ait'.ol p : and, 0•4
Perdties. • ''' •': • ' •••• • ••• • • • •
• '' No. cottainlintler'Acres - anit' 70
No. 3, witiikair lcfAiires; - and! 50 •
Petibes; all 'taller iniewarei • Tlte• 'elate' tracts 'of
bind 'jtyi!ekqund6d by w))lo,TTE:moßrei . -;--+
. .
I. t h e ''''''''''''''''''''''' caBl,on``l,lrenn 'of.
icplit'ol* of JaPotf ` lloi6 , lBr , i ' lle C' enae q' •
Airao nOified N,9 they'm ud ealt mill s ettle their
heaceiriteflli , ;#4o;!elm? , Indulgence 'dewiest he
" ' , '; ;0114 1 8;,4q1pAY.
e:4O-104,Acik. ' '0- ;
!1' • A. 904'T.; ”:01 •
. - nen rliTti**vet:l7444
.4 , H „ •
I ';"VirtOi*l434 o OS:Vitlt .;;
• '
a ',,s , -
4,,;A.i' :-'‘ , : . 14. 4i:, A i' •. , ;•_: , 4..,:::1;•-•:: . '.''
itift .1., • . :
.. ; ~,
c i4:, , , - •;Art,.;,o -- '.l
-• {)t1 ; O• . te' . l7ieifi iAbilk4Bo:
' Wit, , ,t'. 4 1 " qiliitil#o,44Al4o4W4 :
bone .le.litstsKisfitlioOrti,latiliq ' ''
, CPlilb.liahlt.CiiiiiitniitlQto l . o o l 4 Ay:14.i . C. 1 k ,81 0 . :
t i 1 0 1 ''f*,o, l ll4 110.60410_,1'..Ititt.Att*.1 1 #14 0-
TT . ..' • ' '4,oaiotivikh;:ftpcm4ttoilb,:l, -....‘ rp! ,, ;...
. 4 , ' ve , , . ,. 4 ,,iit,...). - ,r , vie4i4Ar. 4 .4:-.,v,
?.';' , '4. , •Pi .' ' I'..wonu %F41 00 W)
kifigifiV '' ittiT,'"?:to'wl . 9 - hip-.'catt . tiiy';':
tiloii( 6141„iiitar -04400: .iiiiittcit,i ; g6tioso?Ces ,
1114€0444, 1 0 1 0Liqictaaci;at . I ,lt ) ik taeoaxitfeaht ; f t.',
:4itgatliereAnattliyaieribell,asllo,.%o4ißhiht i
?' S ?:..II2344V4ZI3PFAMiR=V4i,k :
'.'i4iliit 44'4;4; liii mi.,asii-Oikviiii,it!cireilit
:44ll,4lol):4o;•Totty LQcf.ittckusa;i , , , -.. ~,. ',".' , "
KITCHtNAWOBLE.LOG , BARN 'l.',..;,..iili';'' ' .
W.AGO.N.SIiEI),GOIMCIPIJ,and :'.'4l I 1 a
CIDEIt PRESSittfwelf•fif iieVerfitil-'_,zsii,f;, I j ',.!!;;!.',
, hie *iit'er ao - iiiiiiai.6t.'ste'thi'liotne -"'-, -- ' '•••••
and a gooiV:Apid,e',Qt'oltatrdt,nbout - „70. acres of the
above fityinAre.thriit,rate , T,imber''Ltmd, and the ves
idue in a good . 'itatd.olVeltivation;'ol which about
'JO acroa are gooOricadaw;thesreater path of which
is suitable for tillage. •
No. 2, A Tract of l i actlouljoining the
above described liens .and, land of henry Miller,'
Mull. Whisler, Moies Whisler,tfahiel ilicLatigh 7 ,
its; Jacob Kibler; Geth 2 ge floors ;mil 'other*); contain, 1
' 184 Acres:cindyll3.rerches, .
near measure, haviiik ! :therton . needed a TWO.
STOlit LOG 1112OSEVand Kitchen. a doable Log
Barn, Wagon Shed and Corn Crib; an Apple Or
chard and a never &Mug well of water near tlie door;
about PO serene( the above Ilimm are first rate Tim
ber Land, and the residue in n good state er cultiva
tion, of which about 20 acres are good meadow. , •
The above tracts will be sold separately or.,to
gether, to suit put.clinsers, on the following terms:
The coats °faille to be paid by the putmlinser or pur
cluiset:s on thooonftemation of the sale by„tlie Court,
st which time he or they will be required to enter
into recogni%ance in the Orphans' Court with ap
proved security, to secure the residue of the, pur
chase money, to be paid as follciws—one third to re
main Ili tire hands of the purchaser during the life
of the widow of. said decedent, the interest to lie
paid her mutually, commencing on the lot of April
nest, Miring her life, and at lit r death the prin
cipal to lie paid to the heirs of said decedent, one
third to be paid on the list of Aped neat, when
possessions will be given nail a deed made to the pur
chaserthe remaining third to be paid in two equal
annual payments thereafter without interest.,
The landlord's share of the grain growing. at the
time of sale will pass to the purchasers. 'Any per-.
son wishing to view, said fanniii• before the day of
sale are requested to call on David High resitlii ' es. on
the premises, or on the subscriber ' who lives due.
Mile west of Newville.
Soittitmover Street,
IX_lirtne of a deeple-of-the-OrphYins' CoOrt
, .Cumherlitml. county. I; will expose to waits
sale, on the premises, on 'll ICJ IeSDA Y, the I i2th of
Oetober,att 10 o'clock, A. all OM errtain tract
of land, situate in the township of Vrankford, in the
enmity a Cumberland, hoMnied by finals of Conrad
m's: Wm. Dravtimelt :pd Martin Lutz's ficirs,
• 107 ACRES, . •
.. •
. •
more or la ss, nll of wh i ch in clenred.nnd under good
fence and . cultivation, httving thereon erected a two
There is alumni at the door nod rim-
Mi; water on the farm.. lu connex-
inn with ibis will be stilini TR. CT• OF 00 D
LAW) in the same township, lying about one toile
and n loaf from the thrill, containing uhout 511AereA,
covered with good timber.
The ierlllo wlticlt will be tootle , known on the tiny
of sale, u ill he srl'y'•eany and made to suit pureha
T 4 lOll S.‘l,lc: 15 highly inipti)vol in th e
E st:iii• of ¢nlliculinu, each fm•in
lug front 70 to 21111 Acres, lit•St (1 11 1 11 itY of
L DA E'_ , '37 E, LAND.
nr RBhl r.rnis arn within one mile of
Foe further Li:wilful:mu ei.maieu of
Agent-for 1 10 -• Plirellase awl sale of !teal l'istute.
Carlisle, August all, I 843. - • tf-14
TO the Heirs and Irgal Representatives of Conrad
Bu'ander, Nit of the borough of Carlisle, deed,
Take Notice, that by virtue or t writof Partition
or initiation to me directed, issued opt or the Or
phans' Court el Cumberland comity, I will.hold nn
lonntsition on the premises, on TIIIIIISDAV, the
sth day of October, 1843, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. n hen
and where you may attend if you ihia
Sheriff's Office, Carlisle,?
• August 30, 18.13. S
ANAAVAV from the subscriber, residing in
.111, South Middleton totenship, Cumberland coon
on Tuesday the '2'4(l inst. - 0n indented apprentice to
dig Farming business, named NICHOLAS DUSII-
Elt. It is supposed he went to Chambersburg where
his mother resides. All persons are hereby notified
not to trust said boy an cry nrcountyins I am deter
minol.nnt to imy any debts or his contracting. 'Flue
above reward but no extra charges will !pi paid, it'
Inc is apprehended or,conlined in the jail at Carlisle.
no},h of
-111 forty
.A^a. •ll Strawberry street, one door above Chesnut,
also at .\*o. 50 South second street, Phil'a.
TE Subscriber's re
sittitionlTing very
be is determined to sell at ti
He offers a well selecti
Beautiful Iniperialtbrze ply,
Best Superfine Ingrain,
Handsome Extra Rue Ingruips,
Finesincl Common do ' CARPETINGE . ,
Royal treble twilled Venetian, •
1 pan Mnglish worsted do
Londoit Dittnask do
Plain striped do j
Also, A stock of ENcellent and benntifill Proor
Oil Cloths, all widths for Rooms, 14111 s, Entries,
Vestibules, Door pieces,' &s. Also, Coach Oil
Cloths, Ft irnititre Cloths, Droggets nod Floor !Na
es. Elegant Piano and Table Covers. Also Canton
and Spanish Floor Mattings,• Ivith a large qxsort
tarot of very low priced Ingrain end reaction Cur-
Door Mats, binditiga,Sta;r Rods, &o. Cos,
touier4 intending to purchase fun Cash. arc respect..
(Idly invited to cull and examino for themselves as,
the goods' hall be sold ut the lowest pitces - in the
tftaualaase, •
Forwarding • Commission:
• Waal Mail
Dial)cr incomitry Prothreek Pittsburg Mitnufactailis,
• •
ICor2B, Flllll street, PrrUSBUItG, Pa.
Aug6st 16, 1843. • • • 1,:-•)`-'
APPLICATION made by the.
.Cl Meet:Ns of the Carlisle risnk,to the twat Leg
islature' of the Commonwealth or 'Pennsylvania, for .
a renewal or the charter of the said 'Mink. b'y ; the
naindatiti style of the , "Carlisle Bank." is' in- •
naided dud it shall be located In Carlisle, Cumber. -
land county:, that it shall have the amne Capital it
I l i:writ:I:0o wit: Three hundred' odiotaisnil
for the specific object' of Banking and. discounting
purpotiet4 .1.3 y• order of the Board of Directors, -
•• '• COBBAN, Caiddor; •
dune 26, 1513,' • , • firq-36.
. „ . .
op:Earns -AND. proomr, , antizzys.
.rr.llOO,E. iri,tl9 ,totf; to; 440 .§ubscryipr,,ii? ill
prease call iplraedi4tely,ap4fkelti L ekhetr.acpc i ntl x .
obligalour 3 / 4 1,6t0: - • - ,••• •
- ,
cur1i4e , .. 4 0.T. ,26 ) .184 p,
:Woofs 1f4 . "-tf olkiteesiv'
Di ENV„,,Wdittow , tc,, , ibe;,.fatmlic ,4 Booli'
__.‘ of finesool4sOiVollowl Bgels, kind
lioys'ittp nointtlf goottimplVvAltikand-liesi Kip
intl cult
kttllld V"kl )6 4, 0 sllPPer s 44ls ll eoinil "Allsoeit ,
iriarociiiriielte; aft 44:0v/blob wilt kat) hi l eamoi l .,
' ll l
:' iiiitdiiiiiiiies 'find , e,i4o;i',i'i Digiiiii:64gle
yktittivt*lsl:lro*Akf. th.eltoiki.isP., }4 , , :t, , r ..: •
Mininistrator of Jacob High, deceased;
September fi, 1843.—te.
• sKtLEs 'AN-W . )1)11111:N, .
• Fee the hair, of David Crepi, dett'd..
Atigmt .1 1, 1843. 1,-•)J •
Parnts, Farms.
Six Cents Reward.
August A 1843
Augunt $O, 1845
IrAiIiitTABIAW,XA. • -
•. , •
n order ofl''utUrphatils,CoPreidl'
'lllll•;Cuinli 3 Orhusit county, I ' WlJlVexpeple .. to sale `Od' .
FIIIDAY,III6 atliAjty . tit October
allthat certniirtract Lind; id tante iliSilver Sprin
township, Cumberland toUpty, „about 7. iniles • We'a
I . 4:•_;ho4squelnimin Britid,utpottrier4)l,airtii.l
I'titiiin alai',;
tttiattig i ,949,Acres'of
,hi heststdt 'of
tultivetturkWitly rge
81 0,771. 7 1 - 1116111$1.1;:StOne'aiiiiiiigliousti; .
hbuhe;•ti id 'a' large • Bank 11 . 'll
Barn, rut rdone,rind' ; 'part'l frameiAtud• ; -
iiry g bn shed' unil Gown critv,with running as a 4l:
water en; the farm', tlinltv6ils that tibil.
fail.. Th'ere is alacru goad. Orchard,;auktOtthant
House on the furl* ~ :ilvera• urtt . lfi3ear,toS l 4,7o'l6t
Mills within two ftlifeS,' rind nitogetett,iP i.otiett
tlie best farms, and .i n the most convenroat,jilturititay,
of any farm in the • calmly'. of Cittulielltuitl;P.:•lkd•
farm will be divided before the,qtty 9(salelntfariketti:
of abilut NO acres, and the inwroirotnenooi, ll .ll,,,,e 1 1%
Hundred Acres without iinproinnment‘nittV:4loo:on
,sold all, together or separately,..nyopy beat sait...:Par- , , ,
chasers and promote the interesth•uf,thelddri. - ,.. • ;
Sole to commence ut 10 cqulook,' . A. , lll.,:ind tet'in`w,
of sale which wilt he made easy;„WtHhetuutle known :
en the day of sale by •
Administrator deu'd:
August 50, 103. , : . is-It
'the - I.lareishitrg Union.and Lancaster 'Yolks
fremid insert till sale and mark price.
raluab le 'Farm
FOR SALE. • • •%
mum subscriber offers at.privale sale, the follow
( ing dOcrilied Valuable Real Istnte, situate in
North Middleton township, Cumberhind county, con
taining 190 ACRES,.more or less, nf Patented Land,
about 1:15 Aere a of which are cleared, and in a high
state of culti v ation, and the residue covered with
thriviog yOung fin:ther. The improvements are it
. LVEO3. MEOW OM Igo o
Stone Kitchen, And a Frame Barn,. trli! 9 R 6/
with Wagon shed itrubCorn crilmind • `4,'
a fine young thriVing'Orchard with choice The
film is well covered withiLocust timber,and a num
ber of never tiding; running springs near the door.
The above mentioned Tract, is all Liniestoon Land,
and is in a healiby neigliborhood, within two nsili4Uf
Cat lisle,k one mile from the Ctunberland Valley pl.
road, and lying on the Conodogninet Creek. , • -
An indisputable title will be given. For tennis appl,
to the subscriber residituTma the 11 :duet Bottum
and, 5 miles ham Carlisle. •
JOHN nstmuux, Sc
August 30,180. • ttm-11.
N. 13. The abotie farm is convenient to the Car
lisle market.
BY virtue of a deeree of the Court of
0.111111011 Pleas of Cumberland county, in la
action of Partition, wherein Edward Porter is plain
taunt! George Keller Executor, Francis, Porter iv
defendent—l will expose to public sale.oit the prem
ises, on FRIDAY, the '2Utli of September, 1813, at
11 o'llock, A. M., all that Certain tract of
'll7 Z r 5..)
, 0
situate iti Silver Spring- township, Cowbell:1ml cons-
Iv, bounded by Ahem. Bosley, John Poglesonger.
Ureinides' hews, and tie Conolloguara (,reek;
containing. 2:23 Acres, more.or less, having therefor
erected :I large Two Story Brick
iff 0
. .re ;• U
'J r
Stone Batik Itarn,Carriage 'anise nod
Jowr necessary improvemehts. iliere is I thoulllti
Acres of - the Laud cleared awl in i good sltde aI ,lid
tivation, with two wells that tierce fail and pumps in
them; the residue of the Land hi coveiwd ith good
Timber. 'lnds farm is situate:Aloud half:, mil, from
Ittfelwrs' Alin, and at toile and reel. the I rat ,
riShllEg 1111.11111ke.
'lle title to the I.and is indispwahle,and it will be
sold subject to a Widows dower a v 1.003,00, the iii-•
Wrest of which is payable :thutially,aval die principal
at the decease of Alitsser, the widow of .hues; .11.tts
ser, fleecasq,d.
, 4 "PAUL ,NIARTIN, Sheriff.
August 50, 1813.
( ry Ili. Lancaster Union and York Republican
insert to amount of 50 and charge this office.
WILL be sold at public sale, on . SATI.JI3.
DAY the 14th day of October next, at I
o'clock, I'. M., pc said day, un the premises, the
following deseribpa
, rars h „vb
sitinde in Mifflin township, Cumberland county.
hounded by lands of the heirs of Matthew
Thompson, deceased, Samuel. Westheffer, Mar.
tin Berget, Peter licrshe, Hugh Bnrr, sod the
Conotlogninet creek, containing 1835 Acres, neat
measure, having thereon erected a
BARN, 95 feet long, - a never-failing ow 'd
spring, of water and a Spring [louse, 111 I
nod a well of water convenient to the
door, and a Brick Smoke Howe. Also, a large
an a number of other fruit trees, consisting of
Peach, Plumb, Cherry, &c. There are about lid
Acres of good Timber Land, and the residue
cleared and in a good state ofeultivatltimof w hieh
at bout 25 acres are excellent inendow. The above
described farm is Slate Land of a good quality,
equal to any in the township.
Tao Mims et ea.° w.ll be: Two Hundred Dol.
lure to be paid on the day of sale, oneMalf of the
whole purchase money, including the aforesaid
$2OO, to be paid on the let of April next, when
the title will, be made and . possession given to the•
purchaser, and the residue in four equal annual
payments thereafter without interest i to be secur
ed by judgment bonds or mortgage !
' The title to the above will be made by Thivid
Sterrett, executor of Mary Ann Culbertson, decd.
to owned the one undivided half; whose interest
in the same will be sold lR pursuance of an order
of the'Orphans! Court of said county Ly her Exc.'.
cuter, and by John Culbertson who owned the
other undivided half part of said rent estate.
Executor of Mary Ann Culbertson; dce'd,
August 30, 1843. ,
it in the present
aid his forms CASH,
to suit the hard times.
tell stock of
• ••• • •
Pleblie Sale, •
virtno of an order of the Orphans! Court
_LP of CuinVerland county, will be exposed to
Public sale, on the promises, on SATUR DA Y, the
nth September, 1843. al 11 o'clock, A. M., all
that certain
alate cljat aza - cov.wituD•o
situate and being in West Ponneboro'. township,
CUmberland county, 'containing shout one • afire,
and having a Two Story FRAME
HOUSE, and frame Stalde thereon
crected,bounded by Andrew forbes.
Daniel Gring& Samuel Avcwrnick. ;« 4 '
Terms, mane known on the day of sale, when
attendance will be given by.
.Administrator of . Jacqb Dougherty, ttee'd..
• 'August 38, 1843. • 4t.44
ill be solrl,nt public: sale on the premises,
on ,SA'rIUR DAY, the .loth day •of Sop.
tember next at 12 o'clock, AL - .
. .
late the pstate of JOHN lfoot'En, deed. MI: •it:
btotiptining ONE ACRE, more rir l ess- •a
'shinned in illechatiiehburg, CuMberlimil Manny; t'a.,
bounded on the East by an alley, on the South by
lot tif bY a lot of :Natty' Kinsay
and North by a street or. olleri. The; housciis:two
stories high, plastered, trell4lisheil add roomy with
t(NitchenstitinliningßeOrdThere is an,
cifectlenttrpll of wider at the' door, 'add ti . tariery of
cheicefrait.trees on tlailot.w9lt,other conveniences
—4l . le,jihole prepdry . bring in gooilrepairi fed..
s aes "triahlog to purl:hese Will Wes - hewn Ott' pepperty
by tailing on. John hoover olechanicsharg.
1 he terms will hermitic knewn on the day r or
:tint atteadpriie'#lve'n ••'
• • t 11001 1 0.1 V
3 ' JOIN • II0OVE.Ii: '•
Carlloo',Auest; q 0,4843. -• • • • • to-3•i
, Notict—Pay .
'rum: subeari6eioiiivingeloaod bneiiic s s ; ie„dEs[
roue scaling boat rly as
Tiithie *tag tcpze indebted 'to WA' eithtiat !" - y,filit4 'Or
I ,l :4 6 klii?e4ti o tr's!re:itiOptitcit ;to 001,1;0 ew.ttlti:ivitti 4
opttlek, Mid 'preikedfOleta...
' ,
iMeoltiON.iktik*s'Arigifs%os',l B 43. 4 ''.” • •
i,, , ,,,... , 1 ,,,,,, ,Allteap , Item. '" - '''
'TWO S'oxi - o'wellin , :tio
' -•
' ' '
P 41 06 ,0 ['You . IOW 104., utPcrent,lPl4oll
11 40Y: $ ''.... ' ;, . ' rr , o6,i'll i- t i v*
„Au g ust 2 •Itsil"''' • '''. S OG I 0 .'r-'-i
t •
• .in the borongh,Of,'Cil4l.lo4'..9ll T110181,41M
L.r.1—(1) , U4= 15 4E1
•„ . -
(hepilititrty . of'the U. States.
'sold ,M .the highest bidder withoUt
ut hie time of deliveriliir'ilielegiti'eur
p,eney:ef.the ,States:. The Utle' Witl: tuke'
near iliehtarket house , to coinmenee atite'h'elock,
111.4 anil the Horses will be ileliviTtal344ll6llml, -
or immediaply
• • FaiWARD-1114AS; '!
114 ci. Aast. q 1... ;(Ilister:
Aug. 1843- '-; ' '4s-43
TAN ,, YARD'. , FOR SALUi;;,
vR SALE, A '',l: * *A Di; TA. 121);.' .
miles east of Ltindisititrg . ,.!ncOttniy,•ott
the Slam road leading to illinOOttnirg . ft'y .sterrett
Gap,l2 miles from the,Canftl:and the same distanctt
from Carlisle. There a r c three acres of Land, with
a - act-rate Tan Bocci!, Hark aM ill, s two story
, •
'nod n Arnall elotihle Barn. 'Pile, yard v, 4M, ti •
18 eiipiible of working. eight, hundred ttfy, u
hides, nod tins water Pi the
pool. Plenty of burl; can be hod at elmkp rotes.
term's, which. will be mode cosy, coquire of
PitiCriOitil.thoscits; Esq. near the premises, tn. to Mr.
NV41.1,1414; reason iti
ugu5t,.23,1843'. tf-,13
•-• ' FOR SALE.
lII4Y virtue of an order of the. Orrihensr
Court of Cumberlaiiil county, *ill I.e sold On
Im premises, on SATURDAY,-the 7th day or op
ober,ilie following
raluable Real Estate,
late the propert a JACOB of South
Middleton township, deceased, to wit:, A Tract
containing 5‘..3 Acres of
situate itt ,Contherland-ommlyi . ott the road leatlim;
Prom Carlisle to Banovea, about tire miles From the
lormorldace, adjoining holds of Thomas and James
Alehairey, Frederick limner and the Yellow
Breeches Creek. littvimphereon erected it FOUR
the first is it two story Log House, Wagon Maker
Shop and new Barn —the second is a one story Log
I louse and stable—the third ion ode story Log house,
Smith Shop and Stable.
• The Mill is in eutoplete order, containing font.
ranof ,Stones, two pair Of Mires fin. flour; otie pair
of Llurra for chopping, and one pair of Sands, hay;
lug -Perators, Smut Machine of Young'3 Patent,
nod every other material used in :Mills, all nearly
new sod first-rate order and quality. Thr whole
Mill :Machine has been put up new tvtthin the last
yeast_ •
The Mill is driven by thel'ellow Ilreeches Creek,
a luster tailing stresamof water, located in the heart
of a grain growing cfmntry,tiflitrtling an extensive
counter custom; soil having "txcellent litC.ilities for
conveying Merchant work to markt t by the elllrlber
illllll Hail (toad.
. .
Sale to eommenee at I 2o'clock, noon. Terms of
sale will be made known 011 the Oat' of sale, by
.11)11N' PETl•liti4,
EXecutor of-Jacob !famish, dee'd.
mist '23 1843. • is-LI
p^j-'l•hc Tntelligcue c r Lnotst , ier,
iiitis•t: to mount or $2, dot] st,sol bills to this o0fc:•.
ro R SALE.
It''virtne on order of ilot Ortilento Collet of
Lootln:eland, will by sold on tlie,twenti
ses, Ott 111.11)AV, the. fitit or October nest,the
tittle holt', belonging. to the estate of
late of South . Jliddlctmi tint ttsltip, duce:Weil,
Containing 162 Acres, -
and WO perches, strict measure, of first-rale Laud,
situate in said township,. six !Mks from Carlisle, on
the road leading to llanovre, soul :bout two miles
from the Carlisle Iron Works, adjoining lands or
Ceti. Brenner, Christian Herr and others. The itu
prmenients thereon erected urea good • --
Slone Dwelling Honse,
1111•11 I
111'M...rate think Barn, WagOn shed, Cornp i a cp;
crib and other necessary nut.huililings.., .•
The liciuse has a never thiling sluing of pure water
iu the cellar; thcie is also a thrising,Orchaett of
choice fruit trees. There is also erected on it good
new Still !louse, two Tenant I louses with' Staple
for each. Ahottel lit! acres of this plantation a
high state of cultivation and tinder good fence, witli
wader in nearly eVery field; and' the lasi flak is•good
Timber Land. There IS it 1411110th/11C gliiirry
111:ICV, which is considered hi be the very best in the.
country, tor,-edier with a good lime Kifii.• Also ht.
the same time and place, •
10 .ficres of Illauntain Zand,•
with sprouting chesnut timber, situate in Raid town
ship, about two miles from the above-named tract.
Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, noon, a ben at
tendance w ill be given tunrterms made known by
11E412, :
- Administrator of John l'atiger, dl•'e'd.
Augoht 23, 1843. is-43
Volksfretnal and lotelligenevr, Lancas
tet•, insert to amount of SI and ch:u•ge this Mike.
GIIF.EABLY to the last will and tes'ament of
ft John Brandi, late of Monrce township, Cum
berlad roomy, deerased,l will expose to public salt•
on the premise, on SATURDAY, the 90th of, Sep
tember next, all that certain plantation or tract of
Land, late the property of Joh., Brandt, deceased,
situate in Alonrue township, Comberlana county,
hair tl mile north of Clark's Mill, three miles south
of Nfeehtudeshom, and !mewled he lands of Jacob
NiesirY, Adam Brandt, John Brandt, Christian
I holster and other.,
. . .
Containing 130 Acres,
more' or less of first-ratt: Limestone Land,of whielt
10 , 1 acres is cleared, under good fence, andjui a high
state of cultivation; and the. residue.- well timbered,
having . thereon erected a large S'l'ONll.l ':.- .'. .
I 1011sn, and a good Bank Barn, a Wa- e L ' -
got 611014 emit cribs, 4 -%mi'ifiltv sited,l3• • It
woad shed and all ,nceetsary outbuild- la : IT
ings: There isulso a het erlitilingapring ~......... l.
of excellent Water near the hotpie t Williegood . Stone
spring house. Also an excellent reliant house:and
'stable, wtth running water in file cellar. .There is
Skin ii theiViiig young Orchard of choice fruit trees.
It' not sold at public sale it will he sold at private"
'sale;agreeably to the' will. ' - . •. ..,
'Sale to commence at It) o'clock' in the forenoMt,
when a good title .will he given mid terms mode
known by ' GROIiGE BEELMAN;Ex'r.
Awntst W}, 184 d. . . . - ts'-'l3 '.
. a . " . lite Lancaster Pnoiri and ljartasburg Tile.
gra, insert to amount of $1 :til, send tttier, to the
advertiser in Sliepherdstown, sod charge.this Mike.
... „ell.tilile,S•64 .14:E.
s Atlre t iiiistrator with. the will annexed
of ,henes Itooreolee , il., I dill ciatioan to pub
)to sale; tot SATIUItfIAY, the 39111
,of SeptOuther,
A84.1.,, 15 et the littbli house of Peter Wetbley ~ hi Car
14 49 , !'t 1 '''Prf a l`'i A ; ' N/ : tl'lPv o . 6tor y ,, " ' ' tr -'2' ,
Sir() hl N,' HO EISIE, , ~..', g r,
with th,,,,Ulneliiiiliiili;Oiii r t thereon -ereeteil; & . Rome
'op the I Seeth Ilt:tto t uorfier, or !lawyer' loot North et.-
ittuViintueditsteli otipisitelPtlei• Weittleyhttaiteill in,
the boreugh 7 br Csirltslei iontaining . 6o.(SeilituOtted
240 feet in! deiith..'.' Akiiii',iiiii ;*tik,,j4dit - er
..Ground, site:de - on theNoribliWOCKollotieeti, 'An,
Carlisle, heundrithyittitrtisid.street_aftlitrifvfehri
IVltiore:fl,llie-terinir,6t.soi , ioAt fain* n1r1y.0..c,0
thcdar-britqvphYg- - ' 6 •,'. r0 , .Y . ' , 4 ,. .,.v., 0.61 , 1; , • , L it
q . 4ii,''s , •.• : 1 ':'... , " , ~..,`,:, "' .','' 1;onr, T,WRIViIL:hc.„;
i t
', 7 kiltit'll. 7 irithdhe'dilliiiinexid et 141.90_440'11.f*,i,
Aulpot 25 4 ,134,3 , . ,, r•F, •44 t 2.,.1f.,,' •,.• , ;:•',!. ',,- 1 : 1••• ,-, ,
z•••• • ;••,,,; ~.• ~,•,., ~.., z ••••%,.••••wl,.-u. , , • ,::••,•;;;t:.,
1 '•-, ••
••; ` 1 "..i.L;•:,..1''''4:•,..,,,,,,1,N4''
;~. yt i...,e-,. ~~,
3, otrip at0°44144.4'.
Ait7ll:efierioim' oil operatiOni upon We 'feel),.
V that' it re requittd• tor their preseryation, such
as.Scoting;. bYlitil4.4l4gpg, 'll,ll restore
. the loss ottliem, - by,-Insertang Artificial 11.• esti', from
n single
irygirree'eir PittAitreet.,:isfew doors' Soutli of tpe
I : 41111:010 IfIgel.:•; : ; :- : • ' •
ldne:9,4 - 180 i • - "
. , A'r,PIJI3I4I I I ,, SSLEI:
Flttli.XYclite-'29111-or-SEPTEM,IIPLItext, at
nt l l o'clock A. cll.,all'myrestl estitte, ( o.tinte on the
Yellow Itreechon Creek, in Dieftinitit, • toWnship,
Cumberland cuitt*, Consisting . of u
and' niamt Tbreelltindreatimbkifty Acres 'of Lund,
whieb 1. havettlivided into three small , litems I, .
Ist. Tlie Mills and about one' huinlitea ana thirty'
acre? of Land, at' which about ';neltes 'are
e teared, fenced and in a high sta. , cultivation,
, witit a; 'toil i'.
9 , .. olio
13arit, and all others necessary and con
venient latildings"erectetl'ou the .Same, • The Mills.
Are p r opelled by the waters of the Yelloit• Breeches.
Creek, having an amount of limn! antlt.f.4ll, mid a
quantity ni water which never fails or act:zee/an ,
the land Icing ott both sides of it. r •
, 241. A Farm lying on the Creek above thetfirst
desnribed, containing about one hamlet:amid:tett,
here% of which about twenty four titres /We cleave.
and under cultivation, and the residue ill' good tim
ber, there are no beildings , nn this tract. . •
;id. A Perm lying on the. Creek adjoininOte last
described, edi t s hug about one hundred and ten
aeres, of which about fillren acres sire cleared and
cultiSated, and'the residue in prime timber; this
tract has a tenant house erected on it...
This Land is sittetted about trre miles front Car
lisle, and one note and a half west of Baltimore
turnpike, in a most healthful and beautiful country,
and possesses all tite.ativantages for agricultural pur-
The title is undirptionable , and any information
on the snhitrt, n ill, regard td it,ur terms of the sale,,
can be had by application made to Frederick Watts,.
Esq.„Carlisle, or td me on the premises. • •
tigtud 111, Illd.,
' The York Gazette antT Lancaster.lisamitter insert
until Sale :11111 send hills in this office;
HE subscriber, Assinee of Samuel
tA:eclian, of West Penashorougii township,
Cumberland comity, offers for sale.the •
A431(,11 FAILI9II,, • •
belonging to'said estate, situate in raid townsiti'meoti
mining AerCS of I.limestont:Lanitli there ie. eree
ted on it a
. \VO STORY STONI.I N•v 1 11, . •
riiTiltlklttlills 110131 : 1 i
with a Bank Barn and several other out-Imuses,
geiltee with ail:riving WWI IAR1), whole
Farm is in :I,fine state of cultivation, nod will be sold
sr ierandy f/I,St3 a whole to suit ptirchascra.. The
Ulm to am a ry rail nerd t ion directly-tbeaugli_.:
it, furnishing the best facilities foe speedily' reaching
a market with produce. '
Ii not mild of private sale_previons to SATUR
DAY, the t•ith day of OCT( 'HER. next, it Hill
that ilayliiroffered at Public Sale nn the premises . , at
o'clock in the ;Merman), 'Oen, attendance will
given itnd terms known by
JA.NIES Meet.7l,l.otrCilf;
Assignee of Samuel Ale.Gechatt.
A tigirst 16, 1813..
• ts-.16*.
The Lancaster Union insert till "sale and chatie -
this Mike.
Selling off at Costr
11 1 11 E subscriber, determined to dose her
- 1 L Will sell her entire .stock of Goods
.41' COST. Persinis wishing to purchase may rely,
on getting goods precisely tit cost; her ittuels consists
of 11 large assortment of l); lion's, Groceries.
Ilardktare, Chitin, Wass :mil giteenswaret Shot:sow'
Boots of every kind; Paints:Mil Dye . Stiilfs..
Country Nlerchants out whirs are invited to call
and e%uniioe In; themselves, Ik9 she will -sell her
whole stock . or ,tier pail. of it to suit purchasers.
Store in Smith Hanover street, Curtis e. If the,
entire stock is purchased the Room, 11'411:house and
cellar can ht. had with it,
Augllst 111,1843
#• Y an order of the Orphans' Court of
'V+ Comberland county, we as Administrators or
Adam ilcoM. • will sell at public 'Tenthly,
at the politic house or Me :cinder Mateer, Jr. in
Shippetislowq, on FRIDAY, the 29tIt of September,
at f t o'clock, A. M., all that certain
situate at il being on the South side of the Maui street
of Shippetisinnw iljnin
oig• the l'aveen house of the
said A dams N i int I'IIR, ilee'd. hat ing 11.
DW ELLI NG I OUSE, Black smith
shop and two Wagon-maker shops,
and other Intildings thereon erected; r
and all the lippitrtenstici-s thereto le----
Imiginz. Also, all those three sec ral L'O'..r.. Or
L ib,
WI? OtT.A7), in Shippensliurg, boom I..iwtite , ,roatl
to Angle's Nlill, hy David Mahon and ationopened
road, containinz shout one third ulna aere each, up
on one of which a I mall shop is erected.
'Perms of tale: One half of the purchase money
to be mud oil the confirmation of the 'sale, mid thu •
residue iii one; ear without interest. - • ,
JoliN sruNxim,
Administrators of Adam ISlmmens,dec'd •
August :in, 1843.15-44 1
_. . •
New & Cheap Store..
911IIE subscriber would inform the publio'
that he has taken the store room recently oc
copied-by-Messrs. Bos , crumn and Holton, in North.
I lanover street, Carlisle, in which lie is now, open-.
lag a large mid splendid 111111 . chetiji assortment of
of every variety and qtathtyi which he invites the
puhlie to call and examine,confident that the quality
of his goods and their low prices will give satisfac
tion to all who ran favor him with n
Agent for Joseph Reed.
NT:ty ii,1843
House Faiutex:, Glazier& Paperhz9vog.
• •.
S t Jr. . 111 T .111 •
gbE ux
spEcTru . Announces to the .cititens of
tk Carlisle and the publfe in general, Olathe has
commenced the above business in all its branches, and
hopes that by strict nttentien to liminess and with a
desire to &yaw, to merit anti receive ashore of pub
lie patimeake: t Ile may he found nt the corner or
Sem h, I loiterer st reef and East Chapel. alley, oppos
ite C. E. it. Davis' Chair manufactory.,
'Ciorlishi;Jely 19,•18-13. • •
_ .
Tun Rttbe6ibrh once nun .° Calla upon all bicsotan
ioduhted to him by Note or Bout: account, to pay upp
on or before the Ist or September next; ttfter which
dale the neennota will imaiticely. be , plaimh.ln the.
halals of a joathie of the Peace for. collection..
CEO. W.` ,lIITNgti.
4 '4., •.;5t49.:
August 1G; 1843
AN electiciai sill he held in the' I.97lhll'.egitnente
Pennsylvania Militia, to. elect One .ycutynant Col
in room of Colonel
P: vIFFIcI•, re
signed, pa SAI'UItDAYAII O 0111 day 9f,Selitepbel
oext, between the tipure, of 10 o'clock, A. M. and &
P 'rlie Piot. ihtttailion Will vote at tirpnblio_limise
of David Mean, in the borough of earlisleinjor
Jacob Ill'etz to, superintend said - election. The'2d
Battalion writ lqchotas.
Shantharger in the hi - n.OllOll of c ar risie--Madoi A.
A. I.trie.toliiiiieilidend ilitcrefoittott'''
8... Office r . hi coninipul,of, compaidea,vol)
reipairtUl to liwnialtli'dopy `o (their rnlltn,QisMflicei'n
(Atha 2 .40. :EUliAl?.;
l'Al;;".'"rAti e : •
• , Jaytte's ragkihr•itedieinety.
•,. AN tltilliontd,enpply, of tpe,sarve + lrol,.%
, 011 led
ioitro, forolisting of - ' <,'
-Jortei Hlmotlitiont.. :,‘qi*,(ilif
e l
,- Tqllic,Vgokirti4fr 41`,„i "
, , : I(alrl'ooki,-;;:'rf. '• 1 ,''',, , '..! ,' •
F, , , 5-4,..4-I,M.‘, - ,Sjviativp RAIP.IO , g-,..7 , , ,
... 7, ''" ^) 3 . "' lelltillitatiVe , 4 , .", ','
'. - i t l a r 6,oi s C T i11i410:! 411 4 4 PA , ,in ' ...r " • ;
41' , ,, r , ealtia:
4401 11 . ! P
'A, 1. 11 1 BI 1.
- YK~~;.