MLA44O` xigatwoaisi,ops 51 O .Li, • ' r " '7l , 4: lIIM azatarag, *Am 1 1 1 4 rgeornitle,-Auffna:.23r 1843 Wadi PALIVIEIt; EEic.`, the Phila.: delPhiiAgeilt for thin Journal, hae'itnized - froin hie laia bike Third iloar ,tValnut Street, Phila: dolphin, and is now located, 11t: 0 Pints Street boloW Third, two fiqataeii:ioWth' of. the Exchange. Persods Ili Philadelphia' desiring to advertixo with tie, • will please Axon i on Mr. PALDIBn, who to au. thorited . to act 'as our Agent. • • , . ' • • , .Fayins tok Sale. , -,aripi-some of the best r e arestatii in Cumborlund coulity, will be Mound advertised In our columns AscensiOn by Mr. Crever Wo observe tliat our young townsman, .Mr. reyar, made an ascension in balloon fl'om Winehceter;Va. on Saturday:last. The FUl cension. was 'entiroly auceeslid, and was made in the presence of from eight-thousand per. eons. A young tlady,, respectable Out of romantic and daring. character, it is statod, amxioua to "take a seat" along, but could not be accommodated! 'Tho reronaut landed about four: ',tech miles froiut - Winchestcr; • Intemperance and Clinic.' 03A spectacle occurred in our Court of Quar tor Sessions on- Saturday' morning- last, which :shocked the sensibilities"of all who witnessed it to a painful &tree. 'A, than named Ifornwood, -Who had been indicted in an action, for trespass. was called up for trial. 'fk was at , the door . of the Court Rouse, and in obedience to the sum. :coons of the Court was just entering within the iblir, when lie was seized with a fit and, fell down is the midst of the 'crowd, writhing in convul sions and screaming with agony—a miserable victim of the fell destroyer Runs i lie was car ried-out, a spectacle of misery and wretchedness . too irainful to- behold. , • While on this subject we may add. that our town has been lamentably prolific of cases of drunkenness within the last week, and that the criminal business of our Court at its last session presented lin amount of - wickedness, crime, and filthy bestiality; most melancholy to think a n() details of many of like trials were of a char acter so disgusting as to make all feelipgs of de. coney and refinement revolt at the unnatural facts. they developed. We fear that the:cause of Mo. ratify, Temperance and good order hi sadly re. trogading in our county; it fact that we hope will arouse every .friend of fiumanity to renewed and stronger efforts to giro - a - whlerlffirsion of the rich blessings of Morality and Temperance, and sten] the tide of7.vice and immorality_ that-secins tti be swcepingovcr not only this but every other !section of our_country. . We IrCre pleased to hear the Court declare its fixed determination, (which we take this method of giving greater puiblieity to) that in all cases hereafter of riats, assaults, and turbulentdisorder, imprisonment . will in every instance be inflicted, us the law in such cases ilirects. Our Table. T4ro Anglo-American, a weekly journal. of pint oral entertaining Literature, is iMblialied in New York by E. L. Garvin & Co., and edited by A. D. Patterson. It is certainly one of the best and most beautiful periodicals published.— The publishers intend 'giving a steel-engraved portrait of tVashington, equal in value to the sub. We will receive subscriptions at this otlica--terms $3 n year in advance. A specimen number can be seen. TIIc Sabath Vindicator, is the title ur a neat paper, whiell'lis been established by the Sabbath Tract Society of New York, intended to promote the bouur observance of the Sabbath. The So. ciety offer to send seventy 'copies of it to one ad. dress for one dollar. It er be seen at our office eampbell'e Foreign Monthly Ilfabiazinc, or Select Mine'holy of the Periodical Literature of G. Britain. Aug. 1842 L • This No. completes its first year, and the pub lisher proposes to isimo it sctni•monthly hereafter, Each number will contain 72 pages,' and be em. ',ciliated with a portrait of some distinguished person, Or a picture; selected from the bast mas ters, executed in the highest style of art. Other embellishments which may ho necessary to Mug. trate the test as occanimi may require. No cot. pense whatever will be spared to render the 51aLf 7 One in every way worthy of the patronage of an enlightened and discriminating public. TEnsis —Five Dollars a 'year—invariably in advaoae.-.• Single nutpbers 25 cents each. . Tun TARIFF." By Juntus: author of the PCri. . Ids of the Country," and other Tracts in 1940. Published and for sale by Grady & McElrath, Now York. , This is One . of a series of most excellent politi. cal tracts just published. Those previously issu ed are Tim Tsar, or parties tried by their acts ; and Tria.CIiRRENCY. Tne next in the series will be HENRY'. CLAY, as candidate forth; Presidency • in 1844.. Every Whig 'should have ariet of these' tracts, for himself and some for distribution. ,At this time' "The Tariff" is' most opportune : for, etrangoas it may seem, this subject will ho agitat en again and again; erelongltsGreat Britain sees , the least picispect of dasireying our Tariff,• or as. long as an ambitious party hopes to benefit itself by its destruction.' There aro many, very many who do not' understand , the subject; and who, if theidid,. would. always be forind with the party that supports thoTarl To such, and _to every , body, we woulideo . m" gl"Tre'Variffn as giving a groat amount,ot infoririation op 'a very import; 4 . 1 . 14 tillitioM, ' ,/o eondenied, and popular 'forrn,—, They are iai r tOr $ 2 1 5 0:a ;... The Chhiese 1111fld Children. • IrrOur readers Chincioci blind "girl who attracted,in much : , interest in, our, borough a few, weeks , it. tippea, there Were thiee children brought to this country by Mrs, • Guttlaif. The eldest; Eliza, and the youngest, Jessie, /Mee been 'placed - In' the' Ohio Institution for th ` o'iMtirluction of the Militial. Columbus; and the °tho l e, Finny, in the Ponnaylvania Institution. From 'a notice of them in the'Vnited States Oa tha Mrs. Own' rescued •'t thlao, olonfrtflolhlka most wretched destitution ;had sOffeiing.' Their condition" to China, says • 'the' Gazette; like Most of the numerous and :nnfoi ' 6166 ',blind, that vest 'enipireteas olio 'of great destitution: and, exposure -:one wee carried on the baCk of ifs 'parent, and put: down in the ii'tel4 . itetttleb'e 'a ep to shit, gger. image-tin when 'seen by the Christian missionary, its. little li m bi 446;;DIghtfbily,•';aiv011eit and lacerated`by the brntal treatment 'of its.unnatural :lb:there' TM's ' child, then oaf' our 'ears ,old' waa:~ a ed b` vie,oiPsi9nery,fir ih!ftecn 4.ll44l , lo:oo;;lttirr' creature remarked to her bonetbeter,'Osat '414 ioll# 4 "' to ,fOoetv,eatiloYit,to To! 1 , 11,0 ;, 04 #M.: 1 01 6 elioutti thher.7", , .„ :1 Another WWI lo ft ito ei l t ot ii i in tol'Ointn9oo 3 fr to 44 add, if orPerttmity offered,. or hit, to-1:014 'AO 14e,4111'4,1, eyesldent prbln. ' t lU'Our purism, Prod.:. dOt of Dlc in on '6:4l4 4 ;lnii.! , *:* ll ll);!rdoni Mr J. .0, 1 4"jirit, Denni," . Oemo pasiontoto in thit 'Oreat,Weeiorp; w4iok,•orriyod,,,ot Nod/ Y ork , cm Monday io'OipoctOct , ip•nr4r,ey,io, qtriiiolld: thiy or co:rriorrori: — • - BIERSI I "•-. • under the connand of ColonelAleaanderi . pare.: ded on Saturday last, in company , with Captain Wauhington company of pight•Artifieryinaki ing Choir usual fi ne , appearance.'. Mier ,forminit in 'the uquare, the whole .body'rnarohed out of town to a field' on ColonoiAlakanfier's farm ntUti the Cotio(logUiriet,yrite;YO.the day iv;as , 'Spent itt drill and targot..Aringi%,oth with:the artillery and arnitll arms ! .We'underetand4lnt firing was gen erally good;' but nor. being preient, we are unable to speak more particularly of the skill.exhibited IL,lbel Case. oYWo observe by the last Statesman, that tho Editor of that paper has been prOsocUted for an , alleged libel upon Judge.l4pburn, of , the Court of Quartet Sessions of this district. Wo are sorry our ?democratic" friends cannot get along more harmoniously. Arrivals from England; , 0:1-Tlie steamer Hibernia arrived at Boston, on Thursday evening last, laving made her voyage out to Liverpool in ten days and hack again in thirteen days. The' flrst . ie the eliortest voyage ever made. There Is not much intqlligenpo of - a'nallonal character received by her, Tho situation ore. fairs'iri Ireland with regard to the repeal isiabout cui last reports, though the repeal agitation pro. duces no 'violence or opposition to the law, The great Western steamer arrived at N"Ctv York on Monday morning. Nothing in the way of news hint transpired since the departure of the Hibernia. I;c7 - A young man named Collins, a mason aged 18 years, was ,killed by being crushed by the falling 01 a building on which he was at work, in Hamiltonban, Adains county, on Monday.week. Several others were injured, - ut nontiscrinusly;-- * -- Christina Cochrane or Gilmour, arrested in his country charged with a .murder in Scotland, as at last been delivered over to the British au,' horities 'and taken to England for trial. She is he first person thus given up under. the stipule ions of tho Ashburton - treaty. DIED. /At Sliepardstown, Cumberlaml county, Pa., on the 20th . of July, ANNA JANE, 'youngest child of Ales ander Cathcart, aged 'five months; and on Friday the 4th of August, ELMIAA JANE. wife of Alexander Cathcart, in the'23il year of her age. Her remains were conveyed to tlfe ProsliyteAtin but; lug ground, at Dillsburg, York county, on the following Sabbath, accompanied by a large concourse . of relatives - mnd friends ; where a very / Icellog and appropriate sermon was preached by, the Rev. W. IL DEIVITT, D. D., of I larrisburg, The deceasedhad Believed long from tin affection of the liver, which eventually extended to the Mogan' altogether battling the skillet' lax medical attemlants. She 'was never heard to murmur or repine, knowing that her Heavenly Father does all things right. Shc left behind her a family of small childrenwhose ten der age ictitiired the attention 141111 counsels of an in dulgent mother. Sine' Inas, however, solo, to annotlitT and better world, where "sickness and sorrow, pain nod death, are feltand feared ;no more."—[Coo. ILr LOST I WAS LOST on Saturday butt, by Geo. Emv. ertz, a poor cripple living at the po . or house, a dark colored blank book,containing $1,f15 in nutcs.The tinder" will confer a great 'liver by leaving it at this office. Aug. 2.3. A CAMir MEETING FOIL the exylisideireuit,will kJ held in the woods adjoining the Borough of Nlecluiniesburg, by the Nlinisters mid Ntemliers,of the Aletliotlist 'Episcopal Church, to continence on FRIDAY the Ist • day of September next. Aleinliers or th,, c h urch innotjoist ing circuits, and the friends al' religion generolly tire invited to encamp mid join in the exercises. August 16, t 843. • Bank .Stock for Sale, w ill. be sold public sqii,nt the Court Wine 11 in the borough of on W HINES DAY, the 30th of August, nt 2 o'clock, P. M. IS Shares of Carlisle Hank Stock, upon which 540 Dollars Imre been paid. WILLIAM R. MURRAY, Administrator of Mary U. Mousey. August 23, 1843. 2t-43 TEACHERS WANTED. SEVEN TEACHERS ore wanted for the Corn moo Schools in. F'ratikfurtl township. The Board of Directors will meet at Bowman's Store, in said township, on Saturday the 19th, of Septesaber next, at 1 o'clock, I'. 111.., when and where Teachers can apply in person for the situations. The Schools ore to he opencil on or about" theist of October. WILLIAM. MeeltEA, Se . ...retnry. August .23, 1 8.15. 31.* • - Vinegar. 180 Gallons of Pickling Vinegar of the VERY BEST quelhy,just received and for sale by S. ELLIOTT. '" Owlish!, August 23, 18494 FARM FOR RENT, TO be rented for money by public outcry, on the premises, on SATURDAY, the Itith of Sep tember next, lit 1 o'clock in the afternoon, of Bald day, to the highest and best bidder, a first-rate • containing about 150 acres of clear 1111111; situate on, the Letart Spring, one milt! South of Carlisle. Conti tions made known on said day by the owner. ASIHIEW HOLMES. August 20, H4O. 55.49 BRIGADE INSPECTOR 1 S ORDER+ AN election will be held in the 197th Regiments Penoxylvtinin Militia, to elect one Lietitenatit Col onel, in room of Colonel William P. Miller, re signed, on .SATURDAY the 9th day of September next, _betweeri the howl of 10 o'clock, A.lll. and 0 P. M. The First Battalion will Vote at the pftblic house of David Mean, in the borough of'Carlislo—Major Jacob Bretz to superintend said election. The Sd. Battalion will vote at thernffilio.hoUse of Nicholas Sharnbarger in the hornith of Carlisle—Major A. A. Line to superintend.said election, P. S. Officers in conunitnil of corotianies'will ho' required to fitrniah a.:copy..4tlicii•.roll to the officart of the election. . ' .L ittAIRAlt," . • Dripde Inspector. ' Brigade Inspector's Office, Carlisle, Aug. 22, 184 d. Estate' of `W is e, Catharine &Ceased, ' 'LETTERS ON ADMINISTRATION Imre been granted to the subscriber, residing in Mifflin towe ltrip, Cumber/and eotnuyon the estate, of CATH ARINE w ' , az, ;ate of the said townsbidecessed. AR persons indebted to said estate are's. cited. to make payment itornediately ,and those harm elsiirts 4,11, 'to present them 'properly authenticated for 'settle: meet, to ABRAHAM Ili ISE; Administrator. . . August 23, ISA ~ • • 6t. • - Jayne's: Family, • iEi. AN orthe above valuable Mea t isletinli or . , • ‘! Tonic Vertuitogeo , „ 's ,Hair Tonle • • -.7' • • '` - Sanative 11113,'',,' " Varevitiaii've • antlfor sale 6yr • , f• ELIAPrri • figeei for '.Carlisle,. , EMS • NoWcet=-Pay up itubtiorftier, Itstylni oltitied-basin6tit, (lei?* rdultOFeettl,ing up his boOtwatit Ist* istt'PollslYte.— Twit 4 7/40.1=4114elite!la 11W1041X7P111 !Kook aoarun,t,, ottireqttos to 14 1 ottd 11Cit e *tat-) Dirt 1041, soll.thoidc present diem, tbe*tlemetivl , .=..; AftFlAntablirg kitrust. 2.1 ins 'lcr MEE •• • ,SALE•tR.HO' • BEItE*II be ' soli ilt ' pufili `aito~inn;'. to the baroogh tie 7th or Silpt6‘Meril,tp; ;Ra!2:WEZT ~ —thZE4;l 7 tMtl s ll . the' o'reilertier the' .1* sold to tbe.highest bidder, withent teterief•la. l ,,ment to-betoade,a,t ete gate of tlelivery in the legal real of:the U. States: said take near the Market houtei . to bomrrience , at le . ceelobki A. At, anil the Hofses will be delivered at thithtle,.. br immediately Idler the sale. .„, • • ': • ' -EDShAU DEAg, • , Hist tieut...ith Aliillcry,,Aet. Asst. Qr: Mister., . Carlisle Mirracks; Aug. 23,484.9. ; • ts.4l „,. • , A lAN' YAM . SALE. 'POE threo miles'east of Landinburg, in Perry county, on .the Main road leading to Harrisburg , by. Sterrett's Hap, 12 miles Sion the Canal and the same distance from Cirlisk. There arc three acres of Land o with tairnt-rate'Tlib House, Bark Mill, n two story :• .11)1VELLING „ . and a small 'double Barn. The yard fru in capable of working eight hundred trittt• hides, and has' running water in the OM; Plenty of bark can be had at cheep rates. For terms, which will be made easy, 'enquire of FRANCIS HiesoN, Eng. near the premises, or-to Mr Wzttutm Clasen., in Carlisle. August 23, 1843. VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE. ny virtue of an' ortlei of the Orphans' RAP Court of Cumberland county, will be sold on the' premises, on SATURDAY, the 7th dry of Oo tober, the following Poluable Real Estate, late the property of JACOB JIARDBSIII, of Smith Middleton township, deceased, to wit: A Trace Oontolning 32 Acres or LI.EIESTONZ LAND , situate in Cumberland windy, on the road leading from Carlisle to Hanover, about five miles from the former place, adjoining lands of Thomas and James Ardihreey, — Frederick Hoover sind the Yellow Breeches Creek. Having ;hereon erected a FOUR STORY 'MERCHANT AND GRIST MILL , THREE DWELLING HOUSES. the first is a two story •Log House, Wagon Maker Shop and new Barn—the second is a one story Log House and stable—the third is a one story Log liodse, Smith Shop and Stable. TIM :Mill is In complete order, containing four run of Stones, two pair of Burrs fin• flour, otie pair •of-Burrs- for.chopping, and.oneliair-oL,Samls,lai lug Elevators, Smut Machine of Young'a Patent, and every: other material used in Mills, all neatly new and in first-rate - order and quality. • The whole Mill Machine has been put up new within the bust -ear. The Mill is di ivenby the Yellow Breeches Creek, a neveer faili4 stream of water, located in the heart of a grain growing country, affording an extensive country custom; and having excellent facilities for coUveving merchant work to markt t by the Cumber land Road( ' '-• Sale to-commence At V.: o'clock, noon. Terms of sale will be made known on the day of sale, by • . " JOHN I.I7rERS, Executor...of Jacob 'tarnish, dee'd. August - 23, itrThe Yolksh•rund and Intelligeticer Llmcn•ler, insert to amount of VI, and send bills to this Mike, VALUABLE -11ABIYI _ FOR SALE... virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of D Cumberland tannity;zwill be sold on the Vetni- M. 4, on FRIDAY, the 6th a OfinbOr next, the able ram, bi;luuging to the egtate of .lobo 'l'abge•, late of South Middleton township, deceaced, Containing 162 Acres, and 1110 perches, strict measure, or firm-norlAnil, tutiate ill said township, six miles from Carlisle, on the road leading to Iftituiver, and about two tidies from the Carlisle Iron NVorks, ailjoiniog lands of ii1 . 1.1;1% tillVlStlllllylTlllllllolliers. The in, prtueluen thereon erected are it good - Stone Dwelltn;; House, first-rate Batik liarii,lVagnii shed, Coro crib and other necessary ont-lioildings. The house has a never failing spring thr pore water in the cellar; there is also a thriving Orehavil of choice filth trees. There is also erected on it a good new Still !louse, two 'reliant !looses with a Stable tor each, About 112 acres ilia 11114111116011 is ill a high state of cultitatitm onto miller good fence, willi water hi nearly every field; and the 11.51111 w is 1., I Thither 1,111111. is a Lino:stone Quarry on the place, which is considered to he the very hest in the. country, to ether with a good lime Kiln. Also at the same time mill place, 10 acres of Mountain Land, with sprouting ebestmt timber, aioutte in said town ship, about two tulles from the:move-named tract. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, boon, when at ft-mil:owe wilt begivett and terms made known by Atlntiolstratoi ot • John Tuner, tlee'4l. Aogitst 23, 1813. is--03 • .(o.The Volksfreoml nod lotelligestert , , iAmeita terrinsert to amount of $2 tool charge this (Ace. el Palatable Farm • FOR SALE. THE subscribers , Executors of James dee'''. will sell at public sale, on the premises, on FRIDAY, the GM day of October next, at 11 o'clock,A, All.that • , Valuable Farm, situate on the Walnut Bottom road, about one and a balrllllll2B from Carlisle, containing. about3oB acres of M222213-11%.1113 8140.V1D about 11 - tif of which is cleared land, the residue is in duly' ng timber, haiing thereon erected a large double STONE HOUSE, Wagon shed and WTM a lame Stone Stable, a log I,larn, a , t 4w' torn brit, with other necessary ;I'li „I buildings, together whim% very:good MI of water, and an excellent Or- ' ' • chard. The clearedland is in a goo, slate of cubi t:Mon, part of it being sown in clover. The pro perty will be Sold as ,one farm, of divided to suit purchasers. The terms will be made known at the iinte find plait of sale, by SAMI. • 'JACOB RITNEIL, r,xectltors cif James Givin, dyed. August 13, 18 , 13. ts-I3 VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE . • FOR SAUL • " • AGREDAIILY to the last will and testament of John-Brandt, late of Monroe township, Cum berland colony, deCenied,l Will expose to public &sic on the premise; on SATURDAY S the 30th of Sep tember next, nll that certain ,plantation or tract of Lend, latexhe property of John Ilrandt; deceased, situate in Monroe township, Ctimberlttnd county, half a mile north of Clark's Mill,Three miles south Of Mechanicsburg, and bounded hr lands of Jacob Nicsley, Adam Brandt, John Drandt, Christian Milder and others, Containing 130 Mita, •more fir lent,of first-rate Liniestone Lima, of which 100 acVelt is cleartol, (inder good fense, and Ina high state of cultivation, and the residue well timbered, having thei'eon emoted a 'forge STONE ' HOUSE, and a good lionk Born, a \Va gon• shed, CON cribs, ge ;shed, 1 in. wood shed and all necessary out ings. There louts° a never failing spring • •:•-• of excellent water near the house, with a gootl Stone going house. Also an excellent Tenant house and statue, with running Water in die cellar.. There la also tltriving young Oithord of albite affit tees.• IC not sold at public rale it Will be sold at private sale, agreeably to the will. • Bale to commence at 10 o'clock in th "when a good title will he giaen tmrl known.hy•' GEORGE BEE.LIttd August 2.9;1843. • • , . • tt - Tlie tsiticister Union and Ilarril graph, insert to amount of $t 50, send ntlynctiscr, in Shepherdstown, anti plow te. , PUBLIC A 8 Administrator with the ipiii,anneted of Jetties 'stonre, dee'd., 1 willexpose to pub 6 lie sole; On SATVIIDAY; the 30th of - September, 19 iat the public house of Peter •Weible ,id Car lisle, at tO o'clock, AM. the two story And Lo.t of Grou n d 'with the Blacksmith'' Shop thereon 'e • • tell, ttuute 4741 1 10 , 8 °Mb% got cOnter. of .11suoverz t rotplortitist. and inimedistelyi Opposite. Pater Weirdoes tav4ten in the borough of Carlisleferintsining,6o_feet front and 240 feef,iti,dePth... Also. IWO' full' SaCant Lots of Ground, aituato.on thti-Ntorth sidtrof North,streeti iii ,Cartialai,hotrndedy, the,said street orJoio. Moore Titic 'terra of too tot fie, pui4e,l9iort on iae,hi Ronoit ni' Aiiveied cif J filai?ae, feed. • • ,Aiiplat • ~v1t4i4.44.40, 9: wnotEsAttit - ,, RETAIki GROCER A a, mhit g g i v at im i tte,-.f.-: penler viinortntiOrininrnEi Urg 14 an ip No. 28, Filth street s .oll_lsefu#o; . 1 . Auguitiq o 1043. '..1Y413 • PAY•II - VAND SAVtgOSTSi'.' THE subsoribei One° wore calls dnou all fibfuml itittebtett to biro by,Nota Or Book aetottliti to pay, on or before the lat of September o ne:ft / alter ithi tit time the neanunte will Tiventirety, , be pluiaat in the hands of nettle° of. the Peace for boilection: - • Au g ust 1.6, 1841: : . Bt-42 1 "list ltdginiesil • ' , -,:: .. .• , • CUMBERLAND VOLU NTEERS!, , , 1 YOE/ are ordered to pni:ndu at ,1 1 : SIIIPPENSIIUIIG . .. •• ♦ % ll - ' • ,I on WEDNESDAY, the Gth • SEP-, TEMBER next; at 10 (Pnlock . , coin- • .. pletuly, equipped tei• drill: By erdnis , . . P JE(S96I MEAN,. , Adjutant. August 16, 1843 z• tp-42 • ME VALUABLE MILLS AND FARMS, AT PUBLIC SALE I WILL self at public nnlo on the premises on 1 FRIDAY, Me 29th of . SOIsTENIIIER. next, at at I I o'elnek - A - ..AL ' all my real estate, situate on the Yellow preeelies Creek,,, in Mekineott township, C herlaail eininty, consisting of a MERCHANT MILL, SAW MILL, CLOVER MILL, and about Three Hundred and Filly Acres of I , which I base divided into three small Calmat_ Ist. The Mills nml about use litindred and thirty neves.- or. lAtml,-er- witieta- seyclity acres are cleared, fenced and inn high state of cultiyalion, with a gond DIVJELLI if G ~ y ! , r 11 „, co , t.r. „- Boni, and till other necessary tool con reuient buildings erected on the none. The Mills are propelled by the waters of the Yellow Breetlies Creek, hating an amount of head and fall, 11111111 quantity of water which never fails or freettes,sind the mod lying al/both sides of it. :hi. A Farm lying on the Creek ,above the'llest described, coulaiuiug abaft[• one hundi:ed and• ten acreq, of which . about twenty font. acres . are cleared and tinder culttiation, and t goad tier, there are nu nu this tract I, — A - Ftirliclying — Oirtlitrereek - adjortiing the last 'described, containing about one hundred and ten acres, of which about fifteen ricers are cleared and cultivated, Mill the residue 'in imbue tinthet this tract has a tenant house erected on it. : :lids Land is situated about five miles from Cato /isle, and, one mile and a half west of ItaltlinoPe turnpike, in a most healthlid - arid - beautiful comitry, and possesses all the advantages the agricultural put , 'poses. 'flu; title is unexceptionable, and any• information .tut the mild, et, m ith regard to it.or terms of the side, can be had by application' Made to Frederick AValls, Esq. Carlisle, or to me Mt the premises. JOHN AVEAKI.X. • August 16, 1843. The York Gazette and Lancaster Examiner insert' until sale Rini send kills to this office. vior,.u.a.BLE FARM FOR SALE.. ' • THE Subscriber, Assignee 'of Samuel V(4 . 1.41311, .West l'etitislitirottgls township; Citauhetllatel cutlet), oilers for sale the • VALUABLE FAILITI,. vlonging. t ti said estate, situate in said township,ccin mining 2 I Acres of liniestonel,1•11111; tillTe is erec ted on it n TWO STOILY STONE - •ett •••• Li( with a Bank llurui and several other ow-houses, 111 WWI a thriving (tlfel I A 111), N 1... The whole Farm a fine mute of cultivation, and will Sold seperately ot• as it it liohi to spit purchasers. The Cumberland Valle) rail road rues it, furnislring the best bieilnies tin. speedily 'vaulting a market u itli produce. IF not hold at private sale lin:vitals to SA.". Ult- DAY, the 14111 day or OCTOBER. ne‘t, it "sill nu Mat day be °tiered in -Public Sale on the ta•eminrs, at o'clock in the allernooa, when attendance will be given and terms made known .1.1:%1ES AirCUl.l.Ol4:ll, Assignee of Samuel McGeehan. Angoist I ri, 0143. is-4o_ The Latirakee'llnion insert till salt. inul charge this office. . • rail*No v , Is, Selling off at Cost wiTuout RESERVE, THE subscriber, determined to close her Business, will sell her emir% stock of Goods .47' COS7'. Persons wishing to purchase may rely on getting goods precisely at Cost; her stock consists of a large assortment of Dry Goods,' Groceries, I lard ware, Chino, Glass and Queensware; Shoes and Boots Of every kind; Paints and Dye Stuffs. country Nterehoots Unil nlhk is are invited to call and examine for themselves, as she will sell her whole stock or nor part of it to suit purchasers. Store in South !snorer street, earlisVp If the entire stock is purchased the Room, %rehouse and cellar call be had with It. August 16,1843 SHE members of the Cumberland till ley Mutual Proieetion Company, ale requehted to metit at the public house of Jacob Tretto, in tip per Dickinson township, on MONDAY, the 4th of SI•AiTEMBER next, to elect 771.irtetizt .1/ of said eninpany, to seetti thiough the year , fdllow ing said election. It. G. MILLER, 81:017. • August IG, 1843. . te-42 N. D. Beery per son tlto has Made application for insurance is entitled to tote at said election. Estate of Henry nettle, deceased. t,.fitatnewary on the Estate of 11E1C- ItY KN1F..11 . 12.r., late of Mifflin township, de ceased, have been granted to the subscriber residing in the mine towihiliip.' All persons indebted to said estate lire rei l dested to Make ininnichate payment, and those bas lig claims to present. t hem, to WILLIANILINprrtLe„ go% Atiguid 1843'. Estate of William Buchanan, deceased. 1; PIERS Testamentary oh the estate ...NA of WILLIAM IIUCIIANAN,Inte of Ne wtdi. township, deceased, lire been grimed to the sub scribers. All persons indebted to said estate arc re quested to make imrdedinie payinent;and those hilt mg claims to puesent them to • JANIES KENNEDY, Mifflin tgAtollip. DAVID SHIELDS, Nedlon Adittiniairtitors. Atipist ill, 184$. 61. 471 4 0tiee. A Lt. persons are hereby notified; that AIiCHEBALD 13ItICK Olt, of Newville, Cum.: herland county, l's., did on the 2.6 tit day of July, execute u Dettl'of Assignment of all his property Real, personal and mixed, to the subscriber for the benefit Of till hid Creditor*, as appqrs. by said as• sigpment which is of record. , ',.4.11 pet sons having chums or. denial*. against,the said, estate, are re. quested to niake kudwy die same without delay, and those indebted to • mite payment to the suhsuriber, residing in said botough. 'ingest A. 1.943., fitunmer_ • Chtodsi I - An sell off the hahtose of niySwifter shiek, nt greatly ,rititited prlces, fu! Cash. August 2 1845. MRS. OGILIIY. Tow_ Atli Progerty at. . - . PUBLIC SALE.. T' " subscriber will:offer at 'militia sale, crt PHI DAY the 15th..0r Atrouwr ibst ut the Court House, in ;this tioraglt,, the Voll i etit° ll which 116 now reshlesocalsistingaf; a nerstOri l ... _,''' ' ,:-- r o AND ..0,,,..t0uNi,g.. _ .:, ..... ~_ situute.'on South Ilanover. steet.. The house has a basement and ,gart . .etfinislictl, with a tine. garden and "efthite ftliiit tree& 'Aliaiiiiti bait Ws liotininfng the• abovei will be nohl A thp tintate title:anti Orme...Both' Will bd.sohl without reserse.'• .- - - '., , ' , " Bale ta :Coma:tonne Yat` . 2 o'clock in • the afternoon, when attentlanoc 'and terms will ho kiven'lif , . ..'... '. . L .1 , WILLIAM:- 111Airrtri. - Altuilleis atirr'Oanibriok`l)iniity by the yird i Ole sloyeaf .- • , ; 4VA 84,3 ..,. -, •'.., 1 . , " .. r . c . ' ' '',1 011 A1t5i•' , 901.1.41 1 Y0 • • ..,s, S. CLARK. 1142 ELECTION. WM. KLINK: 41_40 11110184iNITITATIONEfir Eor sale at it4looNib • C'betip• Bookstorb; a -7- feerdUriterEast vr - theiOat Offices -111ala'::x. -litreetiCarlisleqald stantli) . .A. : .gelleritt EisdOrtnitoit IlellglOto;ItIliP celkindOnt School Blank. Books, bahaletin kriait kamilh:Sehool;,tiatiVe siao and,Pqaket Billies; of .dritiolts, kinds and lliinding. ; Hority . 's cradrpontarrod if the old'annett *Testa. Meet 8 vole; Wiyal Vole: • Scott's .conirrientary 3 vole{ Raid 8-itolti:. - lidddridgbis-Eamilf Exposi tor; complete • in dna lab) Rtlyal b.,501. Buck's Theologimil DlEtlonaty, first 4.v015: DEWS Works inl,vol,Royal 8 cum: idete itt 7 tbis:, l'ytiers, Uniiersat History ; Rol. Anelent Histdirti Vols.; Naider"s history of the, Peninsula ,Wet 8 vole: ,Reiyar 8 vdls.; Wil. sons Ornithology/in Nol, 1 idol colored Plates; iinb ttirkey.Bindlngi Aitkeh and krosts.British POW 2.41'5. Mad 'the gd vol. a contirillation latitlylitiblislied; Ohm Mouthey th droly,).Aindt'S Re Christianity, translated from ifib aerrhaft by eli..llAlortinan o to*LADita, of the Liitherad Church of this placer, Also Littligran, Metliodist; Presbyterian and NlTinebrentirjan Hymn Books: Also the different Aritlpetick's 4r. Keys; Smalls tifnoy.s and Huntingdon"s . ....cegraphies had Atlases. ' Algebra; Philobtlphy:' Astrtinorhy; Geometry, G rammars; • Expositor' ps No. 1,2, 3,4, 5 and 0 nead4r9 ; .col td Table Books. Also Ledgers; Day s; Receipt Books, Memorandum Bo; as also on band different artnities of ne follotvs: -Writing, Letter; Note at Visiting Cards;SealS; Penknives; .5. id Pencils, Slates, Wafers, Mallet, .1; ments, Gunter's Scales, Diviandi 'a; Inkstands of various kinds, extra fine mount, Vie. toriaTens, Black . Sand,black and red Ink Powder, Sable and Camel Hair Pencils, Ilristol Board, 'Vio let colour, Music Pa per ; Port FolioS, Lithographic Prints, Pocket Maps; AlbtlinsiDlank Cards, large office and transpareht Wafers, Fancy colored Pa. per, Opaque & clarified quills ' Fancy Boxes, &c. Also, Violins, Flutes, nibs, arid• other Books rind Stationery too tedious to Mention.' Also Sunday School Books end Tickets; Hymn Books, &c, WALL PAPER AND BORDERING, f Auperior quality manufactured by lielrose, Soh and Blanchard, Phila. 'rite subscriber Ibis Pattern books, containing specimens of She arid eouinxhn Paper, and can procure in It MO days ilotite any of he dillbrenipattt , rns the pa/Maser way require, Ile ales carries on the• Book Binding Businegat, in - all its vniintis brancliesMicro be - -inttrinfactults Ledgers, Day liorikA„ . Dockets and blatik books of very- description; and- quality_ ade in the city for country markets also old {mole rchound, • Persons wishing to bait their old books round, can be served at it - moderate prIE:1); and be hus enabled to preserve inaiiy valuable hooka that ifight..otherwise be lost, Writing 'and - Letter Paper at DIA and 98 e.entS er Quire, . ' J. LOUDON., August 9, 1843. • • tf.4l Valuable rar m at PUBLIC SALE. '%7ILL be sold at pnhlic nlc at thin Court linear, AUGUST inst. ht '2 o'clock, P. 11., all the eight title and interest of Nicholas I)at•un in a Tract of situate on the top of the• North Mountain, below Sterrets Cap;_ lams partly in Rye township, Perry coneutyound partly in Sileer Spring township, Cum berland roomy, emitaiittiog be die R:tllit!, inure or less, shout filly acres or wbi It tire cleared, havnig a good HOUSE. :mil BARN ,and . miter improvements thereon erected. Being the astute tract or land out which Christopher Nly,ers now resides. 'Terms of sale. Cash. A sale will positively lie made on that day to the highest bidder. For informstion on the subject apply to Priitleriek Wats, Esq., Carlisle, CHAS. C. JACKSON, Assignee al' N. Wpm.. 1. August 9,1813. 31-41 House• Painter, Glazier& Paper hanging, SS. .N . S lInFY , )0 I;ti PE( 71.1 1.1 atiormitees to the vitizOis, of oirtisht mid the I mbue ill Keno:ll,lNa lie has mittivirecd the above InisineB4 in all its Immelo.s, nod hopes that liy strict lineation to - business and with a desire to please, to merit and receive a slam: of pub lic patronage. fie nine he linuol fa Attu 01 'Smith llainiver sweet tutu I:mt Chapel alley, oppos ite C. E. It. Davis' Chair iniiiillictory. C:n•lislr,.loh• 19,1843. 3m-38 rifißell FOR SelLiE. WVILL be sold nt privnie sale a F.kItNI of first 11110 • LIMESTONE LAND, siinnt,, in South Middletimitowitshiti, one mile West of Carlisle, Combed:mil comity, lying on the Walnut Bottom litiall, rontaini»g 110 ACHES, more or leas, hating thereon erected a two story • . '::4.16 1 1'' STONE . IIIOI3SE, :1 a large frame Barn, a well of llrst•yzite water, a young and thriving apple on CHARD. Also to he sold with the above tract five iitred of Fuld rate Cliestime:'l'imber. The Walnut Itnitom rifittl.tinsses through this FO en) gates n Market (be nll the prothlee raised tip on it, 14 tfrotesplistting to the Bast. Pet:Aons wishinp; to tineelnise will please colt upon 7 .11 r. Andrew plate, In Carlisle, or nn the subscriber nt his Mills, 4 miles \Vest of JOAN 11AYS. tf-ri 1843 N. S. LAWRENCE Agent fur tlo sale of Suathworth Manufacturing Cdnyany'rl SUOEILIOA WItITINo PAPERS, No. :I,.ltinor street, Phila. Tlte following kinds conntantly on kraut, and Iot• sale to the Trade nt the lowest market priees: Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 14, fwd 1G lbs. 1)lue. fatal white." Eitra Wper and superfine Posts,lllue & Exttil super Pasket nod cOlTillieeeillEpostil, blue und Extra super Linen litnte !vipers; Stiperflue mid flue Bill papers, (tiring.) • do do (Brand.) . Do do Counting [noise Ca ps, blue lks if fate. Extra supeff Con-refis Cups null Letters; pinin mid ruled blue ant Siiperfine Frenifi lidst plidn miff rifled: 1)0 Scrotal' Cops mid Posts. Superfine cud fine Clips nail Posts, ruled mid blue and Various qualities and pekes. Also, llonnet Boards, Tissue ' Envelope, Wrap- MIR 1111141 Ittire papers, Sze.fko. l'hiln. July 19, 1843. - • 111111111111 14 1 '/ LIE subscribers respectfully hiform the pitidloithat they have purchased the entire stock of Goods of Thome 11. Skiles, consirting of Cloths, Cpiiiiiiieres, iooks, Handkerchiefs, Linen Collars. Gentlemens Hose, Cravats, Caps, fac..fge., nll of ;which they obi r Mr mile at the old stand of Thomas 11. Slays, in West Main Street. They 'assort: the public that their work will be done in the best man ner and most fashionable stile. Gentlemen furnish ing Cloth, may rely upon hitting it made up with equal caret IWO. A. LINTIIURST, W Nl4 SiiiLEIS. Thomas IL Skiles sillbe toutintled in the establishment. as Cutter. : . . L. & S. Carlisle, June ID, 1843. tf-34 FRIENDS AND FELLOW CITIZENS, TtIOSE. indebted .to the subscriber, wiß' please doll immediately and Bottle tbei accounts , mitt oblige' y otfre, Fee. e. • • . • ••• goilialei 184§. - • • tf-39 Bo hoes., ..NNW,,addition , to, • the farmel StgOi :r3L. of fine ealfilewed pc gad Note, Mena and Boys Kip goofs of godd quality,lfens end finyii Kip. and calf Mboroes, ~ Misses. and ..Childrens kid and saOrneco sliepees; Ladies and Arkis.4 B .fide morocco welts, all or which will be sold Amnon:mow; ly low for Cash.- NIATEEIt. Garlfale t May 1 . 0;184., t4EI itidebiod .to the eu fiber, , ' 'are IledgeLl theyliteet i'ottine(l titp!r 'neountsfor/h4itt4asiotiger..tetiehtiece .canooLk!!=i given. , ;. - .. , ";;;;01141A 4 s; OQUA,Y*I,- "•10 - Itaii•'"Eu — e. — at'442lll.W . DENTISt - A vitxpektorni i‘ll orirathins tiknStlid „dint aro regulred . lor tlteliiireseevatiot4so6ll tut , Neriling•; . 111 ingi:elugg.iv,C.4c,',.ar.ftrill restore !he logs thetil,l3y:inserung fiata . filagiti Tooth, to n full sett.' ' • • •;•, ••, a..7•olliee on Pitt. Street, a iu% dbota Solidi or the littlfrohtl Hotel. • • 'N. 1.1: -Dr LoOtnis minim absont•fforo Vie last ten olaira, iu hitelt month. . It H 3, . ' tr-c 1 CONFECTIONARY, FRUITS, 86C, tatiVEl nOrllrEl4; infornt their' Itittals tint! the Oblit,, Ifirjthat they bate Jost. reteiced at diem store on street, next dime to 11eetdin 4 ti Incge't fresh, and elegant totitotintent of CAN INKS, maxis, mitt ottia• aftieks iu their linO, which they are ready to dilmoie of, tellolesall: bn the must reitsdnable term 9. assiirtment bomprists the following varletica, MI of wllicli tiro of the cllotbest tin:ll4: • CAN int; rifiantl; burls, tplitt, mint, mint pint, cakes and rdll9 , eintiattOut, leitiott,•tioacitotlMl, elocB , tirtaitt And bi r d-evt!, Thompontan oeptippm• rowdies; *Mason itipl Cinj ball§, lemon ballh, French and cuitimoli Neap ; rcotibly; tom tnon, and exploding beercts; Mint drop roek - mid' vanilla candy ;_mope and blind almonds} taylV kt. NUTS—AI monds,lilberts,tiiti i6h will iitAtt, ba rlts, eh esi tuts, utidll cacti I, cream, c °coo :lad grail/id DUN. FRUI'T'S--IMPigtni lorrhotil,htiabi§, , dates and Also the hat Cavendish Tobacco Wad ScgarN: such as Regalia, Principe; ihtvana, Tr:deft:M. and . Anteriliqn sigstrs, of the finest quality. ; assortment kbpt onst:mtly atitippill Ly . Comitry tnerchantS are invited to 'call, al; they can be. soppliell on terinsbis advantage ous ail city prices. Tlll2 palediutEtb inildie is respeCtrully solicited. • Carlisle, April :A, ls4n. .• teat/ter; Altordtco and 'lidding' t;llpeetfitlly inforins the bitilletts tot' Mt , E awl the public in general, that he has 11,11110Selt his Leatliet'; Aloioeto and Finding Stove, to North Seemol street, rt few doors nhoi'e Henry BoellIel"s Hotel, where lie will keep zooNtuntly hood a gtineral lthsorttneilt of the. fullocting matted vii: lsaau Ii &SlaWhir, llliroUss, fair and black bridle, wax and grain upprr, 111111.- Skins, Spanish and country Kips, top _ !Ming leatber,bel low s Lentliki• for File:. naceS soul Blacksmiths', :poi Batik Tanned Slice') Skins, . atiso--I.l.loRipeos: • 3iiM'sMordErOiromeo's do ii°eAscil 1 .4 111111 1 1.1ack.A11 : Nit5; French kid ohliliereut colors . Kcd rams, IMO., Linings of nil colors, Book hitoler's lcathcr, Chamois' ICather !mil Bock skins ALSQ---SHOEMAKERS' KIT ANO FINDINGS, Stiehl as boot keys owl hreakei.s, • tahoe keys; Ilion -111V1•13, pincers, robin, star llosi sii&stieks, poitt•laeP. knives, robbers, files, rasps," thread, boot ‘velablalgi ,'Porables, boot cord, iaegs,,awl-s,Ne. &c, All of which he wall sell at the very, LOWLIS r cAsii • ! NV. L. 1'... returns his sincere th;tnics to the pub lic, for the liberal patronage which has heretofore been extended to him 'lnd 'respectfully solicits a continuance of their favors. Ilarrihhurg, May 17,1843. tf-6 New . _464._ Cheap__ Store. TIIE subscriber would inform the public --a- that lie has tiiken the afore room recently oc cupied Messrs. essrs. Hmn and ossera [lump, North I lanover street, Carlisle, in which he is no* open ing a large and splendid and cheap assortment or • • SPRING & surcumEn DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE I &Xi or every yariety.and quality,, which lie invites the public to call and examine,conlident that the'quality or his goods and their low prices will give satistlit lion to all who may &vol. him with a call. CHARLES RFll), Age's( Josephiteed. 6-'29 Ainy 17,1R43 J. .1111. ..1g1t.117 FORWARDING & COMMISSION MPIRCHANT, • RESIIEC'rFULLY inronne . the Far:. niers, Niillers, Merchants and the public gen erally, that he is notv prepared with large and emu !mations t Vote lionses, on the Penna Canttl, near the foot of Walton !Street, in 1 forrisbuty„ to receive in Store for Slaw,lent, Conntry produce and Aler cliontlize for Pinhole!Oda, Baltimore mol Pittslitirg 01111 all intermediate places. 1.1., Lettch and 'Co's, and the following rwbi tide wok,. enuoi Boots, ‘Oll rot, from the !houses in Harrisburg. Boat; • 3. C. 111cAllesteri ft Chesapeake, • 'Alary and ,) Itartha; , • Pacific. 111111 y 31 , 1 843. . - it at WEIOLESALE GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE lIIAR.BISBURG; PA. . Tshbseribek hating stopped Iltb tel IL tail ii Slaws is now prepared to. sill to Coon- JO' and Town Storekeepers lint) tile frolic glak+ally, Samirll,tabon, • , Tea, 11IolasseR, Chocolate, Itiee, in, Spices, Oil, Sperm Candles, 'folateboi Vlnskek, Salt, tlastery Pitell,, Oakani. , toldd a genal assortollasi of tlitOCAlilt:ii, for sale by .1011,N, IL nitAisrr. May 61,184.1. tc-g StigeAueli anna_Line, _ FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE DAILYt T HEprolirletors of the Sungtlehafin4 Linewill run their Cars and Boats as usual to Phil adelphia and Baltimore during the present season. 'their friendd will please apply to Noble; Flinn & Berl) Btoad and Hart; Andrews & IfieKee iier; first wharf abet.° Race street on the Bela ware Philadelphia; and Joseph E. E1'l0; • otoro. Until further notice, the following-prlees will be adhered to betwech thin , place and the above ies. EINEM Ale per 100 Dry Goods, Drugs, lind Medicines, 26 1 .93 -40 c Furniture, 28 23 49 IVlMat, Rye & Corn • per bushel 11 10 Oats do ' 7 6 Groceries, 09 20 40 Lumber per 1000 feet 03 50 $2 75 Shingles per 1000.1 50 2 00 Flour per bbl. 34 30- 47 Shad & Mackerel do 50 Herring do 44 - IN Salt per sack/ 32' (gq Pitch, Tar and Rosin por, 100, 15 20 • Plaster gross tone $2 50 $2 25 ni Hemp per 100, - „,, 9 22 • i 2 6 cks 5 . 0 Pig Metatirolettml 50 250 Blooms & castingsi4 00 3 123 Bar Iron s .. 450 350 , Nails per keg, , .20„ :17' . • Ldather per 100; 25 .20 Whiskey.per 53 47 Burr Blocks per 100, 00 15 ClubStonei' do ; • iEta Tin,- -do 25 2U 4(1 r, .mAnTim• Harrisburg, April 0,1949, • ; • ) Rikriv • - Oh, , IGES A LOT pi': primp atrusgosand £-IL just receiiitmfitto koR usia loiat at the store or, '4 01 4. 1 0,; 1443 . 1 0E 11 °' Purliale•AutY 21 4,11 144 ' At-37, . . , , , „ :71,9.T. :of Xr OlphinTo -Aho o .tifehli,s o pply or (,lIEB§P.,t, ton. bolo fiCALAXER4I.i =mom ~~~m~~~ 'MINI. Z. PEEPER, Ilarrisburg, Pa tv ccya m ei a 0 • E . -48 f'-2"27 p CLI 8 G y F 220.8; 13 , $1 per ,a•!f a~ , cr.x The best method for the Abell°lin of - case is cleanse er purify thellhood; WRIGHT'S ittattot VEGETABLE PtLLS ..,• . . • . .., . .. . ,'rorth stfiVi ollegre fif)lllcaltlt ' Ave now acknowledged tolie:tite.• beet . 2tiretlittine in :, the:Woad rortlitec;re or .. -,,....,,' , ; RVERY -17,12RIEY'.ii OP DISEW SE Ip i ECAUSE they, ,comidetely ciertnsetke atottich II and p6Welii kom Omni bilimis And' cbeldupt liu lido :winch are liiti cause not onls- ti,P.llettilaele,, till inees, l'alititatidiCtirtltd Fleart; Pains in :the. lithe a, Rheumatism itt ' al Ciotti, but or etcey Malady load tit to man. - '. • ,• ,•. • S:, In EMMA" if EtiP.ItIBLE PILLS 1 Are a certain cure for inteeMittent, yentittehtonee hoax, nflanintotory and fitilail Perers, because they tdeintaa the body froto those Malik' Itumors,•widelt when landined to the tdithiatitik ON the cause Of at harts or , PIiVER S. when the same impttekt ie deposited oo die idttubrane mind 'took]; touting frail's, inflamout: HMI and-sweilingt,t oiled fillf:(1.4,4 ; 178.111, &dirt ex.; " • Time halloo Vegetable Pills initf lib reliefi On as td iiitits t.ertnin to giie ileliel,and it i ters t wicti with tit, Wriling to hioht Mit fail, perfetit , eltre of Die attire ppiiittil From three tt. eix df mid Imlisin Vegetaz file taken every. night on going to bed will in a dirt tittle tat Completely rld the body from every thing that Fs °Named to health, that Itheamlitim4 - 6otit, anti pain of etefy iiescription,ivill he literally mtivt.A , 1•'110.11' pill?. ,nobr.. For the Fame 1 . 1.1180101, WIICIii from sudden changes atmosphere, or anj , other CRIIBe, the perspiration Is checked, :11111 the Immo§ stltieh should pass off by the skin ore thforrn intthEdly,tiatising II Ed D. 4 GI 1E 0 GIDD INES'S , 14 . atisett and 811.4thet9, jinin in the 1101101. watery " nod hill:treed C) et,lole lieneseness, coughs, eoliz seroptimis; dietitnatie, lilting in torions parts of the bod,,ttitil litany other spoptottis of . Carl' a fl GOLD, E TIM 1.71)I1N I'ILLS 1011 invitri. Oily give 'mint:di:oo PI•om (late to iui ot' twill Pills taken etery night di: going to bell, will ill tifiort tinte, - not only Hull:AT all the tiiipleit ilatit symptoms, but the holly lyilly iott abort time, bb restored io eveil sountlei Mime fitly lie said of AsTint,v,ott PFICIi LTY The Indian Vegetable Pills will loosen find cuiiy Or by. the stomach and bowels those tough phlegmy littinots, whith stop up the sir tells of the Intigs,nini fe the tiihse not only of the nh eve distressing emu hilt when titrgleefetly often terinitettes In that tliteadtil ' ' CONSUMPTION: If should also be yetnembered that the Indian. Veketable Pills are at tin Cure for 'PAIN . TIIP...SII*. 6 1e l t OppresSidtt, nausea, nod siekuess, loss of appetite; tostiveneas, a yellow tinge of the • skiff 111111'eyes and-- eVery other SYMploiii of a torpid or diseased staieof the liver; betattite. itMy purge from the hotly s thoid impurities wide!' if deposited upon this important organ, are the cause of every variety of ' LiVEIL COIMPLAiNT. -- . \Viten a Nation is` ethitulaell - by - Riotsi - Outbreaks and Rebellion, the only sure means of toteventing thts. dreadfill consetpanwes of a' . CIVIL WAR, . • Is to 'expel all traitors, and evil disposed ones iron* the Coimiry. - • lit like manner, when pain or sickness of any kind intlirate that die holly is struggling With internal foes 4 - the true retnedy is to P\l'l•lL ALL MORBID HUMORS, (traitors tcrlicr,) mill immini WILL BE THii umsuur. Thal the I'6 nil tile ofcui•ing disc:lSe, by Cleansittg and l'iwirying the hotly, is: strictly in accordance wilt' the lams which govern the animal economy; nod if prdperly carried mit by the use of the itlithrt hinted INDIAN l'EtiluAit!..r PILLS Will certainly 'result In the complete Jib°titian Disease; see Utter the f,llox ht testitndnialt, kind persong of die highest respebtability hi New York who hare recently been cored of the most (A. 50111116 complaints, solely by the use of IVntcn•l's imonti i'corr.tintr. P 11.1.8 OF TII 7ttQll•1'll AMERICAN COLLEGE OF.IIEALI'IIi ,l.t AtrA, L. I. Jll cc illh; 18 , 11. bobtor 'Wright—Deity Sir-4t is with great s:Woifactioo that I iutoi in you of my having been entirely cured of Dyspepsia, of rise venis etamlr hug, by the Ilse yoliF I&DIAN VECIETABLII PILLS; Pret iotth id Meeting ititb yodt• celebrated mediz eine, I had been under the hands of several cians,ltud had iried i:u•ioos inedieines; lutt all to MI infect. ARN using tine '25 cent !lox, of your Ping bowel-be, I - experieneed so match heindit, that 1 re solved to persevere in the use of Ilwm accut•diug td Youi• directions, i4dell 1 tini happy to stafei has i•c= slated In d i.ereeet care. to gratitude to pill for did great. benefit 1 [tato rebeived, and also Pa the hope that others si mi burly afflicted may be intluted to make trial ol• your extrinwtlinary medicine, I send you this statement ivitit full liberty to publish the some it' you think proper. tours, &t; - Nt;n• Yong, •lune 11,1841. G. C. .131LACk: To NIF. Melined Dennis; Agent fut• Weight's Intliah Vegetable Pills, No. '2 . 88 Greenwich nt. N. Y. Dear Sir—At your recoinniemlation.f some thee slier Matte trial-a-NV RIG fir!S. CSIMAN VEG' ETAIILE of the North American College Elf Ilealtht and can Conseientionsly notch, that for Purifying 'the Blood, nod renovating the systerni have received more tilinclit frotn their use, than front any other medic:Mr, it hat heretofore been my goon fortune to meet with. I ant, dear sir, with Many thanks, sour Mingo] friend; C. AI. 'T'A'PE; "No. GO flamersly St. New York. littitartl Dennis, agent. for Wright's Indian . • Vegetal/lb Pint Deiir Sir—l have been afilieten rat• tett .fears with inward weakness and general nubility; nceom ponied times with min in the aide mid other dia. t rasing niimplaiiitaivAllell having tried Melons mein ones without cited, I wits perstindett by a friend td make trial at Dr. \i'tiglit'a titdidn egetnble Pala; which 1 niaittippy to mote have eidieted me in n moat .wonderful manner. I have used the medicine, no yet btlt it short lime; Rill' hate no doubyby n pet iteverittice in the use of the medicine according td nirdetions, tiint I Mal in a short time be iterrectil ire:stored. 1 most willingly recominend said Pills to all'pee-t tuna similarly. iiiiketeilt • and in the full belief this the same beneficial results will follow allele use, youresincerelv, • • • UIF.:NICT A-FOOTE:Ii' ' Wawarsing, Ulster Co-New Yorgi. • NEW Tonx, Sept, 1,941841. This is to certify 0141 have Vegetable lb Ils with yhe greatest henefitt•• havingemi tirely cured myself of the friveat' antseka • of. Sick Headache, to which I bad previously been slihjSct; ANN MAMA* P3ON, • S9I tirccosfich streets N Y 4 To Mx. Richard Ilehnia, Agent, ter Wright'aludkan lregetohlePilhh .• CA HYMN. • • : " As there are at this time mitay wialett pitsiSne Wally, e iu sellinga counterfeit medicine tuts iler the mint of the Italian .Vegetable Hills; and as these'ilesperate men are so utterly reckletoi of eOII.. SelftelittS, that soft voluOlu_ lives May last, in eotnefitietne of-using their, eitzeatttitt Cintiotinda..the pAltlio ire cautioned .agAinst\morobasiog any Pllls o )ultega on life 4dellersthehocylbe following,war& 10/121IGH1"S 'IINDIA'N- , VEGETABLE , VNI4I.O .: , - (. 1 " 444-Pu rgat iv F•l , 7, „'!"•=0;• Qr TUE NO11;r11 AitatioxeC ov : 1160118. rvgaiiiat poictiitiihatAntli Tetlicine of all person Owelit the ref,ratirOvOikedt *vas, or tit the office:mid ,ge*Cul deta141 , 166. 'lll7 RACE * writ Ere, 'Tr* itaiNßleViS 0,G141114.;040144e ,Catubcrlin,o on' °tilt PEoveT, Nltohanichtlurt, 'llen l P7ineeliiienitn) , Nevi, QuaberAtililsv - 2:1 1- , - ' 4 ; Atexnnaqr'Catlienti; SltiOorr4tati**''' . .Curel ' Jikho, •
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