Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, August 30, 1843, Image 4

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    otosna)&,'s '0,'41i5.1753(0c,
“WALLOWED 113g,TuY AntariE.”
111'. buss A. C. EnciArcrox,
Illnt,Lowso, ay, hallowed!, not alone in prayer,
dint In Mur daily thoughts and daily speech;
Altar and at hearth-atore,-every. where
That temple-Priests or home apostles preach.
• Oh not by words alone, but by our deeds,•
5 4 illitby our faith, um! hopi.; and spirit's flame,
And by the nature Of our private creeds,.
We hallow best, and glorifly Thy .tame,
Nature.dothballow it. In every star,
AMI every flower, and leaf, and hafping wave,
She ,praisetrThee; who, from Thy realm afar, •
Suck stores of beauty to this rair e.Vrtli gave.
But these alone should not iloy love proulitinr—
," Our hearts, Mir souls respond" hat/owed he
' Na me !"
The miner dch•e's beiletatlitlie soil
To TRIO 7, the precious atietals
NVliile firmer& find ha chrystal showr3
'More weal It than all the mines are worth
The rain, thato'er the land
Spi•eads wealth and life wlk6i•e'er 'tis driven,
Tells matt to never doubt tt God,
IVIIo sends his ShOiV 1
ers 0 \ 3;11(1.1 . rum Haire:l4
- ,
It being the usual custom of the Roman
Governors to advise the, senate and people
of such mateital lb logs as happened in
their respective provinces : PUBLIUS LEN
'rILLES being the President in the days of
Tiberias Chesar, the Emperor wrote the
following epistle to the senate concerning
the person of Jesti'sChrist :
There has appeared in these otir days
a man of great virtue nanied•Rsits • ViraisT
who is yet living amongst us; and of the
Gentiles is accepted as a prophet ot Inith
But his own disciples call hitic'the Son of
--110-hath-raised- _the_dead_and cpred
all manner of diSeases ; he is'a man of Stat
ure somewhat tall and, comely, with a rev
creml countenance, such as •the beholderS
may both love and fear ; his hair is of the
color of the filbert when fully ripe, plain
to his cars, whence downward it is- a more
orient of color, curling and waving about.
his shoulders ; in the midst. of his head is
a seam or partition of his hair after the
manner of the Nazarites ; his forehead is
plain and delicate, his fiice-without spot or
wrinkle, beautified with comely red ; his
nose and .month arc exaetlY formed ; his
beard is of the color of his hair and thick,
not long but forked. In reproving he is
terrible,in idmonishing - courteolisonspeak=
ing, very modest and wise, in proportion of
body well ; shaped. None have ever scan
him laugh, but many have seen him weep;
a - man for his surpassing beauty excels the
children of men."
Inds epistle or letter of Puumus LEN;
T4, , Lris is stated to have beentaken from
the public records at Rome" by the Empc-
ror Napoleon Bonaparte, at the time he ri-
Ileilthat city of so many of its manuscripts.
, was written at Thu time and on the spot
where our Saviour coinmencod his minis
. try.'
trr.7A.fas I the best of .God's earthly gifts
are only fur the shortest periods. The
- dearest and sweetest children are but as
flowers from their Heavenly Father's gar
den,. which often come as summers leaf and
then pass away. Happy they who eau
hold them with so loose a hand as to re
store fluim th:inkfully.rod cheerfully when
called for by Him from. whom they came.
Bishop Emaorr, of Georgia, has lately
published a sermon, in which he says :
"It will be a happy day for the church
whieti her clergy and laity shall plant•them-.
selves firmly upon the four principles of
his sermim : That wealth can be lawfully
and innocently gotten otilyby labor. That
in the choke of rulers, virtue and wisdom
are to:be preferred to party. Tha ,educa
tion is not the mere acquisition t knowl
edge, kit includes moral and religious train
ing. That the religion of Christ is not
the fruit of excitetneilt, but of scriptural
instruction, united with prayer and watch
fulness; Such , principles would in these
days, Make her, members, what the Scrip
ture says all Christians ought to be, a pe
culiar people.!"
Of, times has that Pray'er been of
fered'br Christians of all denominations?
Sp, wide,,indeed, is the sound thereof gone
forth; that daily , and almost without inter
mission,from the ends of the earth,and afar
upon the'sea, it is ascending to heaven like
incense, and a pureofferitig. Nor needs
it the 'gifi of prophecy to foretell; that tho'
"heavetrand earth shall pass away," these
words 15f our blessed Lord "shall not pass
away" till every petition has been answer
ed—till the kingdom of Godshall come,
and his will be done on earth as it is. in
INFIDELITY. -W hat is the object o f
fidelity ? It is to brptify man, to cut the
cords that bind him to infinity—to"turn the
current , ef his being downward,, and to
reverse the while desigui and tnidenty Of
his nature....-jhose high and holy thoughts
which be' las 'aent- - abioad into eternity it
would-bid lihn:summon back, only that he,
may .bury thent in•the thist at his feet.
beckons his eyes ancay from the mansions
of heaven, that.te nrrgaze on the black
ness and darkness fo,rever: It would torn oil
his' ThoughlS lion; all. 'that is iriepiring in
. :the future, only _that it may be led into moo
dy notbiligii,es, " It 'would
dissolve , hie . connection 'with' all that he
itsplra to,, that
he kindred with
tncontein plate.
• E.fitifeli , .ltitt - ; 'Sentinients, And Ond, angels,
bee Vtl'i,;i,ininortality, View,
4,int.and unereatad
night atve~i' ' • •
oelefrig apeetrea in the:
HABIT or• rnE SYSTEM, , .
Scrofula, or King's Evil,. Rheumatism
obstinate entaneonS Eruptions, Pim
ples, or Plistules oil the Face; Blot
ches, Btles, ChrOnic, Sore Eyes, Ring
Worm or Totter; Scald nead, En
' largethent and .Pain of the Bones
and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphili
tic Sympterns,Sciatica, or Lumbago,
and diseases arising fro in an hijUdi-
cion: use of Mercury, Ascites; or
Dropsy; Exposure br Imprudence in
Lilo.' Also, Chronic Constitutional
' Disorders will be removed by
Improvement in whaterer regards the happiltess
and welfare Of our race is toast:May on the march
to perfection, mid With each succeeding dasonie
new pt•oblent 18 Solved, or some profound secret re
veale.l, [riving ashimportant a n d direct hearing met'
111:111'S higliqt destinies. If we take a retrospective
view mer dm past twenty years, how is the mind
struck n IM:wonder ! Matt rapid stri [les has science
made in every dep:u•tment or civilized life!
cularly in that n hick relates to the knotyledge or ti“;
tunnel system ils health and disease. lIMY valuable
and indispensable are - the curative means recently
discovered through-the agency of chemistry ! flow
does the imagination kindleand our admiration glow
at the iageintity, the near approach to the standard
of perfection, of the present time! Through the
'elaborate investigations of Physiidogy, nr the scion .•e•
or (.tor, and the Pathology of prevalent diseases,
much viduable practical knowledge has beeti gull vl.
lit consequence ol• becoming acquainted with the or
ganiintion, the elements of the * various tissues and
structures or the system, remedies hove been sought
arterand discovered exactly adapted to:combine with,
neautralize mud expel oprbille mailer, the cause oh
dispose, and substitute healthy action in its
The beautiful simplicity of this mode or toommoot
is-not only suggested by the pathology - or diseases,
not only grateful tube suircrer, but perfectly in con-
Hllllallee with the operations or Nature, and satisfac
lorysto_ths; ‘iewsnaifreasoilings or every iotvlligeot,
reflecting mind. It i, thus that Salla'S Sal Satall'llla,
or o,oootiai joloopio,lor the
1110ot valuable vegetable stilis . oinces,operate's Nicol the
system. The Sarsaparilla is combiiied with the most
salutary productions, the tntrit potent simples or the
vegetable kitigilom ; mid its unprecedented success
iii lhr talbil/Vatlllll to Ilettitil-61 . those, 'w h o laid ° long
pined under the most distressing
has given it an exalted character, furnishing us it
does evidence or its own intrinie value, and'ivema:
mending it to the afflicted in terms the fifilieted only
can know. It has hems a most import:lnt de
sideratum in the practice or medicine to obtain a
r . onieily similar to thin—ode that world act on, the
flier, stomach :mil bowels with all the precision:mil
potency or mineral. preparations, yet a Walla any or
their deleterious effects upon the sital powers of the
system. .•
Thu attention of the vender is respetlliilly called
pritaTfoltiwing - curtifiettim—lloweueu_greaLactiime,
mods have bur.dolore been made by the use of this
invaluable medicine, pet daily expurtunce shuns re
sults still more remarkable: proprietors here
deail dictum.' yes of the impornmity of baying it' is a
some,' of enlist:tut palialaetiuu lit they are made the
means of ing such an amount ol suturing.
WoturiVe/ lUects of &S'orids's •S'arinpurilln. in
Norwich, Conn
It'suil the follow Mg from _Sirs. \ Vin. Phillips, who
has lung resided at the Falls. The facts are well
known to all the old residents in that part attic city.
M rsqus. A. 11. SA a Lei Aln,t grate
do I embrace this opporttittily for stating to 01l
the great relief I °la:tined from the use 01• N our Sar
saparilla. 1 shill also, be happy, through tom, to
publish to all who are allieted,asl lately wa b,
count of my titiexpectod, and even lin. a long ultile
despair of cure. Mine is a painful story, and trying
mid sickening as is the narrative of it, for the sake of
ninny who indy be sturdy relieval, I w ill briefly yet
accurately state it.
Nineteen years ago last April a lit of sickness left
me with an Erysipelas eruption. .Dropsical col lee
tionsimmediately took place over the entire suirface
of my. body, eall8 . :11.' :Mehl :111 enlargement that if was
necessary to add a rualt . I and to the size or arty •
sesaromed the waste. gest lidlowiskupen my limbs,
ulcers, painful beyond desrription. For years, both
in Nllllllllel . 81111 the wily mitigutimu`ol'my
:mitering was felled in pouring upon those parts cold
water. From my limbs the pain extended over in)
whole body. 'lliere was literally for me an rest, by
day or by night. Upon I) hug UMW') these pains would
shoot through my :Aston, and compel tne to arise,
and, fur hourstogetlwr, walk the house, so that I was
almost entirely deprived it sleep. During this time
the Erysipelas cominued active, and the 'deers en.
mud so deeply have these eaten, that for two
and a hall* years they have been subject to bleeding.
I hiring these almost twenty years I have consulted
ninny ph) sicians. These have ratted my disease—
as it was:tumults! with an obstinateeough and a stead)
mid active pain in my side—a dropsical consumption;
and though they hale been skilful practitioner', they
were only able to afford my case a partial and tem
porary I had many other dillicedtics too com
plicated to describe. I hale also used many of the
medicines that'll:ice been recommended
cities for this-disease, yet these all tidied, and I was
inost emphatically growing worse. In this critical
condition, given up by frietals,and expecting fur my
self; relict' only in death, I was by the timely inter
position of a him! Prmidence, furnished with your,
to toe, Sarsapari 11#. A single bottle gave
toe :ill assurance of health, which tor twenty years'
had not once.felt. Upon taking the secinal my en
largement diminished, and in twelve Mg/3 front the
fith of October, when I commenced taking your Sae
sap:milli' I was able to enjoy sleep and rest,by
:IS acne ping us air) I mei' enjoyed when in perfect
health. Besides, l was, in this short time, relieved
front all those excruciating and unalleviated pains
that had afflicted my days;:is well as robbcd me of
my night's repose. The ulcers upon my limbs are
healed, the lit•isipclas cured, and my size reduced
nearly to my Milner measure.
, Thus much do I feel it a privilege to testify to the
efficacy of your health-restoring - Sarsaparilla. A
thousand thanks, sir, from one whose comfort and
whose hope of nom,: 'woo, it's due,, under hod, to
your instrinneatality. And may the same Providence
that directed ine to your aid, make yon the happy
and honored instruments of blessing others, as dis
eased and despairing as 'ouir much relieved and very
grateful friend, .ASLNATII AI. PHILLIPS.
Nsw litirinox Co. ss. Norwich, Nov. 4,184'2.
Personally appeared,the above-named Asenath M.
Phillips, and made oath of the facts contained in the
foregoing statement 11C1011: MU.
Justice of the Peace.
Being person:lll,r acquainted with Mrs. Phillip . , I
certify that the :there asserted lite.ts are sithStatitiallj ,
Minister qt . the Gospel at Norwich, Conti'
Sand's Sarsainnilla %yin - also remove and perm-
IRAs (tore diseases having,..theie.origin 1111;11111111)ov°
state of the blood and depraved conditioner the gen
eral constitution, Scrofula or King's Evil in its
various forms, Rheumatism, obstinate cutatieous
et options, blotches, biles, pimples, or pustules on
the face, chronic sore eyes, VI ngwornt or tetter, scald
head, enlargement and pain of the bones and joints,
stubborn ulcers, syphilitic symptomX, diseases 'aris
ing from an injudicious of mercury; retook: de
rangements mid other similaCcomploints.
Prepared and sold by A.B. Sands & Co., Drug
gists mid Chemists, Granite buildings,273 Broadway
corner oft:lumbers street; New York. And for sale
by .Druggists throughout the United States. Price
per_bottle, six bottles for $5. - -
The public are respectfully requested to remem
ber that it is Sands's Sarsuparillathat basionlia eon ,
stoutly aehit - iiing suchremarkable cures of Iffe'rtinst
di ilitadt class of (niceties - to which the liumnn frame
Is subject, and ask for,SandesStirsapprilla, and take
'no calm. - • •
. • S. ELLlO'r'r. ,
Agent by special appointment for the Proprietors,
for Carlisle and vicinity. . , -
July 12.1343. .' ' Ip-ST •
WO 'IT 41 0 E
PETITIONS for Di scharge and Gerd;
ficate under the Bankrupt Law, have beefs 61-
JAMES. M. ALLBN,lnte.Clerk Cumberland co'.
npd FItIDAY, I the 29th day., o 1 SEPT. next; at
11 o' appointed for the bearing there
of, before the .said CourtVadting in Bankruptcy, tit
the District Court Room, in the:City of-Phil:ldd=
phin, wheu - and.where the creditors of, the said Pe
titiorketois, who WO provediheir,Debts,tind'alt Per
sOns in, interpatjmlty aprar and shOw eatise, if any,
I.llo.littre ' wtity
stich , DtscharOs arid , Certificates .
shouickfibtbe graand. , s- t . ..;
- :J:'-";,,a:':.Clerk:of District Courts'
. S : 1%11 ''':`,ll.pril,l2th' 1843.. • ;,!,1044
The'beirt inithoit foi.the Sbotiolin' of Disi
ectse 4 ia cleanse tir 'purify the Blood !
OF Mg.
rP7I4 americq* College of iffealth
Arc now acknowledged to be the best. Medicine in
the world for the cure of
EGAUSF. they completely clennsC the stomach
and bowels from those bilious and corrupt hu
mors- which are the cause not only of'Heitancim,
Giddiness, Palpitation or the Heart; PainS in. the
Bones, Rheumatism and Gout, but of every malady
incident to man. •
Are Beekitin cure for iiiterntittCiit., remittent, ner
coos, hillonquittory and putrid Fevers, because they
elelnie the body front-those morbid humors, which
when:confuted to the.eireuhitiot4re the cause Of ol
kiiitht of
. So, when, the swine itnitirily is depositell on
the triett,brnne and muscle, ennsing plans, inflatn
lions ntnl
11.11EU.11.1118.1/, GOUT, &c.,
The Indian Vegetable l'ills naiy he relied on as al
ways certain to give relief; and if persert ed with ac
cording to directions, will most misuredly,andwith
out fail, make a perfect cure of the above painful
maladies. From three to six of said Indian Vegeta
ble Pills taken every - night on going to bed will in a
short time so compli:telY rid the hody leom every
thing that is opposed to health, that Itheuntatim,
Gout, and pain of every description, will be literally
.For the same l'i:11S011A, Mlien,liviir sudden ,eliun;, , es
titmosplore, o:• any other cause, the perspiration
is checked, and the humors which should pa.;:i Why
Clic skin are thron•n
11E.1.11.1C11E, GMBLVE.SW,
Nausea and sickness, pain in the lionesondery ;and
inflamed Qes,soro throat., hoarseness,. coughs. con
sumptions, rheumatic pains in various parts of the
body,anil many other symptoms or •
TI .INI)IAN MIS will invari
ably give,iromediato From three to Six of
said fills taken every night on going. to bed, will in
a short!'titne, not only remove all the above unplea
sant symiitoms, bathe body will, in n short time, he
restored to even sounder "health 11l before. The
same may bo said of
AST I lAIA , OR 1)1 Pl'IC 1,1121".1T1 lIN
The Intlisit Yegetnide Pills will loosen and c'orry
ht' the stomach and hpu•els those tougli phlegmy
Ituntocs, which stoP,np the air cells of, the lengs,and
re the cause Inn only of the a, 0 \ 011111
plaint, but when neglected, t;llen terminates is that
gill more dreadful malady ••aped . •
. -
It should Mgt) lie renteittliert,tl that
_the Intli:tu
Veget:thle' :try :t t•t•I mitt curt. rot.
Oppression, tiatist,i imil sickness, loss or appetite,
costts cows, a yellow thige of the skits and eyes and
cvery WWI. sY mptont of a torpid orjilseased suite of
the VP; liceause they ',urge from ke body thyse
impurities which if deposited upon this important
organ, are the rause of errry ‘ariety of
1,114:12. COI PI..kINT.
--- Whrtra-N:dion:is-eoto,4llml .hy_lOots,D.itthreak.
nud Itt.lit•llion, the only sore nultos of preventing Ott
crinsivicitres of a,
is lii expel all traitors, and evil diiioSNl oues Cron
lie Coui.try.
In like wanner, when pain or sickneks sny
(ulieate that,the bode is struggling with internal furs
lie true remedy is to
EXPFA, 11011ISII) 111_1101N,
(Traitors to lirv,) and Ia:AI:PP
That the Principle ofcgringdisrasc, by Cleansieg
anti Purifying the body, ix strictly in accordance ;cub
the Laws which govern the nniutal economy; and it
properly carried out by the use of the nbovu named
. INI)1.1N vEca:TAis! w Num
Will c6riainly result In the complete Abolition o
Disease; we offer the folio, lug testimonials, from
persons'of the highest respects in New Yuri:
who have recently been cnrcd of the most obstittate
complaints:soh:ly by the usessof Vitit:lll'S INDIAN
rr0 . ..r.‘111.1: I'll.l s or To:
.Issisie.s, 1,. I. innellth,
Doctor William Wright—Dear Sir—lt is with
great satislartiosi that I intin•m you of my waving
brim Naively cured or nyspep%izi,wrlivv years slaml
lug, by the use of your INDIAN VEGETABLE
Previous to meeting Avid' your celebrated 'mall
chic, I had Veen under the hands of several Physi
cians, and had tried various medicines; but all to no
a11i•el. Alter using OHO 11111 11X 01 11111 . Pills, I experienced so much benefit, that I re
solved to pi. rsevere ill the 1 11 1 of them according In
your directions, rmhich I ani happy to state, has re
suited in 0 perfect mire. lu gratitude to you for the
great benefit I have received, and :duo in the hope
that others similarly afflicted may be induced to make
trial oryour cau:un•dinm•y 'medicine, I bend you
this statement with full lihcetc to publish the same if
you think proper•. Yours, &c,
NEW Yonn,lune 19, 1811. G. C. BLACK.
l'o 'Nfr. Richard Dennis, Agent lop Weight's lndimi
Vegetable Pills, No. '2lB lirevottjelt bt. N. Y
'Dear Str—At your recommendatiOn,l some tune
since blade trial of WRICII•i"S INDIAN VEG -
rrAnu: PILLS of the North Ameriean College
of Health ; and eau conscientiously assert, t h at for
Purifying the and renovathig the aystetn,
have received more benefit from their use, than from
-any other medicine, it has heretolbre been my good
fortune to meet with: I ant, dear sir, with many
thanks, your obliged friend, C. M. :1.'.A. 4
No. tin llamersly . st. Neu V
.711 . v. Rickard Dennis, agent tor NVriglit's Indian
Vegetable l'ills.
Dear Sir-1 have been afflicted for several years
with inward weakness and general debility, swarns-.
funded times with pain in the side and other dis
tressing complaints. After having tried various medi
cines without effect, I.was persuaded by a friend to
make trial of 1)i. Wright's Indian Vegetable fills,
which 1 ant happy to state have relieved me in a most
wonderful manner. I have • used the medicine, as
yet but a. short time, and have no doubt, by a per
severance in the .Itip of the Medicine according to
directions, that I shall in a short time be perfectly
I most willinv,lv recommend said Pills to all per
sons similarly :Acted; and M•the full belief that
the.same beneficial results will follow their use.
I remain yours sincerely,
IVawatsing, Ulster Co New York
New YORK, SOL , 29. 1811
This is to certify thatplave used Wright's Indian
Vegetable Pills with the greatest benefit;' having en.
tirelyi cured myself of the frequent attacks of Sick
Headache; to which I had previously been subject.
-302 Greenwich street, N
To Mr. Richard Dennis', Agent. for Wright's'lndian
Vegetable . -
dAUTION: • • .
As there are at this time many wicked persons
busily engaged in selling a counterfeit medictne.un
'der the tttne . of the:lndian, 'Vegetable Pills; and as
these desperate' men are so utterly 'reckless of, con-
Sequences, that many valuable lives May be ink, in
consequence of using thei r dreatlfel compounds, the
public are cautioned ;against purchasing any
unless on t h e sides'of the boxes the followiug xiord•
ing is found!, •
' • (Indian.Puqative.)
.And oleo to guard eafteciallyngaittattmeelmaingtatill
medial neof any persoa expept the rog uji tr - R d ver ti ße d•
agents, or at the olllee pticria,nel.,ilerpot,,No. 169
. I , or sale by '
CHARLES OGILRY., Cinll4 Cuinberland co
John- Coovci., , • Mechanicsliurg,
Henry Brenneman, 1- , 'l , l`ew cumbiirland,
Juno Loyd, ' • 'Lisbon, • .
Alexander Cathcart, • -Slicplibi•did6wA • ''.(' •
Carey , , Slnimenaburg,
ilk MLY'are the etas . of this preparation be
jILY coming , more apparent, - Numeronl;persons
assert limy have derived more benefit from tisiog one
bottle of-4f, than thre4:of_ any Other:. - This is easily
aCcouritedfor;as.Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla isn much
Stronger preparation than any other,ond near twice
as much is , one bottle as 'of any • other
(and sold at diwsame'priet.) Let the pplilie rementJ•
this-it is no vain boast bet the yea) lat. , '- . • •
, .
' From the Medical Review. ,
Amon' the vegetable alteratives with which
nue dispeAaries :Monad, there are useful as
Sarsaparilla, and whdo prookTly combined and pre
pat ed, in invalnahlm not only in restoring debilita
tedconstitutions to their wonted energy hot in every
rase arising out of an impure state of the blood."
From a knowledge of very many cases (and some of
them considered incurahle)' wlwre. many different
preparations of Sarsapari la had . been rstalk none
'lo IMSSegi virtues or remedial pot ers equal
to Dr.Leidy's Medicated or Compound, fatract of
It iii a preparation it in believed far superior to
any other and would recommend it to the particular
notice of l'hvsicians.---Ed. U. S. Gazette.
Flktraet of a letter Irma. 11 Wltittnore, or . Eitstoi,
in relation to Dr. Leidv's Sarsaparilla.
":%ly little boy and girl, the former now three
years mil the latter now .seven yeau•s old, have been
afflicted with a scrofulous Minim.. from the time they
were three months old. Three months ago I was
to beef to make trial (Wynne Extract
and have given it to both to the present time. They
are now entirely free from any appearance of. Sero-
Nla Rad never• were in betterThealth."
1)r. Sims:mm.llla is elliem,ions in all•dis
eases arising from impurities of the blood anti other
fluids of the system. All invalids rho m tr ) - 71, :ive
been under medical treatment, win are debilitated
from the quantity of medicine they may have taken,
or are miller a mercurial influence, 1611 find that by
min,,nm few bottles of Dr. Leilly's Sarraparilla,their
usual vigor and elastirity•of their frame and system
will be restored, and be again permitted to enjoy the
sweets of life. •
cr.3 . ."Thislirticlo appears to ho doing vvoinlers at
the South, and from the high eliaraeter of the re
commendations, we are fully persuaded it is a most
uipiUd intalit'ine IM all impurities of Mc blood. AVe
know many sieians %vim have given their testi
mony, molds_ snljert, and we know the'rlithuld not
gi%e . n chnractvi• to an,' medicine that dill 11111 really
descryt. it."—ClinrluNton Emptirvr.
Exii,,t or a letter crow Dr. ‘'.urea, 'Natchez
"11:tring tut• the last Ott' practice tisettl vow;
Sm•s:gwrilta with nitwit satisinortiout to 110 st•l(tooll
benclit ttt nty pativitts, I haNeill, lieSitatloll of
lug it to lIS 011 C Or the till)St. useful prcp,u•utinu:i ill
dineaSeS fin. it !itch Sat•sap:rrtlla is-put-Hirt iltett.''-----
3 a1" ) - -'11iis pmpayati(m may he demotic' Alpo as
the httittigi,t (cotty•tittently more clileaciotis)
or no) in extstence preparations nitt,t won
sess ‘irtiat", in proportinti to their sitrogili,
bring prevail:it front the same article. 1/e. lxitly's
Compound 11,ttlistet al Sarsapttrillit s littarver, itos
tiesta, properties llnb possensed by others, front its
manner of itreiatration, and combination ti ith odic ,
euracts rtromintattred by tlielortlical
etilty—ainl hence, the reason dilly • it is-so generally
recommended by the l'h)skiatts anti
l'ront the t•straortlitutry littnes of this prepatst
dolt mill n kito%tledge id its vomitus:tit:lt hy Physi
cians, (tilt! russott ‘yhy the; so gevettlly hiss it — ms
tuts would not , m.e rir rtconuneittl preparktmti
they:rlitl lint know the ttompositiott . itt,) . it has !welt
introduced itt titttity it ow 110 1 41:A1A 11111.14;1mo Ihr
U. S. mid is high!) rceottlittettiled hy sit:inns tattl
Surgeons or those Institutions.
Fl,lll - 1111! ~ : eIV--pflea' l l9 Ail ertiser.
The high null envied relelreity W hiell...thim pre
eminent medicine has acquired For its invariable el
lieney in all diseases Si !dell it pri)fccses Ti) cure, has
rentleriol the usiell practice of ptilning ititneyessore.
Ii is known by its Fruits and its goof.%vorls Ti Mill
for it. Ile. I.eidy's Sarsaparilla will he fottuil_pal ti
eularlw efficacious in till diseases of the liver; stom
ach, slain, killtievq, spills , and banes, ulceration of the
110 tie, t111 . 0:IL and WIRT 011 . 1S,111)Set lisle 1:14, SCI . 4)-
nihts, and incipient
gout, mercurial and ss plulilir ittrections, female lit,-
rangumvilts amlyl restoring the sillily mill debilitat
ed t'.) their ualnull health and elivr..y.
1)e. sar,:i l iaeiii 4 his
stood Ike lest lit• fits sears last,•atol 'tis Ito honst to
say that there is no other preparation or equal
t.tvenglit' no,. it) oar. Theoughout the Sottiloten
States tt lucre S:o....apavilla it - . :IS notch in general use
as Mal • 315. Luidy's Sat,aitarilla is gooey-.
tills prdi•rred and is highly recoottnetnlcil I .v
[whow eel•lificales bare liven reetpieetiv
j '1 Itronghout the twilit and we:4 it is also
uuroln used, out e perhaps than :toy whey.
One Intuit. it [kill'. pint; 1111111 to
(WO or any °theeiu stretv4:ll), and is equal to one halt
gallon iir die s4•uuges(S tall he 11E1111%
I)ll . eCtiflllti 1 . 411• 111:11dlig Soup 1.11121 . 0 . 1 . 0111 ItCCOIII
- the directions.
1)11. LEIDY'S fi:I3IIS,IPA4tIILL:t.
few days since 0 Clergem:lll of this rite.
III) daps 11111 deSill• his name published in the inc
iters• hot it lent with lb% Leidy] Motto' that a lad )
hall long loam a communicant at his church, but
for two years past t illable to go tit cinterli, nu arcomit
of her uNtreitte ocessionribby ulceration of
various pacts of her holly, disease of her liver :mil
(alter internal derangements, owl the constant taking
of medicine thereforoterer found tiny change for the
loiter until alter using several bottles of 1)r. Leidy's
Sarsaparilla, nod by a feue months nelson ermine. in
its use, nos entirely restored lit 111111111, 011111 . (TI/V( . 1'•
I'd lormur strength, and to use her twit
. hettgintge
"was :dittost creote,l a new being." is but one
of moor instances almost daily hosts' of.
It is prep:wed may mid sold wholesale and retail
at Dr: LEtiws Health Emporium, No. I:II North
Sremitl street below Vllll.l also sold by Frederick
lirown, corner Fifth nod Chesnut streets; and Fred.
lilett Is:Co. corner I2il hod Callowhill street, of yl
Pim bottle, (tt holt pint) nr six bottles $5.
.Por stile io Carlisle by
May.3l, I Si 3.
• IfTVrni's a litror ills
knew the value and efficacy or Dr.
Leidy's l'atent Vegetable Worm Tez,they never
ould he without it in their us children are
subject at all times to Worms.
Dr. Eddy's Worm Tea is composed of vegetables
altogether, and may he given to chi birch oral' ages.
.Directima; accompany each papvr-or package.
Children sull'et• much, of times, from sa many
things being given them for• W 01.1119, without .ally el
feet. :Duch medicine, given to children, has a ten
dency to destroy their• general health, and they are
more or less delicate CVO' alter.
To avoid the necessity of giving medicind , unne
cessarily when you are certain, your children have
worms give them at first Dr. Leidy's Worm Tea. It
is all that is necessary.
Reference might be made to several hundred pa
rthits in Philadulphincity :mil county, of the efficacy
of Dr. Leitly'slVorin 'l'ea. Try it and you will be
Price t 2, cents a small, and '25 cents a larke pack
age. PriMarell only, and for sale, wholesale. and
Retail, at Or. Leidy's Health Emporium No. .191
North Secon4;street, below Vine, [sign Gol
den Eagle and crpents,] Philadelphia.
For sale in Carlisle by -
June 14, 1843. t. 1.33
Dr. Leidy's . Tetter and Itch Ointment
, AN infallible remedy for various affections of the
Skin, removing Pimples,_ Pustules, and Eruptions;
of the Skin, and particularly 'adapted to the cure of
Totter and the Itch.
*This ointment Ans been used in numerons schools
throughout the city and county, as well as Factories,
• emplm ing IltliliCCOUS girls and boys, and amongst
whom Vetter and Itch US well as other';Affeetions of
the Skin; prevailed, vitlt the-mOstunexampled ;sue
•cess. . Names of Schnol Teachers, as well us Super
intendants and Proprietors' of Factot:fes, cophl be
given, confirm ing . the above, but for the delicacy they
feel in having their 'nkates pablished in connection
With such lonthstime anitdisagreeable 'affection%
Price 25 toms a box. For sale in Carlisle by
• • • r. T. C. STEVENSON.
June 14, 1811.. •:; - ;
.11431.t.NE15-' , EXOECTORANT;
ONSUMPTION, Lough ' Spitting lilood, fcc
Consumptives—Fourfitllts of you are really
3 5lifferiing from" , neglected Colds, or mt Obstruction
upd consequent' inflammation of the :doliertte Win.S
of those tubes through•wkielt.the air we breathe
distribilted 'to Meryi parcel' the lungs:. This Olf
.straCtion 'produces lain situ soreness,. Itgal:Seamia,
of breathing', hectic, fever, ;and a
spitting of blood,:matter; or o,l6grn; :which .finally
exhausts tlid atrength'Of th4sitientAtitl
Jnytie's ExPectoranf never falls to reinevelhia
struitieq,and•prodtieggthe most pleasing Mid happy
reaulta.. - •ltis cerrainAtr its elfects,'alid can* fatt,to,
relieve. Tp, he had . t Bantu Third "st.'olim..
ctkaial b'y • ;,- • '• - = •
•-• •,•••• • •
June 181‘,3 . ••• •"'
• , •
North Allneri'ea Insurance Co.
3011 IN J. RIVERS, Agc&lt, Carlisle.
. .
company continues to make'lntni tames
JR against loss or damage by Fire, onpn) mat_
reasonable terms.' They, also take
on stone or briCk buildings at eilir on — s fanciTlO
premium subject to be drawn ally time by. the
party insuring, at a deduction of five per cent. on
the amount-of premium paid.
The usual rates for, one year on ' ..Slcile'ltrid Brick Buildings, $4 to $5 un $lOOO
Log and Frame, SG - to $7 on $lOOO
Ilierchandize, about $5 on $lOOO
Application in person or by letter will have im
mediate attention.
The Spring . Garden Insurance co:
DICE INSURANCE, either temporary or
perpetual, agaitet loss or dathagc by Fin,
iu Town or country, on Utilises, Barns and Build
ings or all kinds; on Household Furniture, Igor
chanthze, Horses, Cal l le. Agricultural, Coin iner
cial and Mermliicturbig Stock, and Utensils of
every &scrim iomas well uslll inernunitikMlG uouN
RENT, upon the most favorable terms.
The follota»gltre the usual rates, viz:
On Sturm and brick buildings, from
:13 to dl) cts. on 011)0
"Log and frame " 00 to 7Qcts. on 100
"illereliandize and fund.
turn in brick or stoho
buildings, front 40 to 50 ets. on 100
"Do. in lug or frame, 00 to 70 ens. a 101)
"11orses ' cattle, fanning . •
utensils and sundries, .
a t hal t 60 ets. on 100
Application May be made to •
JOHN J. AI V.ERS, A•gent.,
Carlisle, Dec. 21, 1812. ly •
•' "J,
raiti (:11:11131 . :1:1,ANI) VALLEY, Al
vittn•Et:rioN Cf.)lll'..lXY, !Wing incorpo
rated by 1111 Set of the I wgislattire of the present
organized und-in operation under. the
direction ing board al Managers, vie.
Thomas C. C. I'. Cummins, .lolitt Iloorc
David W. AleCttllfillglli-.IaIIIVR-Vitynkly,--tieortie
Al:term, i‘ltmre,! . iunittel ' Galbraith, .littn . es
Cd . eason . ,Thinitas l'axton,Wm. Parr,Jose'pli ( * miner
and Miller, cull the attention id' the Mimi'''.
ants nil Cumberland Valley to the elleapin,s of their
rates mill many allnaidages which this tinit•or
insurance has over :my other.
Ist. Eveyv liel•S1111 insured becomes a member nt '
the comption . And titkes part iu the choice of ofilecrs
and the dirt chitin of its 11111e121115.. •
'2ll. illS111•1111ee no more is demanded than is
neves,;..i . Meet the tiXl/I•lltieti or the Cnn g ruav tutu
.id. The Citconvoilicnce of frequent 1•1•111,W;113 ` is a
voided hy insuring fonts term of five years.
oxin,stiranita most gist;
his premium note for the elivapirtie Hans :it the rate
of line per rennin), which %vitt be the .Enthuu,
Gm which he' will have to pay •in . 2,:lti for tine n eau's,
add ;it ,:10 for survey and policy, and no Mare males
11 1 9 s he Ina gre:111'1 . 11114111111 1111111 the finulti
011 hands Will elleer,Sllllllllllllto attire will be requir
ed than ti pro rata shore. These t•ntes :ire intieli
eltenper than these nt • taller companies, except such
as :ire incorporated on the same principles, '
lilW.4oli 111114111 g. ortiwi
of rick lin•. $lOOO will itt cluirgril 5
IR'I • Cllll Eol' 1401'1,11 s • n :1111111111tIllg Ili . .;31111111Ht
girtni will 10 Igly
per volley,
.111(1 will lian• no more
111.ellr :mil lilt. art 1111[ slllliricnt 10
moot -
Agllii,l Will 111.1111p0i11t,11.1114 491/11:141,11Scilde ill dill
h 1•111411 1:141el, to 1101•111 i In 11.4111,111t,4. Ity 1:1 1 1•4'1114
‘111.111111,.: i1111114.111::1111 . % 111 eq) .1t) y) l,t signify
ing illtlilllll4ll lu Ilit. 11.11.1:4•1,
v 1 4zJi
E 3 Ei Pa ig
I `°4.'
Y etr tie of the powers and authority
„. 4
S'• cow:tined in the last %,nt and icsiatiwiit
1.1"1:01cPti., I 'now chlig• for
1 1770r.1r.9
Situated on the Yellow Itrettites Creek, 4} nilles
east at Carlisle Pa. The estate consists ola first I ate
Ten ifhotismarl acres or Hcf
A new 11F,Itt;11.1,NT %rola four run of ~ tone
finished on the mast aintro‘rd.lo;ni., bow _looney,
or the land are elettred lai.Ahly vulthotto,lnnin:
'thereon erected -
U.arg;c: Elanzt3: 2:trals
anti necessary TENANT
Vercelli :reek
and the Boiling Spring:ol !deli :wither fitil lon•Cia•eze.
There are tipon the pventi the neee,sars wort:-
wens houses, coal liotows,carpenteratol 8101111 :Mops,
atal stabling built of the most •Ithstantitil 1114terialti.
' 1 • 1W ore or the hest 111111 ine‘lt ot,tible, is
within '2 rtirna(l.t- Ili•1 . 11:111ti
no Iron NVorks is l'ennsvlrania Ithich pos,,ey.e:: sit
perior advantages tool °till: greater italtweintalts to
the investinent of Capital. The water' p.m el . Is SO
great (hat it 'night he tr.tenth :I to 4.11 . other 111:11111-
tat:wring - purpose. Persons tlisin;hed to pitretro o e
will of conese examine the property. terins of
sale wil l be made b.tiow.4 by
• I.*.x.ecoiri of NI ichael Ege,
Carlisle, 01. 49,••141!........
...._...__.._ 01.'0
IBS 110 111211 : h
S 2 nits IcK
1 1 1 1 11 11 1Ye4 t ia l : e . t 1111 7 :L. 1 .
assortment of 1.414!.D 1„.1.11PS, consisting of
Parlour,Chambertik Study Lattops
with or without, shades; which they w it sell whole
sale or retail at the manufacturer's prices.
Astral, Side Reflectors Mid Glass Lamps of vari
ous patterns. '
'rho verb• best \\rink'. struinvO, blenched Sperm
Oil, warrauted to burn clear. for
sl,t2;ii per ga;lon.
Best Sperm Candles. 37. 1 , cents per 114 •
Carlisle, Dee. 4 2.1, 1844.
Mechanicsburg Line
Between agechanicsburg and
Philadelphia or Baltimore..
[I4YJMIL 1t0.311 on c✓tiv✓lL;
ruiHE subscriber grateful for past favors, begs
leave to inform ,his, friends and tho public
generally; that ho still continues to run a line'et
burtlicit Cars regularly between Meelianictiburg
and Philadelphia or Baltimore, by which. goods
.and.produce offall-descriptions-will hp-forwarded
With care and •despatch at the' lowest rates of
freight, .
' Produce will be received at hie Ware House,in
Mechanicsburg," and forwarded io either, Phila.
delPhitfor Bekimore,, according to.the direction
of the owner. . • •
ErThe highest price will his given for'Wheat
and Flour..
- N. B. Plastor of Paris 'Lind Stilt' always kopt
on hand, and for sale at the lowest prices.
• aysanztattict.a46
Tie has also an handy at the Depottn Mochanics,.
burg, for sale, LiumitEft, ono/ 119 Boards,
Scitaitiings,..t,b. , of all . kinds,.
'Whielk. will ho'.sOlil on/liberal ternitp. .
August : tf4
,•• - , •
LIP F VGEIt . .cAnpx,Shippenoburg, lmY
rOeWetl';in , 6xtensive..atisorttu,co,or Silly
imr4a4ll,l-)0.419e Blinuile; Of tit& ilewest
1k014;00thi0,01 - iirrdim,, • ' •
BAL sq
•'•: l . , `lf,i; , ,e`.•i4:* • ••",, - •
' 9 RtA
; ;
d,brkeligliaPfAejAer,.Yatheut, Broncha'h, Palm
01. 7Lwakneyo
. 01: the Breast or .(,unsor, Chronic
Coughs, Pletn . t.v . dlannorrage of the Lungs, and
tifraffectionsV .1. wi
ibe )glaionary Ong,
hI compotihd Balsamiq preparation of th e Prrume
Virgbliallia or" Wild CherrY 13ark," combined with
the .Exioact of Tao, prepared by Al new chemical
process, approved and recomMended by .the most
I istinguished physicians, antr universally aeknow
letiged the most valuable medicine ever• i.seove'red•
Insetting forth the'virtues of this truly greidatie
dicine, we have no desire to deceive those who are
laboring under affliction, nor do we,wishto eulogise
it more than it justly deserves: Yet ,when we look,
MIMd and see the vast amount of sulTering . thld dis
tress occasioned by many of the diseases in which
this medicine has proved so highly successful, we
feel that we cannot urge its claims too strongly, or
sac too much in its favOr.
%raviolis remedies it is true have been °Were(' :mil
puffed into notice for the cure of diseases of the
Lungs, and' some have no doubt been found very
useful, but of all that have . Vet heell discovered, it is
admitted ley physicians anti all who have witnessed
its effects, that none has proved as suet essfulas this.
Sad), indeed, swe,the
.01 this Ilaisam;that even in the advanced stage of
cussumprioN o ftur all the most esteemed remedies
of physicians have failed to 'effect any change, the
use of this medicine has been productive .of the
most astonishing relief, and actually .t-frected tares
:Mee all holms of recovery had !min de,spaired of.
In the lest stages ofthe disease,termed "Calarr
ha! Comatniption,"originating from neglected Colds,
it has' been used with undeviating success, and Ilene.
deeds acknowledge they owe the eesturation of their
health to thiS invaluahle medicine alone. In that
form of Co/Lyn/option so prevalent amongst delicate
young females,commonly teemed debility, or
A complaint Nt ith which thousands are lingering, it
has also muted highly'snecessial, and not only pos
ses,,,,s the power of checking the progress of this
alarming complaint, but also strengthens and invig
orates the system more elfectitally than any medi
cine we have eve' me,..c.ed.
Besides it., serorisille; ellicaey in (.ionsionptioli, it
is equally !,firer Zitonyoints, ;'18(1.111111,
t- 11.11,(Lai irer_tiWl Pr IhP togs,,:;t ims
cut 1,1 intuly or the ince,i• °let inate eases,orol. every
lii remedy hall ilartietilovii see
1)1.. Wistor's Tee ise oti Cousuloption, to lie loot u .
the :Lents.
EX'l':.Aoli D1N.1.1?.Y SUCCESS
the INV Of till ill tiiieaSt'S nl
I itt. Lun, s, null the ninny siiiwilat• cores it 'has cf. ,
reeled, retittrally attnortell the :It lentioli of
nuoy'plicsici:ms, (ts ‘ the ' whole filitcrtiity ul
' 4lll.telis) voriolee.o..j...cittres and sorinises 'Cite ol'Ist:11
irsrectlt.g its t,otoilobition ; notne•pity,ivimis has
hylppo,ell it to . other it;noratlt pretri,
dors , ny I . roost cotit:tio •Uvrertry, and to 'Yon,. such
tole:move they Pauli “ttrihtitc , its
As such opinions me altogether erroueeu., anti (11-
elliated!.o pre j ndirr Illatly persons anninst it, we
Itl;')flialilti 1101111114 Or till, 611$11, (ll' thitig
thelran oil (he erietrery, eimileiscii
o I'lll „ 11 , 91 ,i,oph,,,l.umees, the poi,eiplk, of
urr 1111 1.9(19 0 .ts or TA II :11111 11 IV Cherry Bark,
tad the llla)le its y eunisist4 in the
mode by which the ore prep:knit'.
have itireally
eattis 17,1111 tiro hielii:%t
I,i•yolitl till doubt, u e It 11111Wel•S•111 . 1'
In herg list of thep in (hisollll m ill
nientiim va , eFi, to show v.ll;it it )las lore
NVI/11.1: LIFE
A SUIi.I'ILPANI; CURE.--Aniong thk•
siu_l?:, rul it limit this nitqlici.rie
tln•rc is 111411:I V: 11)551 in AVIIII, I I its unit (TS :11'6 SO
5 OW ruu• 11 .11 rs. Austin.
This lady load been consumptive rov-t , , eral 'years
and &whit; the eswater pant of this liwc had revelry(
tlw !wit atellival :mention, :Intl tried all the raw.
vain:1111 , o reined:eh, p:t mold be 1011011 It
ttereNt its itrogs• She twetone st to visit,,
fits ttl . .r.. 1 eN.11-et , 'ratell Liege Tinto:tiles 0
matter aecataw •tity inewll will, Mom!, awl .aep It)
Stop this disease . etintiativil its eouvtaa, mitt
all hay. of a 1. •-ateey was entirely tl.•sietie, .1 cif.
hile is thi, 11-teet,ioeg slot:ulna, lingoritet 111101
the r !Ili' .;V:l,c, slie v1i111111 , 1...111 the us(
of this Mihail..., niaieh, to use her mill \ 0,1011
011 , 1%11. , 11;111:1 di:d . lll. 111 a few days slit
expel:torah d !.. t• 1 Ate votigh ‘1:19 :n.:1,1t1:111,y yap
pr e .,sell, teal • • • tier :11111 fresh vigoi
to her atti , !tie phirp that (2111:1Clatell
11,1111 ‘61.11‘1 . 1 , 10 i'; :well mingling AI
s,eiety,ia liner health thaa she lists unju) et! 11.)
t ears.
Eivocy Of Dr. ‘‘.. ist RR's Inb.olo, o
‘ll.l In . tiltras, m'>. cheer
dge the al,ol statement to he tro
cortl•ct. J. G. V..(t.TErts, Al. 1).
sept. 18-11:
I)earSitt--. 11111111;:411 your int - alit:l 1:1:. nualirilie has
rurally luoitliaak of itnwt:rlill mkt:emus, it
iliac Still tie ,I nil iug to rOU 1.1)1 . 1:“ . he /I VOlllllllllll.
vollllo ..iy one that Ilas Leto hr it.
Stud:, Sir, i, tic 0:11,. I hall, hut:1111 victim
1 , / 11011 11•1,..10 4ki•11,1! (:011$111111114111, lit 10:0,y
11,111[13,11,11 111111:11, Slat I hail lie
ennie wtory of iny• life. Ile:win:4 yolir
s , 1.... 4 111y begnt: taking it a few
wrek , i hack, awl 011 it has relieved me
truer thing 1 Intl e rye'. us:ALl:di:re, mill 1
vonlithattl !!.•lirtt• it trill e111 . 1•111UVM.VIIMIIV; P h a s e
;girelliollt.l.l rr ihr ,VOl . lll of 1.111,12111,11/hell.11 . 11(1 oblige
Yours I: : ...sitertfolly, Jens Pe...u{sos.
Chester Comity, Sept. 6,1541.
Il'istar-111 gives toe notch lilipsore to in
form thee that toy ICis improved very
!molt since she has tutu iisiir; thy Ilaisalni of Wild
Cherry, :toil ttc think there is no IN/1111t hilt that it
ill etivi. her. She has taken the tiro bottles I 11111'-
it nitidi :Ilmilslceps , well at tight, and
sirs she !Ilk 0/111111 110illing to Ore lIIT
, Z 0 [much re'
lice ill please girt, the, lietireirtwo bottles
'loom: for Thy PriVllll,
Lancaster colinly,July 18,1841
„„ Dear Sir--Please send me two . bottles 01 pout'
genuine llalsahu of Wild Cherry. I have been
flirted with Consumption for the last two yearn, nod
sufrered very much with a severe cough, pains ill
my breast, diffictilty of breathing night sweats, Re.,
and having tried numerous remedies, and also been
wider several doctors, yet I could not find anY thing
to relieve me until I used some ofyour Ilalmalm. I
got one bottle from a neighbor amine who is using
it, and have found snclewonderful relief from it that
I have no dunk it will cure me elicetitally.
Very et:slim:Uhl ytmrs, &c.
tlw following from 1)1...1ae01i 110
n physician of extensive practice iu Ilinitingilon
comity' :
I)ear bottle of Dr. \llst:no, '
Ilalsalm of Wild Cherry, from Thomas Iteed, Esq
of this M ace, and t med it in a case of obstinaty
ABCIIIIIIIOII a child or 1'441 Schwebie, in which man
other remedies had been tided without any relief.
tic Ilalsalm tt.ave sudden relief, and in iny opinion
the child is effectually cured by its use. „
Yours, &c. J.Acon llorpsrAzi,3l. P.
December Ll9d,
. .
Door Sir---Your BM sal in of'll'ild Cherry has af
fected 80111 C astonishing CIIM'A here. One of which
is an old'lady, Mrs. Russell; who hail been suffering
for,ii long time with shortness of breathing, and gen
.eral Weakness, until she was finally obliged to keep
her lied. After various other remedies had been
resorted to in vain, she commenced using your 11a1-
after taking two betties, WaSsolhr recover
ed.'as to' be able to attend 'to all the dkitiCi or her
house; and on taking -tWo bottles more was entirely
cured: Reipeetfully,
JOHN S. C..llfirturt.'
Pa.. • • ' -
CAUTION.—As there is a • spurious mixture
enlled Sgrup of Wild Cherry, purchasers should be
very particular to iisl;.'for Dn. WISTAIPS BAL
SAM. sad Observe hi sYsirmature on the Wade..
Prepared for. the protirietor, and sold al whOle
sale hy Williams & Co.,
,Chr,tnists; No,2l'lllfuer
sreeti Philadelphia. , •
Sold ip.eprliOreW . " • " •
in,Shippenspr n . , ..bythe Hey. David Smith; liar
yisburg byiJohn•Nvyetli, Jr; Lancaster. be J. •G
ChambersbiMg:by Lewis'alfriest every
Sdwn and village throughout the. conatey.
Price, SI: 00'n' bottle, • • "-; • -
,November 23;1.8•i2.. •
LOT; of A LO T ; Of Plinio T'liiladelphitt Family IIABiS:
dll df
.. ea . kle.
he ider:e.of, . WM - . M. M.IVI.T.Lit.4I
e - 9084,3,..;, : . .„ •
The following indispensable family tome.
vies-m ny-be-found- ttt difi
and soon nt every country stora in the state
Remember and. nO.vei__..get_ them- Unless ther
have, the fac-simile. signature of
"0 2 ' ! on the Wrappers, as all others
by. the sante names are base impositions and counter.
If tho merchant nearest you has t h em: not,
urgo him to piocitre them at 71 Maiden-lane,. tho
next time ho itisits NoNY'York, or to 7,vrite for theM.,
No fainily should be a meek :Dania Oise remedies.
which INlrktop it, if falling' our, or reatoreit on bald
places ;Ind. on children make it grow rapidly, or on.
thoso who have lost' the hair from any ,, cpuse..
ALL VERMIN that infest the heads of childroit.
in schools,.tire Prevented or killed by it at °nee,—
Find the name -.diza •
m. of fr,020
it, pr no ver.trY it. ,I?smertber this fittsays. '
positiyoly cured; and Arivelled 'inttaeldri atid
are restore% in the old Or jtotirntr;'• by the humor
but never without the name of ComitoOk & Coon it.
aro wholly prevented, or governed if tho attack ba
come on, if yott 1180 the only tine Hays' Lunx.ENT,frorn
gaindeCa . L.:
.R S
and ovary thing rclimred by it that admits of an out.
ward application. It acts like :a charm. Use it.
HORSES • didt . have Ring. Bone, Spavin,
&c., arc cured by ROOFS' SPECIFIC; and
Foundered horses entirely cured 'by Roofs'
Founder Ointment. Mark this, all horsemen.
Dalley's Paagiaal Pain Ex
tractor Salve.T,ho•mosi extraordinary
remedy ever invented for all new or old
Y B .: " V '' . B6' )l' bt ' lA' LDS
• _ •
znd saes, and sore EyES: It hal,ilelighted
tituusands. ° It will take out •all pain in ten minutes,
and no failure. It will curo . the 3p,;II7SESI.
A better and more Hie') and useful article never was
wade. All should wear them regularly.
..nt the principle of.substituting the tonic in place of
the Hint/dant principle, which has refonnbd so . many
drunkards. To be used with .
LAN's 15(1(yCity, PILLS, superior to A..
renefor (demsing the system and the humors affeet-•
the !flood, and forlill irregularities of the bowels
and the.a.meritinealth.fil
4 7'
;Sec 1)r. LIN'S sig.. ( -V C IlOt"" (I ) 11.7.,1./ 44 ,
nature. thus ""` "
1,17 f
A . diiE.
efiectually cafe sickheadache, either from the
( 111
gra, / vi ct i o or bilious.. Hundreds of fMnilies aro
4. " 4 " / "" .. !.""' using it with.grez joy.
Ibr the certain prevention of r i tiWall or any
general sickness ; keeping the stomach in most per.
feet order, the howels regular, -and adeterminarun to
the surface. Eft.vfoolig
pains in the hones, hoarseness, and Tit
ate_quickly cured by it. Know this by trying.
C ORNS.—Thc French Plaster is a sure curt
~c.„.._.....:.,_,1,-4-7—...c.,..,.t5.„;_.„1..,..i.• „,....., i , ;
.t.„...v0_____==7,1„...57,,..=.,...1.. ‘ , .1 , i .,.. .•
' •,tiP: • 9
~............_ ...
hair any shade you wish, but not color the skin
POUND EXTRACT, There is no other prepnrn.
Lion of Sarsaparilla that can exceed or equal this.
If you aro sure to get Contsxocx's, you will find it
superior to all others. It does not require pulling.
33ED Xleom 39L.4111EICST,
OF CHINA. A positive cwre for the piles, and all
external ailings—all internal irritations brought to the',
surface by friction with this Bairn;—so in coughs,
swelled or sore throat, tightneiis of the chest, this Bahn
applied on a flannel will relic ye and cure at once:l.--
Fresh wounds or old sores arts rapidly cured by it.
Via. artitol tut
will prevent or cure all inci piont consumption.
taken to tune, and is a delightful FOnle4y. Iteuxepi.
bdi tho name, and got Coil/dealt%
eradicate. all W'ORM .in children or adult."
with a certainty quite astonishir tg. It is the same a:
that made by stock, and sells with a rapidity
almost incredible, by Comstock Co., Now York.
Eon rod nrconting to actor Congress. in :the rear 11442,'I Comstock
4' Co.. iu thu Clerk's office! of tlut Scutt tern District of Now York.
By applying to our agents in each ,town and
village, papers may be had free, skewing the most
respectable names in the couniiffor Ahem facts, so
that no ono can fail to believe them.
(*.Be sure you call for ow articles, and not
be put otewith Any stories, that others are as
good. lIA'VE TRESE. OR NONE, should be
our motto--and these never coin be true and genuine
without our names to them. All these articles to be
had whqlesale and retail *jot' us..
f ;M ' f i ?t:kyko Wholettale Druggists,
"1 Maidon.Lano Now York. and of our agents..
•„ , •
For solo in C,arlisle by • • ;
. • MYERS. & 1 - 14vvERsTicK.
, ThiAremeily for Worms is : one °fillet most extra
ever pp cif: It effectually ettiplicates wttrois
of all Soma; Ii in Children addles. "
.THOUSANDS perish by worms•without thirdal
known, , Sorite,otlierreason is assig ed
for their sickness., until toolaidio'Cure the real Ca. •
tWhatimmeinie.vesponifbilitrtlidie Veits'ilolll le
• parent Who doestigt, }mon and the doetor.who does
net 'understand, OM CoMplaint which jgiestriling
t those 'pi ecious flOwerS taltti4tz,•-tl ' ,t •
\\'hat should be done 1 • ,Q.'l
The answer is plain. Glyn this Vqemifug•th which
will he snredd do good have lib \corms ; and.
they likVO:At.N3ll.deatt!oy.aliAkdrmlicate/theriNitlf
certainty and precision truly - astotihr. ,
Per sale in Carlisle A.M.
nod STEVENSON - I lqadt:;•tzaial 4arris
burg by 1J /V Greiss....'*' , ;'' , • • • •L• 4.
•AN'petobq , , in tla4," itt t- cult,
rTIS't froolvOd ;on( or pp et S t;
liiiPqßvignt; tedtit MaelaL§htt, 10(
Iflugs'euiree,-400blile'i-No;.A4ktitek6er. ,}
,Ma531.,18 , 13, ' JNO. 11.•
't,taxa 4‘ ,