Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, August 16, 1843, Image 4

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I i;=:!
~ .II:zi~E.~
Oli icstrange l,its meanest grade, ,
Is fraught with mystic, awe,; . ,• ;
gerta,,the, spreading blade. •
The flowery sod, tbe forest shade,
_ ; „tphcy,its,silent ;
Tie sun'a warm
south mind'slecret,whisper, all,
Aye,hnt She piper works of. One
iVhose love i 9 warmer than the amt,
Pr hose rich descent refreshes More .
Tbartshowerif that summer clouds may pour,
l'irliesebreathings o'er the heart, are sweet
wintia that lilac clusters greet.,
' ini'lLife is joy'!' its pulses play
So buoyantly and warm,
The earth, the air, the ocean spray,
The quiet hills, 11e crowded way, ,
' With imiinati on swarm.
The insect in the sunset
. The finny tenimt of the itterMn,
The tattle:iraiing cm the' hill, •
And Man, 'who 'moulds them to his will, •
• In sun and sky, in earth mid air •
• Oon3Mtin hityrjojee' to slmre- 7
A common 'race—its goal iv nigh,
Thep flourish, falter, fade and die.
Oh, ife is bittileo ! who can tell
+lVhcreall itsyearnings go ?
Where is Dottleilimit ? 'Where the_spell .
Tint m ocks his utmost power? Where dwell
The loved and lost belost"?
TO illt:t;11401.1111eStiOlIS, oh mysoul, •
AllNattu•e's varied echoes roll
A sound uncertain, dun and dread—
All tlurci - ss; thee back MiOn the dead.
But that which nature dare not scan,
The Lord of Life reseals to man—
Ile is the hiddemieuntain—brat "
Thy Life to him and leave it there !
Oh Life is Love ! before the Light
Diffused its cheerful bloom,
• It brooded in creative mind
ppm' the boundless mists of night
had warmed the murky gloom.
The Life, that paints the herb of earth
Gave Seraphim celestial bit th.
Alt Life is One ! lie tilos the whole
lighted up thy torch, my soul! .
A bright career host thou to NM,
lint—there is Death for rune to shun,
Then curtfthe Sense, aspire above,
ATM thou shalt. live,for Life is Love.
Scueet.s," the
.subject ,of:n
_little Trait
which has been recently issued froln)hc
press of-the American Tract Society. Al
thoUgh comprised within . the brief space
of i-do - z - en - pages, it presents au interesting
able ,and,conclUsive argument in favor of
the institutions whose:cause it advoCates.—
The annexed extracts from it will show its
character and spirit: .
"The great aim of the Sabliath School
system,is- to provide for the thorough mo
ral and religious education of the -rising
generation. Knowledge is power;'
the very best kind of power is that wisdom
which coined' from above. One of the
greatest blesSings, which can be conferred
upon man is intellectual and religious in
strtiction-,—the former to prepare' him for
respectability and usefulness on earththe
latter to guide him to regions of endless fe
licity beyond the 'grave.
" Such an education affords the strongest
assurance that the individual on whom it
is - chnfeirted•will prove a blessing to
self and a blessing to society; will be hap
py on earth and happy in heavon. Such
an education is the highest boon that man
ean: Confer upon his fellow man.; for, if
pt:operly improved, it will guide him in
safety through all his pilgrimage, afttrd
hire light in darkness, consolation in afflic
tion, joy in sorrow, support in trial, victo
ry in , conflict, and life eternal in the midst
of death:
is. another pleasing characteristic of
the Sabbath school system, that its boa
fits' are bli(etvid freely. Hence it is, that
many who tiouldfeel' ashamed to avail .
helaelve - s — OrtitriEficTOF iiils set apart
" for:the educatioifof , the poor," and many
more' Wltci'are unable' to afford the necessa
ry,m , •
expense, may, by means of Sabbath
schools, easily secure for their children the
inestimable benefits of Christian education..
The arnoutit ivhiCh the system before us
thua e freely contributes , to .the instructiiin of
our Present population, may be to some 'ex
tent estimated
the fact, that there are in
our couhiry not far front 100,000 Sabbath
schoOl teaehers, and that their compensa,i
'lion, *at' 33'centa .ger Sabbath, (the rate for
merly paid,) would every year amount to
e4,800'x,00 ; : a sum greater by far thin is.
distributedanithallr , by all the school funds
<4.'44 land ! .The place of assembling u
sually 'cttitts' nothing, being, previously pro- i
vide& for some other purpose. 'The use
of tbilibrarieecosts nothing; the teaching,
as we .hays, seen, is gratuitous, and the
text-books are gratuitously furnished to all
who rice 'unable to ptirchisa them.. Truly
the Sabbath 'school,like the dospel,be
stows • its'; itstsings without money and
without price
There is a single other feature of the
Sabbath system too important in its
bearings'onielvil t society, to pass without
notice ;',and,that is the influence...which it
exerts in the priiiention of crime.
Wholesome , lows and severe minish
iniiit#;",Oti writer, ",are hut slow
and , lattneiiitys•of
,tefoiMing the
and I most; compendious method
af*Atig,t,lits;jiit,`,Jii,early religious edut;tv.„
floe." The correctness of this principle
is abt~ndaiiti~ sustained, bYallsoiln`d
imaxificiviclOvernmer i t ; for the grand
ili 4l :PiCiO4f s )l4ilalipAl , !itub6,
Ofipun s 'p're vent" i ts Oec u re nee.
11616.. 0
critneft. , ,aost;effsettiolly
prOOltewttialtief';'ends of
w f imeo , patterof : rapfryy far , the
41r0d1 4 • PP / ItiiPit!ti,'Aininitiedigivti'lkeir
thintiit.hred irtait , founteins of . wick-
edness, 'irixortiimXV44l4iii4nticitturo;
&; NtEMPEPANC. 1 )30044r.#1 . 1 . /6SS Into
ltci4kow:',up in ii.,g7,o,r(fnPrE . • thart l pabinttft.
land linve ! beenitrained''oit "
.to iitentpirixt4t
in pbbath, se !tools . ? , And
,:who, ar - se like.'r s
ly.tb'violate the sanctity; orthe 84bath
as those who are.'early taught Mletcrepe&
find hallow this holy thp pupils.
of I thei - J2Mkeit;''tiot'one:
tv,as ever convicted of flogrant,critrip. Of
live !Mildred.' convict& in one of oar •Silt
prisons •recentlY•examined,., hut three had:
been Sabbittli 'Schonl•'uchitlarti.." And if all,
the prisoners °four land thoroughly'exam- ,
ined; how many Sabb,a'th pchOol . ptipllS is'
, 'supposed would bp. found . among 'the'
eleven thousand wretched and guilty in-,
mates? 'ThP'nunibcr'ivOind be very small; -
and we Confidently that if •the' in
vesfigatiOn Were, made, its results, would
show, that Sabbath schools, by their pre 7
i:entive influences, arP•doing more for.the
social and civil order of our country than
all the statup - books, . and dungeons, and
gibbet's of the hind I
Forwarding & Commission
12, -113-0-11-IN-IEB S
gbl p EcTF ULAN informs 'the puhlie, that he in
prepoi ed to reeuise, forward and diupose of
Produce of every •description,
either at the Philadelphia oylialtimore Markets,
at any other point accessible by Rail Road. As lie
Will :mend in person to the delivery and sale of all
articles entrusted to his care, the most satisliwtory
nail speedy rettu•ns moo at till times be expected,and
the utmost promptitude in the transaction of all bu
siness entrusted to him. -
('waters and others' having nny article which they
a islt disposed of, will do Well to call on hint, im
mediately opposite the Alnusion (louse,. and Rail
Road Depot, \Vest High street, Carlisle.
Cr. T. is authorized to purchase several hundred
bushels or for which the highest price will
be 'given.
Carlisle, May 17, 1843.
r r illE subscriber would respectfully in
form his li•icnds and the public generally
that he tins taken die
liqi ; - Lz..--S C.CoV" .(13., 5 , Vl , lli
lately kept by Mr. Simon Wonderlieh. in East High
Street, a few doors cast of the Court 'louse, where
he will at all times take pleasure in lohniltistering
to (Ito comforts of those who ma Y faior .him with
Abele custom.
--..-Ilis- 11All,shall be emislantle supplied with the
choicest Ihmbrs, and his TABLII yak the best the
market can furnish. A careful OSTLER always
kept in attendance—and nothing shall be lell ',admit:
lii pkaseAll who call with him—
--110A-1LL1.Eat„5,...' lakinfl
,Yrthewak — ,inottill or year.
Carlisle, April i'2, 1840. , It -2
Hat s! Hats: Hats
No. IiGGI Market 8t„ and corner 3d. 45- Manta sts
91111 E subscriber liand and is now
JIL niakine; an Entire . Fresh Stock of Hats and
Caps for the'llinsylvania trade.
Fine and .ecentl. quality Beater, Moleskin, Cor
nice Silk and Brush Hats—and the "Patent Cassi
mere Ilat"ofwhichhe is the Pnlcntee.
Alaking Cie Ilatskt his own Furtory or the la:st
materials mill by the best workmen, be is enabled to .
sell unusually/ow.
Those who hilly to sell a3ain will hove such hats
pat up us will he sure to keep their customers ;as
nil Ilats slid Caps are made expressly, jar Retail
Trade, Call Mal judge for yourselves,
16111' Market St. and corneC3d Ye Walnut at
April It?, 1848.
'rite ”Ihitetit Cassimrrc Ilut" iS now coming hilt ) lse, no it is light, thirable dIC:11).
ra,mily Medicines.
N1113IA111 7 .1) only by Dr. D. JAVNB, Inventor,
and sole proprietor, No. 20 South Third st.
Philadelphia, and none are genuine without It's
2Vrith'n et, nature upon the outside wrapper. All
others are counterfeits.
These medidines are recommended and extensive
used by the most intelligent persons 111 the United
States, by numerous Professors and Presidents of
Colleges, Ph, sicians of the Army and Navy, and of
lospitals and Almshouses, lilld by more than three
hundred Chnymen of various denominations.
They are eNpressly prepared for rimily unr, and
have acquired:rad unprecedented popularity throrath
out the United States; and as they are so admirably
calculated to preserve Health until core Dimease, no
family should ever be without them. The proprie
tor of these valnable preparations reeeivedthis eau- .
cstion at one of the best Medical Colleges in the U.
States, and has • had fifteen years experience it, an
extensive and diversified practice, by which he has
hathample oppouthraties of acquiring a practical
knowlethfe of diseases, and orate remetics best cal—
culated to remove them. These preparations con ,.
Jayne's Expeptnrant, a val [table remedy for Cough,
Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Spitting ,of Wood,
Croup, I looping Cough, Bronehitis, Pleurisy and in
flammation of the Lungs or Threat, Dillicully of
Bre:Wang, nod all diseasesofthe pulmonary Orga c .
Also Jayne's Hair Tonic, for the Preservation,
Growth and Beauty oldie Haw and a Welt will posi
tively !wing in new hair on halt) heads.
Also Jayne's Tonic Verniillige,a certain and plea
sant remedy fer Worms' Dyspepsia Piles, and inAiy
ether diseases..
- Also Jayne's Carminitive Balsam, a certain cure
faellowil rand Summer Diacrlaca,.Dy
oratory Cholic,'Cramps;Sick Headache, ?ism'. stom
ach. Cholera Mort '
als and all derangements of the
Stomach and newels, Nervous Alleetions, ttc.
Jayne's Sanative Pills, for Female Diseases, Liver
Complaint, Costiveness, Fevers, inflannnations,
Glandular, Obstructisms, Diseases of the Skin, &o.
and in all cases where an Alterative or Purgative
Medicine is required.
• For stile in Carlisleo by
May 31,1843. tf-31
Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla Blood Pills.
Both purify the Blood and cleanse the Stomach
and Bowels from all . impurities; thus, renovating
the whole system, and restoring it to natural Mitt
healthy action.
During the vett., feel peculiar sensations, such as
Dullness of Spkrits,•
- ' Dizzi4ess, Faintness or Giddiness,]
• - -•- ---,..• Drowsiness,
Swimming of the Head,
Dimness of Vision, . .
. '., Heaviness of the Ees,
i . Languor and Sluggi s h ness.
The appetite variable, bowels occasion
al sickness of the stomach, headache, and other Sen
t/11(1011S equally distressing and unpleasant.
All you that have never-taken of them
Give no heed to the &Ise doctrines, reasoning- and
skatements of ignorant pretenders to Medical Science
and Foreign--Impoitors,-'whielrare'frequently--pub
lished—for nine times out of ten, .taking,.of their
nostrums, persons arc obliged to take of Dr. Leidy's'
Blood Pills to counteract their baneful effects.'
For sale , in Carlisle by, • " •
3une 14. 1843
in Bankruptcy.
United States Court,
ipo• . N' c(6:l`.:T ii:o tk a ~,.,...
ETITIONS for Piiinhargo .and ;Celli;
neat° Onde'r,iihe liatilq*lt Law, hate beep &1.,
ed by
NAMES M. ALLEN, 'old Clerk,; Cutnbirlaiiilmo.'
flil FRIDAYOhe 29th day or set-144,uvotoa
1 ceolocklA. Mole alipnintoil.ror the, hearing thgrAl
f, kinfollt.olsilltt (Antrt, sitting in Bankruptcy, at
rthg,pistrict C o urt Roost, in dlichfiity4lrinfitilli
sllloilyhen anti ,vitiorp the CAili'toli'ofllie stud le
itittener'B w.. l )eahVgllf9.,ve4,tittircßebAs,, alo it" per..
mos int in ' ter4st;;lnny t ap_Oear anti .aritht emir,. i fliky
661' have, "Milly'lsitilh'Di'scliitrgfif 'find per , tilcs os
ishooliknoe,b ptttiOtl:",; , ; ~
,''-', ,'L O r -!, :•.:,
'''' '' . '''' '''‘ ,Pit Ag. 110PRINSCiNrPl:
. . ' ' Clerk of District Court„‘.
Phil: : :. 4p 4p ill2thi f,04.9.., ..
, • "
nre r , the'''cifei4ii"; or Ai' o T rotooittoo
triore: a p r fit 'Nomer,oif(bdriOns'
asserciti4 lin'vedOliedlrnorehenefit from:usin'ond.
bottle'eif it;tliritt Iluie6 of 'aidi.other::Thiti - lp
nceOulited,Tor; as Di. *Lehly"ti much
stronier'pretnriitionllnut any other, find: Dent. twice
n§ s& le: &midi 'one: botilo•di of any ! other
(and. sold nt.thonittne price) Let the public remein
'this—it innd:vain.boast kut the real:Net,'
Wonrilie : Medical'ltevi6l . v.• •
(3(Y"it Mow, the vegetala 'alteratives with which
our, dispensaries abound, !Mire are few 110 useful its
§aCsaparilla, and Wintn properly combinnil tun! T i r e-.
pared; is invaluable( not onlytit'resnitio' . 'deltilit:i:
tednonstifationa to•tbeir wonted elide but, litevery,
'case arising. out .impure state ofthc We'd:"
From a ; knowledge o uf, very many' cases (and same of
them considered incurable) whore many, 'AlitTerent
pre:paintioni of Sareapari Is bad been used, none
seemed to.possess,viitues or remedial powers equal
to pr.Leidy's .14edieuted 'or Compound - Extract of
Sarsaparilla;" . ' • ; ,
. is ~preparittioit believed liii supFrior to,
otiy other, and woutif reetimmeoci it to the thir6Oulitr
notice of Physitiitins:--Ed..f/[Bl Gaiege.
Extract of a fetter from J. U. WlMmore,
in relittion . to 1)1.. Leith's Sarsaparilla. .
"My boy and' girl, the !lower' now three
.yearsntul the hitter now seven years old, have been
atilieteil with n scrofulous tumor from the time they
were three Months old. Three months ngb.l was
induced to make trinl of vour Extract of Sarsaparilla,
and have given it to hod' to the present time. They
arc now entirely free from env npocaraTiee of Scro
fula and never were in better health,"
Dr. Leidy's -Saasaparilla is efficacious in all dis
easenarising,from.imourit les-of the blood one other
fluids of the system. All invalids wto may ba e
been under medical treatment, who are debilitatMl
from the quantity of medicine they may have taken,
or arc under a mercurial,
_influence r , will find that by
using n few bottles of Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla
listed vigor and elasticity of their frame and system
will be restored, and be again iiermitted to enjoy the
sweets of life.
(T"' phis article appears to be fliiiiiii;;(krs at
the Soothood from.the high character of We re
commend:4.o(mA. we are fully persuaded it is a most
capital medicine fur all imtyn•ntes oldie blooil. We
know many Physicians who have given theiir testi
mony on this subject, and we know they would not
give a character to any medicine that did not really
deserve it."—Choloston Enquirer.
Extract of a letter from Dr. Warren, Natchez.
• "Ilaving for the lait year in any practice used your
Sarsaparilla with much sattisliction to' mysell sand
benefit to any patients, I have no hesitation ha declar
ing. it to he one of the most useful preparations in
discuses for which Sarsaparilla is presairibtl,'! •
ccrThis preparation may be depended neon ns
being the strongest (eonsequently more efficacious)
of any in existence ; all thud preparations must pos
sess similar iirtue , s, in proportion to their strength,
being prepared from the same article. • Dr. Lcitly's
Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, however, pos
sesses properties not possessed by others, from its
manner at preparation, and 'combination with other
vegetable etracts recommended by the medical fa
culty—and hence the reason. why it is so generally'
recommended by the 'Ph3 sicians of Philadelphia Mid
efiW hulk!: . .
From the extraordinary virtues of this prepara
tion and a knowledge of its composAion by Physi
rians. (the reason why the/ so generally 'tie it,'as
they would nut llPe_ol . MC011117)(1111 tiny preparation
they - flicl - nntTknow - thr -composition .ot,) ithtts licen
introchired in many of the I lospitals throughout the
S. and ix highly recommended by Physicians and
Surgeons nf thoselustitutions.
From . the New Orleans Advertiser.
The high and envied celebrity • which this pre
eminent medicine has'acquired far its invariable ef
ficacy in all diseases Which it praesses to cure, has
rendered the usual practice of putiling_unneeessarv.
It is known by its fruits and its good workit testify
for it. Dr. Leidy's 'artstparilla will Im found parti
cularly efficaeinus in all diseases of dm liver, stout
rich, skin, kidneys, spine and bones, ulceration of the
nose, throat anti other patio, bscesses, fi swiss, scro
fulas, erysipelas, jaqualice. rhea matism and incipient
goat. mercurial and syphilitic affections, female de
rangements and in restoring the sickly and debilitat
ed to their natural health and-energy. •
Dr. Leidy 's Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla Itaii
stood the test for five yeti's un boast to
say that th«rif nit lio-tiltt.P—priiiirirfinii of equal
strength now in use. 'Throughout, the Southern
States where Sari•aparilla i s ais much in general use .
as tea and coffee, I),. Leidy's Sarsaparilla is gener
ally preferred and is highly recommended by Pity
sielans, (whose certificates have been freimentiy pub
lished ) broughout the north and west it is also
much used, more perhapsthan ally other.
One bottle of it (bairn pint) is warranted equal to
two orally other in strength; and is equal to one half
gallon of the stroligmt Spoil) that yolk lie made.
Directions for making Splip therefrom accom
mnies the'direetions.
n few days'since n Clergyman of this city
[n Ito hoes lint desire his name published in thosut r
pees, bat is left Willi 1)r. Leidy] stated that IA holy
who had long been n communicant nt his church, but
for two years past unable to 'go to church, on account
of her extreme debility, occasioned Ily ulceration of
various parte of lice body, disease of lice liver and
other internal derangements, tint! the constant taking
DC medicine (lwrelbr, never tionul any change lot the
better until alter using several bottles or 1)r. Lehly's
Sarsaparilla, and by a levy months perseverance in
its use, was entirely restored to health, and recover
ed her lormi2r strength, 1111(1 to use her own language
"418 almost ereate.l a 11010 being." This is but one
of many instances almost daily heard of. •
Tt - WPFeliniTirMT/Fii r aThithruTolcealc and retai l
of 11r. LEIDN"S Health Emporium, No. 1.91 North
Second street below Vine: also sold by Frederick
Drown, corner Fifth nod Chesnut streets; and Fred.
Klett Sr. Co. cornet! 2d and Callowhill street, at $1
per bottle, (a hall pint) or six bottles $5. .
For sole in Carlisle by
May SI, 1843
Worms J Worms
Rarentslinew the,valuelanil efficacy 'of Dr.
1 . Leidy's patent Vegetable WorinTea . ,they ileser
would be without it in their families, as children are
subject at all times to Worms.
; Dr. Leidy's Worm Tea is composed of vegetables
altogether, and may be given to children °fall ages.
Directions accompany each pimp: or package.
. Children suffer much, of times, from so many
things being given them for worms, without any et
feet. Much medicine, given to children, has a ten
dency to destroy their general health, and they are
more or less delicate ever after.
To avoid the necessity of giving medicine unne
cessarily when you are certain your children lia've
worms give them at first Dr. Lenly.'s Worm TeM It
is all that is necessary.
Referenee'tnight be made to several ItimdiLed pa,
rents in Philadelphia city thrill county, of the efficacy
of Dr. Leidy's Worm Tea. . Try it and you will be
Price lei cents a small, and '25 cents a large pack
age. Prepared only, and for sale, wholesale and
Retail, nt: Leidy's Health Emporium,No. 191
North Second street, below Vine,[sign f the Gol
den Eagle and l• erpenta ;] Philadephia.
For sale in Carlisle by , ••StEVENSON.. , ,
June 14, 18,1.3
Dr. Leidy's Tatter and Itch Ointment
AN inhillibln reinctly for various affections of the
Skin. removing, Pimples,' Pustules, and truptions,
of the Skin, atal - parttcularly. adapted to the cure of
Tatter and the Itch.
._'!!Thisointment has been used in numerous schools
throg - bout - die Oily and county; asWeints Factoricit,
en - minting namcrous, girls and bnys, and, amongst
Whoin' Tetter`and hellos Well 'as other Affections Of
the Skiiii•prevailed, with the most unexampled sift-
Cells. Names of School Teachers; as well as Super
, intendants nod' Proprietors of Factories, could he
given; confirming the - above, but for the delicacy they
feel in having their names published in connection
w ith Amoil lantilsOtoe anal disaigreeable affections.,
Price 25 cents a box. For sale in Carlisle by
! . :!;!. •
June 14, 18•13.!; . : .• • , ,
1 .
IP Oli: PM Pt.lclsT,':,(..ouili; ST ial ag 11.11tio(1;c1Sw.
1C) TO CiikasuirijAlvea—Potir 111111'58r 70 1 1aia'rgYktv
edreilnitkini'neglePted' Colds, or An OtistpOotiop '
anVeonsequent in fl ammation' olthe ddicatelining
r thntio.tuhe a , .threugh which,lho air P. O kreatha is
traction produces pani-anti-sorenes4 hoarseness,
gaugh,:4ll . fiaulty,t,of.l4TathiaiT t l licUtie: f e i {Vrt;a" d lk
ilpitting,p(shlpode nalotev t or,phipgri,,r . hich. bnniir
'emilawaatlie,alccnela,okilepatieal,aml tridaiii df.atli,,
illiy !dee 111ve,plorant,Nefer,rails,to iptnoyOlds 'Oh
, structlan, and firiiduees the indstldeashig find M 4101 ,,
'results... pertain hi 14 efrec 11 4t 1111 lbtli;d 1 R: (1111 tti
,ielioye: terliedhatt ht.NCi.'2os:llll.ll Thirfi ,
"24. Phila.
Poi ale in- Corlialoikr... , 4 ' r ,ti;,..,.:, , i1;,:;),
; r: C. sirizvENsox. •',
~!..._:......_.,....,_,..„, ........................;:.:,;:,:.:::ak:,...a.,,,i,
;Nortio: , 4*t r igiOkAnknilikpleCo.
;'•:.';',64:AtitLA DE VI) 0"e . o.;
.7011111 1 1; ItirEES;•Agent,:Cn'yltile.
TI Svir pi A A'y oontinneti to, miqie Inisti`rairdeik
against loss or damage hY-rircroll the Mota
reasmiable l terms.
an tone or brick 'l;OOngs at 6i2...5 on sl64o, t tlip
'prernitim subject lie drawn tiny tin 4 ,by this
party inswing, at a deduction, of five per, cent. on
- thetamouni of
,premium paid.
' 'The psuallates for one ynfir.ori, '
Stone, and 7 Briek Buildings, • , $4 to $5 on $lOOO
Log :int, Frame, . "
Mcrchandize, about $5 on $lOOO
• Application in .persori or by , letter will have
mediate attention.. • ". •
The Spring Garden 'anemiaCe Co.
AKE IDtSI.J,RANCE,' either ; temporary or
perpetual, againstioss or damage by I.IIIE,
in own or Gotintry,'on llonses, Barns and Build.
ings of all kinds;' on Household Furniture, Itler
abandize, Horses, Cattle, Agricultural,- Comma.-
Oa! and. Manufacturing Stock, and Utensils of
every deseription,as wellas MonT4ocsand Gummi
RENT, upon the most, favorable terms.
The following
.are the usual rates, viz:
On Stone and brick buildings, from •
35 to 40 cts. on SlOO
--JlLog-and-frame—L-- 0 - 1 ----60-to-70 on 100
"Merchandize and fern'. „
Lure in brick or stone •
buildings, from 40 to 50 ets:on 100
"Do. in lug or frame, 60 to 70 ete. on lOU
"Horses cattle, farming
utensils and nineties,
of Easton
I% If a t :11 r" la ; I g i t . tio l t a t 1 7
1ii1r.,ER....• • ~.. Drug, ,
and Variety Store, a I ge assortment of
Toys, . Toy-Bo lis for Christmas
Presents, Aluals, Souvenirs,
' ' and Portiolios, for 1.843.
Together, with a ellec selection hi entertaining
LIGHT ILEADINGor loog wintor'evenins.
• 3 tritt CL(OI3
of everjvariety,yiz:
School Bibles Intl Testaments, •
Smith's Geogiplw and Silas,
• Olney 4. Illitcyl's do. •
• Smith's, Grannar,
Kirkam's dills _ •
Sngers' Sc4eiNo. 1,2; 3,4, 5, 4. 6,
Cobb's School complete.
Emerson, Byly, Bitrham, Treb
sta.'s Spellers,
Pike, Rose,•Niley„ .S• Emerson's
M elks, withkeils,
Letter, Cap, and Dee pr kil
ar, ru anti plain, Note
paper. Silver Peels, everpoints. Juni:son Limil
I'r,ucils in wooil,oll teilliers; with a la rgc
of 'ILAN. HOOKS, ruled anod
2 4 244. 0 ,2LeCrrZa v
Ofsuperior finis Razors, Razor Strops
Shaving Brutes, and finely scented
ShaVing Sips and assorted Pc
' /furriery.
Supi:rior opannnid Russia Quills,
%Vitft•rs and
Sealin4 Waxilaiii and Alum) Scull.
I eur
Together vI general nod %yell selected assort
ment of Clasirl and Olisceltaneous Works, "to
please the fao9nd improve the taste."
Carlisle, Di 44,181,2.
rolur, snlissers, nt their POIINPRY AND
8110 P, on Main street, nearly op
posite the Usiy Jail, in the llovongli or Carlisle,
Pa., still eontito 'build the following Machines
and Ilovso
p.-Bqews Patent Intprove
acdtail . L,Pewais3, 9 .
With n horizil band-wheeLwith a trunk to cep,
"di - iTinti7FWaitnrTMETune.-- —'—"----
The band,r outside of the horses. Thev nee
wellsaleulatM pat to one side oldie barn bridge,
or under the shed.
A New 4d improved Shaker,
To separaMh grain from the straw, which will
dispense wit lirne two hands, will be made to the
above LMaeliit wanted. -
_ tr-31
Purchasing:l l lf the above 111achines mar have the
privilege, AI lair trial, of returning tie Sallie it
not satislied.p Machines and I lorse Powers are
warranted IOC: year, if well used. •
All hinds ottpairing will be done at the imortes
notice and o most reasonable terols. They al
,ways keep o al all castin ,, s necessary to repair
the above NI . les, or any others now in use..
, _. •
There i tinelied to the a oove establishment
an IRON ;BRASS FOUNDRY, at which all
kinds of CiONGS can be had—such as Apple
Mills, Cornhkers, Plaster Brokers, Mill Gear
ing, Saw 14.1 ranks, Machine Gearing, Wagon
Boxes, Eke. 5 Also.
Stich as Militidlei, Car Boxes, Turning Lathes;
&c., all in thst order, in iron cod brass.
cO - Allo• will be executed ;Hike shortest no;
ice,and Pr 17 attended to. Farmers and others
ara respect . Invited to give•tut a call, confident
thatthey caOuited to their satisfaction. • •
. : Carlisle : lVO, 11142. " tf4t
cO'Plan enwood's anti Ogle's PLOUGHS
antIPLOU 'ASTINGS,sueh as Cutters Lau&
sides. &c. : n also be kW at theToundry: ' • ,
g- , 4_ LIPP
Li Ship
to which
are prepn
and those
able Goo.
them a ea
April 1
skus st os
ever bee•
t Sfili
r 41,1
and at r
Application may ba made to
. - RUN J. 11 , IYERS, Agent
Carlisle, Dec. 21, IEI2. 1
illathematpd Instininents,
Sattofat Knotruincuto,
Vit2 anuiL
1?El`wIlli' LAM.
11 --- ARRityAIL - 01r -
R 8c CAREY', near the Rail Road,
rg; have just received keno'. Phila
iddirthient'of nol!,tashionable,und
rite the'attention of purehasersi they
offer Goods at the lowest Cash vices,
s of porch:tains-Cheap and fashion:.
II find it to their adYalthiP td ti"
llaC~`:~~lCf'.Fdtats. '
ozen PALM . LgAF:llArl'S s of vari..
slid qiiality,l4iiralt4du they have
tunanter: taw sir
?v E el l iet• P cm 'A te Ti n F' ‘ilTu kS sa i d l eo lll lPt!ili ll p' s' n i th h il i k v i
*Lain° Shawls, dthe newest style,
• ,
• '•-° ' 'aiito,
. , ,
'; ,_Comaigyvigitier in;llanlcroptcv... , _
.ii ASltinpved. his„nAce to North Hanover
14_ &rept; West tilde, B'dodrogOrth 'Of Lionilter
street, nnillkintirly opposite the office of William
Triitic, Eskr.i.'where Ur' tvill- se t hs'ual!•carcfully
attend to all bininess whichinsy,he entruqcfl, to
him in the line Of his profeseton.
•Quilslei Apia 12, 1843. -
',• •z• tf '
• LEN,Iaa?..L.Mc.
PROTECTION CUMPAlN,lY,being.incoeifor
rated by on .act of the Legislature of the preieni see
sion,and fully organized and in operation under the
direction of the following bmird of Managers,•vii:
Thomas C. Miller,. C. P..Ciammina,'Jblin Moore
David W. McCrdhinglc, , Janice' 'Weakly, George
,Martin, William Moore, Samuel Galbraith, James
Greason,Thomas Pittoti,Wm.:Harr t .loselilt Culver .
and .1, G. Miller, call the attention inhabit
ants of Cumberland Valley to the Cheapness of their
rates and tIM many advantages which this :Ind of
insurance has over ally other.
lot. Every vermin insnred becomes a member of
the company and takes part in the choice of officers
much the .fireetion of its concerns. r
12(1, For itisimmeit 110 1110 re is demanded than 18
necessary,to meet the expenses of the Company and
indemnity against, losses which may happen.
3d: The inerniventenciiof frequent renewals is a
voided by insuring fora term of fire years,.
Ath. Any person applyinglotgosinsci ii list give
his premium note Ibr the cheapestclass et tile rate
'of five per eentism, which Will be $5O on the $lOOO,
fit which he wilt- have to pay $2,511 for live years,
nail $1,50 for survey and policy, and no mote unless
loss he sustained to a greater amount than the hinds
on hands will covet., and then immure will be requir
ed than a pro rata share. These rates are much
cheaper than those iff 'obeyer:pp:tides, except such
share hien:intl.:it:4l'On the Same principles.
Insurance is'eirected in the following manner. A
person applying for insurance lin• property of the
cheapest cuts of risk Ibi• $lOOO. will he charged 5
per cent for rive yeas s, a note amounting to $5O tnust
lie given by him, on which lie, will be required to pay
5 per cent $2,541, and $1,59 for surveying and policy,
and will have no intim required of him unless losses
occur and the funds on bands are tint suflicient to',
meCt them.
GO cts. on -100
Agents will Im appointed as soon as possible in dif
ferent places to attend to insurances. and any persons
wishing immediately to apply con do so by signif)
ing their wish to the officers of the emppaoy.
CIMS.-P. -- GUMAIINS ; Pres,
A. G., Sec'y
April 1843
1:1 0 Q,1)/B
at , Y . vir tIC of the powers and.• authority
NIP contained in the last - wfi I and testament of
dee'd„ I now oiler for sale, the
Carlisle . Iron Works ,
Sittialcd on the Yellow
east of Carlisle Pa.. The estate consists ors lint late
12Z,_Et_43244_2_VaValt _
trig h Ten Thousand acres of Land.
A m•w NIERCI I ANT Alll.l, vuti four run of titan',
finished on the most :gqu•ocrd l oam About 500 arms
of the hold :ow cleared a n d highly toiltivittot, baring
thereon toweitol
'➢.'hree Large Rink Barris
accessary rtp,NANT siousEs.
tratrks are propelled by the NT
anti the Iluihiun Spring, whielt mother fail itorfrettie.
There are upon the premisct, all Mit tureessary work
metis houses,. coal hinnies, carpeoteratel smith shops,
mid stabling built of the most •111,stantial material's.
l'he (urn of the host •tptalit, and tints.lnotstible, is
within 9 miles or' the Formica, There is perhaps
no Iron Works ii. I'mmsrlt imia which ',assesses su
perior advantages and otrel's fur. :lilt iodotolocolo to
the Mvestm ell t of Capital. The water pun cr is so
great Iliat tt mi4ht io• eacndt cl to ;soy ol:uer 111:1111I
!Rehiring , poolooio. Persons Oillpolell Io ptiretioSo
will Or cotirso rsamiuc the property. hciermsnl
sole Will he 111:Olo kilo‘ll4 by
Carlisle, 00.1 1 1, 18.'02. 11*-51
lain sired, one square West of Mc Court House
sulls(A.iber having Ittasnd the 'above
house, ,t moat itthttettimily allttrummt to
hip nit:tuts mat tin. !midi,: ktrmattlity Choi he is intu
it:lml to sei•oninnitlate thou and the travelling coin
tuoility, in a style that he hopes will he found satis
factory to ill rho nip favdr hint ti itli a etal.
Ilia table will revert - s foie esperisl Intention, and
Shall always he abundantly supplied tt nil the hen to
he hail in the coinitY. list• is still will lie found
constantly supplied with the choicest \ Vines and
Lirplotts that ate in be old:tined here and in the eines.
The Stabling tinselled to the hence is erWIIIIIOIIIMIS
ill Ise under the charge of a e:11.I.I . 111
he hopes by a strict attelitioil to litthiness toreeeice
a liberal share or dr, puldie
BOAII.1)1:11.5 si ill he taken by the week,tontith
op year. • NYILIAS
Carlisle, April 5, ISIS. tf-.23
a Ircher's
- Inlifill111111) ain)3.l
M 1
'1 1 1;r:t ! a : t1 8 ca: 1 3•! 1 at 1" 1 1i I l v ai ( h:l " 4 t e
tl•mn the I)liia r ' a u ii it ‘ci
assortment of ILI:11PS, consisting of
Pa rtott r,Clut tuber& Study' bumps
with or without shadesi which they is l sell whole ,
sale or retail at the notimfarturer's
Astral, Side Reflectors and Glass Lamps of vari
ous patterns.
the Winter strained, bleached Spern
Oil, warranted to burn clear; for
$1,!.:5 per gallon.
nest Sperm Candles. 37i cents per lb.
/Carlisle, Dee..2l, 1842.
Ilechaniesburg 'Line
rr -71:1\ 14 g, v 7. 0 7 alt.
Be(Weds . '.4lechrtaticirNerg tatt)
.Philadelphia or Baltinuire.
[8Y . R. , 211.R0.111) 0I CAA:4 Ej.
HE subscriber grateful for past favors, begs
A . leave toinform his friends and the public
generally, that he still continues to run a line of
burthen Care regularly between Mechanicsburg
and Philadelphia or Baltimore, by which goods,
and produce of all descriptions will be forwarded.
with care and despatch at the lowest rates of
Produce will be receired at his Were House:in
Mechanicsburg, and forwarded to either Phila.
delphia or Baltimore, according to thii diraction
of thaowner. * „
aZeThe higheat juke will Iregiven for Wheat
and . ;
R. PlatiterefParis--and-Balt-alwayeltept
on hand, and for sale at the lowest prices.. ' . . •
' ; adttt MII/lato
He has also an handi at.theDepotin Mechanics:
Slug', for dale, LUMBER, such al Boards,
Shingles -Scant lings,i dice: of all kinder,
which will bei sold ,on liberal terms.. • .• •
Atlust 1842. - 0.4
il - UST;feceived and'Ait' saki it . tliit'st(iie
of S.; OLARI,{i ;South ;.HanOvetj, iatidek,'.343o .
Papnvat the following; prluesr,,,: 4
'ic 'iipen:Sutito,fhOnlunl. Grazetl,4A neuts
1 second qnality,S.s,aents n piece. ;
Mg), Bordering 4144 fi 4Qe.ixes at Yeiylow prigest
i June 7,1&19.
.. • ol .1i 1,4,
. - .
2sTDE• ..
410111 N Vin ' , 111:1L,
ESPEOPI,t,LL X tattlers, itimoryiets to iho
Ot?tiarlislo arid itar. , .'roirlity,,that he
tivillvaftbiid; to ithd'!lterthiliq''alrdentat operafioglt
cturingiiitti l / 4 ,090,V4e40
teeth front' a Biagio an ontire;Het.'
M'Faitope's A?tel.
coNsuittrruirii"or lame LUNGS,
affeetioneb f the aitihnn, Bran Chide, ?hilts
. or evenkisete of the , ' firma' or Lunge i'ehronle
ernikhe, Pkurtly, Aimorrage of the Ltazge, and
fiffectioncof the..Punnonntw Oeganoi.‘ • .• • -
cOmpoundßilliainie prepiiCatinii demo. Pi i(ittn
Virginiania cc" Wild Cherry I.lm 4 k,"Conibined tvlih
the Extract • of Tar r in'eptivecl , by ;a' neiv , chemical
process,:apprOved • :tad recommended •by the most
rhstiiigwehed physicians, and unlverstilly,ackaow
hedged the ingst yaluable medicine over liscovered..
In setting forth iheyirtues of this truly great me
we have no desire to , deceive those .who are
Inhoring under atilietioni nor'do wewish to eulogise
it more than itjustly deserves: : Yet when xe look
around and see the vast amount ofpuffering . and dis
tress occasioned by many of the discaswa in which,
this fondiente has proved so highly successful, we
feel,tliatrwe Cannot urge its claims too strongly, or
int) , too much in its favor.
i r RHOUS remedies'it is true linve been offered and
Mired Jae notici.! for the cpre of diseases of the
. ,
nags, and some , have no doubt been found very
useful, but °fall that have yet been disenvered, it is
-admitted by physicians and all Who intve witnessed
its efreets, that ;tune has proved as successful as this.
SuchOntleed, are the
Of this, Balsam, that even in the advanced stage' of
ConsuStrrom ' after all the most esteemed remedies
of physicians have failed to effect any chhoge, the
use of this medicine has been,reductive of the
most astonishing relief r and actua lly effected cures
alter all hopes of recovery had been. despaired of.
.Iu the first stages oldie diseasc,termed " Cat arr-
Consomption,"origoltro g l'riminegrected
it has been used with undeviating success, and hun
dreds acknowledge they owe'the restoration of their
health to this invaluable medicine alone.' In that
form of Consumption so prevalent amongst, delicate
youbg females, commonly termed debility, or
A complaint with which thousands are lingti . ring,.it
has alscrproved - highly successful, and not only pus•
semis the power or checking the progress of this
alarming complaint, but :dm strengthens and
orates the system more ePctually than any medi
cine we have ever possessed. .
' Besides its surprising efficacy in Constmition, it
is equally efficacious in Liver t'ompfainte, jethina,
Brnielads, and all alTections of the Lungs, and has
cared many of the most obstinate cases, after every
other rempdy had failed. jr,-" For particulars see
Wistm'R Traise on Consumption, to be had o"
the Attents.
A vending...the IS of this intalichie in 11iSC:151'3 of
the Lungs, and the rosily singular cures it has ef
fected, hating naturally attracted the attention of
many physicans, (as well as the whole•fratetutits ,l ,ol.
quacks) variouscoujectures and surmises havekfTsen
respectingrits , unimosition ; some physicist's have
supposed it to contain lodine, other igitoratiLpreten
ilers say must contain .3Tercury, and to some such
substance they.eaelrattribute its singular efficacy.- -
As tool, opinions are althgetlicr erroneous, and cal
culated to prejudice many persons againstit,
1 1 11.1',D(i1;, 01111 110NOlt
'l'llat - itcnatiting - hothin of the, kind. or any thing
the hiast injurious; on the cohtrars, it it; e0mp,,,,,i
simplt• substances, the jn•inciple Of a hicli
are 'lke c\tt•acts of TA it and Ilite/ Cherry //ark,
and the whole secret of its ellicacy colesibts ii the
'node by whiLli tbce tie prepared.
As VIA:II:lie already i •lied numerous certifi
cates Trom The highest authority; which prove its
virtues beyond all doubt, st e consider it tinnecessa ry
to eshiltit a lout list adieu' in this place, and will
only mention II tow• cant,, to slow Wilflt it Ines dune•
A Stiltl'ltlSlNl: CUIILI.--Ansong the many
singular cures is Inch this medicine has rillsocil,
this is 'scrimps none in which its pins ers arc so
fully shoo a as its the ca , is of Airs. Austin.
. .
This lad) hail been einisomptive for sevc•isil years,
.111111111rillg the greater patiot this time had received
the best medical attentimi, fold tried fill the must
Vi1111:111{, 1.V1111.11i1.5, y 4.1. 110tItiro2; could be to
:iris,' ifs progress. She became solijet•i In violent'
frtv 4,1' (.. I ,,,,tormeil large quantities of
twentimmilly toiged n ith blood, and step by
step this feat fel disease its course, until
an h'l" , "ra ""
Isle in di‘tri'ssitig "11""
the very ‘i•rge of the gra, m silo commenced the use
of t!....1 Iladialini w Lich, In use her 1111 11 exiircssion, almost like a cic.rm. In a fsov clays she
ex v.. 101,04.11 freely, the woogli „as grinlirllv sty
lus-, 11, :11111 ester day appeared to odd Irish vigor
r hoikv, 1111 'ion, in tlie idiom of that emaciated
Isiso a blit•ring to she. is st:cy wingliog in
••• il,iu hello* than - sliviitis enjoyed In
i) .:NTF:RF:STI:II TESTI nfINY.---iit witmrsseil
-Avprising ihr wisuw's liabqilm of
NVi: i CLrrrr, in the rase or Ati.s t . Austin, I cheer.
run, :it-knost fudge the stateinvot to be trite
tnnTect. .1. C. WALTERS, M. D.
Woo town, Sept. 4. R4I. .
rem' invulnublemedicinehas
rowel leeelrells of po,tverfill 11 1 1101 . :ItCH, it
tillllo 10 . :111r% ill"' 10 VOll tO receive n comninni-
eatimi" from any one that: has 'wee relimiel by it.
Sit h. Sir, is truly my ease. I have been a IMAM'
to ilist terrible disease Consumption, liar tieloy
!nom 114, :11111 hat,' StlirCrell ,PO meth, that I 'eel be
come slimed weary. of my life. Hearing your
11:11..11m .1 highly praixed. I begatt taking it It few
wee': , ‘ mid eau :insure y oe it lies relieved me
tom' , Masi ;my thing; I have ever used before and
"enlrninltlyttlit , VintlYitreirri - 9t$11;,111 - 11T ell se
gii e the bearer Ik,' worth of the ettelosetloted oblige
leers Itespeetfidly, J OHN PE.A II SON.
(:heater County, Sept. f, 1841.
Yrirnd Wistar—lt gives me mulch imlessmtre to in
form Opt , that thy Wile's health has improted very
untel i slime she has heel' using thy Ilalsalmmi or SVilti
Cherry, tomul we think 'there is 110 dnuhi hat that it
tOll yore her. She has taken the two bottles I par
titioned from time n short time since, nod her cough
is nittelv better :she also 'sleeps well at 'night, nail
0;11 . 5 Shin hill 6 / 1 11111.110Illilig to give her sum flinch re
lief'. 'I hen will please give time hearer two bottles
more for Thy Priem!,
Lancaster county,July 18, Mil.
Dear Sir—Me:Mt, !Wild me two homes 01 your
genuine ITalstlni of Wild Cherry., have beentir
dieted with Consumption for the last ten years, and
sulTered very stitch with a severe ctiugh, pains in
my breast, difficulty or breathing, night sweats, Se.,
and having tried numerous reme:lies; and also merit
under several doctors, yet I could not find any thing
to relieve me until I used same oryour Thilsalm.
got one' bottle from a neigbbor of mine who is using
it, and have round such wonderful relief from it that
I have no doubt it will cure me effectnally.
Very-cespectMlly yours, ecc.• ' •
gor - Read the following from Dr. Jacob Dorfman,
a tili)•sicinn of ,eatenaive practice in Ihnitingdon
Dear,Sir--tprocured one bottle of Dr..Wistar'a
Isalm of Wild Cherry; from Thomas Reed, Esq
of Obi place, and tried, it in a ease of obstinacy
Asthma on a child of Boil Schwebie, in which man
other remedies bad been tried without any relief.
The Balsalm gave sudden relief, and opinion
the child is effectually cured by its use. • ,
. • ' ' Yours, &o. ' JACOB N,31. D.
December 22d, 1841.: • ' : ,••
Dear se4-Your Balsaliii of Wild Cherry hoe of
felted so nstortiehlng cures' here. One of which
is au old,ladyi Aire..Russell,who had been sufTering.
fora long titre with shortness of breathing, and gen
evil w > a iiees,' dutll'ahe wne finally obliged to keep
her : bed.: Alter ,rarious • other remedies had heen
resorted to in Vain, she,commenced, using yuot,' Rd-
Salro,and afteetaking two bottles,was so fur reeorer-,
ed 'its to be able to attend'lci al the duties of bee
house, and on taking. two betties more was entirely
Ournd., Respectfully, Ste. ;. • • '
Joust S. C.
Pottsville, • • • • ; ' •
I CAUTION,Aa therals. a' spurious: mixture
finned Syrup nfliild Cherry, intrelleserr.should be
ierY Intrtieular to ask • for" Dn. WISTAWS BAL
SAM. end observe his simuiture on the Bottle. • '
}: Prepared. fee.the.proPrirtnr, mat-sold vit
tilde &, co., Blifnists,.: No. 2; 11.1inor
titreet;Bhilatlelialin:' •.‘ - • "-•
soli} in Carlisle-by',:'' ;
SAIVIII,Pre - ELL101"1" ;
Bhippensbnrg by tlieliev.l)avid Smith ; Bar.
risbuirg brJohn:Wyptlio Jr'rLendoiter • by,J: Bish
CherehenborOy Lowittßen,apil , in nlmoseveq.
.Mnl - VilingothroeihMit tie cOlintv.
Ice‘tzllWCpita - .4l4citio!):: 1: 'T — i"`":"' 4
,i 4
::, , • ~ ,, 1 .: ''' '': •'' ' ''
• ' ''' ' '., '''''.''"''' . 4 ' '' ' ) , ) 1 4 i 5g,(4, 4 ( ... f,i, cf# I 0144 1. .je.0441" 4 4,t - i
ifililP,PlNcMgilz.CAlttlit,'ShiVven'sbUrg,,bstdi ' . .il.'f.viillier,,:capply,of,pThreikd , l4kees avfly,dilvgly
U just received , a lot of FIRESIL 01110,(M.giv.p„. -I 3(64 ,Pitiol l i.y9. 1 . 41 .Ps ,vtulj:4l.giUg.,.,uith!t sl geuctikt
at reduced. videos.... , _ , , ,-, .. ydribrjr,riri.seertioodtitouet riiilied'l3f l "-. t"..7-'''
'•.- ', June 14,.1841. . efI.A.S. - I Nur z, "...cod
un the. principle of substituting the tonic in place of
he atimulant principle, which has reformed so many
drunkards. To be used with
will of dually cure sick headache, either from tho
using n with great joy. V ES
or bilious. -Hundreds of fernlike are
for the certain prevention of F,..3EVERS: . or any
general sickness ; keeping the stoma° in most per.
feet order, the bowels regular, and a determination to!
the surface.
pains in the bones: hoarseness, and :DRORS Y.
aro quickly cured by it.
.Know this by trying,
- w to
hair any shade you wish, but will not color the skin.
POUND EXTRACT. There is no other prepare.
tion of Sarsaparilla that can •exceed or equal this:
If you are sure to get COMSTOCK'S, you will find it
superior to all others. It does not require puffing.'
OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, and all
external ailings—all intnrnal irritations brought to the
surface 'by friction with this Balm;—so in coughs,
swelled or sore throat, tightness of the chest, this . Balan'
applied on a flannel will relieve and cure 'at once.—
prevelit or cure
. all inciplen!
taken ni time, and is a delightful ..emedy., Rem . 63l.
bur the nanniond get Comstock t,
eradicate all W ORM S in children , or Adults
with a certainty quite astonishing. It is the satrle a. 7
that mado,by stink, and sells with,a rapidity
almost incredible, by Comstock 4. Co., Now York.
Entered according to act of Conereva, in the Year 1Q42, by_drocatat
d• Co.. in the Clexk'• odic° of the Southern Distract of New Yor k'
By' applying to' our agents' in 'each town 'entlf
village, papers may be had free, showing the moat;
respectable names in the country for these facts,'sot
that no one can fail to believe-them. • •
Be sure you CalifOr our articles, anff not'
be put oil' Mills-anY stales, that others arena`
good. 11AVETIIESE OR NONE, slantlffititY
your snotte....and these ikeva• ran be hue mid genuine,
without our names to thew., Ail Riese articles. to ha .
bad wholesale anrelail only o f us. •
tOlaoFd ,
4, 4 9 "'Wholesale' Mugging.;
ldnides.,,Lane . Now of, our, 14;eilis..
• . For Kilo in Carlisio,hy
. r , : SAMUEL ELL, •
,• MYERS &
got NI§TOOK'
~This remedy for :Worms ip qpe of the snostex.trtl i
"rdlnary, erer,,useth Ice treetdolly.eradicates worms
of all sorts; &Ain' eldittivin.ond
TIIOtISANDS perish by worm s.withorit o,rear
cause heti% known. Some other retisen is fissjatled
for t , too Jot e tti e tire thereat cause.
psreot ho, does imt know, and the bios!or aim doer
hot undersinnit, witieh' is deitroying.
those precious flotier's ' t or Ill'O.--taildreit:Tl
A.Vitat 44900,12 q dope 1. ' •
norel. phdp, rAtre i t itrerptithge,*
1011 be'iore to do goOtl'lrlbeyqiiii-e ttO*ortits;.
, they boye, it will destroy nod erodiir.hte
,Gcrt iritV
i l V , cingiOci u tiy 'l s l Aßt l ar.triltti.lllTT,
stub STRVF4WSOR t•CPßr.,Yit.n4Y.4,o!*rFiFr
ourg,oy, lt ~UTP.Sp ttr, • " •
• — '7 , l • ll'penri •
11 , 0- FAMItq*INVALTDi
tt t The following ind.i.ipenenble'liitujir.reine.,
may be feind dt .06'311/age'ilrt(iitores,
;end soon At eAry conitty, store suite.
Remember and never get . thent unless th e
have the facsimile si gnature of • _• they
bri the wrappereos,all
hir'the satne names ere baseArnpositions and coanjr.
faits. If the mereluint' heafest 'you ' has them nIN
Urge him to procure , them 'dt 11Viden . .lane; the'
next time•he Neiv dr to write for' iliem. l
ifs family ehouidle a week iitthout these remedies'
which will stop it if falling nut, or restore 4 on bald
places; and. on children make it grow rapidly, or on
those who have lost the hair from any eause. • • -
1 , ALL, VERMIN that Infest the heeds of children,.
ht,schools, are prevented or killed by it at once.-4
Find the name Of - .5 4 ) - .)....i f ia
it, or never try it. Remember thie always. '
„ mmo• RHEUMATISM, and l ,
positively cured, and all shrivelled ?Twice and limbs
are restored, in the old or youn"i; by the l 'inntest
but never without uttiname of ComntOck & Co: on it.
aro wholly prevented, or governed if thd'atttMk has
come on, if yoW Wse the only' true treys' LimmEirr,from
Wemdi 6 a . c_4 ' W9 ' ALL S.ORE S
and every thing relieved by it that 4dmits of an'oes.
Ward application. It acts. like &charm.' Use it.
. . . .
-• HORSES that have Aing:floire, Spnvin.
Wind. Galls, &c., are cured by ROOFS!, SPECIFIC ; and
Foundered .horses entirely cared by Roofs'
Founder Ointment. Mark this, all horsemen.
Dzalcy's "Magical rain Ea•
tractor Salve.—The most extraordinary'
remedy two — invented fPr all new — or old 2 •
Intl amerr, and carelgeiM It has delighted
thousands. It will tako out all pain in ten mitmtea,
Ind no failure. It will cure the FILE S
A better and more nice and useful article never was
wade. - All should wear them regularly.
LIN'S ,B Lo op PILLS, superior totJI
-61'8 for - eleansing the-syatem - and the htinnaiialreet.
g the blood, and for all irregularities of the bowels
iul the gmutral A L
(See Dr: Lnes sig. L'iloCipt - t ee emi ISt
CORNS.—The French Plaster ig a sure cure.
~..,..„: ~,.„:1.,.... .....„,:„....,..„.„, ....
t 1
4., -to,
11 9 1 t An. 99."
;3r. BartholemeSes
TOOTH DROPS. KLlNE'S—cure effectually
C'=O:U C~ H~ S