Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, August 09, 1843, Image 4

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THE voxcEs
'We spend our years as a tale:thaiii 'tatif,"nevm
Like the sunset huC ou thedropi of dew,
'When ni g ht shide's chase the day,
Like die Fainbow's gicaiion the leaping strewn,
Our Aire dies swift slimy !
With Li itelthy { iiread by hod
" Creeps fig of the, iey . breath;
A kisa : ;eavetlt ! ife,.then laughetb in glee;
isille•iiollow laiigh of death!
Ile nimetli bisdart at ti maiden's heart,—
' the , lnuiutirol •
And the , priglitesi gem in hip diadem
lle•toilfrotu a mother's breast !
lie is plucking now from on ininntN brow
The bud that is bursting !kir ;
In tlie,Aismal tomb will be hid•its blooht
Now flowers can blossom these ! .
luyouth's sunny hour, with a witching power ;
Hope leadeth a merry round, •
But the hoar old ago knOweth life's brief page,
A tale.clint has ceased its sound
O ! nothing bath birth in the beautiful earth ,
But apeaksirith n tongue or fire,
Beyond the blue dome the True bath its home;
Theil [haven-ward, my soul aspire. •
THE - crisis has come. By the people
___L-of-this-genjation, by ourselves, probably,
.the amazing
.question is to be decided,
whether the inheritance of our fathers
, shall be preserved or thrown away; wheth
er our Sabbaths shall be a delight or a, loath
: ing ; whether the taverns, on that holy day,
shall lie crowded with drunkards, or the
'sanctuary . of God with humble. worship
pers ; -whether riot and profaneness shall
fill our street 3, and povertY our dwellings,
• and Convicts our jails, and violence our
land, or 'whether industry, and temperanbe,
and righteousness, shall be The stability of
our times ; whether mild laws shall receive
the cheerful submission of free — men, or the
iron red of a tyrant compel the trembling
- homage of slaves. Be noVdeceived. Hu
man nature in this state is like4uman na
ture everywhere.. All actual diterence in
our favor is adventitious, and of result of
our laws, institn-tions, and habitP. It is a
moral influence, which, with the_ blessing
of God, has formed - a state- of :society so
eminently desirable. The same influence
which formed it is indispensable to its
preservation. The melts and hills of New
England will remain to the last conflagra
tion. But let the Sabbath be 'profaned with
impunity the worship of God be abandon.;
, ed; the government and religious instruc
tion of children neglected, and the streams
Of intemperance be permitted to flow, and
her glory will- depart. The wall of lire
will no longeviurrointd her, and the muni
Lion of'rocks will no longer be her defence.
If we neglect our • duty, and stiffer our
saws and institutions to go down, we give
them up forerer. . It is easy to relax, easy
to retreat ; IMtimpossible, when the abom
ination of desolation has once passed over
New England, to rear again the thrown
•down altars, and gather again the fragments
:and build up the ruins of demolished insti
tutions. Another New England nor we.
nor Our children shall never see if this be
.destroyed. All is lost irretrievably when
the landmarks are once removed, and the
bands which now hold us are once, broken.
Suelt-institutions and such a state of socie
ty can be established only by . such Men as
•our fathers were, and in such circumstanced
.as they were in. They could not have
made a New England in Holland ; they
made the attempt, but failed.
The hand that overturns our laws and
itemples is the hand of death unbarring the
:gate of Pandemonium, and letting loose up
thn our land the crimes and miseries of
lien. If the Most High should stand a
doefi'and cast not a single ingredient into
.our cup of trembling, it would seem to . be
'full of superlative wo. But he will not
-stand aloott As we shall have begun an o
pen controversy with him, he will contend
openly with' us. And never; since the
earth stood, 'has it been so fearful a thing
for nations to fall into the hands of the
itiCGod. The day of . vengeance is at
band ; the day of judgment has come ; the
great earthquake_ which sinks Babylon is
shaking the nations. "und the waves of the
mighty commotion are dashing upon every
,shore. Is this, then, a time to remove the
tfonudatierts, when earth itself is shaken?—`
Jo this a t i me to forfeit , the protection 'of
Gad,' When the' hearts of men are failing
tihein • for fear, and for looking after those
'things which are to come upon the earth?—
Is this the time to run upon his neck and
'the thicklosses of his buckler, when the
nations are 'drinking blood,'and fainting,
andPaasing away in 'his wrath ? Is this a
Aim' fp. throW.away the shield 'of 'faith,
when Iris arrows are drunk with the bliidd
•of the slain ? to cut front the anchor of hope,
when the'clotids are collecting, and the sea
4antl.tlio ' tvaveii 'are roaring; and thunders
.are uttering their voices, and lightnings'the'heavene, and the great hail i's.
%falling frcim' heaven upon. men, and every
moutiliiitWseW and. island is fleeing in dis
ginay,from,thseciace.o'f tht,lWeetteed 'God ?
, ll•saw - het: in' the bloom of youthful beau-
Ay, The 'blteh - of modesty was
. on :her
..eheek, and sensibility • sparkled in her s
%.zureeye. no(attempt:to delineate
Ake 'beauties of her persou, much less to ,
pertray , the giiees oilier ' mind.' §O Mee it
, tel7S9tOlos all that ie.gpad
.a~d lovely
fla4olits4. l '.' , /i c gain hO. , She stood
'•besid a the Altar, 01$11mAigyely; berde*—
lit , Sytt!#44o l }lo'lko43';o4o' ,her slight
'franiOreqlPle,Omitik'inwoqcor;:p!'i'o#' kooki
,u • 'pon
She teas bending over ; thmitiffiited elay,of
ajovellAtifenti . '4'o l othees4lnguishiAvati
iwellinklter heart antl:teavitg,lt# besplit
ie'copy O si sobs;; as'
4jkil, for the,lnst time;to . .thi,nearbleeheelii'
wiped the gathering tears friam . :her eyes end
said, 0-Thy will oh !,PrPd,be.deOci"Whsi_j.s
one of thy e ßr eOureithai l lieshould dare' to'
complain'!" A more thin mortal.calinness
eame over, her. She.' stood in the' di g nity
of a superior being, gazing • ut' the Acid
form of her beautiful : child.: -•Again saw
her. Blie stood beside.the'.bler sif him
who had been her, friend, *Soother, her
counsellor, the bier of her husband. Re
had been called in manhood's pride to 1 . ,
down "by the side of his lifeless' child, an
she his beloved one,' was left to weep 'his
premature death. 'lt is true, that; when
she met his last look of • love, she thought
life a burden ! But heaven was her sup
port—on that she leaned, end' was soon
taught • to be resigned to ' this kn. and
greatest efflietium Calmly the bertMved,
but lovely mourner, took a lasvfarew ell of
him she had loved with-the consistency of
woman, and with a serene brow, took her
fatherless babes to her bosom. Once more
said her. Stip fair was that lively brow,
over which the darli•hati Parted in luxuri
'aiit brightness; But eh ! how strangely
cold, how awfully still ! She too was
dead ! She too had died in youth's bright
hour ! -With a tearless eye had clasped
her orphans to her heart and commended
them to heaven. Then, even then, lier
faith failed her not ; even at that trying
moment when death was birsy at her heart,
her faith failed her not. She was a emus-
Irr 11E :Fubscriber would respectfully id.
form 'his friends amt. the public generally
that helms taken the
. •
CD U 7 cm> a . • 10 1;
lately kept by Mi.:Simon Wunderlich. in East High
Street, ii few doors east of the Court (louse, where
he will ut all times take pleawire • administerinh ,
to the comforts of those who may favor him with
their custom.
Ilis BAR shall be constantly supplied with the
choicest liquors, and 14s TABLE A% ith hue best the
market can furnish. A careful OSTLER 'always
kept in atternlanee—and nothing shall be left undone
to idectge all who call with him.
BOAIIOBBS taken by theweekononth cc year.
Carlisle, April 14, 11.13. • tt-'2
Hat s.! Ilats: flats
No. ! C 6,1 Market st., and corner 3d eyWalnut sts
rip lIE subscriber has on hand and is now
-FL Entire Fresh Stock of Hats and
Caps for the Pennsylvania trade.
Fine and secend quality Heaver, Moleskin, Cor
nice Silk :11111 11111511 Itid2=llWlAbe "Patent Cassi
mere Hat" of which lie is the Patentee.
Making the Hats at his own Factory ot the beat
materials and b the best workmen, he k enabled to
sell unusually l
Those who buy to sell apin will have such Hats
put up as will be sure to keep their etistoniers,"ps
all Hats mid Caps are made express/y.or Retail
Trade,' Call and judge for yom helves.
16131 'Market St. and corner :id & Walnut st.
Philadelphia, April It:, 1848.
The "Patent Calsimere Hat" is now coming iota
Use, as it is light, durable mid amp.
Family Medicines.
- g3RE P A ItED only by 1)r. D. JAYNE, Inventor,
and sole proprietor, No. tlO South Third at.
Philadelphia, and oone are gelatine without It s
written eigiuthire epos) the outside wrapper. All
others are counterfeits.
• These medial ties are recommended nod extenSive
used hy-the most—intelligent pesos in the United
States, by numerous Professors and Presidents of
Colleges, Ph) Biel:ins of the Army and Navy, and of
Hospitals and Almshouses, and by more than three
hundred Clergymen of various denominations.
They are expressly prepared for family use, and
have aciptired and unprecedented popularity through
out the United States; and 118 1110 V UM so admirably
calculated to preserve 1 lealth mu) cure Disease, 110
family should ever be without them. The proprie
tor of these valuable preparations received his edu
cation at one of the best Medical Colleges in etc U.
States, and has bad fifteen years experience in nil
extensive and diversified practice, by which lie has
had ample opportunities of nerptiritT, a practical
knowledge of diseases, and of the reniceies best cal
culated to'retnove them. These preparations con
sist of
Jayne's jf.xpectoratit, a valuable remedy for Cough,
'Colds, .Consnmpi ion , Asthma, Spitting of .11lood ,
Croup, Hooping Cough, Bronchitis, Pleurisy and in
flammation of the Lungs or Throat, Difficulty of
Breathingond all diseases of the Pul moi airy Orga .
Also Jayne's Hair Tonic, for the. Preservation,
Growth and Beauty of the Ham, and which will posi
tively bring in new hair on bald 'heads.
Also Jayne's Tonic Vermiluge,a Certain and plea
sant remedy fur Worms' Dyspepsia Piles, and many
oilier diseases.
Also Jayne's Carminitive Balsam, it certain cure
fur Bowel and Summer Complaints, Diankteu, Dy
sentery Cholie, Cramps,Sick I leadache, Sour stom
ach Cholera . Morbus, and all derangements of the
Stomach mid newels, Nervous Aileetions, &c.
Jayne's Sanative Pills, for Female Diseases, Liver
Complaint, Costiveness, Fevers, Inflammations,
Glandular, Obstructions, Diseases of the Skin, iko.
and in all eases where tin Alterative or Purgative
Medicine is required.
For sale in Carlisle, by
Nay 31,184.3
Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla Blood Pills.
' lloth•purife the Blood and cleanse die Stomach
and Bowels from all impurities; thus, renovating
the w hole system, and restoring it to natural and
healthy action.
timing the year,
feel peculiar sensations, such as
Dullness of Spirits,
Dizziness, Faintness or Giddiness,:
• Swimming of thellead; • .
Dimness of Vision,
Heaviness of the Eyes,
Languor and Sluggishness. • •
. The appetite variable, bowels irregular, occasion
al sickness of the stomach, headache, and other Ben
satioas equally distressing and unpleasant.
All you that have never taken of them; ,
Glve heed to the' false doctrines, restioning ar,d
statements of ignonint pretenders to Medical Beirmise
and Foreign Impostors, which RM. frequslitly puhs•
lished—tisr nine times out of ten taking of their
nostrums, persons ure•obliged to take t 4 Dr, Leidy's
Blood Pills to counteract their banetul'effeots.
For sale in Carlisle by • -
June 14, i 1343
lit BanierlePrell•
• :United • States
• 0' T •O' E . a •
111010ETITION:for'Ulpotiar g e an 4
Rome under the Cankrupt Law, have imen l tii,
JAMES•M. ALLEN, late Clerk. Cumberland-am..
and FltIDAy,:-ibe 20thl day er,BEieT. next, at
Iro'elo s it: 'A. Mis amininted forAnlCarAnit 'of,•-4 e fore.the . 'tnalil '•Court , eating igwi~la~iki . up~op `at`
the District Court litodin; lit' the 'OW of-Phlladel-N
PhistWhet d.lvhol.lhtt Criditarant the'sithlTer,
titiapetlaollf pretved: their Debts,'and
;smutlii intereti,'WarttOpesir qiiPirciio644,„49ll
th e y lll #F l " ,lo YA ,u94 l 4 / 1 1° 4rg e s',-!" 14 . ;'9 1 :9 1 . 1 . 1 ?a!e, 3 :
iihou, l 4 0 0 . t
• : .;; , FitAB. rioPsiksvp:'
alf..T'slref ;this ;•eircibtultiftfhloltrepnriflitti*
.11Lr'PPnibt more.:#s o PßOOLVNumerstutitAiomos t ,
/weer; theyprmileri you moc.obenetifltupnustug,pne,
bottle of tt, tli th Pee' Of IiOT tidier"' This IS ea
acomlnted•for,asDr.,.Leitly'u,Saritisputtilltfisu emelt
stronter,pfmpsration than'at4 , Otherotipl, neur Awitte.,
as . ti(uchis,pontaineti iii cine.(biiitle t us. of fitzy ,ortbdr:
(arid solikAltki astumiirlee.) Litqltepublfe rdnuetq
.thisit no,safti boisst.beifilie imalFacf."".'
• . PrOui the Medical llefiew.'
(.5" - “Antong, the vegett;ble,ulteratives with, ybich,
our diSpetistuses • abound, there are few im
Sttrimparilla, antl.whiOn . prOtier . lY
pared, ,l infultisble . f.tiot Only in'reittortit' tjebiPtit=',
ted Constitutions to their woittea thergy itOver:so
ease arialbg outOf nn intpiwe itittomf the blond:'
From a knoWlediel of very mlitiy cases (anillinne of •
them' entisidertid 'incurable) where Mau , dilferent
preparatious , of• Sarsapari lit had .Meen inst . :o;3lone
scented to postiess.iirtnes retuttlial powers equal
to Dr. Leitly's Medicated or Compound !Pt:tract of
Sarstiparil la."
• .It ; is a preparStioti if is believed far superior to
any , other, and. would recqm Mem' it to the particular.
notice of Physicimite--Ed. U. S. azcittc „
FMrnet of n letter trom .1. 11, Whitmore, of gasion
in relation to Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla.
"My little hay and girl', the .foriner; 'three
years and the latter new • beveil years old,'lnive been
afflicted with a scrofulous tumor from the time they.
were three months old., •Three' Months ago I was
induced to make trial ofyour Extract ofSersaparilla,
And have given it to both to the present time. 'Chary
are now entirely free from any appearance of Sera
fain and never were in better health."
Dr. Leidy's Sa.isap:u•illa is efficacious in all dis
eases arising from impurities of the blood MIC other
fluids of the system. All invalids who may have
been under medical treatment, who are debilitated
from themunitity of medicibe they may have taken,
or are undei• a mercurial Influence, -will find that' by
using a few bottles of Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla ,their
usual vigor nod elasticity of their frame and system
will be restored, and be again permitted to enjoy tile .
sweetoflife. •
07" This Article appears to be 'doing wonders at
the South, and from the high character of the re
commendiiiions, we are fully persuaded it is a most
capital medicine for all impurities of the blood.. -We
know many .. Physicians who have given their. testi
many on this subject, nod we know they would not
give a diameter to any medicine that did not really
deserve it."—Charleston Enquirer. •
Extract of a letter from I),. Warren, Natchez.
"Ilircing, for the last year hi my firdice used your
Sarsaparilla with nmeli satisfaction to mysell atoll
benefit to my patients, I have no hesitation in declar
ing it to he one of the most tisefol preparations in
diseases for m hich Sarsaparilla is prescribed."
03 ''1'iiih preparation may be depended upon as
being the xtrongest (consequently more efficacious)
of any in existence; lift:oMM preparations must pos
sess similar virtue-, in proportion to their strength,
being prepared from the same article. Dc. Leitly's
Compound 'Extract of Sarsaparilla, however, pos
sesses properties tint possessed by others, from its
manner of prep:motion, and combination nit!) °the.
vegetable e‘tracts recommended by the inedical 'fa
culty—and hence the reason why it is so generally
recommended by the Pli siciansof Philadelphia and
Freud the ecn•nordiunry virtues. of this prepnra
lion and a . knowledge ,of its compos:tion by Physi
cians, (the reason why they so generally nse it, ns
they wmild not me or recommend any preparation
they did not know the composition ot,) it hiss been
introduced in many of the Hospitals throughout the
U. S. stud is highly recommended by Pl•ysicians and
Surgeons of those histionione.
• From the New' Orleans Advertiser.
The high mid envied celebrity which this pre
eminent medicine has armored for its invariable ef
ficacy in all diseases which it professes to cure, has
r - Cidercil the usual practice of pulliing unnecessary.
It is known by its fruits and its ;good works ic std . ).
(or it; Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla will be found parti
cularly efficacious iti all diseases of the liver, stunt
itelysti in, kidneys, spine and boneszulceration of the
nose, throat and - other partsobscesses, fistulas, scro
fulas, erysipelas, jaundice, rheumatism and incipient
gout, mercurial and syphilitic alrections, female de
rangements and in restoring the sickly and debilitat
ed to their natural'heulth and energy.
. •
Dr. Leidy's Compound Extinct of Sarsaparilla has
stood the test for five nears past, and 'tis no boast to
say that there is no other preparatitin of cfpuil
strength now in use. Througho u t •the Southern
States where Sarsaparilla as much in general ifse
as tea and coffee, Dr. I,eitly's Sarsaparilla is gener
ally Preferred and is highly recommottled by Pliv
sieutus, [whose certificates have been frequently pub
lished Itroughout the north and west it is also
much used, moreperhaps than any other. •
One bottle of it [half a pint) is warranted equal to
tivo antic other in strength, and is equal to one half
gallon of the strongest y,eutsillat can be made.
Directions thr—tintkliig - Syrup therefrom accom
panies-the - directions.
per taut a few days since n Clergyman of this city
[who does not desire his name published in the pa
liers' but is left with Dr. Leidy] stated that' lady
ho had long been a communicant at his church, but
'for two years 111181 unable to g o to church, on account
of her extreme debility, occasioned by ulceration of
various parts of her hotly, disease of her liver and
other internal derangements, sold the constant taking
of medicine therefor, never found any change for the.
better until alter using several bottles of Dr. Leitly's
Sarsaparilla, and by a few Months perseverance in
its use, was entirely restored to health, and recover
ed her former strength, and to use her own language
"was almost. created a ma' being." This is but one
of Mttny instances almost daily heard of. •
It is prepared only and Sold' wliOlesale and retail
nt Dr. LEIDN"S .Health Emporium, No. 191 North
Second' street below Vine: also sold by Frederick
Brown, corner Fin and Chesnut Meets; and Fred.
Klett Bt Co. corner 2d and Ctdlnwhill street, nt $1
per bottle, (a hall pint) or six bottles $5.
For. sale in Carlisle by
:May 31,1843.. , 11.31
Worms I Worms :
parents knew the value and efficacy of Dr.
Lently!s Patent Vegetable WormTea,they never'
would he without it in their filmilies,as children hre
subject at all times to Weirms.
Dr. Leidy's Worm Tea is composed or vegetable's
altogether, and may be given to children dell arcs.
Directions accompany each pap.•r or package. • •
Children suffer much, of limes, from so m an y
things being given them for mantis, without fl.iy el.
feet. Much medicine, given to children,
,1,,r,,, a tell.
deney to destroy their general health, and they are
more or less delicate ever after. . ,
To avoid the necessity of 15iviag• inett i efwe mine
cessnrily when yea arcre certain your , zhildren have
worms give them at first Dr, Lettly'n Worm Tea. It
is all thnt is necessary. , ' •
Reference might le made to ..,cierai hu n dred pa.
rents Philadelphia city at t d county , o f the efficacy
•al 1)r. Leidy's Worm Tea. 'Try it and you will be
Price 1.4 cents P, small, and '25 cents a large pack-;
age. Prepared enly; and, for sale,, wholesale and
Retail, at Dr. Leidy's Tlealt6 •F:mporium, , No., 191
North Second street, below Vine, [sign of the Gol
den Eagle mid t.terpentao Philadelpliia.
For sale tr, C ar li s l e by
June 14,0843. ,' if-33
Dr. .IJeidy's Tpttoriarid: Itch OintrOnt.
. , • „.
AN infallible retnedy,for:vitriolts.nffeetl . on,s IT the
'dkin, removing Pimilles, Pustules, and ouptsoul,
of the Skin, and particularly adapted 'to the cure o f
Tatter and the Itch.
This ointment has been used in numerous Schords
throughout the oily and,ooonty, as well us , Pectories,,
einploring" nuaierous girlt and , mid Omongat
whontVetter and Itels,as tv'ell:sit other AflVatiOns Of
the Skin, prevailed, with the most,unexampled sub-.
oess,--Names of Sphook-Tcsobers,as wellps , Soper
intendantsand Rroin:fetOrs -- or.A4ctorhis,p64l4 tic
givertoonfirming . thettbove,o*for the detteao,y, they;
feel in liAVin&ffluur names, ; publi, commotion
with such loathsome ond•dissgreeahle iffectiuhS..:
, Prleci2saents a b,0x. , ,Y0r solo in Carlisle by
:‘; •
Jupe.14,18;13.- •
onik'f' t
.111A.TNIB , S .EXPECT .
I. /c.)- cliNt.rm . ,.pir,lo34, Cdukti.,:,Sßlll,l% lt ß loo d , ere t
Vo COnsurtiptivea4Vourf3ftlaie yitou . r .r,
.. _y_
$l4 4rl9gl4oFP.P,Aliegip4t94t ??4, 1 .4r.r.:14?af t ! ;IN;
, F „ ) qqpse,cpp[kt, 1) uTlm!t pi pt i ,•ol l , , t c, i l p, the .s.
or ihoskuye,B39ir - 94.4,r1iyh,t, , p, p,t•m1, , ,,,r0..1,,
.diiiiiitpiel,4o.,eyels;4!irtvjne.,49l , sl.7 :gi l io lar i ,
8410061 t iptOdiqg!' 1;1"11/9'8i5re%tierViii:15744'
040:g14:0i 9,4l,tPePr Ath "g'i 'o4)ll3blfailtr
spittiar.4st. 40,,knottgr..o f (ph egfq,,., , ~ii i, n ._, ~
'exfiiiiliiiithl g dr, FßOPl! l l6•P air i tm e Nr e n .-2 0 )1 1. 0 ) 1 0 n te ;
14 „ 04 - igh,peotoripi ,P r ^7B , le ' 'i r - '4 I A pa', J
'17;11;60P1170 OkitTk°lerrtr Irtftiriatilill'
tesisltr, ,If ili•ce•• I_ in ~,.... i
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t r ai„„6,,Twbei l a riio2o utt!! i!t,,,pkt.s... c tls.
H -7 4: Tor sale.iu Pttr1146,4:. ''iiiiky'iliA: *,
10E 1
, , t ., 40q0 ., ?
p 11; •
s . 9 it. plii3i.e6nliniii m iii r euri*Feit
4kimage 'by Fire; bhjhertiogi
reasonable ternie.; They Also take, ,
bn itene,firhriolc huildirms at $25 .ou vivo, the
promiu ouhjett . to lA' drown rMylirrie 114 "thi
party inetiring;Ot deduction Offivo' phi ;dia. Mi
tIM amount of premium paid'. • ••J
Tic timid iiitbefdr ona)4nti'MP ,,
Stone and- Brick Buildings., • ;$4: on'4looo
Lokinid,Framc,, •• , $ 6 to 87 on $lOOO
Morehtimpid, ikon; "• ss'int 81000
, .AppliCutic4i in poison Or by letter will 'lava im
niediate attontion: ' ' " '
The Spring* Garqin Intturah4e. Co.
• -'.OF %PHILADELPHIA. , • f ,•
jnA K E INSURANCE, either' teinporarY
perpetual, against loss or-damage by Finn,
in hum or Country, on Houses, Barns and Build
ings of all kinds; on HOusekold Furnitiirel-Mei
ellandize, Horses; Cattle:AgrloulturalV Common
cial and Manufacturing .Stock, and Utensils of
every description,as well as Molurnous and G RPUND ,
RENT, upon tho most Favorable terms. .
The following are the usual rates, vizt
On Storie and brick buildings, from
' 35 to 40 cts. on 3100
• "Log and frame " GO to 70 cts. on : 100
"Merchandise, and furni
ture in brick or stone
buildirigs, from
in log or fiante; -
"Horses 'cattle, farming
- arabotit 4
Application may* . made to '
JOHN J. MYr . , o mit.
Carlisle, Dcc. 21, 1842. ly
Mi r Eßs & lI*VERSTICKI""
Just received at their Drug, Book, Stationary
and Variety Store,ulurge assort awn% of . ;
Toys, :Toy-BoOk fOr Christians
Presents. Annals, Souvenirs,
and Port-folins,for .1343,
Together ,with n elt;ie seleutioti of.entertstining
LIGHT READING, for long winter'i!venings. '
311I.Dbil MUDD,
of every variety, viz:
School Bibles and Testaments, •
Smith's Geografilly and. .I.lllas,
- Obwy
.4- Mitchell's do:
. Smith's Grammar, •
• Eirkam's . . •
dlngel's Series,. No. 1,2, 3,4, 5, lj• 6,
CobeTlehool Books, complete.
Emerson, Byerlyi Burham,A. Web
ster's Spellers,
Pike, Rose, Smiley, (5- Emerson's-Jl•
rithmetics, with . .Keye.
Mathematical Instruments.
tt cr , Cnp, and Devil paper, ruled owl plain. Note
paper. Sirver Pencils, everpnints. .litekson Lead
Pencils in wood, of all tempers; with a large M..
sortment brIILANK BOOKS, ruled and unruled.
1 / 6 3V 3 a1123V12.0 '
Of superior finish. Razors, Razor Strops
Shaving Brushes, and finoly scented
Shaving Soars and assorted rc
Superior ()pique nut! Russia Quills, Brim.' Rouril3,
Rice Impel., I'ißiiing Cavils, colored Wafers and
Si.iling \Via, Pilau mill Motto Seals.
INetv AO 11.4 C,
.fattoicat )Inoticuincuto,
Together with R general nail well selected smart
meat of Classical and .Iliscellanenas Warloa, "to
please the holey and Improve the taste."
Carlisle, Dec. 14,184'2. tf-7
.91U2 PI aktuallo
1111 , . subscribers, at their FOUINDRY AND
MAC:IIINi: SHOP, on Main street, nearly at,.
posite the county Jail, tit the Borough of CradiAi:e,
Pa., still eontine to build the followhti; Machines
and Horse Powers -- viz:
T. D. Burrell's Patent Intkorovet
MO OM °NW:Lb - 1316 . •
With a horizontal Land-u'lleel, with a t run k to co n
duct the atruio to the Machine.
The • band-wheel oetahle vF the horses. They nre
well calculated to pet, to one side of the barn bridge,
'or tinter the barn k'aed.
A New =Jul improved Shaker,
to separate the min from the straw t which will
dispense with, c . no or two hands, made to the
above Alau'ai:in if wanted.
• 242,24 Vit..11143
• Priret.dising, anY of the alcove Machines may have the
Kirivilege, Ayr n fair trial, of returning, the same it
no; satisfied... All Machines and llone - Poweriare
warranted for one year, if well used.
.R.L I P4IRI4°G.
' All kinds of repairing will be (lone at this sliOrtes
notice and'oolhe most reasonable terms.'. They al•'
ways kup on !quid ull castinks. necessary to repair
the above Machnies;ornely others now in tise ,
There is also attached, to.lhe ADM estahljalenent
kinds of CASTINGS can be had—sueh'as Apple
Mills, Corn Brikers, Plaster BrallersiMll I Gear•
ing, Saw' Mill Cranks, Machine Goaring, Wagon
Boxima&o.Sna. , :,!I
Such as MIII Spindles; Carlin:cm; Turning. Lithe',
&C., all in the best Order, in iron andhrais. ,
ca• Alt orders will be executed at the shortest ilo
6ecoind promptly. , ParraPva and others
ara mapectfully towed to give u a call, ooarNettt„
thatthey cast besuited to their staid tioIN t „
. _
• Carlisle, Aug. 10, 1832. .
• ",,Planek'll..Han*o4(l's atutOgitrare l 4oVGHS
and PLOUGH Casyugfcs,ei l cii itattitiers Lind.
aidcs, Gan lidd•atlt roundry. ,
,t- I •7 ( ,i•ii•
- •
A p r fl
. .
" Shippeueburg; hivejitst , re,tiOtl,frord . P 9 4 =
de Oliva splendid asileFt9ieitt Olueli,faiddeutiblOttrid
dOODS - '
to whiehlthey;ioitellitialtehtion puret;ltserst they,
itrerKuparail to'oli'erfoodetit tho I
and those , desireeti 0C Tit)rulteltiOS , Ch'eap' linqh"""'
;able Goode, will find it to their advantage toy lYei
thetutt - ealle; • ~;1•441'
• April 5, 1845.` 'O4O , r ",.100
TglßTV. l 9ietvP4Miti/444F lANTS,of viri.
sizes calm , itnd yolitytiowor 11 1 46 111 ` 1 20 41 °
. 4
I. l ool***
i. r eat d itio l :o 4 *rr
iV 101,411 A s et) WI
1,3 atyJ,
.76egnitcf* ,
" 1": "
'l4oi ICN - kItPC,., ' t t
I ' ) fit,;6 l ',• 7 ;eitilt,l2lllfitineeVic:l.), ; , , o.l ro
triers .7 Tr.V.y.rAo7q. 01 . y Jrryto,;l; Gift
rt;e:,dot t , 4 t..40 , 10fe Af:.o Oselri;
4 ALScknirtlrn;o v9209J0i taf
AdWiWriOd TlP l NSeth i litinOt l e rf
'4 1 4 Pregliqoat 8 door Nottlt of PAther
atiOe't,• and nearly ojipiliattk t ot'YVilliatr ,
lie- trill I.•ats:. , .usuab,catorally,
attend , to. till liaineaa•whiatt toay,bo ontratiiked;l9
filth in . thP llMl9'of , .„
„Patlitria,Aptit ,I,p f tp , 113. . •
pi/0244:m%* ` .A.4,44S i S* tOSS
'cateillty iin uct of iha'aOieltitui•e of presCiit settv
siomand fully Orimnited and:lis ;operation !under the
direction Of the .following .hoped.o 'Atrinageve, viz_ y
'Thomas C. Miplcr„C. P. Cummins, John Mgore
David NV: :laths' Weakly,' Geor'ge'
Itlarpo, - Willlam•Monee,StituUelsGalbraith, James
GeenSon,Thonitts l'axton,rWm..Barr,Josepliculyer,
Mid . A. G.,31.i11ee; call the, attention of the itiluthit.,
ants of Cumberland Volley to the Cheaptiesi of their
rates and the ninny' WiliMiltages which thls-tidd of
;insurancelnw - oVer
Ist, Evecyperson Insured becomes a member Of,
the company mid takes part in the choice of ofliec'Ci
and the direction of its ceneerris.' '
2tl. For itisti . ratice umrhoru than'is
necesdary, to, meet the expenses of the Company and
indemnity spit's' losses . ouch may happen.
"3d. The Meotivenienee feenntaii renew:tittle a-'
voided by instating Gin ti term of
4th. Any person applying for i!isUllin,q"lllllSt give
his premium owe for the cheapest chiss Vt lite Vole
of fire per ettlittim, much will be'sso oil the $lOOO,
for which he will inure to ' ,Hy $2,50 for live years,
sod $1,50 ftir survey and policy, and mo more unless
Awls be stistaintslin a greater ainoinit than the
on hands will - cover,imil then me more Will he
ed thin; 'a' share. rat's nineh
cheaper than those of vilterellitipanies. except such
Its are ineorpoyated - on the scum'
Itisnanceis effected in the 11,11,,u'ing riniMicr.
person sinplv ing 'minion. , foi.properly of die
cliemiestelmts Of risk for $lOOO will be elisirged 5
per cent for five year s,a time innotititing to $5O must
he giVeit by Min i on which he will be required to pay
5 per cent $0,50, mitl $1,5,9 for surveying and policy,
and will have no more required of him unless losses
occur and the funds.on hands arc not , suflittient to
Meet theM. . • • . . ,
40 to 50 cts. on 10.0
60 . to 70 cts; on - 100
GO-cts. on ,1015
Agents will be sippninted as ROOl/ as possible indif
ferent.places to attend to insurances, nny persona
wishing immediately to apply can do no by signify
ing thew wish to the officers of the company.
A. 13. Mit.t.s.n; Sce'y
April 184 a
WZY urr de of the powers and au;hority
vi.k! contained in. the last will and testiiiielit or
3ItcuAEL toE, deed., I now offer for side, the
Iron Carlisle Iron Wor ts
Situated on the Yellow 13reeelies Creek, 4i miles
eltstoi Carlisle The - estOte consists CIIII first rote
M V& 4fA' laVt,22b4
with Ten Thousand dicers of Land.
*new mEnclikwr MILL woth rmivi:on or stone,
finished 011 the most approved plan. Aland 300:tures
of the hold are cleared and highly eulticand, Int‘it4
thereoli erected . .
Three 11.,a5•ge Bank Bares
and necessary TENANT HOUSES. The
works tire propelled by the ellow, Bevel:lies Creek
and the Boiling neithee fail tiorrretize.
There OM 111101101 e WOrk•
nwh s houses, coal
and stabling built or the most substantial untiterials.
The ore or the beiit totality nml I Ile 11:111561,1C, is
within '2 niilea or the Furnace There is perhaps
no Iron Works in l'enuscli aide a hieli possesses su
perior adcatitnes and otters greater inducements to
the investmeut •Th, ~,,ter puller is SO
great that'it might be et:tenth:ll to 1.11 tonnit
purpose. Persons disposed to purchase
will or course evidnine the prop, . 'I be terms or
sale will he made knows. by
Carlisle, 00.19, 1818
Main street; ne square West o/ the Court House
E subsee',her having leased the above
house, most ECSllCOrlitly 1111111Muc to
his friends and the public general!) that lir is re
wired to accoannoilate them ;Mil the trawling...coot
triunity, in n style that he hopes will be found satis
14101'y In all who may l'avor him ci ith a call.
• Ills tr.ole will rreei ye his especial attention, and
shall :Always be abundantly supplied with the best to
be had itt the enmity. The lair is antl.o ill he rand
ea nalantly suPplicil with the choicest Wines' and
I ._,ltplors that are to be obtained 111..restail in thecities.
The Stabling uttacheil to the Ileum.: is uoilitiimlions
and will be under the charge or ...ern!
Ile holies by a strict attention to business to receive
n liberal share of the ptsi its patronage.
• 1104lInFiltS will be taken by the week, nolith
alh'friteig 9 S
1 14a1244111.12D 1412'134
.„,YERS S. HAVERSTICIR: haw , juktreeehrd
11l from tile Mniiiillictory at Philadelphia' a large
assortment of JAR]) .I.3:3lPS,consisting of
Parlottr,Chainber Study Lainips
with or without sipalem which they w tl sell whole
sale or retailut the inimulactiwer's prices:
Astral, Side Ileflector,p and Gass Lamps of vari
ous patterns. • •
Theyembest -Winter stntitied, bleached„ Op.erm
Oil, warranted to burn Clear. for
$i,25 pee gailotai
. Best Sperni Cmullrs., Sri cents iiLT /1/.
Dcc. '2l, 1842. ' '” .
Mechanicsburg Line ,
:fg ci 4l a
'Between Alleehnksiesbfwg cwd
~ 'PI ittiticipktn a. Bietti•nica'e • 1
fillf,E subscriber grateful /N:1 .-past Livers, loop:
leave,te inform iliP,fficrylii . itqu, the ,public
generally,, that he still continues td run a lin'e of
burthen ears' regularly betimen Meehanicaburg
and Phila'delfillia orl3altitintre, by which goods
and produce 'of. ell ileicriptiotts will be forwsrded
with ouzo • and • despatch at the, lowest, rates,of
. Produce willhe received tit his,'
14einklaraahn4; 4 itnii furWardnd rp other 'Phila.
delpliii'bitalti toile; 'geoid ing 'to the dirVeliont
ortheiiiVricit' ' •
•ErTtio highest' pricelivill bo given fen Wheat;
1 4WAIN I‘ I E 6 PY!
' POP 44.
Un'ha 11
nd,i;iiiffor.ewlei4 '
1 1111111iiii
libtgaoniati:Lintinglt,lU6hVAlSOttiati; •
°kilt kind 4:
whictimlll,444lAo Wklibesaliterius,%t.,z.;
Auguat 1 1 7
~ t4'.l bta*Jr-4,
~.. 0t...,,,, vAtt ,,,, 4,,,,,,,:,,,,,,,.„
4 i 1 1,114717:.,, , ' 4 I•',t 4. 0:
I ' ' ogi i , '= ,. ' c L i . . 4 . 3 l 4. ' liiiCfort#4l9.lll the, lama,
hi e, atAnlC'sauth'' lianceif4 , itreetoqoo
it :
lit (344 . 0' 'A Pilit r Ilililit foilleikvilltibtiow , ;1-• • . ap•
,'Hie gittilislfilmiii4 , tittlelt 44 siontsoloo,lG:q .
;:. Jig Andilgalittli glit4iwPWSqt , (1..1 0 3 , 14 vilat t
t t;kt 1P 0 1214: 1 1P94qttgIFFMW I TPAIPVilto
1 lopfilr',lll7EPP,K t' t
~, y y ,ii iL v- .y 4 ,10 41, • a A lai r. t i tit.
Ilaikto% 4:3., r.I I OI%.IIOAWAJOJ/IJ AI'S/
. inipoPP9ROJA I ntitig flrfi t ir i tielf
V . : ti t ni: 9. 0
e ,g, t Pigtiki !' Vkitiiiii
"ratire , JmPorer
I , Act- #i,ooo :**teAtiOhilteL.`
;- /V.-Z - 11141Mo .
/1. 0 4.)/3.ZALIZ3
of . Ege, dPctQ
":' u~"~.
tejeti o yo a fte liven oth7 a,' Bronchitis stn
di.... w ei l k.,;eol of Me Broth& on I.italis,KAronie
7, Coughs', PnAl'Ofil , 4411,19,07 0 .0 05 ,141 . 11 ,4 ° , 8, #, l l ,
t Y rltig." •'•
• " 1- E4'
H, compound Da swum P r 0 till us
al‘ "WO ChdriTikirk,7COrlibined•With
Clio .ch'nct iof 'Xar4reparedellY:
recaminimii4ed inosf
!edged the most valuable medicine eyerijeooverell;
INTO ONACKIIItY l!lof NOA),EChitTrior4 ,
oilin g tomb theivirtuatifithls• trlllygreat lOuti
dieitiei we liayepo,dqslre i .to Alecoiv‘gthoso, who are
laboring nailer stall lion , tier itO 'we wislt to eu:ogi's"n
it' mere ilfairlijiistlfildst.rvei.. , Yiii.' when ire look
around end see the vast amount of soffering . sod,dis .
tress, act:ash:ow(' by_initay, of, the • diseases: in which
thti ineaioine bus rbyed io 'l4glihr isuda4lll, \re
fail that ye•Cahhtii. iirgii•lti a" lOU .40cingly;:tid"
soy!too mod: hsfavor." . ' •
,Varitis retheillea it , hOn'tifrei , ed end'
tufted into cure of diseases'
'l,Ungs, soinelmvii iloYdoubt becii
useful, bat oflilk that linve yet been disCoVere'd; it la
admitted hi% witnessed
'its effects, that ailliuccessful as tbii;
Seth, indeed, ail: tke ' • ' • • • -
Of this• Balsam, that evewin the advanced stage. of
CoNsumprion ' after all the most estcemedremedies
of physicians have failed, to effect any cluingc;the
'use of this Medicine, has •been productive-of th ei
ninst astonishing relief, and actually eft . ..liked cures
utter all hopes of recovery hied been ilespaiPeil oL.
• In the first stages of the disease; termed “Catorr-,
/tar Consumption,'-?originating from neglected Colas,
it has been used with undeviating success, unitfien-•
dreils acknowledge they owe the resteration of their
health to this invaluable medicine' alone. In that
firm orConaumpikoi so prevalent amongst delicate
you tig females; cominonly termed debility, Or •.,,
„ -
A complaint with whieh thousands are lingering, it;,
has also proved. highly Sileeelisllll,aed nOt.only pos.
EeSSfia the power of eheckiag the prj2grsss of this
alarming complaint, but also streaglliens aZid invig
orates the system more ,ell etually than any Med!,
eine We hove,over,•possessed.
Besides its sttriirising efficacy, iii Consumption, it
is equal ly efficacious in Liver ComPaints,.ithma,
Ilr~nchitis,tuul all affections of the Lungs, and has
cet ed many. of the most obstimite.enses, after, every
oil ice remedy litul failed. tic.)l-Por particidars see
DrAVistiir's TreLise on Consumption ,to be haul
Arentling the use of -this , . niedicine;in 'diseases of
the. Lungs, and the many . singular 'cures it• has ef
fected, having - naturally attracted the . idttmtion of
ninny physicians, (ns well as the whole fraternity 01
quails) s'arimisconjectures and surmises havearisen
respecting its' omposition - some physicians have
supposed tt to coolant other ignorant prefeti
ders say it must contain Mercury, and in some/mat
substance they each au ribut e its singular. eftiescy.-.--
As such opinions SIT altogether erroneous, and cal.:
ciliated to prejudice...malty persons - against it s we"
I'l.EDGfi - OLIE - 110NO1i -
'Cho' ktr.nnuitnti- nothing of the kind, or at:y thing
the least Injurious; Oil coinposcd
of the mat simple substances, the principle of which
are the extracts of TAR that 4/ild Cherry Bark,
and the whole secret of .its ellit;ney consists in, tht.••
mode by sv bitli they are'prepared: "
As we hale already publi•hed numerous certifi—
cates from the , highest authority, which prose its
virtues beyond all doubt, we consider it unnecessary
to exhibit n long list of them in this piaci. and will
only Illeolloll leW. eases, to 23110 W what it litts'ilone•
WHILE LIFE ruinfAuNs •
A SURPRISING CURE.--Amolig. the 1111111 y
singular elliVb vhtch.this medicine cheered,
there is perhapi none which its powers' ore so
Cully shown as iti the ease or Airs. Atistio. • •
. .
This lady had heel' constimptiye for t,everal years,
and (hiring, the groove 'tart of thist hue had received
the brittinglic4d Attention, told tried all the. most
valnalilie remedies, yet mottling COlllll be !4/111111 10.
Arrest its 111.0gt.40,5, • She loctotinito stiliject In violent
rah of toolighiag 4 , exts•ettiratell bop, gotstiiiiies ut
on otter occasionally tinged uitlt blood, soil step by
st .p this fearful disease epotintwol its riurse, ontd
alt looitoi• of a reeolvvry ti :IS entirely despaired lii
\1 Milo
it, this IliMressing siutntimt, lingering "1.^,1
the vet, verge of the gt;ttq slit, tountinenceol Ill: use
of this 1ta15,11111, which, to use lier MVO ONLOV:04014
opt rated shoost like a cle‘rin. Inn rew du) s she
e‘i,o•etoroitell freely, the cough tias grachnilly sup
-111.•,41,11, and every day appeared to ;oh] fresh vlgni•
to h e r hinks,and now, in the plaee firth:it emaciated
fitithering to decay, she is FlVell mingling it,
s oeo.ty, in better health than, Om huts :waved to
')tst NTEII F.ST . I . llgTl)lMtli.*T !IV' witnesses:'
Ili • , n•prising efficacy o 1 D,. ,wimor's S . :11111 of
it 1 Cherry, in t h e ease of Mrs. Anstio,l cheer.
111:.s acknowledge the kbove statement to he trio ,
nand correct. • Wil LT , 1)..
Ilroodstowu, Sept. •i,54, 1 .
tear SirAllbough your inv . :flash ineilleitie ha s
:I . l . etOly • Pustul e Imattreas of • powerful, tiolvocales,iit
y still be gratil;) lag to you t$ receive a commitai
e 11 . 01111OIV one that has been relievad by it.
,eh, Sir, is tritlyrtny case. I have been a victim
. that terrible disease • Commoption, ti , r Annoy
twmtbs, IllillllllVe sutured so mock, 141,1 [lad he-
Ime almost weary Of my lite. earing' your
Ilalsalai highly 01116E210 H
began takimr it a few
Treks Itrkl , alut can asFure,you it bas rOlevetl
little than nov thiw„; l have ever . 11%41 hefoce and
eonli dent ly believe it will sow oto.elf:ettaally; PlrnsP
:;ive the.bearer,the worth of the.eacloseil, and oblige
Yours Respectliilly, • Jolts PEARSON.
Chester County, Sept. G, 1841. •
Friend Wistar—lt tsises nw mneli pliasure to in
lorm thee that my wife's !math h i s improved' very
1111101 suttee she has been using thy Ilalsalin or Wild
Cherry, and we think there is no doubt bet that it
will ouue her. • She has.taken the , tWo bottles V
ehused from thee, a short time since, Mel ;lieu cough .
Is much hetter .she, also, sleeps well at, liglitoupt,
says she has tiMith'nottalnr, in give tier 90 muchre
lief: 1 nee will pleaie give the hearer two• bottles
more fur • - .Thy.Prieed r ,f- -,1-
EDWARD q01.11E.5.,
' ' ; Laneastet• entinty,.inly I, I !MIL:. '
1 lleur SI ir—i'lmou mum mu two • bottles ut yciur,
nom Untenlm, ollyi hi Cherry..., ' , have teen al l
loud with Con§nmptiun i for the last two years, and
iiffdre!d!vedY"mildli with a lievere 'entigh, paths in:
' it lirelist, ili fliwalty! of breathing, niglit.sweata, Ike.,
tid,llllVitig tried imnerp it s• retnedief4llllll 11160 ! been
under aevecaldoenirs. yet I could not find any thing
orblievd'inti untill nsMi 'Mine Of yrinr Ilnimfm. • l'
gut one bottle from:4!neiglibtir nimble who' filming
itottiti bind fonini.stieb wonderful tidier from; it that
t uve , 110. 400,t,it,,w41 eui4,e nut effeatnally, i I , ',
. '
Very yours,re . 4petwfully . ti &o. • . ,
. " ; 4' , '.— •• - Rdnnitillbiiii.liit: !"
T y iteatithe ibilowin g from Dr, Jaeniriloffman;;
a pliyiciart ,of . oAtotttny . b ,itrnetion, in, Huntingdon;
Elenredr--i procured one `bottle. of, Dr.,,lirislar'4„
I alealmee.wild ! Cherry, front Thomab,lteed, Esti ri
or tide ' plinie; MOW MIMI 'it ' lii '4 ' Oak. Of 'tibatimit3r
Astliinit ()WA 1/111111tiflPatt. Seltwebie, lit. whi eh man •
other retbetlios . hagiltowit,, ied..wltlitiatttny. relief..
\ t,
The . Balsalm gdy'r smiden roller and an my. opinion
lid nbild fieldstutilly ilifi , ad lif its' ma:
Yours, &o, JA'COD HOFFiLiNiIIID,•:.,
neeentberAdd44lf.ii I.". ht•4,l .:.w ; ;„.; 1 , , ,;; 1
! 'rlbliiVSlit--Mciffilliniiiiilrii ! of-ifVll4 tliePiiiiiid AO
' entedi admit , indonithhig4etiretr here.) -' oti e of ! which' ,
islurnlil•intly. PI ot.litmsalliwhOsulheen utifrorlut.
qi•i4l,9,iigl,lJ4o.)viP 814pVITp of ht,Nathing,amt . gelyt.
emit 'wnakneeit, unfit she niai'llniilli obliged to ktlett
lier"lied' lAfteeSiirinbEl 'lithedr.retbetife'slial been;
resorted firinittitifirsbe;comnientied'llsinglQulNßO'•
isalm n and after taking. two bottles, watiao hilt recap:er n ;
ell, tut tp, ,11,7. ablp to nnoßd.all. Ms !thitinti Of her
'ouse; sail lin'tAitik' km) hottliiii'moreAizill enthrall ..
,A isj o k ,, ~:, , , , :i 1/0 1 *ifre i tty i 41 0 ; ! , T ., ...117.0 f. ' it tti...Y.1T.,,1
Va./ ',.4.111.0 1 7 4. lii i . 111 l'W+4,s*!s: C1A 1 [0: 4 :4 4, 4,
,P,oltayilie a.P - .',,! -,- „, ,• ,', • ' ~ • ~ •
- CAtITILO ? N:Aft ''ildre ii"i"*iirliiiiirinlitnral
Verflitututlattir t.0 . 111 1 40.011NU1t, V.lST#l4!sAdttnr)
8 4 NAitnik<V6 Vf : ViIPHT PI v 10%, ,1,
... itreimreel r N eill pr tdr, Mid,' 014 lot bid.
elivii,f)willi4mktc 4:344treliettltliti;lNO't /111.100
. 4110 , 04N+411140111b1i11n
~ , ., . ! , •4'4..; /II 0./ . .itPl!T ,1::., ...Ai
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'''' SOi ; ik,Parl . 4310 . by •':' .. ~., ,t . vt , ii;iq'l - i.‘3:lli.
• ri!i4: itiffv;:t>'4:l,:folAktqltilifctEiiialol l ll. l r
" , tif £1 iiirainiglifikibilhfriii*Miiiild),Sin!tilj4ll)lß
I% itiPr t . I T itl 4 9efteltsti.:tql PVI
Cid tirili AV ' ih Tet.iikil! 11 ,rninb,ttE , Ilkri
Olift, thilMIT , i 1 1 .1 iiiitittn.? . '4,'4. I , , -
qu ilPh :'.340 11 ; s•1[0(e. '''!' rr..'l ~`,:_. , iil '' ) 37
1 . 4j ! ~, , i n ! ....-, S'll, :071-7. , .yr04.1
. .:4 P, 'Mi l . •-• 14' 1 Wt ., 04114';11,1eA 41' -i r te , l fi si ,•,, 31 ,
... 4..17+. ,, e5...t.•%;,:r 4 .1.1•12r.".."1"...-f.%."..r<104/012 1 . • vii
i:":4t ~.:,')it.e° ' , : iTio it.,:: Ti rTii. iiii r. , ::7.7 . 4 10
~toi' ilit.:.*istsarit'liit'cienNatrOtahlesel
-—; • ~ ,'. -; -, --tvg....- - ..1. , •,:.,,.. .1. ~, . , t „. -.
1 .11.46 4 t vv
1 01 f 'IRStri t - Atav.
• ,Tl)e following ,1417itlifia., ne leme .
dies, inay be founto lo ,,c4ith ' ,Wni*oreii,
Itiaintoon at vvereciatittilikiotoo4.•thiPatat e .
Enethember and itefiEketititiniesil they
have 'the hie.aintla. gigngt4lll:9f:,
:44 44 , 0 4-4:4
,I)Y Ow eamtninanos4= 4 ;aseimPasitior!a# 44 , 4440 410 k ; ,
Oita. 4;q 4 ei 41, 1F414°tf'?Iltr!'A t YA u s il l ? i , P,
-tit:g? tßipm9tte them at 7,l i 'atatan.lane,
n a(timeh ife a , tow - fo thu
'Oofanti!ialhs'uidr t e
which Will iticiiitf if ifallinfout}"brirestare it o,n'lntld,
placed; and on children makaik,grow,ralpilly, try on,
,these;tyliti,hp,ve lost the ht3ir from any cause.
; • A.llL . .,EltiVilN 3 thal:infeit' i tha'hiiiide
. schnola, lirM;iiiite'd orltilled ae- c i n a c e.L., •
. • •Jt.
Find 't6 . name of 4.0,A404e144, art
ti r o! OClfer•trYi•it• tNI;q4DfYi...
aria ,- LAMENESS • -
•,.t.;;•„:„„- .
positively cOe.o l trnd 445 , annyl'igea I" el :• El a t-,
t are iestored,', in. iliCold Or' tlia•
but neliee without the nen:lel of CODiscoth .&
L,P•~I L • ES
are'whollpreveßted „ or ;#cxerncd 4iair Tr
come on, if 704 ; use the only t rIP.HATAi i MP I FT , frPIR
eq'indeqe‘'*W€ ; •' ALL,S ORES
and every thing relieliea iethiteedmite '
ward' application: It Lc& like a charm! , 11de it.'
UOILSES;"thi ,haveßing-Bone, pps,yl;!,,llB, ~, a re4rc cured by liii.OLVSActilc.;
Foundered COCA, ; entiroly...crfreOly ji.99ra!
Founder : ,Ontmeqt. Mark this t 4 horsemen.,
tractor nip* ~panikordnary
and s 4 as. r aiid ;di i 4. EYES ' , II' hait'dOiighted
thousands.h will 'tak.O 'ont.'idiridid ealilinnutea;
and no failure. It will cure the
A bettor ,an4.m9re, .nice and usifid,ariicie.naypi• was , 1
made. 411,aliouid wear, then!) regularly..
un the, principle subsptiiting the tonic in
, plane, of
the sti mulant Rr Principlewjjekhas reformed'So :many
drunkaids. To I'm used Willi •••
LIN'S BLO OD ,1114:3, superior A 9
xers for cleansing the system and the humors Weir.
=)„-the-hlood,andloi all irregularitise of the bowels
anti' the g,;tl erallie l atihfd ;;i6 k ::( ;!
!Spa Pr.. Imes sig. ID , C r WY C.% 1111
I n . mureohkis
will offectuully cure sick, headache, either. froni” thoT
NERVES " bilious. Hundreds of r aro _
using it with groat joy.,
for the certain p;oventiOri - pr FEVERS' pr. ttn:y
general sickness ; keeping the stomach in moat per-, ,
feet order, the howelaregular, and a determination Ip
the surface.
pains in the bones, hoapeness, and DR'OP S'Y`
arc quickly cured by it: KnJW this
CORML—The Freliehllaster is asure scum
• IV
• _ " 1 / 4 • • -V
***o. ,
hair any shade you wish; but will not color the skin.
POUND . ,EXTltACT.,..Thore, preintro_
tion. of,Sarssparilla that can, exceed . or, equal thii.
If you aro sup, to get, Cosyrocies, , yoti will 'find
superior to ali.others. aties not'require'pnfftug..
" WD3111.0
OF CiIINA.-' A'positive curd, for the , piles, tmd
brought to dui
atirfacit by 'friction with tbiti..Balm •coughs;, • °
ek oisore ihrottt,• tightness of the dear, this Balm
'applied on'n , flannel relieve' and' cutest,
trash wounds hr.old lords are rapidly cured bytiut
, Dc;,Tgto'P.
win ' oiqtaQ•itn '
'taken in , tithe, and is t6ileligtitfal:
bertha name; ittitd gal Cenutocka,4o
•- .r,1 , 1•08 • rli
eradicate all \A/ 0 R MS in children or adelta
with Pcertainty quite the same a:
that made' by ' i3ieck;
almost incrediNe, bi'adnistOek 4:6! lievOyork.
I'OOTH:DRODSrEiII4p6II66tudi. ,
utend iiceordOs impteopits6. ►in the teat 1842.ibtaritkiefig
or 9, 1 ot 0;0, lark's,ot o f Risisict of rtew y frk.
By applying to our agouti in suck
Pillage, papers may be had free, aitilWinto tub moat
respectable names in Aberieellrilrg for those facts, ea
'ar 11 PAITIO par 11,
Burp 3 thymir r ,rtioremtuatiot"
• be, put oq with any stOilee, iih
good.: .104v10
yeetir iiiiottioduand , ibiteumneriadalbe tali and grauite
wilhoset our neretekiaNientrl 4 1 1,ArPtsilirriNIMAIIP
11!afir,M! of `.t
I zl/4 dig% ) . • ItentltiElrahleurt
)` ii ttlittibleebr3lll , l47 hietu
4 ' ,(1 oikTuiIkitTELIELTAQIETO
-trrp pN
. , .
~ - ~lyfo‘ttoysl,fvw, pitivis I'
. ,L.:,
~„ ~ • . Vl4l 1, ~:,,,, %,'. ....3!, 1 1 / 4 M, Vol- , (IT
1 -Kbr AMWEPOVP . o l t ,F t4g;Ptlq r it . oi
e ill U e TlAlPK ln fOltil l°; 2ll:7\: *"
yaitue ‘ e'e , uk . t e a 'lr d t s brans ,
Joralltsortelfrenviddlifrdn, dud:adults! 0/ ,til.-.2 , 1;:t
Til° l3 4Mitt ) .§. Vt 4.54.! I .IIF9PPIAIIMAIVi aI
tonse bail kooyn. Some oilier reason iii assigned
for their sielcpess;Futa tiiiitalripv & real cause.
Whatlifififeiiie*Ulbitaildli tiWiets upon the
uparentittliu ugeknotAnAwa atu dheEdootoril•4o"oes *
noHliktlFTAtang,thit-omvilpilli, Itkeh isdastfuying
thoielq'dOiNitfidtkli - Vo fel:«if tarta:q -w = -“,
il, Ittnipt *Wilt htniatapror4Poo '-t , !Ur ..)tV_, , r 3; _
.r51,:41140M491.14.01.011,491711i,m4mfugetaNpi, ..
- wit), bu r. aurkto L dosoodj i t ivi lh 3, Aye nu,yfuri'ds i and
g'illiel ini'vbift tilinairb aff VtddresediWiti 4 silth
olitOttlinjturdphYa ilyrtitast
14 +,
VII y.
yip el; , ;AiCl, ' ..' II ! 1 ', 13 ;.turox s ,
supra est/ r •T'l7'''' 1— •, • , ' ,
,T,ta n ti*fiaitkii 00 1 0: # 111 0 ,1 C410 1104 .
~ •A.ibsiiet supoii li.glairrififilii:Plistimr.
lint.'hlreohlrly• Lod Add-1413ginG,-Antitth,tmkerla—
i'vartetruf I..tielit:Onds;jusereoeited 'b
--,s---- \