Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, August 30, 1843, Image 3

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j •„:' ',%`i.,,iii:,7eilk„,,!
Z4N,Z.,332 u z,•Traa
l UL : dr:les& Midhilite, Aug, 1811
lIII'VO E i N for ; 41. PALNEIZ,: . Esq:,..fliil, Philli.
:iii3liiiilol,4gitt:"fiir'th'i.:: Jjou rp a!, rins' : Teitii)vt - ;ii Iron
)'fiti late 01 . 11f,' it in tiii r 4 dear Waihnj.Sti•ixt, Phi la -
now . locatcd . at No. 59 Pine• Street
smith of the Exchange.
'Perspoii in pliilaqA4deOrillg to advcrtiso with
.wilt please all on- Mr. Painica; who' is titi.
Ahorizinilto'oct.ha cur Agent.
The cbargc , of Judge fluilluast to Grand
.Tarp atilt August term, of the Court of Quarter
Sessions, is published to- day for the information
nfnur reeks..
Death Of General arackimil.
Aruor was brought from Cincinnati to Ilai.
timoro on Saturday last, stating !list Gan'. Jackion
liirildiedon the. 23d inst.. from 11wmorrhaga or
the lungs. „The wort, it is ascertained, was got.
ten up in jest by two gentleman, passengers from
the West, and had no, foundation in truth.
Theßoroitgli t Notcs,
lip-We neglected to 'state last week, that tho
August term or the Court of Quarter Sessions of
'this' county, made a presentment of the Town
Connell of Carlisle; and Martin of Me.
Oltanicsburg„ for issuing small notes in violation
of tim'Anteof Assembly "of Jktno, 18 , 12. As tho
\ law is very explicit in its prohibition of the issu.
ing of, small notes by any corporation or individ
xial,atid'ictvVeS no means of escape or evasion to
those Who violate it, we presunto arrangements
will soon be made for calling in the borough eir.
rWu, korn that. on Monday morning last,
piebably between the hours of 3 and l o'clock, of the, public house of Mr. DAVID 131 . .1:AN,
in this 'borough, was broken into, the drawer
'prized opCh, and a small sum of money, to: ,
gaiter With a imantity of- uncurrent corporation
notes, taken therefrom. The thief also abstracted
from the. house a great coat, pair,of boots, Stria
ings,.&c., the property of a boarder. The opera
tor in This case Was a transient lodger, who left
Harrisburg 'in the: early train 'of cars; and
From his appearance and the dexterity he evinced
in prizing open the draWer, he is no doubt an old
offender, and has probably already been an Inmate
of the. reuttentiary, 'landlords cannot tic too ,
amnions as to whom they entertain, as there are
- numbers of the light-fingered gentry prowling
watching their opportunity
to fleece them:'
.Letter hou► 3111% clay.
obscrile in thelast
correspondence that has - token place between
the Ilon.llcxur Cc. ,vv and a committee of the
Clay club of.that borough.. Mr. Clay's answer is
lengthy, able 11)11 eloquent, portrbyMg. graphically
ilm'evilit under which the country has guilt:red
file the last twelve .years, and noticing in terms
01Jusf_scverity the 'treachery-or-the—Accidental
- Pre,ident. 'Mr. (lay
,states iu his letter,—" the
Oleic liar: not yet arrive l d, , 141 rink, when I ought
to . tlceide whether I shall consent or net to the
nse any mime ax ri candidate litr the Mike of
President 'id the United States.'"Phe 'voice of
the meetly will constrain him to to a decision,
and that in the ittiirinatiVe, when the Whig Na
tibial' Convention mects in May Invest, we opine.
Porter cooiaty Ticket.
n -The fi , llowitig tichet trio+ settled by the
Porter Comay Conveialuii, which wet hi this
rough yesyrdily :
• A ssembly—Jacob Francis Eclilus, Sr
• Comotissioner-treter I.llzei,
County 7'reasyrer—ltobert
Ilirrrlar• or the Poor—Dr. TZubert.Youtig..
Anilitur—:;;lttlinel Houston.
Coroner—Jahn F, lilroderlicli.
flarrisburg Lillian. states that a serious
eltart:fei reciintly lest:reread against the Rai% l'eter
Shtrithl,,,of I.3enletry, has Lactl ignored by the
Grand Jiffy, and the presecttiora compelled to pay
the costs. The latter have also made a public
recantation or their allegation.
littior Strop Nan:
ll..i7rhe celebrated , genius known ns the
"Razor Strop Man," arrived in town on Mon
any, end has heed delighting crowdii in the streets
with his flowing, eloquence iii praise of his "very
good strops."! Ile belongs, we understand, to the
universal "Sixiiiii" 1'41114, and is quite a cos:nop.
elite. He is unhifestio'fiably . a min of genius—
. who would have dreamed that such orditticlia and
ouch poetry, as It goyim from hl in gushing
greams, could have been inspired by razor strops'
unless iaLleaq . the 'ettopl: have the power also of
_ rd4rsepivg"llol,Wits.ll9 well as chill-razors:-
• ThsuoaaP.m—Thant:lnm from the late election
in an unofficial !brim arc complete, The result,
; in biief, a:Whig GoVornor by a, majority of (m
-ya& of 4000, and a lyinglaturc liy a ma.
jority Of 8 t'nloilitballot, three in the.Senato and
.five in the Home of Repreacntatiycs.
Ettliitx.i.L-Thii Indian aiiolis State .Tournal elass
sifies'the llfettbers of the laciv . Legislature as fol•
lows: Senate, (coniplete . higs •Loaos
lianas, Whigs 46; 'Loco . i Lire to in,
Lirobahly,all.Loco- T putting thalointipllot against
us.• Iliggei will proici• eaten by less
than ilia Abolition votii
. . . .
kieelOnnefien s Aviris committed an out
rageous assault•upon riev:Shniuel Aaron of Nor
ristown; was tried :hist . ntecii. , and' convicted. , He
'Nta tt',Efeh,tiinccit ,s3li 'raid • stiffer'
t hittY , , .
• -(o'Tii Seheinfer: from
of time, isnows . upposet.,l . tri. lost. -4mong,the
cievirOt den: Sirnoil
Cameron of Dauphin' e - oniityc, 9cOrge, M in
for:WhOni Mr Canieron ha:‘l . 'preenrefl . a
wariant, an 4 who was' making his
first voyage: . - 3 There %vein 'ieyenty persons ill all
onboard the Gramm., , , ,
'Own on Pio eastern shoro of Maryland;
progiirp c it l ip:onicloc t •baAn iihnnelant'emo;..
czyrlio• - 11016aAl'Qpiii0any stcmpcg
tho.l7,tb bolt by the A,OV..tionry: Aurand,
Weitrent'shcit'ottti town'
'Ai6: to Atohtt.cgittotesor , lslottli.,l4tddle:
• ton Township.
On'tfje 22nd 43i'ilitiIg31111.3gi'';,.1: 6 1;N I )= , :vAiitar
QtrA,dittort:Cottoty, to Atlas OAAtrkniirit"ltlu,ottra4l
/op nio.fstie lest Att tho Of A.: Jaisob
'Jaeobiyerr,eo, otz, Adams: r 4f44 , E ,p 1 ,
4,0,4 dailiAo,.6ll
thus ~oroUgh ; t~q.t6c plat Year or her age.
At a meefiag'of Otq . Ar , enngement,
and Alie -- cit* - figie neitlV-OC-Alcolianiaurg; con
vened aiArse;patilic haute of fiwinies, in sa
bovongii,o'a'Alonday . cvenini, August 21;'154.3.,
fleekitlg inns organizc'd b apporfainKlAif.'43tAc .
CZ4Y, C /1:111.111i111, 'tip!! Capt. .BoTivraia..tic+,;Sec'y.
..•• . . .
00 Motion, the ,fol lo wing. roSolutionanych; pupal
monsly 'adopted:..... .'. .•.
~.. .. • •
I I,.. s ' o l ve d, 'ria We lender op' iineete tillutka to
the different Voluitteci• companies that attended
, •C t tiup Washing - hilt'," it:o that 0041' correct military
1111,0111/10 1 is an 11011 o• to themselves and the coin
munitiesin which they reside: ..
iteiiolVoll, Tiiiii Cawalit WASIIIMiTON,IIIS OffiCCI . S,
and lIN splendid . 'corps 'Of nionnted Artillery, are en
titled to um• sincere thanks for their' gentlemanly
conduct; Mal We eonsider,their . recent visit fo this
plaCe the Itigite'st !tenor , that cottid
,possilily have
beep e . ontorred upon thik town and its vicinity., '
~ lieimit..ed, TWA ye viimiler ritirtiiitt AVAsittNc= o; ,; '1 s4tillet• sail :t pitioiemaft. lkarin,.. tliq Nigh',
awl intwritilivlii: traits of clittracterof; the "Thither
ot lits Countiw," We feel prom) .that `there
,is soch
air °trivet lit the ii,..rtny. Ills corps is I.llt(itte9lloll..,
t :tidy the best disciplined it. 111 n Hell ice—nod VC be
lieve that tile, Battery drill on the lath ita.l-Cits . .,
'which a gun weighing about seven huntirial.poundsi
was tlismottutethtlie Carriage taken apart, the. ivlivel s
replaced, the gun mounted, loaded had, tired in the
short space of thirtg : tive seconds: !) for correctness
and speed cannot he surpassed, if equalled, by any
sitnilt body (It . troops iii the world.
l eft
1 1 -olvial, That we earnestly recommend to Con
gres.47, ha:iv:lse 'Captain WAsitthaTON's command
to one Intmlrell taco, that being a hill complement to
111:111 1119 iii(ll:l ,— N.4lCVllig 111111 this species of force,
alien directed 1 1y .90 experienced toil arcomplithud
an ollicer;is the most eilective in the Army.
'Resolved; 'that wit tender oar sincere. thanks to
the 111.:Ve1111 military officers who participated with
ms ill the exercises of" Camp Washington, r..,... their
geo tt, man ty, ef ,,,,t,,,t, in i itho .to the mnitittide of
, holies. and gentleman who .visited the i'llicanipment
&trim; the coo lIMMICe thaeof. . .
Itesolved,lhat these preeetaiMg , tie 1 011,11 s 1 " 41 V
all the Editors who are friendly toilM rause of hav
ing disiplinctl troops fbr .National defence.
-- - -- - -- - . ISA.A.O KINSEV, Chairman.
.la. BOWr.IIIfASTEII, Seere(:ll,V.
Camp Fleoting at, Ficchanicsburg,
PERSONS wishing. io attend the Comp Alecting
to lw held Aleclionieslnirg on the Ist Septumlwr,
will carried VII the Roil Rood at one; half the
n,..nerl /why.
(ms,,bday t 14.3.1 Septemlien,rui extro train of Cm's
will leave (fitehsle rowthe Comp awl return In the
evetlitig. • .
ognst 30, IS;3.
Camp Lafayette---Shippensburg !
iwn46ttrg,on tbe Silt, fith.,\:7l),
inrornrition tweeivetl by the Cntlimitte, it is
continently especteil that nt. (map/w . f.:l
gill he in ntteinhoce. Ills I.l%nelleney (;ny.
ter, Null tt tßitller ut lair lrl and Stun't)lncers, have
been invited :trc oxilected to :mead.
Tha fins! uu tho (luniniTiand and Franklin
linil Hood, has horn redmaal 10 1101 . 1 . . pi ire daring
the whole time or the rOcaminount for tie military,
and rue privatv'uiiizens On the nth.
1111 , 1 30, 1 giJ
Big Spring A4an . 2ztinine 6liaards,
V ( ItT Zll . l . (Irflet ,
1 . 11 p:1111111' jll the
itertittglt shi c ,-
oil ow
brit illky oC Sr.P
-11111',1111,•vt, :it
Ily ut ;kr
ligusaio, I
891'5..C,13 h::tFJEntAy,
1,, , d0rr,D inform the public that she evritinties
V the above business and will pa the ulu ost
erne arid attr•idioli 1.4 all clidliinq nod other arti•
clvg Ill:r I . ol' Clellllll . lLr, St0111'1117„. or
dyeing, ut her house in Clinch Alley,opposhe Ed
ucation Hall. l'ublic patronage is respectfully so
1-101 Z 5,\1..:, 15 Itiolly improved ravels, in the
highest state or tatltivatilai t cavil
I';u In doutaiu
lug ['rem i) It) •_'llll,\Ct cm, titiaiilV
',ll [5, I'd
Th.:dor said firms are sittette w illthi ono toile or
Ag,tll rt. 11H:1,131,1w, and sale or
55, tr-
the 11 , irs and Ib.prrJrtilativo: of Conrad
nolonfler, lute of honwi t nl Carlisle, d
Tido! i•Totice, tioa 011
orcahtatiou 1.0 mc.diicrtal, isueq unt iir the Or
-1111111:s' Court of CuoilaTlitnil roolav, I will 1:111:1 nn
logimitiot: oil the pr0:14:4..4, on Till:11Si / NY. flue
Octolwr, at 10 o'cliick, .1. tl.. %i
awl e here, t mt way :Mond if 0011 tLink, proper.
PAUL 111.1.1tTIN,
:30, 1843.
Ce4ls Igelvard.
111 ANAWA front Ow sithboriller, residing ill
soniti midinom. (owwthip,elimberhnnd e.,111-
qt, Tuesday the indentelkapprent ire to
Ow Farming. lotsine.s.i, »;11»1•11 NH:I /01,AS .DUSI/-
E,lf. It is styllo9ell he went to Clutiolierslntrg where
hi' !mallet. resides. All persons !we ltdreby notified
not to mist wtd boy 1111 nly nccount, :14 1 ant deter
mined not to pal. any (I,lits of his 00w:tiling, The
those reward-hid no extra eliacl;es will In., paid, if
he is apprehendethor confined iu the jail at Carlisle.
August So, 18:13
S'llyarberry glycol, one sloop above Clicanut
also so .A . u. 50 South second tivect,/ohll'a.
iIE Snliseriher's rent in the present
13aliation beil , g very low ,t,lttl his terms CASH
he is determined to sell at prices to stilt the hard times.
ICc iiff•gi.:s a wen sc . /cc/et/ sad: of
13eautictil Imperial dirte ply, ,• ,
Rest Superfine.
I Extra line, ffigrains,„ CARPETING',
and Common do • - CARPTING;.s.
'Royal treble l'enutian„
Fine English worsted ,do
London Damask . do .
!,'brim striped • do
.6.lsei„:.A. stock of Eficellent, lutfl beautiful Floor
Oil Cloths, all widths for 1100M5,,, halls,, Pinkies
Yesiffittfifs, -DoOr pieces, Nc:" Also Coach Oil
Cloths,,, t‘rfel'itire Cloths, : /?rilgfrietsiiliti•Floor
Sao„ wt l'fann'and 'raffle Coda's..' Also Canton
:ills! Spanish Floor Ntattiug:i, large assort
ment or very low ifrieed bigTain and tent:6'M' Pa.-
Petingt,,Dnor Mats, Id Sfair trod:s,t.i3.' • Ctis
toners intending to pnrcliase Nl*
roily invited to call and 'examine fifr theniselveS'aS
the goods shall be aski at the, lowest pricvs,in thc!
City% • • ••
• • •
• •
4ttast :10, 1. ~ • 3111-.14
ruszira SALE.
IV/ ali-order.of,.tll6,:OiTtieiiis'Pp —,
jp , ;lerlatgl , os,Arliiiioi§intiors of
(ree'd. wit
at tlavollAiin 4unst: of .Alekninlet* .11Inteer, in
Siiiiiiiengnit'ir„ . '(ln . FRIDAY, tile 19tli oflcpt..enbvl7,
iluitgeTtai9k:• ,r •
• 'AQT OF 'PRO 1 0,N
vitinife :fill, being o:lltCoutitnhteefll4: -. ,i.f, !tit , t4f .
or ship l iwo„,,: g ;wki,iiniu,, ,, I..arein: 40115 , ;4 015.
&,4t nra,a ill 9 NifiIMENAS, tlFv'tl.futrnig ,
LAtf.I.IISM 'lloils - 1;;; Illitel;:i144)1
slay' and two 'Wagon-maker• sintko;
tinil other bui Wings, thervott . greptim; 2 , :9
Ana i664opurtenitnceetb`eiett)
longing, ,Also, all thbso liii'eii , gr.iierflij/07109' Or
CritOUXD,:in Shipiinsborg, bountleti , by.tbsi rood
To Aogle'o Mill i by linvid .111ndotrainljniv,ohopdnett
rtitl; outdid ni ngg. about , one tfOrtl of an nere!raehitip ,
on one of whiult n 16101 erected;
, of sale: One litilf rif.the ,tirtihns4:ffloßeY
to he pnition tie.confirni4ti c x. , the
'reichte oneyear littlioutfnterest. , •r, •
1 sicirmtni; • •
- ,, : , JA;sivs , :wALKEtr . ;),
; .;'.A.4o,ln'btvat'et4fgur Maw Niionitins;thie'd. .
Augtst,3o,lloll." " tos44
' '
W 4 44. CA 11.1 q,
. ~o. .A10 , 11.1N, •
.1. p. NEN7IN . ,
I , l . l.\\AlS'At.
Coilltuirxo Pr.Arrarigetiwntn
, • • .
virtn6 of 'nn'orkt• 61 Calla cif
Ccuttl.nituftl •,%filtrOxjroo, to sale on
premises, mt 111E1)AV:the oth (lay of October next,
:dl thot certain tra et elj'Aiiiil;sitoateAn Stlvcr Spring
township . ; CuinVcilancl county, aboitt 7 inilpi:AV,est
Or the Sosquelnuma RlVer, and a quarter of a mile
from the, flarrishorg .and turtMike; 4 66l: 7
A.erpa hf.lirst 7 rate ' '1 • •
. .
' Lil OEO7 - ONE' LANl.9'' '. '
tibmit 1 8(r tim!es, , of which are .eleared,' mid hi the
highest state or ciiitivatioit, with a large two story •,
STONE lIOUSK, Stone spring bonne,
Stone . .iinoke house, and a Jorge 0, 1 0.rf I
arge ank - ...1
Awn, part stone. aunt part • frame, mid . ; I ra; d.l , .
Wagon shed and Corn erib,trith running NARA , '. .
sister Oil the litrin, and' wellsthat never. - . ,-•
fait. . 'llitire in also a grind Orchard, and a tenant
Bonne nit the' farm. There ice three ..,\ lerchant
IR - illi within taro miles, and altogether it is one oi
the bent NIT'S, and in the most convenient niniatiim
of any limn; in diti comity of Cumberland. The
farm will lie din hied before the day of nolo into tracts.
Mr.:Mont 1201terei, and the improvements, and one
111111(11.ell acres Witil'ollt improvements, and alll be
sold all together or separately . os may Lent•sitit pur
cliniers and promote the Were..4lB'ol the heirs. • - 1
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. ;11., and terms
'or sale which will be made easy, will be model:swim
Old the day of side by
. ' . PE'r KR BA RN 11 ART •
Administrator of Alartin 'Dunlap, deo'd.
Angitst 30,1843. - to-1i
cOThe Ifa rrislimg Union and Lancaster Yolks',
trenntl insert till sale and mark price.
Pa UPC B, g 0 C o.°
Fru IE saliseriber,offers at private side, lbw follow
( la g dcsoribe,l l'aittablu neat, Estate, situate. in
North Middletiok okiriksliip,Cooklkeiqakkilyoanty,tioo-
I.:di k ing 150 ACRES, 111011• or jeS,, 1'all://11 . 11
11110 \lt'2s Acres 4/1 . which iirL eleareil,*:kkal ill a higli
stikte of etiltivatioik, the residue coven:ll with
thriving young. timber.. The inklirol•volents alio a
\ sTol iy
'Stntict Icacheti, I'r:um. Rani, Y 5
will) a Wa . '4llll !,110)1 :old Corn eribdokili',Y,f;o...Litiitil
a likke'yoting thriving 4 hit:lrked with choir!: fruit. The
farm is well covered with Looked (111111(9 . 01111 a 1111111. brr .
i , rrikkokikkg springs ne:u•.lhc door.
alkorJ<" inktioned Trart, is all I.inkestokku Land,
nod is in a healthy kieighborliond, within two miles or
Carlisle,k. one mile froorthe Cookbprland \'allo}'rail
road,:tial the C;okkoklogoinet•Creek.
An indisputable tilk Will be. riven. For toroo; apply
to the subscriber residing on the,' ll'akka- li Bottom
road, 5 miles front Carlisle. -
August no, 191;1
_N. 'The ulicive Gum is cooveoient to the Car
levh. onit.ka. • •
BY virtue of a deoree of the Court of
bonging Pleat:of Comberhoot tottotc, itt nn
ot•tiott horto.
Beorge-lieller Etstmotor, Frato•iti Pornor is
autioolcot-1 will cxpoio to 1111611(1 r,alr 011 tilt , illTlll
- Ito 29th of . September, 1813; 81.
11 o'clock', :1. tl., all that certain trat•t of
• s
t•ittlate itcSilier Spring township, Comberlotri
betooted by A Prot, Boster,..iolot rogiM,ottger:
(-Mo. Tremltfes' heirs, and the Gottollegoitmt Creek,
entottittio . g. '22.1 VMS ; OMIT or less,. )1:11111!.; 1111•IT011
erected tt tarp' TA% o Story Brick •
• - 11‘VELLING_ ett-- ) :.-t •
11 U ,s .r,
Stone Bort], Corringe f..:Sjj
other ilecvns,wv intprovettoottg. There is abooLuAL
.1„e i•r ortieT:toillitirtired awl ton good state of col
tiVtlt kill, With two d efts tutu 1111'01'i:tit :11111 pIIIIIIIS in
t l .l"”rthl , 1.1.14, 1 1 1('. the lruul is curried uoh good
Thk.r.l.ll how:, tail _lsom
iho !kr
The Iwo I. the 1411111 is intli,pot t ittle,ocol it trill I t e .
NOlirl,lllJ:lcvt Intl NViIIOWN dowel' „r; , 2011s,o(), (lit, lit
0. the ~r Ailisser, the %cilium. ot . .loculi Mus
ser, ilerettsecl.
Attgost 30, 1843. .
ilj•Tliu 1.811,..5ter Union :mu! York Ih•tittlilirait
111,11 to moonlit or $1 ;wi t dittrgi• this tare: -
TILL brHold at s4:lle, on S.I4TiZ
V" 1)A the Nth ()ay of th•tober nett, at
:11., of ha id day, on the premi,e,l, IGr
follu ing tie,eribed
A '1; A
ar.l *AA
.ituate in Mifilin township, Cniliburland county,
!minded by lands of thu licins of Mallhow
Plinnipon, deceased, Samuel IVestilefibr, Mar.
in .Ib-rgel, Peter Ilerslic, Hugh Barr, and the
!onodogilincl, creel:, containing IS3A
ricagure, having thereon erected a
EARN, 95 l'ect, 1o:1 , 4, a never-failing 4 40 ilr;
FprirkT of - water and a Spring (loose, 1 1;u kc-. 1 ,. ;
and a well or waler convenient to thu 5t .. ..f..f. , - , '
door, a n d a Brick Slll'l'il. I kilt:v. A ko, a lark
_ __ .. . •
z,VP E' 0 rLR. 'AAR
and of on :tibia. of oilier ftnit trees, cuminding of
Peach, Plumb. Cherry, &e. are about CO
Acres or good Tif Tiber Land, and the reflidue
cleared and in a good state of cultivation; of W bleb
about !.!;;", ;wren are exec./lent meadow: The !glove
described form is Slate I and of a good quality,
equal of any In the townshili. •
The terms of sale will be: Two Hundred Dol
lars to bd paid on the day of sale, one-half of the
.purehase, money, including the aforesaid
i , 200, to lie paid on the Ist of April next, wlian
the title tvih be wade and possession given to tilt
purchaser, and the residue in four equal annual
payments thereafter without hair:est, to be seer.
ed by judgment bonds or mortgage.
The title to the above will be made by David
Sterrett, executor ot'Mary Ann Culbertson, deed.
who owned the one undivided half, whose interest
in the sa t me will be sold in pommel: of an order
of the Orphans' Court of said county Ly her Esc:
enter, and by John Culbertson who owned the
other' undivlded balipart °Najd real-estate..
Executor of Mary Ann 0111,0Tb:on, dee'd.
August 30, 1843.
Public Sale.
Y virtue of riti order of the orpluVs' Court
_LP of Cumberland county, will he exposed to
public sale, on the premises; on SATURDAY, the
:Mtit S9turnber; 1813; at 11 &chick, A. M.; all
that =lain
V 0 05.2 ta.4 (I.II4MEMZEis
'situate and. being in West Pennaboro' township,
Cumberland bounty, containing , about ono acre,
and having a Tiyo &err-FRAME'
HOUSE, and frama,Stable thereon •P'ol'
crected,bounded by Andrew Forbcti,Tl.,'
Daniel,Gring& Samuel ill`COrmielt.'Lim'LA.
Terms me known on the day. of Sale, %slim;
attendance will be given by
Administrator of. Jacob Dougherty, deed.
August 30, 18.13, *-
• WW ilt
ha sold at public sale .on the prentieesi
on SATURDAY, flit) gOttf day of Sep.
tembrr next at t.‘.:o'clook, 31.
A 110t7SE" AND LOT
,c;11(111ND,, •
. • ityy
late the estate of Jn
oN 110 by 41c:0
En,' 1. ;i 11 1
ItOntaining ONS'ACRF,nore'or..(o4--
sitnated. in, Aleithnitier,borg, thitnlierland county. Ea.
bounded on the East by. antalev, on the South by n'
lot of ;AdepOieigle,:West by reTlot of Naney , KinsAy .
und",,North by u street.or, : nlley. . kotz•e is two.
'stories high, plastered, woll•finished and rooms y .with
a liilcltenntltl triniarg 'inept , uttaeluxt.
exeMlenf Ave!! of' water' tte 'of.
cliokeelhait y•ees on the lot. witßothbr 04onvenieneos,
'—the•lVhble ;I).roperty
,befi-1„4 Kooll'repitie,; •
sulfa to pnreba•e Will be' Am) flip props"tit
by 0011'4 oil JohnillooVei. ` :
The terms will be made known on '
'obit ntlea4dVegi%. , .en by •
64.04 i 4tigusi, rAT
• .
ofsettyttgcrook ctils,Do tt tptiC4.4i
Tlibile'wVo.: are'indented I,:u pititor
i'aiiiiesedtrfk - 641 . 7.ti0
oi.t 4141sittri
tut. settlement. .; Ipi r Tsrar:
Antluttlicsbui•g, August 23, 1343.* •• -
, ,
.7 r
,TIVQOoiI , ,D I / 4 ve ous s ti pvi
ncxt Vellylow,ektel..; , ,o9bsossincl , .
lAgrq t 8 ,13;" . '.• "I - ',ll'4o'
. . . „
, :, .
Uri ajictinii,
- Att. the btirottli "Of.C.erli4e;
the ilk of , S - eptemlier,tlB43; ':,:• ~,'• •." •
(helm - Teak...of the.U..Stthtes: Tliejlersesiwill
split tn the hißliest bidder witlfoittteserie. payment iiettle'et tile.time ilelkeikliejhe'leTtl cut ,
Pency of thu sale wilOtiike
.near the Aferket. housi„;; , :tti.efilitnionee sitiN
I lorses ill he ilelivered et the 011ie.,
ye.iittnldditit.cly after the sale. , . `.!,
lot I.,ietit: 4(li, A rtiller'y, Act. Asst. Qe. 31:tsw r .•
e q viiste flarritelts; , Aitg.“2.:3, S ts-. 0
•TT - 4 1(R SA - LE,.. A TAN . YARD, thrad
•milin oast of LantiishOr4, , ,lW Peri.y."witttOty, tit)
the read leitilitO , to florristittrit; hy.:Sterrotoi
Chip, teptiles" froitttil Clllial tunl thy , hr.;
Ictint Carlisle. There are.ilireii nOreq of Latol, with
it first-rate Tee Ilniise , Mirk HI, tWo 'story .
- -- 1 /0
IVlinf.ll.ll.Ne4 - .1111011JS.E; , ..... .
1,,,(1 a small double Barii, ''l'lw yard 7. )4 il‘ k .11
~.; rho:able of workiiig . eight liiithlrillAfil4 .;
.111 it 'or
Ilidcsoilid has running water in dui ZoL-Wc . .. 44
pool. Plenty of bark eau be had la l'ildp rates.
Foriertus, 'which 'will. he nimbi easy, enquire a.
pnAxcis f ;insoz.l, Esq. Hear the premises, tn. to'.lle
IVir.t.t.An (it I.stiN, in Carlisle .
August '23, 18.13.
OY.virtoe of- tor order 01 the Orphatis'
owlet or citmlit:Hand comity, will hr SON MI
tho 111%•111i,C9, WI SATURDAY, the i tlr day of Uy
1.11 able . eneeri Est ate,
ialf!iii{:‘- 1 16perty of .1 A COl4 11 A NISH, of Snotlt
Aliddlotdo tow•Mliip, 11-econed, to Wit: A - TV:let
C.011111i11111!:: ,Voros of
LIT 1itt..7.221550N.T.1 A 'I , TD
sit woo rowdy, oil road le:tiling
Irmo Carlisle to ahilitl lice niilos front tlio
former place, hook or Th....,
Prtaleriel. I moor :old Ow Yellow ;
rocellos Crook. l • lliaviir.; eroded a FOUR
• 'A' ;id IEI3 RilltA 1110AISES.
(hi! first is a two story Log I looso,
Sll6l , nod now Barn-L(110 second is a ono Log
ti1.1),)1.-1)14. 01 . 11'4)s:1 01:e Stilry
South Shop and Sh.hlo.
_.__.lf_tiLt.,,i, i'rri rtg
-3.111, ~ l •
.. stm,, Iwo Vail . 1,1 ;T.., rm. !lulu., mie pair
o r B o pp, fo r i , hoppo,. ! ,:voll ono isuit , of Sands.
_hl l4 . Elointrwli, Snout Machino 15 . V0i.,.!.3 on l'atoot,
nod el ol'y 111:111 . 1 . i:11 nerd in Mills, :ill O'early
now awl in lirsGysti, order and 11 , 1414. The whole
Mill 'M:whim:l'as 111(11 pia op wow within the last
'Flit: NJ Ow 1",•11ow
9 in, vr Inilittg slia.ain I.aailial
01; a ;;rain gro, alThriling• sn iclonsi,e
ialMatai anti fin'
1 . 011,1•1115g'1111 . 1,'Illiflt WOO( I.olll9rkt I 113 the 011111111 . ..
laud I?tuttl:
501 r In it 12 n`rinci:, 11000. TIIIIOS 0
IV Will la . tilade 1:110W,0 on silo,
t)t . .1:teoli'll:Inii?h,
23,1 N
' fric.'ll.o 1 ol l: .h•rnnJ
insert to umoind of s"..2,:itul 1,11 , 1 hills In this oilier.
p (:muLrl•l;uid m srrid on iort•h,j
-(1:11).‘.1, lirr 616 al ' Urlohri• MA), 111, V:1111 ,
nLlr l'orni. locl9toging In 111rr estate al .I(.ljit
laie of tionili
Containing 162 Acres,
- .
5,181 li)i) p 1 mhos, Strlel 114 . :1ti1in . : , 11 . f){,j-rate 1;,1,,,),
i • 1 1 1181 1 -18 sl:P1.1!) , 11 , 11111,-.sil iiii 1,-s-ri-mn (.18rlisloom
111.• 1.88:1 I,•.'lling lo I Inno, /8., and :0;181i l,‘o )111 11,
11,111 the C:rrlish, li•i18 Vi 01.1.1, 8(1}',1111 h . :4 longs a
(;cu. 11,.......,, (;i:i.i,ti. I 1„,,,,,,41 ,a,....:, 11,,
/) i„,_
omen ,, Ell,lB I,l‘ ci, , ,t,,i a, 3 gtlBll ~,,
f4r.t)r.ll, T)t,t't!liit.l;;; ECO2Rse, f';' 7 o
111 • t,ot , 1:81•1, 1 1888, lVBgBn 518'11,0 , 181 ::;:i 1 . , :ci . ."1 . 1
crib 8811 'citli••t• 11.,,,,.
,•ii.1,161,111 q r,.,72,•;;s . i•l't.'
The 1) , , , r , • 118'. it 1,,,,1• liliv •18.1 1.;'; II 1 ....• 1,:,t,•
j,. ii, ,•al:.,• ; !her, is ;118,1 8 tliti,in . : 1118 181181 (11 .
1.1,•.1(•..• l'i 811 fr,..8;. T 1,, , ,, is 8 181 1. 1 .L.,, t ,•,i ( „, ii:, g ,.,1
,:,,, still I Pvi,.. Iwo Tilinikt ilrillst,; iv:th 9 Sl:ihk
Al,lll 11'2 airs or ,11)11 , po)l:ltimi
.1.0" u 1 t•tilli,,,l;oo ni,o - 1111111•T• good 1 . 1•1)(•1., 1/ . 11
!' :LILT 111 hold; :OA Tln 11,111 to• IS gol+
1,1111. .111 ,7 1 : 01S11 . 14 . 111121010O
tlil.ll 111,1. 111111.
totorlittr, with n :;0111 limo 10 , 1. Al , t)
Ilit• 5.1111 e tillll. 111:11. , ,
10 arre3 qi lUouttiufn. L(z):(I,
.1111 , i)l . l , lll . llTcliesuut (.11111..1.1 . ,r , i01:.10 ill said lOW
slllll. 111(1114 11v. 11111.• s trom Ilionh9vc-iloniell trail
:;•iii• Io coninit•lit•t• :II I'2 .'lit
telidaisre m ill I c rii lrq :Lll.l ternyi :wick
• (;tII:ISTI.t.N /11;f.(:,
1111 1 ;1,1::irmi t ir
t 3 h 3. • t.
Volksfi'eunil Ititt.:tigenver, 1,11 e:
ti.1.,111 , 1.1.1. :0:1111011U charge this t 11111,..
For: s,\LE. ,
TIIE stilisrribers, Executor 3 of James
()ITM. (it 1/111/111, f.:111`, 011
(111 l'101).\ V, the fills day u 1 iYetulo.i.
at 11 o'clool., .1. Al. All
Vairable Farrn,
, itunto uu Ilse AValant-llottata road, about one and
flaan (..arli,llo.rontaiaing sdami ;WITS
1 / 4 P '0 1. 0 ;tlSe
Ohollt 171 Or which is enticed hind, the residue is in
thrivinvicliberdoviug thereon:meted it large
Shed and r”,-- 1 1,
a large Stnin• Stable, lug tf6 1 21,,1'A
corn crib, with other tw&eNsu.s
buildings, together with a ',err, good
di or wau.i., and an .kcelleril Or 2 . 4 Ltinkiik
chard. The cleared bind is in a gond gatr - 01 .
ration, pallid it hying sown in elur.T, pro
perly will he .sold r 4 one firm, ns dividcul to suit
!lurch:l3,4.s. The halos will ho lICIIIS buss ti at the.
iliac anti tibia: or 3.ito, by „ . .
li. GIVIN,
fit 41:LIOUS
August 1 5.1.9.
C11.F.1.1A1i1.1( to the Inst will nod testaniont: of
1 ikinnie, late of Itourto township,l;unt
herlantl tuuntyolVernstnl, I will evrinse to intblinrole
MI tit(' 1111 . 11115,5, nu SATI.II(I)AV, the tooth of Sop
tooloa• noir, all that ecrtaio plaotaiion 01 4 tract of
Land, law 11e to.operty.of ,fohrt oat, deeca'setl,
sittinto Monroe Imruahip, Cumberland comity,
11511 a wile linrth (:Inrls'n AIM, three mites snnill
of and by lauds tor Janob
Nivsfey, .Atlnnt 11ruult,.Jului Iktlumlt,
Ilartsl6r and others,
Containing 130 .&cres, •
na6re nr less, of .first,rate Limestone I,mul,of •!;:hic,ll
100 bears is.eleared, uoilci , gond fence, and in n high
state of cultivation, and the reoidoe well timbered,
having thereon erected a large sToNu ,
l!OLISi::, and goal Hank Itarn;a
gnui Cera: erilni, Carriage
ninth' Ailed and all necessary not lintlil.;
tugs, 'there isalso a never failing spring,=-_ -
of exeklicut water tient. the 'Muse, with a good stone
apt hag honk. AlSo Ttill:illt boots':
stable, watt 'Toning watt.iDin the There jl 4
thriVitr,,:y9inis•',orkimro.of olok.e.ll.llit trees.'
,ttot ,90) d rnle:i(Oili. le Sold at private
tale;itgreealdy to the will:
O ' '43looi. • in'ike, foteliond;
illiedil.good title...will be ;iive.o..filid, temea, ogide
;.- . , Calol4titi 1.11:1:11,A1AN i E'er.
Aug , l l i4 0 1 3: . ,
Union tont'. thqgiTele
flisert ni
aonift - Of $l - 50;lielid:paper to die
niliertigerdtt Sliepherdstotriwttati ninti•go (Ids oilier:
t le will aiiiiexot
dill :
of J:1111C9 Moore, deed., I rvill cKtiodc to pub
on 14.1 . ,U1113.,5Y; ,tliti of ..s,l,ljitilaili,er;
1 1841, O. public of FieteeWiiibiei.; fo' Cat
t'N10,1961E 1 , 4 : 1
And L atc , of , Gr n't"-w•
Wirdej44llll) tilcraot),tirtefoi!, situate •E:Aa' . .s)fi) - 4) 1 of . v(l:4'N'oifa,t,. I
Mud. tav,erk, Ail;
CarliiteiOolitainogogr,9o . . Irpnkulal
eld: feet sti i1ek1t , •,1,9. 0 ., of
..1101'e::: the 'erori.of sale known
• ''. r
,Attitisi.;tritta: 0'413
•)a.:o,E) , , , Arga - a4a" fm4 --
rOrWS*ll.okr. OP : ;4! • :.9,oloitiSSioif.
• attlatiMairig -. •
Pcaler count vy Vrn(litep Irv; NI: I I tiri , Olr",
, 2g, swett,
• Anglia 1843: '; ~! !
PAY ,UP AND , ;SAVE, SI S, -- , •
.1•111.1 callsVpoit
kil :1)16d to Ititil hy'Notti ot! 4 flook . itc . optint; r . o, pay up
on oi..before the Ist of Septcnilier fit•xt;' :diet , which
Oita the Itcpotnits mill-pottili 1,0-,.1,1316;d: ill the
halals of, a justice 01:the Peace tim. collection.
tatO, W. lIITNER.
Aligust In, I
Wit's! ! Etegimeitt ,
ro,u arc ni•dcred to parade a
nn IVEDNESI).IY, 111.; . 11111 SEV-
V.l%Allll , llt,iieltiout IU o'clfiek,
i:quippvil for drvll. .
• 13y order:
August 111, 1313. .
solha oil 111(: prrnlisp g ml
E Fitit)AV, the :29th or SEl'llnlltl'At
rit:i 1 o'clock- A'. NI., till my real estate, situate on the
Yellow Ilreenlies Creek , in I)inkinhoix
eottoty, vdt.sistitil.; of n -
„„d Th,„ 11....dred and Firre ..Icreg 14i:1d,
NI hie!. I have diyille.l small furne..:
Ist. The AI ills and nhout 0110 141 . 0111'1A ;cid
111.1.1.'1l or 1:midl: ulniut sevcaly acres are
cleared, freeed :aid la a high mute ~....11iPution,.
a good,'
113 LE, fUNG .
.). 7:41 :1, 1 61
Ilarn, and :ill other tireegrury unit
' yeuientemet.'ll' ou lice 1,11110. Tile Milk
111.12 , 1/1'0111.111..11 11 . % the miter.; or du' Velluw 11...erbes
1.31111:;: nn 111101111 a (1r rll.llll 10.11 I_cll, 111 iii
"1 . ivater cvhirh never roils 111.
1.1111 1111111 IVillg 011 Malt 111111•S11( . if.
0 11. A l'u11 , 111.1) hug on the Creek :delve lie ilielirst
described, cifidaiiii:c; alama era• Inn,dfc.l anal lea
zer,t.l,.9ll,widrit_.;:i.out .111111.„111,1-ils arc do rest
1111111.1.1.01111,:iti011, 111111 the I ("shine in '
leer, there are no buildings on 11)k tract.
'3O. A l'arni 1 itig oil the (:reek 1:1:,t.
described, enatairipe?; 111/(111t 0110 1111111.11 01,11 lon
lluk-3, of lrhirh 01111111. f1i11.011111.1%.11 1110 1.11.1111'11 1111
CIIICIV:11,11, 11101 the 1.011111110 iu 111.111111
11.:1111 'ilk a /11/1111 liolo l / l ill'vel.lll 011 IC. I
I.lll+l is sibiated tilieel list. miles !reel Car
nod min mile and hull`
turnpike., icl it tive,t
and pussei sea :ill 1110 11115:11illige111'01' :1;1.1 i1:111111
The tide IS 1111eXefiltif)11 , 11110. :11)(1 :My hIPll . lllli , Ol
011 the :±llhil lib Mritig 111 the
11:y1 Lc . 1111111 V in
VArl. GmVmtv, II to me cm tlw
Nast . -
The n nlik. (1AZ( . 110
uulil Nde and send billy tii this °Mee. '
'ALI:SA:ME F1123:13E.
of W4 , st Peol, , boroug;, township,
CuwinTlifin; enmity, oncvs 11/1 . fli,!
V A L'JJ um;
1 , 1.101,g41:7 to Said esl,al., intial1111 , 141,S11111.1:011-.
la 111111,..." Alla% ,i 1 ',hitt:stunt' 1,31tt1; there U' ert.'e.
oil it
STtl V S'I'()NI;
11 1 1 ' 1 '1 • J '4l l
I‘ ;di s 11.0:1',Ini serer:lF miter nit-ItTmio,s, to
xi NI; n tfiri, (WC:IIA ICI), &v. %dude
I , .trm Is in a liar v1111 . 1%:111.11, a wl will
St.11(1.11 , ly 111 (15 a lade In suit purchasers. 'nu
rft,,tl I tips dirt',ll4 . lint
itd . f 10-` titr speettili reaching
twirket n itlt prothi'le.
' It not soli! at priv,te pre,irms to S.1.:11:1?-
I).‘ the thin tltly ct ()Ur( out
!hut ti.o Le oircrell on ILr premises, :it
t o'clw:h in the alit;rotttlii, when ttltelitlimet, nili he
'4l*.ttin tm•l tert.o wad, known Itv
JAM :Nit•Cil'I,1.()1*(:1/$
A s+/;_;ilett of Samuel )li4.,;e t
tqt,ll^.t I i., 18.13.
Tlie I,,mt•lt,ter Cniim insurt till sak mrl eltztrge'
Es'cliing ©f at Cost ;
rS I IIE stilt4friber, dotertititted to close her
1111 , im,i, %rill sell her entire stock of Goods
~/T I , ..rto tts a isiting la parelta , e may celv
tu t !44 . 1tilig glottis pret•iSt•lr lit cost; her stock emi s t,ti
of a largo I try (;11011A, .I . llcelieF,
(Jess Ilitet . ll3,llre; Sliqes Mit!
Roots of etcrt kind; Paints:lntl I)ye Stalls. •
Conniry Nlcrchants and oils rs are int *awl tt , call
nut e%ataitat for tltemselcw4, as cite will sell her
hole ttock . or ;try pall c r to scot .
suurt.a. If
entit.t. stitch isplllClClhril the Itotto, Viarclatiwt• an,l
cellar can la had cult
tigivit 15, 181.3
inetithers (if the Cumlierlarul!ifl
ley Motoal I'votel:thio Cornro ,ueerequentei
In ni::1 ;it the in Eli
SEIiTEMIWIL nest, to elect nit'?
of compoey, to Senn ilw.eogh the eau• fullom
'said cltetitno.
A. G. 1111.1;E,11, Set. - %: . c.,
Attgitst In, 1 .1:4.1.11`-•1•
N. .B. El ery pe.Tsort who bus 1101 , 4! •:ilfrikitil()
bp 11181W:11/CV ih elliith li il. lOW ilt said election.
Estate of henry Knottle, deceased.
ci•Ntalimitary on I).,!.r.stato or inz t m
L 4 4 ItY KNR:r . i . r.r„Litc township, de
ceased, have been .granted to the sole:eviller rostilitt
hi the haute tottlishitr: All i1t 4 1 . 51111t1 ' 111.1( . 4011 to sail
oestlap,are reptemted to make intineclotte phyntent
- Ind those having el:tints to presont them to .
A itust 10, IS•i3
Estate of Wiiliam Buelia.nan, doccasea.
ILAW"EIZS 're'stnmentary on the estate
of \VII It UM IA NAN, tali. id' Neu (oh
township', tleiteasetl,llltve Iltwo granted to at , attb-
Sertheril.. Alt pert:oils ilitteltttA \ to slid vstilte :WO re IttAkt., imnivtliate paytkivitt,Thotl thoAf
IN; clalivo to pi't•tivut thein t( • .
J PIS ICU:NI-NEM% 111itilitt
DAVID SIDELDS:Nenton town:dap,
August ia,.1643
Ditate of Catizadne Wise, deqoased.
LETT.F.IiS ADM IN ISTRATioN bye b ee n
granted I 9 the subSeriber, reahling in Alilililt town 7
ship (lumhet•lv u t county, on the , Attite of, CATII-
WlBll, late of the said township, deceased.
All persona indebted .to sold estate are-rennesttal to
make-payment immediately, and those hat iii dahlia
to in'escot (km plojli•tir authiu tirntcd fnf tattle ,
inert, to
August 23,1E43;'
,• - .
AN•auctiolt 'will
1 0entihylviiqin 'Armen:wit Col
.in . roopi of coptio..y le'vyrer,
slgileil; nil gAT till.DAX' tcte' 9th, iloY: slptjinber
Ali , xt,„betweew die -Ithiti•s•oC-10 ti
o . c . iii 0:0 'polio ; toii se,
of D}vt<iQlilepli, 'fiat,i,iSgy ,61, On'eliqp7-Major,
Jacob DlTti a
. qOpii:triecitil 5;1 . 11' tli;i!tigo;',:r
`volt: iiiillloo,
4: Lint.' &if, •
PI'S: Officer It 4:onuna
litllll6lloi - &ivy' Offiteir till to 6111gora
orals election. " ' J .12k
1 I,', •I' • '
• ,
Prigade InspectoAt .. • •
~cawlielei-40g431.3,184.5., . ..c',..:: • t. 1.. •
I'au. , .
. , ,
pines; coniistingo.of • (.; •
Jnyne's Exppetornilt, ' '
.ToriaNcyfulfagvi ,
tbor T9ilic.,
. , . . .
• .•,..
~t,„: , . . ct i ,,,Stsuative Pitif„, f
~,,,- , -,,, ,•,„ 1; -,..., ~ ;:,,
•.. . . .."
Masil'ln, I', .! ,, ,,1 ;,..;..,-, 1•
Just yucutvetl d 1:.;1' 41,40 tiy ~, ...,;,...) •,. -f - ~..-/: 1 :::'
-. ,,, ti- tp,, , ',', ' . SrliV.GLlciTi, , ,!.l. ,
•••• : , 4.• ; i - Agt,it.,l-91.,Cillitile,,,\
.A..ugust „
ror!..satO:Atj: LOUDdl , Pt,''e!tVittl toidrfilors,ln.
• fetv'doctitt Enist,of.ihc`Caftnee,•'lVittiti''
:g•trent, Carlisle; (ohl.stantl,)': -
A general assortment of Itellglous, Nis=
cellaneons; SehOol & Blank, Books,. ,
6Onsistih4 Fittriily; Scheid; Octavo siic
and Pocket 13tlilrs, of irarioutikinilt.± 'mitt Ilitnling,
[ferry's commentary. on the ,old r and 'new • tit.
moot: e r A Royal Seoten contniontAry
3 vets. RuYal 8 vu. Dislarid4-eht .FA-Posi
tor, complete in, one, Vol, Iteyal'b
•Theol . ogicallAqtionary, first 4 'vols.! • Dieleti \Verbs
in l' vol. Royal '8 vo.; tilso..DiblOri, \corks com
plete in 7 vels„. rytiers Univer..3al
fires Ancient h istory'ii ,Vnltii.; IlistorY of
the'Peninsuln, Wee 4 iota. Royal 8' Ili.; Wil.
sons, Ornit.liolotry vol. 19 trio. celored Plates,
fine Turkey Winding; Aitken and - Frosts British
Poets 9 cot's. Also the, 3d vol. n, CCILIODIJiItit;//
lately ptildished, (from Southey to Crolv;) Arndt's
true Christianity, tratialatcd front the German by
Rev...f. N. I ital . :min, now of' the Lutlieran
Churelcef this place. AIsU Lutheran, Methodist,
Presbyterian rind Winebrbnarian flyme flasks.
Also the different Arithittelick's & Keys:, Smiths
Mitclicibi, Olney fi and llnntingdon'i; i , tiegraphies
and Atlases, Algebra, Pinlusophy, Astroninny,
Geometry, Grammars, I%xpositers, &c. Aitgers•
No. 1,2, 3,4, ft and 6 . i:ceders, Colibs Reaiiers oriel
Hooks. Alsit I,eilers, Pay flunks, Ow:bets,
Receipt Boobs, Memorandum )looks, ke.; he ltas
ali;o on hand different hal cies of Si al kiniTiynsi
fhiloWs: %Vrititity . , f.etter, Not,, and Deed Paper,
Visiting Cards, Seals, lhnoknives, Silver and Lead
Statep, \Valera; Mathematical
men tS, thin ter's Seale's, I)ividerids,- Poxes,
of Carlisle fine faint, Vie.
P;inv, illaeli*itml,hlacit and 'red rill; Powder,
Sable and Camel 'lair Pencils, firkin' Ibiard,wa.
ter colour, Music. Paper, Port Lithu!rraphin
Prints, Pocket flaps,Albums, plaid: card ' s, largo
office ti»d tralmaparcut IVOters, Finley co:on:11'1'a..
per, Opaque & clarified Quills, Fancy flows, &c.
Also, 'Violins, Mines, fifes, and other Molts and
Stationery too tedium; to mention: Also Stiliday
school Books and Tickets; Hymn Botilts, & e.
f siwviior <lnniily nuottrrilchire:cl by !Selma!, Son
and Illaneleird, Phila. subset-incl. has Pattern
books, containibiz ilieetnichs ofline and emintion
Piper, and can procure in a fc..v (lays ilotice ally
or;lia dill trenf pattern::: the purchaver may require.
he aim, carries on the
• riT,c)c)if.. 1371! . .tiAte.ot,
in all ii varidits bratichev,v. here he manulacturcJ
I,pdgets, Day [looks, Doe!to:: and ;)fank Loci:;:: of
every dr , cription; and quality stipt•rim. 1,1 those
the city lor coantry marhas also old
lionitd rt•flound'. •
l'erBons-svi,dling to have Ihcir old -1;nol:;-;
()mind, can la.',..crved moderato mice, and 1)1,
thin; matted to prvsorvi, ittan-y valuable Leone that
hr lost:
Writing- . and Letter at and Ti rril:l
per Qairci Jr. 1,01. 1 1)0N.
Attrus.t. 9, I 513.: t1:41
Val - nab:le Par m
7 ,7,7 1f .1, bo cold it pnhdir S:11f . (!nint 1t4n90,
iu Carlislr; nit ANT.DN 1...51)A V. ilw:;',1111
AUla • ~l'inLnt o'clock
41 ,41 iu(t.t•ccl ~r Nirbolas I)nrne;l, iu t
situate• on the Inp or the
ing p:u•tI( in It) e W.w hip, R•ciy
donntt,:uul portly Silvei Sprin:.;
InA•lond cninry, cuutnioin
Om slim:, more Or firly :100•S Wlth
cic:::1,1,11:11ing iItJUSV, and 11A I:Noti,l
other improvemehis Ihrrwp i•yroyo),
doom tnict 01'1:00 on whil.ll,Chrisenplier Myers
17t.t.tos, :A Is . :de _lt ill -pottititely-lo
madr on tint day to Ow highest bitlticr.
Por information tot tho subjettt itttpl to Vrt:tletiel-
3,7:ouse, Painter, Pappr
N". . $3.; 1 . "13'
f rbEsi , E(7ll , l-1.1 9hhoimees to the eili;:eits
u ni .ii,o,• and th e public in, general, that he has
commenced the :dint e business in all itt branidies t and
hopes that ht strict attention to businen!: and a id: a
lit•nire to please, to merit and reevive a SII:14 . 0 uClnlh
lie patrrilarA,o. Ile may he linuul at the corner al'
:South I1:111111 mecet and East Chapel alley, oppos
ite t;. E. It. Da, (;hair inautillietorr.
aili,lr„luly 19, 19-13
!ice' LT LT aT 1 7 0111,' ,W2l.
Ise sold nt prilate sale a FARM of rws
SiWalt. in Sunlllllll.l,lloton tom initip, one mile \Vcr, ,
of ( 7 :11'1Isk, Cinnla.l . land comas, l'a., !ying on tin
\l'alnla Boman Iton,l, Containing 1111
!Mire 01. li't, 11:1111‘:;" ll mrrun eI'OCIQII a tWO story.
T) .N= 1 I T rIIINIP
111,Vgl: Crallltt 113).11, well of lirst-rail
watvt.,a yowl.; laid Ihtiving•anplo (.://../11/1.
...11m) Co he th'e above ti'avt live :tyres
nt tit Ciitth\mit Tinll).T.
'fleet algid I,lotonn road passes through 1143 lftlrt
which gt%es a marls o. il• produce raiLod 111
on it, by dimes passit44 , iv th e rmst.
INIVJOS N Ihhlllg to 1,0111211:1SC coil 11110
Air. A ndrew 1114dr, Ulf OW blthAtTille
at his Mills, tales Vicht of Carlisle.
July I'2, IS t 3
Agaii for the sub.' rfntrfizciurit
f!IIJPE a lora Isv RIMING PAPE 41S
Warel,,;(6o, ii,Alinot. covet,
following kinds ‘con , 4zlntly On ltnud, lota Ii
ealc to the Ti.:too of the lowest macket pricom
Vine thick 1. 4 litt '6;io, P.!, I.f, hod hhic nu
E7tra Sttiler ; arid Pfrper•nrif*l 7 9liil r osts.,lll9e& white
Extra sapev taitimiercial Mae ant
1 , 132ir0 super litlen 14ntb. popers:
Stiperfino :?nd line 1)111 papers, (1..r,i11t.)
1/o do , do (ItrOacl.)
110' do Colliding hodseCops,ldoe;c
Congress Coos and Leal:PLY' 111111il'011'
• I.llleli M14.'111111
Soprolne Pretudi Polt•vlaln nnil ntted.
Do ' Sernicni Caps and ' ,
Supeiline Pot lino 'Cojig and Posts, r oiled and !doh
Ido on:1 ti Litt, vatioos gnalilies and 1)11000. '
Also, ISonn.l. IlrOrd:1, Tissue P,nvelove; Wrap
pin;; mid I I aril waro pvcrs,
1 Jnly 19, ni.19.,
.41111.1Tialarg A1 1 114) 1 2:3
. ,
rgl UTE subscribet's respectfully inform the
public, that they have purchased 'thor•eotier
::tpek of (loads of 'i' Skilete, ling of
Cloths, Casimerc.a, ploVes,
StoclrS, nandizorChiefs, Lincn Collars,
Cookisesillosoi Crs‘sts, Cars; &c. &c.; all of
i?iiielithey offer for sale at Um Old stand of Thomas
.11... liking), in Weil Street. They 1 64t irtt the
jtublia (ha their work will be done in the best low,
nee and most tishionable stile. Gentlemen llimihh
ing Cloth, .titay. ttly upon having it mink IL v;ith
equal are
N. H. Thomas 11. Skiles wilt bu euininned in the
esmhlistimentns C u tter. - • L. k 5.
Carl isle.,lnne '2O; , ' tr-at
TtitisE inditbtcd to 11,6 sub s criber, *ill
• I . anti settle their neeinints,
un4.94/i.49 • • •
[ j . , tc-139,
Roof's:mad , 'Shoes - .
A;.lNlEwotto, 111 d-, fOrnill6 'S. Iddry
. 0 C , 1 1 11(1 , c0P; autYl2!l
itiva Kip Itootiol'gnoirquillitv, Mitts mid 11flys Kip,
Ida and ,Jdoi•ddeo.',slipperb, Atissd§ fine.
iliol . oolootlV Illt of wllich,will Le sold upUaninfoo
ly low,llT,Casll • .:Ayn,,,.111v44,111q1g . L
Carlisle,llln _ iv OYU:
4, aro notified that they tittoi,eidliont settlketliPitt
cieottittitibrlA!ivithilor:ltinggirlintiligeoce citiltibt , he
gi B A 6 N: .•;•11.4f:r
.Assigum of N. Domed.
• .3t-41
wn. A, LtlshluußsT,
1V \l, &Rums:. •!
' " - ....,..,? , ,, .. 1. • 7 . ..
-- 10,11't 1, , t ; <sl, 4 ' 'at tsVAN444: 1 / 4 ad...
. . " , . . . . • .
: T • .• . • DENTISTi
li . ill perrotnr all 'operationl upo
n the-Teeth;
qr , th'al II required for their presOeyntion, such
a S Sco/Ing, PNlrkYVPhighin&, Es'c.,"'d - t• will restore
dui loss of tl!oot, by . insetting Allifiehtl Teeth, ri•ohi
a sirathi,Tdoth, 'to a fill sett" : '• . " ' .." '. •':' '.
al'olline on Pitt steed. ; a low Aloors Sofa 4411111 e.
N. B, 1)i• Conniis. nrilf fin 'ain't:sit Carlisle;'
tin: last fen nlo'llll4 - ; :
.11 . 1ay '2l; 1843.
LI Nig
:lhat jost,ree,:iro(jot. lioili• store, on
I ligh ovd. (loot. to 116..1 4•nt's Onolif,le,
tt01, ,, ,,11...15tt, tool elog4ilt. lillsortliieitt CANI)II . IS,
viz un's,, akivlt . s whidi
they too.veitay—to ~ l iip!mo or, wlmlcsale,ittolylail,,,
ou tht• most r0n , ,0nu1.11.., twins. axsortment
volopoisoti rollosving• variciieh, alt of which are
.1* o!.itt)';: ' "
CAN' vil , rool, tipc , :tv
niiul,pint, tf.ionamon, ho
~ sssl-
, ,
jef 11:1p • li111111, tinfl Itirtr-eve,
'l . lnitnio.onnut . or poppor entollen; ,1;111Notl ;unit Cloy
li:t t Vvottvl% t‘titt,,v.ollittotti
'Hint tlropn
rov1;. and vanilla vainly ; :stigat , ;
rands iii,;, lielooripo, ff:o. , . -
Inkl 10, 1 1 . 11 1 .N•1111t.Si.allt1 1 / 1 11 . 411;Crell111,t0V0a g11)111.11
• • „ • •
ru aTti--(lenot.ton, rais'l•ns, figs, peones,
(oes :mil citron. Also the hest
(%tver,aaEisla _Tolllzecti
•Ativit mat
,•,•!;,,•••, of the finest
'l'loefr uvenrljnent ii Isept onwanily TiuiPpliel:: Ly
6,1. whiitions. (.nmiri• merulmitts arg: incited fq
I . :iti Le ntip;111.•,:l 1,11 l( . 1'1114 :Of
rnl, ns eitS patyphoge of thetathlic IU
C:n•lislr, April '.211, - 18.15,
tr.cccl tart, .11rorocco find
'c7,72 , 7e. 7 4 . . V.VXPEn,.,
rii •
11Al (IST rysrorialy t A !lAA'S 6
11 ,' ti 1 . :`,11111 ;111ii tint public in goner:ll, that liellast
VCR - 1011,1 11(1'4 Ni(II . OCCO Mid Store;
114 NOVi I SI,T:1211,1• SIII,I, a 14;1e doors alloy(7
Ittit•ltlcc'tt I fold, 0 Ntro Itoci t constantly pa
Land a ;literal atsuctutcla (WALL! following named
;di iolr“, viz:
rah. mul wad; 1'11N: 111111 grain upper;
:111111 . 11thig Ivuthcr, %%:txnud gr:kin Calf,
• cotirlr 101, and
Iralker,belkdr3kwattior for Vitr
narr:. and ksiiiiths, !mil Bark
tuatrti Sliceit Skins.. •
id LS Or- -; 1.71/it COS:
Cob: pri4tls Mcii%Moracc6,lVotiwii'ey undressed
111.4:lii,tek I rclu li kid of di(roveni colors,
11. d Mt 0 ) 1 01' 8 , Book' .
bifllll:l''h and Buck Ficius.,
. boat keys !Irv:a:erg. shot'leys,
f,litiops, NizO slicktt„ponelics;
knit vs. roOlnws, Illrm, ram's, thrt;:td, boot It ofthing, :.
spat•Abl.•-,, boot vortl, peg,,:mls, "&e. All ot
t‘ itch In: will sell Itt the very LOAVES 'CAS!'
1(".1,. f.. his Stocore Ifinoks to the poll
ror dr liltc• pnh•ooagc which. lois hcrclolore
loso, 0, Lim, soil ',spot:111;11y stiligits'a
tootiottst,t,o.oc their Haves,
New 0A Cheap siore
• .
IT E imhsctriller would infolw the, public
-7—that hr has taken the stol.e l o om t''eepialy oc 7
_copipt I)) 31c3mrs. I;ll)-;illii I liit(TmLin-NOrtil
-11:iitoveC.01,,l, Cm•lidv, in a Kiel, lie i; now open-%
n assortiOnt tlf
al' rtes' Variety :101l iillailly, which lie in%lles am
1) , 11,11,. to rill ;t;',ilexainine,ennfittriit. that.the gnatity
01 hiy fonds and theit• low iwiees :will give satisfac—
tion to all a hn ;Hat favor hint %tit!' a call.
. 511'.37.4"11
ESl)l;:(A'Fij itilbtin
nicrs, 11 iilrrs, 'AI et•chata.: and the pnhlic pen,
eirallymlail lie is lime prepared len large :mil gem ,
taimiaim Ware ii1,111a1.5, Oli llw roina Cairn, near
the foot of street,iii I tat risliiirg, to reiteive,
in Story lot Shipment,. Country and Mer—
elimillkat for Philadelphia, redlittiore,and Pjltshur F
and all Intermediate Leyele: alai . Co '
MO!, the fc,llottiugtirst Isss.ticlo.NVater Caul[
B o w, frout the llousosiu Ilartisbuti.•
ou. J. C. 11(..thester, . • •
Aliti•v anti
• Pacilic, • .
, .
rii [lr. stibmiller having stopped, the ro
_a_ tau iiiisiii.•, is ',ow 1/1% . 11111 , 01 (1) S( . 11. 1.0.cP1111:
try And l'inhl Stort , kui•pei•A'atiii (Ike trade. z,citertilly,
:i , ii.pkr,,
~ _ Coliel,., ' l.4llco b t,
l'e3, - ,llolashes, Bratitlh
Chocolate, Rice;
Siii,l.s,, ~ Oil,. , ' Wine,_. _. .
Sperin C.lnitit.3, l'l,l,nyt 0, • 1111151:ey;
l'itsli v. ,, Balt, , 0:15106
Pitch, (1“1:1101. - . .
RnAl a gelwral ussart wolf ni - C:IIOI.TRIZIES, tol'sniiC
JOHN, 1 1.-lIRAINT., ~
MP3' 31, ISI3
Zusquoh. anna Line,
t P I S' ;* r` -. ii
prnpt ors!) t Arapte lanna 41/1C
rein their Curs and Boats ha usual-to; 11111.: .
a delph in aria Diatiinoi, during the present season:
Their , fri rods, \V „apply ,to Noble.
& llcrr, ltroad at. anti I lart; Andrews & IVleKee
rxr, first wliiirr attureAtace stted. on the Daft:
ware Plitlado,lpida; , and Joseph E. Elder; italti:C
Until foriiter notice; tlio' rolitking• prlccd wil t
yo inilicred to botwevn 1 ,1 4 6 e: 'Alia thd,ubovo:!
Mope :100
Dry (foods; Drugs,
and . 20
Fortittire, ' 20,
IV-it eat, Rye &Cu t
' !ter liuStiel 11
Oats do
Ltuntsu ria , 'i'looo ' .s l•
Grocerto!:, „,i)3
.o , qt , !. P 3 50., 5',1•75
1000 1 00 00
Flour jiiitcd.)L .- .34 •'• s' 30 47 '
81)ad Ittitultnruloo:io, . , • '37. ; .; : s
Iterring do 44 3114 ; ,
iibr 351 -
t'ittiti,"rarAttdAtisin, r,. •
per 10U,•• • 15 2O s.!" - s . /".7!
riastisr litntss:
Ilides,• . !?. 5 ' 52,1) ss ' it
111;1110,iiitd, , t'dA ion 300 • 511' •
•13Iotints ?so!
;, 4O O, ,: q i itol,l! 1; .
Nall 1;0' 17
stAiathpr Ors': s . . s'; ,s 20"; l , s'is Iss!rsrr
thiti mocks or loo;.%
' ,do •
" & Y, f rx. .
1 0 0 T Of Nide Oiangei aria. ptair#ll;,
Foi the : itofts l de - '.. , :;,
z,c l>'
i •
I 6:4.111,;,,V,d6:y5ia: a
t tr - , 451 , , ;7:: ; 44
rl • V 4 )ari
1 11WF glifilitljist;reciketi.4l '4NI ,
,• • •
~+Oi!ilis~eß~t{;\i~iYtt.~~S il~ t
11.1',E1), '
11gent kn. Joseph
." 6;1 7 : O.
, It• 4,1 ,
Effg 11 1 •
.2 pts; 15 $1 par
25 43
..::~ ; ,
f. , ,0 4d