/E.M5%& 111311 .•itt 4Q40,1411381tat 0 *to INeattesaiv IMl'5LgEt U. PALMER.' rielphikAgent•cor this Jopmal,hat rOtoOvVit'frod'i , hiel Ito :gfitsi in !Third *O7, Wri:lOOt §troSt dolphin. rind is'now locatctLoOtp. 66_110 tre'et beton/ Third. two .14i4iii,*040*pichatig. Persotili in Philadglphit *44i9g,!P 1 0" 0 0 1 5 . 5 1, ":1 11 3i us, willitilossh Noires., who is au. thorired to scVsitimitAgent. : ' WS , have, received the Medical liens grid Library, for. August; Published by Les: dr. Maiteh: strd, Philadelphia, atone dollar pee annum. ' 0: "An eittiele on thn'trei mile at to.dayed paper, entitled l'aiOntid Gonittment; is commend. ed to the attention orthosofe - Wlicini it is address , 'ed. Althangh notveiected by di becaoseof, particu'ar applicability , to this community, a re. mark ha the report of the board o f in 'ref... ereneolo the suspension of the Male. High School, shows that there maybe; those hereto whom, its censure and admonition might prove profitable, if earefulir considered.. ' • EnentOpment •at Illeatiantlesbnrg. ag•Thito Encampment, which commences to. through Thursday , and FridajP,- promisee to be One ofno ordinary attraction intl. consequence. Criptain WASHINGTON, of the Unit , . .ad States Artillery, has accepted the command, .and his, elegant company will take a part in the -encemprnent.'` In addition to On Artillery, there will be nwthe ground, we are informed,two core: 'panics troth Ilnriishig;one from York,one froM Lewisbury, one from Iloguestown, one front Me chanicsburg, together With the three companies from Carlislc, - making a body of nearly ihrea flan= dred men. A fine military display,therefore, will be presented, such Ms lie not frequently witnessed_ in this part or tbe.couotry. • %.• . Totiv'e - every facility to, those, Who wish to visit. the Encampment, Ake Railroad Company . will take passengers to' and from Mechanicsburg, during the Encampment, for half the usual fare. Balloon) Aseensi rr . We A re Jegnested ,to slate that - our young townsinari,-Mr. J. A.Caviza, proposes , to 'Make Ase_ension from our hornugh, Some time during the presbnt Or ensuing 'month; provided sufficient endouragame4 is given to Warrant. the 'undertaking.' Mr. C.' Is a young gentleman of considerable cuterririze and mechanical talent and ingenuity, and 'We doubt not; if his Proposition meets with encouragement, he Will maks a sue. easeful and satisfactory ascension, insproveninnfa In tairilste. ajqiiiitwithstandinst thccontracted atindition , of business all'airs and the scarcity of nloney, friend Informs ue that the grdwili of our boroug is steadily advancing, and that as an evidence of -- -.the fact he has counted thirty:sit now buildings which are either in the emit's° ole . reetion 'Or have just been completed. A number *of these are handsome, large sized bailings, flniaiiet9n niod: ern style, and adding nineli to the good appear: a nee ur the town. &Sides these n'irebeer'Ve that some or our dingy dwelling:; of 'the olden are undergoing sueliittertud repaint and improve ments as will prevent their being .thrown in 'the hy. their More modern neighbors. We note theca fuels with the liveliest satisfaetiow: Oikr rublle ISchobls. ir7The committee of Viaiters at the Waht et, n in illation of the isever4Piiblic Schtinlis in our ho., rough, present a. very gratifying report i which will bei, : foitsi, io anodier column, and to which we ask' attention. • Tileadinirable iyeteht,which 'has been adopted for the • regulation'of the schools in Carlisle; id an hunotto its projectors', credita. tile to the present , Board of Directora who main: taiu its effitieney ; and Met prove a blaring to our barouift:' ' ;f i fth awed reCummenditioni made In the conelusinn ' of the report anhe Viet. ter; we think', arientftlo to the tenons conside. ration of the bitectote, and it lit to Fig hoped seal} • be adopted: Itnin 'storm, • • , CY•After rather' a •lohg period of, thy weather, we were siaited ,on Saturday /eat by, a heavy rein, wbieh continued falling almost in tor rents throughout the day+ , It came gratefully to the thirsty polds r and has had a salutary elter.t in promotingLthegreiwth.of tem, potatoes; &e.. In .fhiradeinlria, ant we -know •by the piper, of Monday, a periect deluge of felletshich was followed in alit t4i;f i ningiti , ti thymic mittirm of ter. tibia triolettee;iiiiiinitgirtreitt destruction of'prOp. erty and stien oflire Vie city of Plsileftey4ia was almost inuntitttioi . WithWater, the shipping on the Die!artr , e#Ts?l , FiTyilkiii watttrerelyinjurcid. irnabit ., !iti:tigeatweet aiMayi,ttieng , the. Belinyittll I and Lehigh, canal boils sunk, &c., A large gap, factory on V,t'ne strcet;on.whkeba number of men were dTployed in building, was demolished, and a*matiSlitiliifill# , llitirutepOtyfelldlleffby the in; ruins. *Tern( ofticitt j ,wci . anic t is infni44; • - - . 4PRry.f.PaMP .fa be belkin, the fulkuviug,pla,ee ll r ,, , • " Cumberland county.--cne near tiliircnianato4U in m0n . ;1,1u3. .11th Au. gas!. Ono at or near_i , loyiburg on the let of 6ep. iornbet: ; •Pnia rule!: Slnolgerown v lth Bcternber. : ..•140;',.':ys,ii4o-fy..idiii,itelie.:!;!i"i49t"'ltn the ;e! . /! A9i;u 3 t, : . • .". :L Etecehm*, •. . , p-Stete and diagradelenar eleetitoci tot& pliaCc States, give -wino if notTulbretu matt ottr. out, f,Ny pea. ; littOtitdaritient , Notilp Carolina, aterAW.tog)l4o4llSck - . 414 0'holomeigglAfrsinf ux.or 4 14 4it0 contain intelligence or, the , death cale• brated l / 4 1 / I .44tuel.NolulentilnOil • raring oirthe 23 (aflidgo:illfeivitit.8/3 grata of :age. . „ liteChitrleileeid,' Esq. or Erie, has been , nomiti,"farßoOtre. puortrawm/gerrY• natuidie anoposed Of Erie; ISlA.Kean s , „ „ h $14„)co")0APIP?, toue.prual, citc , taigiiteampineut ;nest 4 1 itoisit-V r im, watt', , I ,' • , ) ,1 2 i ow , '''Z' , of,oare,•aftwk in' C 0 1 ,940111" 'l'4l7.7vt' ak " ttio 4. ' INIV bi) tol4lgg. - . 101 .-6 ' daythe' 'an 4 ~P?".. '. i t e ,4 4 , 4,414;,,dicadfui ; kiat‘ 411.0' cmtg4" • • ' ' veri i , • ~e,,A..sultivirchtnism.*+o rtgioltit, „ i /k1 ,1t.„717 . ,.. .; ,Apie4,ll/4or,#te'l t.,, yeti;, tip rifAuk '' " piiii ' it' ‘ 44Ffeo - 1 iiill'34tianda°l , , lattOrp 1,04 11Q ' "" 4 7 , ' t i,' ; eeie.,,,ienisinglos'.?f• .. .A7‘, ,7. ''' 4 ,-,. . , •-, ~4' 2 TI 414410 't44t :"lr A r• • 14'4 a- tra4.^.dw.tr . : . ti1ie k .5.34J)110„.. 6 , fM1.11V4;, , . ' , kr? 4:X111.4421111141‘ ',1,LC;;.10141,112,ifYg,;•; . .„ itrlifarif . our,4,o*All.o**ol#olool l :Ats. the ihaaourse of #hitt`ebitdtfN ! vih in the sedO`ilifiresiifterfaq eitureh otdhii .I . ;riPiih, on .Thuriiilityk enitie ii,l'* A Ditiiii , x Asnas; 95 1 iPliii( 1 4.4 0,1 414*1?)ittt cal; SeimnarY knows( and vo4eilitedlforditqeet ah 4 c , er.l 4:;' , I ailioll.' is, s. 1!" VAIA: the'ireight of years, though it has enfeebled his. tiotti end ireakined-bia•voiee,has , ; his pwer.ful,iniad,ailck pc,b,4,r,i 9 t.pr ol eeded far: is ,hiesermon, , till,he teemed to be anituateil , .iiy:it spark that life giving fountain whence ha has long looked ; far ,and *tee ,regalne'd measure' 14', • 'the posker 'hi WI prime; and the solemn and inipigianttrahiPrii: . notinead loy"Ilid old mail rivet.: ed the attention end, wn ;dontit :iiiit;"eiredted• the hearts of his atiditoti. , Lte , 134,4A4 ~ 1 • We find the follaWide thrilling scene 'described in, the Lynchburg (Va.) . Reptiblican,.in connection , with rt notice of the Conitnencement at Washings kin' College, at Lexington, Va., in Which . De., Ai.: ZXANDKIt. participated! • • -•• • • • '.; 4 . Oh thd afternoon of Commencement-day, the Al umni of the 'College ,wer addressed b,y dm Rev.' Dr. Atxxatirtia, of Princeton Theidogietil This venerable divine is the oldest Altimaus of the College living, and now' flood up, hi his 84ut year, to perfarm,the duty assigned to him. ' Great:lnter , . tit was impartdd' to the occasion by the fact, iliac the aged speaker was amongit,hii native hills, breathing -his native air, and surrounded by numerous relatives and friends, who all revered him ns a pat, latch; and loved him its a brother ,and lather.. His address . , ;:ivitich was upon the suh,p:et of Education, Was full of siinplicity ttntl sound wistlomt It presented the ine tured,oplitions and-reflections of -a long life ofobser and what is more,of long experience intend-. int. ; He bilked with a jealous ey, e upon many of the novelties in our systems of Education, and seemed tO ery_out,Atillt oracular wisdom, '• seek ye the old paths, and Walk ye in them." After hitting advanced with apparent ease,through more than hall of his speech, in consequence of the oppressive heat and bail air of the room, he was dom. itched to rest for awhile. Ile shortly resumed his discourse, hut Was compelled again to take his seal, when he soon mooned.. The scene now hemline-we' of deep and thrilling interest. Ail fedred a seriens, if not fatal issue, and every heart Was full - of ankiety nail sorrow. However, on belt % reinoved fl'om the house -into the (titre Air of the yard; he scion recOtett e4anil rising from the grass lie insisted on returning to the Church and'resuming his di semi rm . The eon , gregatian assembled, but lie loud • net 'proceeded me before the paleness of death stole rivet' lilt face, fled he was again carried forth appeently lifeless. A gain he was speedily recovered, and again he expres sed his deitire and determination to proceed with his address I nor could the prayers and entreaties of his friends turn him Pont his impose. He did iiot,ltow ever, return to .the dowel), but seated on a enslr in the-midst of that venerable church lard, he discothus ed to the congregation, While they stood around him, listening to his words with silent and breathless at-' tentiott. The portion of the discourse which he seemed so reluctant to leave tthultered, Kap a glow ing eulogy upon the late MN. Graham, the Mender of the College—a person to Whom, it would seem, the College and the State owe much. lii concluding hit remarks in that place of graves, lie refereed to the Fact of his being the oldest Alumnus, and that soon some of those who were surrottudlng him would oc cupy his place. lie was soon to pass itWay, sinatite_y_ ,to their turn would be the last. lit! tenderly conn. - .sidled them to put their trust in God, to make the Saviour of sinners their friend, Mid Willi his solemn testimony to the troth and value and excellency of Religion, he bade them all II final Ikrewell, with the prayer that he might meet them all in Ileaten, It Wesa solemn, heavenly - scene:" a place AvitriT we were 'fereed to 311) . ', "it is good to be beret" the venerable Father in Israel, from amongst the tombs of departed generations, bad, as it were, delivered his.dyin. , counsel—it laid been received into eager ears atursoftened Imarts,and we were waiting to bear 1 . 1.0 m Ina lips the words of one of old. " Now tritest thou thy servant depart in peace !" That 11100 e WO3 Bscbisa; butt they " sorrowed most of all roe the wools %loch lie spoke, that they should sec Ids face no More:" 111 e Light Artillery. Cr'The rullowlitg Cninntunicatton which has been ltahad to us, we publish willi pleasure. The writet pays a just tribute.to the skill of the U.S. .Light Attillerf, new *fattened at the. Barracks near tine borough, and hitt elm/masts the satisfac tion and pleasure felt by army-one who witnesses the nnl•et anti ekeltlng drills of the Artilleryy--- Those who imite been accustomed to observing the vlotr and Odin movement's of Infantry and other ttouthr, can have no Idea of the skill attain et' by tho Light Artillery In their almost flylilg indvembnts, and can searbely credit the ovidefito of their lenses even when Whamming their rapid erolutionst The particular estltise of re 2 dltitidt: ing a giin described by our correspondelii; scents incredible, arid yet It is as readily tictformcd as any other.. 'the encampment ni IdeChanicsburg will furnish a One opportunity ( to those who havo not yet seen this elegant company on parade ( of witnessing many new features in military tactics which have been intrudue:ed by the Light Artil lery branch of the service. We hare heard that It Is irfecintaiiiplation by the Efearetary cif iVuti tci ordef Wei additional Companies to the post near Carlisle. In so doing we believe 'tile Interesta of the service and the D'eportirMnt worth! beethinontly consulted: Whilst in these o .piping times Of ,peace" many brandies of the army nisi..inactive arid unemplojedi the cheapriesi or their Subsistence isn matter of no semi( concern. in an-economical point 'of view, no post in the United StateeolTeri greater advan. togas than the Garrison here. The situation is also ono of the Most healthy in the country: 'Moigorrom.:-1 w0,..0re0 or die many.. adwiiring simetatora who witnesicd,,a few dila agd, a deal of. the Light Artillery COmpany,unile'r the bominand of Captain W.kautracirott, United States Army, Ma, timed at the Barracks naaynut , Once, and•oerer was E naiiiite highly gratified Witli any military !kr- f. mar e°. The. rnallest degree el • perfectictl to *Melt every MrII.(CLITI% has been brought. m*f tAtute all, the . etitam4linnry Celerity; pith *hide they are performed; strikes tiatilteilo!de'r i?olo.rY aensadontrof su'rpriac.'y'Very rrittny,:intleed, of their M anteuvrea treee strikingly Ekautifel t in UM; tlie ntiredrillWiCs one Ofitvrillingt iittoreaf thirotiolOtt Imo elleited„the.adMirotion. of al/ present'. , During the'. drill,. tfre Captaine' doubt ulth a view of illosti'ating mere ,dlearlY thtlLlitdale move.' tent Olds tfie'xite'y WAS a scene .f unusual ieterest,) had one of the ;uns dismount. thi that it to say, at` the detninutar "dl' rtiottitt tiro . lett,' the plea.' was' taken *oat' ' th'e .tiarritite, the wheels from their moles, and played on the gttound, mid i die nteirapiihrhiitl'attest term them, When ' as, Mit istimmand fithountt the piece'! t is giiteni tire guit', enteeretty part , nit the carriage orerereseared toitheir. attinali politioir;eliargetlinit) lilenit all , tTlarfr was perror 6 td in ihe 21 0 ,, b 151 4kia ONICti 6 °/ : 0140 ," ' tbreitseabnds !., t t ,• ‘ , , , „•, t i 1 find that the Light Jartiltirit it eonsitletted b illsitte 1 4. 0 44 AutolifeiliP )t 1 10 1. Ttlitlierf ttPiheriTAll the expressionief,the opinion, tth be aNable ond im+ 1 kiortant arm tic the natitinal (16fenee ocinsegneatiy congress 4101 ' 1141 " 6 ?ii t tird i" an . k 4r ' l ol ' l6 in still 'adding Ats , th it itxittet;(ltott 1111 r?verne.ni or th 6 te , Nibs'enopo, of which , there are mar fonrii 'am la, limed; it!'tflthrTY•:' ll ' ' • ; ' '','' ' '..`at.: t .' 4, wltellolall Vi 1 9 41 h OA( li •it' ', .o°: I. Pl4" tk l i°l. f ; Captain iVastitecurort to risit, .if, possible. 5 0i112 0, Or Their6lnnitier entiuMptirenis in this Saito tiering the I Peft i fA4e,4°'lt I°Pbtie.lP vittli'lx YOw • tp;?ltiOe' . llle eitizien soldiers to ,beepnw more fentin!irtsefFithi m the • ratheMiintit of the Light Mittliery; tind , l6' 4004 t 4 e RI iP l iill?" i 9 l ,o '.° r*O l A l i i ii:±: 4 _ 1 , 3 r i i.dliNsc, ',°P tamp snit othe r . 'pail:ant Autienr ', Ai* A Aiwa, would be exceedingly pleaslng.multinfeketlai foamy' citizen soldiery. `, , ( t t • rf, .1. a i i ~ ; ),,,.,:i Ilhi litii s iitit'aft - Vonglfsbfilbilitttlitg" the rank anti rtly..mplar i viw4,l..6l l ) ittioißogiiVt ', MD' Jitgotit theaittemtholitti V lll 'o ol l°, o ` i ittP l mi t/ tiv413 .1 1441 111 1- AW,PtellalhOPNittitlitiil"'illi A'eill*cs Wilo9lo ofirP4l,4lnYvVltPkiVeli. ; eaetraoropley. rh' POllO E l 7ll'l I P so „uy dheri reFcto.their- mein ee &Irak 34 'ell mod et dila esti itis lira isie Iriirtr - te-nlo.4olAligtittetli PltrgfOr s .k i l 439 . 1 1 14 *` "don ~, c!rigrc",attllll 1 141$1"° ' " ''' ' 41 *liireo ) 4 . l4lo '4 7141;rf l a t ec i rif' i , ' ' : , , 04' -.. • ..' '2''''. "I , ii It ,-„s. - ,,, a „ ,:,., 44 : , , o , w- r . ,,,,,,,, L. , , 4, , ,,,, ili.,-. 41 • 4 . UMW - 4:1 .) 0 - 3• We have been I .,_fltatOss, , ipth.fiau following 1gier:f401440#.1.011,11.4400Aa itirther ac coun t of the progre;snthititodr: Vpaniii;'ltethe'lnSt lidtea Ilits'bhed,littddol I.Wherehe intended sejtitirning . detp,‘ dine pritiiouti :19 hill OePakOto:PEPt?'.‘. l l 4l U4 OHO 71-- • 4,,,t • t If? 'L4ND 84 'fliar'ilrofissor som ! tne—Chet firit graph in be: Cookituletter Avhildt aceomplinielt f this; ;414kefsrm you of my progreii frnin'Patras to MO': irciil . 4loblige me by wtlttt I forgot tdiell hint, 7 , -that I,:hitse; Seets'AthenS.: . the AcadeitijOlyriteilire,PentishiMOVln'inthotit tied , ranibled•ol , ec 010;:ruinisof:the temple of Jdplttt litudiellenius in Eights; slept at Epuluillust iisitell sacred 4,Aionlapliis, Mauldin; *kindles, (the Ooliege,:of ,tteiiides yeti know,), A Fgos'i MyeeneAkeutelintahilitnil.iitlley of Semen; where Wattled' . killEd 146114 • 'tire peeped into his rodUoinin,caves. it ' iVe saw the ruined temple, population gone. I i:oilb on horse baci- not irf :the Stadium 'tillefe Hid Nemean Garnett took 'Plaid, at 16tit'llerese,ilib to the Staillun.. There is no(Vwlietit 4114e . .were ancient! )y *9 hurried and heavy trardp of hot•coMpetitcd4. forgot to say I so* the Letnean Lake; pure cool water, but the hydra was not there. • .From Neniea we proceeded to Corinth, where tie, rested all night, and next morning ascended the Acropolis, the boldest and most striking object in Greeee;, we looked upon Sicyon, the birth-place of Greece; sighed over the solitary ruin of Me Corinth of history; some lout; columns ore temple of Miner va, or, as some say, of Octavia,are_stillstanding.amitl iliemodern ruins of the late revolution., it makes one sail to, see Corinth now, once the "eye of Greece." From. Corinth we departed toaardi Athens; rode across the Isthmus, saw the ruins of the Amphitheatre Clow among grain fields; then the . remains of the wall which the Greeks built to defend the Peloponnessus against the Persians. The tem ple of, perhaps, Neptune, is still visible here; over looking port of Cenchrea, where Paul , ahaved his head ai he had a. tout.. This; der dent Colonel; beings to my mind the pleasure of In Cotintit the .Epistles, or pe lages in then' ) of the Apostle. to the - ,Oorinthians,— and I fuegolfit 911 y, fid bne ban tell Christian from the New World fgels ';Wien IfC elirokt tip the smile steps lilt In the iieek to the Mitt of the Areo pagus at Athens, and stands in the same little square cut also in the top of the Nook, wltel'e St, Patti climb ed, stood and delivered that atintifable palso7,e lie-' fore the court, recorded In the titit chapter of the Acts of the Apostles. t have not time in this letter to refer to the beautyautt foi:ce of that thhirtst, de livered in the very shadow of the Parthenon-01MT Of the celebrated statue - iirl.linerva, made of "gold and silver, Mid. graven by art and mauls device,"'Mul altici t stall beloreltlnt above tile magnificent Pm:, Itylotoin . All was in tieiv of tile Apostle and the judges; :Old the jthlges were sitting on tile stone (Wm:lies - Yet &re; Moans Agctraer marker-(dace , was below hint (there ha had Pet been disputing with the. philosophers. I , stood std the spot and breathed, inspired. it *ll5 a totally different f ' etlllll . l from that which I experienced when t stood on the Beira where pressed the feet offientostlieties wriest he thundered forth tht Athentaiii aiseinbled on the Pays. I _stood there, ton, nitli Untitterable emotion: the area was before me where the stet% tiettmee.itty or Athens used to a sseinfile to delifierafe do ptdrlib anidra , and to liner (heir ora tors from the slime platform (there I stdiftl. lint I forgot I was at Ceneltrea. Frown Ct• 11111 course lay along the riot of NI omit Ccrusiion, with the magnificent monolith' ov e r nor bends on the 1011, 01111 the coif of o,gina with its islands on our tight. Tlibt was called the Scirmiinn Way: and really for its dangers may yet deserve the ventilation it Oneelnul %then that ferocious robber, whose monti.ll Lot e, hurled hin - rietitns head into the sea. milli *rhesus served Idol lilt he had Seaed mitiTs. We hafted for the night at Niegara; elate of thnitiffol tfottition In :indent history, as it Was n mere. otalte-Oight between Athens mid COr inift,or and Sparta. ltto 011 C knows when or how it fell,eteut Slegariephilostiphy is undefined. I'ltric kit no obliquities here, except some frag ments be titirlde oEinsionally seco in the nulls of this h illy Titrkisli-built town of perhaps 2000 peo ple'. Here the 5. , 0. tile only lientailitl Greek fetuale I Hale tel Aren in Ci:eeee, notwithstanding the "Maid of Athens" ift still lit fife thy of Minerva... Prone Nitilion sfe toitlineeti 'm11611611 plain of Eleusis, ;told saw, larhhig oilier remains, the ruins of the telOirtitfeil ferople 0f Ceres, who is said to hale heed tiitight the lieoilld to provide food by til lage toeit,;;;(1 or depending on acorns andground'unts. 11/11 part of atieient Mythology he true, I was nn the the greatest licnefiictinn of man to man, oil rattlei• of woman to man; was made; for hiiitory attests that she besuiwti every good thing, as in this case. The beauty of the iliztin would almost justify the beautiful fiction ot Ceres and Proscrpine, and the institution ul tit Eleusinian Mysteries.--I-took care to secure a tictid of Wheat whicli'may germinate in America. , We were now twelve miles from Athens, Mill tf , ie route tay along the Pin, Sacra, through! the Pis; of Daphne. Some portions of the atteiinif visiy fire visible; arid in the roe of the roel4 on JAW fefi of the Pass, are die Yef,tliwt comaiinvil tho yofive offerings of the Worsliipiia in tie Niy;teriesi for if I reeolleit eorrefC' Orb saCrett *Cession Wound afore 53 Vin gifera f*Corvi Wetisie, tibd thence ?di* to Ole. Acr c ip'olis of Athens. What o strange reverence one feels As he., stands 1014(1 the ruins of the Acropolis, and looks di, at the lone, senthetc`yer nAtgolircvnt doltiorns of the uhriveiled Parthenon - After taking fenrre ol r fri 4 ontfs at Aliens, (iithil ire found warm and attenti re °hes in Mr: and !Uri. Hill, end Mr and Mrs. Benjamin) we deptirted feilfebes in Ilcuotra, tAt city of COMO. Our re — tite - lay. by the 'Acatlem*, (4roWi of' hide; grid 'de hill of ColonusWidipus Colon - us - 4 to ,the • Pass of Phylei . la yet wild, sublime ud', liatri . 44 for, the &tier of Thrasybithrs stri• fat sildne in dile nioutitlidn fist: near.:- !fibre de Tiiitniiied at : tioon'ithd'ideist a duttple of hours under' a,treel and i then descended into Bleotia, and found' d r ib mtideitin tmYn iie'fitbhesf hid the Thebelrof hiatory thioltim'e(eieettt a cet , eourees ?of Hellehie moon perhhps of • the f m Thebtie we came the'"ridee Pli4ta at ti 4 eqmitit tytlite'ro'n,‘jOebeloit'tthi blana t the taik hete‘on,.. MIA r bbipll of de; 1 04 4 filitkall - ,IM, ;is gehe.. 'the little villagt; of' Titehidge lialV a mile .dlatald, Mid cattle novi feettl witello rekteltitt . leht .1d ',power In the there Yet, and Mew:ere of the Mltses tvitterOti hyrthe Ydanthiti otAtroippet tlitough , *ie statute' titel 10140 ofthe mute& here given Niteee, to the eimetlitt Of St Ifichtitikia l itAe!ehtMlif G.reek vesterK Prcr atietrair 1 ,*lttlteil ;cli"Sii i;t9fikihtiohlule, did 'the eelebretetll'onfittlinirotlyttileerf end tethe: 0 not n tlrsinghtfronythttoyett t pst!en nitteentember rciend . B APPOOI f t " 11 ,0 01 1141 11 1tvt dettttli'Pr lir otlwittenuld not tlst *000199 o them: Thewoo"we PrwFwatietks4oiSit*sonek., where Philip - clove down lluillhetliqe ure..3‘.' Itibn4 aWhitcd Mount ramassus, wt?icti ) for rdv gediless well tainnta tlle react to eptineniti and havi4 trefpnilArpur`selliei ot elf Greece; n t iOu*at E Tifettat'r,4 6 ,ihr}iiitniklif,ol)4l# V A ' ri 'l l'tteit' ' littl'il, o o,4Plf.4; ‘ 1 1.01.4 44 .40 pall; otaic:atliinjOeita;) Vatattl;piabr 4 at f tso #ttlet l At little fronveach thtm eleven of -the Iltatk,kindfdo • tiopoon , the..listusalera...et the anoienereliiiih-4. IMO, WM/W.0411 liON'Olitslo4#o*-edl 11 0 11 ; 11 Wit 1 4#41WS YPV I3 41 ; 4 '44100ns to -4erfroPilmAaWklsjftssmOkileht,,ll illetTri s ' nth' Allitetbriti'dlOiOl*tittut 464411(0441i ,qoatikorilferit*lvVit' '*# 0 1 6 4 sittliliqig 41 4 044; ~dilkil 6M "rlr - ea ' slisiorc:l'att}4 qiaivitt,mll ill ne PrAl 3 4tNiat*llibil /t iti yr,ifrf4Pi'dit,4,ii..: 10e Wife tlmie,ittare s l ao, thia okentimea tliglopiidstOilOttoq to to A4l,otreligio;ii 440 ile0016: ,0 1 1 1 1 ,01 4°,1ttli' wan IeSS 'dulcet. ' ` 4 t , , .• But it Kate nut Etiotit tu,tell jou, more 145 , 01114 olt, i'guitbatftntortlaigi Wbrahiped :in" the little' 'Greek' Draft h`o ll .o l to, 6 cq 2ll :l3' enclosure ilttuttiti tHe,fotitulullync-Pf hil,ceic!nrated ,As ever yours.' , •, , :4 J. r!..purinuk. t 6cintreeneeil thieleiter with the intention Oillayilig,eeritething the Greek church also of the AtinetiitmOt9t I an at a gilloti end , have filled my: thee 4 I must deter this topic. .111 A #IIIIEV Kv• • ' • Danville, on the '2sth ult. by ,Rev:"D. M. lialtidny, Dr. Journ,SPICOK, of ClOrk'sTorry, Pa. to Moe ELIZAATH HnLLBNDAeu, of _Denville; Cojunibia county. /In llatiuslParg.; on the 28th oldest), by the Rev. T. Atwood, Mr. WILLIAM Fox,. to Miss IM'IAnGAAET .844.Xencr,both of,Cuntberland county. , . DI3D; , • • 'ln Columbia, Pa., on Saturday last, ill sth hilt:, kilter a lingering illuess;t Mrs. MARY At m : , consort of Mr. W. F. Given; of that borough, and daughter. of George Craighead, Esq.,of Scitlth Middleton toting 410, Cumberland 614; litiddt SCI years: , In this borough; dui '‘Vednesday etening' last; Of consumption, Mrs. EWA, consort. of Mr..lolin Mat thews; and daughter of t h e late Mr. Cdnratl Bolantibr; aged dt years. • • 100 Sunday morning last,* - Bffiling Fold In tlil9 ,'county, CRARLES Gcrist. Esq., aged d 8 years. MC. I G., was Coroner of lidupliin county at the time of I his death ; he represented Lelianon county formerly in the Legislature, and was respected by all who • know him. - /On the 25th ult. at the residence nf,her son Wm, Palm, Mks. Ai 'PALM, relict of Jacob deceased, of West Pennsbpro' township; Ciinnber. land county, i•t the,s2d year of her age. The deceased was respected by all who knew her during her long and useful, life; and died in the full assitilince of a blessed immortality. LADIES' HARVEST HOME, The . ladies of the Presbyterian Church Will hold a ll.irvdst liome, in the new hultdiug oppe. site the Council house in .the borough of ShippenS. burg, on Tituasos,y, the 18th df August inst. Din net. will be prepared for all desiring it, together with Refreshments of varickiii ltmds. The ob ject is to rats° funds to be applied to ?initialling the new Presbyterian Church. All frieBBly to the cause are respectfully , solicited to attendi The room'will be 'open at 12o'cloalt M., and at 8 in the evening. Price of adinission I2b cants— Dinner 50 cents. ShippensBurg, August 1,1843 BOOKS AND STATIONEBYi Fot sale at J. I_,CODON're Cheap Ilonkelorh, ri fed' arinis East of tiro Cat officei Muhl etreet, Carlisle, (bid stand,' A toward assortment of Religious, Xis tells:neon% School k Blank Books, consisling in iiart of Family, School, Octavo size and Pocket Bibles, of various kinds and Binding. Henry's hOmmentary on the old and new Testa men( 6 i.ofs. Royal 8 vols. Scott's commentary 3 Vole: Royal 8 vols. Doddridgc's Family Exposi tor, .coniplGte . in ono vol. Royal b vol. Buck's Theological Dictionary, first 4 vols. Dick's works In I vol. Royal 8 vols., also Dick's works earn plate in 7 rots:, Pytlers Universal History, Rol- Iln's Ancient History 8 vols., Napies History, of the Peninsula IWar 5 vols. Royal d v 015.,: Wil sons Ornithology in 1 vol. 12 mo. colored Plates; Eno Turkey„Biudingi,Aitken and Frosts British Poets 2 vol's. Also the 3d vol. a. Continuation lately published; (from Southey to Croly,)Aindt's trine Christianity, translaterl from Urn German by 11Ci. J. N. Hoffman, now Pakor, of the Isitherad Church of this place, Also Ltithorgo; Methodist, Presbyterian and Winebrenarian Hymn Boar,. Also tiro ditTcrehi Arithinctiele ;keys, & Smiths Mitchel's, Olney s sift/ Huntingdon's Gime - ankles and Atlases, Algebra, Philosophy;. Astrnholnyi Ger:snarly; Ctranimatgi Expositors, &c. fingel'ei No. 1,2, 3; 4, , 5 and 6 ReSders; Cobbs fle'atlins, and *Pa, bk. Baokd. Also LedgerieDuy Books, Po6kets4. Iheocipt llookti; Memurandunt Books, &e., Ire has oleo on handdiabeent arneles of Stationery . ite . follows:' Writing; Letter, Note and Deed Paper; Visiting Cards, Scals,PenknivesiSilver and•LePil Pencils. Shies; Wafers , Mathematical Instru .Guatet"s Scatch, Dividends, Sand Boxes, Inkstands of Jattekis kinffiii extra fine Paidt,Vlc.: win Pens, Black Sand,black and red Ink PS4 4 derr, Sable and Camel Hair Pencils, Bristol Board, wa ter colodr, Mtitic.Paper, Port Folios; Lithographic Prints, Pocket Maps, Albums, Blank Cards, large office and traniparent W afers, Fancy , colored Pa: per, Opaquo - & efarifietlAuilla, Fancy Rosati, &c. Also, Violins, Pfutes, Tiro; anll 'other Bdoka and, Stationery too tedious to mention. Alio Snnday School BOoks'andTteltete;pYmt! Books, Sec: • WALL PAPER AND BORDERNI, of superior quali,ty manntliefared by '.l3elrMe,4o'n end BAncharde Phila. The subscriber has Pattern oks;,..containing ripeCimend of Brno ind'eommon Taper, and can procure ih d few days notice any qf thn.diltitini . patteirmithekichtettet tbay rfettilW Re 'atei.'caltiles oil thb • "84i•ok , , .l3inditYyi iW . vari.'nus branchosovhero ho mann fatted& Lcdgerti; Pak Banks, llOokota and blank boblts of every. description,' and quality., sdpbtior to thoqo glade in the, city fur country rntesktda ; . also obi "looks .rebound. ; , , Perion's wishing. • ofd bboks is= Epunde.oan.bo,sOtsed at'a moderato prievontd.be thus enabled toliresorve inany'valuable books that might otherivise bei lost: • • • . • • , Wtlting• and:Letter rajlei at 12i' ttnd v Q•if mitt* Pde gaive: •' ./.1: LOUDON: Aug05t. 4 4,11;g4.7.• ' • ••• •• tr.*. itead st sale 41111kFOpty in Carlisle on WEEINESDAI, the SOUKof AU sUliriihin4tWo'cloisk, ft; M. )01 thti righftitle_ ngdintt phrna st t 44,0; entusto on ' tie top of tile: Noint MOuidiin;lieloiv SterretsiOsn), 3 tong , tart&i, )2:ye ,togositip;yores, ei)Phlit a myotv 4, 51)1Fr P,1g,.cM911,10,190,1.',1 Crx; f o,4Z. /11141iMi s e tie the sioneolbA i dti WS, libiidetiirtres of whiCli nite`ildlire;l; hash** gc(cidliOUS FlA:Thr s iihd, tkthei l 4riltiriNtiltiColo , thOrehti.ekedted..l Istoeltattoi l ikild'Ohlehieli',Chiyistoplre,Vireiroort resides/ , • 4. t .' • , Ternoie 314 chsh: A tale 4i11•• • bler * .ii. Con Mkt' day to the highest biddeft. , Yosl,intottohtio4 op!thosultieet ipply,to F ' eSnieriekr WattsiltSq.,4 914e914. - ,. . • • eftit: 6 . AgSDN'; , , ;;.4;: 1, , I `,"'') - toStibo ,- , itStWiietlsottleibtiopll3 the, ti 111* ' treet IV ~„, 4 0 4 ~100 1# 11 15 M*1 1 103 , 1 M , F KRAr-, a e n 4— yr., 3 : , fa w UlO . i. "14 r r l l it grilitlll2l l l l l ll )11/412;4•14443e 7 , 2 i fil;1, 1 L.rl . ;1 1 N hUAtliitkOlta*4ol:lll,llofA; • - FARBISare offeied fbisaltii'etioli 4.. U"; wieatiotlso. Acteneof ;"-a • Linieptone , and 0 °cola . I w te ted tirld imprtitedi . tvitti*Juo Proporthin off , or:Celt:date on'tho" State' Road in' Trough: Creek:l7ol4Y, trilleiffi.tiii i tlio'ltalatown Brandi 'elf7tltos; iind'PhilebalpidttrapabOut the: Tuli.mill Gap) i 3 frord'Criiiiptitillis"Lack oh the State Canal) itnd-20.frrinMet'onpellsbarg and the town 'cif Huntingdon:.,siirrounded by a respectable and thriving 'priitillation: &nab. lished'nnite than 50 ears akribet and oro,near.to several Iton' vit . :arks, which afford inarketd for the , produee of OAS fortile:tind Pur juror:Motion, apply to Mr. JairieS Huotinglion ,oinityl,Pa.; or Mr. Williars Houok, Broail.top P; 0. 4 '1 - liintingiloh county; Pa., who will slicii3T the proiniage• to Jos. E. TOwnsend, 309 Arch streak, JOHN HARE POWELL; Phila., August 91 ' 1543: ' •• tf-41 14.1r0 FORTE 11EAITTIPULInetrurnent, neatly new, and in good condition, is offered foe sale, very vary lot and on term to suit the purchaser. ' _. • ' . EN6/11111r. AT TlllB OPFIC.E., August 2,1843. 40'40 . ' P TO OLD FRIEND'S . . 1 - . ____•: . • 1. AM very desirous of clos i ng my ;Airs in Cumberland county.,Mr. JAS. It. SMITII, hi (lie omen of ;ttie Herald t. Expositor; is fully ail litoriXed to collei;t all flies due die, which I hope will be promptly, *barged. - All, accounts against me can bb pips* tl to, Mr., gaiiilli for col: Icction , . car Mr. Swirls is also thilhdiixed to aitt as ngeht fort' ',Rimester "Union f.s . Sontinei,"—and will cheer Lilly 'forward . the -nemci-pf- those -of my old 'lien( 8 tthii tali) , w.irell , to, sqe how we. are getting along. . , . It: WHITE MWDLETON. ' August 2, 1943. - tr-to CASH ! CASH . ! CASH !! ! ALL 'virus indebted to the subscriber, are notified that they must Call anti settle' scrountsfort/ilUitit, la 'Unger ittillilgene cannot be given. CUSS. OUILIIY. Carlisle, A di. q, 18 ts. 11.-1(1 nollies and Canibrielt .1)1mIty by the Lif yard, for sale low at the store of August 0,1843. 9G11.11Y. . S U/11' 6 E 17.(VG: EORGE WALTERS, near ur Wilmad county, will attend to Surveying of ail kinds, on masa:lo,lo terms. • 3011tliartiptnit tp. ¶2, 1843. 31.40 Wines and Liciuors. A GOOD assortment of first 'choice Liquors, IV viz: French and Daniestic lirsodies, Hof land blin,old Monongahela and Collilllo,l ft prima article of Accotnac Poach Brandy, Port and Lisburn Wines. WM. M. MATE.ER. Carlisle, May 10,1843. tf.:lB Jd°®tice. A 1,r.; pefsonnie fiercby notified; that A RCTIEfIAIIAi illtlCXElt,olNewville, Clint berland county, Pa., (lid on the 'Milt day of July, execiite a Deed of Aasigntiicnl of all his property Iteal,,persomilitiol Mixed, to the stiliScriber for the benefit of all hia Creditors , as Impel - till by said ai signment IS of record. All fiersoils having thiiihs or demands against the said estate, are i•e , yfinted to make known the same without delay, and those indebted to make payritent to the subscriber, residing In silk! 14or9ugli. • . 117:11. August 2,1 6.13. . 40412 Summer Goods: •.„ . I . ill olf balseee of my Surtinder dMele, ni gremly reduced i»ices, fur Cash. Amtmt 2 1845. CHAS. • Town Property .at PUI3LIC SALE. • >vim. sub.:raw, will Mier at public sale, to I.lAlr the:lsth or A.I.II;UST inst. at Ow Court llonse, in this 1101 . 011.11, the property on whirl, he now resides, consisting Of n one story v. FRAME HOUSE, AND LOT OF GROUNFi, 111 ,_ 1 sit ato ou South Hanover street. The house has it basement and garret finished, With ix fine garden and tehoice fruit trees. A Ito, two half Lots adjoining the above, will be sold at the i:ame time and place. Iluth will be sold without reserie. Side to commence nt 2 o'clock in the afternoon, when attendance and terms will he given bv.. 'WILLIAM Carlisle, August :1,1845: ts•4o Register's Noticd, RealarimqleB, Cariisfei July V, 1843. Notice is. hereby tfrven to rillportiorfri interested, that the folltiwing recounts have been filed irr this office for csprifirraildir by the accountants thereit namao and mill be Prescuteii . to the Orphans' Coutt okit.firrberland county for confirmation and ollovlance et; Toesday UM 29th day of August, .17:1543';dr1 I. Tho a6count or Andrew fiaiidson Mid Da- Yid Snotely; Ad ministratois of Joliri Snevely, late of Newton township, deceased. 'fhesppplatrrerital account nf George Moltz grid Jaco b Administrators pf lamb Molts, kierof East Pcnnsborough township, deceased. ' The necount of Jacob Sadler, Admintstrathr of Jrrint Molt; late of Mien township, decenied.• ,4: The account of John Johnson ' Administra tor 'of Martha Geddes; dectaried; filed by said lohnion's Ezzetetorri. 5, Tine aceottnt of Lerris Harlan; Administra tor corn teSiarrientO annexo of Christian limner late of the borough of Carlisle, decease& 6. The accoarit °Minium Peal; Administrator of Samuel §turgcon; falai of the borough of Ship penslturi, decease& .7. The account of Mrchael Cocklin,•Execnior of Jacob Cocklin • late orA lien .illninship; deed: 8. Tho account of W Exe6dtor or Hobert mcGla nghli it, Taiu of the ha'rohgli or New vlllo, ¢red. , , 9, The ttiCounli of John Zietilei,,,Adniitihdtafo'r , aJorin ofNotth Middleton intiv :whip; deceased: . . 10. The aceoahi of George W. Shearer and Jacob Shrotn, Executors of David S. Fornek,daio of the borough of Carlisle,: d'ecessed: • • • 11. The, supplemental and final account of Cliristibn'Starman Excedor of Abraham Stay. man', la t e of Bari ' ennabuilitigh foCoiltips, cleo'd; 'Oufiplonietititl account Of fißenjaminMyers, Administrator of John 111yors,l , atd ol Wes/ Peonseorotigh ton4iship; deceased. • .1,3;;Tho : ACetiokot of •Rebect .WilOartrAdinlnis ..erator of Robert Contour) late of th 4 O hoiohgli of 'll4olaanietheirg, deceased . 14. Thb account of Macon; Admin . . 4itirtdoll dom . testa nataito'annimief Jo in es Parker, late Of the bbralfgh Shttienshurg;decetied. 15. The accollni of Fiederielc Ziegler, Gunrd'- iam of §tunuol .Ziglor, a itailloe son of Chri mien Zigrqr, of Penifsboron'gh townehip,due'd. JACOB BRETZ, R eg-iste:4 - , INANGES AND =DNS, ALOT '(if pirrinte 'Oranges' and LeniHng, jnit tvciisloCtutdttit , tdle . liki it the &tore of • LINT , ' &t'itrT+,lll:llt. • tt-09 MOSIOttiOOi. - fir l ir a fgetStergliiPi' #E }~tirinerdht (i heeetoforeictiitit'g the - firiif of P.. a; It. KioONT7ii Idk thlillereaeti heti nesii•wilte dhisolved'on .the Hail mutual' oottlient.' eritib ,I3bbki nothWer the firte".#ol-...1;et • thh litandtv otithhert tiotintt'; to Whomi;•:fehtens',.kithivitaglheaselvei .debtetl'iSll4lease eidy Make. settleme4. , „ ' • l't. , lZ 11.-IKotrwrzt. hertfonthtued at the old stand,. by Philip Kearny, *he solicits a contihuhneti ef.pub - i i i sontitsLw - OTIEIK, i l vioposa s ,w ilt fio 'fOPOINPLI; osmo qt,ti 'O4llOl Sigtigawo Wrltinelcrith: 111°.111§*ihgl? 14k t i4p in bt.lollo.Yi it t 1.4! , 11 1 hP alfg uole rrt 14 1 $91'46/11 b A t. ' 46 R i k both tWjehlitioi,e; tu an , iqt4,1, 141 4* 1 21 „„ 11$110, 1 1 ds A _ "AO ( ,1 4V31P 2 5, 1.30 . ' , , 'TAILORING-ESTAB,LISHMENTr' I /FIE subser bera th e t me hod 6 'in or mg , theylisee'enterell .in/clPahn - Prr:. •••••,••• • ,•• l o t thh.hld shop, for seyeritl 'year.F . Oeeditit;il rine'of . ateeet; nett , dede!weet . or N. , Wil eon 'Nodule Stays,. Where. :they. all prenneed to execute dock 'elitruetBd to nekt;Thslilonable and tiatitifaetory'manneN , theirg:tperiettee in the' lhisineas,Atid •, portih : r ? %On! haile ti eked 10Ht13 , iill 14e in.' neltitit cities tend ,Idtvati of the, fitilted States, they doubt not they be able to render geneitti satistnetion: They' titeie. joie atilibit a' Dlutfe Ed'ladle pati•onnex, , ALEXANDER. 111.'PHEItS0g; cOrliilei July. 26, 1843. , NOTICE: . • , these indebted to the subseribeilwliile curry= ing oo in..nness by hirnsell, are reonestet , to setae their aceounl6 wlthont tieluy,'na he neeili money very much. W.NI,—.NI'I4IERSON.• . July 26,1943, tt-30 . . 'FRIENDS ARID FELLOW CITIZENS. TillOSaindebted;to Lb stit3criber, will picnic call i ni tned lately and hett le tl lei t• accounts, and oblikil yours, fie. A. Iti.6llAlldq. • 'filly 26, 184 . 3 . . 11*-59. . . • • ~... • , .. , lit BO6rd of .Managerf; of the cton !mil:in& Valley Mittual Insurttne Compti4, T fire reotiiisted to 'rivet at the 'house 01.411teoh Tregn, in !Atkinson township, no.the inth of Avila; at I o'clock', P. M. Punctual Mk:infante ir r•titueited its husineis of importance is tobe trri)isecte,i, , A. C: MILLER, Se'ey. Wltite: - rioilic, Jury 211, 1&l3. , it SO . Com i.l!4szo:v 1:n0 -011-16:,- --z - . . - July._2l3 1843.5 PTIFIE tirierlii Door& of School. Directors of Ole COlility are hereby notified that the packages containing, the Eighth Atoned Iteid.t of the Soper intenilent, of Common SiAtools,and Monk Forms for. each School District, Ital.e.liern vcceired nt this ofii cc, and are seedy for deliiery to those 'entitled to_t•e eeivl them. 111.W1N, Clerk to CormuissioniNs. _ . July '26.1843.. Houite Painter, Glazier El. Paper hanging S. S I ; P ECTF 151.1 .Y honotinc'es to the citizen: of Carlisle and the publib in, general., that he has comthenectl the above businesS in all its branchrs, and hopes that by strict :mention to busintAt and with a• desire to please, to merit and receive at,hare of pub lic patronage. le—may he toned at the corner a South Ilanovei• sli•cet and East ChaPel alley, oppos ite C, • 1•;. It. Davis' Chair Manufactory. • Ca .luly 111,1843. F. FOR 8.11,F,4 be sold at priiate sale a FARM or first, LIMESTONE LAND, Situate' in South Aliatltetoit tnite West of Citrliste, Corolierfond coOoty, ,ivioz on the Wahoit liollniu Ifwul,, eolitnittiog 110 ACltlt!,i; more or lebi, having theriion er'eeted d tiro story . . . . ~,. ... . ..:-.„•:,p -- STONE Net3.BlEl, --- ~ : . .. . .._...........„, . a 1ar, , .. fronts Ilarir; tY welt of first,ratp water, a young rind thriving: mirk Olt Cl/31 1). . Also to he sold trith the nhae tract live UNTIS of first ratir, chestnut Tlintrti.. Alm Walnut llonoiir road MASestht•engli this Farm \Vlach gives it market l'or all the 'manes riiiseti up on it, by drotes pasiing to the EAst. , Perstins ii fishing to porch:lse will please eall Mm' Sir.' Andrew little, in.Carlihle,,or on tho subscriber at Iris Alills, 4 miles West of Carlisle. , , . July 12; 1813. . TO FULLERS, DYERS AND DRUGGISTS. Call sOokt for great Barg:Lim: UST . mnpilinctuved nod for soli•, n first-rote e j quality of COPPERAS, which will he sold in quontities to suit purchasers far legs thou it eau lie bought in the City; for eash,in,Ciudislr at Ilurklipld eri Hotel, I Innover street. All orders will lie hute tually attend to by :111,FRED B. KEEVIL, Agent. Carlisle, .Inly 18 , 1813. 31-.37 N. S. LAWRENCE Agtent far the sate of Soulhzcoriii ainufricial ii g Co miul pies SUPERIOR WRITING PAPERS, WarelAO; ./Vd. 5, Minor etr'ed, following kinds enuglantly on hand, and for sale to Me trade at the kiwest market prices: Fine thick Plai Caps, 12, fl, and Ifi lbs. line and Extra supei• and ne 'Polio Posts, Blue C n bite. Extra super Packet and commercial pm:4, blue and Extra, superl.inen Note papivs. Superfine acid flute Bill papers, (Long:l 1)0 do (Broad.) Do do Counting lunise Caps Air Sc OM ie. Ex:r4 super, Congress Caps and letteti, plain 4MI • ruled tine and white. Superfine Prenilt Post plain and ruled:- Do Sernion Caps and Posts. Superfine salt fine Cap , ' and Post+, ruit , it and pialn; Moe and illite,varions'quarilies and prices.. Also, Bonnet Boards, l'issmi,,Em'el'ope,. ping and I lar.bvare paper's, Sze, ke. lots 19, 18.13, VAILD23,4 T" reipeoitnity inf6rm the puhtio, that. they letst purchased the entire slockisf Cclotis of Thotnarl 11. Skiles, consisting of • Cloths, trassitncros; Postings, Glovcs. , . _ • Stocks; IlanaltOrchgofs, Linda Coliai.d, Gentletneos llose,,Cenvqi, Caps, Ae.till of .whith they offer for sale of the old :Ann(' of 1 1 . P100 4 11. West :‘,lttin Street.- They nssOre the pnbrie lhat their wt 4k will by 11011 11 . 1 the hest Man ner nod dont titshitniable Gflglemen furnish ing Cloth; bitty rely - upon - littingi't cfp vith e q ual' tare. • frNi. X. uN•riantsT, N. 11. ilcionsShire& will be eatitinned in the establidhment os Ctifter,L.; & S. Calisle.Jollo 90 , I 8 4 3: . • ll'-34 11. 11.11•1161 P. I OdirliP • Patont Upper and . Improved Lower WINDOW SASH SPRINGS, VIT in till kind of ; I . Ind ()WS V V caw lied to . l . oi l r ' er g the tipper sash, which may he leltu part way down without a possibility. of ,beingioPened any farther Irbil% the;outside. ' took a prewiam nt the American Instinde in New 'York,and have beeh recrunidended nsa very superior; article by - the host dawpeuters throughout the country wherever introduced.. They are .warranted—tibt to lime their elastrcity or brink, have Piii.Oltbr seriing the notches 1 4 0 1 ,•BASh i sad directiolo. thy selecting the appropriate 117,eS ainillirowly patting them into windows.; , ; , For sale nt the Itlierdattire . S.iors sir ;Carlisle; :tint stores selling fiarti'aie ShiphtislinVit; Mercers- Churehrown, Alcatinie.sh4g, Greeneastin,ilaiciliitVain,,Wti'ynesburg, Getkrilinrg: Newville, Harnsttait, ,Also nt Vholesale and (ail stores in Neyk•Yolik . , Italtinibre; Pittsburg, Chitiliiha 4 o, St: Louis; Now Stc. t:rPriOes.to suit the times. ;: t ing)4 'TPhipsstiliti, boar thill thettame These ppringetiiin.be,po to; w i linloWs hi ohlbuildiitgs "-• 10 Copes linotonntl Shbeir,ilfst'reeriveillool for loivOt the sicire'Of • • June 21,180. , . .. . , , , " , ... lilidtV . 6iril - 'Bltoes. _... .... '..- ... NE,Wmitlhioti: to! , tilt) .1044 Slo : 6k , of fte ( clf,xeAv . ,e4i,,ekiii i ptiged .‘l4.9ts,,:ife t 4abd '. so ii'Xitil3bbeiOr Otioll''qualitY.:NretisanWlroy i klii At Ant Oalr Ntoivadir; htilliel, 'Nlisii•Jitlii - plii Wrens klitand spoioceir siiiii)eo; l ; 4 oWi.ittl:, 141 es. alio- ItiVictimb *ats,lill •iir, viiblbtiiiii be 6 ltl onktettihiaiiq tylou%•kr cuib; ..!:, .1 7 , .o4NOttsv;Ay.' , ..ll4 , 4riN i t4 -Giirliiile, Mak t 0 .1845 ! . ''•' ' • - '.' •• - •., .st Ofil.lairref‘ ',; A , 41.,Ifilystuith 4A1.1-os9,lontlifirr, sual i d mal.,,to;4onoti Od'ex)i+P „v6riq earn isweaelphik #l'c!':"*:.iiiitxot.-: tlt74tK•7o):l;g, . ~ =;:g5Pat0 , . , 11 , g4 , z%0._.40.0.., ~::', , , , :. ,. ....DENTis.ii,-; , ,--'7'7:--;, '. • iLtifilicir'm . " till- op'e' I.:Minna upOnAlie Tei•iii,', ipy , .. , tliiii. are required lot' theta preservation; Binh - Ad ccdi,i g4 ,/nirin z ,.pi ng yi ng , oc. f . . t or ) .•will•reßtor the" lo t s of themnifiiiiiMitig!MtifieitifTtetli, frolic n 1400,1'00 . 1N ,to a full sett. . • • • ~• ,al7-pliiii..on Plit'afi•etie' 4 few 'lloninSoittlihf . the ' Alailrotiii Hotel. ~ , .• '-; - !. :. N. B. Dr Lo'inni's '•U•ill'he'idient riOin • Ciiidiale;.: the lAst ten 1131114 in eneh month,' • :•• ' i•••,. 1 -t t• - •,?..lny 21, 144.3. -,,,.•.':;4:. ',,; - .•., :; ,• , ..,.,tr...'s# __. • , CONFECTIONARY, 'FROM,' ittiCi ILEN.a7 RIO,INTER' • ' ilicorrif their !Kends' and' the ftibll`o';' V that they have just rbeci'Veil mr their store on. High , Street, next door to 'lectern's Hotel, Carlisle; a large, fresh, and elegant itssorttne4 of CANDIES; ,FRIIITS, and -Other articks intheir line,. which they,are featly to dispose of, mholesalq and retaili . out the rhea reasonable terms. Their assortment tompriitei: the followlog varieties, nil of whialt arti of the elipi'eeSt quality: , CA NI !tit, rPatid, edris, quies, spear mint, Mint plat, cakes anti Oinnumo,u,',sassar leturdi, Imaritotual, civil', cream aud,bird-eye; Thouipsmilan candies; Clay leuton amd, common Neuga I'i encly m eurnoa,:iml exploding secrets; mint drops rock tacit vdnilla cdittly ; bugar and burnt almonds; empty lays, ligtmrice, &e. , ..„ barks, elaistilitS,Undlirniil,eream,cocon nod ground . nuts. lerrmS., raisins: figs, Primes; dotes nut ciu•bti. :Also the-best . Carembsia TobaccO mind Segarst sae]; ns llep,alia, Pi•incipe, I.fitvintn, 'frailness and American sopa* of the fittest quality. Their assol.tment , is Kept constantly simPlied by fresh addition% country increlvints arc iityited .to call, as they eatl 6c supplied on terms as advantage. , MIS - as - eh , : prices. TIIC pationager of the inibtiO id respectful Iy...solicited. Carlisle, APO!. 1843. Leather, Morocco and Finding - ES.9 T -M • Wlia. L. PEZVER; • /10ST. resptciftillv'infortns the citizens of Mr ri,borg,,and the public in general, that he hhe remoiell his heather; Morocco anti Finding Store . ; to North lielottll street, a few (lours above livery o•Itobe he keep congtanfly eu gynet:4l assoetment or the following named artiyles, .• . , Si)aliiifi6at .Ifrattlikr, Harnesg, fair alai black bridle, wax and grain upper, \dill) and collar leather, wax antigrain Calf ' I Skins;Spanixli and entinirj• Nips : top and lining lyailax,bellows Leather Ihr Far ' later% and Blarksmitlia, and I.lark •• Tawaid Sheep SkinA. eIL SO---ATOROCOS:' doinprising Men's Morocco, Wottiett's tintiresst4 , - red and black sirait.sTrench kid Ofdifferent ked.roans, Binding!. Linings of RN colors, Book; binder's Icath s er, Glettnois' leather. and Buck skies:' ' ALSO---SHOEMAKERS' KIT AND FINDINGS, • Such as liont.key stuttbrerikcrs, shoe keys; hani tinA.s, pincek, inlets, siartiPs; size stieks.- pooches,- knii•esolthhers, files, rasps, thread, boot webbing,. sptiFables, hoot cord, tegs, awls, Ric. Sic. AU or which t ile' very'. LONVESI' CASII - \V. 1,1 3 . rettt+6 hiti sincere thanks to the pub- Lor the patronage • has heretofore f eo estended Idol, and respectfully solicits continuance of their favors. 11arrish , iiff, - Ma . y 17, 1843, Attorney • at. LOW, FPERS , his professional services the nt the late residence of 1111 Akiii.street Carlislii, April :1, 1343, JOHN m.ivs. tf-3 • Nevi?' Cheap s t ore. •__ . rrinE subscriber would infdifil the public -IL that Le hos Luken the store ro(nit tecciody ()p— -eopled Nlessrs. Itos , erman and I 'idiom io North I lanover street, Cali sle, lti ii hick lie is now open- - i a large and splendid and cheap assortment of SPRING.. 4.; SUMITIEIt DRY,GDODS ; GROCERIES, HARDWARE; &0. fib' of every variety awl goality, which he invites the toihlie to eon anti evaniine,confident that the quality of itivgotols :dal their low prices Will give tatisfac; Clod to ail itho,tmir favor hint with:, 6,11. , I.A.H.LIiS Agent foe icisepli Reed. if -2g May 17, (81.7 J. IL 131:.11.4^1 • FORWARDING 84, COMICSSICIN MERCHANT, • • Illitrritiburiv Pa • nESPECTFUI,IN telbrills the Far-: ,ILL niers, Millers, Merehaids and the public that lie is ttoii pt eparCil with large and' dit= mon jays Wlll.li Houses, on the Penni' ‘ll9 rout nJ W:ilmu street,in Ilareisburg, to receive in Store for sliipnmut, Conntry produce and Mer; , cliandiN: rot: philadelphin, Baltimore and Pittsburg , and all interntediate places. D. Leech nod Co's Line; And the rsllolving first class title Witter Canal Boats, p ill rnit (ruin the (louses in Harrisburg., C. MeAllester, - Chesapeake * Mary and Marital, May 3t, 15.13. tr-31. KEE GIIOCERY AND LIQUOR STORE, . . . . • ririltlF, subscriber having sttippCd the re-: i s gt. tail iiiisiiietis is nos prepOetl to Fell to tom try and Town Storelceepers nntl the trade generally; Sugar,. , " Coffee, • Itacon; • • Ten, Molas3cs, - ' • Brtindy, Ciiipoliite, Rice, . Gin, . Spices, Oil, Wine, Sperm Cantlied, Tobacco, AVltt§key; Fist. - Salt, ' . Plaster;' l'ittil 2 , '. Oakum:. ' . , ' . ., nail a:general asFortment at GROCERIES, for sal t JOHN H. BRAN': , . tf-s . May 31. 1843. Slisqu eh annei.. Line, FQR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE . rrHE proprietors of tho.Stmttehannal,inewitt s , •L- • run their .Cars and Boats as usual to Phil.' adelph in and Baltimore duringthe present season.' Their friends will please apply to Noble, Flinn & Herr, Broad at, and Andecnia&lll6Kee. ver',' first whaif litroVE Race street ea r ths Dela: wain rhiladelphiai and Joseph E. E1der,..11410- 11101 T. , Until further the tollotvingprices be !Winded to botweott this plaeo r and tha.nbovel !Ace Mc pet 100 Dry Geodd; Prup,' nod Mediejnei, 26' ... 23 406' ' t .Forniture, . '22 25 , . 43: J.,:,/ Wheat, Rye ,Sc. Corn . , • , , , ; 2; .• • per bushel 11 -.0 : : ''' ~''', - , Coati . do'' 7 ' , :',l,3tt• .:, .',. 2 :,4 wili . Groceries; . 23', ~ ~ ; 2!). ~,fillf. .t : ' t ~. . Lumber 10'0,. ~_ ,_, . '''''' feet s3 l ‘so' -"/ '4: 75 '." 1 ; 1 % . r':. , Shing,lee‘pbrl:ooo.,l4...s,,C„: _,4.011. 4 , .;,:-..., L.! Flour perlild. 3f 3b, '4 7 ' ,L. Flour & l'ittAirefdd'slY.'‘ t ' , '.37 r , '', - .7it' l o , ' Ilerrirtz do.. : ' '.: , A , P -,,- i :.il:A{ ~ 11 , 1 g .!‘,., - . . 1 Salt.per tekelq , .32 • . .gs , . . . Pittili,'Pai!castflldirin` 1 : ' •kt , '''t: .' !tr.' ri:%.•.. ~':•: per 100; .. 15',7 .. 20 . :Picts* grass tVii;e2 '.so' ,- t? i2 ., 25' qiernii 1)0'1 1 , 00, , 22 , --- • 16' ,Hides,! ;i,..-. 'n'.. , ^; iils ;,l ,' ' , Y 21 % ,..; -Pig 54i:el:cross 6 , 4,3 „MY : O' 504. .. .. . 11310dIllti ik. ' l#l.ktliio; , o OW: 1. 3 'l,2kt• -iri 'Par Irciii,vi,w, ; ,', ,‘1 , 60 . . . '. 1 ..• 3,50 . i' .14 ~,i ,: ),..;,i ~.Nallo viprlVV, ~',,, ~1 2 0. . . , ; 1 71 ',.,. .. - 'Lattice, OrVOUr, '' '.25' ' 4C ' 2131' t''`-., '""•'','; ,Whisiktiy, Ver. bbt ,i.:. , •63 , i 1 li ..,4 7 !: , i l . , ;•;•' , ''''''' .I , i.t , fi?tx. 1110ike p1r,.1017,'21:it ~ -,,.. '-'' 110 . 1'.i tifr:v'lltil-r: Y.f,;•,1111t..-: , i;f4te. , ,,' , ; 14 , ~,,v,";: p = is' ,:t ~ :fifl Pi- Mh t liTlgiy • ,nar . ril!lilirk t tAtili).l2,,' pd4:3:: •.. ;' .„ .';' .'i,'.'..:2ti . R .., ir 7 .....t..4,. 4 ,,,4 1 ,q ) i,iliii . r ~ krzgronewt,,c___At,,,,,g, f,,,i1 0 0:04,0A. ertit .7 ool4io' 3 / Asi4lB34f ..ii , Ali i .4 " . ,• • " ' I:,nl' f . ) c. , N,l ,, ,Ptlptg , A il 0 c.' 1 , 1 4, ,;' 1e4:4:14,!itl 4 , „,iiip1,t,,,X11. 1ii',;2:,.. 1.• CEIAS: - (itiLny MM s~3 WIEIOLESNLE lIARRISBUttG, PA. Firg. ..• g-03 ' 22cts.' 15 $1 Lb! _ L '7.1 EMI MEI ME