MEM Croitzte;:sivoNi)EiTacp: , Tit•the 110110E:ado' SAmur.i. HEPBURN, I'resident. .1 talg c, &C. Sir—Tlic Grand Jury of Cmedidiptritl catinlk, lc:Tactfully . request that yitta will tlitiiishalletti• tiW•publicatiptl a copy' of Hai Charp, , aclitipi‘Cd us at the commencement etlitie litCsouUtertn ; ,i•)' Very , • I)AVID SHIELDS, FOREMAN. AuguA 16,1843. • . . .'t , • . i.. * • CAut.thi.s, August 18,1. W. -Thy b•Stunr,ns; - Jhu and others, 'mem- Ili rs of ,the Grand Jury, ... Gcnticinen—ln itecordanco .with your desire ;Ind my prdniiSe, when your note of the 16iii h.q. Nv.L.? huikdetr rue by, your Forchiatt. I enclose the Charge Ulluded:to; -but do so, mithOut.having had 'on opportunity to copy it for publication. My lima has beowyofttily occupied, that, I inust,eitbrr 'decliiic furnishing it altogether, or hive it to you just ad .1.115ve it. .. •. • , very.NespeOlnily;your friend; ',5.7.0: • S.:111.0liL I/EPh11104 ; ; t , A 11 , G E, of 'the 4.7ter7"1: • "' 'l'he'calcudar iirriiltlied'frein the Jail Ala to connueniente flint ,'there ;Irene prisoners emilinutl there, for trial.— .17,1, eireninstanee' is au unrisual olle, and (louhtles's be as 'much the source of p, ratification trp us it in to mi. hilst, thereat! e, we ;ire mieduraged ii the. hope Ilea Oar' (1111.1 . 08 Alll the tlrindnal'sicle'of the cale'llilar will not Int us oner ous as tksual, you intntt.loo enrelid nett It. boo sight e'avirealtly reo,tdring your attention, under ! the gbeurtilt that till.(likrift in jail, or I.ont. few' MIR presentedto you by the At. "icirin:ty :. elittieral, sou linYe nothing farther to no. The duties of a Grand Jury cover a spurn nitely beyond their action upon w hat is simply hefore•thcro byLilte Prjoseetiting. Attorney.— V i rtho ;verY • inoile t tif si Ice Liou , coil pc`ettliar form ()loath, clearly indicate that an attention t o yon la' tic proper or,,t r • limuld 'be but a mit , t ridge ciamplianee with u/1 yot_altt, s‘vorti to notice. 'rho ternis your iiatlis are, "that you will clili;2'ent.l3 , itotpiite, and 'erucr, itreecutment net he ; an well of all burl: as shall lie givEn you in'eltarge, as that you :dial! imoiv-to his pre.ttenlable'llitic;' and,. that. viii pall il(la VA t itll./Ilt illenr, reword, yr :any hope theiltd; and %vithotit hatred solemn 'oldiprationt guiles .. at your , •'•linnils a. rell and fair presentment of every (ttienite .committed within this mountyolint is pritrentablet _k:yery..yiolatinn,..l he rel;are.„.ol%. 'tiny Intv'of this, C'ointomtwealth, that hat: annexed , -tit it, a ptintiAnnent for ofeender, or olfentlerti are ans%verable in a criminal eottrt, is an cog. latiiirt 'you, into which, kit known to you,) you are solemnly bound to inquire. fur idyll itiLt•itts aft citiv.ens, and elln privilit;t - es votinitimiv, in :t gre:tt mentittiat depend, and must nuces.tarily depentl,titi Hy; htithlitlncs., ivith Inch Grand juries en role Ito doh ies imported upon tlann. It rcquircs but a riiperticill oh:trivet. :tolthe passing inents. of our day, to discover a great a tod ro wtiv spiyit. of la \vies:Aß:on manifest in" - ibielf iu the etonititurity iti irldith ic e live, - t o l d pervading almost every raid; and gratle in society. A diopiosititon A: ; \ iin•jd lu Cafe tlic'ettiotrol oftatint, as allell . 11a1:0111'..111 as' those ill syllich the timidly: are morn 'generally tnitcrit§tt (I, into their baud., :mil 11)1. not arch ponislinomt -to—different Wit . .. micro as in their judgment. is merited, perfectly right liens of their rights as eilizeits, no well. no the penalty ince' red flu; violation of hinny ti Lints. Cr. n . trations; coloblit lied for Immvii !Jodi' ',mi. - . for g atiug-Lii,a,ipo, ;:tid Jet it log %lel cot'. 1:111 . 111g plan: ay iii their judgment will retue (ly esitdiug, ;unit even iinfiginary evtlo—tlitttudi ilie 11011 adopt e d' eiti'rit4 ivith tl on open, palpable violation °et:Nit:Aim statutes, that. embrace vvithisi their, provi•tion 2 a a-penally that wc lit i%lat. reason-, ahly hopc,%ittild eitt flicel. lelAS,llllltell', 1111,1(1' Ihr, dcla ice relu OM/1011:11, 151111 brood( iyugl l lilt be ree6glli:ted by an injur• ed tommunity, ov w inked at by a limid nail jutheiti,vy,--Iyhtt rather Hem rim the risk tti'idiltritqc n suppoyed indignity In the to:lel - Alt vs, wind(' be willing to tri l ls the taihied by in sibme e , t:gardleso of oaths and duties iitipo-ted lilt o;recteptite.r the rerponsibililies or the (tikes they If expitAmitipo.l .of - Mitt. hind ‘vore 11ir a itionteitt'ciitertiii tied of us, tie are desiroi t s o r vlithracing, dm first opfrorittnity, (which in the present.') to throw °lithe delusion, and ovule our foxed d;tit•rouritition 'to iterforio ,every duty the .letfis have !alien impose mum us,---tand with out hesitancy bring to your Aletila: every piddle twit:it to us that deserves and demands it your hands a fuithilfl awl deliberate inveslipation. Lit iotlpublr, vitolationu of law lie countenanced lie ittoiri'lind pry in the inure Important walks o r dittiE,; fir, • and it heciessa , rily encotirages fo. (pieta hretithes iu every fither. Jfau individual or sot nl individuals, are pernii . :lctl %vitt' impunity to Mimi any'statute their inclinations or Views of prophets did ids., what is to erevent all idliers from exercising that sonic, WOlllll lie, distattition? Vont:individual hos a right tti inGict corporeal punittlntient upon ;mailer hu may by chance or dchigitedly'inect ito tic struct, for sonic: real or'simposed injury that has been done hiid— nor firitlonder.ltis neighbor either in Alto politicbi papers ?f, the day or oil the corners of the streets alice of trust and responsibility, with:Aliel 'known mid avowed determination td commit iii the exert:he of it, a, breach of the ex 'll4.lll,k lawn, 1111116(' W111(til 110 prilL1:1(.8 to Ili 100 t ... 011111(.1;11111(1 Wlljoh he is sworn to support, what, security, I,lodt, is there that all others may , not t. feel the balite impending necessity, urging them to. the etintibission of erlincr, only more llogrinit oind ; ,outrageous, :because more shocking , to the relics' of the Community in Which they lire per. paroled? I answer, nothing. And our only safety consihts in your toking prompt and decided tictioli Upon every viblation of law that is known to you. It woulil La but little better than solemn• upon the. administration of , criminal justice, (bee Court to remind the Craud Jury of the eNtollt 1111(1 (thrlgiilllOl of their .oaths,:and di teat thlir.allention,toevery offence xvithin . their knowlage, ,to the olreinidr was answera • tile ,eritninol eefirf, hFit Ilie only result ;•tr.aottlie presentmeut pi' potty °Mlders Caeca in trllich, perhaps, a poor degraded erect tire Is fi'ericernad, whonever knew or heard of the statute. againt , t which be tilt :charged whilst those of mitre intelligcmte.tand occupying 'tendering thctit inuoir more conspic lone, • a Ilk ginlistiqueittly•tileir crime more 'glaring,are passed over in silence. t . .tticli 1 trust is nut to be the mode. in which our criminal justice is admin.. Lino:district; The low knows no die_ Helainein personsoind yen arc sworn to.present ulI thin e truly ttwitlidut' Icor, tlivfir, reward, or any hopethercele , 'and :that :such trill be your tficitirso lilt entertain alould. The' litufs, with wlilcli course of the patio's of 'th . eldoss alike to the fiend souse, lilt well as the trier:ll3;f (lie coin lousily within which they • eireitlatc—though on evii,of /10 011111;111,1p 1 ,11111gtall . (11., (111.(1 which. calls loudly for redress, is one 'With which,' in LllO shape of orikinating.prectedings i you :have nothing, to ifu. (flence : io,a . privote one, and so lung as the. ,ItitUldnals injured ofiiptlesee, we cannot inter tpooeJt%l'f, Infirever, a easefifthat character should I tie, ilefighi befure i the: shape of,ati 'Men), it will be your duty, toconsiikut it,' ;aid Mete Utthc Thirty' injured that :redress 'the constittithin aPd.lawstotl'ord,hint. ,And to the otrunder, if tiled ,arid convicted, it Wrilr,bo,for theimtirt to mote out niidh tiuniislinieni 'as wilkit'litast (dwelt; Wit does net.nrre,ll, it,tvilllinthcliiiiits,ef you r,ito l u Irles. • , private, gtlaci'p!n ; latifl mlanderens,.ulterca, Willi Which 'thd'ears of a 'paiser.bY on the -ttanic Wl.rdet.O spa so frequently; greeted,: if not:iii 191tad,,orc yucca jilic the formal—private pit:nue:l --and solofig its 'yielded ti - by 1.6(11' vithtdo; ydlit:ditties,;n/l riot cin- braced oin the obligation of your oaths. They tthoul,(ldoult6,laNdiewatt,er, beneoo Ito 'wttrn no of . . „ nn acconiclatingshual . opon .which varyof bar gOvei•iinii4ifinay to iviaot.ed--amt:ovitleaaeslorit statti.of tI iii s co.t: isting tonOcfret us, that 110 should_protngt-ip-.0 ~t,l. - 113 Cna iliC grid action ilischargo Of ditty. society ~iii which thCed ,lhing3 atc tolerated, and Much rciech,fd Juba to 'OW t, tit).9l)..lmeg rt.74iect attic] r.ohnt4tieve essential to a goof! government—nod tiplesi; pro served,by a.prompt and dochled interitotA'thin Stnttlog4llyietibstititiett far that 6urpase;tlWeti. se(ilneers-wiktpoon be ; tlmt eyppibeAr !‘yilt beoli4iPtitriulfietfin r ibbken c eral• Aitliqit'apPltiiini 41701. Buinnigry pnniglit i mcil . dlet4leclAl64 r nioty . , untlpr . tbo i e,tspntccl.harnt, odoisio iirdtat'at' witness thkg,..‘"1,33i,!.:f I,lr, Pkg9p sarp7giwo Ka: ,4,oqng Tropin! 40.vd, o 6 soatll.hAut!ic . aistimalW goe4 - 011,10r. , ;14.9..fwv • --oorvj Inivey limn when Om interests or -the riblio more, loudly deinali,l6l- at your and (AK . I . , atols_a, ,!-mnotir-y-illtfic-illlll-tho-torree, lion or, thoso oVt7r ;41r,vit tillmc,:!, Individuals aro Ha' FRC(' ill - any community where perrect rrchle,snc,,, scents lo.rharacterigu the eourau of these \Oro nrcsnitn. upon the correction or iltese . seal or imaginary injucks. Oir as tee are COM ccimcd—‘im remniec, enc cud all that (Air Milks in ;ITN:piing 'this imisidmion M . vice, immorality mel lit‘ shall be Maile,sly and dmermln. cdly perMrmed. Anil that_ mirdi dniiklimni, ip every oln 'untivietinti, :lidll Lo itilivu:ci as 1;i11 comp,l nu obrcrcuncc or 14W anti good for tier. • NVe knots, ;fent lenien t Ilial our tlutica if prop erly prrthriuru•tu'u ()herons, as-tvcll as hi hly rr t.ponsible, Zlllll uut 111106111C1Illy very thankless{ ltt a proper di: uha Item :Oust rtAllpotl higher motives than the _:,ppfaose Let. ris .bit earelill Out (iel' Ike au ap . pi•oriug eon. science as to IIµ• proper discharge oi our utlieial +fillies; awl irlictlier approved, ttr disapproved by ottr rellow cititteict,—u•e mill sung find' tlutt•we carry v. 11.11111 our ortut brea,ts, a monitor, tvhose ett,..tgestiote; arc raleulated i 0 more, rcal.pleatt. !Irv, or Ul2,l; . morct vain, than any dont C.llll by ‘vliat is raid or dUtIO by tho , o.wlio us . otlE \VO :icitrerly, ndJ that iii 1111 pair it will arlfird the.l'orirt pleaswe lu liirilish every llel!ify within their power. v,•itrics,es are ;Lioplieutitei to the Court, either iliroutfli your l'oremao or the proseetiti'llq /aver for the ('naupnnu•aallh, kill ho at once responded h 110 p.lO tow, rally will be 1;6(1 hefore ymi, mid I. Own' your allealion should he tlirect. ;ill hi the first and alloy thry ;IreVt, 1.(1111; as you niay deem !wee:is iVe u:..c authorized to stnto by, the .Tudzes n the that:at the lime, the :dove Cliargc deliver( d they were not aware or the issue 12! and :25 cunt notes, by the Couneii of last year end ki;ere only apitri,ed oltho rad. by the !install went or the. Grum( .1 nry.--Ell.:Vobtizteer. I . <. e*c + t , • , GtlvVen .s ffi. l 7l , l+."l4. , vvre4VviYAftvti;lkA , 4. , ,,t Tho Now YOll, Ttitnitte coot:dos a deseri-ption of the great National ;gene:mut, iu Memory of George Washington, to lie erected in the city or New or!:, by the voluntary coldributions or the people of these United Slater, of one dollar and upwards, 'I'M) plan, we think, is beautiful. •. An engraving of the niagnitieeittstructure in 'content. _elation embraces ill-its derigtl - nta Igoll - also halls for a Library, (la lieriel for paintings, and rooms variotO collections of revoliitionary, memorials, and a iTand Allstate. mica) Observatory. Its height is to' be d'2s ft;et is 21_15 feet higher than -the 'Bunker Hill 11.oninuent.. Its entire cost is estimated et abotit $400,000. The material proposed fur •its con .shlicAlou iS • the'Nortli Rirergranitc. The Harrisburg Haim; neon that Mr. Me. (troth,' one of the. policennin of the city of New York, in pursuit (Why() negrocs wild stood chug. ed with robbhor a vessel lying on quarantine in , That city; of a largo , sum of 'inondy, aPprehended the.euoty,fugitives near Duncan's lyland, in Hail. phis Comity, on'Zinday week. They were taken Mr for I . lo'w York on 'Wednesilay tnortting.• Lout ii2ooo, were found in thCir.'posseimion', and di:Ado:num; made which will yrubably lead to the recovery of all the ingney. A negro named Drown was arrested in Carlisle last ereningieleirged with being cOnednied in the above...P.4m $3OO of the money, found fu iii house . , in - One of 1116 staplaar : guinchits against a Pret. tacitly° Tariff, a r' ago, nays ha ' Tnibutie; tyl6 141 alleged , tendaney ro wraire , theliiiced Of till mutt tititapreshat we could never export any un. til itull ,rcl)9 cl. Yctip this vc,ryfi rst .ycar that ourneiv tariff is in Bill operation, wears exporting more inantiftietarcii than 'over before and computing ivith Grdit Britain in thiiin'arket fonChinit,,at,tho farthorstde of the Cputtliertors•,— , Pititi'esiinht exist lint li onf cOrtupi intrtitics,htitsg seated, iq ;he ith.sitN;lll*,rt-Whercilie istrliu s 7. • I:lty!ic g?9.l!pt pp•thiles,: :when fu rest We = : th of,lllll debst&ll tlie iiilSiokailbii gr: 8 . 1 13 e 0 :I;9P!'?Yja!, of; *al() 4.44 able rill ue„, The; ipyst snrc l nud peclly ,tyfty to.t:e 7 to thd !Alumni it Attie ts miltficin &had becii foutiti: )1q of 1 1: Ji }lmam UP," ithat :e cinblclPSllW ;;PiTY ? v1 . 1 . / I%i r lP1 2 .1 P!IY. caur eniirely . ditiSCitt i el'kiqoPMAin the l oerellyhrtbwxh.9intransealbe:frot tr timitat; itit , ol4 l'arisre,e t LE; hod !„NeivriYaek; 111 n ; 'Sold )I{'.critii,Ble.. by_ 41 4pLy.s,pApNink„,, , ;CIS otly?ti iits tnl• itiliitoW the. 44, ,ook4ditis' P4l4§llo l .4o)iiitlioYill,* 11,111414110: Ak t , 44we,r ; t to ILL Lit : (knots duly leads, yuu, as Well as we, must fol. po,left to others—and inioicry iiistance your. returns.slunilk - ho, such as ,view*tha,",o4p-' • i ti - • rp w hive ain Olry cl.'„taty,Aire , cinifpelle'd2Ao frequently . to `Wittie§s, not all of so private a nature ns to relieve hititer. you, or the Court froniaecountability as to obriu c . tion upon the.suliject.. , ..l.'hore.have beenond.still .aro, .lu-ouches, of ; public statnorli that require...your( palpable, have not for their jiastiticatitilieVin"thd Rolllllllllldll of 1111 apology. 'i'hey are also too notorious to al.. ford 00 the miserable pretext (ignorance of their evistenet7) not unfrequciitly resorted to,. for the purpose of evading the responsibility of peribriit: ing unpleasant, duty. They are Vellums known to every , member al. that Jury;—they arc to-the I . .c.yrt --and peril:lpm ,to, all , I tylio lutist 'receive from ;they 'imelt . timeas they dentand, Undorthiz:fearfOLallertuitirit that rest between a proper and finthlesa or a known dilly. I allude to issnes of sin:ill notes Avitliin the. of this county, as Well 'by corpin'a t ;on s us i Prior to the net Of tine; 1842, 1)11;1,13 41)4 4, 4111S .011 . 1.'111T W111,,1101. inalotable ono- , --ileither tile ,cluart or (4eand Jury' had any thing to do with it. It teas discretionary , With each individlial, to , pursiie or not. ,tlio remedy,' given ‘ hy tho,,aet . 91 1323, film the Aiiihiose of sop:inrising 1.11C111: I:llU.avil however hitchded I:t3 , reiiiedied by tho' act -Of 1 increased—, tlic, country - ;was !NI - Oiled, with thii4 sort ofcurrency, and 'Mr ] the purpose of ar reking Vic act of- 1 114' was PaSstuf, Imak Mg the ollcncc ale imlictabhrulle: P- 11 11 quently drawing it Within the pufc: of your super• Vl4ll. Thl; 1':0111111di,;(1:eninplied with all'tliat is required of thein,in kluging, the subject to:your notice; it Will be Porydu to detcrinine r your own course upon the subject:' Ittlwre have been such issues, either by corporations, or individuals, 1141C11 passage 1,1111 law refilred to, year course is a plain uric. If net? it is equally bu. The.pen alty,illay,„ho severe, and tlieeonituittences to li con ' potation, as important as ,;411110 are 11l this county, rather ; 'but. if by their own illegal act penalty is jitearred,,llle. ookorpome. ,rs of their 111V11 1 , C1.11111g,, 11111/ (1 1111 , COlISCIII1C.11C(111,,t prebuilt, ISO hove nothirer to do. '•• Your inquiries are niso direeted, to wilt:flier' tlicrc.are, any tip. Ming houses in yen]. imiglibm hood ? any disorder. It' houses, ltopt. for purposes of prostitutien, „,roosiog, ur frolivliing, to, Itto allnurnom disturbainSt or their surrounding mighbor hood4 either in the or country'? Any gambling houses, Meaches'of lbe peace at e lections, at.milii,Lty traiiiingq, or any horse raeing/ - re,--tm tM- —kiirm."m`to—tlre -1.41'an4 .I,nry,,Mr eitlutr or ,Kom, thu samc_Obligation_ that retitiiill.l you In re('inu a true bill to what is bylbro•piti, when 1.410141 so, requires th'iCyini sbould one and all-of,thein to the t!ourf . And Mis saino obligation rt,,ts upon you with re. ill to every ether offence pleseutalde” Mire, whetlibr your attention is edleil to it by, the Court or not. 1*.41,1'1•1:y, 11:1 10 1111 that you do in the dis charge of rune ditties as Glllllll .1 Ilrc,rll, is ako cll• iilllll'd 111611 you by yolll* 1.1111119. No man has a right. 11l I.llqllll'tl of you,—Or say ally thing t 0 .Vlll.l out your I'o,lll 111 1111111111e0 111 10111 t iv, or may be brought herom pull. Ali attempt 11l ilillueneu your judgment or neutral your ;lethal by any one, is 1111 indict:llMo of .11111 :Mould be at mien lirMight to tiro I , ndian or the'erairl. ' And porinil- OM; it lo he done by any juror would be a' Ilag'. ram and palpable viol:di:Hi lit his oath, which we Idel.asuureci nu jar or il,, that, !Mx will kirowingly tame' Rionument ni_lo.l3 - qa autp(az'ritl• =I i }, 1 4:7 " 4 2 . C e irts' • E. BEATTY, EDITOR. AND PROPRIETOR. CARLOSLE, 'PA.' gro/ilesdoub .Inglesi O, /. 843 . i ;.• • r0nt,,,,h5iDE,4,..,/ ::CLAYa Sahioct tu tlia:docisjon, uf 'DEMOCRATIC WHIG PRINCIPLES BPE CI I ALLY F'Clt PUBLIC 1.1 . 1%." ' IDE R. CREED. • 1. A ennui] National Curryney i •regulated, by the "ivillnibanthnrity tin) Nation. 2. Au iuletinate Revenue, with fair Protection to American Industry. • „ 3. Just:ll:strati-114 on the - Executive power, cm— bracing a further reetrictiOn tin the excreted of .the Veto. 4. A. faithful adininiatration of the public doinain.. with an equitable distribniion of the proeeeds ; of•sales of it. among all the States. • • 5. A adlieriest and ,econnutleal administration of the (general (loverninent, leaving piddle oiliedrs perfect ireedoin of thought anti of the:right ol suffrage Tut with suitable restraints agairnd • iniproper 'interference in electhins Au amendinent to the donsiito lion, limiting the incumbent 'of 'the Presidential oillec to a El=ll objeels Attained, I think' that, we should cruise to be afflicted with bed administration of the Government.—llENll CLAY. =1 . ! • STANDING COMMITTEE MEETING, At a mauling of the Democratic Whig Stand ing.jaatunittee_Ail___Contherland-countyr-hold thcumbliclntsc: Of Mr. IVil)LiTi frown, borough of Carlisle, on to s esday tlth 15th of Au. gust, JAMES POSTLIITHWA I,TE was call6d to OK; chaii; and JonN OremEtt- apppinted Scare. .fury. The following resoluikin was passed: Rc3plved,,That . the Democratic Whigs of Cum:- bet land county be tesptested4o nest at the usual places - a 1 fielding- borough ;mil-township elections, on SATUR 1: tlaHlth Jaustd September, at 2 o'clock, I'. M., and elect two dekgatos to repre sent eaelt borough and township to It COIIVOIItiOII, 4o by lucid io the County Dail, in the boisough of. Cal lisle, 011 ' rt Y the Nth of September, at - r o'ckek, P. AL, to ,noutiniite a county ticket. .1 AS. I'( /S . r ET 1 INV A IT_E, CII71) .TUIIN Or_E).(ik:ll, New Papers. - AVe have quite a situni;erof card Wales for lliu patronage of the conitniinity in, the sluPe of new paper, , , - ou our table thin week. We hope (11 - ey way all meet with tln;Fuet;uss they 'deserve. The tAeini-Weekly dnd leaate - i• Pen ny Atkertiser i., the title of a bens penny pa prr just -conintentied in Lancaster, by:110;:srs. Pearson W ley. The ":itanclard," is the tills .1' a very spirttt'al -parr,lu,L entnitturievd at IlelliddyBburg, Pa.. 113' .1 14111 .Dongherty. ' It niiiinscs' tvithscarchiug a. bility the Tyler, 'Porter and Rader party. Another " Standard " has been planted in (let. tysburg, by .1. I'. 11, Ihinginati. Ii is very neat ly girl up, and IMP:MIA (ippoSillg pleilliCJl parliCS and advecatin4 l'eniperance. \Ve hope its lsdi. tor ' a elliak Will .1 , 1111:f 111 , 11 in th0u:41111,6 . to 1,311'y around the Mandard I,r total abstinence. Now i slaVoip;, NVlligi Or .% 11.1111S - comily bay.enomimM.l nom JaMe.4 Cooper, for Assembly. 110 will be elected of course. Dani(.l Seine , E , q.-lias liven re-noininale(Vor the Assembly in f,ebaunn county. In lloolgomery comity the Whigs have wiled Jo'soph Roper Ibr (lornrress ; Charks Jenlana for Senate ; IsaaE - Sehollield, Thomas J. %VlC'le and 11'iWain V,an (lezerpr Ailiewbly. , Three Or the pm•soos ~1101111.111Ited 611 . thll Anti Masonic ticket of:Lancaster county; have dcclin Cil.the nomination. 11 - -7 - The Locofocos of Ihumhin county have no initiated Solomon Shindel and George 11. Lau nun, fur the Legislature. Mexicali Enclensnity: The second liayment of interest on the hole!' oily doe thits f:ntiniry, 1V:113 motto at Mexico, o the 30th ultimo. ajlt is stated that Governor Cass will receive the vote of Ohio, in the Logo rocoNatioaal Con• EIED i 1 i Thu Notional Iptelligetieer expresses gren confhleneti in. the. ability of the 111iga_to dee their cateliilate - TuTtlie Presidency...._ . affi .Tho York, Pi.'nfiliublionn lanistir of .a to unto, the growth of that. neighborhood, Wide] veiglia Vi 'At the 'recent election held in Imusinno, the votcr's of that State, by a majority 'of four one. decided in litvor ofa State Convention for the posd of reforming the CloOslitltinO. .1 firooten ,uf Hafttahurg had quito a brilliapt proceaphat 'a day of two ago. , • r - /Ptycitty-Ilirea inebns of water in 119 clan 'cl at Pittsburgh, by the last acaounts. , . There 'has. bcori a riot almost every night for the hat week or two among •tha firemen 'hi and neighborhood. There hat been a regular simeession of, lights between s dilferent companies. The' authorities appcar to ho unahlo to quell illstAirbanecs* effectually. " • ri , General Yontiges wither any:skim - a Madison . ; latolydied son county, Virginia, in the 82t1 year of his 'age ' V-r The Hagersiomin'Ws states thaf 'llr.' F. Weekler, Of that enmity; has exported Several hits Of, Dressed Duickshiris to Amsterdam, kir :3tirhioli ho had orders from, the Governmout ol:Wirtem- Mai. They are intended, it isssid,,for ; their , .„ v f y4 tix mu named Puwar, tyciefccoptly killed b$ tia - cidi!l , A, near l'lollitiny'sburg. 01'lle Liverpool paeket now 14,11'46. York, takes,otit two irivoices ijf ktydnititi ttii trdtiett. Irwin; maabf, 'lljivii.ll , 4 ,ii;th Triadoiiqua . ; • lit • : .• ' W'ri d'ef lael; liilas . 46chledty the. Uiti6t 't , dit UM 4tt , , firdb- 1 tvidtr , very comfortable. , • • . liiedfo g o imutokes:fßi 19.dids!! toiluteri! i ;;;,1 i n 611,&•:"Ittilioit 7 13 t bfi !litcn aided: to IlitVP.i . ofttlttitsliip ' tn 4411,iii:(0.0*„-X, 54) 1 hi4l?gicul'OelAiggtr':' 0/. iitika .•. rosu thgAbti of Catiat': . Coni' :ril l ucc 041 141. , iti . 4toae6.4ilVl Harrisburg Arg kfactory. 1 I,i , ‘ 4 04 4 y45.„2 4.1 • • I ' .;', ,;:' • 4 , 61 t, .-!:-,- ''k x . 2 •x-7-...„-": --- 9 ' „ 1 ilfg. r - lj, f t e r 21. t.,.. „. _if'. - . =1:121 '4•VX—, . . . .. . . ..... . „ . ..,..,. yrikilsOry,,l . l t ;ili 461.iSfs , cIoqly, p!low 4 L . t140.1.4.110. • no In' - hoed' nliy.l d'piniltsble'ici) 'cif' lovOntirn" 'l'li - iffdielLsb . "(if tlio - ilOeliii.Wi, illui : t011 upon 11!9 . Mai l..ino, I nr. t !Lei . ,Irlonth; of '.4.11t,..1843, ni_s ,poinparoil vitli . the saint) period in 1842, is 833,692,94 , nd. the - wholo amount of ;ioccipts . for Ilia month; Is $98,61:1,28. jl lie l i htladaliilibr and Colambla RailrOad - lfas ,• Oaf); by , ji.icliC.ioun- nianifgaiiient ? 'beeri tif iiptliellant five tnnatlik a ; ideal" firidit,• Over •all:ompi,nditiives MEM TI 108 a iesultaare ,attributable to the ,cioesircxiOnty.iif,the rates of toll,. and to the, en couragement given to enterprise and competition in tho carrying trade. • The hicredsell nett profits is tho trir rctrencliniont An-the . rnamigement of-the motive' power es Well as of the increased mallet of business. :•Pr'em 14e.aeriC .indications there is tio.doubt that the main line now mere, than,pays the interest .of• ith cost, 'sides paying currant expenses end repairs. We have been infOrmeil, from • what , wo geed authority, that :the main line of (mi improvements will pay into the Treasury this yeal.; afliT tnajn. tuinmg theinselves in operation, netween ciyLt hundred thousand and a million of dollars. This is a Elllli equal to half the animal interest on our flitideddold, and Jiiky well account fur the rise of State Stocks.' As the election of Canal Conitnissioncra , is op konching;ther Ar,ges, organ of th Administration, May" have •made up the above very satisfactiny'Aatement to operate in flivor of the present Board,whe will e'rufen!vor to he placed in nomination for re:election.: The statement nhuuld therefo . rC lie received with. caution and a large degree of allowance. But let it heiruo or not, bur experience within the past seven or eight onviit to heOr:loot to convince the pie, that to entrust the State Governineirt. with the management of the public toi.ltit is it wrong and unsafe policy. The inure fact that the Clemirilia. shiners Imre at length ibund out tilt the improve. inetitii can he so managed its to produce a revenue ahovo expiniseii, buly showe how villainomily the State has heretofore heeit.robliedrind *under ed. Thiririg ( . 4overnor li.itner'3 Administration- the Philadelphia Railroad, tinder the very excel. lent manag,cinent Illultalruy, was made to yield a surplus of $30,001) per animal, butt in the very that -year or Porter's term it fell more than that amount behind, and s ha's cami ium! so ever since to the present time. We I , )clicve that sontal policy would suggest a. ;Mk' of public works, 00 as to rt duce the Slate Debt to a manageable sins, and so believiug shall continue to advocate their disposal to companies. iNational Intelligent:et- has El 11 excellent ar • tide on the subject of the " - prospect u hcud." 'flee remarks of the I ntelligencer are lull (tithe sound sensew Ilia has always characterized the course 01 that paper, and we wish it Were convenient to copy them 'entire into our columns, Thi 4 :, however, is not the case. We content ourselves witi! the lidlowinZ extract: ~_'!Por taut:elves we have net the Iraq (Meld that the I.l'hig Party is at this moment id rmiger than it was four years .ago; more powerfill because, more uti . and compaeted; and littler prepared than ever it has been Cm conflict with its snivel, satins, because animated by the double mol iye of redreNsing injury which it hiss itself sustained, and nccemlill-himr, good for the country. ‘N'e, loolt Ihrivard, then, with cheer Ail and abiding con. idetire to a vietory flit the Whigs in N . 1641, baldly inliwitir in hi inhume atitl deeigivo. mess 10 that whielt it min in November, 1 8 11). We do not now doubt, ntul tvc never hare doubted of this 'result." Cr;•ln f;en. annual ate , ,eage to rumzrrss, be held the following language on llicsubject of protection "The advancement of agriculture, commerce, and mantillictore,-„ by all proper means, I f 'iced recommendation ; but I cannot for hear intitontimr to you the expediency of etrectual eneouragetount as well to the introdue. lion of new and useful inventions from abroad, as to exertions of skill and genius, in producing them at ,home." Again, in his eighth mcsaaec,' no find the fu lowing . uctitig'rer.s In ve repeatedly, and not withon success, directed their attention to the encourage merit or 111:111111:10.11ITS. .1110 object c. , lisupleliee not to ins:lre a continua nob o their droll:: in every way tf hit.:11.f,11.111 appear nil gible. The.hcavy rains iu Lugla ul !luring the har vest, which titre:4cl) destruction to the crops, have crciated it brisk'riemand in this couutry fbr flour: The New , V(;rlc Sun soya the (]rent Western has brought out orders to purchase flour fur_ tho.l.ln- glish mnrkct.'. About'a thousand bnrre f Gen esee have been :taken- on-English der.o4l at five 40.11'n;si and -i'reight, has been engaged for - four thmisand to i.iverpdol. The English orders ocn evally lindt the - price trifivo dollars and less. Tkie Locos iJt IJlmion County. 0271t0n. John 'Snyder 'of Onion, has received 'the nomination' a that county for Cdogress.—L: Snyder roceivCd 20 voted ilia delegation and General Abbot Greon 10. Snyder was the anti. Porter candidate, is ; an omt gild ,out i. grup:TradO niaalidgoentiir Calhoun fur l'residert l Ru !dor etiya that, 'sliOnld.Soyderset the nomination by' the Ocinfere'es of tlth district, (WhiCh is coin nosed of the dam:ties, of I.!thon,,lquoming, .Ncirtli.. thobenund and Clinton).Grecin will run as a vol. Untoar. Shmihl this, ho su, the. clection of the Whig onndidato will ho eUrtaithaS.GenCral'Green: is a warm Tariff Iran, and 'will take with hith a large 111:11N of:the:party on •this. qupstioth 1840 the.di4trier,gosei Vane Buren a majority' of .620, Mr. Wnon,:eilitiir of tho Albany Ending Jour. nal, in a!letter from London, dated Jnly,7tli, glits to tim pcioPle of the unitcn States ilia following Important infornintion : ,•• . " Tito dutj7'inr Tobacaln England an& .Fr'aneC is onurnious. J,vitui,etar,tled to !dam:What every Amorisan puglit. to know, tind...-FUgland ,dcrivos an annual riwciiiio of about fifteen' nrillionS, 'Lind A:ranee n 6011 largo*, suin,fromAntiestupiin To. bacco: And this is:purely, a dots foo,rev,ontic. In urgsne thCir NC' trade' ilbbilinbs , pdn Con. grcaPi if ;a So utlibru broth rerii wbuld- insist, upon a, rfciProccil krcpTrado, t tlio,An.cicascd , doniand tortoba;6l,'Wttlf tlieincioastill'iiiil4 . ol.6 cprn. ducor, would tiring :.iirosperiiyliirid tobacco 'producing States/",,,,; g ; AU sorle-of rs TOeist , LWo6Toliciditif toit'sk: was given on Om Virginia, by hto:44oettA r -r, i,„ "Mr, •Presidont;!•ll atintiou.t.Mlet•eacri ono know that I atimfor; BonryLCltiyi•agatitist the world. .Ho aadrl , woro lroko• °Wins to ilto Slashes of old Hanover,: !Lie tworkedri haitifoidod,;"and so did I. Ho was a good boy to his mammy, and so ',was I.:.1 know higi,likq,a kook, and • lolco_hirit' like a bredlty:' any,Mait, thin t o say against him, let him ctitan any bettor, bravor t ,M" Man chati:{lMlTY Cloy ion this glohO; ;oll s'`'l'.. 66 Y:',/!4 ticon4l .bß,n..agrt of ,curiosity and tOlOOkAftlin,., Um, it, 'Clay.' (333 ohcors l ) „ , of the aystegOf rotrprichmcut Works intr:oif nOti 4 .1 ,01' 13 ga1 : 4 saioners, Or: of freightifitTi`,(!p9mmuyontjj,.. unt of tonniet, , l.We rectit'•troth ) the a, (locofoco,) has boon roost sat. if of being n burthen upcin tho 71;he Whig Prospect, (A00(i rieit'S for raniWlN. Heavy :Duty. lIMI . „ It, eller troth Creilitor. irrla an tkrtielo some lima nineoJ,elativ9 to the n. !Ohl oflice,*fromv4iimiiindfriiiihe operations, :Of!. Vie listiienelinndit! bilk if the; lust Legislators, Gq ventilretflo tiptdk'ortlin 'decision. as a viola= lirni..of the duties and Chifurs of patriotism...— This, we believe, is not thelekst :striking aspect. ,in7Whicit';ii viewed,, by, tho• public.. At. the sh.finY tirefo'Wl; correetetrlM - eiroV which is geiicrally'll thiegard to the :chit rlieter of our foreidn :ere:46re i :mho urn li•drYeralfit Sitittitised to be wealthy noblemen and bank; rs,lustead of be. •:rotired officers, ministers, authors, widows and driiliaiss',:%Vlio rpall, bold a largo porilon of the'debt; andWthoinvestmltheir savings io Ainer 7 icnn Secnrities,,thiikiog that our young and Orly', log States teethed '-with • C•caltir and could never fail to pay their just obligations.. This vieW of it is striltimily enforced by the folloiying letter froni till old and gallant English officer to Gen. Scorr;' of the Ultited States:: This letter.; we think, can.' nut} be read Without ilbsolutelit,:tuchihg, the feel ings of every American: who • has &pure regard for. our national character. hero is a soldier, who from bging an ,enemy to our country, was changed by his admiration - of our peoplO 'into d friend so warm in his feelings thaflie wet; Willing to invest in American securities needy all he pos. sessed ! And now that he is left with little hope of repayment and ftithreatened with poverty, how warm stilfluehis feelings for us-how kind his remonstrances Oprei .Otir fliftlilessness—how un: willingly lie credits"-the suspicions of ourrinteg. rity. Who can read this letter and entertain for' a moment the villainous thought or design of re. inidialion I. Anti who after reading this letter will consent for a moment—be his s'atoM nr eircum• stances - what-they 'may--to aim exetriptbiii - , - 71irect- Iyor indirectly, from his full share of those bur. limns which arc necessary , to be borne or a titne in order to relieve the American S atcs from the odium which several of them ar rapidly ticcu. mulating.tibroad? . ;It is to be hoped that in jus. lice to public opinion, this injurious step will be retraced by those in authority, and that measures will lie taken by our Leirslattire to restore the - 'clittructer — of TennsylcaulaT ict-atlicr titcr;-ito-as_they_rnay. 'File 'writer or the uuldoined 'letter, says the National liitelligenecr, was captured, severely wounded, at Chippewa, 00 the sth of' July, 1814, Hu i, with iii friend Major (hitter:ll Silt PutNeAs 2rA1.1,, :titiO badly wounded and eaptnred at the mule of Nirgara sonic twenty dayslatel', lay; to *ether with our Mar. , Gen, Seorr,Aie too being badly ‘vutitided,) for sown time, at lirat near 1311114- lo,.ambaltcrunitcla on tho road between 1114,ilo „ nita Albany, until they worn abler io trafterFroin association and counnunity of suliering :Cfriend. ship wag contracted betwgen these officers and Gen Scorr; - whoassistcil - their return to EngJand on parole, and f.teilitated Their journey in the U. States previous:to their departure; of WIIICII and ether civilities received at that time such a. s'ense has well entertained hy these officers that both Sir l'inNeAs and it Jong have ever idnec been unbounded in their attentions to all Americans failing within [licit roach. This explanation _will Korvelo introduce to our readers thu rolinwing Later from Sir J. Ai. WIL. FUN to General !SCOTT: t: OVA r. HOSPITA r., Crnn.vra , Oct. 9, 18.11 Demt (.;t:Nram. Upwards hv,: ll .' ty-seven vear,:ltave now Isis:All iLway since I was opposed to you at ('//ippricti, anti wds a licrwa rds vane prisoner and fr/bne.syprer near Vet Burin;; that time 1 never rcasvd in fou I it grateful rccuilrclion of your' hinilur,.v to Ilte, aml,a high *rultniyation olL4liose chivalrottv feel ing!: wltich animated yon in battle. And it is the recollection of those stilling and by-;;nun the deVolvil epluiuu cnlertuitied of you by Sir IZiall and myself, which now induces me to write to you. • 11'ill you then, dear General Scott, pardon illy. writing t I you; and inform me whether tr not, in your opinion, the I.egislatures of the above States are wonting in those high feelings of •Itattir and honesty for ‘vhich 1 gave them credit ; or %%shell). or their present embarrassment has arisen out or unexpected difficulties, and that they had !tot stir rieient time to meet their ettgag - witents ? ll' yin) he kintlJetiongli to give me poll. , minion on this ailljet.:„l/ I linuw it will he 1111 honest one; and 'sliarthereffire appreciate it. I often hear oryou from your countrymen wlio visit England, and I hear or your health and or yotir lidvaneetnent in the estimation or the.l.Jition . with great satisfaction. fitvorahle ,impression I had receive!d on passing through ' dilrerent States or the (Yoh. in I 6.1 I, bothin respect or their moral tone, or their indostry and, resources, and or the Sir.ton /food which seemed everywhere spurring diem info act lire and honorable existence, indnecd me in 0 ctrd. ntotts and evil hour to invest nearly all the' imMey I possessed, viz : ..C7,501), in Nov Orleans Can a l and thinking shares.and Alississippi and Indiana State Stocks; and now, alas, none or these three concerns pay their diVidends! I have a wire and six children, and two of your musket balls are' Mill lodged in my body; and under this pressure from witliont,.(as well as Within,) you will not be surprised if I sometimes feel a little nervous about thointerests of toy family. The Onion and distrust which the failure of the United States llatilt,kantltlie I have rofersd) have produced in England is very great! Yet still I wish that. the eaten friendly feelings were entertained by the citizens of the United States for England, which Englishmen, I ant happy to H . ay, every wherc entertain for them. lint the-bordcreis.on - both sides; I cosi, area rest less set, and nothitig save the wisdom and beStex onions' of such calm and dispassionate men 'as yourself, and,thosc who arc competent to in,Ml oo and control the vices of the turbulent, will be a ble to preserve to 'those two great countries the blessing irf puttee. \\'d read with great regret in this country the accounts Lf the doirgB on both sides ol*Your Nor. tlicrit frontier. _There' is not an EngliShman of character and common sense who wouldmet.dep. ' thereto n war With ' America ; •but you Must' leek idler your. people on, thii.horder as WelLas I think you will find us at all times disposed to 'act fairly by you ; bet John Hellfire' a'touchy fel :loW When Iron )rosP him, Abbeigh . willing to take ionic from his cousin in America than front any body else,' yet there are pods to his forbearance. Could you but multiply yourself into a dozen Pres. iticnts of as many states, I• am sure all the feelifig would shun Subside. • As few my single :self, the Marked Ifinileiess ()gender: both•ter•Gcm and 'lne by your countrymen has converted' aS more or Ices into. Amu-leans, and induced A 'confidence in their public seecrities; honor; and :good ,froth, which l ant.note afoitl will prove thb 'ruin Of, my dear' General, yours must , • Tne WIIIO POLICY.—The Whigs believe the the Nyealtkol , a , nation eonolita.ehielly thts etn ))loyinett 'ef thy peopla,anti hepee.t heir policy, tiVntirtViiio and proteei tVe iaor 91 the Itedlianie, thti Fahmeri'itnil the I;elie 'that byi aJnouurdging , ltotnb , :itidnatry , theY:ailif to 'tlie' cemffi.l4,•:l)ailninOaq anti prosperitji 'OP the'people; and c9iNpqnc9l.)y4sl the wealth. of thmnatlotutlt rB:llls B, P 4 i9hq!!)vS , l4hria.P4-p DraYgglqi4o o f that o r the irmikvideala empposin •it .:; . '34tir Urrtitst e, 0.111 relirotlec& ItAir Ni;lidr 4 e.! ovgt reviviKyiag: thc decayed orous rusitit et ',Nature's most ,glorious urusutelit l baiti i l iaer; rc soreto'wig•'to ;the biE.,Allslif;tA!lVl/40111efrustuall'; ITepieg theses* wm,trnt)y Visw,teMsg , the, I 119.40 ruti Itirsi try ISysee, s flairil'onrc, iind it it ,tie as re. ittuitirror ;:sr-nt toaery the ‘viirrtitilieit fbr math* ii"witb"itit'artii" Prepared, lurk by 0r../I.?..PTitIE :Atm , 11-1 41340 y 4! p`:!‘• S 'a 1.7 A - t.liteei , . . • - . FARM FOR . RENT. , • /VD be rented money by public: outcry, on the I pretnisua, on SATURDAY, the 16th a See tenthyr .ttcat, at 1 , n'elookin.: the. atltirooini,' tif . :Tautl tiny, tdihe . highest and best hithler,a; first-rate '.',... 2 .• ~-,`. : -': a.a 4 ,;.,,,,-175 7 ,;4.,. 5 .V,U ....- ..-. •:., '-' e (nto Ini lig ahottl.lky,:icre4 Flt claw land, sittrite on the 1, ciao. Svri i ig, tt9e IA de SpillA orepti i Ott. Uontli. tithatihade knoliii an said ttakiks:fite.atitier, * . Ausiiit 2.5, ' 11.1.9.' ..:-.'' - ' "... ~ ; ; is-13 5o04,00161 . 01; To a parson 'Wicking:in coininonoc business in :Carlisle, a good' 41:4;poittiriitiiiiaffortled of per. ,clutoingx StoelCorGioailsitottilk weit.,nit Innightli4 Okfthit i tW l to r i e4 l ongCgoinunts ; ie ,iO.l niroueof soiling oil', which Ins will tett.; on such thrills - , Cs musi_plecTi.'wriniticline4,': n .ctft th 9 lloraidk 6s.:Exptivitor. 7 ? itioSr 1 ,7,1133.::t tpvt i4O. ';;;/..iit..1 ;'- . ... 1 7rni .:"L • .~ U'~`l:. ~'. iserm. • tkriVinonA the, nanies,,, nuendMricif jor,C,anal. pont tit 6 elonci",4narcw eittitiiVaster, 4411Sit‘ehri oft Outtriii,:ttre Witt in.. he state'for-the: hoininetinn c;ftlio`Whig , Honv'ention. 'Either of illeso gentlemen are qualified fbr the. office, and both aredeservedly esteemed by those who know Shen for wortla d tog ri trof ell areeter : J.. Puttor 1 0 1 :0 16- Poruugli i im also been liveution edited with very great fitvor by these who Were ac quainted with him as superintendent of the Al legheny Portage rail road. We give•place to thb following communication which we find in the Harrisburg Intelfigcneer, vetting forth the claims , of thefirst-named gentlemen, which does no more than justice to his merits :" - rrom the Harrisburg Intelligencer.. M'Cuuni:—Sm; I am a subscriber to your phPer, but as I am a good deal from home, I do riot have the,pleasure of reading:it every Week.:-- I therefore do dot know , cvlicither,niriong the.gen ilemen you :have mined for tic olll.e Of Canal ComMissionors, you Move named one whinn I con. sidiJr eminently qualified to . 1111 that. important station. I allude to'Amiamv Mmioniv, Rsq. of Lancaster comity. He belongs to the "Old Gourd" —is a staunch Clay man. and personally popular. Rut these aro not the qualities for which he is to be reconnnended to the convention. Ho is to be recommended for hie honesty, untiring industry, and the ability he displayed in managing the Mo.. five Power departinent of the Columbia and Phil. adelphia Rail Road. under the administration of Gov. lidner. The Motive Power fund under his Management exceeded the expenditures by many thousand dollars while his immediate successor brought this department in debt from .50 to 100,-* 000 dollars.. The present superintendent, I believe, manages the road very economically, and accord ing to his reports the Motive Power sustains it self; and hasa handsome surplus over, but he Iran many odvantagss which Mr. kelintry—hail-not as the charge for the Motive Power, has been rais ed at least 24, percent , and the price for all fuel labor, and materials relptireirfor its mointninanee has been reduced from 20 to 110 per cent. Prom these consid:rations, and , his experience in the management of the State works, I think his nom ination will give mitigation to' Alabama. Complete returns frmn the Mobilc.Distriet_con:.. firm the eletdinn of James Pellet, a well-tried, faithful'and unyielding Whig. His election aff. fords convincing evidence that the present excel. lent and well-adjusted Whig tarilf in fint gaining upon the good will anal . favor of the people. The election . of a Tarainan from South Alabama would once 'lmo been regarded as nest to an Mut Mr. Dellet openly and boldly took a' high stand in favor of a discriminating tariff, and although his mipenents resorted to the most despicable means to der:A.lAm, even to cir culating' fdse rumors of his death, his views have been sustained by his election.. • o pf - Ala 0, , 41 , ;. se , 4. sioa GYM 44441:44.6.14../. HAI:11110RM, August, t:'s ISI3 l'lMlllf.—Holders profess to deniand $5 Pit Flour, but Ire Mien heard of no sales over - $4...87, : at .whielt prime transactions look plac e ea ripllflic week. Howard street has be- COUR, firm at:*l 75 - , with - sales stMuly, though at a moderate extent, until 'Fluirsday, %ellen an oil. Vatice of I'2; els. was obtained for common brand from all new o heat. We quote 475 to yl 87L ; and to dealers, flow the ears, f. 2.0 to $1.6'.?.!,. Nothing !Ming in Susquehanna ; Indeed, mfcept Ihr a small retail business the market is bare, (:11.A1N.- 7 in consequence of the Moiled sup• ply, Wheat' has iinprovcd in price, and good to lir;nte Icd , which aid() last week at 96 to 08 cents now commands 1 01 to sifl 03; these ran, apply as wet/ to Southern parcels as to Maryland and l'enosylvam I. There is but little doinz in nye , it nyy be quoted 52 to 53 cts. )Idryl4ll,l while Corn has sold at .50 cents ;and yellow, :13 to 83, the latter Idr l'enusyl9nia. l).to may he quoted 23 to 25 Cl.- according to qrsility and condition. WlllRh V.—Whiskey has deelined to :25 Ms. for blds., end,`.2.4 PHI LA DELPH IA; Aufgus!. 1913 .I'I,OUIL-9'he vah!s duritig• the weelt have het) light : -hohlers arc lor superfine ship ing hratld , , $1 75 par barrul. Exlraly flour, on Broad $1 75 a $3. nye, S.:I .1!2!, corn slcal, Si,i 73. GRA IN.--Wc notice salcn of Penna. Wln•at early in tiro week to Starch makers $1 01 per bushel, and sales of Inferior al 95 ctn.—holders ask this illy $1 a $l. 01. Rye 55 a 57 eta; do pclan.ire 27 a 28. Pchnsylrania 11,11 Icy 50 coma. Attention! Tho Cel9gel is Cqmigg Col, WALLACE, a Reformed 'Drunkard, from Philatielphia, will lecture. at the following named places in Cumberland and Franahn coust:t a on the days named t New Cumberland, Cedar Sprint! Oyster's Point Shiremanstown, Lisburn, Meelianierhurg, Sheplierdstowal, Clnu•chtotvn, loguestown, Kingstown, • Middletown; Newville, Newburg 4 Springfield; • Stoughstown; Sliipptisbtikg; Preen 'Village, • 'Strasburg, Campbellstown, Chambersburg, " 13 14 " 15 . 0 16 0, 1 7 18. " 19. AI 21 . 44 4 241 41. 23 . • " 24. 25. Bank Stock for Sale. ttu. N sold at puhlio ktleott the Court house Vlin the borough of Carlisle, on WEDNES DAY, the Sorb of August, at: o'clock, I'. M. 1S Shares of Cpulisle Bank Stock ; upon which 540 Dollars have been paid. NVILLIAM 11. MURRAY, Atlntinistrutor of May 1). lbunsev. August .3,..1,/143. • • ‘2,145 'TEACHERS WANTED - • .• siwgs , TEAPIERS are wanted for the Com' mint Schools in Yvanlams!. township. The Board of Direetors•wia meet, at Bowman's Store, in add, oWnship, on , Saturday the 19th DJ - September tie.l4,• 'at 4,'elQek,ll M., when and wliere..Tenehera van' 11114 in person, for the. aituationa. • -The Schools iuc obu evened on or about the oiOtttolier. • W 1 1.144.1t . MeeliEA, SdaretorY. " Aqui!. IL is as l tro.y as c heautdully said by Mu .1Ion: John C. o,albo;un, in. ono of hiv speeches, Mail itid the Prc;s •erti tine, nerves. of the bddy lijev'them the Eliglites,t; impression niede tlie r most remote part is communicated to the whole spittnii." • '.D . OOKS, :BOOKS; 1 - BOOKS S; ' , • .KNEEDIA'.II. IUNTI 7 .II CHEAP BOOK AND STATIONARY STOR E S „,, &rally opputhe vgstuy's Dr!) Goode S'iore, , • , , Where ore kept constantly on nand a . general assort ment of Theological eidstied and Miscellmicous Books; together with all the diktat> works, and best ;Magazines published in New li ork & Philadelphia. Also on habil tt quantity of well hound quarto Bibles, price .61. German Bibles and German Testaments props! tionally theapt good better mid Writing Pa per lit IIR gents per quire. ' • , • .510) Priiits now on hand will be sold from trto 10 cents each: . KNEEDI.IIII. br. Atruist 10, 1143. • tf-il2 • `k . N.ll. Books which they have not on hand when tbr can be furnished nt a Very few day's notice. FARMS FOR- SALE, , IN TION'FINGDON COUNTY, , IX FARMS nre offered for eels, each, content. lug about 250 Acres of lino • Limestone and Chocolate Land, well watered and improved, with a duo prOportilen of wood, situate on We' State Mend in Trough Creek Valley, 6 miles frond the RaystoWn Branch, of the Juniata and, Chileotitstown, about 7 Rom the Tub-mill Gap, 13 frOnt Campbell's Lock on the Statt‘t :anal, and 9.0 frOm McConnell;burg and the town of Huntingdon. They arc surrounded by a respectable nod - thriving population, Caleb. fished more than 50 years since; and are near to several Iron works, which ntford markets. fortho.. produce of thisfertile and beautiful valley. rur information, apply to Mr, James Glasgow, Coffite-run P.O. Huntingdon.eounty, r 4., or Mr. Ilouck, Broad-top P. 0. Huntingdon county, Pa., who will show the premises; to Jos. B. Townsend, 309 Arch street, Philadelphia. JOIN HARE POWELL, Phila, August 9, 1843. tf.4l CUNIBERLAND 5'1MMT2,222, , 12.2T 11) Voters greutiiberlittiittlo: - 4,IEi,LOW:C ZENS : I - offer- myself- for th OFFICE OF SHERIFF of Cumberland county, at the next General Elec. lion, and respeetfolly solicit your suppott. Should pin elect we, I shall endeavor to discharge the dot ice of the care 8i ilhfully :Ind impartially.. SAMUEL WILLIAMS. North Middleton, April le ) , 1843. to. To tli: Elc.ctor3 ni Cumberland county. g 4 O , A,LOw-crrtzENs: offer, myself to yoor jl` co.,sidoritioo :I.,;ienollitlaie for ilk, office of S.GR E It',llF F , ' ' ' 01,01nih , Tined roenly, 'tiligehl I he elected I will ndearet• to ilkilierge the iletien of the (Alice with, deli. • Yeet;‘, Ste. J.“..IOII:IILIAINIINGER. - Pitki . orpm 1 p...lthie 7,1813. . le-32 o the lileetor.r of Climber/ant( Co.. trIJOW.C . ITIAENS': I cifer myself eon:mi.:Ninon tts 'citaididnlc for the • OVE.SCE SIiFEIItIFF, at the ensuing election. Should you feet mi. I javehre to discharge the citifies er the ...triec,to the hest 'or my ability. _ ADAM LON(SDORF Bilker tiro ing, April .12, 1843 . • lc To • 11, ntberlthyt-.Co. - r Eumv.riTizE:s:§: I &fret myselfloyour a_ ton:itkration a 3 a candidate ibr the • and respialfolly adicil )alor suffrages fi)r, the same. Shnuld.V,lll diet I/IV, I shall endeavor !Ai discharge !he duties of the office Ihithlidly and 8N11)Elt RVI'Llf:l4 Alethanirshurg, HI 13, 18•13. • to. To the Electors of Condit:l . 4lnd county. \V-CI'IsIZE NS I offer myself • I ,l pllll . Cunhitkratiou as a entitlidatti fur :lie 1,111.,. s IA A IP r , • .„1 . 0.10,1ami toollisiy, at thr onmiliql;leetinn,slionl,l you rim I.ll.clgt• mys,•ll . to disehargo the. du. tics the "oh, t„, Best .nv SOUItIIECK. Ea^t To the Electors of C bcrlttaid Count y. .17%1 Y:1;N:h-1 our . 111 3 self to your elotishlCl . 3ll,,ll AS 3 C11111 . 111:11i, for the OVE'ell or SIREII.IFIS . d• CnrnLorLuul comity at the tiext election, amt will *eel ;v.:octal to toil foe }our support. ANDIUM 12011F:liTS. ro tiw VAectors of Cumberland county.; vsit:Lt,ow-crrtzEss: natin g determined SL to be a candidate for the OFFICE OF SHERIFF, rcrpectruPy solicit your support. MICHAEL G; L I GE: te.2Ei 31:4' 10, ISt) To (he Eloctors of Cumberland cduntyt' B—AELLow.crryzar,sis: 'I offer myself to -your consideration us a candidate for did Sept. IL el 7 . et 8 . ~ 0 . ~ 10 . " 11. OVVICL3 or szalative of•Cumherlimil eininly i and shah he thankful rot your tourro g rs. ..should i be elected I shall an denvorte discharge the duties of the office with fidelity and impartiality. OgaliGV MOLT. --- Eastpeneliliern 4 tp. April - 10, 1843.. 10i.88 To the Voters of C berland Coa K - 1 .4 E W-CITIZ ENS I offer my ju gulf to our coo:shier:it ion s 6111114th for the OFFICE OE SIR EREPE4 at the next general election ' and respectfully sollelt your Totes ti) the~s:nuc. Should yon elect me. I 411811 endeavor to discharge the (hides thereat with fidelity antlgnipartiality nAviD.PoitEamist. Newton ti. April t 9 1843. te. AS 2t. 7o /1w; Volers of - Crimberland Co.' GKNTLEMEN: 1 olFer mysetr as a candidate Tor the OFFICE OF SIIERIFF oretimbeflanii enmity thu generul election, and will lit thankful for your support. • JOHN CORNMAN'. ' Carlisle, April' tO, Isis . . To the Public erefocrally: Ic li • i ELLOW.CITIZ ENS AND • FlOt/IDS: I rCspectfullY inform .y9u, that / Itni it - 904 di ate fur the orricie OF oui . . . of Cberlaria eounty,.and should you MIA Too urorll,y'nnd,elgct uvras suoh ;he nest general myself to use, my beitubitilied to seivo you faithfully, . JAMES •Carlislo, April 12,184 T: ; to, • . To the ,Voters of Cztnabcrland PLLOW,CITIZENS i beg loato to offer - "11 'it' il'o; ? put. colyt oro tort, o ,niao •• • oinOicE, or. sprimirr,. lio'rik! * Mon; thOnkftil your. '311,111:Kat: vv..!!..q.nitt:Gptum. Arcitg, , . to,. roilhe ?Bice/ors 0 er anCo:` arz,uniENlEN%l._..l.announco myselt Nik..A as a cau4latufor tho', •.• :i C il P l4)l •* , ,rV'; itte yikko,vax.ra..;-• With a niajTaty gf , ypor aufl}.4oe g,i)kalge ukyaelf to. •;•,,. iic '::11.10-5fxs.pAri. • To the Voters of • - tr 1 4 'brt r asr o ate or dm okioo i oI,SUEIZIEFE! bt CslyiN6lsitlit will be to;you furieu'redirpbreli , 1 4 :: — ' ll tetuAgyi - ipLcolitl th .. ;, • - -. ;r1630. , ~.•• , . . firitk,.7ll.4ll, anti tile Press. ti 2 2 2] 23 3 rvsOFFICEi t~:~sv_w.,,,.